daily excelsior, jammu tuesday, september 5, 2017 …

Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Sept 4: Vice Chancellor of SKUAST- Jammu, Dr P K Sharma, today flagged off a fishery exclusive exposure visit of tribal youth to Directorate of Coldwater Fisheries Research (DCFR) of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Bhimtal, Nainital, Uttarakhand The exposure visit cum training programme, is being organized from September 3 to September 8, for tribal youth under the umbrella of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) of the district Doda for enhancing their knowledge and skills on fisheries, particularly on orna- mental fisheries as skill devel- opment and generating self employment opportunities amongst the tribal youth. The programme has been planned and organized by the team of scientists from KVK Doda, under the guidance of Dr R K Arora, Associate Director Extension (KVKs), SKUAST Jammu and; spon- sored by the ICAR-DCFR, Bhimtal, under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP). Dr Arora also grassed the occasion and interacted with the participants. The group leader Dr Ghanshyam N Jha, Scientist-Fishery of the KVK. Dr Ravneet Kour, Incharge KVK Doda and Dr Sanjay Khajuria, Scientist KVK Samba were also present on the occasion. . The objectives of the pro- gramme is to impart knowl- edge and practical skills to the tribal youth regarding differ- ent models of hill aquaculture and its socio-economic impor- tance, small scale fish farm management, scope of orna- mental fisheries and aquarium manufacturing, and to moti- vate tribal youth to opt fish- eries as their enterprise in gen- eral, and ornamental fisheries in particular so that an oppor- tunity for creating self- employment can be provided to the school/college drop-outs of far-flung villages of the dis- trict. During the programme, 14 tribal youth (including 6 females and 8 males) from dif- ferent areas of district Doda will visit DCFR, Bhimtal and its farm/laboratory/workshop, and get maximum hands-on training on different economic aspects of fish farming and aquarium manufacturing. They will critically learn about the ornamental fish rearing, its breeding, marketing and man- agement. At DCFR, youth will inter- act with the experts in the field and get their support in prepar- ing fisheries projects as an enterprise to establish their own business. They will also be taken to the farm of the pro- gressive farmers to learn from their experiences. ‘Swanzal’ artists sparkle in Cultural Prog organized in Japan Excelsior Correspondent BHADERWAH, Sept 4: Former MP and founder member of Bharat-Bangladeah-Pakistan People’s Forum (BBPPF), Sheikh Abdul Rehman has alleged that Ministers and Legislators of Coalition Government are visible on hoard- ings only and Rs 80,000 crores sanctioned by Union Government is largely unutilized and sufferings of common man have increased manifold. “There is a larger conspiracy going on to trifurcate Jammu and Kashmir on communal lines and by raking up the issue of Article 370 and 35-A, both Union and State Governments are trying to implement RSS agenda which is a dangerous sign for the peace and solidarity of the State,” Rehman said. ”In the given circumstances, we have a larger role to play to maintain communal harmony and to fight the nefarious designs of RSS backed politicians who by raking up the issues like separate statehood for Jammu and Union territory for Ladakh are diverting the attention of the masses from the miseries they have been put in by both Union and State coalition government in last three years, “ Ex-MP said. ”We are unable to figure out that where 80,000 crores sanc- tioned by Union government for the current fiscal year is being utilized as there is hardly any developmental works being taken up in any part of State, especially district Doda. Ministers and leg- islators of both BJP and PDP are visible on hoardings only and gullible masses have no other option but to face the miseries on their own,” he added. Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Sept 4: Batting strongly for declaring the birth anniversary of Maharaja Hari Singh as a State holiday, Yuva Rajput Sabha (YRS) has threat- ened that if their demand is not ful- filled, they will gherao the Jammu MLAs. Addressing a press conference here today, YRS president, Rajveer Singh said that the people of Jammu region in general and members of Yuva Rajput Sabha would not hes- itate to launch a direct action for getting September 23, birth anniversary of Maharaja Hari Singh, declared as State holiday. “J&K Legislative Council in January has already passed a reso- lution to declare the birth anniver- sary of the Maharaja as a State hol- iday but the members of the Legislative Assembly did not take up the issue so far and we will not forgive our elected representatives from Jammu region if the State Government does not declare September 23 as a holiday,” he warned and appealed people of Jammu, irrespective of their caste and religion, to join hands for this genuine cause. He said that Maharaja Hari Singh did not discriminate between his Hindu and Muslim subjects and gave priority only to meritocracy and appointed the best from his subjects irrespective of their reli- gion and caste in his court, admin- istration and army. Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Sept 4: Minister for Food, Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs (FCS & CA) and Information, Ch. Zulfkar Ali has reiterated the commit- ment of Government to ensure adequate and timely supply of ration to the people across the State through a sustained net- work of ration depots. Speaking after inaugurating two new Fair Price Ration Shops at Lane No.7 and Lane No. 22 at Jagti Township here today, the Minister said that the Government has developed well-knit mechanism for main- tenance of quality and quantity of ration supply to ensure bet- ter quality of ration to the con- sumers in the State. He said adequate distribu- tion of ration is the fundamen- tal right of the consumers and Government will ensure this obligation with firm commit- ment. He added that new fair price ration shops will be set up as per the criteria wherever there is a requirement of such facilities. Opening of more such shops will serve the pur- pose of providing essential amenities to the public at their doorsteps, the Minister said. He exhorted upon the FCS & CA functionaries to consti- tute a monitoring committee to keep an eye on supply and dis- tribution of essential