daily current affair capsule 18th july 2019 - wifistudy.com · 2019. 7. 17. · c.kalraj mishra...

Daily Current Affair Capsule 18 th July 2019

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Page 1: Daily Current Affair Capsule 18th July 2019 - WiFiStudy.com · 2019. 7. 17. · C.Kalraj Mishra D.Biswa Bhusan ... BJP veteran and former Odisha minister Biswa Bhusan Harichandan

Daily Current Affair Capsule

18th July 2019

Page 2: Daily Current Affair Capsule 18th July 2019 - WiFiStudy.com · 2019. 7. 17. · C.Kalraj Mishra D.Biswa Bhusan ... BJP veteran and former Odisha minister Biswa Bhusan Harichandan

Which of the following

country has launched space

telescope Spektr-RG?





निम्ननिखित में से निस देश िे

अंतरिक्ष दूिबीि Spektr-RG

िॉन्च निया है?






Page 3: Daily Current Affair Capsule 18th July 2019 - WiFiStudy.com · 2019. 7. 17. · C.Kalraj Mishra D.Biswa Bhusan ... BJP veteran and former Odisha minister Biswa Bhusan Harichandan

● Russia launched a space telescope from the

cosmodrome in Baikonur, Kazakhstan.

● It was a joint project with Germany.

● रूस िे िजानिस्ताि िे बैिोिूि में िोस्मोड्र ोम से एि अंतरिक्ष

दूिबीि िो ि चं निया।

● यह जममिी िे साथ एि संयुक्त परियोजिा थी।

Page 4: Daily Current Affair Capsule 18th July 2019 - WiFiStudy.com · 2019. 7. 17. · C.Kalraj Mishra D.Biswa Bhusan ... BJP veteran and former Odisha minister Biswa Bhusan Harichandan

Harela festival is celebrated

mainly in which of the

following Indian state?

A.Tamil Nadu




हिेिा त्य हाि मुख्यतः

निम्ननिखित में से निस

भाितीय िाज्य में मिाया जाता






Page 5: Daily Current Affair Capsule 18th July 2019 - WiFiStudy.com · 2019. 7. 17. · C.Kalraj Mishra D.Biswa Bhusan ... BJP veteran and former Odisha minister Biswa Bhusan Harichandan

● Harela is a Hindu festival celebrated basically in the Kumaon

region of Uttarakhand state of India.

● It is celebrated thrice in a year, the first two are during both the

Navratis, Chaitra Navrati in the month of Chaitra and Sharad

Navratri in the month of Ashwin.

● Harela means the "day of green" and once it is marks the onset

of monsoon.

● हिेिा एि नहंदू त्योहाि है जो मूि रूप से भाित िे उत्तिािंड् िाज्य िे िुमाऊं

के्षत्र में मिाया जाता है।

● यह वर्म में तीि बाि मिाया जाता है, पहिे दो चैत्र िे महीिे में िविानत्र, चैत्र

िविानत्र औि आनिि िे महीिे में शिद िविानत्र दोिों िे द िाि होते हैं।

● हिेिा िा अथम है "हिे िंग िा नदि" औि एि बाि इसे मािसूि िी शुरुआआत िे

प्रतीि िे रूप में मिाया जाता है।

Page 6: Daily Current Affair Capsule 18th July 2019 - WiFiStudy.com · 2019. 7. 17. · C.Kalraj Mishra D.Biswa Bhusan ... BJP veteran and former Odisha minister Biswa Bhusan Harichandan

Who among the following

has been appointed as

the governor of Andhra


A.Mridula Sinha

B.Satya Pal Malik

C.Kalraj Mishra

D.Biswa Bhusan


निम्ननिखित में से निसे आंध्र

प्रदेश िे िाज्यपाि िे रूप में

नियुक्त निया गया है?

A.मृदुिा नसन्हा

B.सत्य पाि मनिि

C.िििाज नमश्र

D.बिस्वा भूषण हररचंदन

Page 7: Daily Current Affair Capsule 18th July 2019 - WiFiStudy.com · 2019. 7. 17. · C.Kalraj Mishra D.Biswa Bhusan ... BJP veteran and former Odisha minister Biswa Bhusan Harichandan

● BJP veteran and former Odisha minister Biswa Bhusan

Harichandan and former BJP MP from Madhya Pradesh Anusuiya

Uikey were appointed Governors of Andhra Pradesh and

Chhattisgarh respectively.

