cyclic universe

THE CYCLIC UNIVERSE Summary: This paper is an analysis of how the Universe as a whole and the realm of the particles of an atom are related by mean of simple equations. It is also an intent to find the numerical relations among the coupling constants of the four forces of Nature and how they change with time. CHAPTER 1 THE LINKS OF THE MICROCOSMS WITH THE MACROCOSMS This paper is an analysis of how the Universe as a whole and the realm of the particles of an atom are related by mean of simple equations. It is also an intent to find the numerical relations among the coupling constants of the four forces of Nature. The paper is an abstract of a larger one that I wrote about these topics, and in many cases I won't extent on the explanations so I will keep it short. 1.- Without wanting to deep in a topic of which I am not an expert, it is necessary to speak about some items related with the Quantum Mechanics. One of the most interesting aspects of the Quantum Mechanics is without a doubt the principle of uncertainty, which, tells us that it is not possible to know or measure the position and the speed of a particle at the same time , since the total certainty in one of those parameters simultaneously means the total uncertainty of the other. One of the forms in which this principle comes it is the following: DE . Dt> h That means that the product in the uncertainty(D) of the energy E and the uncertainty(D) in the time t should be the same or bigger than the constant "h". h is the Plank's constant, and has a value of 6.626e-27 erg-seg . The concept is not easy to understand, it means that if a measurement of the energy of a particle with an uncertainty DE is made zero, an infinite time will be required to measure it, but it could happen that it is possible obtain energy out of nothing provided that it disappear at the time considered in this principle. This is not just a theory ,they are experimentally proven facts. Another form of seeing the principle is in this way; Dl . D mv > h It means that the product of the uncertainty in the position of a particle (Dl) and the uncertainty on the impulse D mv should be bigger or equal to h. For example, let us suppose that we make an experiment in order to measure the position of an electron in a system of coordinates with a certain precision, the single fact of making this measurement alters the state of movement of the electron making more uncertain the precision of the measurement of the speed of it. Because of this we can associate a particle with certain amount of impulse " mv " with a longitude " l " which is known as the wave length of the particle. In the case in which the left side of the previous equation is exactly equal to h as the same principle permits, we even could continue associating the particle with a proper wave length provided that we take the speed as the speed of t light C. l = h/mC well-known as Compton wave length Consider that if we divided both members of this last equation by C we will obtain that; l / C = h/mC^2

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This is an exploration of the possible Cyclic Universe as well as the relations between the four forces of nature.


THECYCLI CUNI VERSE Summar y: Thi spaper i sananal ysi sof howt heUni ver seasawhol eandt her eal m of t hepar t i cl esof anat omar er el at edbymeanof si mpl eequat i ons. I t i sal soan i nt ent t of i ndt henumer i cal r el at i onsamongt hecoupl i ngconst ant sof t hef ourf or cesof Nat ur eandhowt heychangewi t ht i me.CHAPTER1 THELI NKSOFTHEMI CROCOSMSWI THTHEMACROCOSMS Thi spaper i sananal ysi sof howt heUni ver seasawhol eandt her eal mof t he par t i cl esof anat omar er el at edbymeanof si mpl eequat i ons. I t i sal soani nt ent t o f i ndt henumer i cal r el at i onsamongt hecoupl i ngconst ant sof t hef our f or cesofNat ur e.Thepaper i sanabst r act of al ar ger onet hat I wr ot eabout t heset opi cs, andi n manycasesI won' t ext ent ont heexpl anat i onssoI wi l l keepi t shor t .1. - Wi t hout want i ngt odeepi nat opi cof whi chI amnot anexper t , i t i snecessar yt o speakabout somei t emsr el at edwi t ht heQuant umMechani cs.Oneof t hemost i nt er est i ngaspect sof t heQuant umMechani csi swi t hout adoubtt hepr i nci pl eof uncer t ai nt y, whi ch, t el l sust hat i t i snot possi bl et oknowormeasur et heposi t i onandt hespeedof apar t i cl eat t hesamet i me, si ncet het ot alcer t ai nt yi noneof t hosepar amet er ssi mul t aneousl ymeanst het ot al uncer t ai nt yoft heot her . Oneof t hef or msi nwhi cht hi spr i nci pl ecomesi t i st hef ol l owi ng: DE.Dt >hThat meanst hat t hepr oduct i nt heuncer t ai nt y( D) of t heener gyEandt he uncer t ai nt y( D) i nt het i met shoul dbet hesameor bi gger t hant heconst ant "h". hi s t hePl ank' sconst ant , andhasaval ueof 6. 626e- 27er g- seg. Theconcept i snoteasyt ounder st and, i t meanst hat i f ameasur ement of t heener gyof apar t i cl ewi t h anuncer t ai nt yDEi smadezer o, ani nf i ni t et i mewi l l ber equi r edt omeasur ei t , but i tcoul dhappent hat i t i spossi bl eobt ai nener gyout of not hi ngpr ovi dedt hat i tdi sappear at t het i meconsi der edi nt hi spr i nci pl e. Thi si snot j ust at heor y, t heyar e exper i ment al l ypr ovenf act s. Anot her f or mof seei ngt hepr i nci pl ei si nt hi sway;Dl . Dmv>h I t meanst hat t hepr oduct of t heuncer t ai nt yi nt heposi t i onof apar t i cl e( Dl ) andt he uncer t ai nt yont hei mpul seDmvshoul dbebi gger or equal t oh. For exampl e, l et us supposet hat wemakeanexper i ment i nor der t omeasur et heposi t i onof an el ect r oni nasyst emof coor di nat eswi t hacer t ai npr eci si on, t hesi ngl ef act ofmaki ngt hi smeasur ement al t er st hest at eof movement of t heel ect r onmaki ngmor e uncer t ai nt hepr eci si onof t hemeasur ement of t hespeedof i t . Becauseof t hi swe canassoci at eapar t i cl ewi t hcer t ai namount of i mpul se"mv"wi t hal ongi t ude"l " whi chi sknownast hewavel engt hof t hepar t i cl e. I nt hecasei nwhi cht hel ef t si de of t hepr evi ousequat i oni sexact l yequal t ohast hesamepr i nci pl eper mi t s, we evencoul dcont i nueassoci at i ngt hepar t i cl ewi t hapr oper wavel engt hpr ovi dedt hatwet aket hespeedast hespeedof t l i ght C.l =h/ mCwel l - knownasCompt onwavel engt h Consi der t hat i f wedi vi dedbot hmember sof t hi sl ast equat i onbyCwewi l l obt ai n t hat ;l / C=h/ mC^2 but , l / Chasuni t sof t i mei nver se, whi chi st hat of af r equency, andwet her ef or e canassoci at et heener gywi t haf r equencyof suchwayt hat ;mC^2=hfI ngener al , t oeachener get i cal l yphenomenonwecanassoci at eaf r equencyand vi cever sa. For exampl ei f wet ookal umi nouswaveof f r equencyf , t oi tcor r espondsamass;m=hf / C^2 Thi sdoesn' t meant hat l i ght hasmass. What I amsayi ngher ei st hat t hi si san equi val ent masswhi chi snot ar est mass. Thesameconcept canbeappl yt oot herf or msof