daily collection of maritime press clippings 2008 –...

DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 085 Distribution : daily 4050+ copies worldwide Page 1 3/26/2008 Number 085 *** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS *** Thursday 27-03-2008 News reports received from readers and Internet News articles taken from various news sites. SVITZER OCEAN TOWAGE Jupiterstraat 33 Telephone : + 31 2555 627 11 2132 HC Hoofddorp Telefax : + 31 2355 718 96 The Netherlands E-mail: [email protected] The COOLWATER encountered some problems and was taken under tow by the RT MAGIC bound for the Caland jetty Photo : Bas van Hoorn – Master RT Magic ©

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Page 1: DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 085newsletter.maasmondmaritime.com/pdf/2008/085-27-03-2008.pdf · 2008-03-26 · Reed's Commercial Salvage Practice Vol 1 & 2


Distribution : daily 4050+ copies worldwide Page 1 3/26/2008

Number 085 *** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS *** Thursday 27-03-2008 News reports received from readers and Internet News articles taken from various news sites.

SVITZER OCEAN TOWAGE Jupiterstraat 33 Telephone : + 31 2555 627 11 2132 HC Hoofddorp Telefax : + 31 2355 718 96 The Netherlands E-mail: [email protected]

The COOLWATER encountered some problems and was taken under tow by the RT MAGIC bound for the Caland jetty

Photo : Bas van Hoorn – Master RT Magic ©

Page 2: DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2008 – 085newsletter.maasmondmaritime.com/pdf/2008/085-27-03-2008.pdf · 2008-03-26 · Reed's Commercial Salvage Practice Vol 1 & 2


Distribution : daily 4050+ copies worldwide Page 2 3/26/2008


Above seen David on the bridge of Pasha Bulker as she was departing Newcastle to be handed over to her owners after the successful re-floating operation – Photo : Ian Edwards ©

The editor of the newsclippings received the sad news that :

Capt. DAVID HANCOX Senior Salvage Master

Passed away Sunday March 23rd 2008 in Geelong (Australia)

Captain David Hancox became involved in the salvage industry and in 25 years he has worked in most facets of casualty salvage and wreck removal and acquired a high level of technical proficiency. Employed by a leading salvage

company in the Far East his skills were recognized by promotion to Senior Salvage Master and Salvage Manager

David wrote in his life also books , with as sample Reed's Commercial Salvage Practice Vol 1 & 2 and Secret Hydrographic Surveys in the Spratly Islands

I would like to wish on behalf of all readers David’s family all the strength to cope with loss

David’s funeral will be on Friday in Melbourne at the Mission to Seaman centre


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Distribution : daily 4050+ copies worldwide Page 3 3/26/2008


The EVELYN MAERSK seen in Rotterdam – Europoort Photo : Fred Vloo ©

Cruise certificaten voor Curaçaose studenten Door : Els Kroon

Vijftien studenten van Maris Stella SBO en Ban Bria SBO rondden gisteren op de Sea Princess hun stagebezoeken aan het cruiseschip af met een formele ceremonie aan boord. Kapitein Dino Sagani reikte ten overstaan van onderwijs gedeputeerde Marylin Alcala Walle en vertegenwoordigers van schoolbesturen, inspectie en directie de certificaten uit. Ook aanwezig waren Jan Ackermans en Chris Hernandez van de Mgr. Verriet Zeeverkennersgroep die een donatie voor de bouw van een steiger voor de optimisten boten, het toekomstige “Sea Princess Dock” in

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ontvangst mochten nemen. De donatie was bijeengebracht door bemanning en passagiers van het schip. Hoewel het al tweede paasdag was speelden de beruchte Kuaresma winden het cruiseschip parten. Een monstergolf ten zuiden van Jamaica reduceerde de kruissnelheid van 19 naar 17 knopen en het aanleggen aan de megapier leverde spectaculaire beelden op. Als de studenten een uur later dan gepland aan boord gaan is het stil. Vrijwel alle passagiers maken van het laatste bezoek van de Sea Princess aan Curaçao gebruik om de beroemde pontjesbrug over te steken, het Penha gebouw te fotograferen, deel te nemen aan een tour of de naderende voltooiing van het Renaissancegebouw van dichtbij te bekijken, nadat het imposante uitzicht op beide zijden van de Annabaai bij het binnenvaren vanaf het veertiende dek is bewonderd. Kapitein Sagani herinnert zich dat hij als eerste officier aan boord van de Dawn Princess, nog voor de millenniumwisseling, een heel ander beeld kreeg van het eiland. “Curaçao is momenteel zeer in trek bij de passagiers” stelt de master van het schip vast. “En terecht! De stad is sterk veranderd, mooier geworden” vindt ook hij. Niet alleen het uitzicht wekt bewondering, ook de lokale studenten hebben een goede indruk achtergelaten. Dit seizoen stelde moedermaatschappij Princess Cruises opnieuw een groep horeca en toerisme studenten in de gelegenheid om kennis te maken met alle ins en outs van het cruisebedrijf, ook achter de schermen. Kosten nog moeite werden gespaard om de groep te accommoderen tijdens het verblijf van het schip in onze haven. Personeelsmanager Goran Rorbek liet de studenten meelopen met leden van de vaste bemanning in een door henzelf gekozen afdeling. Het zogenaamde jobshadowen werd gevolgd door een vragenuurtje en een lunch op het lido dek. Op zichzelf al een leerzame ervaring, waarbij de groep belangstelling genoot van de passagiers aan boord, dankzij de herkenbare uniformblouses. In ruil voor de gastvrijheid stelden de studenten van beide scholen een verslag van ervaringen en aanbevelingen samen dat tijdens de ceremonie werd overhandigd. Telecuracao zond de beelden uit. Voor het eerst waren er ook UNA (University of the Netherlands Antilles) studenten aan boord. Drie bijna afgestudeerde kandidaten kwamen een kijkje nemen op het schip met de bedoeling te solliciteren naar een stageplaats aan boord, die mogelijk kan uitmonden in een kortstondige baan waarin het geleerde kan worden toegepast en nieuwe ervaringen kunnen worden opgedaan. Rorbek spant zich duidelijk in om deze hoog gekwalificeerde studenten geplaatst te krijgen, maar het hoofdkantoor beslist, dus het blijft nog even spannend voor de toekomstige leiders in de toerisme branche. Als het schip bij zonsondergang uitvaart gaan zowel de studenten van de UNA als de SBO’s ontelbare indrukken rijker naar huis. Zoals altijd werden alle kosten gedragen door Princess Cruises. Volgend jaar is een nieuwe groep studenten welkom als het aan de bemanning van dit schip ligt. Maar ook hierin beslist het hoofdkantoor. Vanaf november keren de Princess schepen terug.

