cycle-to-cycle control of plastic sheet heating on...

Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine ShuonanYang Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Centre for Intelligent Machines—Systems and Control Group Industrial Automation Laboratory McGill University, Montreal, Canada June 2008 A thesis submitted to McGill University in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of Master of Engineering in Electrical and Computer Engineering © Shuonan Yang 2008

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Page 1: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Centre for Intelligent Machines—Systems and Control Group

Industrial Automation Laboratory

McGill University, Montreal, Canada

June 2008

A thesis submitted to McGill University in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the

degree of Master of Engineering in Electrical and Computer Engineering

© Shuonan Yang 2008

Page 2: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

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Page 3: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine


The objectives of this project are (1) to reduce the excursions between real heater

temperatures and the desired values, and (2) to realize cyclic production of plastic sheets

on the AAA thermoforming machine.

At first, present relevant knowledge and modeling of the AAA machine are covered. A

programmable pre-processing module is inserted before the heaters to prevent the input

commands from delaying in heater response. The results prove that the excursions can be

theoretically reduced to zero.

Based on the Terminal Iterative Learning Control (TILC) algorithm, a hybrid dual-mode

cascade-loop system is designed: the inner loop monitors the real-time temperatures for

PID control in Mode 0, while the outer loop reads temperatures and commands once per

cycle to decide the necessity of switching mode. A more realistic version with flexible

cycle length and instant response to operator's commands is also designed to simulate the

real operating circumstance.

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Les objectifs de ce projet consistent a: (1) reduire l'erreur entre les temperatures

d'elements reelles et les temperatures desirees ; et (2) implementer une production

cyclique de feuilles de plastique sur la machine de thermoformage AAA.

En premier lieu, la modelisation de la machine AAA ainsi que l'etat des connaissances

sur cette machine sont traites. Un module programmable de pr6-traitement est insere

avant les elements chauffants pour enlever le delai de reponse des elements du a la

commande. Les rdsultats demontrent que les excursions de temperature peuvent

theoriquement Stre reduites a z6ro.

Une commande en cascade hybride bimodale basee sur Talgorithme de commande

iterative terminale avec apprentissage est con?ue. La boucle interne de cette commande

surveille les temperatures en temps r6el pour la commande PID dans le Mode 0, alors

que la boucle externe lit les temperatures et les commandes une fois par cycle afin de

decider de la n6cessite de changer de mode. Nous proposons une version plus realiste

avec un temps de cycle flexible et une reponse instantanee a la commande de

l'operateur pour simuler des circonstances replies d'operation.


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First and foremost, I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to my supervisor,

Dr. Benoit Boulet, who gave me the honor of studying in the Department of Electrical

and Computer Engineering, McGill University, for his crucial comments on framework,

guidance based on experience and anticipation, sparkling pieces of advice, as well as

stimulating encouragements. Only for his valuable help, I could never develop my

research smoothly and finally complete this thesis.

I appreciate my laboratory mates Yuan Hao, Wadih Maalouf, Yan Chen, and Xiaodong

Li. With his research experience of the same apparatus despite different research topic,

Mr. Hao used to discuss with me for many times regarding the projects of us both, and

thus we benefit each other. Mr. Maalouf helped me get access to knowledge and

appliances of thermodynamics used in this project. Ms. Chen and Mr. Li taught me the

cautions of preparing a thesis in Canada and other miscellaneous stuff.

I will keep grateful all the time to two McGill graduates, Mark Ajersch and Guy Gauthier,

for their excellent research work and data about the control of AAA machine and the

TILC algorithm, based on which I could conduct my own ideas. I will also never forget

Dr. Yingxuan Duan and CNRC-NRC IMI, who let me contact the AAA machine for the

first time.

At last, I would bring my special thanks to my parents. They always reserve their unique

care for me, no matter at present or 20 years ago. When I enjoy success, they remind me

of prevention of complacency; when I encounter failure, they encourage me to advance

despite difficulties. No saying can be enough to express my appreciation to them, and

nothing can replace their stature in my mind.


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Table of Contents

Abstract..... I

Resume I I

Acknowledgements Il l

Table of Contents I V

Chapter 1: Introduction 1

1.1. About Thermoforming 1

1.2. AAA Thermoforming Machine 3

1.3. The Current Research Topic 6

Chapter 2: Original Modeling of the Oven Process 8

2.1. Classical Transfer of Thermal Energy 8

2.2. View Factors 12

2.3. The Theoretical State Space Model based on a View in Layers 16

2.4. Linearly Approximated State-Space Model 22

2.5. Structure and Data Flow of the Original Control System 25

Chapter 3: Reduction of the Excursions of Heater Temperatures 2 8

3.1. Severe Delay of Actuators 28

3.2. Prototype of Actuators 31

3.3. Introduction of the Preprocessing Module of Actuators 34

3.4. Industrial Improvement of the Preprocessing Module 38

3.5. Theoretical Support of the Feedback Improvement 44

Chapter 4: Dual-Mode Hybrid Control System 4 7

4.1. Iterative Learning Control (ILC) and Terminal ILC (TILC) 47

4.2. Modeling of the Plant Based on Ending (Stable) Output Values 51

4.3. Introduction of the Mode of Adjustment (MA) 56

4.4. Determination of MA Command Signals and Complete Implementation of the

Dual-Mode Hybrid Control System 58


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4.5. Experimental Results 66

Chapter 5: Miscellaneous Improvements 7 1

5.1. Improved Modeling of the Plant Based on Ending Output Values , 71

5.2. Flexible PID Control Design 76

5.3. Performance Analyses & Discussion 80

5.4. Dual-Mode Variable Cycle Control (I): Theoretical Preparation 83

5.5. Dual-Mode Variable Cycle Control (II): Visualized Real-Time Commands &

Logical Design of Variable Cycles 87

5.6. Dual-Mode Variable Cycle Control (III): Design ofMATLAB Script and

Simulation Analysis 94

Chapter 6: Summary & Future Work 9 9

6.1. Summary 99

6.2. Future Work 100

Appendix 10 2

7.1. MATLAB Codes 102

7.2. Quantitative Computation of the View Factor Matrix 108

References I l l


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Chapter 1: Introduction

The first chapter of the thesis provides sketchy but necessary knowledge of the research

topic. Firstly, the concept of thermal forming (thermoforming) is demonstrated, and the

history of development of thermal forming is listed. Secondly, the main experimental

facility, the AAA plastic forming oven, is demonstrated with figures; the previous

research work regarding the automatic control strategies of this oven is reviewed. At last,

the problems of the control system and the oven are brought into discussion, and the

corresponding solutions are introduced with the train of thought.

1.1. About Thermoforming

Thermoforming is an industrial process in which plastic sheets are heated and then

formed into useful parts. It consists of three consecutive phases, namely heating, forming

and cooling. The sheet is heated, usually in some kind of oven, until it becomes soft or

reaches the desired temperature. Then, the softened sheet is formed over the mold and

cooled until it can retain its shape. Figure 1.1t2] demonstrates the procedure of drape

forming, a typical example of thermoforming. A more detailed description of the

thermoforming process is found in the following chapters.

Before During After

Mold _^A TTTt

Fig. 1.1[2]: The Process of Drape Forming


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In fact, thermoforming originated much earlier than the invention of the plastic. The

Romans imported tortoise shell (Keratin) from the Orient and used hot oil to shape this

thermoplastic material into food utensils11]. J.W. Hyatt developed the first commercially

viable plastic material, called "celluloid" in the mid-19th century[2]. Most products in this

age were made by drape-forming softened plastic sheets. During the World War II

(WWII), aircraft canopies, turrets, domes, relief maps and many other items were vacuum

formed, which caused both material-based and technological-based development111.

Decades ago, thermoforming only applied to some special occasions, where the volume

of necessary formed parts is small and the desired shapes are easy to form. When the

quantity and the quality are mandated, people generally turned to the injection forming

technique. However, such problems had been solved soon after. Thermoforming could

produce plastic parts in much bigger size than before, while the prices of thermoforming

molds became much cheaper than the injection ones. Therefore, thermoforming had

rapidly established the image of a viable and profitable method of processing plastics

after the WWII; Table 1.1[3] is obvious evidence. The most representative example is that

thermoforming became the primary choice for the packaging industry[3].








Consumption of Thermoformed Plastic (Mkg)





























Annual Growth 1984-1992 (%)







Table 1.1L J: Increasing Consumption of Thermoformed Plastic


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After thermoforming took advantage when competing with injection forming,

developments of this industry gradually transferred on enhancing the production rate,

inventing new materials, attempting special materials, and satisfying more specific

processing requirements. Producto, Inc. has invented a complete set of thermoforming

tools for roll-feeding of materials[4]. The thermoforming production line newly set up by

ILLIG Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG[5] is said to be able to work as fast as injection

forming. RTP company has invented thermoformed chromatic-shifting sheet materials,

whose colors change upon change in exterior conditions (like temperature and other

ones)[6]. Ex-Tech Plastics, Inc. has invented annually renewable thermoformed packaging

material for food applications'71 and thermoformed UV-inhibited material for the

architecture industry'81. J. Schroers has carried experiments and discussion on the

thermoforming of bulk metallic glass191. R. Truckenmuller has introduced a new method

for micro-thermoforming of chip structures for life sciences applications'101. Avery

Dennison, Inc. provides personalized innovative solutions besides its own patent

thermoforming production line[11]. Today, thermoforming has become one of the fastest,

if not the fastest growing methods of processing plastics.

1.2. AAA Thermoforming Machine

The AAA thermoforming machine at CNRC-NRC IMI is the main facility of our

thermoforming research topic. All the critical experiments of this project, mainly heating

process prototype work, actuator prototype work, and design of a converter for cyclic

control, are carried out with the AAA thermoforming machine. These parts are analyzed

with more details in the following chapters.

The front view of the AAA thermoforming machine is shown in Fig. 1.2[2]. Compared

with other types of thermoforming machine, it has a small size and applies to small sheets

of 69 cm x 99 cm maximum121. Sheets enter the oven between the trays of heating

elements (heaters), which are situated above and below the entry space. .

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Fig. 1.21 : Front View of AAA Thermoforming Machine

Fig. 1.31 provides the distribution of heating elements inside the AAA thermoforming

machine. 36 ceramic heating elements are split equally on top and at the bottom of the

oven (18 elements in each side), divided in 12 groups (heating zones) so that each zone

encloses 3 heating elements connected in parallel. Each heating element can supply up to

650W of 3-phase power. The basic design of a ceramic infrared heater is evenly

distributing a resistance coil made of nickel-chromium alloy into the ceramic during the

casting process. The coil is embedded as close as possible to the element surface in order

to deliver maximum efficiency.'21 The infrared wavelengths vary from 2 to 10 um[12].


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Fig. 1 . 3 . Heating Elements at the Bottom Side with Specific Measurements

The heating process of this thermoforming machine can be modeled using

thermodynamic theory. The heating of a plastic sheet is done via radiant heaters located

above and below the sheet. The radiant energy hit the 2 surfaces of sheet directly from

heaters, and it is absorbed and transmitted penetrating the sheet by synthetic effects of

radiation and conduction[I3]. The convection energy occurs as the energy exchange

between the sheet surfaces and the ambient air when difference in temperature exists. The

detailed part of energy transfer inside the oven is demonstrated in Chapter 2. Moreover, B.

Moore has tried further modeling by analyzing the in-cycle performance[14].

Generally speaking, the control design and implementation of the AAA machine stayed

at a relatively primitive stage before the current research topic. Despite B. Boulet and R.


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DiRaddo's blueprint of model-based control11 1[16], the temperature control and

adjustment were based on traditional PID feedback control, and the adjustment of the

temperature setpoint was made by trial and error. It thus had caused the damage of lots of

plastic sheets, which is a monetary waste we should prevent^71. In contrast, relevant

theoretical research is far more advanced. Since the repetitive production of sheets

meeting the standards is very demanding in the industry, the implementation of cyclic

control over the machine has naturally become an obvious object that researchers wish to

overcome. A representative prominent achievement is the Iterative Learning Control

approach, which is surveyed by K. L Moore[18] and then introduced to areas of thermal

processes1191. Based on this approach, the Terminal Iterative Learning Control (TILC) is

invented, further analyzed[201[211t22], and redesigned for various applications12311241, which

has paved the way for the research of the thesis.

1.3. The Current Research Topic

The research work and publications listed above provide a solid basis for our research

topic; however, these cannot be directly applied to the system. Two main problems are

induced from previous simulations and other research backgrounds:

(1) Simulations with traditional PID control strategy prove that a certain kind of serious

delay always exists in the response of control signals (heater temperatures) to their

commands, which is discussed and analyzed in Chapter 3.

(2) The TILC model established by G. Gauthier and B. Boulet needs constant control

signals within each cycle, while the delay of control signals stops them from keeping

steady upon different setpoints.

Based on the theoretical background and the bottleneck of the current PID controlled

system, the main plan of the thesis consists of:


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(1) Model the heater temperature-sheet temperature process and determine the function

of crucial parts.

(2) Reduce the excursion (error) between the temperatures of the heating elements

(heater, actuator) and their setpoints;

(3) Design a cyclic (cycle-to-cycle) control system using MATLAB;

(4) According to the control results, improve the cycle-to-cycle control system achieved

in the 2nd step.

This plan is conducted in the following Chapter 2 ~ 5, and methods of implementation

are subject to specific problems necessary to overcome.


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Chapter 2: Original Modeling of the Oven Process

So far, most controllers or control plans are oriented to specific models or plants to be

controlled; therefore, it is necessary to identify the oven heating process before we take

any further glance at controller design. Regarding the oven heating system, it is easy to

determine sheet temperature as the output of the system and heater temperature and the

control signal, which is exerted by the actuator (heater) on the heating process. In this

chapter, we will start from the relations between the heater temperatures and the sheet

temperatures in order to establish both the theoretical model and a simplified linear one

for observer. However, both models respond much more slowly than expected, thus

Chapter 3 is introduced to find and solve the problem.

2.1. Classical Transfer of Thermal Energy

In thermal physics, transfer of thermal energy, or heat transfer in a short form, happens

when the temperatures of an object or some fluid is different from that of its surroundings

or another object until they reach the thermal equilibrium. Classical transfer of thermal

energy occurs through conduction, convection, radiation or any combination of them.

Conduction is the spontaneous transmission of thermal energy by means of transferring

continuous random motion of the particles of the matter; thus, it is through direct physical

contact. Thermal energy is conducted from a region of higher temperature to another

region with lower temperature, and it acts to equalize the temperature difference.

The quantization of conduction is governed by Fourier's Law[30]:


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ox or (2.1)

dt ox

Here Q and Thave their general concept as heat and temperature. The heat flux q x (W/m )

denotes the "flow" rate of heat per unit area, which is predetermined to be perpendicular

to the direction of qx. With the same reason, the area A of the cross section through which

heat is transferred must be also perpendicular to the direction of qx, otherwise it should be

multiplied with the corresponding sine or cosine factor.

Equation (2.1) describes the conduction within one direction; thus it is possible to expand

the application of the equation to our three-dimensional world by using the sum of the

partial derivative in the three directions. However, since the thickness of the plastic sheet

are much smaller in size than the distance from heaters and thus the corresponding

section is much larger than those of the other 2 dimensions, it is recommended to keep

the one-dimensional equation in use for the following analysis.

Convection refers to the movement of molecules and the de facto heat transfer effect

within fluids or between some fluid and a container (surface). According to the cause of

fluid motion, the heat convection can be classified into two major types. The first is

forced convection, where the fluid motion carrying the heat occurs whether the heating

process happens (for example, the fluid motion caused by a fan). The second is natural

convection, or "free convection", where the heating process itself may lead to the fluid

motion via expansion and buoyancy force[31].

