daily bulletin issue no 7 thursday, 28 february 2019...

DAILY BULLETIN ISSUE No 7 Editor: Mark Horton Journalists: David Bird, Jos Jacobs, Ron Tacchi Lay-out & Photographer: Francesca Canali BBO Schedule Today R26 Russia vs Germany — Croatia vs Romania Other rounds: To Be Announced Schedule R26 10.00 — 11.40 R27 12.10 — 13.50 R28 14.50 — 16.30 R29 17:00 — 18:40 Thursday, 28 February 2019 NEXT STOP: ISTANBUL! Prize-Giving and Closing Ceremony The Prize-Giving and Closing Ceremony of the 1st European Mixed Teams Championship will take place today at 19:30 in the playing area Eduardo Viana (Jardim Buffett, Level -1). Cocktail will follow. Although we are looking forward to what promises to be a thrilling final day’s play here in Lisbon, we are also starting to think ahead to the European Open Championships in Istanbul in June. There is nothing to match the atmosphere of these major events and we suspect that many if not all of the players here in Lisbon will already be planning their trips to Turkey. Meanwhile we are hoping for an exciting finish and we have a feeling that the title, the medallists and the qualifiers will be up in the air all the way to the end. The next venue for an EBL event will be Istanbul: See you at the European Open Championships! Contents Draw & BBO Schedule p. 2 Signal Failure p. 3 A little Vigorish p. 4 Romania vs Italy Sweden vs England p. 5 Austria vs Sweden p. 9 En passant p. 12 Germany vs Switzerland p. 13 Latvia vs Turkey p. 16 Results p. 18

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Page 1: DAILY BULLETIN ISSUE No 7 Thursday, 28 February 2019 ...championships.eurobridge.org/EMTC2019/Bulletins/Bul_07.pdfFour lucky declarer’s received a club/ heart lead, which simplified


Editor: Mark Horton Journalists: David Bird, Jos Jacobs, Ron Tacchi Lay-out & Photographer: Francesca Canali

BBO Schedule TodayR26 Russia vs Germany — Croatia vs RomaniaOther rounds: To Be Announced

ScheduleR26 10.00 — 11.40R27 12.10 — 13.50R28 14.50 — 16.30R29 17:00 — 18:40

Thursday, 28 February 2019


Prize-Giving and Closing CeremonyThe Prize-Giving and Closing Ceremony of the 1st European Mixed Teams Championship will take place today at 19:30 in the playing area Eduardo Viana (Jardim Buffett, Level -1). Cocktail will follow.

Although we are looking forward to what promises to be a thrilling final day’s play here in Lisbon, we are also starting to think ahead to the European Open Championships in Istanbul in June. There is nothing to match the atmosphere of these major events and we suspect that many if not all of the players here in Lisbon will already be planning their trips to Turkey.

Meanwhile we are hoping for an exciting finish and we have a feeling that the title, the medallists and the qualifiers will be up in the air all the way to the end.

The next venue for an EBL event will be Istanbul: See you at the European Open Championships!

ContentsDraw & BBO Schedule p. 2

Signal Failure p. 3

A little Vigorish p. 4

Romania vs ItalySweden vs England p. 5

Austria vs Sweden p. 9

En passant p. 12

Germany vs Switzerland p. 13Latvia vs Turkey p. 16

Results p. 18

Page 2: DAILY BULLETIN ISSUE No 7 Thursday, 28 February 2019 ...championships.eurobridge.org/EMTC2019/Bulletins/Bul_07.pdfFour lucky declarer’s received a club/ heart lead, which simplified

11 222 333 444 5 666 77 88 9 100 1111 12 1113 1144 155 166 111777 11888 1119999 222000GO TO PAGE:

1st European Mixed Teams Championship Lisbon, Portugal • 22 - 28 February 2019



Draw & BBO Schedule Day 7 AUSTRIA vs BULGARIA

































































DisclaimersAll material published in the Bulletins is the responsibility

of its author.Nothing published in these

Bulletins may be reproduced without the express permission of

the European Bridge League.

Jardim BuffettYou can enjoy a terrific three course Buffet lunch

here in the hotel (and the menu changes every day!) It specializes in seafood, including several of the cod dishes for which Portugal is famous. It also includes water and wine - ideal for non-playing captains, coaches and supporters. A snip at Euro 23.

Spinach SoupCodfish with CreamPork with Bacon


Page 3: DAILY BULLETIN ISSUE No 7 Thursday, 28 February 2019 ...championships.eurobridge.org/EMTC2019/Bulletins/Bul_07.pdfFour lucky declarer’s received a club/ heart lead, which simplified


1st European Mixed Teams Championship

11 222 333 444 5 666 77 88 9 100 1111 12 1113 1144 155 166 111777 11888 1119999 222000

Lisbon, Portugal • 22 - 28 February 2019

Written by Mark Horton

We are nearing the end of the European Mixed Teams Championship when I pickup these cards:

Dealer West. All Vul. [ A 8 4 ] Q 8 7 6 5 { 5 4 3 } 10 5

When the dealer passes my partner opens 1], which promises a limited hand with at least four hearts. East overcalls 2{ and with a nod to Larry Cohen I raise to 3]. West comes to life with a double and when my partner passes East bids 4}. When West continues with 4[ everyone passes, leaving us with this auction:

West North East South — 1] 2{ 3] Dbl Pass 4} Pass 4[ All Pass

Partner leads the ]9 (3rd and 5th) and dummy is revealed...

[ J 5 ] 10 { K J 10 9 8 2 } A Q J 4 [ A 8 4 ] Q 8 7 6 5 { 5 4 3 } 10 5

I play the queen and declarer wins with the ace and plays the {6. My partner takes the ace and switches to the }3. When declarer plays dummy’s four I put up the ten and declarer wins with the king, ruffs a heart, pitches a heart on the {K and plays the [J. That runs to partner’s king and he exits with a club. Declarer wins with the jack, ruffs a diamond and plays the [9. I win with the ace and play a heart, but declarer ruffs and plays the [Q, claiming when we both follow.

This was the layout:

Dealer West. All Vul. [ K 6 3 ] K J 9 4 { A Q 7 } 9 6 3 [ Q 10 9 7 2 [ J 5 ] A 3 2 ] 10 ] 6 { K J 10 9 8 2 } K 8 7 2 } A Q J 4 [ A 8 4 ] Q 8 7 6 5 { 5 4 3 } 10 5

Post Mortem

There were several ways to defeat this contract (a trump lead for example) but after the early play it was asking a lot for partner to switch to a spade after taking the {A. The club switch was fine, but I should have risen with the [A and played a second club. That way I will score a club ruff. I should have got that right, but partner might have given me a wake-up call by following to the second round of hearts with the king rather than the four. That would be a clear indication that he held something useful in spades.


