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D-STIR Project 30th of March 2017, Vienna, Austria – Danube Region Synergy Workshop: Research - Innovation- Knowledge Society

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D-STIR Project

30th of March 2017, Vienna, Austria – Danube Region Synergy Workshop: Research -Innovation- Knowledge Society

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Project title: D-STIR - Danube Framework for

Responsible Reseach and Innovation using Socio-Technical Integration.

Topic: Danube Responsible Research and Innovation

Strategy, STIR – Socio-Technical Integration Research method. D-STIR project: follow-up of FARINNE project – „Facilitating Responsible Innovation in South East Europe countries” financed under South-East Europe Transnational Cooperational Programme.


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GENERAL OBJECTIVES: to improve Danube framework conditions for innovation, by integrating Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in the whole innovation pipeline. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: Build capacity of Danube Research and Innovation actors to develop/apply RRI

strategies; Design, test and promote transfer of a Danube RRI strategy; Strenthen policy that improves Danube RRI framework conditions LONG-TERM QUALITATIVE RESULTS AT POLICY LEVEL: improved framework conditions for RRI in the Danube innovation pipeline; improved knowledge transfer and resulting commercialisation of responsible R&I

results. PRACTICAL QUANTITATIVE RESULTS: 3 transnational RRI stakeholder groups (2 pilot: in business and academia

environment & 1 Danube level - total 270 actors mobilised) designed for quadruple helix cooperation;

1 Danube RRI strategy and 1 tool (D-STIR Method) that put environmental and societal challenges at the heart of innovation;

Capacity building strengthened for more than 200 R&I actors; Improved RRI policy in Pilot entities (min.28), at local/national level (min.8) and at

Danube level, with strategies, action plans & proposals to leverage capital for RRI

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Partnership and roles

N Partner Role

LP ADRSE - South-East Regional Development Agency Management partners

ERDF1 CLS - Cassovia Life Sciences

ERDF2 EMFIE - First Hungarian Responsible Innovation Association

ERDF4 DCHS - Development centre of the Heart of Slovenia


ELI-ALPS - ELI-HU Research and Development Non-profit Ltd CC – County Government of Csongràd

Pilot action in academic environment

ERDF5 ELI-BEAMS - Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences


ELI-NP Horia Hulubei National Institute for Research and Development in Physics and Nuclear Engineering (with) CJI - Ilfov County Council

LP ADRSE - South-East Regional Development Agency Pilot action in business environment


CLS - Cassovia Life Sciences (with) KSK - Kosice Self Governing Region

ERDF4 DCHS - Development centre of the Heart of Slovenia

ERDF7 Bwcon - bwcon GmbH

ERDF9 CIS - Central Bohemian Innovation Centre

ERDF10 DAHI - Development Agency Heart of Istria


SERDA - Sarajevo Economic Region Development Agency (with) ZPKS - Sarajevo Canton Planning Institute

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Activities planned

Create and run Transnational stakeholder groups with representatives from across the Danube Region;

RRI Tool adaptation by updating information on partners’ RRI context and adapting STIR Method;

Building the capacity of Danube innovation actors to apply the adapted STIR method in academic and business environments;

Testing STIR and applying results with 2 Transnational Pilot Actions: Academic Environments and Business Environments;

RRI Strategy development with integration of Pilot applications results and exchange cooperation among the partner regions.

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Target groups & Outputs

Target groups to whom the project is addressed:

No. Target group Target value

Target group type 1 Higher Education and Research 47

Target group type 2 Regional public Authority 20

Target group type 3 Business Support Organisation 30

Target group type 4 SME 250

Target group type 5 Interest Groups including NGOs 16

Project outputs:

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Synergies with other initiatives/projects

D-STIR project offers:

a research tool – STIR that represents the first method that helps R&I actors to take steps towards RRI implementation, already tested in innovation leader countries (over 36 labs on 3 continents) and in 1 pilot area in the Danube;

a research tool – STIR that integrates the socio-environmental responsibility in innovation policy, already tested in business and research environment;

an adapted research tool - D-STIR for the less developed areas like Danube that will be tested both in business and research environment;

a quadruple cooperation model, essential to ensure relevance and feasibility of applying results and their long-term sustainability through creation of Transnational Stakeholder Groups (TSG). 3 TSG engaged in all project phases: 1 academic environment, 1 business environment, 1 Danube macro-region;

a RRI Strategy with practical evaluation and result integration of D-STIR method.

