danbury park school – an outstanding school (ofsted …don’t go in the sand pit or the mini...

Dear Parents, As part of our Golden Time activities earlier this term a group of twenty children from the junior classes worked with Mrs Gooding to write a pupil version of the school newsletter. We thought about what makes our school outstanding. Here are our reports: Danbury Park School An Outstanding School (Ofsted 2013) At Danbury Park we all aim to….. Be wise, be happy, belong Website: www.danburypark.essex.sch.uk Spring 2014 If you want to be an outstanding school then here is how : make everything fun for pupils, make sure your pupils are always safe, run lots of clubs and fun things to raise money for the school. We asked Mrs Gooding a few questions: 1. How do you think we are an outstanding school? Answer: everyone works together. 2. Why? Answer: because we are a community and we all want Danbury Park to be the best school it can be. We know because the inspectors told us. By Charlie A & Natasha R, Class E Helping Nature The field is a lovely place to play whether it’s sunny or snowing! Please respect it by: *picking up rubbish if it’s yours or not, *not picking up sticks or insects, *don’t go in the sand pit or the mini forest, * Try not to pick up worms, * Don’t step on mole hills, *don’t chase any animals, *Be respectful. How to help nature at home Do you love nature? Well welcome it to your home by following these tips! *build a bird house out of lolly sticks, *Make a fish and frog pond out of pebbles, water and a shovel, *make a bird’s nest in a tree, *make a mini beast hotel, *make an assault course for squirrels, *Leave some food and water for the animals, *make a banquet for caterpillars. by Josie B and Emily G, Class C

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Post on 09-Mar-2018




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Dear Parents,

As part of our Golden Time activities earlier this term a group of twenty children from the junior classes

worked with Mrs Gooding to write a pupil version of the school newsletter. We thought about what makes

our school outstanding. Here are our reports:

Danbury Park School – An Outstanding School (Ofsted 2013)

At Danbury Park we all aim to….. Be wise, be happy, belong

Website: www.danburypark.essex.sch.uk Spring 2014

If you want to be an outstanding school then here is how :

make everything fun for pupils,

make sure your pupils are always safe,

run lots of clubs and fun things to raise money for the school.

We asked Mrs Gooding a few questions: 1. How do you think we are an outstanding school?

Answer: everyone works together.

2. Why?

Answer: because we are a community and we all want Danbury Park to be the best school it can be.

We know because the inspectors told us. By Charlie A & Natasha R, Class E

Helping Nature The field is a lovely place to play whether it’s sunny or snowing! Please respect it by:

*picking up rubbish if it’s yours or not,

*not picking up sticks or insects,

*don’t go in the sand pit or the mini forest, * Try not to pick up worms,

* Don’t step on mole hills,

*don’t chase any animals,

*Be respectful.

How to help nature at home

Do you love nature? Well welcome it to your home by following these tips!

*build a bird house out of lolly sticks,

*Make a fish and frog pond out of pebbles, water and a shovel,

*make a bird’s nest in a tree,

*make a mini beast hotel,

*make an assault course for squirrels,

*Leave some food and water for the animals,

*make a banquet for caterpillars.

by Josie B and Emily G, Class C

Fun at Danbury Park

Over our time at Danbury Park we have experienced some amazing things. From jokes to mind-boggling

displays, and we still have plenty more to put in our locker of wonders. Such as the school trip to Belgium,

and the school discos. Today we will share with you a few good times during our time here…

To help us along the way we have decided to interview one of the teachers. We interviewed Mr Forster.

But, to get us in the mood here is a few jokes that will always be remembered by the pupils at Danbury


How did the bag cross the road? IT SPLIT IN HALF!!