Riverdance ferry: 10 days for decision Riverdance is staying on Blackpool beach for at least another two weeks after coastguard bosses declared it will be "around 10 days," before a decision is made on what to do next with the stricken ferry. Salvage bosses, ferry owners Seatruck Ferries Ltd and their insurance company had planned to meet last week to discuss a resolution to get the ship off the beach. But that has now been put back and it could be more than a week before an announcement is made. A spokesman for the Marine and Coastguard Agency, said: "What is happening at the moment is that Hugh Shaw, (the Secretary of State's Representative for Maritime Salvage and Intervention) is looking at all the various options and discussing them with the salvors and insurance company. "The ship will not be able to be refloated in the standard way but that isn't to say it won't be able to be refloated at all. "They should have some information on what will happen going forward in around 10 days." Riverdance has been gradually sinking onto the beach for almost two months after she ran aground on January 31 after being "broadsided," by a freak wave while sailing from Warrenpoint in Northern Ireland to Heysham.

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PP calls for Tripartite Talks on New Flame Antonio Sanz from the Partido Popular, the Party that recently lost the Spanish General Elections, has announced that he is to table questions over the New Flame before the European Parliament as the PP continues its onslaught over what it deems the lack of work on salvaging stricken vessel New Flame.

Sanz will be tabling questions over the New Flame before the European Parliament on the 21st April. The Partido Popular has also called on a renewal of the Tripartite forum talks to discuss issues surrounding the New Flame, calling for the creation of an authority that would control and manage what it describes as "floating petrol stations" operating in the Bay and Straits area.

Japan offers $200 mln soft loan for shipping industry in Indonesia

Japan offered a soft loan of 150 to 200 million U.S. dollars to the shipping industry in Indonesia, Director for Sea Transport of the Indonesian Transport Ministry Effendi Batubara said Monday. Batubara said that the loan would be disbursed from this year to the next year with an interest of 1.3 percent. "The loan is for developing the shipping industry," he told reporters at the sidelines of a seminar here. "Now there are seven shipping companies submitting the credit," said Batubara. The shipping industry of the archipelago country needs funds of over 34 trillion rupiah (some 3.70 billion U.S. dollars). Ship is a cheaper and favorite transport means connecting over 17,000 islands in the fourth most populous country with 240 million population. Source: Xinhua

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The COOLWATER seen moored at the Caland jetty Photo : Jan Verhoog ©

Russia might boost number of fishery inspectors

The number of fishery inspectors on board Russian trawlers might be more than doubled, Head of the Russian State Committee of Fisheries, Andrey Krainy, says. The measure, which is intended to help fight illegal fishing, will shortly be presented to the Russian government, Mr Krainy yesterday confirmed to the press. The powerful fishery boss said that he will request the government to allocate funding for an additional 5000 inspectors. From before, 3044 inspectors operate on Russian fishery vessels, B-port.com reports. In Soviet times the number of fishery inspectors is reported to have been as high as 25,000. At the same time, Mr. Krainy underlined that the inspectors will not be authorized to detain law violators, but only conduct catch control and help protect marine resources. Source : BarentsObserver

MSC to hike BAF boxes from Italy, Spain, France, Portugal from April 15

Mediterranean Shipping Company has announced that it will increase its bunker adjustment factor (BAF) on imports from Italy, Spain, South France and Portugal to the US to US$75 per TEU from April 15 due to increasing fuel costs, said a company statement. "Containers arriving in US east coast ports from abovementioned countries will be increased to $600 per 20'unit; and $1,200 per 40' unit," said the MSC statement. The rate for containers arriving at US Pacific coast ports will increase to $660 per TEU and $3,120 per FEU. "These increases are necessary to provide timely and efficient cargo transportation services from the Geneva-based company," said the release. Source : schednet.com

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Russian trawler fined The captain of the Murmansk-registered trawler "Koralnes" has agreed to pay a 500.000 NOK (61.800 EUR) fine for having failed to register catch results in the Norwegian economic zone. The Norwegian Coast Guard last night detained the Russian trawler “Koralnes”, suspected of having failed to register catch. According to NRK, the Murmansk-registered trawler is believed to have caught 48,5 tons of fish without registering the catch. The vessel has now been accompanied to the Norwegian port of Bodø. The “Koralnes” had the necessary catch permissions for fishing in the Norwegian zone, but still failed to register its catch results when leaving the

zone. A Norwegian police spokesman says to NRK that the captain has been questioned and that he has agreed to pay the 500.000 NOK fine. Source : BarentsObserver

SA tops list as leading stowaway region South Africa has topped the list of countries for the most stowaways during the period 1997-2007, according to UK P&I Club. There was a 100% increase in stowaway incidents globally in the last decade, which cost the international shipping industry more than US$20m a year, with China and West and East Africa the main regions for stowaway activity.

Lifeboat to be assessed after gale damage THE damage to Dunbar lifeboat, which was driven on to rocks by stormy seas at the weekend, is to be assessed later this week. The all-weather lifeboat the Sir Ronald Pechell was torn from its moorings at Skateraw Harbour, near Torness Power Station, early on Saturday. Volunteer crews from the Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) joined Coastguards and staff from Torness Power Station and other local businesses in salvaging the boat once the weather became calmer. They brought the boat ashore, and were able to confirm that while it was badly damaged, there had been no leakage from the fuel tank, as had been feared, and no there was no cause for environmental concerns. The boat will be taken to a dockyard for a thorough technical investigation to assess damage. A relief lifeboat is expected to arrive in Dunbar later this week. RNLI stations at Eyemouth, St Abbs, North Berwick and Anstruther will provide search and rescue cover until then. John Caldwell, divisional inspector for the RNLI Scotland, said: "I would like to express my sincere thanks to everyone who helped us to recover the lifeboat safely."

Napoli inquiry goes on the road People are being invited to give their views to an inquiry over the grounding of the MSC Napoli off Devon. Roadshow events are being held in communities close to where part of the wreck remains as part of Devon County Council's inquiry into the incident. It is 14 months since the ship was deliberately grounded in Lyme Bay. Part of the stern still has to be cleared. The inquiry roadshow is at Sidmouth and Branscombe on Wednesday, and at Seaton and Beer on Thursday. Work to remove the Napoli's stern section is expected to start in April.