● भाजपा िे नदग्गज औि ओनड्शा िे पूवम मंत्री नबस्वा भूर्ि हरिचंदि औि मध्य

प्रदेश िे पूवम भाजपा सांसद अिुसुइया उइिे िो क्रमशः आंध्र प्रदेश औि

छत्तीसगढ़ िे िाज्यपाि नियुक्त निया गया।

Page 8: Daily Current Affair Capsule 18th July 2019 - WiFiStudy.com · 2019. 7. 17. · C.Kalraj Mishra D.Biswa Bhusan ... BJP veteran and former Odisha minister Biswa Bhusan Harichandan

Who among the following

has been appointed the

interim coach of the USA

cricket team?

A.Nayan Mongia

B.Dilip Vengsarkar

C.Ajay Jadeja

D.Kiran More

निम्ननिखित में से निसे संयुक्त

िाज्य अमेरििा नक्रिेट टीम िा

अंतरिम िोच नियुक्त निया गया


A.ियि मोनंगया

B. नदिीप वेंगसििि

C.अजय जडे्जा

D.बिरन मोरे

Page 9: Daily Current Affair Capsule 18th July 2019 - WiFiStudy.com · 2019. 7. 17. · C.Kalraj Mishra D.Biswa Bhusan ... BJP veteran and former Odisha minister Biswa Bhusan Harichandan

● Former India wicketkeeper-batsman Kiran More has been

appointed the interim coach of the USA cricket team.

● More will take over from the former coach Pubudu Dassanayake

of Sri Lanka.

● भाित िे पूवम नविेटिीपि-बले्लबाज नििि मोिे िो यूएसए नक्रिेट टीम िा

अंतरिम िोच नियुक्त निया गया है।

● मोिे श्रीिंिा िे पूवम िोच पबुडू् दासिायिे िी जगह िेंगे।

Page 10: Daily Current Affair Capsule 18th July 2019 - WiFiStudy.com · 2019. 7. 17. · C.Kalraj Mishra D.Biswa Bhusan ... BJP veteran and former Odisha minister Biswa Bhusan Harichandan

Who among the following

has been selected for the

prestigious Sangeet Natak

Akademi Fellow or

Akademi Ratna awards?

A.Zakir Hussain

B.Sonal Mansingh

C.Jatin Goswami

D.All of these

निम्ननिखित में से निसे प्रनतनित

संगीत िाटि अिादमी फैिो

या अिादमी ित्न पुिस्कािों िे

निए चुिा गया है?

A.जानिि हुसैि

B.सोिि मािनसंह

C.जनति गोस्वामी

D.ये सभी

Page 11: Daily Current Affair Capsule 18th July 2019 - WiFiStudy.com · 2019. 7. 17. · C.Kalraj Mishra D.Biswa Bhusan ... BJP veteran and former Odisha minister Biswa Bhusan Harichandan

● The Sangeet Natak Akademi has named four eminent

personalities in the field of performing arts - tabla

virtuoso Zakir Hussain, dancer Sonal Mansingh, dancer

and choreographer Jatin Goswami and Bharatnatyam

exponent K. Kalyanasundaram Pillai - for the prestigious

Sangeet Natak Akademi Fellow or Akademi Ratna


● संगीत िाटि अिादमी िे प्रदशमि ििा िे के्षत्र में चाि प्रनतनित

हखस्तयों - तबिा गुिी जानिि हुसैि, ितमि सोिि मािनसंह,

िृत्यांगिा औि िोरियोग्राफि जनति गोस्वामी औि भितिाट्यम िे

प्रमुि िे िल्यािसंुदिम नपल्लई िो प्रनतनित संगीत िाटि

अिादमी फेिो अिादमी िे निए चुिा है।

Page 12: Daily Current Affair Capsule 18th July 2019 - WiFiStudy.com · 2019. 7. 17. · C.Kalraj Mishra D.Biswa Bhusan ... BJP veteran and former Odisha minister Biswa Bhusan Harichandan

Who among the following has

won the girl’s U13 title at

Dutch Junior Open tournament

in Amsterdam?

A.Shakshi Singhal

B.Amita Dev

C.Radhika Sen

D.Anahat Singh

निम्ननिखित में से निसिे

एम्स्टड्मम में ड्च जूनियि ओपि

टूिाममेंट में िड्नियों िी शे्रिी में

U13 िा खिताब जीता है?

