daily commonwealth (frankfort, ky.). (frankfort, ky) 1854...

THE VOL. 1. FARNKFOUT, KENTUCKY, JAN'Y b 1854. NO. 4. THE cnMimVEALTH. iflLL BE PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY, WED- NESDAY, AND FRIDAY, By A. G. HODGES & CO., STATE PRINTERS, A.t THREE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, paya- ble in advance. The Weekly CnM.MoxvEAT,TH, n larrre mam- moth sheet,, is pnhlUhi"! every Tuesday morn- ing' at TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, in ad- vance. Our terms for advertising, either in the Tri- weekly or Weekly Commonwealth, will be as liberal as in any of the newspapers published in the west. O" All letters upon business should be post- paid to insure attention THE SECOND EDITION OF THE Code of Practice, WITH AN IMPROVED INDEX, Is now published, and for sale at this Office. O" Persons desiring single copies, by remit- ting us ONE DOLLAR, will receive a copy bj return mail. Address A. G. HODGES fc Co., Frankfort, Ky. January II, 1853. REVISED STATUTES OF KENTUCKY, By C. A.Vickliire,.S. Turner, Jt .S.S. Nicholas, COMMiaSIOXEKS ArpormjD BY the legislature: APPROVED & ADOPTED BY THE LEGISLATURE; Just published, and may be obtained at THIS OFFICE, op. at WILLIAM M. TODD'S BOOKSTORE. Frankfort, Sept. 3, 1S52. PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE CONVENTION, CALLED TO MODIFY, AMEND OC. TBK CONSTITUTION OF KENTUCKY, (OFFICIAL REPORT,) Now Published and for Sale at the Commo- nwealth Office, at $5 per copy. The work contains 1130 pages, and is bound in the best Law Binding THOMAS P. PORTER. WILLIAM R. SMITH Porter & Smith, Attorneys at Law Versailles, Ky. practice in the Courts of Woodlord and the WILL counties. Business entrusted to them will receive prum-p- attention April 16. 1850 U S. T. WALL. JOHN W. FINNELL. WALL & FINNELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COVINGTON, KENTUCKY. OFFICE, 3l STREET, OPPOSITE SOUTH END CITY HALL. W. & F. 'practice in the Courts of Kenton, Campbell, Grant, Boune, and Nicholas, and the Court of Appeals at Frankfort. May 5, 1852 tf. John W. Applega.te, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, PUBLIC, and Commissioner to take De NOTARY She Acknowledgments- - of Deeds. , Powers of Attorney, Ac, for Kentucky, Illinois Missouri, Indiana, and New York. Olhce, North East Coi ner of Fourth and Walnut Sts.. Cincinnati, Ohio. January 11 185" Hewitt & Vaughan, ATTOlt.NKYS AT LAW. VERSAILLES, KENTUCKY. Practice Lawinthe different Courts held in WILL and the adjoining counties, anil will attend promptly to all business confided to their care. Otnce on Main street, in, the Second Story of Sheltou's New Buildings, and next door to the Telegraph Office. August 13, 1B50 '.130 O. It. KKTCHUM. N. HE4DIN0T0S. , Ketcbum & Headington, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office in Hart's Building, corner of Fourth aud Hniiinioml streets, CINCINNATI. Cincinnati, March 13. 1840 S.'w-l- John P. Haggin, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Hni'l-ouSbur- Ky., Practice Law in Mercer and viie adjoining WILL Harpodsburg, Sept. 1H4U. 8H5-l- William L. Callender, ATTORN KY AT LAW AND SOLICITOR rN CHANCERY, leave to say that he has not relinquished th BEGS his profession by. becoming the editor t the Comimmwealth; hut Hint he continues to attaiv promptly to all legal business committed to his hand! In all cases in which his clients may desire it, he wil; have the benefit ol the able assistance of Hon. Janie'. Harlan. Office with J. Sr W. L. Harlan. St. Clair st ; Frankfort. April 23, 185U 915 tl C. 6. MORKI1EA.B. MASON BROWS MOREIIEAD & BROWN, PARTNERS IN THE PRACTICE OF LAW, Will attend to alLbusiness confided to them in the Cour of Appeals, Fdsral Court, and other courts which holt their ses.sioi at Frankfort, Kentucky. One or hot. may always he found al their office, to give counsel oi transact Dusiness. Fiaulifort, Jan 6,)bo2 by T. N. Lindsey, ATTORNHY AT LAW, FRANKFORT, KT., lattice Law in alt the Courts held in Frank WILL ami the adjoining Counties. His Office is at his residence near P. Swigeits Entrance on St. Clair Frankfort, Feb. 2.1, 751 tf John C. Herndon, A.TTORM3Y AT LAW, FKaNKFONT KKNTOCKY, WILL practice In allthe Gourtsheld in Frankfort Anderson, O wen, Woodford, and Shelby Cir- cuit Courts and will attend to the collection of debts nany p.irt of the Stare. Office on St. Clairstreet,2d door above the Court House. ICr He will attend to the preparation andprosecu tion of the clrims of soldiers to bounty I and, for proper- ty lost, and1 for nrrearsof pay. Aprill.tn-- 5;9-- tl BEN. SELBY, A TT O R NT K Y AT LA W, FRANKFORT, KY., IT'OFFICK AT THE STATE LI BR ARY , T71LL attend to all business confided to him in the VV Courts held at Frankfort. lie will give especia attention to the collection of debts in untj part af the State, and to the' transaction of all kinds of business confided vo him al me capital, m any ol the xrepari-mems- REFERENCES . Governor L. W. Howell; Thomas S. Page, Auditor ot State; K. C. Wintersmilh, Treasurer ol State; E. A . McCurdv, Register of State; Col. S. I. M. Major, Kditor of the Kentucky Yeoman. Pollard. PratticrA Smith, 1 George J. liowlalld, A. O. Smitfc, I r.niii, villi, i - n n. rj uimie, llun. W. P. Thompson J CHI. W. W. Stapp, May 18, 1H53 It First Principles, HOUSE, Sign, and Ornamental painting, Graining neatly done at moderate prices; umbrellas trunks &c, levered with dispatch. H. C. BANTA. Frankfort, Sept 94th, 1852. E. II. TAYLOR, JR. ULYSSliS THRNER. WW. SllOOSE. TAYLOR, TURNER & CO., BANKERS. WE have this day ripened an Office in the city of Lex ington. forthe purpose of transacting A General Banking, Exchange and Collecting Business. We arcat all times prepared to check upon the princi pal cilies of the United states, h ml to make collection l hereon. We will allow interest on deposits, to be with drawn,at pleasure, and transact whatever business i generai'ly connected with private banking. Approved paper can be cashed at any li rue during office hours, from J A. M. to 4 P. M. July 15, 1853. C. BUCKLES, H L JUDGE. Or LOUISVI LI.E OF FRANKFORT J. C. BUCKLES & JUDGE, Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS, NO. 9 , EAST FHOIST 8T It JS ET , CINCJNNA TI. OHIO. ' ET Particular attention paid to filHns orrlers for I'KODt'CE Bfirl to FORWARDING MERCHANDISE tO and from the East. Dee. 31, '3i ly. JNO. M. HARLAN, Attorney at Law, FRANKFORT, KY. Office on St. Clair street, with J. & W. L. Harlan. Refer to Hon. J. J. Crittkndkn, i Gov. L. W. rowKLU, Frankfort, Ky. Hon. .Umes Harlan. Taylor , Turner & Co., Bankets, Lexington, Ky. G. H. Monsariut Co., Bankers, Louisville, Ky. W. Tanner, Louisville, Ky. July 25, lf.o.i by. B, GENTRY t.AFAYKTTK YEATKS DRS. GENTRY & YEATES, OCULISTS, FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY, WILL GIVE THEIR. UNDIVIDED ATTENTION TO DISEASES O THE EYES. OCULISTS. WE the undersigned citizens, of Frar.ltfort, Ky were on the 9311. of October last called upon by Dr. J. B. Gentl y, to examine lour patients who were af- flicted with sore eyes ol the most virulent character and who were about to be placed under his treatment tor their recoveiy. We did so examine them, and found them athicled In the most deplorable manner; their eyes weie dim and sh.idowy in their appearance, and they seemeJ to stiller the most intense and excruciating pain the (I incase having existed with some of them as far hack as four years, preventing them from attending to any business dnrin that period. We have been authoriz- ed by thuse patients to certify that in the incredible short time of four weeks that they. are well and that we cannot certify in lansiuaL-- too strong and forcible the gratitude they feel for the immense benefit they have de- rived from the scientific manner in which Dr. Gentry has treated their diseases. .We therefore recommend him to the patronage of all afflicted in li Ke manner. 1,. XV. POWELL, Governor. K. O. W1NTKKSMITH. Treas'r. J. SWIGKKT, Cl'k. C. A. THu. S. HAGE, Aialitor. NOV. 25, JPj2. t N. B. Having formed a partnership with Dr. Lafayette Veates, who is a graduate of the Jefferson Medical Col- lege, of Philadelphia, I take great pleasure in recom mending him to the community as being in every re- spect as competent to treat diseases of the eyes as my- self. fhe firm will bo conducted under the style of Gentry & Yeates, Oculists, Frankfort, Ky. J. if. obA IKY. Frankfort. Ky., March 18, 1853. v DR. J. M. MILLS, Physician and Apothecary, AT THK SIGN OF THE BLUE MORTAR, MAIN STREET, KEKPS constantly cf on hand a large and superior DRUGS, CHEMICALS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, AND DYE STUFFS, JCr3 All articles absolutely warranted to be pure Special attention given to Piescriptions. June DENTAL SURGERY, BY. E. G. HAMBLETON, M. D. HIS operations on the Teeth will be directed by a knowledge, both of Surgery and Medicine; this being the only sale guide to uniform success. From this he is enabled to operate wilh far less pain to the pa- tient, void or danger. All work warranted; the work- manship will show lor itself. Calls will be thankfully received. JIT3 Office, at his residence on Main street. Frankfort, May Tlh, 1t)33. Dr. Joseph G. Roberts kHAS resumed the practiceof Physic nnd Stir rer y in Frankroit and thevicinity Othce.oppo sue the Commonwealth office, St. ClairsUeet. Frankfort, Aug. 51. 