daily puzzles pun presented play6roumos want act … · .rjkjvt aho- mai. hw» tat« hbofcm ol...

.rjkJVT AHO- MAI. hW» TAT« HBOfCM Ol .Ut«lÄIA. AJfO Want AcT Rates ¦ttou mm%wM aitastlaaj w*at««1 *.» ¦¦¦ lay. SjsBhWaWS Waated. eae eee* . WK Sa A4, jeeday tahea far lees taaa aiteea eeata. *a A 4a. takes fas lees taaa tweety. .ve seats wbea phased ta ae charges at «ae asaates. Phase eeSera ae« araaraateedL Waat A4, ajaa. Pku» Maarae a. Clsasf aaajssa aat gaaraaieee alte* .ata f. m. . [ Fas business eaatra^ta, aead Car tko aVa»ai aim jjg-iaaMi ' Ci RAYfclD.' FRÖM 'STUART avk- nue, oae bi<ic* auo nun« tciuale set¬ ter, answers to me ueuie Ol '"rlora"; to reward iur rnuiu. Cail Meu.awii isaa-au,_j bTt-i^N." VKUU Iii IC FROM? OF Flaatera' National Bank, at Iv.av Monuay momma, one aiuall biacA niait. aou tup tuggy; bust^y uer* arten, running »¦ and hssaSS body. No t.i:e k rein uu harness ai.d M it trace broken. Any inioi uiaiiun lead- Iuk to recovery of aame w.u bv re¬ warded by '1 HO- e. ö l AGG 4 SON 2(/»l Käst Franklin._ I Lo*T. BETWEEN THIRD AND ct. th, on Urace or Franklin Street, a sold It.. Cbt Fraternity I>in. Reward if returned to No. 11 North Thirteenth Street. 4?tip cuauuo, «9aU wanTkI^fokT^.'^^ bodied, unmarried men between agci of II and 35, citizena of United Statu; sf food character and temperate hab. Its. who can speak, read and writs, the English language, l or informa¬ tion apply to illlag Obicer. S2»' K. Br .ad, Richmond. Vs._ wa.i,f.u laiiuklkj ruK 5525] shovel work st Vartna. N. C Wages, 11.50 per day. u ««kly pay. FISHER a CARuZZA. Oenerai Contractors. | WANTED. FIVE EXPISrTeNCED IN- surance organisers for Richmond. beet adequate rate life anti bea.tb and accident certmeates. 'i he OH- DER ok the GOLDEN seal. Trav- elers" Building._ . team-FITTER AND 1IEEPER a anted. Call W. A. CHESTERMAN'S _ OFFICE. MSf West Broad. _| men AND WOMEN' WANTED FOB. | government positions, tie week. Write tor list of positions open. frank UN INSTITUTE. Dep t. *ls-T. Rochester.y._ wanted. fiftT laborers, apply Twenty-first and Grace Streets at once._I BtAlL CARRIERS. post-office clerks wanted; »so montb. Richmond examination* during Novemoei. Free coaching. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, Pep t, *u-t. Rochestar._Jt._l._J WANTED. BARTENDER. MUST BE ejaatflflej to wotk tu city. A Mm, care T'tneF-Dlspatch. j W.«..\TED7~A~ ÜXS~TÖ help IN ocr stove department . rothkkt A co. J wanted. young MEN TO TRAVEL and SSOatt; salary and commission, hostlers make 140 to i:.i per month net. dixie PORTRAIT CO., esc, I Greenville, N- c W\\ N T i; Ü, "a fIRST-CLASS REAL ES- ' tute salesman: a business getter: J 'established business; fint> opportun-, ity for the right man. Address, with refersace, 1*. o. Box 2»o. City._ BTKaM-~F1TTERS,~~ HOLDERS, MA- rhinlats, helpers, grocer clerks, dairy handa. See AMERICAN labor bureau. 11» North Ninth Street. < WANTED. JaiEK A3U> BOYJS only Shops in Southern States that lully » juips one for sutomobile trade; many positions open. CAROLINA , AfTu school Charlotte. N. C. Wanted*" first-class barber I _ 2509 East Broad._j A WELL-educated MAN OF MID- I age. well k.i.ivn b. the business people of Richmond, who is a good. convincing talker, to hiip promote a corporation now h stgaafSf d. Unless you are aaaatAaJ and cat: meet the abo e re<i its do nut; waste your time. 2<ji Nations! Bank of Virginia._I Wasted, job pressman, apply la southern printing co., inc., Ill South Eighth Street. _ BARBER W ant ed. Fl Rf>1-cla^s' colored tarber wanted by W. A. Hill.j proprietor Marbl-j and Mirrow Pal-i ace Barber Shop, Stearns Building.: Newport News, Va., complexion mustj be light crown skin or mulatto, $101 par week to begin with, snd more If J satisfactorily efficient; no booze fight-1 era need apply; finest barber shop In I the South; barber must be competent;' on white people only. w. A. HILL. Prop.. Stearns Building. 20« Twenty- eighth Street, Newport News. Vs. WANTED. AT ONCE LABORERS. »1.75 per day. by George A. Fuller Co.. White Sulphur Springe, W. Va. Sea MR WARREN, First National Bank Building, regarding fare. Wanted, m men and bots to work la shipping department. W. T. HOOD A CO, Oiater Park._ WANTED. a DRIVER: ONE WHO Un¬ derstands grocery business and can tske orders. Must have experience; reference required. PARK AVENUE GROCERY CO.. 2127 Park Avenue. WANTED. BRICKLAYERS AND HOD carriers and one mortar mixer. Ap /lly Moore Street front RICHMOND RON WORK __at new baseball psrk. j WANTED. TWO NEAT WHITE BOYS, j poslt/vely not over IS years old, to set ap pins in bawling alley. Hotel Chamberlln. Can make abO'U »5 a week and room and board. Will be well taken csre of. Address E. l JACKSON. P. o. Boa 12. Old Po'nt. Ta._j IFa.VTEd, TTT6 6r THrke yoeng i men of pood appearance, experience not necessary; splendid chance for advaacemeat; reference reiju red Call Room 1*1 Main Street Baak Blinding, after IP. U_i FaFER boxes: EXPEKi ENCED haxd I on ending machine; also floor boys: I steady emptoysaeat sear round, RICHMOND PAPER BOX FACTORY 13JJ Eas» Franken >ci» UUmttw faniit WjteTtt ^posttio?* 7 Alf' Inrftxö:. gr;.pher hy yt»nn« lady, raised In eountrv. two yeerr experteace. can sssist with books, moderste sslsry: | testlmonisis Address STE.NOGRA- : fhER. Lawretrcevllle, Va._ wi%NTEn7-än_nX PER IENCED MTD- I die-aged nurse, whs willing te go Marth with family with two children. , Apply 211 North^oaaaerdy Street-_ WÄlcTED. GIRL. FOR GENERAL hooseworh; aiao de washing; two la tesally: seed aat star nights. Call, with refers. ce_22II Staart Avenue. jct, ».» Wertk WÄJTTTO. OrBLS r^R W«AT, CI*A* Oaaal ahreeta_u aas rar »VI _twel^ pears etd ; a^a> ^ Safa, *T,s^rrfcwawrTw Motten* «lattttto* WANTED. WTUATION AS OARPEN- erj applicant also unJeratands cars poultry and /los/era Address U tu. cars Tlmss-Plapatea._ HOUSE MAN. JANITOR AND «KXTOrf wishes work. Address Routs 1, Box »-A. City._ young MARRIED MAN, TRAVELING salesman, desires position as ship¬ ping tii ik. or any stationary pertnn- nent position that carries promotion. _J. k._M.._! ox 1«». fcklma. n. c. _ rot'Na married man wants 1*0- sition as foreman on farm; state wages, cun give reference, can bAR- die farm machinery Address 103" Hull Ulmet. South Richmond._ sTANTED. A position by young nib ii lit the wholesale or retail greeery business. Apply D 30«. care T)mes-I>lspat« h._ | Wanted" ä position bt tocmo maa in the wholesale or retail ttr.t.ry. Address 1> IM, care Times- Dispatch._._j KXFc:RIK.\r"l~ MÄLK" rTILNÖGRA- rhei wants work at ni^lit*. Address It 131. csre Times-Dispatch._I YÖlfNÖ^OI.ORED MAN. NOW EM- ployed. desires position In the city or suburbs as butler. r.lj.« or gen¬ eral all-around worker. Address C Mil, care Yi:nc3-Diap.iU-h. öirt'itwnc C fro./-rnulf itAanwax wt > Yavia £adt op culture, positron as comp.ir.ion to elderly person or an Invalid, or gov¬ erness to* snail children in private faaafrpi best of refersne*. Address. COMPANION. 230 Third Avenue. Holtland l ark. R.chmond. Va. A L\dy STKN'fy.HAPIIKR. 'WITH A number of years' expe. lenre, denires a position: .holesale business pre¬ ferred; can furnikh references. Ad¬ dress k 2>>l. care Tlrm s-Dlapatcli fÖVSG LADY OK reF1Ne11KNT. AND exi»erleiiccd dressmaker, would l-ke place as family di.rsmakei or com- BaUsIssj to old or invalid lady. Ad¬ dress ."SAI'IE." General Del'very. DaavflJa Va, tfgrntfl CUantfD esxi' t?p "* THIS WINNER": bo re money niakir, ae!'.* like hot cakes:! 10)'., profits; free particulars; write! me to-daj. THE piix1ium SUPPLY CO., 24r>3 East Monument Street,) Baltimore. Md._ Solicitors? «no öalfsmrn TRAVELING ^SALESMAN WANTED! by a iar(re> Baltimore crockery andj glassware importing and jobbing) boute. some knowledge of ths line:: traveling experleiic« and refe-ences necessary. Address CiiuCKEKY.' care Times-Dispatch._ ßmtttt} ^AMTmmi, '."^«n«n~''Is^gsÜC TO~TS*OW that JAHN Kb. BROS.. Jewelers. »13 East Main Street, buy. sell, sxebaags and REMOUNT DIAMONDS IN TUE LATB*T STYLES Old gold oaf all- vei xiwsys taken *9 exenanga_ for rent, an underwood type- writer in perfect order at $3 rental per montii. j. F. how1son. 605 East Main 8treet._ ANNOUNCEMENT..WE are now North gathering up nice and fresh ?i:;.;jlles of general merchandise, which we will have in our com- modlous auction rooms, at 1308 East Main street, for sale about November lo. Merchants are most respectfully Invited to atteni this sale. __amuel stern A co^ our oxt-OAß flame welds cast- iron, steel. brass, aluminum and wrought iron machine parts, also, caat-oron braslng. THE 9trick- land MACHINE oo._, NOTICE IS HEREBT GIVEN THAT I have qualified, as administratrix of the late Fatrick McGranighan. Ail persons indebted to his estate will settle vith me. while all having de- mands against the estate will pre- sent the same to me. duly verfled, for payment. mary V. McGRANIGHAN. Administratrix Patrick McGrani¬ ghan. deceased. Su0tnr00 Opportumrifö iHf 1A VI: 'A~Ma'CiIINE^TcTmANUFACV ! ture an article for which there is an unlimited local demand. 