D-STIR project needs:

to develop common RRI Strategies and Tools for the Danube region;

to raise awareness on RRI Strategies and D-STIR research method;

an extensive network of contacts across the Danube region to create a Danube Territory Stakeholder Group ensuring the transferability of project outputs

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Thank you! Contacts: LP – South-East Regional Development Agency - Romania Luminita MIHAILOV, General Director Nina IRIMIA, Project Coordinator www.adrse.ro; [email protected]; [email protected] 0040339401018

30 March 2017Danube Region Synergy Workshop

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Vienna, 30/03/2017 Danube Region

Synergy Workshop

RI2integrate Embeddedness of high quality research infrastructures in the Danube Region

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Framework conditions

1.1: Improve framework conditions for innovation

Project duration: 01.2017- 06.2019

Programme priority and specific objective:

Lead Partner: ELI-HU Nonprofit Ltd.

Project Budget: 1,899,430.00 €

Project Partners: 8 countries; 9 ERDF, 1 IPA, 7 ASP

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The objective of RI2integrate project is to accelerate macro-regional embeddedness of RIs in the Danube Region with involving all interest groups along Quadruple Helix (QH) to develop framework conditions of RI utilization.

The embeddedness builds upon 3 main pillars as • 1) business ecosystem development

for SMEs • 2) PPI with the involvement of the

government for boosting innovation • 3) wider community involvement by


Territorial needs: 1) industry research gap (CZ, HR, RO) 2) lack of networking along QH(AT, HU, SLO) 3) lack of embeddedness of RIs (all) 4) limited access to facilities for SMEs (HU, CZ, SRB) 5) limited innovation capacity (HR, SRB) 6) tools for just some issues (all) 7) limited or missing involvement of public authorities (all)

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Steps to achieve

WP3 – Structure devepoment (FHJ) • Identification of RI

infrastrucure's embeddedness

• Expert groups' development

• Specific focus definition

WP4 – RI integration tool (CTRIA) • PPI utilization

• RI related business ecosystem development

• Community awareness raising tool for RI utilization

WP5 – Piloting the tools (SIC) • PPI procedure

implementation • Science Park

concept implementation

• Community involvement piloting

WP6 – Measures of durability (DAS) • Joint Action Plan

Development • Knowledge

transfer trainings • RI Integration

Committee development

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Main expected results

• Exploitation of the economic development potential of RIs at Danube Region level.

• Improvement of cross-linkages

improved transfer of scientific results into the economy

different needs of the participating countries.

• The intensity of cooperation of key actors for improving the framework of research and innovation will be reached by:

• QH

• network intensive tools,

• direct involvement of SMEs (150), public authorities (20), youths (1000) and research institutions (20 RIs from the Programme area) in the testing phase,

• knowledge sharing in learning interaction with participants from all 14 Danube countries.

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Possible synergies

• RI embeddedness from 3 different perspectives

• PPI related tool development for public authorities

• RI related business ecosystem development (science park)

• Community awareness raising (youths)

• Matchmaking along QH (open discussions) • Trainings for practitioners

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Related capitaliztion projects

• DTP Capitalization

• Thematic Pole 2

• RDI Framework Support

RRI - ensures that R&I is carried out

in a socially, environmentally and ethically manner

upgrade the knowledge of policy makers and the policy delivery organisations involved in the financing, and parent organisations arranging the operation of research infrastructures

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Unlocking the potentials for business and social innovation in the Danube Region by equipping

young people with new generation skills

presented by

Vienna, 30th

March 2017 ‘Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)’


training – counselling – project management center for equality and and regional cooperation

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Objectives and expected results

‘Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)’


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Partnerships and results

‘Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)’


Local Government and Municipality of Újbuda Hungary Lead Partner

PRIZMA Foundation for the Improvement of Employment Possibilities

Slovenia ERDF Project Partner 1

Municipality of Maribor, Department for Culture and Youth Slovenia ERDF Project Partner 2

NOWA Training Counselling Project management Austria ERDF Project Partner 3

akzente - center for equality and regional cooperation Austria ERDF Project Partner 4

North-West Regional Development Agency Romania ERDF Project Partner 5

Intercommunity Development Association Cluj Metropolitan Area

Romania ERDF Project Partner 6

Sofia Development Association Bulgaria ERDF Project Partner 7

Sofia Municipality Bulgaria ERDF Project Partner 8

DEX Innovation Centre Czech Republ.

ERDF Project Partner 9

Institute Mihajlo Pupin Serbia IDA Project Partner 1

Municipality of Savski Venac Serbia IDA Project Partner 2

Corvinus University of Budapest Small Business Development Centre

Hungary Associated Strategic Partner 1

City of Graz Austria Associated Strategic Partner 2

City of Belgrade Serbia Associated Strategic Partner 3

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Activities planned

‘Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)’


Local Innovation Advisory Groups Youth innovation agendas

Best practices on Innovation Mgt.

