daily excelsior, jammu monday, november 9, 2015 …

DAILY EXCELSIOR, JAMMU MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2015 (PAGE 15) NPP stages protest dharna at Jantar-Mantar Excelsior Correspondent NEW DELHI, Nov 8: The leaders and activists of Jammu and Kashmir National Panthers Party (NPP) staged strong protest demonstration and dhar- na at Jantar-Mantar in the Union capital here today. Taking serious note of the Prime Minister Modi's address in Kashmir which blatantly ignored the aspirations of the people of Jammu region, the NPP activists spearheaded by Harshdev Singh, chairman of NPP and Yashpal Kundal State president Young Panthers organ- ised this protest programme. While addressing the gathering, Harshdev Singh recalled that the BJP took a complete U-turn from its pre- poll promises doled out to the electorates of Jammu region. He said that now when the people had pinned high hopes on Mr Modi, it is very unfortunate that the contents of PM's address only favoured the interests of Kashmir and proved to be a damp squib for the people of Jammu region. Mr Singh main- tained that the entire focus of the Prime Minister's speech revolved around Kashmir. Wondering on the silence of Mr Modi with regard to the establishment of the previously sanctioned AIIMS in the region and a Smart City for Jammu, NPP leader lamented that it had corroborated the bitter fact that BJP had divested Jammu of these urban projects only to play a second fiddle in the govern- ment by appeasing their Kashmiri compeers to keep the sinister alliance intact and alive. He took a dig on Mr Modi for turning a blind eye over the dis- crimination against Jammu region on the subject of delimi- tation of Assembly constituen- cies despite the same having been included in BJP's vision document. Expressing shock over PM failing to redress the grievances of West Pak and PoJK refugees of 1947, Harshdev disclosed that lakhs of uprooted souls from PoJK who had been living as refugees in Jammu region des- perately expected Mr Modi to announce one time comprehen- sive settlement package. West Pak refugees had also been demanding conferment of State Subject rights eagerly but they were also left dejected. Pominent among those who spoke on the occasion included Y P Kundal, Rajiv Jolly Khosla, Arun Khajuria, Rajeshwar Singh, Surjit Singh Guleria and others. Supporters of reservation in promotion during rally at Reasi on Sunday. SC, ST Coordination Committee holds convention on ‘save reservation’ Excelsior Correspondent REASI, Nov 8: A one day convention to save reservation was organized today by All SC, ST, OBC and RBA Adhoc Coordination Committee of dis- trict Reasi here at Parade Ground. MLA Gool Arnas, Choudhary Aejaz Ahmed Khan, MLA Mahore, Mumtaz Khan, ex-Minister, Babu Jagjeevan Lal and thousands of SC, ST, OBC and other reserved category peo- ple from all parts of the district participated in the convention. The committee condemned the State Government for its failure to protect reservation rights in promotion in scores of writ petitions in the High Court of J&K. Ex-Minister, Babu Jagjeeven Lal, said that the failure of State Government, which came into existence due to overwhelming support of SC/STs to both BJP and PDP, has resulted into dou- ble bench of High Court pro- nouncing anti-constitutional and anti-reserved categories judg- ment. “Reservation in Promotion is a constitutional right of people belonging to SC/ST, RBA and OBCs in both State and Central services as per scores of Supreme Court judgements and also as per 77, 81 and 85th Constitutional amendments”, he added. Aejaz Ahmed Khan alleged that a deep conspiracy is being hatched to deprive SC/ST, RBA and OBCs the due and constitu- tional rights of Reservation. Mumtaz Ahmed Khan said if this court order is implemented it will cause huge loss to deprived population of J&K and it will be humiliating for the officers of SC/ST who will be demoted from CE/SE/XEn, Professors etc to the lower posts. He stressed that the reservation should continue until we get equality. Later committee members submitted a memorandum of demands to Governor NN Vohra through DDC Reasi. The main demands high- lighted in the memorandum include protection of constitu- tional rights of reservation in promotion, elimination of catch up rules, removal of marks crite- ria, amendment of income slab on the analogy of Central Government norms for grant of scholarship, political representa- tion to ST in the State assembly, implementation of Mandal Commision Report for 27%reservation to OBC s in State, etc. Excelsior Correspondent SRINAGAR, Nov 8: Police today said it solved a hit and run case hours after an unknown truck hit two pedestrians at Sangam in south Kashmir's Anantnag district leaving one of them dead. A police spokesman said a truck hit two pedestrians at Sangam, resulting in on spot death of Bashir Ahmad Mir and injuries to Ghulam Hassan Shah. "The injured succumbed to his injuries while on way to hospi- tal. After completion of medico- legal formalities, the bodies of the deceased were handed over to their legal heirs for last rites," the spokesman said. He said the police swung into action and arrested the truck driver who was identified as Lateef Ahmad Mir and seized the truck bearing registration number JK13C-0272. The police spokesman said a case under FIR number 211/15 under Section 304 A RPC against him. Police hands over mobile phone to owner Excelsior Correspondent REASI, Nov 8: Police hand- ed over a lost bag containing mobile phone worth Rs 10,000 to its owner at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine. As per police sources, one unclaimed bag containing Samsung Duos Core mobile worth Rs 10,000 was found near cloak room at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine by Constable Kamal Singh of Police Station Bhawan, while performing his official duty. An announcement was flashed through JPCR Bhawan in this regard and a lady namely Harpreet Kour, wife of Jatinder Singh of Ludhiana Punjab appeared before Police Station Bhawan and claimed the owner- ship of the bag containing mobile phone. After clarification, the bag and the mobile phone was