1 need about f t.Ooo. and am willing to aell 25 per cent interest; eJaaV profits $100 to 1125 per day. Write st once. Ad- dress C 302. care Times-Dispatch. waNTE1 '7 TO ~buT A, BUSINESS OR an interest in a business, with ser¬ vices. Give full particulars. B 275. oam Times-Dispatch^_ ' \. ANTED. PARTNER^ YOUNG man. for traveling amusement proposition, winter. Florida; have business: need j SgM. Address B oi. car* Times- Dispatch._j WANTED. Ä]«nExTERJE"NCED SALES- man as business manager for es- tablished manufacturing company, one who can take an interest of from «5.046 to 910.000 In business and take entire charge of depart-1 nient. Excellent opportunity to right man. References exchanged, Address J 1*4. cars Times-Dispatch.! Rawm* jfn \%mt N^tfL^r^RNTsHED era exposure. S14 East Clay Strest; central-_ STOP IN THE HEART OF RlCH¬ ID on d. at THE ROANOKE. 114 North ElgMh Street. Newly furnlabed rooms 50 cents day up Special rs tea by week or month._ NEWLY-FTJRN1SHED^ROOMS: PHONE, bath: two light hous« keeping rooms; central. 80ü Esst Clay._ VAPOR-HEATED ROOMS FORi"ÖEN" tlemen. 103 East Graaa. PLEASANT" FI HNLSHED RDOM; PRB- fer nurse cr a gentleman; private family; second apartment, north. THE SHIRLEY. Third ami Cary Streets. NTCELT FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH or without board; also connecting rooms, suitsble for housekeeping. lit East Marsh IL_ _ I BKlTlilT. AT TRACTIVE MUOM^ fi North Sixth, eist side of strest. I FOR R K NT. WEI^FURNJiWlET) heated rooms. lot North Ninth St. TV» O OK THREE BRIGHT^TTBAC- tive connecting rooms, nieeiy for-1 nlr'ied. stngle or en satte, second a;.artm«nT :.>! Eaat Franklin. FOR RENT. "ELEGANT". FURNISHED; rooms in the mo»l central and select pert of ti.e city; also rooms for transients, f I per day and up. t#S | East Grace. _ i NK*ELT FURNTSHED ROOM. WTTH or without boSMrd. 71S shalL_ FURNISHED "ROOMS." LIGHT HOUSE- keep ng; also singAe room, adjoining bath, «nd use phoaa. Ml North Fourth Street. Stsrtinf fR?SNT"'i:rK>M. with' i56ARt>T^i5r rellent table hoard. Ml East Oraoa BtiAI MERJ« W \NTED FOB VACANT rooms. 2*9 Eaat Oraoa_ WHEN TOU com* TC RICHMOND1 atop at 1m7 East Clap; Srst-clans' accommodation; European a* a marl can. reoant Me aad im. par aap: avesJo aerved in old Virginia atyVs. foOaaw WTTH BOARD, I K Mass K 9. MÜm Weat Oraoa Mpaag, CHy. WAPffgD^ *B>A«t«7>ERS FOR MBB^HAB^B- ^BOWBMg^U n^^ mm DAILY PUZZLES r net NEITHER OF YOU Teuu THE TRUTH M What tool? Darllag. htÖTOKC YCLEd .vSa* BZ *Ciutt>. KKW and second-hand: repairing of ail1 Und». TOMPKIN« !>...' W.st Boad. FOB SALE, $37» JU C. SMITH 12-1 gauge Monagram gun. $T-'i. two seta barrel*. 171» East Krankila Street., T. W. TIONOBS SON._I FOR bAU, CHEAP. ALL aliNDS OK sceond-hand niecaanlcal tool*, alao trunks aed auit cesea. Apply to ELSNER BROS.. 170» Kaat Mala _St reel. pa a. n brokera_ FOR FIRST-CLASS FRCITS^AND PRO- vislons, call at 42-' Kaat Marshall; Strtet or phone Madison 9465. Low- est price?, goods delivered any parti of city and suburbs._ j FOR SALE. NO. I SMITH FEKMIER typewriter* in perfect order at $17.60 cash, fully guatanleed. subject to careful inspection. AMERICAN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. INC, 605 East Main Street. Phono Madison 626«._ BOILERS. ENOINEsTw'ooTjrWORKING i machinery of every deasrlption. belt- j ing. hangers, chatting and pulleys; condition guaranteed. L BLUFORD dc CO. 153* Kaat Cary Street_j DRUG STORK FOR SALE; A BAF>- gain; good location, in one of the' largest cities in the State; will beat j Inspection, b 60. care Times-Dispatch.j FOR SALE. SAWMILL AND TEAM, i Eight good mules, young. well- j broken and in splendid condition. [ with four wagons and harness for same. Also sawmill with capacity twelve thousand feet per day .with two million feet standing timber. pine and hardwood.located near Eunl. Va.. ready for Immediate de¬ livery. Price reasonable. Address W. W. ROBERTSON. Norfolk. Va. ONE 16-HORSEPOWER DOUBLE- GEARED TRACTION ENGINE; PEsACTICALLY NEW; USED VERY j LITTLE; COMPLETE WITH ALL! LATEST IMPROVEMENTS: ALSO I SAWMILL OUTFIT; A BARGAFN TO, QUICK PURCHASER ADDRESS P. O. BOX $3». BRAND-NEW ROYAL TWO-COLOR llbhira typewriter, a bargain to quick purchaser. Box MS. BULBS. JONQUILS.EMPEROR JON- quil. the Uns large golden yellow va- riety- produce immense blooms in spring; 30c dozen; $1.75. 100; $1$. 1,24)4); C O D. city. POAT BROS.. Bulb Growers. Highland Park, Monroe «I._ HAVE YOU WEIGHED UPON THE wonderful Talking Scales, now lo¬ cated at Xc^ 700^ East Main StreetT FOR SALE. TYPEWRITERS. ALL makes rented by the day, week or aahath to responsible parties. Rent i applied on purchase: $5.50 a naentn and upward. AMERICAN TYPE¬ WRITER EXCHANGK, INC.. 605 East < Main Street. Phone Madison 52»«. J OUR OXY-GAS FLAME WELDS CAST- ! iron steel, brass, aluminum and wrought iron machine parts; also cast-iron brazing. THE STRICK- LAXD MACHINE CO. _. TINNERS' AND BUILDERS" WAGONS. $S0; grocery wagon. $100. WE HAVE A WELL EQUIPTED plant for repairing and painting ve¬ hicles, automobile body buildlngend painting a specialty; prompt service. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO PAJJCTTNO ELECTRIC AND OAS CARS. YOU CAN GET A BARGAIN W gles and aurreys »tRICHMOND VE¬ HICLE CONSTRUCTION CO. JUST PUT IN CAR OF HAYDOC BUO- gies. surreys end runabouts; business and pleasure: if you are in need can suit you. THOS. H- DUKE 4% CO.. lee Braak Avones._ For wagons, go to richardson BROS. «15 Brook Avenae. Painting, repairing and rubber-tire work. FOR SALE. WELL AF^DtTKO restaurant, up-to-date la »»¦»¦«.¦ section of the city, paying well .good reason for selling. Appiy EDGAR B ENGLISH. Rooms 625-4 American National Bank Building. FOR-SALE. MILL, THREE STANDS roller process: corn barr. capacity 25 barrels dally; good stream, lit acres la poaO. for »2.S0«. A bargain. CHAS, C CLARKE. De Witt, Va._ INDIAN 4-HORSEPOWER FREE EN- gine. Motorcycle, seventy-, vs dol¬ lars. In A No. 1 condition. Most be inspecteJ to sppreclate a bargstn 1*07 West Broo^ Street._ ONE ^HORSEPOWER VERTICAL boiler, one M horsepower I ii Uli marin« boiler, one vertical .«sine, one vertical marine engine, one bo«l- er feed pump, one feed water neater copper tubes; Shaft lag and abaft hangers Boilers and machinery are in good condltleaj -lightly aaed. Baal 17«. Claremont. Va._| REAL WINCHESTER RIFLES-..$. repeating. .22 automatic ycu mean business. Boa 17«. Rich¬ mond. Vs. ¦¦in "aw wr^*»"r?.- -..a- i. ear qaaanty. Fhaae Waalllsoa 1 la Mil WANTED 1«) OLD rCATHKR BEDS: also old-tla»e anttase sofas, tablea sideboards r*alra_Jkoreaaaj«^k* rhira. braases. satrrers. leweiry. anything als. £- K. BEARD. IS Wst mtmtm. khahhtsa SHT. WANTED. TO IMTTRKTf FEWBOWS SÄ,. J^rrt^r^Ti Real Cef äff fr- $r*t Improvement-, all klada of fruit; good elovor land: five-room house; ten miles out. but convenient to Rich- mor.d. Will sell very cheap. Call Monroe 747 for particulars ob week daya FOR BALK. PROPERTY IN WOOD- land Heights. Forest HÜ1. Chestnut 11 111 end other suburbs. GEO. E. CRAWFORD * CO. «32 East Main Street EXECUTOR S SALE..1 W ILL OFFER at public sale la Hsrriaoaourg. Rockinghatn County. Vs.. at 13 o'clock Thursday, November list, the well known and valuable Kawley Springs. Va_ property, 1810-1*12. This Is the finest chalybeate spring In Virginia; carbonate protoxide Iron. Identical with the celebrated spring at Spa. Belgium. The «juailllee of this water are unsurpassed In this Country. For analysis and full par¬ ticulars addresa H S. nWlTZEK. Executor, tlsrrlaonburg. Va. fcUdi Cstatt Jfot litnt FOkTreNt7To<>M asaTn«! Mutual Building, at attractive prices, will be rented separably a desired. Address d. B. MARTIN COMPAN X. No. folk. Va_ TLUäl Cötatt CUanttb WANTED, ^0~LI3A^*e"~FO^t'^HRee to five years unproved farm uf 75 to 150 acres, with privilege of pur¬ chasing at any time. Give full de¬ scription of improvements, location and terms' of lease and sale. Address c 298. care Times-Dispatch. WANTED? TÖliUTTÄ three to TEN- acre tract, improved or unimproved, near car line, convenient to Rich¬ mond. Ulvo lowest price. HERMAN BOEHME. Meadow. Va_ LIST lOUss /aja>*9 WiTii j. a. CON- NELL I m co. IVrU« postal for nec- eaeary blanks » poultr?, &tt<i dim liöf ft-tork foij^sale^heapTon^ cart! and harncsa thos. ANDERSON, s North Eighteenth. cheap; to QUICK BUveil bat buggy mare. No. »30. 2710-A East Broad. f>fttJ0ndl0 HUMAN HAIR BOUGHT AND SOLD at HUGHSS'B. 20» North Third._ LESSER. THE LADIES' TAILOR, THE only one in town who makes a spe¬ cialty in altering all kinds of gar¬ ments to the latest fashion. Every garment that Is altered In my eatab- liahment Is dooe under my personal supervision. Prien very moderate and work aatiafacTory. The Raleigh Apartments. Harrison and Franklin. Phone Madison 4623._ DAVID T. WILLIAMS. CIVIL EN- gineer aad surveyor. Room 208 Na¬ tional Bank of Virginia Building. Phone Monroe 21t._ 8PIRELLA CORSET SHOP. MRS. cor- nelia Moore, city manager. 217 e. Grace StreeL Richmond. Va. Custom corsets. Phone Madison 7282._ J«, Coal and CctDOO Öl^d^R"^a^£A5Ar3^öl?r atf laSSe block, perfectly dry o»* and pine or perfectly dry slab. It's worth double common wet doty small wood. My coal burns to ashss. not rocka Mad son 1070. long's. 150b' West Broad Street. COLD WEATHER IS COMING; ORDER your wood by the load and save re¬ tailers' profit. Phone Monroe 2129. Best quality pine wood, the »7 kind, lor »6.50 cord. 93.26 per bslf-cord; big. full loads. Phone Monroe 437«. ltne A harris, 1811 East Cary. _ jf Ut0 JFOt Rent c^nVenTEnt "fI^tT'privat^^^H: also furnished room. 304 East Main. FURNISHED SECOND-STORY FLAT; furnished rooms; no children. 