A.शाक्षी नसंघि

B.अनमता देव

C.िानििा सेि

D.अनाहत बसंह

Page 13: Daily Current Affair Capsule 18th July 2019 - WiFiStudy.com · 2019. 7. 17. · C.Kalraj Mishra D.Biswa Bhusan ... BJP veteran and former Odisha minister Biswa Bhusan Harichandan

● Two Indian players managed to win titles while another finished as

runner-up on the final day of the Dutch Junior Open squash

tournament in Amsterdam.

● Anahat Singh won the girls’ U13 title after a gritty performance in

the final while Neel Joshi captured the boys’ U17 title.

● दो भाितीय खििाडी खिताब जीतिे में िामयाब िहे, जबनि िे एम्स्टड्मम में ड्च

जूनियि ओपि सै्क्वश टूिाममेंट िे अंनतम नदि उपनवजेता िे रूप जीत हानसि िी।

● अिाहत नसंह िे फाइिि में शािदाि प्रदशमि िे बाद िडनियों िे यू 13 खिताब

जीता, जबनि िीि जोशी िे िडिों िे यू 17 खिताब पि िब्जा िि निया।

Page 14: Daily Current Affair Capsule 18th July 2019 - WiFiStudy.com · 2019. 7. 17. · C.Kalraj Mishra D.Biswa Bhusan ... BJP veteran and former Odisha minister Biswa Bhusan Harichandan

Recently, Vijayveer Sidhu

won his 3rd gold medal at

Junior World Cup

Germany. He is

associated with which of

the following sports?





हाि ही में, नवजयवीि

नसद्िू िे जूनियि नवि िप

जममिी में अपिा तीसिा

स्विम पदि जीता। वह

निम्ननिखित में से निस

िेि से समं्बनित हैं?




D.शूब ंग

Page 15: Daily Current Affair Capsule 18th July 2019 - WiFiStudy.com · 2019. 7. 17. · C.Kalraj Mishra D.Biswa Bhusan ... BJP veteran and former Odisha minister Biswa Bhusan Harichandan

● Vijayveer Sidhu picked up his third gold medal of the

ongoing ISSF Junior World Cup in Suhl, Germany,

combining with Rajkanwar Singh Sandhu and Adarsh Singh

to clinch the men's 25m pistol event.

● For Adarsh, it was his second gold of the competition.

● नवजयवीि नसद्िू िे जममिी िे सुहि में चि िहे आईएसएसएफ जूनियि

नवि िप िा अपिा तीसिा स्विम पदि जीता, उन्होिें िाजिंवि नसंह

संिू औि आदशम नसंह िे साथ नमििि पुरुआर्ों िी 25 मीटि नपटि

स्पिाम में इसे हानसि निया।

● आदशम िे निए, यह प्रनतयोनगता िा उििा दूसिा स्विम था।

Page 16: Daily Current Affair Capsule 18th July 2019 - WiFiStudy.com · 2019. 7. 17. · C.Kalraj Mishra D.Biswa Bhusan ... BJP veteran and former Odisha minister Biswa Bhusan Harichandan

The 13th meeting of the

India-UK Joint Economic and

Trade Committee (JETCO)

was held in which of the

following city?

A. Rome


C.New Delhi


भाित-निटेि संयुक्त आनथमि

औि व्यापाि सनमनत (जेटिो)

िी 13 वी ं बैठि निम्ननिखित

में से निस शहि में आयोनजत

िी गई थी?



C.िई नदल्ली


Page 17: Daily Current Affair Capsule 18th July 2019 - WiFiStudy.com · 2019. 7. 17. · C.Kalraj Mishra D.Biswa Bhusan ... BJP veteran and former Odisha minister Biswa Bhusan Harichandan

● 13th meeting of the India-UK Joint Economic and Trade

Committee (JETCO) was held in London.

● Union Minister of Commerce & Industry and Railways and

Secretary of State for International Trade of the UK

participated in the meeting.

● भाित-निटेि संयुक्त आनथमि औि व्यापाि सनमनत (जेटिो) िी 13 वी ं

बैठि िंदि में आयोनजत िी गई।

● बैठि में िें द्रीय वानिज्य औि उद्योग औि िेि मंत्री औि निटेि िे

अंतिामष्ट्र ीय व्यापाि िाज्य मंत्री िे भाग निया।

Page 18: Daily Current Affair Capsule 18th July 2019 - WiFiStudy.com · 2019. 7. 17. · C.Kalraj Mishra D.Biswa Bhusan ... BJP veteran and former Odisha minister Biswa Bhusan Harichandan

Who among the following

has been confirmed as the

European commission’s first

female President?