Signal Failure

Page 4: DAILY BULLETIN ISSUE No 7 Thursday, 28 February 2019 ...championships.eurobridge.org/EMTC2019/Bulletins/Bul_07.pdfFour lucky declarer’s received a club/ heart lead, which simplified


1st European Mixed Teams Championship Lisbon, Portugal • 22 - 28 February 2019


Written by Mark Horton

Terence Reese and Roger Trézel wrote a series of instructional books, one of which was entitled Those Extra Chances in Bridge (Incorporated into

Imaginative Cardplay by Master Point Press). If anyone ever writes a sequel this deal might be


Board 17. Dealer North. None Vul. [ K J 10 9 6 3 2 ] A 10 { A } Q 9 8 [ 8 5 [ Q 4 ] J 8 2 ] Q 7 6 3 { K J 5 3 2 { 10 9 8 6 } K J 5 } 7 3 2 [ A 7 ] K 9 5 4 { Q 7 4 } A 10 6 4

West North East South Kazmucha Peterkin Tuszynski Punch

— 1[ Pass 2}* Pass 3NT* Pass 4]* Pass 4NT* Pass 5]* Pass 5NT* Pass 6] Pass 6[ All Pass

2} Forcing3NT 17-19, 6+[4] Cue-bid4NT RKCB5] 2 key cards5NT Kings?6] ]K

In the other room Zmuda and Zatorski also reached 6[ and after a diamond lead declarer drew trumps and ran the }Q. West won and exited with a low heart and declarer won and lost a second club - a 76% chance that failed.

Here East led the {10 and declarer won, drew trumps and then played three rounds of hearts, ruffing, before running the }Q. West won, but was now endplayed.

Seven of the eight who went down in 6[ failed after a diamond lead. Four lucky declarer’s received a club/heart lead, which simplified matters.

A Little Vigorish


Stephen Peterkin Sam Punch

Page 5: DAILY BULLETIN ISSUE No 7 Thursday, 28 February 2019 ...championships.eurobridge.org/EMTC2019/Bulletins/Bul_07.pdfFour lucky declarer’s received a club/ heart lead, which simplified


1st European Mixed Teams Championship

11 222 333 444 5 666 77 88 9 100 1111 12 1113 1144 155 166 111777 11888 1119999 222000

Lisbon, Portugal • 22 - 28 February 2019

Written by Jos Jacobs

In the last round on Tuesday, the luck of the draw once again was with us because two matches between

teams within the top eight were scheduled. Sweden had gone back to the top of the table and Romania had been doing well all week already, no surprise because their team consists mainly of established partnership who have also been playing in the national Open Team in recent years.

In this report, I will concentrate on the Romania v. Italy contest with only a few looks at what happened in the Sweden v. England encounter; not as much was happening there as in the other match.

Right on the opening board, the fireworks were lit:

Board 1. Dealer North. None Vul. [ Q J 7 6 5 ] 10 { 3 } A J 9 7 4 3 [ 9 8 4 3 [ 10 ] J 7 5 3 2 ] A K Q 6 { K 8 7 4 { Q 9 6 2 } — } K Q 8 5 [ A K 2 ] 9 8 4 { A J 10 5 } 10 6 2

Open Room West North East South Manara Ionita Attanasio Stegaroiu

— 2[ Dble 4[ Pass Pass Dble Pass 5] All Pass

North showed spades and a minor, Polish style. On a forcing defence, 4[ would have been defeated

easily but 5] was not down immediately when North led the [Q and shifted to…the }A. Declarer ruffed, crossed to the ]A and led a diamond up. When the {K won the trick, she ruffed a spade in dummy and shed two of her losing diamonds on the }KQ before exiting with a diamond. South had to win this and could return a trump to set the contract. It would

not have helped declarer to exit in clubs, throwing her last diamond on it, as South would (could?) have ruffed this trick in front of partner and returned her last trump. One down, Romania +50.

Closed Room West North East South G Mihai Vanuzzi R Mihai Uggeri

— 2[ Dble 2NT 3] 4} 4] 4[ 5] Pass Pass Dble All Pass

The Italians took the longer route to 4[ but at this table, too, West took the (phantom) sacrifice. South doubled, which looked OK but a slight variation in the sequence of plays occurred. North led the [Q and continued the }A rather than a trump to create the same position as in the Open Room. Declarer ruffed, ruffed a spade but then, she first cashed her two top clubs for diamond discards before leading a diamond off dummy. South, unsure of the situation, rose with the ace and that was all declarer needed. Romania another +650 and 12 IMPs to them.

In the other match, the English took the right decision when 4[ came along.

Open Room West North East South Byrne M Gronkvist Brown I Gronkvist

— Pass 1} Pass 1] 1[ 3] 3[ 4] 4[ Dble All Pass

The forcing defence led to an easy down two: England +300. Please note that North never showed his clubs.

Closed Room West North East South Ekenberg Brock Clementsson Myers

— Pass 1{ Pass 1] 2] 2[ Dble Rdbl 3} Dble 3[ 4{ Pass 4] Dble All Pass


Romania vs ItalySweden vs England


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11 222 333 444 5 666 77 88 9 100 1111 12 1113 1144 155 166 111777 11888 1119999 222000GO TO PAGE:

1st European Mixed Teams Championship Lisbon, Portugal • 22 - 28 February 2019


In the replay, too, North did not open but showed her two-suiter at a later stage. When North, no doubt influenced by partner’s double, led the }A, declarer had an easy road to ten tricks. Sweden thus scored +590 and registered their first 7 IMPs of the match.

Back to Romania and Italy.The next board looked like a simple slam but the

Italians turned it into a nervous experiment.

Board 2. Dealer East. N/S Vul. [ Q 7 5 ] 7 4 3 { 10 6 3 } K 8 7 4 [ A 2 [ K 9 8 4 3 ] J 9 8 ] A K 6 5 2 { A K 8 5 { 2 } A 10 5 2 } Q J [ J 10 6 ] Q 10 { Q J 9 7 4 } 9 6 3

Open Room West North East South Manara Ionita Attanasio Stegaroiu

— — 1[ Pass 2} Pass 2] Pass 2NT Pass 3] Pass 3[ Pass 3NT Pass 4} Pass 4{ Pass 6NT All Pass

To me, 6] looked a more logical conclusion of the auction but with the hearts breaking very well for declarer, it should not matter that the }K was wrongly placed for her. When North led the ]3, it took declarer quite a long time to believe that he had not underled the ]Q…

She called for dummy’s]A and next took a losing club finesse. She then won the spade return and led the ]J, putting up dummy’s ]K when North contributed the ]7…Italy +990 after all.

Closed Room West North East South G Mihai Vanuzzi R Mihai Uggeri

— — 1[ Pass 2} Pass 2] Pass 3{! Pass 3] Pass 3[ Pass 4{ Pass 4NT! Pass 5] Pass 6] All Pass

A more normal Romanian auction led to a smooth +1010 and a gain of 1 IMP to Romania.

Two boards later, game was on for N/S after the opponents could open a strong 1NT.