7 North Sixth.__^_ DESIRABLE FIVE-ROOM FLAT TO sub-lease; rent 127.50. WILLIAMS, 2014-A Hanover Avenue._ \ FIVE ROOMS FOR RENT. ALL IM- provements: rent reasonable: good location. Call It Eaat Main StreeL auumoiiiki tor »ak__ FotTR^PA^SEN^lT^^hck. ltll model, In good condition. Special cash price for quick sale. Owner leaving town. A 264, care Times- Dispatch. ihVlöltUdlUOUÖ stokagbT STORAGE IN CTTT. $1 par load. Store your furniture, bug- glee, automobiles, pianos at TOJsU'- KINS. »27 West ~ SKSwS TO IsBMD ON*"'. DIAMONDS AND waiehn at Now- Torfc rates. ML F. JACOBS * SON. No. 218 North Ninth. SHOE REPAIRING. ISc REBATE IF YC U BRING SHOES with this coupon. Maas shoos half- soled. 7*c rsbated to CM; ladles' half soles, too, rebated to Me, Every pair sewed; heat isathsr; as nails, as pega Heeling. Its. DREW'S ELEC¬ TRIC SHOE FACTOR.. 71« Eaat Mala. Phone Moares MOT,_ A NICE FLOOR. HOUSECLEANING. WAXING AND] staining floors, old stains removed and reOnlched any color; satisfaction; guaranteed. WILLIAM JOHNSON. Monroe 3120. TYPEWRITERS OF ALL STANDARD makes ranted by the day, week or month, three months. and up¬ wards. Rent applied on par- chase. AMERICAN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. INC. «08 Eaat Mala! Street. Phone Madison 828«. WATCH REPAIRING. YOUR WATCH REPAIRED OR CLEAN- ed by WM TOB 1 EN. JR.. la a guar¬ antee that It Is done properly; years' experience. Cleaning. $1, main springs. $L 4M Eaat Bros« Street. SUMMER KATES MOW ON PIANO moving aad overhaallag by factory experts Prompt. en ratal work guaranteed. Phsas Ma Sis. 8116. CMAS. M ST1EFF. Plaasa U7 W. FINE UPHOLSTtCRtNG AND SAT- WE RaTPATR AND UPHOLSTER FUR- nltnre la aast maaaor. asaks over sid aaUrt ass Ilka new. sand for and return them ths asms «tax. (Signed) JACOB) UMLAUF. Phons Madison 81»? cnmy^av^aaca'hM ^ seta road snd tWflmTrtWt^m isosrvsd ts rajoet any sJBJ " ad mm W'E ARE^^NOVY DISPLAY INO OUR fait imp vf millinery and reedy-made garnietits. Latest exclusive shaves in tr«innied and untrimmed hats. All kinds of millinery novelties; new and up-to-date lall aal winter suits; coats, dresses: alterations Ire*. Save money and buy from MKS. JULIUS BKaK Uta East Mala Street. 9prrnng0 Richmond. Frederlcksburg and Po- toaaac .mo Richmond aud Peters- berg Railroad Connection Company, Office of the Secretary. Richmond. V a.. October Iis, 1912. NOTICE IS HERE Y GIVEN THAT th- a.m'ial meeting of the stockhsid- <-u of tos R chtnond. Fi edericksburg and Potomac and Richmond and Fe- tarafettrg Railroad Connection Coin- P ny will t,e held st its om e. la the clt uf Richmond, Vs.. on MON¬ DAY, the i->h day of November. 1»12, at 10 o'clock A, Ml Tue stock transfer books will be closed at 3 o'clock F. M. Monday. No¬ vember 11. lili. and reopened at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday. November 1*. Ifl2. W D. DUKE. Paars tary. Atlantic Cuaat Line Railroad Company. Office of the Secretary. [NOTICE IS HKREHY GIVEN THAT the regular annual and general meet¬ ing of the stockholder* of tks At¬ lantic Coast Line Railroad Company win be held at the office of the com¬ pany, at Byrd Street Station, in the city of Richmond. Va.. on Tuesday, the mh day of November. 1812, at 11 o'clock A. M for the election of di- rector* and other officers, and for the transaction of sucn other bust- lies* as may lawfully come be.'ors the me-ting, including the suojest herelnaf i<-r stated. Tbl« meeting has also been called by the board of directors as a special meeting of the stocknoider* of the company, to be held at tile same time and place, to consider, act and paa* upon, au¬ thorize and consent to, an Increase of the common capital stock of this company by the amount of six mil- lion dollars, in addition to toe pres- sat authorized issue of such stock. such increase to consist of sixty thousand shares, each of the par value of one hundred dollars, and to the isaue and aale thereof; and to provide that each and every stockholder of this comptany shall be given the right of subscribing for and purchasing at par common capital stock of this company equal to 10 per cent of his recorded hold- ings of the capital stock of this cum- pany upou a date to be fixed by the board of directors, and upon such conditions as may be determined; and generally to take any and all action that may seem necessary and desirable In connection with, ger¬ mane to or growing out of any of the matters hereinbefore stated. The books for the transfer of th* capital stock of the company will close Wednesday, November (. 1812. at 3 o'clock P. iL. and will be re¬ opened on Wednesday, November 20, 1812. at 10 o'clock A. M By order of the Board of Directors. H. L BORDEN. Secretary. October 1«. 1912. Richmond. Fredericksburg and Po¬ tomac Railroad Company, Office of the Secretary, Richmond. Va., October 18, 1812. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the annual meeting of the atockhold- ers of the Richmond. Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad Company will be held at its office, la the First National Bank Building, Richmond, Va.. on Monday, the 18th day of Nover-iber. 1812. at 11 o'clock A. M. The stock transfer books will be closed at 3 o'clock P. M. Monday. November 11, 1812, end reopened at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, November 1». 1812. NORMAN CALL, _Secretary. Washington-Southern Railway Com¬ pany. Office of we Secretary, R'ohmond. Va., October IS, 1912. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the annual meeting of the atockhold- < era of the Waahlngton-Southera Railway Company wi.i be held at j Its office. In the First National Bank Building. Richmond. Va., oa Monday, the 18th day of November. 1*12, at 12 o'clock noon. The stock transfer books will be closed at 3 o'clock P. M. Monday, No- vember 11. 1912, and reopened at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, November 19. 1912. . NORMAN CALL. Secretary. Potomac Railroad Company, Office of the Secretary. Richmond. Va.. October IS, 1913, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the annual meeting of the Stockbold- era of the Potomac Railroad Com¬ pany w'll be held at Its office, in the First National Bank Building. Rich¬ mond. Va.. on Monday, the loth day of November. 1912. at 12:30 P. M The stock transfer books will be closed st 3 o'clock P. M Monday, November 11. 1812. and reopened at 10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, November 19. 1912. NORMAN CALL, _Secretary. [Ths Atlantic Land and Improvement Company. Office of the Secretary. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT the regular annual meeting of stock- kolders of Ths Atlantic Land and Improvement Company will be held at the office of the company, in ths city of Richmond. Va.. on Tuesday, the nineteenth dsy of November, A. A. 1911. at 12:30 o'clock P. M. H. L BORDEN. Secretary. Richmond Locomotive Works, Richmond. Vs.. October 17, 1912. [NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the annual meeting of the stock¬ holders of Richmond Locomotive Works will be held at the office of ths company. In the etty of Rich¬ mond. County of Henrlco. Virginia, on Wednesday, the thirteenth day of November. 1812, at 11:20 o'clock la the forenoon, for the purpose of electing directors sno officers, aad for the transaction of such other easiness as may properly come ha- for* the meeting. _ C & DENNY. _Secretary. Virginia Railway and Power Company. C2S-C30 East Main Street, Richmond. October 23. 1912. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT, the annual meeti-.g of the stock- holders of the Virmnia Railway and Power Company will be held at the general office of the company, la the city of Richmond. Va. oa Wed- aeeSay. Norember 20. 1912. at 12 o clock M. The transfer books will ha dosed on Thursday. October 3L 1912. at I o'clock P. M. end will he reopened oa Thursday. November 21. 1P12. at o'clock A. M. OUT PHILLIPS. m A SPFCIAL COhfMCKICATTON ajKa of Temple Ledge. No. 8. A.. F A /yf\ A. M. will be held is the Ma¬ sonic Temple THIS (Tuesday) EVE¬ NING at 5 o'clock. Membe-s of sister lodges aad tran- '.tent brethren are fraternally Invlts4 to unite with aa By order of the Worshipful Master.' ALEX. W. ARCHFR, _Secretary. m NO 19..A STATED COM MUNI- aj"är cation of Richmond I-odge. Xe. /VV is. Aselect Free aad Accepted) Mssona will he held In the Msaoalc Tearsle THIS (Teeadayl EVENING. November s, 1912. st 7 o'clock. De¬ gree work. Members of sister lodges and transient brethren fraternally ta- elted. _ _Secretary. PUN PRESENTED rO« PLAY6ROUMOS Committee Recommends All- Year Scheme to City Council. WOULD COST $7,500 A YEAR Want Local Man as General Supervisor of Recre¬ ation. Following up the recent playground survey of Richmond, a resolution was presented to the Common Council last Bight snd referred to ths Committee oa Grounds snd Buildings propos¬ ing thO SPP oprlat'OQ of »7.600 for playground purpoaaa during Uli. the fund to bo placed to the credit of ths Administrative Board. Accompanying ths resolution was a letter outlining a proposed plan for the organisation of ths play spaces and tolling what has bsegt accomplished by the citizens' committee on recrea- j tton and playgrounds. Ths letter: states that through ths aid of inter-j eated citizens $800 was raised, part; of which waa apent in making a com-! p.