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The Truth AboutFitness andNutrition inYour 30s


FORMULAP LU Sby Mark Tregilgas

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THE 30 PLUS FORMULA…. The Truth about Training and Nutrition for Men in their 30s

By Mark Tregilgas A BIG 30+ WELCOME!

Hello Lads, I hope this finds you well and I want to say thank you for signing up to you won’t regret it! My name is Mark Tregilgas and I am the creator of / and am an extremely passionate 34 year old fitness trainer living in Cardiff, Wales UK with my girlfriend Sarah and beautiful son John who was born in August 2012. I believe I have the answers for any busy guy, aged 30 or over, who has lost his way in the gym, become bored of his current routine, been inactive for years and believes his best days are behind him. Using my 30 plus fitness and nutrition formula you will start feeling fitter, leaner and full of more of energy than you ever have before! A lot of guys aged 30 and over have little time and have great intentions with their workout regimes, however, they are often misguided and their efforts go unrewarded. Back in my twenties, I labored in a busy gym, spending too much time doing monotonous cardio workouts and not choosing the right foods to eat. As you can see below, I wasn’t looking great!

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After what felt like a lifetime of frustration and hurt I finally learned the answers, after becoming a personal trainer. If that hadn’t of happened I’d still be overweight, lethargic and unhappy! Now, thankfully I now know what really works, and I’m here to make sure you find out too. This manual will explain all the ‘science’ behind the 30+ workouts; tell you exactly what to and what NOT to eat and why, give you meal plans and also advice on supplementation to boost your performance and results. Here’s to a healthier you in your thirties and way beyond! Your 30+ Friend, Tregs

The 30 + FITNESS formula The fitness methods used at 30+ were born after 10 years of attempting to get into shape throughout my life without really knowing about correct forms of training and nutrition. However after almost 6 years now in fitness industry I feel fitter and more importantly leaner than ever and this is down to finally understanding what really works and finally putting all those years of training and eating incorrectly to bed. After experiencing weight related anxiety in my 20s, I now feel happier and have more energy than ever at the grand old age of 34! I also train less, which is great because it means I can spend more time with my son watching cartoons and going to the park! This is a stark contrast to years ago when I would spend hours upon end running myself to death only to get nowhere! At 30+ you guys don’t want to be wasting time, hey I’ve done all that for you so that now using the information you read below you can train more sensibly and more effectively in LESS time, just like my 30+ Boot campers do!

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30 plus lads it CAN BE DONE! Every guy that I meet in his 30s or over is busy with a career or a Dad with family commitments therefore lack of time is the major factor when it comes to exercise With this in mind I created a system whereby workouts are primarily done using just your own bodyweight. Some of our workouts are as short as 4 minutes and designed to crank your metabolism (the rate at which you burn calories) so that you are burning calories all day. You don’t need to leave your house, simply workout in your garden or your local park. I’m going to talk more about how this works later. Right now I’m guessing that you still think for any kind of results you have to hit the gym 3 to 4 xs per week for results and let’s face it with the busy lives you lead you simply do not have the time and therefore cannot see the point. Let me elaborate on what I mentioned earlier about when I was in my 20s and how much time I wasted in the gym trying to get in some sort of shape. As far back as 10 years ago I was a slave to what I call a split routine whereby I would head to the gym every other day and isolate muscle groups. If you’re unsure as to what I’m saying then once you see my routine below I’m sure you will understand, you’ve probably attempted to do something similar in the past yourself, My routine looked a little like this… Monday – Chest and triceps Wednesday – Back and Biceps Thursday – Shoulders Friday – Legs and abs

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Now you may be looking at it and thinking what’s wrong with that? And in theory there isn’t really that much wrong. The muscles groups are split up, which in turn allows recovery and growth and every major body part is covered. Well, here’s the thing… Like all of us I’d start Monday with good intentions (“this is a new week and I’m going to smash it in the gym” etc. etc.). So on Monday, I’d hit the gym and work on my chest and triceps (this was my favourite session of the week), and 9 times out of 10 I’d be there on Wednesday doing my back and biceps… so far so good eh? Well on Thursday, maybe I’d be tired from doing my long, steady early morning distance runs as well as the gym (don’t worry I’m going to talk about cardio and more specifically running too) and so it was 50/50 whether I’d hit the gym and work on my shoulders. So guess what’s next? Friday comes and I’ve had a long week and gearing up for a long weekend as well (I was a nightclub promoter back then, so Friday was when we had our events and time was an issue), so do you think I was going to hit the gym and train legs?

Then and Now…… Hell no! The most important and largest group of muscles in our body I was probably hitting once every six weeks, if I was lucky. But hey, it was okay (or so I believed) because all that running I was doing was surely good enough exercise for my legs right? Wrong! – running doesn’t build muscle, again, more on this later

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So… I’d work all weekend and more than likely party a little hard! And then on Sunday night feel like crap from all the booze I’d drunk and the late night burgers I’d eaten. And as always I would gear myself up for my 4 sessions at the gym the following week. Monday comes and I’m in the gym, so in reality because I missed my shoulder and legs sessions last week I should ideally start the week with either of these workouts. So what do you think I did? Neither! I mean it was Monday after all, so it was chest and triceps (my favourite, remember) all over again! Do you see a dangerous pattern emerging here? Well I soon found out the hard way when I ended up with a bulky chest I could eat my dinner off, an awful rounded posture which included lower back problems and chicken legs to boot! Added to that my chicken legs were always getting strained… a calf here, a hamstring there; Why? Because I wasn’t training them! My whole routine was imbalanced and combined with a crappy nutritional regime I was out of shape and probably training 5/6 days a week. Guys, I did this for several years, none the wiser, bored out of my mind in the gym and extremely frustrated. Thank god I became a personal trainer in my late 20′s! In fact, it was all this pain and heartache that finally drove me to signing up for a diploma in fitness training – I wanted to know what I had to do right to get myself into shape and then apply that to my clients. Then I discovered ‘Body weight’ training or ‘full body’ training it blew my mind! Finally, I realised that there was no pressure to work out up to 4 times a week in a busy gym with equipment to get lean. It was like a light bulb going off in my head! “Yes Tregs, this is what you’ve been looking for”. So now I knew the science behind doing one upper body move followed by a lower body move, I started to create my own full body routines and try them out on myself and my clients. The results were amazing! It is a proven scientific fact that you will create more calorie expenditure doing a full body routine than you will doing a split routine. This is because you place more of a ‘demand’ on your body by switching up the muscle groups and forcing the heart to pump blood in all directions of the working muscles. I mean think about it? How much demand are you putting on your body doing an hour of biceps?? Not a lot, I can tell you! For a start, the biceps are one of the smallest major muscles groups in the body, so where’s the demand? Now compare this to a full body