ener gy, f or exampl et heassoci at emasswi t ht heel ect r ost at i cf i el d pr oducedbyanel ement ar ychar geqat t hedi st ancel i ssucht hat :q^2/ r =hf =mC^2andf =q^2/ hrCont i nui ngwi t ht hi ssameexampl e, wecoul dmaket hef ol l owi ngequal i t yf or t he massof anel ect r onandpr esent t hef ol l owi ngequal i t y;Ast hel ongi t udeof t heassoci at ewavewi t ht heel ect r oni sh/ meCt henweget t hat ;l e=h/ meCandr e=q^2/ meC^2 Amagni t udewi t hout uni t sexi st st hat i t i st her at i obet ween:l e/ r e=A.Thi smagni t ude, r ecei vest henameof i nver seof t hef i nest r uct ur econst ant ( I j ustcal l i t t hef i nest r uct ur econst ant ) andi t hast hesameval uef or t heel ect r onandt he pr ot onsi ncebot hhavet hesameval ueof el ect r i cchar ge.A=hC/ q^2 Andi t sval uei sappr oxi mat el yequal t o861, i nt er pr et edaswehaveseenast he r at i oof t heel ect r onwavel engt h( or of t hepr ot on) t oi t s"r adi us"cal l edcl assi c r adi usof t heel ect r onor of t hepr ot on.Anot her f or mof ener gyt hat wecoul dt r yt omanagei nt hesamef or mt hant he el ect r i cener gyi st hegr avi t at or yener gy. I nt hi scasewewi l l f i r st associ at et he f r equencywi t ht hemassof t hepr ot onandt heel ect r on:f =Gme. mp/ hr g Now, i t i sf act t hat f =mC^2/ honwhi chi nor der t oobt ai nt hegr avi t at or yequi val entwehavet omaket hat t hef ol l owi ngcondi t i oni saccompl i shed:m^2=mexmp Bei ngmet hemassof t heel ect r onandmpt hemassof t hepr ot on. Andt heequal i t y l eadsust o:Gm^2/ hr g=mc^2/ handr g=Gm/ C^2( 1- 1)I shal l i nt r oducet hi s( m) massasaf act or of cal cul at i on, andI wi l l namei t as "masn". Wi t ht hi smasswewi l l get t hef ol l owi ngpar amet er s:l =h/ mcr =q^2/ mC^2 l / r =A=hC/ q^2 I t i seasyt odemonst r at e( i f weusedt hesubi ndexs1f or t hepr ot onand2f or t he el ect r on) t hat :l ^2=l 1xl 2r ^2=r 1xr 2i sal soeasyt opr oof t hat :r / r g=q^2/ Gm^2=( q^2/ l ) / Gm^2 Whi chsayst hat t her at i oof t heset wor adi usi sequal t ot her at i oof t heel ect r i cand gr avi t at or yf or cesbet weenapr ot onandt heel ect r on, t hi sr at i oaswewi l l seei sa ver yi mpor t ant number wi t hout uni t s( S) whoseval uei sappr oxi mat el yequal t o 2. 27e+39 S=q^2/ Gm^2( 1- 2)I t shoul dbemadenot i cet hat ar el at i onshi pf or t hegr avi t at i onsi mi l ar t ot hat of t he f i nest r uct ur econst ant exi st s( t hei r r eci pr ocat es) , al sowi t hout uni t s.B=hC/ Gm^2 not e: somet i mesI wi l l uset hesi gn( ) i nor der t oi ndi cat emul t i pl i cat i on, i nanot hercasesI wi l l uset hexsymbol andi nanot her I wi l l uset hegener al al gebr ai cnot at i on of not wr i t i ngdownt hesi gnwhent heoper at i oni smul t i pl i cat i on, wi t ht hedi vi si on andaccor di ngt ot hecaseI coul dusewhat ever of t hef ol l owi ngsymbol s: /Aswehavef oundt hat r / r g=Swecoul dal sof i ndt hat :R=Sl ( 1- 3)Thi si saver yl ar gel engt hwavet owhi chi t cor r espondst hef r equencyFwher eC= F/ Rt hen: C/ f =Sl but C/ l =el ect r i c f accor di ngt owhat weal r eadysaw, t hen:S=f / F( 1- 4)F=f / s=f . Gm^2/ q^2=( mC^2/ h) Gm^2/ ( mC^2r ) =Gm^2/ hrF=Gm^2/ hr ( 1- 5)Uponmaki ngt hecal cul at i onof t hi sf r equencywef i ndt hef act t hat i t sval uei s 2. 33e- 181/ secThat i samazi ngl ynear t ot heval uemeasur edof t heHubbl e const ant i nsi det her angeof er r or of measur ement of i t andwhi chf ul f i l l st he pr i nci pl eof uncer t ai nt ysi nce:( 1/ F) Gm^2/ r =h Ther ef or e, I consi der t hepr evi ousdi scover ynot asachance, but r at her I wi l lconsi der t hat i ndeed:H=Gm^2/ hr ( 1- 6) i st heHubbl e' sconst antAndsi ncei t i saf r equency, i t hasassoci at ewi t hi t t hel ongi t ude:R=C/ H That i st hesameas( 1- 3) Thi si st hemai nr easont hat i ncl i nedmet obel i evet hatt her adi usof t heUni ver sei smor eassoci at ewi t hawavel engt ht hanwi t har adi us pr oper l yspeaki ng.I must sayt hat I wi l l useher esomebasi cconcept st or el at et hemass - ener gyof t he Uni ver seandi t ssel f gr avi t at i on. Ther ear esomequest i onswhi chsof ar sci ence hasnot beenabl et oanswer .I sgr avi t at i ont hecauseof mass- ener gy?Or mass- ener gyi st hecauseofgr avi t at i on?Whi chonecomesf i r st ?.Usi ngMachbasi ci deas, I coul dsayt hat massor i ner t i ai scausedbygr avi t yof al lt heUni ver sei nsuchawayt hat i f t her ewer eonl yonesi ngl ebodyi nal l of t he Uni ver se, t hent hi sbodywoul dhave"subst ance"but not mass.Thi si sat t hesamet i mei nt r i gui ng, becauseweaskour sel veswhat cause gr avi t y?. So, doweusemasst oexpl ai ngr avi t yor doweusegr avi t yt oexpl a i n mass?.I nt hi spaper , I wi l l t akeasaf act t hat gr avi t yi smassandmassi sgr avi t y, so,t ot al ener gyi sequal t ot ot al gr avi t y, whi chi nmat hemat i cal f or mI r epr esent l i ke t hi sf or al l t heUni ver seasawhol e:MC^2=GM^2/ R Thi sl eadust ocal cul at et hebasi cpar amet er sof t heUni ver sest ar t i ngwi t hhi gh pr eci si onwel l - knownconst ant s. I won' t st opher et ocal cul at et hef ol l owi ng equat i onst hat coul dbedemonst r at edwi t heasewi t hal gebr ai cor di nar y cal cul at i ons. at t heendof t hi sI wi l l pr esent t heval uesobt ai nedf or eachl i t er alexposed:A=hC/ q^2B=hC/ Gm^2r =q^2/ mC^2 r g=Gm/ C^2 f =q^2/ hr S=f / H S=R/ l S=r / r gS=mc^2/ hH S=B/ AS^2=M/ ( Am) gm^2/ l =q^2/ R Gm^2/ r g=q^2/ rSi nceR=GM/ C^2andR=C/ Hi sdeducedt hat :M=C^3/ GHandsi nce:H=Gm^2/ hr andr =q^2/ mC^2 weobt ai nt hat :M=hCq^2/ G^2m^3( 1- 7)t hesameequat i oncoul dbet r ansf or medeasi l yi nt hef ol l owi ng:M=BSmandbecauseS=B/ Awef oundt hat ;M=AS^2mi f N=AS^2t henM=nm( 1- 8)Thenumber "n"i sr el at edwi t ht het ot al number of el ect r onsandpr ot onsi nt he Uni ver sei nt hef ol l owi ngf or m; wewi l l supposet hat pr act i cal l yt hewhol eUni ver se i sf or medwi t hpar t i cl eswhosemassi sequal t ot hat of t hepr ot on, weknowt hat t he el ect r onsexi st , but t hei r cont r i but i ont ot het ot al massi sver yr educedsi ncet hei rmassi s1/ 1836t hemassof t hepr ot onandt hei r number i st hesame. Havi ngt hi s i nmi ndandknowi ngt hat t hemassof t heneut r onsi sal most t hesamet hant he pr ot on, wecoul dsayt hat t henumber of nucl eonsof t heUni ver sei s; nn=M/ mp,nn=Nm/ mpnn=N( mpme) ^1/ 2/ mp nn=N/ D^( 1/ 2)wher eD=1836=mp/ menn=AS^2/ D^( 1/ 2) ( 1- 9)Val ues:mp=1. 6726311e- 24gr amspr ot onmass me=9. 109389754e- 28gr amsel ect r onmass h=6. 62607554e- 27er g- secPl ank' sconst antC=2. 997924562e10cm/ sec. Li ght speed m=3. 903414992e- 26gr amsmasonmass l =5. 662274982e- 12cms. masonwavel enghtq=4. 803206784e- 10euf undament al el ect r i cchar ge G=6. 6725985e- 8er g- cm/ gm^2Newt onconst antA=861. 0225291el ect r omagnet i ccoupl i ngconst antB=1. 953856383e42gr avi t at i onal coupl i ngconst antS=2. 269227943e39el ect r i ct ogr avi t at i onal f or cesr at i o H=2. 333198137e- 18sec^( - 1) Hubbl econst antR=1. 284899261e28cmsUni ver seRadi us M=1. 