-ebensive survey of ths needs of! Richmond by a recreation expert. Row- land Hayn es. representing ths Play¬ ground aad Reereatlon Association of America. Ths recommendations mgde by Mr. Haynas havs been carefully ex. amlned by ths committee, which makes the following recommendations: Saaas Breammrndattsaa, 1. That the Administrativ« Board shall havs at Its disposal by ths pro¬ posed ordinance funds for the employ¬ ment of an expert, specially trained and experienced recreation supervisor, at a salary of not leas than $1,801 nor more than 81,000 annually, who ahould give his satire time to the supervision and building up ot an adequate recrea¬ tion system for the city of Richmond. Some such persons now resident in ths city of Richmond are available, aad may bo recommended by this commit¬ tee at the proper time. 2. That the Administrative Board shall have at Its disposal for ths year 1913 by the proposed ordinance a aum of not less than $2,600 nor more than 98,000 for competent assistants to take charge of ths several playgrounds under ths supervision of ths recrsa- tlon supervisor, and also a sum of not lass than $2.300 nor more than $2.800 for equipment, supplies and caretakers. a That such assistants and eare- takers shall be selected, trained and directed by the recreation supervisor, and auch equipment and supplies shall I be selected, distributed and Installed under the direction of tha recreation supervisor, subject to the approval of the Administrative Board. 4. That ths recreation supervisor, to the best at his ability, with tha funds at his disposal, under the Administra¬ tive Board, shall provide recreation under competent direction. All the Tear Rsnnd. L In the three summer months (a) for children nnder slsvsn years of age In certain school yards; (b) for chil¬ dren and young people over sloven years of age in a play-field or play- fields of not less than two acres each, either on property already owned by ths city or to be acquired by the city, or pending the acquirement of ade¬ quate space, on certain streets reserved for play during certain honrs. II. In the five spring and fall months. Continuation of summer work as out¬ lined ander I, after school hours and on .Saturdays. III. In the four winter months. In¬ door recreation for children and young people over twelve years of age. In such school buildings aa ths School Board provides use of. As the city la now appropriating $2,500 for playground work, the sum suggested is only $8.000 more, and at- tention la called to the fact that It la: proposed that this sum provide recrea- tloa .facilities for the entire year, in¬ stead of for ths three summer months, aa at present. Florida tor Six Zt Is estimated that the expenditure above outlined will enable ths city to supply proper recreation tar aa aggre¬ gate attendance of 147.00» persona dar. tng tha year. This estimate la baaed partly upon what ban boon already, dona In ths city aad apoo what has! been dona In other oltloa Ths num¬ ber of children who oaa than bs reached wlU be from six to sight times aa many as those reached by the pres¬ ent appropriation. Ths proposed ap¬ propriation Is three times aa great as ths present one. and the work sag* gested Is at leant six tlmss as great, which means a net saving of at least one-half of the per capita soot of the recreation furnished. Ths Finance Committee of the Oown- ell of Norfolk on October mended an expenditure of 17.8*8 on ths supervision and equipment of five playgrounds centres in that stty. noas of the rr.cney to be used for the por- chaec or Isaaa of grounds. Among those who signed ahm letter were the follow lag: W. M Addison. J. St Oeorg* Bryan. T. M. Carrlngtsn. J. A C Chandler. Charles B. Cooke. few. W Russell Bowls, prank W Duke. «r IX Puke, W. W. OtUetts. L. McX. Jsdklna, J SASht Pnrrtsb, Jollen H Rill. w. T. Dohaay. W. T. Relthard. l R Whipple, e. Randolph WIlMama B. Baad. WellfOTd, Henry W. Wood. k. c. Masata, ihn 11 mmm. art ten, owing to en* fact that the committee or, recreation and playgrounds em¬ ployed an cvtaldo export to make the recreation svrvey It has been thonxM that thei i -msi itee was also anxious to secure aa ealsider so recreation enr»-r- vis w for Richmond. Sash la not ths case The committee and the various ether organisations co-ops rating a Ith :bem ire anWafJ interested ra gs» tc the h-st riosibls leadership far tho children .\nd roong psepss of the dty Rlctmond la or assail y fortunate ta r^oaesrtng among its rsstaUnta two or three qait* well equipped psianus for the posit 'on sf recreation 8J8JBJ8J8J Haw. Mr. Haywes*a srsett was asses that of aa architect, and he was aaTTed ta beeant» ho has) saasta snch roerenelsn surveys Hi several of the barge cities of she one try. aad the as mm it wishiI Richmond to have aa good aj starrer as any other city. R Is ess* .to. 4 that no dtp sf ths atas ad Rich-1 thoeoogn a Sktanfa an« f Unusual Opportun« Wishing to retire from MajH ness, owner will sell bar restaurant at a successful Bf Street hotel, with long lease tsjj premises. The receipts have rmm from $45,000 to $50,000 per an¬ num. Reply to J 147, care Times* Dispatch. aartton mtlt* CT* Sty ~BT~Gr«i^'aTlledd. Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE I or BEAUTTFT7L BLTLDIXG LOT ON WEST SIDE OF TWENTY-3TXTÄ STREET. BETWEEN O AND STREETS. FRONTING ON TBS WESTERN LINE OF TWENTT- SIXTH STREET 41 FEET t INCHES. WITH A DEPTH BETWEEN PAR¬ ALLEL LINES OF 132 FEET TO A, U-FOOT ALLEY. ON TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 5. IMS. st 4:20 P. M.. we will offer for aale, on the premise* the sbove described lot. This Is in a rood locality, where renting property is in great demand, and should attract the attentiea the Investor, with a view of building. either for an investment or for a homo. TERMS: Easy, and announced aS sale. GREEN a REDD. Auctioneers. flaction malts, jpntacr Bt&3 Ruffin a Sloans, Real Estate Auctioneers. At the request of the parties at he* terest we Will offer for sale, on ths premises, on WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER «, 1912, at 5 o'clock P. M. that desirable property. No. 603 (South Pine Street Ths lot has a frontage of SO feat and a depth of i«5 feet The house haa nine rooms. Is in good condition. In a good neighborhood, aad win pay well as an Investment or will make a desirable home. Ths Owners are anxious to sell for a division of the proceeds, so attend this sate and secure a bargain. TERMS: Liberal, and announced at sale. RUFFIN a SLOAN, a _Auctioneers. William B. Pixxlnt Company, Real Estate Aucti >neers. COMMISSIONERS' SALE OF DESIRABLE. DETACHED DWELLING, No. 614 Denny Sir Fulton la pursuance to a decree entered la ths Chancery Court of the city of Rich¬ mond. Va., on the 24th day of October, 1912. In the suit tsere n pending under the style of Mary Elizabeth Rice vs. MatUe J. Nuckols et als., we wiU sell at public aucUon, on the premises, oa THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 7. 1912. at 4 o'clock P. M, that attractive, detached brick tea-, room residence. No. 614 Denny Street, fronting twenty-three feet six inches (23-<> on the nort side of Denny Street and extending back from sakl front one hundred (100) feet to aa alley in the rear ten (10) feet wide. TERMS: One-third of purchase pries in cash and the balance In tnree equal Instalments, payabe at three, six aas] nine months from date of sale, deferred payments to be evidenced by notes, with interest added, title to he retained until all purchase money is paid; er all cash, at she option at* the pur¬ chaser. This property is sohl suhlest to the confirmation of the court JOHN J. BLAK . ROBERT H. TALLEY. O X certify that the head required hp the above dacsss ef tag Special Com missioner has been duly given. Otvsa ander my hand this 2d day si November. 1912. (Teste) OHdBI.EE a SAYILLhV Pollard a Bagby. Real Estate Auctioneers. TRUSTEE'S AUCTION SALE OF TWO DETACHED HOUSES ON TBS WEST SIDE OF BUCHANAN STREET. BETWEEN WASHINGTON AND WILLIAMS STREETS; ALSO A SMALL STORE PROPERTY, BEING KNOWN AS NOS. IMS-ISM BUCHANAN STREET.GOOD INVESTMENT PROPERTY. la execution of s deed ef trust dated April 19. I9S«. aad recorded la the clerk's office of the Richmond Chaa- ! eery Ooart D. B. 1S9-B. paar* 97. de¬ fault having been made In the pay. meat of a portion ef the debt thai sla secured. 1 will sell at sacties. sa tha premises, oa THURSDAY. NOVEMBER I, . t i o'clock P. X.. ths shove mentioned property, of the house? containa abost the other about four; feet frost by a go^d d»pth. This property will make a . Investment proposition, aad wt ! ably go at a sacrifice. TERMS Enough In cash te pay I of ssle and any tax** that may ha 1 one sot* for $1.4*9. subject te ef " and one «f Hv the epos er»4tt nayments at eae years s'ter dat». deferred psyi hear Interest *t «% sad te he by deed of trust ae all eash apron <rf th* purchaser HR POLLARD^ X*V.^ w b._IT dl">reet terras trees sVoald be 4'slred. they " ranged hy *»e!ng the set mm BB 76 Acres on Trolley

