daily louisville times. (frankfort, ky) 1856-08-20 [p...

CLOTHING C. MERCHANT TAILOR, AXD C LO TH I K K, ACT ST., TET. ?LOTD l .ES?02f, 'LunuuxCiKK rcrs-.aner- i hi nr T.aai r'wcli aatsrirnwd of .."ii.nr as! kjflO tnea-y-.- -i ao, e. iit n, t ntlt t uii'ite Kit jhiomc vuti .o gir u7 iv, t car-no- r'Mf tiiCTn, y canhcl r:ewnee ir. u,y, ?tcp aa ,.k ai suf t,wvi v heuier y ' u7 "r COtfRvO kamm. MANUFACTURER OF CLOTHING, ES MARKET STREET, LET WEEN THIRD AND. FOURTH. lA few doom above the Mechanics' Bank.) and eurroun.ling ewnry, that Inform tl.e omens Ii hi U. now o. hand large wed rVa'u of tamii-i.- mjob a hue Ores, end Frock 1 "a'IZ aVV7t Trurni.l.i-- f Goods," erjea at Shirt., Cnaesabrrta. Cravar, Co!lr. ac. He invites eour.tr- - mmwnli IB partir-ilU- r give kirn, rail iu.d hopes by unci attention to business ud txir oca'.n'.rs, w fc.erua.le ot toe public. Pp1.., 1650. Spring:. - 1853. T&e Deras of te Tune -p P with lam A- - aefmTAgood ppru.v and bummer trade - cx ?Utrvty aideVand we Llrt proved for a ru--u l. CLOTTVG LIE, . - liberal patrona- r- Uithrio beatowe on and we have tow itol a.ou t increased exeruone. lot, w be able to prvicr. a atoc I Mir anTM hr.lQ AND BUMMER GARMENTS Mitifil'H m America. j l vieof our workmanship H arapif ttid lrrwlf . W vi tnr d If urpa ourlvot Ua pni.r, and trdk toa t T MMivtncon of our M'M. wt now wJl for Of tonwr Tiftii and Warn!. w Orgenaio Muallna at HOT Sc DCALL'S. MnM Ufieten Seeond mi Third. t" i C- -. - B iT T t'lllfv ALL'.' ; oppownt Bili of Kea'act-f.- ' 1856 Spring. ' 1856 3L3Cctxlr. dt 3D owns atl 1HAI?I STttEET, 4T1 tne the ttriiti of all in want, RE'PnCTrClXT Good. AmonfUiemmafba loiuid oat rei7 besuulul PEUSS OfKJDS, cwnpriaiaf (Vrnnlir Uawp. r.ewprrr Flounced f:lH Ruoct, B 'T-M- l lo Bar-r'!- 'i fl!; FlrjMd PiU d . " h Ikc k li rr I ti h i m, ftii tuparior frt&ir, pnn;ed J'or.'-- t Cambrtca; Freica tiuu roppaiieue, tc. EMBROTrrRI8. 2?r.bro;(i,rd Camnc V!af and HMti; Tr.m'ned V!ncifnne HJKr- - a aavoruomn, Co Infant' lrwte, fee. VARIETIES. KidCiovea; Fn-t- d Cabrera 9car; femchf .eli shawls and Scan; Ve.i; rAaffaj Main pln fciik Ke; riua Jaen.nnk end flta. CimMa; t E"f if0 Crapes; - r . e4 our "emit Er irvited to i!y, asd ya nois, pwartthe tirat cucce. yEVV AM) BEAUTIFUL. A StcCwi Importitioa reori'-e- tbis xnornitp by Erprsss fc EWT & CUV ALL'h, va. est Slain aireet. ppcai CsC parchfrr-einriwi- th Eatierm to orfr a variety oi bew tr.i twt f f 'f ''r" f-- 4 rir.k aed DvD Laajcncst harcre h.r.iyt, Colored o o, . i,i.ro;.ie.rei Tuiie s ill COiO.-- uripriaii rurd orrB0eaj -- Hownt da; . . ;aarr.ct powrft, ery efceap; ii.tex Mar.tic, aoureiy new attic; . Ik CfiTe :i: Keti f U Lact Maoi'ea.aitraxicfei U'ctTid ei.-- i Hair Cot ti Uir, Vo Cottou H?c, ail nunibr; f rivrr uo co, ' it'.c,'r.r.j Lac and dfir.f? fci&v-- Uai.rurr do . uo: Wtn; m.s !!'.u.-r!- s; 4,nu' ti!!!nu:ctil H Do on do, cotarau l9eta( W't.ite fambrT ni .seot; I cia Wii'i; ; Wp-t- ; Stni-e- French Caintxi tiiiluil Mutia..- - for tJ uMjuuB; 7 iii?Rd Lact 'apet, tc, AC.; .rot" whiLb we ow at IS iowwt Tice. aria at one tr re oniri KENT fc. OCA AL.L .3 6S? Main lr"t. JUTJ? cOBT! 1553 Taney Dry Goods. 1856 "VTIL'-n- E k. TAB P. Fonnh anl Market rrt, i'l i!iavitw of acSirf" ia thfwt.i on tl.e 1st of iii.T r.fit. wiil ofl'-- r Irrnn tint ' MuUl tiitB Ul'-i- r nock nt Fcy Lr G.j c t. i ccy uniii!r lriitd aai 0M Silaa; lr, Ctit-a!- u; Tj. !. ri.K Ko;-- -; frnii: iaia ilehet; ' do; F,:K aa:l Msruila; rraaoli jii Tiw; IkLtiuMf FfJ.nch 'hin: iinf nun; sll, Coi!r Bl;d eleewai Lac JP" and rtTMfs; f .ui'T- inrril Miilir rauue; V, ,'. r' ii;ir r and MunIib ii'; !'!).'! arid ?can; f sa ; K'nttonn; Tcfi l'i wiui a larfe rtork of Monrnnf CiKAt f wrery toi j iioii, Barer: Twirted tiik, rcndie Mutiin Jc ii. Craje t'oil.ir. and J'l.weii, !ilun Capna, c Ai!o, s Urre i:k of H 01117 Cotton Iruiiufa, Cot:a '.et 1'la.d Coitoa for anraais e. MILLER IlTABP, Jt? tornerMarkrt and r'nuithnrwia Tremendous Sacrifice! The Best Bargains of the Seasn! GREAT MARKING DOWN SA.LE OF Dresi B'Jka, Fancy G x5, ; Lawm, and HEATH C:. Rtvinr TeeeutlT ei1are UrRK.fr. nwre. witu a vi- - of Ja.tf incre-ir.- a iUeirioe?!ieiithc coniiiiCloll are "terri'.ned to closa t mm-- r t.UH-- of Funt 7 Good. u or- der to wk r.Htn m uieir lull tork. Ti3" f oudt will tie cl. J out ui.at rrrd to om. iifl Ures Bnk,orif inally worUt J3 now for ITS: tfO ?o 00 dn 0 do 1 o.;t, riglnaiiy wortu 1 yard now 75c; i.- d l 00 "o da 6?c; a d ) d "75c iio do 6jc; Llert I arnnaene Kob-t- , oriri"alT a0 nw l; lu d do. cn aianww 7; H'" rt.in an4 BruwwH Laea Cape. rifina'uy worta icw t4d ir fii: l r.men Car. wonb i3and U, now aold for 60 ta t a patrn; V)itn Kar f - worth aV now aold Pr Mantii aa of ail ulylet rd .olir. wortn from tie to 40, rm uotr be aoij froj U SMO HO a Jee; Willi tuuj cu.er roode ie aarne Jfe pEATH k CO. icsS-'-i- 107 Pourtli tt.. MarkH and JetfernoB. Bliilin&ry. 433 Yirket strt S3 VUrket BtreeU 1 ViC'IM wuld respeTfitiT BrTOnra r.i PiKt at.e u now rectiroif dm!f o' b! Znr'a.V. r'!or-r- f, o.tf.r, md otlier arttelea 1b berime. .e han tutt day recejed a ipply of Straw Ooods.tc w hicn etie rjuciia r - i. i IburSO r- - "ive rond Millineet wa WKSOW GLASS. E 2vlt- - aiwiiuon tiie fyliowisf im ju--i iwiti j Miet i!3; 1 aoxaa ion- - lyO do 1JU; o do ion; 60 di. lux.iH J oo f-- 60 o YjtVs, 0 CO K.iX, J o il4; 'j do liti5; es liiiB; o co :iii7; a St CO 121, as ; iii!o; M do FotajOelcwf.reatrt.tT . T.kEB, m,r Grrr.a airet, twt. Jarkaonatwl Haxoe T;rt Fall Zn porta ilea. ttlf avit'Ft a srol! lt of seataoatle in RECXIvne fO 'is. c;Bi(rilif ff ' 5 . iui lUf red a:nbic br.nii ; . . ij tmiat do; flr, h t!'ieot.1e-f- 4 Be;r.e Maslia; jL'-ltCr- Camnrc HHtrx?; VVr'"e CcmLrie Musl'nii l";ail do r-- do; an4 Ptrit r?o: gati- - t"d Evntd; i'cife do; ?rd Hoinerr. "At we wr: rce?vf a.:r troarioBt u.e imvrvnf rur fcituj auJ taiotuert may tect i;cltiea jr MAg fc t:nv'S 7tVMt. i,u if , t v.. j'. aiuAB 1 nminii.d; e Cauid'c 4n.uQ.ir,r; a:- - ia inc; ' t.fn Cr.ie ard Vci'?; iUch Vjencit and Pont Settr, biark Uu;:i yue dr; V iuu Uuiioc finater. f m fj at low priced tr Zs7 MARKa.rOWVa.rTi?lalBt. X4. WftteKiBb'O'lieredLpont Crepe; f)i do; ewf yl Vii.!ia Kobe ; liack .vf C'!:ar; - a o tVHrt. -- aad Cepea; Piii. Minim Capet; tiwr, Hantikerrhiefif lc.; For futatiow frtcil tr au 1,'AN'l-- t I'l l "MS A to.k ir.rii jc A 4 iJ y ti tor fa. f .'Viii.tt.tt j Air, Jet powr.il and Msrket stse A I.AuiE and g.jfiL sio.k ol .M lurning. Goods evwy descr-y- I V IVEfJJU - f li Pnr Ciler lr)ejr, suijft.ior article tor to ttfls ao( ia tiOTt ti.l a.f l y -- CARRIAGES, &C. I. F;! STONE,'- - DEALER IN. Fine Coaches & Carriages OF EYEEY DESCRIPTION. IJo 609 Hain Street. tOl(5TILLEi V " C. WOULD res ite at tctiUu to hia larfe ai.d. pltruUd nOstii "stock, enitiricuii Camftj ot al-- J Biot erT rtyle, imporu-J- l eipre&Jy fur this market from tur loliow.iig sctnuara uooe-- , Viz: IMlElip K Cu.,ftiHa-delplu-a; LawrtB'' HraHley, Muit-- r & Hteptieic, and Jauiea Brc wmt av Sin'i. Broadwa. New V oiJu I bava )ut rteivf d ir lullow a: . , : tine li!t do, Miiuble ior country of city; lipfit Kockaway.; fine 1111 Tiwuuii iiuariea. from C3 to 130 poundt wfirfit. Aud a fwerai aworuoent nrotber l mret, preterit-hi- p (real iudur ruent. to purchaner. Vermont from a dit Unce ruy alwaft reijroa a complete stock toaelect from. William Huggins, Carriage Hanufactory Flrat street. tet. iriain and narxet, . m HAS on hand and are funtihinf Cat-- r! riarea of Tanoua patterns, coniiir)ff ot i3Vr , Shtswat Bug-- f m Prince Albert y V'J andKockaay 15uf gief, which heit aell- - cifr. Tboae hmf anything m their Kne would do well to five inn a call, as ne warrant e:i 111. wora to ae equal to aay ui. bio market. He )m on hand at prcciil a flirt'.n, nmalied in auperiw atyle, wtticb be will m at a bargain. . nry23tl3iii A COODAtt a 1CLZ Aa A FAIK PRICE. HUGH MARTIN. O a, X x" i a. g: o SontLweit cor, cf Green and Sixth ata. eltdia LOflfVlLI.E. KV. " Jefferaoa a'drcct. bet. Tblra & fenrtli DAXCINQ ACADEMF. !TON8. 1. P. LAP3EKKE return, bit iincere thankifbr i'l the rapid increase of it accool. Ue will oontipue to tencb throurh the winter all tbe neweat nnd nirt taabion abi Wal?zt and Danctte, which are innumerable. lay of Tuition a umial.for Mimi and erery Paturdar front (to it o'clock. A. M..and J W6 P. M. For Ger.Ueuien every Mondey and Veine:!ara, 7 to 9 in lb fvfr.mi. Pnvate ciames UNrht at hit a foool, or in private famiiiea application made at hit Hall, or at M 4or:nHon'a rewdeace, Jefferaon atreet, adjoinirf tie Hall. .. - JAiIE3 FISHKR'a . Q UI C K Y E AS T. THIS artialaUearefnlly prepcredarpreaaly for fan It will ant war all Uta purpoaot of rood rata bra wer'a j eaat,1 a makinf ail kind., oflirh t braad, otaoufc,ak.M1d(o.ta. ' Houtkaeprs will tava ncney by tttlnr Flarf C tick Yeast, aa ozj two thirds the quanta . renerally taad wUltnfloe. rrtpared and aold wbolegalo anl taiaiiby ' JAAIE3 F1SHBS, 0marofP1k.Uaad Graea fitraatt. fconlr111e, V. 1 A. Weisenberger, A. MACHINE SHOP, Sovth SiZi (tf Market ttrett, bt. Brook and Eloyd, I.OUISVILLII.K.Y. aSTEAM Cnrinrt and Horsa Power, Sawmendala. 5aa k-- iaesuincrs. Bleat onctcri, i.ara, cider, book, liin-Ofr- Creases, Gas Moulds, Turninp Latl.es, and ai! kind of Mtcws; Puileyt and ohatuiif, Bear Furapt and rosset; atPT rnnipa. AUaoidtof repairiufdofe. fanity 0W PRICED FRENCH CHINA. GLAScJ ' WARE AND WAITERS. Lamp:, Girandoles and Plated Goods. A. JArOEH & CO., cfr Have Jul received by Express a new ttTTa ,4h supply of tbeabova mentioned roadd.rTM wincb will make ocrttiocjc trie iarf est K fa and moM coaiplete lu the Western LeJ coucirr. W e. would invite the atten- - ttcn of rarchasert to an examination of our stock and prices feto makinf tiieir eelecnon, as we ar? confident i'iai in point ot s:j ie, ju!'.y, ana price 01 roout wa rsn sot eu to pieajM, A.JAEGEJt a Co., 13 aud 111 Fourth at..- - jr8 Mozart Hail.- - SAMTJEXs M. EERNARD. ATTORNEY AT LAW, HOPKINS VTLLE.KY., WILL r-- e bit andivided tuter.tion to al) claim t entrant to bid in Uic Counties of Chruuaa, 1'rp;, Cld well, iljpkina, and Ttxid,K.y and AiGnirouinrj county renn. tief:rt FT in. H. J. Stites. Grant a Phelpt. Hopkins TiL'e: J. C ob.e. Kohinson k hro and W. U. Kced Auo'y at Law, Louville; iter, Vancula a Gito, rbil- - 8ypii; L.snf.y. a,nig'i it uo., Cytucirmaii; .ti re a V accwiin. Nw Uneans. imar'ia flu Brooke Hall Female Seminary, MEDIA, DELAWARE CO., PA. tfiaa u.?i. 1 rierif iv .ifivripn TH I located in the deiiphttul and healthy vihare ol Media, thirteen mil tmm PhiladtHplua, by r.ailtwd, will be OPLND on WLDNESDAk, Stp- - l,iri ser lot 11, la?. The commodious bni'dinc cow in procees of erection vrith zli Uie modern uiirov menis, vriil be fimsbrd by tii f.r ol Aufu.t; and will caniain Mcb acconnnotiatiotis, bota ia point 01' mie and comfirt, as caaH tail to satisfy parent teat wmiethur daufhtera are enjoym the ben-cS- i of riimtal culture, they have also the comforts of a t ermed home. Tnisintiuboa Is eatahlisbed with aeiw la afford to 1 on, if ladies lti tuoKt perfect combination ofadvaiitaet fur tiw aiiaiunient of a UiM-ug-l and accomplished f diira uon, aft no paius or expense will b epared to render it in realty whatit professes to be, a ecliooi of superior mer- it. Mi L'uunan the principal, uhi at thebcad of a acboolin iesp Knrland previous to tier resideuce in a, and, fr tue laxt six years, b ben known to Ui' patrons of Aifn Eidrc fceiuinarr, as preskluif teacb- - er hi uiat lusumuon. Tl.e hi. ciev. tones, Bishop of the Dioceae of Feaatyl vania. vavs: M im al. L. Eastmad who propose! to open Voting' Ladies' lu Media. Delaware Co.. Pa., in bep- - temncr ne IX, bas been known to the snbecriber for several years past. He bas a very uiffti opinion tt tier rapacity, erhctency, and devotcdnes as an edaeauir. rhe bas bad a larse aiid sucoent.-fii- l experience. The buUjnr which ui be elected ft ber ute will contain evory auiMnitao-d.iuo- The villnfe and eurrouudiiif country are for hexlthi ulaeue auj beauty, and the subscriber fiat rouMdenee that parenu wko rntrtsnt their daughters to Mats Itnian will t.sve no reaiw.li o rrret it." ifHi Lastuian wiii be aided oy at, eicient corpt ot Tearhe. The French Lanrnare will be ttufht and tpoka by a fansmn LAf re.iMitg in Uie fiDy. The Lauu. Gernuiu, Hpaiiiah Ld Italian Laiiruaf.es ar 'l receive de atie4iuu. The Natural ScienAea will be aurht, Willi fhe aid of a larve and evnenive aptmratMii TneMaeical lepartieiit W1I4 be" under Uie .charfe of a lady eminently juh lined ta a ut biauoa; ana all crrternnf a male Teacher on the Piano or ui Birring, can have the benefit of aa Vwitinr Teacher trout Fiuia- - lirawing and Painting will be under the dtmctioB of a La accoropl.Fhed in the art. " 1"Le iiMirter of pupils in (united to foty. T i b I LMMS lor BOARU and TUITION, in all the Branches excepting Mastc, are f 140 per aeaaion of five nonilis. Mimi Eaatnuui Las lilierty to refer ta the following gen- tlemen: - Hi. Kev. Potter, D. D-- , atU the Episcopal clergy ot . F'on. F. Pierce, President of Ujs United fitataa. Hun. H. Chae, Goernor of Olii. lloo. N. It. baker, Vevr Hou, M. W. Tappan, M. C. fru Kejr Uv. A. Stem. 01 NorriHiotini.Pa. Kev. A. McLeod, Clearfir'.d fa.' Fierce KuUer, La., of FUiiadelphia. J. U. Okie. do K. W. Oar. ,.. do Oorge VVUuxum. rq., do Cliruuopher Loeser, l'uttville. Fa. , . tieorge VVymau. tU. Liis. Mu., - Hon. P. C. Jobnsou, VVaahinrton. D. C. For faiiier particulars or apply to the Prin- - Ci pal JUIat4.IA LA8I.tlA. dSna MtLJA, iJware I o.. Pa. IV EW BOOKS Jnnreeeivea - It The island of Cuba 4y Alexander h'ujicit. Trans- lated irosa tbe Spanish; wilh noua and a preliminary ea-f- y by i. W. Tbraoiier. Lent is irim the tinted Statet, Cuba and Canada by the Hon. Auwlia M. Mur ay. iackson and Slew tireana, nn authentic narrative of the laeiiuirable ui bieveau'u. ol the American Anuy un- der Andrew Jackson before b7 Orleans, iu the years of ii4 end 'IS by Alauder M'aiker. AnLssayon Liberty and eiavery- -t A'hert Taylor L. L. Ii., ProfuMKirof MaUieiuUc vi tue t rty .;' Virginia. Ab- - 'huomiu L iiveiji d; or, its Origin, Provress and PeriiK hmis Tendency lully ur Henry Field James, of Kentucky. The h'unier's Fesst: or, Conversaiiona Around the Camp Fire by Capu Wayne Iteid, Memoirs f Kicliurd Cumberland-writ- en bf himself, rorttaiiiuig an account of hi hie and wnt...g. iixirchfmgu--- a with anccjotes and characters f several ol the nut distinguished arsons of ins time with whom he bas bad ir.t rconrxe a ad couneclion, wilh illustrative notes by Henr, Flande. m Literary critius and other Paper by fUe late Horace tunney Wallace, Esq, of Philadelphia. Co rubtp atj WTiage; or, the Joys and Forrows of Aaterican Liie by Mrs. Caroline Lee Heutz. lnma.Tli Pearl of rearl Kiver by feuima D. E. N. 6ouiitweib. s tah. a Song that ' by novilhor, a deed with-n- ui a name perpetrated by U. K. Fbander r. b. Toe PrarrowgrsjwFapersi or. Living in the Conutv by 8. TnfiietoB PapV-r- fcy Trifle and the Editor. v Miirne hue; or. before and behind the Curtain a eriu of narrauves ro Ann wora tuu-lue- . j The Angel in the itvMiee; The Betrothal. Pailnd bv VVilliam 1 kit peace 'I aackery. Ten years Among the Man Ears by J. Holbror.k. A Viitt India, Ciuna and Jrpn,ia the year 19 by fcyardTayior. , ' J i c sure ar.d ot aale, wholesale and retail, tf fM r r C. HAG AX a CO., Main ntreet. ' , . . Book far Poxitlclana. we have tad frequent calls of late, by ibe c AS and iatiiing politicians tor reliable koks from wmcb to get cb evidence si neee.sry ta meet tnalnlse charge ol tbe know Notbiort against the Caiinlic cnurch. we here give a iit of torn of Uie pnn ciii works, witn tue nncea and pontage. . . Ltobui: tftld;rg's"A1a.eelUiiea,"cintainiiif Reviews; Leetunut, aiut Lanays: Srv. Frica tl H f otje 0 eesla. tiagbeeand Breckiaridge'a "Oral Hcbs.te," tha rery tet WNkof tbe kiiul. Pnce tl 65. Postage 10 cent iu'eeUudCanipbell'iUehate. fnce tl Ox Postage SCcenu. fopaand Magua 'a Debate, Price 7 cenu. Foatage Keen'. ProteataRtisia a&d Caiholicity Compared, by Kev... Calue, fricest. i'oaiag SC cenu. Cjerhiui of the Councii of Freou Price tu Foetage fieevia. Bucu-r'-s Book ol the ChUTh. Tict 60 cent. Postage 16 oenea. iivraf A Kentucky CaUiulic to Geo. l. fmiuct Price X ccWt. FostareB rent. Togeu.er'Jh a great many others, which, tboh iikVf Ky not ueat tne f antral subjects so thoroughly, are particil.ar ju Pti'n. -.., . For sale by tliB,uit.w a- - tm.iu, il1 6"! Msia street. . mark.. .....:........g. r. rowxe. LI ABU ft DOWira, . VTlxoU&ale and II tali Daalera la For- eign acd Domeatio Dry Ocods, Tl : KAIKBTEEET, 471 bow m band a large ud extensive assortment HAVE For-i- ge end Aiaencan Dry Gooos, wr.ieb tbe y are aitious to tedoct, and thereiore idvue all in waatof rool giMnis allow price., 10 call and eaatKUie th'rj- !ck bemre uaiicg UT parcbaete. ', euvcy a4bw to an uiuiuria cti price, jaB .MEDICAL. i Private Medical Treatise, i - . - - ON THE 7. - Phyatoloilcal View cf Marrlae. ; "bt ' L T ' ' if. B. LA CE0IX, M. D.; ALBANY, N. T. Spagetaniiaa fine Plain and Colored Llthograpsan v Flates. - ONLY 25 CEXT-d- 2J (XjSnt free of pwtRge to all pint of the l"mon.