1819 )68tl MORE & GALLAGHER, Ridge Road and Coates Street, PHILADELPHIA, Iron Founders and Manufacturers OF WROUGHT AKD CAST IRON RAILINGS, And all kinds of ORNAMENTAL AND AGRICULTURAL IRON WORKS, Iron Railings for Public and Private Grounds, Verandahs, Settees, Chairs, Tables, fcc. m Particular attention paid to the enclusui 9 of buri- al LoS. li r More & Gallagher's Book of Designs and List of Prices sent to persons wishing to make a selection.. iNov. 7. 1H03 :tm. Morton 6c Griswold, Booksellers , Stationers, Binders, and Book and Job- - Printers Main Street, Louisville, Ky. tlkVZ CONSTANTLY ON HAND A COMPLETE ASSORTMBNTOF LAW, Medical, Theological, Classical, School and liooks, at low prices. Paper cl every description, qualty, ar-t- price. jrColleqe?, Schools and Private Libraries supplied at a small ad- vance on COSt. Y K oil. tale or retail April 1,1H45 651-b- George W. Craddock, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Frankfort, Kentucky. OFFICE removed to East side of St. Clair street, Telegraph Office. Will practive i;iw in aL the courts held in Frankfort, and adjoining counties. Dec", 1630- - tf PEYTON & THOMAS, GENERAL, PRODUCE Commission Merchants, SOUTHWEST COILNKB FRONT t WALLET STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. THE unciersisned having fonnoH a copartnership, tlie lirm uf FKVTON At THOMAS, respectlully offer their services as Coinmiaion AjjentN, lor the sa le ot Toburco, II emp, (Jotrou, nd such otiier pro- ducts as may be consigned to them. We have advantages and facilities which will enable us to do full justice U) tl;ose wiio may lavor us with their business; and will send a Price Current, giving the state of the market, thus enabling Producers and Dealers to decide between the indjjcementspresent-e- here and elsewhere. JESSE E. PEYTON, Late of the House ol Wolfe At Peyton, JJry Goods Jobhers, this City. S. HARVSY THOMAS. Late or the House of Thomas cfc Martin, Commis- sion Merchants, this City. July 29, 185:! lyi WILLIAM B. IIOLEMAN, Real Estate and General Agent, Odd Fellows Hall, Market Street. FRASKFOKT, KENTUCKY, WILL attenil to the purchase and sale of Real EsJ and .Neses; renting Houses and collecting the rents; hiring out .Negroes and collecting the hire; negotiating loans for money, and to the sMeof all de- scriptions of property, at Auction or yivate Sale, in city or county. Sept. 12, 1851. Dion S.Page, R. C. "Wintersmilh, E, A. Macurdy, A. G. Hodges, li. WingaSa, p. Swigert. Wnj. Tanner. A. JAEGER & CO.r Wholesale and Dealers and IHrect Importers of l'ltKN( H AM) KN(;Ll.sll China, Glass, and Earthenware. Also, Waiters and Trays, Bohemian, English, French, and German Glassware, Cutlery, Silver-plate- Goods, Castors, Girati-dolo- Lamps, BritHiinia and Fancy German Baskets, No. II!), Fourth Street, MOZART HALL CHINA EMPORIUM. FANCY DECORATED A KICHI.Y GILDED French China. Through our partner 111 Limo2eaFiance) we receiv-d- his morning, from the large factories of Laportc A Brothers, a thorough new urtd splendid stock of beau-tilu- l decoraled and gilded China, of the very latest shapes, patterns and styles. A s our stock is bought frr cash, we are able to oiler them at lower prices than any other establishment in the Western country. Pleaw call belore purchasing else- where, as we arc selling gre,;it bargains. Our stock """flliffltiyi'ir consists in part ol Decorated, gilded and white China Dining Sets, from $1 to $ mini a piei.e. Tea, Break fnnt k Toilet. Pets, from Sfi to S'JOO a piece. ii50 pairs richly decorated Vases and Caralfs, from $1 to a pair. Also, fancy decorated Motto Coffees, Pitchers, Candle sticks. Card Baskets, Spittoons. Motto Mus and Toy Teas, Baskets, Cologne Huttles, Powder Boxes, &c, fec, in endless variety; together wilh a large 'assortment of .lames Edwards' lion, Stone, China, and common Earth ern ware. Please remember the number, 110 Fourth Street, Mo- zart Hall China Emporium. A. J A EGEK, & CO. Louisville, Kepteuuier 9. 1853 tw3m. & WINTER TRADE. L. LAMM & CO., At the Franklin Clothing Store, IX DUDLEY'S BUILDING, CORNER, OF MAIN AND HA INT CLAIR STREETS, FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY, ARE opening one of the largest and most complete or Jtefidy .Hmh; C'totliint; aiul Cienilenicn'N Furnishing oN ever oirereri in ibis market. They have been made up with great care, Tor this market, and are of the latest style and newest pat' tern's. Our stock consists, in part, of Over Coats of all sizes and qualities; Frock Coats and Business Coats; Pants, of every variety Cloths and Cnssimers; Vests, of Satin, Silk, and Cloth rich and durable; Hats and Caps, of best and common qualities; Shirts, line while and fancy, of all size; Indian Rubber Coats. Pants, Leggins, Caps, &c, Boys Clothing of all kind's. fry13 Don't forjet the place! Come along, Gentlemen and Boys, we can rig you out, from top to bottom, and that, too, as cheaply as at any other establishment in the city. Sept. 23, 15,3. GREAT ATTRACTION! NEW STORE IN FRANKFORT ! TTOW OPENING, AT i( SHIELDS' SEW CASH STORE," ST. CLAIR STREET, MANSION" HOUSE BUILDING, AND SPLENDID STOCK OF EICH and ALAKGE GOODS, selected expressly for the Frank- fort market amongst which mav be found Rich Gro de Khhies and Brocade Silks; Rich Plaid and Flounce Silks; Embroideries, Cheniizettes, Sleeves; Collars, Gloves, Hosiery: Prints, Flannels, Domestics, Checks, &c. Also, a few very rich new style Plaid Cashmeres, French Flannels, Paris Cloaks and Mantillas, of the latest style. The ladies are respectfully solicited to cill and ex amine this nrw and frih stock, which will be supplied wilh ail the latest styles and most de- sirable goods.. Call early for choice soods and good bargains. N SHIELDS, Kept. 19. 1853 1m. St. Clair street. NEW ARRANGEMENT. HARKINS it GREEN, MERCHANT TAILORS, I?.FORM their friends, and the generally, that they have com menced business in and trusts, by a strict attention to the wants of customers, 10 merit a liberal patronage. Their shop is op- posite the Mansion House, and one door below JAS. HAKKINS' Cloth- ing Store. They have received a superior lot ot Fall uiid Winter Goods, SUCH AS Cloths, Cassiinercs, Testings, Trimmings, Sec. of the most beautiful and tasionable stvles; to wbich they invite the attention of all who wish to rig them selves out in a genteel manner. All orders will be faithfully and promptly attended to and executed. JAMES HAKKINS, WILLIAM GKEEZi. Frankfort. Oct. , 1853 tf JAMES HARKINS, OF THE FIRM OF HARKINS & GREEN, Will continue his establishment of READY-MAD- E CLOTHING, AT the old stand, and takes this opportunity of re- turning his kindest thanks to the citizens of Frank-fort- and vicinity, for the very liberal patronage receiv-ed- and hones by keeping good articles, and a strict at tention to business, to continue to merit the public fa- - Tor. He is now in receipt of a large and well selected stock of READY. MADE CLOTH ING, suitable fur the season, of every variety of quality and price, to which he invites the attention of his fiieuds and the public be- fore they purchase elsewhere, believing he can offer as good inducements as at any other establishment ot the kind in the city. Jjit is no trouble to show goods; and his motto is "a nimble sixpence is better than a slow uhillingy Frankfort, October , 1853--t- f. JOHN A. MONROE; Attorney at Law, FRANKFORT. KENTUCKY, WILL practice Law in the Courts held in Frankfort adjoining counties. He will, as Commission- er of Deeds, take the acknowledgments of deeds, and other writings to be used or recorded in other States; aim, as Commissioner under the act of Congress, attend to the taking of depositions, affidavits, &c. Okfkx, Federal Court Clerk's Office, ucar the Bridge Frankfort, Junetith, by. Book Binding. C. KEENON informs hi? A. friends and former cus tomers, that having regained his health, he ha' purchased back from A- & Hodges the Bindery sold to him n Jsovem her last, and will give his whole attention to us management. He respectfully solicits a continuance of the patronage heretofore exj tended to the establishment. TIT CLERKS will be furnished with RECORD BOOKS, ruled to any pattern, aud of the very be3t quality oi paper. jr7 BLANK BOOKS, of every description, short notice, to order, on reasonableterms TCP Bindery at the old stand, over Ha' lan's Law Office. Frankfort, July -tf FAIRBANKS PLATFORMS SCALES. fang known Severely tested Always right The ac- knowledged Standard. Aoentp. Fairbank's fe Co., No. 89 Water St. K. Y.; R. W. Booth & 4 Co., and Traber Si Aubery, Cincin- nati. M jiiJ jt naiiroaci, May, uoat, ana f armer s gr Scai.ks, set in any part of tlio coun TTy-- ' try, at shoi t notice. :iiVrr- - Frankftrt, Oct. IMPORTANT TO HOUSEKEEPERS NEW ESTABLISHMENT O F Stoves, Copper and Tin Ware, and Grates. THE undersigned having rented the house recently by Mr, James Gray, will manufacture to order all kinds of TIN WAKE, of which he will keep constantly mi hand a full supply, which he will sell, either at wholesale or retail, as chaap as can be bought in anytown orciiviu the West. A !so, a genera assort- ment nl COOKING-STOVE- PARLOR STOVES, and GKATKS. The undersigned wilVgive his individual attention to all kinds oT r work, such as Tin Koting, or any other, metal. Ho flatters himself that by years' ex- perience in the above business, he will be able to give general satisfaction. In add it iun to t lie above, he has purchase d the stock ot FURNITURE in the house, with the intention of keeping a full assort- ment. Persons about commencing will find it to their ad vantage to give him a call, as he it. tends to sell low tor cash or approved credit. U- f- Don't turret to call next door to the Common wealth 00'kp, Rmwn's How, St. Clair street Jan. 19. lH53-- tf, J. 1UEADO WCROFT. BOOT AND SHOE MANUFACTO RY. H. fIESBA.CII Keste( tfitlly