daily crescent. e f r · j and shiv brokers, 88 common street. mh5 ... steel, all kinds. „ 200...

DAILY CRESCENT. SPRING FLOWERS. BY THE AUTHOR OF "A/ETH THE EGYPTIAN." The flowers ! the lovely flowers ! Tliey are springing forth again ; Are opening their gentle eyes In forest and in plain! They cluster ronnd the ancient stems, An<l ivied roots of trees, Like children playing gracefully About a father s knees. The flowers ! the lovely flowers ? Their pure and radiant eyes Greet us where'er we turn our steps, Like angels from the skies ! They say that nought exists on eartJi, However i»oor ami small. . Unseen by God j the meanest tilings, lie careth for them all ! The flowers ! the lovely flowers ! The fairest type are they Of the soul springing from its night To sunshine and to day ; For though they lie all dead and cold. With winter's «now above. The glorious spring doth call them fortli To happiness and love. Ye flowers ! ye lovely flowers ! We great ye well and long ! With light, and warmth, and sunny snnle. And harmony and song ! All dull and sad would l»e our earth, Were your bright beauties not ; And thus, without Life's Flowers of Love, Oh, what would be our lot ! BENEVOLENT SOCIETIES. SONS OF TEMPERANCE. Pi IDGÏ -I. without reserve solemnly pledge ray ho as a man. that f will neither make. buy. sell, nor use as a t .«rBnintuoM or Malt Liquors WineorCider. ( RAND DIVISION OF THE STATE OF fW® LOUISIANA —At the annual session of the Grand Division ot Sons ot Temwrancc held on the 16th of Octolier, 1H4/, the following brethren C "iHARLES DEAKE & CO., Commission Merchants J and Shiv Brokers, 88 Common street. mh5 EÖ. W. PRITCHARD, General Broker, No. t»7 Gra- vier street. New Orleans. mh21 6m G ( "GORDON PLUMMER, Adjuster of Averages.—Office Jf at Lucien Hermann's, Marine Notary, No. 21 Royal Streets New Orleans. mh!8 4m JOHN O. WOODRUFF. . JAMES E. WOODRUFF. J OHN O. WOODRUFF & CO., Commission Mer- chants and Agents for the Louisiana and New York JAne of Packets, No. 60 Camp street. mho and Porter and. Newark Cider, Nos. 28,38 and 40 vee, NewOrleans. rnhlb ly L J. WEBSTER & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers . in Iron, Nails. Spikes, Tin Plate, Copper, Cordage, Oils, and a general stock of articles connected with the fr/m ami Ship Chandlery Trade, 26 Gravier street, New Iron Orleans. ap4 ly JOHN H. STURQE8, N.Orls w. s. WRIOHT, Cincinnati. «,• STfrRGES & WRIGHT, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, inl7 6m No. 86 Tchoupitoulas st., N. Orleans. FT PIERSON J- A. BONNE VAL. P IERSON & BONNE VAL, AUCTIONEERS, No 67 Gravier street, will attend to the purchase and sale ot Real Estate, Negroes and Merchandise ; also, to the sale of Cargoes, Successions, Furniture, and all out-door sales ; soh- olicit from their friends and the public a portion ot their pat- ronage. B OTA NIC DRUG STORE, JVo. 80 Poudras ' street. New Orleans, by DR. A. A. JONES. ty ALEX'R CAMPBELL'S PUBLICATIONS to pale at No. 80 Poydras street, New Orleans, by Dr. A. A JOHKB. hi» agent for thi» city. mhU rp HARTNETT, BOOT .1ND SHOE 1 . MANUFACTURER, let, ' New Orleans. CRESCENT FOUNDRY," No. 55 Girod st.. New Orleans. S TEAM and FIRE Engines, Printing Presses, and Ma- chinery in general, made and repaired in a satisfactory manner. tj&" Brass Castings and Patterns made to order. mh15 A. JONES. J N UTT AI Ar—HO USE SM I TU and B E L A- . HANG ER, Lafayette street, near Camp street. New Orleans. JOBBING, LOCKSM1TI1- 1NG, eto. Bellhanging done in the liest manner on moderate terms. Store Door Bolts and Bars made to order. mli21 6m ELECTRO-MAGNETIC PORTRAITS. B Y the application of the above mysterious agent to Da- guerreotype, (a discovery of the subscriber's), the under- signed is enabled to produce Portraits of the most sujieiioi kind in a SINOLK SECOND—catching the precise expression instantly, ami fixing it indelibly upon the silver plate. Rooms corner of Canal and Chartres sts. Entrance No. 3 CHARTRES ST. [mhl6 Im] W. 11. HUTCIIINGS. HEMP ! HEMP !! HEMP !! ! T HE undersigned, in order further to incjt the views of the Board of Underwriters, have set apart, exclusively for the storage of Hemp and other extra-hazardous articles of merchandise, the ONE-STORY fire-proof Warehouse,(Orleans No. 2,) corner Delord and Magazine sts. The locality, and facility of receiving and delivering at the Warehouse, (there being no hoisting to the second story required,) renders this the most desirable place for this description of storage. ap5 6m GEO. K. BEARD fit CO. PORTABLE SHOWER BATHS. G REEN'S IMPROVED PORTABLE EXTENSION SHOWER BATHS, have received the diploma at the American Institute, New York, and Mechanics' Fair, Boston, as the best Shower Baths ever offered to the public. The subscribers would announce that they have been ap- pointed agents for the above really excellent Bath, and are now »prepared to furnish them at wholesale or retail, at moderate prices. nih30 3m SAMPSON & KEEN, 57 Bienville st. PUMPS AND BATHING APPARATUS. &c. J OHN MoCARTY, Plumber, No. 134 Camp street. New Orleans, has iust received a new and £ large assortment of Brass COCKS, various sizes ; Force and Li 11 Pumps ; Beer Pumps, &c., &c.; Cooking Ranges; Uathing Tubs and Shower Baths. Also, laying and repair* Lead Pipes ; Sheet Lead work of every des- cription. Ship and Steamboat work promptly put up and repaired. All orders promptly attendeu to. tjgT' (/barges moderate. mli241y HARDWARE, <&c. R. W. MONTGOMERY, 11 Chartres Streets- NEW ORLEANS. H AS on hand a very complete stock of goods in his JS line, in addition to his usual extensive assort- fer merit of Birmingham, Sheffield ami Domestic II A Rh. A-l WARE and CUTLERY, his stock of heavy goods isgf very complete, embracing among numerous other articles— 10,000 lbs. Iron Ware, assorted, all 450 tous Iron, assorted Swedes, American and English, assorted flat, round, square, plough late, hoops, band and sheet ; Steel, all kinds. 200 dozen genuine Collins & Co's light and heavy Axes. 2,000 kegs genuine Weymouth Nails, assorted, ail sizes. 200 tons Hollow ware. Castings, assorted pots, ovens, spi- ders, skillets, fire dogs, etc.; French pots. 500coils Manilla Rope, assorted, ail sizes. 300 casks Ox, Log and Trace Chains. f Together with Whittemore's Cotton nd Wool Cards; Wilson's Coffee Mills; Ames'. Rolland' «and other makers Spades and Shovels; wire and fiair Seives; Hoes of all kinds; Anvils, Vices, and Smith's Hammers and Bellows; Tin Ware; Mill, Cross-cut and Pit Saws; horse and mule Collars and Hames; Straw-cutters; Corn-shellers, and Corn mil.s; King'* Ploughs, Nos. 1. 2 3 and 4; Paper, all kinds; Tar; Spirits Turpentine and White Lead; Paints, all kinds; Mill and Grind Stones* Mill Irons; Bolting Cloths, all numbers; "hot; Sheet and Bar l,ead; Stock Kettles; Bark Mills. 2.000 gallons Sperm Oil, an/l ° 6 000 do winter strained and bleacher! Whale Oil. His stock or Cutlery is not surpassed. Buyers are invited ap5 lm to examine before purchasing elsewhere. Hard ware—H a r cl w are. M. ELLIS St CO., 104 POYDRAS STREET. WE have on hand, and mean to lie always 1 supplied with a lull assorment of every (lescrip- tion of BUILDERS' HARDWARE suclilVI .—r-J** Unt and Wrought Nails and Spikes. Hooks v anil Hinges and Plates, Bult Huntes and Screws, Ki Locks and Latches ; Bolts, flat, round and souare, of all sizes; VV mdow Pulleys and Sash Fasteners. Also, Carpen- ters and Coolers' Tools; such as Souares, Planes, Saws, »»evils. Chisels, Augurs and Bitts, Rules, Guages, Hammers and Hand-Axes, Hatchets, Spirit and Plumb Levels, etc., etc. EVERY KIND OF KITCHEN FURNITURE—Hol- low Ware, Castings, Sad Irons, Tailors' Irons; Japaned Tin and Enameled Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery. W" We shall receive, as formerly, most of the leading articles in this branch, to sell on the Manufacturers' account, and shall lie able to supply all purchasers at tlieir lowest ÜÜ55: m hid ALEXANDER HILL'S HOUSE FURNISHING STORE, W .,,,#;. 56 Camp Street. Nru> Orleans. llhKE Families can find all articles of Housekeeping, JWffiîSÏ? .?S or l? >e ?< ft,lli select stock of— i? i ! Rb—Looking utensils. Tin and Iron Ware, tire Sets, brass and steel; Slwvels and Tones anil Kitchen Kire Iron. Knameled and patent metal tinned HOLLOW WARE rire Dotrs. «•ERMAN SILVER—Block tin and Britannia Tea and i. otfee I ras. TABLÉ CUTLERY—German Silver Britannia and Iron Tea and Table Spoons. WOOD \VARE— Bran and Iron bound Cellar Pails. Chums and Tubs. WI M"r IÎIM' I ! ÏIÎR W A R R, a new article. Jlrarth'Brash« U> 0radles - iNurse chaira and *? iUa - Alican '- ra!ni ttn<i " U5k Mau - S^n&tlfa",',' ".ZZ:»' Can '" e SÜtkS and LamPS - Cooking Stoves and Furnaces. wolvl or colT"w,'th S h i "?" nt 1 ' remi ! ,m Cookina Sioves. for pauern in^ise. hxtnre3 complete, the most approved STEAMBOATS furmsheil^^re. SLAKK, DAY, STAUFKER it CO., , DNV _.. T _ IMPORTERS OK IRON, TIN PLATE, METALS, HARDWARE, &c., ^Corner Canal and Magazine sts.. New Orleans, /V/VÛT* 16 * sale a large and fresh stock of the R, (*X"1would respectfully solicit jàf \4# 0 country purchasers— N^U t tne i r », cai1 "if English IRON; w Ail». 1 aktmgs. Tin Plates, Metals- Ä"U.° ^ A , ST 8 .T KKf ' a "d GIN SAW STEEL; Gnnd Tar, Mill Stone,. COTTON and WooiV SRns ' & ' ,ailei ' Houghs; Scnh«;<»i, !«g and Trace ChaiAs; Anvils Vires Smith's HARDWARE AND Cl'TI.F.RY ompnsing all articles in this line adai>t«l il* a .1 and Western Jobhine Trade! P l 10 the Southern advertisers are aeenls l'or I he sale of PLANTATION WAGONS A\D I'«« Ir Hnbbs and As|p, and which have promlsnwHnr any k.nd heretoloreTn use. They would aUocall theati , tiou of fcoulhern Planters to their stock of a.ien- PLANTATION GOODS Ä: V **s ^. aucS K. Su,?a , r Sk,mmer * and Lailles, Truss loops. Hm ling iVi uteri al». *iuss C ?Çï^ M,I ' I,S - STRAW CUTTERS. HORSE CO!- LARS etc.. etc.—All of which have Uvn ieleclivl Itwl lur 1>lanla,ion ßnpptiej, and of the l»~l ,plal. - mh5 2jti tal Fount Hall, X22 Tchoupitoulas street, monthly. Offi- cers—O. M. Wozencraft, \V I) T; R. L. Bruce, W DVT; Monfort. VV I) R; Wells, W D T; Rondeau, W I) U; T. 1». Heartt, WD1)U; J. Ahem, W D G; îMcCracken, VV S. LOUISIANA TEMPLE OF HONOR, No. 1-meets every other Monday, at Pelican Hall. Officers—J. Patter- son, VV V T; R. VV. Powell, VV V T; L. P. Mcllvaine VV R; Alexander Watterstone. W A R; Joiin Roy, W 1 R; Alexander McLane, VV T: Alliert Swain , VV IJ ; John Burke, VV P ; John Skinner, W G; JacobMunfort, VV S; John Bennett, P W CT. OCEAN TEMPLE OF HONOR. No. 2—meets every other Tuesday, at I ility Hall, 3d Municipality. Oniceis— Charles VV. Scott, VV <5 T: G. Hale, W V T; G. Sherwood, VV R; P. B. Vändert:rin", A K: R. Trippitt, F R. lloper, T; F. Hilbnrc, W U: J. Band, VV D U; VV m. How, VV G; E. Grundy, VV S; J. J. Lugenbuhl, Chaplain. ORLEANS TEMPLE OF HONOR. No. 3— meets at the Crystal Fount Hall, No. 222 Tchoupitoulas slrt*t, every other Tuesday evening, at half-past / o clock. Officers K. L. Bruce, VV C T; T. S. Barry, VV V T; T. B. Heartt VV R: E. Hariier, VV A R: L. Adams, VV F R: Lrastas Wells, VV* T; E. Davis, W VV^; T. D. Davis W G; J. Ï. Berry, W S P Van Beuren, acting VV P C T. CRYSTAL TEMPLE OF IHilNOR. No 4-mnets ; semi-monthly—every alternate Monday evening, in the Hall I of Pelican Division No. 1, corner of St. (-hariw and Com- mon streets. Ollicers lor the prient term—Wm H llrun- daire, WCT; W m. Hall, VV V T; Ensha I Hunter VV i>. Thfw W \'nn VV'ick VV A R; Joel D. French, W F R j James Garland. W T; Edward A. F. Mitchell, W U; J VV Demaresl, VV D U: R. II. Brunev. WG; John Bigenot, actinff W S; O. W. V*o/encraft. 1 »V L 1. PELICAN DIVISION, No. 1—meets every Wednesday evening, at half-past 7 o'clock, in the Sons of lemperance Hall, on the corner of Common and St Charles stTeets, fronting the Verandah and &t Charles Hotels „Officers elected for the present quarter-Artenion Hill VV 1 ; Jacob Vinn fort VV A; A. H. Gilland, Ra; Henry totevens, A R S" Lawrence P. Mcllvaine, F S; Albert Swain, T; James Burke, C; Thomas Curran, A C; Isaac McKenzie, 1 S; Martin Hartigan. O S. (X-EAN DIVISION, No. 2—meets every Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock, in Marigny's Buildings, Front Levee, 3d Municipality. Officers—George Brewer, W P; John C. Revel, W A: Andrew C. Jackson, R S; Samuel Collier, A RS; Geo Hale, F S; Richard L. Meekins, T; James A McChray, C; Charles Lawrence, A C; Westendorf, I S; P. Younker. O S: Edward A F Mitchell, P VV r P. UNION DIVISION, No. 3—meets every Friday evening at half past 7 o'clock, at No. 22Ü Tchounitoulas street. Offi- cers—W. E. Tilton, iV P ; J. Stevens, W A ; J. K. Gile, R S ; T. D. Davis, ARS; Alex. McLean, T ; A G. Porter, F S ; R. H. Bruney, C ; J. Williams, AC; J. H. Saxon, 1 S : F. R. Williams. OS. CRYSTAL FOUNT, No. 4—meets every Thursday even- ing, at 8 o'clock, at their Hall, No. Tchoupitoulas street. Oflicers—E. Wells, W P; T. B. Heartt, \V A W. H. Brundage, R S ; Chas. S. Reese, A R S Ira Smith, F S ; T. VV. Van Wyck, T.; E. Davis, C.: C. J. Babcock, A.C.; Joseph Swiler, jr., J. S.; A. Hero. O. S,; Musgrove Evans, Chaplain; T. b. Barry, P W P. WASHINGTON DIVISION, No. 5, of Lafayette- meets every Saturday evening, in the Odd Fellows' Hall, on Tchoupitoulas, near the corner of Jackson street, Lafayette. Officers—S S Burdett, W P; Henry Lan^horn, W A; S Mc- Lean. R S; P S Withers, A R S; J Pace, F S: S Moses, T: J M Parker, G- Thos M Simmons, A C: J Frith, J S; J bow, O S; Rev J McLean, Chaplain; R 'loll, P VV P. MISSISSIPPI VALLEY DIVISION, No. 6-meets everv Tliursday evening, in Unity Hall, No. 2 Marigny Buildings, over the office of the Orleanian. Officers for the present <iuarter—Edward White, W P; Wm Smith, W A; Edward Brown, R S; Benjamin Morehouse, ARS' Jesse Darling, T S; Win Turnbull. T; James Jarvis. C; Daniel Dickenson, A C; Chas Anderson, 1 S; John Graham, O S; John Cavanagh, P VV P. CRESCENT DIVISION, No. 7—meets every Tuesday evening, at the Engine House, No. 1, Hunter street. LANE DIVISION, No. 9—meets every Monday evening, in the Algiers Exchange, at Algiers, at half past 7 o'clock. JEFFERSON DIVISION, No. 10-was instituted at Gretna, Parish of Jeflferson, on Tuesday. 17th August, 1847, by the Grand Worthy Patriarch, James Patterson. LOUISIANA DIVISION, No. 11—meets every Friday evening, in Unity Hall, No. 2Marigny Buildings, above the 44 Orleanian " office. Third Municipality. Officers—VV T illiarn Hornby, W P; J. B. VandergrifT, VV A j R. M. Lusher, R S; George Sherwood, ARS; John McCay, FS; J.J. Lugenbuhl.T: VV. S. Kyle, C; William Low, AC: Chas. Rhodes, J S ; John Skiffinglon, O S. YOUNG MEN'S MAGNOLIA DIVISION, No. 12- meets every Friday evening, at half past 7 o'clock, in their Hall, No. 52 Canal, corner of Royal street. Officers—John Taylor, W P; Peter IIaJberg. VV A; Horace G. Loring, R S; Avery Barlow, ARS; George K. Fitch, F S; Henry Lcaman, T ; Jas. Holtsberry, C ; S. Drury, A C ; C. Carroll, I S ; M. Code, O S : E. Harner, P VV P. FOUNTAIN DIVISION, No. 13—organized Saturday evening, January 15, at the Hail of the Pelican Division, No. I, atthe corner of St. Charles and Common streets. Officers —•JamesGarland, W P; William Hall, W A ; E. P. Hunter, R S ; Thos. L. Bailey. ARS: Chas. Vanderdoes, W F S; Geo. Shumway, T ; Alex. Sutherland, C ; Wm. H. Crane. AC; R. H. Bowles, I S ; Augustus S. Foster, O S. HARMONY DIVISION, No. 15-Organized February 12, 18-18—Meets every Monday evening, at 7>£ o'clock, at the Hall of Crystal Fount Division, No 222 Tchoupitoulas st Officers—W J*Ahern, W P; James D'Arcy, VV A: Geo A Hobson, R. S; J C VVyndhain, A R S; JasW McCracken, F S; H Davis, T; C D Bradford, C: Geo P Smith, A C: T K Lusty, I S; Wm B looks, OS: VVm A Rondeau, P VVP- LIBERAL 1)1 VISION, No. 17—Organized Sunday, Feb 27. 1848 Officers for the present quarter—John C Larue, VVP; EL Lewis, W A: C A Rousselin, R S: Lewis Brown, F S; A W Scales, T: Jb Nicholas Strinjrer, C; Thomas Bir- mingham, A C: St Maur Stuart, I S; Peter Johnson, O S. OLIVE BRANCH UNION. No. 1, Daughters of Tem- perance—was instituted December 14, 1847. Meets everv Monday evening, at half past 2 o'clock, in Goodhope Chapel, Algier». L O. O. F. Time, Plates of Holding Meetings, and Officers of the Several Lodges. GRAND LODGE OF LOUISIANA- meets quarterly, in January, April. July and October, at the Grand Lodge Hall, corner of Tchoupitonlas and Poydras streets, over the United States Exchange. Officers—J. D. Stewart, M W G Master; Aug. Phelps, R VV D G Master: Jas. Wal- ters, R VV G Warden- Ii. P. Andrews, R W G Secretary; II. W. Williams, R W G Treasnrer; C VV Whitall, R VV G Chaplain; J Paisley. R. VV G Conductor; W II Rice, R W G Marshall; Thoä. II. Shields, R W G Guardian. LOUISIANA L<)DGE, No. 1—meeu in the Hall of the Grand Lodge, on Friday night. Officers—U. Tyson, N G; J. T. Hammond, V G; J. II. Bechtel, Secretary; S. Hop- kins, Jr., Permanent Secretary; H. Williams Treasurer. VVASHINGTON LODGE, No. 3—meets in Marigny's Buildings, on Front Levee, on Thursday night. Officers— E. Mannsell, N G* John S. Maunsell, V G; John Huyrnan, Rcc'g Sec'y: N. W. Moore, Treasurer. UNION LODGE, No. 6—-meets in the Hall of the Grand Lodge, on Monday night. Officers—Geo. VV. Shaw, N G; Bernard Cohen, V G; J. Sidney Reif, Secretary; E. L. Mil- liken, Permanent Secretary; Samuel Fulton, Treasurer. CRESCENT LODGE, No. meets every Thursday evening at Crescent llall, in Camp street. Officers—Geo. C. Lawrason, N G: Henry D. Ogden, V G; Geo. W. Christy. Secretary: H. W. Olmsted, Permanent Secretary; Richard Swain, Treasurer. JEFFERSON LODGE, No. 9—meets every Tuesday evening at their Hall on Tchoupitoulas street, above Jackson street, Lafayette. Officers—Washington VV. Vaught, N G; Thomas Cook, V G; Burdett, Secretary; E. R. Beach, Treasurer. TEUTONIA LODGE, No. 10-meets every Tuesday- atthe corner oflPoydras and Tchoupitoulas streets. Offi- cers—Philip Willmann. N G; Julius Fulda. VG; J. F. Meyer, Treasurer; Adolf Solomon, Secretary. ORLEANS LODGE, No. 11-meets every Tuesday even- ing, at Crescent Hall, in ('amp street. Officers—John S. Wallis, N G; R. C. Faulkner. VG;J. L. Walsh. Secretary; E. Val Wiltz, Jr., Treasurer; J. U. A. Hoit, Permanent Secretary. COMMERCIAL LODGE, No. 12-meet5 at the Hall of the Grand Lodge, every Wednesday evening, at 7 o'clock. Officers—L. L. Brown, N G; Wm. II. Foster, V G; T. N. Blake, Secretary; J. G. Glover, Permanent Secretary; Wm. L. Cushing Treasurer. HOWARD LODGE, No. 13-Institnted Nov. 7, 1846- meets every Thursday evening, at 7 o'clock, at the Hall of the Grand Lodge, corner ot Poydras and Tchoupitoulas streets, officers— F. VV. Delesdemier, N G; John C. Larue, V (,; J. (;. punlap. Secretary; L. A. Levy, Jr., Permanent Secretary; J. Ç. 