d820 user manual

D820 Operator Station User’s Manual

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Page 1: D820 USER MANUAL

D820 Operator StationUser’s Manual

Page 2: D820 USER MANUAL

Information in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not represent acommitment on the part of Cutler-Hammer, Inc. The software described in this manual isfurnished under a license agreement. The software may be used or copied only in accordance withthe terms of the agreement. It is against the law to copy the software on any medium except asspecifically allowed in the agreement. No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted inany form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, withoutprior written permission of Cutler-Hammer, Inc.


Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions set forth in paragraph(b)(3)(B) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause of DAR 7-104.9(a).Contractor/Manufacturer isCutler-Hammer, 4201 N. 27th St., Milwaukee, WI 53216.


Microsoft, MS-DOS, and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.D820 is a registered trademark of Cutler-Hammer, Inc.

Commercial names of products from other manufacturers or developers that appear in thismanual are registered or unregistered trademarks of those respective manufacturers ordevelopers, which have expressed neither approval nor disapproval of Cutler-Hammer products.

Document version 1.00

Copyright Cutler-Hammer, Inc. 1997. All rights reserved.

Published and printed in the United States of America.


Page 3: D820 USER MANUAL

Table Of Contents 1

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction ........................................................... 3Manual Writing Conventions .................................................................... 4

Example of Conventions .................................................................... 4Product Overview .................................................................................... 4Power Up................................................................................................. 7Page File Load Mode............................................................................... 7Run Mode ................................................................................................ 8Power Up Procedure................................................................................ 8

Chapter 2: TCAM Mode ........................................................... 9TCAM Page Definition ............................................................................. 9Selecting Timer/Counters....................................................................... 10Modifying PLC Data Values ................................................................... 10Modifying the Set Value & Present Value............................................... 10Accessing Different PLC Locations ........................................................ 11Viewing Data in Multiple Formats........................................................... 12Example of K000 Modification ............................................................... 13

Chapter 3: Custom Mode ...................................................... 15D820 Trigger Word ................................................................................ 15Page Triggering via PLC Ladder ............................................................ 15Ladder Logic Page Trigger Example ...................................................... 16Page Triggering via D820 UP/DOWN ARROWS ................................... 16

Chapter 4: Command Word .................................................. 17Command Word Structure ..................................................................... 18Soft Locks (Bits 0, 1, 2).......................................................................... 18

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2 Table Of Contents

Chapter 5: Key Definition...................................................... 21SELECT Key ......................................................................................... 21ENTER Key ........................................................................................... 21YES, NO Keys ....................................................................................... 21UP, DOWN ARROW KEYS ................................................................... 22

Appendix A: Accessories...................................................... 23PLC Communications Cable .................................................................. 23Micro PanelMate Software Communications Cable................................ 24Access Plate .......................................................................................... 24

Appendix B: Error Codes...................................................... 27Fatal Fault Messages............................................................................. 27Keystroke Entry Messages..................................................................... 28Lock Messages ...................................................................................... 28PLC Status Messages............................................................................ 29Invalid Page Trigger Messages.............................................................. 29Corrupted Data Messages...................................................................... 29Correction Message ............................................................................... 30

Appendix c: Installation ........................................................ 31Clearance & Heat Tolerance .................................................................. 31Electrical Requirements ......................................................................... 32Environment .......................................................................................... 32Wiring Considerations............................................................................ 32Mechanical Dimensions ......................................................................... 33Cutout Drawing ...................................................................................... 34

Index ....................................................................................... 35

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Chapter 1: Introduction 3


1The Model D820 combines the functionality of a message display and operator entrydevice into a single Operator Station. The D820 described in this manual is designedspecifically for the Cutler-Hammer D50/D300 series of Programmable controllers.The D820 communicates directly to the processor through the Programming porteliminating the need for additional communication interface modules. Acommunication cable is supplied with your hardware shipment. This cable not onlyprovides the communication link between the D820 and the processor, but alsopower to the Micro PanelMate. Simply plug and play.