730674865e56gmsUni ver semass N=1. 034712072e80Ner of Uni ver senucl eons p=1. 947689124e- 29gr ams/ cm^3Uni ver sedensi t y CHAPTER2 THEFOURFORCESOFNATURE( PART1)For ewor d:What I her eexpose, i sj ust ananal ysi sof t hepossi bl er el at i ons hi psbet weent he const ant sof t hef undament al f or cesof Nat ur e. I sr at her anst udyof t henumer i c r el at i onshi psbet weent heseconst ant s. I nt hi sanal ysi s, youcoul dcal cul at ewi t h hi ghaccur acyt her at i oof t hemassesof t hepr ot ont ot hat of t heel ect r on, andt he neut r ont ot hat of t hepr ot onwi t hj ust t heknowl edgeof t hemagni t udeof t he coupl i ngconst ant sof t hef or cesor vi cever sa. Or cal cul at et heval ueof t heNewt on const ant st ar t i ngf r omt heconst ant sof t heWeakf or ce.I t canal sobeensee, t hat t hef undament al f or cescoul dber el at edt oeachot herwi t ht hef our t hpower of t hepr evi ous"i nt ense"f or ce. Thi schar act er i st i cof var yi ng wi t ht hef our t hpower al l owst oseet hepossi bi l i t yt hat f or cesof super i or or i nf er i oror der exi st t ot hest r ongandgr avi t at or yf or cesr espect i vel y. For exampl e, t he gr avi t at i on, t heweakest of t hewel l - knownf or cescoul dgi ver i set ot heexi st enceofanot her f or ceevenweaker wi t hani nt ensi t yof downt o1e- 256weaker t hant he st r ongf or ce. Theobt ai nedequat i onsandt hepost edval uesf or "J"and"D"f orexampl e, ar esopr eci set hat t hi nki ngonachanceI consi der i t hi ghl yunl i kel y. Ir ecogni zet hat t hi sanal ysi st ouchest opi cscompl et el yunknownf or t hegr eatmaj or i t yof t hepeopl e, I r ecommendt her eadi ngof t hebook"TheAcci dent alUni ver se"of Paul Davi esi nor der t ohel punder st andwhat I her et r yt oexpl ai n.Someof t hemagni t udest hat I usear enot convent i onal , f or exampl e: "m"i snot a par t i cl e, but t hesquar er oot of t hepr oduct of t hemassof t hepr ot onandt hemass of t heel ect r on, or Ai snot t hef i nest r uct ur econst ant but t wopi t i mest hei nver se of t hi sconst ant .Thewr i t i ngi snot at heor yof Uni f i edFi el d, t hi sshoul dr emai ncl ear , but someki nd of uni f i cat i onamongt hef our f or cesar r i vesdependi ngwhat I doi st omakeexactt hi sappr oachof equal i t yandseet henwhat happensupondoi ngi t . I f what I obt ai n i sal most quant i t at i vel yexact l yandt heuni t sar ecor r ect , I t henconsi der sat down t hat t he"f orced"equal i t yi st rue.Anyway, t hi shasper mi t t edmet ocal cul at ewi t hhi ghaccur acyconst ant sl i ket hatof t hegr avi t at i onof Newt on. Ani nt er est i ngr esul t of t hi sanal ysi si st heobt ai ni ng of amagni t udewhoseuni t sar et hoseof amassandt hat I i dent i f yas"mi u"wi t ha val ueof t heor der of 1e- 5gm, t hi smasscanbecal cul at edof t wodi f f er ent ways,andt hei nt er est i ngof i t i st hat i t smagni t udei sof t heor der of whi chapar t i cl eofuni f i cat i onof t hef our f or cesshoul dhave, andt hat wewoul dobt ai ni t j ust by maki ngequal t o1t hecoupl i ngconst ant sof t hef our f or ces.Theuni t ssyst emusedi st he"cgs. "Rel at i onshi psBet weent heFour For cesNat ur e 1. - Gener al : Unt i l t hepr esent t i me, t hephysi cal sci enceshavebeendevel oped st ar t i ngf r omdi ver set heor i est hat i noneor anot her wayexpr essesr el at i onshi ps bet weent heconst ant sof Nat ur eandt hebehavi or of t heUni ver seandi t spar t s.Oneof t hemost i nt r i gui ngquest i onsof sci encehasbeent her easonof bei ngofsomephysi csconst ant ssuchas: t hespeedof l i ght , t heel ect r i cchar geof t h e el ect r on, t hemassof t heel ect r on, t hePl ank' sconst ant , t heconst ant ofgr avi t at i on, et c. Themagni t udeof t heseconst ant si sknownaccur at el yupt ot he or der of t hesevent hdeci mal f i gur e, andt hi sknowl edgei sbasedexcl usi vel yi n measur ement seacht i mebet t er of t hem. Theseconst ant sar ecal l ed"f undament al " i nt hesenset hat t heyar enot der i vedf r omanot her , ont heot her handot herconst ant sasf or exampl et hecal l ed"f i nest r uct ur econst ant "( or el ect r omagnet i c coupl i ngconst ant ) i sder i vedf r omot her swhi char ef undament al . Asexampl e, t hi s l ast const ant i sexpr essedso:A=hC/ q^2=861. 0225291 Thi sconst ant i scommonl yexpr essedoni t sr eci pr ocal f or mandi sequal t oA' =2 pi / A Now, al l t hepr ocessesof Nat ur ear ei nanydi r ect or i ndi r ec t way, t hemani f est at i on of anyor someof t hef our f undament al f or ces. Thesef or ces, unt i l t hemoment ar e consi der edi ndependent f or cest oeachot her , t hat i st osay, wedon' t knowi f each ot her ar ei nanywayr el at ed. Al t houghi nt hel ast year st heor i es havear i sent hatseemst ohavebeenabl et odoi t .Thet askof t het heor et i cal physi csi st oexpl ai nt hephysi cal wor l d, andt hebet t erexpl anat i onshoul dbet ogat her i ncoher ent f or mandasnowi ssai d"beaut i f ul " t hesef our f or cesi nj ust one, t hat hasbeenal r eadybapt i zedas:"Super f or ce" TheFour For ces a) Thest r ongf or ce: i t i st hemost i nt enseof t hef our , i t t akescar eamongot hert hi ngsof mai nt ai ni ngt oghet er t hepr ot onsi nt henucl eusdespi t et her ej ect i ont hatt heel ect r ost at i cf i el dgener at esbyt heel ect r omagnet i cf or ceamongt hepr ot onsi n t henucl eusof t heat om. I t expl ai nst hegr eat amount of ener gyt hat i sgener at ed ont hepr ocessesof nucl ear f i ssi on. I t scoupl i ngconst ant wi l l ber epr esent edwi t h t hesymbol "P"b) t heel ect r omagnet i cf or ce: i st henext i ni nt ensi t yt ot hest r ongf or ce, al l t he el ect r i c, magnet i candopt i cphenomenon' sar ei t smani f est at i on, i t i st hef i r st of t he f or cest hat becameuni f y, becauseunt i l not al ongt i meagoi t wasconsi der edt hatmagnet i smf i el dandel ect r ost at i cf i el dwer esepar at ef or ces. Thankst ot hewor ksofJ. C. Maxwel l i t waspr ovent hat t heyar esepar at emani f est at i onsof anonl yone f or ce, t heel ect r omagnet i cf or ce. i t scoupl i ngconst ant wi l l r epr esent edwi t ht he symbol "A" c) t heweakf or ce: i t i snot af or cei nt hesenseof f or cesof at t r act i onor r epul si on bet weenpar t i cl es, i t sr ol l i st hat of t r ansf or mi ngt hei dent i t yof t hesubat omi c par t i cl esdur i ngt her adi oact i vedi si nt egr at i onpr ocesses, f or exampl e: t he t r ansmut at i onof aneut r oni napr ot onpl usanel ect r onandaneut r i no. Thi sl astpar t i cl ewi t hout mass( seemi ngl y) wasdi scover edt hankst ot heconcl usi onst hatgavet heanal ysi sof t heweakpr ocesses. I t scoupl i ngconst ant wi l l bei dent i f yi twi t ht hel et t er "W"d) l ast l y, t heweakest andt hewel l - knownof t hef or ces, t hef or ceof gr avi t y. I t i san accumul at i vef or cewhi chi ncr easewi t ht hemassof t heobj ect s, i sal waysat t r act i ve andi t i st hef or cet hat mai nt ai nsuni t edt hepl anet st ot hesun, t hest ar st ot he gal axi esandt hegal axi est ot hewhol eUni ver se. t hesymbol f or i t scoupl i ng const ant i s"B".2. - Thef act t hat t heel ect r omagnet i ccoupl i ngconst ant "A"wel l - knownast he i nver seof f i nest r uct ur econst ant i scal cul at edas:A=hc/ q^2 l eadt ousexpr esst heot her coupl i ngconst ant si nt hesamef or mt hat i s:A=hC/ q^2( 2- 1)B=hC/ Gm^2( 2- 2)W=hC/ qw^2( 2- 3)P=hC/ qs^2( 2- 4)Her emi st hepr oduct of me( t hemassof t heel ect r on) andmp( t hemassof t he pr ot on. ) . I t shoul dbenot i cet hat i t doesn' t exi s t or at l east accept edt heexi st ence of aweakchar ge( qw) or anast r ongchar ge( qs) , but t hef act t hat onecoul dmake cal cul at i onsbasedont hat l eadt oususet hat concept of "char ge. " I nhi sbook, Davi esi nf or mst hat qs^2=15hC/ 2PI andt hat t heco nst ant Wi s r el at edwi t hot her const ant i dent i f i edasgwwher e:gw=h^3/ Wme^2C=1. 