da lllypop express! issue 2 (sunday 26 th october 2008) hi again! any ideas for the front page?...

Download Da Lllypop Express! Issue 2 (Sunday 26 th October 2008) Hi again! Any ideas for the front page? It’s looking a bit plain if you ask me

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Slide 2 Da Lllypop Express! Issue 2 (Sunday 26 th October 2008) Hi again! Any ideas for the front page? Its looking a bit plain if you ask me. Slide 3 Random Story Page Lets see! Who should I publish for the second part? Drum roll please! Danny yelled and tried to dive out of its grip but he was too late. He felt the claws dig into his clothes and lift him into the air. The cold night air whipped into his face making him shiver. A soaring sensation filled his stomach with butterflies resulting in him feeling slightly sick. He looked down and then closed his eyes at the sight of the pinpricks below him. He wondered where he was being taken. He thought to himself, think like a bird! Where would you go? He realised and then wished he hadnt. He felt himself beginning to nod off, Danny knew he should keep aware of his surroundings but he didnt seem to have another option, he could feel his eyelids growing heavy and soon he fell asleep. Slide 4 Letter Page Recently Ive been rather desperate for Emails seeing as the Lollypop Express is already late coming out, remember, any random question is welcome. ANYTHING! Dear Editor, Why do you include the answers to the puzzles? That way, people will not bother doing them! I'd advise that you put the answers in an email, or separate slideshow. Best wishes, Alley x Dear Alley, I include the answers because I think people will be glad to know whether theyve got it correct or not. But you have a good point, they might not bother doing them. I think Ill send the answers round by Email after, like you have suggested. The Editor Dear Hazel....or lollypop express....or who ever you are, MY FLEA IS MISSING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Apparently he is in Hong Kong, and he was squished in Taras bedroom. He keeps running away, AND I HAVE TO FIND HIM, (I'll get to the point now) If you were a flea, where would you go? And why? From ~She~who~shall~not~be~ named~.... from friend. Dear Friend, Firstly, I know your secret identity! But, as its secret, I will not say it in this reply. Anyways, if I was a flea I would go to the Flea Fun Fair in Florida. Just think of it as their version of Disneyland. They wouldnt be able to avoid a place like that! The Editor Slide 5 Not much to say really. Please email? Advertisements Slide 6 IMPORTANT NOTICE as many of you will of heard, ALIENS ARE AMONG US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The secret agents have been trying hard to stop the aliens! Im not too sure of their progress yet..........................................................BUT STILL WE DON'T KNOW IF THEIR STILL AMONG US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SO KEEP YOUR EYES PEELED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Important Notices By Ami Jones Slide 7 Puzzle Page Soz about the background of the Sudoku youre about to see, I know its a bit annoying to have sample in the back of your work, hope thats OK. I also apologise for the lack of numbers in the dot to dot. Its pretty self explanatory plus it took me ages just to group the dots, its so fiddly! Oh and I got kinda stuck working out the answers for Sudoku, Ive done my best but Ive decided there might be a competition to see who gets the correct numbers! Ill think up a prize of some kind. Ive decided to send round the correct answers for these puzzles in an Email afterwards so dont expect to see them in the pp. UmI think thats all. Now get puzzling! Slide 8 Aunties Behind the Scenes! Welcome all elderly to our Aunties Behind the Scenes! Heres what us old ladies have been having a nice cuppa tea over. Puff! Hello kiddies! Im Aunty Elderly (Hazel). Also meet my dog Roland. And I think you all know *pardon me, think I had too many beans* who I am! Aunty *excuse me* Fartie (Tara)! Wuff! Ive decided to change my splendorous *fart* speech bubble to red as I support Saffron. Indeed! Me too! Wuff! However me lovelies Im not too sure about Roland. Hes been acting a bit weird lately what with all these Walden posters on his doggy hut. Ooh thats not a good sign! Maybe you should have him put down. Well I dont know. Itd be awfully quiet without me lovely Roland here Fartie! Well you do what you need to in order to get rid of this silly phase *fart* ! Well, darlings, I came here in the first place to have a lovely cup of tea with all of you elderly members out there! Well, wasn't the weather jolly freezing today my chaps? Indeed Fartie! Ooh! Looky looky! Im getting a letter from my Brian in Alaska. Oh yes, your great great great nephew who went on a holiday there? Read it out and show us all! Dear Great great great Aunty Elderly, What do you mean cold? You pansies dont know what cold is. Now sit down and shut up! Having a horrible holiday, how Are you? Brian Charming.Not too polite is he? Could do learning some manners couldn t he darling! I can remember it quite perfectly too! Yes. Youre right. I think I will try and show him how to behave marvellously in the next issue, toodles for now! Yes, cheerio! Next time you will see perhaps *fart* more Aunties, how Elderly here manages to sort out Roland and how we sort out this bad boy! Slide 9 Heres another nice portion of S.T.U.F.F! Singing, Tara getting banned, Umbig balloon blowing! Fings that are spooky Fourts about the new page Stuff Halloween has been! What did you do on the scariest night this year? What do you think of the New page? Email in and Tell me what you think! Any improvement ideas? A lot has been going on lately and it certainly doesnt help that I missed out on an issue. This was ages ago but there was a Big Sing. Alley Described it to me: Yup, the 'Big Sing! It was a concert involving primary schools and SWCHS choir.We saw: Mrs Hield, Mrs Geeves, Mrs Mawson, Mrs Couves, Mrs Gill, Mrs Connolly, Mrs Jorgenson and Mrs Evans!! Big celebration, ALLYPOS BIRTHDAY! At the time This pp is out at it will have Passed, but still. Ive Decided to start mentioning Birthdays in this. Tara has been BANNED FROM EMAIL! But has recently RETURNED! There has been a huge argument online about Which side is the best Saffron or Walden. Personally Im voting on Saffron but it all Depends on which side youre on. People have been going Simply dotty over the Recent y7 maths Homework! Slide 10 CREDITS! Editor: Hazel Meades Important Notices: Ami Jones Letter Page: Allypo and Friend (still not mentioning the name!) Aunties Behind the Scenes: Auntie Fartie and Aunty Elderly Music When Im 46 Funky Drum n Bass Saxy French 1 Walking Music Kids music 2 If you could not hear any SFX please go to http://www.partnersinrhyme.com/pir/free_music_loops.shtml http://www.partnersinrhyme.com/pir/free_music_loops.shtml With thanks to Partners In Rhyme For certain SFX and Music A Hazelworld (Planet Gobbledegook) production Yummy Moon Central! An big thanks toYummy Moon Central (Amis logo) for contributing A big thanks to Rowdy Nanny productions for contributing (Taras logo)