customer service future

“Hear my request, listen to me, be proactive!” The days when 90 calls answered in 2 minutes were a token of quality are long gone… The answer rate, the ability to stay connected and the recommendation rate will become new indicators of an accomplished customer relationship. Right here and now, on the media I’ve chosen… a Facebook message for a Facebook message, a tweet for a tweet… And even if phone is still preeminent, the balance of power is now on the other way around, customers have taken power and understanding that fact is a prodigious opportunity to multiply your sales. MOBILE, CONNECTED AND NETWORKED, CUSTOMERS ARE TAKING CONTROL ! After having developed online shops looking like interactive catalogs du- ring the last 10 years, we are convinced that the next move is to keep available salesmen and counselors for online shoppers! According to recent stu- dies, 70% of online shop- pers would have an as- sisted browsing. Satisfying them increase noticeably website’s success, it is also a possibility to know these customers. THE WAVE is the solution proposed by Vocalcom. It proposes, in a proactive way, the best online counselor of the same language available: online, video chat, assisted browsing, appointed call- back, directly calling customer service through the website. DOES INTERNET AND MOBILE PHONES MAKE ONLINE CUSTOMER HELP MANDATORY? Some companies consider this service as an extra cost, that times are not in favor of such expenses. This is equation does not includes the e-recommendation solution integrated in THE WAVE! An online dealer who has dedicated time on satisfying customers’ demands has the possibility, with only a click, to offer a special discount, a personalized deal, a vou- cher to each one of his friends! Recommendation’s power is now quite recognized, however, companies have not yet fully integrated the fact that their customers are connected. That’s Social CRM. With an average of 130 friends on Facebook, a company who worked on satis- fying 10 000 online customers will reach 130 000 new contacts in only a few weeks!!! Moreover, these contacts have quite similar profiles and are indeed really sensitive to friend’s recommendation. Growth pers- pectives are exponentials for companies investing on online reception’s quality. SOCIAL NETWORKS: ARE YOU IN TOUCH WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS’ FRIENDS? BECOME PROACTIVE AND OMNI CANAL

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Post on 14-Jul-2015




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“Hear my request, listen to me, be proactive!” The days when 90 calls answered in 2 minutes were a token of quality are long gone… The answer rate, the ability to stay connected and the recommendation rate will become new indicators of an accomplished customer relationship. Right here and now, on the media I’ve chosen… a Facebook message for a Facebook message, a tweet for a tweet… And even if phone is still preeminent, the balance of power is now on the other way around, customers have taken power and understanding that fact is a prodigious opportunity to multiply your sales.

Mobile, connecteD AnD netWoRKeD,

cUStoMeRSARe tAKinG contRol !

After having developed online shops looking like interactive catalogs du-ring the last 10 years, we are convinced that the next move is to keep available salesmen and counselors for online shoppers! According to recent stu-dies, 70% of online shop-pers would have an as-sisted browsing. Satisfying them increase noticeably website’s success, it is also a possibility to know these customers. THe WAVe is the solution proposed by Vocalcom. It proposes, in a proactive way, the best online counselor of the same language available: online, video chat, assisted browsing, appointed call-back, directly calling customer service through the website.

DoeS inteRnet AnD Mobile PHoneS MAKe online cUStoMeR HelP MAnDAtoRY? Some companies consider this service as an extra cost, that

times are not in favor of such expenses. This is equation does not includes the e-recommendation solution integrated in THe WAVe! An online dealer who has dedicated time on satisfying customers’ demands has the possibility, with only a click, to offer a special discount, a personalized deal, a vou-cher to each one of his friends! Recommendation’s power is now quite recognized, however, companies have not yet fully integrated the fact that their customers are connected. That’s Social CRM. With an average of 130 friends on Facebook, a

company who worked on satis-fying 10 000 online customers will reach 130 000 new contacts in only a few weeks!!! Moreover, these contacts have quite similar profiles and are indeed really sensitive to friend’s recommendation. Growth pers-pectives are exponentials for companies investing on online reception’s quality.

SociAl netWoRKS: ARe YoU in toUcH WitH YoUR cUStoMeRS’ FRienDS?

becoMe PRoActive AnD oMni cAnAl

With THE DRIVE, you can avoid the 65% leaving without being identified or contacted customers.

Few things are more frustrating than waiting in vain to hear “I don’t know, it’s not my department…” Not enough clerks on weekends, too many on Mondays… Vocalcom wants to offer to its clients the opportunity of welcoming and having the same quality of service whe-rever their customers are, whatever the way of communi-cation is: phone, e-mail, texts, websites, social networks, shop. As connected booths, THe DRIVe allows brands to pool sales force. With these booths it is possible to view an appliance demonstration, to video call a vendor, to make an order or buy directly with no delay and with a qualified salesperson. You have an expert to help you, you choose and buy quickly: the ideal conditions to find a product!Therefore, it is the opportunity for a brand to have a polished welcoming, delay free quality answers, to develop its CRM with visitors and not only customers anymore, to get known by their customers friends moreover you’ll be able to multiply contact zones and corners. Customers are recognized and served with no delays (skill routing). Tomorrow? THe DRIVe will be in your hairdresser salon and you’ll be able to consult new movies trailers, discover last fashion tendencies or video call a beauty expert who will advise you on the suitable shampoo… Proximity CRM and connected booths will change customer’s buying habits and multiply sales opportunities.

A MiX betWeen Web AnD locAl SHoPS: WHAt iS At StAKe ARoUnD Web2SHoP?

80% of transactions are still ope-rated in shops. Online greeting and service is an opportunity to redirect non buying online visitors to the shops. How? By establishing a direct contact on website, visitor benefits from a bet-ter service and additional attention. In the meantime, the brand can offer tokens of appreciation of this particu-lar relationship, QR code vouchers on smartphone for example. By the com-bination of social networks and Vocal-com solutions, you propose to your customers’ friends the same benefits and multiply your sales opportunities.

in oUtletS, connecteD bootHS tHe DRive Will MUltiPlY SAleS oPPoRtUnitieS

How does DNA fits in all this?

With over half a million agents and 3500 centers in 43 countries using its solutions, the French group is a worldwide leader of technology solution for contact centers and CRM providers.

Founded in 1995 by Anthony Dinis and recently joined by Apax partners, one of the main players of Private equity in europe, Vocalcom acquired human and financial resources to accelerate growth and consolidate presence in American and Asian markets. With over 17 years of experience and innovation, Vocalcom aims at becoming the preferred partner of lea-ding call center operators worldwide.

*Solutions developed by Vocalcom have already received the Eureka European Label of innovation and have been selected as produce of the year in the United States.