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workout (i.e., one of my body weight business workouts) where the chest, core and legs are continuously hit relentlessly… it’s a no brainer! I was once told by a wise man “If you want toned arms, train legs as well as arms”? It’s true, the legs are the biggest muscles group in the body, therefore if you do a session involving a load of squats and lunges and maybe some jumps, the demand on the body forces us to release growth hormone around the rest of our muscles and hence everything else grows and develops. In all fairness, I can’t remember the last time I did a boring bicep curl and my arms are more toned than ever… I love explaining the science behind these methods! And the beauty of all of the above is that it means you no longer have to put pressure on yourself to make the gym 4 times a week. You can do my body weight workouts just 3 times a week, in your living room or your garden in seriously little time! But hey, even if you can’t do them 2 or 3 times, rest safe in the knowledge that you will not suffer any muscle imbalances or overuse/underuse injuries as all these workouts are balanced and designed to work your body as a whole… And one more thing, apart from being boring and outdated, split routines were born out of the old flex and muscle mags from the US where all the guys in there are juiced out of their minds on steroids and training for 5 hours a day. Yeah like we’ve got 5 hours even without the juice! Unfortunately, I still see young guys coming into the gym every day and doing their millionth set of bicep curls in between talking on their phone and looking in the mirror? Where’s the demand on the body? Where’s the calorie expenditure? Where’s the effect on the metabolism? There isn’t one! Lad’s let’s face it, you want results, you don’t have the time to waste experimenting with different shit in the gym, plain and simply you want to be fit, lean, active and energised, when previously you thought that time had passed by. Do me and yourself a favour, don’t waste time like I did in my 20′s, follow my body weight business circuits, sweat like a beast, enjoy the short challenging workouts and feel great to be alive!!! (Check out my bodyweight basics 1/2/3/4 if you haven’t done so already at Since becoming a Dad I’ve literally survived off my bodyweight (and kettle bell) workouts done in my front yard, cranking out fat blasting workouts in no time at all! Now I know a lot of you are Dads already and this why you struggle to find the time to train; well now you don’t need to worry because with my workouts you can smash out session anywhere and anytime! A lot of guys also ask me about running and how much they should be doing? I’ve met dudes that are running up to 100 miles per week in a fat loss quest. My answer may shock you but the amount of running you should be doing is practically zero! Now before you tell me I’m crazy please just hear me out

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Over the years I’ve lost track of how many Face book statuses updates I’ve seen saying things like “Can’t wait for gym tonight for my 2 hour cardio session” or “I’m going on holiday in a few weeks, I seriously need to get acquainted with that treadmill”. I’ve also met countless out of shape guys in their 30s who are hammering the running as the only vehicle to shift the lard. Well what’s wrong with that I hear you cry, after all if someone is doing cardio they are at least attempting to lose fat. Sure and let’s be honest, the only reason anyone is doing cardio is for the “result”. The thing is though that ‘result’ maybe a completely different one to what you may have hoped for, and I can tell you from experience there is nothing more utterly demoralizing than pounding the streets for hours upon end day in day out aching like crazy only to gain fat!! During my fatter days in my 20s long slow cardio is all I did – seriously check out those before and after pictures of me – yep, I said it, cardio made me fat? How? Well the answer is quite easy. I was doing that much go slow running that I was eventually breaking down muscle. Science lesson here for you... Our primary source of energy is carbohydrate, but when that runs out we switch to our 2 other energy systems which are protein and fat. Protein is stored in our muscles and fat underneath our skin (adipose tissue). So during these drawn out 45 minute to an hour runs I was doing every other day I would quickly run out of stored carbohydrate (often I was doing these runs on an empty stomach first thing in the morning where carbohydrate stores are at their lowest because we’ve been asleep and not eaten for 8 or so hours). So I’d quickly switch to fat and protein – so yes I would be burning fat, however id also be burning protein (muscle) and if it’s something we simply do not want to burn it’s muscle because muscle my friends is metabolically active which means it needs calories to survive. So by preserving muscle we increase our ability to burn calories at rest. And now I’m using protein for energy I’m breaking down muscle – therefore when that run is over , yes I’ve burnt some fat, but I’ve also burnt muscle, so now my ability to burn calories at rest has DECREASED!! Also I’m not sure if you’re aware but a steady 45 minute run may burn a whopping 300 calories if you’re lucky, that’s equivalent of ONE TENTH of a pound of fat. Exercise like this for a massive ten hours a week and you’d be lucky to lose a pound! Due to the large amount of steady cardio I was doing I was insanely hungry all the time so I was eating more than I should be and it was all the wrong stuff (heavy starchy bread, pasta, rice, cereals and at all times of the day – unsure as to why this is bad / don’t worry I’m going to cover this next. So in short, I was over eating, my metabolic rate had slowed and hence this is why I was FAT from Cardio!

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Stop overdoing the running and eating bread & pasta otherwise you could end up looking like this! Another thing that my boot campers and clients have heard me talk about is the ‘after burn’ or the ‘after effect’ which is what we get more of from using resistance/bodyweight and interval training methods. This is where we get maximal calories burnt not only during but after the session too. Go slow cardio gives you No prolonged metabolic benefit — Did you know that with higher intensity exercise such as intervals and bodyweight circuits it is possible to continue to burn calories for up to 48 hours post workout? But you know what else is true? Long duration, low intensity cardio provides virtually NO prolonged elevation in metabolism. In fact, with slow-go cardio, metabolism returns to baseline almost IMMEDIATELY following the exercise session. Now see why I was such a fatty? And I did this all through my twenties, if I gained weight I just increased the cardio, man I was always tired or injured and thoroughly frustrated – Like I said before thank God I discovered the magical bodyweight training and intervals when I re-trained as personal trainer at 27! At my 30+ Boot camps I have the lads do short and sharp hill sprints, very tough and very effective – Now, if you’re a cardio lover (like I used to be) please don’t slate me, if you enjoy your steady, controlled running you don't have to give it up all together. In fact I actually recommend it just once a week in the first 14 days of my new coaching programme as a recovery, just realise if you are training for ultimate fat loss purposes it is not the answer. By all means do it for enjoyment (if that’s you) but make time to focus on the training which is going to provide you with the maximal metabolic response as well.