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Page 1: DAILY PUZZLES PUN PRESENTED PLAY6ROUMOS Want AcT … · .rjkJVT AHO- MAI. hW» TAT« HBOfCM Ol .Ut«lÄIA. AJfO Want AcT Rates ¦ttou mm%wM aitastlaaj w*at««1 *.» ¦¦¦lay. SjsBhWaWS


Want AcT Rates

¦ttou mm%wM aitastlaaj w*at««1*.» ¦¦¦ lay. SjsBhWaWS Waated. eae eee*. WK Sa A4, jeeday tahea far leestaaa aiteea eeata.*a A4a. takes fas lees taaa tweety.

.ve seats wbea phased ta ae chargesat «ae asaates.Phase eeSera ae« araaraateedL

Waat A4, ajaa. Pku» Maarae a.Clsasfaaajssa aat gaaraaieee alte*

.ata f. m. . [Fas business eaatra^ta, aead Car tko

aVa»ai aim jjg-iaaMi '

Ci RAYfclD.' FRÖM 'STUART avk-nue, oae bi<ic* auo nun« tciuale set¬ter, answers to me ueuie Ol '"rlora";to reward iur rnuiu. Cail Meu.awii

isaa-au,_jbTt-i^N." VKUU Iii IC FROM? OFFlaatera' National Bank, at Iv.avMonuay momma, one aiuall biacAniait. aou tup tuggy; bust^y uer*arten, running »¦ and hssaSS body.No t.i:e k rein uu harness ai.d M it

trace broken. Any inioi uiaiiun lead-Iuk to recovery of aame w.u bv re¬

warded by '1 HO- e. ö l AGG 4 SON2(/»l Käst Franklin._ I

Lo*T. BETWEEN THIRD ANDct. th, on Urace or Franklin

Street, a sold It.. Cbt FraternityI>in. Reward if returned to No. 11North Thirteenth Street.

4?tip cuauuo, «9aUwanTkI^fokT^.'^^

bodied, unmarried men between agciof II and 35, citizena of United Statu;sf food character and temperate hab.Its. who can speak, read and writs,the English language, l or informa¬tion apply to illlag Obicer. S2»'K. Br .ad, Richmond. Vs._

wa.i,f.u laiiuklkj ruK 5525]shovel work st Vartna. N. C Wages,11.50 per day. u ««kly pay. FISHERa CARuZZA. Oenerai Contractors. |

WANTED. FIVE EXPISrTeNCED IN-surance organisers for Richmond.beet adequate rate life anti bea.tband accident certmeates. 'i he OH-DER ok the GOLDEN seal. Trav-elers" Building._


_OFFICE. MSf West Broad. _|

men AND WOMEN' WANTED FOB. |government positions, tie week.Write tor list of positions open.frankUN INSTITUTE. Dep t.*ls-T. Rochester.y._

wanted. fiftT laborers, applyTwenty-first and Grace Streets at

once._IBtAlL CARRIERS. post-office

clerks wanted; »so montb. Richmondexamination* during Novemoei. Freecoaching. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE,Pep t, *u-t. Rochestar._Jt._l._J

WANTED. BARTENDER. MUST BEejaatflflej to wotk tu city. A Mm,care T'tneF-Dlspatch. j

W.«..\TED7~A~ ÜXS~TÖ help IN ocrstove department . rothkkt A co. J

wanted. young MEN TO TRAVELand SSOatt; salary and commission,hostlers make 140 to i:.i per monthnet. dixie PORTRAIT CO., esc, IGreenville, N- c


tute salesman: a business getter: J'established business; fint> opportun-,ity for the right man. Address, withrefersace, 1*. o. Box 2»o. City._

BTKaM-~F1TTERS,~~ HOLDERS, MA-rhinlats, helpers, grocer clerks, dairyhanda. See AMERICAN laborbureau. 11» North Ninth Street. <

WANTED. JaiEK A3U> BOYJS onlyShops in Southern States that lully» juips one for sutomobile trade;many positions open. CAROLINA ,AfTu school Charlotte. N. C.

Wanted*" first-class barber I_

2509 East Broad._jA WELL-educated MAN OF MID- I

age. well k.i.ivn b. the businesspeople of Richmond, who is a good.convincing talker, to hiip promotea corporation now h stgaafSf d.Unless you are aaaatAaJ and cat:

meet the abo e re<i its do nut;waste your time. 2<ji Nations! Bankof Virginia._I

Wasted, job pressman, applyla southern printing co., inc.,Ill South Eighth Street.


BARBER Wanted. Fl Rf>1-cla^s'colored tarber wanted by W. A. Hill.jproprietor Marbl-j and Mirrow Pal-iace Barber Shop, Stearns Building.:Newport News, Va., complexion mustjbe light crown skin or mulatto, $101par week to begin with, snd more If Jsatisfactorily efficient; no booze fight-1era need apply; finest barber shop In Ithe South; barber must be competent;'on white people only. w. A. HILL.Prop.. Stearns Building. 20« Twenty-eighth Street, Newport News. Vs.

WANTED. AT ONCE 5« LABORERS.»1.75 per day. by George A. FullerCo.. White Sulphur Springe, W. Va.Sea MR WARREN, First NationalBank Building, regarding fare.

Wanted, m men and bots towork la shipping department. W.T. HOOD A CO, Oiater Park._

WANTED. a DRIVER: ONE WHO Un¬derstands grocery business and can

tske orders. Must have experience;reference required. PARK AVENUEGROCERY CO.. 2127 Park Avenue.

WANTED. BRICKLAYERS AND HODcarriers and one mortar mixer. Ap

/lly Moore Street front RICHMONDRON WORK __at new baseball psrk. j

WANTED. TWO NEAT WHITE BOYS, jposlt/vely not over IS years old, toset ap pins in bawling alley. HotelChamberlln. Can make abO'U »5 aweek and room and board. Will bewell taken csre of. Address E. lJACKSON. P. o. Boa 12. Old Po'nt.Ta._j

IFa.VTEd, TTT6 6r THrke yoeng imen of pood appearance, experiencenot necessary; splendid chance foradvaacemeat; reference reiju redCall Room 1*1 Main Street BaakBlinding, after IP. U_i

FaFER boxes: EXPEKi ENCED haxd Ion ending machine; also floor boys: I

steady emptoysaeat sear round,RICHMOND PAPER BOX FACTORY13JJ Eas» Franken

>ci» UUmttw faniitWjteTtt^posttio?*7Alf' Inrftxö:.

gr;.pher hy yt»nn« lady, raised Ineountrv. two yeerr experteace. cansssist with books, moderste sslsry: |testlmonisis Address STE.NOGRA- :fhER. Lawretrcevllle, Va._wi%NTEn7-än_nXPERIENCED MTD- Idie-aged nurse, whs 1« willing te goMarth with family with two children. ,

Apply 211 North^oaaaerdy Street-_WÄlcTED. GIRL. FOR GENERALhooseworh; aiao de washing; two latesally: seed aat star nights. Call,with refers. ce_22II Staart Avenue.

jct, ».» Wertk


Oaaal ahreeta_u

aas rar »VI_twel^ pears etd ; a^a>^ Safa, *T,s^rrfcwawrTw

Motten* «lattttto*WANTED. WTUATION AS OARPEN-erj applicant also unJeratands carspoultry and /los/era Address Utu. cars Tlmss-Plapatea._

HOUSE MAN. JANITOR AND «KXTOrfwishes work. Address Routs 1, Box»-A. City._

young MARRIED MAN, TRAVELINGsalesman, desires position as ship¬ping tii ik. or any stationary pertnn-nent position that carries promotion.

_J. k._M.._! ox 1«». fcklma. n. c._

rot'Na married man wants 1*0-sition as foreman on farm; statewages, cun give reference, can bAR-die farm machinery Address 103"Hull Ulmet. South Richmond._

sTANTED. A position by youngnib ii lit the wholesale or retailgreeery business. Apply D 30«. careT)mes-I>lspat« h._ |

Wanted" ä position bt tocmomaa in the wholesale or retailttr.t.ry. Address 1> IM, care Times-Dispatch._._jKXFc:RIK.\r"l~ MÄLK" rTILNÖGRA-rhei wants work at ni^lit*. AddressIt 131. csre Times-Dispatch._I

YÖlfNÖ^OI.ORED MAN. NOW EM-ployed. desires position In the cityor suburbs as butler. r.lj.« or gen¬eral all-around worker. Address CMil, care Yi:nc3-Diap.iU-h.

öirt'itwnc C fro./-rnulfitAanwax wt > Yavia £adt op

culture, positron as comp.ir.ion to

elderly person or an Invalid, or gov¬erness to* snail children in privatefaaafrpi best of refersne*. Address.COMPANION. 230 Third Avenue.Holtland l ark. R.chmond. Va.

A L\dy STKN'fy.HAPIIKR. 'WITH Anumber of years' expe. lenre, deniresa position: .holesale business pre¬ferred; can furnikh references. Ad¬dress k 2>>l. care Tlrm s-Dlapatcli

fÖVSG LADY OK reF1Ne11KNT. ANDexi»erleiiccd dressmaker, would l-keplace as family di.rsmakei or com-BaUsIssj to old or invalid lady. Ad¬dress ."SAI'IE." General Del'very.DaavflJa Va,

tfgrntfl CUantfDesxi' t?p "*

THIS WINNER": boremoney niakir, ae!'.* like hot cakes:!10)'., profits; free particulars; write!me to-daj. THE piix1ium SUPPLYCO., 24r>3 East Monument Street,)Baltimore. Md._Solicitors? «no öalfsmrn

TRAVELING ^SALESMAN WANTED!by a iar(re> Baltimore crockery andjglassware importing and jobbing)boute. some knowledge of ths line::traveling experleiic« and refe-encesnecessary. Address CiiuCKEKY.'care Times-Dispatch._

ßmtttt}^AMTmmi, '."^«n«n~''Is^gsÜC TO~TS*OW

that JAHN Kb. BROS.. Jewelers. »13East Main Street, buy. sell, sxebaagsand REMOUNT DIAMONDS IN TUELATB*T STYLES Old gold oaf all-vei xiwsys taken *9 exenanga_

for rent, an underwood type-writer in perfect order at $3 rentalper montii. j. F. how1son. 605East Main 8treet._ _¦

ANNOUNCEMENT..WE are nowNorth gathering up nice and fresh?i:;.;jlles of general merchandise,which we will have in our com-modlous auction rooms, at 1308 EastMain street, for sale about Novemberlo. Merchants are most respectfullyInvited to atteni this sale.

