cw1 group 5.pptx

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  • 7/26/2019 CW1 Group 5.pptx


    Procurement and SafetyLaws pertaining to ECEEquipment/Services in

    The PhilippinesGROUP 5

  • 7/26/2019 CW1 Group 5.pptx



    !ccidents are not a one way" It doesn#t $ust a%ect the victim& 'urather their family and the people around them" Especially when thaccident happened in the worplace& wherein the esta'lishment w'e also 'e a%ected" It can cause )nancial pro'lems and threputation of the company" They are of great interest and concerto all of the organi*ation#s staeholders eg employees& managershareholders& local residents and 'usinesses& and suppliers

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    +owadays& people will not allow esta'lishments to disregard th'earing of their deeds on ad$acent societies" +ot all of the investohave the same welfares" In assem'ling their health& safety anecological accounta'ilities& industries have to strie a 'alanc'etween con,icting interests" -hen a company places forward safety commendation& its shareholders will 'e willingly to now thprice of instigating it& whilst employees are more liely to as homany ailments& in$uries or deaths it is liely to avert each year"

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    .efore the overview of health and safety legislature& there waalways the leeway that recless or unscrupulous esta'lishmenmight view health and safety issues as a low priority and so set velow standards"

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    Safety Laws on ther Countries

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    ntario& Canada

    The ccupational 0ealth and Safety !ct (0S! is ntario1s cornlegislation for worplace health and safety" ther contri'uting legincludes the -orplace Safety and Insurance !ct (-SI!& Part II odeals with the prevention of occupational in$ury and disease and the2ights Code& which often has to 'e considered in dealing with 0S is

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    General Purpose3 The main purpose of the !ct is to protect whealth and safety ha*ardson the $o'"

    Requirements3 0S!applies to almost every worer& supervisoand worplace in ntario& including worplace owners& constr

    suppliers of equipment or materials to worplaces covered 'y the

    Enforcement3 The 5inistry1s goal is for all worplaces to acompliance with 0S!and regulations through a well6function2esponsi'ility System (I2S"

    Penalties3 The ma7imum penalties for a contravention of regulations are set out in 0S! Section 88" ! successful prosec

    for each conviction& result in3 ! )ne of up to 9:;&

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    Philippine Laws

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    Guidelines On The Environmentally SManagement (ESM) Of Waste Electri

    And Electronic Equipment (WEEE)

    Pursuant to 2epu'lic !ct +o" 8?8?& otherwisenown as the Toxic Substances and Hazardousand Nuclear Wastes Act of 1990& and @epartment

    of Environment and +atural 2esources (@E+2

    !dministrative rder +o" :

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    Section =

    .asic Policy It is the policy of the State to protect thenvironment and promote the health of its citi*ens 'y regulating thimportation& manufacture& processing& handling& storagtransportation& sale& distri'ution& use& and disposal of chemicsu'stances and mi7tures that present unreasona'le ris and/oin$ury to health or the environment"

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    Section :

    '$ectives This !dministrative rder shall have the following o'$ective

    a Provide the framewor mechanism for the appropriate manageme

    ' 2educe the amount of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE tyand the ha*ards 'rought a'out 'y its components>

    c Promote the reuse of EEE and valori*ation of its waste components

    d Encourage involvement of all relevant agencies and staeholdercycle of EEE through design innovation leading to their modismantling& recycling& and reuse>

    e Institutionali*e the principle of Be7tended producers responsi'iliaddressing the )nancial requirements involved in the implement-EEE guideline"

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    Section A

    Scope and Coverage !ll producers& manufacturers& importerdistri'utors& retailers& consumers& and other staeholdeinvolved in the life cycle of EEE including scraps as classi)eunder 5;

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    2EPH.LIC !CT ???A

    2"!" ???A otherwise nown as Philippine Coast uard Laesta'lished the Philippine Coast uard as an armed and uniformattached to this @epartment& there'y repealing 2"!" ;=GA" 2ecotechnological advances and increased economic activity in thindustry and the rising challenges in securing the maritime enviro

    $urisdiction& the said law sees the PC as a maritime law enforcema'le to adequately and e%ectively respond in the performance of itsfunctions"

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    The PC therefore& is envisioned to protect the maritime $urisdictiocountry& particularly on safety& environmental protection and secuagainst lawlessness"

    The conduct of maritime search and rescue remains an o'ligation

    to the people distress at sea"

    The PC will play a lead role in the operations and sustainment of +ational Coast -atch Center (+C-C which will serve as the focal 5aritime Situational and 5aritime @omain !wareness"

    The PC with all the lined up vessels and aircraft acquisitions will se7pand to meet the ever changing challenges in the 2egion"

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    To esta'lish the organi*ational structure of the Philippine Coastuard in accordance with the provisions of 2! ???A>

    To de)ne the functional responsi'ilities of each Coast uardunit/group to e%ectively and eFciently implement the )ve (;core functions of the Philippine Coast uard