hand- ed over to her by Constable Kamal Singh under the guidance of Inspector Rajesh Sharma, SHO police station Bhawan and Munish Kumar, DySP Bhawan. One killed, 6 injured as load carrier plunges into gorge Excelsior Correspondent DODA, Nov 8: One person was killed and six others got injured when the load carrier they were traveling in, skidded off the road and plunged into gorge at Budwan on Bedyan- Jodhpur road here. As per police sources, a load carrier bearing registration num- ber JK06-8366 plunged into gorge near Budwan area on Bedyan-Jodhpur road late last night, resulting into on the spot death of one person and injuries to six others. After getting information, police team and locals rushed to the spot and shifted the injured persons to District Hospital, from where one of the injured was airlifted to Government Medical College and Hospital (GMCH) for advanced treat- ment. The body of the deceased identified as Sohail Singh, son of Nain Singh of Roti Padrana Hamra Dhara was handed over to family members for last rites after completing legal formali- ties. The injured have been iden- tified as Akash Kumar, son of Lekh Raj, Sanjay Kumar, son of Mool Raj and Lal Din, son of Rustam Naik, trio residents of Buttal Dhara, Sunil Kumar, son of Deepa Ram of Bhari Jodhpur, Sher Mohammad, son of Nazir Ahmed and Anayatullah, son of Mohammad Sharied, both resi- dents of Roti Padrana. A case in this regard has been registered and investiga- tion started. Office bearers of National United Front alongwith chief guest R S Jamwal, Jt Commissioner, MCJ and inmates of Ved Mandir Bal Niketan, Jammu celebrating Diwali. NUF celebrates Diwali with inmates of Bal Niketan Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Nov 8: In further- ance of its continued endeavor to provide solace to have-nots National United Front (A Regd. NGO) celebrated eve of Diwali Festival with the inmates of Bal Niketan and Balika Niketan at Ved Mandir, thereby bringing a smile on innocent faces. Joint Commissioner, Municipal Corporation Jammu, R S Jamwal, was the chief guest. National United Front organ- ized evening snacks with tea and a sumptuous dinner for all inmates of Bal Niketan and Balika Niketan along with their staff. Chief Patron of national United Front, Vijay Mahajan, himself distributed small fire- works (minus crackers) to the inmates, who fully enjoyed the festivity. Prominent among those present on the occasion included Chairman Anil Sharma, Bharat Bhushan, Shashikant Sapolia, Shambhu Nath Sharma, Vipan Agarwal, Nagarmal Chargotra, Mr Thappa, Mr Anand, Vijay Sharma, Sanjay Sharma and oth- ers. Home for Aged & Infirm holds annual general body meeting Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Nov 8: Home for the Aged and Infirm, Ambphalla (popularly known as Vridh Ashram) held its annual general body meeting under the chair- manship of President Prem Gupta, Former IGP, J&K which was attended by a large number of members of the Society. The Annual Report, audited accounts for the year 2014-2015 and Budget proposals for 2015- 2016 presented by Secretary Er Vijay Kumar Bhagotra were adopted by the house. Male and Female representa- tives of the inmates expressed satisfaction with the amenities, facilities and medical care etc being provided to them by the Home. ID Soni, Vice President appealed to the general public for liberal donations in cash on regular basis to meet the day-to- day needs of the inmates and further improvement in their facilities and amenities as well as maintenance of requisite infrastructure and assets of the Home. He also appealed to the pub- lic at large to visit the Home and interact with the inmates, so that they do not feel neglected by the society for whose welfare they had also contributed during their active past life as they are starv- ing for emotional touch at this stage of their life. Er BB Gupta, Joint Secretary, Members of the Managing Committee HS Manhas, Vijay Gupta, OP Verma, Nirmala Zutshi, Keemti Lal Dubey, KK Mengi and Dinesh Gupta were also present. In the end, Er Vijay Bhagotra, Secretary presented vote of thanks. President NMC, Subhash Shastri addressing meeting of activists at Jammu on Sunday. NMC appeals PM to earmark funds for regularization of daily wagers Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Nov 8: National Mazdoor Conference (NMC) today appealed the Prime Minister (PM) to earmark part of the announced package funds for liquidating the financial lia- bilities to the accrued regular- ization of 61000 daily rated workers as well as implementa- tion of 7th Pay Commission rec- ommendations in the State. Addressing a meeting of NMC activists, Subhash Shastri, NMC president, complimented the Prime Minister for announc- ing a mega economical package to the State. He said that judi- cious use of these funds in vari- ous sectors will boost the econo- my of the State and will usher a new era of development. Shastri expressed that now since the State Government has received a financial package from the Centre, there should not be any hitch for State Government to regularize the 61000 daily rated workers and release them their legitimate outstanding dues. This will enable the State Government to fulfill its election promise of regularization the daily rated workers, he added. Shastri also urged upon the PM to accord the 'smart city' sta- tus to the cities of Jammu and Srinagar so that the J&K State also comes on the National panel of smart cities of the coun- try in consonance with the slo- gan of the PM "Sab ka Saath, Sab ka Vikas". He reiterated his demand to release the balance pending 6% DA to the employees and pen- sioners of the State due from 2015 as the Centre has already released the same. Among others who spoke on the occasion were Rajan Babu Khajuria, BS Jamwal, Sunil Kocchar, Surinder Kumar, Sudesh Bhagat, Paramjit, Barkat Ram, Sukhdev Singh, Bhupinder Singh, Mohan Lal, etc. Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Nov 8: Jammu Lawyers Forum (JLF) organ- ized second seminar on PDP- BJP “Agenda of Alliance” to educate the masses about its dangerous impact on the people of the State in general and Jammu province in particular. The seminar was held under chairmanship of Former President, J&K High Court Bar Association, Jammu, and Senior Advocate BS Slathia, which was attended by President of the Bar Association RS Pura Raj Kumar Thakyal Advocate, Advocates Ravinder Charak, Vice-President, Joginder Singh, MR Sangra, Raunoq Singh, Paramjeet Singh, Ajay Bharti, Ranjeet Singh, Chaman Lal, Sonika Gupta, Jyoti and Parveen Kesar and hundreds of citizens drawn from all walks of life. The participants unani- mously demanded withdrawal of the Agenda of Alliance terming it as anti-Jammu and anti-national. They resolved to defend and promote the legitimate interests of the people of Jammu province and defeat the anti- national forces to maintain the unity, territorial integrity and sovereignty of India. They also resolved to preserve the territo- rial integrity of Jammu province by defeating those who have been working to trifurcate Jammu province. “There was consensus that the Agenda of Alliance is a “sin- ister” document prepared to benefit Kashmir and help Pakistan and Kashmiri sepa- ratists to disintegrate India and enslave and eliminate the minorities in the State, who constitute more than 40 per cent of the population”, Slathia said. “We will not allow the BJP- led NDA Government at the Centre and the PDP-BJP coali- tion Government in the State to create a Pakistan-like situation in Jammu and Kashmir”, he said. Senior Advocate SS Lehar in his presentation said that the agenda only hampers the process of integration of the State with India. Advocates Raj Kumar Thakyal, Sanjat Singh, Chaman Lal, Ranjeet Singh, Jyoti, Kesar Parveen, Monish Chopra and Ravinder Sharma and Pawan Kumar Manni, Convener, JLF, also expressed their views. Among others present were CM Sharma, Ajay Sharma, BL Bhat, BS Pawar, Naresh Sharma, PS Parmar, Swarn Singh, Baldev Singh, Nitin Gupta, Vikush Anand, Natwar Singh and Sushant. NDS pays tributes to Kunwar Vijogi Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Nov 8: Nami Dogri Sanstha Jammu paid homage to Wing Commander (Retd) Randhir Singh Jamwal "Kunwar Vijogi" in a `Shardhanjali Sabha' held here today. The meeting in this regard was presided over by noted writer S S Anand Lehar. Many writers, poets and intellectuals paid rich tributes to `Kunwar Vijogi'. Mr Lehar and others spoke on the life and contribu- tion of Late Vijogi. Prominent among those who attended the meeting included M S Kamra, Sham Talib, Om Dalmotra, Ashok Sharma, Rakesh Tript, Harish Kaila, Ritwick Roshan Kaila, Nidhi Kaila, Som Lal Taroch, Capt Lalit Sharma, Yash Paul Yash, Manoj Kumar, S S Jamwal, Prof Anupama Sharma, Ravi Razdan, Arjun Mohan and oth- ers. Pay attention to picturesque Surinsar This is to bring in the notice of the Tourism Department Jammu that the road to picturesque Surinsar near the tourist spot is quite damaged. Tourist get a shock on seeing the deplorable condition of road at this point. The road is too narrow to allow two vehicles cross each other at this point. Even a single vehicle takes time to cross this patch. It is quite disgusting that the tourist spot which should have been given much attention has remained neglected. No one has bothered to repair this patch from so many years. Even the people of this area who use this road daily have failed to raise this issue with their elected representatives. If such condition continues to prevail, it may discourage tourist to visit this place. It will be a setback to growing tourist industry in the region. Amit Mishra Patnitop Blacktop Bohri-Anand Nagar road As the process of black-topping of roads in Jammu city has been undertaken by the concerned department, it is not known why Bohri-Anand Nagar road has been left unattended so far. This road has become traffic unworthy as it has developed numer- ous pot-holes. The vehicles plying on it pose danger to safety of pedestrians, as drivers have to negotiate these pot-holes. There are chances that the vehicles may collide with each other in such a sit- uation. Huge columns of dust billow whenever vehicles pass by. The dust columns are proving to be a health hazards for residents living nearby. It is requested to the concerned department to look into the matter at the earliest. M K Pandita Anand Nagar Bohri Improve civic amenities in Kishtwar The Kishtwar town which is growing day by day is facing a plethora of problems on account of lack of civic amenities. The roads of the town need to be widened to accommodate large num- ber of vehicles. As the garbage dumps have sprouted in the whole town, these have become a eyesore for people of the town. During summer these stink and pollute the area. The street lights are non-functional at most places of the town and pose problems to people during night hours. The town is also experiencing water shortage and this problem has remained pending for the last several years. We hope the District Administration would wake up to our problem at the earliest. Ajit Parihar Kishtwar Repair Letar-Devak-Hathal-road I would like to draw the attention of the MLA Sunderbani Nowshera constituency and PWD Department towards the worst condition of Letar to Devak Hathal road. The road has become hell for two wheelers and other vehicles. Thousands of residents of the area and school going children are the main sufferers. PWD Department is so careless that it never bothered to make proper drainage system alongside the road. Due to bad con- dition, there is no bus service in the area. No transporters is ready to provide bus service in the area. Devak and Hathal are the remote Panchayats of Rajouri and have been totally ignored by the adminis- tration of the State. I request the concerned authorities to look seriously in the matter and blacktop the Devak Hathal road. Madan Lal Narad Devak (Sunderbani) Make it convenient at RTO Even after being shifted to present location at Narwal, people con- tinue to face inconvenience at RTO Office Narwal. As hundreds of people throng this office with different tasks-driving licence, renewal of document, where they have to be in queues for a long time. These people suffer terribly as there is no arrangement for people during hot and humid days and during