cytomegalovirus (cmv) and pregnancy eng 0310.pdf · 2.3. retrospective diagnosis of congenital cmv...

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and pregnancy Liliane Grangeot-Keros - Christelle Vauloup-Fellous Marianne Leruez-Ville - Yves Ville

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Page 1: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and pregnancy eng 0310.pdf · 2.3. Retrospective diagnosis of congenital CMV infection in children 17 2.4. Prevention of congenital CMV infection 17 2.5. Treatment

Cytomegalovirus (CMV)and pregnancyLiliane Grangeot-Keros - Christelle Vauloup-FellousMarianne Leruez-Ville - Yves Ville

Page 2: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) and pregnancy eng 0310.pdf · 2.3. Retrospective diagnosis of congenital CMV infection in children 17 2.4. Prevention of congenital CMV infection 17 2.5. Treatment

Table of contents1. Materno-fetal CMV infection 3

1.1. Epidemiology and pathogenesis 3

1.2. Clinical picture 4

1.3. Virological diagnosis 5

1.3.1. Laboratory diagnosis of maternal primary infection 5

1.3.2. Laboratory diagnosis of maternal secondary infection 7

1.3.3. Laboratory diagnosis in case of ultrasoundabnormalities suggestiveof maternal infection 8

Clinical cases 9References 14

2. Diagnosis of congenital CMV infection 15

2.1. Diagnosis of fetal infection 15

2.1.1. Fetal imaging 15

2.1.2. Biological diagnosis of fetal infection 16

2.2. Diagnosis of congenital CMVinfection in newborn babies 16

2.3. Retrospective diagnosisof congenital CMV infection in children 17

2.4. Prevention of congenital CMV infection 17

2.5. Treatment of congenitalCMV infection 18

Clinical cases 19References 21

Dr. Liliane Grangeot-KerosDr. Christelle Vauloup-Fellous

Service de MicrobiologieImmunologie BiologiqueHôpital Antoine Béclère157, rue de la Portede Trivaux92141 Clamart

Dr. Marianne Leruez-Ville

Laboratoire de VirologieLaboratoire associé auCentre national de référencedu cytomégalovirusGroupe HospitalierNecker-Enfants Malades149, rue de Sèvres75743 Paris

Pr. Yves Ville

MaternitéGroupe HospitalierNecker-Enfants Malades149, rue de Sèvres75743 Paris

Cytomegalovirus (CMV)and pregnancyLiliane Grangeot-Keros - Christelle Vauloup-FellousMarianne Leruez-Ville - Yves Ville

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1.1 Epidemiology and pathogenesis

CMV is a DNA-enveloped virus belonging to theHerpesviridae family (photo 1). Indeed, CMV isthe major cause of neurosensory impairmentresponsible for congenital infection. In fact,CMV infection is said to be the primary cause ofcongenital infections and that each year about1% of newborn babies contract CMV infectionin utero.Overall, 50% of women of childbearing age inWestern Europe are infected by CMV, butprevalence rate varies according to socio-economic level, age, profession, parity andethnic origin. As a result, 50% of pregnantwomen are exposed to the risk of primary CMVinfection. In addition, cases of congenital CMVinfection resulting from maternal secondaryinfection (reinfection or reactivation) are alsoreported, in particular within populations witha high prevalence rate of CMV infection5,7.The most exposed subjects are seronegativewomen working with very little children orwomen with first children in day-care centres,since the virus spreads extremely fast withingroups of very young children. Transmission isonly through close interpersonal contact (withurine, oropharyngeal secretions, milk, tears,and genital secretions). Pregnant seronegativewomen should thus avoid close contact withlittle children as much as possible and shouldtake certain hygiene measures to significantlyreduce the risk of CMV infection duringpregnancy. The partners of such women shouldalso take the same precautions. It is generally accepted that materno-fetal CMVtransmission is mostly caused by peri- or post-conceptional maternal primary infection11. Theincidence of primary infection duringpregnancy is estimated at between 0.5% and2%. Roughly 50% of infected women transmitthe virus to their children, but transmission

varies depending on the term of pregnancy.According to Bodeus et al., transmission isestimated at 36% in the first quarter, 45% inthe second quarter and 77% in the thirdquarter1. To Revello and Gerna, transmission isestimated at 45% in the first and secondquarters, and 79% in the third10. Transmission tothe foetus occurs through transplacentalhaematogenous spread during maternalviraemia concomitant with primary infection.The foetus can also be infected, but to a lesserextent, following reactivation (reappearance ofviral production) or maternal reinfection by anew virus strain. It is estimated that 10% to30% of women excrete the virus in the courseof pregnancy, and that roughly 0.2% ofchildren born to a seropositive mother before

Photo 1: Human cytomegalovirus AD169strain. Ultra-thin cross-section of humanprimary fibroblasts; complete virions withintact envelope (arrows) and electron-densenucleocapsid core; incomplete virions withoutnucleocapsid.Graciously provided by: Wade Gibson, PhD, JohnsHopkins University, Department of Pharmacology andMolecular Sciences.