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In a moment I’m going to delve deeper into the science and components behind the 30 Plus Formula, but just quickly, let’s take a look at what happens to the male body once it reaches 30. After 30, body fat increases by more than 30% and the distribution begins to change. Less fat forms under the skin and more accumulates in the abdominal area. Thus the skin becomes thinner and begins to wrinkle. As a person ages the skin will become more fragile and the shape of their torso will change. But appearance and senses are not the only things that change with age. The internal functions begin to decline after they have peaked at around age 30. As the body ages, the blood flow to the kidneys, brain and liver decreases. There is a decrease in the kidneys’ ability to clear toxins and drugs. The liver’s ability to metabolize most drugs and clear toxins begins to decline as well. The maximum heart rate decreases, although the resting heart rate does not change. The maximum output of blood from the heart decreases, as does the glucose tolerance. In the lungs the air moving capacity decreases and the amount of air trapped in the lungs after exhaling increases. The infection fighting function of the cells will also begin a slow decline. Even so, these functions will still remain adequate throughout the remainder of a person’s life. If a person gets plenty of exercise, eats a good diet and does not smoke or drink, chances are they will not experience these adverse effects as quickly as a person whose life style is less healthy. Interesting stuff eh, lads? I highlighted the last paragraph, as it’s so important and this is where the 30 plus formula comes in to play, so . . .

The 30 plus formula is broken down into 4 components: - Resistance / Bodyweight Training - Cardio Interval Training - Functional Training - Core Training Let’s take a look at the first component . . . Resistance Training is a type of exercise where the muscles apply force to an external resistance. It doesn’t necessarily involve lifting heavy weights, as resistance can be provided by a variety of things – including your own body weight. Body weight exercises such as push-ups, squats and lunges form the basis of all my workouts Contrary to old myths, resistance / body weight training will NOT make you slow and cumbersome — it will simply increase your muscle tone, which will improve speed, co-ordination and agility. And the best thing about increasing your muscle mass? You will burn more calories at rest!

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As you can see you’re not going to get big and bulky by increasing muscle gents!

That’s right, simply by having more muscle you will burn more calories, just sat in front of the television! This is the the ‘after burn’ or ‘after effect’ I’ve already been talking about – and using my formula you will always experience this, so you’re burning calories, even when you’ve finished doing my workouts! Damn, wish I’d known that years ago when I was flogging myself to death running 3 x 10km’s a week, in an attempt to get lean! Muscle is metabolically active, which means it needs calories to survive, therefore more muscle = more calories burnt, period! The amount of guys aged 30 and over that I meet in my job who have never done a body weight squat is frightening! Yet these same guys run miles and miles every week, while they’ve never done any resistance work / conditioning for their legs. So many guys I see in the gym these days are ignoring resistance training and heading straight for the x-trainer or runner for some boring steady paced cardio and if they are doing resistance based work they completely ignore legs!!! Legs are the biggest muscle group and simply by working them you will release something called growth hormone which will help the rest of the body to grow too! The type of bodyweight workouts I design involves circuit style moves, such as one upper body movement followed by a lower body movement — and repeated. This makes the heart work overtime to provide the working muscles with blood and oxygen, first to the upper body then to the lower body. A very basic 30 Plus Formula circuit will look something like this . . .

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10 press ups, 10 squats, 10 pull ups, 10 lunges — each exercise repeated, one after the other, with no rest. This provides an un-interrupted blood flow around the body, similar to what you would get with any long and slow cardio, where all the major muscles groups are working in unison. It never ceases to delight me when a bunch of 30 plus lads complete a circuit like that and then say something like, “Wow Mark I can’t believe how out of breath I am. You didn’t even make me run!” – well there’s the science behind it – the heart is working just as hard and I call it a 2 for 1, because you get the effect of a cardio type workout (hot, sweaty out of breath, elevated heart rate), whilst also reaping the benefits of a weighted workout (more muscle, more calories burnt at rest, increased bone density and body shape). There are even more benefits to resistance training! As we age, our bones become more brittle and porous, but weight training reverses this process and makes the bones adapt to stimulus. This ensures your bones retain their vital strength. The earlier you start the better, but even at the age of 90 resistances training can give dramatic improvements in bone density.

Now on to the second 30 Plus Formula component . . . Interval Training – I have observed many 30 plus lads in the gym that strictly perform 30-60 minutes of cardio, three to five times per week, for at least a year, resulting in the same old physique. If this sounds like your type of thing, you will find out why you did not achieve the results that you are looking for. I’ve also seen a lot of fitness trainers that put their client on six to seven hours of cardio training per week, for several months. When the clients are frustrated with the lack of results, the only thing that the trainers do is encourage their clients to just stick with the program or to put in more hours. So what is the solution? Is it to do more cardio? Of course not! Doing extra cardio will not help you. You will be surprised to know that six to seven hours will NOT help increase your metabolism. In fact, it can actually slow down your metabolism. Now before we continue, if you are reading this then you have no doubt seen the picture of ‘chubby old me’ (well actually young me) at the start of this manual. At this time I was training more than ever, yes even more than now! If I’m honest, I only workout three, maybe four times a week now and never for more than 25 minutes at a time (some of my interval workouts take under twenty minutes). Now, you won’t believe me but I was running A LOT! Five mornings a week minimum and I was using fat loss pills! So why was I so fat? Well, for a start my diet was poor (I’m addressing nutrition soon!) but secondly I was doing TOO MUCH cardio!!

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There are a lot of misconceptions about aerobic training. Most people believe that aerobic training is the magic solution to weight loss. There is a dark side to aerobic training that most people are not aware of. It is NOT the solution to weight loss. Forget about the long, slow, boring cardio workout. It is not going to get you the lean. I will try to explain more as to why people believe that steady state aerobic (i.e. jogging for 30-60 minutes) is the solution to fat loss. Let’s go back to a real life example. If you compare the best marathoners (people who can run for several hours) and the best sprinters (under one minute), who do you think is leaner? If you said the sprinter, you are absolutely right. The first time that you attempt aerobic training, you might be able to last for only five minutes. As you get better and better, you increase your minutes. Five minutes eventually turns into ten minutes. Ten minutes eventually turns to twenty minutes. Eventually you can do sixty minutes, 5-6 times per week. Will you get the lean sculpted body that you want? Will you lose weight? Well? Just keep reading . . . As you get better and better, your heart and lungs get stronger and stronger, allowing you to do longer distances. HOWEVER, as you do more and more aerobic training, as you get stronger, your body becomes better at utilizing your body fat (meaning you are burning less body fat). What it means, is that if it takes you 30 minutes to burn 300 calories, as you get stronger, it will take 45 minutes to burn the same amount of calories. Is there fun adding more minutes to your cardio, just to burn the same amount of calories that you use to burn? Eventually, as you do more and more aerobic to burn the extra calories, as I’ve already explained your body will start tapping into your muscles for energy. Eventually, your body can literally break down your muscle tissue to meet the energy demand. Your muscle tissue can be converted to glucose (blood sugar) to supply your aerobic training. What does that mean? You are making a smaller, less efficient fat burning machine; therefore, a weaker metabolism. Remember, steady aerobic training does NOT build muscle, and doing too much can actually make you lose muscle. So, if steady state aerobic training does not work, what is the solution then? The answer is interval training (Anaerobic training). Interval training is far more superior at boosting your metabolism than it is to do steady state aerobic training. Steady state aerobic does not increase your metabolism at all. It is true that you are burning calories while you are actually performing the aerobics. However, once you are done with your session, your metabolism returns to normal. However, interval training (consisting of moderate to high intensity cardio) will burn more calories per minute, and will elevate your metabolism for hours and hours. With the right amount of resistance training, combined with an intense interval training session, you can keep your metabolism up for at least 24 hours and in some cases, up to 42 hours. Imagine

