customer satisfaction research

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  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


    A summer training Project

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


    Analysis of Customer Satisfaction


    Under the guidance of: Project submitted by:

    Mr. Vishal Bhakta Sourabh Tiwary Ms. Saumya Ranjan

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research



    - Analysis of Customer Satisfaction in Brand

    Experience, Product Experience and Staff

    experience at B.B/ Riverside.

    - A concentrated analysis of factors that motivates

    a customer to buy specific products at B.B/riverside.

    - Analysis of the efficiency of various information

    delivery systems at B.B/ Riverside.

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


    Research Design : Descriptive

    Sample Design:

    Sample Size: 498

    Method of Data Collection:

    Primary Data Collection : Questionnaire

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


    Customer Satisfaction is a regular termused in Retail Industry. It is a measureof how the products and services

    provided in a retail store meets orsurpasses the Customer expectation.

    The Customer expectation is born out ofthe customer experience. Therefore,every customer visiting a retail store can

    have somewhat different expectationsfor the same kind of service or product.

    When a customer experiences a newservice or product in a retail store, hecompares it to the best experience

    about the same that he had in his past.A customer can be said to be fullysatisfied if the current serviceexperience surpasses his past serviceexperience. After that, the customermakes a new benchmark forcomparison. This tells us why any retail

    store should continuously strive to betterits services and product quality.

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


    Brand Experience, specifically refers to theexperience that customers have when they shop ina particular retail store. It refers to the ambience

    and environment of the store. The major factors ofBrand Experience are Music, Lighting, Temperatureand Cleanliness. All of these factors combinedproduce an enriching and comfortable shoppingexperience for any customer.

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  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


    Area of Concern



  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


    1. The Music volume should always be maintained at a

    medium level.

    2. Only a selected staff should be designated to announcepromotional offers from CSD. This staff should be selected

    on the basis of their voice clarity and should be properly


    3. Sensometer, for the automatic closing of doors should be

    installed on both Entry and Exit doors.

    4. Dark Photo-chromic Glasses or light reflecting drapes

    should be installed at the entry and exit point glass-walls.

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


    Staff Experience

    Staff experience refers to the experience that customers

    have while interacting to the staff of the retail store. Staff

    members ensure that customers can get the product thatthey want to buy. They are also responsible for

    motivating the customers to buy new products from other

    departments and sections.

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  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


    Staff Knowledge

    Cashier Speed

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


    1. Product offers like discounts should be regularly updated on theProduct Barcode by the Category or any department that is

    assigned to do the same.

    2. TL/SM of every department should stringently check every

    product type for offer updating before the store opens for

    business in the morning.

    3. A Cash- Till supervisor can be kept around the ground-floor cash

    tills to solve any problems that arises during the billing.

    4. Packers should always be available at all working Cash- Tills

    5. A printed copy of all major promotional offers for each day should

    always be present to all the cashiers at the busy Cash- Tills.

    6. Any item of recreation can be arranged at the entry gate cash tills.

    Like a TV can be installed or a video game kiosk that would help

    us in reducing customer ennui during long queue and rush hours.

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


    Product Experience

    Product experience refers to the experience

    that Customers have with the products and

    service that they want to purchase. A

    competitive Price, Range, Quality and

    Availability of any product will ensure that

    customers will visit the store more and moreoften.

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    Product Range

    Product Availability

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


    1. Adequate number of Signages should be put around

    exquisite products depicting some important information

    about them.

    2. Range of products should be increased in Fashion

    Department, especially in Mens section.

    3. An efficient ARS (Automatic replacement system) should be

    put in action to ensure the availability of all kinds of fastmoving goods in the store.

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


    Customer survey on different

    factors of buying for some sections

    at Big Bazaar

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research



    of StoreLocation and

    Frequency of


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  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


    Big Bazaar?

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


    It can be easily inferred that people who live in the

    vicinity of Big-Bazaar, Riverside will visit the Mallmore often than other customers. Therefore, the

    customers that have rated the convenience of the

    location of Big Bazaar as Good/OK must be

    visiting the Mall more often to buy the products oftheir daily needs.

    [Proximity to Store Location is directly proportionalto Number of visits per month]

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


    How often do the customers visit the store?How do the


    rate the


    of store


    Weekly Fortnightly Monthly

    Good 32 20 16OK 8 5 5Bad 1 5 8

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


    1. As can be noted from the above table, 76%of the customers who live in the vicinity or

    close-off areas (store location rating as

    good/ok) around B.B/Riverside visit the

    store once atleast in 7 to 15 days.2. 24% of the customers who live in the vicinity

    or close-off areas (store location rating as

    good/ok) around B.B/Riverside visit the

    store atleast once every month.

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


    3. 43% of the customers who live at an inconvenient

    distance from B.B/Riverside visit the store once atleast in 7to 15 days. The major reasons that can be stated for thistangential behavior of customers is:

    Presence of newly built Ambedkar Park, Lohiya Park andother features at the Riverside area.

    Presence of two Multiplexes, INOX and FUN at theRiverside area.

    Presence of important Government offices like LDA andSugar Corporation at the Riverside area.