'I ay lor, T reasurer. Hnph LODGE, No. 14—meets every Wednesday, at 7 o clock, p. " ' .... J meets at No. 18 Common street, on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month Officers—L. E. Reynolds, W M ; VV . J. Armstrong, Secretary. . . THE CRESCENT CITY LODGE—under the jurisdic- tion of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi—hold their monthly meetings on the first Thursday evening of each month, at the Masonic Hall, over the Carrollton Railroad Depot, corner of Baronne and Perdido streets Officers—W. II. Howard, VV M: J. U. Evans. Secretary. t . .. ... HIRAM LODGE OF A. Y. MASONS—hold their monthly meetings in the Masonic Hall, corner of Baronne and Perdido streets, on the third Tuesday of each montn, a half-past 6 o'clock, p. M . .. .Officers—D. G. Benbrook, W Lodge of Mississippi—hold their meetings •- the fust Wednesday ol'eaeh .month, on I^vee Jackson OHicei*—A. J. Williams, W M; J- «• Clements. M H. MEYER. 100 C,1 MP STREET,, Watchmaker and Dealer m JE W LL KY, ^ GOLD PENS, FANCY ARTICLES . ANDj WATCHES- All Jewelry Articles repaired ate moderate prices. COPARTNERSHIP. T HE undersigned have formed a copartnerehip withaview of transacting a COTTON fJiCl Uli i(ib. and GEJVFRJil, COMMISSION B US1JYESS in this city, under Vhe style of THORNHILL & MclLHENNY, to take effect aller the 31st of May, next, at which time the connection of Jno. Thornhill with the house of Ward, Jona» Si Co. will be dissolved. R. MclLHENNY h as opened an office at No. 61 Gravier street for the purpose of attending to the wants of our friends who may think proper to entrust us with their business. JNO. THORNHILL, R. MclLHENNY. New Orleans, Jan. 28,1848 mh5 3m No. 38 Camp street. Holding Commissions from the States of TEXAS, MIS SISS1PPL KENTUCKY, FLORIDA, NEW YORK MISSOURI. ILLINOIS, INDIANA. TENNESSEE PENNSYLVANIA, RHODE ISLAND, VERMONT NEW HAMPSHIRE. DELAWARE, ALABAMA MAINE, NORTH CAROLINA, SOUTH CAROLINA GEORGIA, NEW JERSEY, OHIO, and MICHIGAN A. C. A. is prepared to take Depositions and Execute antr Perfect all kinds of Leiral instruments to be used or recorded in said States and the Territory of WISCONSIN. The usual promptitude at his office is continued in all Notarial Businéss. mh5 Saddlery, Harness, and Trunk Warehouse, No. 11 Canal street.. New Orleans. J. A. HORTON has now on jhand a large assortment of every ls> •style of Saddles, Bridles, Martin- gales ; Coach,fGig, Bujgy, Wagon, and Cart HARNESS Dray Bridles, Collars, Vvhips, Stirrups. Bitts and Spurs.— Also, a general assortment of INDI A RUBBER. GOODS, together with the largest stock of Trunks, Valices, Saddle and Carpet Bags, ever before offered in this market, to which he invite« the attention of purchasers, as all the above Goods will be sold at Greatly Reduced Prices. fcSp" The subscriber has also the agency for the sale of SPANISH SADDLE TREES, of a great variety of pat. terns, and at the manufacturer's prices. mh7 6111 COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED have this day associated themselves in the WATCH & JEWELRY BUSI- gaaJÉSBNESS, under the style and firm of KNOWLES & NOEL, at No. 35 Canal street, one door below (.'amp. We will personally attend to REPAIRING every descrip- tion of FINE WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. Twen- ty-four years' experience enables us to say to our friends and the public that our work shall perform to their entire satis- faction. We have in store and will constantly keep for sale a hand some and well selected stock of WATCHES of the best manufacture, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Spectacles, Gold 1\ etc., all of which will lie sold as low as any house in the city and fully guarantied. Please call. P. KNOWLES, 111I1I8 6m VV. NOEL. SOMETHING WORTHY OF ATTENTION. rjMIE proprietor of the St. Charles Loan Office in- X vites the attention of the public to his large stock of unredeemed pledges, consisting of Watches, = Diamonds, Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Clothing, FancyfiS^as Goods, Rooks, etc. etc. Persons who wish to purchase e cellent time-pieces for their own we.'ir will find this an excel- lent opportunity to do so at a comparatively little cost. All the W ate lies onered for sale have been thoroughly examined and placed in 1 perfect repair by a skillful European watch- maker, who is employed continually in the establishment pressly for this purpose. Any person acquainted with the nature of the loaning business will feel assured that greater bargains can be offered by the proprietor than persons doinir business in a regular manner. Watches that originally cost $150 can be offered for less than half that sum. In this es- tablishment no deception is practiced. One price is asked for all the various articles, and no deviation made in any cast By this arrangement the most inexperienced may purchas without fear of being " shaved." Citizens and strangers ar requested to call and examine for themselves. Remember, the St. Charles Loan Office, under the right wing of the St. Charles Hotel, and three doors from the corner ot Gravier st. Four or five Pianos, on which advances have been made and time of keeping expired, are offered for sale as above. ap4 3m GENTLEMEN'S BOOT AND LADIES SHOE STORE.. The subscriber has just received from . phis Manufactory, a splendid assortment OI VKWIQ BOOTS and SHOES, made under his own eye, and of the best material and workmanship, and of the most fashionable and tasty styles, comprising— Gents Extra fine Calf Skin BOOTS; Fine Calf Skin M Fine Morocco 44 4 4 Patent Leather GAITERS; 44 Cloth 44 Fine Calf BROGANS; 44 Rough and Ready HALF-BOOTS; 44 Cloth HALF-GAITERS; 44 NULLI FIERS—Calf and Patent Leather; Velvet and Calf SLIPPERS Huntintr and Riding BOOTS, etc., etc.; )TS, GAITERS and SHOES, of the most Ladies' BOO'] fashionable styles; Boys and Youths' Patent Leather BROGANS; Children's Français GAITERS, Morocco Buttons, Pa- tent Leather, and Calf SHOES, etc. JOHN H. WORTH, ap5 lm under St.. Charles Hotel, corner Common st LAW BOOKS FOR SALE BY ALEXANDER LEVY & CO. LAW BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, "O. even- Officers—Joseph Saliba, N G; Aleinan, Secretary; J. Font, o clock, p. m., at Crescent Hall, Camp street. Officers— Henry Bier, N O; 12. VV. Rodd, V G; A. B. Bein, Secre- tary: tdwariLl' lash. Treasurer. DELTA LODGE, No. 15—meets every Monday night, at. £o clock, at Cresceut Hall, Camp street. Olficers—C. T. Estlin, N G; M. L. McJilton, V G; Bernard Magione, Sec- retary; R. Barclay, Treasurer. . TEMPLAR LODGE, No. 16—meets every Fridav even- |n g, at Crescent. Hall, in Camp st. Officers—P. C. Wright N G ; G. VV. R Baily, V G ; Harmon Doane, Secretary; Dudley Chase, Treasurer- COVENANT LODGE, No. 17—meets in the Hall of Washington Lodge, No. 3, Third Municipality, every Tues- day eveninir. Officers—T. A. Packard, N G; D. B. Forbes, V (î: J. Dinneyer, Secretary; Daniel Wheeler, Treasurer. N AT I ON A L LODG E, N o. 18—meets every Friday i n g , a t H t ) C h a r t r e s s t r e e t * E. J. Gomez, V G; V Treasurer. ETOILE POLAIRE, No. 19—meets every Monday even- ing, at Friendship Hall, No. lib' Chartres street. Officers— F. Parent, N G; C. Ammei, V G; A. de Armas, Secretary; T. Blean. Treasnrer. INTERIOR LODGES—Feliciana Lodire, No. 4, meets at Bayou Sara ...De Soto Lodge, No. 7. at Baton Rouge ..Louisiana Encampment, No. 2, at Bayou Sara. GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF PATRI ARCHS-meets at friendship Hall, Chartres street, on t\. «Q evenings Officers-C. VV. Whitall, M VV G Pat- *V/ * ch: H. Thomas, jr.. M E G H P; G. Hooper, v ^ en - vv »"len; H. P. Andrews, R VV G / \ Jun Warden; H VV Olmsted, R VV G Scribe; S. VV. Kirk- land. R VV C; Treasurer. VVILDEY ENCAMPMENT. No. 1-meets in the Hall of the Grand Lodt'e. on first, and third Saturdays of each month. Officers—J.St raw bri d ge, CP; G. N. Morison. H u 5f- n M d V& en ù S  : W Herbert, S VV; Thomas II. Shields, J VV ; H. Williams. Treasurer. Lawrason, Treasurer MASONIC. A HOLLAND CHAPTER. No. 9, of ROYAL AR( II MASONS—under the imme«liate jurisdic- tM>.i ot the General Grand Chapter for the United States—hold their monthly meetings on the first Monday evening of each month, at the Masonic Hall, over the ( arrolltou Railroad Depot, corner of Baronne and Per dhlo streets.. .< Jtîîcers-T. 11. I^uis. H P; D. Blair Sec'v NEW ERA CHAPTER of ROY AL AR< 'II MASONS —under the immediate iurisiliction of the General Grand ( hapter for the United States—hold their monthly m««etin^s on theLd Mondayeveningofeai'h month,at I he Ma-onic liafl over the Carrollton Railroad Depot, corner of Baronne ami Perdido streets....Officers—John Gedire, H P; 11. M. Sum- mers. Secretary. GEORGE WASHINGTON LODGE—under the juris- diction ot the Grand Lodsre of Mississippi—hold their monthly nuttings on the first Tuesday evening of each month, at the Masonic Hall, over the Carrollton Railroad Depot, corner of Baronne and Perdido streets... .Officers—W. P. Coleman. VV M; Sam'l G. Ri>k. Secretary. „LAFAYETTE LODGE—under the jurisdiction of the i Lodire of Mississippi—hold their monthly meetings in Lafayette, on the th:nl Monday of each month, the ( 'i «V.W, BUTTEKÏ" M) a.,1 «fir. j «• l*w». W M ; N. Wil! commonLaw.a.lapt- ^ * »ÄÄÄ ] 4-workin, ander authority „I aiW 1 « 481 » 1 Stat^CourW. by lien- » .w j me UouuiiM Otaad Lod*a 0f Ancient York Miuon»- I Fonblanyue'i Eqnity. al the ( M.I Fellow's Hall, on Irf-vee strwl. 'near Jack-o,, Dudley. W >1; W. A. Arms. Secretary. " VV AR REN L( >DGE—under the jurisdiction of the Grand M^ijsippi—hold their monthly or stated meetings on ttie second Tue^Jay in each month, at the Masonic Had, over the < arrollton Railroad iK-j.ot, corner of Baronne and Perdido streets . .Officers—T. Ü. Lewis, VV M; N. Wil- tiam-«on. Secretarv. of Camp and Gravier sts., N.C \ DIKISON ON CONTRACTS, 1st American, from 1st -/V«English edition, 1847. American Leading Cases: Select Decisions of American Courts in several departments of Law, with especial refer- ence to the Mercantile Law. With Notes by J.Clark Dare and 11. B. Wallace. Volume I. Archbold's Nisi Prius, new edition, 1845—in 2 volumes. Criminal Pleading. Angell on Limitations—2d edition, revised, corrected and en- larged—184ti. .... on Water-Courses. .... on Tide Waters. oil Corporations—second edition, revised, corrected ana enlarged—1843. Abbott on Shipping—new edition, from 7th English, with Notes by Mr. Justice Story, and Additions and Annota- tions by J. C. Perkins—184b*. American Criminal Law, by Francis Wharton, Esq.—1816. American State Papers in relation to Public Lands, to June 15, 1834. Edited under the authority of the Senate of the United States, by Walter Lowrie—5 vols, folio. Allen on the Duties ami Liabilities of Sheriffs—1845. American Criminal Trials, by P. W. Chandler. 2 v.—1844. American Constitutions of all tlie different States in the Union. Late edition. American Chancery Digest. 2 vols. Adamson Ejectment. New edition—1846. American Common Law, by Wheeler—8 vols. BARBOUR'S New York Chancery Reports. Vol.1—1847. Blackstone's Commentaries, by Chitty, 2 vols. Bullar(\&£ Curry's Louisiana Digest.. Bnrlamaque's Natural Law—2 vols. Brackeuridge on Trusts and Trustees. Barliour's Chancery Practice—2 vols.—1843. Barbour & Harrington's Equity Digest—4 vols. Burr's Trial—2 vols. Bouvier's Law Dictionary—2 vols, new edition—1843. Brockenbrough's Reports—2 vols. Benjamin Slidell's Digest. Bay s Reports—2 vols. Brown's Civil Law—2 vols. Beck's Medical Jurisprudence—2 vols. Baldwin's Reports. Bacon T s Abridgement—8 vols, Blake's Chancery. Betts's Admiralty Practice. COLL Y ER on the Law of Partnership ; 3d American, from the 2d English edition. With large additions to the text, and Notes, by J. C. Perkins. Esq.—1848—containing 1090 p. Chitty's Commercial Law—in 4 vols. Cushing's Manual of Parliamentary Practice—1845. Compendium of Modern Civil Law, bv F. Mackeldey, Esq. Edited by P. J. Kaufman. Esij.—2 vols—1845. Cruise's Digest, with the addition of Notes by Thomas Hunt- ington—b vols, in 3—4th American from the 3d and last Ldndon edition. Chancery Rules and Orders of the Court of Chancery of the State of New York, by Chancellor Walworth, in 1844— with Precedents and Notes of Décisions, etc. etc. Curran's Speeches—2 vols, in 1. Chitty's Pleading—3 vols. .... General Practice—4 vols. .... Blackstone—2 vols. .... on Bills of Exchange. .... on Criminal Law—3 vols. .... ou Contracts—new edition. on Medical Jurisprudence. Constitutional Reports of South Carolina—2 vols. Cooper's Justinian. Conklin's Treatise—new edition. Civil Code of Louisiana. Cowen's Reports—9 vois. Cranell's Reports—9 vols. (Merk's Assistant. Curtis's Admiralty Digest. Code Napoleon. City Hall Recorder—6 vols, in 3. Crabb's History of the English Law. Chipman's Reporta. on Contracts. DEBATES and Proceedings of the Convention for the Re- vision of the Constitution of the State of New York—1846. By Bishop & Attree. Debates in the Louisiana Convention of 1844—in 2 volumes. Denio's New York Supreme Court Reports—2 volumes. Dean's Law Manual, fer the Use of Men of Business. Duer on Insurance—2 vols. Dallam's Digest of the Laws of Texas—1845. Domat s Civil Law, in English—2 vols, folio. Dallas s Reports—4 vols. Digest of New York Reports—4 volumes, 1845. Dunlap's Practice—2 vols. ^— Admiralty Practice. EQUITABLE JURISDICTION of the Court of Chancery. ny George Spence, Esq.—vol. 1. English Causes Célébrés; or. Reports of Remarkable Trials. Edited and illustrated by George L. Craik. London edi- tion—1844. East 's Report«—16 vols, in 8. 2d American edition—1845. ecclesiastical Rej>orts—7 volumes. j' 8 worth's Diirest of Patents, from 1790 to 1839. Published py Act of Congress, together with the present law relating to Patents. CM 11 Diplomatic Code—2 vols, complete. wards on Receivers in Chancery. •••• Parties in Chancery. F.'.ii'it«r n ew , °rk Chancery Reports—3 vols. v y i Ç^shtsman-new edition. P ti'! « mm ? n and Chancery Reports—2 volumes, j past s row n Law—2 vols. PA R ions. \ Vinns .»V1^ ,n Chancery, wit h Rules of Practice for the SnnrÀ V \ he K nitwl S, *ies. Promulgate«! by the withlïmianî! S r n,te,! States, January Term, 1842, •ties—1845 References to American and other Author- ,Çî ,D 'ty. *ind of Orders connected with Foster's Crownllaw ' by IJeBr * Wilmot **»'<»"• & Federalist, new etlition—1842. The numbers written by Mr. Madison, corrected by himself. GORDON'S Digest, Laws ot the United States—newedi- ^on 1844. Galhson's Reports, 2d edition, much enlarged, 2 vols.—1845. Greenleaf on Evidence—2 vols. on Overruled Cases. Gilpin's Reports. Gow on Partnership. HOLCOMBE'S Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States, from its otganization to the pres- ent time—including 5th vol. Howard s Reports—1848. Highmore on the Kaw of Idiocy and Lunacy. Harrison's Analytical Digest, of all the reported cases deter- mined in the llouse of Lords, the several Courts ot Common Law, in Bank ami at Nisi Prius, and the Court ot Bank- ruptcy, from Michaelmas Term, 1756, to Eastei Term, 1843. Including also the Crown Cases Reserved, and a full selec- tion of Equity Decisions, with the Manuscript Cases, cited in the best Modern Treatises, not elsewhere reported. lo which is added a Supplement continuing the work to the year 1846. 2d American, from the3d London edition. By T. Tarant Harrison, Esq. In 5 vols—184b. Humphrey's Precedents ot Practical Forms.. 2 vols.