Once communication has been established the D820 can access all Word registers(W), Internal Relays (M), and Keep Relays (K) within the D50/D300 seriesprocessor. Access to External I/O and Remote Area(R) is also allowed, however,modification is not possible. The D820 can access only those file words that existwithin the PLC to which it is connected.

A separate utility, Micro PanelMate Configuration Editor Software, is used toupload and download page configurations to the D820. The Micro PanelMateConfiguration Editor Software resides on a personal computer. The software manualwill describe the procedure to configure pages, in addition a separate manualentitled Getting Started will demonstrate all steps necessary to use the D820.

To transfer pages to/from the D820 and personal computer, an RS232 to RS485converter is necessary.

Explanation of the customization of the D820 is covered in Chapter 4 Custom Mode.The triggering of pages, appearance, and functionality of the D820 are all covered indetail under this section.

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4 Chapter 1: Introduction

Manual Writing ConventionsThe D820 has a thirty two character display window (8mm high), and eight userkeys. Throughout this manual many references will be made to these entities,therefore, the following conventions have been established.

♦ Characters that would appear in the thirty two character display window will beshown in bold print and within quotation marks. If the entire display window isshown, it will appear as a rectangular box with the characters displayed in therelative position in which they would appear.

Example of ConventionsExample of characters: "PAGE"

Example of entire display window:



♦ Labels that refer to any of the eight keys on the D820 will be shown in boldprint and always in capital letters.

Example: YES or ENTER

Product OverviewThe D820 can be used right out of the box to manipulate Timers, Counters, WordRegisters, Internal Relays, and Keep Relays (Input/Output Relays may be monitoredbut not modified). Please note this is considered TCAM Mode and care should betaken as to who uses this feature since access to the PLC is not limited.

In addition to TCAM Mode, the D820 also operates in Custom Mode. Once theD820 receives a page, which is designed and downloaded via the Micro PanelMateConfiguration Editor Software, it is considered to be in Custom Mode. A page issimilar to a canned message and may include variable information from the PLC.These variables may be modified through the D820's keyboard.

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Chapter 1: Introduction 5

A page may use all or only part of the thirty two character display window. Thereare two object types that allow fixed data or variable data to be included in eachpage. Up to three objects may be included in a single page, including up to 2 PLCdata objects.

A brief explanation of the object types is given below.

Text This object allows fixed character strings to be displayed within a page.The object size and position are user defined.

PLC Data This object will display variable information from within the PLC. Theaddress from which data will be retrieved is specified when the PLCData object is created. The data can be displayed in Decimal, Hex,Binary, or ASCII formats. Modification to the value may be enabled ordisabled. Individual data value limits are also set for each PLC Dataobject created. If enabled, values are changed by moving focus to theobject and pressing ENTER; a new value is then keyed in via thearrows keys and the ENTER key pressed.

Detailed information on page and object creation can be found in the MicroPanelMate Configuration editor.

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6 Chapter 1: Introduction

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Chapter 2: Power Up 7

Power Up

2Page File Load Mode

When power is first applied to the D820, the keyboard is scanned to see if theENTER key is being held down. If it is being held down the D820 will enter into itsPage File Load Mode. This mode is used for Uploading and Downloading ofconfigurations created within the Micro PanelMate software.

If an Upload or Download is desired press the YES key. If configuration loading isnot desired, press NO to re-boot the D820. Once the D820 is setup into its Page FileLoad Mode the software can proceed with the Upload/Download process. Uponcompletion of transfer power must be cycled.

CAUTIONCare must be taken to plug the upload/ download cable into the D820 prior toapplying power. Since the D820 uses metallized connectors, proper care must betaken to establish a clean connection. This also applies to Run Mode. Apply theconnector to the back of the D820 then plug the communication cable into theD50/D300 processor.