Board: 4. Dlr: West/All [ A 6 4 3 ] 6 5 { Q 8 2 } A 7 4 3[ 10 5 [ J 9] 4 3 2 ] A K 10 9{ J 10 9 6 { K 7 5 4 3} 10 9 8 5 } K J [ K Q 8 7 2 ] Q J 8 7 { A } Q 6 2

Open Room West North East South Manara Ionita Attanasio Stegaroiu

Pass Pass 1NT 2} Pass 2{ Dble 2[ Pass 3[ Pass 4[ All Pass

South showed majors with 2} and 2{ already suggested some values, so South did not have to bid more than 2[ initially. The rest was easy. Romania +650 when East returned the }K, sort of his only chance after winning his first heart trick..

Closed Room West North East South G Mihai Vanuzzi R Mihai Uggeri

Pass Pass 1NT Dble Pass 2} Pass 2{ Pass 2[ All Pass

As both North and South were a little unsure about partner’s values, game was missed by the Italians, though South’s 2{ confirmed the majors. Italy +170 but 10 more IMPs to Romania.

Sweden v. England:

Open Room West North East South Byrne M Gronkvist Brown I Gronkvist

Pass Pass 1NT 2} Pass 3[ Pass 4[ All Pass

For the Swedes, 2} also showed majors but

8888 7777

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1st European Mixed Teams Championship

11 222 333 444 5 666 77 88 9 100 1111 12 1113 1144 155 166 111777 11888 1119999 222000

Lisbon, Portugal • 22 - 28 February 2019

when North showed some interest, game was easily reached. One overtrick on the same defence as in the other match, Sweden +650.

Closed Room West North East South Ekenberg Brock Clementsson Myers

Pass Pass 1NT 2} Pass 2{ Pass 2[ All Pass

South showed his majors but N/S did not solve the strength issue here either. England +170 but 10 IMPs to Sweden who led 17-0 now.

On the next board, the Romanian E/W pair were the only one to find the sacrifice in 5]. As game was bid by N/S at only half the number of tables in play, many E/W pairs did not have to find it…

Board 5. Dealer North. N/S Vul. [ Q 9 6 2 ] A { 9 8 5 4 2 } J 3 2 [ 7 [ J 10 3 ] Q 10 9 6 3 2 ] J 5 4 { K Q 7 { A 10 6 } Q 6 4 } K 10 7 5 [ A K 8 5 4 ] K 8 7 { J 3 } A 9 8

Open Room West North East South Manara Ionita Attanasio Stegaroiu

— Pass Pass 1NT 2{ Pass 2] Pass Pass Dble 3] 3[ Pass 4[ All Pass

West’s 2{ showed one major but on this auction, E/W subsided. Romania +620 on a heart lead but a club lead would not hurt declarer.

Closed Room West North East South G Mihai Vanuzzi R Mihai Uggeri

— Pass Pass 1[ 2] 2NT 3] 4[ 5] Pass Pass Dble All Pass

With the clubs behaving well for declarer, +300 was all the Italians could get, so Romania scored another 8 IMPs.

A few boards later, most N/S pairs were (way?) overboard, keeping most E/W pairs out of their making game by doing so….

Board 8. Dealer West. None Vul. [ A 10 6 ] K Q 10 8 3 { 10 3 } Q 3 2 [ K 5 4 3 [ — ] 6 5 ] A J 9 7 2 { K 6 4 2 { A J 8 7 5 } J 10 8 } K 5 4 [ Q J 9 8 7 2 ] 4 { Q 9 } A 9 7 6

Open Room West North East South Manara Ionita Attanasio Stegaroiu

Pass 1] Pass 1[ Pass 1NT Pass 2} Pass 2{ Dble 2[ All Pass

South’s 2} was the modern transfer to 2{, showing an invitational hand later on. After North’s opening bid, it was difficult for East to show his red two-suiter. That’s why only four N/S pairs stayed as low as 2[ and also why only four E/W pairs reached game in diamonds and made it, two of them even doubled. Romania +110.

Closed Room West North East South G Mihai Vanuzzi R Mihai Uggeri

Pass 1] Pass 1[ Pass 1NT Pass 3[ Pass 4[ All Pass

The Romanian E/W never entered the auction but they collected +150 when West led the }10 on which dummy put up the }Q. Romania thus scored 6 more IMPs.

On the next board, we again saw two entirely different auctions at the two tables of the Romania v. Italy match.

}} JJJJ 3333 2222

}} QQQQ 33 22

Page 8: DAILY BULLETIN ISSUE No 7 Thursday, 28 February 2019 ...championships.eurobridge.org/EMTC2019/Bulletins/Bul_07.pdfFour lucky declarer’s received a club/ heart lead, which simplified

11 222 333 444 5 666 77 88 9 100 1111 12 1113 1144 155 166 111777 11888 1119999 222000GO TO PAGE:

1st European Mixed Teams Championship Lisbon, Portugal • 22 - 28 February 2019


Board 9. Dealer North. E/W Vul. [ 10 8 6 ] K Q 8 6 4 2 { 8 6 5 3 } — [ A K Q 5 4 3 [ J 9 ] J 7 ] 10 9 5 3 { 9 { K J 10 4 } A 10 4 3 } Q 9 5 [ 7 2 ] A { A Q 7 2 } K J 8 7 6 2

Open Room West North East South Manara Ionita Attanasio Stegaroiu

— 3] Pass Pass 4[ All Pass

When the pre-empt ran to her, Manara bid what she hoped she could make.

With four losers in the side suits, 4[ would have gone down anyway but the Romanians found an elegant defence. North led the ]2 and thus duly got his two club ruffs when South returned her }2 at trick two. A joy to watch, Romania +100.

Closed Room West North East South G Mihai Vanuzzi R Mihai Uggeri

— Pass Pass 1} 1[ 2] Pass 3} 3[ All Pass

When North did not pre-empt, E/W were in a position to judge better at what level they should stop bidding. Just made, Romania another +140 and 6 more IMPs to lead 43-0 at this point.

On the next board, 3NT can be defeated when North finds the right switch at trick 2.

Board 10. Dealer East. All Vul. [ Q 9 5 3 ] Q 8 4 { J 6 5 2 } A 9 [ 10 4 2 [ A 7 6 ] A K J 10 6 ] 3 2 { A 9 7 { K Q 10 3 } 6 2 } Q J 8 3 [ K J 8 ] 9 7 5 { 8 4 } K 10 7 5 4

No matter whether East opened 1} or 1{, South led a club at most tables against the normal contract of 3NT. North wins the ace and now has to return a spade to defeat 3NT. If North continues clubs, declarer has all the time in the world to establish the hearts and get to 9 tricks.

Only against a Czech and a Russian defender 3NT was defeated after a club lead. At two other tables South took his fate into his (her) own hands by leading a spade honour. Italy’s Uggeri was one of them (the other one being Serbia’s Jovana Zoranovic) and this way, he collected a much-needed swing of 13 IMPs for his side to make the final score 43-13 or 17.4 – 2.6 to Romania.