com- modities so that these com- modities reach out to the gen- uine beneficiaries in a hassle free manner. He called upon the officers to expeditiously complete the process of Aadhaar Card seeding with the ration cards for transparent distribution. The Minister also reviewed the status of distribution of new ration cards and directed the officers to complete the entire process in a time bound manner. He directed the Relief and Rehabilitation Commissioner (Migrants) to submit a list of beneficiaries under different categories in the Migrant Township so that transparency and accountabili- ty is maintained in ration dis- tribution. On the occasion, the Minister also launched "FPS - FOCUS", a book on Law, Rule, and Orders and Judgments regarding Fair Price Shops in J&K compiled by Zakir Malik. The information being com- piled in the book is valuable and is a ready handbook for reference of department offi- cials in general and people of the state in particular, the Minister added. MLC G.L Raina, Secretary, FCS &CA Shafiq Ahmed Raina, Director Food Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs, R. A. Inqlabi, Relief & Rehabilitation Commissioner (Migrants), M.L Raina, besides senior functionaries of con- cerned departments were pres- ent on the occasion. Later, the Minister also took a detailed review of ongo- ing construction work of office complex of FCS & CA Department at Ware House and directed the concerned agency to complete the work of ground floor in a stipulated time frame. He directed for ensuring quality of work strictly as per the specifications and DPR. Excelsior Correspondent SAMBA, Sept 4: Member Parliament, Jugal Kishore Sharma today chaired the meeting of District Development Coordination and Monitoring Committee (DISHA) for district Samba. The meeting was attended by Minister for Industries and Commerce, Chander Parkash Ganga, Member Parliament (Rajya Sabha) Shamsher Singh Manhas, MLA Samba Dr Devinder Kumar Manyal, MLA Hiranagar Kuldeep Raj, DDC Sheetal Nanda, ADDC Vivek Sharma, SSP Anil Magotra, District Level Officers and nomi- nated members of DDCMC. The members reviewed the physical and financial progress achieved by Health, Rural Development, IWMP, Education, PWD, PMGSY and other depart- ments under various centrally sponsored schemes. Jugal Kishore asked Health Department to ensure that vacant posts under National Health Mission are filled up within the next few months. He also directed officials to organize training pro- grammes for field functionaries for better service delivery. The Committee members directed ACD samba to monitor regular updation of MIS data as it enables effective planning and periodic monitoring of work at various levels. Jugal Kishore also sought details of completed works under MPLAD in Samba district. He directed CEO Samba to resolve issues pertaining to con- struction of school buildings in consultation with MLA Samba within one month. The members also directed EO Samba to under- take fresh survey for left out land- less and houseless families whose cases can be taken under Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana. The I&C Minister directed DDC Samba to review function- ing of watershed committees under IWMP. He also directed SDM Vijaypur to resolve the issue pertaining to Primary Health Centre Tarore building through negotiations. Member Parl- iament Manhas said that schedule of awareness pro- grammes should be widely publicized with involve- ment of prominent citizens and stakeholders. The members asked NHAI officials to undertake necessary repairs on Jammu-Pathankot National Highway. The NHAI officials informed that soon they will be starting bidding process for construction of ring road from Raya to Jagti. All the members stressed upon timely submission of work estimates and adherence to timelines to avoid any unneces- sary delays. The members asked all the officers to take elected representa- tives into confidence while formu- lation of plans so that necessary follow-up could be taken up at dif- ferent levels.MLA Samba and MLA Hiranagar highlighted vital issues pertaining to their con- stituencies. Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Sept 4: Music maestro and cultural icon Abhay Rustum Sopori has been honoured with the prestigious Dr S Radhakrishnan National Media Award 2017 for his enor- mous and path breaking contri- bution to the field of art and culture (music). Santoor maestro & music composer Abhay has the credit for creating a cultural revolu- tion bringing the youth together through music. He has been instrumental in introducing ‘Cultural Policy’ in J&K. The award was presented at a function organized by Akhil Bhartiya Swatantra Patrakar Avom Lekhak Sangh, at Hansraj College, Delhi University, marking the 130th birth anniversary of former President of India (Late) Dr Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan to honour a number of education- ist and media personalities selected for the 33rd Dr S Radhakrishnan Memorial National Teacher and Media Network Award. The awards were presented by Speaker of Delhi Vidhan Sabha, Ram Niwas Goyal, Music legend Pandit Bhajan Sopori, Mayor of SDMC Kamaljeet Sehrawat, Minister of Water & Social Welfare, Delhi Govt, Rajendra Prashad Gautam and Mayor of NDMC Preety Agarwal and general secretary of Sangh Dayanand Vats. Abhay said that the award made it special to him as he received it from the hands of his Guru and father Pandit Bhajan Sopori amongst other dignitaries. Abhay is a recipient of a number of national and international awards, including the prestigious J&K State Award, Ustad Bismillah Khan Yuva Puraskar, Bharat Shiromani Award, Best Citizens of India Award, Sangeet Bhushan Award and many more. DAILY EXCELSIOR, JAMMU TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2017 (PAGE 5) Prof JPS Jooral informing about various areas of study being covered during Refresher Course at JU. Refresher course in languages for teachers begins at JU Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Sept 4: A three- week UGC Refresher Course for University and College teachers in languages, being organized by Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC) University of Jammu in collaboration with the Department of English, JU, commenced here today. The course was formally inaugurated by Prof Jigar Mohammed, Dean Research Studies, University of Jammu. Speaking on the occasion, he traced the historical lineage of various languages and their usage in the contemporary times. He also commented