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The vessel was deliberately beached in Lyme Bay, a World Heritage Coast site, in January 2007 after it was damaged in storms, while en-route to South Africa. In the ensuing £50m salvage operation, nearly 4,000 tonnes of oil was pumped off the ship and more than 2,300 containers were removed. Thousands of people from across the UK descended on Branscombe beach to scavenge the contents of 50 containers which washed ashore. The ship was later split in two by controlled explosions and the bow taken to Belfast. The government has rejected calls for a full public inquiry, but its Marine Accident Investigation Branch is holding an investigation. A draft report has been circulated to interested parties and a full report is expected next month. The council's inquiry is considering whether the protected coastline should be a place of refuge for shipping in emergencies. It is also looking at salvage and public disorder issues. The council said: "The purpose of the inquiry is to learn lessons to inform local and national contingency plans to minimise the potential for an incident similar to the MSC Napoli reoccurring, and for authorities to be better prepared to minimise any impact of future incidents."

Hong Kong divers find two bodies in sunken Ukrainian tugboat

Divers found two bodies on Wednesday inside a Ukrainian tugboat which sank in Hong Kong waters four days ago, a rescue official said, as they searched for 18 sailors thought trapped. "The two bodies were found inside the vessel," said Tony Leung, a spokesman for the fire department, whose diving team has been conducting the search and rescue operation since the boat sank on Saturday. The first body was found around 1:00 am (1700 GMT) and the second at 2:30 am, Leung said, as divers scoured the tugboat for any sign of the sailors. If all 18 Ukrainians are found dead, it would be the worst marine disaster for decades in Hong Kong, one of the world's leading ports and maritime centres. A spokeswoman for Hong Kong's marine department confirmed that two bodies had been found, but said they had not yet been identified. The tugboat sank in waters near to Hong Kong's international airport after it collided with a Chinese cargo ship, called Yaohai, in foggy conditions late on Saturday. The 2,723-tonne tug NEFTEGAZ 67 had 24 Ukrainian crew and one Chinese sailor aboard. Six Ukrainians and the Chinese sailor were rescued. Marine Department officials have said the crew's only chance of survival would be if they had found an air pocket, but rescue operations had so far found no signs of life despite repeated dives to the sunken vessel. Department head Roger Tupper on Monday said medical experts had indicated the missing sailors might survive around 12 hours, given the conditions. Wednesday night would mark 96 hours since the tugboat sank. Divers carried out numerous sorties and knocked repeatedly on the hull to try to see if there was any sign of life. An inspection six months ago on the Neftegaz-67, which was stuck upside down on the sea bed at a depth of 37 metres (120 feet), had uncovered a catalogue of problems, a report in the South China Morning Post said. The inspection in the nearby Chinese port of Shenzhen had detailed safety faults, as well as technical and navigational problems on the tug, the report said, citing information from Lloyd's Marine Intelligence Unit. In addition, port authorities in Hong Kong had detained the tug twice in 2003 after it had failed safety inspections, the English-language daily said. San Francisco port authorities had also detained the ship once that year. One of the reasons for one of the Hong Kong detentions -- when a ship is made to stay in port until it is considered safe -- was a failure to provide emergency breathing apparatus, the report added. Experts said the fact the tug had been inspected 10 times in five years was not unusual. "It is perhaps unusual to have detentions," said Arthur Bowring, managing director of the Hong Kong Shipowners' Association, according to the report. "That could perhaps be an indication that there could be something wrong." A delegation from the Ukraine led by the vice minister of transport Vasyl Shevchenko arrived in Hong Kong Wednesday and was briefed on the rescue effort, a government spokesman here said in a statement.

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Angstig baggerpersoneel is overbelading spuugzat

In de baggerwereld worden mensenlevens op het spel gezet omdat beladingsvoorschriften massaal worden genegeerd. Ervaren baggermeesters, stuurlui en ander personeel op de vloot van Nederlands grootste baggeraar, Boskalis, luiden de noodklok over de misstanden. „Overbelading, die heel gemakkelijk kan leiden tot het kapseizen van een baggerschip, wordt op grote schaal gedoogd.” Volgens de woordvoerder van Boskalis is overbelading verboden en als het gebeurt dan zou het gaan om incidenten. Uit beladingsstaten die De Financiële Telegraaf in handen heeft, blijkt echter dat het levensgevaarlijke overbeladen regelmatig voorkomt. Volgens de Raad voor de Scheepvaart laten bedrijven hun vloot vaak meer baggeren dan de ruimen aankunnen. „De schepen raken door het overgewicht snel in onbalans met alle risico’s van dien.” Het tuchtcollege voor de scheepvaart kwam tot deze opmerkelijke uitspraak, die eigenlijk de hele branche treft, in het onderzoek naar het ongeluk met de Nautilus. In 2006 kapseisde deze Boskalis-hopperzuiger voor de kust van Afrikaans Congo. Bij het ongeluk kwamen drie van de achttien opvarenden om, onder wie een eerste stuurman uit Leiden. Volgens de Raad voor de Scheepvaart en de Inspectie Verkeer en Waterstaat (IVW), die onderzoek deden naar het omslaan van de Nautilus, was overbelading de enige oorzaak van het drama. Op basis van eerdere ladinggevens kon de inspectie constateren dat het schip vaker overbeladen was. De IVW heeft bovendien een verkennend onderzoek uitgevoerd bij een aantal grote opdrachtgevers van de baggersector, waarbij het beeld bevestigd wordt dat overbelading binnen de branche regelmatig voorkomt. Een groot deel van het vlootpersoneel stoort zich mateloos aan de „arrogante wie-maaktons-wathouding” van de raad van bestuur, aldus de bronnen. Die zou veiligheid naar de buitenwacht vooral met de mond belijden, maar intern geen enkele procedure in gang zetten om overbelading te verbieden. „We hebben nimmer een interne reactie, laat staan schrijven, gekregen over het ongeluk met de Nautilus. Mensenlevens zijn bij Boskalis blijkbaar een stuk minder waard dan de rinkelende kassa. Het opzuigen van meer zand of slib scheelt een tochtje naar de stort en dat bespaart weer brandstof”, aldus klokkenluiders onder het vlootpersoneel. Dit laatste erkent ook de Raad voor de Scheepvaart. Bovendien: „Kritiek op het beladingsregime wordt niet gevreten. Dan word je zonder pardon weggepromoveerd naar een klein project ergens diep in donker Afrika of mag je op kantoor een anoniem bestaan gaan leiden.” Zelfs kapiteins lijken steeds meer de kant van het hoofdkantoor te kiezen. „Het gaat vaak om jonge jongens uit de Baltische staten, jaknikkers, opgeleid in de overbeladingscultuur”, aldus bemanningen. Omdat de topman van Boskalis gisteren zelf niet kon reageren schoof het bedrijf or-voorzitter Theo Scheurwater naar voren. Hij zegt te schrikken van het gevoel van onbehagen dat zou heersen onder een deel van het vlootpersoneel. „Ik kan het niet zo goed plaatsen. Herken het absoluut niet. Alle communicatie gaat via de kapitein als verantwoordelijke van het schip. Het is zijn taak om de informatie te delen met de bemanning. Er zijn drie brieven uitgestuurd over de Nautilus-kwestie en het veiligheidsbeleid.” Marcel van den Broek van FNV Waterbouw, zegt dat het loyaliteitsprobleem een bekend verschijnsel is. „In het buitenland hebben schepen meestal twee kapiteins. Als een van die twee op een schip een ’goede’ productie draait dan kan de ander eigenlijk niet achterblijven. Want dat ziet het hoofdkantoor. Overbelading is binnen de branche een publiek geheim.” Volgens insiders groeit, ondanks de ’angst’ voor de raad van bestuur, het gevoel van onbehagen met de dag. „Ik kijk voor ik ga slapen altijd of mijn patrijspoort niet is dicht geroest. Ik bedank ervoor om nu al naar de kelder te gaan”, zijn enkele reacties. De IVW stuit geregeld op onveilige situaties op de baggerschepen en gaat scherper controleren. „Ja, lekker makkelijk, in Nederland! . We zijn ook actief in Afrika en daar geldt gewoon de wet van de jungle”, aldus een stuurman.