A.Ursula von der Leyen

B.Annegret Kramp-


C.Christine Lagarde

D.Andrea Nahles

निम्ननिखित में से निसे यूिोपीयआयोग िी पहिी मनहिािाष्ट्र पनत िे रूप में नियु्यनिया गया है?

A.उससुला वॉन डेर लेयेनB.एिेगे्रट कै्रम्प-ििमिबाउिC.नक्रटीि िेगाड्मD.एंनड्र या िाहल्स

Page 19: Daily Current Affair Capsule 18th July 2019 - WiFiStudy.com · 2019. 7. 17. · C.Kalraj Mishra D.Biswa Bhusan ... BJP veteran and former Odisha minister Biswa Bhusan Harichandan

● Ursula von der Leyen has been confirmed as the European

commission’s first female President.

● उसुमिा वॉि डे्ि िेयेि िो यूिोपीय आयोग िी पहिी मनहिा िाष्ट्र पनत िे रूप

में पुनष्ट् िी गई है।

Page 20: Daily Current Affair Capsule 18th July 2019 - WiFiStudy.com · 2019. 7. 17. · C.Kalraj Mishra D.Biswa Bhusan ... BJP veteran and former Odisha minister Biswa Bhusan Harichandan

Who among the following

has been appointed as an

International Judge of the

Singapore International

Commercial Court?

A.M.J Sinha

B.A K Sikri

C.Rahul Mehta

D.A K Pal

निम्ननिखित में से निसे नसंगापुि

अंतिामष्ट्र ीय वानिखज्यि न्यायािय

िे अंतिामष्ट्र ीय न्यायािीश िे रूप

में नियुक्त निया गया है?

A.एम जे नसन्हा

B.ए िे सीिरी

C.िाहुि मेहता

D.ए िे पाि

Page 21: Daily Current Affair Capsule 18th July 2019 - WiFiStudy.com · 2019. 7. 17. · C.Kalraj Mishra D.Biswa Bhusan ... BJP veteran and former Odisha minister Biswa Bhusan Harichandan

● Former Supreme Court judge Justice A K Sikri has

been appointed as an International Judge of the

Singapore International Commercial Court.

● Justice Sikri, who retired on March 6, was nominated

last January for appointment to the Commonwealth

Secretariat Arbitral Tribunal at London, UK.

● सुप्रीम िोटम िे पूवम न्यायािीश जखटस ए िे सीििी िो नसंगापुि

इंटििेशिि िमनशमयि िोटम िे अंतिामष्ट्र ीय न्यायािीश िे रूप में

नियुक्त निया गया है।

● न्यायमूनतम सीििी, जो 6 माचम िो सेवानिवृत्त हुए थे, िो िंदि,

यूिे में िाष्ट्र मंड्ि सनचवािय पंचाट नटर बू्यिि में नियुखक्त िे निए

नपछिे जिविी में िामांनित निया गया था।

Page 22: Daily Current Affair Capsule 18th July 2019 - WiFiStudy.com · 2019. 7. 17. · C.Kalraj Mishra D.Biswa Bhusan ... BJP veteran and former Odisha minister Biswa Bhusan Harichandan

World Day for

International Justice is

observed every year on


A.15 July

B.16 July

C.17 July

D.18 July

अंतििाष्ट्र ीय न्याय नदवस हि

साि _______ िो मिाया

जाता है।

A.15 जुिाई

B.16 जुिाई

C.17 जसलाई

D.18 जुिाई


Page 23: Daily Current Affair Capsule 18th July 2019 - WiFiStudy.com · 2019. 7. 17. · C.Kalraj Mishra D.Biswa Bhusan ... BJP veteran and former Odisha minister Biswa Bhusan Harichandan

● World Day for International Justice is also known as International

Criminal Justice Day.

● It is observed globally on 17 July every year to recognise the

strengthening system of international justice.

● अंतििाष्ट्र ीय न्याय नदवस िो अंतिामष्ट्र ीय आपिानिि न्याय नदवस िे रूप में भी

जािा जाता है।

● अंतिामष्ट्र ीय न्याय िी सुदृढ़ व्यवस्था िो मान्यता देिे िे निए इसे हि साि 17

जुिाई िो नवि स्ति पि मिाया जाता है।

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