on the misrepresentation of differ- ent words by wrong usage in various languages and the need to rectify this trend. He compli- mented the HRDC and Department of English for organizing the course in lan- guages. Prof Kedar Nath Sharma, Dean of Arts, while speaking in the inaugural function, under- lined the contribution of various languages in enriching literature and history. Prof J P Singh Jooral, Director HRDC, in his address, spelt in detail various areas of study that would be covered dur- ing the three-week long Refresher Course. He also informed the participating teach- ers about the eminent Resource Persons that have been invited by HRDC and Department of English to deliver lectures in this UGC sponsored course. Earlier, Prof Sucheta Pathania, HOD English and the course coordinator, said that in addition to the professional obli- gation, this course shall also be helpful for the personal growth of the teachers in understanding other classical and regional lan- guages. Ranjeet Kalra, teaching fac- ulty HRDC, JU, proposed the formal vote of thanks on the occasion. Prominent among those, who attended the inaugural function, include Prof Monika Sethi, Prof Ashok Gupta, Dr Ravinder Singh, Dr Sadaf Shah and Dr Garima. Around 50 teachers of vari- ous universities and colleges from both within and outside the State are participating in the Refresher Course in languages. ‘Make ef fort s to supply water twice a day’ Sham for augmenting water supply in Jammu city Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Sept 4: Minister for PHE, Irrigation and Flood Control, Sham Lal Choudhary today stressed on the need for taking immediate steps to augment water supply in Jammu city. "There is an immediate need to further augment water supply in Jammu city," the Minister said, adding that efforts should be made to supply water in the city twice a day on fixed time. The Minister issued these instructions while inspecting Filtration Plant and Water Testing Laboratory at Sitlee and Tawi Filtration Plant, Dhounthly. Chief Engineer, PHE A K Gandotra accompanied the Minister during the inspection visit. He informed the Minister that Sitlee Filtration Plant having a capacity of 198 lakh gallons per day caters to the daily needs of more than 4 lakh residents living in Janipur, New Plots, Rehari, Chinore, Manda, Dogra Hall, Pacca Danga and Old Jammu City. He further informed that a dredger is required to remove silt from water at Sitlee so that more water can be pumped in for mak- ing it fit for drinking. Six new tube wells have been proposed in the vicinity of Sitlee for dealing with increasing demand of Jammu city, he added. The Minister directed the engi- neers to maintain cleanliness in and around filtration plants, besides taking up plantation drives regularly for increasing the green cover. Earlier in the day, the Minister also inspected the ongoing works for shifting Tawi Feeder Channel, D-9A of escape channel for exten- sion of Jammu airport at Beli Charana. He directed the engineers to speed up the construction work and complete it within the speci- fied deadline. Annual Sheetala Mata Yatra arrangements discussed Excelsior Correspondent KISHTWAR, Sept 4: Additional Deputy Commissioner Kishtwar Kishori Lal Sharma today held a meeting with the dele- gation of Sheetala Mata Sevak Sanstha Ligri Padder led by its Chairman Thakur Kartar Singh to discuss the arrangements regarding the annual Sheetala Mata Yatra . The Chairman of the Sanstha apprised the ADC that yatra will proceed from Digiana Jammu on September 6 and will reach its destination of Sheetala Mata Mandir Ligri Paddar on September 7. He also put forth certain demands regarding security, accommoda- tion, transport, health facilties and availability of essential com- modities etc. The Additional Deputy Commissioner gave a patient hearing to all the demands and directed the department of PHE, RDD, Food, Health, and police to put in place all requisite arrangements in time for the facilities of the devotees and also assured full cooperation from the administration for making the yatra successful. YRS president, Rajveer Singh addressing a press conference at Jammu. -Excelsior/ Rakesh Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Sept 4: To celebrate the 70th Anniversary of Independence of India and the year of India-Japan friendly exchanges, Cultural Ministry Govt of India (GoI) and Indian Embassy Japan organized a Cultural Programe at the cities of Japan, recently. A 14-member group of artists of Swanzal Foundation led by renowned artists of J&K participat- ed in the programme and mesmer- ized the audience with their artistic skills. The group included Bihari Kak, Vijay Dhar, Kuldeep Saproo, Ravi Kachroo, Akash Dogra, (Choreographer), Raj Kumar Bhat, Sonali Dogra (Singer), Zulikha Farid (Singer) and dancers Sonali Pandita, Priya Kumari, Nishu Pandita, Ashima Sharma and Shiksha Bhat. The audience was excited to watch the J&K's cultural heritage, traditions, rich customs and colour- ful attires, besides rich folk and tra- ditional music and dances. At India Club Kobe Osaka on the concluding day of the pro- gramme, the performance of the dancing artists of J&K, and the sweet voice of Sonali Dogra and Zulikha Farid was highly appreciat- ed, while the choreography by Akash Dogra was admired by one and all and the music composed by Kuldeep Saproo received thunder- ous applause from the audience. The welcome address at Kobe Osaka was presented by Bihari Kak of Swanzal Foundation. Earlier, at Vivekananda Cultural Centre housed in Indian Embassy Tokyo, an impressive Kashmiri opera 'Waktuk Partav' designed and directed by Vijay Dhar and dances choreographed by Akash Dogra was performed, besides other dances and live singing by Sonali and Zulikha, while at Kanezawa City Auditorium a programme was organized jointly by Indian Embassy Japan and Ishikawa Indian Association under its presi- dent Dr Maqsooda Sarfi and was attended by Manupuii Ji, 1st Secretary Indian Embassy and around 500 guests. On this occasion the Ishikawa Governor and Mayor of Kanezawa were present. Abhay Rustum Sopori receiving the award. VC SKUAST-J flags off exposure visit of tribal youth to DCFR Nainital Govt committed to ensure timely supply of ration to consumers: Zulfkar Jugal reviews progress under centrally sponsored schemes Food Minister Ch Zulfkar Ali inaugurating Fair Price Ration Shop at Jagti Township. MP Jugal Kishore Sharma chairing DISHA meeting at Samba. Artists of Swanzal Foundation posing for a group photograph