-- d lK. M. B. LA Croix's PHVSIO LOGICAL VIEW OF MARnlAGtS. A new and revised edition ol Sao pages narl inflates. Price i cents a copy. A popular and comprehensive treatise on the duties and casualtiea of single and married hie liappy andliuilful ailiatiL-e- . mode of securing tncin tntelicitous ana uil'ertile irtrea their obvmtiou and nervous debility, its enures and cure, by a process at once m simple, wile and eltoctual, Uiat itilure w iiiipotsiUe rules tor Jan v manareuieitt an eavty on Spennaforrhoea, with ptaciical oovervation. 011 a saier and more auccesful mole ot' treatment precautionary hint on the evil re,ullJ Irum empirical practice; to which 18 added commentarie on ail the diseases of frnialea from infancy to old arw racn cane ampnicnuy uiusiraiea by beautiful plate. It point out tbe remedies tor tbnne mineries and di.jp pointed hope so unfortu natcly prevalent in tne young. 11 ih a iruuiiui aovurr w ti m,.ni and those conieirplatint mamare. lu peru- - ral ii rrt'enhtr recemmnded to persons entertaining Secret lioubl Ol uieir Jiiicni tu iiumuu, ,nu uu ic conscious of having har.arded the health. happmeM, and privileges to which every human being is entitled to. Price ts cents per copy, or five eopics for gi, mailed free of postage to any part of tbe Cmted States, by addressing .... IV, bit L BU1A, kfWl n".ri c twin, c. 1fc3jf.2 TAmi who prefer may consult br. LA CROIX upon any of the diseases upon which hit book treats, ei iner personally or by mail. His medicine oiten cure in tbe Hhort pace of six day, iuid completely and entirely relent all trY4 nf tin we disorders which copaiva and conet having o long heen tlmnglit an antidote, to die rain ot the health ot the patient. Ilm "French Secret" is the great conunuaiiemedy lor that clasn ot disorder which, unfortunately, pryweians treat with mercury. to the irretrievable destruction of th parient's constitn-U- n, and which all the eareaparuia iu tbe world ctnuot " enre. Dr. LA CROIX'S medicine are free from all mineral poisons, and put in a neat and compact form, which can be sent by Express or Mail, and may be tken in a public or private house, or while traveling, without exposure to tna moat inumaie mm. or niuiu Riaic, n uuiuriuc iivih business or study, and uo important cuange in the diet i necessary. Medicine sent to any part 01 tne uuion, to directions, salcly paclsed and careful! secured from all Otce removed from No. M Beaver tL, to 11 Maiden Lane, near Broadway, Albany, M. je7diy Dr. A. J. Vanderslice, - Late professor of tbe Ecole Climjue deSIedicine e Ptar- - luacic ia raiin, . (A Practltleuer for Twenty-nin-e Venrs Past,) ANXOLTNCE3 to his friends and the public th i he his tune t the cunnf of tl e follow ing disease, via: Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Fits Dropsy, I itraiwnsia- - t.iver ITmrit.lanit. Piles. Fitul&. Gi t Rheu- - Keer and Ague. Bihious Complaiiils, ac. Tie. Vanderslice has met WitU eieatfUCCesS bl U PeCH- - liar mode of treatment of diseases, where i her very Kiiiinent pky"te;ans Umv: tailed to produce a cm . i o ai lest hu confidence iu lit own skill and merits, i will un ilertakethc cure ot all paiient without charge, iceptinr the eost of the medicine, requiring no ice until aitur tne restoration ot tiie.ir DeaiUl. DtseaMw of a peculiar cuaracter he guarantt ts to re move radicaiiy a lewaayn, wiuiuui (iici:r .,e or nieihciiie. He warrant to all. no matier bowse v e or long standing the disease, an etfectual cure, or he rec tlire no pay.' r eniuie towering wiui nervousness, debility, ae.(can be permanently relieved k.P.r.V. - .... invalids iu anv section of the country; by addreetinr a letter to him (post paid j and enclosing a lee, can have ad vice ana moaicme prompiiyseui uiui. Kesidence on itraiaet street, netween rtoya ana . - office on Floyd street, between Market and Jerii rsoa. Office hnuni from a to in A. M., and from 8 to P. ia. rnyw Williams's Anti-Dyspepti- c Elixir r. with the ntrnost pofindenee. offered to the Medical 1 faculty and the publ.c, tor the cure af Dyspepsia or lndiretiuon, ana an aiseaee ansuig irvm n, sum as .Nausea, Headache, Veitigo, Dunnes of Sight, Debility of the Nervou System, . Hypocnondria, Jaundice, Los of Appetite, ' Wasting of the ttrengih. Mirulence, wuh ireiiutntbelchirg of Wind, Vitiated tte, v .Constipation and aneaBineas of the bowel, e.iiiou V'ouiitirtg, Bui rung sensatiuu at the pit of tbe stomach, ' ; Liv.-- j Complaint, Oppression after entrng. Paimtatinn of Uie Heart. ; Pain tn the pit of the stomach, or toward the right tide, Eauownes 01 cumpicuun, ' Depression of smnu and irritability of temper, ae. If a case of dyspepsia should be neglected, most serious effect way ensue, tor u lays tne lounuauon tor, u tne in ci stent cause oLniid very treauently terminates in con sumption I would impress upon the mind that to rriiie with this disease, may be to sport with that reason which rM.utitiit man nmoiiff animal beinrs. or to em Inner existence by adding a consciousness of lolly to th penalty of pain, i ' '. ." This medicine is prepared entirely from vegetable sub- stances; the most delicate stomach can bear it eonven ieaily, and it i given wita pertect afeiy, in minute doses to the most tender infants. Us- - proaertie being of a etreigthening and invigorating natuie. It ia neatly put upin bottle, with ample direction for ue. The followftir tesnmonials from some well known and respectable citizens oi rniiaaetr ma, ace tuny corrooora' uveoi tue tneu emcacy ui uicauu ojnrpuu uiui, jattetaation. We, having used William' Elixir with the most perU-c-t satisfaction and suoocos. tai e great plea sure in rcomnendiiig it to alt persons suneruig waii as we are I'i'.iy convinced of it most esrimahle qaahue in restoring the digestive power, removing all pain and uneasiness, and imparting a healthy luue to the atomacn. Johh &. Ptaaoaa, No. 34 South U harve. 1'HOMa Alubone, President Bank of Pennsylvania. Aaafcft UM, Market kueet, oeiow snui. Ki u'iu 11. Ron Lav. Ko. 14 North Wharvee, Miesarb Dtmr tupdruittu4ent of Marcbanu' Ei etisnre. PiiJ. Thia list of Bamea could be extended to almost any length, but uie toregmag it ceenscs sxaacitm. Testbnonr of Mr. Michael Dunn. SperiouunhtK of th Philadelphia Exchange, corroborative of the edicacyof W imams' Elixir. PmtAneLPHi, March W, 1965. Tlortor James William: For several rears cast. I have been liable to attacks of Dyspepsia; bta never have I been mora dtrtre&aiua'! v arliicted with tu srnipuims. than with in the last lew week. Indirestion. nervous irnulnliir de.Dnndencv. a sense of weurnl in the stomach, and se vere pains in the left ide,renderingmcf for the time be- ing, truly wretched. Fortunately,! wa recommended by a friend to try your Elixir. I did so, and in less than two weeks, indigestion ceased; pain and nerrous depres- - mub leit me, and appetite, witu mental ana noniiy ncaiui were fullv restored. To uie thecure seemed aiuiost nit raetilous. and my object in writing to you is a hope that oUjcr (.htsobs u tiering the miseries of Dyspepsia will .avail meaiyrs ui yuorriiMJieiiircnieiiT. i , dear air, your truly. . MICHEAL DUNN. Agent tot Louisville; k.y. ighh, 74LBOT a no., . jelldiy . . "Ki Market st. he Spring of tlie year ts the most Proper loe to uie cleansing and purUvirgMedicines.ofwhicbS waim rausxwi stand pie eminent. CELEBRATED PANACEA, FOR THE CUKE OP V S CUPFUL A, Incipient Consumption, General UtUlit,-- , White Swelling, tttieumatism, Dioea a of tbe Liver and Hiun, e..l all Luaeaa arising from Impurities of the Blood, and elfecu of Mercury. S WAIM '8 PANACEA has been for more than thirty year celebrated ih uv county and in Enro,e for iu extraordinary enree for the certiicale of which reler-enc- e is made to the direction and nook (which mar be bad gratia) accompanying the Paii:icr-a- . hoiiie of Which fiv the particulars ot eae too Irightf ul for general pub. cation, where the patients have been almost eaten up With Scrofula, and were deemed incurable by Physicians. Itbas bcn used in hospitals and private practice, and bas bten recommended by the most celebrated physicians and other eininetil persons. Among othra by . .. W. Gibson. M. D.. Proi. f SurgL-ry- , Pa. L'niversity. . Valentine Mott, M. D., Prcf. ot Surg. S. Y. University. W. r. Dewees, .ti. u., rroi. ot mee,. i'a. e niversity. K.C!iannian, M.D., Prof, of Physic, Pa. University 1 . Ftijr.i, f?. !' rresiaeut tOiiege oi rnysict; Dr. D' VSto, Frot'essor of Medicine, Havana, Jose Eofirencrt 4eLu , professor of Sonrery, Lisbon. i J.Chirrian. Memrter'l Koyai UT'ere Durgeous, Lendosu G. W. Ejvine.lXte Minintrt5tIui tirTh.FersQii, Major Geiierj.1 ErtisS rmy. Gilbert ttobertaOB, Bluish rCohs'll, fee.', fc.' Ibe w'oiiderfnlcu7eeldly.TAnrtl PANACJ5A, have for many year made It aa Un ilLabJe reniedj'. The Panacea does ut contain mercury in auy fiir;a, arid ijiing an innocent preparation, it may be given to the moat len- der infant. The retail price hat been reduced to tl SO per bottle, (coniaininf Uiree half pints) or three bot'it s, for ti. Heware ol Impoaitlou. - SwtiraU panacea is iu round but ties, H'tteJ longltudi-naii- ixh liui luliowing letters blown en iiie rlasi: 'S WAIM' iiVAN ACEA PHILAD A ' 7aving the name of Ji. Bjffilf f,t3"'P,o n the settling wax, and writ en on the I vei ;no corn, and a splendid engraving on the side t.f the ite.ty l;t iper a t o., bank note emravers.ol rhilad'MDlua. In Clcccnlre of which, m a poruait ol Uie late V m. X rvaitn, (c secured.) i f person purchasinr the Panacea wffl be careAil to Uie; fhe name htVAlM is correctly spelled, they neednotbe tiwedoiu . A1T SwaIaM vernilf nff j A valuable Family Medicine, being a KzY approved oksri, t oroaks, such tJ Au-ht- of the f touiach, f for. t noiera Morbus, iiysentery, rever ana Ague, itieeiiin Piles, fi'ji ac, ac. fee the Pamphlet wkic mavbeba4rrati)i.'Sc'..r,pinviDrtlie Venimure. Prepared only at rj A- i;; B LAHORATOUV, TnR OLD HTAND.fcevcjiJji$;t.reeLkv Chestnut, Philadel phia. and r4d by all tiie respectitMe L'rorgisu in tha u muni Ewatea, general n genu tor ine , .. BCiflKFi ELIN BK0TI1E niyt deodsm no William st.,Vew ork. Consnmpticn Cured. f ALLY'S Inhalin is used in the cure of rfi.es.ea 1 ' of the I nnrs- - rVorn en the breast, tbe tient of ilia rioay eauses an cvaporauini, wr.n-- win De corrstantly by the patient, passing gently into all the air e.lls aaa. nuinh v wr lungB, ana 'i in g erery psrt wun a sooiuing and BesKg vjpor, wnne tne patient i taking Daily's Extract of Uiiimm; or Honey Syrup, for the cough and debility, and hi H.iajn U V3lirt'), for Fie rmpure state oi ir.e niooa. ii is ifinn. lens nat ny in haling marsh miasma, or noxious vapors or air, lij l ings become J sit not equally true that. UptViug' tha lung with aa invisorating and heating medicuic, wul . reeuw-- loera 10 ueaieur lr. Daity keeps on band a general supply or Family Medicine el hi a comjpi , focure disease in eirlent to cur rtiinaee. DaRV Faa;Ux Pr.ti',e. 8J4 Darea pnee fie dollars, can be bad at Daily's rsin fcytnu::r le- - pot, No. 7Htoni street, between Market and Jeflerson. leb? H - IAil,v, m. D. .7 J3BXRY V7BBEI2, NO.ieoTfcsrdirtreet.reiletjea Jfo. TO Market street. ..-- .. . . CIJPPINtJ, RLErDlXG. TOOTH .DilAVi'IMIAltD LECMINO, Mr. Henry Weber will be at all times ready to wait vn ' ' be ladies. myiadu : ; 1L . 0 0 K , IT ERE i : - ? 4 A. JAEGER It CO, ' K: 119 and 121 Fourth itrtt, Mozart Building, ia. tt A v e. tne largest ana iei seiecieq sioct f jol French China.- decorated and fancy i . gilded, aud plain and white Oval Kliatx.. j of Dining vare, BreakUst and Tea ware ,on hand in the city. Also keep eont tuntiv on band Paif Ve: Colognes: Candlnslick:'; Mugs; Motto Coffees; Ct aid fn ssed Glassware; Cutlery Umt-f- Girandoles; Lampat te'fr-lv'ste- d Goods; firiUnrna' Ware, c Itmiun China, Dtnii.f , T't and Toilet waro from the eeiebrated manufactory ! J4r.es Et'ward Meujh a 80a, and Farneuell a Co., of the Hti.r"p,!iir Pmeeriaa. flncland. and a re.nera assortment of eon.mA ;sr:lieniware,tor eonu mrruimnia. Tne can attention f their large and splendid asscrt-ae- of ey descnpGon of goods. Thei rpnees will be found unasually lov, and their stoek in Pint of variety and clegaaea eaonot be exceed by any Western house, give them a eali. - A. JAEr-i- a a co.,rog.vtH5ii, -- sajU . Acaiandm Foojxb tuL ' - 1. JURANSPQRTATI ON, 1 1 fifiicuii iw js iin : rr a mimut - AJ' . M,,U JVVV?-- v. -- vAwuBMitoiUMwn;.., RAILROADS. i SCJlsmEIX AUUAJi CEMENT. 3 DaUy Pattcnfer TrRiniSnBdafi Kxcepte a. ON and after Monday, Apdil 7th, 196S, Trains WiU rua aa via: . . FIKST TRA1M K avea Lotinville at t o'clock. A. M.. stopping at all regular stations and lft minute for break taTange, and arrive at Lexington at 11 o'clock, A. 51. Ketumuig, leavr Lexington at 2:3j o'clock P. AL, stopping at ail regular stations, uiwl a rives at Louiiville at 7:J0 o'clock, P.M. Passeneers br flua Train Muinivt at Vminenes wirh Stages for New Caatle, Dreunon Sprinrt.aiid tfhelbyville; uri,u,iiiii wiui stage ui Versailles, tiaroinsvuic, iaw. renceburg. Harrod-biir- and Danville; at Payne's with stages for Georgetown; and at lexuiglon wmii stages for iiuicueEier. njoiint Merting, uwmgsvnie, iticnmond, lr- - vine, Nicho(avUle, Danville, Lancaster, Crab Orchard, btaulorit, London, KarbouriviHe, and all pointfi nouih; by railroad for Pans, Falmouth. Covmrton and Mayirviile. hECOXD TRAIN leaves Louisville, at S:30 o'clock, P. In., gtopping at Smith's Htation, Lagrange, and all sta- tions east ot Lagrangn, and arrive at Lexinirton at 7:20 o'clock, P. M. Returning leave Lexington at 6:18 o'clock A. M., stopping 20 minutes lor breaktant at I' rank-fo- rt and ai all stations east of Lagrange aud at Smith's ciaiiiiii ouit wei ot L.agrnnge, arriving at i,ouisviiie at 10:30 oVlock, A. M., in cloi-- connection by ibuly mail line of steamboat for aU point on the Ohio, MuHiitsippt.aiid Mimouri rivers; also by Jetfi ronvi!le and New Albany railroads with Inuianapnlis, Clticaro, Terra Haute, Ht. Louis, Keokuk, Burlisigton Rock Inland, Ga- lena, Dubuque, and all the principal towns ui Uie MorUt-w-- t, THIRD TRAIN faccomBXHlHtirm) leve Iiuiuville at 4:60 o'clock, P. M.. etoppmg at all regular ctauons, fair grounds, and at VVa?hburnV. and arrives at Laerance at 6:2? o'clock, P. M. Keturiiing, leave Lagrange at 6:66 o'clock, A. nopping at the same station, and arrivea ai Lrfniisviue at 7:w e'clockA. At. Freight trains leave Louisville at 3:15 o'clock A. M., and Lexinrton at 6 i5 o'clock A. W., oaily.Siin.