Convection obeys Newton's law of cooling1 [32].


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q = h(T s-Tf) or (2.2)


Here Q, t, A have the same meaning as in Equation (2.1), and q denotes the heat flux per

unit area caused by convection (W/m 2). h is the convection coefficient (W/(m 2 • K)), T s

denotes the surface temperature, and 2/ denotes the fluid temperature. Concerning the

heating process of sheets, this free convection happens between the sheet surface and the

surrounding air within the oven. Therefore, h should be endowed with the coefficient of

quiescent air (5 ~ 10 W/(m 2-K))), T s should denote the temperature of the sheet surface,

and Tf should denote the temperature of the air ambient.

Thermal radiation is a kind electromagnetic radiation emitted from the surface of the heat

source due to its temperature. It is generated when the heat from the movement of

charged particles within atoms is converted to electromagnetic radiation. Thermal

radiation is also the main means of heat transfer of the oven heating, since the heaters

have no direct contact with the sheet and the convection effect is relatively negligible.

Fig. 2.1[26] clearly shows the energy distribution spectrum of radiation wave lengths

concerning different temperatures of a black body. According to that figure, it is easy to

observe that the thermal radiation effect usually occurs within the range of 0.1 ~ lOOum,

although the zone of wave length distribution is usually wider. However, in the rest part

of the thesis, total value of the energy emitted in the form of radiation and the effect on

the surface temperature on the sheets will be discussed, rather than the distribution.


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A,[nm] 2000

Fig. 2.V ': Energy Distribution Spectrum of Wave Lengths (Varying with Temperature)

To determine the quantitative effect caused by radiation, now we introduce the Stefan-

Boltzmann law[27]:

q = oTA (2.3)

This law describes the relation between an ideal heat source (black body) temperature T (K) and the radiative energy flux q (W/m 2) that it emits. <7 is the Stefan-Boltzmann



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According to Equation (2.3) and considenng the reciprocity of radiative effects, the net

radiative heat flux between an emitter (heater) and a receiver (plastic sheet) is derived121

as in Equation (2.4):

£<ff—\ 1 (2.4) —+—-1 £h £ s

Here 7/, means the heater temperature, and T s means the temperature of the receiver's

surface. The effect of reflection of non-black bodies has been considered in the form of

coefficient £ h and £ s, respectively denoting the emissivity of the heater and the plastic


2.2. View Factors

In Equation (2.1) ~ (2.4), it is pre-determined that the heat fluxes mentioned above are

subject to be orthogonal to the surfaces; otherwise the quantities should be multiplied

with the cosine values of their angles to the corresponding vertical axes. Since the heaters

have a square shape and their surfaces are nearly flat, the concept of view factor is

introduced to help to implement this consideration. The view factors are multiplicative

coefficients, which depends on both the angle from the emitted heat flux to the heater's

surface and the one from the received heat flux to the sheet's surface.

The Sensitivity Matrix Documentation1281 of MAGI Control Inc. provides specific method

to compute the view factor between each heater to each sensor. Since the heaters are

fixed parallel to the 2 surfaces of plastic sheets, now the only necessary angle is the one

between the heater layer (or the sheet) and the line connecting the center of the heater


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with the projection of the sensor on the sheet. The following part quantitatively analyzes

the computation from the perspective of radiation between 2 areas (bodies).

Define 2 bodies: body j (heating zone) and the body k (small area of sensor's projection

on the sheet).


Fig. 2.2l28J: Define the 2 Bodies

The mutual relation states that:

M=FkjAj (2.5)

Geometrically, we define the following 3-dimensional coordinates and measures:


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Fig. 2.3 : Geometric Measures for Computing View Factors

Then the view factor F,y = / between the /-th heater and the 7th infrared (IR) sensor could

be computed in the following way:

2 2 2 2

f=-( r, rllllHf^fr.y,.^)

g{x,y,Tf,§) = —

{y-rijix-tf + z2**-1' y-rj

V(*-tf+*2J Hx-^yKy-riy+z2*™-1- *-$

.JFT) 2+z2


+ z2



These calculations must be implemented for each pair of heating zone and IR sensor

combination for the upper half of the oven. Note that in the AAA oven the sensors are

distributed in the way shown in Fig. 2.4:


Page 22: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

78 cm

57.1 cm

IRTB. IBB 8 2oneTi,Bi;

26.5 cm

Zone T4.B4


24.6 cm


JEoflatKBi^ -iofit-'WM.-:

24.4 cm

•4" IRT1 , IRB 1


H r 2.1 cm

Zone TB.S6


4.1 cm

4.1 cm

6.1 cm

Fig. 2.4: Top View of AAA oven with IR sensors

Bottom heaters and sensors are the mirror-symmetric image of their upper counterparts

across the horizontal sheet plane; as a result, Fig. 2.4 also applies to the bottom view of

the AAA machine.

For the view factor matrix from the upper 6 heaters to the 5 real sensors inspecting the

temperatures around the upper surface of sheet, the quantitative measures and

computation (listed in the appendix) lead to the result in Equation (2.8):


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F„„„ = upper

Fn F, C21
















L4S x 41

. F 51 F 52 F 53 F 54 F 55

0.0467 0.239 1 0.046 7

0.0226 0.022 6 0.006 2

0.0062 0.022 6 0.022 6

0.0175 0.252 6 0.25.2 6

0.2526 0.252 6 0.017 5






















The entries for the lower half will be identical due to symmetry, thus the entire view

factor matrix (10x12) is in the form of diagonal matrix as Equation (2.9) shows:

F = upper

0 0



,th With the computed view factors, the radiative heat flux to the i sensor (•$•,) from all the

heaters (hj,j = l ~ 6 o r 7 ~ 1 2 ) within the same side could be written as[2]:

Qrad = dQL J^rad

Ahdt =%zv,fc4-^4) (2.10)

2.3. Th e Theoretical State Space Model based on a View in Layers

The radiative heating forms the main process of heat passing from heaters to sheets, but it

does not contain all the thermal effects causing temperature variations. Since plastic is

not a good conductor of heat, the temperature actually varies over the entire sheet during

the heating process. Besides, the typical thickness of sheets is much smaller than their

length and width, thus the vertical heat conduction also obviously affects the

temperatures of the two surfaces. In order to design an accurate model with such factors,


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Moore developed a discretized model of a plastic sheet[18], which is visually depicted in

M. Ajersch's thesis, as in Fig. 2.5[2]. The model divides the sheet into layers, and all the

thermal behaviors are between layers.

Fig. 2.5[2] shows the way of dividing a sheet with the width z into n layers: (1) the sheet is

divided into n nodes with the same interval in the direction perpendicular to its surfaces;

(2) the 1st and the n* node are respectively placed on the upper and bottom surfaces; (3)

the other layers are centered at their corresponding nodes. Therefore, the (n - 2 ) layers in

z the middle have the width Az = , while the 2 surface layers only have the half width.


Note that the division of layers has its directivity and the sensors are placed

symmetrically in pair, we can subtract the indices of sensors to half ( 1 - 5 ) . The bottom

temperature (/ = 6, ..., 10) detected by the corresponding sensor could be expressed as T\ = ?s~S•> and similarly the radiative heat flux hitting the bottom surface detected by the •th i sensor could be expressed as q' rad = q'rad_t = q\ i-5

rad_top Hrad^bottom

• l

# 2

• 3

• N - 2

• N - I

* N







Fig. 2.5: Plastic Sheet Discretization


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Then it is not difficult to notice that the total thermal effects within a five-layer model


(1) Conduction between layers;

(2) Convection between the surrounding air and the surface layers;

(3) Radiation from the heaters to each layer, including the heat transmitted to the layer

and absorbed by the layer.

Following these instructions, Ajersch describes the heat-temperature relation[2] for each

layer regarding any Ith sensor (i = 1,. . . , 5). The equations of the 1st layer and the 2nd layer,

which are respectively the example of surface layers and middle layers, are listed below:

\ _ ! / < i « \ {• _ 1 C \ ~~7~ "Tlylcondl "* " Qconvl + Q-rad_top ) ( l — 1 , . .. , J )

at p c —

=^c4r{£ ( r /"2^+ 7 ; i ) + (^2 +^2 )} (2,12 )

Here p denotes the density and C p denotes the specific heat coefficient, which only

depends on the properties of the plastic material. Az is the thickness of middle layers and

also double the thickness of surface layers. All q with various indices represent various

kinds of heat fluxes scaled in (W/ m 2).


Page 26: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

Then, the heat absorption and transmission must be discussed. The Beer-Lambert law[29]

provides an access to the quantitative analysis of absorbed energy: the transmittivity T x

depends on the spectral absorption coefficient A x and the material thickness Az:

ln(rA) = -AaAz

Tx = e~ A^ (2.13)

Notice that both T x and A x are wavelength-dependent. Define A as the average

absorption coefficient, and then the absorbed fraction f} of the heat flux transmitted to

each layer could be computed[2]:


middle layers: p in = /?(Az) = J Ae^dz = l-e A&z

Az Az/2

surface layers: P a=P — •= \ Ae Az dz = l-e 0 I J

AM 2



With these fractions, it is easy to analyze the absorption and the transmission of heat

radiated from the top heaters, whose direction is from the 1st to the 5th zone. The

procedure is shown in Table 2.1:

\ jdnds of fluxes

layer indices v






Ttotal _n

total (radiative) heat flux hitting the n* zone

(J (detected in the form of (J ratl)



( i -A) a ( i - /U?

( i - /U 3 ( i - /U*


heat flux absorbed in the n* zone



A(i -A)( i -A.)«

A(i-A)a( i-A,)«


Ttrans _n

heat flux transmitted through the n"1 zone




( i -A) 3 ( i - /U«


Table 2.1: Heat Absorption and Transmission in the Descendent Direction (Layer 1 to Layer 5)


Page 27: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

According to Equation (2.10) and the symmetry of the view factor matrix F, the radiative

heat flux hitting the z,th heating zone/sensor (i = 1, ..., 5) on both the top and bottom

surfaces can be identified as:

7=1 U J

<L_boltom=<*«t[MK. - r ^ J ] (2 -17)

Based on Equation (2.11) (2.12) and Table 2.1, we can establish the theoretical state

space model of the oven heating process. The form of (2.11) and (2.12) points out that it

is appropriate to use the node temperatures as the state variables. Define x'„ = Tn as the

form of the state variables with the layer index n and the heating zone (sensor) index i; JC[

and x l5 can be directly detected by their corresponding sensors.

In addition, define the following parameters

1 a = -pCM

* = - * -Az

c2 = o**A.(i-A.)

c3-oBrfA.(i-A,)(i-A.) c4 = «^A.(i-A,)(i-A)a

5 = «vA,(i-A,)(i-A)3


Page 28: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

so that the terms with b come from conduction, the terms with c„ (n = 1,2, ... ,5) come

from radiation or absorption of the radiation heat, and the terms with h (h is the

convection coefficient) come from convection. Then a state-space model tightly based on •th thermodynamics is established for every i heating zone (sensor):


-la(h+b) lab ab -lab 0 0 0

lah 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0


ab 0 0

0 ab

-lab ab 0

air _ top


0 0

ab -lab lab

a OE. 'ff




ab -la(h+b)_

" • * ( "

4 4 4

A. lc, 1c*

ICe lC,

-top i

"rod _ bottom (2.18)

Abbreviate (2.18) by substituting relevant terms according to (2.16) and (2.17), Equation

(2.19) can be written:


-lc, c2




icA CA














2c 5 l




2cJ "2q



Q lc,

icA c4





HFaTL j=i

zvr, ;=i 6

A 'i^bottom







icA CA



2cJ ±fM4 y=i



Page 29: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

2.4. Linearly Approximated State-Space Model

The 4th power terms of Equation (2.19) demonstrate that the theoretical model is

nonlinear because of radiation effects. However, the traditional robust control (H2 and #«,)

strategies are specially designed for Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) systems; they may

hardly implement accurate control of the oven. For the further analyses, it is preferable to

have a linearized model.

An incremental model is established in this subtopic. The idea is to approximate the small

change of function value with the multiplication of the corresponding change of variable

and the derivative at the predefined operating point. Since the 4th power terms appear on

state variables J£ and heater temperatures T h , we can define operating point

;» _ T ,• * ,- • ,• » ,• * ,- * ~\J A "" " .An A/ry ^ \ "A vV c I

th Introduce the concept of increment, the 4 power terms could be linearized as

K)4* d(A4)4

dA4 V

•A4 = d4


A<=4«) 3 Axj

(Axi) =4(^*) Axi, i=l, 2, ...,5

(ArfcJ4 = 4(r;)3Arv j =1,2, ...,1 2


Substitute (2.20) for relevant terms in (2.19):


Page 30: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine





_Ai; j






-2a(h+b) ab 0



~2ah 0 "

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 2ah

~-2a(h+b) ab 0



~2ah 0 "

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 2ah_ 2cx 2c 5

c2 c 4

c4 c 2

2c5 2c,

2ab 0 0

-2ab ab 0

ab -2ab ab 0 ab -2ab 0 0 2ab

AT 1 air_top A T

air _ bottom


> c2




2ab 0 0

-2afc afc 0

a& -2ab ab 0 a& -2a£

0 0 2ab

A T* air_top

A T"* air_bottom

+ a




[ ( 6 \ . 1 4 2X I ;*T)A*;

f 6 > 4

L 2X1

U=i y [4) ^ 5

0 1



ab -2a(h+b)_

2c,' c4



2c, _





. ^ 5 J

" 6 "1

EV^ 6

2X<, -a

- j=1 J




ab -2a{h+b)





2c, _






'2c, c2




6 3

Z^fc) AThj

. j = i

2C; c* c3


2c, _


5XK') 6

Z*.(*9 _ J ' = 1


i ;=4F s ( r , ; ) ! , y = l ,2. . . . ,6

U=1 J


Page 31: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine




-2a(h+b) ab 0



2q 2c 5



2c5 2c x

-2a(h+b) ab 0



2a 2c,

2c5 2c x

2ab -2ab

ab 0


(d'T 0

2ab -2ab

ab 0




ab -2ab

ab 0


(d ' ) r


ab -2ab

ab 0


o 0

ab -2ab 2ab

0 0 0 ab


Ax[ Axi Ax; Ax; Ax;_


2ah 0




AT, -a



ab -2ab

2cx 2c 5

2c5 2cx






2afc -2a(h+b)

2ah 0 '

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 2ah





ATh + AT,






AT air _ top

AT air_bottom

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

2elc, 5U5







Page 32: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

Ax' =a


-2(h+b + b-e[c2






e[Cl) 2b -2b b 0 0




0 b

-2b b 0






0 0 b


-2e\c, —e5c2



2b ^(h+b+e^)









= A1Ax'+B1Au

From the analysis above, Equation (2.21) is deduced as a linearly approximated

incremental model of the oven heating system. The previous research work of M. Ajersch

uses a simplified linear model (without considering d1 and e1) as the observer of virtual

sensor outputs.

2.5. Structure and Data Flow of the Original Control System

As a typical computer-controlled system, the original version of computer-controlled

system by M. Ajersch has the following components: controller, actuator, process, and

observer (for estimating virtual sensor outputs), which are interconnected through

feedback paths. Note that besides the real sensors as in Fig. 2.4, the original prototype of

the system introduced 8 virtual sensors (each 4 corresponding to each surface of the

sheet)[21, where temperatures are is read via the observer rather than via any IR sensors, in

order to raise the measuring accuracy of temperature distribution on the sheet. However,

previous statement concerning only real IR sensors, especially the part of view factors, is


Page 33: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

enough for research of the project, since the knowledge highlighting distinctness between

real sensors and virtual ones are seldom used in the following chapters.