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8 Chapter 2: Power Up

Run ModeIf the ENTER key is not held down on Power Up the D820 will enter Run Mode.The first task is to display a series of three informational screens which indicate thePart ID number and software version. The following are graphic representations ofeach screen that will be displayed:


Power Up ProcedureDuring the aforementioned three screen display, the D820 will attempt tocommunicate to the PLC. If successful the D820 will proceed by looking for thelowest page number contained in its memory. If the D820 has not been programmedwith a page configuration, it will start into TCAM Mode.

If the D820 is not successful in establishing communication (regardless of Mode) thefollowing page will display:

Simply press any key to restart the D820. If the unit does not attach to the PLCsuccessfully, refer to Appendix B: Error Codes for further diagnosis and suggestions.





Version X.XX



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Chapter 3: TCAM Mode 9


3After communications with the PLC has been established, the D820 will look to seeif it has a page resident in memory. If the unit is programmed, Section 4: CustomMode will define this operational state. If the D820 does not contain any pages, theunit will default to TCAM Mode. The following page will appear:

TCAM Page DefinitionThe D820 is displaying the Set Value and Present Value for Timer/Counter zero.The "X"s will be replaced with the actual data from the PLC. At this time, theoperator has three choices:

1. Press the Up or Down arrows to select another T/C address.

2. Press the YES key to edit the values of T/C 000.

3. Press the SELECT key to display different address types.



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10 Chapter 3: TCAM Mode

Selecting Timer/CountersIf the Up/Down arrows are pressed...

Pressing the Up arrow will cause the T/C to increment (T/C001). Pressing theDown arrow will cause the T/C to decrement(T/C255). By holding down either theUp or Down arrow, the D820 will scroll through the address rapidly versusindividually.

Modifying PLC Data ValuesIf the YES key is pressed...

The D820 to enter into the SV value for modification. At this time the arrows keyswill allow the value to increment/decrement via the Up/Down arrow keys and eachindividual value to be selected via the Left/Right arrow keys. Please note, there areno limits (upper/lower) in TCAM Mode. All values will be allowed other thanthose outside the PLC limits.

Modifying the Set Value & Present ValueAfter selecting Yes, the display will change to the following:

T/C 000 S/V=[]XXXX


This will allow the operator to modify the Set Value.

After modifying the SV, the operator has two choices:

♦ Pressing the ENTER key will download the value into the PLC and return theoperator back to the page with the word "Chg?".

♦ Pressing the YES key will toggle between the SV and PV and change thedisplay to the following:

T/C 000 S/V=XXXXX Quit?


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Chapter 3: TCAM Mode 11

At this time, the operator will be allowed to modify the Present Value. Afterchanging the value via the arrow keys, the operator may choose between twochoices;

• If the YES key is pressed, the value will be downloaded to the PLC and thedisplay will return to the "Chg?" page.

• If the NO key is pressed, the value will be discarded and the display will returnto the "Next?" page.

Accessing Different PLC LocationsIf the SELECT key is pressed...

The D820 to toggle through the multiple addresses available in the D50/D300processor. This key is active when not editing values. The order for the scrolling isas follows:



Word Register®


Input/Output Relays®


Internal Relays®


Keep Relays®


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12 Chapter 3: TCAM Mode

Viewing Data in Multiple FormatsOnce having used the SELECT key to enter into a different page other than the T/C,the operator may choose what format the word should be viewed in. The Rightarrow will scroll through the following choices:

Decimal Format: 00000

òHexadecimal: 0000

òBinary: 0000000000000000


At any point the operator may enter values into the PLC data reference. Please notethat the D820 will verify whether or not the information being entered is consistentwith the format selected. Entrance/modification into the M words, K words, and Wwords is accepted whereas the R words (input/output coils) are strictly read only.