Transn. Innovation Advisory Board Transn. Innovation lab networking Dynamic learning packages Trainers Training

Youth Teams accomplished DLP (5-7/city) Internat. Youth Camp

Innovative ideas presented

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‘Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)’


Target Groups and Outputs

TG 1: Local Public Authorities TG 2: Interest Groups incl. NGOs TG 3: Higher education and Research TG 4: SMEs TG 5: Youth aged between 15-29

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By creating local schemes conducive to better exploiting the innovation potential of the youth, NewGenerationSkills can significantly contribute to sustainable regional development and synergies in many other relevant issues

contribute to more equal opportunities for the youth by empowering them to unlock their innovative and creative potential, and respond to societal challenges through entrepreneurial skill development programs

Promoting young women and girls by focusing on innovation in the service sector and in social entrepreneurship

‘Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)’


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Eva Janusch nowa – Training – Beratung- Projektmanagement Jakominiplatz 16 | 8010 Graz [email protected] +43 650 4826007 www.nowa.at Maria Strommer akzente – Zentrum für Gleichstellung und regionale Zusammenarbeit Grazer Vorstadt 7 | 8570 Voitsberg [email protected] +43 660 4402712 www.akzente.or.at

‘Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)’


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30 March, 2017 Danube-INCO.NET Conference Vienna


IFKA Public Benefit Nonprofit Ltd. for the Development of the Industry

Head of Unit of International Cooperation

[email protected]


Strengthening Social Entrepreneurial

Landscape through involving socially

responsible corporate Practices in

EntrepreNeurial CompetenceS and Skills

enhancement in the DANUBE region

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Objectives and expected results

to create a transnational network of

social enterprises (SEs), socially

responsible traditional businesses,

(social) financial investors, policy-

makers, academia, NGO practitioners

composed by 600-800 members in total

in the Danube region.

Establish 150-250 market-based co-


Promote dialogue and knowledge-


Shape attitudes and perceptions

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Activities planned

Benchmarking of

social enterprise


Empowerment of

social enterprises Pilot action Strategy



Identification of policy

niches and preparing

ground of mainstream




Launch of practice-

driven blended

training programme

(60 hours online

training and coaching)


Organization of pitching

sessions and

exploration of joint




Joint elaboration of

the Social

Enterprise Strategy

for the Danube


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Partnership and roles

Partner organizations

IFKA Public Benefit Nonprofit Ltd. For the Development of the Industry (Hungary)

RERA a.s. – Regional Development Agency of South Bohemia (Czeh Republic)

BSC Business Support Centre Ltd., Kranj (Slovenia)

SMRDA South Muntenia Regional Development Agency (Romania)

SBA Slovak Business Agency (Slovakia)

ZSI Centre for Social Innovation (Austria)

REDEA Regional Development Agency Međimurje Ltd. (Croatia)

NESsT EUROPE Public Benefit Nonprofit Ltd.(Hungary)

MAROM Club Association (Hungary)

CCIS Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia (Serbia)

Associated Strategic Partners

Ministry for National Economy (Hungary),

EURADA European Association of Regional Development Agencies (Belgium)

Regional Training Center for Adults (Romania)

Ministry of Labour and Pension System (Croatia)

Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer (Moldova)

Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic (Slovakia)

Development council of Gorenjska region (Slovenia)

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Outputs and target groups also beyond partnership

Output1: Exchange of experience of social enterprise policies (policy diagnostic tool)

Output2: Training and mentoring tool (e-learning) co-developed and co-designed with

social enterprise catalysts and CSR corporations

Output3: Pilot cooperations established (150-250 cooperations)

Output4: Social Enterprise Strategy for the Danube region (+RAP)

Target groups of the project are:

Social Enterprises (SEs),

Socially responsible traditional businesses,

(social) financial investors and financial intermediaries,

Policymakers and government agencies,


NGO practitioners.

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SOCIAL SEEDS (INTERREG EUROPE Programme, 1st call, Lead Partner)

RaiSE (INTERREG EUROPE Programme, 2nd call, Partner)

MarketMate (EDIOP Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme 5.1.2-15, Partner)

ERSTE SEEDS - Social Enterprise Establishment and Development Support (DG EMP, Advisory Board Member)

EVPA – NESST CEE Social Impact Investment Task Force (Steering Group member)

EURADA’s working group on social innovation (Member)

GSEN – Mott Foundation (representative of Hungary)

Closed projects: SEFORIS, EASE&SEE, DIFASS

Potential synergies with other initiatives or projects

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Potential synergies with other initiatives or projects

Thematic Pole 3 „Innovative Learning Systems” leader (Priority 1)

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Thank you for your attention!