—184o. Hale's Pleas of the Crown—new edition—in 2 vols 8 vo—1847. With American Notesand References, much enlarged. By VVm. A. Stokes & Ed. Ingersoll, of Philadelphia Bar. Hilliard's Abridgement of the American Law ot Real 1 rop- erty—2 vols. Holmes's Statesman, in 1 vol. . Hovendon on Frauds, first American edition, with Notes and References to American Decisions, by Thomas Hunting- ton—2 vols in 1. Horseman's Manual, being a Treatise on the Soundness, the Law of Warranty, and generally on the Laws relating to Horses, by R. Surtees. Hughes on Insurance. Howard's Reports, U. S. Supreme Court—5 vols. Hammond on Insurance. Hawkins's Pleas of the Crown—2 vols. Hoffman's Chancery Practice—3 vols. Masters in Chancery. Legal Study—2 vols. Hill's Reports—7 vols—New York. Hall's New York Superior City Court Reports—2 vols. Hilliard on Sales. INTRODUCTION to Legal Science, by Silas Jones, Esq. J ARM AN on Wills, with Notes and References to Ameri- can Decisions, by J. C. Perkins—2 volumes—1845. Jeremy's Equity Jurisdiction. Johnson's Digest—3 vols, in 2. # Cases—3 vols. Reports—20 vols. Chanoery—7 vols. KINNE'S Law Compendium,complete in6 vols. The last three vols, to be had separate. Kinne's Kent. Blackstone. Kent's Com men taries—4 vols. abridged, in 1 vol. LAVVofthe Measure of Damages ; or, an Inquiry into the Principles which Govern the amount of Compensation Re- covered ii^Suits at Law. By Theodore Sedgwick. 184/. Landowner's Manual—containing asummary of statute reg- ulations in New York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Iowa and Wisconsin, concerning land titles, deeds, mort- gages, wills of real estate, descents and usury—with an Ap- pendix, containing the Constitution of the United States. By Benjamin F. Hall. 1847. Law of Suretyship, and the rights and obligations of the par- ties thereto and herein, of obligations in solido—under the laws of England, Scotland ami other States of Europe, the British Colonies and the üuited States of America ; and on the conflict of laws. By Wm. Bürge, Esq. 1st American from London edition—1847. Lawyers' Common-Place Book, with an Alphabetical Index of about 1000 titles which occur in legal study in practice, together with suitable tables for reading and overruled cases, character of books, etc. Leach's Crown Law—2 vols. Law of Patents, relative to Patent Privileges for the sole use of Inventions, and the practice of obtaining letters-patent for Inventions, with an Appendix of Forms and Entries, by VV. M. Hiudinarsh, Esq.: and with a second Appendix of the Acts of Congress and Decisions of t lie Courts of the United States, and forms for obtaining patents—1847. Louisiana Magistrate and Parish Officer's Guide. By E. R. Olcott and II. M. Spofford, Esqs—1848. Louisiana Magistrate s Assistant, with Kerr's Exposition, by John Dutton, Eso. Louisiana Code of Practice, by Upton. by Grenier—2d edition—1845. Louisiana Digest of Supreme Court Reports, from 1838 to 1843. By P.J. A.Deslix. Law and Practice of Writs of Error. Law Glossary, 2d edition. By Thomas Taylor. 1843. Laws of Trade in the United States. Being an abstract of the statutes of the several States and Territories concerning Debtors and Creditors. By J. B. Moore, Esq. Law of Usury, by J. VV. Blydenburg—1844. Long on Sales. Lube on Equity Pleading. Land Laws—2 volumes. Lex Mercatoria. Louisiana Reports—19 vols. MILITARY Laws of the United States, including those re- lating to the Army, Marine Corps, Volunteers, Militi?, and to Bounty Landsand Pensions; to which are prefixed the rules and articles of war and the constitution of the United States—3d edition. The first and second editions were com- piled by Col. Trueman Cross, U. S. Army. This third edition brings the military laws through the first session of the 29th Congress, or August 10,1846, under the su per vision of Capt. A. R. Hetzel, U. S. Army Minot's Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, in 1 volume—1844. Montesquieu's Spirit of ihe Laws—London edition. MeCulloch's Commercial Dictionary—2 vols. Martin's Reports—19 vols. [20] Montefiore's Mercantile Law. Mason's Reports—5 vols. McLean's Reports—3 vols.l Mitford's Chancery Pleadings. Massachusetts Reports. Metcalf's Reports, 10 vols. Moore's Index, 2 vols. McNally's Evidence. Maddock's Chancery. 2 vols. NEW CLERK'S ASSISTANT, or Book of Practical Forms : designed for the use of county and town officers, Merchants, Mechanics, Farmers, Professional men, &c. New Law Dictionary; containing explanations of such technical terms and phrases as occur in the works of ie- gal authors, in the practice of the courts, and in the Par- liamentary proceedings of the House of Lords and Com- mons ; to which is added, an outline of an action at law, and of a suit in equity, by II. J. Holthouse, Esq. First American edition, with numerous additions, 184/. North on the Law and Practice of the Probate Courts of Mississippi* adapted to the use of Lawyers, Judges. Clerks of Court, Sherifis, Executors, Administrators and Guardians. ORDINANCES of the Second Municipality. Oliver's Forms. .... Conveyancing. Owen on Bankruptcy. PRINCIPAL AND AGENT-Treatise on the Law of- chiefly with reference to Mercantile transactions, by Win. Paley, (from 3d English Edition by J. H. Lloyd,) and with further extensive additions, by John A. Dunlap, Esq., 3d American edition, 1847. Principles of Forensic Medicine, by Wm. Gay. M. B. Can- tab, 1st American edition ; with notes and additions by Charles A. Lee. Esq., M. I). Public Statutes at Large of the United States, from 1789 to 1845. Edited by R. Peters, in 8 volumes, and 2 Nos. Practical Treatise on the law relating to Trustees, their Pow- ers, Duties, Privileges, and Liabilities, by James Hill, Esq., with Notes and References to American decisions, by F. J. Trou bat t of the Philadelphia Bar, 1846. Puffendorf's Law of Nature and Nations. Peake's Nisi Prius. Plea of Insanity in Criminal Cases, by F. Window. Popular and Practical Introduction to Law Studies, by Samuel Warren. Partidas, 2 vols. Phillips on Patents. .... on Insurance, 2 vols. .... on Evidence, 4 vols. Paine's Circuit Court Reports. Pothier on < Contracts. on Obligations, 2 vols. Peter's Digest, 3 vols. U. S. Sup. Courts, 17 vols. Condensed Reports, 6 vols., new edition, 1842. Park on Insurance. Powell on Mortgages, 3 vols. Pickering's Reports, 24 vols. Precedents of Wills, by Thos. Taylor, 1843. Paige's Chancery Reports, 10 vols. RUDIMENTS OF AMERICAN LAW and Practice, fo the use of Students at Law, by Thomas VV. Clark, Esq. Ryland's Crown Circuit Companion. Robinson's Louisiana Reports, 12 vols. Roberts on Fraudulent Conveyances, 3d Amer, ed., 1845. _ Russell on the Laws Relating to Factors and Brokers, 1845. Ray's Medical Jurisprudence, of Insanity, 2d edition, 1844. Russell on Crimes, 2 vols. Roscoe's Criminal Evidence. Roberts on Wills, 2 vols. Robinson's Penal Laws of Louisiana. Raymond's Digested Chancery Cases contained in the Court of Appeals of Maryland. Rights and Duties of Merchant Seamen. Kutherforth's Institutes. Revised Statutes of New York, 4 vols. SMITH'S MERCANTILE LAW : greatly enlarged, from the 3d and last English edition, by J. P. Holcombeand VV. Y. Gholsou. Selection of Leading Cases upon Commercial Law, decided by the Supreme Coatf of file United States, with notes and illustrations, by J. r. Ifrlcombe. Sàbdford's New York Chancery Court Reports, 2 vols. Supplement to the United States' Digest; being a digest, of the decisions of the Courts of Common Law and Admi- ralty, in the United States, by John Phelps, Esq., of the Boston Bar; in 2 volumes—1847. Smith's Chancery Practice, in 2 vols. Saunder's Reports, 6th Am. ed., 3 vols., 1846. Stephens's Nisi Prius, with Notes and References to the latest. American Decisions, by George Sharswood, 3 vols. Smith's Leading Cases, 2 vols., 1844. Starkie on Evidence, 3 vols. on Slander, with Notes and References to American Cases, by John L. Wendell, 2 vols. Saunders on Pleading and Evidence, new ed., 2 vols., 1844. Summary of the Criminal Law, by II. J. Stephen. Sherman's Digest of the Law of Marine Insurance. Second Municipality vs. Orleans Cotton Press, 2 vols. Sugden on Vendors, 2 vols. .Stephens's Commentaries, 4 vols. on Pleading. Sergeant on Attachment. on Constitutional Law. Story's Laws of the United States, 4 vols. Commentaries on the Constitution, 3 vols. Reports, 2 vols. Equity Pleading. on the Law of Promissory Notes. Conflict of Laws. Equity, 2 vols. on Contracts, 1 vol., 1844. on Partnership. on Bills of Exchange. on Agency. on Bailments. Stephens & Benecke on Insurance. Sumner's Reports, 3 vols. TRIAL OF ABNER ROGERS, for the Murder of Charles Lincoln, late Warden of the Massachusetts State Prison, at Boston—1844. Treatise on the Law of Fire Insurance, and Insurance on Inland Waters ; in two parts, with an appendix of forms— by Elisha Hammond, Esq. Thacher's Criminal Cases ; Tried in the Municipal Court of Boston, 1845. Toller's Law of Executors, late edition. Taylor's Landlord and Tenant, 1844. Tomlin's Law Dictionary, 3 vols. Trial of Judge Peck. Theobold on Surety and Agency. Tidd's Practice, 2 vols. The Law of Fire and Insnrance, by George Beaumont. UNITED STATES DIGEST ot the Decisions of the Courts of Common Law and Admiralty, in 3 vols., by George T. Curtis, Esq. United States Form Book, containing every variety of Pre- cedents, &,<; , &£c., 1845. VOLUME TENTH LAWS OF THE U STATEJ, . from March 4, 1839. to March 3, 1845. Vattel's Laws of Nations. WILLIAMS on Executors and Administrators, with Notes and reference to American Decisions, by Francis J. Trou- Wentworth on Executors. [bat, 2 vols. Wordsworth's Law ot Joint Stock Companies, 1842. Walker's Introduction to American Law. Ware's Reports. VY'hite's New Recopilacion 2 vols. VVheaton's Reports. 12 vols. International Law, 3d edition, 1846. .... Law of Nations. Selwyn, 2 vols. Wood 's Civil Law. Wharton's Digest of Reported Cases in Pennsylvania, 4th edition. 2 vols.. 1843. Wallace's Reports. Washington's Circuit Court Reports. 4 vols Wheelers Criminal Cases, 3 vols. VV ended's Reports, 26 volumes. YATES'S PLEADINGS AND FORMS. mli20 STATIONERY, îïauticai Books, Charts, tec., &c. A NEW AND INTERESTING BOOK. TO ST..1VF. OWNERS. E RNEST CLEMENCEAU, Or, British Philanthropy Illustrated. A Tale of Guadaloupe in 1838. Translated from the French of Frederic Soulié, by a Lady of Charles- Just received and for sale at the NewOrleans Stationers' Warehouse. [mhl3] J. B. STEEL. 14 Camp st. R EID'S SCOUTING EXPEDITIONS.—THE SCOUTING EXPEDITIONS OF MTCULLOCH'S TEXAS RANGERS- or. the Summer and Fall Cam- paign of the Army of tne United States in Mexico in 1846; including skirmishes, with the storming of Monterey ; also the Daring Scouts at Buena Vista; together with Anec- dotes, Incidents, Descriptions of Country, and sketches of the Lives of the celebrated partisan chiefs. Hays, McCul- Joch, and Walker. By Samuel C. Reid. Jr., late of the Texas Rangers, and Mem Iter of the Bar ot Louisiana. Just received and for sale at the New Orleans Stationers' Warehouse. J. B. STEEL, mli 11 14 Camp street. N EVV PUBLICATIONS, at No. 14 Camp street.— CAMPBELL'S LIVES OF THE LORD CHAN- CELLORS OF ENGLAND, second series, vols. 4 and 5. GEN%TAYLOR AND HIS STAFF—Comprising Me- moirs ot Gens. Taylor, Woith, Wool, ami Butler; Cols. May, Cross, Clay, Hardin, Yell. Hays, and other distin- guished officers attached to Gen. Taylor's army, interspersed with numerous Anecdotes of the Mexican War, and per- sonal adventures of the olficers; compiled from public docu- ments and private correspondence, with accurate Portraits, ami other beautitill ilius'rations. GEN. SCOTT AND HIS STAFF-Comprising Me- moirs of Geu. Scott, Twiggs, Smith, Uuitman, Shields, Pillow, Lane, Cadwalader, Patterson and Pierce; Cols. Childs, Riley. Harney, Butler, and other distinguished olfi- cers attached to Gen. Scott's Army, etc. THE WAR AND ITS WARRIORS—Comprising a complete History of all the American Armies in Mexico, with biographical sketche and anecdotes ot the most distin- guished officers in the Regular Army and the Volunteer '"pfùTORIAL LIFE OF WASHINGTON . Just received and for sale at the New Orleans Stationers Warehouse and Emporium for Standard, Miscellaneous, Polite and School Literature. nih20 J- P». STEEL. 14 Camp st. NEW AND INTERESTING PUBLICATIONS A SYSTEM OF ENGLISH VERSIFICATION—Con- taining rules for the structure of the different kinds of verse, illustrated by numerous examples from the best Poets. By E rast us Everitt, A. M. THE LIFE OF THE CHEVALIER BAYARD, the Good Knisrht, "sans peur et sans reproche." By W. Hlfe^'OlTv U?TYI E GIRONDISTS, Or, Personal Me- moirs of the Patriots of the French Revolution, from un- published sources. By Alphonse DeLaMartini, Author of Travels in the Holy Land, etc. In 3 vols. V ol. 2. THE POETICAL WORKS OF ALEX. POPE, with Notes by Warburton, and Life of the Author. In one volume complete, uniform with Appleton s beautiful edi- tionsol"the Poets. . SCENES IN WASHINGTON, A Story of the Last I.en. eratioii. By a Citizen of Baltimore. Complete in 1 »ol. ADVENTURES IN MKXICO AND TIIE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. By Geo. F. Ruxton.Esq. No. XL, MAKl'ERS' PICTORIAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND. . Just received, and for sale at the NewOrleans Stationers Warehouse. [mhl3] J. B. STEEL, 14 Camp st. NEW PUBLICATIONS INtf,CHEAP FORM, At No. 14 Camp Street. riiHE LAST OF THE FAIRIES, A 'Christmas Tale. _I by G. P. R. James, Esq., author of the "Convent," " Margaret Russell," &c. Price 10 cent»/ THE 1)1 SGRACE To THE FAMILY by VV. Blanch- ard Jerrold, with illustrations, by "Phiz," complete. Price 25 cents. «... .... THE POOR SCHOLAR, A Pathetic Story of Irish Life, by Wm. Carleton, author of "Traits and Stories of Irish Peasantry," complete. Price 15 cents. CHRISTOPHER TADPOLE, by Albert Smith, with il- lustrations, complete. Price 75 cents. TWENTY YEARS AFTER, A sequel to "TheThree Guardsmen," by Alex. Dumas. WALLACE, THE HERO OF SCOTLAND, by Ga- briel Alexander, with 38 engravings. JAMES THE SECOND. Or the Revolution of 1688, an historical romance, by VV. Harrison Ainsworth, Esq., complete. Price 25 cents. THE BRIDE OF THE NORTHERN WILDS, A Tale of 1743, by Newton M. Curtis. FRANKLIN S AMERICAN COTTAGE LIBRARY, Or Useful Facts, Figures, and Hints for every body. VAIL'S AMERICAN ELECTRO-MAGNETIC TEL- EGRAPH, with reports of Congress and a description of all Telegraphs known, employing Electricity, or Galvan- ism, with 82 engiaviugs. NO. 15 FLOWERS PERSONIFIED. Price 25 cents. NOS. 11 AND 12 AMERICAN CHESS MAGAZINE, edited by C. II. Stanley, Esq. Just received and for sale at. the New Orleans Stationers' Warehouse. [mh9j J. B. STEEL, 14 Campst. A RMY PORT FOLIO—By Capt. 1). F. Whiting, 7th I nfantry, LI. S. A.—Contents of No. 1— SKETCH OF THE ENCAMPMENT OF THE U. S. ARMY AT CORPUS CHRISTI. October. 1845. MONTEREY, as seen from a house-top on the east side of the Main Pla/.a, alter the capture of the city by the U. S. forces under Gen. Taylor. HEIGHTS OF MONTEREY, with 2d Division com- manded by Geu. Worth, moving into position under the guns of the enemy, after the action of Jeronimo. VALLEY TOWARD SALTILLO. with the rearguard and wagon train of the U. S. Army coming into the Castle after its capitulation. VIEW OF MONTEREY from Independence Hill, near the Bishop's Palace, with the village of Guadalupe and Sierra Süla, or Saddle Mountain, in the distance Price, one dollar each Engraving, or four dollars for the Port Folio of five views. Just published and for sale at the New Orleans Stationers' Warehouse. [mho] J. B. STEEL, 14 Camp st. TO SCHOOL TEACHERS, COUNTRY MERCHANTS AND PARENTS. ^IMIE attention of those purchasing SCHOOL BOOKS, JL either for their own use or to sell, is respectfully invited to the assortment of the subscriber. He will sell all kinds ol School Books as low as they can be purchased at any estab- lishment in this city. He intends to keep constantly on hand all works in the various departments of Education in gene- ral use, some of which are— SPELLING BOOKS—^Webster's, Comly'», Cobb's, Em- erson's. New York, Town's, Parley's, Bentley's, and Hazen's; , _ READERS—Grigg& Elliott's Series, Murray's, Emerson's, Frost's, Porter'Sj New York, Goodrich's, Pierpont's, Cobb's, Mandeville's, and Worcester's; DICTIONARIES—Webster's, Walker's, Todd's John- son and Walker's, Oswald's Cobb's, Walker's and Reid's; GRAMMARS—Murray's, Kirkham's, Greenleaf's, Inger- BOII'S, Smith's, Green's, Brown's, Alger's, Murray's, Comly's, Bullions', and Cobbett's English Grammars; RHETORIC—Blair's, Whateley's, Jamieson's and Boyd's; ELOCUTION—Comstock's, Barber's, and Kirkham's; LOGIC—Mills', Whateley's, Hedge's, Tappan's Jamie- sou's, and Parker's Logic. COMPOSITION—Parker s Progressive Exercises and Aids to English Composition; ARITHMETIC— Emerson's. Pike's, Smith's, Davies', Col- burn's, Daboll's, Adams , Smiley's, Parley's, Cobb's, and Ray'a Arithmetic; ALGEBRA Davies' Day's, Colburn's. Bonnycastle s. Bridge's, Farrar's,-!Lacroix's, Harny's, Euler's, and B o u r d o n ' s ; . . . GEOMETRY—Davies' Elements, Practical, Analytical, and Descriptive; and Legendre's, Play fair's, and Sim- son's Euclid; ...... SURVEYING—Davies', Day's, Gummere's, Flint s, and Gibson's Surveying; . , , _ . , MENSURATION—Day's, Bonnycastle's, and Ostrander's Mensuration; , _ , f _ DRAWING—Davies' Shades and Shadows, Peale s Graph. ics. and United States Elementary Drawing Books; BOOK-KEEPING—Bennett's, Preston's, Harris', God- dard's. Marsh's, Edward's, Colt's, Hitchcock's, und Ross's Book-Keeping: GEOGRAPHY—Mitchell s, Olnev's, Woodbridge s. Par- ley's, Maltebrun's, Worcester s, Adams', Goodrich's, Blake's Smiley's, and Smith's Geography and Atlas; HISTORY Grimshaw's Key and Questions, Frost's, Hale's, Willard's, Olney's,Webster's, and Russell's His- tory ol the United States ; Do.—Grimshaw's Key and (Questions, Pinnock's and Rus- sell's History of England; Do.—Grimshaw's, Russell's and Crowe's History of France; Do.