-fa- excepted. Fire by first and second train, about 4 emu par mile; a UiNCOur.lof nearly S5 per cent, is allowed for tlcketa. Fare on accommodation tram, about I cents per mile, and near 33S per cent, is allowed lor tickets. For any further information, please call at the depot, corner of Brook and Jetteraoattreeu, Louisville. SAMUEL GILL. an Supt. L. a P., and L. a F. R. K. To' Chicago, St, Louis, Cairo, &c ' New Albanyand Salem JIallrend. EX PRESS Train will leave New Albany daily (8un excepted) at A. M.. runnidr dtrsctlv THRoeon to Cirtuo. stortins- at Salem. Orleans. Bedford. Bloom- - ingtonGo8pbrt,Greencastle. Crawfordsville, Lafayette, and Michigan City making direct connection at Chicago raul, Milwaukee, Kock island, Iowa Crry, Burlington, with 51 icluian Central Railroad forbetroiu BulTalo. Ni agara Falls, Albany. New Vork City, Boston, ac. This man also connect at Greeneaiith with trains ol Terre-Haut- e and Kichniond Kailroad for Terre-Haut- t nirt.li ne, cvansviiie, niuio, m. Lioais, uairo, e., pinn- ing the shortest and cuxArxsr route frotu Louisville to these points, r u - i nroum ucaeta ana truiiu information mar be bad Rttheorhce. No. 65J Main street, between Herond and Third, Louisville. Passenaera bv leavinv their names there will he called for in any part of the city and conveyed to the Depot ia si ew AiiMuiy VTimmi luiuinnnai enarsrt. JOHN B. ANDERSON, Superintendent. K, I?txviis, General Ticket Agent. lennir GaireiUL Tickit AerwT' T)paiTiiBirT,1 iiuie iiiiaoii ana Columbus and Xeuia K. K--, Cincinnati, Jan. 34, la. rgH E night Train east of Columbus, ha vuie been tempo- - . A ranly suspended, will ccinraence running regularly on ana niter 1 r.nrsaay, January Mtn, making cou- - nc'ti'ins 10 auairoui ail tne eastern ciuee, as neretotore. Three Daily Lantern Trains EiMes at . M.; Express Mail at 10 A. M.: Night Express at 0 P. M Jan29 P. VV.rtTiiADLK.GeneralAgent. Louisviilo & Ifaelivllle Kailroad fOrrica Locuvn lk a N g p vill R. K. Co. i Louisvilie-JCiu-- Ji ie4th,136l. 1 fiNTlL further notice but one train wi.l be run on the k Louisville Nashville R.ilroad. The train will iiwiii an.t ...ti viiua, rwi, UIC AJefejl ill IjOU- - isville, at the corner of Ninth and Broadway stri ets, at 1:46 P. M., for tiie junction with the Lebanon Brazen, a atstaiice ot iruieh. returning, win iev .ne juucuob at :o r. nx., ana arnve hi Lionisvine at 0:1 a l' il. JAS. F. GAMBLE, bupenniendetit. An Omnibrjs Line will connect with the trains on this road, and will take pnsenyers trom and to ay place with in the city limits. The ofhee of the Omnibus Line is a Owen's Hotel, corner of Fourth srj Jr:'.ersn etreets, and by leaving notice there, passengsr will be promptly called tor at any nouse in uie city - jee THE SHORTEST AND MOST DIRECT ROUTE TO THE EAST FROM L0UIS7LLLE. Central Ohio and Baltimore and , Ohio Railroads, r BErNO THE ONLY ROUTE by which hrorif h ticket WASHINGTON CITx - can be procured, to which point, as well aa to BALTIMOBE. it is the shortcut, most direct, and ta every respect the muni rename route. 11 u tne oniy route vy wntcu pur cuaacrs 01 uiruugit acaeis to ' NEW rORK ' are enabled to reach the citic of BALTLM0KE, PHILADELPHIA. aud NEW YORK ' at the cost of a ticket tn New York only, thus euabling business men and traveler for pleasure or inlbrniaiiuii to visit four of the principal cities in the Union for Lisa cost this can aa arroanxii by sy othkr aovTC iu addition to these great advantages, the inducement offered lo travelers iu tiie prompt aud emcitii manage- ment uf trains on this route must not be lost sight of; soil- ed to which the grUhdt'Jr ot the scenery of KkmiIhI'-- to be met yvitb in traversing tlie Baltimore and Ohio Bail-ru- are such as are afforded by no other hue of travel in the world. Tbree Dallr Tralnal ' PjcDgers going East from Louisville may proceed by tue V. S.ioail ste$u;ers to CinCirinati, and there take tue railroad to connect w itrj thi Uhe,'br niay leave Lot:Uvitl4 by the JettersanvUJe Bajlrpad direct, arrij'iiig ih time tu connect with eitherfhe A, M., 10 A. M., or 6 P.' M. 'train of the Little Miami Railroad for CoiiynVius, (.giincciriig there Willi the4Jentral Ohio Railroad tiirntigh rark and Zanesville for MetAir, on the Ohio, four mile lroia Wheeling. From this phice the eotuiectioi) wilh the Bal- timore aiul Ohio Railroad u made direct. By the Express Train of this route the tune lrotu Cincinnati to Baltimore is but So',1 hoars, and to Washington is bat 37 hour. Baggage checked from Cincinnati to Baluinore, and Washington City. should be 'particular and inquire for tickcuviaCOLIJM BUS and W HEELING, as no other route cas ncarr, through Ba!timore or Washington City to New York, thou representations to tiie contrary standing.. ...... S-Fa-rt at low at ly any other route. ' FOR THROUGH TICKETS. Apply on bosrd the l d. mail steamers, which leave Louisville eve y day at 12 o'clock, or at the office of the Jehersonville Railroad, hy way of the Jeffersr-nville- , Ohio and WjsKiseirpi.and Little Miami Railroads A.10 in 5fl!;e offices of the Little Miami Railroad. No. 3 Burnet Hou( 'fc'pnnj door west of Vine street; No. 177 Gibson House HiUlfliMg.ariJ fijd ofhee, southwest corner Broadway and Front stret, 'GPFDSI'FS the Spencer House; and at the Eastern (Little Miami) Depot, Fast Front sheet. ' At VV heeling, or Ben wood, four mile below Wheeling, the passenger take the superior car of the Baltimore ami Ohio Railroad, which leave three tunes daily at 7:3oA, M.,4:jP. M., at P. AL-- lor Baltimore. Washington, FhUadelphie and New Vork, making t !ose aud sure con- nections to all points. East and sioutn. For sai speed, regularity, beauty of the country and general comfort, this road is second to none in the Union. FRbU.'l'T's With the largest equipment of any rail- road in the. timet. !;ct"s, the company u prepared to do ail immense business' iii Uie ur.n."rrtation ot freights, which are carried with care and dsfcpatcii. ,.d a. -- tis as low as those of airy other first class line. The rond ifiike unincuniw coiiorcuon airnewnarve ana in tlie slieets of Baltimore, wti tlie railroad and New York, ateatneu rivw. ,u and Baltimore hiearvup Company's Lines, by cann) and sea m Nr 'or!; aii Boe-- steaners to Norfolk, i:iiarlestoii,- - Savahnali. tti:. For particular, sue trtif ht tariff, copies of which may be hud ot eny ot the forwarding hnases in th West. , VVM. d.WOODdlDEiMasiur of Transportation,- - BaUiniore and Ohio Kailroad, ' JOHN M. HHARPE. n jU M General Western, Agents. -- .,1854. - --- . EAGL.E FOUIVDKiT. i:J kim wi.txa.ca j. a. itTHoow j. BiaaTTHoa:' WALIeACn, laTTHOOW A CO., fiTQ.Yr, jRHAT.w, COPPER, TIN, BH AND " TIfJMiV-..VARJ- MANlfFACTURERV Ko, 535, Ifitfhye$xVfttr ifxm and Third ttrtdA Louiarlllipt sty". ' , : ' iN calling tbe attention of dealers tn our Une In this mr we would state that during the last six months our attention has been direcb-- d to geihng up a large number ot new Stove and Grate Patterns, which, added to our al ready larce stock. Xives us one of the most extensive ami diversiiierj aasovoneiitsin the vesusrn miukeL, Among the number, we would refer to o ir "Ashland K'niirklrai' Cook Stove, (three sir.ea out.) These Stoves have great weight of metal, lug. fly finished and Hegant in appear- - 1 nry eiuuuuio ail uie mnuein lUlBruVCmvilU Uiat pra liicj! e henence has developed. v eou1 wjtu' dealers to call and eiannt6'rr thera-selv- and weVuJ&tft-ite&.Y- t V'"m, kc, tfiey can be suited. Having eniarge.T0i;f wanfijtarliif we can promptly meet all demands. ThafikTuriir in n, , , rone ge which has been so kinkly bestowed upon us, we trust, bv strict and prompt auemion to all onfers. tn cure a continuance of iu Aud the quality of our manufao-ure- d work shall be, as heretofore, equal if not superior to the best, and saLsfacaon given in all ca see. ...1 - WALLACE. L1TUGOW a CO. Blank Boos: LCanufictory antfae&eraS Sindm; Entablifeiiment. 'Zf??, WEBB, CHJ.a LEVERING; 691 MiTa J! stresn. S(."1tliHie. Jiree doom lulnai T ..rH niaruiiiture t:. tiv.ii ofBlank Books, and" keen eonstn.ai n.and j larre axarrtment . lor BSjee:ner at wnoiesaie or raii. i. i ' Merciia iis sn,1 others wishing B!ati Book made to or- der ciiil heTj,e.a raled aad bound to any pattern, and etvle. . pagedtn bbtsfifrrl tW'te&'nf - , Every dest riptioii of ij Vpod rca- - onable terms. . Steamboat Books of all kinds constantly kept An hand and made to order at short notice of the nneM material Counirv Merchants are invited to examine our stock cn-prisi- a large assortment ' of School,- - Miscellaneous, and Blank Books, Piper, stationery, aen all of iviiu-- will te cold on reasoualila terms. . , v - . WEBB,C1LL aLKVERING.; apr2 Booksellers anrfe1 ,k B.ioH Makers. A Cara to tbe ladles. . f" VlGLItI annotmce to the La-J-'- die of Lrruisvmv and "tirrjunding country, that ahe will shortly be prepared to i.rrer M titfm the largest and most assortment of MilUnery Gnm.j, , tn this eitv. ller taste in utHmrpHased Irni s!) He would Sjik to inure her fhvor, is a call from lb Sk4 :fj at present in New Fork, and due. notice will be ftyen cfior r;:'irn, or receipt of Good. Be nn the aertN0.4iJ Mvet street, titween Fturth and Fnih., UVUlif Fttf RAL.Fi a wt jii neeona can tcp Uyggy c:jn be had at a Ur- - ra. hy immediate) sppiicatnia to tle ram age opf Hugh Jlfsrhn, corner of Sum and bw) aiieeis where it niaybeaeen. j s - k u n.yir Great Excitement . i CTILL eontiniiet at tha sign of the "Golden Hand.' Just receivesj by Express another large assortment of Gent's and Boys' Clothing. This will be positively the olay in your Clothing, aa I am closlnj (t out at the verr owest prices. ; GEO. BLANCH AktD, . Bouthweet corner Becond ani Mam sts, y3 , Opposite the Gait House. ' A FI2AV .TIOKE LKFr. ' vrrTj ATtheSign of the "Golden Hand," e Potmt.iin Svrinre. Also. Balhtnir ADtmraiiisej. I h demand beinc so great, I advise you to call soon ( desire one. Gulla Ferrha Floor Ciotlis Piano Covers c.,ac. . GEO. BLANCH AKD, J.'L goiitliwest torner econn an.t num s. n. D. nucn, . . ; . (SroceortoGaliaghe k Hi,.) .. ' " IV HOLES ALR GROCER, and Comiaissioa Merchant, V tiaalar la iSrara. Foreta and Domestic Liunor. Fo. iAlaia sasei, between aertnth and a.finh,Lou niia, ay, io aw. -- TRANSPORTATION. i to pittsbeugh in. u nocRa hT0 PHILADELPHIAursd 3t HOUBS. TO BALTIMORE IN 30 3-- 4 HOfJBS. .LITTLE MIAMI RAILROAD, .VIA COLDilBUS. rpIIE Llula Miaaii Via Corambus being the shortest JL route;, enafcie aunil'on.i and saf speeds Cor.necuun I are certain, and passengers have lull tiute for me&i. ny any other route fioin Cuichinati, a dangerous speed la re quired a tin compenea to overcome disuuce, vuk:u rooJiea connections uncertain. The Cohtmbus being eichistveJy an Eastern route, the Time Table of the Eastern Koeas are arranged so. ma in trect connection. . Passenrers from bv rhe Rellf.mtaine and For- - rest Route, depend on Train from Indianapolis and Fort Wayne 10 go tart, and ride over the roughest Koada in Ohio to get to Creatiuie. ' THHEE DAILY TRA1ITS, ' "At e a. in., 10 a. m. ana Ml First Train I.whlnil.,FiKr.u I btu Miaiai Unilmad leave l.ineinnaei at o'clock. A. Columbus, Crests hue, Pittsburgh, Lancaster and Fbiiadelphia, Harn&burgn ami Daiiiiuoie. u ii : i .'.,.' u ... Thi Train is the only Lirhtning Express Train, leaving Cincinnati with reliable connection to the East. Second Train Express, Little Mianu- Kail road, leaved CuicinnKti at iO?clock, A. to. tbraii the above places. Tin 1 rain leaves Cincinnati two Hot a later than aay fberroute, and makes the same connection. inua 1 rain iSight fcipress Little Miami Kailroad, leavea Cincinnati at o'clock P.M., for all the above . . - . place. - - - - - Tin Train leave Cincinnati oira ft oca later than any other route, and makes the same connection. i ne luittie Miami 1 the only Eastern Depot at Clncia-at- i. AUother Depots at CinciuuRti are Western.. ' COlt TllklirCIl TII'LTTU And alUnfornMition, please apply at the Little; Miami and tovington and Lexington Office, Now X Burnet Houee, eeonddoor west I me, No. m Gibson House; and Old Vu"--i suuuicjusi turua oroaaway and rront, opposite the Spencer House, ... 1 p. W.flTUADER. aeiffltr - . : . , General Agent. .V 5 GREAT" '; ITortherria Sastern and Western RAILROAD ROUTE, VIA, JEFFERSONVILLE rILROAD, SHORTEST QUICKEST AND MOST DIRECT ROUTE TO ' Indlarapolia, Lafayette Chicag S Detroit, gAiena, xwva. uuuiu, jLtuiiiiiju, virtrtanau, vieve-- , land, BuSklo. Xw York, B M'on, Pittsburgt Baltimorfi, Waahlngton, Philadelphia, Terrs , Haater Viacennea Evanarille, Cairo, Surinz- - field, St Louis, kc. ; - rpf I E Jeffprsonville Raihoad Is laid with heavy T nfl ind well bHllaate4, and i well stocked with superior Loco- motive and Cars, and ha evsrv faeiiitv ff.r n,,kin.mii.i time and mire connection. It is the .honest rouu by Ti miles bctwecaJisvi:.e;.ndCbicaro, and is the only Kailroad ronte froa Loutsvtile to Ot. Louis, and trom Lou- isville to the EaM. Two Train daily (Sundays excepted) to Indianapolis.' One, .do ; do , do do-- . - Ctnctrtnari. Ot nnd after Monday, May 6th, train will leave ae jiyai 1 ium.. maianapous Express) leave jefler-sonvil- lc at o:16.a. m.,at'djnves at Indianapolis at 11:30. aT un ewiuniire-iiui- i iui uie Liaiayeue ana ttiui anniHili. KHilro.nl fnrl.a.'o.ut... a r....... t.. .,t. the 1 erre Haute and Richtn Raioaii for Terre Haute. BL Louts, ac; with the Indianapolis and Belkfontfne and the Indiana Central Railroads tor Wheeling, Pittsburg, 3"iiigiou, 1 uuautina, Uicveiana, nuncio, fECONb TRAIN.-Cincln- Exprea leave le at2:3o, p. m., and arrivesat Cincinnati at 3:30, p. 111., iiiiuuiig voioievuou oie next morUU', WIUV the Little Miami and the Cincinnati. Hamilton and Davu.-- l'.:lroads tor oimii)tM, Dayton, CievcUn.!,. Ilurtalo, New York, Baitiru'ire, kc - . , ' THI liD TRAIN I.vm lur.....nii. .,m . aaQrhrrivea at ladiansrr-- at 7:6, p. m, making njeel conueetioti the saute evenina; with the Lafayette and la- - u.a.inrmB n.,iMTiii, ii v inr nun, wiui we t erre rta'i'3 and Richmond Railroad for the vest, ami Uta ln.unapo-h-s and Beiielbnttine and fndiaoa Central Railroad for the aw.w. , Time Sr.ra LouisviEa triaJeCcrsonvii'.e Railroad to Ind!1iiapilis, 1 - w - , Ciucuiiwu, 6 I 2 hours; Lafayette, 7 hours . : ' Terre Haute; 8 hours; Chicago, is hour: - ' ' . ' -- ' psjiii L.onts; it bottrsf -- , Cleveland, 14 ' " hours: - , i,i " BurTa.0, ?1 hour; . ' ' Nev York, 4 hour; ., Boston, 40 2 hours; " - . . ' 7 - FKtsburr, 19 !wurs;t ' . Philadelphia, 3H hoar! Wheeling, 15 hours; ' " Baltimore, 32 honrs; ' ' Washington Bagvige eheca-c- throng?! from Jeifersourlile to lxiiiaa &poiH slid C'ncwnsu. FREiCHT8.-- By a recent errapgeaif nt with the M. a L. R. R. Co., the JefteMon'TVie Company now tut tv.r own Loeonerties, Cars and through to over ttie M. a I. R. R. trom Etlinburg. which greitJy faciiitrtes the transportation of freighu. The attention of merchants shipping freighu North and East ie called to tiiis route, and tiie advantage it offers. . For through tieketi and information in regard to freights, apply at the office, 665 Main street, Louisville, Ky., . O. NORTON, Agent, or at the Depot in Jerlersonviile. B. M. LEMONT. Master of TranHTorafion. mhlidi? SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. . 