43e- 49gm- cm5/ seg2 I nt hi sanal ysi s, f or r easonsof anot her t yper el at edwi t hCosmol ogy, i nt hepr evi ous equat i onI r epl acemebym. I nt hesecondi t i onst heval uecal c ul at edf or W, and keepi ngt heval ueof gwi s;W=4. 44612e+10 I nt hecaseof t hest r ongf or ce, t hef act or 15of t heexpr essi onf or t hest r ongchar ge t hat Davi esappoi nt s, wi l l becal cul at edwi t hbet t er pr eci si on. For t het i mebei ngIwi l l i dent i f yi t wi t ht heqsl et t er s.3. - Ther el at i onshi ps:What I her est udyi snot t her esul t of acal cul at i on, but asi mpl eanal ysi sof t he numer i cal r el at i onshi psbet weent hecoupl i ngconst ant s. Fr omt heval uesf or "W" and"B"wehavet hat :B=1. 9538657154e+42W=4. 44612e+10 wef i ndt hat al most exact l y:B=W^4/ 2( 3- 1)andal sot hat :B( D/ 4) ^16/ 2 wher e"D"i t i st her el at i onshi pbet weent hemassesof t hepr ot onandt heel ect r on andequal t o:D=1836. 152756F=D/ 4=459. 038189 t her ef or e, i spossi bl et hat asi mi l ar r el at i onshi pexi st sbet weent heot her const ant s becausewecoul dal soobser vet hat :WF^4 Thenar educt i oni nt heexponent i sobser vedi n4t i mesuponpassi ngf r omBt oW,andt her ei scer t ai nsymmet r yont hi s. Then, whynot t ot hi nkt hat i t hap penst he samet hi ngwi t ht heot her const ant sandseewhat cl assof number swoul dbe?. t hi s i swhat wewoul dhave:A=P^4/ x1( 3- 2) W=A^4/ x2( 3- 3) B=W^4/ x3( 3- 4)A=y1( D/ 4) ^1( 3- 5) W=y2( D/ 4) ^4( 3- 6) B=y3( D/ 4) ^16( 3- 7)Thenumber st hat appear t ot her i ght of t heyor t hexar enot mul t i pl i er snei t herexponent s, t heyar esubi ndexes. andt henumber sbet weensuchpar ent hesi sl i ke ( 3- 2) j ust number edt heequat i on.I haveal r eadyment i onedandcal cul at edt heval ueof t heconst ant A, B, W, but n ott oP. I wi l l doi t her ebef or egoon. Fr omt hedef i ni t i onof Davi esof t hest r ong char geandf r omt hef or mof expr essi on( 2- 1) wehavet hat :qs^215hC/ 2pi =hC/ PP2pi / 15, i sr ead"appr oxi mat el yequal "t hen P0. 4188. Let usput nowi nor der t heval uescal cul at edf or t hexandt hey,f r omt heequat i ons( 3- 2) t o( 3- 5) .Andaccept i ng( 3- 1) ascor r ect .x13. 57e- 5y1=1. 875710017 x2=12. 36166254y2=1. 001350011 x3=2. 0y3=0. 5027054946 obser vet hat 8y1=15. 0056815 Al soobser vet hat : y1^4/ yoA/ 2pi wher e"yo"coul ddef i nei t as:yo=P/ ( D/ 4) ^( 1/ 4) =0. 90478 Taki ngP=0. 4188. l et smakebysi mpl i f yi ngt hat F=D/ 4.I f i ndeedyi ^4/ yo=A/ 2pi =137. 0359916andA=y1F, t hen:y1^4/ yo=A/ 2pi =Fyi / 2pi i t i sdeducedt hat :yo=2PI y1^3/ F=0. 09032919484and:P=yoF^( 1/ 4) =0. 4181097966whi chi ssl i ght l ydi f f er ent t ot heconsi der edval ue 0. 4188or r at her but pr eci se. i nconsequence:Q=2pi / P=15. 0275965 y1^4/ yo=A/ 2pi =x2y2/ yo=x2JF^( 1/ 4) / P and: f r omt heequat i ons( 3- 2) t o( 3- 7) wecandemonst r at et hat :y2^4=x3y3y1^4=x2y2x2=A^4/ w=( A/ ( 2( y2F^( 1/ 4) ) wededuce:W=A^3x2pi y2F^( 1/ 4) / P Thi sl ast si mpl eequat i onr el at est hr eeof t heconst ant sof t hef or cest oeachot herwi t ht her at i oof t hemassof t hepr ot ont ot heel ect r on, t hat i swi t h"D", andwi t h "y2. "( al i t t l eaheadI wi l l cl ar i f ywhat i s"y2") . Theot her f or ce, gr avi t ydoesn' tappear her e, but wecoul di nt r oducei t i f wer epl aceWf or i sgr avi t at or yequi val ent ,t hat i s:B=W^4/ 2( 3- 8)t hi swoul dbeshownas;B=A^12Q4y2^4F/ 2( 3- 9)B=( 2pi A^3/ P) ^4Fy2^4/ 2( 3- 10)Obser vet hat of t heequat i on( 3- 1) andof t hedef i ni t i onof Was;W=h^3/ gwm^2C( 3- 11)wededucedt hat :G=2gw^4m^6C^5/ h^11( 3- 12)l et usmakeat t hi spoi nt asummar yof t henumer i cr esul t sunt i l nowobt ai ned:P=0. 4181097966 A=861. 0225291 W=4. 446119969e+10 B=1. 953865716e+42 x1=3. 549333914e- 5y1=1. 875710017 x2=12. 36166254y2=1. 001378374 x3=2. 0y3=0. 5027054946 4. - I f weal somaket heoper at i ony2xDwewi l l obt ai nt hef ol l owi ngnumber :I =y2D=1838. 683661 What i st hemeani ngof t hi snumber ?. I f I cal cul at enowwi t ht hegi venval uesf ort hemassof t heneut r onandt heel ect r ont hei r r at i o, t hat i st osay:mn/ me=1838. 683661 t hat i sexact l yt henumber "Y"! t her ef or e, i t i snot anyt hi ngvent ur oust osayt hat :mn/ me=y2D=I ( 4- 1)asD=mp/ me, t heny2=mn/ me/ D=mn/ me/ mp/ meand:y2=mn/ mp=J( 4- 2)Her e. wecanal sodeducef r omt heequat i ons( 3- 2) t o( 3- 7) andaccor di ngt ot he al r eadyexpl ai nt hat :y2^4=x3y3( 4- 3) y1^4=x2y2( 4- 4)and: y3=( mn/ mp) ^4/ 2andwecoul dal r eadyexpr esst heequat i onsf r om( 3- 5) t o ( 3- 7) i nt hi sot her f or m:A=( y1) ( D/ 4) ( 4- 5) W=( mn/ mp) ( D4) ^4( 4- 6)B=( mn/ mp) ^4( D/ 4) ^16/ 2( 4- 7)5. - Concl usi on: Wehaveseenhowt ocal cul at ei nanext r emel ysi mpl eway, t he coupl i ngconst ant sof t he4f or cesof Nat ur eandhowt heycoul dber el at et oeach ot her . Ever yt hi ngst ar t i ngf r omt heknowl edgeof si mpl eel ement sast hemassesoft hesubat omi cpar t i cl esandof t hef undament al const ant ssuchas"q".andi f wemaket hef ol l owi ngoper at i on:( hC/ G) ^( 1/ 2) =mi u=5. 456576426e- 5gr amst hat i t i sanext r emel yenor mousmass ( f or anat omi cpar t i cl e) . quest i on: what i st hemeani ngof amassof soenor mous val ue?. Thef act t hat t heexponent 4appear swi t hsomuchf r equency, r emember s met heexponent t hat appear si nt heequat i oni nor der t ocal cul at et hedensi t yofr adi ant ener gy.p=8pi ^5( kT) ^4/ ( 15C^3h^3) THEFOURFORCESOFTHENATURE( PART2)ANDTHECOSMI CBACKGROUNDTEMPERATURE 1. - I nt hi ssecondpar t , I wi l l deepi nt her el at i onshi pbet weent hecoupl i ng const ant sof t hef or cesandi nt hei r r el at i onshi pwi t ht heUni ver seandi t shi st or y.Someof t heval uesof t heconst ant st hat I wi l l obt ai nwi l l bemodi f i edwi t ht henew concept s.I haveal r eadyexpl ai nedt hat i nt hi ssi ngl ewr i t i ng, t hepar amet er sof nat ur ear e st udi edl ooki ngf or r el at i onshi psbet weent hemst ar t i ngf r omsi mpl econcept sand t henseei f t heyhaveanysenseor gi veusnewknowl edge. I f uponf i ndi ngt hatt heser el at i onshi pswehavet he"coi nci dence"upt ot hedeci mal f i gur et hat I can cal cul at e, t henI wi l l consi der sat downt hat t hi si st r ue.2. - I nt hepr evi oussect i onI obt ai nedt heel ect r omagnet i candgr avi t at or yconst ant s def i nedby:A=hC/ q^2B=hC/ Gm^2 Theseval uesobt ai nedf or bot hconst ant sar er epr esent at i veof t hepr esent t i me.I wi l l f i r st obt ai naser i esof magni t udescal cul at edst ar t i ngf r omsomeconst ant sofnat ur e. Let ussupposet hat Bi savar i abl eandal sot hemassm, l et usmakeB=1 . f r omt hat wewi l l get al l t hef ol l owi ngmagni t udes:mi u=( hC/ G) ^( 1/ 2) =5. 