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what that can do to your body if you are burning high amounts of fat all day and all night long (even when you are sleeping). A lot of 30 plus lads focus too much on the workout when in fact, they should focus more on the whole picture. It is not the one hour of workout that counts but it is the 23 hours remaining in the day. Want to know another massive bonus to interval training? Studies have shown that it boosts endurance! So again a 2 for 1 here — by using interval training you will not only burn fat more efficiently, but also boost endurance, so that if you are training for a 5k, 10k, half marathon or even a marathon (like many of my clients) you can still use interval training! Well, what if you actually like long slow steady running? Well, I’ll let you into a little secret here. I often compete in local 10km’s and half marathons because I do enjoy distance running. However, if you think I’m out pounding the streets for miles and miles in preparation for these races, think again! I’m spending just 20-25 minutes, two or three times a week, smashing out my intervals and feeling fitter and leaner than ever! What interval cardio activity can you do? My personal favorite is 30 seconds running at a fast pace followed by 60 seconds active recovery (walking) and repeat this ten times. If your new to this don’t worry you do not have to go heal for leather initially, just do a fast jog as your interval and build it up! Onto components three and four of the 30 Plus Formula . . . Functional & Core Training – Any newcomer to my boot camps has never heard of functional training and I love explaining and demonstrating it. Functional training is defined as “activity that trains movement” and includes: balance training, stabilization training, core training, and dynamic movement training. The result of functional training is agility – improved reactionary forces where your body has the ability to compensate for changes in your center of gravity and can move quickly and efficiently. In other words, if you’re falling or suddenly caught off guard, your body is trained to react quickly, meaning you are less prone to injury. Exercises promoting core strength and stability improve or maintain posture and alignment as well as challenging balance and equilibrium. Functional exercises replicate moves we perform in everyday life; imagine getting up and down off the sofa, you’re basically performing a squat! Most of the 30 plus lads I meet have young kids and are constantly picking them up and putting them over their shoulder. I use functional training to make them equipped for this using equipment such as kettle bells. Yes, you want to look good but you also want to be functional to bend, twist, reach and touch your toes effectively. Core training is different than just training your abdominals. Although the abdominals are an important part of your core musculature, true core training is a more integrated

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approach; it combines strength, balance, agility, and flexibility of the muscles that control the entire trunk and spine. Regular conditioning of the core muscles is essential to prevent injuries, correct posture, and making you more efficient with all that you do. A very basic core exercise is the ‘plank’ which is a static hold and puts no pressure through your spine or neck, like some of the age old crunches do. Don’t get me wrong, there is a place for the ‘six pack’ exercises but most of the 30 plus lads I meet have way too much body fat to start hitting these immediately, that’s why I focus on the deeper lying muscles of the trunk, known as ‘core stabilizers’. Traditionally, when people exercise, they are working on “cosmetic fitness” – exercising to look good and working on surface muscles or those that we see. The problem with this is that it doesn’t help you in daily tasks. How often do you hear that someone hurt themselves reaching to the back seat of their car, turning quickly, or bending down quickly to pick up something? These are daily living tasks; therefore, it makes sense to train the muscles doing similar movements. You aren’t lying down most of the day doing crunches, yet your abdominal muscles are constantly working to stabilize your spine. So, why not train them in a way that makes sense (i.e. standing, sitting, and twisting)? That’s what core and functional training is about and that’s why it forms a huge part of my 30 Plus Formula. In most of my boot camp sessions the lads will often do exercises such as kettle bell swings followed by planks and side planks and you’re soon going to be introduced to all of these.

One of my many success stories from using my methods.

And another one…..

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And another one……

And another one! You get the drift by now I hope guys! Okay guys I want to thank you for reading through all of this so far and I really hope that the content is good and it’s beginning to make sense. Now that I’ve covered the exercise side of things I’m going to get onto my favourite subject and the absolute key to achieving your fat loss goals, Nutrition.

Before you continue reading, remember this quote, in fact write it down and stick it on your fridge as it sums up everything in one small sentence………

“You can’t out train poor nutrition”

Never has a truer sentence been said!

It doesn’t matter how many of my workouts you follow or how hard you push yourself, if your nutrition isn’t right then you will NEVER achieve your goals – REMEMBER THIS

Lads I simply cannot stress how massive a factor this is and remember this is coming from a guy who was a fatty in my 20s. I’ve literally tried every ‘diet’ under the sun in a quest to lose the lard and in doing so made some huge nutritional mistakes, used some pretty heavy duty diet pills and got myself in a real mess, put simply I’ve learned the hard, the very hard way and gone suffered all kinds of anguish, anxiety and depression on that journey.

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Thankfully these days I know how to eat to keep myself lean, fit and healthy on the inside and out, trust me it’s taken a lot of trial and error but I can hand on heart say I’ve never felt happier and more confident in myself and my appearance as I do now in my 30s, and of course gents I want you to feel the same hence why I’m going to share this knowledge with you.

Before I start enlightening you on how to eat and drink for optimal health and fat burning I just want to say that there is no better feeling than bouncing out of bed in the morning feel re-vitalised and full of energy like I do these days and this 100 per cent comes down to the fuel I put inside of my body.

Most guys I meet in their 30s initially claim to be lacking in energy amongst other things, and for me having a lack of energy can have a big impact on your life. I meet and train so many busy career guys and/or Dads and the best feeling for me is when they turn to me after they have been on a clean nutritional plan for a few weeks and tell me how much more energy they have got. Stories of how they are running around with the kids more or have increased productivity drastically in the work place never fail to put a smile on my face.

Contrary to what you see in the media you need to begin to move as far away from the modern westernised diet of heavy grains, pasta and cereals. Again, all processed foods, tinned, canned, boxed or in a packet, think microwave meals which are full of chemicals to preserve it need to be removed. Anything with additives, preservatives, colourings, flavourings or emulsifiers are ingredients food manufacturers use to preserve the products lifespan and in short, your body won’t recognize them and store them as toxins. Now, when your body (and liver) becomes overwhelmed by these toxins from your diet, it will dump any toxic substances into your adipose tissue stores (fat) in order to reduce their circulation throughout the body Bread, pasta, cakes, pastries, cereal are all stuffed with additives and preservatives (toxins). Gluten is a protein which is extremely hard to digest and can lead to all sorts of problems found in porridge and grains (gas, bloating, fatigue, anxiety) Also we don’t need that many carbs, we only need enough to fuel our body and brain, but we as a nation are eating far too many. Think about your body like a car for a second, if you were to put too much petrol into it, the fuel would spill out onto the forecourt. Put too many carbs into your body and specifically at the wrong time like just before bed and this excess energy is simply stored as fat.