informs his (riends and t the public, that he I1.1S constantly on 0 hand a line assortment of Lndie' ami Work, all of which is composed of the ii nest material and workmanship; and from the number o( first i.as workmen he employs, he will be able to fill all ordei's with punctuality and dispatcn. Returning thanks to his customers lor their liberal pa.trr.nage, he trusts through his unre'nitting att ejrtion to husiness. to receive a continuance of the same. H. D1ESBACH, Cornerof Main and St. Clair streets. May 15, 1P53 tf. THE EXCITEMENT H A3 NOT 1ST It E A C II E I ITS HEIGHT AT SONN ABERG'S. TTE has just arrived from, the Fast and Cincinnnti ii with $0,000 worth of Head Ciotli- - ini;, which he promises to sell upon better terms than can be found in anv other establishment in the city. LET EVEKY BODY. TliES, KEMEMBKK, that 1' am now receiving and to sell, at prices to suit the must lasuuions, tne mi't extensive lot ol Fail and Winter Clothing upon record. My stock consists ol every thing in the gentlemens' furnishing line. It has been selected ex pressly by me, and especially (or this market. J have on hand, and will always keep a complete as- sortment of COATS, PAXTS, VESTS, OVERCOATS, SHIRTS, DRAWERS, HATS, CAFS, S;c.; together with every article usuaally kept in a Clothing .Store. Gentlemen desiring to replenish their Clothing would lio well to give me a call, as I am satisfied they call Uo hetterthau at any other establishment in llie city. A. SO.NNAHERG: Frankfort, Sept. 16, 1853 tf BOOT AND SHOE MA NUFACTORY, ST. CLAIR STREET, ER AXKFORT, KA". W. W. FOLLIS Respectfully informs the ladies and v",f J gentlemen that he has commenced bini im'" w ness in the room formerly occ upied by Dr. a drug store, wheie he wiil manufacture all kinds oi ladies' and gentlemen's BOOTSa nd SI I OES all of which are composed of the finest material and workmanship. All orders tilled with neatness and dis patch. He hopes, by unremitting attention to business, to receive a liberal share of public patronage. W. W. FOLLIS. St. Clair Street. July 5, 1833 tf. CHADS & KNIGHT, DEALERS IN ITALIAN & AMERICAN MARBLE, Opposite the ew Weisiger House, Dlnin St., FRANKFORT KY. WE would respectfully inform our friends and the public genera 11 y that we have now on hand a supe- rior quality of I talin 11 and American itlnrulo, and being practical workmen, we are confident t we can furnish to order MONUMENTS, TOMBS and HEAD-STONE- S in better styles and cheaper than has ever been purchased in this town hefore. Those wishing to erect beautilul and lasting mementoes to the memory of their deceased friends would do well to call and exam-- i ne our work belore purchasing elsewhere. August 9, 133 3m CRA1K & KNIGHT. NEW ARRANGEMENT, I. P. ELACKWELL, HAVING purchased the entire stock of R, W. continue the DRY GOODS BUSINESS at the old stand, on the corner ol Main and St. Clair streets, where he will be happy to see all the regular pat- rons of the house, Mid as many new ones as may favor him with a call. To the regular customers of the house, I will otter special inducements to continue their patron- age. 1. F. ELACKWELL. Frankfort, Nov. 2, 1853. NOTICE. HAVING sold my stock of Goods to I. P. I take pleasure in recommending him as everyway woithyot a liberal patrunage. and hope that all those who have honored me with their custom will do him likewise. K.W BLACKEURN Frankfort. Nov. 2, 1353. NEW GOODS. SECOND IMPORTATION. BAKER & RUNYAN, HAVE just received a full stock of FALL AND OOODS, consisting of Ladies .Style liress Goods, Plain and Figured Velvet, Lacing Flan- nels, Cloaking, Cloths, Cassiinets. Cassinetis, Vestings, Prints, Brown and Bleached Muslins, with a large va- riety of Trimmings; Gimps, Braids, Fringes, Velvets', .Vc. Aic. Also, a large supply of Boots and Shoes? in fine, they have the largest and most complete assort- ment in Frankfort, which they are ottering, and intend to sell at the iowest prices. Dome one, come alt. October 29, 1K3 tf ELIJAH NOBLE, REAL ESTATE AGENT AND GENERAL Commission Merchant. OFFICE NEARLY" OPPOSITE THE FOST OFFICE, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY, PROPOSES topurche and sell Real Kstate, Negroes,, other amcles of produce. Notice to all whom it inny cont-ern.- address this card wilh the hope that it may meet the eye-o- f some of those who Knew me in the following counties: Frank- lin, Woodford, Payette, Madison. Scott, Bourbon, Clarke, Mason, llullitt,.Fleniiug, Nelson, and Grayson. GKNTi.KMKN: Ihavewjany friends and acquaintances in Louisville who wont, from Time to time, to purchase good servants lor their own use, and being advised that many persons are unwilling and conscientiously indisposed to selling their servants, to be taken out ol the state, 1 take this method of informing tuein that t can, generally, procure good homes and full prices for desirable servants. Letters addressed to me. post paid, will he promptly attended to. The following description of servants is necessary: Health, owalilications, temper, age, height, weight, and color, ' ELIJAH NOBLE. Commission Merchant, aud Real Estate Agent. Louisville, Ky. Sept.21, JOHN RODMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, (Office on St. Clair street, next door to Morse's Telegraph Office,) WILL practice in all tlie Courts held in Frankfort, in Oldham, Henry, Trimble and Owen coun- ties. Oct. 28, 1B5S. OK. J. S. PRICE TEJJDERS his professional services to the citizens ol and its vicinity. JCPOlIire on Mun street, at the residence of his brother, the late Dr. W T. Pkkk Dec 10 1H51 ly Dried Beef, Cheese, &c. I CASK Superior Dried Heel: , 1 cask Ushers Rocky Mauntain Hams: SO boxes Western KeserieCheese: 5 boxes English Dairy Cjeese; justreceived andfor sale by . I. SAMUEL GILLESPIE 8c HEFFNER, MERCHANT TAILORS, M. IX STRLET, FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY, WOULD respectfully inform their friends and that they have just received and opened the largest and most complete assortment of SPRING AM) HUMMER. GOODS, or Gentlemen's wear, ever brought to this city, consisting cf PLAIN AND FANCY GOODS, VESTINGS, CRAVATS, COLLARS, fcc.f fcc , which thev pledge themselves to make up, for cash, as cheap as the same quality of article can be purchased in anv Clothing Store in the West a small advance upon time to punctual customers. They have all the latest fashions, and will fill all or ders upon the shortest notice. They leturn their grateful acknowledgments to the citizens of Frankfort and vicinity for the liberal pat ronuge heretofore extended them, and hope that they will prove worthy of a continuance of it. May 27, 1H53 tf. REM OVA L. G-xoc- tt Attraction !! B. F. JOHNSON TTAS removed his stock of DRY GOODS to the room XX adjoining the Post Oitice, St. Clair street, where he is now receiving ana opening one of the richest and most elegant assortments of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS KVER OKKKRI-- IN THIS MARKET. He would be extremely happy to see his old friends and the public generally, and will assure them that as good UikQAiNS can be hail ot, him as any house in the West. f Frankfort, Sept. 10, IKjS w&tw3m. NEW FIR M. J. fc B. C. BAKER & REUBEN RUNYAN rTAVK formed a copartnership, under the title ol X-- Hakkr &l Runyan, for the purpose of transacting general FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS BUSINESS, at the old stand of Baker Anderson, on St. Clai straet, Frankfort, Ky., where they expect to keep a full slock of (roods, at the lowkst rmrts. bey most cur' dirtily invite their former custodiers and the public gen arally to give them a call. April 0, 1H52 f LADIES' DRESS FURS DODD &CO, HATTERS, No. 144 Main Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. f T7K open our Fur Rooms this morning, (Oct. 2rth) VV prepared to exhibit a larger stock of Ladies' Furs, of very choice qualities, than we have ever before offer ed, embracing Russian. Hudson Bay, and Canada .Sa hies, Stone Maten. Fitch, Siberian Squirrel, Lynx, and alt the lower grades of Furs, made up in the latest styles Some very handsome Robes and Foot Mud's for carriages. Also. Ladies' and Misses' Black and Drab Beaver and Felt Bonnets; very handsome Beaver Flats, Tor Misses; Riding Hats. Gloves, and Whips; Boys' Hats and Capa. TT y Fur Rooms on second floor. WM. DODD & CO.. 144 Main, 3 doors below Fourth street. Nov. 18, 1853 iim New Arrangement. B. F. MEEK & li. C. MILAM, (At the Old Stand of J. F. Meek Co., Main street Frankjvrt, Ky.,) HAVE this day entered into under the of MKKK. A MILAM, tor the purpose of car- rying on the V;iteli, Clock, Jewelry mid Reel liminent, in all its various branches, and hope to re- tain, (and even increase) the custom of the old tirm. K industry and attention, (to say nothing of capahility, as our capacity is well known,) will command patronage, we are sure of it. Our whole tiine and attention will be given to work. B. F. Mukk will give lua undivided attention to watch repairing. All work given to us shall be done m the most perfect and workmanlike manner, with promptness, and at reasonable prices. BKN. F. MKKK, J)ec.2ll,lK)2. J054 B. C. MILAM, A'. B.A few REELS of our make lor sale. Barber Shop, Bath House, &c. Henry Samuel, On East Side St. Clair St., opposite the Mansion House HAVING recently refitted his establishment in a to any in the city, and as he has fit- ted up good Gas Lights, he is prepared at all times to attend to all that may give him a call. He continues to keep for sale Perfumery, Brushes, Gloves, Cra- vats, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, &c.,&c. HIS NEW. BATH HOUSE, which was fitted up last summer, in style inferior to none in the city, is open from Monday to Sunday morn- ing, where all can obtain any kind of Bath at the short est notice. He has, also, the best knd of washer-w- men, and any one wanting clothes WASHED OR SCOURED, can have It done in superior order and without delay. By careful attention to business, he hopes to merit a continuance of the patronage heretofore so liberally ou him. Oct4 I84H 870-- tf EXPERIMENT BATHING. THK undersigned, in order to tiring the luxury of within the means of all. has concluded to adopt the followingrates- JO Cents lor the Aeliirtl Cltane. 