d roland tasme presentation part 2

Notable Achievements Time Frame Achievements School Failed Driving Test Six Times Nationally ranking Junior Men’s Steeplechase Medical School No individual awards Poor performance FINALs OSCE Medical Society Secretary Directed 3 rd Year Play “Chicago” PRHO First 3 patients seen on first medical night shift died

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Post on 16-Nov-2014




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  • 1. Notable AchievementsTime Frame AchievementsSchool Failed Driving Test Six Times Nationally ranking Junior Mens SteeplechaseMedical School No individual awards Poor performance FINALs OSCE Medical Society Secretary Directed 3rd Year Play ChicagoPRHO First 3 patients seen on first medical night shift diedSHONot shortlisted for Paediatric SHO rotation

2. Roland D. A scale is only as good as its user. Letter in response to: Pediatrics 2012; 129:5 e1211-e1219Roland D, Clarke C, Borland M and Pascoe E. Adequately assessing dehydration: A holy grail ofpaediatric emergency medicine International Journal of Emergency Medicine 2011, 4:71 3. This book: Made a small amount ofmoney It is not going to be re-printed Was described as beingirrelevant on my CV by aProfessor of MedicalEducation Nearly ended myengagement to my wife