daily iowan (iowa city, iowa), 1916-01-23dailyiowan.lib.uiowa.edu/di/1916/di1916-01-23.pdf ·...

OHIO UNION f, after Vult Th-, II Praiflle of IlUItItutlon. like the Ohio union II Ilderr.ul asset a campul Irsity !Can haye," Dr. reolol1 department de- Interview yesterda,. university of Ohio, Pro- I('oked OV\l1' the unloll something of Its organ. , lethods. union has developed a Irlt, and 1a able to hall. Iy the divergent Inter. Instltlutlon," .. Dr. RaJ 1 that our union Was ill .. that the Ohio union lOpeS that It will be In Ire. The Ohio union II i8t!ng place for aU unl. ties, It Is housed In a ling, built Iby the state I , by the ad absolutely selt·sup rt· lent being (lompelle to a. semester towards Ita Is money ia paid 'w til on tee and enables t)e ry oq It! work without : There Is a 'boaldJaa capacity of , about 200, mlldlng three or four ma used only as qual'- doeot pe'ople, who ara I university." ."""",1, , ,, ..... :ST . .of Best nd Values lces and 'oideries Offered wa City Sharp rIces tyies te Fit Is and Inship rings d Laces lie We Price ,Tbat Shop- -- Thurlclly THE DAlbY 10 , VOL XV. UNIVERSITY OF IOWA, IOWA OITY, IOWA, SUNDAY .JANUARY .. 1818 No. 18 .... a.. .• ........ •.•.•.••.•.••.•...••.• •• .......... . ...... •.•..••••.•••••••••••••••••• •• La as ••••• ...... . •.• .... •.. New Night Classes started on Application The Correct Version of the New Dances Taught by Miss Marguerite Labadie Majestic Hall Appointments Phone Black 293 I Learn the Charlie Chaplin Waltz The New Craze - ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ss •• .... . .... .. ....... .. • • •• . ... . ... . .... FAIRALL GOES TO ---.r.+ LIBERAL ARTS MEN rAN N 0 UNO." Ie NT 8 r WILL ORGANIZE NEW CLINTON ADVERTISER -,--EN_El\t_Y DEFEAT PHARMACISTS + AU ex.stadellt. 01 Iowa.! SWIMMING CLASSES Somewhere in I;wa City, Jan, 22'-:" fiaeheN will meet Mooday --- night, 7 p. m. In room 221 LJberal 1UlM)l8T)JR'S ClA>8R MEEfiI lUNY THE ENGlNERRS RCORE 28 TO 11 Art8 to dl8cu .. further planl for the HAWKEYE )(ANAGER IhilA\'ES TO- According to advance reports, a great ABLE TO PAnJ)).F. NIGHT TO BF. CITY EmTOR victory has been won by the allied ORAOU1'TF.8 banquet to be. held. Februar7. 7. forces of Asperln and Quinine over __ _ Plans will be diaculsed tor the pro- Ulreftor fIcohroeder (MUM Call tor the Grippe Germs. The determined c-"flnd ' mYel! Up UnJverslty Work }'or News o oft'enslve (decidedly olTenslve) which ROUlld of Inter·llepartment gramme that evenlog. Everyone 10 Nftt , l..ot to Prepare for 1181Jet' Work-W1l1 Continue the latter have been keeping up d ur- lllt"'k«>thllU Serlefl Played tere8ted 8hould be present. 8. C. Inlltmrlloll Hawkeye COllllections -TtentH Out Conltlt, Pres. Ing the last month is ntw reported to --- All Itudents who regloterprt u be completely crushed and the Germs L, R, Fairall, junior In the college In the flrst game of the second GRADUATE LOME8 STORK non·swlmmers at lhe or of liberal arts, wlii leave Iowa City are In rapid retre',!-t. The university round of the interdepartment serle8 Fire destroyed the drug store of the year are now o.blp to gel abollt hospital which was captured early in tonight to accept a position as city the liberal arts Quintette defeated Harry W. Foster of Gladbrook Jan. in the water wlthollt the ronfltllnt al· editor of the Clinton Advertiser. the movement has been retaken by the forces of General Medical Treat- the pharmacist team yesterday af- 19. The loss was $13,000 of , which teotton of the Infltrurtor and nt'w Although he will lose credits for ternoon 34 to 16. At no tilDe were -8,000 was covered by