15 Cents when Change In Given. 25 Ccnw Credit. HENRY SAMUEL. N. B. Gents can at all times have their boots and shoes blacked in the most brilaia.nt manner. kl. S. Mav C L 0 T II IN Or FOR THK THE FALL OF 185 3. ol CLOTHING are informed that PUKCHASERR tlie LA UGE.-S- ASSORT- MENT of i: I.OT11I.X; (at wholesale only) suitable fur the Country Traite, to be found in the States. JJjWe do business on the One Price System. Orderg promptly tilled. An examination of our stock is solicited.. IIAXFORI) it BROTHER, 2!, Park Row, (opposite the Astor Bouse.i N. Y. H. B. We are the largesf manufacturers of OILED CLOTHING in the country. KL'HIJER CLOTHING at the low- est market rates. August U, 1H53 3mw. New Cabinet Warerooin and Manufactory J. D. RAKE ESPKCTFULLY informs his friendsthat he is now II located in the new Shop, on M ain Street, nearly op- posite the lesidence of lr. Macurdy, where he will be glad to see his old customers, and others who may want Cabinetwork. Connected with his shop he has opened a Furniture Wareroom, and intends to keep a good Stock of Furniture on hand, to which he respect- fully invites the attention of all wishing to purchase. COFFINS Made to order at all times night or day promptly. He has a neat HEARSE, with which h will aitend calls, at any time, night or day, in the city or country. June2ti,lH4y 37 2 tf IRON BEDSTEADS. CQMSTOCK, BROMLEY & CO., MANUFACTURERS. Sales Room No. 05 JLeouard St., New York, O.ND DOOa WEST OF BROADWAY. COMMON and folding, plain and ornamental of all kinds. Hotel, hospital, prison, family, servant's, and children's Bedsteads always on hand. Also, a general assortment of Iron Furniture. Spring Beds, Hair and other Mattrasses. These Hedsseads are superior to ali others in point of cleanliness, neatness and economy. They are always free from vermin, and ore exceedingly durable, portable and convenient. Orders to any extent may be addressed to COMSTOCK, BKOMLBY di CO., Wo. 93 feonard streetrN'ew York. Agents wanted for the sale ol the above. De- scriptive Circulars sent wherever requested. Nov. 16,1Hj3 tw8m Fire and Marine Insurance. nndon River Insurance Company, ot Water-lor- d, New York. CAPITAL $500,000 CASH CAPITAL $200,000! THE undersigned having been appointed Agent oflhe Company, is prepared to insure all property, such as is usually insured in the city of Frank fort and vicinity, and upon shipments of Merchandize and Pro duce, upon as lair terms as any other responsible office All losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. TTPOtn.ee near the Court House. Satisfactory references will begiven upon application, as to tne solvency oi vm$ company. J C. HERKDON, PKOTECTION (Fire, Marine and Inland) INSURANCE COi.!FM3V5 OF HARTFORD, CONN. INCORPORATED 182 5. Office has now transacted business Tor mor THIS which pe- riod a uu.rter or a century, during it lias taken more than One Hundred Thousand Ilislts! And insured real and personal propeety against loss by Fire and Water, to tlie value of TWO HUNDRED MILLIONS OF IS THK WESTERN COUNTRY. Several Thousand Losses have been incurrtd upon the above risks, all of which have been adjusted at the GENERAL AGENCY OFFICE, AT CINCINNATI, And paid with the utmost promptitude, according to the conditions ol the policy, as maybe seen by the re- ceipts of the several claimants on tile. The undersigned has been furnished with blank poli- cies, signed by theoflicers of the Company; also, :ih blank renewal receipts, Ion continuing policies already issued, and is duly authorized and prepared, as Agent of said Company, to make insurance for any period of time, not less than one mmitli nor greater than seven yea is, upon buildings oi their contents, occupied aa Dwelling, JStoreH, Warehouse, Curt-lies- , IIo-tel- n, ItitnU, Court Hotiwes, Colleges, &- Vc, and their contents, against LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE.'- - Also, on Dry Goons. Groc khie, Manvfactcrkd Goods, J?RODC( ic, Hourfiiiioi.D Fcrnituric, Live Stock, and eve- ry other description of MtRfMASDizJc and Pkksonal Property, shipped or to be shipped per good Vessels or Steamboats on most of the navigable waters, against the Hazards of Inland Transportation AND PERILS OF TOE SEAS. For fur (her information respecting rates of premium etc., applylothe undersigned. H. WINGATK. Asent For Frankfort and Franklin County Dec. '!. 1B53 lm. LIFE INSURANCE. It is no more the moral duty of man to provide the daily bread for his family while he lives, than it is to provide against their being left penniless in the event of his death, Edtn. Journal on Life Insurance, THE ADVANTAGES OF LlFF INSURANCE, AS EXII.BITfcD BY THK MUTUAL LIFE lXSURAKE C I) 31 PANT. OF NEW YORK. Trinity Building, 111 Broadway. KET ACCUMULATED CASH FUND, $2,C00,0C0 ! ! ! HAVE YOU INSURANCE ON YOUR LIF2T; For tlie benefit of a surviving family relatives, or friends? Are they fully protected by insur-ane- e on your life, from the many evils that may arise from your unexpected death, at a moment ' of embarrassment, perhaps of titter insolveuey? H. B. FAKKAH, Agent. Xy Office on St. Clair Street, at the ufhee of th-- Commonwealth. Frankfort, August 5, 1833. UNION MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MAINE. PRINCIPAL DIRECTOR'S OFFICE IX BOSTON, MASS. " E!ilm It. Print. Pres.; Mutthew CJobh. V. Pier; CavUal and accumulated Assets oj the Company ismtni o inn iinn nn r . X Pi'i'rc.i tm nntps .... VKAr53fc pnlicy, each case, 167,050 es M(7rt2Pi;e bontls and stocks purchased by the Hoard of Finance, .... 51.M4 40 Cash on hand, 22.393 94 Amount in hand of agents, (secured &y bonds,) ... ... 14,958 24 Furniture, as per inventory, - 1.4B8 40 t 357.835 83 H. B. FARRAK. Agent. YO' Office on St. CVair Street, at the office of th Commonwealth. Frankfort. Feb. 15, 1853. HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, :). As A ob nt of this old and safo t'omPan'' 1 am prepared to issue 'if','P0'lc'es rai9s i"1 accordance with other good offices, and. re- spectfully solicit patronage. The Hartford Fire Jnsuiance Company was chartered in Hi, hasf been doing a successful business for over forty years, has an unimpaired cash capital ol $15(i.uOX and is in all respects one of the best institutions in N'eir hnsjland. H. K. FAKKAH. Agent 1CP Office on St. Clair Street, at the office of the Commonwealth. Franlcfort.Feb.16,785. LIVES 01? H ii Insurance on Slaves, w bethel employed on land or steamboats. in one ol the saist and best com panies in tlie country. Rates fu vorable. Apply to H K. FAKKAH fint rT Office on St. Clair Sareet, at the office of th4 Common wealth. Frauklort, Feb. lG,185-- . CALIFORNIANS, LOOK HERE f THr undersigned will reciv- proposals for the Insurance o.-- ' Lives, in one of the best nsuranc'' Companies in the country, on fa. vorahle terms. H. B. FARRAK. Agct. Ty Office on St. Clair Street, at the office of th Commonwealth. Frankfort, Feb. 16, 1853. THK KENTUCKY MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. THIS estabrifched Company, by prudent management the punctual discharge ot its obligations, has secured public contideuce ami built up a large aud in- creasing business, confined for the most part to the Western and States Of all the numer- ous Ufe Insurance Companies, none is more deserving of public confidence. As an entirelj responsible West- ern Institution, it has especial claims to the patronage of the Western people. Cincinnati Investigator, li. WING ATE is Ager.t for the above named Company, and will accommodate our citizens with whatever ther may desire in the way of Life Insurance, October 7 Jbjj )m LIFE INSURANCE. MUTUAL, BENEFIT. ' Ohio Ijife Insurance Company, of Cincinnati, Ohio. CAPITAL STOCK - $100,0001 JILL PAID IK AMD SECUl?r.JJ. THE undersigned bavins been appointed Agent for above Company, is prepared to receive proposi- tions lor Insurance at his office in this city. Pamph. lets containing the rates or premium, and full inforrna tion in relation to Lite Insurance, are furnished free of Charge. . J. C. HEKKDON Drs. Sneeu & KoDMin, Agent. Medical Examiners. Feb 20, 1852 tf PAPERWAREHOUSE WE have now in store, Keam of Pnper. and have several lots amounting to 1,060 heami to arrive within 311 days, comprising the largest and on- ly complete assort ment of paper in the Vest. A lart partol this stock has been maufactui cd expressly to our order, anil isexactly adapted to the wants of Printers Manufacturers, aud other consumers in this region ' Our arrangements with Eastern Manufacturers' hav been perfected the present summer, and give us advan- tages equal, if not superior, to any other Westhrn Deal. Wewarrant the Papers sold by usto be the very best l 11 tirclassmade in this country. On a strict comparison of quality, weight and colors our prices will be found LOW ER than any others We invite such comparisons by all who wish to purchase in, tins market. BUTLER & BROTHER, Wholesale Paper Dealers Main street, het-ee- Fifth and 6tx4h CinclnnitiAusst 1, 1849. d