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Chapter 3: TCAM Mode 13

Example of K000 ModificationThe following is an example of modifying the K000 word:

K000 Chg? DEC


By pressing the YES key, the following would appear:

K000 Quit? DEC


At this time, by using the Up/Down arrow keys, the operator may edit the digit "1".By using the Right/Left arrow keys, the operator can select any digit to edit.

When finished, the operator can select either the YES key or the ENTER key. TheYES key will disregard any changes and return the operator to the "Chg?" page.The ENTER key will download the changes made to the data to the PLC.

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14 Chapter 3: TCAM Mode

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Chapter 4: Custom Mode 15

Custom Mode

4If the D820 has custom pages programmed via the Micro PanelMate ConfigurationEditor Software, upon power up, the D820 will trigger the lowest page in itsmemory. From this point on page triggering is then left up to the applicationprogram or the D820.

This section will describe the Trigger word and both ways that pages can be sent tothe D820 display.

D820 Trigger WordPage Triggering is the means by which a page is made to open or close. Ultimatelyevery page sent to the D820 display will channel through a Trigger Word. TheD820's Trigger Word is configured using the Micro PanelMate software. Thereference specified in the "Integer Trigger Reference" will be the trigger word.

Triggering pages to the D820 display can be done in two different ways. The choiceis up to the user. Either of these methods can be used solely or in any combination tocreate applications with ease.

Page Triggering via PLC LadderPages will always be channeled to the D820 through a Trigger Word address withinthe PLC. Therefore PLC Ladder Logic can be setup to monitor what page iscurrently displayed and change the page based on these conditions.

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16 Chapter 4: Custom Mode

Ladder Logic Page Trigger ExampleThe following example shows the basic circuit used to trigger a page via PLCLadder Logic.

This circuit assumes that the Trigger reference loaded into the D820 refers to PLCaddress W100. When the trigger circuit energizes(via the rise), the value of 25 willbe moved to the D820's Trigger 1 causing page 25 to be displayed. Note: If pagenumber 25 has not been downloaded to the D820 an error message will be displayed.

Page Triggering via D820 UP/DOWN ARROWSThe Up & Down arrow keys can be used to link pages together in a predefinedsequence. As each page is created in the software a page value can be attached toboth the Up & Down arrows keys. If a value greater than zero is programmed for thekey, the corresponding page will be sent to trigger 1 causing it to be displayed. Ifzero is setup as the value for the key, it will simply be ignored by the D820 whenpressed.

If the application requires a sequence of pages that need to be displayed, the Uparrow key can be used to display the next page in the sequence. The Down arrow keycan be setup to move back in the sequence.

R MUL D=W100 25 x 1

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Chapter 5: Command Word 17

Command Word

5The Command Word reference is viewed by the D820 as sixteen individual bits. Theindividual bits in the Command Word instruct the D820 to perform a specificfunction, or indicate the status of a function.

The D820 will monitor and update the Command Word frequently, so each of thebits may be changed by the PLC application program at any time.

The Command Word is configured using only a M word reference, assigned in the"Setup" section of the Micro PanelMate software.

Please note that the Command Word does not have to be referenced in the PLC inorder to have the D820 work. This structure is used to take advantage of theextra/unique features of the D820.

Once the M word is configured in the off-line configuration editor software, theD820 can communicate to the D50/D300 PLC without any further ladder logicprogramming.

Refer the following section entitled Command Word Structure to better understandthe power of using the Command Word in the PLC application program.

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18 Chapter 5: Command Word

Command Word StructureThe Command Word is structured as follows where MXXX is the word referenceused followed by the bit number.


