dagger times december 12

Above: 1LT Corey Evans 3rd PLT Platoon Leader. Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan: Delta Company 1-167 IN is in the 4 th month of their deployment to OEF, most of which has been during the college football season. Each soldier has been following their team as closely as they can. Many of them staying up to the wee hours of the morn- ing and sacrificing sleep to watch the games. On Novem- ber 24, 2012 this was especially the case. November 24 2012, num- ber 2 ranked Alabama was scheduled to take on none top 25 ranked team Auburn. This rivalry is rich with tradition and all football fans, even the ones from across the country, get chill bumps thinking about this day. The Iron Bowl is what it is referred to and for Delta Company this was a highly anticipated game. Most of the company are Alabama natives and claim one of the schools as their Alma Mater, to include but not limited to Delta Company Commander CPT William Hurd, Auburn University graduate. The game had a scheduled kick off of 0100 hours Af- ghanistan time and was not going to be aired on AFN (Armed Forces Network), the primary means for soldiers to watch the games. After some scrambling SFC Brian Milam and SSG Dwayne Burnett found a way for the company to watch the game live. The plan was to stream the game live from the Internet. With- out this option the company would be forced to watch a replay of the game airing sev- eral hours after the actually game. Now with the means to watch the game, Delta Com- pany needed the facilities to accommodate their 70+ sol- diers as well as some member of the RSC-S HQ element. This is where the company executive officer 1LT Gerald Owens worked his magic, ac- A House Divided Commander’s Corner I would like to start of by say- ing “Thank You” to everyone that has been supporting us and sending tons of care pack- ages, Christmas Cards and gifts. As the Christmas season is upon us, it is truly spectacu- lar to see and feel all the sup- port that we have been receiv- ing. It can be easy to forget there are others outside of our own families still thinking of us every day and it is nice to receive these sorts of remind- ers and support. The Soldiers are in good spirits despite the current circumstances. I believe our Battalion Commander said it best, “we can all agree that the sadness and sacrifice we are feeling more than ever now is actually the price we must bear in our “Service to the Nation.” We can also feel the satisfaction of knowing we have answered the call to serve our country which less than 1 percent of our citizens will heed.” I ask that you continue to keep all of our service members and their families in your thoughts and prayers during this Holiday Season. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! God Bless! Dagger Times Special points of interest: Checkout TF Centurion FaceBook Page: www.facebook.com/ TaskForceCenturion Address: (Soldiers Name) ISAF RC(S), HQ RSC-S Bldg. 170 Kandahar Air Field APO AE 09355 Delta Company 1-167th Infantry 14 December 2012 Volume 3 Inside this issue: Soldier Photos 3-9 William J. Hurd CPT, Infantry Commanding D Co 1-167th IN, TF Centurion Prime quiring enough food for 85 soldiers, including hot dogs, hamburgers, sausages, and much more. With all the planning done all that was left was to show up, cook the food, and enjoy the game. There is only one person that could possi- ble cook the food to the stan- dards of Delta Company and make it feel like we are all back home, our company grill master SGT Octavious Por- (continued page 2)

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Delta Company 1-167th IN Newsletter for December 2012


Page 1: Dagger Times December 12

Above: 1LT Corey Evans 3rd

PLT Platoon Leader.

Kandahar Airfield,


Delta Company 1-167 IN is in the 4th month of their deployment to OEF, most of which has been during the college football season. Each soldier has been following their team as closely as they can. Many of them staying up to the wee hours of the morn-ing and sacrificing sleep to watch the games. On Novem-ber 24, 2012 this was especially the case.

November 24 2012, num-ber 2 ranked Alabama was scheduled to take on none top 25 ranked team Auburn. This rivalry is rich with tradition and all football fans, even the ones from across the country, get chill bumps thinking about this day. The Iron Bowl is what it is referred to and for Delta Company this was a highly anticipated game. Most of the company are Alabama natives and claim one of the schools as their Alma Mater,

to include but not limited to Delta Company Commander CPT William Hurd, Auburn University graduate.

The game had a scheduled kick off of 0100 hours Af-ghanistan time and was not going to be aired on AFN (Armed Forces Network), the primary means for soldiers to watch the games. After some scrambling SFC Brian Milam and SSG Dwayne Burnett found a way for the company to watch the game live. The plan was to stream the game live from the Internet. With-out this option the company would be forced to watch a replay of the game airing sev-eral hours after the actually game. Now with the means to watch the game, Delta Com-pany needed the facilities to accommodate their 70+ sol-diers as well as some member of the RSC-S HQ element. This is where the company executive officer 1LT Gerald Owens worked his magic, ac-

A House Divided

Commander’s Corner

I would like to start of by say-

ing “Thank You” to everyone

that has been supporting us

and sending tons of care pack-

ages, Christmas Cards and

gifts. As the Christmas season

is upon us, it is truly spectacu-

lar to see and feel all the sup-

port that we have been receiv-

ing. It can be easy to forget

there are others outside of our

own families still thinking of

us every day and it is nice to

receive these sorts of remind-

ers and support. The Soldiers

are in good spirits despite the

current circumstances.

I believe our Battalion

Commander said it best, “we

can all agree that the sadness

and sacrifice we are feeling

more than ever now is actually

the price we must bear in our

“Service to the Nation.” We

can also feel the satisfaction of

knowing we have answered

the call to serve our country

which less than 1 percent of our

citizens will heed.”

I ask that you continue to

keep all of our service members

and their families in your

thoughts and prayers during this

Holiday Season. Have a Merry

Christmas and Happy New Year!

God Bless!

Dagger Times

Special points of interest:

Checkout TF Centurion

FaceBook Page:




(Soldiers Name)


Bldg. 170

Kandahar Air Field

APO AE 09355

Delta Company 1-167th Infantry 14 December 2012 Volume 3

Inside this issue:

Soldier Photos 3-9

William J. Hurd

CPT, Infantry


D Co 1-167th IN, TF Centurion Prime

quiring enough food for 85 soldiers, including hot dogs, hamburgers, sausages, and much more.

With all the planning done all that was left was to show up, cook the food, and enjoy the game. There is only one person that could possi-ble cook the food to the stan-dards of Delta Company and make it feel like we are all back home, our company grill master SGT Octavious Por-

(continued page 2)

Page 2: Dagger Times December 12

ter. He fired up the grill a cou-ple hours before kick off and threw the food on. Others were running around putting up streamers for each of the teams and the game was set to stream on several TV’s within our compound. The turnout for the event was great and all the soldiers enjoyed the oppor-tunity to watch this game.

As the time drew closer the trash talking increased and anxiety set in. The anticipation of the game had been building all week and now it was finally that time. It wasn’t very long before the outcome of the game was obvious. Even with

such a point differential the crowd never thinned out. The Soldiers/fans stuck in there cheering for their team until the last second ticked off the clock. Some were not pleased by the outcome but it came as no surprise for most. ROLL TIDE.

Even though the house is divided between Alabama and Auburn fans, Delta Company always stands hand in hand. Working together to accom-plish any task put before them, from setting up a football game to the operational things we do from day to day. In this

respect, we are not and never will be a HOUSE DIVIDED.

House Divided (continued)

Page 2 Dagger Times

Alabama vs Auburn Pictures

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Volume 3 Page 3

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Random Dagger Pictures

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Random Dagger Pictures

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