after blossoming in Cultural Programme in Japan. Contractual Lecturers protest in front of BJP Hqrs Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Sept 4: Intensifying their 203 days long agitation, the 10+2 Contractual Lecturers today held a protest demonstration in front of the BJP Headquarters at Trikuta Nagar, Jammu. Carrying banners and shouting slogans, the protest- ing Contractual Lecturers were demanding their regu- larization as per the Civil Services Special Provision Act 2010, a legislation passed for the regularization of all the Ad-hoc/ Contractual/ Consolidated employees. They raised slogans against the State Government and BJP Ministers for their alleged callous attitude towards their genuine demand. The protest demon- stration continued for more than half an hour till the State BJP president Sat Sharma came out to meet the agitat- ing Contractual Lecturers and assured to take up their demand before the Education Minister for positive consid- eration of the same. Sat Sharma also rang up Divisional Commission Jammu and sought to know the status of these Contractual Lecturers' demand. Yesterday, these Contractual Lecturers had held a protest demonstration in front of the official resi- dence of Deputy Chief Minister Dr Nirmal Singh, near Canal Road Jammu. Pertinent to mention that these Contractual Lecturers, under the banner of All J&K Contractual Lecturers (10+2) Forum, have been observing a chain hunger strike in sup- port of their demand for the last 203 days, at the Exhibition Ground near Press Club Jammu. State Govt must respond to protesting lecturers: Harsh Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Sept 4: Coming down heavily on the State Government for perpetuating dis- crimination against the educated youth of Jammu while divesting them of their due share in employ- ment besides adopting the policy of 'use and throw' against them, NPP leader and former minister Harsh Dev Singh exhorted the BJP-PDP Govt to immediately respond to the genuine call of the protesting plus two contractual lecturers who had been observing chain hunger strike for last more than 200 days. Expressing solidarity with the plus two contractual lecturers sit- ting on chain hunger strike, Singh said that the teaching fraternity had been rendering their services with zeal and honesty in schools on pal- try salary of Rs 7000 per month with a hope that they would be reg- ularized to earn with dignity and honour. He regretted that many of them who had given several valu- able years of their life to the Education Department were ruth- lessly terminated by the Government after taking their serv- ices for more than a decade. Singh said that earlier instances where the highly educated youth of Jammu including PhD's, MPhils and double Post Graduates had consigned their degrees to flames considering them as in fructuous had exposed the Government and Saffron brigade in particular that they were power hungry who had mortgaged the aspirations of youth for their petty political interests. Perturbed by the deteriorating con- dition of several lecturers while on prolonged protests and hunger strikes, he cautioned the State Government and the BJP leaders in particular to immediately respond to the calls of the teaching commu- nity rather than closing their doors on them. Harsh Dev sought a policy of regularization for all such highly qualified lecturers who had always been the assets to the otherwise sick educational system in the State and pledged that harassment of the underemployed youth shall be fought vigorously by the Panthers Party along with the aggrieved young fraternity until rights and justice were delivered to them. YRS to gherao MLAs if no holiday is declared on Maharaja’s B’day Abhay Sopori honoured with Dr S Radhakrishnan National Media Award * Watch video on www.excelsiornews.com * Watch video on www.excelsiornews.com * Watch video on www.excelsiornews.com * Watch video on www.excelsiornews.com Excelsior Correspondent KATHUA, Sept 4: Deputy Commissioner, Ramesh Kumar chaired a meeting of District Road Safety Committee here today. He reviewed the action taken on the decisions of the last meet- ing and issued instructions to adopt a multi-pronged strategy addressing education, enforce- ment, engineering and emergency care, to improve safety on roads as recommended by "The National Road Safety Policy 2010" and directions of Supreme Court of India. Several important decisions were taken in the meeting regard- ing minimizing accidents, smooth flow of traffic and implementing effective road safety mechanism. Deputy Commissioner direct- ed the Motor Vehicle Department and the Traffic Police to organize road safety awareness programs in collaboration with the education, health and other departments for the drivers of passenger service vehicles especially the drivers of school buses. Chief Education Officer Kathua was directed to issue directions to all the schools to strictly follow the guidelines of the Supreme Court regarding maintenance of the school buses and installation of speed gover- nors and to issue strict instructions to the Principals for not allowing any student in the institute's prem- ises without license or helmet. The DC directed the RTO, Traffic Department and the local police to check the overloading in passenger vehicles particularly during the peak hours besides organizing mass awareness pro- gram regarding traffic rules and regulations. He directed authori- ties of National Highway Authority of India, BRO and PWD to ensure highway patrol, provision of crane, signboards, blinkers and signboards specifi- cally for identified black spots (accident prone areas). He also directed to immediate- ly repair the potholes and damaged dividers on the National Highway which are a cause of accidents. He also directed the NHAI, R&B and BRO to remove the encroach- ments from the pedestrian path- ways and service roads with the assistance of concerned area Magistrates and SHOs and install hoardings displaying speed limit and emergency/ Ambulance num- bers along the Highway. Traffic Department was also directed to organize regular nakas during school hours to discourage the practice of driving without hel- mets. He asked for compounding of all school and commercial vehi- cles running on illegal LPG kits. He further directed the concerned authorities to regularly check driv- er`s license besides keeping tab on overloading in school buses. Adopt multi-pronged strategy to improve safety on roads: DC Coalition befooling on Art 35A: Ex-MP