MXXX00 Lock PLC Variable Fields

MXXX01 Lock Page

MXXX02 Lock Keys



MXXX05 Data change

MXXX06 Spare

MXXX07 D820 Power Up

MXXX08 Spare

MXXX09 Spare

MXXX10 Spare

MXXX11 Spare

MXXX12 Spare

MXXX13 Spare

MXXX14 Spare

MXXX15 Spare

Soft Locks (Bits 0, 1, 2)These three bits allow the PLC application program to disable specific D820functions. The D820 does not alter the Soft Lock bits. When any of the Soft Lockbits are energized, the associated D820 function is disabled, and will remaindisabled unless the associated Soft Lock bit is de-energized in the PLC applicationprogram.

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Chapter 5: Command Word 19

Lock PLC Variable fields (Bit 0)This bit allows the user to disable all PLC variable fields. When bit 0 is energizedthe D820 will ignore the SELECT key. This action will prevent the user fromchanging any PLC variables that are contained on the D820 display. When bit 0 isde-energized the SELECT key will become operational and allow for operator entry,providing bit 2 is also de-energized.

Lock Page (Bit 1)This bit prevents the D820 from changing the page display. When Bit 1 is energizedthe D820 will ignore the Up & Down arrow keys, thus, page triggering via thesekeys will be suspended. When Bit 1 is de-energized normal operation of the Up &Down Arrow keys resume, providing bit 2 is also de-energized.

Lock Keys (Bit 2)This bit allows the D820's entire keypad to be disabled. When Bit 2 is energized theD820 will ignore the entire keypad. All user interaction will be suspended. When Bit2 is de-energized normal keypad operation will resume.

YES/NO Keys (Bit 3 & 4)When either the YES or NO key is pressed their corresponding bit acts as SwitchImage. In essence, both keys will act like a One-Shot pushbutton switch. The relaybit may be used within the PLC application as desired. Please note: Ladder logicmust be assigned in order to use these bits. The D820 simply turns them on and off,the D50/D300 must determine what this means to the application program. Furtherinformation is given in the Getting Started Manual.

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20 Chapter 5: Command Word

Data Change Made (Bit 5)Command Word bit 5 is energized by the D820 anytime a page sends data to theprocessor. This function may be useful in an application program designed toautomatically change a page on the D820 upon the user entering data in a particularpage. If this function is not used by the PLC application program it may simply beignored.

Power Up (Bit 7)Command Word bit 7 will be pulsed by the D820 on Power Up. Since the bit ispulsed there is no need for the PLC application program to de-energize it. This maybe useful if used in the application program to trigger some action on Power Up. Ifthe function is not used by the application program it may simply be ignored.

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Chapte 6: Key Definition 21

Key Definition

6The D820 keypad is made up of 8 user keys which can be used for a variety ofdifferent uses. The following is an explanation of each user key:

SELECT KeyThe SELECT key is used to maneuver focus to any data objects on the display. Focuswill be demonstrated on the page by overlaying flashing block characters [] over theentire field. Each time the SELECT key is pressed, focus will move from one PLCdata object to the next in the order they were created. When the SELECT key ispressed and no more PLC data objects exist, focus will be de-activated for the pageand the Up & Down arrow keys will be active.

ENTER KeyThe ENTER key is used to send a new value to the PLC. When focus has beenpassed to a PLC Data object the ENTER key will send a newly entered value to thePLC providing the entry is valid.

YES, NO KeysThese two keys have been furnished to the user to use as tools in a specificapplication.

Switch ImageThe keys are configured as Switch Image they will act as momentary pushbuttons.The status of the switch is held in the Command Word. Refer to the section entitledYes No Keys (Bits 3 & 4) view how the Command Word will be affected.

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22 Chapter 6: Key Definition

UP, DOWN ARROW KEYSThese Up and Down arrow keys give the user another way to link pages.

UPThis key will trigger the assigned page number to the trigger word. The Up arrowkey is ignored if a value of zero has been assigned or a PLC Data object has beenselected in the displayed page.

DOWNThis key will trigger the assigned page number to the trigger word. The Down arrowkey is ignored if a value of zero has been assigned or a PLC Data object has beenselected in the displayed page.

