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Curriculum Viate

Name: Nguyen Van Duong

Address: 86A /381 – Nguyen Khang – Cau Giay – Ha Noi

Telephone: (+84) 97 440 0390

E-mail: [email protected]

Date of Birth: October - 05th - 1988

Nationality: Vietnam

Personal Profile

I am a C/C++ developer with 4 years of experience, but i can work with Java or Perl

as well. I’ve graduated College of Technology(VNU) with results good enough. When was a

student, I’ve worked at some companies and gained experiences and now i hope the new job

will make me happy.

Education and Qualifications

Sep 2006 - Jun 2010 Vietnam National University – College of Technology

Falcuty of Information Technology

Subject on Computer Science Sep 2003 – Jun 2006 Hong Quang High School – Hai Duong city

Maths gifted class

Won second prize at Hai Duong problem-solving in mathematics

Work Experience Jul 2010 – Curent C++ developer at FPT Technology Research Institue

Develop network modules for

Jan 2010 – Jun2010 C++ developer at VNComputing

Develop network modules for gateway.

Skills gained: communication, debuging, interpersonal, problem

solving, etc... Feb 2009 – Nov 2009 Developer of FPT Software

Java and Mobile technologies. Experienced with C++ and open-

sources technologies

Won second prize at HTC Android Developing Contest


� Proficient in the ANSI/ISO Standard C/C++ Programming Language. I have

mastered and practiced the design and implementations of software in the C++

Programming Language. Under the Standard C++, I have knowledge in such areas as:

• The C-Subset of C++

• C++ Standard Template Library

• C++ Template

• C++ Standard Stream I/O

• C++ File And String Stream Processing

• C++ Exception Handling

• C++ Data Structures and Algorithms

• GUI libraries: Qt, Gtk, X Window

• Popular C++ IDEs: Visual Studio, Dev-Cpp, Codeblocks, Codelite and

Eclipse CDT

• OS platform: Linux OSs(Ubuntu, Debian, and Redhat family) and

Windows OSs(XP , Vista, Windows 7)

• C.A.S.E tools: gdb, valgrind, gprof, make, ddd...

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� Proficient in the Java Programming Language. I have learnt and practiced how to

design and implement software specification in the Java Programming Language.

1. I have mastered the entire Java Standard Edition which includes:

• Java Remote Method Invocation

• Java 2D and 3D Graphics

• Java Graphical User Interface with JFC/Swing and AWT, SWT

• Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)

• Java Model-View-Controller(MVC) Architecture

• Java Concurrency and Threading

• Java Networking

• Java Regular Expressions

• Java Basic I/O

• Java Exceptions Handling

• Java File and File Handling

• Java Internationalization Mechanism

• Java Naming and Directory Interface

2. In the Java Enterprise Edition for developing enterprise application, I have relatable knowledge in the different API’S required for developing a full fledged

Java enterprise application:

• Java API for XML Registries

• J2EE Connector Architecture

• Java Database Connectivity API

• Java Servlet Technology

• Java Server Pages Technology

• Java Server Faces Technology

3. In the Java Mobile Edition for developing mobile application, I have experienced

with Android Application Development on Android OS flatform.

4. Programming Platforms in order of proficiency

• Popular Java IDEs: Netbeans, JBuilder, JCreater and Eclipse IDE

• OS platform: Linux OS (Ubuntu, Debian, Redhat family) and

Windows(XP, Vista and Windows 7)

� Beside C++ and Java as my key programming skill, i also experienced with

• Perl and shell script languages like Bash

• PHP, MySQL and HTML, JavaScript

Other Skills

• Office tools: Word Processor, Spreadsheet, Emacs and vim

• Languages: English and Vietnamese (mother tongue)

• Teamwork, presentation and communication

Interests and Activities

• Love music especial on rock metal. Sports like football or swimming.

• Watching classical and action movies.

• Landscape photography, flower photography.