So what is this clean eating I hear you ask and how easy is it to implement? Well the answer is, it’s pretty easy to implement, you certainly don’t need to be popping pills or drinking a shake every 2 hours, but the road to optimum health and fat loss is certainly not easy to entirely embrace at first. In fact it’s taken me 7 years to firmly establish this way of eating into my daily life, I’m not saying it will take you that long however as I’m going to guide you through everything but depending on the state of your current diet at first you may struggle

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and ill explain why later. Whenever I meet a new client I explain to him that what I’m about to tell you. Imagine each component as a piece of a health and fitness jigsaw, if you choose to fill in all the pieces you will achieve maximum health and optimum fat burning, if you only fill in a few pieces you simply will not maximise the possible benefits.

Okay guys so below I’m going to run you through all my ninja nutritional information that I have accrued over the years and now use on a daily basis. For each point I’m going to go into some detail because I really want you guys to grasp it, you with me? Okay then let’s go

1, First up and the absolute key to getting healthy and burning more fat is to Drink bottled or filtered water (between 2/3 litres a day). I would safely say that right now you are dehydrated, it sounds harsh I know but put simply you are not drinking enough if not any water. Am I right? Dehydration leads to tiredness, sluggishness and lack of concentration. What generally happens when we experience these symptoms is that we look for a sugary pick me up like an energy drink or a coffee (I’ll talk more about this later) or some chocolate. These foods/drinks will only give you a short term high before a subsequent energy dip and so the vicious cycle continues.

Water is one of nature's most important gifts to mankind. Essential to life, a person's survival depends on drinking water. Water is one of the most essential elements to good health -- it is necessary for the digestion and absorption of food; helps maintain proper muscle tone; supplies oxygen and nutrients to the cells; rids the body of wastes; and serves as a natural air conditioning system. .

Since water contains no calories and can serve as an appetite suppressant and helps the body metabolize stored fat, it may possibly be one of the most significant factors in losing weight.

I once lived with a pal in his 30s who loved to have a drink on the weekend. During the week whenever he got up for work, he was the most miserable soul you’d ever met, claiming he just wasn’t a morning person. He survived on coffee all day, didn’t get enough sleep and was shattered all the time. When he asked me for advice on changing his diet around the first thing I did was get him drinking 2 litres of clean water a day. And guess what? This lad literally changed overnight to having more energy, concentration and mental clarity, I’d even here him singing in the shower in the morning. When he told me how all his colleagues were amazed at the change in him and said “I thought I just hated my job” I replied “Maybe mate but you’ve also been dehydrated for 31 years”

NEVER drink tap water! Tap water is treated with a large number of chemicals in order to kill bacteria and other microorganisms. In addition, it may contain other undesirable contaminants like toxic metal salts, hormones and pesticides, or it may become contaminated by chemicals or microbes within pipes (e.g. lead, bacteria, protozoa) so keep to the bottled and filtered stuff.

If your pee is clear then you are hydrated if it is yellow or brown drink some water! Most people feel like crap simply because they are de-hydrated, bin the sugary energy drinks and stick to H20, simples!

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2, Bin the sugary cereal (yes that includes Porridge) and milk in the morning!! Now let me guess you have been eating this for years in the belief that this stuff is healthy? And I can’t blame you buddy; we are polluted in the media by message that eating cereal is good for you. Get a beach body eating it, give your kids boundless energy by feeding it to them, keep hunger at bay by filling up on it, it’s all false advertising I’m afraid. It’s really disappointing when I meet a new client and when I ask them what they have for breakfast they reply “Oh I start the day well with a big bowl of (insert breakfast cereal brand here)” It’s frustrating for me as I have to try and totally re-educate them from years of false belief. It’s not your fault that you don’t know the truth so I want to explain what effect this food has on your body when consumed

Pretty much every breakfast cereal contains sugar, and all of them contain additives and preservatives to keep this food tasting nice for you whilst it sits in its box. The effects on the body are therefore two-fold. As soon as this food is broken down you will get an instant sugar high. The body then re-acts by releasing insulin from the pancreas which then takes the excess sugar and stores it as fat in the cells. Added to that our body cannot recognise the additives and preservatives in the cereal and the liver dumps these toxins into the fat cells. Pretty damn scary right? But even worse soon enough it’s likely that you’ll experience a crash in energy and start craving the sugary foods again. Also, because you have started the day with a sugary fix, your neurotransmitters in your brain are now set up for you to crave sugar throughout the day, have you ever eaten a bowl of cereal followed by another one just an hour or 2 later? Yep, thought so.

So what the hell do I eat for breakfast I hear you ask? Well I’m going to give you a load of meal plans later but for now I want you to think outside the (cereal) box and start the day with an omelette or fish with veg/salad/stir fry. Think that sounds radical? Ask yourself what you’ve been eating for breakfast all your life and if you are happy with your body and energy levels? I used to eat crunchy nut cornflakes and toast for breakfast, felt like crap and was 3 stone overweight. I now eat what I just mentioned above and feel, healthier, leaner and have more energy than ever. More on this later.

3, Okay guys now moving onto expose another myth. Do not fear FAT, that’s right DO NOT FEAR FAT.

Again everywhere we look in the media we are told that fat is the enemy and to only go for ‘low fat’ options, again another huge media scam I’m afraid.

Now before you tell me I’m crazy let me explain. Of course some fat is bad and these fats

are known as Tran’s fats

Partially hydrogenated fats, or Tran’s fats, extend the shelf life of food. They also add a certain pleasing mouth-feel to all manner of processed

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foods. Think of buttery crackers and popcorn, crispy French fries, crunchy fish sticks, creamy frosting and melt-in-your mouth pies and pastries. These are the fats that you must stay away from. However there are certain fats that are absolutely essential including saturated fat which is not the culprit we were brought up to believe - without saturated fat in our diet we would not be able to absorb calcium, the fat soluble vitamins A,D,E,K, or make cholesterol (also not a bad guy!). Avocados, nuts, coconut oil (to cook in), olive oil (to drizzled over your salads and vegetables), hazelnut/almond/all natural peanut butters are great sources of good fat and essential for energy and healthy living. Coconut oil is absolutely essential to ramp up fat loss! It has been proved that coconut oil can kick start a sluggish metabolism by up to 48% over a 24 hour period! Cook all your fish/meat and even vegetables in it! There is a saying in the industry, ‘Eat fat to burn fat’. The fat I’m talking about here gives you energy without the sugars found in starchy carbs such as pasta, rice, bread and potatoes. You must, I repeat MUST be cooking in coconut oil for starters, amongst the other benefits I’ve already mentioned it will give you instant energy without the sugar spike, I personal love it off the spoon before a workout. If this sounds crazy then I apologize but like I said, it’s taken me 7 years to fully embrace doing these things, but I’m telling you they work and should be made part of your daily nutrition So can you already see how your new look breakfast maybe shaping up? The cereal is out and an omelette is in and you’re cooking that bad boy in coconut. Instantly you’re going to get energy and a boost in metabolism via the coconut oil plus you’re also going to get a load of protein for the muscles from the eggs, which takes me nicely on to my next component.