Fig. 2.6 (1) shows the structure and the flows of data inside this system. However, if we

treat the combination of the process for real sensor outputs and the observer as the

equivalent of the process for virtual sensor outputs, the structure can be simplified to an

ordinary one-loop feedback control system without any loss of accuracy, as in Fig. 2.6 (2).


+ yd_Vir\

~> J-i

+ \

~\ fc

» V

Programmable Part






Mapping Factor

(18-> 12)

4 4

1 V

Physical Part

Actuator (Heater)

— V


Process R e

Process_Vir \=*

Fig. 2.6 (1): Structure of Original Computer-Controlled System


Programmable Part

<^^{ Controller (Mapping included)

Physical Part

Actuator (Heater) 1 Proces s

Fig. 2.6 (2): Simplified Structure of Original Computer-Controlled System


Page 34: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

It is worth noticing that nearly all the previous research work about the AAA oven treats

only the process or kinds of process model as the object for control, while from the

figures above it can be determined that the object for control should be the combination

of the actuator (heater) and the process. In fact, the heaters of the AAA thermoforming

machine impose considerable effect on control results, and the analysis of these actuators

in Chapter 3 is a positive step towards reducing such effect.


Page 35: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

Chapter 3: Reduction of the Excursions of Heater Temperatures

As is caused by the lag or other hardware-limits of the heaters themselves, as well as the

disturbance outside, the actual heater temperatures are not certainly equal to the desired

(given) values at every moment during the whole heating process. The excursions of

heater temperatures can cause waste of heat (energy), difficulties in designing/improving

controllers, and forced inaccuracy in some displaying panels of the apparatus. Therefore,

reducing the excursions is a main objective of the whole project. Chapter 3 discusses the

reasons of the excursions, analyzes the hardware properties, and finally describes a way

to reach that objective.

3.1. Severe Delay of Actuators

Now a simulation to show the excursions without any improvement steps is performed.

The experiment is based upon the given parameters and original conditions: proportional

coefficient P = 25, original oven temperature 27 °C (including original sheet temperature,

original air temperature inside the oven, and original heater temperatures), desired sheet

temperature in the form of step input at 150°C, and simulation duration 1000s. Then, we

can draw the curves of actual heater temperatures, desired heater temperatures, and

excursions, as in Fig. 3.1:


Page 36: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

AAA l - Initia l Conditions: P = 25, Sheet Initia l Temp. = Heater Initial Temp. = Air Initial Temp. = 27 Celsius

Desired Heater Temperatures (as commands of the original controller) 1000





100 200 300 400 600 700 500 Time (s)

Actual Heater Temperatures (actual control signals)


500 Time (s)

Excursions of Heater Temperatures (actuator errors)

500 Time (s)

900 1000



Fig. 3.1: Desired Heater Temperatures, Actual Heater Temperatures, and Excursions of Heater

Temperatures Measured when P = 25 and the initial oven temperature = 27°C

Fig 3.1 shows the big excursions (error) between the actual heater temperatures and the

desired values. (Note that the curves A denote data from 4 heaters in the central column,

while the curves B denote data from the other 8 heaters in the 2 side columns.) The

"command" given to the heater consists of two step (pulse) signals and a slope within the

first 500s, while the actual heater temperatures are similar to three slopes within the same

interval; after 500s, the desired values and the actual ones tent to be the same. It is worth

noticing that the two step (pulse) parts of the desired heater temperature curves


Page 37: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

correspond to the first two slopes of the actual ones. Obviously, there exists severe delay

between the given signals and the actual ones.

A traditional thought is that the slow increase in the actual signal is caused by not-big-

enough proportional coefficient P, since larger P can generally give larger controlling

input signal, seemingly causing actual heater temperatures to tightly catch the given

command. To confirm whether this conjecture are correct or not, another simulation is

performed, where a larger proportional coefficient P = 40 are adopted but other original

conditions are not changed. Fig. 3.2 is produced as follows:


AAAantiwindup.mdl - Initia l Conditions: P=40, Sheet Initia l Temp. = Heate r Initia l Temp. = Air Initia l Temp. = 27 Celsius

Desired Heater Temperatures (a s commands of the original controller)

500 h

& ri. E




) Te







0 (




500 Time (s)

Actual Heater Temperatures (actua l control signals)

200 300 400 600 700 500 Time (s)

Excursions of Heater Temperatures (actuator errors)

500 Time (s)

900 100 0

800 900 100 0

900 100 0


Page 38: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

Fig. 3.2: Desired Heater Temperatures, Actual Heater Temperatures, and Excursions of Heater

Temperatures Measured when P = 40 and the initial oven temperature = 27°C

In contrast with Fig. 3.1, the "slopes" of the actual heater temperature curves in Fig 3.2

have not become any steeper, while the large oscillations occur (after the temperatures

become stable) due to relatively large P. In other words, the increasing rate and the

decreasing rate of the actual heater temperatures can hardly become higher because of

enlarged proportional coefficient P. Besides, the excursions in Fig. 3.2 perform nearly the

same curves as in Fig 3.1, implying the conjecture to speed up the heater by larger P proves to be impracticable.

The experiments above show obviously that heaters tend to generate uniform outputs

despite different command signals. To find out the reason, the following research turns

the focus to the properties of the heaters themselves.

3.2. Prototype of Actuators

Further analysis on actuators is carried on because of the low response speed. Since the

12 actuators are not coupled, structural decoupling will not affect the results of simulation.

The analysis method is to add input to the actuator model, and then to observe the output.

The block diagram of one structurally decoupled heater and the internal structure of its

saturation block show as Fig. 3.3 and Fig 3.4[2]. The two characteristic structures were the

unit-delay feedback route and the flexible-bound saturation.


Page 39: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

^ * ^ # ^ g ^ H ' g * ? - f r t ^ |

o Actual Temperatures

cz> Initial Conditions Heating elements

d> Desired Setpoints



temp error New temp

saturation block

error kWh

energy calc

—•CJD Heating Zones Temperatures

<D Actuator Error


G > temp

Fig. 3.3: Structure of a Decoupled Heater (Actuator)

max heate r temp rising rate (reducing with the growing process of the temperature )

-0.005 *u+3

Upper lim sat

(0.0018 *u-0.06 ) S Lower lim sat

max heater temp falling rate (reducing with the falling process of the temperature

Saturation Detect & Selection

• MATLAB Function

MATLAB Fe n -*€>T<I=>

New temp

Scope 1

• Scope

Fig. 3.4[2]: Internal Structure of the Saturation Block in Fig. 3.3


Page 40: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

Actuator Discrete Model (One Element): u(kh) —> y(kh) from Ajersch's research results121

describes the relationship between the heater input u and the heater output y, where h is

the default sampling period and k is the total number of sampling periods passed after the

start point. Consider the default case h = ls:

e(k) = u(k)-y(k-l) y(k) = y(k-l) + sat(e(k))

According to the function blocks "upper lim sat" and "lower lim sat" in Fig. 3.4, the

saturation conditions are:

sat(e(k)) =

-0.005y(ifc-l)+3 (upper) e(k) (medium) (3.2)

-0.0018y(*-l) + 0.06(low)

Since e(k) = u(k) - y(k-1), the flexible upper and lower boundary conditions of the

saturation block are equivalent to

\ upper: u(k)>0.995y(k-l) + 3 I low: u(k) < 0.99S2y(k -1) + 0.06

Since u(k) and y(k) are generally from 30°C ~ 600°C, then we could easily find that the

unsaturated range is rather narrow. Thus the conditions listed in Equation (3.3) can be

approximately equivalent to: (1) when u(k) > y(k -1), e(k) reaches the upper bound, the

output y(k) is rising to match the input u(k). (2) when u(k) < y(k-l), e(k) reaches the

lower bound, the output y(k) is rising to match the input u(k). The following discussion

highlights the rise and fall of the actual heater curves in either case of saturation.

(1) temperature rising process


Page 41: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

When the temperature is rising, the saturation function of e(k) generally obeys the upper

bound because of the slow rising speed. Thus, the actuator model takes the form as:

y(*) = 0.995y(*-l) + 3 (3.4)

Thus, the rising actuator temperature cannot be impacted by the input u{k), and from

Equation (3.4) the largest possible value of y(k) could be computed: ymax = 600°C.

(2) temperature falling process

When the temperature is falling, the saturation function of e(k) generally obeys the low

bound because of the slow falling speed. Thus, the actuator model takes the form as:

y(fc) = 0.9982y(fc-l) + 0.06 (3.5)

Thus, the falling actuator temperature cannot be impacted by the input u(k), and from

Equation (3.5) the smallest possible value of y(k) could be computed: y^n = 100/3 °C.

Since the actuator temperature will not be controlled by input signal once the increasing

amount reaches the upper or lower saturation bound, all the improvement on desired

heater temperature curve become useless in the two cases. Now there is only one way to

subtract the heating process: to rise the average heater temperature. However, it means

abandoning the policy of keeping the sheet temperature steady at the end of each cycle; in

other words, it is necessary to take the sheet out of the oven exactly at the desired time

point, otherwise the sheet will be overheated.

3.3. Introduction of the Preprocessing Module of Actuators

From the experiments and analyses above, it can be concluded that the changing rate of

heater temperatures mainly depends on the speed-limited module actually existing in the


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heater, rather than control strategies. Now a new thought appears: as it is not possible to

reduce the excursions between the actual heater temperatures and the desired ones by

improving control strategies, could it be feasible that constraining the given controlling

signals to the nearly fixed-shape curves of the actual heater temperatures?

Based on the first thought, a polynomial fit should be the first choice to "reshape" the

original command signal curve directly generated by controllers. Now the feasibility of

polynomial fit on the curve is discussed: the different equation in Part 3.2 shows the

desired heater temperature curve is some combination of exponential curves. Since

exponential functions can actually be considered as infinite-order polynomials according

to the concept of Taylor series and consecutive differentiation (up to infinitely many

times), so that the results of emulating exponential curves with polynomial curves

generally contain obvious flaws (which is proven by relevant experiment in Chapter 4),

another way should be find out instead of polynomial fit.

Reference to the properties of heaters themselves gradually becomes the key to realizing

the "reshaping" object. Now that most original command signals could be scaled to the

exponential curves, why not insert a preprocessing module acting like the heaters in front

of the real heaters? If such a link is introduced, exponential curves are expected to take

place of the original ones before given as commands to the heater.

Compared with the original actuator (heaters), the improved actuator with a virtual heater

block added in front is demonstrated in the form of Simulink .mdl block diagram (Fig.

3.5). The terms "physical part" and "programmable part" are used to determine the two

sources from which the excursions are defined. Notice that a data displayer is also set up

for measuring the real-time excursions between the desired heater temperatures (the input

of the actuator) and the actual ones.


Page 43: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

Physical Part

Programmable Part

nominal desired heater temp

Virtual Heating Element s

Initial Heater Temp

actual signal input into tne neate r

Physical Part

KjiD Tz de s

Real Heating Element s

+Q—KID Heaters' excursion

actual heater output signal (contrbl inpu t )

•CD Energy

Fig. 3.5: (1) the Original Actuator;

(2) the Virtual-Real Actuator Combination with the Denotation of the Excursion Output

Following the structure adopted in Fig. 3.5 and the given conditions generating Fig. 3.1,

the figure of the nominal desired heater temperatures, the actual desired heater

temperatures, the actual heater temperatures, as well as the excursions, are plotted as Fig.



Page 44: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine


jn 50 0

ri. E




ri. E





AAA traceactuator.mdl - P = 25, Sheet Initia l Temp = Heater Initial Temp = Air Initial Temp = 27 Celsius

Nominal Desired Temperatures of Heaters (commands from the original controller)



200 300 400 600 700 800 500 Time (s)

Actual Desired Temperatures of Heaters (actual inputs of the physical heaters)

500 Time (s)

Actual Heater Temperatures (actua l control signals)

500 Time (s)

Excursions of the Actual Heater Temperatures from the Desired Values

200 300 400 500 Time (s)

600 700 800







Fig. 3.6: Experiment of the Virtual-Heater-Connected Case with the Same Initial Condition as in Fig. 3.1

Both Fig. 3.6 and the data display in Simulink show that the excursion can be

theoretically reduced to zero, while simply improving the controller seems not to

approach that goal. Thus the task of reducing the excursions of heater temperatures

reaches its basic achievement.


Page 45: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

3.4. Industrial Improvement of the Preprocessing Module

Part 3.3 shows the excursion can be reduced to zero with a virtual actuator block

connected in front of the real one; however, problems like perturbation would occur with

the implementation. A representative example is some uncertain disturbance imposed

upon the forward route between the output of the virtual actuator and the real one. Such a

kind of disturbance will not only cause some excursions in spite of the reducing effect of

the virtual actuator, but also slow down the speed of heating in certain cases.

The following part concentrates on minimizing the effect of additive disturbances

appearing in the forward route between the virtual heating elements and the hardware.

Now begin with a simple, representative additive external disturbance:

n(t) = r(t-200)-2r(t-250) + r(t-300), where r(i) denotes the unit ramp function and

thus n(t) is a triangular function, as in Fig. 3.7:

A Triangula r Functio n Disturbanc e n(t )

Fig 3.7: A Triangular Function Disturbance


Page 46: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

With the effect of n(t), the curve of actual heater temperatures is blended with some

unexpected slowly rising slopes, reflecting themselves a concave part in Fig. 3.8. As a

result, the ending heater temperatures and the sheet temperatures are effected by n(t).

Perturbed Heater Temperatures 1 1 1 1 : 1 1

J I I I I J "0 10 0 20 0 30 0 40 0 50 0 60 0

Time (s)

Fig. 3.8: The Curves of Perturbed Heater Temperatures

Fig. 9 shows that such a n(t) generates considerable excursions of heater temperatures.

Referring to Fig. 3.6 (2) (3), we know that the rising part of disturbance n(t) becomes

effective during the falling period of the heater temperatures, causing e(t) touch the

opposite saturation bound and thus changing the trend of the heater temperatures.



„ 25 0 01

_3 jo

| 20 0 1 u a E u

>- 15 0




Page 47: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

Perturbed Excursions of Heater Temperatures

0 -




& | -20-


-30 -

-40 -

-50 L

0 10 0 20 0 30 0 40 0 50 0 60 0 Time (s)

Fig. 3.9: Perturbed Excursions of Heater Temperatures

It is worth noticing that the rising slope of n(t) in Fig. 3.7 and the falling slopes of the

perturbed excursions in Fig. 3.9 shares the opposite gradient and the same largest value.

(The rising parts of excursions in Fig. 3.9 do not remain a strict ramp, since n(t) does not

change the trend of curves after 250s.) After the consideration of structural limitation of

improvement, (that is, "besides the programmable part the sensors/inspectors could only

be put in the oven to measure the heater and sheet temperatures,) an intuitive try appears

to solve the perturbation problem: opening a simple feedback route from the excursions

to the input of the heaters as in Fig. 10, in order to neutralize the perturbed excursions in

Fig. 9.


Page 48: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

Programmable Part Physical Part

Heaters' excursio n


Fig. 3.10: Actuator with Improved Pre-processing Module

Since the rising slope of n(t) in Fig. 3.7 and the falling slopes of the perturbed excursions

in Fig. 3.9 shares the opposite gradient, it is natural to think the feedback factor K in the

feedback route in Fig. 3.10 should be given the value of 1.

