cybersecurity risk, remediation, response nathan gibson, cce, ceh

Download Cybersecurity Risk, Remediation, Response Nathan Gibson, CCE, CEH

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Post on 06-Jan-2018




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Definitions  Information Security –The protection of information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction in order to provide confidentiality, integrity, and availability.  Cybersecurity –The ability to protect or defend the use of cyberspace from cyber attacks


Cybersecurity Risk, Remediation, Response Nathan Gibson, CCE, CEH Todays Presentation Introduction Governance Cyber Risk Remediation Strategies Passwords Phishing Security Updates Incident Response Challenge Summary Definitions Information Security The protection of information and information systems from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction in order to provide confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Cybersecurity The ability to protect or defend the use of cyberspace from cyber attacks Terms Phishing Threat Actor Malware OCR Governance Leadership Executive Leadership Board Accountability Incident Response Team Confidentiality & Security Team (CST) Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) Frameworks NIST Cybersecurity Framework NIST 800-Series Guidance SANS 20 Critical Security Controls Compliance Secure Next Steps Cyber Risk Risk Remediation Response Cyber Risk Criminal Attacks Up 125% Medical Identity Theft Doubled 1.4M to more than 2.3M Average of $13,500 to Restore Credit Cyber Risk The Numbers... Medical record: $10 - $50 Mothers Maiden Name: $6 Social Security Number: $3 Date of Birth: $3 Credit Card: $1.00 Risks Patient safety (medical record) Coverage (routine physical to major surgery) Fraudulent claims Credit accounts Cyber Risk Phishing Phishing (TBD) Phishing Cyber Risk OCR Breach Portal: October, Breaches (Hacking), >115M Patients Cyber Risk Verizon Data Breach Report 23% of recipients open phishing messages 11% click on attachments 97% of exploits target 10 CVEs Mobile malware not a primary threat Threat Actors 80% of breaches reviewed (external) 17% of breaches reviewed (internal) 3% of breaches reviewed (partners) Cyber Risk Risk Assessment NIST Rev. 1 Conducting Risk Assessments NIST Managing Information Security Risk Vulnerability Assessments Stored and Transmitted Cyber Risk Stored Databases Thumbdrives Workstations File Servers Medical Devices Transmitted VPN (clients) Site-to-Site VPN Tunnel Secure Web Front-End Know your data! Dont overlook non-sensitive systems Cyber Risk Tools Security Risk Assessment (SRA Tool) professionals/security-risk-assessment-tool Additional resources oTop 10 Tips for Cybersecurity in Health Care HIPAA Security Rule Toolkit Next Steps Remediation Strategies Risk Remediation Response Remediation Strategies Accept Within organizational risk tolerance Avoid Risk exceeds organizational risk tolerance Mitigate NIST 20 Critical Security Controls Share or Transfer Outsourcing Cyber Insurance Remediation Strategies Cyber Insurance Breach Costs (forensics, notification, identity protection) Privacy Protection (regulatory) Multimedia Protection Cyber Extortion Analysis Incident History Ponemon Study: $204 per record Verizon Data Breach Report Remediation Strategies Verizon Data Breach Report Cost Per Record Remediation Strategies Example Safeguards Encryption Malware Protection Microsoft & Third Party Updates Physical Access Controls Intrusion Detection & Prevention Policies & Procedures Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Incident Response Two-Factor Authentication Strong Password Enforcement Next Steps Video Passwords Which one is more secure? take the survey Xq!5#7pK 8 characters 3 days to crack 15 characters 49 million years to crack Passwords Passwords Minimum of 8 characters (10-52 seconds) Upper & lower case ( minutes) Numbers (3-15 hours) Special characters (3-5 days) Passphrases Minimum of 15 characters (13,000 years) Upper & lower case (435 million years) Numbers (6 billon years) Special characters (157 billion years) Passwords Two-Factor Authentication Password, Pin Hard Token, Soft Token, Certificate Phishing Security awareness and training Phishing Phishing tests Social Engineering Toolkit (SET) Simple Phishing Toolkit SpearPhisher Phishing Test Security Updates Windows Updates 120 Windows Updates, Per Server, Per Year 12,000 Windows Updates Per Year (per 100 Servers) Microsoft Updates Office SQL Third Party Updates Adobe Oracle (Java) Next Steps Incident Response Risk Remediation Response Incident Response Incident Response Team Reporting & Tracking Breach Assessment Notification Requirements Law Enforcement & NCCIC Disaster and Contingency Planning Incident Response National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) US-CERT (United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team) ICS-CERT (Industrial Control Systems Cyber Emergency Response Team) NCC (National Coordinating Center) COC (NCCIC Cyber Operations Center) DTA (Discovery and Technical Analysis) MM (Mission Management) Challenge #1 Vulnerability Assessment Report US-CERT: Top 30 Targeted High Risk Vulnerabilities Challenge #2 Malware Report Virus definitions Detection history Rogue system detection Challenge #3 Security Update Status Report Microsoft updates Third party software Challenge #4 Security Awareness and Training Training certifications/verification Review/update content Phishing test Free Resources CyberAwareness Challenge (Federal Version)Identifying and Safeguarding PIIPrivacy and Security Training Games Summary Risk Remediation Response Additional Information Verizon Data Breach Report (2015) National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 800-Series Guidance: OCR Breach Portal NCCIC integration-center US-CERT Incident Reporting: Additional Information Cybercrime and the Healthcare Industry (EMC & RSA) healthcare-industry-rsa-wp.pdf Fifth Annual Benchmark Study on Privacy and Security of Healthcare Data (Ponemon Institute) privacy-security-incidents-of-healthcare-data Cyber-Risk Oversight Handbook 8 Contact Information Have a question, comment, or suggestion? Contact Nathan Gibson at: ext. 2236