1. Materno-fetal CMV infection

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pregnancy are infected at birth7. The incidenceof materno-fetal CMV transmission aftermaternal secondary infection is difficult toestimate because differential diagnosis ofreinfection or reactivation is practicallyimpossible.Finally, the neonatal period is highly contagious(through cervicovaginal secretions, maternalmilk, close contact), but is not followed byneurological sequelae. Perinatal infection isvery frequent; overall 12% to 15% of newbornbabies negative at birth are found to beinfected after one month.

1.2 Clinical picture

The clinical signs of primary CMV infection in

pregnant women are relatively frequent, butmostly non-specific (fatigue, fever, headache)and therefore recognized only a posteriori.This is why they are generally insufficient tosignal primary CMV infection12.The risk of transmission to the foetus isestimated at 30% to 50% in the course ofpregnancy, but it increases as pregnancyprogresses. The consequences of fetalinfection vary, but are normally more severeafter maternal primary infection than afterreactivation or reinfection (Figure 1). The riskof sequelae to the foetus reaches a peak(20% to 30%) when maternal primaryinfection occurs before the twentieth weekof gestation and declines thereafter6,9,13.Maternal infection during the last quarter of



Primary infection

Cytomegalic inclusion disease(or incomplete forms)

Symptomaticinfection (10%)

Asymptomaticinfection (90%)

Chronic CMV infection(1% of all newborns)

Transmissionto the foetus (30-50%)







5-10%Neurosensory sequelae

Figure 1: Fetal risk in the event of maternal CMV infection

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pregnancy can indeed harm the foetus,causing microcephaly, hearing and minorneurological impairment. However, whenmaternal primary infection occurs in earlypregnancy, more serious effects are observedon the foetus, giving rise to CytomegalicInclusion Disease (CID). CID is a consequenceof viral replication in vital fetal organs thatregresses spontaneously, but causespersistent damage that can lead to seriouslong-term sequelae. Consequently, severeCentral Nervous System (CNS) impairment,intracranial calcification, and myelinisationabnormalities are normally observed. Ifpregnancy reaches term, the newborn babymost often presents hypotrophy, hypotonia,hepatosplenomegaly, sometimes respiratorydisorders and haemostatic complications.Among children with CID, 10% to 20% diewithin the first weeks of after birth, and amongthe survivors, 80% to 90% develop neurosensorysequelae with psychomotor retardation. InFrance, the figures commonly found in theliterature are really overestimated. Indeed,situations where doubts remain over estimatesrelating to very serious lesions become rarewhen pregnancy is correctly followed up inspecialised centres (which should always be thecase when maternal seroconversion or fetal CMVinfection is diagnosed). Recent improvement inresolution of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)has decreased the number of cases whereseverity of neurological impairment cannot beassessed. Flexibility of abortion time limits inFrance also decreases significantly the number ofnewborn babies affected by CID.This very serious scenario is fortunatelyincreasingly rare: in fact, congenital CMVinfection is estimated to be asymptomatic atbirth in more than 90% of cases. IntraUterineGrowth Restriction (IUGR) is sometimesobserved by ultrasound scan. However, clinicalfollow-up of these children is crucial, since 5%to 10% of initially asymptomatic childreneventually develop neurosensory sequelae,most often involving hearing loss. Hearing loss

may be complete or partial and may not beapparent at birth, but may eventually developwithin first years of birth. The clinical consequences of maternalsecondary infection on the foetus are not wellknown. Studies show that pre-existingimmunity somehow offers protection duringpregnancy. Such protection, however, may beinsufficient to prevent CMV transmission to thefoetus, and consequently, more or less seriousfetal abnormalities2,4.

1.3 Virological diagnosis

Large-scale screening of CMV infection duringpregnancy is not currently recommended in mostEuropean countries, but hygiene measures are ofparamount importance to curb the incidence ofmaternal CMV infection. IgG antibodies aresometimes detected in early pregnancy in orderto determine maternal serological status,especially when the patient is at riskprofessionally or relationship wise (day-carepersonnel, nurses, kindergarten teachers,mothers of infant children). Diagnosis of maternalinfection can also be conducted when the mothershows symptoms, but clinical signs are oftenmisleading since they are non-specific. The mainconsequence of all these factors is that many CMVinfections are undiagnosed during pregnancy.However, if ultrasound abnormalities are detected(IUGR, cerebral abnormalities, oligoamnios,hyperechogenic bowel, fetal hydrops), maternalCMV infection should be investigated.

