daily life in ancient egypt by: yvonne and rebecca

By: Yvonne & Rebecca

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Page 1: Daily life in ancient egypt By: Yvonne and Rebecca

By: Yvonne & Rebecca

Page 2: Daily life in ancient egypt By: Yvonne and Rebecca

Time frame of Ancient Egypt was from around 3000 BC to 30BC.

Page 3: Daily life in ancient egypt By: Yvonne and Rebecca

The ancient Egyptian civilization was a very strong civilization that started from around 3000 BC to 30 BC. They developed a strong, centralized government that was served by well-trained scribes and officials. The earliest Egyptians were nomads who were wandering around in search of food and water.

One of the most known kings of the ancient Egyptian civilization was King Tutankhamen. He was a very young king who only ruled for 9 years due to his death at the age of 18. Since he died at such a young age and only ruled for such a short period of time, he didn’t give the people a very good memory of him. In fact, no one really knew how he died. His tomb was very hard to find, so when all of the other kings’ tombs were discovered, they thought that all of the kings’ tombs were discovered. But an English archaeologist and Egyptologist Howard Carter was determined that there was another king’s tomb that has not been discovered. King Tut was widely known after Howard Carter discovered his tomb on February 16th, 1923.

In 30 BC, Egypt was taken into the Roman Empire on the death of the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra.

Page 4: Daily life in ancient egypt By: Yvonne and Rebecca

The Pharaoh The pharaoh was the living god who had complete control over the country while keeping

piece, making laws and controlling the armyNobles and Military Leaders made sure the

pharaoh’s commands were obeyed, taxes were paid, and the country was safe from invasions

Priests and Scribes Among the Educated class, priests conducted religious ceremonies, scribes kept records.

Craftspeople and Merchants made goods that Egyptian traders took up and down the Nile to foreign lands.

Peasant Farmers laboured hard, working the land of wealthy landowners

Slaves slaves were foreigners caught in wartime, female and child slaves worked in wealthy households, and male slaves

worked as labourers on farms or in households.

Page 5: Daily life in ancient egypt By: Yvonne and Rebecca

The houses of the wealthy and the ordinary families have very big differences.

For example, the wealthy families have houses that have about 10 rooms in it. The ordinary families only have one room in their houses. The richest families have painted walls, usually blue or yellow with painted borders of ducks or lotus petals and painted ceilings. They would also have tiled floor when the ordinary families had floors of beaten earth.

Page 6: Daily life in ancient egypt By: Yvonne and Rebecca

The homes of the nobles were large, with private rooms for the man of the house, private rooms for the women and children and a reception hall. Only the tombs and temples were made of stone , so despite the size of these homes, they were still made with adobe. To keep out the flies, heat and dust, the windows and doors were covered with mats. The wealthy decorated the insides of their homes with colourful wall hangings and covered the floors with tiles.

Page 7: Daily life in ancient egypt By: Yvonne and Rebecca

The wealthy had slaves and servants who waited on them all day long. They cooked and cleaned, shopped a they would help take care of the children in the home.

The wealthy ate better than ordinary people and all the boys got an education.

Page 8: Daily life in ancient egypt By: Yvonne and Rebecca

The family was broken down into roles that each would play in order for things to run smoothly

The father was the one who would work all day.

In smaller households the mother being in charge of cooking, cleaning and watching the children were all her responsibilities while the wealthy had servants and slaves

Page 9: Daily life in ancient egypt By: Yvonne and Rebecca

The wealthy ate bread vegetables and fruit, as did the ordinary people. However unlike ordinary people, the rich could afford roast beef and wine. Meat was expensive so the ordinary people enjoyed a healthy diet of bread, beans, onions, leeks, and other vegetables, fruits and fish from the Nile. They occasionally had pork but mostly beer made from barley. They ate from dishes made of bronze silver and gold. All Egyptians no matter the families wealth, ate with their fingers.

Page 10: Daily life in ancient egypt By: Yvonne and Rebecca

The ancient Egyptians thought of marriage as a sacred bond however divorce was allowed

Brides would be around 14-15 yrs , her husband would be anywhere between 17-20 possibly older if the man was divorced or widowed

Because the life span at this time was short Egyptians were encouraged to marry young.

Many marriages were arranged with parental consent needed, especially among the upper classes.

Many times young couple did fall in love and choose one another as mates.

Women played a large role in arranging a marriage. A suitor sometimes used a female go-between to approach the girl’s mother—not her father

Divorce was not uncommon, even though it was a matter of disappointment, but it was certainly not one of disgrace. It was very common for divorced people to remarry.

Page 11: Daily life in ancient egypt By: Yvonne and Rebecca

In ancient Egypt, they believed that rubbing saffron powder on the mother’s belly would induce delivery. They also believed that the medical papyri contain many remedies that could induce delivery.

They delivered babies while squatting or kneeling down on birthing bricks or directly on the ground. They thought that by kneeling or squatting, the gravity would pull the baby out.

Page 12: Daily life in ancient egypt By: Yvonne and Rebecca

In Ancient Egypt, it was up to the parents to educate their children unless they were wealthy. Children mainly learned from their mothers and the fathers provided the income but they also taught the academic matter. Children from ordinary families enjoyed playing board games, and wealthy families enjoyed hunting and boat rides. The children went without clothing until the age 12. If a child dies at birth along with its mother, it would be placed in the mother’s tomb.

Only boys were educated and they took after their fathers. Also at age 12, they had their head shaved and they were circumcised. And the girls only learned how to maintain a household and did not go to school or get an education.