Insurance. las8es for beglnnl'rs will be RII\I·te.1 ment and the Germs driven out. .. the semester's work nearly completed the victors hard pushed. The first Mr. Foster was a '11 graduate from tt the opening of the "pcon" 8omPlltl!l', Mr, Falra\l decided that the opportu- half ended the count 14' to 8 the pbarmacy collele. The men have mnde rapid progr nlty oft'ered him for an active news- NEW RULES FOR "FUSSERS" for the liberal artf! men. In the sec· under the Instruction ot Mr, Whepl .. r. paller CQuid not be passed by, He _ _ _ ond round, the liberal .arts men Many of them have taken up diving visited Clinton yesterday and, in a Can't 00 Strolling Arter Ten·tbh,ty tossed the sphere for 20 points, while LAW TEAM DtFEArs MUSCATINE snd lIome ot the Jqore advan(,8.i try-out, demonstrated to the satis- 'Vlthout Permls",loll Unless the were again tallying --- itrokes. faction of the editor and manager of Chullet'olu!<l 8, Every man on the team seemed Win Game From MUllCatJ .. Y. M. O. In the duses the men are first the paper that he could handle the ___ to be adept at locating the Iron ring. A. by Narrow MArlI. I. 8ecoad ,!Yen the land stroke and then pul place, and arrangements were, ac- The regular Stalt and Circle lunch- Lelk stood out for the pha.rmlcs. Half In the shallow end of the pool with cordlngly, closed, eon and huslness meeting wiII be held The line-up and summary --- water wlng8 until they show Mr, Fairall will continue In charge In Miss Klingenhagen's office Wed- Liberal Arts Pha.rmacy Tbe Iowa law team defeated the aelyes capable or handling themselve!l ot the foreign advertising of this nesday noon. ocl{shoot f, Lelk Muscatine Y. M. C. A. basket ba.lI :n deeper water. year's Hawkeye, as It can be handled At these luncheons Rocial regula- Hatcher f. Carter team li'rlday night In a hard fought Director E. 0, salel yl's- by correspondence, tions and social conditions of the Colvin c. Pates game by the narrow margin of 39 to terday: "With the facilities we now Durlllg his university career, Falr- school are being discussed. A new Gilliland \ g. Weber 36. Snyder for the local8 was the have there Is no why ('very all bas been connected at various regulation regarding calling hours Moon g, Husa star of the game and registered elev- ;!tudent In the university should not times with the Iowa City RepubIican, has been Instituted by the controlIlng Summary:- Goals from lIeld: en field lOals. The fil'llt halt ot the I)e able to swim," The Dally Iowan, and the Citizen. committee. This regulation states 3, Hatcher 4, Colvin 3, game ended 22 to 17 10 favor of Mus- All persons deSiring to register In that ollly thosa people attending reg- Gilliland 6, dtk- "3, Pates, ' Husa; catine, but In the secood bait the 10- one of the new classes are requl's(8(1 ularly chaperoned I and reported Goals from fouls: Cockshoot 2, Pates cals came back with more speed and Schroeder to ('all at the NEBRASKA LOSES GUY CHAMBERLAIN parties are free to be out after ten- 4, Lelk, Husa; Substltutlontl: Currier won the game. physl('al training office next week ault , --- thirty on Friday and Saturday nights, tor Pates, Frelze for Huaa.. Referee, The line-up was: arrange tor their classes. 