    To provide an esta'lished structure of Coast uard

    units/commands for the eFcient distri'ution of manning andequipment as the Command may deem it )t to provide optimumresponsiveness in the performance of its mandates"

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    2EPH.LIC !CT +" A8

    !n !ct Providing Jor The 2egulation f 2adio Stations !nd 2adio

    Communications In The Philippine Islands& !nd Jor ther Purposes

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    Section =

    +o person& )rm& company& association or corporation shallconstruct& install& esta'lish& or operate a radio station within thePhilippine Islands without having )rst o'tained a franchisetherefor from the Philippine Legislature> Provided however& Thatno franchise from the Legislature shall 'e necessary for theconstruction& installation& esta'lishment or operation of a'roadcasting station& an amateur station& an e7perimental

    station& a training station& a station on 'oard a mo'ile vessel&train& or aircraft& or a private station in a place without anymeans of communication"

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    Section :

    The construction or installation of any station shall not 'e 'egununless a permit therefor has 'een granted 'y the Secretary ofCommerce and Communications"

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    Section A

    The Secretary of Commerce and Communication is here'yempowered to regulate the esta'lishment& use& and operation ofall radio stations and of all forms of radio communications andtransmissions within the Philippine Islands and to issue such ruleand regulations as may 'e necessary"

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    +o radio station license shall 'e transferred to any person& )rm& coassociation or corporation without e7press authority of the Secreta

    Commerce and Communications& and no license shall 'e granted otransferred to any person who is not a citi*en of the Hnited States or of the Philippine Islands> or to any )rm or company which is notincorporated under the laws of the Philippine Islands or any state oof the Hnited States of !merica> or to any company or corporationpercent (:

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    Section ;

    The privileges granted in any station license shall not 'ee7clusive"

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    Section 8

    ! person to whom or through whom a message has 'eensu'mitted for transmission shall not willfully pu'lish or divulgethe contents& su'stance& purport& e%ect& or meaning thereof toany unauthori*ed person"

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    2EPH.LIC !CT +" 8?

    !n act providing for the installation& operation& and maintenance ofpu'lic telephones in each and every municipality in the philippinesappropriating funds thereof and for other purposes"

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    Section 5

    2ights of Jirst ption" 6 !ll domestic telecommunications carriers outilities e7isting at the time of the a%ectivity of this !ct& anfranchised to service a province or region -0IC0 shall have 'eecerti)ed 'y the +ational Telecommunications Commission (+TC arendering satisfactory and competent service in its area operation& are here'y given& under equal conditions ancircumstances& the )rst option to provide& install and operate pu'l

    calling stations or telephones in provincial communications netwowhich shall 'e capa'le of voice and data transmission and shall 'interconnected to the pu'lic switched telephone networ or othenational transmission facilities"

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    Section 6

    Jrequency !llocation" 6 In order to accelerate the implementation this pro$ect& +ational Telecommunication Commission (+TC authori*ed to assign or reassign& when necessary& e7isting radfrequency users currently operating"

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    Section 7

    2ates and 5andatory Sharing of Toll 2evenue" 6 The +TC& su'$ect tits standard guidelines and in consultation with the regiondevelopment councils concerned& shall )7 an equita'le& reasona'and uniform rate of charges for every type of call"

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    Section 8

    Timeta'le of Implementation" 6 The Pro$ects Fce shall install apu'lic calling stations for provinces and municipalities not covere'y private communication utilities under Section ; hereof& such thaeach one of the municipalities in the Philippines still unserved 'telephone at the a%ectivity of this !ct& shall have at least one (=pu'lic calling station or pu'lic telephone 'y the third year e%ectively of this !ct"

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    Section 9

    peration 'y Local overnments" 6 Provinces and municipalities arhere'y authori*ed to set up& operate and maintain their respectivpu'lic calling stations or to grant franchise to private entities for thoperation and maintenance of telephone systems and/or pu'lcalling stations3 Provided& That the +TC certi)es that the proposegrantee is technically and )nancially capa'le of complying with athe requirements of pu'lic services"

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    SECTIO !""

    !ppropriation" 6 The amount of two hundred million peso(P:

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    Section !!

    Fcial @evelopment !ssistance" 6 The provisions of E7ecutive rd+o" :A< of =?8& on the power of the +E@! .oard& and the rules anregulations governing the evaluation and authori*ation for thavailment of Fcial @evelopment !ssistance notwithstanding& thmunicipal telephone program provided for in this !ct shall 'eligi'le for foreign loans and grants without further evaluation 'the +E@! .oard& su'$ect to Section :=& !rticle II of th


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    2EPH.LIC !CT +" G?:;(Pu#lic Telecommunications

    Polic$ %ct of t&e P&ilippines'!n act to promote and govern the development of Philippine

    Telecommunications and the delivery of Pu'lic Telecommunicationsservices"

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    Section (

    @eclaration of +ational Policy" 6 Telecommunications is essential the economic development& integrity and security of the Philippineand as such shall 'e developed and administered as to safeguardenrich and strength the economic& cultural& social and political fa'rof the Philippines"

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