__amuel stern A co^our oxt-OAß flame welds cast-

iron, steel. brass, aluminum andwrought iron machine parts, also,caat-oron braslng. THE 9trick-land MACHINE oo._,

NOTICE IS HEREBT GIVEN THATI have qualified, as administratrix ofthe late Fatrick McGranighan. Ailpersons indebted to his estate willsettle vith me. while all having de-mands against the estate will pre-sent the same to me. duly verfled,for payment.

mary V. McGRANIGHAN.Administratrix Patrick McGrani¬ghan. deceased.

Su0tnr00 OpportumriföiHf 1A VI: 'A~Ma'CiIINE^TcTmANUFACV !

ture an article for which there is anunlimited local demand. 1 need aboutf t.Ooo. and am willing to aell 25per cent interest; eJaaV profits $100to 1125 per day. Write st once. Ad-dress C 302. care Times-Dispatch.

waNTE1 '7 TO ~buT A, BUSINESS ORan interest in a business, with ser¬vices. Give full particulars. B 275.oam Times-Dispatch^_'

\. ANTED. PARTNER^ YOUNG man.for traveling amusement proposition,winter. Florida; have business: need jSgM. Address B oi. car* Times-Dispatch._j

WANTED. Ä]«nExTERJE"NCED SALES-man as business manager for es-

tablished manufacturing company,one who can take an interest offrom «5.046 to 910.000 In businessand take entire charge of depart-1nient. Excellent opportunity toright man. References exchanged,Address J 1*4. cars Times-Dispatch.!

Rawm* jfn \%mtN^tfL^r^RNTsHEDera exposure. S14 East Clay Strest;central-_

STOP IN THE HEART OF RlCH¬IDond. at THE ROANOKE. 114 NorthElgMh Street. Newly furnlabedrooms 50 cents day up Specialrs tea by week or month._

NEWLY-FTJRN1SHED^ROOMS: PHONE,bath: two light hous« keeping rooms;central. 80ü Esst Clay._

VAPOR-HEATED ROOMS FORi"ÖEN"tlemen. 103 East Graaa.

PLEASANT" FI HNLSHED RDOM; PRB-fer nurse cr a gentleman; privatefamily; second apartment, north.THE SHIRLEY. Third ami CaryStreets.

NTCELT FURNISHED ROOMS. WITHor without board; also connectingrooms, suitsble for housekeeping. litEast Marsh IL_ _

IBKlTlilT. AT TRACTIVE MUOM^ fiNorth Sixth, eist side of strest. I

FOR R K NT. WEI^FURNJiWlET)heated rooms. lot North Ninth St.

TV» O OK THREE BRIGHT^TTBAC-tive connecting rooms, nieeiy for-1

nlr'ied. stngle or en satte, seconda;.artm«nT :.>! Eaat Franklin.

FOR RENT. "ELEGANT". FURNISHED;rooms in the mo»l central and selectpert of ti.e city; also rooms fortransients, f I per day and up. t#S |East Grace.


NK*ELT FURNTSHED ROOM. WTTHor without boSMrd. 71SshalL_

FURNISHED "ROOMS." LIGHT HOUSE-keep ng; also singAe room, adjoiningbath, «nd use phoaa. Ml NorthFourth Street.

StsrtinffR?SNT"'i:rK>M. with' i56ARt>T^i5r

rellent table hoard. Ml East OraoaBtiAI MERJ« W \NTED FOB VACANTrooms. 2*9 Eaat Oraoa_

WHEN TOU com* TC RICHMOND1atop at 1m7 East Clap; Srst-clans'accommodation; European a* amarlcan. reoant Me aad im. par aap:avesJo aerved in old Virginia atyVs.

foOaaw WTTH BOARD, IK Mass K 9. MÜm

Weat Oraoa Mpaag, CHy.

WAPffgD^ *B>A«t«7>ERS FOR




What tool?


htÖTOKCYCLEd .vSa* BZ *Ciutt>. KKWand second-hand: repairing of ail1Und». TOMPKIN« !>...' W.st Boad.

FOB SALE, $37» JU C. SMITH 12-1gauge Monagram gun. $T-'i. two setabarrel*. 171» East Krankila Street.,T. W. TIONOBS SON._I

FOR bAU, CHEAP. ALL aliNDS OKsceond-hand niecaanlcal tool*, alaotrunks aed auit cesea. Apply toELSNER BROS.. 170» Kaat Mala

_St reel. pa a. n brokera_FOR FIRST-CLASS FRCITS^AND PRO-

vislons, call at 42-' Kaat Marshall;Strtet or phone Madison 9465. Low-est price?, goods delivered any partiof city and suburbs._ j

FOR SALE. NO. I SMITH FEKMIERtypewriter* in perfect order at $17.60cash, fully guatanleed. subject tocareful inspection. AMERICANTYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. INC, 605East Main Street. Phono Madison626«._

BOILERS. ENOINEsTw'ooTjrWORKING imachinery of every deasrlption. belt- jing. hangers, chatting and pulleys;condition guaranteed. L BLUFORDdc CO. 153* Kaat Cary Street_j

DRUG STORK FOR SALE; A BAF>-gain; good location, in one of the'largest cities in the State; will beat jInspection, b 60. care Times-Dispatch.j

FOR SALE. SAWMILL AND TEAM, iEight good mules, young. well- jbroken and in splendid condition. [with four wagons and harness forsame. Also sawmill with capacitytwelve thousand feet per day .withtwo million feet standing timber.pine and hardwood.located nearEunl. Va.. ready for Immediate de¬livery. Price reasonable. AddressW. W. ROBERTSON. Norfolk. Va.


BRAND-NEW ROYAL TWO-COLORllbhira typewriter, a bargain to quickpurchaser. Box MS.

BULBS. JONQUILS.EMPEROR JON-quil. the Uns large golden yellow va-

riety- produce immense blooms inspring; 30c dozen; $1.75. 100; $1$. 1,24)4);C O D. city. POAT BROS.. BulbGrowers. Highland Park, Monroe«I._

HAVE YOU WEIGHED UPON THEwonderful Talking Scales, now lo¬cated at Xc^ 700^ East Main StreetT

FOR SALE. TYPEWRITERS. ALLmakes rented by the day, week or

aahath to responsible parties. Rent iapplied on purchase: $5.50 a naentnand upward. AMERICAN TYPE¬WRITER EXCHANGK, INC.. 605 East <

Main Street. Phone Madison 52»«. JOUR OXY-GAS FLAME WELDS CAST- !

iron steel, brass, aluminum andwrought iron machine parts; alsocast-iron brazing. THE STRICK-LAXD MACHINE CO.


TINNERS' AND BUILDERS" WAGONS.$S0; grocery wagon. $100.

WE HAVE A WELL EQUIPTEDplant for repairing and painting ve¬hicles, automobile body buildlngendpainting a specialty; prompt service.



JUST PUT IN CAR OF HAYDOC BUO-gies. surreys end runabouts; businessand pleasure: if you are in need w«

can suit you. THOS. H- DUKE 4%CO.. lee Braak Avones._

For wagons, go to richardsonBROS. «15 Brook Avenae. Painting,repairing and rubber-tire work.

FOR SALE. WELL AF^DtTKOrestaurant, up-to-date la »»¦»¦«.¦section of the city, paying well .goodreason for selling. Appiy EDGARB ENGLISH. Rooms 625-4 AmericanNational Bank Building.

FOR-SALE. MILL, THREE STANDSroller process: corn barr. capacity25 barrels dally; good stream, litacres la poaO. for »2.S0«. A bargain.CHAS, C CLARKE. De Witt, Va._

INDIAN 4-HORSEPOWER FREE EN-gine. Motorcycle, seventy-, vs dol¬lars. In A No. 1 condition. Most beinspecteJ to sppreclate a bargstn1*07 West Broo^ Street._

ONE ^HORSEPOWER VERTICALboiler, one M horsepower I ii Ulimarin« boiler, one vertical .«sine,one vertical marine engine, one bo«l-er feed pump, one feed water neater

copper tubes; Shaftlag and abafthangers Boilers and machinery arein good condltleaj -lightly aaed. Baal17«. Claremont. Va._|

REAL WINCHESTER RIFLES-..$.repeating. .22 automaticycu mean business. Boa 17«. Rich¬mond. Vs.

¦¦in "aw

wr^*»"r?.- -..a- i. ear qaaanty.Fhaae Waalllsoa 1


WANTED 1«) OLD rCATHKR BEDS:also old-tla»e anttase sofas, tableasideboards r*alra_Jkoreaaaj«^k*rhira. braases. satrrers. leweiry.anything als. £- K. BEARD. ISWst mtmtm. khahhtsa SHT.


SÄ,. J^rrt^r^Ti

Real Cefäff fr- $r*t

Improvement-, all klada of fruit;good elovor land: five-room house;ten miles out. but convenient to Rich-mor.d. Will sell very cheap. CallMonroe 747 for particulars ob weekdaya

FOR BALK. PROPERTY IN WOOD-land Heights. Forest HÜ1. Chestnut11 111 end other suburbs. GEO. E.CRAWFORD * CO. «32 East MainStreet

EXECUTOR S SALE..1 W ILL OFFERat public sale la Hsrriaoaourg.Rockinghatn County. Vs.. at 13o'clock Thursday, November list, thewell known and valuable KawleySprings. Va_ property, 1810-1*12.This Is the finest chalybeate springIn Virginia; carbonate protoxide Iron.Identical with the celebrated springat Spa. Belgium. The «juailllee ofthis water are unsurpassed In thisCountry. For analysis and full par¬ticulars addresa H S. nWlTZEK.Executor, tlsrrlaonburg. Va.

fcUdi Cstatt Jfot litntFOkTreNt7To<>M asaTn«!Mutual Building, at attractive prices,will be rented separably a desired.Address d. B. MARTIN COMPAN X.No. folk. Va_

TLUäl Cötatt CUanttbWANTED, ^0~LI3A^*e"~FO^t'^HRee

to five years unproved farm uf 75to 150 acres, with privilege of pur¬chasing at any time. Give full de¬scription of improvements, locationand terms' of lease and sale. Addressc 298. care Times-Dispatch.