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ACCELERATOR: Introduction

Danube Region Synergy Workshop

Vienna, 30.03.2017

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Topic and title of the project

Accelerator = to get the smart money for the SMEs


You need 1. an idea

2. a team 3. a product 4. a plan 5. money

What you usually have 1. an idea

2. a team 3. a plan in your head

You may have

1. a product

You usually lack

1. strategies to grow (sales, marketing, technical etc.)

2. money >>> smart money (innovation services and equity)

Developing accelerators to provide better access to innovation finance for SMEs

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Objectives and expected results

Enhancing access to innovation finance via • improving the institutional framework conditions (Who,

where) • the related policy instruments >> practical solution of

acceleration services • influencing the concerned strategic framework at

partner’s regions and programme level (How)


Main objective

Expected results

• Better performing accelerator services • More SMEs to access financing, mainly

equity financing • Established international network for

SME development

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Partnership and roles














• 10 partners from 8 countries • Further 5 associated strategic partners from 5 countries • Partners include development and innovation agencies,

venture capital fund manager, public bodies, technology parks, research institute, business support organisations

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Activities planned


Demand-supply research

Testing and finetuning accelerator programmes (Pilots)

Improving the joint guide for running acceletaror programmes

Action plans, business plans for running accelarator programmes

Setting up the transnational innovation network

Joint re-commendations to public bodies

Policy framework analysis


Peer reviews of functioning accelerator programmes in and beyond the partnership

Elaborating accelerator programme schemes for testing

Cooperation agreements

Joint strategy

+ 2 upcoming major dissemination events: • Mid-term dissemination event – March 2018, Slovenia • Final event – May 2019, Hungary

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Outputs including target groups also beyond partnership


Target groups 1. SMEs lacking financing 2. Business support organisations aiming improving their

services all across the Danube region 3. Equity financing institutions - regional innovation

ecosystem 4. Public sector – to improve the policy framework

Outputs • Policy framework summary report • Demand and supply summary report • Joint guide to develop acceleration programmes • 8 completed and finetuned pilots • Developed business and action plans for running

acceleration programmes • Innovation network and cooperation agreement • Joint recommendations and joint strategy

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Potential synergies with other initiatives or projects


Offers Needs

1. Joint organisation of final event with

other projects (subject to negotiations)

2. Active participation of representative of

other projects at our regular working

group meetings

3. Our active participation at other

project’s meeting

4. Mid-term dissemination event open and

final event open to other projects

5. Involvement of SMEs in our acceleration

programme tests

1. Well-functioning, successful acceleration

programmes that we can analyse

2. Promoting our acceleration programmes

for a broad reach of SMEs

3. Commenting, joint formulation and joint

presentation of recommendations for

public authorities for better impact

4. Commenting, joint formulation and joint

presentation of our Danube Region

Strategy on innovative financing for


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DTP Priority Innovative and socially responsible Danube region:

CrowdStream – CROWDfunding to mainSTREAM

innovation AEI - Agency for European Integration and Economic Development

Danube Region synergy workshop: Research – Innovation – Knowledge Society

Vienna, 30.03.2017

Project co-funded by the European Union

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Aims, objectives, envisioned results • Improvement of the effectiveness of public/private business-support for

innovative spin-offs & social enterprises to access high quality alternative financing (crowdfunding)

• Initializing a change in the financing market: facilitate by quality labelling and capacity building activities a major shift from donation based to equity based crowdfunding

Main project results:

Improved cooperation between business-support-organizations and enterprises to guarantee a high quality access to crowdfunding

Improvement of the framework conditions for the creation of TRANSNATIONAL CROWDFUNDING PLATFORMS

Project co-funded by the European Union

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DTP Project CrowdStream – Partners & Facts

Project team: 10 PPs (9 countries) & 6 ASPs (5 countries) Duration: 12/2016-05/2019 (30 months) Program Priority 1: Innovative and socially responsible Danube Region

Project co-funded by the European Union

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Outputs and targeted activities Training:

• Trainings for public actors providing services for enterprises approaching crowdfunding (CF)

• Trainings for businesses on crowdfunding


• Transnational quality label for CF

Pilot Actions:

• Pilot actions on campaigns for CF


• Transnational & Regional Action Plans to improve access to alternative finance for enterprises

Project co-funded by the European Union

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Results with long term effects

Improved regional support structures for innovative spin-offs, start-ups & social enterprises to gain financing via alternative financing sources via