LEFT & RIGHT ARROW KEYSThe Left and Right arrow keys are used to cursor through each digit on a selection.Once having selected a PLC Data object via the SELECT key, the Left and Rightarrow keys will allow the operator to cursor in that field.

LEFT & RIGHT ARROW KEYS (Contrast Adjustment)The Left and Right arrow keys serve a dual purpose. Used singularly, the keysfunction as listed above. However, when pressed simultaneously, they trigger thecontrast adjustment function. This function is only available during PLCcommunication, not during Page File Load Mode.

After pressing the two keys, the SELECT key will cycle through the contrast settingsof the D820 display. Release the SELECT when the desired contrast is acquired.Press the Left and Right keys to exit contrast mode.

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Appendix A: Accessories 23


AThe Communication port on the D820 has been designed to communicate with thePLC or the Micro PanelMate Configuration Editor Software package. The followingdrawings illustrate the cable pinouts necessary for communications. Part Number:D800CBLCH82.

PLC Communications Cable25 Pin Male D-Sub 9 Pin Male D-Sub

DC Comm 16.................................................4 DC Comm

DC Comm 15.................................................5 DC Comm

RxTxA 23.................................................6 TR-

RxTxB 22.................................................7 TR+

+5 VDC 1...................................................9 +5 VDC

Page 26: D820 USER MANUAL

24 Appendix A: Accessories

Micro PanelMate Software Communications CableThe cable previously listed is also used for uploading/downloading configurationsto/from the Micro PanelMate Configuration Editor Software and the D820. Simplyuse the RS-232/485 converter that is supplied with the D50/D300 PLC. PartNumber: D50CPM485

By plugging the converter into the personal computer and then attaching thecommunications cable, pages can be transferred between the D820 and personalcomputer.

Access PlateAll connections to the D820 are made through two connectors located on the back ofthe unit. The following diagram shows the placement of both connectors.

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Appendix A: Accessories 25

Power InputThese three terminals receive the input power. The following schematic shows theconnections for the 5volt DC unit. Please note the D820 receives power from theD50/D300 programming port and therefore does not need an external power supplyunless located farther than 10 feet away from the processor.

Warning The external 5 volt DC power supply should not be used with the cablethat provides power from the D50/D300 PLC. A potential difference inground could occur. If you are using an external 5 volt DC powersupply, do not connect pin 1 on the D820 to pin 9 on the D50/D300.

COM 1 Serial Communication PortCOM1 is the communication port used to interface with the D50/D300 processor.The port is also used to communicate with the Micro PanelMate ConfigurationEditor Software package.

5 VDC Unit



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26 Appendix A: Accessories

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Appendix B: Error Codes 27

Error Codes

BThe D820 will display one of the following messages if it encounters aconfiguration, communication, or hardware error it cannot recover from withoutoperator assistance.

Fatal Fault Messages

The following messages typically indicate hardware failure. If re-powering the unitdoes not correct the problem, repair may be necessary.





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28 Appendix B: Error Codes

Keystroke Entry Messages

The following messages may be displayed in response to certain keystrokes. Theseare not fatal errors. The message will be displayed for a few seconds then the D820will resume operations.

Lock MessagesThe following error messages may appear when using the lock bits inside theCommand Word.

















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Appendix B: Error Codes 29

PLC Status MessagesThe following error messages will appear if the PLC is not in Run Mode:

Invalid Page Trigger MessagesThe following error messages will appear if the D820 encounters a page that is notprogrammed into its memory or the page number triggered is invalid.

Corrupted Data MessagesThese error messages are a direct cause from corrupted data. Clear D820 memoryand reload application. Contact factory if problem persists.













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30 Appendix B: Error Codes

Correction MessageThe following error message may be electrical, configuration, or connectionorientated. Action must be taken to correct the source of the problem.

If this fault is encountered the following are potential trouble areas.