WANTED? TÖliUTTÄ three to TEN-acre tract, improved or unimproved,near car line, convenient to Rich¬mond. Ulvo lowest price. HERMANBOEHME. Meadow. Va_

LIST lOUss /aja>*9 WiTii j. a. CON-NELL I m co. IVrU« postal for nec-eaeary blanks »

poultr?, &tt<i dim liöf ft-torkfoij^sale^heapTon^ cart!and harncsa thos. ANDERSON, s

North Eighteenth.cheap; to QUICK BUveil batbuggy mare. No. »30. 2710-A EastBroad.


at HUGHSS'B. 20» North Third._LESSER. THE LADIES' TAILOR, THEonly one in town who makes a spe¬cialty in altering all kinds of gar¬ments to the latest fashion. Everygarment that Is altered In my eatab-liahment Is dooe under my personalsupervision. Prien very moderateand work aatiafacTory. The RaleighApartments. Harrison and Franklin.Phone Madison 4623._

DAVID T. WILLIAMS. CIVIL EN-gineer aad surveyor. Room 208 Na¬tional Bank of Virginia Building.Phone Monroe 21t._

8PIRELLA CORSET SHOP. MRS. cor-nelia Moore, city manager. 217 e.

Grace StreeL Richmond. Va. Customcorsets. Phone Madison 7282._

J«, Coal and CctDOOÖl^d^R"^a^£A5Ar3^öl?r atf laSSe

block, perfectly dry o»* and pine or

perfectly dry slab. It's worth doublecommon wet doty small wood. Mycoal burns to ashss. not rocka Madson 1070. long's. 150b' West BroadStreet.

COLD WEATHER IS COMING; ORDERyour wood by the load and save re¬

tailers' profit. Phone Monroe 2129.

Best quality pine wood, the»7 kind, lor »6.50 cord. 93.26 perbslf-cord; big. full loads. PhoneMonroe 437«. ltne A harris, 1811East Cary. _

jfUt0 JFOt Rentc^nVenTEnt"fI^tT'privat^^^H:

also furnished room. 304 East Main.FURNISHED SECOND-STORY FLAT;furnished rooms; no children. 7 North


sub-lease; rent 127.50. WILLIAMS,2014-A Hanover Avenue._\

FIVE ROOMS FOR RENT. ALL IM-provements: rent reasonable: goodlocation. Call It Eaat Main StreeL

auumoiiiki tor »ak__FotTR^PA^SEN^lT^^hck. ltll

model, In good condition. Specialcash price for quick sale. Ownerleaving town. A 264, care Times-Dispatch.

ihVlöltUdlUOUÖstokagbTSTORAGE IN CTTT. $1

par load. Store your furniture, bug-glee, automobiles, pianos at TOJsU'-KINS. »27 West ~

SKSwSTO IsBMD ON*"'. DIAMONDS ANDwaiehn at Now- Torfc rates. ML F.JACOBS * SON. No. 218 North Ninth.


ISc REBATE IF YC U BRING SHOESwith this coupon. Maas shoos half-soled. 7*c rsbated to CM; ladles'half soles, too, rebated to Me, Everypair sewed; heat isathsr; as nails, aspega Heeling. Its. DREW'S ELEC¬TRIC SHOE FACTOR.. 71« EaatMala. Phone Moares MOT,_


HOUSECLEANING. WAXING AND]staining floors, old stains removedand reOnlched any color; satisfaction;guaranteed. WILLIAM JOHNSON.Monroe 3120.

TYPEWRITERS OF ALL STANDARDmakes ranted by the day, week ormonth, three months. 8» and up¬wards. Rent applied on par-chase. AMERICAN TYPEWRITEREXCHANGE. INC. «08 Eaat Mala!Street. Phone Madison 828«.


YOUR WATCH REPAIRED OR CLEAN-ed by WM TOB 1 EN. JR.. la a guar¬antee that It Is done properly; 2«years' experience. Cleaning. $1, mainsprings. $L 4M Eaat Bros« Street.

SUMMER KATES MOW ON PIANOmoving aad overhaallag by factoryexperts Prompt. enratal workguaranteed. Phsas MaSis. 8116.CMAS. M ST1EFF. Plaasa U7 W.


WE RaTPATR AND UPHOLSTER FUR-nltnre la aast maaaor. asaks over

sid aaUrt ass Ilka new. sand forand return them ths asms «tax.(Signed) JACOB) UMLAUF. PhonsMadison 81»?

cnmy^av^aaca'hM^ seta road snd

tWflmTrtWt^m isosrvsd ts rajoet anysJBJ "

ad mm

W'E ARE^^NOVY DISPLAY INO OURfait imp vf millinery and reedy-madegarnietits. Latest exclusive shavesin tr«innied and untrimmed hats. Allkinds of millinery novelties; newand up-to-date lall aal wintersuits; coats, dresses: alterations Ire*.Save money and buy from MKS.JULIUS BKaK Uta East MalaStreet.

9prrnng0Richmond. Frederlcksburg and Po-

toaaac .mo Richmond aud Peters-berg Railroad Connection

Company,Office of the Secretary.

Richmond. V a.. October Iis, 1912.NOTICE IS HERE Y GIVEN THAT

th- a.m'ial meeting of the stockhsid-<-u of tos R chtnond. Fi edericksburgand Potomac and Richmond and Fe-tarafettrg Railroad Connection Coin-P ny will t,e held st its om e. lathe clt uf Richmond, Vs.. on MON¬DAY, the i->h day of November. 1»12,at 10 o'clock A, MlTue stock transfer books will be

closed at 3 o'clock F. M. Monday. No¬vember 11. lili. and reopened at 10o'clock A. M. Tuesday. November1*. Ifl2. W D. DUKE.

Paarstary.Atlantic Cuaat Line Railroad Company.

Office of the Secretary.[NOTICE IS HKREHY GIVEN THAT

the regular annual and general meet¬ing of the stockholder* of tks At¬lantic Coast Line Railroad Companywin be held at the office of the com¬pany, at Byrd Street Station, in thecity of Richmond. Va.. on Tuesday,the mh day of November. 1812, at 11o'clock A. M for the election of di-rector* and other officers, and forthe transaction of sucn other bust-lies* as may lawfully come be.'orsthe me-ting, including the suojestherelnaf i<-r stated. Tbl« meetinghas also been called by the boardof directors as a special meeting ofthe stocknoider* of the company, tobe held at tile same time and place,to consider, act and paa* upon, au¬thorize and consent to, an Increaseof the common capital stock of thiscompany by the amount of six mil-lion dollars, in addition to toe pres-sat authorized issue of such stock.such increase to consist of sixtythousand shares, each of the parvalue of one hundred dollars, andto the isaue and aale thereof; andto provide that each and everystockholder of this comptany shallbe given the right of subscribingfor and purchasing at par commoncapital stock of this company equalto 10 per cent of his recorded hold-ings of the capital stock of this cum-pany upou a date to be fixed by theboard of directors, and upon suchconditions as may be determined;and generally to take any and allaction that may seem necessary anddesirable In connection with, ger¬mane to or growing out of any ofthe matters hereinbefore stated.The books for the transfer of th*

capital stock of the company willclose Wednesday, November (. 1812.at 3 o'clock P. iL. and will be re¬

opened on Wednesday, November 20,1812. at 10 o'clock A. MBy order of the Board of Directors.

H. L BORDEN.Secretary.

October 1«. 1912.Richmond. Fredericksburg and Po¬

tomac Railroad Company,Office of the Secretary,

Richmond. Va., October 18, 1812.NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT

the annual meeting of the atockhold-ers of the Richmond. Fredericksburgand Potomac Railroad Company willbe held at its office, la the FirstNational Bank Building, Richmond,Va.. on Monday, the 18th day ofNover-iber. 1812. at 11 o'clock A. M.The stock transfer books will be

closed at 3 o'clock P. M. Monday.November 11, 1812, end reopened at10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, November1». 1812.

NORMAN CALL,_Secretary.

Washington-Southern Railway Com¬pany.

Office of we Secretary,R'ohmond. Va., October IS, 1912.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATthe annual meeting of the atockhold-

< era of the Waahlngton-SoutheraRailway Company wi.i be held at

j Its office. In the First National BankBuilding. Richmond. Va., oa Monday,the 18th day of November. 1*12, at12 o'clock noon.The stock transfer books will be

closed at 3 o'clock P. M. Monday, No-vember 11. 1912, and reopened at 10o'clock A. M. Tuesday, November 19.1912. .

NORMAN CALL.Secretary.

Potomac Railroad Company,Office of the Secretary.

Richmond. Va.. October IS, 1913,NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT

the annual meeting of the Stockbold-era of the Potomac Railroad Com¬pany w'll be held at Its office, in theFirst National Bank Building. Rich¬mond. Va.. on Monday, the loth dayof November. 1912. at 12:30 P. MThe stock transfer books will be

closed st 3 o'clock P. M Monday,November 11. 1812. and reopened at10 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, November19. 1912.

NORMAN CALL,_Secretary.

[Ths Atlantic Land and ImprovementCompany.

Office of the Secretary.NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT

the regular annual meeting of stock-kolders of Ths Atlantic Land andImprovement Company will be heldat the office of the company, in thscity of Richmond. Va.. on Tuesday,the nineteenth dsy of November, A.A. 1911. at 12:30 o'clock P. M.

H. L BORDEN.Secretary.

Richmond Locomotive Works,Richmond. Vs.. October 17, 1912.

[NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATthe annual meeting of the stock¬holders of Richmond LocomotiveWorks will be held at the office ofths company. In the etty of Rich¬mond. County of Henrlco. Virginia,on Wednesday, the thirteenth day ofNovember. 1812, at 11:20 o'clock lathe forenoon, for the purpose ofelecting directors sno officers, aadfor the transaction of such othereasiness as may properly come ha-for* the meeting. _

C & DENNY._Secretary.