When K = 1, however, the excursions are half-subtracted instead of fully cancelled, as is

shown in Fig. 3.11. We try some larger K and get other more restricted curves, which is

also plotted in Fig. 3.11:


Page 49: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

10 Perturbed Excursions: Actuator improved with Feedback Design (Different Feedback Coefficient K)


§, -2 0




I \ V\ X:25 0 ___!___—-—- — ~ I""" " i i 1 \\ \ jY:-lii.&j i _ — i ^

i \ \ \ " ^ i ^ — " ~

i ' 1 \ " """ ' ' ^ r" ! ! \ \ ! X: 250 j J ^ - " ^ " " ^ , , _ _L _L _j y. .1 6 6 7 I ^ ^ _ ^ ^ ^ j ,

i i I m ^ ^ ^ i i i

] \ j X : 250! ! ] i i ' 1 j Y : -25 i ' ' '



\ \ 'C^f ' i iX:25ol yS\ i i

| | Y : -50 ]\ yS ]

100 200 300 Time (s)

400 500 600

Fig. 3.11: Perturbed Excursions with the Feedback Route Connected, Regarding Different K

From the different gradients of the falling slopes and the recorded data points in Fig. 11,

the law between feedback coefficient K and the corresponding peak value ep(K) of the

excursions could be induced as Equation (3.6):

p 1+K (3.6)

Thus a deduction of Equation (3.6) appears: the excursions in Fig. 9, which is caused by

the disturbance n(t) in Fig. 6, could be fully cancelled if K = <*>. Since "inf' does not

work in the current Simulink block diagram, we can use a large K instead. Fig. 3.12

shows the curve of perturbed excursions when K = 50:


Page 50: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

Perturbed Excursions: Actuator improved with Feedback design (K = 50)

5 - 0.2

J -0. 4


~~ i i r p

100 200 300 Time (s)

400 500 600

Fig. 3.12: Perturbed Excursions with the Feedback Route Connected and K = 50

From the scale of Y-axis of Fig. 3.12, it could be found that when K = 50, the infinity

norm of excursions' values, that is, the maximal values of every branch of excursion, is

smaller than 1. Now the heater temperatures show in Fig. 3.13:


Page 51: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

350 Heater Temperatures: Perturbed Actuator Improved with Feedback Design (K = 50)

300 Time (s)

Fig. 3.13: Perturbed Heater Temperatures with the Feedback Route Connected and K = 50

Please note the curves (including values) in Fig 3.13 are nearly the same as those in Fig

3.6 (2) (3), which are the curves in the ideal case. That means the feedback route from

excursions to the input signal of the real heaters works well and thus can be practically

applied, when the feedback coefficient K is given a large enough value (for example, 50).

3.5. Theoretical Support of the Feedback Improvement

Theoretical analyses are organized in the following part in order to inspect the

mechanism of such a kind of feedback route. From Fig. 3.11 we can only confirm that the

„ 1

\+K " operation only applies to the descendent slope (during 200s ~ 250s) and the

maximal excursion, since the time points when the excursions come back to zero are

different according to flexible K. However, from another perspective, if the slopes before


Page 52: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

250 can be totally analyzed, this kind and the similar kinds of disturbances could be also

totally known and thus removed.

Observe a saturation block's choices in two cases: K = 0 and K = 50, and plot the result

curves in Fig. 3.14:

Real-Time sat(e(k)): Response of A Saturation Block, e(k) as In Equation 3.1 (1)K = 0



-1 100 200 300

Time (s)

- upper bound - actual sat(e(k)) - lower bound

400 500 600



1 'f | 0.5 -




(2) K = 50


100 200 300 Time (s)

400 500 600

Fig. 3.14: sat(e(fc)) Regarding Different Selection of Feedback Factor £

Note that the green curves (sat(e(&)), e(k) as in Equation (3.1) and saturated according to

(3.2)) are seated in the unsaturated ranges in both of the cases during 201s ~ 250s. Since

Fig. 3.11 shows a continuous trend of excursions' values when K shifts, it can be

determined that e{k) is unsaturated during 201s ~ 250s for any K between 0 and 50.


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Combine Equation (3.1) and (3.2) according to the unsaturated case, as well as the effect

of n(t) and the feedback root with the factor K, we can compute out Equation (3.7) as


y(k) = y(k-l) + e(k) = y(k-l)+{u(k) + n(k) + K[u(k)-y(k)]-y(k-l)} = (K+l)u(k) + n(k)-Ky(k), when 201 < k < 250


Equation (3.7) could be easily transferred to Equation (3.8):

u(k)-y(k) = —^-, when 201 < it < 250 (3.8) K. +1

Obviously, Equation (3.8) has the identical form as Equation (3.6). Since u{k)-y{k)

here means the excursion of the corresponding heater at the k^ second, the " "

operation, which is the main motivation to improve the pre-processing module, has been

theoretically proved.


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Chapter 4: Dual-Mode Hybrid Control System

In Chapter 3 we have successfully completed the first, main objective (reduction of

excursions of heater temperatures) of this project and improved the performance of

actuators by introducing a pre-processing module and some actuator feedback

connections. However, the control result cannot become better solely based on the

modification in Chapter 3, since the excursions have no impact on the actual control

signals (heater outputs). Besides guaranteeing more precise sheet temperatures during a

single heating cycle, the research work in Chapter 4 focuses on innovative improvement

regarding mass, consecutive production of plastic sheets, like cycle-to-cycle control and

dual controller.

4.1. Iterative Learning Control (ILC) and Terminal ILC (TILC)

Iterative Learning Control (ILC) is a new method of tracking control, overcoming

traditional problems, and improving the performance for systems that work in a repetitive

mode. According to the description by Kevin L. Moore, ILC is "a technique for

improving the transient response and tracking performance and processes, machines

equipment, or systems that execute the same trajectory, motion, or operation over and

over"[18]. Along with general robotic and manufacturing operations, mass production of

plastic sheets requires the oven to repeat the same heating process. Then ILC can be used

to improve the system response in the following steps: (1) record frequently happening

errors caused by the same production conditions from cycle to cycle; (2) use the recorded

error to compute the input signal for the next cycle. Note that the input signals computed

in the above way receive the elements of refinement at the beginning of each cycle,

which is the essence of learning control.


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u (effective at the end

of each cycle)

Memory A



* w ^ \ . i IV/l*~>/-Jek l O y o ^ i i i IVIV^UC^ I



Learning Controller M ^ ^ ^






Fig. 4.1[18): Basic ILC Configuration

Fig. 4.1[18] shows the basic idea of ILC; note that the subscript index k denotes any

unspecified repeated operation (cycle) number. Viewing clockwise from the top-left

corner, we can find that the input Uk(t) during the ^ cycle forces the system model to

produce the output yk(t); both of w* and y* are stored in memory units. The real-time error

ek(t) during the k01 cycle could be computed according to the desired output yd{t), and then

the learning controller part selects the control input w+iCO for the next cycle from the

stored Uk and y*.

There is more than one method of determining the control signals in the learning

controller part, but nearly all the methods obey the optimal (minimal) norm principle as

in Equation (4.1):

™*\\yd (t)-fs (M(O,0|=||y* (t)-fs (u(t),t)\ (4.1)


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Here f s indicates the system model in function form, and u{t) denotes the optimal real­

time control input signal. The criteria of norm selection depend on the properties of the

system and other conditions.

G. Gauthier and B. Boulet applied the Terminal Iterative Learning Control (TILC) to a

model of the heating oven used in this project. They carried out the experiments with the

premise of constant control inputs u during each cycle, thus the determination of Uk(t) on

every time point t is simplified to the determination of only one constant value only

according to the control constant input of the last cycle, the known desired output, and

the calibrated output at the end of the last cycle. The following part[251 provides the

theoretical support of their experiments.

Given the linear model of the oven with the control input u constant within each cycle:

(xk(t) = Axk(t) + Buk

\yk(t) = Cxk(t)

where t e [0, T] and T is the pre-determined cycle length. The solution of the output

signal could be easily computed from Equation (4.2):

yk(t) = ^uk+Txk(0) (4.3)

where x k (0) denotes the initial state vector of kA cycle, and

T xV = c\e A{T")Bdt

0 T

T = c\e Mdt (4.4)


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Here comes the spark of Gauthier and Boulet's research: an exchange of variables is

carried out, which means the cycle number k becomes the main variable instead of the

instant time t.

yT(k) = Vu(k) + Tx0(k) (4.5)

Since y T(k) and x 0(k) are one-point value rather than variables on the time axis, and K*

is constant during the cycle, yT, x 0, u can be treated as discrete functions on the axis of k.

The purpose of such exchange now becomes obvious as preparation for z-transform from

the fc-domain, while the z-transform leads to:

YT(z) = VU(z) + rX0(k) (4.6)

Note that TELC is the terminal control version of ILC, which mainly depends on the

terminal value of cycles and thus has the following common law:

uk+l(t) = uk(T) + K(yd(t)-yk(T)) (4.7)

Since the experiment shows the heating process could not be completed in only one cycle,

yd should keep constant during each cycle. Therefore, the exchange of variable and the

following z-transform can also be applied to Equation (4.7), then produce Equation (4.8):

U(z) = K(z-lT1{Yd(z)-YT(z)) (4.8)

The closed loop transfer function with the initial stately = H(Yd)\ is computed from

both Equation (4.6) and (4.8):

Y^^zI-I + ^KY'l^KY + iz-DrX^z)] (4.9)


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The initial condition should be unique valid for every cycle, because the unheated sheets

are generally thought to have identical initial states. Apply the final value theorem on

(4.9), we can find the ending temperature y T (k) converges at yd, if the system converges

with the cycle number k growing to infinity.

Gauthier and Boulet's experimental result inspired the research on this project. However,

the research of Chapter 3 shows that the heater temperatures are typically varying during

each cycle, while industrial mass production requires repetitive cycles. Moreover, as

stated in Part 4.2, we use a cycle period T= 600s due to some consideration of security of

mass production, while Gauthier and Boulet use a shorter cycle period. As steps of

implementation and improvement, the following several sections focus on designing a

controller reaching the industrial standards while keeping the excursions restricted.

4.2. Modeling of the Plant Based on Ending (Stable) Output Values

Generally speaking, most controllers are designed according to the corresponding plant

models, and the preciseness of plant has direct effect on controller design and control

results. Mark Ajersch and K. Moore contribute to a strict nonlinear model of the oven

according to thermodynamics, as described in subtopic 2.3. Since radiation effect

contains the 4th power of temperatures, which is not covered for most controller design

methods, he also designs a linear model by means of Taylor expansion of high-order

power at a base point (200°C), as described in subtopic 2.4. Now we can see that the

linear model of the heating oven plant, appearing as the two observers in the Simulink

block diagram, is accurate enough when the oven temperature are around 200°C, but not

so accurate when the oven temperature is beyond the approximately linear range, e.g.

120°C. Since we are facing the desired wider linear range centered at 150°C and the fact

that desired control signals in Chapter 3 cannot keep constant as those in the TILC

experiment, it is necessary to design a new model with a completely new concept.


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Modeling has two methodologies: one is based on its structure, and the other is based on

the relationships between inputs and outputs. Mark Ajersch's nonlinear model is strictly

designed in the first way. However, we only wish to drive the system output (sheet

temperature) to the corresponding desired value by the end of each cycle, thus the second

method is a convenient and appropriate choice for our new modeling. From previous

experiments we can find that heater temperatures have positive relationship with sheet

temperatures, and it is natural to guess that some kind of relations exists between the

ending values (concerning each cycle). Obviously, such relations will help us establish

the new model. Therefore, the relationship between sheet temperatures and heater

temperatures should be determined first, since the control of sheet temperatures is the

ultimate goal while the control of heaters is no more than a method.

There are several specifications to weigh the relationship between sheet temperatures and

heater temperatures, from which we must carefully select one. Here appears a

consideration of security of mass production: since the placement (replacement) of sheets

at each beginning (ending) is a manual operation (that is, an operator must repeat this

movement periodically), it is expected the sheet temperature keep the desired value yd instead of becoming overheated and melting, in case the operator forgets or delays

(without intention) one or more replacements. Therefore, the ending values (at each cycle)

of heater temperatures should make the sheet temperature eventually stable at y<* (that is,

y<»(k) = yd, when the (k + if* cycle and the upcoming cycles does not happen); we

define such ending values as uend{k) = «stabie = u^uziydk))-

The experiment of measuring the relationship between given yd and corresponding wstabie

= «stabie(vd) is carried out on a bare oven model (without the nonlinear model of actuator).

According to different positions of the 12 heaters, we can establish a simplified format of

"stable a s U tabl — stable_edge

stable_center instead of 12 irrelevant values, regarding the asymmetry

between the 8 sided heaters and the other 4 central heaters but the respective symmetry. It

could also be explained intuitively: the central heaters cover a larger sheet area (which

means higher efficiency of heating) compared to the side ones, and wstabie_center should be


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less than wstabie_edge in order to keep the consistency of sheet temperature (everywhere in

the sheet). Regarding the industrial accident mentioned above, we give the control inputs

as step signals to simulate such accidents. Now the goal of the experiment becomes

trying different step control input combinations of u ead(k) = u. end_edge -

w. end_center

to let all of the

output values stable around given yd, which are passed by the inspecting sensors

regarding the temperatures at different spots on the sheet surface.

Fig. 4.2 shows the response of the plant model when given an ideal combination of

u. stable_edge



169.464 . The sheet temperature in this case finally stops at 150°C; both

Mstabie_edge and wstabie_center are recorded in Table 4.1 regarding the case y<* = 150.

Model Test: Find out u stabl e when given yd = 150

IX: 8000 ! Y:150

4000 Time (s)

5000 7000

Fig. 4.2: a decent selection of ustab]e when yd = 150


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Similarly, give different step control input signals wstabie to the heating process model

(without the nonlinear model of actuator), so that the sheet temperatures finally become

stable at different yd (simulation time t > 8000s) ranging from 120 to 180. The records of

all the tested cases are shown in Table 4.1:

yd u_stabl e edge cente r

120 130




















Table 4.1: Data of desired sheet temperatures yd and the corresponding heater temperatures «stabie which

makes actual sheet temperatures eventually stable at yd

Use yd as the horizontal axis and wstabie as the vertical axis, we can plot Fig. 4.3, which

indicating the linear relationship between calibrated ustabie and given yd in Table 4.1.


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Relation between given yd and corresponding u stabl e

i i 180 -CL

E '

» 17 0




130 I 140

I 150

yd - Temp . (Celsius)

i 160

- -© - - edg e - - • - cente r

i 170 120 130 180

Fig. 4.3: Visual Relation between yd and corresponding wstable

The linear relationship can be computed with the MATLAB command "polyfit.m" by

giving the value 1 to the parameter of the order:

w. 'stable_edge

u. stable_center

1.075 0.989 y* +

22.3510 20.5629


That helps create the theoretical support for actuator control.

After Equation (4.10) is computed, it is used as a pre-converter converting desired sheet

temperatures yj(k) into the corresponding desired ending/beginning heater temperatures


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Wend(fc) = uo(k+l), which will be used in the Mode of Adjustment of the dual-mode

controller demonstrated in the following parts.

Fig 4.2 shows it takes longer than 600s (the desired cycle period) to drive the sheet

temperature around 150°C. Since Equation (4.10) describes a positive linear relation

between, it is deducible from Fig. 4.2 that the sheet temperature cannot generally reach y<*

within one cycle when the control input is given as in Table 4.1. According to Chapter 3,

combinations of rising curve and falling curve should be applied as control inputs instead

of step signals, in that case the value of y«, - y600 is generally small; thus it is still

acceptable for us to adopt the relation described in Table 4.1 in the rest part of Chapter 4.

