cyber security awareness for smallsat ground networks

Colorado Springs, CO (719) 598-2801 Denver, CO (303) 703-3834 Chantilly, VA (703) 488-2500 Cyber Security Awareness for SmallSat Ground Networks SSC16-IX-02 SmallSat 2016 Ted Vera

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Page 1: Cyber Security Awareness for SmallSat Ground Networks

Colorado Springs, CO (719) 598-2801 Denver, CO (303) 703-3834 Chantilly, VA (703) 488-2500

Cyber Security Awareness for

SmallSat Ground Networks SSC16-IX-02 SmallSat 2016

Ted Vera

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Threat Overview

• Verizon’s 2016 Data Breach Investigations Report

– Summarizes 64,199 cyber security incidents, 2260 with confirmed data

loss that occurred in 2015

• Intel Security / McAfee estimates annual cost to global economy from

cybercrime is >$375B

• Attacks targeted all types of public & private organizations

SmallSat Tip: The threat is real, care should be taken when designing SmallSat ground networks

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Threat Overview

• RF Based Threats

– SmallSat ground networks must also consider RF based threats

– Amateurs, enthusiasts and potential adversaries are always “listening”

– Findings are documented on enthusiast websites such as,,

– Hacker conferences such as DEFCON

SmallSat Tip: When possible encrypt all RF links, even unencrypted meta-data can be a potential vulnerability.

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• Mission unique equipment

– RF processing (ie: radios, modems, up/down converters, recorders,

multiplexers, telemetry front-end processors, etc)

– Test equipment (ie: spectrum analyzers, o-scopes, channel simulators)

• Specialized protocols

• Specialized applications

– Software defined radio

– C2 software

• IOActive

– A Wake-up Call for SATCOM

Security Technical Whitepaper

Mission-Unique Attack Surface

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SmallSat Tip: SmallSat ground networks may contain vulnerabilities not found in most traditional IT networks

IOActive: Summary Table Excerpt

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Publication Title

NIST SP 800-37 Rev. 1 Guide for Applying the Risk Management Framework to Federal Information Systems: A Security Life Cycle Approach

NIST SP 800-34 Rev. 1 Contingency Planning Guide for Federal Information Systems

NIST SP 800-115 Technical Guide to Information Security Testing and Assessment

NIST SP 800-100 Information Security Handbook: A Guide for Managers

NIST SP 800-94 Guide to Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS)

NIST SP 800-92 Guide to Computer Security Log Management

NIST SP 800-64 Rev. 2 Security Considerations in the System Development Life Cycle

NIST SP 800-50 Building an Information Technology Security Awareness and Training Program

NIST Special Publications

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This table of NIST SP800 series publications is not comprehensive, but serves as a good list to get started with.

NIST publishes guides and frameworks that can be used to help establish policies & procedures to help manage the security needs of the ground network organization

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• Step 1: Categorize

– the Information systems and the information they process, store and transmit, based on a risk/impact analysis

• Step 2: Select

– baseline security controls for the information system, and tailor as needed to meet the organization’s risk assessment

• Step 3: Implement

– selected security controls and document how they are employed within the information system and its operational environment

• Step 4: Assess

– the security controls to ensure they are implemented correctly

• Step 5: Authorize

– operation of the information system based on determination that residual risk is acceptable to the organization

• Step 6: Monitor

– information system security controls on an ongoing basis

Security Process: RMF NIST SP 800-37

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Step 1. Categorize

Step 2. Select

Step 3. Implement

Step 4. Assess

Step 5. Authorize

Step 6. Monitor

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System Hardening

• General Approach

– Remove unnecessary applications / packages

– Install all operating system and application patches

– Disable unnecessary services

– Enforce strong passwords

– Limit root to console login

– Configure firewall

– …etc

• Specific Guidance and Tools

– Defense Information Systems Agency


– Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIG)

– STIG Viewer

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SmallSat Tip: Be careful not to overlook specialized systems such as oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, and channel simulators. They might not be thought of as IT systems but often contain an operating system.

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DISA Operating System STIGs

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DISA Application STIGs

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Security Information & Event Manager

• Security Information & Event Management (SIEM)

• Product-class which provides continuous monitoring

• Real-time event processing, alerting and reporting

• Market leaders of SIEM technologies include IBM, HP, Splunk, Intel,

and LogRythm

• Alienvault is responsible for the Open Source Security Information &

Event Manager (OSSIM)

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SmallSat Tip: Challenges associated with implementing a SIEM for a SmallSat ground network include: developing custom plug-ins for mission-unique equipment and monitoring specialized protocols.

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SCAP Tools

• Security Content Automation Protocol


– Perform authenticated configuration scanning

• NIST maintains a list of SCAP validated


– Commercial examples include: IBM Big Fix,

Rapid 7 Nexpose 6, Microsoft SCAP Extensions,

Tenable Security Center 5

• RedHat OpenSCAP project

– Open source suite of tools

– oscap command line tool helps automate

evaluating STIGs

– SCAP Workbench GUI

– Generates scan report containing results

– Windows version is in development

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• SmallSat ground systems are attractive targets and vulnerable to

cyber threats

• Care should be taken when SmallSat ground networks are being


– Security should be integrated into the design and implementation

• SmallSat operators can benefit from free resources & tools developed

and used by Government & Industry

– NIST Special Publications

– DISA STIGs & STIG Viewer

– OSSIM Security Information & Event Manager

– OpenScap Project

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Question For The Audience

Would you be interested in a free open-source Linux distro IA hardened to meet


If so, please complete this form:

Or send me your contact information and a brief description of your SmallSat project!

Ted Vera

[email protected]

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Questions & Contact Information


Ted Vera

[email protected]

719-598-2801 ext 1221