rain and cold. There is no seating arrange- ment, or waiting room where they can wait or do paper work. Most of the people are seen here and there filling their papers or waiting on pavements. The RTO Office should take certain measures to reduce the rush on its premises. The RTO should ask people to deposit all type of fees in J&K Banks. In case it is not feasible, it should create infrastructure within the premises itself. Dhian Singh Chhanni Himmat Garbage dumps near main gate of Dental Hospital. ACTION PLEASE! E-mail : [email protected] Withdraw anti-Jammu, anti-national ‘Agenda of Alliance’: JLF Cop handing over mobile to owner. J&K Gujjars demand adequate representation to Gojri on AIR, DD Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Nov 8: Demanding adequate time slot for Gojri language on all local Radio Stations and Doordarshan Kendras as per the population of their community -the Gujjars of Jammu and Kashmir today pleaded through Tribal Research and Cultural Foundation -a frontal organization of Gujjars- Bakerwals for starting of daily news from Doordarshan Jammu and Srinagar and morning Gojri News bulletins from Radio Kashmir Jammu and Srinagar. Giving details -Dr Javaid Rahi, Secretary, Tribal Foundation today informed that a letter was sent to Union Minister of Information and Broadcasting wherein issues of Gojri Language were highlight- ed in a strong manner with regard to its projection and pro- motion on All India Radio and Doordarshan Kendra's in Jammu and Kashmir. "The letter was signed by prominent tribal personalities demanding sufficient time slot for Gojri language proportionate to population of Gujjars- Bakerwals in the State", he said. The letter reads that Gojri is a significant language of India and it needs special attention and encouragement of Union Ministry of Information and Broadcasting with regard to its representation and promotion on AIR and DD channels at National level and State level. The letter further reads-- the Gujjars and Bakerwals -the speaker of Gojri language con- stitute more than 20% popula- tion of the State are completely ignored by the Doordarshan in J&K and no proper representa- tion was provided to their art, culture, languages, customs and secular ethos for which they are known all over the world on any of its channel . "Presently Radio Kashmir Jammu and Srinagar broadcast one hour programme including 10 minutes Gojri News out of total 16 hour daily transmission while DD Kashmir/Kashir Channel and DD Jammu telecast half an hour weekly programme in Gojri, which is a great injus- tice with this important tribal language", the letter reads. NC's Youth Wing reconstituted Excelsior Correspondent DOODA, Nov 8: The Youth Wing of National Conference (NC) of District Doda was reconstituted. Syed Naved Hashmi has been nominated as president, Advocate Vinay Anand as vice president, Amjad Hussain Mir as district secretary, Advocate Mairaj Khalid as joint secretary, Waseem Raja Shiekh as chief organizer and Mansoor Ali Khan as cashier. Javed Ahmed Khan, Vishal Kumar Jain, Shabir Ahmed Ganai, Showkat Ali Khan, Adil Khurwani, Asif Ali Bazdar, Ahsan Ansari, Tariq Ahmed Shah, Anees-ul-Haq, Ajaz Ahmed Butt, Ramesh Kumar, Ilyas Ahmed Wani, Javed Ahmed Khanday, Mashoq Ahmed, Ashok Kumar, Advocate Fayaz Khan, Bashir Ahmed, Mohd Iqbal Mir, Shabir Ahmed Butt, Masood Ahmed, Majid Zargar, Ayaz Ahmed Bangroo, Tazeem Ahmed, Mohd Iqbal Sofi, Mohammad Irfan Mir and Sanjay Singh were nominated as members. District president, NC, Doda Khalid Najib Suharwardy, vice president Riyaz Ahmed Bhaderwahi, vice president and Ex-MLC Mohammad Iqbal Butt, District secretary Shabir Ahmed Chowdhary had approved the reconstitution of the youth wing of the district. Speaking on the occasion Khalid Najib Suharwardy con- gratulated the newly elected team and urged them to work to combat the growing intolerance, fight communal forces tooth and nail who are at derailing the communal harmony of the region. "National Conference has always been flag bearer of communal harmony and we must continue to work towards "inclusive nation building", come what may" he added. "Youth are our best asset & will be pivotal in achieving the economic & social growth in the region" Suharwardy added Police solves 'hit and run' case One held with heroin Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Nov 8: Police nabbed a narcotic smuggler and recovered heroin worth several thousands from his possession in Gangyal As per police sources, a team from Gangyal police sta- tion during patrolling asked a pedestrian to stop for checking as he was moving under suspi- cious grounds. On seeing police team, the accused tried to escape, but the cops chased and nabbed him. During checking, police recovered 4 grams of heroin worth several thousands from his possession and arrested him. The accused has been iden- tified as Harpal Siungh, son of Assa Singh, a resident of Bhour Camp. A case under FIR Number 166/15 under Section 8/21 Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act has been registered at Gangyal police station and investigation started. Police team led by SHO Gangyal Inspector Ajay Jamwal made the arrest under the super- vision of SDPO South Sachin Gupta, SP South Shahzad Ahmad Salaria and SSP Jammu Uttam Chand. NPP leaders and activists staging protest dharna at Jantar- Mantar on Sunday. ReT Teachers discuss demands Excelsior Correspondent RAMNAGAR, Nov 8: A meeting of J&K ReT Teacher Forum was held under the chairmanship of Bhupinder Singh, State vice president and incharge, Kashmir division, wherein they discussed the grievances of ReT teachers. After the meeting, ReT Teachers raised slogans against State Government for not releasing the pending salary. While addressing the gatherings, Singh lambasted the State Government for harass- ing the ReTs on the name of verification. Singh warned the State Government to resolve all issues with- in days otherwise 65000 ReTs will come on roads with their fam- ilies. Other who attended the meeting were Romesh Chander, Sham Singh, Amit Sharma, Maan Chand, Pritam Singh, Pritam Dhimaan, Pankaj Singh, Naveen Dogra, Romesh Shastri and Rajeev Sharma.