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De Raad voor de Scheepvaart heeft de branchevereniging voor de waterbouw VBKO opgeroepen om met haar leden in overleg te gaan. Dit om „oneigenlijke concurrentie, die ten koste gaat van mensenlevens, te voorkomen.” Een woordvoerder van Boskalis benadrukte gisteren met klem dat overbelading absoluut niet mag en tegen alle regels is. „Ik distantieer me van het beeld dat geschetst wordt. Mocht overbelading toch voorkomen, worden er meteen intern maatregelen getroffen.” Welke dat precies zijn, doet hij niet uit de doeken. Bron : De Financiële Telegraaf

CORRECTION In newsletter 083 a photo was used of the MIGHTY SERVANT 1 arriving in Rotterdam Europoort, the captioning was

NOT correct, the photo was made bij Hans Lingbeek instead of Frans Sanderse Sorry for the mistake made !!

US Says 1 Dead in Suez Canal Shooting The United States acknowledged Wednesday that an Egyptian citizen was killed when a U.S. Navy-contracted ship fired warning shots at approaching motor boats in the Suez Canal. In the immediate aftermath of the late Monday incident, the U.S. embassy in Cairo and the U.S. Navy maintained that according to the security team aboard the vessel, the Global Patriot, there were no casualties. But on Wednesday, an embassy statement said it "appears that an Egyptian in the boat was killed by one of the warning shots." The shots apparently killed Mohammed Fouad, who was buried Tuesday amid expressions of anger against the Egyptian government and the U.S. by family members. The Navy has been leery of small boats getting near its warships since al-Qaida suicide attackers rammed an explosives-packed motorboat into the USS Cole off Yemen, killing 17 sailors in 2000. Cmdr. Lydia Robertson, spokeswoman for the Bahrain-based U.S. 5th Fleet, said cargo ships sailing under contract to the Navy follow the same rules of engagement as American warships in dealing with approaching boats. The Global Patriot, a civilian ship under short-term contract to the Navy, was approached by small motor boats that often conduct informal commerce with canal shipping. "The boats were hailed and warned by a native Arabic speaker using a bullhorn to warn them to turn away. A warning flare was then fired," the embassy said Tuesday. "One small boat continued to approach the ship and received two sets of warning shots 20-30 yards in front of the bow." Source : AP

CASUALTY REPORTING Several Easter incidents in the Baltic Sea

A number of accidents occured in the Baltic Sea during Easter holiday. On Monday, the crane pontoon barge Pontus and the dredger barge Elvira sunk east of Häradsskär off Valdermarsvik on the Swedish east coast. The were under tow by the tug boat Frigga on a voyage to Frederikshavn from Stockholm, when they capsized in strong winds. A third barge also under tow remained afloat. “It was a sudden and unexpected weather shift with heavy snow falls and winds up to 15 metres per second”, says Johan Reistad of Baltic Mammoth, owner of Frigga to SST. “We have been cleared to take the remaining barge to Frederikshavn. After that, Frigga is bound for Rotterdam to pick up a barge destined for Lagos”, says Reistad. He is not aware of any decision whether to salvage the sunken barges or not. On Saturday, a seafarer fell overboard from the NIS registered, 3,263.DWT vessel Linda, north of Öresund. According to the rescue service, the SAR operation was called off during Saturday, with the seafarer still missing.

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On Friday, between 20-30 cubic metres of heavy oil were detected in the Tunadal port in Sundsvall. The Swedish coast guard and the local rescue service managed to retrieve 13 cubic metres during the holiday. It is still unclear what the source is and what kind of oil it is. “Samples from the spill have been sent for analysis, and we have also taken samples from ships and industries in the area” says Niklas Ceder of the Swedish coast guard to SSG.

Six feared dead after Vietnam river boat sinks Four Vietnamese river boat crew drowned and two more were missing feared dead after a cargo boat sank on a waterway in a central region of the country, a police official said Wednesday. The vessel with 16 crew was carrying timber when it sank around noon Tuesday on the Dai Giang River in Quang Binh province. Ten of the crew managed to swim to safety. "We found four dead bodies, and two more remain missing," a local police officer told AFP by telephone, adding that the vessel had sunk in an accident that did not involve a second boat.


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2008 South African Navy Festival – a pictorial impression Mar 24, 2008 Author: P&S

Lots of pictures ... A Great day !!