1856.cn,mentll,g Iudai'' Mr ,p,18iG COLUMBUS AND XENIA RAILROAD. Excluaively an Eastern Rout, On and after this date the ? MIAMI, VIA C0LUMBU3, I THS OXLY' dIRFCT ROITTE tn and froth Cincinnati nd Cfeyelaad I he c.nfy route running cara into- - the Laku Jihore Depot t Cleveland, and. he oniy rout with iini- - fnrm guage fjoiu Cincinnati (o Cleveland, Dunkirk arid Butfalo. BV ANY OTHER ROUTE CJevelsn passenger go Via Mr ndusky, and depend ou trains frota Chicago-an- Toledo to go East, break guage at Sandusky and terry ftosa OldObioCilyto Cievelaud. , THE LITTLE MIAMI, YIA COLUMBL'8, lithe only route with reliable tonneetion tor and front CINCINNATI and PITTS RCRG. , BY ANY OTHER ROUTE, Pittsbufg possenrers de- - at Bciletontaineor Forrest on tram from Inaiajoapo-- and Fort Wayue, to go East. : THE LITTLE MIAMI, VIA COLL'MBL'3, IS THE OXIY ROUTE to and from Cincimtaii and WHEELING or 81 LBENVILLE. THE LITTLE MIAMI. VIA COLUMBUS, I tub Oklv Routs to and from Cincinnati, Columbus, Crestline and Cleveland, with Lightning Express, with- out change of cars. - Tlii is a great comfort to Ladies and Families. THE LITTLE JW1AMI, VIA COLUMBUS, BEIVS'TUP gHORTES ROUTE from Cincinnati to the East, aiiuiie-iU- l ;i5iA sfB ppc I is maintained. Con- nection are certain. ," ', I BY ANY OTHER ROUTE from Clncinnau a dm.,. mi. speec is requireu tu overcome aistance ana delaya necessary in changing passengers and baggage at Forrest, Handucky, and ferrying ut Old Ohio . - THROUGH TICKETS WHEELING. . vu FflTSBURG. - . j . DUNKIRK, ' t . BUFFALO, and ... MAGARA FALLS, 4 o au in. Bieu.n c.iCJ. :w . ' ihreadiyEastefn traina at A. M A. 41., grid FIHTTBAIN-Clevela- nd, Pittsburg, Srcubenville and Wheeling Lightning Ejuress. Isaye Cmciiiiiali altf A. frr all tha Lantern. ciUe. Also, Detroit, via Cleveland; rjpringheldi VV ilmiiigton.CircleviJle, Lancaster aud Zanoa-vill- e; Chtllicothe and Alliens. Thi train stops between Cincinnati and Columbus at Leveiand, Morrow, Xeuia. and London only. 7 SECOND Pittaburg and Wheeling Express Mail, leave Cincinnati at 19 o'clock, A. M., via viecinu, i iiixiHirraua v neeung. Tor-a- the Eas'ern cities. This train si ops at all points between Cincinnati and Columbus. r ,. ., THIRD TK.V.IV Accommodation, leaves Cincinnati at k30 o'clock P. M. for Springfield: Wilmington, Circlevf ana i,aneasier: e tiiincotne, and llillsboron rh. This train stops st all points between Cincinnati and iSprinrfield. FOURTH I'll VI N Cleveland and Pittsburgh Night Express, leaves Cincinnati at o'clock P. M. via Cieve- - mau ana riusourg.ior ail tn tastern cities. Thi train stops iiiu pointa oetween i inciiiiiau and Culumous. (Jhe UZiU 0B Z CJ M J:?0 o'c'ock P. M., for Colt bus. - ' ...... Tminj run by Coluuu. us tuna T niiiiute nuter than fcia- -j IlUUUl. . , . ' fare ae lew as br any other ltotita. ... . . Til ROUGH TICKETS Anrl all Infomiatioc can be obtained st tie new nfflxa. TSn Burnet Hoiwe, aecond door west of Vine street; No. 177 runt omce, uitsn tiouse nuuiitng, anil old otfiee.soutli-eas- t coiner Broadway :.. id Front street, OPPOSITE the Ppencer Hons, or at the Estem (Little Miami) lepot Cai r I'nii sireei. - r i Office hours frOm J A. M. until P. M. I . , " P. W.S rRAiillR, General Agent, Calls lor passenger at all every train. By leaving d 21f&uT omce. WaU call Kr peav; out fad. niySidtf' .:: ..... Comiueior. 1 tt I Boot arid Shoe MANUFACTORY, Fifth street, oppo- site the Court House, Louisville, Ky. 1 nvemrf-retlir- all anH . r. rv A.i. r.. nr n and 1 .ents' nne boots .ma uttrs. AKo, Ansse. and ChiMrenf J noes and Goitnru rnn. rruer, am w irrantrsf! a goj nu 1 am a pracucal me-- . r lmirt-- . aim rjrnmiaciure an ratunni' D.';; .:nj emr rif re lr 1 the best workmen. 1 rt ine t ir i.'t t, fo bnsmfM ej r,crr- ;.ril sbr"e, by making a good arule nni deioDgu svaixj'i.iicxiir-ir.inrcrirrr'-c- s. r "1 j . a H. pifrwul j jannaiy oPlHtsit the Court House. I - f 1 , T0i. fAS and tvo Market treet, betweenJ Floyd anO 1 Frflston. north aide. Louisville, Ky., manufacturer jf, and wholesale and retail dealer in every oi flr.e and ftim-- r Korinture. I keep corstantlv on hami a hr and vsric.l stock of K".ewoof, Muliogany, Oak anil Vvai-ni- tf Fuitureom arising every article for rioii.sehoMptrr-rse-9. A iso, niasilt y, :. rer of every description oi cHton , Suuck and arrays u?U ul'Ulc.to ClcksI Ct,oct ! I kep ' a' ge.srai assortment 0' ciocg tt tne Miestann mot improved style. . 1 ttirtj hour ana eignt ojecis1 w vraniea to run regular and keep good time. r Aid. manufacturer of Plaia. Lined and Ornamental ColJins, febyered to ord-r- .) ' ,, i 1 ni ai waVJ pfrpaftd to furnl th a tOod Hearse with any ti ber of Carrigt s ijiat rr(ay be XyajueJ, shfl ncc?- -- Orders suited Bh4 HHcd with projpptnesa, op short ao- - tiea. Thankful for the many psst fitror from Die cicieo of Lt'Uiviile, ar.rl hop ty inct attention tn bu.ines. and, seiliug a good arucie at tairprices, to snare and merit a ontiiiiiiice ci jae aauie. ' utoKi.r, ihj.i. , an'Hdif No gRS and srAl Markrtstre, Hew Arrival of FrencQ China, Olase '..;..::.;. ana Tea. ware,. r a, w nave luit iseeivrxt frntil the ' M Bln-r- Le nfacturer of rara tr ranc; rna laie.i j r ii styles of gilt and nlain l white eai stiaes 01 y j -- f Tea. Brr aKfnst and neantiiul supply of Bhetl Colognes, Holly VVaier Ponds. Jewelry Ca-- e, Vases, Watch and SneH Boxes. Cigar and At.h Stands, ac, together win. a large ana beautiful stock of Waiters, t'ntlery and Silver-plat- 4 Castors, all of which we will sell at very low price. cahand aaamia. m, . fc ca i ....r,.. uasnd lit rm.rrli sire- -t ITllf aH TEAS. Jst received, 80 package orsuperto A Green ad Black Te; Innore and for sale by j7w , AfciufO.NDA.saFotMthstrsat, 17 E 4 - ' - r v. J 11 Si-- . ' iT r . '"A' ,i aJ : -- ' " - OTnn ' ' ' ' - P.SAMON, llx3t., Toot. Groon cto XvLel HAHUFACTUBER OP CAPITALS ami BASES for CoIarcE, TRtBSl BRACXETS, WINDOW CAPS, enrichrcntj for Comiccfl, Gothic OrnaraenU, Cbimne jtop .Jlow-a- r Pot3, Vawa, Jtc, a8ortmt to U iea at tba . .' ALSO : 1 Woris. ' ' .' '1 Plain and l ' a Vy ctden for PUaterin? Smcco fcr Utekjr (dacoration promptJy atteaJed to. " O" Plaatr Pari, tor at tb loweat' auh priee. IiirORTES Coach and Saddlery, jQkJNTTT KM RRACIa 5laruiig, llamts. Band, at'.ng, caddie Bag aua Collar Leather. Ai), wholesale r of Haddlee, mng. r ire Lagiite bjhI biearoboat H,t, " Hides and l eather, in Tough, bought ZJ- - Sauueery W are.huse,4a Mam street. jr.- - . . rractical FianpForte Makei ' 4 FTrTi STREET,. BETWEEN JIARSET AND JZ77EES0X, LOIILSYILLE, KT. HAVING been egared in the majiufacttirlng of Piano Tortee, in the beat MannrVmrie of the 2o years, I teel eoi!idei:t tiiat.lrom my long exDerteuce. I can .j ,.i . ug. .My rianoa are. Mantifaernred trom the istinaair.al, w:th fall nti.e inme ant riiiil iim. ,.j T JT;. tliem equal l.i every respect to any n titnt n.anafi tHred ta Ute United Jtalns. 7, de:ee exts rienced worsmen. Dealers, schools, sennnar?, and the ro eio .fnrfJ 7!Tl fPited no J. F. JACK&ON.oratthe VVsreraoss, D. P. FALLI's,R Mam ittM.wna,:. Tihl SLV. Z ""'J1 purchasers r,n alwaj s aee a& aaaonrnent and compare them --T- Canfield, Brother & Co., vraoLaaaxs ihtpuarsajs, aid tat- - TV 9 I ' - 7atche3, Fine Jewelry, SUyer and Plated-Wai- e, Mili- tary and FAKCY. GOODS. 121 UaJtiniore at., eon of Cttarlna St. KAtiTlJiOltE. HyConnlry BiereLastasaf pUei allia vei j lowosi rate. ra.y2 rjy 1. CCavtb(.b. Wv.B. CAfBtrea. Joa.H. McaaaiTW CM. JOKBS M .J.T. BOOT ; JONES & ROOT, ' OOtfMlSSIOJf, F0RW4EDI50 AUD PECJ5C2 KEEOEAHTS, cond Bt., between Main and Water ' XOUISYILLS, KY. JS dly E. ft J. MeDEfitfUTI CORNER OF FIFTH AND MARKET STREETS LOriSVII.LE. KT DEALERS in Family Groceries, choice Teav Coffee. aud every thing usually kept ia tbe Groeery ine.- ' Thankful til onr r.l.l fKenHVsn.f en t.lm.ra trr tKei J rr- ronage, we hope by strict attention to baaine to abar and merit aeontuiaance oi tbe me. ap2 dtt H.M.J. McDERMGTT. John & Hugh Irvine, LUMBER MERCHANTS. nAVEfor s! at their L:nher Yard (the obleat in the n street, im tweeu Haacrvk and t;lay, north side, a I irge and superior stoek of VV tiot Ptna Hoards, Fine .Shingles, Cellar Foata, ae., and all kiad ol Lumber suitable lor bunding. VV e have alsom operation a Planing Machine, a4 are always ready to turnisn t hsunng and ilresaed Lumber t all kinds. from the cotmrry will be promptly attended to, and tbe Lumber shipped Without deisy. JOHN . HUGH IRVINE. aptC dtf VVaingtonst. bet. and ClaT KOTIC2, FT AV1NG sold my stock of Drugs, Medicine- -, Ii my brother, Andrew Stewart, I would respecuuliy nncit lor nun a comtiruance 0 tne patmnar so i!reni!i beetowed upon me. GEO. S. 6 TEVVART. ASDREV STEWART, WR0LISALS ASP aiTAlt. Worihaui Mmr of Market and JifLh ttrtett. LOUISVILLE. KY. OtT-- kind of co.inuy produce taken ta exchange, oeiadtf . wutthima. a. a. wtBrsa WINCHESTE1T ft CO., ' IM PORTE lid AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN iIRANDIES, WINES ft CIGARS Together with a full assortment of ; Fancy Goods, Notions, &c ' Also, Depot for Wicbester'a Kentucky Liniment. Corner ef sixth and iIaln Stree OTXk kiaC. .vx. aco. noxxrs : EINE& DOELTZ, DEALERS IN IMPORTED CIGARS, Pipes, CheiTing Tobacco, SauT, anl Manufac . tuirrt of Snicking Tobacco. Depot of D4.LTILIQEE TOBACCO, ' Ko. tS, Vifth streit, near iiirket,' tJUlnVJLLE,KY 4a dtf MARBLE STATUARY! i D. NEVIS, - SCULPTOR & CUTTER ' IN ALL KINDS OF MA11BLE. Fancr Wo r sr. In JIant,e.piec,Tnta itoues & oroameDtai ai'topryr tne parmnmrw of Cic eitzen ot Lcu'.vnle SOLICITS g. iiera.! to hi hamleome and eleganiiy uiteii ecalsishm MiUon Ji T-i'- it 'reet, I etwee n r'.urtu and F ifbi. He p!;i;ge hi tHih to be prompt hi any and all order given turn, and wul guarantee ms work to stand eoiriparuruu with any done Una side of Mason a Diiov's B.i. m't D- NKVIM . li.MJLut ii;iniiia: , ATTORNEY AT LAW, NO. 5 COURT PLACE, : LOUISVILLE, EY. febaKdti City Erevrrr and Larer Beer Caloon, sith st., trstween natn and lilTr. 1 am rrr-ra- tr.f nru',,i K.rkenArsan.-- t othAr...&d I peUa oosfrjuinee cf UairDatronaro. n.r. 1 wuipaytaa aiaest maiactpnAeiB eaa ir.r t.ir.ay. WH. X7. HTJIKTGS, WnOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER I.S me and Poplar Lumbor, TV 1 Cll r THI I lntr.nl iAATirtrr Viiinfritl llr a. A CORNER OF ORE EN AND CAll?3ELL ST3. JLOUlVIL.L.KT. ap5" dti Li LEVENSON & BRO. - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL . . OliO.TillW.G Tj;ojt.a-L"t- s fll'Sou-.- h S;1a iTarket gtrtet, LcrauTUIc, hj Gents' Furnishing Goods, ' iiOVaAWl CIIII.DKE?lCI.OTni.XO, SHIRTS. DRAWERS, COLLARS, HANDSF'S, CATLPEX DA03, THUT3, Ac. Ac. fy-- G eats' Garments made toot derat th very shortest Born e. - atari tj BELL. HANGING, LOCS REPAIRIX0 AND GENERAL J0S2INO ... , . WORK, . . r. iiARKEit, : : i00 JatXaraen ntreet. btwtea PixtJa .ai seventu. dtf - - ...,. Aafmryi t i i ..v. 1 , 1 or by ; Ornamental Plavslema, ' " ' nil tf WAREHOUSE;.; AND DEALER IX r Hardware . and Leather Here, Mack and tkn Bridle Carter- - u , " '" Dime,., Trunk., parent atrteh4 1 ..,K..i warranted ot as gooi quality and at as iowpncea . aad sold. J7 Jawtf aitad titalee. with l r.CZ., wbar ianos maninaetured bv oener maker t. n. Koexa. to-- w. rntia. , aao.. nnoan AJraUiXalj7iC T'lSarriari A, VL7aV f ' . M vuivu m. mc v uauiu a ails ure u o MADISON, IA. r. cmcara aten. fceretary. D vit VVniT. IWrrrakt Alerfantiicirire k ilanne Ins. Co. OF COTINflkTO.V, KT. Ao'nC. Ei AXP.rrec7. VV iluxm T. Psnrre, Pre A H Ar-nt- fhr tbe above well kwrwn and responsible la. a sqraiice Cotnparne- -, we w prepared b) tale i m .. Marine rtskepn .aroi-- terma OtbVeon Bfrrea iule of Main street, second Soot heLiW Poarth.over .i.e,; WjiV, J. V. Mxk a .. A -- nu SIGSi PAINTER AND BRAND CUTTER, (At Johnston' Piiutsca' Depot.) No. 5-- Third Srect, ap2 dly L0!JI3Y1LLE, KT. TEtOilAa M. OH V Elf, DRAPE? AXD TAILOR, NVITE?att'-nuofobi- s newatyb. Ppnag and Siwa- - i tf ods for iTuti. eompr.-irr- f Dumor and .Msa,. Fan y a;l colors; Bum-- 7 and simom' black Mum Vntioths, eitia tine, for aNa) ttmiwev Coat. Vrnv d I h- - f -y and p.lack t iimete 10 great car hn?. Party and VV c.ldii.g Ve::,,., Mr,iies and Drilling. tne reach t lot is and Caesiroerea, nv atyle, ail col- ors for bunmes snit winch will be made up to order ae cheip,yaaeaalw ptrrcb3ed of any cloth ng aauausa.. 14 tjiia e,.-- L7-- 7 slain street, between Fourth and Pi:t. Lean. Tkr- - apu WM. F. CRANE, DESIGNER AND Z1AJTUTA CTUH EU OF FIRST CL.VS3 CABINET WARE, Comer of Sixth street and Court Place, L.OUISYILLK, KY, AM orders thaukfbl.'y receivH and promptly attend He O .ft lentlT refer tn h'-- nnmeron. fVrata an4 na. bme.- - rc ui .004 anaiity and variety of ty la 0 r a work. ap4 T. P. HI GHErt. J. H. H CTCHl SON' ' HUGHES & HUTCHISON, WE0LESALE DEALERS LN . Foreigii and Dbmestic DRY GOODS. NO. 433 JXAt STREET, SouTh tlie, betsreea Fufth and SUth strae- - iounriLLE KT. pdtf liiuT uuaen cc onecKier, HESCHANT TaAILORS, ; 30 FOURTH ST. BET. MAIN AND MARKET ' (WErTT SIDE,) LOUI3VTLLB, KT. J and the publie U our stock of Cloth. Casaime. aaj eating, htch we w ill make to order at abort none and on tne mowt reaaonaole terms. Gtveasaeiu nemSerNo. 90 Fourth street, ranrio du E. SOUEEMANN;. FASH 10 FABLE HATTER., 831 market t.,t. Uree a fled , I.OVISVILL, KY. ' I HAVE Just reserved Stoek of Fall and Wn-- U r H.u and Caps, Sott Traveling Hats. Youth Children' Hats an4 C.. anl fsive all that fine J Dr. s Hit. which ise neatest to be (bund in the city at as low price. a"?l inanAiui tor past iaor, 1 nope to.rrajre a ennrrnqan at the aam. E. SOCEKMAAN". oetertlf No. 37 Market Mrce. IJHAi E. HOWE. JA3. WIL9JW V Iff ft A V a a, aj a M m (duceeaeor to E. N. Fuller F Cn.) FORWARDING AL Commission HIerchantrf; H0 J9 EAST FRONT ST., NEAR BROADWAY i .' for Ea.itara Tranjportt.rm Linen. 111,41 - Piano Fortes!- - ... 'IUELOBEOIVS: " : TI SICand.V J!CAL .f ERt'H A N DI E ef vary va ' ATI rtetyoi price to ,uil pirch:iee ftrv sals ky - . 1 street. KO. H RANDOLPH STREET, CHICAGO. ILL t I B. r. rUSELL,of ChicBffrsarrd rsae K. TtafBrt! J. of Rentueay.baving a)ii:itpd ttiemaelvec in bi s.. eaa. oflrr in- -J err e. to asv cersona aSa.wa. . . ehas- rseii Keal Esuue in tr "m: ute city of f tncaarx j ti.f V . Col. Kl-f- the Keal Estate 6, a, i ship, r , ci y o t, 11 btst 1 yajr,aa4 w'b fru..-- 01 tiosnue n.:uot j CF. Russa . o. ml a .i.vi.'fi' wi'.i Leju, 1,114 etc.. . 4 S ar"nn4Ue ciry. They have Haesl l JCO.' wrfl.1 Ktil S ta tlaj ie, on canal as-- J k nme. 'yug and around the rur of aed ou if ? ai any in." ot i;r!rrr.!Hnng thronrn the Sta"? rreMurVparm ss y, tii &tates t Iowa 1 iscousji, situ .rluiur-rs-t- Tern'oiv. They have fine bavv ;a,a tea,';!. , iri.. in ai. rr r ' FKOti .,00o,iaaA.wJpyaspriKiiprBa4g tntttrr aliot tune,, . r Anyone rb, wishes W stermroii aar srVeitafion c't'r, be suited at R ii a IrabMC . waowiU lake pleasure showisgliie prrperty th.-- base foe aad ana went " fuliy ali conuuuiucauous adilree! tr mem. Cbtcaoo. November C VW.-od- ti' . : JOILN 0, HARRISON, : ' 'ATTORNEY AT. LAW, AtH Jaffarnennt., lC.t earf Ariit wa HmM .i - i UVAJA4 aiASA 4W1A SMITH'S CELEBRATED . .. Pittsburg TJf : and Kenaett's Als.t ' ' - i VT-- - ! - COTTLE BROWN TOUl ' XC"X I3. . . ' F. VOLKlN.eornasr Third arwt I jcUdJ Opp-- c, OAS FITTERS T p 7 77 r 7 v "m rr n .a4 W. k.ti nJ a 3 aw 4 lJ at . FEOWERT .'i'.LEVINE, " J.K l , n TbuSl ' k.j !... . . ". T k ; i eUw w. n rrt. of th eity.a Kood anlc'.a ol r ail kind, n.,W n p.rd .Hhort ZStT' lankfalto tay aid frlandtanJ aartffiTaforlaali iDii'viw 1, mT v.i ast favors. I hor br atrict atveau. to la to 1 1 vu t : t - 1

