daniel and the three labors...daniel had an old, wise man to guide him on the way to the underworld,...


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Page 1: Daniel and the Three Labors...Daniel had an old, wise man to guide him on the way to the underworld, but the old man did not go in with Daniel because he was scared that he might not
Page 2: Daniel and the Three Labors...Daniel had an old, wise man to guide him on the way to the underworld, but the old man did not go in with Daniel because he was scared that he might not

Daniel and the Three Labors

Once upon a time there lived a little boy named Daniel.

When he was a baby he had two sisters, a baby brother and his parents were Gods. The king named Jordan deceived this little boy and wanted him dead. So he sent two slaves to kill the little boy. The slaves crept into the room as softly as possible and put two baby crocodiles in his cradle! But when the slaves left the baby jumped out of his cradle and what he was holding was the two crocodiles that attacked him! He had super strength, but he only used it for good, not publicity. He hope one day to become a hero.

Page 3: Daniel and the Three Labors...Daniel had an old, wise man to guide him on the way to the underworld, but the old man did not go in with Daniel because he was scared that he might not

A few years later when he was sixteen years old he started saving many people’s lives. His favourite games were wrestling and checkers that were played with pieces of wood. He was very, very educated. His friends always looked up to him to keep their village safe. His step father was a robber and a monster in his own way. But his mother was very sweet and had an amazing personality. So one day his evil father destroyed the village and many, many people died, but they still had faith in the young boy so he evacuated the village and took them to a cave and until Daniel grew up and was able to save the people. The people lived in the cave.

A few weeks later king Jordan sent two slaves to and find Daniel and bring him to the king without any warning. ‘’I command you to go and kill the ferocious beast named Rex in the underworld,’’ ordered king Jordan. ‘’Sir, since I have done wrong in my past, I will do as you have commanded,’’ exclaimed Daniel. So Daniel set off to go to do his labor. Daniel had to take two coins and put them over his eyes and also a red, ripped rag to cover his eyes so that he couldn’t show any emotions because Daniel will suffer the consequence of his face being taken away.

Page 4: Daniel and the Three Labors...Daniel had an old, wise man to guide him on the way to the underworld, but the old man did not go in with Daniel because he was scared that he might not

Daniel had an old, wise man to guide him on the way to the underworld, but the old man did not go in with Daniel because he was scared that he might not be able to get back out of the underworld again! They had to set up camp because of the number of days that it took to get there. Eventually they found the spot where you crossed over to get into the underworld. ‘’Daniel remember to cover your face with the rag of faith and carry with you the coins that bounce,’’ explained the old man. ‘’Sir l will remember after all I do not want to be a man without a face!’’ laughed Daniel. “No seriously son you must remember,’’ shouted the old man angrily. So Daniel jumped into the boat and paid the guy. ‘’ Who are you and what are you here for?’’ asked the beast angrily. These are all viable questions, but anyway l am Daniel and l have come to go to the underworld,’’ responded Daniel nervously.

Page 5: Daniel and the Three Labors...Daniel had an old, wise man to guide him on the way to the underworld, but the old man did not go in with Daniel because he was scared that he might not

Daniel got off the boat and went to find the horrible beast. Eventually he heard giant stomping that shook the ground! He got nervous and then he saw the gigantic Rex! This beast had three lion heads and twelve snake body parts and about 18 feet tall! Daniel chopped one head off and luckily no more heads came again. So he pulled out his sword and chopped each head off. This took hours to finish, but after that the beast collapsed because he couldn’t take not being able to see. So Daniel left the snakes to rot and then he went back to the castle to tell the king to tell him he had finished his task. He asked for a reward in exchange and the king gave him only 6 gold coin, but Daniel was grateful for his reward.

Page 6: Daniel and the Three Labors...Daniel had an old, wise man to guide him on the way to the underworld, but the old man did not go in with Daniel because he was scared that he might not

The next day the king sent Daniel to go and capture the horrible creature on the island of horror. This horrible creature was named Ga’hoole. He lived in a dark, damp cave on the terrifying, abandoned island and it kidnaps little baby girls and boys. He also steels all the gold in the villages. He used to be a normal person, but the he started doing bad and evil things and then eventually he turned into one of the evil demons just like his father. So then Daniel set off on his mission to go stop this fearsome beast, but first he asked permission from the king to use the guard battleships, but the king answered, ‘’No you may not use the battle ship because what if there is a battle

Page 7: Daniel and the Three Labors...Daniel had an old, wise man to guide him on the way to the underworld, but the old man did not go in with Daniel because he was scared that he might not

that needs to be done!’’ As Daniel stood in front of the kings throne he replied, ‘’But king Jordan there is no other ships in the castle that I can use!’’

‘’There is a boat that my mother used to travel on to another island, further on than the land of horror. End of discussion and leave it here!’’ said king Jordan. ‘’Ok king Jordan, but can I have a guard to show me where the castle boats are?” replied Daniel ‘’Yes you may now leave my presence’’.

So Daniel set off on his journey to the abandoned island where the evil mythical creature lived. When he got off the boat he went on the rocky part of the island with no water. Then Daniel saw that the sun was about to set, so he made camp for the night and waited until morning, when he could attack because the reason why he made camp was because all the creatures on the island there were many evil creatures on that part of the island. So Daniel thought that it was morning when he just woke up, but the problem was they didn’t have any clocks at that time, so he did not know that the real time was… 12:00am! So he went outside and quietly and slowly walked into the cave! He didn’t expect it, but there was a big trap right in front of him and when he least expected it he walked straight into the trap of doom……..