• Regional Action Plans to improve access to alternative finance

• Policy recommendations to improve access to alternative finance

• Learning interactions to build stakeholder networks

• Quality monitoring tool on quality services for CF

• Trainings for start-ups, social enterprises, business organizations

• Pilot actions on campaigning models for CF

• Field missions/study visits on CF services

Project co-funded by the European Union

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Synergies and cooperation opportunities

• Stakeholder mapping opportunity for inclusion and cooperation

• Crowdfunding update and desk research on current status opportunity for distribution and knowledge exchange

• Preparation of next working steps (quality labelling, knowledge exchange, training and inclusion of stakeholders, policy support,…) opportunity for early inclusion and contribution

Project co-funded by the European Union

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AEI – Agency for European Integration and Economic Development

Thank you for your interest in the CrowdStream project!

We are looking forward to keeping you updated and involving you…

Your contact at AEI

E-Mail (until 07.04.2017): [email protected]

Then: [email protected]

Telefon: +43 (1) 9054621 13

Mobil: +43 (664) 889 066 55

Project co-funded by the European Union

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High-Performance Computing for Effective Innovation in the Danube

Region - InnoHPC -

prof. Borut Rončević, PhD


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Objectives and expected results

• High performance computing (HPC) is an emerging general-purpose technology. It can improve framework conditions for innovations by drastically increasing effectiveness of innovations and reducing product development time.

• The main objective of InnoHPC is to create transnational HPC laboratory for co-designing knowledge-intensive innovative products with high value-added in transnational value-chains.

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Partnership and roles

The consortium includes: 1. partners from most EUSDR countries, co incorporate

context-specific knowledge about regional nuances to achieve robustness , transferability and durability of InnoHPC results;

2. acadmic and business partners with diversified and relevant HPC infrastructure and competencies for advanced use of HPC, from all parts of the Danube region;

3. regional and national policy-makers with role in innovation policy, entrepreneurship and technology transfer;

4. the business cmmunity, i.e. chambers of industry and a company;

5. ASP partners, ineligible but with specific competencies.

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Activities planned

3.1 Cataloguing Institutional Absorptive Capacity 3.2 Cataloguing Regional HPC Capacities 3.3 Regional HPC Mapping 4.1 Designing HPCLab operational plan and services 4.2 Designing and testing InnoHPC capacity building 4.3 Designing sustainability and transferability tools 5.1 Determining technology requirements 5.2 Implementation of technological solutions 5.3 User experience design 5.4 Platform testing activities 6.1 Capacity building learning interactions 6.2 Pilot electronic industry 6.3 Pilot automotive industry

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Outputs and target groups

• Key outputs are transnational InnoHPC Lab pooling regional HPC infrastructure and competencies, web platform providing HPC access, integrated services and capacity building tools, and sustainability toolkit, to support durability of InnoHPC Lab beyond the project.

• InnoHPC targets SMEs and clusters, providing the opportunity to increase efficiency of innovations and join transnational value-chains in the Danube region. Higher education and research institutions with HPC will get access to exciting real-life cases and opportunities to exploit their entrepreneurial potential. Policy-makers and business support organizations will receive a valuable institutional support for their policies and initiatives.

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Potential synergies with other initiatives and projects

Three key possibilities:

• Providing HPC simulations on real-life data for other projects

• Knowledge on enhancing communications and exchange between academic institutions, business community and policy-makers.

• Designing project sustainability tools

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Thank you!


[email protected]

[email protected]

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MOVECO PechaKucha - session

Danube Region synergy workshop

Research – Innovation – Knowledge Society

30. March 2017; Tech Gate, Vienna

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Topic and project title

• MOVECO, Mobilising Institutional Learning for Better Exploitation of Research and Innovation for the Circular Economy • Circular economy – design out waste • Fast moving consumer goods (packaging, electronic and

electrical equipment, batteries) • Extended producer reponsibility scheme

• Ecodesign environmental targets for innovation supporting a circular economy

• Technical longevity, durability • Reuse, repairability • Preparation for reuse • Recycling

• Reverse logistics building on existing infrastructure • Transparent costs and service requirements

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Objectives and expected results

Improve infrastructural and institutional framework conditions and policy instruments for eco innovation supporting the transition towards a circular economy

