daily life in ancient japan

Meg Abbott Daily life in Ancient Japan

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Post on 06-May-2015



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Page 1: Daily life in ancient japan

Meg Abbott

Daily life in Ancient Japan

Page 2: Daily life in ancient japan

Map of Ancient Japan

Page 3: Daily life in ancient japan

BackgroundThe Japan history began when people started

to migrate from the Asian Mainland during a period which the sea separating present day Japan from china and the Korean peninsula was only partially formed. When the sea rose and washed the land bridges away, these first inhabitants of ancient Japan were left to settle the islands.

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Social Structure According to the ancient Chinese, the ancient Japanese

had no theft, and not much crime. Families had responsibilities set for each member, like chores, and everyone paid a tax to the local government person. Women were equal to the men. One of the clan leaders was a woman called, Queen Himiko. Himiko means, “sun daughter”, reflecting her belief among the Japanese that their chiefs were descendant from a sun goddess.

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HousingIn ancient Japan, people had pretty nice

homes . the first strong, steady home built in ancient Japan was built in the 2nd or 3rd century. In 1397, a home was built for the king(s), in a city which is now called Tokyo. The Royal home is gone now and was re-built in a town that I do not remember the name of. The royal home was sold to a rich family in the 18th Century after it was torn down and re built. They don’t consider it royal anymore, even thought the king, queen and godess lived in the spectacular home

Japanese home built in 2nd or 3rd century

The home built for the royal people

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FoodIn ancient Japan, people ate a lot of fish,

game, and edible plants and berries. Ancient Japan was a fishing and hunting/gathering nation. The ancient Japanese people were very healthy. Even back in the earliest days of Japan, they didn’t have sushi and tempura, they had fresh fish that they would either cook and eat or eat raw. The Japanese people of ancient Japan had vegetables, wild fruit, and wild berries.

A fish commonly found and eaten in ancient Japan

Common food in ancient Japan

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Family LifeFamily life in ancient Japan wasn’t like

family life in ancient Mesopotamia or Ancient Egypt because families didn’t beat each other or have the children do all the work. In ancient Japan, families worked together and had chores set out for one other. Children were not beaten when they misbehaved, they were simply spanked and sent to bed without dinner more or less.

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Marriage, Dowries, and DivorceDuring the age of aristocracy, “Muko-iri” was the

common marriage system in ancient Japan. A bridegroom would visit his bride at her home only after the birth of a child or the loss of one of the grooms parents would the bride be accepted into the grooms family. A bridegroom would live with the bride and her family offering his labour for a certain amount of time. Dowries did not apply in ancient Japan as they did in other ancient and modern countries and continents. Divorce in ancient Japan was not common. Marriage in ancient Japan was arranged by parents, priests, and/or family friends. If a divorce comes across, the people who arranged the marriage are shamed and it brings money and debt to be paid by the ex-husbands family.

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Child Birthing PracticesWomen in ancient Japan didn’t always

marry for love, normally it would be for security or because their marriage was arranged. Because women didn’t marry for love, alot of the time they would end up in a sexless marriage with her husband going out, having affairs and the only reason she keeps the marriage going is for the sake of her kids. The ancient Japanese people had a proverb that was, “A woman is not a full woman without children”.

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ReligionThe earliest structures still standing in

Japan where built in the 2nd or 3rd century. The buildings of ancient Japan where built of wood and bamboo. In the year 730, the architectures built one of the most important buildings still standing in Japan, it was the worshiping temple. Japanese people still go to the temple to worship their god(s), and sometimes even the men who created the masterpiece.

The worship temple

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ChildhoodIn ancient Japan, childhood was similar to

modern days. The children had their chores and played with other children in their area. In ancient Japan, adults did not much of the house work, the children did the majority of the work. Punishments for children in Ancient Japan were not nearly as harsh as punishments in say, ancient Mesopotamia, Children didn’t get beaten, but when they misbehaved, they were spanked and sent to bed.

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EducationIn Ancient Japan, There were not schools,

only family members and friends to educate each other. Parents learned from their parents, Children learned from their parents and grandparents and everyone teaches their friends new information. Schooling kicked in, in around the mid 1800’s. When schooling came into play, it was a well educated person, most probley a man, talking to children and their parents about what he has experienced in life and he would tell stories.

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Clothing in Ancient Japan was very traditional. In some Japanese religions, people still were these interesting pieces of clothing. The clothing pieces the women where is called Hakama. Hakama is a long robe made of different colours and patterns. The picture to the right is an example of a Hakama

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Art and musicMusic in Ancient Japan was a big deal. Music was a way people would communicate and tell their stories. In ancient Japan, People created their own instruments, i.e., they would use animal skin over a chunk of wood half-way hollowed out wood, and, there you have it, a drum. The Japanese culture has always been very reliant on music to be there for entertainment and imporntantness. The picture to the right shows two women performing their music in the ancient Japanese fashion

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ConclusionAncient Japan is an amazing place to study

because it has so many interesting rules, religions, and ideas. Ancient Japan has different rules than other places did and the rules now in Japan are pretty much the same as in Ancient Japan. I find it fascinating that the Japanese people have gone so long with the same rules. Children were treated well, art and music was and still is cherished, and clothing is still pretty much the same.

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Imy (my Japanese student)

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Picture bibliographyhttp://www.icsd.k12.ny.us/legacy/highschoo

l/socstud/global2_review/feudal_chart.gif -slide #4

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_architecture -slide #5,6

http://www.goway.com/asia/japan/jp_img/classic-japan-map.gif -slide #2

http://www.japaneselifestyle.com.au/culture/marriage_history.html -slide#8

http://www.china-cart.com/bookpic/200911/20091116225150.jpg -slide 13