However, from relevant discussion in Chapter 5 some better choice of desired

beginning/ending heater temperatures udk) can be discovered instead of wstabie(fc) =


4.3. Introduction of the Mode of Adjustment (MA)

The cycle-to-cycle production of sheets in a unified format calls for the self-tracking

ability of heater temperatures; that is, the final value of each heater's temperature in each

cycle should track its corresponding initial value, the ideal case is uo(k) = uend(k) = Ud(y<i(k)) = Ud(k) (uo(k) and u end(k) respectively denote the heater temperatures at the

beginning and at the end of the A* cycle) for every cycle number k. Note that the heater

temperatures must be continuous in the time axis due to the limit of their response speeds,

that is, uo(k+l) = uend(k); thus, in the ideal case there would be uo(k+l) = uo(k), creating a

consistently identical condition of production for every sheet.

From the previous analyses and experiments, it is easy to discover that uend(k) depends on

both yd(k) and u0(k), in case that no change happens with the system properties. That

means uo(k+l) = u end(k) = uo(k) could theoretically happen, if the initial heater

temperatures uo(k) are tuned to appropriate values according to the current yd. Part 4.2

provides a decent way to select uo(k) = Mstabie(y<*(&)) according to Table 4.1 or Equation


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(4.10). For example, a proportional controller with KP=\A shows the self-tracking ability

of MO when parameters are selected as in Table 4.1 (yd = 150°C, uo_ed ge(k) = 184.2,

wo_center(&) = 169.464). It can lead to not only fairly short rising time, small overshoot, but

also small deviations of heater temperatures from their initial values. Thus we use Kp = 14 as the default Kp of the classic PE) control mode (Mode 0) in the rest of Chapter 4.

However, such a kind of self-tracking ability of the oven itself is vulnerable. If w0 edge and

" center happens to be far from their desired values (according to Table 4.1), there will be

no guarantee that uo_edge and uo_Center will return, which would cause consecutively

producing no sheet up to standard. Besides, the difference between the final values of

heater temperatures and the initial values always exists, although the controller and the

setting of wo_edgeand wo_center help to reduce it. The error would probably be cumulative if

caused by imprecisely modeling; in this case, it would grow noticeable after a couple of

cycles, and the sheets would not meet the standards any more.

Now we introduce the concept of dual mode controller to solve the problems. The most

characteristic improvement is adjoin the mode of adjustment (MA) with the original

mode of PID control, in order to constrain uo(k) of every cycle number k to a range with

tolerant errors. MA is expected to directly control the heater temperatures and only

appear in necessary cases (cycles). Since the main purpose of MA is not controlling the

sheet temperature, no sheets should be placed in the oven during MA cycles, in order to

prevent unnecessary waste of materials.

An auto-switching mechanism should be designed with MA to form a complete set. Let

uo(k) be consecutively examined at the beginning of each cycle. If the results show any

element of uo(k) (any heater's initial temperature) goes out of the desired range, the

system will automatically switch to the MA. The MA will last until all the wo components

are driven back to the desired range; it is designed to accomplish the goal in one cycle,

which is the general case (two or more cycles are also possible because of the limitations

of heaters' hardware properties).


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In MATLAB implementation, an acceptable plan is to define a Boolean variable mode, which could be assigned a value cyclically and depends on uo(k) and y<i(k), as is shown in

Equation (4.11):

fl, (Mode of Adjustment) mode(k) = mode(u0(k),yd(k)) = \ . (4.11)

0, (Mode of Classic PID Control)

The experiments in Chapter 4 adopt wstabie as the "representative" of yd in deciding modes.

Then Equation (4.12) is deduced from (4.11):

' , / ,v , / „ , / „,w fl, (Mode of Adjustment) „ „„ mode(k) = mode(u0(k),ust!i>le(yd(k))) = -\ T>TT,^ „ n ( 4 , 1 2 )

10, (Mode of Classic PID Control)

Nevertheless, the control signal when mode = 1 (MA) is still unknown, the analysis of

which is the main task of Part 4.4.

4.4. Determinatio n o f M A Comman d Signal s an d Complet e Implementation of the Dual-Mode Hybrid Control System

Part 3.2 shows the command signals are composed of the rising and falling curves, which

are described by their corresponding different equations. According to the previous

analyses, the rising and descending curves, which obey the upper and the lower bound of

the saturation block, are depicted by the differential equations:

Jrising: u(k) = 0.995u(k -1) + 3 {descending: u(k) = 0.99S2u(k -1) + 0.06

Here u is adopted to denote heater temperatures instead of v in Chapter 3, where y

denotes the actual heater temperature (Celsius), u < 600 is a necessary condition of the

rising curve equation, while u > 100/3 is a necessary condition of the descending curve, k


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denotes unspecified the A* second within any unspecified cycle, since the saturation

bounds are computed once per second.

The expressions based on continuous time can be reached by solving those differential

equations and placing k with the continuous time variable t, which is still relative to the

moment of the beginning of the corresponding cycle:

rising: u(t) = e^005' (w(0) - 600) + 600

descending: u{t) = e^°°m (w(0) - — ) + HUXUB,, ^ 100. . 100 (4-13)

y(0) denotes the initial value within that cycle.

In order to mass-produce heated sheets, the cycle-to-cycle control concept is adopted.

Generally, the variation of heater temperatures within one cycle should cause short rising

time of sheet temperatures as well as reduce their overshoots (inertia), which requests

combinations of both kinds of the curves mentioned above. A typical model of one-

rising-one-descending curve is introduced to simplify the computation:

u(t) = g-UU0M(w(0)-600) + 600, when t < r (rising)

e-00018( '-T)(u(r)-—)+—,whenr<t<T(descending) i4M)

x is the turning point within the cycle and should satisfy 0 < -r < T, where T is the period

of each cycle. It is easy to discover and also should be paid attention that wend(&) is

uniquely determined when uo(k) and x are known.

With such knowledge about the curves, we desire to write the curves of (4.14) into an

acceptable form in MATLAB .m file, which is acceptable and convenient for MATLAB

programming. One direct thought is to approximate the curves in the form of finite order

polynomials by using the MATLAB command polyfit.m to compute the coefficients of


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the prospective polynomial, then using polyval.m to compute the function values upon

the giving domain. However, exponential functions are equivalent (in order) to infinite

order polynomials, which is proven by Taylor's Expansions, thus we should use a high-

order polynomial to get satisfying approximation.

Simulate the default proportional control plan with K p - 14 with UQ = «stat>ie and

184.2 stable_edge

stable_center 169.464 , which is corresponding to yd = 150 in Fig. 4.2 and Table 4.1,

and save all the data of side heater temperatures (w ge) collected from the Simulink

display module as a structure with time. Use the heaters' actual outputs as the reference,

and we devote to find some curve to approximate them. The codes using polyfitm and

polyval.m is as follows:

P=polyfit(Heaters.time, Heaters.signals.values(:,1),7); % the last parameter is the desired order of the prospective polynomial; % 7 and 15 are used in the experiment Y=polyval(P,Heaters.time); % to generate the function values of the polynomial upon the given domain plot(Heaters.time,Heaters.signals.values(:,1),Heaters.time, Y);

Fig. 4.4 shows the approximation result of T^-order polynomial, from which it could also

be noticed that u0 nearly equals to uend-


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320 h

— 30 0

3 28 0

7th-Order Polyfi t o f Heater Temperature Curve


240 h



180 100 200

- Original Heate r Temperature (Edge) Curve - Approximation Resul t with a 7th-Order Polynomia l

300 Time (s)

400 500 600

Fig. 4.4: T^-Order Polynomial Fit of a Given Sided Heater Temperature Curve

Redo this part with the order parameter equal to 15. Fig. 4.5 shows the result of the

polyfit command:


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15th-Order Polyfi t o f Heater Temperature Curv e

- Original Heate r Temperature (Edge ) Curv e - Approximation Resul t with a 15th-Orde r Polynomia l

100 200 300 Time (s)

400 500 600

Fig. 4.5: 15 -Order Polynomial Fit of a Given Sided Heater Temperature Curve

We can see by comparing the two figures that higher order polynomials lead to better

approximation results, but neither of the polynomials can trace the curves near the turning

point at T very well. Moreover, Part 3.2, Part 3.4, and Part 3.5 provides an important

notice that the input desired temperature into any heater should be equal to or higher than

actual heater output temperature within the rising curve, and equal to or lower within the

falling curve; otherwise the heater will possibly enter the unstable state, so that the

heating speed and efficiency will be reduced. That request cannot be satisfied with the

whole approximated heating curve in Fig. 4.4 and 4.5, especially the part around the

turning point.

After the trying above, it seems hard to find out a MATLAB command for generating or

directly storing the combinations of such curves as data inputs. One possible solution is

to find an alternative variable to replace complicated expressions (if there is any) of the


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control signal curves. Since it is known that wend(fc) is uniquely determined when uo(k) and T are known from (4.14), we can try a transformed controller with the input as the

desired heater temperatures, which is determined by desired sheet temperatures, and with

the output as r. The following analysis of control signal curves is developed based on this


Now the MA controller has several equivalent general forms:

r(k) = f(u0(k), y d(k)) with equivalent form

u0(k + l)=uead(k) = fu(u0(k), y d(k)) (4.15)

In Chapter 4 we use wstabie as the "representative" of yd, and it denotes desired heater

temperatures (combination) causing sheet temperatures still at the corresponding yd values (the relationship between wstabie and yd is in Table 4.1). Then Equation (4.15) could

be transformed as:

r(k) = g(u0(k), u sMt(yd(k))) with equivalent form

u0(k + l)=uead(k) = gu(u0(k),usMe(yd(k))) (4.16)

The index k means the Jk* cycle, t is the time of the turning point between the rising and

descending curves, as is described in the former subtopics. All of the function

expressions don't contain feedback value of sheet temperature y(k), showing the MA

controller is an open-loop controller.

Upon the definition above, curve expression equation (4.14) could be written in a new

form for the MA controller with exchange of indexes as Equation (4.3) ~ (4.5). Define

the form g' 1 according to the function g u in Equation (4.16), then


Page 71: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

u,(k) = g ;1{u0(k),t(k)) V0005'(w0(k)-600) + 600, when 0 < t <r (rising curve) (4.17)

g-o.ooi8(,-r) ( ^ (A;) _ 100)+I°°_t w n e n T < t < T (descending curve) (4.18)

Here t(k) denotes the t second within the MA cycle with the index k.

Now selecting x for each cycle becomes the core of the newly introduced controller.

Since uo(k) and wstabie(fc) are known at the beginning of the fc* cycle, and the expressions

of the two available kinds of curves are determined, unique uend(k) will come out based

on each determined x(k). In order to reach the best control results, x(k) is selected so that

the difference between u ead(k) and wstabie(fc) is reduced to its minimized value

(theoretically, zero).

MATLAB optimal toolbox command fsolve.m could be applied to solve the equivalent

optimization non-linear problem:

Mr W " "stable ( f c ) = 0 „ ^

UT(k) = g-T\u0(k),T(k)) ' '

The usage of fsolve.m has a general form: X = FSOLVE (FUN, X0). X0 is the initial

value of X before the iteration process, when the error is less than the tolerance X is

thought to be solved for the equation FUN(X) = 0. Besides, the two possible cases of MA

(heater temperatures are not able to rise or descend to the desired range by the end of the

current cycle period) are discussed and examined before the usage of fsolve.m.

Note that computed values of x could not be directly applied as the control command

signal; it is necessary for us to add a transforming step to transfer x into desired heater

temperature data at every second of the corresponding cycle. Due to the saturation block

within each heater element and the directly control property of MA, the given control

signal source for MA could be generated as in Fig. 4.6, which depends upon x:


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Flag Edge L _

Flag Edge 1

Fig. 4.6: Decoupled Forced Control Signal Source for MA

Both the positive "Flag Edge" and the negative one give step signals with high absolute

values, and the negative step signal happens at the Xth second. Such a compound signal

will satisfy the saturation block—upper bound before T and lower bound after r, and it

will be transferred by the pre-processing module into the curves we desire, which are

described by Equation (4.14).

Now the Dual-Mode Controller is completely formed:

(1) At (before) the beginning of each cycle (specified as the k^ cycle), the values of

Wstabie(fc) = wstabie(v<i(fc)), containing both «stabie_edge(fc) and «stabie_center(&), are computed

upon the linear relation in Equation (4.10) and the desired sheet temperature constant

yd{k) of the A* cycle.

(2) Then the difference between wstabie(fc) and the current heater temperature uo(k) at the

beginning of the A* cycle, that is, u0(k)-ust!lblt(k), is computed for every heater. If

u0(k) -wstable(&) of all the heating elements is smaller than the desired tolerance, then

the classical PID control mode (Mode 0) will be carried out for the fc* cycle.

Otherwise, if w0 (^)~ "stable (^) of some heater(s) exceeds the value of the desired

tolerance, then the mode of adjustment (MA, Mode 1) will be carried out for the k^


(3) The MA controller shown in Equation (4.15) and (4.16) will be activated when MA is

selected. The computed output r(k) for each heater will be applied to the external

9 To Pre -processing module of heaters

(i.e. virtual heater elements )


Page 73: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

signal source in Fig. 4.6, in order to compute ideal control signal u t(k) for every

moment t within the cycle.

The complete structure of the dual-mode controlled system is finally designed as in Fig.

4.7. Fig. 4.7 shows the dual-mode controlled system is structured as a hybrid cascade-loop syste m under the PID control mode, or a hybri d open-loo p syste m under MA,

since the inner loop of PID mode and the open loop of MA pass real-time signals, while

selection of modes and the switching point r happens at most once per cycle. The legend

is listed as follows:

(1) Colors: light green flows denote actual input signals, red flows denote actual output

signals with their feedback routes, and purple diamonds denote mode selectors.

(2) Flow patterns: Wide, hollow arrows denote values computed only once per cycle

(at/before the beginning of each cycle), and 4-line arrows denote real-time values.

I Externa l Forced Source for MA

Fig. 4.7: Block Diagram of the Dual-Mode Controlled AAA Thermoforming Machine

4.5. Experimental Results


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Now we carry out a finite-time simulation in the form of a script file, in which the desired

sheet temperature

[150, k<5 y" [170, k > 6

The temperatures are in Celsius, and k denotes the corresponding cycle number.

Upon the given ydk), the MATLAB codes (main script and MA controller function) are

provided, in which the dual mode selection part is provided within the main script file,

while the MA controller is provided within the function file called by the script.

Based on Fig. 4.7, we can design the flow charts of the expected script and the MA

controller function as Fig. 4.8:


Page 75: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

Main Script

MA Controller Module

Fig. 4.8: Flow Charts of Script and MA Controller Function


Page 76: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

Then the MATLAB codes could be easily composed following Fig. 4.8, which is attached

in the part of appendix.

Fig. 4.9 shows the results of the dual-mode control, especially the ability of switching

between the two modes according to the given tolerance.




w 30 0 -& a. 200

I -100



sheet temperatures - time plot

3000 Time (s)

heater temperatures - time plot

2000 3000 Time (s)


2000 3000 Time (s)











0 i ' • • '

mode - c

ycle plot i

i ' • • ' •






Fig. 4.9: Data Collected from a Dual-Mode Control Simulation with Fixed Kp = 14


Page 77: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

The 3rd plot shows the mode switches with time. The read marks denote when the

commands of modes are generated and become valid for the entire cycle.

