cyst of epithelial origin

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Post on 12-Oct-2015




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  • Cyst of epithelial originYulia Farida YahyaBag/Dept I Kesehatan kulit & kelamin FK UNSRI-RSUP M HoesinPalembang

  • At a glance

  • At a glance

  • At a glance

  • At a glance

  • Millium Milia minute epidermoid cysts, lined with epidermis 7 filled with keratin

    EpidemiologyMilia are common, acquired lesions both infants & adultsMen & women affected aqually

  • Etiology & pathogenesisMilia pilosebaceous or eccrine sweet duct pluggingSuperficial lesions can be primary or secondary the latter resulting injury to the skinSecondary lesions common in sub-epidermal blistering diseases epidermolysis bulloosa, porphyria cutanea tarda, burns, after dermabrasion, ablative laser resurfacing, topical therapy glucocorticoid therapy or 5-fluorouracil treatment

  • Clinical featuresPrimary millium, a 3-mm hard, seed-like white papuleMilia are 1 2 mm, white, domed papuleCommonly located on the cheeks & eyelids of adultsIn Infants milia are common on the face & mucosaEruptive milia have been reported this is a rare occurrenceMilia en Plaque plaque type, inflammatory variant of milia, commonly, located on the earAcquired milia located anywhere, predisposing trauma or other factors hace occured

  • Treatment Congenital milia spontaneously resolveAcquired milia resolve spontaneouslyremoved by disrupting overlying epidermis light electrosurgery (electrodessications) 11- blade Expressing the keratin contents

  • Steatocystoma multiplexNumerous epithelial-linedSebum-filled dermal cystsCharacteristic sebaceous glands in the cyst wallClinical features asymptomatic, yellow or skin-colored dermal, papules or cystLocated most commonly trunk, upper erm, scrotum, chestincised oily materialThe lesion become infected& suppuratesinus formation & scarring

  • Treatment Simple excicionDrainage of the cyst with manual removal of the cyst wallInflamed lesions respond to intralesional steroids, CO2 laser, oral retinoids or cryotherapy