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Page 1: Daily Louisville times. (Frankfort, KY) 1856-08-20 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt74f47gr52p/data/0211.pdf · lay of Tuition a umial.for Mimi and erery Paturdar front (to it o'clock. A



C LO TH I K K,ACT ST., TET. ?LOTD l .ES?02f,

'LunuuxCiKKrcrs-.aner- i hi nr T.aai r'wcli aatsrirnwd of

.."ii.nr as! kjflO tnea-y-.- -i ao, e. iit n,t ntlt t uii'ite Kit jhiomc vuti .o gir u7iv, t car-no- r'Mf tiiCTn, y canhcl

r:ewnee ir. u,y, ?tcp aa ,.k ai suft,wvi v heuier y ' u7 "r

COtfRvO kamm.



AND. FOURTH.lA few doom above the Mechanics' Bank.)

and eurroun.ling ewnry, thatInform tl.e omensIi hi U. now o. hand large wed rVa'uof tamii-i.- mjob a hue Ores, end Frock 1

"a'IZ aVV7t Trurni.l.i-- f Goods," erjea at Shirt.,Cnaesabrrta. Cravar, Co!lr. ac.

He invites eour.tr- - mmwnli IB partir-ilU- r give kirn,

rail iu.d hopes by unci attention to business ud txiroca'.n'.rs, w fc.erua.le ot toe public. Pp1..,1650. Spring:. - 1853.

T&e Deras of te Tune-p P with lam


aefmTAgood ppru.v and bummer trade - cx?Utrvty aideVand we Llrt proved for a ru--u l.


liberal patrona- r- Uithrio beatowe onand we have towitol a.ou t increased exeruone.

lot, w be able to prvicr. a atoc I


Mitifil'H m America.j l vieof our workmanship H arapif ttid lrrwlf .

W vi tnr d If urpa ourlvot Ua pni.r, and trdktoa t T MMivtncon of our M'M. wt now wJl for Of

tonwr Tiftii and Warn!.w Orgenaio Muallna at

HOT Sc DCALL'S.MnM Ufieten Seeond mi Third.

t" i C- -. - B iT T t'lllfv ALL'.'; oppownt Bili of Kea'act-f.- '

1856 Spring. ' 18563L3Cctxlr. dt 3Downs

atl 1HAI?I STttEET, 4T1

tne the ttriiti of all in want,RE'PnCTrClXT Good. AmonfUiemmafba loiuid

oat rei7 besuululPEUSS OfKJDS, cwnpriaiaf

(Vrnnlir Uawp. r.ewprrrFlounced f:lH Ruoct, B 'T-M-l

lo Bar-r'!- 'i fl!;FlrjMd PiU d . "

h Ikc k li rr I ti h i m, ftii tuparior frt&ir,

pnn;ed J'or.'-- t Cambrtca;Freica tiuuroppaiieue, tc.

EMBROTrrRI8.2?r.bro;(i,rd Camnc V!af and HMti;Tr.m'ned V!ncifnneHJKr- - a aavoruomn,

Co Infant' lrwte, fee.VARIETIES.

KidCiovea;Fn-t- d Cabrera 9car;femchf .eli shawls and Scan;Ve.i; rAaffaj Main

pln fciik Ke;riua Jaen.nnk end flta. CimMa;tE"f if0 Crapes; - r .

e4 our "emit Er irvited to i!y, asd y a nois,pwartthe tirat cucce.


A StcCwi Importitioa reori'-e- tbis xnornitp byErprsss fc

EWT & CUV ALL'h,va. est Slain aireet. ppcai CsC

parchfrr-einriwi- th Eatiermto orfr a variety oi bew tr.i

twt ff 'f ''r"f-- 4 rir.k aed DvD Laajcncst

harcre h.r.iyt,Colored o o, .

i,i.ro;.ie.rei Tuiie s ill COiO.--

uripriaii rurd orrB0eaj --

Hownt da; . .;aarr.ct powrft, ery efceap;

ii.tex Mar.tic, aoureiy new attic; .

Ik CfiTe :i:Keti f U Lact Maoi'ea.aitraxicfei

U'ctTid ei.-- i Hair Cot ti Uir,Vo Cottou H?c, ail nunibr;

f rivrr uo co,' it'.c,'r.r.j Lac and dfir.f?fci&v-- Uai.rurr do . uo:

Wtn; m.s !!'.u.-r!- s;

4,nu' ti!!!nu:ctil HDo on do, cotarau l9eta(

W't.ite fambrT ni .seot;I cia Wii'i; ;

Wp-t- ; Stni-e- French Caintxitiiiluil Mutia..- - for tJ uMjuuB;7 iii?Rd Lact 'apet, tc, AC.;

.rot" whiLb we ow at IS iowwt Tice. aria at onetr re oniri KENT fc. OCA AL.L

.3 6S? Main lr"t.JUTJ? cOBT!

1553 Taney Dry Goods. 1856"VTIL'-n- E k. TAB P. Fonnh anl Market rrt,i'l i!iavitw of acSirf" ia thfwt.i on tl.e

1st of iii.T r.fit. wiil ofl'-- r Irrnn tint ' MuUl tiitB Ul'-i- r

nock nt Fcy Lr G.j c t.

i ccy uniii!r lriitd aai 0M Silaa;lr, Ctit-a!- u;

Tj. !. ri.K Ko;-- -;

frnii: iaia ilehet;

' do;F,:K aa:l Msruila; rraaolijii Tiw; IkLtiuMfFfJ.nch 'hin: iinf nun;

sll, Coi!r Bl;d eleewaiLac JP" and rtTMfs;f .ui'T- inrril Miilir rauue;V, ,'. r' ii;ir r and MunIib ii';!'!).'! arid ?can;f sa ; K'nttonn;

Tcfi l'i wiui a larfe rtork of Monrnnf CiKAt f wrerytoi j iioii, Barer: Twirted tiik, rcndie MutiinJc ii. Craje t'oil.ir. and J'l.weii, !ilun Capna, cAi!o, s Urre i:k of H 01117 Cotton Iruiiufa, Cot:a

'.et 1'la.d Coitoa for anraais e.MILLER IlTABP,

Jt? tornerMarkrt and r'nuithnrwia

Tremendous Sacrifice!The Best Bargains of the Seasn!


Dresi B'Jka, Fancy G x5, ; Lawm, and

HEATH C:. Rtvinr TeeeutlT ei1areUrRK.fr. nwre. witu a vi- - of Ja.tf incre-ir.- a

iUeirioe?!ieiithc coniiiiCloll are "terri'.ned to closat mm-- r t.UH-- of Funt 7 Good. u or-

der to wk r.Htn m uieir lull tork. Ti3" f oudt willtie cl. J out ui.at rrrd to om.

iifl Ures Bnk,orif inally worUt J3 now for ITS:tfO ?o 00 dn 0 do 1

o.;t, riglnaiiy wortu 1 yard now 75c;i.- d l 00 "o da 6?c;

a d ) d "75c iio do 6jc;Llert I arnnaene Kob-t- , oriri"alT a0 nw l;

lu d do. cn aianww 7;

H'" rt.in an4 BruwwH Laea Cape. rifina'uy wortaicw t4d ir fii:

l r.men Car. wonb i3and U, now aold for 60ta t a patrn;

V)itn Kar f - worth aV now aold PrMantii aa of ail ulylet rd .olir. wortn from tie to 40,

rm uotr be aoij froj U SMO HO a Jee; Willi tuujcu.er roode ie aarne Jfe pEATH k CO.

icsS-'-i- 107 Pourtli tt.. MarkH and JetfernoB.

Bliilin&ry.433 Yirket strt S3 VUrket BtreeU

1 ViC'IM wuld respeTfitiT BrTOnrar.i PiKt at.e u now rectiroif dm!f

o' b!Znr'a.V. r'!or-r- f, o.tf.r, md otlier arttelea1b berime. .e han tutt day recejed a ipply of StrawOoods.tc w hicn etie rjuciia r - i. i

IburSOr- - "ive rond Millineet wa

WKSOW GLASS.E 2vlt- - aiwiiuon tiie fyliowisf im ju--i iwiti

j Miet i!3; 1 aoxaa ion- -

lyO do 1JU; o do ion;60 di. lux.iH J oo f--

60 o YjtVs, 0 CO K.iX,J o il4; 'j do liti5;

es liiiB; o co :iii7;a St CO 121,

as ; iii!o; M doFotajOelcwf.reatrt.tT . T.kEB,

m,r Grrr.a airet, twt. Jarkaonatwl Haxoe

T;rt Fall Znporta ilea.ttlf avit'Ft a srol! lt of seataoatle inRECXIvnefO 'is. c;Bi(rilif ff '

5 .

iui lUf red a:nbic br.nii ; . .ij tmiat do;flr, h t!'ieot.1e-f- 4 Be;r.e Maslia;

jL'-ltCr- Camnrc HHtrx?;VVr'"e CcmLrie Musl'nii

l";ail do r-- do;an4 Ptrit r?o:

gati- - t"d Evntd;i'cife do;

?rd Hoinerr."At we wr: rce?vf a.:r troarioBt u.e imvrvnf

rur fcituj auJ taiotuert may tect i;cltieajr MAg fc t:nv'S 7tVMt.

i,u if , t v.. j'. aiuAB1 nminii.d; e

Cauid'c 4n.uQ.ir,r;a:- - ia inc; '

t.fn Cr.ie ard Vci'?;iUch Vjencit and Pont Settr,

biark Uu;:i yue dr;V iuu Uuiioc finater.

fm fj at low priced trZs7 MARKa.rOWVa.rTi?lalBt.

X4. WftteKiBb'O'lieredLpont Crepe;f)i do;

ewf yl Vii.!ia Kobe ;liack .vf C'!:ar;

- a o tVHrt. -- aad Cepea;Piii. Minim Capet;tiwr, Hantikerrhiefif lc.;

For futatiow frtcil trau

1,'AN'l-- t I'l l "MS A to.k ir.rii jcA 4 iJ y ti tor fa. f .'Viii.tt.tt j Air,

Jet powr.il and Msrket stse

A I.AuiE and g.jfiL sio.k ol .M lurning. Goodsevwy descr-y-

IV IVEfJJU -f li Pnr Ciler lr)ejr, suijft.ior article tor

to ttfls ao( ia tiOTt ti.l a.f l y


I. F;! STONE,'- -


Fine Coaches & CarriagesOF EYEEY DESCRIPTION.

IJo 609 Hain Street.tOl(5TILLEi V "

C. WOULD res ite attctiUu to hia larfe ai.d. pltruUd nOstii

"stock, enitiricuii Camftj ot al-- JBiot erT rtyle, imporu-J- l eipre&Jy fur this market fromtur loliow.iig sctnuara uooe-- , Viz: IMlElip K Cu.,ftiHa-delplu-a;

LawrtB'' HraHley, Muit-- r & Hteptieic, andJauiea Brc wmt av Sin'i. Broadwa. New V oiJu I bava)ut rteivf d ir lullow a: . ,

: tine li!t do, Miiuble ior country of city;lipfit Kockaway.;

fine 1111 Tiwuuii iiuariea. from C3 to 130 poundtwfirfit.

Aud a fwerai aworuoent nrotber l mret, preterit-hi- p

(real iudur ruent. to purchaner. Vermont from a ditUnce ruy alwaft reijroa a complete stock toaelect from.

William Huggins,Carriage HanufactoryFlrat street. tet. iriain and narxet,

. m HAS on hand and are funtihinf Cat-- r!

riarea of Tanoua patterns, coniiir)ff ot

i3Vr , Shtswat Bug-- f m Prince Alberty V'J andKockaay 15ufgief, which heit aell- -

cifr. Tboae hmf anything m their Kne would do wellto five inn a call, as ne warrant e:i 111. wora to ae equalto aay ui. bio market. He )m on hand at prcciil aflirt'.n, nmalied in auperiw atyle, wtticb be will m at abargain. .




O a, X x" i a. g: oSontLweit cor, cf Green and Sixth ata.

eltdia LOflfVlLI.E. KV. "

Jefferaoa a'drcct. bet. Tblra & fenrtliDAXCINQ ACADEMF.

!TON8. 1. P. LAP3EKKE return, bit iincere thankifbri'l the rapid increase of it accool. Ue will oontipue totencb throurh the winter all tbe neweat nnd nirt taabionabi Wal?zt and Danctte, which are innumerable.

lay of Tuition a umial.for Mimi and ereryPaturdar front (to it o'clock. A. M..and J W6 P. M. ForGer.Ueuien every Mondey and Veine:!ara, 7 to 9in lb fvfr.mi. Pnvate ciames UNrht at hit a foool, or inprivate famiiiea application made at hit Hall, or at M4or:nHon'a rewdeace, Jefferaon atreet, adjoinirf tie Hall.

.. - JAiIE3 FISHKR'a .

Q UI C K Y E AS T.THIS artialaUearefnlly prepcredarpreaaly for fan

It will ant war all Uta purpoaot of roodrata bra wer'a jeaat,1 a makinf ailkind., oflirh t braad,otaoufc,ak.M1d(o.ta. '

Houtkaeprs will tava ncney by tttlnr FlarfC tick Yeast, aa ozj two thirds the quanta . renerallytaad wUltnfloe. rrtpared and aold wbolegalo anltaiaiiby ' JAAIE3 F1SHBS,

0marofP1k.Uaad Graea fitraatt. fconlr111e, V.

1 A. Weisenberger, A.

MACHINE SHOP,Sovth SiZi (tf Market ttrett, bt. Brook and Eloyd,

I.OUISVILLII.K.Y.aSTEAM Cnrinrt and Horsa Power, Sawmendala. 5aak-- iaesuincrs. Bleat onctcri, i.ara, cider, book, liin-Ofr-

Creases, Gas Moulds, Turninp Latl.es, and ai!kind of Mtcws; Puileyt and ohatuiif, Bear Furapt androsset; atPT rnnipa.

AUaoidtof repairiufdofe. fanity0W PRICED FRENCH CHINA. GLAScJ

' WARE AND WAITERS.Lamp:, Girandoles and Plated Goods.

A. JArOEH & CO.,cfr Have Jul received by Express a new ttTTa,4h supply of tbeabova mentioned roadd.rTM

wincb will make ocrttiocjc trie iarf est K faand moM coaiplete lu the Western LeJcoucirr. W e. would invite the atten- -

ttcn of rarchasert to an examination of our stock andprices feto makinf tiieir eelecnon, as we ar? confidenti'iai in point ot s:j ie, ju!'.y, ana price 01 roout wa rsnsot eu to pieajM,

A.JAEGEJt a Co., 13 aud 111 Fourth at..- -

jr8 Mozart Hail.- -



WILL r--e bit andivided tuter.tion to al) claim t entrantto bid in Uic Counties of Chruuaa, 1'rp;, Cld

well, iljpkina, and Ttxid,K.y and AiGnirouinrj countyrenn.

tief:rt FT in. H. J. Stites. Grant a Phelpt. HopkinsTiL'e: J. C ob.e. Kohinson k hro and W. U. KcedAuo'y at Law, Louville; iter, Vancula a Gito, rbil- -8ypii; L.snf.y. a,nig'i it uo., Cytucirmaii; .ti re aV accwiin. Nw Uneans. imar'ia flu

Brooke Hall Female Seminary,MEDIA, DELAWARE CO., PA.

tfiaa u.?i. 1 rierif iv .ifivripnTH I located in the deiiphttul and healthy

vihare ol Media, thirteen mil tmm PhiladtHplua,by r.ailtwd, will be OPLND on WLDNESDAk, Stp--l,iri ser lot 11, la?.

The commodious bni'dinc cow in procees of erectionvrith zli Uie modern uiirov menis, vriil be fimsbrd by tiif.r ol Aufu.t; and will caniain Mcb acconnnotiatiotis,bota ia point 01' mie and comfirt, as caaH tail to satisfyparent teat wmiethur daufhtera are enjoym the ben-cS- i

of riimtal culture, they have also the comforts of at ermed home.

Tnisintiuboa Is eatahlisbed with aeiw la afford to1 on, if ladies lti tuoKt perfect combination ofadvaiitaetfur tiw aiiaiunient of a UiM-ug-l and accomplished fdiirauon, aft no paius or expense will b epared to render itin realty whatit professes to be, a ecliooi of superior mer-it. Mi L'uunan the principal, uhi at thebcad of aacboolin iesp Knrland previous to tier resideuce in a,

and, fr tue laxt six years, b ben known toUi' patrons of Aifn Eidrc fceiuinarr, as preskluif teacb- -er hi uiat lusumuon.

Tl.e hi. ciev. tones, Bishop of the Dioceae of Feaatylvania. vavs:

M im al. L. Eastmad who propose! to open Voting'Ladies' lu Media. Delaware Co.. Pa., in bep--

temncr ne IX, bas been known to the snbecriber for severalyears past. He bas a very uiffti opinion tt tier rapacity,erhctency, and devotcdnes as an edaeauir. rhe bas bada larse aiid sucoent.-fii- l experience. The buUjnr which

ui be elected ft ber ute will contain evory auiMnitao-d.iuo-

The villnfe and eurrouudiiif country arefor hexlthi ulaeue auj beauty, and the subscriber

fiat rouMdenee that parenu wko rntrtsnt their daughtersto Mats Itnian will t.sve no reaiw.li o rrret it."

ifHi Lastuian wiii be aided oy at, eicient corpt otTearhe.

The French Lanrnare will be ttufht and tpoka by afansmn LAf re.iMitg in Uie fiDy.

The Lauu. Gernuiu, Hpaiiiah Ld Italian Laiiruaf.esar 'l receive de atie4iuu.

The Natural ScienAea will be aurht, Willi fhe aid of alarve and evnenive aptmratMii

TneMaeical lepartieiit W1I4 be" under Uie .charfe ofa lady eminently juh lined ta a ut biauoa; ana allcrrternnf a male Teacher on the Piano or ui Birring,can have the benefit of aa Vwitinr Teacher trout Fiuia- -

lirawing and Painting will be under the dtmctioB of aLa accoropl.Fhed in the art. "1"Le iiMirter of pupils in (united to foty. Ti b I LMMS lor BOARU and TUITION, in all theBranches excepting Mastc, are f 140 per aeaaion of fivenonilis.

Mimi Eaatnuui Las lilierty to refer ta the following gen-tlemen:- Hi. Kev. Potter, D. D-- , atU the Episcopal clergy ot

. F'on. F. Pierce, President of Ujs United fitataa.Hun. H. Chae, Goernor of Olii.lloo. N. It. baker, VevrHou, M. W. Tappan, M. C. fru KejrUv. A. Stem. 01 NorriHiotini.Pa.Kev. A. McLeod, Clearfir'.d fa.'Fierce KuUer, La., of FUiiadelphia.J. U. Okie. doK. W. Oar. ,.. doOorge VVUuxum. rq., doCliruuopher Loeser, l'uttville. Fa. , .tieorge VVymau. tU. Liis. Mu., -Hon. P. C. Jobnsou, VVaahinrton. D. C.For faiiier particulars or apply to the Prin- -

Ci pal JUIat4.IA LA8I.tlA.dSna MtLJA, iJware I o.. Pa.