On the next board, the ambiguous lead of the ]J, which might also show the ace or king in the suit, caused trouble for one declarer.

Board 11. Dealer South. None Vul. [ K 5 ] A 4 { A K Q 9 6 } 10 8 6 3 [ A 10 9 8 [ J 7 4 ] 9 7 2 ] K J 10 6 { 8 4 3 { J 7 5 } K 9 7 } Q J 2 [ Q 6 3 2 ] Q 8 5 3 { 10 2 } A 5 4

In the Romania v. Italy match, both declarers had called for dummy’s ]Q when East led a heart honour and thus had come to nine tricks. In the Sweden v. England match, the Swedish declarer ran into trouble by winning the equally ambiguous ]J lead with his ace and returning a low heart immediately to dummy’s eight. When West produced the ]9, there was no way back… When the English declarer also put up the ]Q on the ]J lead by East, England had won 10 IMPs to still lose the match 11-17 or 7.99 – 12.01 VP.

}} AAAA 99

11110 0 8 8 66 33

Page 9: DAILY BULLETIN ISSUE No 7 Thursday, 28 February 2019 ...championships.eurobridge.org/EMTC2019/Bulletins/Bul_07.pdfFour lucky declarer’s received a club/ heart lead, which simplified


1st European Mixed Teams Championship Lisbon, Portugal • 22 - 28 February 2019

OGOGGO GOGGGOGGOGOGGO GOGOOGO GOGOOOOGO GO O O GGOGO GOGOO GOGOOOOOGOOO GOGOOOOGOOOOOGOGOGGO 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999333333333 333333 3 333 333 33333 3333333 3333333333333333333333333333333333 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 5555555555555555555555 555555555555555555 55555 66666 66 6666 6 6 6 6 666 666 6 666 66666666666666666666666666666666666666 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 777777777 777777777777777777777 7 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 77777777777777777 8888888888888888888888888888 888888888 88 8 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 101101010101011010001010110100010100110101001010100101000 1111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111112222222222222222111111111121222222221111111111122212221111111222222111122111112222211111111222221111122211111112221111112222112212211212122111121222111112211111112122111111112111111112121121111111111222211111111112121111112221111111121112222221111111121211222221111212122222221122222212221112211211111111111111111 1111111111111111111111113 3 3 33333333 1111111111111141414414414141414144444444444111111111141414144444444444111111144444441111144444444141111144444414111111144414111111111444444441414111111444444441111111444444444411111144444111114444441111144414411141111111444111111444111444441111411144111111111441141111444411111114444411111411111114444111114441111111111411111144111141111144111441114441444 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111155555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 55555555 55555555555 5555555 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 5 5555555 55555555 55555555555555555555 5555555555555555555555555 16161616161616161616161616616161161616161616161616616161616161616166166161661616161661616161616161616166616611616166661616616611111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111117777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 1818181818188888888888888888881818888888818888888888888888888188888881888888818888888188888888881888881811888 111111111111111111111111111111111111999 99 9 9 9999 99999999999 202020202022020202020202020202000202000002020000000000000000020000

Written by David Bird

When dawn broke on the penultimate day of this great new championship, Sweden had regained

the top spot. Austria was not so far away from the precious top-eight positions that would qualify for the World Mixed Championship. Which team would enjoy scoring up the match in 90 minutes’ time?

Board 13. Dealer North. Both Vul. [ Q 10 9 7 2 ] A 3 2 { 6 } K 8 7 2 [ A 8 4 [ K 6 3] Q 8 7 6 5 ] K J 9 4 { 5 4 3 { A Q 7} 10 5 } 9 6 3 [ J 5 ] 10 { K J 10 9 8 2 } A Q J 4

Open Room West North East South Ekenberg Feichtinger Clementsson S.Terraneo

— Pass 1} 3{ All Pass South’s 3{ looked like a sound effort to shut out

the majors. It ended the auction and the ]5 was led to dummy’s ace. Declarer led the {6 to her 8

and continued with the {K. Declarer lost two spades and two diamonds, collecting +110. ‘Why is the old guy wasting our time with this deal?’ you may be thinking.

Closed Room West North East South Weigkricht M.Gronkvist F.Terraneo I.Gronkvist

— Pass 1] 2{ 3] Dble Pass 4} Pass 4[ All Pass

East’s opening was in accordance with the Austrians’ Blue Club system. 1] shows 4+ hearts and the opener may hold a longer suit elsewhere (the canapé principle). Mikael Gronkvist, who held a singleton in partner’s suit, then took control of the auction with two very bold actions. Would his bravery be rewarded?

Gronkvist won the heart lead and played the {6, East rising with the ace. A trump switch and continuation would take the contract two down now. Franz Terraneo switched to a club instead and declarer won in hand. He then ruffed a heart and ditched his last heart on the {K. When a trump was led from the table, West needed to win with the ace and return her second club for a later ruff. She played low instead, East winning the trick, and the game could not then be beaten. It was +620 and 11 IMPs to Sweden.


Austria vs Sweden

Sanna ClementssonTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTO PAO PAPAO PAO PAO PAO PAO PAPPPPPAPAO PAPO PAGGEGEGEGE:EEEGGEGE:EGE:GE:G : 1111111111111111111111111 111 111 1111111111111 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 22222 2222 222222222222Sylvia Terraneo

Simon EkenbergKurt Feichtinger

Page 10: DAILY BULLETIN ISSUE No 7 Thursday, 28 February 2019 ...championships.eurobridge.org/EMTC2019/Bulletins/Bul_07.pdfFour lucky declarer’s received a club/ heart lead, which simplified

11 222 333 444 5 666 77 88 9 100 1111 12 1113 1144 155 166 111777 11888 1119999 222000GO TO PAGE:

1st European Mixed Teams Championship Lisbon, Portugal • 22 - 28 February 2019


Board 17. Dealer North. Neither Vul. [ K J 10 9 6 3 2 ] A 10 { A } Q 9 8 [ 8 5 [ Q 4] J 8 2 ] Q 7 6 3 { K J 5 3 2 { 10 9 8 6} K J 5 } 7 3 2 [ A 7 ] K 9 5 4 { Q 7 4 } A 10 6 4

Open Room West North East South Ekenberg Feichtinger Clementsson S.Terraneo

— 1[ Pass 2} Pass 3[ Pass 4[ All Pass The spade slam may be a borderline venture but

perhaps South was worth a try below the game level. Declarer won the {10 lead, played trumps from the top, and then took two club finesses through East. West had both the missing club honours and declarer collected +450. I expressed a view that several pairs in the field would reach six on these cards. How about the aggressive Gronkvists at the other table? Would these cards take their fancy?