4, Eat plenty of Protein. The training you’re going to be doing is just part of the job. Your

body recovers with the right rest and nutrition and you already know now just how

important nutrition is. Protein helps repair the muscle and make them grow and is (found in

fish, eggs, meat, nuts and also shakes). Protein is also the hardest food for the body to

breakdown which means you expend more calories in the digestion phase (what a bonus!)

Imagine you combine the training we do at boot camp with a higher protein diet? You will

ramp up your metabolism and turn into a fat burning furnace! Whilst we are on the subject

of protein I want to talk about eggs seeing as I’m recommending you make omlettes. Loads

of guys still in this day and age ask me about the dangers of eating too many eggs for fear of

high cholesterol, again, it’s another myth I’m about to expose.

Let’s just say you eat 30 whole eggs per week. 3 to 4 eggs daily at breakfast just like I do. You eat them with veggies, really like them and feel full of energy during my workouts each time your day starts with an omelette. But everyone tells you you're crazy eating so many eggs. They tell you eggs are unhealthy because they're full of cholesterol. You'll clock your arteries and die if you continue. Sounds familiar? Truth or myth? Let's see.

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Why People Say Eating Lots of Eggs is Unhealthy? Eggs contain high amounts of cholesterol. 1 large egg has about 200mg cholesterol and 5g of fat. Almost half of that fat is saturated fat. The logic is that since eggs are high in cholesterol, a high egg consumption will increase your blood cholesterol. So by cutting eggs from your diet, your blood cholesterol will decrease. This, however, isn't how your body works. Here’s some interesting facts on cholesterol. You can find studies showing that high cholesterol levels will make you live longer and more immune to infections & diseases than low cholesterol levels. More facts: Your body makes cholesterol. Your liver makes 3-6x more cholesterol than you can get eating eggs and other animal products. Cholesterol is vital to your body. You need it for the production of steroid hormones like testosterone and to build & repair cells. Dietary cholesterol isn’t bound to blood cholesterol. There's no relation to cholesterol & saturated fat intake to higher cholesterol levels. Want to know the benefits of eating the egg yolk? Eating the yolk makes your life easier since you don't have to separate it from the egg white each time. Eating the yolk is also healthier for 3 reasons: More vitamins. The yolk is full of vitamins A, D, E. Vitamin D is especially important since most people lack vitamin D. Twice the protein. Eating whole eggs doubles the protein intake you'd get eating egg whites only: the yolk contains half the protein. Increased testosterone levels. Saturated fat and cholesterol increase testosterone production. Both are heavily present in the egg yolk. Sounds pretty good eh? Okay so now I’ve convinced you let’s keep the information flowing, I really want to continue to enlighten you!

5, Let Vegetables become your best friend. Okay a lot of you guys are not going to like this but, if you really want to get in great shape you need to eliminate bread, pasta, cereals, rice and potatoes from your diets. Is that a large proportion of the food you are eating right now? If yes then would you agree it’s not helped you get in the shape you want to be? These types of food are known as starchy carbohydrates which once eaten are simply broken down into sugars (and we all know what excess sugar causes right? Well if you’re taking this in, you will see I’ve already told you). You think you can only get energy from these foods? Think again! These types of foods are only going to make you feel sluggish in comparison to if you get your carbohydrate from vegetables. Vegetables (particularly green) are a non-starchy carbohydrate which basically means they contain no sugars (And guess what? No sugar = no insulin = no fat storage!). Added to this vegetables are water based

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which means they expand in your stomach helping you feel fuller for longer so it’s literally win win. That’s not even going into the countless vitamins and minerals that foods like broccoli, spinach, kale, watercress, spinach, cauliflower, sprouts and green beans contain. Seriously lads, bin the carbs and get the veggies on your plate your waistline will thank you for it. Quick tip - Drizzle olive oil over your veg or cook a veggie stir fry in coconut oil and don’t just limit veg to evening meals, get it at morning and lunch too!!

6, Eliminate stress and get your sleep.

Now this is not a dietary recommendation but one of the most important factors in your

new lifestyle. Sleep is essential and good quality sleep at that. Like I said, most guys I meet

in their 30s have very busy lifestyles plus a lot of them like to over indulge on the weekend,

enduring late nights and always seem to be playing catch up with their sleep. Not getting

enough good quality sleep can also leads to fat gain. It is during sleep that the body does

most of its regeneration and reproductive work. A good quality 8 plus hours a night should

allow you to wake up feeling rested and refreshed. This is easier said than done however as

most people’s livers are so full of toxins that they generally wake up throughout the night to

pee or encounter restless sleep due to the crap in their system. Think about it like this, the

less work the body has to do shedding your system of rubbish during sleep the more likely

you are of having a restful night. If caffeine has been abused during the day many people

have trouble getting off to sleep and can often find themselves waking up at strange times

throughout the night. Stresses in the work place and young kids can also lead to a disruptive

night so it’s important you do all you can to get a decent night depending on your

circumstances. My advice would be to eat at least 3 hours before bed or a smaller meal if

just before, this gives the digestive system a break before sleep and allows the body to get

on with other processes. Switch off your computer and hour before bed and try reading

some fiction too. If you wake up feeling refreshed the chances are you’re not going to crave

coffee and energy drinks to keep you going throughout the day. Easier said than done for

those of you with a young family (as I have found out!) but please take the necessary steps

and try and get to bed earlier.

7) Try and give up caffeine! Oh my God gents this is easier said than done, remember I told you it would be difficult huh? I love a coffee! As a non-smoker and very occasional alcohol drinker I admit that coffee is my only vice however it is important to know that it is not good for fat loss. Let me explain… Caffeine can lead to a hormone called cortisol being secreted from your body. Cortisol is a hormone that breaks down muscle tissue and causes fat gain.

