d mciver maekay - university of floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/uf/00/07/59/08/00847/0325.pdfcall...

i- p rr vT C > p 1 x i SIXTEEN THE OCALA WEEKLY STAR FRIDAY MAY 15 1908 D E HcIVER GEORGE HttKAY McIVER MaeKAY DEALERS I- NFURNITURE AND I HOUSEHOLD GOODS ornitare Stoves Chiia Crockery lamps Rags Carfet- iHfls Mat Lineleoms Blankets Comforts Table aid led tiDeD Pictures Portiere aed Lace CirtaiBS I I Harness Saddles Trunks Suit Cases andSatchels- r I BUILDING MATERIAL 01s flit Sewer and Flue Pipe lath Shiifles ail Cement Wagons Carriages lo Undertakers G Id5- I CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS r Call on i or write us foi prices I r Mclver MacKay OCALA FLORIDA I Pure Food Mcat Market i i A A Mathews Prop J E Bankston Mgi i 1 r tti j Wholesale and Ketail Dealer in t d I FRESH AND SPEED 4 1 FLORIDA AND WESTERN MEATS rji t I i r A Complete Stock ol Meats of All dads J- I B paD at All Times h t- I STALLS 11 3 CITY JARKET I I r TELEPHONE 132 s I 4 BUILDING A ROSE HOUSE Mr John Heintz is building a rose house on a pretty corner lot which he recently bought from Mr Clyatt east of the greenhouse The house will be I 2fix80 feet and will be used for roses u onerhe glass cover will not be I placed on until fall CALL FOR PRIMARY EQCTION r Pursuant to resolution adopted by the democratic executive committee I of Marion county Fla March 9 1908 I authorizing chairman and secretary of said committee to make official I call for primary a WHITE democrat- ic ¬ I primary election to beheld accord- ing ¬ to the election laws of Florida is hereby called to be held on Tuesday May 19 1908 during the hours fixed by law for the holding of elections- and at the legal polling places for the purpose of nominating all democratic candidate for county offices Provid- ed ¬ that a second primary shall be held on Tuesday June 16th 1908 to choose between the highest candi ¬ dates where nominations have not been made by a majority vote in the first primary Each elector in Marion county qual- Ified to vote in said primary election shall have the right to vote for Two candidates for members of the legislature- One candidate fOi ounty judge One candidate for rIff One candidate for clerk of circuit court One candidate for tax assessor One candidate for tax collector One candidate for superintendent ot couny public instruction- One ariJidate for county surveyor One andidate for county treasurer r One candidate for supervisor of reg lstratyn- One member of state executhie com mittoo I seven members of state senatorial 1 executive committee Each elector in each commissioner district shall have the right to vote for one candidate for county commis- sioner ¬ Each elector in each school board distirct shall have the right to vote for one candidate for member of I county school board Each elector in each precinct shall have the right to vote for a candidate for justice of the peace where term expires also one candidate for constable where term expires also for a member of the county executive committee for his precinct The county primary election here ¬ by called will be held on same day as state primary and in accordance with the rules adopted by the state democratic executive committee and each elector shall have the right to I vote for such candidates for state of ¬ fices delegates etc are are enumer- ated ¬ in call by the state committee of date February 18 1908 I The county democratic executive committee is hereby called to meet at the county site on Saturday May 23 1908 to canvass the returns of the election of May 19 1908 I John Graham Chm Dem Ex Com Marion Cf Fla r ttestU D Palmer Secy L S t l 1 PENSACOLA GIRLS WALK While in Sonambulistic State Created Profound Sensation in New York City New York MaY8Mary Madosa aged 22 single who is visiting her cousin Mrs Postova 124 Si tyfirst street who arrived from her home in Fcnsacola a month ago was found hatless shoeless wIthout stockings and clothed only in a night dress and white skirt by Policeman Havork late L Wednesday h night walking rapidly along Second avenue near Sixty fouth street apparently oblivious to her surroundings I Thinking she was in trouble Ha ¬ york approached gently taking her arm Receiving no reply led her tc the station house where it was discovered she was sound asleep She was taken to the Bellevue hospital in an ambulance for inquiry as to her sanIty for as soon as awakened at the station house she immediately be ¬ came hysterical t Her cousin was soon found and took her home She is a sonamb Iist and her cousin said the excitementlof New York life had increased her chronic nervousness KING OSCAR I Thoroughbred Jersey bull for sale one of the celebrated Flagler herd 5 years old in prime condition land and pentl E S Upham Soutl Lake Weir Fla- CONGRESSIONAL + I DISTRICT CONV JTION Of the Republicans Will be eld in- listrict Ocala May 15th- A republican congressional con the first congisjonal district of Florida will bo IJt la at Ocala Pta at noon on the lf Vi day oT i May 1908 to select two delegates and two alternates to represent laid dis- trict ¬ in the republican national con ¬ vention to be held in Chicago on June 16th 1908 to nominate candidates for president and vice president tf the I United States The counties will be I entitled to one delegate at large each and one for each one hundred otes or fraction of a hundred over fifty cat at the presidential election of 1904 for President Theodore Roosevelt This will entitle the counties to the follow ¬ ing number of delegates Lake 1 Marion 2 Sumter 1 Cit ¬ rus 1 DeSoto 1 Hernando 1 Tay- lor ¬ 1 Lee 1 Manatee 1 polk 1 Pasco 1 Lafayette 1 Hillstioro C Monroe 3- Delegates to the convention will be elected at county