Reported by Henry L. Class B

Some More Jokes…

Slept like log last night, woke up in a fireplace!! By Robin M. Class A

What did the mayonnaise say to the fridge? Close the door, I’m dressing! By Christopher M. Class E

How did the elephant go on Holiday? He got a jumbo jet! By Preet G. Class E

1 2 1 2 1 2 I’M not checking the microphone I’m counting the audience. By Freddie P, Class B

What do elephants ride on holiday? A jumbo jet! By Zachary C-G, Class E

Mr Forster Mr Forster, who is the funniest teacher in the school, said he was ‘stunned’ as he walked through the gates

here at Danbury Park! ☺

‘Blimey, look at that massive field over there’, he thought.

Furthermore he quoted, ‘I love board games, it’s what I do for fun!’

‘I personally would probably say that my favourite topic so far, would have to be, the Egyptians! It

contained fun and interesting facts which I never knew before.’

All in all I believe we can safely say that Danbury Park Community Primary School is one of the funniest,

educational and safest places on earth! ☺

Reported by Gabe P and Olly H, Class A

Even More Jokes…

We want to share some jokes with you so here you go...

Q. Why did the one eyed chicken cross the road?

A. To get to the birds eye shop!

Q. What do you call a deer with no eyes?

A. a no idea!

Q. What do you get if you pour boiling hot water down a rabbit hole?

A. Hot cross bunnies!

Q. Where do baby apes sleep?

A. In apricots!

Q. Why do you never play cards in a jungle ?

A. There are too many cheetahs!

This term Class B’s topic is Space.

We are writing this because class B finds this topic really interesting. In

Literacy we are watching E.T. here is a clip of E.T. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70Uy7d4b-HY

and then turning it into a narrative poem. Pawani is the only person that we’ve heard of so far to have

used an oxymoron in this school.

In Literacy most children prefer computers, luckily Mrs Ireland, being a really good teacher, books

those most days. This week Freddie and I interviewed the teachers of Class B and Class D.

The questions we asked Miss Chinery and her answers:

Q -Are you jealous of Class B’s Topic?

A - Yes.

Q - Do you think your Topic, Wonderful world of water, will beat Class B’s?

A - Yes, there is so much about water and what you can do about it.

Last week Miss Grace visited from her university in Canterbury and she has been teaching us Out of this world so we have been listening to others. Here is a picture of Out of this World:

By Freddie P.

We believe at Danbury Park School, that if we work hard in class, then during the break and lunchtime hours, we

should play hard without anyone getting hurt. We can do this!

In numeracy by the age of 8-9 we learn about fractions, negative numbers, percentages, and lots more. In

English we learn about poems and stories, fables and legends and are told about old myths (mainly Greek ones).

In science we learn about solid, liquid, gravity, the Earth, the sun, the moon and the solar system. In art (which

we don’t do much of) we use paint, pastels, crayons, pencils and pens. We have mental maths, times tables, and

spelling tests.

On Fridays we have a scheme called Golden Time, where children choose an activity such as, patchwork,

outdoor games, laptops, card games, imaginative art, clay, cartoon drawings, speed stacks and the

newsletter for children.

We decided to interview Mrs Butler and Mrs Berry together the first question which was, do you enjoy

your job? Mrs Butler said “I love it”, Mrs Berry said “Yes, I do”. The second question was why do you like

your job? Mrs Butler answered “It’s my favourite”, Mrs Berry said “Because it’s nice coming in and I like

first aid.” The third question was what is your least favourite part of your job, Mrs Berry answered,

“Doing the plates is OK but I don’t like it very much.” Mrs Butler replied, “Nor do I, your feet get cold.”

In conclusion we think we can work hard and play hard. Can you?

Reported by Mia B, Mariella J & Hugh A.

Say “No” to Bullying

People around the world are almost always being bullied. There are millions of solutions to this but

approximately 90% of bullied people are too scared to stand up for themselves. At Danbury Park School we

are STRICTLY AGAINST BULLYING! Anyone caught doing so would be sent to the head teacher’s office

immediately. Their parents and teachers would be informed.

What is bullying?

Anti-bullying advice

Bullying affects lots of young people and happens in many schools but it's the way it's dealt with which

makes the difference between life being tolerable and a misery for many.