45657e- 5gr ams( 2- 1)l o=h/ mi uC=( hG/ C^3) ^( 1/ 2) =4. 05062e- 33cm( 2- 2)f o=C/ l o=( C^5/ hG) ^( 1/ 2) =7. 40114e+42cps( 2- 3)t o=1/ f o=( hG/ C^5) ^( 1/ 2) =1. 35114e- 43seg( 2- 4)eo=hf o=( hC^5/ G) ^( / 2) =4. 90412e+16er g( 2- 5)Theset er msar eknownasmass, l ongi t ude, f r equency, t i me, andener gyof Pl ank t hat t hecur r ent Cosmol ogyconsi der saschar act er i st i cof t hef i r st moment sof t he Uni ver se, t hat i s, dur i ngt hebegi nni ngof t heBi g- Bang.Nowweknowt hat at t hemoment of i nt er act i onof t woopposedpar t i cl es, ( mat t erandant i mat t er ) , t heydi sappear l eavi ngr adi at i on, t het emper at ur eof t hepr ocess i s:T=b/ i o( 2- 6)wher ebt hi sdef i nedby: b=hC/ ZK( 2- 7)Zi st hesol ut i onof t heequat i on( 5- z) e^z=5 Z=4. 965114231740001 K=1. 38065812e- 16er g/ Kel vi ni st heBol t zman' sconst anti oi st hel ongi t udeof waveat whi cht heel ect r omagnet i cemi ssi onof r adi at i oni s maxi mi nabl ackbodyat t heTt emper at ur e. f oi st hef r equencycor r espondi ngt o t hat wavel enght andi t i sequal t o:T=hC/ ZKi o=hf o/ ZK Si ncehf oi st hemaxi mumener gygener at edandequal t o:2mi C^2wher emi i st hemassof t hepar t i cl est hat i nt er act , t hen:T=2mi C^2/ ZK( 2- 8)Weknowt hat t hebackgr oundcosmi ct emper at ur eof r adi at i oni sappr oxi mat el y2. 7 Kel vi ns, t henmi i sof appr oxi mat el y:1. 04e- 36gr ams.Let usnowseet hat t her ear eal sor el at i onshi pssi mi l ar t ot hoseof Pl ankbut wi t hot her magni t udes, I her et akel =h/ mC Fx=Gm^2/ hl =Gm^3C/ h^2=2. 7095e- 21cps( 2- 9)Lx=C/ Fx=h^2/ Gm^3=1. 1064e+31cm( 2- 10)Ex=Fxh=Gm^3C/ h=1. 7953e- 47er g( 2- 11)mx=E/ C^2=Gm^3/ hC=1. 997e- 68gr ams( 2- 12)asbef or em^2=meXmp Wel l , i f wet aket hesquar er oot val uesof t hepr oduct of t het woobt ai nedmassesm andmx, weget obt ai nst hef ol l owi ngval ue:massm' =( mXmx) ^( 1/ 2) =1. 044032456e- 36gm:Obser vet heal most exact val ueof t hi sl ast massm' wi t ht heoneI cal l mi f r omt he equat i on( 1- 8) .Her ei smysupposi t i on; t hat bot har et hesamemass, andi nconsequence, I can expr esst het emper at ur eof r adi at i oni nt hef ol l owi ngf or m:T=2( mi Xmx) ^( 1/ 2) C^2/ ZK( 2- 13)mi =( mXmx) ^( 1/ 2) ( 2- 14)mt =2miThi smassmt coul dbei nt er pr et edast hemass- ener gycar r i edbyt hebackgr ound r adi at i on, or wemi ght supposet hat compl ement ar ypar t i cl esexi st t hat i nt er actgener at i ngt hebackgr oundr adi at i oncor r espondi ngt ot het her mal ener gy( ZKT) .Repl aci ngmi f or i t st wof act or sof t heequat i on( 2- 14) andknowi ng t hat B=hC/ Gm^2weget :mi =m^4/ B( 2- 15)mi ^4=Gm^6/ hC( 2- 16)T=2mC^2/ ZKB^( 1/ 4) ( 2- 17)T=2C^2/ ZK( Gm^6/ hC) ^( 1/ 4) ( 2- 18)t hecal cul at i ongi vemeT=2. 737601899Kel vi n 3. - Obser vet hat t heval uesobt ai nedf or someof t hecoupl i ngconst ant scomef r om aver ysi mpl eexpr essi ons, t hoset hat I ment i onnext :Wf =JF^4 Bf =J^4F^16/ 2 Obser vet hat I useWf andBf i nst eadof j ust WandB. t hi si sbecauseunl essIt hi nkt hat t her at i omp/ mechangeswi t ht i me, whi chI don' t , andt hi si st her eason whyI t hi nkt hat t heobt ai nedval uesr epr esent t heval uest hat wi l l r eacht hese "par amet er s"at t heendof t heexpansi onof t heUni ver se, ( i nf act t heseval uesar e al i t t l ebi t hi gher t hant heact ual val ues) andsomehowt hecur r ent measur ed val uesof t hecoupl i ngconst ant sshoul dbeaf unct i onof t heseWf andBf . For t hatr easonI havei dent i f i edt hemwi t ht hesubi ndex( f ) , but I nowhavet of i ndt hose f unct i ons.5. - Thef i r st f unct i ont osol vewi l l bet hat of "B"t hat bydef i ni t i oni s:B=hC/ Gm^2 I amsupposedt oaccept t hat h, C, andGar et i mei ndependent const ant sand t her ef or et hevar i abl et hat af f ect sBi st hemass.I t i snot di f f i cul t t oaccept t hat , si nceweknowt hat t hemassvar i eswi t ht h espeed sot hat :m=mf / ( 1- v^2/ C^2) ^( 1/ 2)I shal l nowi nt r oducet hef unct i on:si ne=( 1- v^2/ C^2) ^( 1/ 2) ( 5- 1)wi t ht hi sdef i ni t i onof t hemasswehavet hat :m=mf / si ne( 5- 2)Wecanseet hat t het wof or msof expr essi ngt hevar i at i onof t hemassi mpl y negat i vemasses, but t hesecondone( t hesi nef or m) i smor ecl ear concer ni ngwhen t hi shappens.Consi der i ngt hi svar i at i on, wecanexpr esst hegr avi t at i oncoupl i ngconst ant ( I wi l lcal l i t nowcoupl i ngpar amet er ) i nt hef ol l owi ngf or m:B=Bf ( si ne) ^2( 5- 3)Bei ng=wt , wi st hef r equencywi t hwhi cht heUni ver se( i nr adi ansper second)osci l l at es.Nowi t i snecessar yt ocl ar i f yt hat mf i snot t her est massof t hemasn, i s accor di ngwi t ht hedescr i pt i ont hat I amgi vi ng, t hef i nal mass, t hemasst hat mwi l lacqui r ewhent heUni ver ser eachesi t smaxi mexpansi onandt hat accor di ngt ot he gi vendef i ni t i oni s:mf =( mef Xmpf ) ^( 1/ 2)mef andmpf ar et hemassest hat wi l l acqui r et heel ect r onandt hepr ot onwhent he Uni ver ser eachest hemaxi mexpansi onandi nt hat moment i t wi l l beonr est , and ont hat moment andj ust ont hat moment wi l l coi nci dewi t ht her est masst hat we wi l l obser ve. t hemmassi st hecur r ent mass. I nsummar y, what I amsayi ngi st hatt her est massmvar i eswi t ht i me.Nowwecanseet hat uponmaki ngB=1, si newi l l acqui r et heval ue: si ne1=1/( Bf ^( 1/ 2) ( 5- 4)whent hi shappened, t hemasst ookt heval ue: m1=( hC/ G) ^( 1/ 2)whi chcor r espondst ot hemassof Pl ankandof cour set ot het i meof Pl anket c.Thenwehaveof t hat : Gm1^2=hC Now, wi t hout st i l l knowi nghowAvar i esi sobvi oust hat whenA1=1al so: q1^2=h C andt her ef oreGm1^2=q1^2t henof course: B1=A1 6. - Nowt het aski st of i ndt hef or mi nwhi chAvar i es, f or t hi s, t hef ol l owi ng condi t i onsmust bef ul f i l l ed:a) A=1whent =t 1=t p( Pl ank' st i me)b) A=Af whensi nef =1 c) A=act ual Awhensi nei st hecur r entSupposet hat t hef or mof var i at i onof Ai sal soi nasi nef or m. but expr essedas:A=Af ( si ne) ^a2( 6- 1)a2wi l l beat i mei ndependent const ant exponent .Wi t ht hi sequat i on, condi t i onsbi seasi l yf ul f i l l edsi ncesi nef =1andA=Af f or any val ueof t heexponent a2at t hemoment of maxi mexpansi on. Thecondi t i on"a"i s compl et eddoi ngt hat si ne1i st heconsi der edt heequat i on( 5- 4) . now, t he exponent i scal cul at edso:A1=Af ( si ne1) ^a2=B1=Bf ( si ne1) ^2wehavet hat :( si ne1) ^( a2- 2) =Bf / Af =SfSf i st her at i oof t het wof or ceswhensi nef =1. easi l ycal cul abl eaccor di ngt ot he f or mul asf or Bf andAf as:( si ne1) =1/ Bf ^( 1/ 2) =1/ Af ^( 1/ a2) ( 6- 2)andt aki ngl ogar i t hmswef i nal l yobt ai nt hat : a2=2l nAf / l nBf ( 6 - 3)but , what i st heval ueof Af anda2? 