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Page 1: Daily commonwealth (Frankfort, Ky.). (Frankfort, KY) 1854 ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7d251fjx59/data/0005.pdfkHAS resumed the practiceof Physic nnd Stir rery in Frankroit and thevicinity






A.t THREE DOLLARS PER ANNUM, paya-ble in advance.

The Weekly CnM.MoxvEAT,TH, n larrre mam-moth sheet,, is pnhlUhi"! every Tuesday morn-ing' at TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM, in ad-

vance.Our terms for advertising, either in the Tri-

weekly or Weekly Commonwealth, will be asliberal as in any of the newspapers publishedin the west.

O" All letters upon business should be post-paid to insure attention



Is now published, and for sale at this Office.

O" Persons desiring single copies, by remit-ting us ONE DOLLAR, will receive a copy bjreturn mail. Address

A. G. HODGES fc Co.,Frankfort, Ky.

January II, 1853.


By C. A.Vickliire,.S. Turner, Jt .S.S. Nicholas,COMMiaSIOXEKS ArpormjD BY the legislature:

APPROVED & ADOPTED BY THE LEGISLATURE;Just published, and may be obtained at


Frankfort, Sept. 3, 1S52.




Now Published and for Sale at the Commo-nwealth Office, at $5 per copy.

The work contains 1130 pages, and is boundin the best Law Binding


Porter & Smith,Attorneys at Law Versailles, Ky.

practice in the Courts of Woodlord and theWILL counties. Business entrusted to themwill receive prum-p- attention April 16. 1850 U




W. & F. 'practice in the Courts of Kenton, Campbell,Grant, Boune, and Nicholas, and the Court of Appealsat Frankfort. May 5, 1852 tf.

John W. Applega.te,Attorney and Counsellor at Law,

PUBLIC, and Commissioner to take DeNOTARY She Acknowledgments-- of Deeds. ,

Powers of Attorney, Ac, for Kentucky, IllinoisMissouri, Indiana, and New York.

Olhce, North East Coi ner of Fourth and Walnut Sts..Cincinnati, Ohio. January 11 185"

Hewitt & Vaughan,ATTOlt.NKYS AT LAW.

VERSAILLES, KENTUCKY.Practice Lawinthe different Courts held inWILL and the adjoining counties, anil will

attend promptly to all business confided to their care.Otnce on Main street, in, the Second Story of Sheltou'sNew Buildings, and next door to the Telegraph Office.

August 13, 1B50 '.130


, Ketcbum & Headington,ATTORNEYS AT LAW,

Office in Hart's Building, corner of Fourth audHniiinioml streets,CINCINNATI.

Cincinnati, March 13. 1840 S.'w-l-


Hni'l-ouSbur- Ky.,Practice Law in Mercer and viie adjoiningWILL Harpodsburg, Sept. 1H4U. 8H5-l-


leave to say that he has not relinquished thBEGS his profession by. becoming the editor tthe Comimmwealth; hut Hint he continues to attaivpromptly to all legal business committed to his hand!In all cases in which his clients may desire it, he wil;have the benefit ol the able assistance of Hon. Janie'.Harlan. Office with J. Sr W. L. Harlan. St. Clair st ;

Frankfort. April 23, 185U 915 tl



PRACTICE OF LAW,Will attend to alLbusiness confided to them in the Courof Appeals, Fdsral Court, and other courts which holttheir ses.sioi at Frankfort, Kentucky. One or hot.may always he found al their office, to give counsel oitransact Dusiness. Fiaulifort, Jan 6,)bo2 by


lattice Law in alt the Courts held in FrankWILL ami the adjoining Counties. His Office is athis residence near P. Swigeits Entrance on St. Clair

Frankfort, Feb. 2.1, 751 tf


WILL practice In allthe Gourtsheld in FrankfortAnderson, O wen, Woodford, and Shelby Cir-

cuit Courts and will attend to the collection of debtsnany p.irt of the Stare. Office on St. Clairstreet,2d

door above the Court House.ICr He will attend to the preparation andprosecu

tion of the clrims of soldiers to bounty I and, for proper-ty lost, and1 for nrrearsof pay.

Aprill.tn-- 5;9-- tl



T71LL attend to all business confided to him in theV V Courts held at Frankfort. lie will give especia

attention to the collection of debts in untj part af theState, and to the' transaction of all kinds of businessconfided vo him al me capital, m any ol the xrepari-mems-


Governor L. W. Howell;Thomas S. Page, Auditor ot State;K. C. Wintersmilh, Treasurer ol State;E. A . McCurdv, Register of State;Col. S. I. M. Major, Kditor of the Kentucky Yeoman.Pollard. PratticrA Smith, 1

George J. liowlalld,A. O. Smitfc, I r.niii, villi,

i -n n. rj uimie,llun. W. P. Thompson JCHI. W. W. Stapp,May 18, 1H53 It

First Principles,HOUSE, Sign, and Ornamental painting, Graining

neatly done at moderate prices; umbrellastrunks &c, levered with dispatch.

H. C. BANTA.Frankfort, Sept 94th, 1852.



WE have this day ripened an Office in the city of Lexington. forthe purpose of transacting

A General Banking, Exchange andCollecting Business.

We arcat all times prepared to check upon the principal cilies of the United states, h ml to make collectionl hereon. We will allow interest on deposits, to be withdrawn,at pleasure, and transact whatever business i

generai'ly connected with private banking.Approved paper can be cashed at any li rue during office

hours, from J A. M. to 4 P. M. July 15, 1853.



Commission and ForwardingMERCHANTS,


' ET Particular attention paid to filHns orrlersfor I'KODt'CE Bfirl to FORWARDING MERCHANDISE tO

and from the East. Dee. 31, '3i ly.

JNO. M. HARLAN,Attorney at Law,


Office on St. Clair street, with J. & W. L. Harlan.Refer to

Hon. J. J. Crittkndkn, iGov. L. W. rowKLU, Frankfort, Ky.Hon. .Umes Harlan.Taylor , Turner & Co., Bankets, Lexington, Ky.G. H. Monsariut Co., Bankers, Louisville, Ky.W. Tanner, Louisville, Ky.

July 25, lf.o.i by.





OCULISTS.WE the undersigned citizens, of Frar.ltfort, Ky

were on the 9311. of October last called upon byDr. J. B. Gentl y, to examine lour patients who were af-

flicted with sore eyes ol the most virulent characterand who were about to be placed under his treatment tortheir recoveiy. We did so examine them, and foundthem athicled In the most deplorable manner; their eyesweie dim and sh.idowy in their appearance, and theyseemeJ to stiller the most intense and excruciating pain

the (I incase having existed with some of them as farhack as four years, preventing them from attending toany business dnrin that period. We have been authoriz-ed by thuse patients to certify that in the incredibleshort time of four weeks that they. are well and that wecannot certify in lansiuaL-- too strong and forcible thegratitude they feel for the immense benefit they have de-

rived from the scientific manner in which Dr. Gentryhas treated their diseases. .We therefore recommendhim to the patronage of all afflicted in li Ke manner.

1,. XV. POWELL, Governor.K. O. W1NTKKSMITH. Treas'r.J. SWIGKKT, Cl'k. C. A.THu. S. HAGE, Aialitor.

NOV. 25, JPj2. tN. B. Having formed a partnership with Dr. Lafayette

Veates, who is a graduate of the Jefferson Medical Col-lege, of Philadelphia, I take great pleasure in recommending him to the community as being in every re-

spect as competent to treat diseases of the eyes as my-self.

fhe firm will bo conducted under the style of Gentry& Yeates, Oculists, Frankfort, Ky.