11IellglbIUt) ' of Star ('ornhusker ,for This, of course, prohibits strolling, Eiggleston. Timekeeper, Jennlng8. Iowa Laws: Muscatine Y.M.C.A, Next Year Revealed By movies, or ather unorganized recrea- The engineers took the 8econd Snyder I.t. Gould Johnnie Rellder Hon after this hour, However it doe!) game of the afternoon from the Pa.tes r.f. Lohr FORENSIC CONTESTS STAGED SOON -- - lengthen the calling hours from ten graduates by 23 to 11. The engln- Nelson c. Schreuers - -- Nebraslcn university Is lamenting to ten-thirty p, m. This regulation eers showed a little more team work byer8 I.g. Bloom Oratarleal and ClUIJ Matches Are the tact that GUY Chamberlain, sta.r has been In effect for about and were able to loc. ate the basket Hobbet r.g. CullenA ('enter Of Jlltere8t In Forenslr half-back has been declared ineligible weeks, The. Staff and Circle girls better than the grads. The count Substitute: McClurg for Nellon. Cll'f'les for next year. report that the girls think it a wise stood 15 to 5 at the end of the first --- John Bentler, a. former star player limitation and no real on Nebras kO,'s team, has, It seems, has been met anywhere. antagonism half but the old stars came back PROF. HENRY ON PRFIPAREDNESS I s tronger In the last period and held The Interest of followers of the for- snslc activities In the university Is looked up Chamberlain's r cord and There lIas been , , Wl s idEjrable aglta - the slde·hlll men to 8 counters while fiIa)'8 PreparedaC!88 18 OoDduclve to now centering on the can· levealed Ili s ineligibility to play on tion in favor of sh.ortenlng the clos- lhey were ringing up 6. Peace--Illndonetl Mllital'rVi'raln. clasR and unlver81ty which are he varSity nc_ t y ar, Betor coming Ing hour of the fOl:mal dances from The line-up and sum(ll1ary follow: IDa ID Hiah Schools preliminary tb the choosing of ca.ndl- o Nebraska, Bender attl!nded Neb- two to one o'clock. The Staff and Graduates Engineers --- dates to represent Iowa In the N. O. raska Wesl yn and played two years Circle girls have gathered expres- Marquis r. Wallen • Prof. Robert L. Henry, Jr., of the L. and Hamilton conte8ts. on the varsity team there. Under slons which 'attendants at these af- Sblptou f. HanH law faculty la8t week gave a February I, Is the date set In the Missouri Valley conference rules tbe tall's have voluntarily uttered, With· Grlssell c. Kennon of lectures on "preparedness" to some forensiC calendar for all orations to act that he spent two year8 3S a out exception they agree that " the Madsen g. WllIs of the companies of tbe cadet regl- be handed In to Professor Merry or collegian and played two years on last hour Is just one too much, that Hands g, McCarty ment. all those who are contemplating the varsity makes him eligible tor everyone would be glad to go, IF"- Surnmary:- Goals from field: "I believe In reasonable prepared- anterlo, the university oratorical con- but two years of Intercollegiate ath- and this is the "they did not Marquis, Shipton, Upham, Hand8, ness," he told a reporter yesterday. This contest wl\1 take pla.ce In eLics, have to walt for the carriages to do Wallen 3, Hanlt 3, Kennon 3, Willa "It the United Statel had had a well t. he university auditorium, February Sentiment Is strong at Nebraska double and triple duty on sucll 2; Goals from fouls: Shipton 3, Hao- trained standing army at the time ot 17. against Bender who exposed these nights. if; Substitutions: Upham for Ship· the battle of Bull RUQ the Civil war The sophomore oratorical contest acts and caused Nebraska to lose one At the meeting Wednesday ,Cor- ton, Johnson for Ken'non, Whipple might have been ended by the 1\rsl will be 8taged Mareb 16 In the liberal of the best athletes she has had for nella Prentiss and Eldna O'Harra will for Johnson. Referee: Eggleston, battle. I think some form of mill· !lrts auditorium. Contestants must several years, While they concede have charge of tho luncheon. Scorer and timekeeper: L. Cock· tary sen