• Reducing disparities between regions

• Fostering smart and sustainable growth

Improve collaboration at the interface between science, business, policy and civil society to enforce potentials for

environmental technologies and sustainable growth

• Designing out waste, turning waste into a resource requires new technologies, new design strategies and

new business models

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Partnership and roles















City of Osijek

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Activities planned /WP

1. Project management and administration

2. Communication

3. EPR and innovation

4. Innovation and waste policy

5. Innovation tools

6. Kick-Off Circular economy

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• Training on EPR & innovation challenges in the CE • Reports on eco innovation support • Policy dialogue on circular economy(stakeholder) • Transantional Strategy • Cross countryaction plans • Circular economy tools • Capacity building and knowledge transfer • Circular economy pilots • SMEs in collaborative partnerships • Virtual Marketplace for waste recovery innovation







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Contact, additional information

• Chamber of Commerce and of Industry of Slovenia

• Grit Ackermann

• +386 1 58 98 418 • grit.ackermann@gzs


• Antonija Bozic Cerar • +386 1 58 98 196 • antonija.cerar@gzs.


„Today‘s products are tomorrow‘s raw materials

at yesterday‘s prices!“

Walter Stahel

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Made in Danube

Daniela Chiran

Senior Project Manger Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum

Project Manager Made in Danube

Made in Danube

Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)


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Made in Danube

Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)


DTC; NoGAP and Made in Danube : Teamwork makes the dream work

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Made in Danube

Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)


DTC Pannon DTC Maribor

DTC Vukovar DTC

Novi Sad

DTC Cluj-Napoca

DTC Bucharest

DTC Russe

DTC Nitra

SEZ Stuttgart





Herzegovina Serbia


Croatia Slovenia









Czech Republic

14 Partners, 3 ASP, 10 Countries

Romania Serbia Hungary Croatia Slovenia Moldova Ukraine Austria Germany Slovakia

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Made in Danube

14 Partners, 3 ASP, 10 countries

Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)


Public authorities


Civil society

Industry, Facilitators

University of Natural Resources & Life Sciences, AUSTRIA

Technical University Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA

Bay Zoltán, HUNGARY

University of Novi Sad Faculty of Technical Science , SERBIA

Slovak University of Agriculture, SLOVAKIA

University of Maribor, SLOVENIA

IPA Business Incubator, ROMANIA

Pannon Business Network Association, HUNGARY

Vinkovci Development Agency, CROATIA

Danube Chambers of Commerce Association, HUNGARY

BW Industry Association, GERMANY

Vinkovci Development Agency, CROATIA National Authority for Science Research and Innovation, ROMANIA

Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum, GERMANY

Center for Social Innovation , AUSTRIA

The Union of Slovak Cluster , SLOVAKIA

Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Housing BW, GERMANY - ASP

Organization for Small and Medium Entreprise Sector Development, MOLDOVA - ASP

Institut of Market Problems and Economic Ecological Research of NASU – UKRAINE - ASP

Quadruple Helix Approach

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Higher Education and Research Institutions

Business Support Organisation, Clusters

and NGOs

Regional Public Authorities

Civil Society

Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA) Project Website: www.interreg-danube.eu/made-in-danube

Made in Danube - Target Groups

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Made in Danube - Objective

Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)


The aim of the project is to improve the framework conditions for innovation by supporting the collaboration process between companies and RTO in the innovation-driven field of bioeconomy. The project main result is to intensify the cooperation of project partners with target groups (key actors) in the Programme Area leading to 15 innovation partnerships and 40 entreprises (SMEs) cooperating with research and technological organizations (RTO).

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Made in Danube Specific Objectives

Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)


• Developing a “Common Strategy to transform ideas into marketable products and

services for the 3 existing regional Initiatives” o Pilot implementation of the Local Action Plan for Smart and Innovative Precision

Farming, SUA Slovakia , o Pilot implementation of the Local Action Plan for Competence Centre - Wood

Sector o Pilot implementation of the Local Action Plan for Biofuel, UNS Serbia

• Developing tools and services (Innovation audits, Technology Offers/Technology

Request, Brokerage Events, Training Tool KIT) to implement concrete transnational collaboration projects based on the needs of the 3 regional initiatives representative for the DR. They will allow to identify needs of companies involved and permit access to knowledge not locally/nationally available but in the transnational "Made in Danube" consortium of 10 countries in order to achieve East-West cross-fertilisation.