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Most guys in their 30s that I work with have careers and/or young families and rely on coffee to get them going in the mornings and see them through the day. This not only leads to cortisol secretion but stresses the adrenal glands and can lead to lack of sleep (discussed next). I have a client who came to me 6 months ago with a lot of weight to lose. He was doing all the wrong things so we immediately cleaned up his nutrition and got him to cut out booze, he also quit smoking. However he was still addicted to his coffee and admitted he could easily have 15 shots a day this was massively sabotaging his progress, as caffeine can lead to cortisol secretion for up to 18 hours. With that amount of coffee he was simply producing it all the time and would never have achieved his fat loss goals. When we removed it, it was tough initially but after 4 days of headaches (symptoms of withdrawing from caffeine) he felt clearer with loads more energy and guess what? His fat loss sped up. 8, Remove Cow’s Milk & ALL Cheese, Apart from being extremely bad for humans (due to the cow’s hormones), cow’s milk is really processed. The pasteurization process basically zaps out all the good nutrients (and all the good bacteria from it) which means by the time it gets to you; cow’s milk has ZERO nutritional value. Everything you know about cow's milk and dairy is probably part of a Dairy industry MYTH. Cow's milk is an unhealthy fluid from diseased animals that contains a wide range of dangerous and disease-causing substances that have a cumulative negative effect on all who consume it.

9, Eat within an hour of your workout. Do this or your workout is wasted! Immediately after your workout your body is at its most receptive to absorb vital nutrients in order to start the repair process. If you fail to provide the body with food within an hour your body starts to repair itself by eating its own muscle for energy!! Great huh? All that hard work you just did to get stronger muscles has just been wasted! Shoot for a mix of carbs/fat/protein such as chicken in coconut oil with veggies. If you can’t get home to cook this or simply cannot stomach something like this within an hour opt for a banana, apple with 2 large handfuls of nuts or even a protein shake. A protein shake is just a supplement to normal food, ideal for times such as immediately after a workout when convenience is needed. Again dispelling a myth here, protein shakes do not make you big and bulky! Eating junk makes you bulky…

10, Do not Calorie count! Again this may sound controversial but if you are going to eat 2000 calories of bread/cereals/pasta your body is simply going to have a massive sugar high and store this as fat. Added to that, you are going to feel awful with terrible energy dips. Now compare that to 2000 calories of fish or meat with loads of veggies cooked in coconut oil throughout the day. There’s no sugar high therefore no fat storage, a great amount of protein for the muscles, with fat for energy and fat burning and you can see what I’m getting at. I also believe the whole calorie in versus calories out argument is rubbish too. The types of workouts we do will get you burning calories for up to 24 to 48 hours after not

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just during, so how do we measure that? Don’t get yourself in a muddle by calorie counting just enjoy the foods I'm telling you to eat in abundance!

11, Understand that booze will completely bring your fat burning to a halt and give you no nutritional benefit whatsoever. Booze is simply sugar, we know what sugar’s effect is on the body now. Added to that it is a toxic energy which means the liver has to work overtime to get rid of it. This can actually grind your metabolism to a halt and, depending on how much booze you have drank can actually stop you burning calories for up to 3 days! Alcohol also extremely de-hydrates you and makes you opt for poor nutritional choices (a kebab seems such a good idea when drunk huh?) Added to this alcohol lowers testosterone and we don’t want to become less masculine and grow a set of man boobs now do we?

So there you have it lads, I’m absolutely convinced I’ve enlightened you there, tell me if I’m not wrong? That’s right you can enjoy as much fish, meat, eggs, nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruit as you like. Cook in coconut oil, drizzle your veg/salads in olive oil and wash it down with a load of bottled water and you will both begin to feel and look great. I’m already excited for you!

However, before you get as excited as me, it’s very important to remember that during the initial stages of this cleaner eating plan you are likely to feel lacking in energy, get a headache, feel a little bit fluey and your skin may come out in a few spots. Please do not panic or fear this! The headache and lethargy will come because of a withdrawal from sugar and caffeine and the other symptoms are due to the toxins coming out of your body. If you cheat or stray from the programme when not advised, you are only going to be putting toxins back in when there are already loads coming out and this can be doubly detrimental. Push on through the first couple of days and keep your body hydrated with loads of water, trust in the plan, and by day 5 or 6 you’ll be feeling great.

Okay so I would hope you’d be thinking that this all this sounds great but how do I put it all together?? Below is an example of meals you should be eating for optimum health, energy and fat loss. All of the foods to be cooked in coconut oil.


3 to 5 whole egg with green vegetables

Or, vegetable stir fry with fish

Or, PHD Protein shake with mixed nuts or fruit.

Or PHD Protein shake blended with berries Or Steak, eggs and nuts

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Lunch: Chicken breast (cooked in coconut oil), green veg (drizzled in olive oil) Tuna salad with peppers, roasted veg, Fish / Turkey breast with stir fry, greens, salad. Small sweet potato with salad and some form of meat/fish Evening meal: Choose from chicken, turkey, fish, steak with either green veg, stir fry, salad. Snacks: Raw veggies, nuts, seeds, a little fruit, protein shake. I appreciate the above doesn’t sound very diverse and can appear boring but you have to be creative with recipes using the foods you are allowed. I’m a creature of habit who could eat chicken and veg most night but appreciate a lot of you won’t be, therefore if you visit this website And here you will be given all the creativity you need!

“But I’m a veggie I hear you cry!” No sweat gents I’ve got you covered also

Okay gents, moving on even more information below including your essential ‘clean’ shopping list. The Top 20 Antioxidant Power Foods (Taken from the Book ‘The 9 day Liver detox by Patrick Holford) Pomegranate Blueberries Blackberries Kale Strawberries Baby Spinach / raw Raspberries Broccoli Plums Sprouts Steamed spinach Beetroot Avocado Orange Grapes, red

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Peppers, red Cherries Kiwi Fruit Grapefruit, pink Clean, essential shopping list (Includes the above) Vegetables Garlic bulbs Red onions White onions Mixed salad leaves Basil Celery Mushrooms Carrots Aubergine Corn on the cob Avocados Sweet Potato Spring onions Courgettes Beetroot Fresh basil Fresh parsley Kale Cauliflower Broccoli Watercress Green beans Peppers Spinach Roasted veggies Fruit (As well as Anti-oxidant fruits) Apples Bananas Watermelon Plums Berries Lemons Refrigerator Tuna steaks Salmon fillet

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Mackerel fillets Trout Turkey breasts Chicken breasts Steak Eggs Tonnes of bottled water Olives Hummus Sunflower, pumpkin and sesame seeds Store cupboard All natural organic peanut butter (No added sugar) All natural organic hazelnut / almond butter Mixed nuts and seeds Rice milk / almond milk (great alternatives to normal milk, available from health store) Quinoa Dried herbs Ground ginger / cinnamon Brown rice Organic coconut oil (Cook everything in this!) Extra virgin olive oil (drizzle your vegetable and salads in this do NOT cook in it as it become toxic at a higher temperature!) 5 Killer DETOX TIPS!