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NPP stages protest dharna at Jantar-Mantar

Excelsior Correspondent

NEW DELHI, Nov 8: Theleaders and activists of Jammuand Kashmir National PanthersParty (NPP) staged strongprotest demonstration and dhar-na at Jantar-Mantar in the Unioncapital here today.

Taking serious note of thePrime Minister Modi's addressin Kashmir which blatantly

ignored the aspirations of thepeople of Jammu region, theNPP activists spearheaded byHarshdev Singh, chairman ofNPP and Yashpal Kundal Statepresident Young Panthers organ-ised this protest programme.

While addressing thegathering, Harshdev Singhrecalled that the BJP took acomplete U-turn from its pre-poll promises doled out to theelectorates of Jammu region. Hesaid that now when the peoplehad pinned high hopes on MrModi, it is very unfortunate thatthe contents of PM's addressonly favoured the interests ofKashmir and proved to be adamp squib for the people ofJammu region. Mr Singh main-tained that the entire focus of thePrime Minister's speechrevolved around Kashmir.

Wondering on the silenceof Mr Modi with regard to theestablishment of the previously

sanctioned AIIMS in the regionand a Smart City for Jammu,NPP leader lamented that it hadcorroborated the bitter fact thatBJP had divested Jammu ofthese urban projects only to playa second fiddle in the govern-ment by appeasing theirKashmiri compeers to keep thesinister alliance intact and alive.He took a dig on Mr Modi forturning a blind eye over the dis-

crimination against Jammuregion on the subject of delimi-tation of Assembly constituen-cies despite the same havingbeen included in BJP's visiondocument.

Expressing shock over PMfailing to redress the grievancesof West Pak and PoJK refugeesof 1947, Harshdev disclosed thatlakhs of uprooted souls fromPoJK who had been living asrefugees in Jammu region des-perately expected Mr Modi toannounce one time comprehen-sive settlement package. WestPak refugees had also beendemanding conferment of StateSubject rights eagerly but theywere also left dejected.

Pominent among those whospoke on the occasion includedY P Kundal, Rajiv Jolly Khosla,Arun Khajuria, RajeshwarSingh, Surjit Singh Guleria andothers.

Supporters of reservation in promotion during rally at Reasion Sunday.

SC, ST Coordination Committee holdsconvention on ‘save reservation’

Excelsior Correspondent

REASI, Nov 8: A one dayconvention to save reservationwas organized today by All SC,ST, OBC and RBA AdhocCoordination Committee of dis-trict Reasi here at ParadeGround.

MLA Gool Arnas,Choudhary Aejaz Ahmed Khan,MLA Mahore, Mumtaz Khan,ex-Minister, Babu Jagjeevan Laland thousands of SC, ST, OBCand other reserved category peo-ple from all parts of the districtparticipated in the convention.

The committee condemnedthe State Government for itsfailure to protect reservationrights in promotion in scores ofwrit petitions in the High Courtof J&K.

Ex-Minister, Babu JagjeevenLal, said that the failure of StateGovernment, which came intoexistence due to overwhelmingsupport of SC/STs to both BJPand PDP, has resulted into dou-ble bench of High Court pro-nouncing anti-constitutional andanti-reserved categories judg-ment.

“Reservation in Promotion isa constitutional right of peoplebelonging to SC/ST, RBA andOBCs in both State and Centralservices as per scores ofSupreme Court judgements and

also as per 77, 81 and 85thConstitutional amendments”, headded.

Aejaz Ahmed Khan allegedthat a deep conspiracy is beinghatched to deprive SC/ST, RBAand OBCs the due and constitu-tional rights of Reservation.

Mumtaz Ahmed Khan said ifthis court order is implementedit will cause huge loss todeprived population of J&K andit will be humiliating for theofficers of SC/ST who will bedemoted from CE/SE/XEn,Professors etc to the lower posts.He stressed that the reservationshould continue until we getequality.

Later committee memberssubmitted a memorandum ofdemands to Governor NN Vohrathrough DDC Reasi.

The main demands high-lighted in the memoranduminclude protection of constitu-tional rights of reservation inpromotion, elimination of catchup rules, removal of marks crite-ria, amendment of income slabon the analogy of CentralGovernment norms for grant ofscholarship, political representa-tion to ST in the State assembly,implementation of MandalCommision Report for27%reservation to OBC s inState, etc.

Excelsior Correspondent

SRINAGAR, Nov 8: Policetoday said it solved a hit and runcase hours after an unknowntruck hit two pedestrians atSangam in south Kashmir'sAnantnag district leaving one ofthem dead.

A police spokesman said atruck hit two pedestrians atSangam, resulting in on spotdeath of Bashir Ahmad Mir andinjuries to Ghulam Hassan Shah."The injured succumbed to his

injuries while on way to hospi-tal. After completion of medico-legal formalities, the bodies ofthe deceased were handed overto their legal heirs for last rites,"the spokesman said.

He said the police swunginto action and arrested the truckdriver who was identified asLateef Ahmad Mir and seizedthe truck bearing registrationnumber JK13C-0272. Thepolice spokesman said a caseunder FIR number 211/15 underSection 304 A RPC against him.

Police hands over mobilephone to owner

Excelsior Correspondent

REASI, Nov 8: Police hand-

ed over a lost bag containingmobile phone worth Rs 10,000to its owner at Shri MataVaishno Devi Shrine.

As per police sources, one

unclaimed bag containingSamsung Duos Core mobileworth Rs 10,000 was found nearcloak room at Shri Mata VaishnoDevi Shrine by Constable KamalSingh of Police Station Bhawan,while performing his official duty.

An announcement wasflashed through JPCR Bhawanin this regard and a lady namelyHarpreet Kour, wife of JatinderSingh of Ludhiana Punjabappeared before Police StationBhawan and claimed the owner-ship of the bag containingmobile phone.

After clarification, the bagand the mobile phone was hand-ed over to her by ConstableKamal Singh under the guidanceof Inspector Rajesh Sharma,SHO police station Bhawan andMunish Kumar, DySP Bhawan.

One killed, 6 injured as loadcarrier plunges into gorgeExcelsior Correspondent

DODA, Nov 8: One personwas killed and six others gotinjured when the load carrierthey were traveling in, skiddedoff the road and plunged intogorge at Budwan on Bedyan-Jodhpur road here.