7. - Thef ol l owi ngi t emi st ot r yt of i ndt her el at i onshi pbet weenAandBi nanyt i me,f or t hi s, wet aket heequat i ons( 6- 1) and( 5- 1) , wesol vet hesi nef or bot handwe equal edt hemt oeachot her :( B/ Bf ) ^( 1/ 2) =( A/ Af ) ^( 1/ a2)andt her ef or ei seasyt oconcl udet hat : A^( 1/ 2) =B^( 1/ a2) and: a2=2l nA/ l nBf oranyepoch.I f weknowt heval uesof BandBf , t heact ual si ne=( B/ Bf ) ^( 1/ 2) andt her ef or e:Af =A/ ( si ne) ^( 1/ a2)8. - Usi ngt hesamepr ocedur et hat weusedi nor der t ocal cul at ea2wear eabl et o cal cul at et heexponent sf or t he, t heweakf or ceandt hest r ongandt henweobt ai n t hat :a1=2l nB/ l nB=2( 8- 1)a2=2l nA/ l nB=0. 1388012563( 8- 2)a3=2l nW/ l nB=0. 503559034( 8- 3)a4=2l nP/ l nB=- 0. 01790974997( negat i ve)( 8- 4)CHAPTER3 THEORI GI NOFMATTERANDTHECOSMI CBACKGROUNDRADI ATI ON Anal ysi sof t her el at i onshi pbet weent hepar amet er sof t hef or cesAandBi n r el at i onwi t ht hehi st or yof t heUni ver se 1. - Wei nt hef i r st pl acewi l l cl ar i f yt hemeani ngof t heconst ant Ht hat at t he begi nni ngI i dent i f yast heHubbl e' sconst ant andt hat I t hought t hat i t r epr esent ed t hef r equencyof t heuni ver sal osci l l at i on. Uponcal cul at i ngt het empor ar yangl e,wer eal i zet hat i scl oset o90degr ees( seet hesheet of cal cul at i ons) . Fr omher eIhavef oundver yeasyt hi nkt hat Hf r epr esent st hei nver seof t henecessar yt i mef ort heUni ver set or eachesi t smaxi mexpansi onandt her ef or ei t r epr esent st het i meof1/ 4of cycl e, t hef r equencyi ncpsi s. w' , andt hef r equencywi st hef r equencyi n r adi ansper second. Not i cet hat t heuni t sof Hf ar ecps. becauseI uset hePl ank' s const ant andnot h/ 2pi t hat woul dgi vet hef r equencyi nr ps.t heFf r equency=1/ Tf bei ngTf t het ot al per i od, wehave:t f =1/ Ht f =Tf / 4=( 1/ 4w) ( Ht f means: f i nal t ot al becausei t i ncl udest heef f ect soft hemassaswel l ast het her mal ener gy)t hen: Ht f =4wHt f =2F/ pi andw=2pi FHt f =Gmf ^2/ hr f ( 1- 1)wher er f =qf ^2/ ( mf C^2) , andwededucedt hat : Ht f =C^3Af / Gmf ^2Bf ^2I fBf ^2/ Af =Nf t hen:Hf =C^3/ Gmf Nf ( 1- 2)Now, weknowasI sol vedi nanot her chapt er , Mt f =C^3/ GHt f ( 1 - 3)But her eMt f r epr esent sal l t hef or msof mass- ener gyi ncl udi ngr adi at i on. Thenwe cansay: Rf =C/ Ht f Rf =GMt f / C^2 andt her ef ore:Ht =Ht f / ( si ne) ^( 3- a2) ( 1- 4) R=Rf ( si ne) ^( 3- a2) ( 1- 5) M=Mt f ( si ne) ^( 3- a2)( 1- 6)p=pt f / ( si ne) ^2( 3- a2) ( 1- 7) densi t y andal so: q^2=qf ^2/ ( si ne) ^a2( 1- 8)wher eal l t hef i nal val ues( subi ndexf ) meanst hef i nal st at eat t hemoment ofmaxi mexpansi onof t heUni ver se.Andt heval uesf or R, H, M, par ef or t heact ual moment andt heyi ncl udeal l t he mass- ener gy.Thel ongi t ude: L=C/ w=2Rf / pi I sexpr essedi nf unct i onof t hemassas: L=2G Mt f / pi C^2 I ment i ont hi sl ast expr essi onbecauseA. Ei st ei ncal cul at edasr adi oof t he Uni ver sewhat I i dent i f yas:L=t hewavel engt h/ 2piWewi l l seenowhowt or el at et hemassof t heal l Uni ver se, wi t hi st het ot al mass-ener gyandt het her mal ener gyandt hemassof al l t hepar t i cl est oeachot her .weknowt hat :pt =8pi ^( KT) ^4/ 15h^3C^5=( KT) ^4/ h^3C^5) ( 3Z^4/ 4pi 2^4) ( 512pi ^6/ 45Z^4)( t her mal densi t y)i f =512pi ^6/ 45Z^4andKT=2mC^2/ ZB^( 1/ 4)Thenwi t hj ust t hepr evi ousequat i onswededucet hef ol l owi ngr esul t s:pt m=pt ot / A^2( 1- 9) ( t her mal densi t y)andi f t her adi usof t heUni ver sei st hesamef or t her adi at i onandf or t hemass t hen:Mt m=Mt ot / A^2( 1- 10)2. - I f wer emember edt hedef i ni t i onsgi venont hePl ank' st i menowwehave:mp=( hC/ G) ^( 1/ 2) t p=( hG/ C^5) ^( 1/ 2)andf r omt hedef i ni t i ons: B=hC/ Gm^2m^2C^4=h^2/ t ^2weobt ai n: mp/ t p= C^3/ G=Mt / Ht =Mt / t 't her ef or e: mp/ t p=C^3/ Gi st her hyt mof mat t er cr eat i on. Onwhi cht ' =( si ne) ^( 3-a2)I t i si mpor t ant t omakenot i ceher et hat I pr oposest heexi st enceof t wot ypesoft i me, oneof t hemwhi chI wi l l cal l r el at i ve, i t i sanel ast i ct i mei t i st ' , i sel ast i c,goesupanddownandceasest oexi st but al waysr ebor n. i t i saf unct i onof t he ot her t i me, t heabsol ut et i met a=/ wt hen:t ' =( si newt a) ^( 3- a2) / HfSo, t ot al massasf unct i onof t heabsol ut et i mei s: M=Mt f ( si newt a) ^( 3 - a2) and asf unct i onof t her el at i vet i mei s:M=C^3t ' / G Sowemaysayt hat f r omt hepoi nt of vi ewof t heabsol ut et i me, t hecr eat i onofmat t er goesaccompani edbyi t sdest r uct i onaf t er t heUni ver sear r i vest oi t smaxi m expansi on. wecoul dal sodeduceeasi l yt hat t hespeedof expansi oni s:v=( 3- a2) C( si ne) ^( 3- a2) / Tg 3. - Now, i f t hepot ent i al gr avi t at or yener gyi s: Ep=- GMt ^2/ R andi f t heener gyof t hemassandt het her mal ener gyi s: Mt C^2=Mt f C^2( si ne ) ^( 3- a2)t hat addedt o- - GMt ^2/ Rgi veus: Tot al Ener gy=0 Weshoul ddi st i ngui shbet weent het ot al massof t heUni ver seandt hemassof t he par t i cl es. f or t hi sweshoul dconsi der ( r epeat i ng) :- t hat t het ot al mass- ener gywi t hout i ncl udi ngt ot hegr avi t at i oni t i sMt .- t hat t het hermal mass- ener gyi sMt m.- t hat t hemassof t hepart i cl esi sMm - t hat t hemass- ener gyof t hegr avi t at i oni sMg - t hat t hemass- ener gyat t heendof t heexpansi onwi t hout t hegr avi t yi sMt f- t hat t het hermal mass- ener gyat t heendof t heexpansi oni sMt mf- t hat t hemass- ener gyof t hepar t i cl esat t heendof t heexpansi oni sMmf- t hat t hef i nal mass- ener gyof t hegr avi t at i oni sMgf- t hat t hegr owt hof t hespacedoesn' t meant hat t heexpansi onof t heUni ver se t r anspor t ski net i cener gy, t hi si szer o.- t hat t hemassof t hepart i cl esaret hedi f f erencebet weenMt andMt m=Mm - t hat t het ot al gr avi t at or yener gyi ncl udest hepot ent i al ener gyof t her adi at i onand t hat of massandi t i snegat i ve.- t hat t het ot al ener gyof t heUni ver sei ncl udi ngal l t hef or msof ener gyi sequal t o zer o. andt hebal anceof massi s:Mm+Mt m=Mt =- Mg Mm+Mt m- Mg=0 i nconsequence"Mm"t hat i t i st hemassof t hepar t i cl esi s:Mm=Mt - Mt m=Mt - Mt / A^2 Mm=Mt ( 1- / A^2)4. - Wewi l l seet hat consi der i ngwhat I cal l edt ot al massast hesumof t hemasses of t hepar t i cl eswi t hnonzer or est massandt het her mal massi sj ust i f i edi nf unct i on of somesi mpl eequat i onsof t heGener al Rel at i vi t yappl i edt ot heUni ver seont he whol e. Mr . M. Rober t Wal di nhi sbook"SpaceTi meandGr avi t at i on"def i nest he Hubbl e' sconst ant as:H=1/ ada/ dt ( 4- 1)i nwhi ch"a"det er mi nesanscal eof l ongi t udei nf unct i onof whi cht heUni ver se expands, weal soknowt hat Hi sdef i nedby:H=V/ L( 4- 2)wher eVi st hespeedof expansi onof adi st ant gal axyand"L"t hedi st anceof an obser ver t oi t .I wi l l demonst r at et hat "a"andLar epr opor t i onal :f r om( 4- 1) ( dH/ dt ) a=- 1/ a^2( da/ dt ) ^2+1/ a( d2a/ dt 2) ( 4- 3)f r om( 4- 2) ( dH/ dt ) L=- 1/ L^2( dL/ dt ) ^2+1/ L( d2L/ dt 2) ( 4- 4)Supposet hat "L"i spr opor t i onal t o"a", t hen: a=k! L( 4- 5)wher ek! i sanumer i cconst ant wi t hout uni t s. nowweobt ai nt hef i r st andt hesecond der i vat i vesof ( 4- 5) andweobt ai n:da/ dt =k! - dL/ dt =k! - Vd2a/ dt 2=k! - dV/ dt =k! - Ac wher eAci st heaccel er at i onof t hegal axyt hat i sonL.