Closed Room West North East South Weigkricht M.Gronkvist F.Terraneo I.Gronkvist

— 1[ Pass 2}* Pass 2NT* Pass 3}* Pass 3]* Pass 3[* Pass 3NT* Pass 4}* Pass 4{* Pass 4]* Pass 4NT Pass 5}* Pass 5{* Pass 5]* Pass 5[ Pass 6[ All Pass I have marked all the conventional bids with an

asterisk, so you can follow the auction easily. South’s 2} is forcing to game, clubs or balanced. You will observe that her next six bids are then one-level above partner’s previous bid. This is the mark of a relay system in progress. South is asking, North is answering. At the end, South knew enough to bid 6[. I may not understand relay bidding but I can certainly admire those who go to such trouble to bid their hands accurately. We can judge the possible

rewards merely by looking at the current leader-board of this championship.

East led the ]6 to the 8 and declarer’s ten. This removed the need for declarer to guess how to play the clubs. When the trump queen fell, he had twelve tricks. It was 11 more IMPs to the young Swedish team.

Board 20. Dealer West. Both Vul. [ A Q 3 ] A 9 6 2 { 9 6 4 } A 9 8 [ K [ J 2] K Q 10 8 7 ] 4 3 { A 10 5 2 { Q J 3} 10 5 4 } K Q J 6 3 2 [ 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 ] J 5 { K 8 7 } 7

Open RoomWest North East SouthEkenberg Feichtinger Clementsson S.Terraneo

1] Dble 1NT 2[ 3} 3[ Dble All Pass East’s 1NT was a transfer to clubs. Some might

then have bid more than 2[ on the South cards. What should East say at her second turn? I suppose the double was an attempt to find a playable 3NT, but this is a very ambitious view. To me, it looks dangerous to double at that level with so little defence in the hand. Bid 4} if you think that your club suit justifies it.

It was clear that 3[ could not be beaten. Marc Smith, my fellow commentator, awarded West 70% of the blame for passing the double. I gave East 70% of the blame for doubling. What do you think? (Don’t tell Marc if you agree with him.)

West led a club, won with the ace, and declarer started well by ruffing a club in her hand. She drew trumps and ruffed dummy’s last club. To make an overtrick now, you lead the ]J, covered with the queen and ace, then return to hand with a trump. A second round of hearts endplays West. He wins with the ]10 and must then lead from ]K8 {A105. If he plays the ]K, you discard a diamond. West must then give you an extra trick with dummy’s ]9 or your {K.

Declarer missed this chance, leading a diamond (instead of the ]J) from her hand. It was still nine tricks and a splendid +730 for the Austrian account.

Page 11: DAILY BULLETIN ISSUE No 7 Thursday, 28 February 2019 ...championships.eurobridge.org/EMTC2019/Bulletins/Bul_07.pdfFour lucky declarer’s received a club/ heart lead, which simplified


1st European Mixed Teams Championship Lisbon, Portugal • 22 - 28 February 2019

Closed Room West North East South Weigkricht M.Gronkvist F.Terraneo I.Gronkvist

1] Pass 2} Pass 2] Pass 3} All Pass

North understandably did not rate his hand as a take-out double of 1] and the auction was uncontested. Austria picked up +130 and gained 13 IMPs.

Board 24. Dealer West. Neither Vul. [ 6 ] K Q J 10 7 2 { A J 8 } Q 6 2 [ A 7 4 2 [ Q J 10] 9 8 3 ] A 6 5 4 { 9 7 6 3 { K Q 5 2} 8 5 } K 10 [ K 9 8 5 3 ] — { 10 4 } A J 9 7 4 3

Open Room West North East South Ekenberg Feichtinger Clementsson S.Terraneo

Pass 1] 1NT 2} Pass 2] Pass 2[ Pass 3} All Pass

What action do you like on the South cards over East’s 1NT? Marc Smith and I were very happy with Sylvia Terraneo’s 2} bid. A double doesn’t look right to me, with a void in partner’s suit and only 8 HCP. South was able to describe her hand well by bidding 2[ on the next round and they stopped in 3}. North may have had some lingering thoughts about a possible heart game, it is true. When three

overtricks were made in 3}, more doubts may have crept in. Perhaps the Gronkvists would bid the N/S hand more aggressively at the other table.

After saving the boards, I hastened to the Closed Room to watch the conclusion of the match there.

Closed Room West North East South Weigkricht M.Gronkvist F.Terraneo I.Gronkvist

Pass 1] 1NT Dble Pass Pass 2{ Dble Pass 3] Pass 4} Pass 4{ Pass 4] All Pass

Here Ida Gronkvist did double 1NT. I had to curb expressing to the kibitzers my dislike of this action in case it should end well, with a game being made. 1NT doubled would go only one down on a club lead. Strangely, a spade lead (or the {10) works better.

East removed himself to 2{ and South doubled for take-out. For me, these two doubles did not suggest a shapely 8-count. When North jumped to 3], South hoped that 4} would be read as natural. Since she had not bid 3} on the previous round, North very reasonably took it as a cue-bid with hearts agreed. He cue-bid 4{ and South retreated to 4] on her void. It cannot have been a pleasant time for her as North spent quite a while considering some further advance. He eventually passed and the slippery path taken in the auction would now produce a happy ending.

East led the ]A, switching to the {K. Declarer won and drew trumps. He discarded one club from dummy, to retain the values in spades and diamond, but still had enough winners for a valuable +450. It was 7 IMPs to Sweden, who won the match by 39 IMPs to 14.

bibiddddiningg 2[2[ oonn ththee nenextxt rrououndnd aandnd ttheheyy ststopoppepedd inin wawass 77 IMIMPsPs ttoo SwSwededenen whwhoo wowonn ththee mamatctchh byby 3399

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wawas s 7 7 IMIMIMIMPsPsPsPsPsPs tttttoooooo SSwSwSSSwSwSwwweeddeededeededdeneneenenenenennn,,,,,,, wwhhwhwhwwhhwhhwhhhwhhwhwhwhwwhwho o ooo oo o o wowowwwowowoowowwowoonn nn n n n ththtththththhthththheeeeeeeeeeeeee mmamammmamamamamaamaamaamatctctctcttctctcct hhhhhhhhh bbybybbbbybybybbbybybybybyy 33333333999999999IIMIMIMMIIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMMMMMPPsPsPssPPPPsPsPsPsPsPsPsPsPsPss ttttttttttttttttttoooooooooooo 1414141411414144141414141441414141 ....