J. if. obA IKY.Frankfort. Ky., March 18, 1853. v

DR. J. M. MILLS,Physician and Apothecary,


KEKPS constantlycf

on hand a large and superior


JCr3 All articles absolutely warranted to be pureSpecial attention given to Piescriptions. June


HIS operations on the Teeth will be directed by aknowledge, both of Surgery and Medicine;

this being the only sale guide to uniform success. Fromthis he is enabled to operate wilh far less pain to the pa-

tient, void or danger. All work warranted; the work-manship will show lor itself. Calls will be thankfullyreceived.

JIT3 Office, at his residence on Main street.Frankfort, May Tlh, 1t)33.

Dr. Joseph G. RobertskHAS resumed the practiceof Physic nnd Stir

rer y in Frankroit and thevicinity Othce.opposue the Commonwealth office, St. ClairsUeet.

Frankfort, Aug. 51. 1819 )68tl

MORE & GALLAGHER,Ridge Road and Coates Street,

PHILADELPHIA,Iron Founders and Manufacturers



ORNAMENTAL AND AGRICULTURAL IRON WORKS,Iron Railings for Public and Private Grounds,

Verandahs, Settees, Chairs, Tables, fcc.m Particular attention paid to the enclusui 9 of buri-

al LoS.li r More & Gallagher's Book of Designs and List of

Prices sent to persons wishing to make a selection..iNov. 7. 1H03 :tm.

Morton 6c Griswold,Booksellers , Stationers, Binders, and Book and Job- -


LAW, Medical, Theological, Classical, School andliooks, at low prices. Paper cl

every description, qualty, ar-t- price. jrColleqe?,Schools and Private Libraries supplied at a small ad-

vance on COSt. Y K oil. tale or retailApril 1,1H45 651-b-

George W. Craddock,ATTORNEY AT LAW,

Frankfort, Kentucky.

OFFICE removed to East side of St. Clair street,Telegraph Office. Will practive i;iw in aL

the courts held in Frankfort, and adjoining counties.Dec", 1630- - tf




THE unciersisned having fonnoH a copartnership,tlie lirm uf FKVTON At THOMAS, respectlully

offer their services as Coinmiaion AjjentN, lor thesa le ot Toburco, II emp, (Jotrou, nd such otiier pro-ducts as may be consigned to them.

We have advantages and facilities which will enableus to do full justice U) tl;ose wiio may lavor us withtheir business; and will send a Price Current,giving the state of the market, thus enabling Producersand Dealers to decide between the indjjcementspresent-e-

here and elsewhere. JESSE E. PEYTON,Late of the House ol Wolfe At Peyton, JJry Goods

Jobhers, this City.S. HARVSY THOMAS.

Late or the House of Thomas cfc Martin, Commis-sion Merchants, this City.

July 29, 185:! lyi

WILLIAM B. IIOLEMAN,Real Estate and General Agent,

Odd Fellows Hall, Market Street.FRASKFOKT, KENTUCKY,

WILL attenil to the purchase and sale of Real EsJand .Neses; renting Houses and collecting

the rents; hiring out .Negroes and collecting the hire;negotiating loans for money, and to the sMeof all de-scriptions of property, at Auction or yivate Sale, incity or county. Sept. 12, 1851.

Dion S.Page, R. C. "Wintersmilh, E,A. Macurdy, A. G. Hodges, li. WingaSa, p. Swigert.Wnj. Tanner.

A. JAEGER & CO.rWholesale and Dealers and IHrect Importers of

l'ltKN( H AM) KN(;Ll.sllChina, Glass, and Earthenware.

Also, Waiters and Trays, Bohemian, English,French, and German Glassware, Cutlery,

Silver-plate- Goods, Castors, Girati-dolo-

Lamps, BritHiinia andFancy German Baskets,



Through our partner 111

Limo2eaFiance) we receiv-d-

his morning, from the

large factories of Laportc A

Brothers, a thorough new

urtd splendid stock of beau-tilu- l

decoraled and gildedChina, of the very latestshapes, patterns and styles.A s our stock is bought frrcash, we are able to oilerthem at lower prices thanany other establishment inthe Western country. Pleawcall belore purchasing else-where, as we arc sellinggre,;it bargains. Our stock

"""flliffltiyi'ir consists in part ol

Decorated, gilded and white China Dining Sets, from $1to $ mini a piei.e.

Tea, Break fnnt k Toilet. Pets, from Sfi to S'JOO a piece.ii50 pairs richly decorated Vases and Caralfs, from $1 to

a pair.Also, fancy decorated Motto Coffees, Pitchers, Candle

sticks. Card Baskets, Spittoons. Motto Mus and ToyTeas, Baskets, Cologne Huttles, Powder Boxes, &c, fec,in endless variety; together wilh a large 'assortment of

.lames Edwards' lion, Stone, China, and common Earthern ware.

Please remember the number, 110 Fourth Street, Mo-

zart Hall China Emporium. A. J A EGEK, & CO.Louisville, Kepteuuier 9. 1853 tw3m.


L. LAMM & CO.,At the Franklin Clothing Store,



ARE opening one of the largest and most completeor Jtefidy .Hmh; C'totliint; aiul

Cienilenicn'N Furnishing oN ever oirereri in ibismarket. They have been made up with great care, Tor

this market, and are of the latest style and newest pat'tern's.

Our stock consists, in part, ofOver Coats of all sizes and qualities;Frock Coats and Business Coats;Pants, of every variety Cloths and Cnssimers;Vests, of Satin, Silk, and Cloth rich and durable;Hats and Caps, of best and common qualities;Shirts, line while and fancy, of all size;Indian Rubber Coats. Pants, Leggins, Caps, &c,Boys Clothing of all kind's.

fry13 Don't forjet the place! Come along, Gentlemenand Boys, we can rig you out, from top to bottom, andthat, too, as cheaply as at any other establishment inthe city. Sept. 23, 15,3.





fort market amongst which mav be foundRich Gro de Khhies and Brocade Silks;Rich Plaid and Flounce Silks;Embroideries, Cheniizettes, Sleeves;Collars, Gloves, Hosiery:Prints, Flannels, Domestics, Checks, &c.

Also, a few very rich new style Plaid Cashmeres,French Flannels, Paris Cloaks and Mantillas, of thelatest style.

The ladies are respectfully solicited to cill and examine this nrw and frih stock, which will be

supplied wilh ail the latest styles and most de-

sirable goods.. Call early for choice soods and goodbargains. N SHIELDS,

Kept. 19. 1853 1m. St. Clair street.



MERCHANT TAILORS,I?.FORM their friends, and the

generally, that they have commenced business inand trusts, by a strict attention tothe wants of customers, 10 merit a

liberal patronage. Their shop is op-

posite the Mansion House, and onedoor below JAS. HAKKINS' Cloth-ing Store.

They have received a superior lot ot

Fall uiid Winter Goods,SUCH AS

Cloths, Cassiinercs, Testings, Trimmings, Sec.of the most beautiful and tasionable stvles; to wbichthey invite the attention of all who wish to rig themselves out in a genteel manner.

All orders will be faithfully and promptly attendedto and executed. JAMES HAKKINS,

WILLIAM GKEEZi.Frankfort. Oct. , 1853 tf


HARKINS & GREEN,Will continue his establishment of

READY-MAD- E CLOTHING,AT the old stand, and takes this opportunity of re-

turning his kindest thanks to the citizens of Frank-fort-

and vicinity, for the very liberal patronage receiv-ed-

and hones by keeping good articles, and a strict attention to business, to continue to merit the public fa- -

Tor.He is now in receipt of a large and well selected

stock of READY. MADE CLOTH ING, suitable fur theseason, of every variety of quality and price, to whichhe invites the attention of his fiieuds and the public be-

fore they purchase elsewhere, believing he can offer asgood inducements as at any other establishment ot thekind in the city.Jjit is no trouble to show goods; and his motto is

"a nimble sixpence is better than a slow uhillingyFrankfort, October , 1853--t- f.

JOHN A. MONROE;Attorney at Law,

FRANKFORT. KENTUCKY,WILL practice Law in the Courts held in Frankfort

adjoining counties. He will, as Commission-er of Deeds, take the acknowledgments of deeds, andother writings to be used or recorded in other States;aim, as Commissioner under the act of Congress, attendto the taking of depositions, affidavits, &c.

Okfkx, Federal Court Clerk's Office, ucar the BridgeFrankfort, Junetith, by.

Book Binding.C. KEENON informs hi?A. friends and former cus

tomers, that having regainedhis health, he ha' purchasedback from A- & Hodges theBindery sold to him n Jsovemher last, and will give his

whole attention to us management. He respectfullysolicits a continuance of the patronage heretofore exjtended to the establishment.

TIT CLERKS will be furnished with RECORDBOOKS, ruled to any pattern, aud of the very be3tquality oi paper.

jr7 BLANK BOOKS, of every description,short notice, to order, on reasonableterms

TCP Bindery at the old stand, over Ha' lan's LawOffice. Frankfort, July -tf


fang known Severely tested Always right The ac-

knowledged Standard.Aoentp. Fairbank's fe Co., No.

89 Water St. K. Y.; R. W. Booth &

4 Co., and Traber Si Aubery, Cincin-nati.M

jiiJ jt naiiroaci, May, uoat, ana f armer sgr Scai.ks, set in any part of tlio counTTy-- ' try, at shoi t notice.:iiVrr-- Frankftrt, Oct.



Stoves, Copper and Tin Ware, andGrates.

THE undersigned having rented the house recentlyby Mr, James Gray, will manufacture to

order all kinds of TIN WAKE, of which he will keepconstantly mi hand a full supply, which he will sell,either at wholesale or retail, as chaap as can be boughtin anytown orciiviu the West. A !so, a genera assort-ment nl COOKING-STOVE- PARLOR STOVES, andGKATKS.