1.3.1 Laboratory diagnosisof maternal primary infection

Viraemia in immunocompetent subjects mayindicate recent primary infection, but is notused in clinical practice for diagnostic purposes.On the other hand, maternal viraemia shouldbe detected before establishing prenataldiagnosis in amniotic fluid specimens in orderto curb the risk of iatrogenic infection of thefoetus. Indeed, the virus can persist in the blood

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stream for several weeks, which explains whyan infection contracted in the weeks beforeconception can cause fetal infection. Maternal viruria is not useful for diagnosis ofprimary CMV infection, since it is often positivein case of reactivation, which only very rarelycauses symptomatic congenital infections.Diagnosis of primary CMV infection in pregnantwomen is therefore based essentially onserological tests (Figure 2).IgG and IgM antibodies are usually detectedusing ELISA techniques. The presence of specificIgG confirms contact with the virus, but a singlespecimen can in no way indicate the time ofmaternal primary infection. Seroconversionnormally confirms primary infection, which ishowever difficult to identify in the absence of

large-scale screening. Detection of specific IgMdoes not necessarily indicate recent infection.Indeed, although IgM antibodies areconsistently detected in recent primaryinfections, they may also be observed inconsequence of cross-reactions with IgMdirected to other viruses (EBV for instance). Inaddition, the use of more and more sensitivetechniques also allows specific IgM to bedetected long after the onset of primaryinfection, during secondary infections, or incase of polyclonal stimulation of the immunesystem, when a different infection is inprogress.It is therefore apparent that the detection ofspecific IgM is insufficient to diagnose primaryinfection, and that its presence can be difficult

IgG -

IgM - IgM +

Risk of recentprimary infectionto be confirmed

by testing a second sampleten days later

No immunity

IgG +

IgM - IgM +

CMV serology tests

High avidity.Primary infection

> 3 months**

Low avidity. Primary infection

< 3 months**

Immune patient;no markers of recent

primary infection*

Measurement of IgG avidity*

* Results should be interpreted according to time of pregnancy ** Diasorin LIAISON® Technique

IgG -

False IgMpositive result

IgG +

Recent primary infectionto be confirmed by measuring

IgG avidity

Figure 2: Interpretation algorithm for CMV serology tests

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to interpret. For these reasons, it is oftennecessary to measure specific IgG avidity andto test in parallel serum samples collected atdifferent times during pregnancy in order todetermine whether the infection is post-conceptional in nature (Figure 2). IgG avidityindex indicates the strength of the bondbetween multivalent antigens (contained inthe reagent) and polyclonal IgG antibodiespresent in the patient serum. This technique isbased on the fact that specific IgG avidityincreases with the time of the immuneresponse. At the onset of infection, IgG avidityindex is low, and the more time elapses fromthe onset of infection, the greater the indexbecomes. Most often, measurement of avidityindex is based on the use of denaturatingagents (in general, elevated ureaconcentration) in ELISA tests. The denaturatingagent is then either contained in specimendiluting solution to prevent the formation ofantigen/antibody complexes (principle ofdilution) or it is added to wash solution afterthe formation of antigen/antibody complexes(principle of elution). It is then possible toobtain absorbance (Abs.) values in the absenceand in the presence of the denaturating agentfor the same sample. The avidity index is thencalculated as follows:

Abs. in the presence of denaturating agent----------------------------------------------------------------------- x 100

Abs. in the absence of denaturating agent

The avidity index is a function of the time ofinfection and in general allows exclusion orconfirmation that a recent primary infectionis less than three months old12. The avidityresults should then be interpreted dependingon the term of pregnancy. Beyond the firstquarter of pregnancy, high avidity means thatpost-conceptional infection cannot beexcluded. The avidity index also depends onthe subjects tested and the techniques used.Indeed high avidity generally excludesprimary infection contracted less than three

months before; however, the cut-off valuesfor exclusion vary according to the techniqueused and comparison is not always feasible.It should also be noted that the avidity indexmay be incorrect in the presence of low IgGtitre and therefore not always easy tointerpret (Figure 3).

1.3.2 Laboratory diagnosisof maternal secondary infection

Currently, it is practically impossible to establisha diagnosis of CMV reinfection or reactivationin a pregnant woman. Indeed it is widelyaccepted that increased specific IgG (whether inthe presence of specific IgM or not) in a womaninfected before her pregnancy (or most often atearly pregnancy) indicates secondary infection.This clinical condition can also be observedmuch more frequently in non-specificpolyclonal stimulation of the immune system.Measurement of IgG avidity is of no use in this


Past infection





y ti



or non-specific stimulation

of the immunesystem


Positive IgGPositive IgM Low avidity

Positive IgGNegative/positive IgM

High avidityPositive IgGPositive IgM

High avidity

Figure 3: Diagram for kinetics of CMV IgG and IgM antibodiesand IgG avidity index

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case, since it is high in both situations. At mostthe infection can be retrospectively presumedas secondary when a child is born infected to amother positive for CMV before her pregnancy.In practice the diagnosis of maternal secondaryinfection is difficult to achieve and is only rarelycorrectly established.