11111111111111111111Terry WeigkrichtMikael Gronkvist

Franz TerraneoIda Gronkvist

Page 12: DAILY BULLETIN ISSUE No 7 Thursday, 28 February 2019 ...championships.eurobridge.org/EMTC2019/Bulletins/Bul_07.pdfFour lucky declarer’s received a club/ heart lead, which simplified

11 222 333 444 5 666 77 88 9 100 1111 12 1113 1144 155 166 111777 11888 1119999 222000GO TO PAGE:

1st European Mixed Teams Championship Lisbon, Portugal • 22 - 28 February 2019


Written by Mark Horton

Early yesterday morning I spent a few minutes watching a series of Blitz chess games between World Champion Magnus Carlson and

Russian Grandmaster Peter Svidler (Magnus won 5-0). Then in Round 23 I spotted this deal:

Board 7. Dealer South. All Vul. [ 10 8 ] K Q J 2 { A K J 8 5 4 } Q [ A K 9 3 2 [ J 6 4 ] A 6 ] 9 7 5 { Q 7 3 { 10 9 2 } K 9 8 } A J 10 7 [ Q 7 5 ] 10 8 4 3 { 6 } 6 5 4 3 2

West North East South Von Arnim Grey Rohowsky Catzeflis

— — — Pass 1NT Dble* Pass 2} 2[ 3{ Pass 3] All Pass

Dble Multilandy

West led the [A and East followed with the [6. That was not easy to read and West cashed the [K before switching to the }K. When that held she continued with the }9 and declarer ruffed in dummy and played the ]J. West won and played another club, ruffed in dummy. Declarer cashed the ]K, played three rounds of diamonds, ruffing, drew the last trump and cashed the [Q, East taking the setting trick with the }A.

They made 2{+1 in the other room, so Germany picked up 5 IMPs.

Do you see how declarer could have prevailed?

Having ruffed the third club declarer plays three rounds of diamonds, ruffing, cashes the [Q pitching a diamond, ruffs a club and plays a diamond, picking up East’s ]97. A neat variation on the en passant rule in chess.

They made 2{+1 in the other room, so Germany picked up 5 IMPs instead of losing one.

En passant

Don’t Miss a Trick!You can purchase the special commemorative packs in use at the championships for just € 2.50 by visiting the hospitality desk in the lobby - in Blue & Yellow they make a perfect present for your Rubber Bridge playing friends!

Page 13: DAILY BULLETIN ISSUE No 7 Thursday, 28 February 2019 ...championships.eurobridge.org/EMTC2019/Bulletins/Bul_07.pdfFour lucky declarer’s received a club/ heart lead, which simplified


1st European Mixed Teams Championship

11 222 333 444 5 666 77 88 9 100 1111 12 1113 1144 155 166 111777 11888 1119999 222000

Lisbon, Portugal • 22 - 28 February 2019

Written by Ron Tacchi

With Germany resting in tenth place with six matches to play it was important for them to score

a substantial win against Switzerland who were in penultimate place. However to assume it would be an easy match could be folly as they had won one in three of all their previous encounters.

Board 2. Dealer East. N/S Vul. [ A K ] A K 7 5 { A 9 4 3 2 } 8 6 [ 10 8 [ Q J 6 2 ] Q 6 4 ] J 8 3 2 { 10 7 { K Q 6 } A Q J 10 9 4 } K 5 [ 9 7 5 4 3 ] 10 9 { J 8 5 } 7 3 2

Open Room West North East South Abou Chanab Auken Vincent Welland

— — 1{ Pass 2}* Pass 2] Pass 3} Pass 3NT Pass Pass Dble All Pass

2} Natural, Nearly game-forcing!?

Both East and West seemed to view their hands through rose tinted glasses and arrived in 3NT. North was not strained to find a double and it will not surprise you to know that the contract failed by one trick.

Closed Room West North East South Von Arnim Grey Rohowsky Catzeflis

— — 1} Pass 2} Pass 2NT Pass 3} All Pass

Here it seems a more reasonable contract was reached rather than the 3NT in the other room, but when the defence found their heart ruff it failed by two tricks. The

Double in the Open Room flattened the board.

Board 3. Dealer South. E/W Vul. [ J 10 7 6 ] J 10 5 4 { 9 8 7 } K 10 [ 8 5 4 3 [ K Q 9 ] 7 ] A Q 9 6 { A 10 2 { Q 4 } J 7 6 5 3 } A 9 8 2 [ A 2 ] K 8 3 2 { K J 6 5 3 } Q 4

Open Room West North East South Abou Chanab Auken Vincent Welland

— — — 1NT* All Pass

1NT 14-16

Welland ‘found’ a point and opened his hand with a 14-16 1NT. On the lead of a club declarer was booked for three down but the defence lost its way in the middle-game and gave up a trick, but it was still two down, 100 to Switzerland.

Closed Room West North East South Von Arnim Grey Rohowsky Catzeflis

— — — 1{ Pass 1] Dble 2] 2[ Pass 3{* Pass 3[ Pass 3NT All Pass

South opened a more conservative One Diamond. I am not privy to the East/West methods but West’s bid of 2[ would show a stronger hand in my partnership. The upshot was a delicate 3NT. South could have got his name into the bulletin by leading the king of diamonds – the only card to guarantee the failure of the contract. I will leave you and my finessing friend to see why that particular lead works. At the table he found the more natural lead of a heart


Germany vs Switzerland

}} 8888 6666

Page 14: DAILY BULLETIN ISSUE No 7 Thursday, 28 February 2019 ...championships.eurobridge.org/EMTC2019/Bulletins/Bul_07.pdfFour lucky declarer’s received a club/ heart lead, which simplified

11 222 333 444 5 666 77 88 9 100 1111 12 1113 1144 155 166 111777 11888 1119999 222000GO TO PAGE:

1st European Mixed Teams Championship Lisbon, Portugal • 22 - 28 February 2019


which went to the jack and queen. Declarer cleared the clubs and North continued the attack in hearts, ducked twice by declarer but South persisted with the suit and it was finally taken by declarer, who continued with the nine and another club leaving him in dummy. The winning line is not to cash the last club but to play a spade – if he cashes the last club he has no good discard – in effect he squeezes himself – instead he plays a spade. If North does not split his honours then the nine forces the ace and if he does split declarer covers and South can give declarer his ninth trick in either diamonds or spades as he sees fit. Since declarer can place the ace of spades and king of diamonds in the South hand, there are not many other options available. Unfortunately for declarer he persisted with the fifth round of clubs and thus finished one down giving four IMPs to Switzerland.

Board 4. Dealer West. All Vul. [ A 3 2 ] 10 8 4 { Q 5 } A K 6 4 2 [ K J 8 4 [ 6 5 ] J 5 ] 7 { 10 6 4 2 { K J 9 8 7 3 } 7 5 3 } Q J 10 9 [ Q 10 9 7 ] A K Q 9 6 3 2 { A } 8

Open Room West North East South Abou Chanab Auken Vincent Welland

Pass 1} Pass 1[* Pass 1NT Pass 2{* Pass 2]* Pass 3{* Pass 3]* Pass 3[ Pass 3NT* Pass 4}* Pass 4NT* Pass 5}* Pass 5{* Pass 6{* Pass 6] All Pass

2{ ]2] Min3{ lengthens ]3[ Optional RKCB3NT Reject4} RKCB4NT 2 keys, no queen of hearts

After five rounds of bidding even Al Hollander was beginning to be unsure as to the meaning of all the

relays and responses. However they finally arrived in the good contract of the heart slam. On the lead of the queen of clubs declarer had enough entries to test the clubs to be 4-3 and thus not have to guess how to play the spades.