conventions or mass meetings in which all republicans elec- tors ¬ are entitled to take part Notice- to the voters must be given at least five days before the holding of such county conventions or mass meetings and the chairman and secretary of such convention or mass meeting shall certify the names of such delegates as shall be named by such conventions or mass meetings to the chairman of this convention at Tampa Florida five days previous to the 15th day of May 1908 E R Gunby Chairman I I COUNTY COMMISSIONERSOfficia- l I Official Report of the Proceedings of the May Meeting of the Board Tuesday May 5th 1908 oarl of County Conimissioners met I in regular session on this day Pres- ent ¬ John L Edwards chairman I o M Mathews S R Pyles N A ort C W Turner Minutes of last meeting read and adopted I Mr J C James made application- for widows exemption for Easter Shambley Commissioner Fort was appointed a committee of one to ar ¬ range the matter with the Tax Co- llector ¬ Mr Redding appeared before the board and requested financial aid for C R Oliver an old Confederate sol ¬ dier the matter was referred to Capt Fyles for investigation Commissioner Pyies thereupon real Hs report of the Poor Farm which report is as follows Poor Farm Report for Month of April 1908 To the Hon Board County Commis- sioners ¬ I beg to submit the following as my report Qf the County Poor Farm for the Month of April The inmates are twelve in all four of whites and eight of colored and their health seems to be good except that of the old lady Mrs Johnson white and old man Tom colored who are very feeble the result of old age One more accession to the family of Supt Priest is that of a fine girl baby born on the 14th of April Tqere having been no rain of any consequence since February the crops are suffering Oat crop is now being harvested and giving fairly good re- sults ¬ Corn and penders and other I crops very promising under the cir- cumstances ¬ I recommend that I some additional buildings be erected on the Farm and that the Board refuse to contribute to paupers outside the I farm except in the very I that Supt Priest be called before the Board to make a statement as to the destitute condition and suffering of the two families towit Sims and Horn who now live near Kendrick- See financial report hereto attached Respectfully submitted- S R Pyles Com in Charge Report of Poor Farm for April 1908 Superintendent 3500 Hired help 1 34 95 Washing and ironing 9 00 Cooking 10 60 Martin Carn 2 05 Helvenston Pasteur 4 01 Tydings Co 6 00 Dr H C Dozier 4 00 il J Cuthery 45 00 Ocala Wagon Works 2 00 Express on medicine 50 Total t 153 11 1145 of the above was furnished to the Sims family and one of the Horn brothers died and was buried bYj Supt Priest I Mrs Holmes appeared before the Beard and protested against the St Johns Church and Juliette road run ¬ ning through her property The mat ¬ ter laid over until the next regular meeting of the Board Petition for hard road Candler Dis ¬ trict calledup and said petition hav ¬ ing been presented to the Board at their last meeting and laid over thereupon My Lytle presented seve- ral ¬ petitions asking that the Carney road be made a hard road from Ocala- to Lake Weir After considerable discussion by Col Miller as to the practicability of the Carney road Commissioner Pyles moved that the bard road be granted from a point on the Summerfield road by Belleview to Candler which motion was unani- mously ¬ adopted and the following named gentlemen appointed a com- mittee ¬ t6 lay out the best route for said road viz PE Nugent Dr Hen ¬ ry and O M Gale- Commissioner Pyles also moved to grant a hard road from Candler to Lake Weir Station better known as Weir Park This motion was als adopted and the following named gen ¬ tlemen appointed as a commission to layout the best route for said road viz Messrs R L Martin J S Drig gers and Frank Lytle Upon motion of Commissioner Pyles- it was ordered that the County crew of hands be placed on Summerfield- road to harden it to a point opposite- the limits of Belleview- J B Caldwell appeared Before the Board and asked to be relieved from T H Barbers rifle bond as bonds- man ¬ which request was granted Clerk directed to notify Mr Barber in order that new bond may be filed Upon motion it was ordered that the Clerk be directed to write the of ¬ ficials of the S A L Railway to re ¬ pair their crossing one and a half miles south of town Acomnnu1ication from Mrs W J Carpenter to the Board was received nnd matter referred i6 Tax Assessor Ay T fit l > is r iomiiHmiation- The pftili n nll1f ting th > qpIil mem of Mr 1 II Prass as nut vie a lid brand inspector at Gaiter Ihi va upon motion refused Upon motion it was ordered that the read serape be sent to Mclntosh for repair of roads in that section The petition of L S Black and R A Falana as copartners under the firm name of Black Falana asking for permit to sell liquors wines and beer in District No 24 Dunnellon was received and it appearing that tTie same was in proper form the Clerk was directed to advertise nQtice as required by law Upon motion the Clerk was directed to note upon the Minutes that warrant No 1228 dated March 3rd 1908 for 10000 payable to J H Brass was lost and that another warrant be is- sued ¬ for the said sum and that proper- I steps be taken to stop the payment of varrant No 1228 aforesaid- A petition for neighborhood road Lynne section was presented as fol- lows ¬ Beginning at a point on the public read from Lynne to Grahamville neat the se corner of ne1 of nw of sec ¬ tion 9 tp 15 r 24 s e running in H northerly direction thence to a point- on the Ocala and Norwalk road near the nw corner of nei of se4 of sec ¬ lion 19 tp 14 r 24 s e a distance- of about four