IV E W BOOKS Jnnreeeivea -It The island of Cuba 4y Alexander h'ujicit. Trans-lated irosa tbe Spanish; wilh noua and a preliminary ea-f- y

by i. W. Tbraoiier.Lent is irim the tinted Statet, Cuba and Canada by

the Hon. Auwlia M. Mur ay.iackson and Slew tireana, nn authentic narrative of

the laeiiuirable ui bieveau'u. ol the American Anuy un-der Andrew Jackson before b7 Orleans, iu the years ofii4 end 'IS by Alauder M'aiker.

AnLssayon Liberty and eiavery- -t A'hert TaylorL. L. Ii., ProfuMKirof MaUieiuUc vi tue trty .;' Virginia.

Ab- - 'huomiu L iiveiji d; or, its Origin, Provress andPeriiK hmis Tendency lully ur Henry FieldJames, of Kentucky.

The h'unier's Fesst: or, Conversaiiona Around theCamp Fire by Capu Wayne Iteid,

Memoirs f Kicliurd Cumberland-writ- en bf himself,rorttaiiiuig an account of hi hie and wnt...g. iixirchfmgu--- a

with anccjotes and characters f several ol the nutdistinguished arsons of ins time with whom he bas badir.t rconrxe a ad couneclion, wilh illustrative notes byHenr, Flande.m Literary critius and other Paper by fUe late Horacetunney Wallace, Esq, of Philadelphia.

Co rubtp atj WTiage; or, the Joys and Forrows ofAaterican Liie by Mrs. Caroline Lee Heutz.

lnma.Tli Pearl of rearl Kiver by feuima D. E. N.6ouiitweib.

s tah. a Song that ' by novilhor, a deed with-n- ui

a name perpetrated by U. K. Fbanderr. b.Toe PrarrowgrsjwFapersi or. Living in the Conutv

by 8.TnfiietoB PapV-r- fcy Trifle and the Editor. vMiirne hue; or. before and behind the Curtain a eriu

of narrauves ro Ann wora tuu-lue-. jThe Angel in the itvMiee; The Betrothal.Pailnd bv VVilliam 1 kit peace 'I aackery.Ten years Among the Man Ears by J. Holbror.k.A Viitt India, Ciuna and Jrpn,ia the year 19 by

fcyardTayior. , ' J

i c sure ar.d ot aale, wholesale and retail, tffM r r C. HAG AX a CO., Main ntreet.

', . . Book far Poxitlclana.

we have tad frequent calls of late, by ibe cAS and iatiiing politicians tor reliablekoks from wmcb to get cb evidence si neee.sry tameet tnalnlse charge ol tbe know Notbiort against theCaiinlic cnurch. we here give a iit of torn of Uie pnnciii works, witn tue nncea and pontage. . .

Ltobui: tftld;rg's"A1a.eelUiiea,"cintainiiif Reviews;Leetunut, aiut Lanays: Srv. Frica tl H fotje 0eesla.

tiagbeeand Breckiaridge'a "Oral Hcbs.te," tha rerytet WNkof tbe kiiul. Pnce tl 65. Postage 10 cent

iu'eeUudCanipbell'iUehate. fnce tl Ox PostageSCcenu.

fopaand Magua 'a Debate, Price 7 cenu. FoatageKeen'.

ProteataRtisia a&d Caiholicity Compared, by Kev...Calue, fricest. i'oaiag SC cenu.Cjerhiui of the Councii of Freou Price tu Foetage

fieevia.Bucu-r'-s Book ol the ChUTh. Tict 60 cent. Postage

16 oenea.iivraf A Kentucky CaUiulic to Geo. l. fmiuct

Price X ccWt. FostareB rent.Togeu.er'Jh a great many others, which, tboh iikVf

Ky not ueat tne fantral subjects so thoroughly, areparticil.ar ju Pti'n. -.., .

For sale by tliB,uit.w a-- tm.iu,il1 6"! Msia street.

. mark.. .....:........g. r. rowxe.LI ABU ft DOWira, .

VTlxoU&ale and II tali Daalera la For-eign acd Domeatio Dry Ocods,

Tl : KAIKBTEEET, 471bow m band a large ud extensive assortmentHAVE For-i- ge end Aiaencan Dry Gooos, wr.ieb

tbe y are aitious to tedoct, and thereiore idvue all inwaatof rool giMnis allow price., 10 call and eaatKUieth'rj- !ck bemre uaiicg UT parcbaete.

', euvcy a4bw to an uiuiuria cti price, jaB

.MEDICAL.i Private Medical Treatise,i -

. -- ON THE 7. -

Phyatoloilcal View cf Marrlae.; "bt ' L T' 'if. B. LA CE0IX, M. D.; ALBANY, N. T.Spagetaniiaa fine Plain and Colored Llthograpsan

v Flates.- ONLY 25 CEXT-d- 2J

(XjSnt free of pwtRge to all pint of the l"mon.-- d

lK. M. B. LA Croix's PHVSIOLOGICAL VIEW OF MARnlAGtS.A new and revised edition ol Sao pagesnarl inflates. Price i cents a copy. Apopular and comprehensive treatise onthe duties and casualtiea of single andmarried hie liappy andliuilful ailiatiL-e- .

mode of securing tncin tntelicitous anauil'ertile irtrea their obvmtiou and

nervous debility, its enures andcure, by a process at once m simple, wileand eltoctual, Uiat itilure w iiiipotsiUerules tor Jan v manareuieitt an eavty on

Spennaforrhoea, with ptaciical oovervation. 011 a saierand more auccesful mole ot' treatment precautionaryhint on the evil re,ullJ Irum empirical practice; to which18 added commentarie on ail the diseases of frnialeafrom infancy to old arw racn cane ampnicnuy uiusiraieaby beautiful plate. It point out tbe remedies tor tbnne

mineries and di.jp pointed hope so unfortunatcly prevalent in tne young. 11 ih a iruuiiui aovurr wti m,.ni and those conieirplatint mamare. lu peru- -ral ii rrt'enhtr recemmnded to persons entertainingSecret lioubl Ol uieir Jiiicni tu iiumuu, ,nu uu icconscious of having har.arded the health. happmeM, andprivileges to which every human being is entitled to.

Price ts cents per copy, or five eopics for gi, mailed freeof postage to any part of tbe Cmted States, by addressing....IV, bit L BU1A, kfWl n".ri c twin, c.1fc3jf.2TAmi who prefer may consult br. LA CROIX

upon any of the diseases upon which hit book treats, eiiner personally or by mail. His medicine oiten cure intbe Hhort pace of six day, iuid completely and entirelyrelent all trY4 nf tin we disorders which copaiva and

conet having o long heen tlmnglit an antidote, to dierain ot the health ot the patient. Ilm "French Secret"is the great conunuaiiemedy lor that clasn ot disorderwhich, unfortunately, pryweians treat with mercury. tothe irretrievable destruction of th parient's constitn-U- n,

and which all the eareaparuia iu tbe world ctnuot"enre.

Dr. LA CROIX'S medicine are free from all mineralpoisons, and put in a neat and compact form, which canbe sent by Express or Mail, and may be tken in a publicor private house, or while traveling, without exposure totna moat inumaie mm. or niuiu Riaic, n uuiuriuc iivihbusiness or study, and uo important cuange in the diet inecessary. Medicine sent to any part 01 tne uuion,

to directions, salcly paclsed and careful! securedfrom all

Otce removed from No. M Beaver tL, to 11 MaidenLane, near Broadway, Albany, M. je7diy

Dr. A. J. Vanderslice, -

Late professor of tbe Ecole Climjue deSIedicine e Ptar- -luacic ia raiin, .

(A Practltleuer for Twenty-nin-e Venrs Past,)ANXOLTNCE3 to his friends and the public th i he

his tune t the cunnf of tl e following disease, via: Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Fits Dropsy,I itraiwnsia- - t.iver ITmrit.lanit. Piles. Fitul&. Gi t Rheu- -

Keer and Ague. Bihious Complaiiils, ac.Tie. Vanderslice has met WitU eieatfUCCesS bl U PeCH- -

liar mode of treatment of diseases, where i her veryKiiiinent pky"te;ans Umv: tailed to produce a cm . i o ailest hu confidence iu lit own skill and merits, i will unilertakethc cure ot all paiient without charge, iceptinrthe eost of the medicine, requiring no ice until aitur tnerestoration ot tiie.ir DeaiUl.

DtseaMw of a peculiar cuaracter he guarantt ts to remove radicaiiy a lewaayn, wiuiuui (iici:r .,e or

nieihciiie. He warrant to all. no matier bowsev e or long standing the disease, an etfectual cure, or herec tlire no pay.' r eniuie towering wiuinervousness, debility, ae.(can be permanently relievedk.P.r.V. - ....

invalids iu anv section of the country; by addreetinr aletter to him (post paid j and enclosing a lee, can have advice ana moaicme prompiiyseui uiui.

Kesidence on itraiaet street, netween rtoya ana. -

office on Floyd street, between Market andJerii rsoa. Office hnuni from a to in A. M., and from 8 to

P. ia. rnyw

Williams's Anti-Dyspepti- c Elixirr. with the ntrnost pofindenee. offered to the Medical1 faculty and the publ.c, tor the cure af Dyspepsia orlndiretiuon, ana an aiseaee ansuig irvm n, sum as

.Nausea, Headache,Veitigo, Dunnes of Sight,Debility of the Nervou System, .

Hypocnondria, Jaundice,Los of Appetite, 'Wasting of the ttrengih.Mirulence, wuh ireiiutntbelchirg of Wind,Vitiated tte,v .Constipation and aneaBineas of the bowel,e.iiiou V'ouiitirtg,Bui rung sensatiuu at the pit of tbe stomach,

' ; Liv.-- j Complaint,Oppression after entrng.Paimtatinn of Uie Heart.

; Pain tn the pit of the stomach, or toward the right tide,Eauownes 01 cumpicuun,

' Depression of smnu and irritability of temper, ae.If a case of dyspepsia should be neglected, most serious

effect way ensue, tor u lays tne lounuauon tor, u tne inci stent cause oLniid very treauently terminates in consumption I would impress upon the mind that to rriiiewith this disease, may be to sport with that reason which

rM.utitiit man nmoiiff animal beinrs. orto em Inner existence by adding a consciousness of lollyto th penalty of pain, i ' '. ."

This medicine is prepared entirely from vegetable sub-stances; the most delicate stomach can bear it eonvenieaily, and it i given wita pertect afeiy, in minute dosesto the most tender infants. Us- - proaertie being of aetreigthening and invigorating natuie. It ia neatly putupin bottle, with ample direction for ue.

The followftir tesnmonials from some well known andrespectable citizens oi rniiaaetr ma, ace tuny corrooora'uveoi tue tneu emcacy ui uicauu ojnrpuu uiui,

jattetaation.We, having used William' Elixir with

the most perU-c-t satisfaction and suoocos. tai e great pleasure in rcomnendiiig it to alt persons suneruig waii

as we are I'i'.iy convinced of it most esrimahleqaahue in restoring the digestive power, removing allpain and uneasiness, and imparting a healthy luue to theatomacn.

Johh &. Ptaaoaa, No. 34 South U harve.1'HOMa Alubone, President Bank of Pennsylvania.Aaafcft UM, Market kueet, oeiow snui.Ki u'iu 11. Ron Lav. Ko. 14 North Wharvee,Miesarb Dtmr tupdruittu4ent of Marcbanu' Ei

etisnre. PiiJ.Thia list of Bamea could be extended to almost any

length, but uie toregmag it ceenscs sxaacitm.

Testbnonr of Mr. Michael Dunn. SperiouunhtK of thPhiladelphia Exchange, corroborative of the edicacyofW imams' Elixir.

PmtAneLPHi, March W, 1965.

Tlortor James William: For several rears cast. I havebeen liable to attacks of Dyspepsia; bta never have I beenmora dtrtre&aiua'! v arliicted with tu srnipuims. than within the last lew week. Indirestion. nervous irnulnliirde.Dnndencv. a sense of weurnl in the stomach, and severe pains in the left ide,renderingmcf for the time be-ing, truly wretched. Fortunately,! wa recommendedby a friend to try your Elixir. I did so, and in less thantwo weeks, indigestion ceased; pain and nerrous depres--mub leit me, and appetite, witu mental ana noniiy ncaiuiwere fullv restored. To uie thecure seemed aiuiost nitraetilous. and my object in writing to you is a hope thatoUjcr (.htsobs u tiering the miseries of Dyspepsia will.avail meaiyrs ui yuorriiMJieiiircnieiiT.

i , dear air, your truly.. MICHEAL DUNN.

Agent tot Louisville; k.y.ighh, 74LBOT a no., .

jelldiy . . "Ki Market st.he Spring of tlie year ts the most Proper loe to

uie cleansing and purUvirgMedicines.ofwhicbS waimrausxwi stand pie eminent.


V S CUPFUL A,Incipient Consumption, General UtUlit,--, White Swelling,

tttieumatism, Dioea a of tbe Liver and Hiun, e..l allLuaeaa arising from Impurities of the Blood, and

elfecu of Mercury.

SWAIM '8 PANACEA has been for more than thirtyyear celebrated ih uv county and in Enro,e for iu

extraordinary enree for the certiicale of which reler-enc- e

is made to the direction and nook (which mar bebad gratia) accompanying the Paii:icr-a- . hoiiie of Whichfiv the particulars ot eae too Irightf ul for general pub.

cation, where the patients have been almost eaten upWith Scrofula, and were deemed incurable by Physicians.

Itbas bcn used in hospitals and private practice, andbas bten recommended by the most celebrated physiciansand other eininetil persons. Among othra by . ..

W. Gibson. M. D.. Proi. f SurgL-ry-, Pa. L'niversity. .Valentine Mott, M. D., Prcf. ot Surg. S. Y. University.W. r. Dewees, .ti. u., rroi. ot mee,. i'a. e niversity.K.C!iannian, M.D., Prof, of Physic, Pa. University1 . Ftijr.i, f?. !' rresiaeut tOiiege oi rnysict;Dr. D' VSto, Frot'essor of Medicine, Havana,Jose Eofirencrt 4eLu , professor of Sonrery, Lisbon.

i J.Chirrian. Memrter'l Koyai UT'ere Durgeous, LendosuG. W. Ejvine.lXte Minintrt5tIuitirTh.FersQii, Major Geiierj.1 ErtisS rmy.Gilbert ttobertaOB, Bluish rCohs'll, fee.', fc.'Ibe w'oiiderfnlcu7eeldly.TAnrtl PANACJ5A,

have for many year made It aa Un ilLabJe reniedj'. ThePanacea does ut contain mercury in auy fiir;a, arid ijiingan innocent preparation, it may be given to the moat len-der infant.

The retail price hat been reduced to tl SO per bottle,(coniaininf Uiree half pints) or three bot'it s, for ti.

Heware ol Impoaitlou. -SwtiraU panacea is iu round but ties, H'tteJ longltudi-naii-

ixh liui luliowing letters blown en iiie rlasi:'S WAIM' iiVAN ACEA PHILAD A '

7aving the name of Ji. Bjffilf f,t3"'P,o n the settlingwax, and writ en on the I vei ;no corn, and asplendid engraving on the side t.f the ite.ty l;t iper at o., bank note emravers.ol rhilad'MDlua. In Clcccnlreof which, m a poruait ol Uie late V m. X rvaitn, (csecured.)

i f person purchasinr the Panacea wffl be careAil toUie; fhe name htVAlM is correctly spelled, they

neednotbe tiwedoiu .

A1T SwaIaM vernilf nffj A valuable Family Medicine, being a KzY approved

oksri, t oroaks, such tJ Au-ht- of the f touiach, ffor.t noiera Morbus, iiysentery, rever ana Ague, itieeiiinPiles, fi'ji ac, ac. fee the Pamphlet wkicmavbeba4rrati)i.'Sc'..r,pinviDrtlie Venimure.

Prepared only at rj A- i;; B LAHORATOUV, TnROLD HTAND.fcevcjiJji$;t.reeLkv Chestnut, Philadelphia. and r4d by all tiie respectitMe L'rorgisu in thau muni Ewatea, general n genu tor ine , ..

BCiflKFi ELIN BK0TI1Eniyt deodsm no William st.,Vew ork.

Consnmpticn Cured.f ALLY'S Inhalin is used in the cure of rfi.es.ea1 ' of the I nnrs- - rVorn en the breast, tbe tient of iliarioay eauses an cvaporauini, wr.n-- win De corrstantly

by the patient, passing gently into all the air e.llsaaa. nuinh v wr lungB, ana 'i in g erery psrt wuna sooiuing and BesKg vjpor, wnne tne patient i takingDaily's Extract of Uiiimm; or Honey Syrup, for the coughand debility, and hi H.iajn U V3lirt'), for Fie rmpurestate oi ir.e niooa. ii is ifinn. lens nat ny inhaling marsh miasma, or noxious vapors or air, lij l ingsbecome J sit not equally true that. UptViug'tha lung with aa invisorating and heating medicuic, wul.reeuw-- loera 10 ueaieur

lr. Daity keeps on band a general supply or FamilyMedicine el hi a comjpi , focure disease ineirlent to cur rtiinaee. DaRV Faa;Ux Pr.ti',e. 8J4 Dareapnee fie dollars, can be bad at Daily's rsin fcytnu::r le- -pot, No. 7Htoni street, between Market and Jeflerson.

leb? H - IAil,v, m. D.

.7 J3BXRY V7BBEI2,NO.ieoTfcsrdirtreet.reiletjea Jfo. TO Market street.


.DilAVi'IMIAltD LECMINO,Mr. Henry Weber will be at all times ready to wait vn

' 'be ladies. myiadu

: ; 1L . 0 0 K , IT E R E i : - ?4


K: 119 and 121 Fourth itrtt, Mozart Building,

ia. tt A v e. tne largest ana iei seiecieq sioctfjol French China.- decorated and fancyi . gilded, aud plain and white Oval Kliatx..j of Dining vare, BreakUst and Tea ware

,on hand in the city. Also keep eont tuntivon band Paif Ve: Colognes: Candlnslick:'; Mugs;Motto Coffees; Ct aid fn ssed Glassware; Cutlery Umt-f-

Girandoles; Lampat te'fr-lv'ste- d Goods; firiUnrna'Ware, c Itmiun China, Dtnii.f , T't and Toilet warofrom the eeiebrated manufactory ! J4r.es Et'wardMeujh a 80a, and Farneuell a Co., of the Hti.r"p,!iirPmeeriaa. flncland. and a re.nera assortment of eon.mA;sr:lieniware,tor eonu mrruimnia.Tne can attention f their large and splendid asscrt-ae-

of ey descnpGon of goods. Thei rpnees will befound unasually lov, and their stoek in Pint of varietyand clegaaea eaonot be exceed by any Western house,give them a eali. -

A. JAEr-i- a a co.,rog.vtH5ii, --

sajU . Acaiandm Foojxb tuL'- 1.


1 fifiicuii iw js iin : rr a mimut- AJ' . M,,U JVVV?--

v. --vAwuBMitoiUMwn;..,RAILROADS.

i SCJlsmEIX AUUAJi CEMENT.3 DaUy Pattcnfer TrRiniSnBdafiKxcepte a.ON and after Monday, Apdil 7th, 196S, Trains WiU rua aa

via: . .

FIKST TRA1M K avea Lotinville at t o'clock. A. M..stopping at all regular stations and lft minute for break

taTange, and arrive at Lexington at 11 o'clock,A. 51. Ketumuig, leavr Lexington at 2:3j o'clock P. AL,stopping at ail regular stations, uiwl a rives at Louiivilleat 7:J0 o'clock, P.M.

