customer service begins at home guiding principles

Customer Service Begins at Home

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Post on 30-Mar-2015




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Slide 2 Customer Service Begins at Home Slide 3 Guiding Principles Slide 4 The safety, health, and long-term welfare of students and employees are fundamental to our work. Guiding Principle 1 Slide 5 Our community expects that we will provide a world-class education for their children, delivered by student-centered, highly-effective teachers, skilled leaders with professional and ethical courage, and a support staff who demonstrates an authentic and heartfelt customer-centered approach. Guiding Principle 2 Slide 6 All means all. Whatever it takes to ensure that we provide a high-quality educational experience for every child, every day, we must do. Guiding Principle 3 Slide 7 The value of an employee has nothing to do with their position, level of education, or salary, and everything to do with their willingness and ability to serve. Guiding Principle 4 Slide 8 Trust is built when decision making includes honest and open dialogue with those who may be impacted by the decision. Trust ends when decisions are made without gathering or valuing the input of others. Guiding Principle 5 Slide 9 We must be effective stewards of hard-earned tax payer money, granted by consent. Guiding Principle 6 Slide 10 We must approach everything we do with a servants heart. Guiding Principle 7 Slide 11 Continuously Improving Student Achievement DCPS Core Work Slide 12 Continuously Improving Instructional Quality DCPS Core Work Slide 13 Establishing, proclaiming, and fostering Great Expectations for ALL students DCPS Core Work Slide 14 Achieving High Levels of Customer Satisfaction DCPS Core Work Slide 15 Leadership and the Servants Heart How can we create an authentic culture of service at DCPS? And if we believe Good leaders must first become good servants. ~ Robert Greenleaf How will leaders add value to the people we serve? Service LeadershipTaking Action! Slide 16 NSBA Who Cares District Personnel attended a Customer Service session at the April 2012 NSBA convention in Boston. This session lit the spark for DC and made us realize that Customer Service must be an everyday, integrated part of our daily behavior. Our focus started with Customer Service Begins at Home RELATIONSHIPS ARE VITAL Slide 17 Customer Service Basics Slide 18 What do we mean by Customer Service We exist to be the best provider of educational services We owe it to our kids We owe it to our community We owe it to ourselves Slide 19 Customer Service Basics To gain trust and loyalty Respect Attitude Accessible/Approachable Consistency/Follow-up Slide 20 Customer Service Basics People who care demonstrate teamwork are compassionate make a difference Slide 21 Customer Service Basics We are NOT about BBricks and Mortar PPrograms We are ALL about PEOPLE Slide 22 Our community expects us to be friendly & welcoming to introduce ourselves to make eye contact to listen carefully Slide 23 Customer Service Basics Cont to keep them informed to take pride to be positive and optimistic about our schools to be honest in all interactions to maintain confidentiality Slide 24 Customer Service - Making It Real We began our Customer Service Focus by: Providing training for 400 plus employees Establishing a customer service district committee Declaring March Customer Service month Conducting surveys to measure service Slide 25 Customer Service First Touch Customer Service Representative in Central Office. Point of Contact Improves Efficiency Provide voice for customer Mediation Adjudication (respond according to guidelines) Slide 26 Customer Service Next Steps Slide 27 FUN IS GOOD Fun Is Good What is your perception of Fun in the workplace? Lucas Vilorio-Cerrea, Migrant Recruiter Slide 28 FUN IS GOOD Definition of Fun: fun (f n) n. 1. A source of enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure. 2. Enjoyment; amusement: have fun at the beach. 3. Playful, often noisy, activity. Slide 29 FUN IS GOOD Central Office Committee Established CO Fun Is Good Committee Fun Is Good Purpose and Goals build morale bring departments together join our upstairs and downstairs staff to have FUN translates into unity of purpose! Slide 30 FUN IS GOOD Slide 31 Benefits of a power break in the workplace Increases energy level Better attitude Self confidence Boosts morale Charges the brain Boosts productivity Decreases stress Encourages better fitness and health Slide 32 FUN IS GOOD Our committee has hosted: Super Bowl Party Fat Tuesday Valentines Day Snack Tax Day Snack Hoop Off Derby day Luncheon Summer lunches Slide 33 FUN IS GOOD Slide 34 Slide 35 Upcoming scheduled events: Goodfellows chili cook-off Bountiful Blessing Christmas lunch Slide 36 FUN IS GOOD Slide 37 Please turn to your neighbor and talk about: Share some activities