Unites And it appearing- that said petition was signed by a rumber of citizens living in the vicin- ity ¬ i of the proposal road the same was upon motion grated The Board thereupon adjourned un ti tomorrow morning at 830 oclock Wednesday May 6 1908 830 a m The Board met pursuant to ad- journment ¬ with all members present except Mr Jno L Edwards who was ecused Capt S R Pyles acting chairman by request of Mr Edwards- An opinion was filed by County At ¬ torney Hocker on the matter of damage claim of L J Cassels filed at the last meeting of the Board and Mr cassels being present the said opin- ion ¬ read which was in substance that the County was not liable On motion i Capt Pyles petition for damages was refused Bill of Frederick Disinfectant Co for disinfectant shipped in October 1007 was presented and upon motion of Capt Pyles the same was laid over until next meeting of the Board- A representative of the McDowell Crate Lumber Company appeared before the Board with reference to complaint made by Luffman in regard to a certain road in the Oak Section at last meetmg and it ap- pearing ¬ to the Board that Mr Mc- Dowell ¬ was at present out of the State an dthe request being made that the matter be postponed until his return on motion said request was granted and the matter laid over The report of Road Overseer D M Lucius was read and is as follows Ocala Fla May 2 1908 Mr J L Edwards Commissioner in Charge of Hard Road Work in Dis ¬ trict No1 Marion County Fla Dear SirI beg to submit the fol ¬ lowing as a report of my work for the month of April 1908 I was on the Ocala and Kendrick hard road till the 15th of April then I moved camp and located same on the Butch ton hard road about four miles out- I tore up and rebuilt something over onethird of a mile of road and have patched the road from the 6mile post back to town am no wscraping said road with the large road grader Mr Fort has been on this end of the Ocala and Kendrick hard road since April 7th with 5 to 7 diritng same I am row about ready to move camp to some other road as laIn nearly through scraping the Blitchton road My expenses for the month run as follows Free labor 111 80 Amount for feed of convicts 148 40 Overseer and three guards 227 00 Feed for mules Teapot 108 99 Marion Hardware Store 54 50 Seed Store 46 00 Mclver MacKay 4 60 H B Masters 1 3S Ocala Iron Works putting new nosts to traction engine 62 74 Total expense for April v765 50 Cash on hand 65 05 Think addition of 10000 will be sufficient to meet Mays expenses Respectfully W M Lucius Overseer H R Upon motion arrant was ordered drawn for 10000 payable to Mr Lu- c ¬ us for his May pay roll Upon motion of Capt Pyles the Clerk was instructed to communicate I with the proper parties and request I them to have the Ocala and Stokes Ferry road opened up through Mr Chamblisss pasture- A petition signed by a number of citizens was filed protesting against- the proposed route for the Ocala and Stokes Ferry road the one known as the J D Robertson road between big prairie and Withlacoochee river in that it passes through property of the signers of said petition to the damage ol said property and suggested that load be run over old route Upon mo ¬ tion f Mr Fort the petition was held laid over until the next meeting of the Board On motion of Mr Fort the matter- cf appointment of game warden was laid ove runtil the next meeting The petition for the changing of the Juliette and Dunnellon road filed at the last meeting of the Board was called up and after discussion upon motion the same was again laid over until the next meeting of the Board The bills of various district regis ¬ tration officers for keeping registra- tion ¬ books for registration on the cming primary were presented and the same being approved by Super- visor ¬ of Registration were ordered raid A communication was received from Mr A E Burnett offering to care for- t he Court House clock for one year for 2500 Upn motin the proposition- as accepted- A t cmmunication was received from the Interlachen Gravel Company offer- ing ¬ to supply County with material i for roads and Clerk was instructed to I acknowledge receipt of the letter and to state that the Board consi lered the material too expensive- It was brought to the attention of the Board that the prisoners leased- to SA Rawls Company and sub ¬ let toi E P Rentz Lumber Company- at the camp near Silver Springs are nnf indog prr > iprly rhrfd for there ¬ for i it n SOVMI that tho ISoarrl ap- i i i Ul i liPMiit if I mil tin lift fiary in v 1jgdin uhh iowr n ifpnrt tlicir findings to the urojrr- ait In > ri ties Ipon motion apt Pylf4 I and Mr Turner vere appointed a I committeeto investigate the matter Mr C W Hunter appeared before I he Board in the interest of the Citi- zens ¬ I Gas Company to demonstrate the superiority of their gas lights both in quality of light and ecenomy- or consumption over the electric light and proposed that the Board install these lights throughout the Court House and it appearing to the Board that the use of gas would be both economical and beneficial to the County and County officers it was upon motion ordered that Mr Hun ¬ ters proposition be accepted and he- aR directed to install gas lights throughout the Court House imme ¬ diately after first entering into a con ¬ tract with the Board fixing a special price as agreed upon Mr C C Dougherty came before the Board and stated that through thr effects of neuralgia he had been reduced to almost a physical wreck and was at certain periods unable to earn a livelihood and requested finan ¬ cial aid The Board exoressed a wil- lingness ¬ to assist Mr Dougherty but felt that the only means at their dis posal at this time was an admittance to the Poor Farm cfter