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Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 4: ViceChancellor of SKUAST-Jammu, Dr P K Sharma, todayflagged off a fishery exclusiveexposure visit of tribal youthto Directorate of ColdwaterFisheries Research (DCFR) ofIndian Council of AgriculturalResearch (ICAR), Bhimtal,Nainital, Uttarakhand

The exposure visit cumtraining programme, is beingorganized from September 3 toSeptember 8, for tribal youth

under the umbrella of KrishiVigyan Kendra (KVK) of thedistrict Doda for enhancingtheir knowledge and skills onfisheries, particularly on orna-mental fisheries as skill devel-opment and generating selfemployment opportunitiesamongst the tribal youth.

The programme has beenplanned and organized by theteam of scientists from KVKDoda, under the guidance ofDr R K Arora, AssociateDirector Extension (KVKs),SKUAST Jammu and; spon-sored by the ICAR-DCFR,Bhimtal, under Tribal SubPlan (TSP).

Dr Arora also grassed theoccasion and interacted withthe participants. The groupleader Dr Ghanshyam N Jha,Scientist-Fishery of the KVK.Dr Ravneet Kour, InchargeKVK Doda and Dr SanjayKhajuria, Scientist KVKSamba were also present onthe occasion. .

The objectives of the pro-gramme is to impart knowl-edge and practical skills to thetribal youth regarding differ-ent models of hill aquacultureand its socio-economic impor-tance, small scale fish farmmanagement, scope of orna-

mental fisheries and aquariummanufacturing, and to moti-vate tribal youth to opt fish-eries as their enterprise in gen-eral, and ornamental fisheriesin particular so that an oppor-tunity for creating self-employment can be providedto the school/college drop-outsof far-flung villages of the dis-trict.

During the programme, 14tribal youth (including 6females and 8 males) from dif-ferent areas of district Dodawill visit DCFR, Bhimtal andits farm/laboratory/workshop,and get maximum hands-ontraining on different economicaspects of fish farming andaquarium manufacturing. Theywill critically learn about theornamental fish rearing, itsbreeding, marketing and man-agement.

At DCFR, youth will inter-act with the experts in the fieldand get their support in prepar-ing fisheries projects as anenterprise to establish theirown business. They will alsobe taken to the farm of the pro-gressive farmers to learn fromtheir experiences.

‘Swanzal’ artists sparkle in CulturalProg organized in Japan

Excelsior Correspondent

BHADERWAH, Sept 4:Former MP and founder memberof Bharat-Bangladeah-PakistanPeople’s Forum (BBPPF),Sheikh Abdul Rehman hasalleged that Ministers andLegislators of CoalitionGovernment are visible on hoard-ings only and Rs 80,000 croressanctioned by UnionGovernment is largely unutilizedand sufferings of common manhave increased manifold.

“There is a larger conspiracygoing on to trifurcate Jammu andKashmir on communal lines and

by raking up the issue of Article370 and 35-A, both Union andState Governments are trying toimplement RSS agenda which isa dangerous sign for the peaceand solidarity of the State,”Rehman said.

”In the given circumstances,we have a larger role to play tomaintain communal harmony andto fight the nefarious designs ofRSS backed politicians who byraking up the issues like separatestatehood for Jammu and Unionterritory for Ladakh are divertingthe attention of the masses fromthe miseries they have been put inby both Union and State coalitiongovernment in last three years, “Ex-MP said.

”We are unable to figure outthat where 80,000 crores sanc-tioned by Union government forthe current fiscal year is beingutilized as there is hardly anydevelopmental works being takenup in any part of State, especiallydistrict Doda. Ministers and leg-islators of both BJP and PDP arevisible on hoardings only andgullible masses have no otheroption but to face the miseries ontheir own,” he added.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 4: Battingstrongly for declaring the birthanniversary of Maharaja HariSingh as a State holiday, YuvaRajput Sabha(YRS) has threat-ened that if theirdemand is not ful-filled, they willgherao the JammuMLAs.

Addressing apress conferencehere today, YRSpresident, RajveerSingh said that thepeople of Jammuregion in generaland members ofYuva Rajput Sabha would not hes-itate to launch a direct action for

getting September 23, birthanniversary of Maharaja HariSingh, declared as State holiday.

“J&K Legislative Council inJanuary has already passed a reso-lution to declare the birth anniver-sary of the Maharaja as a State hol-iday but the members of the

Legislative Assembly did not takeup the issue so far and we will notforgive our elected representativesfrom Jammu region if the StateGovernment does not declare

September 23 as a holiday,” hewarned and appealed people ofJammu, irrespective of their casteand religion, to join hands for thisgenuine cause.

He said that Maharaja HariSingh did not discriminate betweenhis Hindu and Muslim subjects andgave priority only to meritocracyand appointed the best from hissubjects irrespective of their reli-gion and caste in his court, admin-istration and army.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 4: Ministerfor Food, Civil Supplies andConsumer Affairs (FCS & CA)and Information, Ch. ZulfkarAli has reiterated the commit-ment of Government to ensureadequate and timely supply ofration to the people across theState through a sustained net-work of ration depots.

Speaking after inauguratingtwo new Fair Price RationShops at Lane No.7 and LaneNo. 22 at Jagti Township heretoday, the Minister said thatthe Government has developedwell-knit mechanism for main-tenance of quality and quantityof ration supply to ensure bet-ter quality of ration to the con-sumers in the State.

He said adequate distribu-tion of ration is the fundamen-tal right of the consumers andGovernment will ensure thisobligation with firm commit-ment. He added that new fairprice ration shops will be setup as per the criteria whereverthere is a requirement of suchfacilities. Opening of moresuch shops will serve the pur-pose of providing essentialamenities to the public at theirdoorsteps, the Minister said.

He exhorted upon the FCS& CA functionaries to consti-tute a monitoring committee tokeep an eye on supply and dis-tribution of essential com-modities so that these com-modities reach out to the gen-uine beneficiaries in a hasslefree manner. He called uponthe officers to expeditiouslycomplete the process ofAadhaar Card seeding with theration cards for transparentdistribution.

The Minister also reviewedthe status of distribution ofnew ration cards and directedthe officers to complete theentire process in a time boundmanner. He directed the Relief

and RehabilitationCommissioner (Migrants) tosubmit a list of beneficiariesunder different categories inthe Migrant Township so thattransparency and accountabili-ty is maintained in ration dis-tribution.