Page 13: Daily life in ancient egypt By: Yvonne and Rebecca
Page 14: Daily life in ancient egypt By: Yvonne and Rebecca

In Ancient Egypt, only the sons of the wealthy attended school. They either took lessons in temples or had private teachers and tutors.

In ordinary homes in Ancient Egypt, boys learned their father’s trade, and the girls learned the skills needed to run a household from their mother. Neither the boys or the girls went to school, nor did they learn how to read or write.

Page 15: Daily life in ancient egypt By: Yvonne and Rebecca

The Ancient Egyptians believed that the gods and goddesses ruled the world. There were hundreds of gods and goddesses, and each of them had a different role. For example, goddess Taweret was the goddess of childbirth, so women would pray to her to keep them safe in childbirth. Some of them looked human, but many gods were portrayed as animals. The greatest of all gods was Re, the life-giving sun god and father of the pharaoh.

Page 16: Daily life in ancient egypt By: Yvonne and Rebecca

Khnum, the creator god, was originally the god of the source of the Nile river. Since the flooding of the Nile brought silt and clay with it, and the water brought life to its surroundings, Khnum was thought to be the creator of the bodies of human children. Using a potters wheel and clay he would make the child and place it in its mother’s womb.

Page 17: Daily life in ancient egypt By: Yvonne and Rebecca

All Egyptians dressed for comfort due to the climate in Egypt. The clothes were made out of white linen, a cloth made from the fibres of the flax plant. Women would wear the linen shift, a loose-fitting dress. Sometimes the wealthy women wore a transparent covering on top. The men wore loincloths or wrap around skirts. Finely woven linen was expensive so those who could not afford wore coarsely woven linen. Most the time, the Egyptians went bare foot but some wore sandals on special occasions.

Page 18: Daily life in ancient egypt By: Yvonne and Rebecca

In Ancient Egypt, villagers often came together to sing and make music. But men and women never performed together when they dance. The instruments that they used were the flute, cymbals, the lyre, pipes, harps, drums and trumpets. The instruments are always accompanied by dancers or singers so they never played alone.

Many paintings and sculptures in Ancient Egypt were made to accompany the afterlife. The artists that made them had to obey some rules. For example, everything had to be as perfect as possible, that includes the people in the painting. By the paintings, you could probably tell that the slaves were not considered important because they were drawn so small they could be mistaken for children.

Page 19: Daily life in ancient egypt By: Yvonne and Rebecca

The Ancient Egyptians invented two forms of writing. The most common one was hieroglyphics. Hieroglyphics are pictures that were used first to show whole things and then to show sounds. Hieroglyphics were very hard to draw, they were used for letters, business accounts, wills and even the recording of some stories.

Page 20: Daily life in ancient egypt By: Yvonne and Rebecca

There were lots of festivals in ancient Egypt, but the main ones were the Opet festival, Sed festival and the Min festival.

The Min and Sed festivals are really the same thing but they are named differently. They are both a festival held to celebrate the continued rule of a pharaoh.

The Opet festival was celebrated in Thebes. This festival celebrates the birthday of the Kingly Ka, when the King got his Divine Right to rule re-confirmed.

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The Egyptians needed a way to keep track of their wealth as the wealth of Egypt and the economy became more complex. So they invented a system of writing called hieroglyphics. Hieroglyphics are little pictures that can mean a sound, word or sometimes both a sound and a word. Besides recording business dealings, writing opened many doors for Egyptians. People began to write stories and poetry, magic spell and they were able to recorded their knowledge, which later civilizations were able to read and learn from.

Page 22: Daily life in ancient egypt By: Yvonne and Rebecca

The Ancient Egypt civilization was one of the strongest civilizations. It lasted for many years and had many strong pharaohs. They had many religious beliefs including the afterlife. Their civilization was much different than ours.

Page 23: Daily life in ancient egypt By: Yvonne and Rebecca

http://www.islandnet.com/~kpotter/egypt/house.htm Ancient Egyptians by Fiona Macdonald Everyday Life in Ancient Egypt by Nathaniel Harris The Ancient World-Egypt by Jane Shuter http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Egypt http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_Carter http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tutankhamun http://www.womenintheancientworld.com/pregnancy%20and%20child


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Min_festival http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opet_Festival http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sed_festival http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Egypt#Daily_life http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khnum http://www.sis.gov.eg/VR/pharo/html/child01.htm

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Slide 2-background-King Tuthttp://www.topnews.in/sweaty-visitors-spoiling-king-tut-s-tomb-egypt-2242728 Slide 4-housinghttp://www.archaeolink.com/housing_and_homes_ancient_egypt.htm Slide 5-wealthy livinghttp://www.bukisa.com/articles/143833_womens-rights-in-ancient-egypt Slide 7-family lifehttp://www.ancient-egypt-online.com/daily-life-in-ancient-egypt.html Slide 8-foodhttp://www.educationaladventures.co.uk/history/ancient-egyptian-introduction.html Slide 9-marriage http://historylink101.net/egypt_1/a-marriage.htm Slide 10-childbirthhttp://babymagic.wordpress.com/2008/10/ Slide 15-khnumhttp://www.crystalinks.com/khnum.html

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 http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2299/2175184244_a5204ecb6a.jpg http://www.fecielo.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/sunset-over-anc

ient-egypt-pyramids.jpg  http://egypttourinfo.com/ancient-egypt-religion_files/ancient-egypt-

religion.jpg http://www.arts-wallpapers.com/travel_wallpapers/ancient_egypt/

02/ancient_egypt800.jpg  http://www.crystalinks.com/hieroglyphs3.jpg



 http://www.rhobfc.co.uk/images/flag_canada.gif  http://www.isisc.org/public/egypt-flag.gif