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2 D-Rev Annual Report D-Rev Annual Report 3

Our Mission

D-Rev exists to close the quality healthcare

gap for under-served populations by

designing and delivering user-centric medical

technologies. Human potential relies on good

health. We are committed to improving health

for all people, regardless of their income or

place of birth.

It is our goal that D-Rev products will treat

millions of people.

It is our hope that our work will catalyze

global change to make world-class healthcare

accessible for all.

D-Rev Annual Report 3

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D-Rev Annual Report 5

Table of Contents

06 Newborn Health

18 Mobility

24 Impact

30 Research & Development

34 Support

4 D-Rev Annual Report

Dear Friends,

Just five years ago our team of three was cramped

in our first office in a grey Victorian house off of

University Avenue in Palo Alto. We were drowning

in design work and prototypes and struggling to

increase the impact of our products while remaining

financially sustainable. This year we launched our

second product to market, Brilliance Pro, and have

invested hours with far-flung partners who will help

us deliver the ReMotion Knee to amputees all over

the world.

We are moving into 2015 positioned for growth. We have narrowed our organizational focus to

work exclusively on products that improve health, and by the end of the year we will have four

products on the market. With a strong track record of not just designing—but also delivering via

the market—products to patients who need them most, we are thinking about our next projects.

In the coming year we will refine and define what research and development means to D-Rev.

We celebrate our successes in scaling current projects, while being mindful about how our

challenges will inform future product development.

At D-Rev we value curiosity, fearlessness, and pragmatism in our approach to problem solving.

And we believe our accomplishments and lessons learned in 2014 will change the way healthcare

is delivered.

In 2014:

• D-Rev’s products entered 10 new countries, scaling organically via the market

• Brilliance Classic sales grew 70% year-over-year, scaling faster than we had ever anticipated

(with major kudos to our partner Phoenix Medical Systems)

• We discontinued our work on Comet, but it better informed other work that we believe will

lead to greater impact (see more in our newborn health section!)

• We launched our impact dashboards making our impact, data, assumptions, and calculations

public and transparent

This progress would not be possible without you, our supporters, partners, families, and friends

who have allowed us to create and scale our impact. We are so very grateful. Because of you we

have made meaningful progress to close the gap for those who previously have been unable to

access existing healthcare—making world-class a global standard.

Thank you,

Krista Donaldson

CEO, D-Rev

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Newborn Health

Dr. Vijay Raj, head doctor in a government hospital outside of Chennai. The hospital currently has four Brilliance units installed.

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8 D-Rev Annual Report D-Rev Annual Report 9


D-Rev’s Newborn Health project aims to provide world-class, affordable phototherapy devices to treat the millions of newborns at risk for adverse effects of severe jaundice, like brain damage or death.

By the end of 2014, D-Rev’s Brilliance devices have cumulatively treated over 47,000

babies, with almost 35,000 of those in 2014 alone. Brilliance has saved over 600

babies, over 450 in 2014, from disability or death as a result of one of the most

common newborn conditions, newborn jaundice.

In 2015 it is our goal to accelerate sales of Brilliance Classic and Brilliance Pro, particularly in high need regions of India. We will do this by supporting business development activities and working on the ground with our sales and distribution partners.

See our full Newborn Health impact dashboard at D-Rev.org/impact

Newborn Health 9

Lesson Learned

When we set out to make Brilliance Pro we strove to make

a high-performance, affordable device that incorporated

additional features that clinicians were demanding.

Along the way we improved the look and feel of the

device as well—a sleeker profile, a clearer display, and a

more convenient tilting mechanism. It turned out these

aesthetic improvements had a profound impact on how

the product was perceived.

Doctors seeing Brilliance Pro at launch events in India

wanted to own a device that worked well and looked

good. Expectations of customers in every market are

rising. Product designers must account for aesthetic

alongside other core functionality when designing for

low-resource markets.

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10 D-Rev Annual Report



Brilliance Pro

We anticipate that our newest product, Brilliance Pro, which launched December 2014, will accelerate our impact.