ice would be tbe best poHcy have their orations handed In by Feh- hat he slmpl)' showed up the truth, qhoot. for the United States to adopt. The ruary 21. hey tee I that this move Is expressive ARRANGE The deuts failed to appear and fbr- proper place for It may be In the The fresbmen get their chance to of extreme disloyalty to tbe school, DIrector N, A. Kellogg announced fehed their second game of the 8e- hlgb schools. The boys could drill ihow their skill In an oratorical way and though Bender was a star foot- yesterday that a wrestlhlg match ries to the medics. This failure the during the Ichool year aoel a March 30. tbe trelhman declama ball player at Nebraska on a former has been scheduled with Ames for time to appear eliminates the camp would be a rare benefit and tory contest being on that date. Ti le team, they s ay he has wrought more March 4. It will be beld on the 10- dental college tr0!ll the series, to lalt d!lte for filing freshman decla- damage to football next year thao be cal floor. This Is the first time tbat Prof. Henry is second Heutena.nt mation copies Is Wednesday, March 1. did good by his etellar playing In for- the followers ot the mat sport at 'JAW EXtUUNATION8 SCQDULED 01 Company "C" of the cadet regl· All those who are planning on en- mer years. rowa have had an opportunity to see The week commenCing Jan. 31 has ment. , erlng a.ny of these contest8 should -- - ----",- Ame8 and Iowa t.eams meet on the been deSignated by tbe law faculty ? l8e Profesaor Merry or J-eonarel Rack- BIilRRlIllN ELEOTIllD OAPTAIN mat. tor semester examinations In the law Doctor D. M. GaIlle, extreme grand er of the public speaking depart- CIIJlord Berrien was chosen cap- will have no work during that week muter of the Sigma Delta Sjgma fra· ment tbls week. talo of the trellhman balketball Iquad MINNESOTA EX..QOVERNOR HERE college. Second and third year men ternlty visited the local chapter sat· It an election of the men beld yes- Ex-Governor Eberhart of M.enne- except examlnationB. First year men, urday. A Ilx o'clook dlDner was held MERRYTALJ(S TO PANDEANS terday afternoon. Berrien hal been sota spent Friday as the guest of however, Will have regular work up In the his honor at the ehapter bOlae At a meeting of the Pandean Qlub p",.nl at forward 00 the fi ... t year Profellor and Mrs. C. E. Seashore. to and Including February 3. followed by an Initiation. 'rhursclay night, Profeasor Merry Iquad 'an eeaaon and bla Mr. Eberhart· Is a candidate tor the 0 ,poke arpill cloee eo-operaUon be- Bteacl, work at 'bl. poalUOD bu woo' olllce of United StaAes senator from ENTERTAINS POLITIOIAN8 Miaa Orpba V ... Nee&, a sn4uate weeD t"-L aoel.y and t,IIe depart- him the contldence of his team t mat ... and Is IIUP- A number of Iowa City'. Cummins of tb •• nlY ..... ', b .. neetftlt po- ; nent or ,ublle lpeaklng. Altbol,b Iman, ) BerrieD pia,s a hard port.r 01 Cummlol lupporters SP8llt Saturday 10 Dayen· slttoo a8 aD Ill8truetor ID blolo&7 at Tbe presentation of a play , at the .... t .. t .... Ul aDd If b. keeps up bla , ' port ae lueate ot the Dayenport ,. Yankton college, YaDktoD, 8. D. t1"e of tile Bhak6llperlan AnDiverury .reaeat pit \till (lve IIOme one a Profeuor W. A. Jessup Ipent Frl- pubUcans. J. Reed Lane, an Iowa Mia Ruth Faller of tbe e1aea of wae d1anaaed. Another meetln, .11\ kar. MID for a berth OIl Dext year' •• ayat 'nptoD, where,he spoke before alumnus, had the entertainment of lIU hu accepted .. 0_. to teada be beld MODda, Right to conclud. taNltJ .,.". tb. teaebeH' institute. the vlsltore In eharge. at Ba,ley. Iowa. preHnt plans .