On the occasion, theMinister also launched "FPS -FOCUS", a book on Law, Rule,and Orders and Judgmentsregarding Fair Price Shops inJ&K compiled by Zakir Malik.The information being com-piled in the book is valuableand is a ready handbook forreference of department offi-cials in general and people ofthe state in particular, theMinister added.

MLC G.L Raina, Secretary,FCS &CA Shafiq AhmedRaina, Director Food CivilSupplies and ConsumerAffairs, R. A. Inqlabi, Relief &Rehabilitation Commissioner(Migrants), M.L Raina, besidessenior functionaries of con-cerned departments were pres-ent on the occasion.

Later, the Minister alsotook a detailed review of ongo-ing construction work of officecomplex of FCS & CADepartment at Ware House and

directed the concerned agencyto complete the work of groundfloor in a stipulated timeframe. He directed for ensuringquality of work strictly as perthe specifications and DPR.

Excelsior Correspondent

SAMBA, Sept 4: MemberParliament, Jugal Kishore Sharmatoday chaired the meeting ofDistrict DevelopmentCoordination and MonitoringCommittee (DISHA) for districtSamba.

The meeting was attended byMinister for Industries andCommerce, Chander ParkashGanga, Member Parliament(Rajya Sabha) Shamsher SinghManhas, MLA Samba DrDevinder Kumar Manyal, MLAHiranagar Kuldeep Raj, DDCSheetal Nanda, ADDC VivekSharma, SSP Anil Magotra,District Level Officers and nomi-

nated members of DDCMC.The members reviewed the

physical and financial progressachieved by Health, RuralDevelopment, IWMP, Education,PWD, PMGSY and other depart-ments under various centrallysponsored schemes.

Jugal Kishore asked Health

Department to ensure that vacantposts under National HealthMission are filled up within thenext few months. He also directedofficials to organize training pro-grammes for field functionaries

for better service delivery. The Committee members

directed ACD samba to monitorregular updation of MIS data as itenables effective planning andperiodic monitoring of work atvarious levels. Jugal Kishore alsosought details of completed worksunder MPLAD in Samba district.

He directed CEO Samba toresolve issues pertaining to con-struction of school buildings inconsultation with MLA Sambawithin one month. The members

also directed EO Samba to under-take fresh survey for left out land-less and houseless families whosecases can be taken under PradhanMantri Awas Yojana.

The I&C Minister directedDDC Samba to review function-ing of watershed committeesunder IWMP. He also directed

SDM Vijaypur toresolve the issuepertaining toPrimary HealthCentre Tarorebuilding throughn e g o t i a t i o n s .Member Parl-iament Manhassaid that scheduleof awareness pro-grammes should

be widely publicized with involve-ment of prominent citizens andstakeholders.

The members asked NHAIofficials to undertake necessaryrepairs on Jammu-PathankotNational Highway. The NHAIofficials informed that soon theywill be starting bidding process forconstruction of ring road fromRaya to Jagti. All the membersstressed upon timely submissionof work estimates and adherenceto timelines to avoid any unneces-sary delays.

The members asked all theofficers to take elected representa-tives into confidence while formu-lation of plans so that necessaryfollow-up could be taken up at dif-ferent levels.MLA Samba andMLA Hiranagar highlighted vitalissues pertaining to their con-stituencies.

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 4: Musicmaestro and cultural iconAbhay Rustum Sopori has beenhonoured with the prestigious

Dr S Radhakrishnan NationalMedia Award 2017 for his enor-mous and path breaking contri-bution to the field of art andculture (music).

Santoor maestro & musiccomposer Abhay has the creditfor creating a cultural revolu-tion bringing the youth togetherthrough music. He has beeninstrumental in introducing‘Cultural Policy’ in J&K.

The award was presented ata function organized by AkhilBhartiya Swatantra PatrakarAvom Lekhak Sangh, atHansraj College, DelhiUniversity, marking the 130thbirth anniversary of formerPresident of India (Late) DrSarvapalli Radhakrishnan tohonour a number of education-ist and media personalitiesselected for the 33rd Dr SRadhakrishnan Memorial

National Teacher and MediaNetwork Award.

The awards were presentedby Speaker of Delhi VidhanSabha, Ram Niwas Goyal,

Music legend Pandit BhajanSopori, Mayor of SDMCKamaljeet Sehrawat, Ministerof Water & Social Welfare,Delhi Govt, Rajendra PrashadGautam and Mayor of NDMCPreety Agarwal and generalsecretary of Sangh DayanandVats.

Abhay said that the awardmade it special to him as hereceived it from the hands ofhis Guru and father PanditBhajan Sopori amongst otherdignitaries. Abhay is a recipientof a number of national andinternational awards, includingthe prestigious J&K StateAward, Ustad Bismillah KhanYuva Puraskar, BharatShiromani Award, BestCitizens of India Award,Sangeet Bhushan Award andmany more.


Prof JPS Jooral informing about various areas of study beingcovered during Refresher Course at JU.

Refresher course in languagesfor teachers begins at JU

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 4: A three-week UGC Refresher Course forUniversity and College teachersin languages, being organized byHuman Resource DevelopmentCentre (HRDC) University ofJammu in collaboration with theDepartment of English, JU,commenced here today.

The course was formallyinaugurated by Prof JigarMohammed, Dean ResearchStudies, University of Jammu.Speaking on the occasion, hetraced the historical lineage ofvarious languages and theirusage in the contemporarytimes. He also commented onthe misrepresentation of differ-ent words by wrong usage invarious languages and the needto rectify this trend. He compli-

mented the HRDC andDepartment of English fororganizing the course in lan-guages.

Prof Kedar Nath Sharma,Dean of Arts, while speaking inthe inaugural function, under-lined the contribution of variouslanguages in enriching literatureand history.

Prof J P Singh Jooral,Director HRDC, in his address,spelt in detail various areas ofstudy that would be covered dur-ing the three-week longRefresher Course. He alsoinformed the participating teach-ers about the eminent ResourcePersons that have been invitedby HRDC and Department ofEnglish to deliver lectures in thisUGC sponsored course.