Brilliance Pro offers a streamlined design, improved design for manufacturability,

and patent-pending SmartTilt technology to ensure effective treatment when used

with other equipment in the NICU. In addition to these features, Brilliance Pro can

include the Brilliance Pro Light Meter—an optional accessory that enables clinicians

to verify effective treatment—the first time such a device has been available to

clinicians at an affordable price. Reflecting D-Rev’s commitment to exceeding

user-expectations in its designs, Brilliance Pro won Best in Show at NEOCON

2014, India’s largest conference for neonatal care, beating out multi-national

corporation’s devices across all product categories and price points.

INTRODUCING: The Brilliance Pro Light Meter was previously known as Bullseye!

Doctors and neonatologists, with project manager AJ Viola, around Brilliance Pro at the launch event in Chennai, hosted by Phoenix Medical Systems.

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12 D-Rev Annual Report

Dr. S. Kumar, a neonatologist at a government hospital outside of Chennai, holding the Bhutani Nomogram. The Bhutani Nomogram is the global standard for indicating when babies should be treated with jaundice. Dr. Vinod Bhutani, creator of the nomogram, is a D-Rev Advisor to the Newborn Health project.

Newborn Health 13

34,905 Babies Treated

29,233Babies Otherwise

454Deaths & Disabilities Averted

445Units Installed

2014 Impact: Newborn Health

43,000 to-date by end of 2014

326% growth since our 2013 Annual Report

learn more on page 27!

babies treated who would not otherwise have received effective treatment

Read our step-by-step guide to calculating Brilliance impact #s

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D-Rev Annual Report 15

Product Development

In 2014, additional projects in the Newborn Health project area emerged based on user’s needs and were developed to complement the Brilliance product line, address existing barriers to effective treatment, or expand market share.

In 2014 we worked on three new products in the Newborn Health project area:

Bullseye, Comet, and Brilliance Pro Shippable. They are intended to complement

the Brilliance product line, expand market share, or address existing barriers to

effective treatment.

Product Manager Garrett Spiegel working on design

requirements for Comet.

Brilliance Pro Light Meter

A tool for doctors & nurses to measure the wavelength of light from Brilliance, ensuring effective treatment.



LESSON LEARNED | Doctors and nurses use light meters to ensure

phototherapy treatment is being delivered effectively. Because of their

exorbitant cost light meters are uncommon in India and other low-

resource regions. While the Brilliance Pro Light Meter is an accessory

product used exclusively with the Brilliance Pro phototherapy unit,

product development and manufacturing of the device required a

substantial amount of learning and iterating. D-Rev needed to ensure

it had extensive skill and knowledge to produce a high quality product,

including purchasing additional equipment and validating design

specifications through third-party testing.

Newborn Health 15

aka Bullseye!

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D-Rev Annual Report 1716 D-Rev Annual Report


Rural phototherapy treatment for babies far from urban referral centers.


ACTUAL RELEASE | Discontinued

LESSON LEARNED | After field testing in three countries, we

concluded that introducing phototherapy to rural clinics and

hospitals will not have measurable impact and could, in fact, have

negative consequences.

Most rural clinics did not keep babies overnight, or did not have the

capacity for inpatient care. Phototherapy requires uninterrupted

treatment for 2-4 days. Also, we observed that comorbidities were

often present, requiring additional treatment for other very serious

issues like hypothermia, and phototherapy wouldn’t be successful

without additional devices like warmers.

Comet was not a failure. In design, everything is information for

the next iteration. User testing for Comet focused our attention

on areas to improve upon in the distribution and supply chain of


Read our detailed blog post about our learnings from Comet

Newborn Health 17

Brilliance Pro Shippable

Even more affordable treatment for hospitals and clinics outside of India.


LESSON LEARNED | Our theory of change for Comet was that

expanding access of effective phototherapy to rural clinics was the

most sizable way for us to grow our impact. As part of our field

testing of Comet we learned that barriers exist to distribution and

scaling outside of India that have little to do with product features

or differing user needs. Transportation cost is a not insignificant

component of overall cost and we believe by thinking smarter about

the overall design of the product we can have significant impact on

end-pricing, making the product more accessible to high need parts

of the world.