( dH/ dt ) a=- 1/ L^2( dL/ dt ) +1/ L( d2L/ dt 2)t hesamebookdef i nest hedesacel er at i npar amet er "q"( donot conf usei t wi t ht he el ect r i cel ement ar ychar ge) as:q=ad2a/ dt 2/ ( da/ dt ) ^2=Lk! ( k! xAc) / k! ^2/ V^2=AcL/ V^2Now, A, L, andVar er el at edwi t hHas: dV/ dt =HdL/ dt =A=HV=HL^2AL= H^2L^2andq=H^2L^2/ V^2=1 wef oundt hat t hedesacel er at i npar amet er i suni t ar y.Thi sal l owsust odeducet hef ol l owi ngr el at i vi st i cequat i on:q=4pi G/ 3H^2( pm+3P/ C^2) =1 Onwhi chpmi st hedensi t yof t hemassandt headdi ng3P/ C^2i st hedensi t yof t he mass- ener gyof t hepr essur eof r adi at i onP, t hat i st osayt het her mal densi t y, so:1=4pi G/ 3H^2( pm+pt )H^2=Gk( pm+pt ) =Gkptpt =pm+pt m pt meanst ot al densi t y pmmeansmassdensi t y pt mmeansmassequi val ent t her mal densi t y Andsi ncet hevol umei st hesamef or t hemassandf or t her adi at i on, t hen:Mt =Mm+Mt m t hat i t i sequal t ot heoneI f oundbef or eandt hi si swhat I want edt odemonst r at e.That i sbysupposi ngt hat "a"andLar epr opor t i onal , wear r i vet oat r ul yconcl usi on.Aswel l asf r omt heequat i on( 4- 2) youar r i vedt o( 4- 4) , of t hei nt egr at i onof ( 4- 3) we ar r i vedt o:H=- Va/ a( ai ssubi ndexi nVa) and: Va/ a=V/ L. Now, anot her r el at i vi st i c equat i oni s: H=2Gkpt - KC^2/ a^2 wher eKi st hef act or t hat def i nesi f t heUni ver sei spl ane, spher i cal or hyper bol i c.Fr omt hepr evi ousequat i onandasH^2=Gkpt t hen: KC^2/ a^2=H^2k=4pi / 3 K=Va^2/ C^2 i t canbecl ear l yseet hat Ki sposi t i veandl esst han1( Vai sal wayssmal l er t haC) ,t hat meansacl oseUni ver se. andt heconst ant i sl esst han1.5. - Thei mpor t ant t hi ngher ei st oexpl ai nt heor i gi nof t hemat t er . Theequat i onsoft hepr evi oust opi csshowshowi t var i eswi t ht het i meangl e, but i t doesn' t i nf or m usabout t heor i gi n. For t hi s, I post ul at et heconcept t hat t hemat t er andt heener gy of t heUni ver sear enot et er nal , but r at her t heyhavebeencr eat edi nf unct i onof t he uncer t ai nt ypr i nci pl eof Hei sember g. But si ncet hi spr i nci pl ewoul dr equi r et hat t he spont aneouscr eat i onof asi ngl epar t i cl ebeat empor ar yphenomenonandt hat i tmust di sappear at at i menol onger t han:t =h/ mC^2 t hat i t obvi ousl yver ymuchl esst hant heageof t heUni ver se, t henhowi st hat t he pr ot onsandt heel ect r onsexi st per manent l y?. Oneopt i oni st ot hi nkt hat eachnew i nst ant newpar t i cl esar ecr eat edandt heol donesdi sappear , andi nconsequence t heUni ver sei sr ecr eat edeachmoment andi f i t i sr ecr eat edi neachmoment , who needsaBi g- Bang?Thepr evi ousanswer i st omuchspecul at i ve, andal t hought he peopl et hat ar edevot edt ot heset opi csar enot wal ki ngi nt hebr anchesat t het i me of gener at i ngnewi deas, I don' t l i ket hi sone.SoI pr ef er t ocont i nuet hi nki ngt hat t hepr i nci pl eof uncer t ai nt yi sbeenwor t hbut Ishoul dexpl ai nwhymat t er doesn' t di sappear i nt heuncer t ai nt yof t het i meof t he pr i nci pl eof Hei sember g.I f i ndt hat t her ewoul dnot becont r adi ct i onwi t ht hepr i nci pl ei f I post ul at et hat att hesamet i met hat mat t er i sf or medwi t hposi t i veener gy, i t i sf or medsomeanot herf or mof ener gyt hat i snegat i veandt hat compensat esexact l yt hemat t er , i nsuch wayt hat t henet cr eat edener gyi szer oandt her ef or et het i meonwhi cht hemat t ershoul ddi sappear i nor der t oagr eewi t ht hepr i nci pl ei t i si nf i ni t eor at l east asl ong asanuni ver sal cycl e. I bel i evet hat t hi sener gyi st hegr avi t at i on, I bel i evet hat t he gr avi t at i oni st hei nvent i onof Nat ur ei nor der t oper mi t t hecuasi per manentexi st enceof mat t er , besi desbei ngt her esponsi bl ef or i t sevol ut i on. I al r eadyf ound howt hi shappenwhenI f oundt hat t het ot al ener gyof t heUni ver sei szer o.Let ust hensupposet hat wi t ht hecr eat i onof apar t i cl ewi t hener gy ( m+) C2i scr eat edanener gy( m- C^2) sucht hat : mi i st hedi f f er encebet weent hi s t womasses.mi =h/ C^2t ionwhi chmi i st heuncer t ai nt yof t hemassandt i t heuncer t ai nt yof t het i me. Si nce t heuncer t ai nt yof t het i mehast obeequal or mi nor t ot het ot al ageof t heUni ver se andt hi si s2/ Hf , t hen:mi =hHf / 2C^2=0. 86e- 65gr m THATWOULDBE! THENETMASSOFTHEUNI VERSE! . i t seemst obei ncr edi bl e t hat asosmal l massi st henet massof t heUni ver se, but i f wecal cul at edt he l ongi t udeof t hecor r espondi ngwavewewoul dhave:l =h/ 2mi C=2hC/ Hf h=2C/ Hf =2RfThat i s, t hedi amet er of t heUni ver sei st hel ongi t udeof t hewaveof t hi sonl y par t i cl et hat r epr esent si t .I want t oaddt hat I havesomucht r ust i nt heequat i oni nor der t ocal cul at et he cosmi cbackgr oundt emper at ur eof r adi at i ont hat when( accor di ngt ot hel asti nf or mat i ont hat I have) t hi si sof 2. 735Kel vi ndegr ees, t hat t hedi f f er ences bet weent hi sf i gur eandmi ne( 2. 7374kel vi ndegr ees) I at t r i but ei t t o: er r or si nt he measur ement of Tor t oer r or si nt hemeasur ement of t heconst ant st hat i nt er vene i nt hecal cul at i on( ver ypr obabl yt heconst ant of Bol t zmanandG) . or t ot hat t he t emper at ur et hat I cal cul at ecoul di ncl udeot her par t i cl eswi t hzer or est mass( notphot ons) as; gr avi t ons, neut r i nset c.Anot her t hi ngI want t oaddi st hi s: t heequat i onsI haveshownar ef or al ar ge amount of par t i cl es, t hat i s, somehour saf t er t heBi g- Bang. For t hever ymoment oft heBi g- Bang( dur i ngt hePl ank' st i me) t heyar eal i t t l edi f f er ent becauset he const ant . I amnot expl ai ni ngher et hedet ai l sbecauseI woul dhavet ousemor e space, andt hi ssupposet obeanabst r act . Thef ul l paper i sof near ahundr ed pages, andI aml eavi ngout al ot of det ai l sabout t het emper at ur e, t her mal ener gy densi t y, t henumber of phot onsandt her at i owi t ht henumber of nucl eons, et c. ButYwi l l sayonet hi ngf or t hat moment ( Pl ank' st i me) , t henumber Nwasexact l y1,al soal l of t hecoupl i ngconst ant s, t hemass- ener gyof t heUni ver sewasexact l yt he Pl ank' smass.Theonl yot her t hi ngI wi l l add, i sagr aphwhi chshowsaccor di ngwi t ht he equat i onst hat I haveshownhowt hef our par amet er sof t hef or cesvar ywi t ht he ener gy. not i cespeci al l yt hat t heonl yf or cewhi chi sget