Earlier, Prof SuchetaPathania, HOD English and thecourse coordinator, said that inaddition to the professional obli-gation, this course shall also behelpful for the personal growthof the teachers in understandingother classical and regional lan-guages.

Ranjeet Kalra, teaching fac-ulty HRDC, JU, proposed theformal vote of thanks on theoccasion.

Prominent among those, whoattended the inaugural function,include Prof Monika Sethi, ProfAshok Gupta, Dr RavinderSingh, Dr Sadaf Shah and DrGarima.

Around 50 teachers of vari-ous universities and collegesfrom both within and outside theState are participating in theRefresher Course in languages.

‘Make efforts to supply water twice a day’Sham for augmenting water

supply in Jammu cityExcelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 4: Minister forPHE, Irrigation and Flood Control,Sham Lal Choudhary todaystressed on the need for takingimmediate steps to augment watersupply in Jammu city.

"There is an immediate needto further augment water supply inJammu city," the Minister said,adding that efforts should be madeto supply water in the city twice aday on fixed time.

The Minister issued theseinstructions while inspectingFiltration Plant and Water TestingLaboratory at Sitlee and TawiFiltration Plant, Dhounthly. ChiefEngineer, PHE A K Gandotraaccompanied the Minister duringthe inspection visit.

He informed the Minister thatSitlee Filtration Plant having acapacity of 198 lakh gallons perday caters to the daily needs of

more than 4 lakh residents livingin Janipur, New Plots, Rehari,Chinore, Manda, Dogra Hall,Pacca Danga and Old Jammu City.

He further informed that adredger is required to remove siltfrom water at Sitlee so that morewater can be pumped in for mak-ing it fit for drinking. Six new tubewells have been proposed in thevicinity of Sitlee for dealing withincreasing demand of Jammu city,he added.

The Minister directed the engi-neers to maintain cleanliness inand around filtration plants,besides taking up plantation drivesregularly for increasing the greencover.

Earlier in the day, the Ministeralso inspected the ongoing worksfor shifting Tawi Feeder Channel,D-9A of escape channel for exten-sion of Jammu airport at BeliCharana.

He directed the engineers tospeed up the construction workand complete it within the speci-fied deadline.

Annual Sheetala Mata Yatraarrangements discussed

Excelsior Correspondent

KISHTWAR, Sept 4: Additional Deputy CommissionerKishtwar Kishori Lal Sharma today held a meeting with the dele-gation of Sheetala Mata Sevak Sanstha Ligri Padder led by itsChairman Thakur Kartar Singh to discuss the arrangementsregarding the annual Sheetala Mata Yatra .

The Chairman of the Sanstha apprised the ADC that yatra willproceed from Digiana Jammu on September 6 and will reach itsdestination of Sheetala Mata Mandir Ligri Paddar on September 7.He also put forth certain demands regarding security, accommoda-tion, transport, health facilties and availability of essential com-modities etc.

The Additional Deputy Commissioner gave a patient hearing toall the demands and directed the department of PHE, RDD, Food,Health, and police to put in place all requisite arrangements in timefor the facilities of the devotees and also assured full cooperationfrom the administration for making the yatra successful.

YRS president, Rajveer Singh addressing apress conference at Jammu.

-Excelsior/ Rakesh

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 4: To celebratethe 70th Anniversary ofIndependence of India and the yearof India-Japan friendly exchanges,Cultural Ministry Govt of India(GoI) and Indian Embassy Japanorganized a Cultural Programe atthe cities of Japan, recently.

A 14-member group of artistsof Swanzal Foundation led byrenowned artists of J&K participat-ed in the programme and mesmer-

ized the audience with their artisticskills.

The group included Bihari Kak,Vijay Dhar, Kuldeep Saproo, RaviKachroo, Akash Dogra,(Choreographer), Raj Kumar Bhat,Sonali Dogra (Singer), ZulikhaFarid (Singer) and dancers SonaliPandita, Priya Kumari, NishuPandita, Ashima Sharma andShiksha Bhat.

The audience was excited towatch the J&K's cultural heritage,traditions, rich customs and colour-ful attires, besides rich folk and tra-ditional music and dances.

At India Club Kobe Osaka on

the concluding day of the pro-gramme, the performance of thedancing artists of J&K, and thesweet voice of Sonali Dogra andZulikha Farid was highly appreciat-ed, while the choreography byAkash Dogra was admired by oneand all and the music composed byKuldeep Saproo received thunder-ous applause from the audience.

The welcome address at KobeOsaka was presented by Bihari Kakof Swanzal Foundation.

Earlier, at VivekanandaCultural Centre housed in IndianEmbassy Tokyo, an impressiveKashmiri opera 'Waktuk Partav'designed and directed by VijayDhar and dances choreographed byAkash Dogra was performed,besides other dances and livesinging by Sonali and Zulikha,while at Kanezawa CityAuditorium a programme wasorganized jointly by IndianEmbassy Japan and IshikawaIndian Association under its presi-dent Dr Maqsooda Sarfi and wasattended by Manupuii Ji, 1stSecretary Indian Embassy andaround 500 guests.

On this occasion the IshikawaGovernor and Mayor of Kanezawawere present.

Abhay Rustum Sopori receiving the award.

VC SKUAST-J flags off exposurevisit of tribal youth to DCFR Nainital

Govt committed to ensure timely supplyof ration to consumers: Zulfkar

Jugal reviews progress undercentrally sponsored schemes

Food Minister Ch Zulfkar Ali inaugurating Fair Price RationShop at Jagti Township.

MP Jugal Kishore Sharma chairing DISHA meeting at Samba.

Artists of Swanzal Foundation posing for a group photograph after blossoming in CulturalProgramme in Japan.