was made to Mrfl Dou A petition was submitted from lL C Robinson through Mr W trvftt equesting that te grant icJuction on the rate cf en redemption ot ertain tax cates outstanding against Block Old Survey of Ocala which as upon motion refused Upon tion it was ordered that the troller be requested to allow the demption of above certificates the payment of the face value find omitted years taxes without terest t Bill of J L Beck Supervisor Registration for extra foi services in keeping open the istration books for registration in coming primary was presented upon motion the same was the Board holding that such were embraced in the general required of the Registration and covered by the regluar fixed by teh Board On Ipotion it was ordered that Pasteur County Treasurer fiom Special Road fund 167500 from the Fine and Forfeiture 32500 to the building fund in to take up outstanding warrant the building fund in the sum 450000 Upon motion the bill of the Chambliss Bank in the sum 10131 for interest on County ants was ordered paid Upon motion it wa sordered Comptroller be recommended to thorize the redemption of by wner the tax certificates out against the net4 of the mvU 26 township 14 range 21 upon payment ot the face alue and omitted years taxes without terest On motion it was ordered that Governor he recommended to I A Snow as Mark and Brand spector of District No 23 Pedro Upon motion Capt Pyles was pointed a committee to visit and vestigate the condition of the Jail and report the result of tion to the Board Committee turned after such investigation reported that he found the condition of the jail good In so at the infection of vermin is cerned I Notary Public bond of C L son wltlj R L Anderson and H Hampton sureties was also Notary bond of Samuel H er with L T Hickman and Walker sureties was approved Notary bond of W T Gary with Chambliss and T T Munroe was approved- The following bonds for licenses carry fire arms We approved censes orderea drawn- R M Smith E L Martin G Brant Henry H Rast J C J W Fort Felix K Schneider S Smith The following pension claims rprovect Thomas McLain Andrew J Henry C Gerald The following Justices of the reported fines and costs imposed follows Joseph Bell County Judge 20000 costs 268- E S Smith fines 62500 820 J W Bishop fines 31100 9228 The following Justices of the leported no business- C C Veal R C Douglass der Wynne W W Jackson T Johnson Q M McClarran J L pseed The Tax Collector filed his Mcenses and poll taxes collected lollos Licenses Poll tax regular Extra Total The County Treasurer tiled his port showing receipts includirfg ances as follows School Fund Receipts Inc balance Disbursements Balance on hand Road Fund Receipts Inc balance Disbursements Balance on hand County Proper Fund Receipts Inc balance Disbursements Balance on hand Fine and Forfeiture Fund Receipts Inc balance Disbursements I Balance on hand Building Fund Receipts Inc balance Disbursements Balance on hand I Special Road Fund I Receipts Inc balance Disbursements Balance on hand Total Rpts with bals34212 Disbursements Balance on hand The Board thereupon adjourned til Monday May the 11th 1908 S T Sistrunk J Barrington- Hall t STEEL CUT I Is a fie coffee of quality prepared by ed processes It is cut grounf into fine even cles fud from it is all fte dust and the eel ose skin This coffee pry and wholesome cI K I Clark Bros Proprietors HONE 174 1 BUTOr in Wholesale Fire Destroyed l 9A disastrous the center of thu laid in ruins a of the largest and buildings in the city are a complete is estimated at more a half and will on S M Inman a who owned practi ¬ for hours before The Terminal Hotel all the guests es ¬ as known no ont in the fire al ¬ had many narrow walls The failure at a most critical caused much crit ¬ will be or ¬ authorities J Pressure issue at 330 a story of the four Madison and Nelson by the SchlessJnger This build ¬ half of a block Tle prpmpt re ¬ was of little light water pres ¬ from the hose did not seem 19 Halt an hour after ¬ building was In l1inal Hotel halt a blazing while the building between the the hotel structures 5 oclock the hotel hurried from their later there was the foundations of In the hotel were which from until the fire ¬ spectators from the J five hundred yards known no one was in the fire Sustained t may be estimated building 75000 occupied Suspender i Co postoffice 100000 occupied by Gas Company Stationery Manu ¬ 10000 t Company 3000 Hotel the brick struc ¬ street was destroy ¬ Hat Factory oc ¬ building in Mit ¬ the McClure whole ¬ street which V the large 5 cent both destroyed of the City in that portion of the new Mitchell of the buildings construction and had Sr REQUISITION the past I four SS or I Naval Stores Man to Return to i 9W W Yarn the stores operator who six months ago deserting his young released on bond I in Alabama by sheriff Is now be court In El Paso papers He al ¬ is In Alabama and he is making a remain In the Lone state that Yarn release KILLED through Vt May 9The ex ¬ gas stove in the Wilson yesterday set and caused the two by burning by suffocation Mrs of those killed was room and war puting out the bodies of Mrs Lee on I the kitchen floor was beside the bed death being due r cause of the ex ¬ been LIBERTY determined May 9The hf of Harry rronrT Ie Af7 tie begun here Justice Monday ty0r ° u arrange J date Attorney M C was and Jams G of Thaw The era to suk tho tJoRt Attormy Jet on will n > t p l1P Poughkeepsie CONFEDERACY 1 ttlt Ill1 SA tie thlr of th FIO Con rill is in sessiii here of fifWseven will se to ¬ of interei hav acted upoA the the adopt f as the state sow adopted is 1 on foot to erect General Loring a delegates were en given at the Jackson Chapter N B Browarc delegates mansion at a re

