daily life exercise

Daily Life: Exercise Research has found that 25 percent of British people walk for less than one hour each week. That's just nine minutes a day. Another 43 per cent walked for less than two hours per week. This research suggests people need to do more exercise. The British government recommends 150 minutes of physical activity every week. Most British people are doing less than this. The research is from an online survey of 2,021 adults. People answered questions about how far they walked a week. This included walking to work, schools or to local shops. Increasing numbers of people are using their cars instead of their feet, and playing games on video and computer screens rather than in sports centres and parks. Britain's largest walking charity said the research showed that there was an 'inactivity pandemic ' in Britain. More and more people are avoiding any physical exercise. The charity said: "Walking i s the key to helping reverse this pandemic of inactivity." It added: "We want people all over Britain to join the walking revolution ….Walking is one of the most accessible and achievable ways to truly conquer this inactivity." Politician Diane Abbott said the research was a 'worrying' indication of the nation's health. She said: "We need to plan activity into the way buildings are designed. The first thing you see in a building is often a lift [elevator], then you have to look for the stairs. It should be the other way around." "Online activities, the mp3 and printable handouts are available for this lesson at http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com " http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/1305/130508-physical_activity.html 研究によって、25%の英国人は1週間に一時間以下しか歩いていない事が明らかになりました。これは一日あたり9分と いう事になります。その他の43%の人々は1週間に2時間以下しか歩いていません。この研究は人々がよりエクササイズ する必要がある事を示唆しています。英国政府は毎週150分の運動をする事を推奨しています。大抵の英国人はこれ以下 の運動量です。この研究はオンラインで2,021人の大人を調査しています。人々は週にどの程度の距離を歩いたのかとい う質問に応えました。この歩くという動作には仕事や学校、または地元のお店までの徒歩が含まれています。足のの変わ りに車を使う人が増加し、そしてスポーツセンターや公園で遊ぶ変わりにビデオゲームやコンピュータに向かう人が増え ています。 英国の最も大きなチャリティーウォキングという慈善団体は、研究結果は英国で「何もやりたくない病の蔓延」(非活 動の大規模な流行)があったと述べています。以前にも増して身体のエクササイズをしない人々が増えています。また慈 善団体は「ウォーキングはこの流行している何もやりたくないという現象を逆転させる鍵となる」としています。さらに 「全ての英国人にウォーキング革命に参加してもらいたい...ウォーキングはこの何もやりたくない非活性の状態を 改善するのに有効で実現可能な方法です」と述べています。また、政治家のダイアン・アボットは、研究結果は英国民の 健康は懸念すべき状況にある事を示しているとしています。彼女は「我々は建築物の設計(デザイン)からして運動をど うしたら良いか考えなければ成らない、なぜならばビルディングに入って最初に目にするのはエレベーターであって、大 抵は階段を探さないといけない。これは反対であるべきだ。」と述べています。

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Page 1: Daily life  exercise

Daily Life: Exercise

Research has found that 25 percent of British people walk for less than one hour each week. That's just nine minutes a day. Another 43 per cent walked for less than two hours per week. This research suggests people need to do more exercise. The British government recommends 150 minutes of physical activity every week. Most British people are doing less than this. The research is from an online survey of 2,021 adults. People answered questions about how far they walked a week. This included walking to work, schools or to local shops. Increasing numbers of people are using their cars instead of their feet, and playing games on video and computer screens rather than in sports centres and parks.

Britain's largest walking charity said the research showed that there was an 'inactivity pandemic' in Britain. More and more people are avoiding any physical exercise. The charity said: "Walking is the key to helping reverse this pandemic of inactivity." It added: "We want people all over Britain to join the walking revolution….Walking is one of the most accessible and achievable ways to truly conquer this inactivity." Politician Diane Abbott said the research was a 'worrying' indication of the nation's health. She said: "We need to plan activity into the way buildings are designed. The first thing you see in a building is often a lift [elevator], then you have to look for the stairs. It should be the other way around."

"Online activities, the mp3 and printable handouts are available for this lesson at http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com"http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/1305/130508-physical_activity.html



Page 2: Daily life  exercise

Daily Life: Exercise


When you think of the word “exercise”, what other words do you think of?

Besides sports, what are some other physical activities that could count as exercise?

Often people gain weight after they graduate from university. What might be some reasons for this?

Children recently are said to be less physically active than children in the past. What are some factors that might have caused this change?

We have “Cool Biz” and “Warm Biz” to help people be kind to the environment. What kind of

campaign could the government do do encourage people to be more physically active?






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Daily Life: Exercise

Reading 10 Questions

(1) What is the main idea of paragraph 1?

(2) Are people in England getting enough exercise?

(3) How much exercise does the British government recommend?

(4) Were children included in this research?

(5) What is the main idea of paragraph 2?

(6) According to the article, how to people in Britan feel about physical activity?

(7) Who carried out the research study discussed in this paragraph?

(8) What do they feel is the best solution to solving this problem?

(9) What is Diane Abbott’s occupation?

(10) What does Ms. Abbott think we need to do in order to encourage people to be more active?

(11) Graph the data in paragraph 1 to show activity levels in England and also the government goal.

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Daily Life: Exercise

After Reading

How many minutes do you walk per week?

Do you think most people in Japan walk more or less than people in England?

Think about our buildings at Nanzan. Are they designed to encourage people to walk or to take the elevator?

What about other buildings in Japan?

In your neighborhood, do people walk to go shopping and to restaurants or do they drive? Why?


Page 5: Daily life  exercise

Daily Life: Exercise

kinds of exercise

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Daily Life: Exercise

walk more campaign

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Daily Life: Exercise

Grammar Day 5-6

(1) 僕は夜遅くまで仕事をしていた。 ____________________________________________

(2) わたしは、朝3時からテレビでサッカーをみていました。____________________________________________

(3) 私は昨日朝から晩まで勉強をしていた。____________________________________________

Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb.

(4) Eri _______________ a cake for Taka’s birthday. (作る)

(5) These pottery bowls were _______________ during the Heian Era. (作る)

(6) There weren’t any chairs left, so we _______________ on the floor. (座る)

(7) They _______________ the typhoon coming. (感じる)

(8) My mother _______________ P.E. and dance for 30 years. (教える)

(9) Nanzan Seto was _______________ a little more than a decade ago. (建てる)

(10) I _______________ this jacket at Parco. (買う)

(11) Somebody _______________ my Pocky! (食べる)

(12) Kosuke Kitajima ____________________ to represent Japan in swimming in the Beijing Olympics. (選ぶ)

(13) The novel Norwegian Wood ____________________ in 1987.

(1) 私は以前大阪に住んでました。____________________________________________

(2) 昔はこの川でよく泳いだものだ。____________________________________________

(3) 私が小さい時、よく野球をやっていたものだった。____________________________________________