As per police sources, a loadcarrier bearing registration num-ber JK06-8366 plunged intogorge near Budwan area onBedyan-Jodhpur road late lastnight, resulting into on the spotdeath of one person and injuriesto six others.

After getting information,police team and locals rushed tothe spot and shifted the injuredpersons to District Hospital,from where one of the injuredwas airlifted to GovernmentMedical College and Hospital

(GMCH) for advanced treat-ment.

The body of the deceasedidentified as Sohail Singh, sonof Nain Singh of Roti PadranaHamra Dhara was handed overto family members for last ritesafter completing legal formali-ties.

The injured have been iden-tified as Akash Kumar, son ofLekh Raj, Sanjay Kumar, son ofMool Raj and Lal Din, son ofRustam Naik, trio residents ofButtal Dhara, Sunil Kumar, sonof Deepa Ram of Bhari Jodhpur,Sher Mohammad, son of NazirAhmed and Anayatullah, son ofMohammad Sharied, both resi-dents of Roti Padrana.

A case in this regard hasbeen registered and investiga-tion started.

Office bearers of National United Front alongwith chiefguest R S Jamwal, Jt Commissioner, MCJ and inmates of VedMandir Bal Niketan, Jammu celebrating Diwali.

NUF celebrates Diwali with inmates of Bal Niketan

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Nov 8: In further-ance of its continued endeavorto provide solace to have-notsNational United Front (A Regd.NGO) celebrated eve of DiwaliFestival with the inmates of BalNiketan and Balika Niketan atVed Mandir, thereby bringing asmile on innocent faces.

Joint Commissioner,Municipal Corporation Jammu,R S Jamwal, was the chief guest.

National United Front organ-ized evening snacks with tea anda sumptuous dinner for allinmates of Bal Niketan and

Balika Niketan along with theirstaff.

Chief Patron of nationalUnited Front, Vijay Mahajan,himself distributed small fire-works (minus crackers) to theinmates, who fully enjoyed thefestivity.

Prominent among thosepresent on the occasion includedChairman Anil Sharma, BharatBhushan, Shashikant Sapolia,Shambhu Nath Sharma, VipanAgarwal, Nagarmal Chargotra,Mr Thappa, Mr Anand, VijaySharma, Sanjay Sharma and oth-ers.

Home for Aged & Infirm holdsannual general body meeting

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Nov 8: Home forthe Aged and Infirm, Ambphalla(popularly known as VridhAshram) held its annual generalbody meeting under the chair-manship of President PremGupta, Former IGP, J&K whichwas attended by a large numberof members of the Society.

The Annual Report, auditedaccounts for the year 2014-2015and Budget proposals for 2015-2016 presented by Secretary ErVijay Kumar Bhagotra wereadopted by the house.

Male and Female representa-tives of the inmates expressedsatisfaction with the amenities,facilities and medical care etcbeing provided to them by theHome.

ID Soni, Vice Presidentappealed to the general publicfor liberal donations in cash on

regular basis to meet the day-to-day needs of the inmates andfurther improvement in theirfacilities and amenities as wellas maintenance of requisiteinfrastructure and assets of theHome.

He also appealed to the pub-lic at large to visit the Home andinteract with the inmates, so thatthey do not feel neglected by thesociety for whose welfare theyhad also contributed during theiractive past life as they are starv-ing for emotional touch at thisstage of their life.

Er BB Gupta, JointSecretary, Members of theManaging Committee HSManhas, Vijay Gupta, OPVerma, Nirmala Zutshi, KeemtiLal Dubey, KK Mengi andDinesh Gupta were also present.

In the end, Er VijayBhagotra, Secretary presentedvote of thanks.

President NMC, Subhash Shastri addressing meeting ofactivists at Jammu on Sunday.

NMC appeals PM to earmark funds for regularization of daily wagers

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Nov 8: NationalMazdoor Conference (NMC)today appealed the PrimeMinister (PM) to earmark partof the announced package fundsfor liquidating the financial lia-bilities to the accrued regular-ization of 61000 daily ratedworkers as well as implementa-tion of 7th Pay Commission rec-ommendations in the State.

Addressing a meeting ofNMC activists, Subhash Shastri,NMC president, complimentedthe Prime Minister for announc-ing a mega economical packageto the State. He said that judi-cious use of these funds in vari-ous sectors will boost the econo-my of the State and will usher anew era of development.

Shastri expressed that nowsince the State Government hasreceived a financial packagefrom the Centre, there shouldnot be any hitch for StateGovernment to regularize the61000 daily rated workers and

release them their legitimateoutstanding dues. This willenable the State Government tofulfill its election promise ofregularization the daily ratedworkers, he added.

Shastri also urged upon thePM to accord the 'smart city' sta-tus to the cities of Jammu andSrinagar so that the J&K Statealso comes on the Nationalpanel of smart cities of the coun-try in consonance with the slo-gan of the PM "Sab ka Saath,Sab ka Vikas".

He reiterated his demand torelease the balance pending 6%DA to the employees and pen-sioners of the State due from2015 as the Centre has alreadyreleased the same.

Among others who spoke onthe occasion were Rajan BabuKhajuria, BS Jamwal, SunilKocchar, Surinder Kumar,Sudesh Bhagat, Paramjit, BarkatRam, Sukhdev Singh,Bhupinder Singh, Mohan Lal,etc.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Nov 8: JammuLawyers Forum (JLF) organ-ized second seminar on PDP-BJP “Agenda of Alliance” toeducate the masses about itsdangerous impact on the peopleof the State in general andJammu province in particular.

The seminar was held underchairmanship of FormerPresident, J&K High Court BarAssociation, Jammu, and SeniorAdvocate BS Slathia, whichwas attended by President of theBar Association RS Pura RajKumar Thakyal Advocate,Advocates Ravinder Charak,Vice-President, Joginder Singh,MR Sangra, Raunoq Singh,Paramjeet Singh, Ajay Bharti,Ranjeet Singh, Chaman Lal,Sonika Gupta, Jyoti andParveen Kesar and hundreds ofcitizens drawn from all walks oflife. The participants unani-mously demanded withdrawalof the Agenda of Allianceterming it as anti-Jammu andanti-national.