1.3.3 Laboratory diagnosis in caseof ultrasound abnormalities suggestiveof maternal infection

When ultrasound abnormalities suggestiveof CMV infection are observed, maternalinfection should be investigated. When IgGtitre is negative (regardless of IgM titre),CMV can be excluded as the causative agent.When IgG titre is positive (irrespective ofIgM titre), the infection should be dated by

IgG avidity index measurement as well as byIgG detection in serum specimens collectedat the onset of pregnancy for otherscreening purposes, like trisomy 21 or β-hCGassay. Indeed as seen previously, thepresence of IgM does not automaticallyindicate primary infection.Furthermore, by the time ultrasoundabnormalities are observed, IgM may havealready disappeared. However, if resultsobtained in a serum sample collected at theonset of pregnancy are not suggestive ofprimary CMV infection (IgG+/IgM− orIgG+/IgM−/high IgG avidity), prenataldiagnosis is strongly recommended, since IgMmay disappear, and infection occurring in theweeks before conception or secondaryinfection may be the cause of fetal infection(Figure 4).

CMV serology tests

IgG -IgM -

IgG -IgM +

IgG +IgM +

IgG +IgM -

Abnormalities not due to CMV infection Possible post-conceptional infection. IgG avidity measurement.

Tests in serum sample collected at the onset of pregnancy

Beware! When ultrasound abnormalitiesare observed, IgM antibodies may have disappeared

Figure 4: Interpretation of maternal serology tests when ultrasound abnormalitiesare observed, suggestive of CMV infection

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Clinical case No. 1

The first serum sample is collected from Mrs A. on 31st July 2007 and shows an IgG concentrationof 6.9 IU/mL, which remains unchanged seventeen days later (6.6 IU/mL). Specific IgM is detectedin both samples. IgG avidity index is compatible with recent primary infection (less than threemonths before).

Clinical case No. 2

The first serum sample is collected from Mrs B. on 2nd February 2007 and shows an IgGconcentration of 1.6 IU/mL which remains unchanged twenty days later (1.7 IU/mL). Specific IgM isdetected in both samples. IgG avidity index is compatible with primary infection older than threemonths.

Comments on clinical cases Nos. 1 and 2The observation of stable specific IgG concentrations is reassuring for many biologists andclinicians. Indeed, IgG can plateau several weeks after the onset of infection depending on thesubjects tested and the techniques used. Stable IgG concentrations do not therefore indicate pastinfection. It should be underscored that the term past infection is not to be used since pastinfection is synonymous with pre-conceptional infection for most clinicians, regardless of the termof pregnancy at the time the serology tests are performed!

Date IgG IgM Avidity index

cut-off: 0.6 IU/mL cut-off: 30 AU/mL %

GZ*: 0.4-0.6 IU/mL GZ: 15-30 AU/mL

31-07-07 6.9 72.2 7 (very low avidity)

17-08-07 6.6 57.2 13 (low avidity)

* ZG: grey zone

Date IgG IgM Avidity index

cut-off: 0.6 IU/mL cut-off: 30 AU/mL %

GZ*: 0.4-0.6 IU/mL GZ: 15-30 AU/mL

02-02-07 1.6 36 86 (high avidity)

22-02-07 1.7 40 89 (high avidity)

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Clinical case No. 3

CMV serology tests routinely prescribed to Mrs C. on 11th October 2004 are negative. Five weekslater specific IgG and IgM are detected. During the final serology tests performed on 4th April 2005,roughly five months after the first positive tests, high IgM concentrations are still present.Furthermore, a small but regular decrease in IgM levels is observed from November 2004 to March2005. IgG concentrations remain stable for the two following months after a significant increaseis observed from November 2004 to January 2005.

CommentsLow concentrations of long-lasting CMV IgM commonly persist for months after seroconversion.However, high IgM levels may be detected for longer than six months as in case No. 3.

Date IgG IgM

cut-off: 0.6 IU/mL cut-off: 30 AU/mLGZ*: 0.4-0.6 IU/mL GZ: 15-30 AU/mL

11-10-04 < 0.2 < 8

15-11-04 1.1 188

07-01-05 2.9 156

07-02-05 2.9 130

07-03-05 3.2 115

04-04-05 4.4 125

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Clinical case No. 5

In the presence of symptomatology suggestive of toxoplasmosis, CMV, or EBV infection, serologytests were performed. As indicated in the following table, Toxoplasma, CMV and VCA IgM weredetected at the time clinical signs were observed, in July 2005. Primary EBV infection was ruled outbecause of the presence of EBNA antibodies. A sample collected two months later was notconclusive: specific IgM to all three agents investigated had disappeared. It is interesting to notethat EBNA IgG and VCA IgG increased significantly from July to September.