It can be noticed that the examining module asks the controller to switch to MA at the

beginning of the 6th cycle (when yd changes from 150 to 170) and come back to the PID

control mode at the beginning of the next cycle. When an obvious change appears on

desired sheet temperature yd, the examining part of the program script will catch it, and

switch to the MA (mode = 1) if any of the 12 heating elements satisfies

|Mend(£)-M()'d(fc+l))|L > t o l e r a n c e • After some cycle(s), the system will switch back to

the original PID control mode (mode = 0). Since the batch production of sheets request

the heaters generally to stay between 100°C ~ 250 °C, MA lasts only one cycle in most


The dual mode controller could be improved in its yd- wend_desired linear model, as well as

the PID controller used in Mode 0. The prospective improvement will reduce the

opportunities of unnecessary mode switching caused by the actual nonlinear model and

produce smaller errors of control results (sheet temperatures) under Mode 0.


Page 78: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

Chapter 5: Miscellaneous Improvements

In Chapter 4 we established an applicable dual-mode controller, which can intelligently

switch between MA and the PID control mode according to the heater temperatures.

Nevertheless, attentive observation tells us that this initially configured dual-mode

controller is still far from perfect and needs improvements. We are about to carry on

further verification on system model and parameters' configuration of the controller in

the following Chapter 5, in order to achieve improvements on performances, especially

preciseness of control and reduction of unnecessary mode changes.

5.1. Improved Modeling of the Plant Based on Ending Output Values

Chapter 4 provides an acceptable control plan as in Fig 4.6. However, it is noticeable in

Fig. 4.6 that a 5 Celsius error exists between the experimental uend(k) and uo(k), and both

of them are expected to be equal to the corresponding wstabie(&) in Table 4.1 and Fig. 4.3,

which converts desired sheet temperatures y<i(k) into the corresponding desired

ending/beginning heater temperatures wend(&) = uo(k+l). It is still acceptable that the

difference between the experimental wend(fc) and uo(k) is within the range of the declared

tolerance; Fig 4.6 is an example of this case. Nevertheless, since we use a linear model of

plant to carry out all the experiments with a linear range centered at 150°C while the

actual oven plan is not linear, the difference between uend(k) and u0(k) will become more

obvious when desired sheet temperatures further from 150°C are needed and the system

obeys the original control plan. If the difference between u end(k) and uo(k) exceed the

tolerance, serious unexpected accidents will happen, in which case the oven works but

the efficiency of the mass production is halved and much more raw material are wasted.

Fig. 5.1 gives us an example of such accidents, where we start the dual-mode controlled

fl50, k<5 system with the desired sheet temperature y d(k) = i , and compress the


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tolerance range to ±10 °C. The temperatures are in Celsius, and k denotes the

corresponding cycle number.



— 400 CO 3 V)

8 a. E 0)





sheet temperatures - time plot



3000 Time (s)

heater temperatures - time plot

2000 3000 Time (s)

mode - cycle plo t



f i ' i T r r

5000 6000







h- 1


1 i 1 > 1 1 ^ I 1 — i < 1 r




2000 3000 Time (s)

4000 5000 6000

Fig. 5.1: Unexpected Alternation of the 2 Modes

Fig. 5.1 shows Mode 1 (MA) and Mode 0 (the classical PID mode) alternately take

control of the following cycles, which is unexpected and desired to be prevented in the


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previous work of controller design. It is directly caused by the difference between uend(7)

and w0(7) at the 7th cycle, which appears larger than the allowed tolerance (although the

ending sheet temperatures yend(7) at the end of the 7th cycle are acceptable) and cause the

functional part of mode judgment to "think" that MA should be used at that moment,

while real cases are not necessarily so.

The reason behind is discovered by further analysis: the modeling methodology

demonstrated in Fig. 4.2 is based on steady-state outputs of the oven model, yet in cycle-

to-cycle production the sheet temperature outputs sometimes seems not likely to reach the

steady state within the relatively short cycle length. In other words, the heating process

with the initial condition equal to ustabie(fc) cannot manage to drive heater temperatures

back to wstabie(fc) within one cycle in some occasions. The reasons could be classified into

2 types: (1) K p is not big enough (usually happening with large yd) so that the sheet

temperature rises somewhat slowly, or (2) Kp is too big (usually happening with small yd) so that after a big overshoot the sheet temperature cannot come back to y d on time.

Therefore, this problem could be relieved if the desired wend_desired(fc) is selected a bit

higher than uStabie(fc) when Kp is not big enough, or a bit lower than wstabie(fc) when Kp is

bigger than 14. The specific implementation comes with the following analyses of Part

5.1 and 5.2.

The specific procedures to establish such an improved converter model are:

(1) Use the PID controlled system as the prototype. Set the simulation time equal to the

cycle length (600s).

(2) Based on the experimental data in Table 4.1 and Equation (4.10), slightly change «o

and the comparative value set in the comparison block at the end of the PID controller

module, and then simulate. When the heater temperatures at the end of the cycle reach

or approach the initial values, they will be considered as desired beginning/ending

heater temperatures Ud(k).


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However, ideal Ud(k) are subject to the controller used in the closed-loop system to some

extent. In other words, different controllers have effects on Ud(k). According to the

previously known experimental results, it is necessary to reduce the proportional

coefficient K p when yd is smaller than 150 and increase Kp when yd is larger than 150.

Table 5.1 shows the results of simulations:

yd u d actua l y_end after 600s edge cente r edg e cente r

120 130


































Table 5.1: Collected Data for New Model of the Converter Module (yd -> ud)

Use ya as the horizontal axis and Ud as the vertical axis, we can plot Fig. 5.2, which

indicating the linear relationship between calibrated Ud and given yd in Table 5.1.


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Q. E t-1










Relation beween given yd and corresponding ud

i i i i i At



„ • ' ' , > - ' '

- - ' ' , • ' „ • ' , - ' '

• . ' ' ' ' . - • ' '

«' ^-' ' 150

140 (


, • ' '

, ' ' >'

i i i i

- - • - u dedge

- - • - ud cente r




120 130 140 15 0 16 0 yd - Temp . (Celsius)

170 180

Fig. 5.2: Linearity of Data Collected for the New Converter

Then a new linear relationship in Equation (5.1) could be computed using "polyfit.m", as

we have done in Part 4.2:

w, i_edge

U d_ceoter

1.2154 1.1393 y,+

8.0679 0.5071

• (5.1)

This linear relationship will be used as the new converter model in the following design



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5.2. Flexible PID Control Design

Re-modeling the converter can improve the "stability" of the converter by reducing the

difference between uo(k) and uend(k) and thus preventing the unnecessary switches to MA,

However, the system can be improved in many other places.

Now we take a detailed review at the sheet temperature curves of each cycle Fig. 4.9. In

the first 5 cycles, the curves have a slight overshoot and a relatively short stable time; yet

in the following 4 cycles, when the desired sheet temperature yd switches to 170°C and

the controller works in the PID control mode (the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th cycle), each curve keep

rising during the corresponding 600 seconds and don't have any overshoots. Moreover,

all of the ending temperatures (wend) of heaters at these cycles are lower than the desired

value 170, which means the proportional coefficient K p of the PID controller should

become larger than the original value 14 in order to reach better control results.

After some attempts, a decent Kp = 40 has been reached for the case where yd = 170. Fig.

5.3 visually compares the sheet temperature curves (one cycle) with Kp = 40 and with Kp

= 14.


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Step Respons e Curves o f Sheet Temperatures : ( 1 ) K p = 1 4 ; ( 2 ) K p = 4 0

a 10 0


- K = 14 , Centra l Senso r

K = 14 , Come r Senso r

- K = 40 , Centra l Senso r

K_ = 40 , Come r Senso r P

600 Time (s )


Fig. 5.3: Step Response Curves of Sheet Temperatures (yd = 170): (1) Kp = 14; (2) Kp = 40

From Fig. 5.3 we can calibrate the performance parameters for the two cases, which are

listed in Table 5.2:

Comparison of Performance

Kp = 14

Kp = 40


central corner central corner

Delay Time (50%)

(s) 139 150 138 148

Rise Time (10%-90%)

(s) 299 356 285 333

Settling Time (A = 2%)

(s) 537 771 446 710


Page 85: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

Table 5.2: Performance Parameters of the two Control Plans in Fig. 5.3

According to those performance parameters, it is concluded that Kp = 40 leads to better

performance compared with Kp = 14. The main reason is the overall response time has

been reduced with the new Kp = 40, especially the settling time (nearly 100s).

Use the same way to find out the other Kp respectively corresponding to the cases with yd

= 120,130,140,160, and 180, then a data list of Kp related to yd appears as Table 5.3:

Robustness Test yd and corresponding proper Kp

yd K p

120 130






3 4






Table 5.3: Performance Parameters of the two Control Plans in Fig. 5.3

It is necessary to build some certain relationship or functional model between Kp and yd, in order to realize the auto-selection of proportional parameters. Apparently, linear

models can hardly describe the relation between Kp and yd in Table 5.3; a second-order

model would be a better choice.

Use MATLAB command polyfit.m, and we can establish the second-order model below:

Kp = 0.0182y* - 4.5536yd + 287.5000 (5.2)


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Then we use MATLAB command polyval.m to generate a smooth second-order curve

according to Equation (5.2). We put both this curve and the data points in Table 5.3 in the

following Fig. 5.4, in order to examine the accuracy of the second-mode model for auto-

selection. Fig 5.4 shows the second-order relation fits well with the Kp determined from

experiments; thus the second-order relation of Equation (5.2) can be used as the criterion

of auto-selecting Kp in the rest part of the thesis.

Flexible K Relate d to Given y , p d

(Discrete Point s and Fitting Curve )

150 y . (Celsius )

Fig. 5.4: The Second-Order Curve of Flexible Kp and Data Points Used for Fitting the Curve

Redo the simulation adopting both the new converter (5.1) and the variable proportional

fl50, it<5 parameter K p selection (5.2). Upon the same reference signal y d(k) = -180, k>6


Page 87: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

improved performance appears as in Fig. 5.5, where the iinexpected alternation of the 2

modes" in Fig. 5.1 has disappeared.


55 200

8 a. E



S 40 0 J2


Q. E a)



"8 0.5



sheet temperatures - time plot

3000 Time (s)

heater temperatures - time plot

2000 300 0 Time (s)

mode - cycle plo t


2000 3000 Time (s)

I m 4000




5000 6000

Fig. 5.5: Improvement of the New Converter and the Dynamic Kp Selection

5.3. Performance Analyses & Discussion


Page 88: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

The inductive equations (5.1) and (5.2) represent all the improvement work in Part 5.1

and 5.2. Then, some tests must be carried on to examine the results of such improving

implementations and thus to determine further steps. Since that performance becomes

unsatisfactory outside the linear range of the oven model mainly displays in the form of

unexpected MA cycles, as shown in Fig. 5.1, the minimal allowable tolerance (MAT), which means the minimal tolerance preventing the system from such unexpected MA

cycles, can be used for measuring the performance of the dual-mode controlled systems.

Endow the dual-mode controlled systems represented by Fig. 4.7 with

u d_edge

U Reenter


1.1393 yd +

8.0679 0.5071

Kp = 0.0185y* -4.6510^+295.2872

And carry out the simulations for several cases where yd = 120, 130, 140, 150, 160, 170,

and 180, which can generally cover the operating range of the machine. We simulate 10

cycles for every case above, since a system not encountering problems with unexpected

MA cycle in 10 cycles can be classified as in the normal operating state. The

corresponding MATs are calibrated and collected in Table 5.4:

Robustness Test minimal allowable tolerance (in Celsius, 10 cycles)


120 130 140 150 160 170 180

Original Converter & Proportional Coefficient

-5 2 5 6 10 12 13

Improved Converter & Proportional Coefficient

1 2 2 2 2 9 8


Page 89: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

Table 5.4: Comparison of Minimal Allowable Tolerances (MATs) of Original Plan (Converter & Kp) and

Improved Plan

Table 5.4 shows that improved plan helps to reduce necessary tolerances, which means

the Ud(k) (and thus y<nd(k)) fits better. Positive tolerances mean that any tolerance with

less absolute value can cause unexpected MA cycle k, accompanying with:

w0(^)-M(i(A;)>|tolerance| (5.3)

While negative tolerances mean any tolerance with less absolute value causes such a

problem in the reverse direction:

u0 (k) - ud (k) < -|tolerance| (5.4)

More obvious contrast between the 2 group MATs (absolute values) could be obtained in

following data points and fitting curves in Fig. 5.6:


Page 90: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

Absolute Values of Minimal Allowable Tolerances (MAT) 1 4 , , 1 1 ,

Ol i i I - J I I 120 13 0 14 0 15 0 16 0 17 0 18 0

y. (Celsius)

Fig. 5.6: Comparison of Minimal Allowable Tolerances (MATs) of Original Plan (Converter & Kp) and

Improved Plan

Fig. 5.6 shows that the new converter and Kp can reduce the MAT to a rather low level

during the usual operating sheet temperature (yj) zone (140°C ~ 160°C), which reflects a

practical advantage of the new plan.

5.4. Dual-Mode Variable Cycle Control (I): Theoretical Preparation

It could be concluded from various tables and figures that the dual-mode control system,

with the help of flexible K p and improved converter, reaches a high performance level


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during the consecutive cyclic mass production process. However, it is noticeable that all

the previous research work excludes some other considerations of design because of the

limitation of the hardware; the most obvious example is that at least one whole cycle has

to be "wasted" if MA is activated upon the default design with fixed cycles. Now

research in other respects concerning the oven has made the progress about the

realization of some kind of semi-variable cycle control; that is, an operator is necessary to

decide the length of each cycle (or consecutively use the last cycle duration) before each

beginning. According to the new background, we can pay attention to the design of

automatic adjustment module of cycle length, despite the fact that the real variable cycle

control is still not technically available.

Before any specific design work, it must be realized that variable cycles are used for

saving unnecessary time from original "clumsy" MA cycles. Note that Fig. 4.4, 4.5, and

4.9 shows cycles of the classical PID mode can hardly be reduced from the current level

of 600s, since (1) it generally takes more than 560 seconds for the heater temperature to

return around the beginning temperature, and (2) in the PID control mode the control

results must be guaranteed. Now the variable cycle design could be explicated as the

design of shortening MA cycles while fixing the PID mode cycle duration to 600s.

In addition, we need to set up a Boolean value to examine which of the two fix-shaped

curves (the rising or the descendent one) should be adopted; this value is updated every

MA cycle with the name "submode". The case that submode = 1 denotes the rising curve

should be adopted, while the opposite case denotes the descendent curve should be used.

Refer to Equation (4.15) and (4.16), the new MA controller regarding uncertain cycle

period TV and the submode of the current cycle could be defined in the form of:

(submode(k), TV(k)) = fv (u0(k), y d (k)) with equivalent form

^ ( * ) = K , ¥ ( * ) = / ; ( « O ( * ) . yAV) (5-5)



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(submode(k), Tv(k)) = gv(u0(k), u d(k)) = gv(u0(k), u d 0 (k))

with equivalent form

K«»(*) = KrT(*) = £"("(>(*)' u d(k)) = 8uv(u0(k), u d 0 (k)) (5.6)

Here f", g" , and rv indicate that those variables or functions are related to variable cycle.

Please note that not all the cycles has a TV; TV is valid only in MA cycles.

Besides, changeable cycle duration actually weakens the inherent of cyclic control. It

makes the operator free to set up yd (thus Ud), which can also immediately become valid

at any time point based on the variable cycle design. The form u d0 emphasizes that rv of

each MA cycle only depends on Ud read at the beginning of that cycle. If a new yd (ud) is

given during a cycle (when the time index is t), and \u d -ut\ is outside the range bounded

by the given tolerance, the controller in the form of (5.5) or (5.6) will

(1) Terminate the current cycle;

(2) Re-compute new xv\ (3) Begin a new MA cycle.