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Page 1: D McIVER MaeKAY - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00847/0325.pdfCall onior write us foi prices I r Mclver MacKay OCALA FLORIDA I Pure Food Mcat Market


prr vT

C >p

1 x






ornitare Stoves Chiia Crockery lamps Rags Carfet-



Lineleoms Blankets Comforts Table aid ledtiDeD Pictures Portiere aed Lace CirtaiBS



Harness Saddles Trunks Suit Cases andSatchels-r


01s flit Sewer and Flue Pipe lath Shiifles ail Cement

Wagons Carriages lo Undertakers G Id5-



Call on ior write us foi prices





Pure Food Mcat Marketi i

A A Mathews Prop J E Bankston Mgii


r ttij Wholesale and Ketail Dealer in






A Complete Stock ol Meats of All dads J-

IB paD at All Timesh t-







Mr John Heintz is building a rosehouse on a pretty corner lot which herecently bought from Mr Clyatt eastof the greenhouse The house will be I

2fix80 feet and will be used for rosesu onerhe glass cover will not be I

placed on until fall

CALL FOR PRIMARY EQCTIONr Pursuant to resolution adopted bythe democratic executive committee

I of Marion county Fla March 9 1908 I

authorizing chairman and secretaryof said committee to make official I

call for primary a WHITE democrat-ic

¬ I

primary election to beheld accord-ing


to the election laws of Florida ishereby called to be held on TuesdayMay 19 1908 during the hours fixedby law for the holding of elections-and at the legal polling places for thepurpose of nominating all democraticcandidate for county offices Provid-ed


that a second primary shall beheld on Tuesday June 16th 1908 tochoose between the highest candi ¬

dates where nominations have notbeen made by a majority vote in thefirst primary

Each elector in Marion county qual-Ified to vote in said primary electionshall have the right to vote for

Two candidates for members of thelegislature-

One candidate fOi ounty judgeOne candidate for rIffOne candidate for clerk of circuit

courtOne candidate for tax assessorOne candidate for tax collectorOne candidate for superintendent ot

couny public instruction-One ariJidate for county surveyorOne andidate for county treasurer

r One candidate for supervisor of reglstratyn-

One member of state executhie committoo I

seven members of state senatorial1

executive committeeEach elector in each commissioner

district shall have the right to votefor one candidate for county commis-sioner


Each elector in each schoolboard distirct shall have the right tovote for one candidate for member of I

county school board Each elector ineach precinct shall have the right tovote for a candidate for justice of thepeace where term expires also onecandidate for constable where termexpires also for a member of thecounty executive committee for hisprecinct

The county primary election here ¬

by called will be held on same dayas state primary and in accordancewith the rules adopted by the statedemocratic executive committee andeach elector shall have the right to I

vote for such candidates for state of ¬

fices delegates etc are are enumer-ated


in call by the state committee ofdate February 18 1908 I

The county democratic executivecommittee is hereby called to meet atthe county site on Saturday May 231908 to canvass the returns of theelection of May 19 1908I John GrahamChm Dem Ex Com Marion Cf Flar ttestU D Palmer Secy




l 1


While in Sonambulistic State CreatedProfound Sensation in New

York CityNew York MaY8Mary Madosa

aged 22 single who is visiting hercousin Mrs Postova 124 Si tyfirststreet who arrived from her home inFcnsacola a month ago was foundhatless shoeless wIthout stockingsand clothed only in a night dress andwhite skirt by Policeman Havork late

L Wednesday h night walking rapidlyalong Second avenue near Sixtyfouth street apparently oblivious toher surroundings

I Thinking she was in trouble Ha ¬

york approached gently taking herarm Receiving no reply led hertc the station house where it wasdiscovered she was sound asleep Shewas taken to the Bellevue hospital inan ambulance for inquiry as to hersanIty for as soon as awakened atthe station house she immediately be ¬

came hysterical t

Her cousin was soon found and tookher home She is a sonamb Iist andher cousin said the excitementlof NewYork life had increased her chronicnervousness


Thoroughbred Jersey bull for saleone of the celebrated Flagler herd 5years old in prime condition land andpentl E S Upham Soutl LakeWeir Fla-




Of the Republicans Will be eld in-

listrictOcala May 15th-

A republican congressionalcon the first congisjonaldistrict of Florida will bo IJtla atOcala Pta at noon on the lf Vi day oT i

May 1908 to select two delegates andtwo alternates to represent laid dis-trict


in the republican national con ¬

vention to be held in Chicago on June16th 1908 to nominate candidates forpresident and vice president tf the I

United States The counties will beI

entitled to one delegate at large eachand one for each one hundred otes orfraction of a hundred over fifty catat the presidential election of 1904 forPresident Theodore Roosevelt Thiswill entitle the counties to the follow ¬

ing number of delegatesLake 1 Marion 2 Sumter 1 Cit ¬

rus 1 DeSoto 1 Hernando 1 Tay-lor


1 Lee 1 Manatee 1 polk 1

Pasco 1 Lafayette 1 Hillstioro C

Monroe 3-

Delegates to the convention will beelected at county conventions or massmeetings in which all republicans elec-tors


are entitled to take part Notice-to the voters must be given at leastfive days before the holding of suchcounty conventions or mass meetingsand the chairman and secretary ofsuch convention or mass meeting shallcertify the names of such delegates asshall be named by such conventions ormass meetings to the chairman of thisconvention at Tampa Florida fivedays previous to the 15th day of May1908 E R Gunby Chairman