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SHIPYARD NEWS Export Ship Newbuilding Orders with

class Germanischer Lloyd Bangladesh shipyard Highspeed has won an order of eight 4,500 dwt multi-purpose vessels by Dutch shipping company Hollander Schultens. The ships will be built to Germanischer Lloyd class. Construction of the vessels with ice class will start in December 2008. The delivery of all units is scheduled to be completed by April 2012. Until then the yard will upgrade its facilities and add modern equipment. This will include the expansion of the dry dock as well as covered sheds and machinery. Highspeed Shipbuilding and Engineering Company Ltd, based in Fatullah, Narayanganj, is the country's oldest shipyard. It specializes in small river cargo and passenger vessels up to 3,000 tonnes and has built over 100 of these since 1961. It is the third shipyard in Bangladesh to receive export orders. The classification society has been represented in Bangladesh since the mid-1980s. An export order for twelve 5,500 dwt multipurpose vessels at Ananda shipyard in November 2007 will also be built to Germanischer Lloyd class. The construction of five multi-purpose dry cargo vessels at Western Marine shipyard has just begun. The first two keels for the 4,100 dwt vessels were laid at the end of February. The ships were ordered from Danish Stella Shipping and will be built with GL class. Source : MarineLink

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Aker Yards ASA (NO) - Sells parts of ownership in Merchant Vessels business area

Sells parts of ownership in Merchant Vessels business area for EUR 292 million, positioning for Russian market Aker Yards ASA sells 70 percent of the ownership in three of the yards within its business area Merchant Vessels to FLC West, a Russian owned investment company. Aker Yards receives EUR 291.9 million in payment from FLC West. It is expected that the new jointly owned unit will deliver modern vessels to meet the growing demand by Russian companies in hydrocarbons exploration, production and transportation for specialised ships. Aker Yards ASA has three business areas; Cruise & Ferries, Offshore & Specialized Vessels and Merchant Vessels. The business area Merchant Vessels has shipyards in Florø, Norway, Nikolaev in Ukraine, and in Wismar and Warnemünde in Germany. FLC West will buy 70 percent ownership in the Norwegian based company Aker Yards Ukraine Holding AS, which in turn will own 100 percent of the yards in Nikolaev, Wismar and Warnemünde. Aker Yards will remain as owner of 30 percent of Aker Yards Ukraine Holding AS. Currently, Aker Yards Ukraine Holding AS owns 100 percent of Aker Yards' Nikolaev facility in Ukraine. Before the transaction with FLC West, Aker Yards will transfer its 100 percent ownership of the company's yards in Wismar and Warnemünde in Germany to Aker Yards Ukraine Holding AS.

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FLC is a Russian state controlled investment company with USD 1.5 billion in leasing portfolio. The company has been established to invest in industries of strategic importance. In the interest of the Russian Federation, FLC has recently also become heavily involved in developing of the Russian shipbuilding and shipping industry. FLC West is located in Luxembourg, and is owned 50 percent by FLC. The remaining 50 percent is owned by the private Cyprus investment company Almiar Investment Ltd, which in turn is owned by FLC private shareholders. Increased international trade between Russia and international markets, combined with extensive offshore oil and gas development plans in arctic regions with harsh environment, results in a growing need for more specialised vessels. The three shipyards in Aker Yards Ukraine Holding AS will through the new ownership model be in a strong position to compete for contracts for building merchant vessels for Russian operators. Aker Yards has already decades of successful experience with developing and delivering solutions and ships for use in Russia, and the company regards the new agreement as an interesting opportunity to further develop this business relation. The new ownership and business model supports the existing strategy of increased focus on specialised tonnage, in particular for arctic regions. Aker Yards Ukraine Holding AS will continue to be based in Norway with headquarters in Oslo, and the company will later be renamed. Tom Einertsen, currently President of Aker Yards' business area Merchant Vessels will become CEO of the company. There are no planned changes in management, organisation, number of employees, pensions or benefits at the involved yards as a result of the sale. Also, there are no changes to the execution of ongoing contracts and order backlog as a result of the new ownership model. Aker Yards Florø, which is also part of the business area Merchant Vessels, is not influenced by the sale, and remains 100 percent owned by Aker Yards. The yard has currently an order backlog for more than two years with six chemical tankers of which the first ship has just been completed. FLC West buys 70 percent ownership of Aker Yards Ukraine Holding AS and the involved yards for EUR 291.9 million. This implies a total value for 100 percent ownership at EUR 417 million, based on zero debt and zero working capital. The transaction is expected to be completed within the summer of 2008. In Aker Yards' accounts for 2008, the transaction will have effect from 1 January 2008. As a result of the divestment of Aker Yards Ukraine Holding AS and the involved yards, Aker Yards ASA's annual revenues for 2008 will be reduced with approximately NOK 6 billion. Aker Yards' net gain from the transaction compared to book value is approximately NOK 1.2 billion. Possible further effects, including possible influence on Aker Yards ASA's EBITDA margins for 2008 and earnings per share, will be communicated when the group presents its financial results for the first quarter at 7 May, 2008. The transaction is expected to be completed within the summer of 2008. The agreement is pending on approval from relevant authorities, including competition authorities in Germany and Ukraine. In line with the procedures set by the Oslo Stock Exchange, Aker Yards aims at publishing further details of the transaction shortly.

IHC to build new dredger for Panama Canal Authority

LR-Fairplay's Daily Newbuilding News reports that the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) has awarded a contract to design and build a new, more powerful cutter suction dredger to Dutch yard IHC. The new 12,000kW dredger will replace Mindi which has been in service at the Canal since 1942 and has only a 9,000kW capacity. In a statement, the ACP said it expects delivery of the new dredger in May 2011, on time to modernise the Canal equipment required for efficient operation.

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"The construction of a dredge with more pumping capacity and the ability to dredge deeper will allow us to continue to make the waterway even more navigable, safe and efficient," said ACP Vice President of Operations Manuel Benitez. The new dredger will be built in the Netherlands and will have the capacity to dredge along the entire waterway including Gaillard Cut, which is the narrowest stretch in the Panama Canal, Gatun Lake and both Atlantic and Pacific entrances, at a depth of 25m even after the expansion concludes.