Contractual Lecturers protestin front of BJP Hqrs

Excelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 4:Intensifying their 203 dayslong agitation, the 10+2Contractual Lecturers todayheld a protest demonstrationin front of the BJPHeadquarters at TrikutaNagar, Jammu.

Carrying banners andshouting slogans, the protest-ing Contractual Lecturerswere demanding their regu-larization as per the CivilServices Special ProvisionAct 2010, a legislation passedfor the regularization of allthe Ad-hoc/ Contractual/Consolidated employees.

They raised slogansagainst the State Governmentand BJP Ministers for theiralleged callous attitudetowards their genuinedemand. The protest demon-stration continued for morethan half an hour till the StateBJP president Sat Sharma

came out to meet the agitat-ing Contractual Lecturers andassured to take up theirdemand before the EducationMinister for positive consid-eration of the same.

Sat Sharma also rang upDivisional CommissionJammu and sought to knowthe status of these ContractualLecturers' demand.

Yesterday, theseContractual Lecturers hadheld a protest demonstrationin front of the official resi-dence of Deputy ChiefMinister Dr Nirmal Singh,near Canal Road Jammu.

Pertinent to mention thatthese Contractual Lecturers,under the banner of All J&KContractual Lecturers (10+2)Forum, have been observinga chain hunger strike in sup-port of their demand for thelast 203 days, at theExhibition Ground nearPress Club Jammu.

State Govt must respond toprotesting lecturers: HarshExcelsior Correspondent

JAMMU, Sept 4: Comingdown heavily on the StateGovernment for perpetuating dis-crimination against the educatedyouth of Jammu while divestingthem of their due share in employ-ment besides adopting the policy of'use and throw' against them, NPPleader and former minister HarshDev Singh exhorted the BJP-PDPGovt to immediately respond to thegenuine call of the protesting plustwo contractual lecturers who hadbeen observing chain hunger strikefor last more than 200 days.

Expressing solidarity with theplus two contractual lecturers sit-ting on chain hunger strike, Singhsaid that the teaching fraternity hadbeen rendering their services withzeal and honesty in schools on pal-try salary of Rs 7000 per monthwith a hope that they would be reg-ularized to earn with dignity andhonour. He regretted that many ofthem who had given several valu-able years of their life to theEducation Department were ruth-lessly terminated by theGovernment after taking their serv-

ices for more than a decade. Singh said that earlier instances

where the highly educated youth ofJammu including PhD's, MPhilsand double Post Graduates hadconsigned their degrees to flamesconsidering them as in fructuoushad exposed the Government andSaffron brigade in particular thatthey were power hungry who hadmortgaged the aspirations of youthfor their petty political interests.Perturbed by the deteriorating con-dition of several lecturers while onprolonged protests and hungerstrikes, he cautioned the StateGovernment and the BJP leaders inparticular to immediately respondto the calls of the teaching commu-nity rather than closing their doorson them.

Harsh Dev sought a policy ofregularization for all such highlyqualified lecturers who had alwaysbeen the assets to the otherwise sickeducational system in the State andpledged that harassment of theunderemployed youth shall befought vigorously by the PanthersParty along with the aggrievedyoung fraternity until rights andjustice were delivered to them.

YRS to gherao MLAs if no holidayis declared on Maharaja’s B’day

Abhay Sopori honoured with Dr S Radhakrishnan National Media Award

* Watch video on www.excelsiornews.com

* Watch video on www.excelsiornews.com

* Watch video on www.excelsiornews.com

* Watch video on www.excelsiornews.com

Excelsior Correspondent

KATHUA, Sept 4: DeputyCommissioner, Ramesh Kumarchaired a meeting of District RoadSafety Committee here today.

He reviewed the action takenon the decisions of the last meet-ing and issued instructions toadopt a multi-pronged strategyaddressing education, enforce-ment, engineering and emergencycare, to improve safety on roads asrecommended by "The NationalRoad Safety Policy 2010" anddirections of Supreme Court ofIndia.

Several important decisionswere taken in the meeting regard-ing minimizing accidents, smoothflow of traffic and implementingeffective road safety mechanism.

Deputy Commissioner direct-ed the Motor Vehicle Departmentand the Traffic Police to organizeroad safety awareness programs incollaboration with the education,health and other departments forthe drivers of passenger servicevehicles especially the drivers ofschool buses. Chief EducationOfficer Kathua was directed toissue directions to all the schoolsto strictly follow the guidelines ofthe Supreme Court regardingmaintenance of the school busesand installation of speed gover-nors and to issue strict instructionsto the Principals for not allowingany student in the institute's prem-

ises without license or helmet.The DC directed the RTO,

Traffic Department and the localpolice to check the overloading inpassenger vehicles particularlyduring the peak hours besidesorganizing mass awareness pro-gram regarding traffic rules andregulations. He directed authori-ties of National HighwayAuthority of India, BRO andPWD to ensure highway patrol,provision of crane, signboards,blinkers and signboards specifi-cally for identified black spots(accident prone areas).

He also directed to immediate-ly repair the potholes and damageddividers on the National Highwaywhich are a cause of accidents. Healso directed the NHAI, R&B andBRO to remove the encroach-ments from the pedestrian path-ways and service roads with theassistance of concerned areaMagistrates and SHOs and installhoardings displaying speed limitand emergency/ Ambulance num-bers along the Highway.

Traffic Department was alsodirected to organize regular nakasduring school hours to discouragethe practice of driving without hel-mets. He asked for compoundingof all school and commercial vehi-cles running on illegal LPG kits.He further directed the concernedauthorities to regularly check driv-er`s license besides keeping tab onoverloading in school buses.

Adopt multi-pronged strategyto improve safety on roads: DC

Coalition befooling on Art 35A: Ex-MP