1) Pumpkin, sunflower, sesame and flax seeds all contain the omega 3 and omega 6 essential fats to help repair damaged cell membranes. They are also rich in minerals needed for detoxification and anti-oxidant enzymes. You will need enough for one tablespoon a day.

2) Have a mug of hot water with the juice of half a lemon twice a day. This encourages

bile flow and helps remove toxins

3) Dark green leafy vegetables such as baby spinach, watercress, basil and parsley are rich in vitamin C, folate, chlorophyll and anti-oxidants. They are best eaten in a raw salad as cooking destroys the vitamin content.

4) Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale and turnip all contain a number

of essential compounds that help support detoxification. Steam or slightly stir fry as to not lose the benefits of all the vitamins.

5) Onions (especially red), spring onions, shallots and garlic all contain sulphur

necessary for detoxification and can reduce inflammation. Eat raw if you can.

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30+ Supplementation While it’s true you CAN get good results with a good nutritious and clean diet containing your 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day, plenty of lean protein and lots of clean FILTERED water why not get GREAT results by supplementing (and a wagon full of other benefits too)?! Let’s get one thing clear though. There is no MAGIC PILL for fat loss! In fact, I’d say around 95% of supplements out there today are a complete waste of your hard earned money! Despite what the major supplement companies say, you won’t get 6 pack abs by taking 2 ‘lard blasters’ first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and 3 before your gym session. Supplementing is EXACTLY that- ‘Supplementing an already clean, nutritious diet and fat loss program’

So here are my TOP 3 essential supplements. 1) Organic coconut oil. I’ve already banged on about the amazing benefits this saturated fat brings. Put simply if you are not using it you will notice a lack of energy (remember that we are removing the starchy carbs from your diet so your body is now switching to burning fat for energy, so give it fat!) and will not be running at maximum fat burning ability. My question is, if you want to lose fat, why the hell wouldn’t you use it? The brands I use are Biona or Veridian both organic and a bit pricey, but they are the best for quality and taste. 2) A good quality fish oil- Notice the word quality. This is absolutely vital. Do NOT buy from a high street as the quality is very poor. Fish oil, is THE BEST fat loss supplement out there today. Apart from helping every disease known to man. Its main roles in fat loss are to help control blood sugar levels (THE key to fat loss- from the love handles especially), to turn OFF fat storage enzymes and turn ON fat burning enzymes. Simply put, if you’re not taking at least 9g of fish oil a day you’re missing out. I use PURE PHARMA fish oil. Take 3x3 a day WITH food. 3) Whey Protein- This one isn’t ESSENTIAL but I believe if you’re looking to get the most from your diet and training you need to be using some form of whey protein. Without boring you with too much science, they are many different types of whey- each different in quality. My personal

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recommendation is PHD Pharma Whey (100 cals and 20 grammes of protein per scoop) and is available to buy on my website at Some more information here about protein if I didn’t make myself clear enough before. FACT: Protein releases the hormones that make you feel fuller for longer FACT: Protein helps repair, maintain and build lean muscle the ONLY tissue that can burn fat. FACT: meat, nuts and fish aren’t always available or handy FACT- putting some whey powder into some water and mixing doesn’t take much time and is a GREAT snack but AWESOME with breakfast. FACT- Whey Protein provides TREMENDOUS support and is a huge boost to your immune system FAT- Protein powder DOES NOT make you ‘bulk up’ or ‘get bigger’ it’s almost the same as eating a chicken breast-last time I checked they don’t give you guns! FACT- if shakes turned you into Arnie wouldn’t all the WEEDS at your gym be huge now? I know they aren’t at my gym! FACT- the hour after you train its VITAL to get protein and amino acids into your system or your fat melting workout could have been a complete waste of time. Protein powders are THE best option for this. And finally gents before I wrap up…. Whether you’re single or married we’d all like to be getting a bit more action in the bedroom wouldn’t we gents? But let’s face it, with busy jobs, careers and/or kids sometimes a bit of the old ‘how’s your father’ is the last thing on our minds when we get home from work, tired and stressed after a long day. And even if you are in the mood and ready for some action, maybe the missus has a headache and doesn’t fancy any either. If you find yourself not quite fancying it as regularly fellas then fear not, I’ve listed 5 essential foods that will help to boost and your partner’s sex drive. Get these down your neck and get more active in the sack!

1, Bananas Bananas contain the bromelain enzyme, which is believed to increase libido and reverse impotence in men. Additionally, they are good sources of potassium and B vitamins like riboflavin, which increase the body's overall energy levels. 2, Avocado The Aztecs called the avocado tree "ahuacatl," or "testicle tree." While avocados can indeed look like that body part, they contain high levels of folic acid, which helps metabolize

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proteins, thus giving you more energy. They also contain vitamin B6 (a nutrient that increases male hormone production) and potassium (which helps regulate a woman's thyroid gland), two elements that help increase libido in both men and women. 3- Almonds (or nuts in general) Almonds are a prime source of essential fatty acids. These are vital as they provide the raw material for a man's healthy production of hormones. Additionally, the smell of almonds is purported to arouse passion in females. Try lighting some almond-scented candles to encourage her mood and snack on some (but not too many) yourself to store up energy for your performance.

“Remember the good old days eh lads!?”

4- Eggs Although not the most sensual of foods, eggs are high in vitamins B6 and B5. These help balance hormone levels and fight stress, two things that are crucial to a healthy libido. Eggs are also a symbol of fertility and rebirth. Some people will eat raw chicken eggs just prior to sex to increase libido and maximize energy levels. But all bird and fish eggs contain B6 and B5. 5- Liver A good source of glutamine -- a cellular fuel for your immune system -- liver may indeed increase a slowed-down libido. Granted, it's not the sexiest of foods, but if you add it to your basic diet, your body -- and your lady -- will thank you for it.

Please remember fellas if you’re not currently exercising and drinking heavily on the weekend then simply consuming these foods may not drastically enhance your love life. So

Page 31: CZ .BSL 5SFHJMHBT 5IF 5SVUI CPVU 'JUOFTT BOE /VUSJUJPO …… · commitments therefore lack of time is the major factor

try and get active 3 times a week and give the booze (which drastically lowers testosterone ) a miss for 21 days, combine it with the consumption of the 5 foods above and fire a bit of blood back into the old pencil..

So there you have it gents, my complete guide to a fitter, leaner, healthier, happier and more sexually active you, into your 30s and beyond. I hope you use this information well and I look forward to having you in my programs very soon! Coach Tregs