Official Report of the Proceedings ofthe May Meeting of the Board

Tuesday May 5th 1908

oarl of County Conimissioners metI in regular session on this day Pres-ent


John L Edwards chairmanI o M Mathews S R Pyles N A

ort C W TurnerMinutes of last meeting read and

adoptedI Mr J C James made application-

for widows exemption for EasterShambley Commissioner Fort wasappointed a committee of one to ar ¬

range the matter with the Tax Co-llector


Mr Redding appeared before theboard and requested financial aid forC R Oliver an old Confederate sol ¬

dier the matter was referred to CaptFyles for investigation

Commissioner Pyies thereupon realHs report of the Poor Farm whichreport is as followsPoor Farm Report for Month of April


To the Hon Board County Commis-sioners


I beg to submit the following as myreport Qf the County Poor Farm forthe Month of April

The inmates are twelve in all fourof whites and eight of colored andtheir health seems to be good exceptthat of the old lady Mrs Johnsonwhite and old man Tom colored whoare very feeble the result of old age

One more accession to the familyof Supt Priest is that of a fine girlbaby born on the 14th of April

Tqere having been no rain of anyconsequence since February the cropsare suffering Oat crop is now beingharvested and giving fairly good re-sults


Corn and penders and otherI

crops very promising under the cir-


I recommend that I someadditional buildings be erected on theFarm and that the Board refuse tocontribute to paupers outside the I

farm except in the very I

that Supt Priest be called before theBoard to make a statement as to thedestitute condition and suffering ofthe two families towit Sims andHorn who now live near Kendrick-

See financial report hereto attachedRespectfully submitted-S R Pyles Com in Charge

Report of Poor Farm for April 1908Superintendent 3500Hired help 1 34 95Washing and ironing 9 00Cooking 10 60Martin Carn 2 05Helvenston Pasteur 4 01Tydings Co 6 00Dr H C Dozier 4 00il J Cuthery 45 00Ocala Wagon Works 2 00Express on medicine 50

Total t 153 11

1145 of the above was furnished tothe Sims family and one of the Hornbrothers died and was buried bYjSupt PriestI

Mrs Holmes appeared before theBeard and protested against the StJohns Church and Juliette road run ¬

ning through her property The mat ¬

ter laid over until the next regularmeeting of the Board

Petition for hard road Candler Dis ¬

trict calledup and said petition hav ¬

ing been presented to the Board attheir last meeting and laid overthereupon My Lytle presented seve-ral


petitions asking that the Carneyroad be made a hard road from Ocala-to Lake Weir After considerablediscussion by Col Miller as to thepracticability of the Carney roadCommissioner Pyles moved that thebard road be granted from a point onthe Summerfield road by Belleview toCandler which motion was unani-mously


adopted and the followingnamed gentlemen appointed a com-


t6 lay out the best route forsaid road viz P E Nugent Dr Hen ¬

ry and O M Gale-Commissioner Pyles also moved to

grant a hard road from Candler toLake Weir Station better known asWeir Park This motion was alsadopted and the following named gen ¬

tlemen appointed as a commission tolayout the best route for said roadviz Messrs R L Martin J S Driggers and Frank Lytle

Upon motion of Commissioner Pyles-it was ordered that the County crewof hands be placed on Summerfield-road to harden it to a point opposite-the limits of Belleview-

J B Caldwell appeared Before theBoard and asked to be relieved fromT H Barbers rifle bond as bonds-man


which request was grantedClerk directed to notify Mr Barber inorder that new bond may be filed

Upon motion it was ordered thatthe Clerk be directed to write the of ¬

ficials of the S A L Railway to re ¬

pair their crossing one and a halfmiles south of town

Acomnnu1ication from Mrs W JCarpenter to the Board was receivednnd matter referred i6 Tax AssessorAy T fit l > is r iomiiHmiation-

The pftili n nll1f ting th > qpIilmem of Mr 1 II Prass as nut vie a lid

brand inspector at Gaiter Ihi vaupon motion refused

Upon motion it was ordered that theread serape be sent to Mclntosh forrepair of roads in that section

The petition of L S Black and RA Falana as copartners under thefirm name of Black Falana askingfor permit to sell liquors wines andbeer in District No 24 Dunnellon wasreceived and it appearing that tTie

same was in proper form the Clerkwas directed to advertise nQtice asrequired by law

Upon motion the Clerk was directedto note upon the Minutes that warrantNo 1228 dated March 3rd 1908 for

10000 payable to J H Brass waslost and that another warrant be is-


for the said sum and that proper-I steps be taken to stop the payment of

varrant No 1228 aforesaid-A petition for neighborhood road

Lynne section was presented as fol-


Beginning at a point on the publicread from Lynne to Grahamville neatthe se corner of ne1 of nw of sec ¬

tion 9 tp 15 r 24 s e running in

H northerly direction thence to a point-on the Ocala and Norwalk road nearthe nw corner of nei of se4 of sec ¬

lion 19 tp 14 r 24 s e a distance-of about four Unites And it appearing-that said petition was signed by arumber of citizens living in the vicin-ity


i of the proposal road the same wasupon motion grated

The Board thereupon adjourned unti tomorrow morning at 830 oclock

Wednesday May 6 1908 830 a mThe Board met pursuant to ad-


with all members presentexcept Mr Jno L Edwards who wasecused Capt S R Pyles actingchairman by request of Mr Edwards-