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  • ~S OHIO UNION f, after Vult Th-, II Praiflle of IlUItItutlon.

    like the Ohio union II Ilderr.ul asset a campul Irsity !Can haye," Dr. reolol1 department de-

    Interview yesterda,. university of Ohio, Pro-I('oked OV\l1' the unloll something of Its organ. , lethods. union has developed a

    Irlt, and 1a able to hall. Iy the divergent Inter. Instltlutlon," .. Dr. RaJ

    1 that our union Was ill .. that the Ohio union (~,

    lOpeS that It will be In Ire. The Ohio union II i8t!ng place for aU unl. ties, It Is housed In a ling, built Iby the state

    I ,by the 8tUdenta~' ad absolutely selt·sup rt· lent being (lompelle to a. semester towards Ita Is money ia paid 'w til on tee and enables t)e ry oq It! work without :

    There Is a 'boaldJaa capacity of ,about 200, mlldlng three or four ma used only as qual'-doeot pe'ople, who ara I university."

    ."""",1, ,,, .....

    :ST ~argest . .of Best nd Values lces and 'oideries Offered wa City

    Sharp • rIces

    tyies te Fit ~rade

    Is and Inship

    rings d Laces lie We Price ,Tbat Shop---Thurlclly



    .... a.. .•........•.•.•.••.•.••.•...••.• ••..........• . ......•.•..••••.•••••••••••••••••• •• La • as ••••• ...... . •.•....•.. New Night Classes

    started on Application

    The Correct Version of the New Dances Taught by Miss Marguerite Labadie Majestic Hall

    Appointments Phone Black 293 I Learn the Charlie Chaplin Waltz The New Craze - ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ss •• .... . .... .. ....... .. • • • •• . ... . ... . .... FAIRALL GOES TO -1~. -LA-TF:-WAR-NE-~WS-! ---.r.+ LIBERAL ARTS MEN rAN N 0 UNO." Ie NT 8 r WILL ORGANIZE NEW

    CLINTON ADVERTISER aIa--~ -,--EN_El\t_Y IN_RE_TR"'~_AT!---a.~ DEFEAT PHARMACISTS + AU ex.stadellt. 01 Iowa.! SWIMMING CLASSES Somewhere in I;wa City, Jan, 22'-:" fiaeheN ~ will meet Mooday ---

    night, 7 p. m. In room 221 LJberal 1UlM)l8T)JR'S ClA>8R MEEfiI lUNY THE ENGlNERRS RCORE 28 TO 11

    Art8 to dl8cu .. further planl for the HAWKEYE )(ANAGER IhilA\'ES TO- According to advance reports, a great

    ABLE TO PAnJ)).F. NIGHT TO BF. CITY EmTOR victory has been won by the allied o~ ORAOU1'TF.8 •

    banquet to be. held. Februar7. 7. forces of Asperln and Quinine over __ _ Plans will be diaculsed tor the pro- Ulreftor fIcohroeder (MUM Call tor the Grippe Germs. The determined c-"flnd '

    mYel! Up UnJverslty Work }'or Newso oft'enslve (decidedly olTenslve) which

    ~ ROUlld of Inter·llepartment gramme that evenlog. Everyone 10 Nftt, l..ot to Prepare for 1181Jet' Work-W1l1 Continue

    the latter have been keeping up d ur-lllt"'k«>thllU Serlefl Played 0« tere8ted 8hould be present. 8. C. Inlltmrlloll

    Hawkeye COllllections -TtentH Out Conltlt, Pres. Ing the last month is ntw reported to --- All Itudents who regloterprt u

    be completely crushed and the Germs L, R, Fairall, junior In the college In the flrst game of the second GRADUATE LOME8 STORK non·swlmmers at lhe b~glllning or

    of liberal arts, wlii leave Iowa City are In rapid retre',!-t. The university round of the interdepartment serle8 Fire destroyed the drug store of the year are now o.blp to gel abollt hospital which was captured early in

    tonight to accept a position as city the liberal arts Quintette defeated Harry W. Foster of Gladbrook Jan. in the water wlthollt the ronfltllnt al· editor of the Clinton Advertiser. the movement has been retaken by

    the forces of General Medical Treat- the pharmacist team yesterday af- 19. The loss was $13,000 of, which teotton of the Infltrurtor and nt'w Although he will lose credits for ternoon 34 to 16. At no tilDe were -8,000 was covered by Insurance. las8es for beglnnl'rs will be RII\I·te.1

    ment and the Germs driven out. .. the semester's work nearly completed the victors hard pushed. The first Mr. Foster was a '11 graduate from tt the opening of the "pcon" 8omPlltl!l', Mr, Falra\l decided that the opportu- half ended wl~h the count 14' to 8 the pbarmacy collele. The men have mnde rapid progr S~ nlty oft'ered him for an active news- NEW RULES FOR "FUSSERS" for the liberal artf! men. In the sec· under the Instruction ot Mr, Whepl .. r. paller CQuid not be passed by, He _ _ _ ond round, the liberal .arts men Many of them have taken up diving visited Clinton yesterday and, in a Can't 00 Strolling Arter Ten·tbh,ty tossed the sphere for 20 points, while LAW TEAM DtFEArs MUSCATINE snd lIome ot the Jqore advan(,8.i try-out, demonstrated to the satis- 'Vlthout Permls",loll Unless the phar~clsts were again tallying --- itrokes. faction of the editor and manager of Chullet'olu!

  • rHE DAILY IOWAN btered at the ~ alice at Iowa

    (:lt1, Iowa, &I I8CODd claII matter.

    NO MORE "RBQ1TIBED 01J'IIJf' No great amount ot thought w\Jl

    be required to Ihow the Itudent body that obJectlonl to the new faculty regulation flxIng a penalty tor all "cuttlnl" of CJaueI wlthollt good realon wIU 'not be to the credit of those who make them.