Passeneers br flua Train Muinivt at Vminenes wirhStages for New Caatle, Dreunon Sprinrt.aiid tfhelbyville;uri,u,iiiii wiui stage ui Versailles, tiaroinsvuic, iaw.renceburg. Harrod-biir- and Danville; at Payne's withstages for Georgetown; and at lexuiglon wmii stages foriiuicueEier. njoiint Merting, uwmgsvnie, iticnmond, lr- -vine, Nicho(avUle, Danville, Lancaster, Crab Orchard,btaulorit, London, KarbouriviHe, and all pointfi nouih; byrailroad for Pans, Falmouth. Covmrton and Mayirviile.

hECOXD TRAIN leaves Louisville, at S:30 o'clock, P.In., gtopping at Smith's Htation, Lagrange, and all sta-tions east ot Lagrangn, and arrive at Lexinirton at 7:20o'clock, P. M. Returning leave Lexington at 6:18o'clock A. M., stopping 20 minutes lor breaktant at I' rank-fo- rt

and ai all stations east of Lagrange aud at Smith'sciaiiiiii ouit wei ot L.agrnnge, arriving at i,ouisviiie at10:30 oVlock, A. M., in cloi-- connection by ibuly mail lineof steamboat for aU point on the Ohio, MuHiitsippt.aiidMimouri rivers; also by Jetfi ronvi!le and New Albanyrailroads with Inuianapnlis, Clticaro, Terra Haute,

Ht. Louis, Keokuk, Burlisigton Rock Inland, Ga-lena, Dubuque, and all the principal towns ui Uie MorUt-w-- t,

THIRD TRAIN faccomBXHlHtirm) leve Iiuiuvilleat 4:60 o'clock, P. M.. etoppmg at all regular ctauons, fairgrounds, and at VVa?hburnV. and arrives at Laerance at6:2? o'clock, P. M. Keturiiing, leave Lagrange at 6:66o'clock, A. nopping at the same station, and arriveaai Lrfniisviue at 7:w e'clockA. At.

Freight trains leave Louisville at 3:15 o'clock A. M., andLexinrton at 6 i5 o'clock A. W., oaily.Siin.-fa- excepted.

Fire by first and second train, about 4 emu par mile;a UiNCOur.lof nearly S5 per cent, is allowed for tlcketa.

Fare on accommodation tram, about I cents per mile,and near 33S per cent, is allowed lor tickets.

For any further information, please call at the depot,corner of Brook and Jetteraoattreeu, Louisville.

SAMUEL GILL.an Supt. L. a P., and L. a F. R. K.

To' Chicago, St, Louis, Cairo, &c

'New Albanyand Salem JIallrend.EX PRESS Train will leave New Albany daily (8un

excepted) at A. M.. runnidr dtrsctlv THRoeonto Cirtuo. stortins- at Salem. Orleans. Bedford. Bloom- -ingtonGo8pbrt,Greencastle. Crawfordsville, Lafayette,and Michigan City making direct connection at Chicago

raul, Milwaukee, Kock island, Iowa Crry, Burlington,

with 51 icluian Central Railroad forbetroiu BulTalo. Niagara Falls, Albany. New Vork City, Boston, ac.

This man also connect at Greeneaiith with trains olTerre-Haut- e and Kichniond Kailroad for Terre-Haut-

t nirt.li ne, cvansviiie, niuio, m. Lioais, uairo, e., pinn-ing the shortest and cuxArxsr route frotu Louisville tothese points, r u

- i nroum ucaeta ana truiiu information mar be badRttheorhce. No. 65J Main street, between Herond andThird, Louisville.

Passenaera bv leavinv their names there will he calledfor in any part of the city and conveyed to the Depot iasi ew AiiMuiy VTimmi luiuinnnai enarsrt.

JOHN B. ANDERSON, Superintendent.K, I?txviis, General Ticket Agent. lennir

GaireiUL Tickit AerwT' T)paiTiiBirT,1iiuie iiiiaoii ana Columbus and Xeuia K. K--,

Cincinnati, Jan. 34, la.rgH E night Train east of Columbus, ha vuie been tempo- -. A ranly suspended, will ccinraence running regularlyon ana niter 1 r.nrsaay, January Mtn, making cou- -nc'ti'ins 10 auairoui ail tne eastern ciuee, as neretotore.

Three Daily Lantern Trains EiMes at. M.; Express Mail at 10 A. M.: Night Express at 0 P. MJan29 P. VV.rtTiiADLK.GeneralAgent.

Louisviilo & Ifaelivllle Kailroad

fOrrica Locuvn lk a N g p vill R. K. Co. iLouisvilie-JCiu-- Ji ie4th,136l. 1

fiNTlL further notice but one train wi.l be run on thek Louisville Nashville R.ilroad. The train williiwiii an.t ...ti viiua, rwi, UIC AJefejl ill IjOU- -isville, at the corner of Ninth and Broadway stri ets, at1:46 P. M., for tiie junction with the Lebanon Brazen, aatstaiice ot iruieh. returning, win iev .ne juucuobat :o r. nx., ana arnve hi Lionisvine at 0:1 a l' il.JAS. F. GAMBLE, bupenniendetit.

An Omnibrjs Line will connect with the trains on thisroad, and will take pnsenyers trom and to ay place within the city limits. The ofhee of the Omnibus Line is aOwen's Hotel, corner of Fourth srj Jr:'.ersn etreets, andby leaving notice there, passengsr will be promptly calledtor at any nouse in uie city - jeeTHE SHORTEST AND MOST DIRECT ROUTE


Central Ohio and Baltimore and, Ohio Railroads, r

BErNO THE ONLY ROUTE by which hrorifh ticketWASHINGTON CITx -

can be procured, to which point, as well aa toBALTIMOBE.

it is the shortcut, most direct, and ta every respect themuni rename route. 11 u tne oniy route vy wntcu purcuaacrs 01 uiruugit acaeis to

' NEW rORK 'are enabled to reach the citic of


aud NEW YORK 'at the cost of a ticket tn New York only, thus euablingbusiness men and traveler for pleasure or inlbrniaiiuii tovisit four of the principal cities in the Union for Lisa costthis can aa arroanxii by sy othkr aovTC

iu addition to these great advantages, the inducementoffered lo travelers iu tiie prompt aud emcitii manage-ment uf trains on this route must not be lost sight of; soil-ed to which the grUhdt'Jr ot the scenery of KkmiIhI'-- tobe met yvitb in traversing tlie Baltimore and Ohio Bail-ru-

are such as are afforded by no other hue of travel inthe world.

Tbree Dallr Tralnal '

PjcDgers going East from Louisville may proceed bytue V. S.ioail ste$u;ers to CinCirinati, and there take tuerailroad to connect w itrj thi Uhe,'br niay leave Lot:Uvitl4by the JettersanvUJe Bajlrpad direct, arrij'iiig ih time tuconnect with eitherfhe A, M., 10 A. M., or 6 P.' M. 'trainof the Little Miami Railroad for CoiiynVius, (.giincciriigthere Willi the4Jentral Ohio Railroad tiirntigh rarkand Zanesville for MetAir, on the Ohio, four mile lroiaWheeling. From this phice the eotuiectioi) wilh the Bal-timore aiul Ohio Railroad u made direct. By the ExpressTrain of this route the tune lrotu Cincinnati to Baltimoreis but So',1 hoars, and to Washington is bat 37 hour.

Baggage checked from Cincinnati to Baluinore, andWashington City.should be 'particular and inquire for

tickcuviaCOLIJM BUS and W HEELING, as no otherroute cas ncarr, through Ba!timore or Washington Cityto New York, thou representations to tiie contrary

standing.. ......S-Fa-rt at low at ly any other route. '

FOR THROUGH TICKETS.Apply on bosrd the l d. mail steamers, which leaveLouisville eve y day at 12 o'clock, or at the office of theJehersonville Railroad, hy way of the Jeffersr-nville- , Ohioand WjsKiseirpi.and Little Miami Railroads A.10 in

5fl!;e offices of the Little Miami Railroad. No.3 Burnet Hou( 'fc'pnnj door west of Vine street; No. 177Gibson House HiUlfliMg.ariJ fijd ofhee, southwest cornerBroadway and Front stret, 'GPFDSI'FS the SpencerHouse; and at the Eastern (Little Miami) Depot, FastFront sheet. '

At VV heeling, or Ben wood, four mile below Wheeling,the passenger take the superior car of the Baltimore amiOhio Railroad, which leave three tunes daily at 7:3oA,M.,4:jP. M., at P. AL-- lor Baltimore. Washington,FhUadelphie and New Vork, making t !ose aud sure con-nections to all points. East and sioutn. For sai speed,regularity, beauty of the country and general comfort,this road is second to none in the Union.

FRbU.'l'T's With the largest equipment of any rail-road in the. timet. !;ct"s, the company u prepared to doail immense business' iii Uie ur.n."rrtation ot freights,which are carried with care and dsfcpatcii. ,.d a. -- tis aslow as those of airy other first class line. The rond ifiikeunincuniw coiiorcuon airnewnarve ana in tlie slieetsof Baltimore, wti tlie railroad and NewYork, ateatneu rivw. ,u and Baltimore hiearvupCompany's Lines, by cann) and sea m Nr 'or!; aii Boe--

steaners to Norfolk, i:iiarlestoii,- - Savahnali. tti:.For particular, sue trtif ht tariff, copies of which may behud ot eny ot the forwarding hnases in th West., VVM. d.WOODdlDEiMasiur of Transportation,- -

BaUiniore and Ohio Kailroad,' JOHN M. HHARPE. njU M General Western, Agents.

--.,1854. - ---

. EAGL.E FOUIVDKiT. i:Jkim wi.txa.ca j. a. itTHoow j. BiaaTTHoa:'

WALIeACn, laTTHOOW A CO.,fiTQ.Yr, jRHAT.w, COPPER, TIN, BH AND" TIfJMiV-..VARJ- MANlfFACTURERVKo, 535, Ifitfhye$xVfttr ifxm and Third ttrtdA

Louiarlllipt sty". ', : '

iN calling tbe attention of dealers tn our Une In this mrwe would state that during the last six months ourattention has been direcb--d to geihng up a large number otnew Stove and Grate Patterns, which, added to our already larce stock. Xives us one of the most extensive amidiversiiierj aasovoneiitsin the vesusrn miukeL, Amongthe number, we would refer to o ir "Ashland K'niirklrai'Cook Stove, (three sir.ea out.) These Stoves have greatweight of metal, lug. fly finished and Hegant in appear- -

1 nry eiuuuuio ail uie mnuein lUlBruVCmvilU Uiatpra liicj! e henence has developed.

v eou1 wjtu' dealers to call and eiannt6'rr thera-selv-

and weVuJ&tft-ite&.Y- t V'"m, kc, tfiey can besuited. Having eniarge.T0i;f wanfijtarliifwe can promptly meet all demands. ThafikTuriir in n, , ,

rone ge which has been so kinkly bestowed upon us, wetrust, bv strict and prompt auemion to all onfers. tncure a continuance of iu Aud the quality of our manufao-ure- dwork shall be, as heretofore, equal if not superior tothe best, and saLsfacaon given in all ca see. ...1

- WALLACE. L1TUGOW a CO.Blank Boos: LCanufictory antfae&eraS

Sindm; Entablifeiiment.'Zf??, WEBB, CHJ.a LEVERING; 691 MiTa

J! stresn. S(."1tliHie. Jiree doom lulnai T ..rHniaruiiiture t:. tiv.ii ofBlank Books, and"keen eonstn.ai n.and j larre axarrtment

.lor BSjee:ner at wnoiesaie or raii. i. i' Merciia iis sn,1 others wishing B!ati Book made to or-

der ciiil heTj,e.a raled aad bound to any pattern, andetvle. .pagedtn bbtsfifrrl tW'te&'nf -

, Every dest riptioii of ij Vpod rca- -onable terms. .

Steamboat Books of all kinds constantly kept An handand made to order at short notice of the nneM material

Counirv Merchants are invited to examine our stock cn-prisi-

a large assortment ' of School,- - Miscellaneous, andBlank Books, Piper, stationery, aen all of iviiu-- will tecold on reasoualila terms. .

, v - . WEBB,C1LL aLKVERING.;apr2 Booksellers anrfe1 ,k B.ioH Makers.

A Cara to tbe ladles. .

f" VlGLItI annotmce to the La-J-'-

die of Lrruisvmv and "tirrjunding country, thatahe will shortly be prepared to i.rrer M titfm the largestand most assortment of MilUnery Gnm.j, ,

tn this eitv. ller taste in utHmrpHasedIrni s!) He would Sjik to inure her fhvor, is a call from lb

Sk4 :fj at present in New Fork, and due. noticewill be ftyen cfior r;:'irn, or receipt of Good. Be nn theaertN0.4iJ Mvet street, titween Fturth and Fnih.,

UVUlif Fttf RAL.Fia wt jii neeona can tcp Uyggy c:jn be had at a Ur- -ra. hy immediate) sppiicatnia to tle ram age opfHugh Jlfsrhn, corner of Sum and bw) aiieeis where itniaybeaeen. j s - k u n.yir

Great Excitement . iCTILL eontiniiet at tha sign of the "Golden Hand.'Just receivesj by Express another large assortment ofGent's and Boys' Clothing. This will be positively theolay in your Clothing, aa I am closlnj (t out at the verrowest prices. ; GEO. BLANCH AktD, .

Bouthweet corner Becond ani Mam sts,y3 , Opposite the Gait House.

' A FI2AV .TIOKE LKFr. ' vrrTjATtheSign of the "Golden Hand," e Potmt.iin

Svrinre. Also. Balhtnir ADtmraiiisej.I h demand beinc so great, I advise you to call soon (

desire one. Gulla Ferrha Floor Ciotlis Piano Coversc.,ac. . GEO. BLANCH AKD,J.'L goiitliwest torner econn an.t num s.

n. D. nucn, . . ; .

(SroceortoGaliaghe k Hi,.) ..' "

IV HOLES ALR GROCER, and Comiaissioa Merchant,V tiaalar la iSrara. Foreta and Domestic Liunor.

Fo. iAlaia sasei, between aertnth and a.finh,Louniia, ay, io aw.

--TRANSPORTATION.i to pittsbeugh in. u nocRa



rpIIE Llula Miaaii Via Corambus being the shortestJL route;, enafcie aunil'on.i and saf speeds Cor.necuun I

are certain, and passengers have lull tiute for me&i. nyany other route fioin Cuichinati, a dangerous speed la required a tin compenea to overcome disuuce, vuk:u rooJieaconnections uncertain.

The Cohtmbus being eichistveJy an Eastern route, theTime Table of the Eastern Koeas are arranged so. ma in

trect connection. .Passenrers from bv rhe Rellf.mtaine and For- -

rest Route, depend on Train from Indianapolis and FortWayne 10 go tart, and ride over the roughest Koada inOhio to get to Creatiuie. '


"At e a. in., 10 a. m. ana MlFirst Train I.whlnil.,FiKr.u I btu Miaiai Unilmad

leave l.ineinnaei at o'clock. A. Columbus, Crestshue, Pittsburgh, Lancaster and Fbiiadelphia, Harn&burgnami Daiiiiuoie. u ii : i .'.,.' u ...

Thi Train is the only Lirhtning Express Train, leavingCincinnati with reliable connection to the East.

Second Train Express, Little Mianu- Kail road, leavedCuicinnKti at iO?clock, A. to. tbraii the above places.

Tin 1 rain leaves Cincinnati two Hot a later than aayfberroute, and makes the same connection.inua 1 rain iSight fcipress Little Miami Kailroad,

leavea Cincinnati at o'clock P.M., for all the above. . - .place. - - - - -

Tin Train leave Cincinnati oira ftoca later than anyother route, and makes the same connection.i ne luittie Miami 1 the only Eastern Depot at Clncia-at- i.

AUother Depots at CinciuuRti are Western..' COlt TllklirCIl TII'LTTUAnd alUnfornMition, please apply at the Little; Miami andtovington and Lexington Office, Now X Burnet Houee,eeonddoor west I me, No. m Gibson House; and Old

Vu"--i suuuicjusi turua oroaaway and rront, opposite theSpencer House, ... 1 p. W.flTUADER.aeiffltr - . : . , General Agent.

.V 5 GREAT" ';

ITortherria Sastern and WesternRAILROAD ROUTE,




Indlarapolia, Lafayette Chicag S Detroit, gAiena,xwva. uuuiu, jLtuiiiiiju, virtrtanau, vieve-- ,land, BuSklo. Xw York, B M'on, PittsburgtBaltimorfi, Waahlngton, Philadelphia, Terrs

, Haater Viacennea Evanarille, Cairo, Surinz- -field, St Louis, kc. ; -

rpf I E Jeffprsonville Raihoad Is laid with heavy T nfl indwell bHllaate4, and i well stocked with superior Loco-

motive and Cars, and ha evsrv faeiiitv ff.r n,,kin.mii.itime and mire connection. It is the .honest rouu by Timiles bctwecaJisvi:.e;.ndCbicaro, and is the onlyKailroad ronte froa Loutsvtile to Ot. Louis, and trom Lou-isville to the EaM.

Two Train daily (Sundays excepted) to Indianapolis.'One, .do ; do , do do-- . - Ctnctrtnari.Ot nnd after Monday, May 6th, train will leave ae

jiyai 1 ium.. maianapous Express) leave jefler-sonvil- lc

at o:16.a. m.,at'djnves at Indianapolis at 11:30. aTun ewiuniire-iiui- i iui uie Liaiayeue ana ttiuianniHili. KHilro.nl fnrl.a.'o.ut... a r....... t.. .,t.

the 1 erre Haute and Richtn Raioaii for Terre Haute.BL Louts, ac; with the Indianapolis and Belkfontfneand the Indiana Central Railroads tor Wheeling, Pittsburg,

3"iiigiou, 1 uuautina, Uicveiana, nuncio,fECONb TRAIN.-Cincln- Exprea leave le

at2:3o, p. m., and arrivesat Cincinnati at 3:30, p. 111.,iiiiuuiig voioievuou oie next morUU', WIUV the LittleMiami and the Cincinnati. Hamilton and Davu.-- l'.:lroadstor oimii)tM, Dayton, CievcUn.!,. Ilurtalo, New York,Baitiru'ire, kc - . , 'THI liD TRAIN I.vm lur.....nii. .,m .

aaQrhrrivea at ladiansrr-- at 7:6, p. m, making njeelconueetioti the saute evenina; with the Lafayette and la- -u.a.inrmB n.,iMTiii, ii v inr nun, wiui we t erre rta'i'3and Richmond Railroad for the vest, ami Uta ln.unapo-h-s

and Beiielbnttine and fndiaoa Central Railroad for theaw.w. ,

Time Sr.ra LouisviEa triaJeCcrsonvii'.e Railroad toInd!1iiapilis, 1 - w - ,Ciucuiiwu, 6 I 2 hours;

Lafayette, 7 hours . :

' Terre Haute; 8 hours;Chicago, is hour: - ' ' . ' -- '

psjiii L.onts; it bottrsf --

, Cleveland, 14 ' "hours: - , i,i" BurTa.0, ?1 hour; .' ' Nev York, 4 hour;., Boston, 40 2 hours; " - . .' 7 - FKtsburr, 19 !wurs;t '

. Philadelphia, 3H hoar!Wheeling, 15 hours;

' " Baltimore, 32 honrs;' ' Washington

Bagvige eheca-c- throng?! from Jeifersourlile to lxiiiaa&poiH slid C'ncwnsu.

FREiCHT8.-- By a recent errapgeaif nt with the M. aL. R. R. Co., the JefteMon'TVie Company now tut tv.rown Loeonerties, Cars and through to

over ttie M. a I. R. R. trom Etlinburg. whichgreitJy faciiitrtes the transportation of freighu.The attention of merchants shipping freighu North andEast ie called to tiiis route, and tiie advantage it offers. .

For through tieketi and information in regard to freights,apply at the office, 665 Main street, Louisville, Ky., . O.NORTON, Agent, or at the Depot in Jerlersonviile.