• Support good practices exchange in technology transfer and innovation partnerships by establishing a transnational network

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Made in Danube

Tools and services (WP4)

Implementation of pilot projects


Evaluation and recommendati

ons (WP6) Report for

improvement of framework


Framework conditions analysis – Roadmap


Policy Dialog (T3.2)

Developing a Strategy (T3.3)


1 M



t W

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Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)


Framework conditions and Policy Dialog


Tools and services (WP4)

Implementation of pilot projects


Evaluation and recommendations


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Made in Danube Outputs

Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)


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Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)


Made in Danube - synergy

• TU Cluj – Smart Factory HUB - PP • IPA Craiova – EcoInnDanube – ASP • UK Slovakia ( Prounion) – DanuBioValNet – PP • Uni Nitra – MOVECO – PP • PBN - Smart Factory HUB – PP - CrowdStream – PP • ZSI – ResInfra - PL Thematic Pole 1 - Innovative Ecosystems for SMEs - DanubeBioValNet – BIOPRO BW (DE) - MOVECO - Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (SI) - FORESDA –CyberForum BW (DE) - EcoInnDanube – Eco-innovatively connected Danube Region (SK) - Accelerator – Szechenyi Tökealap-kezelö Zrt (HU) - CrowdStream – Agency for European Integration and Economic Development (AT) - InnoHPC –Faculty of Information studies in Novo mesto (SI) - SMART FACTORY HUB – Pomurje Technology Park (SI)

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Thank you for your attention!

Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)


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Forest-based cross sectoral

value chains fostering

innovation and

competitiveness in the

Danube Region

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13 project partners (lead partner: CyberForum e.V.)

7 associated partners

9 various European countries

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Objectives and expected results


• Transformation to sustainable manufacturing areas

• Development cross-sectoral collaborative networks

• Implementing cross-sectoral pilot innovation environments

• Building up necessary supportive capacities in intermediaries

Expected results:

• Smart and sustainable construction and furniture

• Innovative bio-based products and materials

• Energy efficiency

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Activities planned

Analysis of regional ecosystems & definition of a joint transnational strategy

Development & implementation of pilot innovation environment concepts

Idea generation and validation

Support to collaborative networks (CNs) & innovation projects (IPs)

Mutual learning & mentoring for policy makers and innovation stakeholders

Transnational sustainability plan

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Transnational strategies on cross-sectoral level

Local innovation action plans

Support in establishing SME and R&D cooperation

New value chain cases for durable innovation

Trainings & Innovation support activities

Study visits to pilots/good practices

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Potential synergies

well-known materials various aspects new


wood technology

industrial design


information technology


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Thank you for attendance!


[email protected]

[email protected]

Salzburg University of Applied Sciences

Campus Kuchl

Markt 136a

5431 Kuchl

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EcoInn Danube

Eco-innovatively connected

Danube Region

Danube Transnational Programme

Project Budget: 2,126,924.97 €

01-12-2016 - 31-05-2019

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Objective and foreseen results


Specific objectives Increase transnational cooperation in

ecoinnovations Increase the match of demand and

supply in ecoinnovation Bring eco innovation actors together


improved conditions for cooperation among ecoinnovation actors and thus supported

generation and development of ecotechnologies based on particular environmental needs

Enhance cooperation of innovation actors in the field of ecoinnovations with special emphasis on development and application of ecotechnologies in the Danube Region


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Project Partners


•Slovak Centre of Scientific and Technical Information SLOVAKIA


•Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vratsa BULGARIA

•Energy Agency of Savinjska, Šaleška and Koroška Region SLOVENIA

•Digitalis Jolet Nonprofit Kft. HUNGARY


•South Transdanubian Regional Development Agency HUNGARY

•BIC Brno spol. s.r.o. CZECH REPUBLIC

•Regional Development Agency Medimurje REDEA Ltd. CROATIA

•Association for education and economics for Lower Austria AUSTRIA

•Comenius University in Bratislava, Science Park SLOVAKIA

•Brno University of Technology CZECH REPUBLIC

•Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Banja Luka Region BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA

•Regional Agency for Socio-Economic Development Banat Ltd. SERBIA

ASSOCIATED STRATEGIC PARTNERS: University of Pécs HUNGARY, Romanian Association for Technology and

Innovation ROMANIA, Chamber of Economy of Montenegro MONTENEGRO

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Key activities

Transnational strategy and action plans

Common virtual lab for ecoinnovators

Transfer of ecoknowledge

Innovation forums and

summer schools


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Target groups and outputs

Local public authorities

Higher education and research representatives


Interest groups including NGOs

Business Support organizations

Common transnational strategy , Action plan of implementing ecoinnovative result,

Transnational eco - stakeholders platforms, Common virtual lab for ecoinnovators, Tools for

operating the Eco virtual lab , Guidelines for transfer of ecoinnovations, Platforms for bringing innovators together,Packages to

support cooperations of SMEs and R&D , Green capacity building pilots, Concept of

ecoinnovators capacity building, Guidelines for replication of pilots

Target groups: Outputs:

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• Capitalization of previous excellent European projects

• Capitalization of previous projects implemented by PP

• Involvement in the Thematic Pole Innovative

Ecosystems for SMEs

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Thank you for your attention SCSTI Team