Closed Room West North East South Von Arnim Grey Rohowsky Catzeflis

Pass 1} 1{ 1] 3{ Pass Pass 4{ Pass 4] All Pass

Some very aggressive interference by East and West seemed to put the opposition off its stroke and they subsided into 4], making the same twelve tricks but losing 13 IMPs.

Board 7. Dealer South. Both Vul.I shall not report on this deal as the illustrious

editor has noted a point of interest in the deal and is reporting separately. So you will need to search elsewhere in this bulletin to find the reason for a five IMP swing to Germany.}} AAAA KKKK 6666 4444 2222

Julius Linde (npc)

Page 15: DAILY BULLETIN ISSUE No 7 Thursday, 28 February 2019 ...championships.eurobridge.org/EMTC2019/Bulletins/Bul_07.pdfFour lucky declarer’s received a club/ heart lead, which simplified


1st European Mixed Teams Championship Lisbon, Portugal • 22 - 28 February 2019

Board 10. Dealer East. All Vul. [ 2 ] J 9 4 { A Q J 6 5 } Q 9 4 3 [ 9 7 5 4 3 [ K J 10 8 6 ] Q 10 ] 7 5 2 { K 2 { 10 9 7 4 } J 8 6 2 } K [ A Q ] A K 8 6 3 { 8 3 } A 10 7 5

Open Room West North East South Abou Chanab Auken Vincent Welland

— — Pass 1] Pass 2{* Pass 2[* Pass 3} Pass 4] All Pass

2{ 3], 9-132[ 4+}, slam try

As usual we are indebted to Al Hollander for his explanation of the sometimes tortuous auctions of Sabine and Roy. As he pointed out there are thirteen tricks as the queen of hearts is doubleton, both the kings of diamonds and spades are on side as is the singleton king of clubs. A probability I vaguely estimate to be less than 0.2%. So you will need to play this deal at least another 500 times before you make the grand slam! Or just once more if Karapet from the Griffins Club is defending.

Welland played with the maximum of safety and made ten tricks.

Closed Room West North East South Von Arnim Grey Rohowsky Catzeflis

— — Pass 1NT Pass 3[* Dble 4] All Pass

3[ 1354

Surprisingly the cold grand slam was also not found at this table. Switzerland gained two IMPs when they brought home twelve tricks.

After twelve boards Germany had won 26-8 or 15.15-4.85VPs.



GO TGO TGO TGO TGO TGO TGOGO TGO TTGO TGO TTGO TGOGO TGO TGO TGO TGO TO TGO TGOGO TTGGO TGO TGO TO TGO TGO TGO TGO TO TGO TO TGO TGO GO TTGOGO GO O O OO PO PO PAO PAPAPAOO O O PAOO O O O OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AOOO GEGEGE:GE:GE:GE::GE:E: 151515151515151511511515151515115115151115111111111 1 1 22222222222222222 2 22 33333333333333333333333 4444444444444444444444 55555555555555555555555555555555555555 5555555555555555555555555555 5 666666 6666666666 66666 6666 66 66 6 6 6666 6 77 77 7 777777777 77777777 88 888 88 88888 8888 99999999999999999 99 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999999999999999999999999999999999 999999999999999999999999999999999999 99999999999999999999 10101010101010011010101010101010101011111011 1111111 12121211212 1111113 333333 1414141414144 111111115 5 5 5555 1116161616161616161616161616161611616161616161616 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111777777777777777777777777777 1818188181181811111 11111111111111119999999999999999 9 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 20202020202020202020220202020202000202000000

Christine Vincent

Roy Welland

Bachar Abou Chanab Sabine Auken

Page 16: DAILY BULLETIN ISSUE No 7 Thursday, 28 February 2019 ...championships.eurobridge.org/EMTC2019/Bulletins/Bul_07.pdfFour lucky declarer’s received a club/ heart lead, which simplified

11 222 333 444 5 666 77 88 9 100 1111 12 1113 1144 155 166 111777 11888 1119999 222000GO TO PAGE:

1st European Mixed Teams Championship Lisbon, Portugal • 22 - 28 February 2019


Written by Mark Horton

Latvia who have performed superbly so far were looking for a win to keep up their chase for the title,

while Turkey need one to maintain their hopes of a top eight finish.

Board 15. Dealer South. N/S Vul. [ A K 8 4 ] A { Q J 7 4 3 } A J 8 [ Q 7 6 5 2 [ 10 ] Q 10 6 5 ] K J 8 7 3 2 { A 2 { K 10 8 } 7 5 } 9 3 2 [ J 9 3 ] 9 4 { 9 6 5 } K Q 10 6 4

Open Room West North East South Lorencs Kutuk Romanovska Kolata

— — — Pass 2{* Dbl 4] Pass Pass Dbl All Pass

2{ 3-8, 4+]/4+[

Declarer lost two clubs, a heart and a spade, -100.

Closed Room West North East South Gur Rubins M Aluf Alfejeva

— — — Pass 2] Dbl 4] Pass Pass Dbl Pass 5} All Pass

Would you have found the diamond lead?When West led a heart declarer won perforce with

dummy’s ace, crossed to hand with a club, ruffed a heart with the }A, drew trumps and played a diamond, soon able to claim,+600 and 11 IMPs.

Board 22. Dealer East. E/W Vul. [ A 7 6 4 ] 9 7 2 { K 7 6 2 } 5 2 [ 9 8 3 [ K Q 5 ] 6 5 ] A K J 8 4 3 { A 9 { 10 8 5 } A Q J 8 7 3 } 9 [ J 10 2 ] Q 10 { Q J 4 3 } K 10 6 4

Open Room West North East South Lorencs Kutuk Romanovska Kolata

— — 1] Pass 2} Pass 3] Pass 4] All Pass

South led the {Q and declarer won with dummy’s ace and returned a diamond, North winning with the king and switching to the [4. Declarer put up the king and when it held she ruffed a diamond and played a heart to the jack and queen. She ruffed the diamond return, drew trumps, crossed to the }A and played a spade, +620.

Closed Room West North East South Gur Rubins M Aluf Alfejeva

— — 1] Pass 2} Pass 2] Pass 3} Pass 3] Pass 4] All Pass

Here declarer ducked the diamond lead and North overtook the queen with the king and returned a spade. When the king held declarer crossed to the {A, cashed the }A and ran the }Q, pitching a spade. South won and played a spade, North winning and exiting with the ]2. When declarer put in the jack South could win and exit with a heart for two down and 13 IMPs.