—Grimshaw's Key and Questions, Goldsmith's, Pin- nock's and Ferguson's History of Rome: Do.—Grimshaw's Key and Questions of Greece: Do.—Robin's, Peter Parley's, Whelpley's, Willard's, Dr. Lardner's, Worcester's and Tytler's Universal History. BIOGRAPH Y—Weems's Life of Washington, Marion. Penn, Franklin, etc.; Marshall's and Spark's Life of Washington ? NATURAL PHILOSOPHY—Jones's improved edition. Swift's First Lessons, Phelps' do. for Beginners. Com- stock's, Blake's, Renwick's and Draper's Natural Phi- losophy; CllEMiSTRY—Jones's Improved Edition, Mrs. Phelps's Chemistry for Beginners, Comstock's Young Chemist, Comstock's, Blake's, Turner's, Renwick's and Chap- tal's* BOTANY—Ruschenberger's Botany for Beginners. Mrs. Phelps's do., Comstock's Yonne Botanist, Blake s, Com- stock's, Eaton and Wright's Botany; MINERALOGY ANDGEt >L< >GY—Ruschenberger's Ge- ology for Beginners, with 300 cuts; Comstock's IVIineral- ogy and Geology; Lee's, Hitchcock's, Bakewell's and Lyell's Elements of Geology; NATURAL HISTORY—Bigland's and Rnschenlierger's Series, 1000 illustrations; Goldsmith's Natural History; PHYSIOLOGY—Ruschenberger's Primary for Beginners. 45 cuts; Combe's, Comstock's, Lee's and Jane Taylor's Physiology; ASTRONOMY—Peter Parley's, Whewell's, Wilkins's, Blake's and Olmstead's Astronomy; INTELLECTUAL and MORAL PHILOSOPH Y—Up. ham's Mental Philosophy, Abbott's Abercrombie's In- tellectual Philosophy, Paley's Philosophy, and Way land's Moral Science; , t . , POLITICAL ECONOMY—WaylaiW's, Smith's, Say's and Porter'ssPolitieal Economy; ... FRENCH GRAMMARS—Levizae's, Bolmar s Wanos- trocht's and Cobbett's French Grammars; Ollendorff's New Method with a Key, and Bolmar's Treatise on Verbs: FRENCH DICTIONARIES—Meadow's, Nugent's, Bay er's, Wilson's, Morphy's, Surenne'» Pronouncing and Dufiefs French Dictionaries; FRENCH READERS— DeTivas's Elementary French Reader, Rowan's Modern French Reader, Collot's New French Reader, Perrin's Fables, Bolmar's Perrin's Fa- bles, Colloquial Phrases, Telemachus and a Key, Recueil Choisi, Charles XII, and Histoire des Etats Unis. SPANISH—Neuman and Barett i's Spanish and English Dictionary, Cubi's Spanish Grammar and Translator, Sale's Josse's Spanish Grammar and Exercises, Mein- tosh's Spanish Primer, and Dnfi*»f's Nature Displayed. GERMAN—Ollendorff's New Method of Learning Ger- man, with a Key, Adler's Progressive German Reader, Hem pel's German Grammar, Nohden's Lloyd's, Flii- ffell's and Schorchill's German and English Dictionary. LATIN GRAMMARS—Adams's, Fisk\ Gould's Ad- ams's, Russell's, Andrews and Stoddard's, Bullions's Arnold's Latin Grammars. LATIN DICTIONARIES—Ainsworth's, Leverett's, En- tick's. and Anthon's Ainsworth's Dictionary. , , LATIN READERS AND EXERCISES—Ant hon s Les- sons and Reader. Jacob's Reader, Anthon's Ch'sar, Sal- lust, Cicero, Horaee, and Prosody; Gould's Virgil, Hor- ace9and Ovid; Virgil and Horace Delphini, Arnolds Cornelius Nepos, and Clark's Ca-sar. , GREEK READERS AND EXERCISES- Anthon s First Lessons, Reader, Prosody, and Homer, ri-k * bx- erci-es, Felton's Homer's liiad, Arnold s Greek Reading Book, and New Testament. , , , ORELOX DICTIONARIES—rionnegan f. Grove a anil GR I'I'K '(JE A'VI M A RS—lîutman's. Fnk'». Anthon'«, Ross's, Valpy's, Bullion.'« anil Sophocle» » Greek CI \SSICAL WORKS—Anthon's ClawirnI Dictionary, Leiiinriere's Clasflcal Dictionary. Anthon « Dictionary of Greek ami Roman Antiquities, Tuoke's I'antheon, Elements ol Mythology, etc. y - , n e x t e n s i v e a s s o r t m e n t o f o t h e r S t a n d a r d , ^L IIIKII anil ot her M iscellaneous Works, in every department of Literature. Science ami An. toeether with every artiuleo! ü-pifll IN" LR Y now in use. for -ale at the lowest prici«*, at the NEW« iKLKANSSTATIONKR»' WARF.lt*M SE, Po. U CJlMI' STREET. J. B. STEEL. N. B. .1 liberal disrounl made lo Country Dealers, Pro- t«M0», Teaciw.'», and those h bo buy to «eli agîm, mbô F OR THE BENEFIT or Mitt AFFLICTED —K« ing the extreme hazard which strangers run. in con ing physicians for the cure of private diseases owm-r . V'.'L utter disqualifications of many who profess to cure such «V I deem it to be nothing but an act of kindness toward i' unfortunately afflicted, as well as sheer justice to |) r MVI LEN. No. 8t> CUSTOMHOUSE STKKKT, to state thir ... year 184« I was sorely afflicted with syphilis, in its wurM most appalling form, and for several months together wV «1er the best regular medical practice i could obtain m V" Orleans, without being at all benefitted—iudeed | »r evv worse. AT length I heard of Dr. MTLI.KN'S great remu tion. I applied to him. and. to my great joy, in three*. !? he restored me to perfect health Subscribed, NewOrL.«« Jan.7.1847. laplh tmj SAMUEL RQRUl -Rsnv ' NOTICE. ~~ rpo THOSE AFFLICTED WITH VENEREA! npj 1. EASES.—The reputation of the writer is so well'estai islied that all that is necessary to say tothose whohavehem so unfortunate as to have contracte»! any one of those ORKAn FUI» DISK ASKS known and called SK< RKT DISEASES in an* part of their various forms, is, that the writer, after a moat successful practice of twenty-six years, confined strictly in VKNKRKAL DISEASES and Diseases of the Blood, Cliavm" treated and relieved many hundreds who were past all hoi» 1 many of whom had been under the treatineut of eminent physicians without receiving any benefit.) is enabled to «ff«, you positively a safe, certain and speedy cure. Should anv of the UNFORTUNATELY AFFLICTED see this short advertise ment, they would do well to call at No. 8ti CUSTOMHOI SK STREET, lie tore applying elsewhere, and avail themselves 0f the benefits of the sul»scril>er's Ion? and successful exnericn. . aplti Im Ii. F. MILLEN. 8ti t 'ustunihon^lt ' D MEDICAL TREATMENT. R. A. CULLEN has removed his office, from 75 Rov»l street to No. 16 NATCHEZ Street, near 11,„ Arcade. He still continues to cure Stricture on hr new system—removing the worst stricture without anyoi>et ation—entirely by medicines that relieve and permanently cure, without any hindrance to business or diet. Dr l'nllen is too well known, in NewOrleans and the snrrounilm? country, to need any puffing or self-laudation. < In aimli..» tion to Dr. C., he will refer you to hundreds, of the firsthand i this city, who have been cured in the I: i*n years on une for jour»elvcs, No ' plan. I'lease call and pay required without a cure is effected. Rheumatism cured. Gonorrhoea cured in three days, or no pay. Remember, LTI NATCHEZ STREET, NEAR THE AR CADE, l'mt-paid letters punctually attended to in all eouti dence, and medicines securely packed and sent to any virt ,!r the country. nih'itim MEDIC A Ii CAR 1)7 SOUTHERN MEDICAL OFFICE jVU. 18 C.1 RONDE!.ET ST. ' T O THE PUBLIC.—Nine yeats permanently loonip,] in this city, combined with the nnviirieil success our peculiar system ol treatment lor Syphilitic, Mercurial anil »II Chronic complaints, lias met with iluring that time, liai full, and soundly established our reputation. The "Southern Medical Office," No. 18 Carondelet street, established in 184Ü, for the cure of all ( 'lironic affec- tions. is, with a few exceptions, known to all; the only olf jeet of this card is to inform those who know not itsloc.i tion, that if afflicted with any of those private diseases which are unfortunately so prevalent, they can consult us wall » certainty and guarantee of cure. To those especially who, from an immoderate use of Mer- cury mal-practice or Secondary Syphilis (causing Nodes on the bonesi, nocturnal Rheumatism. Itching on the client blotches on the skin. Ulcers iu the throat, general debility) have ruiued their constitution, we recommend to call upon us: for we are confident that the prompt and permanent tf. lief they will derive from the active effect.- of our treatment will at once convince them of our capability of fulfilling what we profess. We do not boast of making rapid and hasty cures, but our satisfaction is to perform thorough and radical ones, in ^ »bort a space of time as it can possibly be done, with ad van. tage and safety to4he patient. We will not here, through a newspaper medium, enter in any elaborate remarks regarding venereal a flection*. It is a disease that unfortunately pervades all ranks of society, rich and poor, matrimonial and single; all we will observe is, if any person afflicted with a complaint of that nature, cannot class his peculiar case with auy of those that we describe, (see treatise.) by calling at our offie vye will give him, free of all charges, what explanation or advice he may desire. It. often happens that an ill-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters a patient from applying to those who, from education and respectability, can Itefriend him, delay- ing a treatment till all the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance. To such, the doctor pledges himself to preserve the most inviolable secrecy; and from bis extensive practice and expe- rience, he can confidently recommend a safe and speedy cure. L. C. THOMSON, Office No. 18 Carondelet street, between Canal and Com- mon, sign of the Marble iEsculapian Statue. Private en. trance, first door to the right of No 18, in Carondelet >treet. Private egress both in < 'ommou and Carondelet sts. ahi lm MEDICAL OFFICE, No. 86 Customhouse street. New Or lentis. TNVALTJABLE DISCOVERY. No PAY REQNRK.N J UNTIL A CI RK IS EFFECTED.—Private diseases cured in a few days by a regular ohysician, without mercury or other poisonous medicines, at No. 8t> Customhouse street, New Or leans, Louisiana. Dr. MULLEN calls the attention of those afflicted with any of the forms of a certain Disease, to his general ad vet tisement in anot her column. The treatment adopted by him is that which has the approval of the most distinguish sur. geons of Paris, London and New York; and iu universal success luis proved beyond a doubt that a permanent cure for the worst cases of constitutional syphilis, gonorrho-a, strie- ture, enlargement of the prostrate glands, diseases induced by a certain solitary practice, etc., etc., can now lie obtained to a moral certainty, if application be made to those who»e intelligence, skill and experience can be relied on. Since !>r. Mullen opened in this city, all the many cases that, have come under his care have been cured without a single exception. Some of theseQvere of years' standing. One remarkable care of stricture, 30 years old. has been cured, to the surprise of the oMient. The gentleman (whose respectability is known to tlH citizens of New Orleans) is at hand, and (by_ his permit, sion) can lie referred to. Dr. M.'s treatment of stricture is not known south of New York. His treatment of gonoi- rhœa and gleet is the most perfect ever discovered. It is the shortest, safest and surest. The patient takes no copaiva, cu. bebs, turpentine, or other nanseus doses, but a cure is ob- tained in one or two days without pain, inconvenience or change of diet, No pay unless a cure is effected within the time named. IMPOTENCY.—Young men or others who, bv sexual excess or self-pollution, may have brought on themselves any of the painfnl consequences resetting from an unrestrained in- dulgence of the passions, such as premature impotency, in- voluntary seminal emissions, general debility or constitutionr.i derangement, may consult Dr. Mullen with honorable con- fidence : he otters them a perfect cure. The strictest secr»y observed. Dr. Mullen can be consulted daily at, his office, No. StiCiir. tomhousest. BENJAMIN MULLEN, M. 6Rememiier, No. 8fi Customhouse st. mliltJ Jin M ONTHLY BULLE- TIN .... No. 4 .... The Qratfenherg Com- pany hereby announce that they are now incorporated by the Legislature of the State of New York, Capi- tal $100,000, agreeably to the following certificate from the Secretary of State: STATE OF NEW YOYK Secretary 1 s Office. I certify that a certificate of the Incorporation of " The Craefenberg Company," bearing date the 24th day of February, 1848, was this day filed in this office. ARCHD. CAMPBELL, Dep. Sec. of State. Albany, Feb. 26, 1848. This step perfects the organization of the Company, pla- cing it amongst the Institutions of the day. Among the objects of Incorporation were the following : 1st. That we might the more certainly protect the pnblic against spurious articles which the cupidity of unprincipled men may attempt to introduce under the name of the Crae- fenberg Medicines. 2d. That the vast amount of business done by the Compa- ny might lie placed under the sanction of legislative enact inent, and be thereby stamped with its approbation, securing to the public reliable medicines. The time is now near at. hand when the diseases of spring and summer will make their appearance. If now the (irrte- fen berg Medicines be introduced, thousand of lives will lie saved. Medical men who have become acquainted with the merits of these celebrated remedies, are laying in a supply to useln their private practice, IN BILIOUS REGIONS, especially, they are of inex- pressible value. Used according to directions, a person am not become bilious ! no matter how sickly the country or great the exposure. Let the West freely use them, ami bil- ious disorders will disappear from those fair regions. The American Graefenherg theory does not presume that one medicine cau cure all diseases. It is idle and impudent to flaunt such a doctrine in the face of an intelligent com- munity. It is the language of «oacks and pretenders. But in the series of medicines offered by the Graefenherg Com- t » Î' 11 ,v, EV I'.R V DISEASE will find it-antidote. The Pdls are sovereign in all bilious, stomach, liver, and chronic com- plaints. As a cathartic, they are jierfectly mild, thorough and strengthening. The Fever ana Ague Pills unerringly cure Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Ague Cake, and the like. The Health Bitters restore the tone of the system, clear t he complexion, cause the monthly secretions of females, Sir.. The Sarsapari/la is the best in the world, and is so powerfully concentrated that it is ten times cheaper than any other. The Children's Panacea is a most extraordinary nursery medicine and vermifuge. The Eye Lut ion has no equal for all forms of inflammation and weakness ol the Eyes. The Green Mountain (hutment is the priu'-ipaj Ointment now used. The Dysentery Hyrup is warranted to cure the worst ca&esof Bloody-flnx, Dysentery, Diarrfio a, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum. &c. The Covsumpiiee Bahn is the only unfailing remedy known. tSp* The General Agent for Louisiana and Mississippi is D.il ANSB ROUGH, 72 CAMP Street, New Orleans La., to whom applications for Agencies may lie addressed EDW. BARTON. Secretary. New York, March, 1848. _0 CT For sale by WELD & CO., Periodical Agents. U Camp street; D. FELT & COL, Stationers' Hall, 24 Char très street: ALFRED IIIJNTER, corner of Exchange Place and Customhouse street ; C. VAN K KI < > N, corner Magazine and Bartholomew streets; SLAJTER•£. r/««J Levee, between Ursulineand Hospital streets;• J 1 WR Li II & CO., 151 Chartres street. New Orleans ; TIIOH.. MH >K. P. M.. City of Lafayette; J. L. VAN BOKKELLEN. cor- ner of Camp and St. Mary street, Lafayette. ap II lm R. BILLINGS' CARMINATIVE AND A8TRIN- GKNT SYRCP-.^n Infallible Remedy for <hoUm Infantum or Summer Complaint of Children, (hoi era J y" 7 ^ bus, IJiarrhaa, and any Irregularities of the The long and successful experience in the use ot uns remedy, by the inventor, in the treatment of aJl l P& diseases for which it is recommended, togeth«" D rh" highly respectable testimony, which nnmbeis bear to its efficiency in the cure of the ffowel Affections of Childien. Diarrho-a. Cholera Morbus andiDysentery, in grown person-, entitle it to a higher confidence than if it were one of the or- dinary humbug medicines of the day, which profes* to per- form miracles and cure ail the ills of life. Its character has been fully established in the hands of physicians of the high- est character, as tiie following letter will show : DELTA, Coahoma county, Miss., May 31.1847. O. O. WOODMAN, ESQ.—Dear Sir : There are but FCW OI he very many nostrums now offered to the public to which I vould lie willing f i of my name, howe Observation and experience, however, have forced upon me the conviction that Bil ing#' Carminative and As- tringent Syrup a very valuable compound, prepared ujion scientific principles—jierfectly in harmony with the law* ot organic life—and, therefore, deserves (although i?» ingredi- ents are kept secret) to rank higher in the scale of remedial agents than a mere nostrum. It affords me pleasure to able (without the fear of successful contradiction) to add iuy testimony in favor of its efficiency, as a safe ami P* 11 remedy, in all the forms of bowel complaints for win» h it '* recommended. I have used it myselfin several very interr- ing chronic cases of Diarrho-a and Dysentary, and recom- mended it in many others ; and in every instance, where-'!' " a preparation was indicated, it proved successful. K'-M; 4 ,' fully yours, D. M. PORTER. M. V. For sale, wholesale ami retail, by the proprietor. O. O. WOODMAN? VW Southern Depot and Wholesale Agency. »- CAMP STREET. D. IIANSBROM'H. For sale by WELD & CO.. 72 Camp st.; Sickle* *- Co., 24 Magazine and 40 Canal sts.; Nathan Jarvb ' o., Common st.; A. < Jliver U Co., corner Bienville and i ni- tres sts.; G. N.Monson, 13Ma«a*iuest.; Harvey ScovH^w Chart«* #t. apU d&Wlw