The LAUST MAERSK seen departing from Rotterdam-Europoort Photo : Piet Sinke ©

Rotterdam tweede haven voor spoorcontainers

De Rotterdamse haven is opgerukt naar de tweede plaats als het gaat om het vervoer van containers per spoor. Dit blijkt uit de cijfers die begin maart gepresenteerd werden op het internationale spoorcongres van het ‘Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen’ (VDV). Volgens het ‘Institut für Verkehrswirtschaft und Logistik’ (ISL) werd er in 2006 per spoor 4,6 miljoen TEU vervoerd tussen de havens in de Hamburg-Le Havre Range en het achterland. Hiervan nam Hamburg er 1,5 miljoen voor zijn rekening. Rotterdam heeft zijn totaal opgevoerd tot 800.000 en de Bremer havens volgen met 700.000 TEU. De totale containeroverslag (zeezijdig) in de zeehavens zal ook de komende jaren sterk groeien. ISL rekent met de volgende hoeveelheden in respectievelijk 2007 en 2015 (in miljoenen TEU):

Rotterdam 9,6 20,0 Hamburg 8,9 18,1 Antwerpen 7,0 16,0 Bremerhaven 4,4 8,7 Zeebrugge 1,6 2,0 Amsterdam 0,3 2,4 Wilhelmshaven -- 2.7

Het aandeel van de trein in het achterlandvervoer in de EU is met gemiddeld 15 tot 20%, nog bescheiden. Koper springt er uit met 65%. Aan de ander kant van het spectrum bevindt zich Le Havre met 4%. Een aantal havens heeft concrete voornemens om het aandeel op te voeren. Zo wil Antwerpen een verdubbeling van 8% naar 15% in 2015. Rotterdam heeft een vergelijkbaar doel: van krap 9% naar 16%. Beide havens kunnen

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daarnaast overigens ook bogen op een al groot aandeel voor de binnenvaart. Dit zal nog verder groeien, zij het niet zo sterk als dat van het spoor. Naast uitbreiding van de infrastructuur zetten de Noordwest Europese havens in op vergroting van het gebruik van de bestaande capaciteit door de concurrentie tussen spooraanbieders te stimuleren. Ook wil men meer gebruik maken van achterlandterminals als consolidatiepunt en buffer. Rotterdam telt inmiddels 12 terminals waarop containers behandeld (kunnen) worden:

Maasvlakte: ECT oost en west (Distripark), DFDS Tor Line, Euromax Europoort: P&O Ferries, De Rijke Logistics Botlek : Bertschi Rotterdam Pernis: Pernis Combi Terminal Eemhaven: Rail Service Center Rotterdam, Rotterdam Shortsea Terminal, Interforest Waalhaven: Uniport

De meeste terminals kunnen hun overslag nog opvoeren, in enkele gevallen verveelvoudigen. Hiernaast krijgen op Maasvlakte 2 de nieuwe terminals RWG en APM vanaf 2013 hun eigen railterminals. Alle huidige en toekomstige railfaciliteiten zijn aangesloten op de Betuwe Route, de 160 kilometer lange speciale goederenspoorlijn met het Europese achterland met een capaciteit van 400 tot 500 treinen per dag. Deze corridor is voorzien van:

130 viaducten en 18 kilometer tunnels voor ongehinderde doorgang; het Europese ERTMS/ETCS veiligheids/managementsysteem; 25 kV stroomspanning voor extra lange en zware treinen; speciale voorzieningen voor het vervoer van gevaarlijke goederen.

Fairstar Fjord Gets DNV Certification Fairstar Heavy Transport NV (FAIR) received Class Certification from DNV for its self-propelled heavy transport vessel Fjord. In addition, the company signed a new contact to transport a highly specialised cargo from the U.S Gulf of Mexico to the North Sea. The specific identity of the cargo cannot be revealed under the terms of a confidentiality agreement with the client, however, Mario Kerssens, Director of Sales and Marketing for Fairstar comments, "This is a perfect cargo for the maiden voyage of Fjord. While not a rig, the cargo will require a high degree of skill on behalf of the crew and maneuverability by the Fjord in very tight loading conditions. The final destination for the cargo in the North Sea positions Fjord to pick up the floating dry dock in June in Newcastle, UK, which is scheduled to be transported to India. From there, Fjord will move on to Korea to pick up the Tombua Landana module in Korea and transport it to offshore Angola. With this project, the Fjord will now be working for a period of 163 days in 2008." Cristijn Sarvaas, CFO, added "The time charter equivalent revenue for this contract is $81,000 per day for a period of 47 days. This is in line with the forecasts we have been sharing with the market and brings total confirmed gross revenue for the Fjord to over 15 million in 2008. We expect Fjord will continue to achieve this level of day rates for the foreseeable future." Philip Adkins, CEO, said: "The conversion of the Fjord is now finished. On 27 March we will watch it depart over the horizon on its way to the Gulf of Mexico where it will begin to produce the returns our shareholders, bankers and employees all expect and deserve. After we wipe away a tear or two of joy and relief, the Fairstar team will return to the dry dock in Marsa and get back to work on the Fjell."

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Greek dockers and the Greek government deadlocked over plans to

privatize cargo handling facilities Greek dockers and the Greek government appear deadlocked over plans to privatize cargo handling facilities at Piraeus and Thessaloniki. Dockers working for the Piraeus Port Authority held a 24-hour strike last week. There was also a strike in Thessaloniki which effectively closed the commercial port. Port authorities have warned that container storage terminals are already running close to capacity and that further strikes will worsen congestion. Merchant Marine Minister George Voulgarakis, however, has said the government will hold firm to its privatization plans. Voulgarakis stressed that "both ports were heavily in debt and for the first time last year had asked to be included in the State budget." He called on the workers to engage in talks "to avoid the possibility of some of them losing their jobs." Dock workers are slated to carry on in April their refusal to work overtime and on weekends or holidays. The strikes started this year after an announcement by Voulgarakis that a global tender for operators to run Piraeus and Thessaloniki under a 30-year concession would be released. The tenders are for management contracts for two of the three container facilities at Piraeus and for the entire container terminal in Thessaloniki. The Thessaloniki Port Authority on January 15 approved the global tender process while the Piraeus Port Authority approved the tender conditions on January 11. Reports say that parties interested in the privatization include DP World, COSCO Pacific Limited, Maersk (APM Terminals BV.), Hutchison Port Holdings (HPH), and Zim Integrated Shipping Services Ltd (ZIM). Meanwhile, the Piraeus Traders Association is reportedly asking the government for measures to stave off the 'extinction' of hundreds of small and medium import/export companies. It has been estimated that activity for Piraeus' import/export market has dropped by some 60% over the last few weeks of work stoppages at the key ports. Source: portworld.com

Big cruise ship calls at the Tyne ONE of the biggest cruise liners ever to dock in the Port of Tyne is due to arrive on May 6. The 33,950 tonnes Thomson Celebration will set off on its first ever cruise out of the UK on its 'Land of the Vikings' itinerary to the fjords of Norway. Celebrity chef Aldo Zilli has also brought his award winning Zilli restaurant on board to offer a special dining experience. The Thomson Celebration can carry 1,254 customers and offers facilities such as a cinema, two swimming pools, night club, casino, gym and West End style shows, comedy acts, live bands and a kid zone. The ship, which was built in 1983, was acquired by Thomson Cruises from the Holland America Line in 2004 and has been extensively refurbished. The full article contains 134 words and appears in News Guardian newspaper. Source : News Guardian, UK