t i ngbi gger i st hest r ong f or ce( t hepar amet er i sgoi ngdown) .Youshoul dobser vei nt hegr aphst hat I at t acht hat t heuni f i cat i onof t he4f or ces happensi nf act whent hemassof t hemasni st hemassof Pl ank. t hegr aphsar e exposedasl ogar i t hmi cgr aphssot hat onecoul dappr eci at et hevar i at i on.Thecosmi cbackgr oundt emper at ur ecanbeexpr essedasi seasyt oded uceas:T=Tf / ( si ne) ^( 3/ 2)Nowwewi l l expr esst hi st emper at ur easaf unct i onof Pl ank' st emper at ur eT1, as t hi shappenedwhensi ne=1/ Bf ^( 1/ 2) t hen:T=T1/ Bf ^( 3/ 4) ( si ne) ^( 3/ 2)T1=2m1C^2/ ZKbeenm1t hePl ank' smassm1=( hC/ G) ^( 1/ 2) a nd:si ne=( T1/ T) ^( 2/ 3) x1/ Bf ^( 1/ 2)For ever yoneof t he4par amet er sof t hef or cest her eexi st anexponent ( a1, a2,a3, a4) i nsuchawayt hat i ngener al :k=kf ( si ne) ^an wher ekr epr esent sanyof t hef our par amet er sandkf i t sf i nal val ue, and"an"i s t hecor r espondi ngexponent ( n=1, 2, 3, 4) so:( si ne) ^an=( T1/ T) ^( 2an/ 3) X1/ Bf ^( an/ 2) and: k=kf ( T1/ T) ^( 2an/ 3) x1/ Bf^( an/ 2)Whi chexpr essedasaf unct i onof t heval ueof t hepar amet er of t hef or cesi n Pl ank' st i me( whenal l of t hepar amet er swer euni t ar y) i s:k=( T1/ T) ^( 2an/ 3)Thi sl ast equat i oni sgoodf or al l t hepar amet er s, andyouj ust get t oknowt he t emper at ur ei nanyepocht oknowwhat wast heval ueof t hepar amet er ( andofcour seal sot heexponent "an"of t hecor r espondi ngf or ce)T1=2( hC/ G) ^( 1/ 2) C^2/ ZK=1. 430694953e32Kel vi nsI seasyt odeduceal sot hat t hepar amet er sof t hef or cesvar ywi t ht heener gyof t he masonandt hat i nt hePl ank' st i met hecor r espondi ngener gywas:3. 0607e+19Gev.Theequat i onshowst hat t heuni f i cat i onhappenswhent hemasonener gyhadt hi s val uei nt hePl ank' st i me.E=E1/ k^( 1/ an)BeenE=mC^2i nanyepochandE1=m1C^2 Concl usi on: t hi smodel i sver ysi mpl eandi t doesnot r equi r edmor emat ht hanwhatI haveal r eadyshown. Thesear et hegener al concl usi onsf or t het heor y:a) TheUni ver sebegant oexi st 1/ Ht sec. agowi t hnot mass - ener gyandwi l l endi n aBi g- Cr unchal sowi t hout mass- ener gy. TheUni ver sepr oper t i escanbededuced f r omt heat omi cpar t i cl esandf r omsomef undament al const ant s.b) Par t i cl esbegant oexi st exact l yat t hePl ank' st i me, t heycamet ot heexi st ence becauset heuncer t ai nt ypr i nci pl eandcont i nueexi st i ngbecausegr avi t y count er bal ancet heener gyof t hemi nsuchawayt hat t het ot al ener gyof t he Uni ver sei szer oal waysexcept by"mi "whi chi sal most zer ot o.c) Thecosmi cbackgr oundt emper at ur eandt het her mal densi t yhadbeencomi ng downsi ncet hePl ank' sepoch, but t het ot al t her mal ener gywasl i t t l eat t hat t i me,andevenbeent het emper at ur ever yl owont hesedays. t ot al t her mal ener gyi s hi gher now.d) Theori eswhi chdonot accept t hecycl i ngof t heUni verseargui ngt hat :- TheBi g- Crunchwoul dbet heonl yandbi ggest of t heBl ackHol esand t heref orei t won t bounceback.- Therei snot enoughmass( densi t y) i nt heUni verset ost opi t andbri ngi tbackt ot heBi g- Crunch.- Ent ropyal waysgoupt heref oret hecl ockwi l l st opf orever.Theprevi ousobj ect i onsarecorrect i f ( andt hi si si mport ant ) : t hemass-energyi sconst ant i nal l epochs. But f romwhat wej ust haveseen, t hi si snott hecase, t heref oret heobj ect i onsarenot val i d. Andbesi desheat , creat es di sorder, gravi t ycreat esorder. I not herwords, whent heUni versei s expandi ng, cosmi ct emperat uregoesdownandent ropyi sgoi ngupont hebul k , whent heUni versei sshri nki ng, t emperat urei sgoi ngupspont aneusl y, so ent ropyont hebul ki sgoi ngdown. Thi sdoesn t meant hat hot bodi eswi l lreci veheat f romcol dbodi es, t hesenseof t heheat t ransmi si onwon t change , but t aki ngt hecompl et eUni verse, ent ropywi l l godownandmat t erwi l l be di sappeari ngbecausegravi t at oryenergyi sgoi ngdownal so.I nf act , ri ght knowi shappeni ngt hat i ngeneral ent ropyi sgoi ngup, but t here aresomebodi esi nwhi chent ropyi sgoi ngdown, whi chbodi es?wel l , besi des t hel i vi ngbeens, everynewst ari sreduci ngi t sent ropywheni t i sf ormi ng,becausei t t akesi t smassf romcol dmat t er, i t wi l l changet oahot mat t er becausegravi t y. Of course, t hi si shappeni ngj ust duri ngi t sbi rt h, af t ert hat ,ent ropyagai nwi l l goup.e) Ther ear et woki ndsof t i me, t heabsol ut e, andpr obabl yj ust amat hemat i cal butnot r eal t i me, andt her el at i ve, t het i mewhi chbegant oexi st andt hat wi l l end.f ) Theuni versei sal most exact l yf l at j ust becauset heexi st enceof "mi ,ot herwi sei t woul dbeexact l yf l at . ( k=1)g) Equat i onsar enot cont r adi ct or ywi t h( asf ar asI f ound) t hegener al r el at i vi t y.h) Thef ourparamet ersof t hef orcesof Nat urevarywi t ht i meandwi l l reacha f i nal val ue. Theyhadt hesameval ue"1"at t hePl ank' st i me. Andt heyare numeri cal l yrel at ed. Al l of t hemchangewi t ht heCBT, t hat wi l l reacha mi ni mumnonzeroval uebef orei t st art st ogoupagai n. Therei snot reasont o di scusst hat i f t hecoupl i ngconst ant swoul dbedi f f erent , t heUni versewoul d not exi st . That i snot correct , t hepoi nt herei showdot hecoupl i ng const ant schange, t herat eof changeof t hem, whi chwi t ht heexcept i onofgravi t y, t heot hert reeareal most const ant . Besi des, nobodycansaywhat i twoul dhappeni f some"const ant s"varywi t ht i mebecausenobodyknowswhatot herconst ant swoul dal sochanget ocompensat eandkeept heUni verse exi st i ng.i ) El ect r i cchar gevar i eswi t hener gy. but muchmor el esst hanmass, i nabout 10e -40t i mesl ess.j ) Li ght speed, Pl ank' sconst ant , Newt on' sconst ant , DandJ, Bol t zman' sconst ant, ar et hemai nconst ant sof Nat ur e. Theydef i neal l t her est of t hepr oper t i esof t he Uni ver se.k) Ther eal Cosmol ogi cal pr obl emi st oexpl ai nt heval ueof t hef undament alconst ant s. I t i sut opi ct ot hi nkt hat someki ndof mat hemat i csor t heor ywi t houtconst ant si t sel f wi l l expl ai nt hese, why?Becauset heseconst ant shaveuni t s(gr am, cm, sec. ) andt her ei snoanyr easonabl emeanof get t i ngt heseuni t sf r om anyl ogi cor mat hemat i cal pr i nci pl es, unl esswest opst udyi ngphysi cswi t huni t s andst ar t t hest udyphysi cswi t hj ust pr opor t i ons. t hent her ei sonl yonet hi ngwe cansayabout t hepr oper t i esof t hepar t i cl es; t heyaresomanyt i messmal l eror bi gert hansomepropert i esof t heUni verse, orvi ceversa.AsI sai dat t hebegi nni ng, t hi spaper i sanabst r act , andf or t hat r easonI di d nti ncl udemanyt hi ngs, but i f t her eader havesomequest i onsregardi ngt hi spaperIwi l l gi vehi mmoredet ai l si f hecal l smet omye- mai lAnyonewhoreadt hi spapercanusei t f orPhysi csandCosmol ogy purposes, but i f myi deasareexposedi nanyf orm, mynamemust beci t edon i t . RamnGar zaWi l motE- mai l : r agawi @hot mai l . com Oct . 7of 1998 Mont er r ey, N. L. Mexi co