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Page 1: DAILY CRESCENT. E F R · J and Shiv Brokers, 88 Common street. mh5 ... Steel, all kinds. „ 200 dozen genuine Collins & Co's light and heavy Axes. 2,000 kegs genuine Weymouth Nails,


BY THE AUTHOR OF "A/ETH THE EGYPTIAN." The flowers ! the lovely flowers !

Tliey are springing forth again ; Are opening their gentle eyes

In forest and in plain! They cluster ronnd the ancient stems,

An<l ivied roots of trees, Like children playing gracefully

About a father s knees. The flowers ! the lovely flowers ?

Their pure and radiant eyes Greet us where'er we turn our steps,

Like angels from the skies ! They say that nought exists on eartJi,

However i»oor ami small. . Unseen by God j the meanest tilings,

lie careth for them all ! The flowers ! the lovely flowers !

The fairest type are they Of the soul springing from its night

To sunshine and to day ; For though they lie all dead and cold.

With winter's «now above. The glorious spring doth call them fortli

To happiness and love. Ye flowers ! ye lovely flowers !

We great ye well and long ! With light, and warmth, and sunny snnle.

And harmony and song ! All dull and sad would l»e our earth,

Were your bright beauties not ; And thus, without Life's Flowers of Love,

Oh, what would be our lot !



Pi IDGÏ -I. without reserve solemnly pledge ray ho as a man. that f will neither make. buy. sell, nor use as a t

.«rBnintuoM or Malt Liquors WineorCider.

( RAND DIVISION OF THE STATE OF fW® LOUISIANA —At the annual session of the Grand Division ot Sons ot Temwrancc held on the 16th of Octolier, 1H4/, the following brethren

C"iHARLES DEAKE & CO., Commission Merchants J and Shiv Brokers, 88 Common street. mh5

EÖ. W. PRITCHARD, General Broker, No. t»7 Gra­vier street. New Orleans. mh21 6m G

("GORDON PLUMMER, Adjuster of Averages.—Office Jf at Lucien Hermann's, Marine Notary, No. 21 Royal

Streets New Orleans. mh!8 4m JOHN O. WOODRUFF. . JAMES E. WOODRUFF.

JOHN O. WOODRUFF & CO., Commission Mer-chants and Agents for the Louisiana and New York

JAne of Packets, No. 60 Camp street. mho

and Porter and. Newark Cider, Nos. 28,38 and 40 vee, NewOrleans. rnhlb ly

LJ. WEBSTER & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers . in Iron, Nails. Spikes, Tin Plate, Copper, Cordage,

Oils, and a general stock of articles connected with the fr/m ami Ship Chandlery Trade, 26 Gravier street, New Iron

Orleans. ap4 ly

JOHN H. STURQE8, N.Orls w. s. WRIOHT, Cincinnati. «,• STfrRGES & WRIGHT,

COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, inl7 6m No. 86 Tchoupitoulas st., N. Orleans.


PIERSON & BONNE VAL, AUCTIONEERS, No 67 Gravier street, will attend to the purchase and sale ot

Real Estate, Negroes and Merchandise ; also, to the sale of Cargoes, Successions, Furniture, and all out-door sales ; soh-olicit from their friends and the public a portion ot their pat-ronage.


' street. New Orleans, by DR . A. A. JONES.

ty ALEX'R CAMPBELL'S PUBLICATIONS to pale at No. 80 Poydras street, New Orleans, by Dr. A. A JOHKB. hi» agent for thi» city. mhU


let, ' New Orleans.

CRESCENT FOUNDRY," No. 55 Girod st.. New Orleans.

STEAM and FIRE Engines, Printing Presses, and Ma-chinery in general, made and repaired in a satisfactory

manner. tj&" Brass Castings and Patterns made to order.

mh15 A. JONES.

JN UTT AI Ar—HO USE SM I TU and B E L A-. HANG ER, Lafayette street, near Camp

street. New Orleans. JOBBING, LOCKSM1TI1-1NG, eto.

Bellhanging done in the liest manner on moderate terms. Store Door Bolts and Bars made to order. mli21 6m


BY the application of the above mysterious agent to Da­guerreotype, (a discovery of the subscriber's), the under­

signed is enabled to produce Portraits of the most sujieiioi kind in a SINOLK SECOND—catching the precise expression instantly, ami fixing it indelibly upon the silver plate.

Rooms corner of Canal and Chartres sts. Entrance No. 3 CHARTRES ST. [mhl6 Im] W. 11. HUTCIIINGS.

HEMP ! HEMP !! HEMP !! !

THE undersigned, in order further to incjt the views of the Board of Underwriters, have set apart, exclusively for

the storage of Hemp and other extra-hazardous articles of merchandise, the ONE-STORY fire-proof Warehouse,(Orleans No. 2,) corner Delord and Magazine sts. The locality, and facility of receiving and delivering at the Warehouse, (there being no hoisting to the second story required,) renders this the most desirable place for this description of storage.

ap5 6m GEO. K. BEARD fit CO.



the American Institute, New York, and Mechanics' Fair, Boston, as the best Shower Baths ever offered to the public. The subscribers would announce that they have been ap­pointed agents for the above really excellent Bath, and are now »prepared to furnish them at wholesale or retail, at moderate prices.

nih30 3m SAMPSON & KEEN, 57 Bienville st.


JOHN MoCARTY, Plumber, No. 134 Camp street. New Orleans, has iust received a new and £

large assortment of Brass COCKS , various sizes ; Force and Li 11 Pumps ; Beer Pumps, &c., &c.; Cooking Ranges; Uathing Tubs and Shower Baths. Also, laying and repair* Lead Pipes ; Sheet Lead work of every des­cription. Ship and Steamboat work promptly put up and repaired. All orders promptly attendeu to.

tjgT' (/barges moderate. mli241y

HARDWARE, <&c. R. W. MONTGOMERY, 11 Chartres Streets-


HAS on hand a very complete stock of goods in his JS line, in addition to his usual extensive assort- fer

merit of Birmingham, Sheffield ami Domestic II A Rh. A-l WARE and CUTLERY, his stock of heavy goods isgf very complete, embracing among numerous other articles—

10,000 lbs. Iron Ware, assorted, all 450 tous Iron, assorted Swedes, American and English,

assorted flat, round, square, plough late, hoops, band and sheet ; Steel, all kinds. „

200 dozen genuine Collins & Co's light and heavy Axes. 2,000 kegs genuine Weymouth Nails, assorted, ail sizes.

200 tons Hollow ware. Castings, assorted pots, ovens, spi­ders, skillets, fire dogs, etc.; French pots.

500coils Manilla Rope, assorted, ail sizes. 300 casks Ox, Log and Trace Chains.

f Together with Whittemore's Cotton nd Wool Cards; Wilson's Coffee Mills; Ames'. Rolland' «and other makers Spades and Shovels; wire and fiair Seives; Hoes of all kinds; Anvils, Vices, and Smith's Hammers and Bellows; Tin Ware; Mill, Cross-cut and Pit Saws; horse and mule Collars and Hames; Straw-cutters; Corn-shellers, and Corn mil.s; King'* Ploughs, Nos. 1. 2 3 and 4; Paper, all kinds; Tar; Spirits Turpentine and White Lead; Paints, all kinds; Mill and Grind Stones* Mill Irons; Bolting Cloths, all numbers; "hot; Sheet and Bar l,ead; Stock Kettles; Bark Mills.

2.000 gallons Sperm Oil, an/l ° 6 000 do winter strained and bleacher! Whale Oil.

His stock or Cutlery is not surpassed. Buyers are invited ap5 lm to examine before purchasing elsewhere.

Hard ware—H a r cl w are. M. ELLIS St CO., 104 POYDRAS STREET.

WE have on hand, and mean to lie always 1 supplied with a lull assorment of every (lescrip-

tion of BUILDERS' HARDWARE suclilVI .—r-J** Unt and Wrought Nails and Spikes. Hooks v anil Hinges and Plates, Bult Huntes and Screws, Ki Locks and Latches ; Bolts, flat, round and souare, of all sizes; VV mdow Pulleys and Sash Fasteners. Also, Carpen­ters and Coolers' Tools; such as Souares, Planes, Saws, »»evils. Chisels, Augurs and Bitts, Rules, Guages, Hammers and Hand-Axes, Hatchets, Spirit and Plumb Levels, etc., etc.

EVERY KIND OF KITCHEN FURNITURE—Hol­low Ware, Castings, Sad Irons, Tailors' Irons; Japaned Tin and Enameled Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery.

W" We shall receive, as formerly, most of the leading articles in this branch, to sell on the Manufacturers' account, and shall lie able to supply all purchasers at tlieir lowest ÜÜ55: m hid


W.,,,#;. 56 Camp Street. Nru> Orleans. llhKE Families can find all articles of Housekeeping,

JWffiîSÏ? .?Sorl?>e?< ft,lli select stock of— • i? i ! Rb—Looking utensils. Tin and Iron Ware, tire Sets, brass and steel; Slwvels and Tones anil Kitchen Kire Iron.

Knameled and patent metal tinned HOLLOW WARE rire Dotrs.

«•ERMAN SILVER—Block tin and Britannia Tea and i. otfee I ras.

TABLÉ CUTLERY—German Silver Britannia and Iron Tea and Table Spoons.

WOOD \VARE— Bran and Iron bound Cellar Pails. Chums and Tubs.

W I M" r IÎIM ' I! Ï I Î R W A R R , a n e w a r t i c l e . Jlrarth'Brash« U> 0radles- iNurse chaira and

*?iUa-Alican'-ra!ni ttn<i "U5k Mau-

S^n&tlfa",',' ".ZZ:»' Can'"e SÜtkS and LamPS-Cooking Stoves and Furnaces.

wolvl or colT"w,'thS hi"?"nt 1'remi!,m Cookina Sioves. for pauern in^ise. hxtnre3 complete, the most approved

STEAMBOATS furmsheil^^re.

SLAKK, DAY, STAUFKER it CO., ,D N V _..T _ IMPORTERS OK IRON, TIN PLATE, METALS, HARDWARE, &c., ^Corner Canal and Magazine sts.. New Orleans,

/V/VÛT*16* sale a large and fresh stock of the R, (*X"1would respectfully solicit jàf \4# 0 country purchasers—

N^U t tneir»,cai1 "if English IRON; w Ail». 1 aktmgs. Tin Plates, Metals-Ä"U.° ̂ A,ST 8.TKKf' a"d GIN SAW STEEL;

Gnnd Tar, Mill Stone,. COTTON and WooiV SRns ' &',ailei' Houghs; Scnh«;<»i, !«g and Trace ChaiAs; Anvils Vires Smith's

HARDWARE AND Cl'TI.F.RY ompnsing all articles in this line adai>t«l il* a .1 and Western Jobhine Trade! P l 10 the Southern

advertisers are aeenls l'or I he sale of PLANTATION WAGONS A\D I'««

Ir Hnbbs and As|p, and which have promlsnwHnr any k.nd heretoloreTn use. They would aUocall theati , tiou of fcoulhern Planters to their stock of a.ien-

PLANTATION GOODS Ä: V**s ^.aucSK. Su,?a,r Sk,mmer* and Lailles, Truss • loops. Hm I« ling iVi uteri al». *iuss

C?Çï^M,I'I,S- STRAW CUTTERS. HORSE CO!-LARS etc.. etc.—All of which have Uvn ieleclivl Itwl lur 1>lanla, ion ßnpptiej, and of the l»~l ,p l al.

- mh5 2jti

tal Fount Hall, X22 Tchoupitoulas street, monthly. Offi­cers—O. M. Wozencraft, \V I) T; R. L. Bruce, W DVT;

Monfort. VV I) R; Wells, W D T; Rondeau, W I) U; T. 1». Heartt, WD1)U; J. Ahem, W D G; îMcCracken, VV S.

LOUISIANA TEMPLE OF HONOR, No. 1-meets every other Monday, at Pelican Hall. Officers—J. Patter­son, VV V T; R. VV. Powell, VV V T; L. P. Mcllvaine VV R; Alexander Watterstone. W A R; Joiin Roy, W 1 R; Alexander McLane, VV T: Alliert Swain , VV IJ ; John Burke, VV P ; John Skinner, W G; JacobMunfort, VV S; John Bennett, P W CT.

OCEAN TEMPLE OF HONOR. No. 2—meets every other Tuesday, at I ility Hall, 3d Municipality. Oniceis— Charles VV. Scott, VV <5 T: G. Hale, W V T; G. Sherwood, VV R; P. B. Vändert:rin", A K: R. Trippitt, F R. lloper, T; F. Hilbnrc, W U: J. Band, VV D U; VV m. How, VV G; E. Grundy, VV S; J. J. Lugenbuhl, Chaplain.

ORLEANS TEMPLE OF HONOR. No. 3— meets at the Crystal Fount Hall, No. 222 Tchoupitoulas slrt*t, every other Tuesday evening, at half-past / o clock. Officers K. L. Bruce, VV C T; T. S. Barry, VV V T; T. B. Heartt VV R: E. Hariier, VV A R: L. Adams, VV F R: Lrastas Wells, VV* T; E. Davis, W VV^; T. D. Davis W G; J. Ï. Berry, W S P Van Beuren, acting VV P C T.

CRYSTAL TEMPLE OF IHilNOR. No 4-mnets ; semi-monthly—every alternate Monday evening, in the Hall I of Pelican Division No. 1, corner of St. (-hariw and Com­

mon streets. Ollicers lor the prient term—Wm H llrun-daire, WCT; W m. Hall, VV V T; Ensha I Hunter VV i>. Thfw W \'nn VV'ick VV A R; Joel D. French, W F R j James Garland. W T; Edward A. F. Mitchell, W U; J VV Demaresl, VV D U: R. II. Brunev. WG; John Bigenot, actinff W S; O. W. V*o/encraft. 1 »V L 1.

PELICAN DIVISION, No. 1—meets every Wednesday evening, at half-past 7 o'clock, in the Sons of lemperance Hall, on the corner of Common and St Charles stTeets, fronting the Verandah and &t Charles Hotels „Officers elected for the present quarter-Artenion Hill VV 1 ; Jacob Vinn fort VV A; A. H. Gilland, Ra; Henry totevens, A R S" Lawrence P. Mcllvaine, F S; Albert Swain, T; James Burke, C; Thomas Curran, A C; Isaac McKenzie, 1 S; Martin Hartigan. O S.

(X-EAN DIVISION, No. 2—meets every Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock, in Marigny's Buildings, Front Levee, 3d Municipality. Officers—George Brewer, W P; John C. Revel, W A: Andrew C. Jackson, R S; Samuel Collier, A RS; Geo Hale, F S; Richard L. Meekins, T; James A McChray, C; Charles Lawrence, A C; Westendorf, I S; P. Younker. O S: Edward A F Mitchell, P VVr P.

UNION DIVISION, No. 3—meets every Friday evening at half past 7 o'clock, at No. 22Ü Tchounitoulas street. Offi­cers—W. E. Tilton, iV P ; J. Stevens, W A ; J. K. Gile, R S ; T. D. Davis, ARS; Alex. McLean, T ; A G. Porter, F S ; R. H. Bruney, C ; J. Williams, AC; J. H. Saxon, 1 S : F. R. Williams. OS.

CRYSTAL FOUNT, No. 4—meets every Thursday even­ing, at 8 o'clock, at their Hall, No. Tchoupitoulas street. Oflicers—E. Wells, W P; T. B. Heartt, \V A • W. H. Brundage, R S ; Chas. S. Reese, A R S • Ira Smith, F S ; T. VV. Van Wyck, T.; E. Davis, C.: C. J. Babcock, A.C.; Joseph Swiler, jr., J. S.; A. Hero. O. S,; Musgrove Evans, Chaplain; T. b. Barry, P W P.

WASHINGTON DIVISION, No. 5, of Lafayette-meets every Saturday evening, in the Odd Fellows' Hall, on Tchoupitoulas, near the corner of Jackson street, Lafayette. Officers—S S Burdett, W P; Henry Lan^horn, W A; S Mc­Lean. R S; P S Withers, A R S; J Pace, F S: S Moses, T: J M Parker, G- Thos M Simmons, A C: J Frith, J S; J bow, O S; Rev J McLean, Chaplain; R 'loll, P VV P.

MISSISSIPPI VALLEY DIVISION, No. 6-meets everv Tliursday evening, in Unity Hall, No. 2 Marigny Buildings, over the office of the Orleanian. Officers for the present <iuarter—Edward White, W P; Wm Smith, W A; Edward Brown, R S; Benjamin Morehouse, ARS' Jesse Darling, T S; Win Turnbull. T; James Jarvis. C; Daniel Dickenson, A C; Chas Anderson, 1 S; John Graham, O S; John Cavanagh, P VV P.

CRESCENT DIVISION, No. 7—meets every Tuesday evening, at the Engine House, No. 1, Hunter street.

LANE DIVISION, No. 9—meets every Monday evening, in the Algiers Exchange, at Algiers, at half past 7 o'clock.

JEFFERSON DIVISION, No. 10-was instituted at Gretna, Parish of Jeflferson, on Tuesday. 17th August, 1847, by the Grand Worthy Patriarch, James Patterson.

LOUISIANA DIVISION, No. 11—meets every Friday evening, in Unity Hall, No. 2Marigny Buildings, above the 44 Orleanian " office. Third Municipality. Officers—VVTilliarn Hornby, W P; J. B. VandergrifT, VV A j R. M. Lusher, R S; George Sherwood, ARS; John McCay, FS; J.J. Lugenbuhl.T: VV. S. Kyle, C; William Low, AC: Chas. Rhodes, J S ; John Skiffinglon, O S.

YOUNG MEN 'S MAGNOLIA DIVISION, No. 12-meets every Friday evening, at half past 7 o'clock, in their Hall, No. 52 Canal, corner of Royal street. Officers—John Taylor, W P; Peter IIaJberg. VV A; Horace G. Loring, R S; Avery Barlow, ARS; George K. Fitch, F S; Henry Lcaman, T ; Jas. Holtsberry, C ; S. Drury, A C ; C. Carroll, I S ; M. Code, O S : E. Harner, P VV P.

FOUNTAIN DIVISION, No. 13—organized Saturday evening, January 15, at the Hail of the Pelican Division, No. I, atthe corner of St. Charles and Common streets. Officers —•JamesGarland, W P; William Hall, W A ; E. P. Hunter, R S ; Thos. L. Bailey. ARS: Chas. Vanderdoes, W F S; Geo. Shumway, T ; Alex. Sutherland, C ; Wm. H. Crane. AC; R. H. Bowles, I S ; Augustus S. Foster, O S.