    '-A Ca;meetlnrof- thetruatees of And after all" la?'t "cutting" too DlcklnlOn College, Jamea Henry Mor-

    auggeatlve at the gra~ar achool gan was unanlmoualy elected head of aplrlt of "playing hookey" to be In that Inatltutlnon. keeping with the dignity of unlveral~y


    S- 'SZ2R

    .+++ ......... ++++++++ •• ++++++++.++++ •• +++.+ •••

    Society Dancing Exhibition and Instruction

    Prof. ~les L Gates of Nlnneapolls and his Iowa Dancing Partner

    Suepple's AuditQrium' Wednesday Eve., January 26

    ,~ ,J


    NOLlV.tI&:IUI-1.IIIV. 4 ... & HNO

    Dn .. , ll'IV A\ N03OO1d

    '1'1011 NVROO QI'DINLtU

    .J.()HJ, X04


    dH.L8 liINO AlDIUl 1

    ll'IV A\ NOOIOOId ' '1'1011 NVlIIOO I ,

    ~ .wH.1Xod 1

    ~ .J DmDNVd X.GIIOOII NOI.1VJJ8:1D1--z.vIVA\

    , a3.1& IIlNO .. w..: r'- / I~ •

    . ..J,' .1 T ,

    '~ ( , .-'t:t. I



    '1'1011 NVaoo liI.'IXNIAU

    .wH.Ji XOd ;.J'


    Prices $1 per couple, SOc single, private $3 11~ ~r hr. Exhibition hout's 7:45 to 10 p. ~. .J 1 ~., ( !

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++.++++++++ -1' ' /

    dlil ... & liINO

    AfImJJt ll'IV A\ NOtiIOOId

    '1'1011 NVaoo liI.'IllNLtU.

    r· AJ J NOLlV.tI83JI--z.L'IVA\

    ~ ,( ~ . JI dB:':: ," 6



    lI'IV 4\ NOlilOOId '1'1011 NVaoo

    NOI ... V.tI&m-z.i'lvA\ dU& liINO

    lI'IV A\ NO:lOOld '1'1011 NVaoo

    ONIDNVa AJ:.moos '1'1011 NVliIOO

    ··'+++··+"·+~++++·+++~t There Is very little change In pockets.

    LOUISE HERRINGTON 8bampoolo8, MaaicU1'iD8 ChIropody, Mauap

    Bright Boy from Model School-"What la the difference between our

    atudenta? ! ... ~!~~ .. ~~~~~~ .... i There is an arm), ot 21,,02,113 Arbuckle's Be8t Wall 8ipped by AU

    Americans at present engageel in ac-teacher and a burglar?"

    Vapor Baths 117 1-% Dubuque St PhonellTt

    Litle Girl (alarmed)-"I don't ------------

    The fratern~tlel aD the IOampul at the unlveralty at OaJlfornia wlll be

    tual student Ute In the United States. No other alngle county In the world can equal thll r£~ord.

    prohibited from bulldlnl new ho'ulea The Harvard corporation hal an-cOltlng over ,$26,000, according to a nounced that hereatter admlulon to relOlu·.lon palled by the board of the medical aehool 19'111 be offered to t.rult .. of the unlverltty at a recent studenta ilompletln, two yeara Of meetlnl. work in certain approved Inltltu-

    Stu4eDU of the Unlverllty ot Mlcht-Ian In a Itraw vote r,ecently hela, voted 1,040 to 932 In tavor ot mlll-ta". training.

    Raym~nd Roblnl II preparln, fqr • campaign at the ounlveralty of Tex-

    tloBl. Formerly, Itudentl leeklng admlllion were reqouired to hold an academic degree.


    Membera of the Cabinet Club at MlchigaJl held a dance in Waahin,-ton, D. C., on C~rlatmas nl,ht at t~fl Raleigh hotel. A apecial car was chartered for the trip east.

    We gUmpse 10 Saturday'a D. I. that men was H~ved at the mllltary ball by the Mocha sisters. We are pleased to add the exchlslve news that tbey were asslated by th~ Java twins.


