daniel - esvchildren€¢ open your bible to daniel and tell the story. daniel based on daniel...

OK to copy. Lessons for the Leader 1a Application Activities Format: Follow the numbers with arrows for a 30-minute, large group plus 20-minute Application Activities format. 1 Follow all the numbers for a 45- to 60-minute large group only format. What do these symbols mean? Session at a Glance What comes to mind when you hear the phrase peer pressure? Many times when a person is experiencing peer pressure, he has to choose between right and wrong. How often are you faced with peer pressure? In this session, we'll see that Daniel and his friends said no to what they believed was wrong. Read Daniel 1:1-7. After Jerusalem was conquered by King Nebuchadnezzar (NEB yoo kad NEZ uhr), he ordered a court official to bring several of the finest young Israelite men (probably around 15 years old) to live at the palace. The teenagers were to be trained for three years in preparation for serving in the king's court. Daniel and three of his friends were among those chosen and given new names. How would you have felt if you had been one of the teens? Read verses 8-16. Daniel and his friends chose to say no to eating the king's food and drinking his wine, since doing so would go against the laws of their faith. Instead, the teens gained permission only to eat vegetables and drink water for a 10-day test. How much courage do you think it took to refuse the food and wine? The results proved very good for the four young men! Read verses 17-20. Daniel and his friends refused to give in to what they knew was wrong and chose instead to obey God. How did God honor the obedience of the four teens? In what ways does God honor your obedience? Contemplate: Do preschoolers experience and give in to peer pressure? Pray the preschoolers will want to do what God wants them to do. Pray for God to help them say no to what is wrong. Daniel Focus Passage: Daniel 1:1-20 Key Bible Verse: Deuteronomy 6:17 Life Application: I can obey God. Introduction to Worship (6 to 8 minutes) Greet Children Enjoy a Water Relay Worship (30 minutes/45 minutes) Welcome Children and Pray Sing "Move with Me" Sing "For God Made Me Just That Way" Learn the Bible Verse Find It Tell the Bible Story Review the Bible Story Say an Action Poem Sing "I Worship You, O Lord" Present Offering and Pray Use Worship Guides Make Application Transition Application Activities (20 minutes) Wrap-Up (10 minutes) Week of July 14, 2013 Page 1 of 13

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Lessons for the Leader

1a Application Activities Format: Follow the numbers with arrows for a 30-minute, large group plus 20-minute Application Activities format.

1 Follow all the numbers for a 45- to 60-minute large

group only format.

What do these symbols mean?

Session at a Glance

What comes to mind when you hear the phrase peer pressure? Many times when a person is experiencing peer pressure, he has to choose between right and wrong. How often are you faced with peer pressure? In this session, we'll see that Daniel and his friends said no to what they believed was wrong.•Read Daniel 1:1-7. After Jerusalem was

conquered by King Nebuchadnezzar (NEB yoo kad NEZ uhr), he ordered a court official to bring several of the finest young Israelite men (probably around 15 years old) to live at the palace. The teenagers were to be trained for three years in preparation for serving in the king's court. Daniel and three of his friends were among those chosen and given new names. How would you have felt if you had been one of the teens?

•Read verses 8-16. Daniel and his friends chose to say no to eating the king's food and drinking his wine, since doing so would go against the laws of their faith. Instead, the teens gained permission only to eat vegetables and drink water for a 10-day test. How much courage do you think it took to refuse the food and wine? The results proved very good for the four young men!

•Read verses 17-20. Daniel and his friends refused to give in to what they knew was wrong and chose instead to obey God. How did God honor the obedience of the four teens? In what ways does God honor your obedience?

•Contemplate: Do preschoolers experience and give in to peer pressure? Pray the preschoolers will want to do what God wants them to do. Pray for God to help them say no to what is wrong.

DanielFocus Passage: Daniel 1:1-20

Key Bible Verse: Deuteronomy 6:17

Life Application: I can obey God.

Introduction to Worship (6 to 8 minutes)

Greet Children Enjoy a Water Relay

Worship (30 minutes/45 minutes)

Welcome Children and PraySing "Move with Me"Sing "For God Made Me Just That Way"Learn the Bible VerseFind ItTell the Bible StoryReview the Bible StorySay an Action PoemSing "I Worship You, O Lord"Present Offering and PrayUse Worship GuidesMake ApplicationTransition

Application Activities (20 minutes)

Wrap-Up (10 minutes)

Week of July 14, 2013

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Introduction to Worship

1aGreet Children

Pull It TogetherOffering container

•Show preschoolers where to put their offerings.

2aEnjoy a Water Relay

Pull It TogetherMedicine droppers (1 per team), bowls (1 per team), pitchers (1 per team), food color, tape•Fill bowls with water and place at the starting point

of the relay.•Tape fill lines on the pitchers.•Place the pitchers across the room from the bowls.

Add a few drops of food color to the pitchers.

Teacher Tips•Add extra medicine droppers and bowls of water.•Use turkey basters instead of medicine droppers.

•Place the children in teams.•Say: "Let's take turns filling the pitchers with

water. Squeeze the rubber end of the medicine dropper [display] and stick the open end [display] under the water. Stop squeezing and allow water to go into the dropper. Walk quickly to your team's pitcher and squeeze the water into the pitcher. Return to your team and give the next person the dropper. Continue to add water to the pitchers."