HARMONY DIVISION, No. 15-Organized February 12, 18-18—Meets every Monday evening, at 7>£ o'clock, at the Hall of Crystal Fount Division, No 222 Tchoupitoulas st — Officers—W J*Ahern, W P; James D'Arcy, VV A: Geo A Hobson, R. S; J C VVyndhain, A R S; JasW McCracken, F S; H Davis, T; C D Bradford, C: Geo P Smith, A C: T K Lusty, I S; Wm B looks, OS: VVm A Rondeau, P VVP-

LIBERAL 1)1 VISION, No. 17—Organized Sunday, Feb 27. 1848 Officers for the present quarter—John C Larue, VVP; EL Lewis, W A: C A Rousselin, R S: Lewis Brown, F S; A W Scales, T: Jb Nicholas Strinjrer, C; Thomas Bir-mingham, A C: St Maur Stuart, I S; Peter Johnson, O S.

OLIVE BRANCH UNION. No. 1, Daughters of Tem­perance—was instituted December 14, 1847. Meets everv Monday evening, at half past 2 o'clock, in Goodhope Chapel, Algier».

L O. O. F. Time, Plates of Holding Meetings, and Officers of the


meets quarterly, in January, April. July and October, at the Grand Lodge Hall, corner of Tchoupitonlas and Poydras streets, over the United States Exchange. Officers—J. D. Stewart, M W G Master; Aug. Phelps, R VV D G Master: Jas. Wal­ters, R VV G Warden- Ii. P. Andrews, R W G Secretary; II. W. Williams, R W G Treasnrer; C VV Whitall, R VV G Chaplain; J Paisley. R. VV G Conductor; W II Rice, R W G Marshall; Thoä. II. Shields, R W G Guardian.

LOUISIANA L<)DGE, No. 1—meeu in the Hall of the Grand Lodge, on Friday night. Officers—U. Tyson, N G; J. T. Hammond, V G; J. II. Bechtel, Secretary; S. Hop­kins, Jr., Permanent Secretary; H. Williams Treasurer.

VVASHINGTON LODGE, No. 3—meets in Marigny's Buildings, on Front Levee, on Thursday night. Officers— E. Mannsell, N G* John S. Maunsell, V G; John Huyrnan, Rcc'g Sec'y: N. W. Moore, Treasurer.

UNION LODGE, No. 6—-meets in the Hall of the Grand Lodge, on Monday night. Officers—Geo. VV. Shaw, N G; Bernard Cohen, V G; J. Sidney Reif, Secretary; E. L. Mil-liken, Permanent Secretary; Samuel Fulton, Treasurer.

CRESCENT LODGE, No. meets every Thursday evening at Crescent llall, in Camp street. Officers—Geo. C. Lawrason, N G: Henry D. Ogden, V G; Geo. W. Christy. Secretary: H. W. Olmsted, Permanent Secretary; Richard Swain, Treasurer.

JEFFERSON LODGE, No. 9—meets every Tuesday evening at their Hall on Tchoupitoulas street, above Jackson street, Lafayette. Officers—Washington VV. Vaught, N G; Thomas Cook, V G; Burdett, Secretary; E. R. Beach, Treasurer.

TEUTONIA LODGE, No. 10-meets every Tuesday-atthe corner oflPoydras and Tchoupitoulas streets. Offi­cers—Philip Willmann. N G; Julius Fulda. VG; J. F. Meyer, Treasurer; Adolf Solomon, Secretary.

ORLEANS LODGE, No. 11-meets every Tuesday even­ing, at Crescent Hall, in ('amp street. Officers—John S. Wallis, N G; R. C. Faulkner. VG;J. L. Walsh. Secretary; E. Val Wiltz, Jr., Treasurer; J. U. A. Hoit, Permanent Secretary.

COMMERCIAL LODGE, No. 12-meet5 at the Hall of the Grand Lodge, every Wednesday evening, at 7 o'clock. Officers—L. L. Brown, N G; Wm. II. Foster, V G; T. N. Blake, Secretary; J. G. Glover, Permanent Secretary; Wm. L. Cushing Treasurer.

HOWARD LODGE, No. 13-Institnted Nov. 7, 1846-meets every Thursday evening, at 7 o'clock, at the Hall of the Grand Lodge, corner ot Poydras and Tchoupitoulas streets, officers— F. VV. Delesdemier, N G; John C. Larue, V (,; J. (;. punlap. Secretary; L. A. Levy, Jr., Permanent Secretary; J. Ç. 'I ay lor, T reasurer.

Hnph LODGE, No. 14—meets every Wednesday, at 7 o clock, p. " ' .... — J

meets at No. 18 Common street, on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month Officers—L. E. Reynolds, W M ; VV . J. Armstrong, Secretary. „ . .

THE CRESCENT CITY LODGE—under the jurisdic­tion of the Grand Lodge of Mississippi—hold their monthly meetings on the first Thursday evening of each month, at the Masonic Hall, over the Carrollton Railroad Depot, corner of Baronne and Perdido streets Officers—W. II. Howard, VV M: J. U. Evans. Secretary. t . .. ...

HIRAM LODGE OF A. Y. MASONS—hold their monthly meetings in the Masonic Hall, corner of Baronne and Perdido streets, on the third Tuesday of each montn, a half-past 6 o'clock, p. M . . . .Officers—D. G. Benbrook, W

Lodge of Mississippi—hold their meetings •-the fust Wednesday ol'eaeh .month, on I^vee Jackson OHicei*—A. J. Williams, W M; J- «• Clements.

MH. MEYER. 100 C,1 M P STREET,, Watchmaker and Dealer m JE W LL KY, ^

GOLD PENS, FANCY ARTICLES . ANDj WATCHES- All Jewelry Articles repaired ate moderate prices.


THE undersigned have formed a copartnerehip withaview of transacting a COTTON fJiCl Uli i(ib. and

GEJVFRJil, COMMISSION B US1JYESS in this city, under Vhe style of THORNHILL & MclLHENNY, to take effect aller the 31st of May, next, at which time the connection of Jno. Thornhill with the house of Ward, Jona» Si Co. will be dissolved.

R. MclLHENNY h as opened an office at No. 61 Gravier street for the purpose of attending to the wants of our friends who may think proper to entrust us with their business.


New Orleans, Jan. 28,1848 mh5 3m

No. 38 Camp street. Holding Commissions from the States of TEXAS, MIS

SISS1PPL KENTUCKY, FLORIDA, NEW YORK MISSOURI. ILLINOIS, INDIANA. TENNESSEE PENNSYLVANIA, RHODE ISLAND, VERMONT NEW HAMPSHIRE. DELAWARE, ALABAMA MAINE, NORTH CAROLINA, SOUTH CAROLINA GEORGIA, NEW JERSEY, OHIO, and MICHIGAN A. C. A. is prepared to take Depositions and Execute antr Perfect all kinds of Leiral instruments to be used or recorded in said States and the Territory of WISCONSIN.

The usual promptitude at his office is continued in all Notarial Businéss. mh5

Saddlery, Harness, and Trunk Warehouse, No. 11 Canal street.. New Orleans.

J. A. HORTON has now on jhand a large assortment of every ls> •style of Saddles, Bridles, Martin-

gales ; Coach,fGig, Bujgy, Wagon, and Cart HARNESS Dray Bridles, Collars, Vvhips, Stirrups. Bitts and Spurs.— Also, a general assortment of INDI A RUBBER. GOODS, together with the largest stock of Trunks, Valices, Saddle and Carpet Bags, ever before offered in this market, to which he invite« the attention of purchasers, as all the above Goods will be sold at Greatly Reduced Prices.

fcSp" The subscriber has also the agency for the sale of SPANISH SADDLE TREES, of a great variety of pat. terns, and at the manufacturer's prices. mh7 6111

COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED have this day associated themselves in the WATCH & JEWELRY BUSI-

gaaJÉSBNESS, under the style and firm of KNOWLES & NOEL, at No. 35 Canal street, one door below (.'amp. We will personally attend to REPAIRING every descrip­tion of FINE WATCHES, Clocks, Jewelry, etc. Twen­ty-four years' experience enables us to say to our friends and the public that our work shall perform to their entire satis­faction.

We have in store and will constantly keep for sale a hand some and well selected stock of WATCHES of the best manufacture, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Spectacles, Gold 1\ etc., all of which will lie sold as low as any house in the city and fully guarantied. Please call. P. KNOWLES,

111I1I8 6m VV. NOEL.

SOMETHING WORTHY OF ATTENTION. rjMIE proprietor of the St. Charles Loan Office in-X vites the attention of the public to his large

stock of unredeemed pledges, consisting of Watches, = Diamonds, Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Clothing, FancyfiS^as Goods, Rooks, etc. etc. Persons who wish to purchase e cellent time-pieces for their own we.'ir will find this an excel­lent opportunity to do so at a comparatively little cost. All the W ate lies onered for sale have been thoroughly examined and placed in 1 perfect repair by a skillful European watch­maker, who is employed continually in the establishment pressly for this purpose. Any person acquainted with the nature of the loaning business will feel assured that greater bargains can be offered by the proprietor than persons doinir business in a regular manner. Watches that originally cost $150 can be offered for less than half that sum. In this es­tablishment no deception is practiced. One price is asked for all the various articles, and no deviation made in any cast By this arrangement the most inexperienced may purchas without fear of being " shaved." Citizens and strangers ar requested to call and examine for themselves. Remember, the St. Charles Loan Office, under the right wing of the St. Charles Hotel, and three doors from the corner ot Gravier st.

Four or five Pianos, on which advances have been made and time of keeping expired, are offered for sale as above. ap4 3m


The subscriber has just received from . phis Manufactory, a splendid assortment OI VKWIQ

BOOTS and SHOES, made under his own eye, and of the best material and workmanship, and of the

most fashionable and tasty styles, comprising— Gents Extra fine Calf Skin BOOTS;

Fine Calf Skin M Fine Morocco 44 4 4 Patent Leather GAITERS; 44 Cloth 44 Fine Calf BROGANS; 44 Rough and Ready HALF-BOOTS; 44 Cloth HALF-GAITERS; 44 NULLI FIERS—Calf and Patent Leather;

Velvet and Calf SLIPPERS Huntintr and Riding BOOTS, etc., etc.;

)TS, GAITERS and SHOES, of the most Ladies' BOO'] fashionable styles;

Boys and Youths' Patent Leather BROGANS; Children's Français GAITERS, Morocco Buttons, Pa­

tent Leather, and Calf SHOES, etc. JOHN H. WORTH,

ap5 lm under St.. Charles Hotel, corner Common st



even-Officers—Joseph Saliba, N G; Aleinan, Secretary; J. Font,

o clock, p. m., at Crescent Hall, Camp street. Officers— Henry Bier, N O; 12. VV. Rodd, V G; A. B. Bein, Secre-tary: tdwariLl' lash. Treasurer.

DELTA LODGE, No. 15—meets every Monday night, at. £o clock, at Cresceut Hall, Camp street. Olficers—C. T. Estlin, N G; M. L. McJilton, V G; Bernard Magione, Sec­retary; R. Barclay, Treasurer. . TEMPLAR LODGE, No. 16—meets every Fridav even-|ng, at Crescent. Hall, in Camp st. Officers—P. C. Wright N G ; G. VV. R Baily, V G ; Harmon Doane, Secretary; Dudley Chase, Treasurer-

COVENANT LODGE, No. 17—meets in the Hall of Washington Lodge, No. 3, Third Municipality, every Tues­day eveninir. Officers—T. A. Packard, N G; D. B. Forbes, V (î: J. Dinneyer, Secretary; Daniel Wheeler, Treasurer.

N AT I ON A L LODG E, N o. 18—meets every Friday i n g , a t H t ) C h a r t r e s s t r e e t * • — • • • • E. J. Gomez, V G; V Treasurer.

ETOILE POLAIRE, No. 19—meets every Monday even­ing, at Friendship Hall, No. lib' Chartres street. Officers— F. Parent, N G; C. Ammei, V G; A. de Armas, Secretary; T. Blean. Treasnrer.

INTERIOR LODGES—Feliciana Lodire, No. 4, meets at Bayou Sara ...De Soto Lodge, No. 7. at Baton Rouge

..Louisiana Encampment, No. 2, at Bayou Sara.

GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF PATRI ARCHS-meets at friendship Hall, Chartres street, on t\. «Q evenings Officers-C. VV. Whitall, M VV G Pat- *V/ *

ch: H. Thomas, jr.. M E G H P; G. Hooper, v ^en- vv»"len; H. P. Andrews, R VV G / \ Jun Warden; H VV Olmsted, R VV G Scribe; S. VV. Kirk-land. R VV C; Treasurer.

VVILDEY ENCAMPMENT. No. 1-meets in the Hall of the Grand Lodt'e. on first, and third Saturdays of each month. Officers—J.St raw bri d ge, CP; G. N. Morison. H u 5f-nMd V&enùSÂ: W Herbert, S VV; Thomas II. Shields, J VV ; H. Williams. Treasurer.

Lawrason, Treasurer

M A S O N I C .

A HOLLAND CHAPTER. No. 9, of ROYAL AR( II MASONS—under the imme«liate jurisdic-tM>.i ot the General Grand Chapter for the United States—hold their monthly meetings on the first Monday evening of each month, at the Masonic Hall, over the ( arrolltou Railroad Depot, corner of Baronne and Per dhlo streets.. .< Jtîîcers-T. 11. I^uis. H P; D. Blair Sec'v

NEW ERA CHAPTER of ROY AL AR< 'II MASONS —under the immediate iurisiliction of the General Grand ( hapter for the United States—hold their monthly m««etin^s on theLd Mondayeveningofeai'h month,at I he Ma-onic liafl over the Carrollton Railroad Depot, corner of Baronne ami Perdido streets....Officers—John Gedire, H P; 11. M. Sum­mers. Secretary.

GEORGE WASHINGTON LODGE—under the juris­diction ot the Grand Lodsre of Mississippi—hold their monthly nuttings on the first Tuesday evening of each month, at the Masonic Hall, over the Carrollton Railroad Depot, corner of Baronne and Perdido streets... .Officers—W. P. Coleman. VV M; Sam'l G. Ri>k. Secretary. „LAFAYETTE LODGE—under the jurisdiction of the

i Lodire of Mississippi—hold their monthly meetings in Lafayette, on the th:nl Monday of each month, the ( 'i

«V.W, BUTTEKÏ" M) a.,1 «fir. j «• l*w». W M ; N. Wil! commonLaw.a.lapt-

^ * »ÄÄÄ ] 4-workin, ander authority „I aiW1«481»1 Stat^CourW. by lien-

» .w j me UouuiiM Otaad Lod*a 0f Ancient York Miuon»- I Fonblanyue'i Eqnity.

al the ( M.I Fellow's Hall, on Irf-vee strwl. 'near Jack-o,, Dudley. W >1; W. A. Arms. Secretary. "

VV AR REN L( >DGE—under the jurisdiction of the Grand M^ijsippi—hold their monthly or stated meetings

on ttie second Tue^Jay in each month, at the Masonic Had, over the < arrollton Railroad iK-j.ot, corner of Baronne and Perdido streets . .Officers—T. Ü. Lewis, VV M; N. Wil-tiam-«on. Secretarv.

of Camp and Gravier sts., N.C \ DIKISON ON CONTRACTS, 1st American, from 1st

-/V«English edition, 1847. American Leading Cases: Select Decisions of American

Courts in several departments of Law, with especial refer­ence to the Mercantile Law. With Notes by J.Clark Dare and 11. B. Wallace. Volume I.

Archbold's Nisi Prius, new edition, 1845—in 2 volumes. Criminal Pleading.

Angell on Limitations—2d edition, revised, corrected and en­larged—184ti.

.... on Water-Courses.

.... on Tide Waters. oil Corporations—second edition, revised, corrected

ana enlarged—1843. Abbott on Shipping—new edition, from 7th English, with

Notes by Mr. Justice Story, and Additions and Annota­tions by J. C. Perkins—184b*.

American Criminal Law, by Francis Wharton, Esq.—1816. American State Papers in relation to Public Lands, to June

15, 1834. Edited under the authority of the Senate of the United States, by Walter Lowrie—5 vols, folio.

Allen on the Duties ami Liabilities of Sheriffs—1845. American Criminal Trials, by P. W. Chandler. 2 v.—1844. American Constitutions of all tlie different States in the

Union. Late edition. American Chancery Digest. 2 vols. Adamson Ejectment. New edition—1846. American Common Law, by Wheeler—8 vols. BARBOUR'S New York Chancery Reports. Vol.1—1847. Blackstone's Commentaries, by Chitty, 2 vols. Bullar(\&£ Curry's Louisiana Digest.. Bnrlamaque's Natural Law—2 vols. Brackeuridge on Trusts and Trustees. Barliour's Chancery Practice—2 vols.—1843. Barbour & Harrington's Equity Digest—4 vols. Burr's Trial—2 vols. Bouvier's Law Dictionary—2 vols, new edition—1843. Brockenbrough's Reports—2 vols. Benjamin Slidell's Digest. Bay s Reports—2 vols. Brown's Civil Law—2 vols. Beck's Medical Jurisprudence—2 vols. Baldwin's Reports. BaconTs Abridgement—8 vols, Blake's Chancery. Betts's Admiralty Practice. COLL Y ER on the Law of Partnership ; 3d American, from

the 2d English edition. With large additions to the text, and Notes, by J. C. Perkins. Esq.—1848—containing 1090 p.

Chitty's Commercial Law—in 4 vols. Cushing's Manual of Parliamentary Practice—1845. Compendium of Modern Civil Law, bv F. Mackeldey, Esq.

Edited by P. J. Kaufman. Esij.—2 vols—1845. Cruise's Digest, with the addition of Notes by Thomas Hunt­

ington—b vols, in 3—4th American from the 3d and last Ldndon edition.

Chancery Rules and Orders of the Court of Chancery of the State of New York, by Chancellor Walworth, in 1844— with Precedents and Notes of Décisions, etc. etc.

Curran's Speeches—2 vols, in 1. Chitty's Pleading—3 vols.

.... General Practice—4 vols.

.... Blackstone—2 vols.

.... on Bills of Exchange.

.... on Criminal Law—3 vols.

.... ou Contracts—new edition. on Medical Jurisprudence.

Constitutional Reports of South Carolina—2 vols. Cooper's Justinian. Conklin's Treatise—new edition. Civil Code of Louisiana. Cowen's Reports—9 vois. Cranell's Reports—9 vols. (Merk's Assistant. Curtis's Admiralty Digest. Code Napoleon. City Hall Recorder—6 vols, in 3. Crabb's History of the English Law. Chipman's Reporta.

on Contracts. DEBATES and Proceedings of the Convention for the Re­

vision of the Constitution of the State of New York—1846. By Bishop & Attree.

Debates in the Louisiana Convention of 1844—in 2 volumes. Denio's New York Supreme Court Reports—2 volumes. Dean's Law Manual, fer the Use of Men of Business. Duer on Insurance—2 vols. Dallam's Digest of the Laws of Texas—1845. Domat s Civil Law, in English—2 vols, folio. Dallas s Reports—4 vols. Digest of New York Reports—4 volumes, 1845. Dunlap's Practice—2 vols. ^— Admiralty Practice. EQUITABLE JURISDICTION of the Court of Chancery.

ny George Spence, Esq.—vol. 1. English Causes Célébrés; or. Reports of Remarkable Trials.

Edited and illustrated by George L. Craik. London edi­tion—1844.

East 's Report«—16 vols, in 8. 2d American edition—1845. ecclesiastical Rej>orts—7 volumes.

j'8worth's Diirest of Patents, from 1790 to 1839. Published py Act of Congress, together with the present law relating to Patents.

CM 11 Diplomatic Code—2 vols, complete. wards on Receivers in Chancery.

•••• Parties in Chancery. F.'.ii'it«r n

ew, • °rk Chancery Reports—3 vols. v yi Ç^shtsman-new edition. Pti'! « v®mm?n and Chancery Reports—2 volumes,

j past s row n Law—2 vols. PA Rions.