Avidity of Toxoplasma and CMV IgG measured in a serum sample collected in July helped rule outrecent toxoplasmosis and CMV infection...Anamnesis and additional tests helped confirm the presence of Lyme disease.

CommentsThe presence of IgM as well as increased specific IgG titres can be observed in primary infection aswell as in non-specific polyclonal stimulation of the immune system, as is the case here, where thepatient is indeed affected by Lyme disease.

Date Toxoplasmosis CMV EBV

IgG cut-off: 6 IU/mL IgG cut-off: 0.6 IU/mL EBNA IgG cut-off: 20 U/mL IgM cut-off: 1 IgM cut-off: 30 AU/mL VCA IgG cut-off: 20 U/mL

VCA IgM cut-off: 40 U/mL

28-07-05 IgG: 60 IgG: > 22 EBNA IgG: 140

IgM: 2.17 IgM: 213 VCA IgG: 202

VCA IgM: > 160

21-09-05 IgG: 85.5 IgG: > 22 EBNA IgG: 315

IgM: 0.73 IgM: 15.3 VCA IgG: 392

VCA IgM: 14.8

Date Avidity of Toxoplasma IgG Avidity of CMV IgG

IgG avidity: > 30% IgG avidity: > 30%Infection older than 4 months Infection older than 3 months

28-07-05 56% 61%

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Clinical case No. 6

In the presence of symptomatology suggestive of mononucleosis or CMV infection, serology testswere performed on 14th April, at the time clinical signs were observed. CMV IgM and VCA IgMtitres were borderline and positive respectively, whereas CMV IgG and VCA IgG titres werenegative and borderline respectively. Nine days later, CMV IgG titres remained negative, whereasVCA IgG titres became positive. EBNA IgG titres were consistently negative. These results showedrecent EBV infection.

CommentsAnti-CMV IgM presence was probably due to a cross-reaction between CMV and EBV IgM, giventhat both viruses are members of the Herpesviridae family. In the present case, the presence ofanti-CMV IgM is not related to non-specific polyclonal stimulation of the immune system, becauseof the absence of anti-CMV IgG. From our experiment, cross-reactions are more often observedwith IgMs, but this remains to be confirmed.


IgG cut-off: 0.6 IU/mL EBNA IgG cut-off: 30 U/mLIgM cut-off: 30 AU/mL VCA IgG cut-off: 20 U/mL - GZ: 10-20 U/mL

GZ: 15-30 AU/mL VCA IgM cut-off: 40 U/mL

14-04-07 IgG: < 0.2 EBNA IgG: < 3

IgM: 27 VCA IgG: 10.1VCA IgM: 52.2

23-04-07 IgG: < 0.2 EBNA IgG: < 3

IgM: 52.2 VCA IgG: 25

VCA IgM: > 160

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References1. Bodeus M, Hubinont C, Goubeau P. Increased risk of cytomegalovirus transmission in utero during late gestation.

Obstet Gynecol 1999; 93: 658-60.

2. Boppana SB, Rivera LB, Fowler KB, mach M, Britt WJ. Intrauterine transmission of cytomegalovirus to infants ofwomen with preconceptional immunity. N Engl J Med 2001; 344: 1366-71.

3. Duff P. (2005). Immunotherapy for congenital cytomegalovirus infection. N Engl J Med 353(13): 1402-1403.

4. Fowler KB, Stagno S, Pass RF, Britt WJ, Boll TJ, Alford CA. The outcome of congenital cytomegalovirus infection inrelation to maternal antibody status. N Engl J Med 1992; 326: 663-7.

5. Fowler KB, Stagno S, Pass RF. Maternal immunity and prevention of congenital cytomegalovirus infection. JAMA2003; 289: 1008-11.

6. Liesnard C, Donner C, Brancart F, Gosselin F, Delforge ML, Rodesch F. Prenatal diagnosis of congenitalcytomegalovirus infection: prospective study of 237 pregnancies at risk. Obstet Gynecol 2000; 95: 881-8.

7. Naessens A., Casteels A, Decatte L, Foulon W. A serologic strategy for detecting neonates at risk for congenitalcytomegalovirus infection. J Pediatrics 2005; 146: 194-7.

8. Nigro, G., S. P. Adler, et al. (2005). Passive immunization during pregnancy for congenital cytomegalovirus infec-tion. N Engl J Med 353 (13): 1350-1362.

9. Pass, R., K. Fowler, et al. (2005). Congenital cytomegalovirus infection following first trimester maternal infection:symptoms at birth and outcome. J Clin Virol Dec,17.

10. Revello MG, Gerna G. Pathogenesis and prenatal diagnosis of human cytomegalovirus infection. J Clin Virol 2004;29: 71-83.

11. Revello MG, Zavattoni M, Furione M, Lilleri D, Gorini G, Gerna G. Diagnosis and outcome of preconceptional andpericonceptional primary human cytomegalovirus infections. J Infect Dis 2002; 186: 553-7.