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MobilityReMotion Knee product manager Vinesh Narayan making adjustments to a patient’s ReMotion Knee at the JaipurFoot Organization in Jaipur, India.

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20 D-Rev Annual Report D-Rev Annual Report 21


D-Rev’s Mobility project aims to equalize access to high quality mobility devices.

We’re incredibly proud of the work that has been done by the ReMotion Knee

team this year. We completed field trials of the ReMotion Knee in four clinical

sites in Guatemala, India, and Indonesia, allowing us to finalize the design and

begin working with a contract manufacturer to mass produce the product. This

is a critical milestone in the history of the ReMotion Knee. As a result of years of

work the ReMotion Knee will finally be available for public sale in 2015, and as

forecasted the retail price will remain at or below $80 USD.

D-Rev will focus exclusively on launching the ReMotion Knee in India, followed soon by two additional high-need countries.

Mobility 21

Lesson Learned

Continuously remind partners that all feedback is

good feedback. One of our most valuable partners,

a clinic in Indonesia, was hesitant to report back

on ReMotion problems during field tests. It took

the D-Rev team some time to convince them that

it was the most valuable information they could

provide and, when delivered, their detailed notes

and observations turned out to be crucial in the

development of the ReMotion Knee. Without

their honesty we would have missed key learning

opportunities in the product’s development.

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22 D-Rev Annual Report Mobility Impact Dashboard: www.d-rev.org/impact—cumulative numbers available

6,632Total number of amputees fit by end of 2014

1,194Amputees fit with the JaipurKnee in 2014 at the JaipurFoot Organization in Jaipur, India

52Amputees fit with the ReMotion Knee in 2014

2014 Impact: Mobility

29% growth since our 2013 Annual Report

Product Development

2015 will be a year of enormous growth for the ReMotion team.

Not only will we launch the ReMotion Knee to market mid-year, but we will also

start on the next mobility product. We are always on the look out for new ideas

that will complement our existing products.

Stay tuned for further updates later this year.

Senior R&D Engineer Michael Hong working with the ReMotion Knee’s manufacturer in China.

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24 D-Rev Annual Report D-Rev Annual Report 2524 D-Rev Annual Report


Brilliance Classic treats a baby girl in a government hospital outside of Chennai. D-Rev estimates that over 220 babies were treated by this hospital in 2014.

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26 D-Rev Annual Report D-Rev Annual Report 27


D-Rev’s impact assessment aims to understand the results and effectiveness of our products, as well as inform our future product development.

In 2014, we worked constantly to integrate impact assessment cross-functionally,

and earlier across all our teams. We now approach impact with a “first in, last out”

mentality—considering impact at the inception of a product and measuring long

after D-Rev engineering activities cease.

This year D-Rev will launch long-term impact assessment for the ReMotion Knee, increase the amount of data collected on Brilliance, and initiate third-party evaluations of both products. In addition, it is a priority to establish organization-wide impact assessment, especially as we evaluate new projects and areas for growth at D-Rev.

every company needs to have a dashboard like [D-Rev's] integrated into decision-making

Nathan Shedroff,

Design Museum UNITE on Impact Design event

Impact 27

Lesson Learned

When estimating impact we differentiate between

the sales and installation or fitting of a device, and

only report impact from devices we know are in

use. In 2014 we learned that there are particularly

challenging aspects to gathering data about devices

sold outside of India.

By the end of 2014 over 1,200 Brilliance devices

had been sold to over 20 countries. We only

reported confirmed installations of 777 devices

installed in nine countries. We estimate our impact

may be as much as 25% higher than what we

publicly report for Brilliance.

While we are working actively in 2015 to address

these challenges, we remain committed to full

transparency and consistency in our reporting, only

publishing impact numbers for devices we know are

in use and treating patients.

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Impact Dashboards

The pursuit of ever greater impact inspires our work and pushes us to continually improve our methods for collecting, analyzing, and reporting not just the direct impact of our products, but also our indirect impact on the industries in which we operate.

We are driven by the notion that everyone deserves good design and our work

will be done when under-served populations around the world have access to the

healthcare they need whether by our products or not.

August 2014 (V2)June 2014 (V1)

we added data visualizations!