All of the three steps take place concurrently.

Upon the redefinition above, curve expression equation (4.14) could be rewritten for the

new MA controller. Define the form g~) according to the function gv in Equation (5.6),



Page 93: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

ut(k) = gv^(u0(k), '(*). submode(k))

<Tauu5'(u0 -600) + 600,0<t<tv (submodel) = 1) (5.7) or

-0.0018,, 100 , . 100 ut = e-°uul8'(M0 - — ) + — , 0<t<rv(submode(k) = 0) (5.8)

Here t(k) denotes the f* second from the beginning of the MA cycle with the index k. Note that (5.7) and (5.8) do not become activated concurrently. At the beginning of each

MA cycle, the relation between M0 and u d=ud(yd) will be examined. If wo is smaller than

Ud, Equation (5.7) will be adopted so as to reduce u to Ud at the time point xv; otherwise,

Equation (5.8) will be adopted to raise u to Ud at rv.

Then the MATLAB optimal toolbox command "fsolve.m" can be applied to compute xv

as the same way in Chapter 4, following the way of solving an equivalent optimization

problem in Part 4.4. The corresponding optimization problem has the form as Equation


ut(k)-ud 0(*) = 0 (5.9)

uT{k) = 8v,riu0{k), T v(k), submodel))

However, since mono-exponential curves replace dual-exponential curves and become

the MA control output, it is simpler and more dependable to use the command "log.m"

instead, which carries out natural logarithmic computation.

The whole structure of the variable cycle control system could still follow Fig. 4.7; the

meaning of t(k) changes to TV, however.

Next, an experiment is carried out upon the improved variable cycle control system with

a continuous input yd signal.


Page 94: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

5.5. Dual-Mod e Variabl e Cycl e Contro l (II) : Visualize d Real-Tim e Commands & Logical Design of Variable Cycles

It is possible to draw a conclusion at the theoretical stage from Part 5.1-5.4. Compared

with its counterparts in Chapter 4, the current simulation design requests some new

elements: real-time commands, variable cycles, auto-detection and response of change on

input signals, as well as monotypic curves for MA cycles. Since the variable cycle

periods depend on both the real-time input commands, which totally depends on the

operator's desire, it is difficult to combine those functions with the existing MATLAB

script file. In contrast with that, Simulink functional blocks can read and write data

from/to the workspace for MATLAB in the memory at any time during any (call of)

cycles, and thus it is appropriate to realize the new functions by adding blocks or

structurally changing the existing Simulink diagram of the dual mode control system.

Considering the special characteristics of the Simulink blocks and connections, we should


(1) A visualized input signal (yd) source;

(2) A functional block of auto-detecting the changes of yd and determining whether to

stop the current cycle;

(3) A new forced signal source block for open-loop control during the MA cycles.

Now we start to give detailed instructions from the beginning. The following y<i(0 upon

the time axis is given in order to simulate the occasion that the desired sheet temperature

is adjusted with real-time operations.

yd(t) = 150, ?<1300 170, 1300<r<1350 (5.10) 140, f>1350


Page 95: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

Obviously such a yd is not limited to the bounds of any known cycles, which is

completely different from the yd used in the last chapter. Since the essence of the

MATLAB main script file is calling one-time simulation with the command "sim" once

per cycle, the ya described in Equation (5.10) should be represented as a part of the

Simulink block diagram instead of staying in the script program file. In fact, this

modification meets the "decoupling" principle of system engineering.

Visualize the yd in (5.10) with Simulink elements as the block diagram in Fig. 5.7:

e-^i Clock A

Cumula until the enc


ed tote of the

^ ) L .

Itime last cycle


triaaer time II


* :\

H v Switch


complex signa l ±( WK



Fig. 5.7: Simulink Diagram Used for Simulating the Input yd Signal of Equation (5.10)

In this block diagram, the clock counts the time from the beginning of the cycle to the

current moment, while the constant block cumulates the time from the beginning of the

entire simulation to the end of the last cycle. Therefore, the sum of them both actually

functions as uninterrupted timing from the beginning of the simulation, and it helps to

accomplish all the switching movements of yd by giving thresholds to the two switches.

Then, we switch to the design of detecting changes on yd and breaking off a cycle. At first,

note the length of cycles in PID control mode is 600s, which is considered as the


Page 96: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

"natural" cycle length of the Simulink block diagram system. As is expected in Part 5.4,

"unnatural" discontinuance of a cycle only happens when a new yd (ud) is given during

the current cycle (with cyclic-internal time index t), and the current heater temperatures

Ud satisfies that \u d -ut\ is outside the range bounded by the given tolerance. Besides, in

general cases TV of MA cycles is shorter than 600s, which also require the system break

from cycles with a default duration of 600s.

Gathering those requirements and conditions above, we conclude conditions for the

system to break out of the current cycle:

(1) A new yd is given, and \u d - w, | < tolerance, where Ud is decided by the new given yd;


(2) The system is in a MA cycle, and the current cyclic-internal time has reached xv.

Following these logical relations, we can design the functional block diagram of auto-

detecting yd and "unnaturally" discontinue a cycle as in Fig. 5.8.


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Stop Simulation


To Workspace

Fig. 5.8: Simulink Diagram Used for detecting changes on yd and deciding whether to exit the current cycle

In Fig. 5.8, the magenta, orange and green tags (in the order from up to down, below the

most upper blue tag "Abort Simulation Module") represent all the cases necessary for

composing such logical relations. The block of time unit delay is used for endowing the

state that "a new yd is given" with an accurate definition of \yd (t) - y d(t-1)1 > 0.5, and

the switch on this route prevents the potential error of invalidyd(t-l) when t = 0. The

other switch treats the maximum value of the 12 dimensioned (for 12 vectors) vector TV as

the threshold value; changes (from 1 to 0) on the output of that switch represents that the

system judges that the current MA cycle has finished. If a cycle is interrupted for the

reasons above through the "Stop Simulation" output, the end value of the time-based

vector "BreakSimulation" is 1. Such a value of each cycle is collected for statistical uses

and one of the stop conditions of the whole simulation process.


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As for the design of new forced signal source block for open-loop control during the MA

cycles, the variable "submode", deciding if the system should choose rising curve or

descending curve, should be adopted as the threshold value to switch between the

positive step and negative step used in Fig. 4.6. Besides, it is important to notice that xv

generally varies from heater to heater. It would not like to cause problems in fixed cycle

control, since that would generate neither variation on cycle time or new cycles; however,

the case is totally different in variable cycle control. Those heaters arriving at their

corresponding Ud earlier will keep tracking the pre-determined rising or descendent curve,

when no restriction is posed; it will cause extra deviations from Ud for these heaters at the

end of the cycle. In order to prevent this case, 12 switches are added with thresholds

valued as xv(n) for the /1th (n ranges from 1 to 12) heaters; if the actual temperature of

some heater reaches Ud but others do not, the switching function can keep the temperature

of that heater sticks to Ud until the break-off of this MA cycle.

Fig. 5.9 shows both the entire forced signal source block for open-loop control in MA

cycles and a decoupled version only regarding one heater.


Page 99: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

Q > tao{n) is used as the threshold value

to generate rising curve Flag Edge

Flag Edge 1

generate descendant curve

( 2 ) -

W _ ! I Switc h

r v j


M e

e 7M


Switch 11

Switch 2

m m

m te

• X D 0ut1

3& ^



Page 100: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

heater de s

u d 1

clock_in_cycle tao is used as the threshold value

to generate rising curve

Flag Edge m to generate descendant curve

Flag Edge 1

m Switch 1

- K J D Output Signal



Fig 5.9: (1) Forced Signal Source for Open-Loop Control in MA Cycles (Variable Cycle Design)

(2) Decoupled Version (One Heater) of the Signal Source

The two functional blocks in Fig. 5.8 and Fig. 5.9 are connected in a way presented in Fig.

5.10, in which the 2 blocks are colored in red. In Fig 5.10 the rightmost block represents

heaters, and the output of this block is actual temperatures of heaters. The signals coming

from the bottom and flowing to the 2 sum blocks denote the real-time sheet temperatures.

So far, the Simulink block design for variable cycle control has been finished. The next

step will focus on the MATLAB script, which calls the simulation command of the

Simulink block diagram in a certain way.


Page 101: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

actual heater lempsratures

Lead Controllers Initia l Heaters Temp

Fig 5.10: Connection of the 2 functional blocks marked in red

5.6. Dual-Mode Variable Cycle Control (III): Design of MATLAB Script

and Simulation Analysis

Following nearly the same way as in Part 4.5, we hereby begin preparing for a simulation,

which still succeed the form of a script file that runs the Simulink block diagram once per

cycle and an MA controller function.

Based on the data-flow diagram Fig 4.7, and all the design work above in Chapter 5, we

make slight modifications to the original flow charts of the script and the MA controller

function of the fixed-cycle, fixed K p dual-mode control, and then achieve an updated

version of flow charts of them both as Fig. 5.11. The codes are attached in the appendix.


Page 102: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

Main Script

mode = 0

< ' |uO(k)-u_d(k)|>toleranc e " •


Compute NewKp

mode = 1!

MA Controller selection 01


Call the simulation of Simulink md l file

Update Data. Cumulate Cyc.e

Information. Expand the Time Axis

MA Controlle r Module

/( S t 3 r t ) /

/ Rea d / / inpu t /

/ variable s /

/ Y / / \ / /

submode = 1

" Compute tau_v for rising curve


: " .


jm ^> N


sufenode=0 '

" Compute tau_v for descendant'


Draw Plots

f .Eric f \ )

Fig. 5.11: How Charts of Script and MA Controller Function for Variable Cycle and Variable PID Control


Page 103: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

Use the signal indicated in Equation (5.10), that is

yd(t) = 150, r<1300 170, 1300<*<1350 140, r>1350

as the input signal during the entire simulation process, the output data and the switch of

modes are clearly shown in the output figure (Fig. 5.12) as results, which is similar to Fig.

4.9 and Fig. 5.5.


Page 104: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

desired sheet temperatures - time plot

1 1

1 1

I I I ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I ' 1 1 1 1

1 i i I

1 »



1000 150 0 200 0 Time (s)

actual sheet temperature s - time plo t


1500 2000 Time (s)

actual heate r temperatures - time plo t

1000 150 0 200 0 Time (s)

mode - time plo t • • - n • 1 —


3000 3500


3000 3500

500 1000 1500 200 0 Time (s)

2500 3000 3500

Fig. 5.12: Data Collected from a Dual-Mode Control Simulation with variable cycles and Kp, as well as the

Instant Response Mechanism


Page 105: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

It could be clearly found that Fig. 5.12 shows the ability of switching between the two

modes and extending or shortening the current cycle period according to both the given

tolerance and the commands from the operator, which makes Fig 5.12 different from Fig.

4.9 and Fig. 5.5. The thought of comparing the input of desired sheet temperatures and

the output data in the same time scale is applied to examine if the ability of immediate

response of the system appears as expected and the cycle lengths are able to be flexible to

the given commands.

In Fig 5.12, we use a temperature of 0°C to represent that no plastic sheets are heated

during any MA cycles. It shows clearly that the 1st cycle is an MA cycle, because the

initial heater temperature of the first cycle, «o(l), is determined to equal to 27°C as a fully

cooled down temperature. Please notice that the first cycle improves the performance by

only taking up 68 seconds rather than 600s in the fixed cycle design; the reason is that

MA cycles of variable cycle design expect to adjust the heater to the desired temperature

in the possible shortest time, while the MA cycles of fixed cycle design expect to adjust

the heater to the desired temperature at the end of the 600th second. Besides, the system

gives response immediately (reflecting in the actual heater temperatures and the switch of

the mode) to the 2 changes in yd, which respectively happens at 1300s and 1350s: At

1300s, the current PHD control cycle ends and is replaced with a MA cycle; at 1350s, that

MA cycle ends and is replaced with a new MA cycle. Afterwards, the system recovers to

work with yd = 140. All these above indicate the current control plan is mature and robust

enough under the real mass production circumstance.


Page 106: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

Chapter 6: Summary & Future Work

In summary, the prototype of actuator and reduction of the excursions of heaters (Chapter

3), the design of a fixed-cycle dual-mode system producing sheets cyclically (Chapter 4),

and miscellaneous improvements of the system designed above (Chapter 5) have been all

realized and generated satisfying experimental results. The summary and future plans are

conducted within the following subtopics.

6.1. Summary

After experiments and simulations, we can conclude that the past research work is orderly

and logically organized from Chapter 3 to Chapter 6, as is described in the next 4

paragraphs, based on the knowledge of the general research background listed in Chapter

1 and the heater temperature-sheet temperature modeling work demonstrated in Chapter 2.

Chapter 3: Find out the prototype of the actuator and its limitation of response speed.

Insert a preprocessing module before the plant model so as to optimize the setpoint

curves and to reduce the limitation of hardware to its minimum. Theoretical analysis of

the function of the preprocessing module is also conducted.

Chapter 4: Design a dual-mode cascade control system with fixed cycle. The 2 modes are

the normal PID control mode (Mode 0) and the mode of adjustment (Mode 1). The 2

calibrated outputs are: (a) real-time monitored sheet temperatures; (b) sheet temperatures

measured at the end of each cycle, which is used for decide whether to switch between

the modes. The TILC model for the AAA machine by G. Gauthier and B. Boulet[25] is an

important reference, while the current topic has developed further by adopting control

signal (heater temperature) varying in cycle. The designed system characters that: at the

end of each fixed cycle, the system will decide its mode; if not all of the heat

temperatures (u^ik)) are within the tolerant range, which centered at the desired values


Page 107: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

ud (k+V) derived from the desired sheet temperature y d (k +1) by the converting module,

the system will switch to the adjustment mode, and the main task of the following (k+lf1

cycle is to adjust heater temperatures to the desired values ud (k +1).

Chapter 5(1): Improve the system designed in Chapter 4 with a more suitable converting

module ( y d(k)->ud(k) ) and a flexible PID controller, in order to reduce the

incompatible effect brought about by the nonlinearity.

Chapter 5 (2): According to the real process of control and the preference of instant

response to given commands, redesign a dual-mode cascade control system with variable

cycle, which can automatically adjust heater temperatures immediately bearing new

commands given by the operator. Critical modification of Simulink block diagrams and

MATLAB codes is made to simulate the effect of instant responses, including the

introduction of an abort-simulation module, the change of the forced signal selection

module for the mode of adjustment, and the change of the real-time input signal (yd (t) ).

Finally, the system will respond immediately upon any modified desired sheet

temperature command and change its mode if it is necessary; the length of each adjusting

cycle is computed for its minimal value.

6.2. Future Work

The previous research has posed a feasible continuous control plan from sketchy

definitions of functional modules to detailed connections of every Simulink component;

however, it is still far from perfect. There is still much room of improvement, which will

enhance the computer control system by removing its bottlenecks if realized.

Design work in Chapter 4 ~ 5 is based on the coordination of PID control mode and

mode of adjustment; if the ending heater temperature of a cycle u end {k) deviates from the

desired value u d(k+l) for the next cycle, which is computed from the given sheet


Page 108: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

temperature setpoint y d (k+1), the mode of adjustment will become valid until the end of

the (k+l)^ cycle. That mode is designed for only adjusting heater temperatures rather

than considering any temperature change within the sheet in the oven, however; thus,

mode of adjustment will waste more or less plastic materials, and the current research

result of the dual-mode system is not economical enough. One possible solution is to

design amore complex algorithm (u t(k + l),T(k + l)) = f(uend(k),yend(k)) while abandon

the concept of modes. Compared with the dual-mode control strategy with flexible cycles,

this algorithm will decide the trend of the sheet temperature curve besides the ending

heater temperature u^ik+1) and the cycle time, in order to force the sheet temperature

to catch its setpoint at the end of the (k+ly* cycle, namely y md(k+l) = yd(k+l). From

the analysis above we can determine: if it works well, it is expected to theoretically lead

to zero material loss.