12. Revello MG, Gerna G. Diagnosis and management of human cytomegalovirus infection in the mother, fetus andnewborn infant. Clin Microbiol Rev 2002; 15 (4): 680-715.

13. Stagno S, Pass RF, Cloud G, Britt WJ, Henderson RE, Walton PD, Primary cytomegalovirus infection in pregnancy.Incidence, transmission to fetus, and clinical outcome. JAMA 1986; 256: 1904-8.

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2.1 Diagnosis of fetal infection

2.1.1 Fetal imaging

Congenital infection is contracted duringmaternal viraemia both primarily and throughreinfection or reactivation. The infection isinitially placental, then it may be transmitted tothe foetus via the infected placenta1.Dissemination in the foetus then occurs via theblood stream and all fetal cells can be infected;potential infection severity is related to fetalbrain damage. A vast majority (70% to 80%) ofchildren who are infected in utero present nolong-term sequelae to CMV infection, 10% to15% present moderate sequelae, notablyunilateral or bilateral hearing loss, and theremaining 10% to 15% present severeneurosensory sequelae with psychomotorretardation2. The real challenge in prenatalfollow-up of CMV infection is therefore toidentify severely affected foetuses at risk ofserious sequelae with high sensitivity andspecificity. Fetal impairment is detected viaultrasound scan either coincidentally with a

routine pregnancy ultrasound scan, or as aresult of frequent ultrasound follow-upsperformed because the mother is affected byprimary infection. The ultrasound scan candetect impairment of one or more fetal organsthat may or may not be associated withsystemic impairment. Systemic impairmentinvolves fetal hepatosplenomegaly with thepotential complication of ascites, revealing thepresence of cholestatic hepatitis or hepaticinsufficiency3. Less frequently, generalisedoedema associated with ascites suggestshydrops linked to the combined effect ofhepatic insufficiency and anaemia due tomedullary impairment. CMV enterocolitisinvolves hyperechogenic fetal bowel4, and fetalkidney impairment can be detected via renalhyperechogenicity or oligohydramniosis5.IntraUterine Growth Restriction (IUGR) canresult from fetal or placental impairment. In theevent of proven fetal infection, fetal braindamage must be investigated until the end ofpregnancy using a combination of ultrasoundscan and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)(photo 2)6. The most obvious cerebral signs are

Photo 2: A. Sagittal section of the fetal profile and brain in a normal quantity of amniotic fluid.B. Sagittal section of the fetal brain at the same age, showing ventricular dilation andperiventricular calcification in CMV infection. Amniotic fluid is absent due to infection.

Pr. Yves Ville, Poissy Maternity.


2. Diagnosis of congenital CMV infection

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microcephaly, unilateral or bilateral dilation ofthe cerebral ventricles and cerebralmicrocalcifications. More subtle abnormalitiesof myelinisation or gyration of the fetal brainmust be investigated with fetal MRI. Thepresence of clear cerebral abnormalities onultrasound scan, notably microcephaly, is a signof very poor prognosis with risk of severeneurosensory sequelae close to 100%7. Thepredictive value of extra-cerebral ultrasoundabnormalities has not been evaluated.

2.1.2 Biological diagnosisof fetal infection

The reference method for diagnosing fetalinfection is CMV detection by PCR test inamniotic fluid collected by amniocentesis5.Improved sensitivity of PCR test compared withviral culture is clearly demonstrated in theliterature8. Until very recently in-house CMVPCR tests have been used in most virologylaboratories: traditional, multiplex or real-timePCR tests. Recently, CE-marked kits havebecome available for CMV PCR test, and someare validated for prenatal diagnosis9.The choice of a sensitive CMV PCR test is crucialfor reliable prenatal diagnosis; such test shouldamplify all CMV strains and include an internalcontrol in order to detect possible PCRinhibitors. Furthermore, it is of paramountimportance to properly schedule the time ofamniocentesis after 21 weeks of amenorrhoea(when fetal urinary system is mature) and atleast seven weeks after maternal primaryinfection10,11. Under optimal conditions ofsample collection and technique, sensitivity ofprenatal diagnosis is above 90%. False negativeresults are however described, with prenatalnegative diagnosis and positive diagnosis atbirth; these cases are generally related to latevirus transmission to the foetus, which is not yetinfected when prenatal diagnosis isconducted12.It is furthermore recommended to check thatno maternal viraemia is present before