\ Vinns .»V1^ ,n Chancery, wit h Rules of Practice for the SnnrÀ V \he Knitwl S,*ies. Promulgate«! by the withlïmianî! S r n,te,! States, January Term, 1842, •ties—1845 References to American and other Author-

,Çî,D'ty. *ind of Orders connected with Foster's Crownllaw ' by IJeBr* Wilmot **»'<»"• &

Federalist, new etlition—1842. The numbers written by Mr. Madison, corrected by himself.

GORDON 'S Digest, Laws ot the United States—newedi-^on 1844.

Galhson's Reports, 2d edition, much enlarged, 2 vols.—1845. Greenleaf on Evidence—2 vols.

on Overruled Cases. Gilpin's Reports. Gow on Partnership. HOLCOMBE'S Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme

Court of the United States, from its otganization to the pres­ent time—including 5th vol. Howard s Reports—1848.

Highmore on the Kaw of Idiocy and Lunacy. Harrison's Analytical Digest, of all the reported cases deter­

mined in the llouse of Lords, the several Courts ot Common Law, in Bank ami at Nisi Prius, and the Court ot Bank­ruptcy, from Michaelmas Term, 1756, to Eastei Term, 1843. Including also the Crown Cases Reserved, and a full selec­tion of Equity Decisions, with the Manuscript Cases, cited in the best Modern Treatises, not elsewhere reported. lo which is added a Supplement continuing the work to the year 1846. 2d American, from the3d London edition. By T. Tarant Harrison, Esq. In 5 vols—184b.

Humphrey's Precedents ot Practical Forms.. 2 vols.—184o. Hale's Pleas of the Crown—new edition—in 2 vols 8 vo—1847.

With American Notesand References, much enlarged. By VVm. A. Stokes & Ed. Ingersoll, of Philadelphia Bar.

Hilliard's Abridgement of the American Law ot Real 1 rop-erty—2 vols.

Holmes's Statesman, in 1 vol. . Hovendon on Frauds, first American edition, with Notes and

References to American Decisions, by Thomas Hunting­ton—2 vols in 1.

Horseman's Manual, being a Treatise on the Soundness, the Law of Warranty, and generally on the Laws relating to Horses, by R. Surtees.

Hughes on Insurance. Howard's Reports, U. S. Supreme Court—5 vols. Hammond on Insurance. Hawkins's Pleas of the Crown—2 vols. Hoffman's Chancery Practice—3 vols.

Masters in Chancery. Legal Study—2 vols.

Hill's Reports—7 vols—New York. Hall's New York Superior City Court Reports—2 vols. Hilliard on Sales. INTRODUCTION to Legal Science, by Silas Jones, Esq. J ARM AN on Wills, with Notes and References to Ameri­

can Decisions, by J. C. Perkins—2 volumes—1845. Jeremy's Equity Jurisdiction. Johnson's Digest—3 vols, in 2. #

Cases—3 vols. Reports—20 vols. Chanoery—7 vols.

KINNE'S Law Compendium,complete in6 vols. The last three vols, to be had separate.

Kinne's Kent. Blackstone.

Kent's Com men taries—4 vols. — abridged, in 1 vol.

LAVVofthe Measure of Damages ; or, an Inquiry into the Principles which Govern the amount of Compensation Re­covered ii^Suits at Law. By Theodore Sedgwick. 184/.

Landowner's Manual—containing asummary of statute reg­ulations in New York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Iowa and Wisconsin, concerning land titles, deeds, mort­gages, wills of real estate, descents and usury—with an Ap­pendix, containing the Constitution of the United States. By Benjamin F. Hall. 1847.

Law of Suretyship, and the rights and obligations of the par­ties thereto and herein, of obligations in solido—under the laws of England, Scotland ami other States of Europe, the British Colonies and the üuited States of America ; and on the conflict of laws. By Wm. Bürge, Esq. 1st American from London edition—1847.

Lawyers' Common-Place Book, with an Alphabetical Index of about 1000 titles which occur in legal study in practice, together with suitable tables for reading and overruled cases, character of books, etc.

Leach's Crown Law—2 vols. Law of Patents, relative to Patent Privileges for the sole use

of Inventions, and the practice of obtaining letters-patent for Inventions, with an Appendix of Forms and Entries, by VV. M. Hiudinarsh, Esq.: and with a second Appendix of the Acts of Congress and Decisions of t lie Courts of the United States, and forms for obtaining patents—1847.

Louisiana Magistrate and Parish Officer's Guide. By E. R. Olcott and II. M. Spofford, Esqs—1848.

Louisiana Magistrate s Assistant, with Kerr's Exposition, by John Dutton, Eso.

Louisiana Code of Practice, by Upton. by Grenier—2d edition—1845.

Louisiana Digest of Supreme Court Reports, from 1838 to 1843. By P.J. A.Deslix.

Law and Practice of Writs of Error. Law Glossary, 2d edition. By Thomas Taylor. 1843. Laws of Trade in the United States. Being an abstract of

the statutes of the several States and Territories concerning Debtors and Creditors. By J. B. Moore, Esq.

Law of Usury, by J. VV. Blydenburg—1844. Long on Sales. Lube on Equity Pleading. Land Laws—2 volumes. Lex Mercatoria. Louisiana Reports—19 vols. MILITARY Laws of the United States, including those re­

lating to the Army, Marine Corps, Volunteers, Militi?, and to Bounty Landsand Pensions; to which are prefixed the rules and articles of war and the constitution of the United States—3d edition. The first and second editions were com­piled by Col. Trueman Cross, U. S. Army. This third edition brings the military laws through the first session of the 29th Congress, or August 10,1846, under the su per vision of Capt. A. R. Hetzel, U. S. Army

Minot's Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, in 1 volume—1844.

Montesquieu's Spirit of ihe Laws—London edition. MeCulloch's Commercial Dictionary—2 vols. Martin's Reports—19 vols. [20] Montefiore's Mercantile Law. Mason's Reports—5 vols. McLean's Reports—3 vols.l Mitford's Chancery Pleadings. Massachusetts Reports. Metcalf's Reports, 10 vols. Moore's Index, 2 vols. McNally's Evidence. Maddock's Chancery. 2 vols. NEW CLERK'S ASSISTANT, or Book of Practical

Forms : designed for the use of county and town officers, Merchants, Mechanics, Farmers, Professional men, &c.

New Law Dictionary; containing explanations of such technical terms and phrases as occur in the works of ie-gal authors, in the practice of the courts, and in the Par­liamentary proceedings of the House of Lords and Com­mons ; to which is added, an outline of an action at law, and of a suit in equity, by II. J. Holthouse, Esq. First American edition, with numerous additions, 184/.

North on the Law and Practice of the Probate Courts of Mississippi* adapted to the use of Lawyers, Judges. Clerks of Court, Sherifis, Executors, Administrators and Guardians.

ORDINANCES of the Second Municipality. Oliver's Forms.

.... Conveyancing. Owen on Bankruptcy. PRINCIPAL AND AGENT-Treatise on the Law of-

chiefly with reference to Mercantile transactions, by Win. Paley, (from 3d English Edition by J. H. Lloyd,) and with further extensive additions, by John A. Dunlap, Esq., 3d American edition, 1847.

Principles of Forensic Medicine, by Wm. Gay. M. B. Can­tab, 1st American edition ; with notes and additions by Charles A. Lee. Esq., M. I).

Public Statutes at Large of the United States, from 1789 to 1845. Edited by R. Peters, in 8 volumes, and 2 Nos.

Practical Treatise on the law relating to Trustees, their Pow­ers, Duties, Privileges, and Liabilities, by James Hill, Esq., with Notes and References to American decisions, by F. J. Trou bat t of the Philadelphia Bar, 1846.

Puffendorf's Law of Nature and Nations. Peake's Nisi Prius. Plea of Insanity in Criminal Cases, by F. Window. Popular and Practical Introduction to Law Studies, by

Samuel Warren. Partidas, 2 vols. Phillips on Patents.

.... on Insurance, 2 vols.

.... on Evidence, 4 vols. Paine's Circuit Court Reports. Pothier on < Contracts.

— on Obligations, 2 vols. Peter's Digest, 3 vols.

U. S. Sup. Courts, 17 vols. Condensed Reports, 6 vols., new edition, 1842.

Park on Insurance. Powell on Mortgages, 3 vols. Pickering's Reports, 24 vols. Precedents of Wills, by Thos. Taylor, 1843. Paige's Chancery Reports, 10 vols. RUDIMENTS OF AMERICAN LAW and Practice, fo

the use of Students at Law, by Thomas VV. Clark, Esq. Ryland's Crown Circuit Companion. Robinson's Louisiana Reports, 12 vols. Roberts on Fraudulent Conveyances, 3d Amer, ed., 1845. _ Russell on the Laws Relating to Factors and Brokers, 1845. Ray's Medical Jurisprudence, of Insanity, 2d edition, 1844. Russell on Crimes, 2 vols. Roscoe's Criminal Evidence. Roberts on Wills, 2 vols. Robinson's Penal Laws of Louisiana. Raymond's Digested Chancery Cases contained in the Court

of Appeals of Maryland. Rights and Duties of Merchant Seamen. Kutherforth's Institutes. Revised Statutes of New York, 4 vols. SMITH'S MERCANTILE LAW : greatly enlarged, from

the 3d and last English edition, by J. P. Holcombeand VV. Y. Gholsou.

Selection of Leading Cases upon Commercial Law, decided by the Supreme Coatf of file United States, with notes and illustrations, by J. r. Ifrlcombe.

Sàbdford's New York Chancery Court Reports, 2 vols. Supplement to the United States' Digest; being a digest, of

the decisions of the Courts of Common Law and Admi­ralty, in the United States, by John Phelps, Esq., of the Boston Bar; in 2 volumes—1847.

Smith's Chancery Practice, in 2 vols. Saunder's Reports, 6th Am. ed., 3 vols., 1846. Stephens's Nisi Prius, with Notes and References to the

latest. American Decisions, by George Sharswood, 3 vols. Smith's Leading Cases, 2 vols., 1844. Starkie on Evidence, 3 vols.

on Slander, with Notes and References to American Cases, by John L. Wendell, 2 vols.

Saunders on Pleading and Evidence, new ed., 2 vols., 1844. Summary of the Criminal Law, by II. J. Stephen. Sherman's Digest of the Law of Marine Insurance. Second Municipality vs. Orleans Cotton Press, 2 vols. Sugden on Vendors, 2 vols. .Stephens's Commentaries, 4 vols.

on Pleading. Sergeant on Attachment.

— on Constitutional Law. Story's Laws of the United States, 4 vols.

Commentaries on the Constitution, 3 vols. Reports, 2 vols. Equity Pleading. on the Law of Promissory Notes. Conflict of Laws. Equity, 2 vols. on Contracts, 1 vol., 1844. on Partnership. on Bills of Exchange. on Agency. on Bailments.

Stephens & Benecke on Insurance. Sumner's Reports, 3 vols. TRIAL OF ABNER ROGERS, for the Murder of Charles

Lincoln, late Warden of the Massachusetts State Prison, at Boston—1844.

Treatise on the Law of Fire Insurance, and Insurance on Inland Waters ; in two parts, with an appendix of forms— by Elisha Hammond, Esq.

Thacher's Criminal Cases ; Tried in the Municipal Court of Boston, 1845.

Toller's Law of Executors, late edition. Taylor's Landlord and Tenant, 1844. Tomlin's Law Dictionary, 3 vols. Trial of Judge Peck. Theobold on Surety and Agency. Tidd's Practice, 2 vols. The Law of Fire and Insnrance, by George Beaumont. UNITED STATES DIGEST ot the Decisions of the

Courts of Common Law and Admiralty, in 3 vols., by George T. Curtis, Esq.

United States Form Book, containing every variety of Pre­cedents, &,<; , &£c., 1845.

VOLUME TENTH LAWS OF THE U STATEJ, . from March 4, 1839. to March 3, 1845. Vattel's Laws of Nations. WILLIAMS on Executors and Administrators, with Notes

and reference to American Decisions, by Francis J. Trou-Wentworth on Executors. [bat, 2 vols. Wordsworth's Law ot Joint Stock Companies, 1842. Walker's Introduction to American Law. Ware's Reports. VY'hite's New Recopilacion 2 vols. VVheaton's Reports. 12 vols.

— International Law, 3d edition, 1846. .... Law of Nations.

Selwyn, 2 vols. Wood 's Civil Law. Wharton's Digest of Reported Cases in Pennsylvania, 4th

edition. 2 vols.. 1843. Wallace's Reports. Washington's Circuit Court Reports. 4 vols Wheelers Criminal Cases, 3 vols. VV ended's Reports, 26 volumes. YATES'S PLEADINGS AND FORMS. mli20

STATIONERY, îïauticai Books, Charts, tec., &c.


ERNEST CLEMENCEAU, Or, British Philanthropy Illustrated. A Tale of Guadaloupe in 1838. Translated

from the French of Frederic Soulié, by a Lady of Charles-

Just received and for sale at the NewOrleans Stationers' Warehouse. [mhl3] J. B. STEEL. 14 Camp st.


TEXAS RANGERS- or. the Summer and Fall Cam­paign of the Army of tne United States in Mexico in 1846; including skirmishes, with the storming of Monterey ; also the Daring Scouts at Buena Vista; together with Anec­dotes, Incidents, Descriptions of Country, and sketches of the Lives of the celebrated partisan chiefs. Hays, McCul-Joch, and Walker. By Samuel C. Reid. Jr., late of the Texas Rangers, and Mem Iter of the Bar ot Louisiana.

Just received and for sale at the New Orleans Stationers' Warehouse. J. B. STEEL,

mli 11 14 Camp street.


CELLORS OF ENGLAND, second series, vols. 4 and 5. GEN%TAYLOR AND HIS STAFF—Comprising Me­

moirs ot Gens. Taylor, Woith, Wool, ami Butler; Cols. May, Cross, Clay, Hardin, Yell. Hays, and other distin­guished officers attached to Gen. Taylor's army, interspersed with numerous Anecdotes of the Mexican War, and per­sonal adventures of the olficers; compiled from public docu­ments and private correspondence, with accurate Portraits, ami other beautitill ilius'rations.

GEN. SCOTT AND HIS STAFF-Comprising Me-moirs of Geu. Scott, Twiggs, Smith, Uuitman, Shields, Pillow, Lane, Cadwalader, Patterson and Pierce; Cols. Childs, Riley. Harney, Butler, and other distinguished olfi­cers attached to Gen. Scott's Army, etc.

THE WAR AND ITS WARRIORS—Comprising a complete History of all the American Armies in Mexico, with biographical sketche and anecdotes ot the most distin­guished officers in the Regular Army and the Volunteer

'"pfùTORIAL LIFE OF WASHINGTON . Just received and for sale at the New Orleans Stationers

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nih20 J- P». STEEL. 14 Camp st.


A SYSTEM OF ENGLISH VERSIFICATION—Con­taining rules for the structure of the different kinds of

verse, illustrated by numerous examples from the best Poets. By E rast us Everitt, A. M.

THE LIFE OF THE CHEVALIER BAYARD, the Good Knisrht, "sans peur et sans reproche." By W.

Hlfe^'OlTv U?TYIE GIRONDISTS, Or, Personal Me­moirs of the Patriots of the French Revolution, from un­published sources. By Alphonse DeLaMartini, Author of Travels in the Holy Land, etc. In 3 vols. V ol. 2.

THE POETICAL WORKS OF ALEX. POPE, with Notes by Warburton, and Life of the Author. In one volume complete, uniform with Appleton s beautiful edi-tionsol"the Poets. .

SCENES IN WASHINGTON, A Story of the Last I.en. eratioii. By a Citizen of Baltimore. Complete in 1 »ol.



Just received, and for sale at the NewOrleans Stationers Warehouse. [mhl3] J. B. STEEL, 14 Camp st.


riiHE LAST OF THE FAIRIES, A 'Christmas Tale. _I by G. P. R. James, Esq., author of the "Convent," " Margaret Russell," &c. Price 10 cent»/ THE 1)1 SGRACE To THE FAMILY by VV. Blanch­

ard Jerrold, with illustrations, by "Phiz," complete. Price 25 cents. «... ....

THE POOR SCHOLAR, A Pathetic Story of Irish Life, by Wm. Carleton, author of "Traits and Stories of Irish Peasantry," complete. Price 15 cents.

CHRISTOPHER TADPOLE, by Albert Smith, with il­lustrations, complete. Price 75 cents.

TWENTY YEARS AFTER, A sequel to "TheThree Guardsmen," by Alex. Dumas.

WALLACE, THE HERO OF SCOTLAND, by Ga-briel Alexander, with 38 engravings.

JAMES THE SECOND. Or the Revolution of 1688, an historical romance, by VV. Harrison Ainsworth, Esq., complete. Price 25 cents.

THE BRIDE OF THE NORTHERN WILDS, A Tale of 1743, by Newton M. Curtis.

FRANKLIN S AMERICAN COTTAGE LIBRARY, Or Useful Facts, Figures, and Hints for every body.

VAIL'S AMERICAN ELECTRO-MAGNETIC TEL-EGRAPH, with reports of Congress and a description of all Telegraphs known, employing Electricity, or Galvan­ism, with 82 engiaviugs.


edited by C. II. Stanley, Esq. Just received and for sale at. the New Orleans Stationers' Warehouse. [mh9j J. B. STEEL, 14 Campst.

ARMY PORT FOLIO—By Capt. 1). F. Whiting, 7th I nfantry, LI. S. A.—Contents of No. 1—


MONTEREY, as seen from a house-top on the east side of the Main Pla/.a, alter the capture of the city by the U. S. forces under Gen. Taylor.

HEIGHTS OF MONTEREY, with 2d Division com­manded by Geu. Worth, moving into position under the guns of the enemy, after the action of Jeronimo.

VALLEY TOWARD SALTILLO. with the rearguard and wagon train of the U. S. Army coming into the Castle after its capitulation.

VIEW OF MONTEREY from Independence Hill, near the Bishop's Palace, with the village of Guadalupe and Sierra Süla, or Saddle Mountain, in the distance

Price, one dollar each Engraving, or four dollars for the Port Folio of five views.

Just published and for sale at the New Orleans Stationers' Warehouse. [mho] J. B. STEEL, 14 Camp st.


^IMIE attention of those purchasing SCHOOL BOOKS, JL either for their own use or to sell, is respectfully invited

to the assortment of the subscriber. He will sell all kinds ol School Books as low as they can be purchased at any estab­lishment in this city. He intends to keep constantly on hand all works in the various departments of Education in gene­ral use, some of which are— SPELLING BOOKS—^Webster's, Comly'», Cobb's, Em­

erson's. New York, Town's, Parley's, Bentley's, and Hazen's; , _

READERS—Grigg& Elliott's Series, Murray's, Emerson's, Frost's, Porter'Sj New York, Goodrich's, Pierpont's, Cobb's, Mandeville's, and Worcester's;

DICTIONARIES—Webster's, Walker's, Todd's John­son and Walker's, Oswald's Cobb's, Walker's and Reid's;

GRAMMARS—Murray's, Kirkham's, Greenleaf's, Inger-BOII'S, Smith's, Green's, Brown's, Alger's, Murray's, Comly's, Bullions', and Cobbett's English Grammars;

RHETORIC—Blair's, Whateley's, Jamieson's and Boyd's; ELOCUTION—Comstock's, Barber's, and Kirkham's; LOGIC—Mills', Whateley's, Hedge's, Tappan's Jamie-

sou's, and Parker's Logic. COMPOSITION—Parker s Progressive Exercises and Aids

to English Composition; ARITHMETIC— Emerson's. Pike's, Smith's, Davies', Col-

burn's, Daboll's, Adams , Smiley's, Parley's, Cobb's, and Ray'a Arithmetic;

ALGEBRA — Davies' Day's, Colburn's. Bonnycastle s. Bridge's, Farrar's,-!Lacroix's, Harny's, Euler's, and B o u r d o n ' s ; . . .