Latvia vs Turkey

}} 5555 22

Page 17: DAILY BULLETIN ISSUE No 7 Thursday, 28 February 2019 ...championships.eurobridge.org/EMTC2019/Bulletins/Bul_07.pdfFour lucky declarer’s received a club/ heart lead, which simplified


1st European Mixed Teams Championship Lisbon, Portugal • 22 - 28 February 2019

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Okay Gur

Karlis Rubins

Maisy Aluf Jelena Alfejeva

Board 24. Dealer West. None Vul. [ A ] A J 9 7 6 5 { K 5 } Q J 10 4 [ 7 [ Q 10 9 8 5 4 ] 2 ] Q 10 8 { A Q 8 6 { J 10 4 } A 9 8 7 6 5 2 } K [ K J 6 3 2 ] K 4 3 { 9 7 3 2 } 3

Open Room West North East South Lorencs Kutuk Romanovska Kolata

2}* 2] 2[ 3] Pass 4] All Pass

2} 11-15, 5} +4]/[ or 6+}

East led the }A and switched to the [10, declarer winning with the ace, cashing the ]A, crossing to

the ]K and playing a diamond. West took the ace and returned a diamond and declarer won with the king and played a club. It would not help East to ruff, so she pitched a spade and declarer ruffed, ruffed a diamond and exited with a heart, forcing East to lead into dummy’s spade tenace for a well played +420.

Closed Room West North East South Gur Rubins M Aluf Alfejeva

1} 1] 1[ 2] 3} 4] All Pass

East led the }K and switched to the {4, West winning with the ace and returning the six to declarer’s king. He ruffed a club, played a spade to the ace and ruffed another club as East pitched the {J. When declarer tried to cash the [K West could ruff with the ]2 and declarer had to go one down for a loss of 10 IMPs.

It was unlucky, but cashing the ]K first would have saved the day. 6 declarers failed to make 4].

Latvia won 27-18, maintaining their challenge for the title.


Page 18: DAILY BULLETIN ISSUE No 7 Thursday, 28 February 2019 ...championships.eurobridge.org/EMTC2019/Bulletins/Bul_07.pdfFour lucky declarer’s received a club/ heart lead, which simplified

11 222 333 444 5 666 77 88 9 100 1111 12 1113 1144 155 166 111777 11888 1119999 222000GO TO PAGE:

1st European Mixed Teams Championship Lisbon, Portugal • 22 - 28 February 2019


Results — Day 6

1 ROMANIA LATVIA 24 13 13.45 6.552 AUSTRIA SWEDEN 14 39 3.45 16.553 FRANCE RUSSIA 20 22 9.29 10.714 FINLAND TURKEY 15 36 4.21 15.795 SWITZERLAND BULGARIA 5 29 3.63 16.376 ENGLAND CROATIA 27 15 13.71 6.297 BELGIUM ICELAND 23 0 16.18 3.828 POLAND SCOTLAND 13 24 6.55 13.459 ITALY SERBIA 38 12 14.73 3.2710 NETHERLANDS ESTONIA 22 11 13.45 6.5511 PORTUGAL GERMANY 0 32 2.29 17.7112 HUNGARY ISRAEL 28 0 17.08 2.9213 NORWAY GREECE 14 22 7.39 12.6114 IRELAND SPAIN 41 8 17.86 2.1415 DENMARK CZECH REP. 21 9 13.71 6.29

1 TURKEY LATVIA 18 27 7.10 12.902 ITALY BULGARIA 17 21 8.62 11.383 SWEDEN SWITZERLAND 50 4 19.44 0.564 FINLAND ENGLAND 32 28 11.38 8.625 BELGIUM FRANCE 9 64 0.00 20.006 SCOTLAND ROMANIA 39 11 17.08 2.927 AUSTRIA RUSSIA 13 35 4.01 15.998 CROATIA NETHERLANDS 53 15 18.54 1.469 PORTUGAL ICELAND 33 7 16.73 3.2710 ISRAEL POLAND 19 24 8.30 11.7011 NORWAY SERBIA 46 26 15.58 4.4212 ESTONIA IRELAND 15 32 5.07 14.9313 CZECH REP. GERMANY 6 35 2.76 17.2414 DENMARK HUNGARY 36 12 16.37 3.6315 GREECE SPAIN 9 32 3.82 16.18

1 DENMARK ITALY 25 20 11.70 8.302 GERMANY SWITZERLAND 26 8 15.15 4.853 CROATIA FINLAND 41 15 16.73 3.274 ICELAND SWEDEN 25 18 12.31 7.695 TURKEY POLAND 21 31 6.82 13.186 RUSSIA SERBIA 19 0 15.37 2.637 LATVIA ESTONIA 25 0 16.55 3.458 BULGARIA FRANCE 13 17 8.62 11.389 ENGLAND HUNGARY 29 4 16.55 3.4510 BELGIUM GREECE 38 9 17.24 2.7611 SCOTLAND SPAIN 34 9 16.55 3.4512 AUSTRIA ROMANIA 14 26 6.29 13.7113 NETHERLANDS CZECH REP. 36 12 16.37 3.6314 PORTUGAL IRELAND 16 21 8.30 11.7015 NORWAY ISRAEL 22 26 8.62 11.38

1 POLAND RUSSIA 11 20 7.10 12.902 FRANCE ROMANIA 35 12 16.18 3.823 PORTUGAL CZECH REP. 42 22 15.58 4.424 NETHERLANDS DENMARK 20 52 2.29 17.715 SPAIN ITALY 1 47 0.56 19.446 GREECE SCOTLAND 54 34 15.58 4.427 HUNGARY BELGIUM 20 59 1.34 18.668 ENGLAND GERMANY 40 35 11.70 8.309 ESTONIA SWITZERLAND 26 10 14.70 5.3010 SERBIA LATVIA 35 45 6.82 13.1811 AUSTRIA NORWAY 24 16 12.61 7.3912 TURKEY ICELAND 15 63 0.36 19.6413 CROATIA SWEDEN 37 27 13.18 6.8214 BULGARIA FINLAND 56 25 17.56 2.4415 ISRAEL IRELAND 14 41 3.09 16.91






1 SWEDEN 319.61

2 FRANCE 311.85

3 LATVIA 309.96

4 DENMARK 305.67

5 ROMANIA 300.95

6 RUSSIA 299.80

7 POLAND 299.13

8 GERMANY 291.73

9 ITALY 290.05

10 CROATIA 289.60

11 ENGLAND 289.06

12 BULGARIA 271.09

13 TURKEY 263.63

14 AUSTRIA 255.57


16 NORWAY 248.23

17 BELGIUM 246.58

18 SCOTLAND 237.40

19 ESTONIA 222.44

20 IRELAND 213.65

21 PORTUGAL 212.97

22 SERBIA 211.97

23 FINLAND 208.94

24 GREECE 208.25

25 HUNGARY 205.47

26 CZECH REP. 203.09

27 SPAIN 191.57

28 ICELAND 181.73

29 ISRAEL 177.61


Page 19: DAILY BULLETIN ISSUE No 7 Thursday, 28 February 2019 ...championships.eurobridge.org/EMTC2019/Bulletins/Bul_07.pdfFour lucky declarer’s received a club/ heart lead, which simplified

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Page 20: DAILY BULLETIN ISSUE No 7 Thursday, 28 February 2019 ...championships.eurobridge.org/EMTC2019/Bulletins/Bul_07.pdfFour lucky declarer’s received a club/ heart lead, which simplified


N O V E M B E R 7 - 1 7 , 2 1 9EILAT - ISRAEL