D-Rev is a 501(c)(3) organization | © 2010-present | 695 Minnesota Street, San Francisco, CA 94107

enter your email for D-Rev news


+1 (415) 642-1143

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255babies treatedwith Brilliance

4newborn deaths anddisabilities averted

22babies treated who

otherwise would not havereceived e�ective treatment

ReMotion Brilliance

4,678patients have beenfit with ReMotion’s

Jaipur Knee

79%of these patients are still wearing their prostheses

95%of patients report no

failures in their JaipurKnees

Social impact drives everything we do at D-Rev. In order to know that we are making the impact we intend, we

strive to measure not just the number of products we sell, but how many people actually use and benefit from the

product, and how we can do better. Tracking impact isn’t cheap, but it’s essential to keeping us focused on our

goals, accountable to our donors and users, and constantly learning how to do better.

What drives our impact assessment? A commitment to transparency, accountability, and learning.

Baby Hope

Baby Hope was the first baby treated with Brilliance. Born prematurely in 2010 at less than 3 lbs, Baby Hope was diagnosed with jaundice. Lab results showed that his jaundice was so severe that he needed a blood transfusion. Fearing that the baby would not survive the transfusion, his pediatrician decided to use phototherapy instead.

Baby Hope

Baby Hope was the first baby treated with Brilliance.

Born prematurely in 2010 at less than 3 lbs, Baby Hope

was diagnosed with jaundice. Lab results showed that

his jaundice was so severe that he needed a blood


Baby HopeBaby Hope was the first baby treated with

Brilliance. Born prematurely in 2010 at less

than 3 lbs, Baby Hope was diagnosed with

jaundice. Lab results showed that his jaundice

was so severe that he needed a blood

transfusion. Fearing that the baby would not

survive the transfusion, his pediatrician decided

to use phototherapy instead.

View full dashboard Quick look View full dashboard Quick look

D-Rev is a 501(c)(3) organization | © 2010-present | 695 Minnesota Street, San Francisco, CA 94107

enter your email for D-Rev news


+1 (415) 642-1143

[email protected]


our blog

press releases








255babies treatedwith Brilliance

4newborn deaths anddisabilities averted

22babies treated who

otherwise would not havereceived e�ective treatment

ReMotion Brilliance

4,678patients have beenfit with ReMotion’s

Jaipur Knee

79%of these patients are still wearing their prostheses

95%of patients report no

failures in their JaipurKnees

Social impact drives everything we do at D-Rev. In order to know that we are making the impact we intend, we

strive to measure not just the number of products we sell, but how many people actually use and benefit from the

product, and how we can do better. Tracking impact isn’t cheap, but it’s essential to keeping us focused on our

goals, accountable to our donors and users, and constantly learning how to do better.

What drives our impact assessment? A commitment to transparency, accountability, and learning.

Baby Hope

Baby Hope was the first baby treated with Brilliance. Born prematurely in 2010 at less than 3 lbs, Baby Hope was diagnosed with jaundice. Lab results showed that his jaundice was so severe that he needed a blood transfusion. Fearing that the baby would not survive the transfusion, his pediatrician decided to use phototherapy instead.

Baby Hope

Baby Hope was the first baby treated with Brilliance.

Born prematurely in 2010 at less than 3 lbs, Baby Hope

was diagnosed with jaundice. Lab results showed that

his jaundice was so severe that he needed a blood


Baby HopeBaby Hope was the first baby treated with

Brilliance. Born prematurely in 2010 at less

than 3 lbs, Baby Hope was diagnosed with

jaundice. Lab results showed that his jaundice

was so severe that he needed a blood

transfusion. Fearing that the baby would not

survive the transfusion, his pediatrician decided

to use phototherapy instead.