that your school or office is doing to lift spirits and build unity. What difference does it really make? How can these kinds of activities impact the bottom line? FUN IS GOOD Slide 38 Daviess County Public Schools Get On Board Customer Service Tour Slide 39 Get On Board PURPOSE Improve Customer Service Informative Visit district schools and facilities Face to Face contact with principals, school secretaries, bookkeepers we talk to them every day Visits to classrooms what we are really about Slide 40 Get On Board SCHEDULING Consider all involved Cover Office Duties Schedule Transportation Building schedules Schedule Visits with Instructional Staff at CO Schedule Visits with Principals Schedule Trip Tour Guides Slide 41 Get on Board PREPARATION Meaningful Activity Prepared Information Booklet Included Trivia Questions in Booklet School Tour Guides School Lunches Visit Classrooms Slide 42 Get On Board SUCCESS I feel like this tour helped me by meeting the employees I talk to a lot during the week. Also, I have been with the school district 33 years and had not ever been through the schools other than the front office. It helps to know we are all working together to reach our expectations. If there was a way to know in advance how many would actually go that way if might be possible to take a mini bus. CO Payroll Clerk Slide 43 The district bus tour was a very informative and a fun experience! For those of us who do not have the opportunity to go into the schools, this really made the children and the classrooms come to life. I really enjoyed meeting some of the employees whose names I am very familiar with in person and be able to put the face with the name. I cant wait to do the rest of the locations! CO Bookkeeper Slide 44 The district tour was wonderful! In all my 27 years of working for DCPS I have had little opportunity to visit our schools let alone been anywhere but the front office. It gave us a chance to meet the principals, see activities going on in the schools first hand, right down to seeing the physical shape the school is in. This would be a great tour to have maybe every 4-5 years or whenever the turn-over in CO staff deems the tour beneficial. Even those that really didn't want to go came back saying how great it was. Good Idea. I wish time permitted us to be in each school a little longer. I felt rushed to get through several of the schools knowing we had to be at another school within a short time frame. CO Bookkeeper. Slide 45 I enjoyed seeing the different schools, I felt like I knew these schools, but I didnt. The individual and personal pride they have, and the interest in sharing that, was very enlightening. I think often we look at other departments only to a depth of our interaction or need from them, and we dont always see the complexity of who they are and why they feel the way they feel about their positions, and their goals. I found myself wanting to visit with the other buildings that were not on the tour, because I recognized my limited knowledge. Tour Guide Slide 46 Slide 47 Slide 48 Slide 49 Your Own District Tour Turn to your neighbor and discuss: What ways do your school and district make authentic connections? If you are a principalDoes everyone in your building really know each other? Is this important or just something nice? Do or can these connections impact the bottom line? Slide 50 CO Support Staff Advisory Building Trust Outlet for work condition issues and concerns Outlet for communication with Supt and Cabinet Fun is Good committee! CS begins at home! Promoting the importance of good evaluation practices and opportunities to advance Designed and implemented a CO staff survey reviewed by Cabinet and School Board. Slide 51 CO Support Staff Survey Questions My work is meaningful My work is challenging and engaging I am supervised at an appropriate level My employee benefits are at a satisfactory level I like working for Daviess County Public Schools DCPS leadership is responsive to important internal issues There is transparency between the administrative and support staff Support staff are valued by the administration. Slide 52 Cindy Hudson Daviess Co. High School 2013 KASA Wanda Luttrell Award Slide 53 District Winners DCPS Customer Service and Office Professional winners will: Be announced at our Opening Day event Be submitted for KASA state awards (Fred Award and Wanda Luttrell Office Professional Award) Receive $1,000 PO for professional use Receive designated parking place for one year. Slide 54 In closing Until you understand your customers - deeply and genuinely - you cannot truly serve them - Rasheed Ongularu Until we, as leaders, understand, respect, and care with a servants heart How can we expect those we work with to serve our children, families, and the public in the ways we demand? Slide 55 Customer Service Begins at Home Slide 56 Contact us! [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]