The undersigned wilVgive his individual attention toall kinds oT r work, such as Tin Koting, or anyother, metal. Ho flatters himself that by years' ex-

perience in the above business, he will be able to givegeneral satisfaction.

In add it iun to t lie above, he has purchase d the stock ot

FURNITUREin the house, with the intention of keeping a full assort-ment. Persons about commencing willfind it to their ad vantage to give him a call, as he it. tendsto sell low tor cash or approved credit.

U- f- Don't turret to call next door to the Commonwealth 00'kp, Rmwn's How, St. Clair street

Jan. 19. lH53-- tf, J. 1UEADO WCROFT.


H. fIESBA.CIIKeste( tfitlly informs his (riends andt the public, that he I1.1S constantly on

0 hand a line assortment of Lndie' amiWork, all of which is composed of the ii nest

material and workmanship; and from the number o(

first i.as workmen he employs, he will be able to fillall ordei's with punctuality and dispatcn. Returningthanks to his customers lor their liberal pa.trr.nage, hetrusts through his unre'nitting att ejrtion to husiness. toreceive a continuance of the same.

H. D1ESBACH,Cornerof Main and St. Clair streets.

May 15, 1P53 tf.


SONN ABERG'S.TTE has just arrived from, the Fast and Cincinnntiii with $0,000 worth of Head Ciotli- -ini;, which he promises to sell upon better terms thancan be found in anv other establishment in the city.


am now receiving and to sell, at prices to suit themust lasuuions, tne mi't extensive lot ol

Fail and Winter Clothingupon record. My stock consists ol every thing in thegentlemens' furnishing line. It has been selected expressly by me, and especially (or this market.

J have on hand, and will always keep a complete as-sortment of

COATS, PAXTS, VESTS, OVERCOATS,SHIRTS, DRAWERS, HATS, CAFS, S;c.;together with every article usuaally kept in a Clothing.Store.

Gentlemen desiring to replenish their Clothing wouldlio well to give me a call, as I am satisfied they call Uohetterthau at any other establishment in llie city.

A. SO.NNAHERG:Frankfort, Sept. 16, 1853 tf



W. W. FOLLISRespectfully informs the ladies and v",fJ gentlemen that he has commenced bini im'" wness in the room formerly occ upied by Dr.

a drug store, wheie he wiil manufacture allkinds oi ladies' and gentlemen's BOOTSa nd SI I OES

all of which are composed of the finest material andworkmanship. All orders tilled with neatness and dispatch. He hopes, by unremitting attention to business,to receive a liberal share of public patronage.

W. W. FOLLIS. St. Clair Street.July 5, 1833 tf.


ITALIAN & AMERICAN MARBLE,Opposite the ew Weisiger House, Dlnin St.,


WE would respectfully inform our friends and thepublic genera 11 y that we have now on hand a supe-

rior quality of I talin 11 and American itlnrulo, andbeing practical workmen, we are confident t we canfurnish to order MONUMENTS, TOMBS andHEAD-STONE- S in better styles and cheaper than hasever been purchased in this town hefore. Those wishingto erect beautilul and lasting mementoes to the memoryof their deceased friends would do well to call and exam-- ine our work belore purchasing elsewhere.

August 9, 133 3m CRA1K & KNIGHT.


HAVING purchased the entire stock of R, W.continue the

DRY GOODS BUSINESSat the old stand, on the corner ol Main and St. Clairstreets, where he will be happy to see all the regular pat-rons of the house, Mid as many new ones as may favorhim with a call. To the regular customers of the house,I will otter special inducements to continue their patron-age. 1. F. ELACKWELL.

Frankfort, Nov. 2, 1853.

NOTICE.HAVING sold my stock of Goods to I. P.

I take pleasure in recommending him aseveryway woithyot a liberal patrunage. and hope thatall those who have honored me with their custom willdo him likewise. K.W BLACKEURN

Frankfort. Nov. 2, 1353.


BAKER & RUNYAN,HAVE just received a full stock of FALL AND

OOODS, consisting of Ladies .Styleliress Goods, Plain and Figured Velvet, Lacing Flan-nels, Cloaking, Cloths, Cassiinets. Cassinetis, Vestings,Prints, Brown and Bleached Muslins, with a large va-riety of Trimmings; Gimps, Braids, Fringes, Velvets',.Vc. Aic. Also, a large supply of Boots and Shoes?in fine, they have the largest and most complete assort-ment in Frankfort, which they are ottering, and intendto sell at the iowest prices. Dome one, come alt.

October 29, 1K3 tf



LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY,PROPOSES topurche and sell Real Kstate, Negroes,,

other amcles of produce.Notice to all whom it inny cont-ern.- address

this card wilh the hope that it may meet the eye-o- f someof those who Knew me in the following counties: Frank-lin, Woodford, Payette, Madison. Scott, Bourbon,Clarke, Mason, llullitt,.Fleniiug, Nelson, and Grayson.

GKNTi.KMKN: Ihavewjany friends and acquaintancesin Louisville who wont, from Time to time, to purchasegood servants lor their own use, and being advisedthat many persons are unwilling and conscientiouslyindisposed to selling their servants, to be taken out olthe state, 1 take this method of informing tuein that tcan, generally, procure good homes and full prices fordesirable servants.

Letters addressed to me. post paid, will he promptlyattended to. The following description of servantsis necessary: Health, owalilications, temper, age, height,weight, and color, ' ELIJAH NOBLE.

Commission Merchant, aud Real Estate Agent.Louisville, Ky.



(Office on St. Clair street, next door to Morse'sTelegraph Office,)

WILL practice in all tlie Courts held in Frankfort,in Oldham, Henry, Trimble and Owen coun-

ties. Oct. 28, 1B5S.

OK. J. S. PRICETEJJDERS his professional services to the citizens ol

and its vicinity.JCPOlIire on Mun street, at the residence of his

brother, the late Dr. W T. PkkkDec 10 1H51 ly

Dried Beef, Cheese, &c.I CASK Superior Dried Heel: ,

1 cask Ushers Rocky Mauntain Hams:SO boxes Western KeserieCheese:5 boxes English Dairy Cjeese; justreceived andfor

sale by . I. SAMUEL




WOULD respectfully inform their friends andthat they have just received and opened

the largest and most complete assortment of

SPRING AM) HUMMER. GOODS,or Gentlemen's wear, ever brought to this city, consistingcfPLAIN AND FANCY GOODS, VESTINGS,

CRAVATS, COLLARS, fcc.f fcc ,

which thev pledge themselves to make up, for cash, ascheap as the same quality of article can be purchasedin anv Clothing Store in the West a small advance upontime to punctual customers.

They have all the latest fashions, and will fill all orders upon the shortest notice.

They leturn their grateful acknowledgments to thecitizens of Frankfort and vicinity for the liberal patronuge heretofore extended them, and hope that theywill prove worthy of a continuance of it.

May 27, 1H53 tf.

REM OVA L.G-xoc- tt Attraction ! !

B. F. JOHNSONTTAS removed his stock of DRY GOODS to the roomXX adjoining the Post Oitice, St. Clair street, where heis now receiving ana opening one of the richest andmost elegant assortments of


He would be extremely happy to see his old friendsand the public generally, and will assure them that asgood UikQAiNS can be hail ot, him as any house in theWest. f Frankfort, Sept. 10, IKjS w&tw3m.


rTAVK formed a copartnership, under the title olX-- Hakkr &l Runyan, for the purpose of transactinggeneralFANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS BUSINESS,at the old stand of Baker Anderson, on St. Claistraet, Frankfort, Ky., where they expect to keep a fullslock of (roods, at the lowkst rmrts. bey most cur'dirtily invite their former custodiers and the public genarally to give them a call. April 0, 1H52 fLADIES' DRESS FURS

DODD &CO, HATTERS,No. 144 Main Street, Cincinnati, Ohio.f T7K open our Fur Rooms this morning, (Oct. 2rth)V V prepared to exhibit a larger stock of Ladies' Furs,

of very choice qualities, than we have ever before offered, embracing Russian. Hudson Bay, and Canada .Sahies, Stone Maten. Fitch, Siberian Squirrel, Lynx, andalt the lower grades of Furs, made up in the lateststyles Some very handsome Robes and Foot Mud's forcarriages.

Also. Ladies' and Misses' Black and Drab Beaver andFelt Bonnets; very handsome Beaver Flats, Tor Misses;Riding Hats. Gloves, and Whips; Boys' Hats and Capa.

TT y Fur Rooms on second floor.WM. DODD & CO..

144 Main, 3 doors below Fourth street.Nov. 18, 1853 iim

New Arrangement.B. F. MEEK & li. C. MILAM,

(At the Old Stand of J. F. Meek Co., Main streetFrankjvrt, Ky.,)

HAVE this day entered into under theof MKKK. A MILAM, tor the purpose of car-

rying on the V;iteli, Clock, Jewelry mid Reelliminent, in all its various branches, and hope to re-

tain, (and even increase) the custom of the old tirm. Kindustry and attention, (to say nothing of capahility, asour capacity is well known,) will command patronage,we are sure of it. Our whole tiine and attention willbe given to work.

B. F. Mukk will give lua undivided attention to watchrepairing.

All work given to us shall be done m the most perfectand workmanlike manner, with promptness, and atreasonable prices. BKN. F. MKKK,

J)ec.2ll,lK)2. J054 B. C. MILAM,A'. B.A few REELS of our make lor sale.

Barber Shop, Bath House, &c.