A definition of bullying

There is no legal definition of bullying. But it is usually defined as repeated behaviour which is intended to

hurt someone either emotionally or physically, and is often aimed at certain people because of their race,

religion or gender or any other aspect such as appearance or disability.

Bullying can take many forms including:

• physical assault

• teasing

• making threats

• name calling

• cyber bullying

Bullying can happen anywhere: at school, travelling to and from school, in sporting teams, between

neighbours or in the workplace.

What is cyber bullying?

Cyber bullying is bullying through a mobile phone or online (e.g. by email, instant messenger or on social

network sites). Cyber bullying is just as serious. Read more about cyber bullying.

How to Handle Cyber Bullying

Have you ever been bullied before on the internet? There are many reasons why adults do it in the first

place. Such as:

• That's how they were raised while growing up and were exposed to violence and rudeness. Also they

weren't raised with manners or common sense or anything like that.

• They get a thrill out of verbally beating up people online for absolutely no reason at all.

• The most common reason is the anonymity. All of them who do it know they will most likely not get

caught because not many people report cyber bullying. Also you won't be able to see who they were

Handling cyber bullying can be scary if you feel that you're all by yourself. But you're not; that's just the

illusion of being online at a computer screen with no real life interaction occurring.

How to deal with bullying at school

If you are being bullied at school, tell a friend, tell a teacher and tell your parents. It won't stop unless you

do. It can be hard to do this so if you don't feel you can do it in person it might be easier to write a note to

your parents explaining how you feel, or perhaps confide in someone outside the immediate family, like a

grandparent, aunt, uncle or cousin and ask them to help you tell your parents what's going on.

Your class teacher needs to know what is going on so try to find a time to tell him or her when it won't be

noticeable. You could stay behind on the pretext of needing help with some work. If you don't feel you can

do that, then speak to the school office. Don't be tempted to respond to any bullying or hit back because

you could get hurt or get into trouble.

Stevie B, Class B

At Danbury Park School children are encouraged to work hard and be safe.

In lessons make sure you work hard and listen, and work as a team. You also need to be kind and helpful

to others around you. But on the computer it is different because, well for example people sometimes

send you horrible messages and you need to be careful.

First you have to:

-respect your teachers and other and other adults in school

-look after other people

-be good to your friends

-help others such as class Jay

To be an outstanding school we all need to be as healthy as we can. That means bringing in healthy food

and exercising as much as we can. We must always behave as we should at home as well as school. We

must treat others as we want to be treated.

There are many types of clubs at Danbury park school which are fun and easy to join here is a list of

some of them:



- And Gymnastics

At Danbury Park School we do not and I mean In assemblies we have talked about not

bullying and how to deal with it. We have also talked about cyber bullying (bullying on the computer.)

Now be good, be safe!

By Olivia H, Class D and Katie W and Katie P, Class E

In our school we have held our very own art exhibition. In our hall we have lots of art covering the

displays. We want to tell you how talented we really are. We have art once every week in school for about

an hour but some times more than once a week.

We have some very talented art teachers that we have interviewed. We have asked Mrs Jackson and

Miss Johnston [the two talented art teachers] some questions. We interviewed Mrs Jackson first. We

asked Mrs Jackson three questions, “How important is it for children to learn art?” She answered, “I

think it’s important because it is a skill they need to plan out their drawings and it is a release from

academic work. Some children who are not necessarily good at academic work may be very good at art and

can then excel at this.” Our next question was, “What inspired you to do art?” Mrs Jackson replied “I love

art because it is something that appeals to me and I find it very relaxing.” Our third and last question for

Mrs Jackson was, “What do you love about art?” After thinking she said, “I love to see how everyone

approaches art as it is a very individual view. It shows off everyone’s individuality.” This term class B have

been learning how to draw portraits.

On Friday break we interviewed Miss Johnston; we asked her 3 questions like when we interviewed Mrs

Jackson. Our first question was how important was art in KS1?; after a bit of thinking this is what she

replied, “Like all subjects it is important. Children can communicate their ideas, feelings and

understanding through their art work when sometimes they may find it tricky to write this down. It is

important to teach children the basic skills of art like how to hold a paint brush, mix colours and the size

of their drawings and how to include detail. We enjoy looking at the work of different artists.” Our

second question was a bit more challenging for Miss Johnston to answer. It was do you enjoy art and why?