GEOMETRY—Davies' Elements, Practical, Analytical, and Descriptive; and Legendre's, Play fair's, and Sim-son's Euclid; ......

SURVEYING—Davies', Day's, Gummere's, Flint s, and Gibson's Surveying; . , , _ . ,

MENSURATION—Day's, Bonnycastle's, and Ostrander's Mensuration; , _ , f _

DRAWING—Davies' Shades and Shadows, Peale s Graph. ics. and United States Elementary Drawing Books;

BOOK-KEEPING—Bennett's, Preston's, Harris', God-dard's. Marsh's, Edward's, Colt's, Hitchcock's, und Ross's Book-Keeping:

GEOGRAPHY—Mitchell s, Olnev's, Woodbridge s. Par­ley's, Maltebrun's, Worcester s, Adams', Goodrich's, Blake's Smiley's, and Smith's Geography and Atlas;

HISTORY — Grimshaw's Key and Questions, Frost's, Hale's, Willard's, Olney's,Webster's, and Russell's His­tory ol the United States ;

Do.—Grimshaw's Key and (Questions, Pinnock's and Rus­sell's History of England;

Do.—Grimshaw's, Russell's and Crowe's History of France; Do.—Grimshaw's Key and Questions, Goldsmith's, Pin-

nock's and Ferguson's History of Rome: Do.—Grimshaw's Key and Questions of Greece: Do.—Robin's, Peter Parley's, Whelpley's, Willard's, Dr.

Lardner's, Worcester's and Tytler's Universal History. BIOGRAPH Y—Weems's Life of Washington, Marion.

Penn, Franklin, etc.; Marshall's and Spark's Life of Washington ?

NATURAL PHILOSOPHY—Jones's improved edition. Swift's First Lessons, Phelps' do. for Beginners. Com­stock's, Blake's, Renwick's and Draper's Natural Phi­losophy;

CllEMiSTRY—Jones's Improved Edition, Mrs. Phelps's Chemistry for Beginners, Comstock's Young Chemist, Comstock's, Blake's, Turner's, Renwick's and Chap-tal's*

BOTANY—Ruschenberger's Botany for Beginners. Mrs. Phelps's do., Comstock's Yonne Botanist, Blake s, Com­stock's, Eaton and Wright's Botany;

MINERALOGY ANDGEt >L< >GY—Ruschenberger's Ge­ology for Beginners, with 300 cuts; Comstock's IVIineral-ogy and Geology; Lee's, Hitchcock's, Bakewell's and Lyell's Elements of Geology;

NATURAL HISTORY—Bigland's and Rnschenlierger's Series, 1000 illustrations; Goldsmith's Natural History;

PHYSIOLOGY—Ruschenberger's Primary for Beginners. 45 cuts; Combe's, Comstock's, Lee's and Jane Taylor's Physiology;

ASTRONOMY—Peter Parley's, Whewell's, Wilkins's, Blake's and Olmstead's Astronomy;

INTELLECTUAL and MORAL PHILOSOPH Y—Up. ham's Mental Philosophy, Abbott's Abercrombie's In­tellectual Philosophy, Paley's Philosophy, and Way land's Moral Science; ,t . ,

POLITICAL ECONOMY—WaylaiW's, Smith's, Say's and Porter'ssPolitieal Economy; ...

FRENCH GRAMMARS—Levizae's, Bolmar s Wanos-trocht's and Cobbett's French Grammars; Ollendorff's New Method with a Key, and Bolmar's Treatise on Verbs:

FRENCH DICTIONARIES—Meadow's, Nugent's, Bay er's, Wilson's, Morphy's, Surenne'» Pronouncing and Dufiefs French Dictionaries;

FRENCH READERS— DeTivas's Elementary French Reader, Rowan's Modern French Reader, Collot's New French Reader, Perrin's Fables, Bolmar's Perrin's Fa­bles, Colloquial Phrases, Telemachus and a Key, Recueil Choisi, Charles XII, and Histoire des Etats Unis.

SPANISH—Neuman and Barett i's Spanish and English Dictionary, Cubi's Spanish Grammar and Translator, Sale's Josse's Spanish Grammar and Exercises, Mein-tosh's Spanish Primer, and Dnfi*»f's Nature Displayed.

GERMAN—Ollendorff's New Method of Learning Ger­man, with a Key, Adler's Progressive German Reader, Hem pel's German Grammar, Nohden's Lloyd's, Flii-ffell's and Schorchill's German and English Dictionary.

LATIN GRAMMARS—Adams's, Fisk\ Gould's Ad-ams's, Russell's, Andrews and Stoddard's, Bullions's Arnold's Latin Grammars.

LATIN DICTIONARIES—Ainsworth's, Leverett's, En-tick's. and Anthon's Ainsworth's Dictionary. , ,

LATIN READERS AND EXERCISES—Ant hon s Les­sons and Reader. Jacob's Reader, Anthon's Ch'sar, Sal-lust, Cicero, Horaee, and Prosody; Gould's Virgil, Hor-ace9and Ovid; Virgil and Horace Delphini, Arnolds Cornelius Nepos, and Clark's Ca-sar. ,

GREEK READERS AND EXERCISES- Anthon s First Lessons, Reader, Prosody, and Homer, ri-k * bx-erci-es, Felton's Homer's liiad, Arnold s Greek Reading Book, and New Testament. , , ,

ORELOX DICTIONARIES—rionnegan f . Grove a an i l

GR I'I'K '(JE A 'VI M A RS—lîutman's. Fnk'». Anthon'«, Ross's, Valpy's, Bullion.'« anil Sophocle» » Greek

CI \SSICAL WORKS—Anthon's ClawirnI Dictionary, Leiiinriere's Clasflcal Dictionary. Anthon « Dictionary of Greek ami Roman Antiquities, Tuoke's I'antheon, Elements ol Mythology, etc.

y - , n e x t e n s i v e a s s o r t m e n t o f o t h e r S t a n d a r d , ^L IIIKII anil ot her M iscellaneous Works, in every department of Literature. Science ami An. toeether with every artiuleo! ü-pifll IN" LR Y now in use. for -ale at the lowest prici«*, at the NEW« iKLKANSSTATIONKR»' WARF.lt*M SE, Po. U CJlMI' STREET. J. B. STEEL.

N. B. .1 liberal disrounl made lo Country Dealers, Pro-t«M0», Teaciw.'», and those h bo buy to «eli agîm, mbô

FOR THE BENEFIT or Mitt AFFLICTED —K« ing the extreme hazard which strangers run. in con

ing physicians for the cure of private diseases owm-r . V'. 'L utter disqualifications of many who profess to cure such «V I deem it to be nothing but an act of kindness toward i' unfortunately afflicted, as well as sheer justice to |) r MVI LEN. No. 8t> CUSTOMHOUSE STKKKT, to state thir ... year 184« I was sorely afflicted with syphilis, in its wurM most appalling form, and for several months together wV «1er the best regular medical practice i could obtain m V" Orleans, without being at all benefitted—iudeed | »r


worse. AT length I heard of Dr. MTLI.KN'S great remu tion. I applied to him. and. to my great joy, in three*. !? he restored me to perfect health — Subscribed, NewOrL.«« Jan.7.1847. laplh tmj SAMUEL RQRUl-Rsnv '

NOTICE. ~~ rpo THOSE AFFLICTED WITH VENEREA! npj 1. EASES.—The reputation of the writer is so well'estai islied that all that is necessary to say tothose whohavehem

so unfortunate as to have contracte»! any one of those ORKAn FUI» DISK ASKS known and called SK< RKT DISEASES in an* part of their various forms, is, that the writer, after a moat successful practice of twenty-six years, confined strictly in VKNKRKAL DISEASES and Diseases of the Blood, Cliavm" treated and relieved many hundreds who were past all hoi»1

many of whom had been under the treatineut of eminent physicians without receiving any benefit.) is enabled to «ff«, you positively a safe, certain and speedy cure. Should anv of the UNFORTUNATELY AFFLICTED see this short advertise ment, they would do well to call at No. 8ti CUSTOMHOI SK STREET, lie tore applying elsewhere, and avail themselves 0f the benefits of the sul»scril>er's Ion? and successful exnericn. .

aplti Im Ii. F. MILLEN. 8ti t 'ustunihon^lt '


R. A. CULLEN has removed his office, from 75 Rov»l street to No. 16 NATCHEZ Street, near 11,„

Arcade. He still continues to cure Stricture on hr new system—removing the worst stricture without anyoi>et ation—entirely by medicines that relieve and permanently cure, without any hindrance to business or diet. Dr l'nllen is too well known, in NewOrleans and the snrrounilm? country, to need any puffing or self-laudation. < In aimli..» tion to Dr. C., he will refer you to hundreds, of the firsthand

i this city, who have been cured in the I: i*n years on une for jour»elvcs, No ' plan. I'lease call and

pay required without a cure is effected. Rheumatism cured. Gonorrhoea cured in three days, or no pay.

Remember, LTI NATCHEZ STREET, NEAR THE AR CADE, l'mt-paid letters punctually attended to in all eouti dence, and medicines securely packed and sent to any virt ,!r the country. nih'itim


jVU. 18 C.1 RONDE!.ET ST. '

TO THE PUBLIC.—Nine yeats permanently loonip,] in this city, combined with the nnviirieil success our

peculiar system ol treatment lor Syphilitic, Mercurial anil »II Chronic complaints, lias met with iluring that time, liai full, and soundly established our reputation.

The "Southern Medical Office," No. 18 Carondelet street, established in 184Ü, for the cure of all ( 'lironic affec­tions. is, with a few exceptions, known to all; the only olf jeet of this card is to inform those who know not itsloc.i tion, that if afflicted with any of those private diseases which are unfortunately so prevalent, they can consult us wall » certainty and guarantee of cure.

To those especially who, from an immoderate use of Mer­cury mal-practice or Secondary Syphilis (causing Nodes on the bonesi, nocturnal Rheumatism. Itching on the client blotches on the skin. Ulcers iu the throat, general debility) have ruiued their constitution, we recommend to call upon us: for we are confident that the prompt and permanent tf. lief they will derive from the active effect.- of our treatment will at once convince them of our capability of fulfilling what we profess.

We do not boast of making rapid and hasty cures, but our satisfaction is to perform thorough and radical ones, in ^ »bort a space of time as it can possibly be done, with ad van. tage and safety to4he patient.

We will not here, through a newspaper medium, enter in any elaborate remarks regarding venereal a flection*. It is a disease that unfortunately pervades all ranks of society, rich and poor, matrimonial and single; all we will observe is, if any person afflicted with a complaint of that nature, cannot class his peculiar case with auy of those that we describe, (see treatise.) by calling at our offie vye will give him, free of all charges, what explanation or advice he may desire.

It. often happens that an ill-timed sense of shame or dread of discovery deters a patient from applying to those who, from education and respectability, can Itefriend him, delay­ing a treatment till all the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance.

To such, the doctor pledges himself to preserve the most inviolable secrecy; and from bis extensive practice and expe­rience, he can confidently recommend a safe and speedy cure.

L. C. THOMSON, Office No. 18 Carondelet street, between Canal and Com­

mon, sign of the Marble iEsculapian Statue. Private en. trance, first door to the right of No 18, in Carondelet >treet. Private egress both in < 'ommou and Carondelet sts. ahi lm

MEDICAL OFFICE, No. 86 Customhouse street. New Or lentis.

TNVALTJABLE DISCOVERY. — No PAY REQNRK.N J UNTIL A CI RK IS EFFECTED.—Private diseases cured in a few days by a regular ohysician, without mercury or other poisonous medicines, at No. 8t> Customhouse street, New Or leans, Louisiana.

Dr. MULLEN calls the attention of those afflicted with any of the forms of a certain Disease, to his general ad vet tisement in anot her column. The treatment adopted by him is that which has the approval of the most distinguish sur. geons of Paris, London and New York; and iu universal success luis proved beyond a doubt that a permanent cure fo r the worst cases of constitutional syphilis, gonorrho-a, strie-ture, enlargement of the prostrate glands, diseases induced by a certain solitary practice, etc., etc., can now lie obtained to a moral certainty, if application be made to those who»e intelligence, skill and experience can be relied on. Since !>r. Mullen opened in this city, all the many cases that, have come under his care have been cured without a single exception. Some of theseQvere of years' standing. One remarkable care of stricture, 30 years old. has been cured, to the surprise of the oMient. The gentleman (whose respectability is known to tlH citizens of New Orleans) is at hand, and (by_ his permit, sion) can lie referred to. Dr. M.'s treatment of stricture is not known south of New York. His treatment of gonoi-rhœa and gleet is the most perfect ever discovered. It is the shortest, safest and surest. The patient takes no copaiva, cu. bebs, turpentine, or other nanseus doses, but a cure is ob­tained in one or two days without pain, inconvenience or change of diet, No pay unless a cure is effected within the time named.

IMPOTENCY .—Young men or others who, bv sexual excess or self-pollution, may have brought on themselves any of the painfnl consequences resetting from an unrestrained in­dulgence of the passions, such as premature impotency, in­voluntary seminal emissions, general debility or constitutionr.i derangement, may consult Dr. Mullen with honorable con­fidence : he otters them a perfect cure. The strictest secr»y observed.

Dr. Mullen can be consulted daily at, his office, No. StiCiir. tomhousest. BENJAMIN MULLEN, M. I»

6Rememiier, No. 8fi Customhouse st. mliltJ Jin

MONTHLY BULLE­TIN .... No. 4 ....

The Qratfenherg Com­pany hereby announce that they are now incorporated by the Legislature of the State of New York, Capi­tal $100,000, agreeably to the following certificate from the Secretary of State: STATE OF NEW YOYK

Secretary1 s Office. I certify that a certificate of the Incorporation of " The Craefenberg Company," bearing date the 24th day of February, 1848, was this day filed in this office.

ARCHD. CAMPBELL, Dep. Sec. of State. Albany, Feb. 26, 1848.

This step perfects the organization of the Company, pla­cing it amongst the Institutions of the day. Among the objects of Incorporation were the following :

1st. That we might the more certainly protect the pnblic against spurious articles which the cupidity of unprincipled men may attempt to introduce under the name of the Crae-fenberg Medicines.

2d. That the vast amount of business done by the Compa­ny might lie placed under the sanction of legislative enact inent, and be thereby stamped with its approbation, securing to the public reliable medicines.

The time is now near at. hand when the diseases of spring and summer will make their appearance. If now the (irrte-fen berg Medicines be introduced, thousand of lives will lie saved. Medical men who have become acquainted with the merits of these celebrated remedies, are laying in a supply to useln their private practice,

IN BILIOUS REGIONS, especially, they are of inex­pressible value. Used according to directions, a person am not become bilious ! no matter how sickly the country or great the exposure. Let the West freely use them, ami bil­ious disorders will disappear from those fair regions.

The American Graefenherg theory does not presume that one medicine cau cure all diseases. It is idle and impudent to flaunt such a doctrine in the face of an intelligent com­munity. It is the language of «oacks and pretenders. But in the series of medicines offered by the Graefenherg Com-t » Î' 11 ,v, EV I'.R V DISEASE will find it-antidote. The Pdls are sovereign in all bilious, stomach, liver, and chronic com­plaints. As a cathartic, they are jierfectly mild, thorough and strengthening. The Fever ana Ague Pills unerringly cure Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Ague Cake, and the like. The Health Bitters restore the tone of the system, clear t he complexion, cause the monthly secretions of females, Sir.. The Sarsapari/la is the best in the world, and is so powerfully concentrated that it is ten times cheaper than any other. The Children's Panacea is a most extraordinary nursery medicine and vermifuge. The Eye Lut ion has no equal for all forms of inflammation and weakness ol the Eyes. The Green Mountain (hutment is the priu'-ipaj Ointment now used. The Dysentery Hyrup is warranted to cure the worst ca&esof Bloody-flnx, Dysentery, Diarrfio a, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum. &c. The Covsumpiiee Bahn is the only unfailing remedy known.

tSp* The General Agent for Louisiana and Mississippi is D.il ANSB ROUGH, 72 CAMP Street, New Orleans La., to whom applications for Agencies may lie addressed

EDW. BARTON. Secretary. New York, March, 1848. _0 CT For sale by WELD & CO., Periodical Agents. U

Camp street; D. FELT & COL, Stationers' Hall, 24 Char très street: ALFRED IIIJNTER, corner of Exchange Place and Customhouse street ; C. VAN K KI < > N, corner Magazine and Bartholomew streets; SLAJTER•£. r/««J Levee, between Ursulineand Hospital streets;• J 1WR Li II & CO., 151 Chartres street. New Orleans ; TIIOH.. MH >K. P. M.. City of Lafayette; J. L. VAN BOKKELLEN. cor­ner of Camp and St. Mary street, Lafayette. ap II lm


Infantum or Summer Complaint of Children, (hoi era Jy"7^ bus, IJiarrhaa, and any Irregularities of the The long and successful experience in the use ot uns remedy, by the inventor, in the treatment of aJl lP& diseases for which it is recommended, togeth«"


rh" highly respectable testimony, which nnmbeis bear to its efficiency in the cure of the ffowel Affections of Childien. Diarrho-a. Cholera Morbus andiDysentery, in grown person-, entitle it to a higher confidence than if it were one of the or­dinary humbug medicines of the day, which profes* to per­form miracles and cure ail the ills of life. Its character has been fully established in the hands of physicians of the high­est character, as tiie following letter will show :

DELTA , Coahoma county, Miss., May 31.1847. O. O. WOODMAN, ESQ.—Dear Sir : There are but FCW OI

he very many nostrums now offered to the public to which I vould lie willing f i of my name, howe

Observation and experience, however, have forced upon me the conviction that Bil ing#' Carminative and As­tringent Syrup i» a very valuable compound, prepared ujion scientific principles—jierfectly in harmony with the law* ot organic life—and, therefore, deserves (although i?» ingredi­ents are kept secret) to rank higher in the scale of remedial agents than a mere nostrum. It affords me pleasure to able (without the fear of successful contradiction) to add iuy testimony in favor of its efficiency, as a safe ami P*11

remedy, in all the forms of bowel complaints for win» h it '* recommended. I have used it myselfin several very interr­ing chronic cases of Diarrho-a and Dysentary, and recom­mended it in many others ; and in every instance, where-'!' " a preparation was indicated, it proved successful. K'-M;4,' f u l l y y o u r s , D . M . P O R T E R . M . V .

For sale, wholesale ami retail, by the proprietor. — O. O. WOODMAN?

VW Southern Depot and Wholesale Agency. V» »-CAMP STREET . D. IIANSBROM'H.

For sale by WELD & CO.. 72 Camp st.; Sickle* *-Co., 24 Magazine and 40 Canal sts.; Nathan Jarvb ' o.,

Common st.; A. < Jliver U Co., corner Bienville and i ni­tres sts.; G. N.Monson, 13Ma«a*iuest.; Harvey ScovH^w Chart«* #t. apU d&Wlw