View full dashboard Quick look View full dashboard Quick look

D-Rev is a 501(c)(3) organization | © 2010-present | 695 Minnesota Street, San Francisco, CA 94107

enter your email for D-Rev news


+1 (415) 642-1143

[email protected]


our blog

press releases








255babies treatedwith Brilliance

4newborn deaths anddisabilities averted

22babies treated who

otherwise would not havereceived e�ective treatment

ReMotion Brilliance

4,678patients have beenfit with ReMotion’s

Jaipur Knee

79%of these patients are still wearing their prostheses

95%of patients report no

failures in their JaipurKnees

Social impact drives everything we do at D-Rev. In order to know that we are making the impact we intend, we

strive to measure not just the number of products we sell, but how many people actually use and benefit from the

product, and how we can do better. Tracking impact isn’t cheap, but it’s essential to keeping us focused on our

goals, accountable to our donors and users, and constantly learning how to do better.

What drives our impact assessment? A commitment to transparency, accountability, and learning.

Baby Hope

Baby Hope was the first baby treated with Brilliance. Born prematurely in 2010 at less than 3 lbs, Baby Hope was diagnosed with jaundice. Lab results showed that his jaundice was so severe that he needed a blood transfusion. Fearing that the baby would not survive the transfusion, his pediatrician decided to use phototherapy instead.

Baby Hope

Baby Hope was the first baby treated with Brilliance.

Born prematurely in 2010 at less than 3 lbs, Baby Hope

was diagnosed with jaundice. Lab results showed that

his jaundice was so severe that he needed a blood


Baby HopeBaby Hope was the first baby treated with

Brilliance. Born prematurely in 2010 at less

than 3 lbs, Baby Hope was diagnosed with

jaundice. Lab results showed that his jaundice

was so severe that he needed a blood

transfusion. Fearing that the baby would not

survive the transfusion, his pediatrician decided

to use phototherapy instead.

View full dashboard Quick look View full dashboard Quick look

September 2014

we added user stories in V3

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Research & Development

Senior R&D Engineer Michael Hong working on quality assurance processes with the ReMotion manufacturer.

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32 D-Rev Annual Report


D-Rev’s approach to R&D continues to evolve. As we grow; we aim to formalize and refine our process for selecting projects so that we maximize the future impact of the organization.

LESSON LEARNED | Involve manufacturing partners early and often in the design

process. Doing so saves on re-work and increases the likelihood of getting a high-

quality product to market in a timely fashion. While this seems like common sense

to many of us, there is often an inclination to go to manufacturers with a finished or

nearly finished design.

In the upcoming year, D-Rev will establish a new group to manage R&D processes and tools, and new project selection. We will build a foundation for D-Rev’s growth in the coming years—and will soon select D-Rev’s next project.

Identify Design

next? stay tuned!

Research & Development 33



Brilliance Classic

Brilliance Pro

ReMotion Knee

Brilliance ProLight meter

Brilliance ProShippable

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D-Rev Annual Report 3534 D-Rev Annual Report


Devi, a young mother in Tamil Nadu, whose daughter was just treated by Brilliance for four days, after a failed treatment in a CFL device.

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36 D-Rev Annual Report D-Rev Annual Report 37

2014 Financials

















1% 1%*3%









Earned Income

Newborn Health


General &





* In the 2013 Annual Report we estimated 14% in R&D for 2014—we redefined R&D at D-Rev, separating it from

standard product development within our already defined project areas. Products previously categorized as R&D

(Bullseye, Comet) are now allocated under Newborn Health.

Support 37

S. Hussein wearing the ReMotion Knee at the JaipurFoot Organization in Jaipur, India. He is currently a university student, and volunteering at an NGO.

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38 D-Rev Annual Report

Our Partners






You make everything possible.

Support 39



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40 D-Rev Annual Report

Our Board of Directors

JOHN DAWSONchairman of the board







Support 41

KELLY BLANKgraphic designer

VINESH NARAYANReMotion product manager

SARA TOLLEFSONdirector of impact


NICOLE RAPPINoperations manager

ARUN VENKATESAN *country manager, India

JESSE HAMLIN *director of communications

GARRETT SPIEGELproduct manager

AJ VIOLAnewborn health project manager

MICHAEL HONGsenior R&D engineer

DINA TO *donor relations manager

ROBERT WEISS business development analyst

* a few new faces this year! Our Staff

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THANK YOU!Your support makes this possible.

© 2015 D-Rev All Rights Reserved

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695 Minnesota Street

San Francisco, CA 94017



D-Rev is a 501(c)3 non-profit