1. Improper PLC Node configuration. (Refer to Configuration EditorUser's Manual)

2. Loose or improper cable connection. (Refer to Appendix A)

3. Communication cable is run with AC power lines, inducing electricalnoise into the cable.



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Appendix C: Installation 31


CThe D820 is designed to be mounted in the door of an enclosure or on an operatorsconsole for ease of use.

Care should be taken when drilling and cutting out the mounting holes for the unitin order to protect it from metal chips and conductive particles. Failure to protect theunit may cause damage when power is applied and may void warranty.

Clearance & Heat ToleranceA minimum clearance of six inches should be kept between the unit and any otherdevice that generates heat. In the event that the internal enclosure temperatureperiodically exceeds 50 degrees Celsius (122 degrees Fahrenheit), fans or a purge airsystem should be used to increase the air flow, and eliminate "Hot Spots" that occurwithin the panel.

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32 Appendix C: Installation

Electrical RequirementsDC powered unit: 5 VDC, +/-5%, Fuse at 1 Amp. Power supplied from

D50/D300 communication port.

EnvironmentOperating Temperature: 0oc to 50ocStorage Temperature: -20oc to 60Cc

Operating Humidity: 20% to 85% (non-condensing)

Vibration Operating: 2G @ 10-500HzNon-Operating: 2G @ 10-500Hz

Shock Operating: 15GNon-Operating: 30G

Emissions: CISPR 22 Class A-radiated & Conducted

Noise Immunity: IEC 801-2,3,4,6,8

Weight: 2 pounds

Wiring ConsiderationsCare should be taken when routing DC power supply cable and the communicationcable. Follow these guidelines for a trouble free installation:

♦ The DC power lines and communication cable must be kept away from ACpower lines. Keep both at least one foot away from 115 VAC lines, and two feetaway from higher voltage lines. This especially applies to the communicationcable. If the cables must cross AC power lines, cross them at right angles.

♦ Keep the cables away from sources of high energy fields such as arc welders,AC motors, motor starters, servo controllers, generators, induction heaters, andtransformers.

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Appendix C: Installation 33

Mechanical Dimensions

All dimension in inches.

Mounting studs are number 6-32.

Hardware is included.




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34 Appendix C: Installation

Cutout Drawing

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Index 35

IndexAAccess Plate, 24

Accessing Different PLCLocations, 11

Appendix A: Accessories, 23

Appendix B: Error Codes, 27

Appendix c: Installation, 31

CChapter 1: Introduction, 3

Chapter 2: TCAM Mode, 9

Chapter 3: Custom Mode, 15

Chapter 4: Command Word, 17

Chapter 5: Key Definition, 21

Clearance & Heat Tolerance, 31

Command Word Structure, 18

Correction Message, 30

Corrupted Data Messages, 29

Cutout Drawing, 34

DD820 Trigger Word, 15

EElectrical Requirements, 32

ENTER Key, 21

Environment, 32

Example of Conventions, 4

Example of K000 Modification, 13

FFatal Fault Messages, 27

IInvalid Page Trigger Messages, 29

KKeystroke Entry Messages, 28

LLadder Logic Page TriggerExample, 16

Lock Messages, 28

MManual Writing Conventions, 4

Mechanical Dimensions, 33

Micro PanelMate SoftwareCommunications Cable, 24

Modifying PLC Data Values, 10

Modifying the Set Value & PresentValue, 10

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36 Index

PPage File Load Mode, 7

Page Triggering via D820UP/DOWN ARROWS, 16

Page Triggering via PLC Ladder, 15

PLC Communications Cable, 23

PLC Status Messages, 29

Power Up Procedure, 8

Power Up, 7

Product Overview, 4

RRun Mode, 8


Selecting Timer/Counters, 10

Soft Locks (Bits 0, 1, 2), 18

TTCAM Page Definition, 9


VViewing Data in MultipleFormats, 12

WWiring Considerations, 32

YYES, NO Keys, 21