    Some customers have stated that they have a ShoppingMall in their close vicinity but still they visit B.B Riverside

    because they are familiar with its Staff and DifferentDepartments.

    Some Customers have stated that they visit B.B/Riverside

    because it is more spacious than the B.B Store in theirarea.

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research



    Q. How do theCustomers rate the

    freshness of Fruits and

    Vegetables in the Farm

    Fresh Section.

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  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


    1. Staff working at F&V should wear gloves while handling the fruitsand vegetables.

    2. Store Staff should be fully aware about the sorting and

    segregating process of Ethylene producing and Ethylene sensitive


    3. Fluorescent light induces the effect of day light freshness at F&V

    display. Adequate lighting is always required at F&V section.

    4. An optimum temperature of 23-24 degree should always be

    maintained in the store. It slows down the rotting and over-

    ripening of many Fruits and Vegetables.

    5. Farm Fresh Section should be regularly cleaned.

    6. It is recommended to produce a vibrant color effect in the display

    by placing colorful fruits and vegetables in a defined assortment.

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


    7. Special signages should be put around Farm Fresh section

    depicting the Nutrition Value and Health benefits of different

    fruits and Vegetables.

    8.A small kiosk can be maintained near the Farm Fresh section

    from where the customers can take free recipe and nutrition

    booklets about the available fruits and vegetables.

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research



    How do the customers

    rate availability and

    quality of Food at Live


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  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


    1. If due to any unavoidable reason, some meals and delicacies are

    not available, the names of such products should be covered or

    struck off from the large menu pasted at the Live Kitchen wall.

    2. Strict Quality control for the handling and preparation of food

    should be maintained in the Live Kitchen by all Chef and Staff

    Members. Staff members should always wear gloves while

    serving the food items.

    3. High level of cleanliness should always be maintained in the

    seating area of Live Kitchen. A house-keeping staff should always

    be available at Live Kitchen to provide services such as serving

    food and water.

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research




    How do the customersrate the Quality/ Priceof Clothing at FashionBazaar?

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


    Quality in the clothing department of Big Bazaar is a

    real area of concern. The Customer satisfaction level

    for Quality in Fashion Bazaar is a dismal 42%.

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


    Big Bazaar sells many different brands in the Fashion

    Bazaar in Mens,Ladies and Kids section of Clothing.A few of the Brands that are sold at Big Bazaar,

    Riverside are, DJ&C, Knighthood, Spunk, AFL, ARS,

    Matrix, Sach, Disney, Lity and Pink& Blue.

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


    1. AFL is one of the most selling in-house brands of

    Big Bazaar. What this brand lacks in quality, it

    makes up with its low price. But as this brand

    receives the most number of customer complaints,

    immediate attention is required to improve its fabric

    and color quality.

    2. Many customers have complained about the lack of

    variety in Mens section of Fashion Bazaar. Unique

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


    3. In the current urban scenario, teenagers have become a

    huge consumption market. A special section can be

    developed in the Fashion Bazaar to cater to the needs

    of Adolescents.

    4. Many customers have complained that all clothes are not

    available in all size-ranges. It is a standard procedure in

    Big Bazaar to replace a sold size and design as

    immediately as possible. But it has been found that the

    ARS (Automatic Replacement system) is not always

    able to fulfill the needs of the department. Immediate

    attention is required to improve the efficiency and

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research




    How do the Customers

    rate the Service of

    Products at Electronic


  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research




    How helpful do the

    customers find ourstaff members at

    Customer Service


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  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


    1. Exchange of Goods: Any goods bought from Big Bazaar can beexchanged in a time period of 15 days by the customer. The goodscan be clothes, food or any non-food item. The billing of the newproduct bought by the customer in exchange for his old product isdone at CSD.

    2. Refund: If a customer does not want to buy anything new in exchange

    for his old product, he can get a Refund. The Refund is only givenafter the permission of the Department Manager of the section fromwhich the old product was bought.

    3. Payback Points: Payback points can be known and the said value canbe redeemed in form of payback coupons through the CSD.

    4. Free gifts on any item or Ticket size offers can be availed only at the

    CSD.5. Any problem faced by any customer on any issue is registered andtackled at the CSD only.

    6. Share with Us (SWU) booklet and form is available at the CSDcounter where the customers can log their complaints and deliver theirfeedback to the company.

    7. Paging of new promotional offers and discounts are done from CSDcounter.

  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research


    1. There should always be atleast 2 personnel available at CSD

    counter on normal days. On busy days like MBB, Wednesday

    Bazaar and Sunday, there should be 3 staff members available on


    2. Payback coupons of small denominations should always be

    available at CSD counter.

    3. CSD counter gets regularly overcrowded because of the influx of

    several staff members who come there for paging for their

    individual store sections. Only a few individuals should be allowed

    at any given time to do paging from CSD.

    4. CSD is the place where problems are solved. So its efficiency canonly increase if very less problems come at CSD. A large number

    of exchange items comes from clothes section only. Staff members

    at Fashion deptt. should motivate the customers to try the clothing

    before they make the final buying decision.

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  • 7/29/2019 Customer Satisfaction Research