Virginia Railway and Power Company.C2S-C30 East Main Street,

Richmond. October 23. 1912.NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT,the annual meeti-.g of the stock-holders of the Virmnia Railway andPower Company will be held at thegeneral office of the company, lathe city of Richmond. Va. oa Wed-aeeSay. Norember 20. 1912. at 12o clock M.The transfer books will ha dosed

on Thursday. October 3L 1912. at Io'clock P. M. end will he reopenedoa Thursday. November 21. 1P12. at1« o'clock A. M.


m A SPFCIAL COhfMCKICATTONajKa of Temple Ledge. No. 8. A.. F A/yf\ A. M. will be held is the Ma¬sonic Temple THIS (Tuesday) EVE¬NING at 5 o'clock.Membe-s of sister lodges aad tran-

'.tent brethren are fraternally Invlts4to unite with aaBy order of the Worshipful Master.'

ALEX. W. ARCHFR,_Secretary.

m NO 19..A STATED COMMUNI-aj"är cation of Richmond I-odge. Xe./VV is. Aselect Free aad Accepted)Mssona will he held In the MsaoalcTearsle THIS (Teeadayl EVENING.November s, 1912. st 7 3» o'clock. De¬gree work. Members of sister lodgesand transient brethren fraternally ta-elted. _


PUN PRESENTEDrO« PLAY6ROUMOSCommittee Recommends All-

Year Scheme to CityCouncil.


Want Local Man as GeneralSupervisor of Recre¬


Following up the recent playgroundsurvey of Richmond, a resolution was

presented to the Common Council lastBight snd referred to ths Committeeoa Grounds snd Buildings propos¬ing thO SPP oprlat'OQ of »7.600for playground purpoaaa duringUli. the fund to bo placed to

the credit of ths Administrative Board.Accompanying ths resolution was a

letter outlining a proposed plan for

the organisation of ths play spaces andtolling what has bsegt accomplishedby the citizens' committee on recrea- jtton and playgrounds. Ths letter:states that through ths aid of inter-jeated citizens $800 was raised, part;of which waa apent in making a com-!

p.-ebensive survey of ths needs of!Richmond by a recreation expert. Row-

land Hayn es. representing ths Play¬ground aad Reereatlon Association ofAmerica. Ths recommendations mgdeby Mr. Haynas havs been carefully ex.

amlned by ths committee, which makesthe following recommendations:

Saaas Breammrndattsaa,1. That the Administrativ« Board

shall havs at Its disposal by ths pro¬posed ordinance funds for the employ¬ment of an expert, specially trainedand experienced recreation supervisor,at a salary of not leas than $1,801 nor

more than 81,000 annually, who ahouldgive his satire time to the supervisionand building up ot an adequate recrea¬

tion system for the city of Richmond.Some such persons now resident in thscity of Richmond are available, aadmay bo recommended by this commit¬tee at the proper time.

2. That the Administrative Boardshall have at Its disposal for ths year1913 by the proposed ordinance a aum

of not less than $2,600 nor more than98,000 for competent assistants to takecharge of ths several playgroundsunder ths supervision of ths recrsa-

tlon supervisor, and also a sum of notlass than $2.300 nor more than $2.800for equipment, supplies and caretakers.a That such assistants and eare-

takers shall be selected, trained anddirected by the recreation supervisor,and auch equipment and supplies shall

I be selected, distributed and Installedunder the direction of tha recreationsupervisor, subject to the approval ofthe Administrative Board.

4. That ths recreation supervisor, tothe best at his ability, with tha fundsat his disposal, under the Administra¬tive Board, shall provide recreationunder competent direction.

All the Tear Rsnnd.L In the three summer months (a)

for children nnder slsvsn years of ageIn certain school yards; (b) for chil¬dren and young people over slovenyears of age in a play-field or play-fields of not less than two acres each,either on property already owned byths city or to be acquired by the city,or pending the acquirement of ade¬quate space, on certain streets reservedfor play during certain honrs.

II. In the five spring and fall months.Continuation of summer work as out¬

lined ander I, after school hours andon .Saturdays.

III. In the four winter months. In¬door recreation for children and youngpeople over twelve years of age. In

such school buildings aa ths SchoolBoard provides use of.

As the city la now appropriating$2,500 for playground work, the sum

suggested is only $8.000 more, and at-tention la called to the fact that It la:proposed that this sum provide recrea-

tloa .facilities for the entire year, in¬

stead of for ths three summer months,aa at present.

Florida tor SixZt Is estimated that the expenditure

above outlined will enable ths city tosupply proper recreation tar aa aggre¬gate attendance of 147.00» persona dar.tng tha year. This estimate la baaedpartly upon what ban boon already,dona In ths city aad apoo what has!been dona In other oltloa Ths num¬

ber of children who oaa than bsreached wlU be from six to sight timesaa many as those reached by the pres¬ent appropriation. Ths proposed ap¬propriation Is three times aa great as

ths present one. and the work sag*gested Is at leant six tlmss as great,which means a net saving of at leastone-half of the per capita soot of therecreation furnished.Ths Finance Committee of the Oown-

ell of Norfolk on October 1«mended an expenditure of 17.8*8 on ths

supervision and equipment of five

playgrounds centres in that stty. noas

of the rr.cney to be used for the por-chaec or Isaaa of grounds.Among those who signed ahm letter

were the followlag: W. M Addison. J.St Oeorg* Bryan. T. M. Carrlngtsn.J. A C Chandler. Charles B. Cooke.few. W Russell Bowls, prank W Duke.«r IX Puke, W. W. OtUetts. L. McX.Jsdklna, J SASht Pnrrtsb, Jollen HRill. w. T. Dohaay. W. T. Relthard.l R Whipple, e. Randolph WIlMamaB. Baad. WellfOTd, Henry W. Wood.k. c. Masata, ihn 11 mmm.

art ten,owing to en* fact that the committeeor, recreation and playgrounds em¬

ployed an cvtaldo export to make therecreation svrvey It has been thonxMthat thei i -msi itee was also anxious to

secure aa ealsider so recreation enr»-r-visw for Richmond. Sash la not thscase The committee and the variousether organisations co-opsrating a Ith:bem ire anWafJ interested ra gs» tcthe h-st riosibls leadership far thochildren .\nd roong psepss of the dtyRlctmond la or assaily fortunate ta

r^oaesrtng among its rsstaUnta two or

three qait* well equipped psianus forthe posit 'on sf recreation 8J8JBJ8J8J Haw.Mr. Haywes*a srsett was asses that

of aa architect, and he was aaTTed tabeeant» ho has) saasta snch roerenelsnsurveys Hi several of the barge citiesof she one try. aad the asmmit

wishiI Richmond to have aa good ajstarrer as any other city. R Is ess*.to. 4 that no dtp sf ths atas ad Rich-1

thoeoogn aSktanfa an« f

UnusualOpportun«Wishing to retire from MajH

ness, owner will sell barrestaurant at a successful BfStreet hotel, with long lease tsjjpremises. The receipts have rmmfrom $45,000 to $50,000 per an¬

num. Reply to J 147, care Times*Dispatch.

aartton mtlt* CT* Sty~BT~Gr«i^'aTlledd.




st 4:20 P. M..we will offer for aale, on the premise*the sbove described lot.This Is in a rood locality, where

renting property is in great demand,and should attract the attentiea 4Üthe Investor, with a view of building.either for an investment or for a homo.TERMS: Easy, and announced aS

sale.GREEN a REDD.


flaction malts, jpntacr Bt&3Ruffin a Sloans,

Real Estate Auctioneers.

At the request of the parties at he*terest we Will offer for sale, on thspremises, on

WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER «, 1912,at 5 o'clock P. M.

that desirable property.

No. 603(South Pine Street

Ths lot has a frontage of SO featand a depth of i«5 feet The househaa nine rooms. Is in good condition.In a good neighborhood, aad win paywell as an Investment or will makea desirable home.Ths Owners are anxious to sell for a

division of the proceeds, so attend thissate and secure a bargain.TERMS: Liberal, and announced at

sale.RUFFIN a SLOAN, a

_Auctioneers.William B. Pixxlnt Company,Real Estate Aucti >neers.



No. 614 Denny SirFulton

la pursuance to a decree entered laths Chancery Court of the city of Rich¬mond. Va., on the 24th day of October,1912. In the suit tsere n pending underthe style of Mary Elizabeth Rice vs.

MatUe J. Nuckols et als., we wiU sellat public aucUon, on the premises, oaTHURSDAY. NOVEMBER 7. 1912.

at 4 o'clock P. M,that attractive, detached brick tea-,room residence. No. 614 Denny Street,fronting twenty-three feet six inches(23-<> on the nort side of DennyStreet and extending back from saklfront one hundred (100) feet to aa alleyin the rear ten (10) feet wide.TERMS: One-third of purchase pries

in cash and the balance In tnree equalInstalments, payabe at three, six aas]nine months from date of sale, deferredpayments to be evidenced by notes,with interest added, title to he retaineduntil all purchase money is paid; erall cash, at she option at* the pur¬chaser. This property is sohl suhlestto the confirmation of the court



X certify that the head required hpthe above dacsss ef tag Special Commissioner has been duly given.Otvsa ander my hand this 2d day si

November. 1912. (Teste)OHdBI.EE a SAYILLhV

Pollard a Bagby.Real Estate Auctioneers.



la execution of s deed ef trust datedApril 19. I9S«. aad recorded la theclerk's office of the Richmond Chaa-

! eery Ooart D. B. 1S9-B. paar* 97. de¬fault having been made In the pay.meat of a portion ef the debt thai slasecured. 1 will sell at sacties. sa thapremises, oa

THURSDAY. NOVEMBER I,. t i o'clock P. X..

ths shove mentioned property,of the house? containa abost

the other about four;feet frost by a go^d d»pth.This property will make a .

Investment proposition, aad wt! ably go at a sacrifice.

TERMS Enough In cash te payI of ssle and any tax** that may ha1 one sot* for $1.4*9. subject teef " and one «f Hv theepos er»4tt nayments at eae

years s'ter dat». deferred psyihear Interest *t «% sad te heby deed of trust ae all eashapron <rf th* purchaser

HR POLLARD^ X*V.^w b._IT dl">reet terras trees

sVoald be 4'slred. they "

ranged hy *»e!ng the set

mm BB

76 Acreson Trolley