An opinion was filed by County At¬

torney Hocker on the matter ofdamage claim of L J Cassels filed atthe last meeting of the Board and Mrcassels being present the said opin-ion


read which was in substance thatthe County was not liable On motioni Capt Pyles petition for damages

was refusedBill of Frederick Disinfectant Co

for disinfectant shipped in October1007 was presented and upon motionof Capt Pyles the same was laid overuntil next meeting of the Board-

A representative of the McDowellCrate Lumber Company appearedbefore the Board with reference tocomplaint made by Luffman inregard to a certain road in the OakSection at last meetmg and it ap-pearing


to the Board that Mr Mc-Dowell


was at present out of theState an dthe request being madethat the matter be postponed until hisreturn on motion said request wasgranted and the matter laid over

The report of Road Overseer D MLucius was read and is as follows

Ocala Fla May 2 1908Mr J L Edwards Commissioner in

Charge of Hard Road Work in Dis ¬

trict No1 Marion County FlaDear SirI beg to submit the fol ¬

lowing as a report of my work forthe month of April 1908 I was onthe Ocala and Kendrick hard roadtill the 15th of April then I movedcamp and located same on the Butchton hard road about four miles out-I tore up and rebuilt something overonethird of a mile of road and havepatched the road from the 6mile postback to town am no wscraping saidroad with the large road grader MrFort has been on this end of the Ocalaand Kendrick hard road since April7th with 5 to 7 diritng same I amrow about ready to move camp tosome other road as laIn nearlythrough scraping the Blitchton road

My expenses for the month run asfollowsFree labor 111 80Amount for feed of convicts 148 40Overseer and three guards 227 00Feed for mules Teapot 108 99Marion Hardware Store 54 50Seed Store 46 00

Mclver MacKay 4 60H B Masters 1 3S

Ocala Iron Works putting newnosts to traction engine 62 74Total expense for April v765 50

Cash on hand 65 05Think addition of 10000 will be

sufficient to meet Mays expensesRespectfully

W M Lucius Overseer H RUpon motion arrant was ordered

drawn for 10000 payable to Mr Lu-c


us for his May pay rollUpon motion of Capt Pyles the

Clerk was instructed to communicate I

with the proper parties and requestI

them to have the Ocala and StokesFerry road opened up through MrChamblisss pasture-

A petition signed by a number ofcitizens was filed protesting against-the proposed route for the Ocala andStokes Ferry road the one known asthe J D Robertson road between bigprairie and Withlacoochee river inthat it passes through property of thesigners of said petition to the damageol said property and suggested thatload be run over old route Upon mo ¬

tion f Mr Fort the petition was heldlaid over until the next meeting ofthe Board

On motion of Mr Fort the matter-cf appointment of game warden waslaid ove runtil the next meeting

The petition for the changing of theJuliette and Dunnellon road filed atthe last meeting of the Board wascalled up and after discussion uponmotion the same was again laid overuntil the next meeting of the Board

The bills of various district regis ¬

tration officers for keeping registra-tion


books for registration on thecming primary were presented andthe same being approved by Super-visor


of Registration were orderedraid

A communication was received fromMr A E Burnett offering to care for-

t he Court House clock for one yearfor 2500 Upn motin the proposition-

as accepted-A


cmmunication was received fromthe Interlachen Gravel Company offer-ing


to supply County with materiali for roads and Clerk was instructed toI acknowledge receipt of the letter and

to state that the Board consi lered thematerial too expensive-

It was brought to the attention ofthe Board that the prisoners leased-to SA Rawls Company and sub ¬

let toi E P Rentz Lumber Company-at the camp near Silver Springs arennf indog prr > iprly rhrfd for there ¬

for i it n SOVMI that tho ISoarrl ap-ii i Ul i liPMiit if I mil tin lift

fiary in v 1jgdin uhh iowr n

ifpnrt tlicir findings to the urojrr-ait In > ri ties Ipon motion apt Pylf4

I and Mr Turner vere appointed aI committeeto investigate the matter

Mr C W Hunter appeared beforeI he Board in the interest of the Citi-


I Gas Company to demonstratethe superiority of their gas lightsboth in quality of light and ecenomy-or consumption over the electric lightand proposed that the Board installthese lights throughout the CourtHouse and it appearing to the Boardthat the use of gas would be botheconomical and beneficial to theCounty and County officers it wasupon motion ordered that Mr Hun ¬

ters proposition be accepted and he-

aR directed to install gas lightsthroughout the Court House imme ¬

diately after first entering into a con ¬

tract with the Board fixing a specialprice as agreed upon

Mr C C Dougherty came beforethe Board and stated that throughthr effects of neuralgia he had beenreduced to almost a physical wreckand was at certain periods unable toearn a livelihood and requested finan ¬

cial aid The Board exoressed a wil-


to assist Mr Dougherty butfelt that the only means at their dis

posal at this time was anadmittance to the Poor Farmcfter was made to Mrfl Dou

A petition was submitted fromlL C Robinson through Mr Wtrvftt equesting that tegrant icJuction on the rate cfen redemption ot ertain taxcates outstanding against BlockOld Survey of Ocala which

as upon motion refused Upontion it was ordered that thetroller be requested to allow thedemption of above certificatesthe payment of the face valuefind omitted years taxes withoutterest t