    Or How to Fill 8paee "Hurry up, Lorraillel" (Silence) "Get out of tbere, quick." "Ub, huh." "The breakfast beU's I'ung." "Don't care." "Aw, you do too; get up." "My teet won't budge." "Wbadayamean ?" "They're frole to the bed poat." -Farther Notell ot Faahlonll Bralnl are not 80 prevalent as for-

    merly but are 1\111 worn occa8lonal· Iy, under the bat. They are shown only Ingrey and white.

    know. What?" JOHN G. MUELLIilR, M. D. PhYlilclan aDd 81U'pOD

    B. B.-"Why, a burglar always Phon81 87 R 1 87 R I sjlYs, 'Handa Up!' and our teacb"ra R~ldence U 7 E. Bloomington at. aays, 'Handa down.' "

    PROPER, BUT NOT LEGAL Contrlb. lnQ~ires ! ILIIxloullly,

    "Would it be proper to say tbat tbe saloonkeepera who treated thetr creditors Just 'ltefore going out of businen Uquldated their debt!!?"

    HR8. KENYON'S BEAUTY 8HOP 21 1-2 E Washlncton St.

    Oposlte Liberal Arts Ten Yeara' Experience

    In 8hampooloK, Facial Mauap Hair Dre88log, ManlcurbaS

    PHONE 1051

    DR. T. L. HAZARD Homeopathic PhyaicaD

    aDd 8aJ118OD omce Over Golden Eagle

    Pbone: Omce, 60 Rl, Residence, 60 R S.

    DR. E. T. KEGEL Omce Paul-Helen Building, Bult • Walhlngton St .. %07-13 E. Wash. at.

    Residence, 17 Governor St. Telephone 378 'R. 1 and S

    Omce Houra: 9-12 A. M.-l: 30 P. If. PraetJl.'e LImIted to tile 111.. ilar,

    N 0118 aDd Throat DR. PRANK L. LOVE

    Phones: Omce, 681: Realdence, Ii Paul-Helen BuUdln,

    Iowa City, Iowa

    DORTHY L. DE FRA.NOB PubUc 8teD .... p.her.

    Pboae .'18. Paw·Heleo "'1J4IaI.

    'DR .LOLA CI.ARK MIGiIELL Houra: 10 to U A. M.

    2 to 7 P. M. Sunday 6 to 6 p, M.

    Telephone 931 218 1-2 Wasb. at.

    JOHN V08&. D. D. 8. Phone

    13 1-2 S. Dubuque Street

    For Bat-ModerD Furnilbed Roo .. Illectrlc U,htl lood heat.

    Black Ina -1.11/ •


    . - ....... JOhDIOD CoUDt, SanDIl Buk Blda Telephone 817 • BOlIN...... ...... .... ,. OUIIVDVID A. w..LIIY

    PabUe .. op., .... ............ '. Real JIItate 0-...

    8N.-ol ___ Co. IIuk BIdI ......

    DB. W. B. OOXOV.&J( ....... aMtau. .... &0 lip, .. , .... ..aftrM '

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    '1'108 lIlVIIIOO " :II'Dl~

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    Admission 10c

    d TUESDA¥

    5c I

    Bl,ASTING AT OLEAR The law faculty held tts bl-weekly ~ • 1 ~ f 1 The Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority 1 un, '\7e:;t Africa , has been forced to • tc ll.tIn S' nlt41 ~:rSlllt(t ])

    luncheon Friday noon at the Jet- woro hostesscs at a ten ycntorday for ~n to another station beca~se of the f~l'son hotel. Routine Ilnd Incidental Milltar)' Ball fresh men and Borne of their frlc ndG \'i ar between the German aurl Britlsb night by the loud reportl of mall ers were discussed. Week's Feature Zrom four until eight o'clocJ: . Tho c.1 lo:11al troops. which continued throu,hout

    Edwin Stevens in a

    Great Dual Role


    The Man Inside

    A 5 Act Drama Photoplay


    The military ball of Friday even- hOllse wan decorated throughout with --- night. It was commonly cooled1an1, Ing was the most Important society ~)lnlt l'occw. Mrs. George Ihw, of .J!l~t . bont that the Ice was going out at event of the week end. This drew Ottumwa; alid 1\1rs. Bumno Chano P(" 'soto dam. A number of Inqulll~lve many out of town guests to Iowa City-, prosided il1 tho dining room. Mis!! J [). ::J.o Freeland of Drako Is a guest dents went to see It go, but In addition to former students of lIle Harri t T •• 1lcy of Y.-aterloo W 'lG an o. ~ Alpha Chi Omega house. Catha- were mistaken. The bluUnc university. nut of to'wa r;:.:cst. r :no Hutchinson spent tho week end being done liP at Clear Creek.

    l.t Ccd