They resolved to defend andpromote the legitimate interestsof the people of Jammuprovince and defeat the anti-national forces to maintain theunity, territorial integrity andsovereignty of India. They alsoresolved to preserve the territo-rial integrity of Jammu provinceby defeating those who havebeen working to trifurcateJammu province.

“There was consensus thatthe Agenda of Alliance is a “sin-ister” document prepared tobenefit Kashmir and helpPakistan and Kashmiri sepa-ratists to disintegrate India andenslave and eliminate theminorities in the State, whoconstitute more than 40 per centof the population”, Slathia said.

“We will not allow the BJP-led NDA Government at theCentre and the PDP-BJP coali-

tion Government in the State tocreate a Pakistan-like situationin Jammu and Kashmir”, hesaid.

Senior Advocate SS Lehar inhis presentation said that theagenda only hampers theprocess of integration of theState with India.

Advocates Raj KumarThakyal, Sanjat Singh, ChamanLal, Ranjeet Singh, Jyoti, KesarParveen, Monish Chopra andRavinder Sharma and PawanKumar Manni, Convener, JLF,also expressed their views.

Among others present wereCM Sharma, Ajay Sharma, BLBhat, BS Pawar, NareshSharma, PS Parmar, SwarnSingh, Baldev Singh, NitinGupta, Vikush Anand, NatwarSingh and Sushant.

NDS pays tributes to Kunwar VijogiExcelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Nov 8: NamiDogri Sanstha Jammu paidhomage to Wing Commander(Retd) Randhir Singh Jamwal"Kunwar Vijogi" in a`Shardhanjali Sabha' held heretoday.

The meeting in this regardwas presided over by notedwriter S S Anand Lehar. Manywriters, poets and intellectualspaid rich tributes to `KunwarVijogi'. Mr Lehar and othersspoke on the life and contribu-tion of Late Vijogi.

Prominent among those whoattended the meeting includedM S Kamra, Sham Talib, OmDalmotra, Ashok Sharma,Rakesh Tript, Harish Kaila,Ritwick Roshan Kaila, NidhiKaila, Som Lal Taroch, CaptLalit Sharma, Yash Paul Yash,Manoj Kumar, S S Jamwal, ProfAnupama Sharma, RaviRazdan, Arjun Mohan and oth-ers.

Pay attention to picturesque SurinsarThis is to bring in the notice of the Tourism Department

Jammu that the road to picturesque Surinsar near the tourist spotis quite damaged.

Tourist get a shock on seeing the deplorable condition of roadat this point. The road is too narrow to allow two vehicles crosseach other at this point. Even a single vehicle takes time to crossthis patch.

It is quite disgusting that the tourist spot which should havebeen given much attention has remained neglected. No one hasbothered to repair this patch from so many years. Even the peopleof this area who use this road daily have failed to raise this issuewith their elected representatives.

If such condition continues to prevail, it may discouragetourist to visit this place. It will be a setback to growing touristindustry in the region.

Amit MishraPatnitop

Blacktop Bohri-Anand Nagar roadAs the process of black-topping of roads in Jammu city has

been undertaken by the concerned department, it is not knownwhy Bohri-Anand Nagar road has been left unattended so far.This road has become traffic unworthy as it has developed numer-ous pot-holes. The vehicles plying on it pose danger to safety ofpedestrians, as drivers have to negotiate these pot-holes. There arechances that the vehicles may collide with each other in such a sit-uation.

Huge columns of dust billow whenever vehicles pass by. Thedust columns are proving to be a health hazards for residentsliving nearby.

It is requested to the concerned department to look into thematter at the earliest.

M K PanditaAnand Nagar Bohri

Improve civic amenities in KishtwarThe Kishtwar town which is growing day by day is facing a

plethora of problems on account of lack of civic amenities. Theroads of the town need to be widened to accommodate large num-ber of vehicles. As the garbage dumps have sprouted in the wholetown, these have become a eyesore for people of the town.During summer these stink and pollute the area.

The street lights are non-functional at most places of the townand pose problems to people during night hours.

The town is also experiencing water shortage and this problemhas remained pending for the last several years.

We hope the District Administration would wake up to ourproblem at the earliest.

Ajit PariharKishtwar

Repair Letar-Devak-Hathal-roadI would like to draw the attention of the MLA Sunderbani

Nowshera constituency and PWD Department towards the worstcondition of Letar to Devak Hathal road.

The road has become hell for two wheelers and other vehicles.Thousands of residents of the area and school going children are themain sufferers. PWD Department is so careless that it never botheredto make proper drainage system alongside the road. Due to bad con-dition, there is no bus service in the area. No transporters is ready toprovide bus service in the area. Devak and Hathal are the remotePanchayats of Rajouri and have been totally ignored by the adminis-tration of the State.

I request the concerned authorities to look seriously in the matterand blacktop the Devak Hathal road.

Madan Lal NaradDevak (Sunderbani)

Make it convenient at RTOEven after being shifted to present location at Narwal, people con-

tinue to face inconvenience at RTO Office Narwal. As hundreds ofpeople throng this office with different tasks-driving licence, renewalof document, where they have to be in queues for a long time. Thesepeople suffer terribly as there is no arrangement for people during hotand humid days and during rain and cold. There is no seating arrange-ment, or waiting room where they can wait or do paper work. Most ofthe people are seen here and there filling their papers or waiting onpavements.

The RTO Office should take certain measures to reduce the rushon its premises.

The RTO should ask people to deposit all type of fees in J&KBanks. In case it is not feasible, it should create infrastructure withinthe premises itself.