amniocentesis is carried out. Indeed, there istheoretical risk of iatrogenic contamination ofthe foetus during amniocentesis in the eventthat the virus circulates in maternal blood, eventhough a recent study shows that this risk isexceptionally low12. The technique of choice torule out the existence of maternal viraemia isPCR test in a blood sample; indeed, PP65antigenemia test is significantly less sensitivethan the PCR technique and false negativeresults may occur with PP65 antigenemia test incases of low viraemia13.Specificity of PCR test in amniotic fluidspecimens ranges between 90% and 100%according to different studies14, 15 with reportedfalse positive results probably related to PCRtest contamination. Risk of false positive resultsshould be curbed by the generalised use ofautomated extraction techniques and real-timePCR.Viral load in amniotic fluid does not seem toindicate infection severity, notably because viralDNA accumulates in the amniotic fluid overtime16. When diagnosis of fetal infection isconfirmed by a positive PCR test in amnioticfluid, some teams collect a fetal blood samplethat helps measure fetal DNA by quantitativePCR tests and fetal platelet levels. While theprognostic value of fetal thrombopaenia nowappears to be established17, the prognosticvalue of viral load in fetal blood is not yetdemonstrated.

2.2 Diagnosis of congenital CMVinfection in newborn babies

The reference method for diagnosingcongenital infection in newborn babies isdetection of the virus or viral DNA via cultureor PCR test in urine samples collected duringthe first two weeks of life18. Detection of viralDNA in saliva samples collected in the firstdays of life has been proposed as analternative to the use of urine samples, whichis a cumbersome procedure, but there iscurrently limited literature about sensitivity

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and specificity of this technique19. Detectionof DNA in blood seems to be able to identify80% of congenitally infected newbornbabies20. However, measuring viral load inblood at birth may be of prognostic valuesince asymptomatic newborn babies withhigher viral load are at greater risk ofdeveloping hearing loss20, 21.

2.3 Retrospective diagnosisof congenital CMV infectionin children

Retrospective diagnosis of congenitalinfection may be established by PCR testusing dry blood spots on Guthrie cards22, 23

whenever neonatal diagnosis has not beenestablished and a small child shows clinical

signs consistent with congenital CMVinfection (neurological signs or hearing loss).Specificity and sensitivity of this diagnosticmethod are currently under evaluation.

2.4 Preventionof congenital CMV infection

Congenital infection is prevented with simplehygiene measures. Indeed, home-care for achild under the age of six is one of the mainrisk factors for maternal primary infection24.Hygiene measures like: washing one’s handsafter changing nappies, feeding, bathing,blowing the child’s nose, not sharing spoons,cleaning toys are effective to curbtransmission, but are of difficult practicalapplication25. In France, the 2004 ANAES


Fetal ultrasound abnormalities Maternal seroconversion

Two follow-up protocolsaccording to different teams

Monthly ultrasoundfollow-up.

Fetal brain MRI(third quarter)

Amniocentesisafter 21 weeks

of amenorrhoea.CMV PCR test

in amniotic fluid

Amniocentesis.CMV PCR test

in amniotic fluid

NegativeCMV PCR

test: no fetalCMV infection

PositiveCMV PCR

test: case-by-casefollow-up

by prenataldiagnostic


Detection ofultrasound


No abnormalities: continuationof pregnancy

Amniocentesis.CMV PCR test inamniotic fluid

Negative CMV PCR test: no fetal CMV


Positive CMV PCR test: case-by-case

follow-up by prenatal diagnosis centre

Negative CMV PCR test: no fetal

CMV infection.Beware: Rare cases

of retarded fetal infection(third quarter)

Positive CMV PCR test: monthly

ultrasound follow-up. Fetal brain MRI(third quarter)

Figure 5: Algorithm for prenatal follow-up of materno-fetal CMV infection

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report (National Agency for HealthAccreditation and Evaluation) recommendsthat pregnant women be trained in universalhygiene measures that should be heededduring pregnancy26. In fact, in the future onlya vaccine will probably provide effectiveprevention of materno-fetal CMV infection.

2.5 Treatmentof congenital CMV infection

There is no general agreement for treatment ofcongenital CMV infection during pregnancy.However, some antiviral drugs, notablyvalaciclovir, are under study. The three moleculescommonly used for treatment of CMV infection inimmune-depressed patients − ganciclovir,foscarnet or cidofovir − cannot be used duringpregnancy because of their toxicity. Valaciclovir iswell tolerated and has good bioavailability inpregnant women and in the foetus. A recentstudy shows that treatment of pregnant women(whose foetus is infected) with valaciclovir, cansignificantly lower viral load in fetal blood27. Arandomised study on effectiveness of valaciclovirin materno-fetal infection is in progress (Cymevalstudy: treatment in utero of congenitalcytomegalovirus (CMV) infection withvalaciclovir - Multicentre perspective randomisedtrial versus placebo). In addition, another recentstudy shows the effectiveness of hyperimmuneimmunoglobulin administration on virustransmission to the foetus as well as on severityof fetal impairment28, but a randomised study isnecessary to confirm these results.