The previous research work is carried out under the presumption that all the heaters and

sensors work normally as expected. However, damage of any heater or mal-calibration

via any sensor because of hardware reasons will probably generate wrong curves and thus

lead to the loss of accurate data. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce some mechanism

of fault detection and solution. As a branch of technology, fault detection is generated

and improved for detecting the reason of systematic failure or anticipating possible faults.

The classification of fault detection depends on its basis; for example, it can be divided

into 3 types according to the cause of faults: parametric, nonparametric, and combined

diagnosis, while it can also be divided into observer and neural network detection

according to the method of diagnosis. The results of theoretical and experimental efforts

above have opened the possibility for designing a fault detection function. Since both the

problems with heaters (miscalibration of system states) and those with sensors

(miscalibration of system outputs) belong to the nonparametric type, it is expected to

realize satisfactory fault detection results through only a reliable observer.


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7.1. MATLAB Codes

(1) Fixed Cycle and Fixed PID Control

a) the main script of cycle-to-cycle simulation

* o " o " o " 5 * o o ' o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ' S ' 5 * 5 " o " 5 " o o " o ' 6 o o " o o o o ' 6 o o o o o o " o o o o o o o o o o o o o o

% script of cycle-to cycle control with dual mode controller % Q. Q .

*S "6

% A u t h o r : Shuonan Yang % "15 "o " 6 " o " o " o o O O " O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O * S " S " S " O " 5 " 5 " 5 ' O ' O " S " O O ' O ' S O O O O ' O O ' ^ O O ' O ' O ' O O O O O O O O O O O

c l e a r ; c l c ; run Sensitivity_Matrix;

CycleLength = 600; % length of each cycle CycleNum = 10; % numbers of cycles during the simulation tolerance = 15; % tolerance

Tdes=150; % desired sheet surface temperature heater_initial=27*ones(1,12) ; air_initial=27; % the initial values at the beginning of the first cycle, the oven starts % at a cold state.

t i m e _ c y c l e s t a r t = l ; t i m e _ t o t a l = [ ] ; T r _ t o t a l = [ ] ; T v _ t o t a l = [ ] ; h e a t e r _ t o t a l = [ ] ; a i r _ t o t a l = [ ] ; T e - [ ] ; H e = [ ] ; M_time=[] ; M= [ ] ;

for N=l:CycleNum Tdes_cycle=Tdes; heater_stable_edge = 1.075 * Tdes_cycle + 22.3510; heater_stable_centre = 0.989 * Tdes_cycle + 20.5629; heater_stable = ...

[heater_stable_edge, heater_stable_centre, ...


Page 110: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

heater_stable_edge, heater_stable_edge, .. . heater_stable_centre, heater_stable_edge, .. . heater_stable_edge, heater_stable_centre, .. . heater_stable_edge, heater_stable_edge, .. . heater_stable_centre, heater_stable_edge];

% compute the desired final value heater temperature according to % the linear model and the value of the current desired sheet % temperatures

% mode examination and auto-switching if norm(heater_initial-heater_stable,inf) > tolerance

% initial heater temp, detection: inside tolerance range or not mode=l; % mode of adjustment, available when heater_initial i s far from % heater_stable for n = 1 : 12

tau(n)= hccomp(heater_initial(n),... heater_stable(n) , CycleLength);

% MA controller: tau(k)=f(uk(0), us, T); end

else mode=0;


sim('AAA_DualController'); % simulate the ith cycle

% make records of the data of the previous cycles to use in the % newest cycle and to draw the plots Tr_initial=Tr.signals.values(end,:); Tv_initial=Tv.signals.values(end, :) ; heater_initial=heaters.signals.values(end,:); air_initial=air.signals.values(end, :) ; time_total=[time_total; heaters.time(2:end,:)+...

time_total(end)*ones(size(heaters.time(2:end, :)))]; time_cyclestart=[time_cyclestart; time_total(end)+1]; % start point of the NEXT cycle Tr_total=[Tr_total;Tr.signals.values(2:end,:)]; Tv_total=[Tv_total;Tv.signals.values(2:end, :)] ; heater_total=[heater_total; heaters.signals.values(2rend,:)]; air_total=[air_total; air.signals.values(2:end,:)];

% save the corresponding values at the end of each cycle Te=[Te; [Tr.signals.values(end,: ) Tv.signals.values(end,:)]]; He=[He; heaters.signals.values(end, :)]; M_time=[M_time; mode*ones(size(heaters.time(2:end,:)))]; M=[M; mode] ;

% change yd after 5 cycles, as the yd in subtopic 5.1 and 5. 2 % varies, if N == 5

Tdes=170; end



Page 111: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

% sheet temperatures - time plot subplot(3,1,1); p l o t ( t i m e _ t o t a l , T r _ t o t a l , ' r - ' , t i m e _ t o t a l , Tv_ to t a l , ' b — ' ) t i t l e ( ' s h e e t t empera tu res - t ime p l o t ' ) ; x l abeK 'T ime (s) ') ; ylabel('Temp. (Celsius) 1); grid on

% heater temperatures - time plot subplot(3,1,2) ; p l o t ( t i m e _ t o t a l , h e a t e r _ t o t a l ) t i t l e ( ' h e a t e r t empera tures - t ime p l o t ' ) ; x l abeK 'T ime (s) ') ; ylabel('Temp. (Celsius)') ; grid on

% mode - cycle plot subplot(3,1,3); time_cyclestart=time_cyclestart(l:end-l) ; plot(time_total,M_time); hold on; plot(time_cyclestart,M,'o'); hold off; title('mode - cycle plot') ; xlabel('Time (s)') ; ylabel('Mode');

b) MA controller function

9-9-9-9-9-2-9-2-2-9-&-S-9-2-9-2-2-9-9-9-2-2-2-9-9-S-9-9'9'2--9-2-9-9-9-9-S-9-2-9-S-B-2-" 5 " S " S * S " o " o " S " o " o o " o o " 5 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ' o o o ' o o o o o o o o o o o o o

% Mode of Adjustment: controller function %

% Author: Shuonan Yang % 'S"o"o"o"o^5'o*o'o*o'o'o"o"o"o'5"5"5"o"o*o"o'o"o"o G"6"5"5^5'5"O'O'6'O"5'6'5'5'5"5'O' O

function tau = hccomp (ui , us, T)

% two special cases: only rising/descendent curv e exists ui_min=fsolve(@(ui_min)exp(-0.005*T)*(ui_min-600)+600-US,40); % rising ui_max=fsolve(@(ui_max)exp(-0.0018*T)*(ui_max-100/3)+100/3-us,400); % descendent

if u i <= ui_min % rising curve, tau = T tau = T;

elseif ui >= ui_max % descendent curve, tau = 0 tau = 0;

else % dual exponential curve, 0 < tau <T tau = fsolve(@(tau)exp(-0.0018*1)*(ui-600)*exp(-0.0032*tau)...

+ exp(-0.0018*T)*(1700/3)*exp(0.0018*tau) + 100/3 - us, 100) ; % use fsolve.m (optima l toolbox) to solve the non-linear equation % f(tau,ui,T)-us=0, which is dual exponential.


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(2) Variable Cycle and Variable PID Control

a) the main script of cycle-to-cycle simulation


% script of variable cycle control with dual mode controller % g, _ _ Q .

% Author: Shuonan Yang % ^^^^^^^^*6"o"o'5'o"6"o''6'5'o'5*o"o',6'o'o''o',o'"5"o'o"o''o'o'o ° o "o "o 'o o o o o o o o o'5'o'o"o*o"o"o"o o o o o"o o o o

clear; clc; run Sensitivity_Matrix ;

% CycleLengt h = 600 ; % length o f eac h cycl e CycleNum_des = 40 ; % desired th e maximal numbe r o f cycle s CycleNum_ModeO_des = 4 ; %- desired th e maximal numbe r o f cycle s i n PID mod e tolerance = 10;

heater_initial=27*ones(1,12) ; air_initial=27; % th e initia l value s a t th e beginnin g o f th e firs t cycle , th e ove n % start s a t a cold state .

time_cyclestart=l; time_total=0; time_end=[] ; N_mode0 = 0 ; N = 0 ;

Tdes_total=150*ones(1,10); Tr_total=[]; Tv_total=[] ; heater_total=[] ; air_total=[] ; Te=[]; He=[]; M_time=[]; M= [ ] ;

% Se t independen t variable s K p an d Kp_las t t o prevent th e varyin g % proportiona l paramete r fro m being affecte d b y othe r operation s Kp_last = P ;

while (N<CycleNum_des)&&(N_mode 0 < CycleNum_Mode0_des ) .% set boundar y condition s fo r both tota l cycl e numbe r an d PI D cycl e % numbe r


Page 113: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

Tdes_cycle = Tdes_total(end); heater_des_edge.= 1.2154 * Tdes_cycle + 8.0679; heater_des_centre = 1.1393 * Tdes_cycle + 0.5071; heater_des = ...

[heater_des_edge, heater_des_centre, heater_des_edge, .. . heater_des_edge, heater_des_centre, heater_des_edge, .. . heater_des_edge, heater_des_centre, heater_des_edge, .. . heater_des_edge, heater_des_centre, heater_des_edge];

% compute the desired final value heater temperature according to % the linear model and the value of the current desired sheet % temperatures

% mode examination and auto-switching if norm(heater_initial-heater_des,inf) > tolerance

% initial heater temp, detection: inside tolerance range or not mode=l; % mode of adjustment, available when heater_initial is far from % heater_stable Kp=Kp_last; for n = 1 : 12

[submode(n), tau(n)] = ... hccomp_variablecycle(heater_initial(n), heater_des(n));

% MA controller: tau(k)=f (uk (0), us, T) ; end

else mode=0; Kp=polyval([0.0182 -4.5536 287.5000],Tdes_cycle); 1=0; D=0; % flexible closed-loop PID controller: second-order model of % yd-Kp curv e


% simulate the Nth cycle sim('AAA_DualVariableCycleController') ;

% save the data read from workspace % make records of the data of the previous cycles to use in % the newest cycle and to draw the plots Tr_initial=Tr.signals.values(end, :) ; Tv_initial=Tv.signals.values(end,:); heater_initial=heaters.signals.values(end,:); air_initial=air.signals.values(end, :) ; time_total=[time_total; heaters.time(2:end,:)+...

time_total(end)*ones(size(heaters.time(2:ehd,:)))]; time_cyclestart=[time_cyclestart; time_total(end)+1]; % start point of the NEXT cycle time_end=[time_end; time_total(end)];

Tdes_total=[Tdes_total;Input.signals.values(2:end,:)]; heater_total=[heater_total; heaters.signals.values(2:end,:)]; air_total=[air_total; air.signals.values(2:end,:)]; % use zero Celsius to indicate that no sheet is placed in the oven % during MA cycles. Tr_total=[Tr_total;(mode==0)*Tr.signals.values(2:end,:)]; Tv_total=[Tv_total; (mode==0)*Tv.signals.values(2:end, :)] ;


Page 114: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

% save the corresponding values concerning the end of each cycle Te=[Te; [Tr.signals.values(end,: ) Tv.signals.values(end,:)]]; He=[He; heaters.signals.values(end,:)]; M_time=[M_time; mode*ones(size(heaters.time(2 rend,:)))]; M=[M; mode] ;

Kp_last = Kp;

N_modeO = N_modeO + (-mode)*(~BreakSimulation(end)) ; % accumulate the number of PID cycles N=N+1;


time_total=time_total(2:end,:); Tdes_total=Tdes_total(2:end, :) ;

% desired heater temperatures input - time plot subplot(4,1,1); plot(time_total, Tdes_total); title('desired shee t temperatures - time plot'); xlabel('Time (s)') ; ylabel('Temp. (Celsius)') ; grid on

% sheet temperatures - time plot subplot(4,1,2); plot(time_total, Tr_total, 'r-' , time_total, Tv_total, ' b — ' ) ; title ('actual sheet temperatures - time plot'); xlabel('Time (s)') ; ylabel('Temp. (Celsius)') ; grid on

% heater temperatures - time plot subplot(4,1,3); plot(time_total, heater_total); title ('actual heater temperatures - time plot'); xlabel('Time (s)') ; ylabel('Temp. (Celsius)') ; grid on

% mode - cycle plot subplot(4,1,4); time_cyclestart=time_cyclestart(1:end-1) ; plot(time_total,M_time); hold on; plot(time_cyclestart,M,'o'); hold off; title('mode - time plot'); xlabel('Time (s)') ; ylabel('Mode');

b) MA controller function


Page 115: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

% Mode of Adjustment: controller function % Q, _ _ Q .

"5 * 5

% Author: Shuonan Yang % 9-9-9-° 9-9-9-9-9-S-2-S-9-2-9-9-9-9-9-9-S-2-9-9-S-S-9-9-9-9-9-2-S-9-9-2-9-Q-9-9-9-9-9-'o'o o o *5 "5 "5 "6 "5 o 0*0 o o o "6 "5 "6 o 0*0 o o o o o "o "5 "S "6 "o o o o o o o o "6 *5 "5 "6 *5

function [submode , tau] = hccomp_variablecycle (ui , ud)

if u i < ud % rising curve submode = 1; tau = log((ud-600)/(ui-600))/(-0.005); % ud == exp(-0.005*tau)*(ui-600)+60 0

elseif ui >= ud % descendent curv e submode = 0; tau = log((ud-100/3)/(ui-100/3))/(-0.0018); % ud == exp(-0.0018*tau)*(ui-100/3)+100/ 3


if tau > 600 tau = 600; % Iud(600)-ut(600) I coul d be examined at the beginning of the next % cycle,.thus the MA cycle with tau > 600 could be separated into % two or more cycles,


7.2. Quantitative Computation of the View Factor Matrix1281

The parameters in this section must be well defined to be able to generate a sensitivity

matrix F, or the left-upper part FUpper due to the symmetry. These parameters include

locations of the heating zones and IR sensors as well as a. reference frame. For this

particular case, the origin will be at the front left heating zone (#4 in Fig. El) to assure

that all entries will be positive. The height z is defined as the distance between the

heating zones and the sheet surface (z = 16 cm in AAA oven). The IR sensors are located

slightly higher than the heating zones (20cm). The resulting temperature measurement on

the surface of the sheet therefore has an area of 2cm2 (respecting the 10:1 distance to spot



Page 116: Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on … · Cycle-to-Cycle Control of Plastic Sheet Heating on the AAA Thermoforming Machine

Fig. El: Referential frame

Table El and Table E2 show the coordinates for the IR sensors spots and the heating

zones respectively.

Table El: Coordinates of the IR sensors spots


I R :

















2" 55






29 55





Table E2: Coordinates of the heating zones

/one 1

Zone 2

Zone 3

Zone 4

Zone 5

Zone 6

t\ 0






*9 -







ni 30.6













The view factors detailed above generates the sub-matrix F,


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F = upper

"0.0467 0.2391 0.0467 0.0467 0.2391 0.0467" 0.0226 0.0226 0.0062 0.2526 0.2526 0.0175 0.0062 0.0226 0.0226 0.0175 0.2526 0.2526 0.0175 0.2526 0.2526 0.0062 0.0226 0.0226 0.2526 0.2526 0.0175 0.0226 0.0226 0.0062


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