Page 8: Daniel and the Three Labors...Daniel had an old, wise man to guide him on the way to the underworld, but the old man did not go in with Daniel because he was scared that he might not

The next morning he woke up after being in the trap for one whole night and wh he saw Ga’hoole right in front of him! ‘’Very foolish boy you think that you can defeat me, but you walked straight into my trap’’ said Ga’hoole evilly. ‘’I will defeat you and we will see who is the winner now’’ exclaimed Daniel. After a long conversation, Ga’hoole went to get some warm water from the lake. The water was not warm, but he had fire in his lair. So Daniel quietly crept out of the trap. ‘’Didn’t Ga’hoole learn that you can’t trap a mortal in a bear trap?’’ chuckled Daniel happily. Daniel heard Ga’hoole down the hallway of the cave in a tiny, little room. There were torches made of stick with a flame on them and there was a tiny bed made of wool and rock. ‘’Ga’hoole did you not learn you cannot trap a mortal in a bear trap made of stick?’’ questioned Daniel angrily. ‘’Whatever Danny or whatever your name is. Now you get to battle me blah blah blah and let’s go’’ said Gahoole fearlessly. ‘’ Bring it on’’ said Daniel fearsomely. So Daniel took out his sword and started battling the beast, but it wasn’t as easy as you think it was he had to try and trick the beast then grab the treasure that he has claimed as his own. But Daniel didn’t know that he had to trick it! So Daniel thought to himself ‘’ Since l can’t kill it maybe l should try to outsmart it. So Daniel pointed to the end of the room and Ga’hoole looked across the room and somehow started to fade! And then

Page 9: Daniel and the Three Labors...Daniel had an old, wise man to guide him on the way to the underworld, but the old man did not go in with Daniel because he was scared that he might not

when Ga’hoole least expected it Daniel jumped up and threw a knife at him and then he disappeared.

The next day he set off on the next labor which was the Brachiosaurus. There were four of them and they were half snake and half dinosaur. Daniel travelled to the island on foot because his boat got eaten by Rex. While he was traveling he had to defeat a couple of Tyrannosaurus Rex’s. Daniel got to the island and he had

Page 10: Daniel and the Three Labors...Daniel had an old, wise man to guide him on the way to the underworld, but the old man did not go in with Daniel because he was scared that he might not

to defeat all four dinosaurs, but it wasn’t that easy just like all the other labors. in fact none of the labors were easy. He went to look for the four headed half snake body animal!!

Since it was in the evening Daniel had to go to bed in a cave because all the other dinosaurs come out to find their food and in this land half of all the dinosaurs were blind and they could also smell your blood from a far distance. Daniel had lots of cuts because of all the fighting and all the rocks from the rocky caves that he has been sleeping on.

The next morning he woke up early and went to the trees to go and pick some fresh berries. The berries gave him some energy for his training. He went inside his cave and got some steel and then he twisted it to make a thin, small pipe and attached the two bedrocks that he slept on and then made rock weights. Even though there weren’t any weights, in Greece he was the first one to invent them. When he was done with his training that evening, he went out to challenge the dinosaurs, if the dinosaur won he could get all the gold, if Daniel won he got to destroy the dinosaur. The dinosaurs predicted that they would win, but apparently no one knows who would win not even me. So lets get to the battle.

Page 11: Daniel and the Three Labors...Daniel had an old, wise man to guide him on the way to the underworld, but the old man did not go in with Daniel because he was scared that he might not

The first round was boxing. There were three rounds of the challenge. But everybody knows that dinosaurs can’t box, but this one could! They started boxing and Daniel kicked them in their faces, one by one and they collapsed, but they rose again and each of them whipped Daniel. Sadly, Daniel lost the first round boxing the dinosaurs. The next round was to see how many berries you can eat. So they started munching down berries and berries and berries! The dinosaurs felt sick, but Daniel kept on eating the berries even though he felt bloated. Daniel won luckily and he won that second round. The last round was to go and find as much water as possible because all the dinosaurs and the people were thirsty because there was no water what so ever. Daniel was smart so he went into his cave and found a muddy spot and pressed down on it and fresh water came out of the ground and he collected it and put it inside a small rock that he broke and shaped it into a huge bucket. Unlike the dinosaurs they collected the water in their tiny, little mouths and brought it back to the place where they started there competition. They placed their water inside the two small buckets that Daniel had carved. Daniel had the most water out of all four dinosaurs and then he pulled out his sword and Daniel happily shouted, ‘’It was all a trick you fell right into my trap!’’ and he chopped off one of the heads and then 3 more popped up and so he took sand and through it in the snakes eyes and then they started to burn! He couldn’t see

Page 12: Daniel and the Three Labors...Daniel had an old, wise man to guide him on the way to the underworld, but the old man did not go in with Daniel because he was scared that he might not

anything and then he set the dinosaurs on fire and they burnt up! As he walked home along rocky lanes, he wanted to warn the king that he had finished all his labors. The king was sick of hearing Daniel had completed his labors, as he stared crossly at Daniel, the King roared, ‘’Guards go and kill this nuisance!’’ The guards killed Daniel and the only thing left of him was the note that he wrote when he was little that stated, ‘’Dear mother when I grow up I would like to be just like you educated and good people!’

By Leah Jessica

Book Summary Daniel has a big adventure to do that the evil king Jordan sent him to do. He has to do all the labors and be back in three days! l don’t know how he is going to do all of these labors in three days but there is only one way to find out we have to go to deep into the book and find out how he is going to make it back from this long, dangerous journey!

Page 13: Daniel and the Three Labors...Daniel had an old, wise man to guide him on the way to the underworld, but the old man did not go in with Daniel because he was scared that he might not
Page 14: Daniel and the Three Labors...Daniel had an old, wise man to guide him on the way to the underworld, but the old man did not go in with Daniel because he was scared that he might not