B. M. LEMONT. Master of TranHTorafion. mhlidi?


1856.cn,mentll,g Iudai'' Mr ,p,18iG


Excluaively an Eastern Rout,On and after this date the

? MIAMI, VIA C0LUMBU3,I THS OXLY' dIRFCT ROITTE tn and froth Cincinnati

nd Cfeyelaad I he c.nfy route running cara into- - the LakuJihore Depot t Cleveland, and. he oniy rout with iini- -fnrm guage fjoiu Cincinnati (o Cleveland, Dunkirk aridButfalo.

B V ANY OTHER ROUTE CJevelsn passenger goVia Mr ndusky, and depend ou trains frota Chicago-an-Toledo to go East, break guage at Sandusky and terry ftosaOldObioCilyto Cievelaud. ,

THE LITTLE MIAMI, YIA COLUMBL'8,lithe only route with reliable tonneetion tor and frontCINCINNATI and PITTS RCRG. ,

BY ANY OTHER ROUTE, Pittsbufg possenrers de--at Bciletontaineor Forrest on tram from Inaiajoapo--

and Fort Wayue, to go East.: THE LITTLE MIAMI, VIA COLL'MBL'3,

IS THE OXIY ROUTE to and from Cincimtaii andWHEELING or 81 LBENVILLE.

THE LITTLE MIAMI. VIA COLUMBUS,I tub Oklv Routs to and from Cincinnati, Columbus,Crestline and Cleveland, with Lightning Express, with-out change of cars. -

Tlii is a great comfort to Ladies and Families.THE LITTLE JW1AMI, VIA COLUMBUS,

BEIVS'TUP gHORTES ROUTE from Cincinnati tothe East, aiiuiie-iU-l ;i5iA sfB ppc I is maintained. Con-nection are certain. ," ', I

BY ANY OTHER ROUTE from Clncinnau a dm.,.mi. speec is requireu tu overcome aistance ana delayanecessary in changing passengers and baggage at

Forrest, Handucky, and ferrying ut Old Ohio


WHEELING. . vuFflTSBURG. - . j .


... MAGARA FALLS,4 o au in. Bieu.n c.iCJ. :w .' ihreadiyEastefn traina at A. M A. 41., grid

FIHTTBAIN-Clevela- nd, Pittsburg, Srcubenville andWheeling Lightning Ejuress. Isaye Cmciiiiiali altf A.frr all tha Lantern. ciUe. Also, Detroit, via Cleveland;rjpringheldi VV ilmiiigton.CircleviJle, Lancaster aud Zanoa-vill- e;

Chtllicothe and Alliens. Thi train stops betweenCincinnati and Columbus at Leveiand, Morrow, Xeuia.and London only. 7SECOND Pittaburg and WheelingExpress Mail, leave Cincinnati at 19 o'clock, A. M., viaviecinu, i iiixiHirraua v neeung. Tor-a- the Eas'erncities. This train si ops at all points between Cincinnati

and Columbus. r , . .,

THIRD TK.V.IV Accommodation, leaves Cincinnati atk30 o'clock P. M. for Springfield: Wilmington, Circlevfana i,aneasier: e tiiincotne, and llillsboron rh. This trainstops st all points between Cincinnati and iSprinrfield.

FOURTH I'll VI N Cleveland and Pittsburgh NightExpress, leaves Cincinnati at o'clock P. M. via Cieve- -mau ana riusourg.ior ail tn tastern cities. Thi trainstops iiiu pointa oetween i inciiiiiau and Culumous.

(Jhe UZiU 0B Z CJ M J:?0 o'c'ock P. M., for Coltbus. - ' ......

Tminj run by Coluuu. u s tuna T niiiiute nuter than fcia- -j

IlUUUl. . , .' fare ae lew as br any other ltotita.

... . . Til ROUGH TICKETSAnrl all Infomiatioc can be obtained st tie new nfflxa. TSn

Burnet Hoiwe, aecond door west of Vine street; No. 177runt omce, uitsn tiouse nuuiitng, anil old otfiee.soutli-eas- t

coiner Broadway :.. id Front street, OPPOSITE thePpencer Hons, or at the Estem (Little Miami) lepotCai r I'nii sireei. - ri Office hours frOm J A. M. until P. M.I . , " P. W.S rRAiillR, General Agent,

Calls lor passenger at allevery train. By leaving d 21f&uTomce. WaU call Kr peav;out fad.

niySidtf' .:: ..... Comiueior. 1tt I

Boot arid ShoeMANUFACTORY, Fifth street, oppo-site the Court House, Louisville, Ky. 1nvemrf-retlir- all anH . r. rv A.i. r.. nr

n and 1 .ents' nne boots .ma uttrs.AKo, Ansse. and ChiMrenf J noes and Goitnru rnn.rruer, am w irrantrsf! a goj nu 1 am a pracucal me-- .r lmirt-- . aim rjrnmiaciure an ratunni' D.';; .:nj emrrif r e lr 1 the best workmen. 1 rt ine t ir i.'t t,fo bnsmfM ej r,crr- ;.ril sbr"e, by making a good arulenni deioDgu svaixj'i.iicxiir-ir.inrcrirrr'-c- s.

r "1 j . a H. pifrwulj jannaiy oPlHtsit the Court House. I- f 1

,T0i. fAS and tvo Market treet, betweenJ Floyd anO

1 Frflston. north aide. Louisville, Ky., manufacturer jf,and wholesale and retail dealer in every oi flr.eand ftim-- r Korinture. I keep corstantlv on hami a hrand vsric.l stock of K".ewoof, Muliogany, Oak anil Vvai-ni- tf

Fuitureom arising every article for rioii.sehoMptrr-rse-9.

A iso, niasilt y, :. rer of every description oi cHton ,Suuck and arrays u?U ul'Ulc.to

ClcksI Ct,oct ! I kep ' a' ge.srai assortment 0'ciocg tt tne Miestann mot improved style. . 1 ttirtj hourana eignt ojecis1 w vraniea to run regular and keepgood time.r Aid. manufacturer of Plaia. Lined and OrnamentalColJins, febyered to ord-r- .) ' ,,

i 1 ni ai waVJ pfrpaftd to furnl th a tOod Hearse with anyti ber of Carrigt s ijiat rr(ay be XyajueJ, shfl ncc?- --

Orders suited Bh4 HHcd with projpptnesa, op short ao- -tiea.

Thankful for the many psst fitror from Die cicieo ofLt'Uiviile, ar.rl hop ty inct attention tn bu.ines. and,seiliug a good arucie at tairprices, to snare and merit aontiiiiiiice ci jae aauie. ' utoKi.r, ihj.i. ,

an'Hdif No gRS and srAl Markrtstre,Hew Arrival of FrencQ China, Olase

'..;..::.;. ana Tea. ware,.r a, w nave luit iseeivrxt frntil the ' M Bln-r-

Le nfacturer of rara tr ranc; rna laie.i j r

i i styles of gilt and nlainl white eai stiaes 01 y j--f Tea. Brr aKfnst and

neantiiul supply of Bhetl Colognes, Holly VVaier

Ponds. Jewelry Ca-- e, Vases, Watch and SneH Boxes.Cigar and At.h Stands, ac, together win. a large anabeautiful stock of Waiters, t'ntlery and Silver-plat- 4

Castors, all of which we will sell at very low price.cahand aaamia. m,. fc cai ....r,.. uasnd lit rm.rrli sire- -t

ITllf aH TEAS. Jst received, 80 package orsupertoA Green ad Black Te; Innore and for sale byj7w , AfciufO.NDA.saFotMthstrsat, 17

E 4 - ' - r v. J 11

Si-- . ' iT r. '"A' ,i aJ

: -- ' " -

OTnn'' '

'- P.SAMON,llx3t., Toot. Groon cto XvLel

HAHUFACTUBER OPCAPITALS ami BASES for CoIarcE, TRtBSlBRACXETS, WINDOW CAPS, enrichrcntj forComiccfl, Gothic OrnaraenU, Cbimne jtop .Jlow-a- r

Pot3, Vawa, Jtc, a8ortmt to U iea at tba

. .' ALSO :

1 Woris.'' .'

'1 Plain andl' aVy ctden for PUaterin? Smcco fcr Utekjr

(dacoration promptJy atteaJed to."

O" Plaatr Pari, tor at tb loweat' auhpriee.


Coach and Saddlery,jQkJNTTT

KM RRACIa 5laruiig, llamts. Band,at'.ng, caddie Bag aua Collar Leather.Ai), wholesale r of Haddlee,mng. r ire Lagiite bjhI biearoboat H,t,

" Hides and l eather, in Tough, boughtZJ-- Sauueery W are.huse,4a Mam street.

jr.- -

.. rractical FianpForte Makei ' 4

FTrTi STREET,. BETWEEN JIARSET AND JZ77EES0X, LOIILSYILLE, KT.HAVING been egared in the majiufacttirlng of Piano Tortee, in the beat MannrVmrie of the2o years, I teel eoi!idei:t tiiat.lrom my long exDerteuce. I can .j ,.i .ug. .My rianoa are. Mantifaernred trom the istinaair.al, w:th fall nti.e inme ant riiiil iim. ,.jTJT;.tliem equal l.i every respect to any n titnt n.anafi tHred ta Ute United Jtalns. 7,de:ee exts rienced worsmen. Dealers, schools, sennnar?, and the ro eio .fnrfJ 7!Tl fPited noJ. F. JACK&ON.oratthe VVsreraoss, D. P. FALLI's,R Mam ittM.wna,:. Tihl SLV. Z ""'J1purchasers r,n alwaj s aee a& aaaonrnent and compare them


Canfield, Brother & Co.,vraoLaaaxs ihtpuarsajs, aid tat--

TV 9 I ' -

7atche3, Fine Jewelry,SUyer and Plated-Wai- e, Mili-

tary andFAKCY. GOODS.

121 UaJtiniore at., eon of Cttarlna St.KAtiTlJiOltE.

HyConnlry BiereLastasaf pUei allia vei j lowosirate. ra.y2 rjy1. CCavtb(.b. Wv.B. CAfBtrea. Joa.H. McaaaiTW




KEEOEAHTS,cond Bt., between Main and Water



LOriSVII.LE. KTDEALERS in Family Groceries, choice Teav Coffee.

aud every thing usually kept ia tbe Groeeryine.- '

Thankful til onr r.l.l fKenHVsn.f en t.lm.ra trr tKei J rr-

ronage, we hope by strict attention to baaine to abarand merit aeontuiaance oi tbe me.

ap2 dtt H.M.J. McDERMGTT.

John & Hugh Irvine,LUMBER MERCHANTS.nAVEfor s! at their L:nher Yard (the obleat in the

n street, im tweeu Haacrvk andt;lay, north side, a I irge and superior stoek of VV tiot PtnaHoards, Fine .Shingles, Cellar Foata, ae., and all kiad olLumber suitable lor bunding.

VV e have alsom operation a Planing Machine, a4 arealways ready to turnisn t hsunng and ilresaed Lumber tall kinds.

from the cotmrry will be promptly attendedto, and tbe Lumber shipped Without deisy.

JOHN . HUGH IRVINE.aptC dtf VVaingtonst. bet. and ClaT

KOTIC2,FT AV1NG sold my stock of Drugs, Medicine- -,

Ii my brother, Andrew Stewart, I would respecuuliynncit lor nun a comtiruance 0 tne patmnar so i!reni!i

beetowed upon me. GEO. S. 6 TEVVART.


Worihaui Mmr of Market and JifLh ttrtett.LOUISVILLE. KY.

OtT-- kind of co.inuy produce taken ta exchange,oeiadtf

. wutthima. a. a. wtBrsaWINCHESTE1T ft CO.,


iIRANDIES, WINES ft CIGARSTogether with a full assortment of

; Fancy Goods, Notions, &c' Also, Depot for Wicbester'a Kentucky Liniment.Corner ef sixth and iIaln StreeOTXk kiaC. .vx. aco. noxxrs



IMPORTED CIGARS,Pipes, CheiTing Tobacco, SauT, anl Manufac

. tuirrt of Snicking Tobacco. Depot of

D4.LTILIQEE TOBACCO,' Ko. tS, Vifth streit, near iiirket,'

tJUlnVJLLE,KY4a dtf



Fancr W o r sr. In JIant,e.piec,Tntaitoues & oroameDtai ai'topryr

tne parmnmrw of Cic eitzen ot Lcu'.vnleSOLICITS g. iiera.! to hi hamleome and eleganiiyuiteii ecalsishm MiUon Ji T-i'- it 'reet, I etwee n r'.urtuand F ifbi. He p!;i;ge hi tHih to be prompt hi any andall order given turn, and wul guarantee ms work to stand

eoiriparuruu with any done Una side of Mason a Diiov'sB.i. m't D- NKVIM

. li.MJLut ii;iniiia: ,



City Erevrrr and Larer Beer Caloon,sith st., trstween natn and lilTr.1 am rrr-ra- tr.f nru',,i K.rkenArsan.-- t othAr...&d I

peUa oosfrjuinee cf UairDatronaro.n.r. 1 wuipaytaa aiaest maiactpnAeiB eaa

ir.r t.ir.ay.


me and Poplar Lumbor,TV 1 Cll rTHII lntr.nl iAATirtrr Viiinfritl

llr a. A


ap5" dti


OliO.TillW.GTj;ojt.a-L"t- s

fll'Sou-.- h S;1a iTarket gtrtet, LcrauTUIc, hj


CATLPEX DA03, THUT3, Ac. Ac.fy-- G eats' Garments made toot derat th very shortest

Born e. - atari tjBELL. HANGING,


i00 JatXaraen ntreet. btwtea PixtJa.ai seventu.dtf - - ...,.

Aafmryi t i i

..v.1 ,





Ornamental Plavslema,' " '

nil tf



Hardware . and Leather

Here, Mack and tkn Bridle Carter- - u ," '"

Dime,., Trunk., parent atrteh4 1 ..,K..iwarranted ot as gooi quality and at as iowpncea .

aad sold.

J7 Jawtf

aitad titalee.

with l r.CZ., wbarianos maninaetured bv oener maker

t. n. Koexa. to-- w. rntia. , aao.. nnoan

AJraUiXalj7iCT'lSarriari A, VL7aV f '

. M vuivu m. mc v uauiu a ails ure u oMADISON, IA.r. cmcara aten. fceretary. D vit VVniT. IWrrrakt

Alerfantiicirire k ilanne Ins. Co.OF COTINflkTO.V, KT.

Ao'nC. Ei AXP.rrec7. VV iluxm T. Psnrre, PreA H Ar-nt- fhr tbe above well kwrwn and responsible la.a sqraiice Cotnparne- -, we w prepared b) tale i m ..Marine rtskepn .aroi-- termaOtbVeon Bfrrea iule of Main street, second Soot heLiWPoarth.over .i.e,; WjiV,

J. V. Mxk a .. A --nu


BRAND CUTTER,(At Johnston' Piiutsca' Depot.)

No. 5-- Third Srect,ap2 dly L0!JI3Y1LLE, KT.


NVITE?att'-nuofobi- s newatyb. Ppnag and Siwa- -i tf ods for iTuti. eompr.-irr- f Dumor and .Msa,.Fan y a;l colors; Bum-- 7 and simom' black MumVntioths, eitia tine, for aNa) ttmiwev Coat.Vrnv d I h- - f -y and p.lack t iimete 10 great car hn?.Party and VV c.ldii.g Ve::,,., Mr,iies and Drilling.

tne reach t lot is and Caesiroerea, nv atyle, ail col-ors for bunmes snit winch will be made up to order aecheip,yaaeaalw ptrrcb3ed of any cloth ng aauausa..14 tjiia e,.--

L7-- 7 slain street, between Fourth and Pi:t. Lean.Tkr- - apu



CABINET WARE,Comer of Sixth street and Court Place,

L.OUISYILLK, KY,AM orders thaukfbl.'y receivH and promptly attendHe O .ft lentlT refer tn h'-- nnmeron. fVrata an4 na.

bme.- - rc ui .004 anaiity and variety of ty la 0 r awork. ap4T. P. HI GHErt. J. H. H CTCHl SON' '


Foreigii and DbmesticDRY GOODS.

NO. 433 JXAt STREET,SouTh tlie, betsreea Fufth and SUth strae- -

iounriLLE KT.pdtf

liiuT uuaen cc onecKier,HESCHANT TaAILORS, ;



J and the publie U our stock of Cloth. Casaime.aaj eating, htch we w ill make to order at abort noneand on tne mowt reaaonaole terms.

Gtveasaeiu nemSerNo. 90 Fourth street,ranrio du


HATTER.,831 market t.,t. Uree a fled ,


I HAVE Just reserved Stoek of Fall and Wn-- U

r H.u and Caps, Sott Traveling Hats. YouthChildren' Hats an4 C.. anl fsive all that fine JDr. s Hit. which ise neatest to be (bund in the city atas low price. a"?l

inanAiui tor past iaor, 1 nope to.rrajre a ennrrnqanat the aam. E. SOCEKMAAN".

oetertlf No. 37 Market Mrce.IJHAi E. HOWE. JA3. WIL9JW

V Iff ft A V a a, aj a M m

(duceeaeor to E. N. Fuller F Cn.)FORWARDING AL

Commission HIerchantrf;H0J9 EAST FRONT ST., NEAR BROADWAY i .'

for Ea.itara Tranjportt.rm Linen. 111,41 -

Piano Fortes!- -


TI SICand.V J!CAL .f ERt'H A N DI E ef vary va 'ATI rtetyoi price to ,uil pirch:iee ftrv sals ky - . 1


KO. H RANDOLPH STREET, CHICAGO. ILL tI B . r. rUSELL,of ChicBffrsarrd rsae K. TtafBrt!J. of Rentueay.baving a)ii:itpd ttiemaelvec in bi s..eaa. oflrr in- -J err e. to asv cersona aSa.wa. . .

ehas- rseii Keal Esuue in tr "m: ute city of f tncaarx jti.f V . Col. Kl-f- the Keal Estate 6, a,i ship, r , ci y o t, 11 btst 1 yajr,aa4 w'bfru..-- 01 tiosnue n.:uot j CF. Russa . o. ml a

.i.vi.'fi' wi'.i Leju, 1,114 etc.. . 4S ar"nn4Ue ciry. They have Haesl

l JCO.' wrfl.1 Ktil S ta tlaj ie, on canal as--J knme. 'yug and around the rur of aed ou if ?ai any in." ot i;r!rrr.!Hnng thronrn the Sta"?

rreMurVparm ss y, tii &tates t Iowa 1iscousji, situ .rluiur-rs-t- Tern'oiv.

They have fine bavv ;a,a tea,';!. , iri.. in ai. rr r 'FKOti .,00o,iaaA.wJpyaspriKiiprBa4g tntttrraliot tune,, . r

Anyone rb, wishes W stermroii aar srVeitafion c't'r,be suited at R ii a IrabMC . waowiU lake pleasureshowisgliie prrperty th.-- base foe aad ana went "

fuliy ali conuuuiucauous adilree! tr mem.

Cbtcaoo. November C VW.-od- ti' .


'ATTORNEY AT. LAW,AtH Jaffarnennt., lC.t earf Ariitwa HmM .i

- iUVAJA4 aiASA 4W1A

SMITH'S CELEBRATED . ..Pittsburg TJf : and Kenaett's Als.t

' '- i VT-- - ! -


'F. VOLKlN.eornasr Third arwt IjcUdJ Opp-- c,


p 7 77 r 7 v "m rr n.a4 W. k.ti nJ a 3 aw 4 lJ at .


J.K l , n TbuSl' k.j !... . . ". T k ;

i eUw w. n rrt. of th eity.a Kood anlc'.a ol r ail kind, n.,W n p.rd .Hhort ZStT'

lankfalto tay aid frlandtanJ aartffiTaforlaali iDii'viw 1, mT v.iast favors. I hor br atrict atveau. to la to 1 1 vu t

: t - 1