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Tianjin Port net profit up 16.6% in 2007 Tianjin Port Co, the operator of China's second-largest port by market value, saw net profit jumped 16.6% from the previous year in 2007 thanks to the soaring throughput of coal, metals, steel and container cargo. Net profit climbed to RMB 600 million last year, compared with RMB 515 million in 2006, said the company in an annual earning report. Operating revenue aggregated RMB 2.93 billion, up 14.63% year-on-year. The Shanghai-listed company expects cargo throughput to reach 158.6 million tons this year, with operating revenues keeping the similar growth as last year to hit RMB 3.35 billion. Source: China Knowledge

Hellenic Carriers secures cash for new ships Bulk shipping carrier Hellenic Carriers has secured new loan facilities with banks of up to $310m to fund the purchase of two vessels and provide cash for future growth. The firm said it has agreed a new loan facility with Piraeus Bank S.A. of up to $190m and has accepted an offer from the National Bank of Greece for a loan facility of up to $120m. The Piraeus facility is to be drawn in two advances of $110m and $80m respectively and is to be repaid quarterly over eight years. Meanwhile, the National Bank of Greece has offered a credit line up to $70m, which together with the refinancing of the group’s existing debt to the bank, will result in a loan facility up to $120m to be repaid quarterly within eight years of drawdown. “These financial arrangements constitute a competitive advantage for Hellenic at times of an acute credit crisis and manifest our credit worthiness as well as the excellent relationships we enjoy with our bankers,” said chief executive Fotini Karamanlis. Source: sharecast.com


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Mercator Lines Singapore wins 3-year charter contract worth $42 mln

Mercator Lines (Singapore) Ltd, a unit of Indian shipping company Mercator Lines Ltd, said it has secured a three-year charter contract worth about 42 million US dollars from Hong Kong-based Refined Success Ltd, a unit of shipping conglomerate COSCO (HK) Shipping Co Ltd. The charter period for Mercator Lines' post-Panamax vessel, which has a capacity of 92,500 deadweight tons, is expected to start between May 1 and September 30 next year, Mercator said. A fixed daily time charter equivalent rate of 39,500 US dollars will apply for a period of 35-37 months, it said. "This charter contributes to our strategy of maintaining approximately 70 percent of our vessels in long-term fixed rate contracts. This strategy has worked very well for us, ensuring strong and visible cashflows over a few years," said Shalabh Mittal, managing director and chief executive officer of Mercator Lines. Source: tradingmarkets.com

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The APM Zeebrugge terminal with alongside the MAERSK KOLKATA and the MAERSK KWANGYANG Photo : Henk Claeys ©

Chinese trade pact to boost Peruvian port development

The recently signed free trade agreement between Peru and China looks set to be the catalyst which drives greater growth of Peruvian port facilities. Peru's President Alan García last Friday announced that, because of November's signings, China will consider Peru a “priority” and “privileged” partner for investments, foreign trade and tourism. Such a move, urged García, accelerates the need for rapid port development in the country. Business News Americas pointed out that García himself had met with representatives from some 80 Chinese companies, promoting investments in several sectors including port infrastructure itself. Reports have quoted Peruvian authorities laying out a fivefold increase in the volume of exports to China, a scenario that would up the current $2.5 billion worth of products sold to China to some $12 billion. China is already Peru's second largest export destination after the US. Analysts agree that such a jump in trade volumes could drive Peruvian port development significantly as terminals would need capacity and efficiency to handle large jumps in cargo throughput over the short term. Peruvian Transport and Communications Minister Verónica Zavala had early this year said construction work on DP World's Muelle Sur container terminal in Peru's busiest port of Callao will begin on March 17. The country's Agencia de Promoción de la Inversión Privada (Proinversion) and the Autoridad Portuaria Nacional (APN) had in June 2006 awarded DP World Callao a 30-year concession to develop and operate a new container terminal in Callao port's 'southern zone'. DP World officials say Callao is the largest and fastest growing container port on the west coast of South America with a compound annual growth rate of over 14% per annum since 2000. The new facility will initially be constructed with two berths comprising 660m of quay line and 22 hectares of yard, which, depending on permits and approvals, could be operational as early as the second half of 2009. Further development will match demand growth with total capacity projected to reach 1.35 million TEUs. Preliminary estimates of capital expenditure are approximately $210 million for the first two berths. The berths will initially be capable of handling vessels of 5,500 TEU nominal capacity. Recent reports said that DP World Callao expects to start operations at Muelle Sur by 2010. Elsewhere in Peru, local reports say that tenders for a contract to develop and run Peru's northern port of Paita are scheduled to be released this year.

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Government officials expect the port of Paita, the second biggest in Peru, “to become Brazil's exit to Asia,” said Zavala. Port expansion at Paita will complement the 955 kilometre highway project, which will run across six northern departments. Paita's container terminal currently handles about 100,000 TEUs per year and authorities are expecting the incoming operator to greatly increase capacity and throughput. The port's concession has undergone several delays with the Autoridad Portuaria Nacional (APN) and state agency for private investment promotion ProInversion taking longer than expected to update Peru's national port development plan. García has criticized ProInversion for the delays, calling on officials to boost privatization efforts and launch more new state infrastructure concessional processes. The Peruvian government has also decided to bring forward an auction for the concession to operate Peru's southern port of Pisco. Pisco is a general cargo port, handling liquid natural gas (LNG), metals and agricultural produce. The port was badly damaged last August by the country's worst earthquake in more than 30 years. Proinversion director David Lemor said: “We're going to place priority on projects in the Pisco area, such as the port and a highway to the highlands. It's important that the port is competitive so that exporters have lower costs.” Source: portworld.com

De drijvende bok Triton, met de sleepboten Gyas en Laga, en het ponton Wagenborg Barge 2 beladen met 450 ton scheepssecties welke worden getransporteerd van Ferus Smit in Westerbroek naar Ferus Smit in Leer (Duitsland).

Foto : Marc Mazereeuw - Wagenborg Sleepdienst & Hanzestad Hijstransport

Deep Sea Supply have received a contract of 8 months for the AHTS vessel `Sea Leopard`

Deep Sea is pleased to announce that they have received a contract of 8 months for the AHTS vessel `Sea Leopard`for operations in the Mediterranean, states Deep Sea Supply. End user is ENI Italy.