She said, “I love teaching art, even though it is not one of my strengths. I like to be creative. As part of

our class trip we are visiting the National Portrait Gallery to find out what we can learn about the past

from different paintings.” She said that our last question was the hardest one to answer; this is what we

asked her: “how hard is it to teach art to new children?” This is what she reported, “ It takes a lot of

time for the children to have a go and practise. Art allows children to be individuals so there is no real

right or wrong way to teach children who will look slightly different at art.”

Kathryn C

We end our newsletter with a story written by Kira-Dee M, Kayleigh S and Fionnuala S,

Class A

6 Lives 6 Hours6 Lives 6 Hours6 Lives 6 Hours6 Lives 6 Hours

Chapter 1Chapter 1Chapter 1Chapter 1 “Bye Mum” Eve shouted across the playground, whilst walking through the gates of Danbury Park school. Howling, her dog Stanley looked at Eve longingly. The bell was going so she briskly walked to her line, class A, a year six class! “Spellings” Mrs Prince called out, Eve groaned whilst putting her head to her hand, she disliked spelling tests. “Number 10 for blue group is investigations” Mrs Prince told class A. Eve scribbled down the answer, finally the test was over! Next it’s Maths…

Chapter 2Chapter 2Chapter 2Chapter 2 “Urr!” Kira-Dee groaned as she looked at the board it was maths, her worst subject. But today was different first of all Mrs Prince told class A to get two pieces of scrap paper. “Write an even number on one and then on the other piece of paper write a decimal. “She commanded. Then they got told to scrunch up the even number and make a paper aeroplane out of the decimal. After that they went outside while doing this Kira-Dee thought how different this is. For the rest of the lesson they swapped the balls and aeroplanes, multiplying the numbers. Next it was literacy after break…

Chapter 3Chapter 3Chapter 3Chapter 3 “Oh no what a terrible morning first it was spellings, then it was maths and now its literacy!” Mimi murmured to herself. “Right” called Mrs Prince, “Let’s split into groups, group 1 you’re on your own and 2 and 3 you are with me. Following on from yesterday you will be looking at writing up the scripts you planned yesterday with all the features of play scripts. Mimi scribbled down her play script as quickly as she could because she only had 15 minutes. A little while later she put her book in the unit, and went to lunch. Next it was science…

Chapter4Chapter4Chapter4Chapter4 “Today we are going to work on solutions. Does anyone knows what it is?” Kira shot her hand up. “It’s when two things are mixed together and are irreversible.” “That’s correct, well done now can you get into your groups for our food experiments and finish them off. A little while later Kira had finished her experiment and had completed her table. Now it was P.E with Sam…

CCCChapter 5hapter 5hapter 5hapter 5

“Now let’s play the number game ok, one is jumping two is jogging three is lunging and four is touching toes and five is back to walking. Soon after Kayleigh sat down in the huge circle and started to learn some tutting! Then Sam, the street dance teacher, told Class A to find a space to learn some breakdancing. Kayleigh did the helicopter perfectly well until she toppled over “ouch!” She laughed and dusted herself off and tried again, after many attempts she could finally do it! And Sam was very impressed. Soon the lesson was over and they had to go back to class Next it was art…

Chapter 6Chapter 6Chapter 6Chapter 6

“Yay, it’s art with Mrs Koch!” Fionnuala said. “All your masks should be completed by the end of the lesson. So if you have any question then just ask me, we have got mod rock if anyone wants to use it, paint and buttons are there. So get to work.” Fionnuala walked over to the paint and mixed up a stunning mint green, and quickly painted then added sequins and glitter. “Phew I’ve finished my mask” she sighed. It was now home time so Eve, Kira-Dee, Mimi, Kira, Kayleigh and finally Fionnuala all went home.