Bill of J L Beck SupervisorRegistration for extrafoi services in keeping open theistration books for registration incoming primary was presentedupon motion the same wasthe Board holding that suchwere embraced in the generalrequired of the Registrationand covered by the regluarfixed by teh Board

On Ipotion it was ordered thatPasteur County Treasurerfiom Special Road fund 167500from the Fine and Forfeiture32500 to the building fund in

to take up outstanding warrantthe building fund in the sum450000Upon motion the bill of theChambliss Bank in the sum

10131 for interest on Countyants was ordered paid

Upon motion it wa sorderedComptroller be recommended tothorize the redemption of bywner the tax certificates outagainst the net4 of the mvU26 township 14 range 21 uponpayment ot the face alueand omitted years taxes withoutterest

On motion it was ordered thatGovernor he recommended toI A Snow as Mark and Brandspector of District No 23 Pedro

Upon motion Capt Pyles waspointed a committee to visit andvestigate the condition of theJail and report the result oftion to the Board Committeeturned after such investigationreported that he found thecondition of the jail good In soat the infection of vermin iscerned I

Notary Public bond of C Lson wltlj R L Anderson and HHampton sureties wasalso Notary bond of Samuel Her with L T Hickman andWalker sureties was approvedNotary bond of W T Gary withChambliss and T T Munroewas approved-

The following bonds for licensescarry fire arms We approvedcenses orderea drawn-

R M Smith E L Martin GBrant Henry H Rast J CJ W Fort Felix K Schneider SSmith

The following pension claimsrprovectThomas McLain Andrew J

Henry C GeraldThe following Justices of the

reported fines and costs imposedfollows

Joseph Bell County Judge20000 costs 268-E S Smith fines 62500

820J W Bishop fines 31100

9228The following Justices of the

leported no business-CC Veal R C Douglass

der Wynne W W Jackson TJohnson Q M McClarran J Lpseed

The Tax Collector filed hisMcenses and poll taxes collectedlollosLicensesPoll tax regularExtra

TotalThe County Treasurer tiled his

port showing receipts includirfgances as follows

School FundReceipts Inc balanceDisbursements

Balance on handRoad Fund

Receipts Inc balanceDisbursements

Balance on handCounty Proper Fund

Receipts Inc balanceDisbursements

Balance on handFine and Forfeiture Fund

Receipts Inc balanceDisbursements

I Balance on handBuilding Fund

Receipts Inc balanceDisbursements

Balance on handI Special Road FundI Receipts Inc balanceDisbursementsBalance on handTotal Rpts with bals34212DisbursementsBalance on hand

The Board thereupon adjournedtil Monday May the 11th 1908

S T SistrunkJ




Is a fie coffee ofquality prepared byed processes It is cutgrounf into fine evencles fud from it isall fte dust and theeel ose skin This coffeepry and wholesome

cI KI Clark Bros Proprietors

HONE 1741

BUTOrin Wholesale



9A disastrousthe center of thulaid in ruins aof the largest and

buildings in the cityare a complete

is estimated at morea half and will

on S M Inman awho owned practi ¬

for hours beforeThe Terminal Hotel

all the guests es ¬

as known no ontin the fire al ¬

had many narrowwalls The failureat a most critical

caused much crit ¬

will be or¬

authorities J

Pressureissue at 330 a

story of the fourMadison and Nelsonby the SchlessJnger

This build ¬

half of a blockTle prpmpt re ¬

was of littlelight water pres ¬

from the hosedid not seem 19Halt an hour after ¬

building was Inl1inal Hotel halt ablazing while the

building between thethe hotel structures

5 oclock the hotelhurried from their

later there wasthe foundations of

In the hotel werewhich from

until the fire ¬

spectators from the J

five hundred yardsknown no one was

in the fireSustained


may be estimated


occupiedSuspender i Co

postoffice 100000occupied by

Gas Company

Stationery Manu ¬

10000 tCompany 3000

Hotel thebrick struc ¬

street was destroy ¬

Hat Factory oc ¬

building in Mit ¬

the McClure whole ¬

street which V

the large 5 centboth destroyed

of the Cityin that portion ofthe new Mitchell

of the buildingsconstruction and hadSrREQUISITION

the pastI

fourSSor I

Naval Stores Manto Return to


9W W Yarn thestores operator who

six months agodeserting his young

released on bond I

in Alabama bysheriff Is now be

court In El Pasopapers He al ¬

is In Alabama andhe is making a

remain In the Lone

state that Yarnrelease



Vt May 9The ex ¬gas stove in the

Wilson yesterday setand caused the

two by burningby suffocation Mrs

of those killed wasroom and war

puting out thebodies of Mrs LeeonI

the kitchen floorwas beside the bed

death being due r

cause of the ex ¬




May 9The hfof Harry

rronrT Ie Af7tie begun here


ty0r ° uarrange J date

Attorney M C wasand Jams G of

Thaw The erato suk tho tJoRt

Attormy Jet on

will n > t p l1P




SA tie thlrof th FIO


is in sessiii hereof fifWsevenwill se to ¬

of interei havacted upoA the

the adopt fas the state sowadopted is 1

on foot to erectGeneral Loring a

delegates were engiven at the

Jackson ChapterN B Browarc


at a re