Dhian SinghChhanni Himmat

Garbage dumps near main gate of Dental Hospital.

ACTION PLEASE!E-mail : [email protected]

Withdraw anti-Jammu, anti-national‘Agenda of Alliance’: JLF

Cop handing over mobile toowner.

J&K Gujjars demand adequate representation to Gojri on AIR, DD

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Nov 8:Demanding adequate time slotfor Gojri language on all localRadio Stations and DoordarshanKendras as per the population oftheir community -the Gujjars ofJammu and Kashmir todaypleaded through Tribal Researchand Cultural Foundation -afrontal organization of Gujjars-Bakerwals for starting of dailynews from Doordarshan Jammuand Srinagar and morning GojriNews bulletins from RadioKashmir Jammu and Srinagar.

Giving details -Dr JavaidRahi, Secretary, TribalFoundation today informed thata letter was sent to UnionMinister of Information andBroadcasting wherein issues ofGojri Language were highlight-ed in a strong manner withregard to its projection and pro-motion on All India Radio andDoordarshan Kendra's in Jammuand Kashmir.

"The letter was signed byprominent tribal personalitiesdemanding sufficient time slotfor Gojri language proportionateto population of Gujjars-

Bakerwals in the State", he said.The letter reads that Gojri is

a significant language of Indiaand it needs special attentionand encouragement of UnionMinistry of Information andBroadcasting with regard to itsrepresentation and promotion onAIR and DD channels atNational level and State level.

The letter further reads-- theGujjars and Bakerwals -thespeaker of Gojri language con-stitute more than 20% popula-tion of the State are completelyignored by the Doordarshan inJ&K and no proper representa-tion was provided to their art,culture, languages, customs andsecular ethos for which they areknown all over the world on anyof its channel .

"Presently Radio KashmirJammu and Srinagar broadcastone hour programme including10 minutes Gojri News out oftotal 16 hour daily transmissionwhile DD Kashmir/KashirChannel and DD Jammu telecasthalf an hour weekly programmein Gojri, which is a great injus-tice with this important triballanguage", the letter reads.

NC's Youth Wing reconstituted Excelsior Correspondent

DOODA, Nov 8: The YouthWing of National Conference(NC) of District Doda wasreconstituted.

Syed Naved Hashmi hasbeen nominated as president,Advocate Vinay Anand as vicepresident, Amjad Hussain Miras district secretary, AdvocateMairaj Khalid as joint secretary,Waseem Raja Shiekh as chieforganizer and Mansoor AliKhan as cashier.

Javed Ahmed Khan, VishalKumar Jain, Shabir AhmedGanai, Showkat Ali Khan, AdilKhurwani, Asif Ali Bazdar,Ahsan Ansari, Tariq AhmedShah, Anees-ul-Haq, AjazAhmed Butt, Ramesh Kumar,Ilyas Ahmed Wani, JavedAhmed Khanday, MashoqAhmed, Ashok Kumar,Advocate Fayaz Khan, BashirAhmed, Mohd Iqbal Mir, ShabirAhmed Butt, Masood Ahmed,Majid Zargar, Ayaz AhmedBangroo, Tazeem Ahmed, Mohd

Iqbal Sofi, Mohammad IrfanMir and Sanjay Singh werenominated as members.

District president, NC, DodaKhalid Najib Suharwardy, vicepresident Riyaz AhmedBhaderwahi, vice president andEx-MLC Mohammad IqbalButt, District secretary ShabirAhmed Chowdhary hadapproved the reconstitution ofthe youth wing of the district.

Speaking on the occasionKhalid Najib Suharwardy con-gratulated the newly electedteam and urged them to work tocombat the growing intolerance,fight communal forces tooth andnail who are at derailing thecommunal harmony of theregion. "National Conferencehas always been flag bearer ofcommunal harmony and wemust continue to work towards"inclusive nation building",come what may" he added.

"Youth are our best asset &will be pivotal in achieving theeconomic & social growth in theregion" Suharwardy added

Police solves 'hit and run' case

One held with heroinExcelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Nov 8: Policenabbed a narcotic smuggler andrecovered heroin worth severalthousands from his possessionin Gangyal

As per police sources, ateam from Gangyal police sta-tion during patrolling asked apedestrian to stop for checkingas he was moving under suspi-cious grounds.

On seeing police team, theaccused tried to escape, but thecops chased and nabbed him.

During checking, policerecovered 4 grams of heroinworth several thousands fromhis possession and arrested

him.The accused has been iden-

tified as Harpal Siungh, son ofAssa Singh, a resident of BhourCamp.

A case under FIR Number166/15 under Section 8/21Narcotic Drugs andPsychotropic Substances(NDPS) Act has been registeredat Gangyal police station andinvestigation started.

Police team led by SHOGangyal Inspector Ajay Jamwalmade the arrest under the super-vision of SDPO South SachinGupta, SP South ShahzadAhmad Salaria and SSP JammuUttam Chand.

NPP leaders and activists staging protest dharna at Jantar-Mantar on Sunday.

ReT Teachers discuss demands

Excelsior Correspondent

RAMNAGAR, Nov 8: A meeting of J&K ReT Teacher Forumwas held under the chairmanship of Bhupinder Singh, State vicepresident and incharge, Kashmir division, wherein they discussedthe grievances of ReT teachers.

After the meeting, ReT Teachers raised slogans against StateGovernment for not releasing the pending salary. While addressingthe gatherings, Singh lambasted the State Government for harass-ing the ReTs on the name of verification.

Singh warned the State Government to resolve all issues with-in days otherwise 65000 ReTs will come on roads with their fam-ilies.

Other who attended the meeting were Romesh Chander, ShamSingh, Amit Sharma, Maan Chand, Pritam Singh, PritamDhimaan, Pankaj Singh, Naveen Dogra, Romesh Shastri andRajeev Sharma.