The possible benefit of antiviral neonatal therapywith ganciclovir for sensory impairment orpsychomotor retardation is hardly known.However, a randomised phase II study reports thebeneficial effect on progression of hearing loss ofa six-week ganciclovir treatment administeredintravenously to children severely affected bycentral nervous system impairment29. In this study,hearing was improved or stabilised after sixmonths in 81% (21/25) of children treated, but inonly 59% (10/17) of the control group. Becauseganciclovir is toxic by intravenous administration,it is now commonly agreed that it should be usedonly in newborn babies with central nervoussystem impairment. Valganciclovir is a ganciclovirprecursor, whose bioavailability via oraladministration is equivalent to that of ganciclovirvia intravenous administration in adults andnewborn babies. In addition, valganciclovir is welltolerated haematologically in more than 60% oftreated newborn babies30. A case involvingprolonged six-month treatment withvalganciclovir of a newborn affected by severeCMV infection is reported in the literature31. In thiscase, valganciclovir, which proved effective incurbing and then eliminating viral load in urinesamples, did not cause side effects and the childhad normal hearing at 18 months. A randomisedstudy comparing treatment efficacy withvalganciclovir over six weeks and over six monthsin symptomatic newborn babies is in progress inthe U.S. Other therapies may become available inthe near future with the launch on the market ofnew effective and less toxic anti-CMV moleculessuch as, notably, maribavir.

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Clinical case No. 1

A pregnant woman after 30 weeks of amenorrhoea is referred to a prenatal diagnostic centrefor fetal ultrasound abnormalities. The ultrasound scan shows a 20 mm dilation of the cerebralventricles associated with uterine growth restriction of -3 standard deviations and with hyper-echogenic bowel. Maternal CMV serology tests performed by her medical practitioner after 29weeks of amenorrhoea show positive IgG concentrations of 8 IU/mL and negative IgM concen-trations.

Clinical case No. 2

A pregnant woman after seven weeks of amenorrhoea shows CMV serological tests suggesti-ve of recent primary infection. The woman and the doctors at the prenatal diagnostic centredecide to carry out amniocentesis in order to diagnose whether the foetus is infected.

1) Do maternal serology tests mean that primary infection during pregnancymay be ruled out?

Answer: No. The absence of IgM after 29 weeks of amenorrhoea means that primary infectionmay not be ruled out during the periconceptional period or at the onset of pregnancy.

2) What laboratory tests should be carried out in order to rule out or confirmfetal CMV infection?

Answer: The reference technique for diagnosis of prenatal CMV infection is detection of CMV-DNA with PCR test in amniotic fluid collected with amniocentesis.

1) At what stage of pregnancy can this procedure be performed and why?

Answer: After 21 weeks of amenorrhoea, when the fetal urogenital system is mature andmore than eight weeks have elapsed from maternal primary infection and amniocentesis. Ifamniocentesis is carried out too soon, risks exist of false negative prenatal diagnosis.

2) Which maternal virological test must be carried out before performing amniocentesis?

Answer: The absence of maternal viraemia must be checked (negative PCR test in maternalblood) before amniocentesis.

3) Amniocentesis is performed after 23 weeks of amenorrhoea while the fetal ultrasound scanshows no abnormalities. What is the probability that the foetus is infected?

Answer: The probability of materno-fetal transmission is 50% in the presence of maternal pri-mary infection.

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Clinical case No. 3

A pregnant woman after 29 weeks of amenorrhoea is referred to a prenatal diagnostic centrebecause ultrasound scan detected fetal abnormalities with fetal ascites associated with hyper-echogenic bowel. Two years before, during a previous pregnancy, this woman had positiveCMV IgG concentrations of 12 IU/mL in the absence of IgM. The recent tests show that CMVIgG concentrations are still positive at 11 lU/mL in the absence of IgM.

Clinical case No. 4

A newborn is affected by intrauterine growth restriction and hepatosplenomegaly; the clinicalpicture is compatible with materno-fetal CMV infection.

1) Does a two-year old positive CMV serology test mean that fetal CMV infectioncan be ruled out?

Answer: No. Fetal infection can be secondary to maternal primary or secondary infection. Onlymaternal CMV serology profile with negative IgG and IgM allows for fetal CMV infection tobe ruled out.

1) CMV serology profile is prescribed to this newborn and IgG is positive at 18 IU/mL in theabsence of IgM. Does the result of this test allow for a diagnosis of materno-fetal CMVinfection to be ruled out?

Answer: No. Neonatal serology tests are not reliable to diagnose materno-fetal CMV infection.Indeed, IgM is positive in only 30% of cases.

2) What is the reference test allowing diagnosis of congenitalCMV infection in newborn babies?

Answer: The reference test is CMV detection by viral culture or PCR test in urine samples.

3) When should this test be prescribed?

Answer: As soon as possible after birth, at the latest on the tenth day of birth. Indeed, if a latertest is positive, it will be impossible to discriminate between congenital infection and CMVinfection contracted at an early post-natal stage (during birth, breast-feeding).

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