Henry Samuel,On East Side St. Clair St., opposite the Mansion House

HAVING recently refitted his establishment in ato any in the city, and as he has fit-

ted up good Gas Lights, he is prepared at all times toattend to all that may give him a call. He continuesto keep for sale Perfumery, Brushes, Gloves, Cra-vats, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, &c.,&c.

HIS NEW. BATH HOUSE,which was fitted up last summer, in style inferior tonone in the city, is open from Monday to Sunday morn-ing, where all can obtain any kind of Bath at the shortest notice. He has, also, the best knd of washer-w-men, and any one wanting clothes

WASHED OR SCOURED,can have It done in superior order and without delay.

By careful attention to business, he hopes to merit acontinuance of the patronage heretofore so liberally

ou him. Oct4 I84H 870-- tf

EXPERIMENT BATHING.THK undersigned, in order to tiring the luxury of

within the means of all. has concluded toadopt the followingrates-

JO Cents lor the Aeliirtl Cltane.15 Cents when Change In Given.25 Ccnw Credit.

HENRY SAMUEL.N. B. Gents can at all times have their boots and shoes

blacked in the most brilaia.nt manner. kl. S.Mav

C L 0 T II IN Or


THE FALL OF 185 3.ol CLOTHING are informed thatPUKCHASERR tlie LA UGE.-S- ASSORT-

MENT of i: I.OT11I.X; (at wholesale only) suitablefur the Country Traite, to be found in the States.

JJjWe do business on the

One Price System.Orderg promptly tilled. An examination of our stock is

solicited..IIAXFORI) it BROTHER,

2!, Park Row, (opposite the Astor Bouse.i N. Y.H. B. We are the largesf manufacturers of

OILED CLOTHINGin the country. KL'HIJER CLOTHING at the low-

est market rates. August U, 1H53 3mw.

New Cabinet Warerooin and ManufactoryJ. D. RAKE

ESPKCTFULLY informs his friendsthat he is nowII located in the new Shop, on M ain Street, nearly op-

posite the lesidence of lr. Macurdy, where he will beglad to see his old customers, and others who maywant Cabinetwork. Connected with his shop he hasopened a Furniture Wareroom, and intends to keep agood Stock of Furniture on hand, to which he respect-fully invites the attention of all wishing to purchase.

COFFINSMade to order at all times night or day promptly. Hehas a neat HEARSE, with which h will aitend calls, atany time, night or day, in the city or country.June2ti,lH4y 37 2 tf


MANUFACTURERS.Sales Room No. 05 JLeouard St., New York,


COMMON and folding, plain and ornamentalof all kinds. Hotel, hospital, prison,

family, servant's, and children's Bedsteads always onhand. Also, a general assortment of Iron Furniture.Spring Beds, Hair and other Mattrasses.

These Hedsseads are superior to ali others in point ofcleanliness, neatness and economy. They are alwaysfree from vermin, and ore exceedingly durable, portableand convenient. Orders to any extent may be addressedto COMSTOCK, BKOMLBY di CO.,

Wo. 93 feonard streetrN'ew York.Agents wanted for the sale ol the above. De-

scriptive Circulars sent wherever requested.Nov. 16,1Hj3 tw8m

Fire and Marine Insurance.nndon River Insurance Company, ot Water-lor- d,

New York.

CAPITAL $500,000 CASH CAPITAL $200,000!

THE undersigned having been appointed Agent oflheCompany, is prepared to insure all property,

such as is usually insured in the city of Frank fort andvicinity, and upon shipments of Merchandize and Produce, upon as lair terms as any other responsible officeAll losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid.

TTPOtn.ee near the Court House.Satisfactory references will begiven upon application,

as to tne solvency oi vm$ company.J C. HERKDON,

PKOTECTION(Fire, Marine and Inland)



Office has now transacted business Tor morTHIS which pe-

rioda uu.rter or a century, during

it lias taken more thanOne Hundred Thousand Ilislts!

And insured real and personal propeety against loss by

Fire and Water, to tlie value of


IS THK WESTERN COUNTRY.Several Thousand Losses have been incurrtd

upon the above risks, all of which havebeen adjusted at the


And paid with the utmost promptitude, according tothe conditions ol the policy, as maybe seen by the re-

ceipts of the several claimants on tile.The undersigned has been furnished with blank poli-

cies, signed by theoflicers of the Company; also, :ihblank renewal receipts, Ion continuing policies alreadyissued, and is duly authorized and prepared, as Agent ofsaid Company, to make insurance for any period oftime, not less than one mmitli nor greater than sevenyea is, upon buildings oi their contents, occupied aaDwelling, JStoreH, Warehouse, Curt-lies- , IIo-tel- n,

ItitnU, Court Hotiwes, Colleges, &- Vc,and their contents, against


Also, on Dry Goons. Groc khie, Manvfactcrkd Goods,J?RODC( ic, Hourfiiiioi.D Fcrnituric, Live Stock, and eve-

ry other description of MtRfMASDizJc and PkksonalProperty, shipped or to be shipped per good Vessels orSteamboats on most of the navigable waters, against the

Hazards of Inland TransportationAND

PERILS OF TOE SEAS.For fur (her information respecting rates of premium

etc., applylothe undersigned.H. WINGATK. Asent

For Frankfort and Franklin CountyDec. '!. 1B53 lm.

LIFE INSURANCE.It is no more the moral duty of man to provide the

daily bread for his family while he lives, than it is toprovide against their being left penniless in the event ofhis death, Edtn. Journal on Life Insurance,



Trinity Building, 111 Broadway.KET ACCUMULATED CASH FUND,

$2,C00,0C0 ! ! !

HAVE YOU INSURANCE ON YOUR LIF2T;For tlie benefit of a surviving family relatives,or friends? Are they fully protected by insur-ane- e

on your life, from the many evils that mayarise from your unexpected death, at a moment '

of embarrassment, perhaps of titter insolveuey?H. B. FAKKAH, Agent.

Xy Office on St. Clair Street, at the ufhee of th--

Commonwealth.Frankfort, August 5, 1833.



E!ilm It. Print. Pres.; Mutthew CJobh. V. Pier;CavUal and accumulated Assets oj the Company

ismtni o inn iinn nnr . X Pi'i'rc.i tm nntps ....

VKAr53fc pnlicy, each case, 167,050 esM(7rt2Pi;e bontls and stocks purchased by

the Hoard of Finance, .... 51.M4 40Cash on hand, 22.393 94Amount in hand of agents, (secured &y

bonds,) ... ... 14,958 24Furniture, as per inventory, - 1.4B8 40

t 357.835 83H. B. FARRAK. Agent.

YO' Office on St. CVair Street, at the office of thCommonwealth.

Frankfort. Feb. 15, 1853.


:). As A ob nt of this old and safot'omPan'' 1 am prepared to issue'if','P0'lc'es rai9s i"1 accordancewith other good offices, and. re-

spectfully solicit patronage.The Hartford Fire Jnsuiance Company was chartered

in Hi, hasf been doing a successful business for overforty years, has an unimpaired cash capital ol $15(i.uOXand is in all respects one of the best institutions in N'eirhnsjland. H. K. FAKKAH. Agent

1CP Office on St. Clair Street, at the office of theCommonwealth.


LIVES 01? H iiInsurance on Slaves, w bethel

employed on land or steamboats.in one ol the saist and best companies in tlie country. Rates fu

vorable. Apply to H K. FAKKAH fintrT Office on St. Clair Sareet, at the office of th4

Common wealth.Frauklort, Feb. lG,185-- .

CALIFORNIANS, LOOK HERE fTHr undersigned will reciv-

proposals for the Insurance o.--'Lives, in one of the best nsuranc''Companies in the country, on fa.

vorahle terms. H. B. FARRAK. Agct.Ty Office on St. Clair Street, at the office of thCommonwealth.

Frankfort, Feb. 16, 1853.


LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY.THIS estabrifched Company, by prudent management

the punctual discharge ot its obligations, hassecured public contideuce ami built up a large aud in-

creasing business, confined for the most part to theWestern and States Of all the numer-ous Ufe Insurance Companies, none is more deservingof public confidence. As an entirelj responsible West-ern Institution, it has especial claims to the patronage ofthe Western people. Cincinnati Investigator,

li. WING ATE is Ager.t for the above named Company,and will accommodate our citizens with whatever thermay desire in the way of Life Insurance,

October 7 Jbjj )m


Ohio Ijife Insurance Company, of Cincinnati,Ohio.


THE undersigned bavins been appointed Agent forabove Company, is prepared to receive proposi-

tions lor Insurance at his office in this city. Pamph.lets containing the rates or premium, and full inforrnation in relation to Lite Insurance, are furnished free ofCharge. . J. C. HEKKDON

Drs. Sneeu & KoDMin, Agent.Medical Examiners. Feb 20, 1852 tf

PAPERWAREHOUSEWE have now in store, Keam of Pnper.

and have several lots amounting to 1,060 heamito arrive within 311 days, comprising the largest and on-ly complete assort ment of paper in the Vest. A lartpartol this stock has been maufactui cd expressly to ourorder, anil isexactly adapted to the wants of PrintersManufacturers, aud other consumers in this region '

Our arrangements with Eastern Manufacturers' havbeen perfected the present summer, and give us advan-tages equal, if not superior, to any other Westhrn Deal.

Wewarrant the Papers sold by usto be the very bestl 11 tirclassmade in this country.On a strict comparison of quality, weight and colorsour prices will be found LOW ER than any others Weinvite such comparisons by all who wish to purchase in,tins market. BUTLER & BROTHER,

Wholesale Paper DealersMain street, het-ee- Fifth and 6tx4hCinclnnitiAusst 1, 1849. d