[email protected] www. interreg-danube.eu/ecoinn-danube

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bwcon GmbH

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DA-SPACE: the lab

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1. LP: City Ulm (DE)

2. bwcon (DE)

3. APTE Association for Promoting Electronic Technology (RO)

4. Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati (RO)

5. Institute of Management, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (SK)

6. Technical University of Sofia (BG)

7. Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ)

8. Region of Istria (HR)

9. Juraj Dobrila University in Pula (HR)

10. University of Novi Sad (RS)

11. Vojvodina ICT Cluster (RS)

DA-SPACE Partnership

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ities Public



Open Innovation approach


Define the





to the







in the DA-



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Sustainability and Transferability

TRANSFERABILITY Countries in the Danube wanted to try out the DA-

SPACE Lab model





ities Public



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Valentina Grillea Innovation Programme Manager

bwcon GmbH

[email protected]

+49 (0)711 – 18421 642

Simona Pede Innovation Programme Manager

bwcon GmbH

[email protected]

+49 (0)711 – 18421 643

Get in touch!

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Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)


Smart Factory Hub overview Presented by:

Dipl. Ing. Christian Wögerer, M.Sc.


Project: Improving RD and business policy conditions for transnational cooperation in the

manufacturing industry


Vienna, 31.03.2017 – SYNERGY Workshop

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Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)


Topics addressed

① Why factories? Why manufacturing sector?

② Global trends

③ What is Smart Factory?

④ Identified challenges

⑤ About Smart Factory Hub project


Source: https://www.bitkom.org/Themen/Digitale-Transformation-Branchen/Industrie-40/Perspektive-der-Arbeit.html

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Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)



• main generator of RD, innovation, growth and employment; • in all regions contributes the highest share to the total regional value added; • in average more than a 25% of service activities are directly linked to the industry, • every 100 busiest jobs created in the industry create 60 to 200 new jobs in other industries. • 80% of all private R&D investments is accounted for by industry.

INCREASING PRESSURE ON MANUFACTURERS to be more efficient and innovative in their processes.

The cause of this pressure: 1) increased production capacity in low-cost economies and 2) increased innovation and level of sophistication of supply chains in high-cost economies.

Micro and small companies are facing problems with QUALITY STANDARDS (ISO 9001, TS, etc)

LOW PRODUCTION EFFICIENCY (production failures, etc)

Ineffective production process,

Problems with HUMAN RESOURCE management

① Why factories? Why manufacturing sector?

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Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)


in 3 years, the capacity and data transfer speed will be doubled

② Global trends

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Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)


In Germany, Industry 4.0 will generate significant productivity gains


Industry 4.0 will increase productivity in component manufacturing by 4-7%

② Global trends

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Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)


In Germany, Industry 4.0 will lead to increased manufacturing employment

Return of production capacities back to


② Global trends

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Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)



TRANSFER OF GOOD PRACTISES INTO SMEs Our focus is oriented into SMEs!!!

1) NOVEL TECHNOLOGIES (improving efficiency, effectiveness, quality, flexibility, etc)

2) EFFECTIVE PRODUCTION PROCESS (applying industry standards, Lean manufacturing academy, etc)

3) EFFECTIVE HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (effective system to motivate employees, monitoring employee performance, etc)

② Global trends

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Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)


③ What is Smart Factory / Smart manufacturing?

Smart Manufacturing describes the vision of what industrial production will look like in the years to come. It is a strategy which promotes digitalization and computerization of production with the strong customization of products under the conditions of highly flexible (mass-) production.

It‘s about connecting data, machines, people and processes!


Source: https://www.noser.com/2016/03/

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Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)



Smart Manufacturing objectives (% of manufacturers), EU Analysis

Source: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/industry-40-4th-planetary-industrial-revolution-fernando Source: http://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/operations/our-insights/manufacturings-


③ What is Smart Factory / Smart manufacturing?

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Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)


15 areas of relevance


Source: https://iot-analytics.com/industrial-internet-disrupt-smart-factory/

③ What is Smart Factory / Smart manufacturing?

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Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)


④ Identified challenges

• Policy makers translating strategies into concrete measures

• Smart Manufacturing is complex (vertical – horizontal)

• Production SMEs have concrete problems:

– Need to develop due to competition

– Faced with micro problems in their existing productions

– Lack of knowledge and resources to move forward


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Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)



⑤ About Smart Factory Hub project (Transfer Lab)

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Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)



⑤ About Smart Factory Hub project (Policy Lab)

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Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)



⑤ About Smart Factory Hub project (Methodology)

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Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)


Partners and geographical area