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Total contract value is approximately EURO 10 mill. `Sea Leopard` has mobilized to Malta and will commence the contract on 27 March 2008. Source : marineNorway

Strikers shut France's biggest oil and gas port Marseille

Strikers on Wednesday halted all operations at France's biggest oil, gas and chemicals port Marseille on the country's Mediterranean coast, the port authority said. "Nothing is operating at the port today," a port spokeswoman said. Strikers set up picket lines at the port entrances, including to the oil terminals at Fos, at 6 am local time (05:00 GMT), the spokeswoman said. France's biggest port workers union, the CGT's Federation Nationale des Ports et Docks, has called out dockers and crane workers at ports across France for 24 hours to protest against government plans to reform operations at seven state-run ports. "The strike is being very well supported according to the information we have so far from ports at Marseille, Le Havre and Bordeaux," a spokeswoman for the union said Wednesday. But the union was unable immediately to put a figure on the number of port workers who had walked out Wednesday. The Marseille hub is home to one-third of France's 1.95 million b/d refining capacity. The port was unable immediately to detail the impact of the strike on tankers trying to get into or leave Marseille's Fos and Lavera oil terminals Wednesday. An 18 day long strike at the port of Marseille last March threatened refining capacity at six plants, representing more than half of the country's total refining capacity and stranded more than 60 tankers outside the port's Fos and Lavera oil terminals. State-run Gaz de France operates a 7 billion cubic meters/year capacity LNG terminal at Fos-sur-Mer in the Marseille hub. According to the port Wednesday, GDF's LNG terminal should not be affected by the strike as no port staff work at the plant. GDF said Tuesday it did not expect operations there to be hit by the protest. Others ports affected by the government reform are on the Atlantic coast at Bordeaux, La Rochelle and Nantes-Saint-Nazaire, where GDF has a 10 billion cu m/year LNG plant at Montoir de Bretagne, plus Le Havre and Dunkerque on the Channel coast in north France. The union is seeking a pledge from Transport minister Dominique Bussereau that a port reform bill due before parliament soon will "not include the principle of the transfer of public equipment and public sector staff to the private sector." At the same time the union has said it is prepared to enter into talks over certain aspects of the planned reform and officials are due to meet ministry officials at 2:30 pm local time Wednesday, according to the union. The government has said it wants to privatize certain operations at seven of France's nine state-run ports in order to boost flagging output at the sites. "The government aims to transfer the handling operations by the ports to private operators. This concerns in particular a total of about several thousand crane operators," the ministry said in a statement January 14. Source: Platts

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Capacity to fall with new Hamburg Sud, Maersk joint US east coast - Australasia service

Maersk and Hamburg Sud have revealed a temporary merger of their two services from the US East Coast/Australasia route to form a joint weekly service with Hapag Lloyd buying slots. "This restructuration will result in a significant reduction in capacity on the ANZ-USEC sector," said AXS-Alphaliner News. Pending regulatory approval by June, it is expected that Hamburg Sud will end its Trident service while Maersk will stop its Oceania service. The restructured service will be complemented for Maersk Line by a new weekly feeder service between NZ ports, Sydney and Melbourne, the Southern Star Express, it said. Twelve vessels with an average capacity of 2,800 TEU and fitted with 530 reefer plugs each, will be deployed from Maersk and Hamburg Sud with each company providing six ships each. With Hamburg Sud handling the transatlantic leg, rotation will be Tilbury, Bremerhaven, Antwerp to Philadelphia and then to Savannah, Balboa, Auckland, Sydney, Melbourne, Port Chalmers, Tauranga, Auckland, Manzanillo (Pan), Cartagena, Savannah, Philadelphia and back to Tilbury. Cartagena will be removed before November, according to the Paris-based shipping news and analysis agency. Cartagena is a regional hub for Hamburg Sud. The new arrangement will cover Maersk's connections with Lyttleton, Wellington, Auckland, Port Chalmers, New Plymouth, Nelson and Timaru. It will replace the Maersk's present Trans-Tasman service, operated jointly with MSC. Maersk says that the change is "a direct result of the negative developments in our cost base, primarily caused by increasing fuel costs, combined with an unsustainable development in the supply and demand balance". Source : schednet.com

The bow of the BELUGA INDICATION with the damage seen moored in the Merwe harbour in Rotterdam Photo : Piet Sinke ©

Fremantle based Sea Corporation signs the world's largest ship agency contract for 2008

Fremantle based ship broking, ship agency and marine service provider Sea Corp has signed an agreement to handle the shipping needs of the Pilbara's new force in iron ore, Fortescue Metals Group. The three-year contract which can be extended for five years, becomes effective from April 2008 and is understood to represent the world's largest ship agency tender signed this year. Seacorp will handle all the ship agency, local

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representation and document execution for Fortescue, and will be the exclusive agent for all ships calling at the Pilbara port of Port Hedland to handle Fortescue cargo. Seacorp managing director Craig Thompson said Seacorp would also be the shipping agent for Fortescue's CFR, cost and freight terms, shipments at various discharge ports in China. Mr Thompson said this resulted in Seacorp opening a representative office in Shanghai and would be followed by the roll out of strategically located branch offices at various Chinese ports. Mr Thompson said Seacorp, which also serviced the north west with its dedicated ship MV Kimberley Rose, was committed to supporting the communities of the Pilbara and Kimberley region. 'Our values are aligned with Fortescue,' Mr Thompson said. 'Like Fortescue we have great faith in the Pilbara and Kimberley regions of this state and are delighted to provide the shipping expertise to support Fortescue, ' Mr Thompson said. Seacorp, which was set up by Craig Thompson in 1998, is the nation's largest independently owned Australian ship agency and shipbroking company. The Fortescue contract raises Seacorp's global status as a ship agency provider with it becoming one of the largest independently owned agencies in the southern hemisphere. Mr Thompson said Fortescue was among a growing number of mining companies requiring independent specialist shipping expertise. Seacorp brought a unique dimension to the Australian transport scene in that it brought an all encompassing shipping and international trade consultancy service to clients. Seacorp's diversified range of services includes ship broking, ship agency, document execution, marine surveys, inspections and the provision of specialised marine personnel. Source : Baird


The SCHELDE HIGHWAY seen moored in Halmstad (Sweden) Photo : Adrian Scales ©


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The boatmen of Willemstad seen working on the moorings of the SEA PRINCESS Photo : Els Kroon ©

Hi, Tuggers,

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