•Distribute droppers and play.•Say: "We played a fun water game. In our Bible

story, we will hear how Daniel obeyed God and only drank water."

Worship 3aWelcome Children and Pray (2 minutes)•Say: "Welcome! I am so glad you are here. We'll

learn how Daniel and his friends obeyed God even when it was hard. Turn to a friend and say, 'We can obey God.' "

•Allow time for kids to turn and say sentence.•Pray.

4 Sing "Move With Me" (DVD, 2 minutes)

5aSing "For God Made Me Just That Way" (DVD, 2 minutes)

6aLearn the Bible Verse (4 minutes)

Pull It TogetherMarker, paper•Print Deuteronomy 6:17 from your preferred


Teacher TipPrint "Deuteronomy 6:17 Paraphrase" (CD).

•Display and read aloud the verse.•Lead kids to say the verse a couple of times.•Say: "This verse means that we should obey

God. Let's say 'Obey God' together."•Lead the kids to say "Obey God" several times,

beginning with a whisper and getting louder each time.

7 Find It (3 minutes)

Pull It TogetherPrint "Daniel" (CD).

•Display the title.•Say: "This word is Daniel. Daniel is a person's

name and the name of a book in the Bible. The prophet Daniel wrote the Book of Daniel. Daniel is in the Old Testament. Open your Bibles to the Book of Daniel."

•Encourage adults to help children.

8aTell the Bible Story (7 minutes)

Pull It TogetherPlates, cups, napkins, various vegetables, knife (adult use only), water, ranch dressing or other dip, tables, chairs, marker•Print "Allergy Alert" (CD), list foods, and post.•Wash and cut up vegetables.

Teacher TipEncourage children to try a bite of the snacks even if they think they will not like them.

•Assist kids with washing their hands.•Seat children around the tables.•Say: "We'll enjoy a snack of vegetables and

water while we listen to our Bible story."•Pray, thanking God for the food.•Distribute vegetables, dip, and water.•Open your Bible to Daniel and tell the story.

DanielBased on Daniel 1:1-20

Nebuchadnezzar (NEB yoo kad NEZ uhr) became the new king of Babylon. Nebuchadnezzar ordered

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Week of July 14, 2013

some Israelite teenagers to be taken to Babylon. These boys would serve in King Nebuchadnezzar's palace and learn the ways and language of Babylon. The king wanted the boys to obey him. The king gave them food and drink from his table.

Four of the boys taken to Babylon were Daniel, Shadrach (SHAD rak), Meshach (MEE shak), and Abednego (uh BED-nih goh). God did not want the men to eat the food the king offered. Daniel and the men wanted to obey God. Daniel asked for permission to eat vegetables and drink water.

The chief official liked Daniel, but he was afraid of what King Nebuchadnezzar might think. What if Daniel and his friends looked less healthy than the other boys? The king could kill the official for not taking good care of the boys.

Daniel talked to the guard who was in charge of watching over the boys. Daniel asked the guard to let him and his friends, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, eat nothing but vegetables and drink water for 10 days. Then the guard could compare them to the boys eating the king's food. The guard agreed.

At the end of the 10 days, Daniel and his friends looked better and healthier than the other boys. The guard agreed to let them continue to eat vegetables and drink water.

God helped Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego learn the things they were taught in this new land. God also gave Daniel the ability to explain dreams. At the end of three years, Nebuchadnezzar chose Daniel and his three friends to serve in the king's court.

9aReview the Bible Story (4 minutes)

Pull It TogetherScissors, 10 play food items, tape, bag•Print "Teaching Picture 7 Daniel" (CD).•Print and cut apart "Review Questions." Tape each

question to a food item. Place food items in bag.

•Display the teaching picture.•Say: "Use the picture to help you answer

questions about the Bible story."•Invite a child to pull an item from your bag.•Read aloud the question, pausing for a response.•Encourage other kids to help answer if needed.•Continue to invite kids to pull items and answer

questions until each question is answered.

10 Say an Action Poem (3 minutes)

Poem and MotionsWhen I know something is wrong (tap finger on temple)I (point to self) can say no. (shake head and wave finger no)

•Remark: "Daniel remembered what God said. He knew it was wrong for the men to eat the king's food. The king's food was not the kind of food Daniel and his friends were used to eating. Daniel said no."

•Lead kids in saying and doing the poem.

11a Sing "I Worship You, O Lord" (DVD, 2 minutes)

12aPresent Offering and Pray (2 minutes)

13aUse Worship Guides (7 minutes)

Pull It TogetherWorship Guides, crayons

•Distribute Worship Guides and crayons.•Help kids complete Worship Guide activities.

14 Make Application (7 minutes)

Pull It Together4 colors of construction paper

•Say: "The king wanted Daniel and his friends to obey him. Daniel and his friends chose to obey God."

•Invite four kids to stand beside you.•Give the four kids a different color of paper.•Say: "Spread out across the room and show your

papers. Boys, stand by the [name color] paper. Girls, stand by the [name color] paper."

•Allow everyone to move.•Lead servants (kids holding papers) to ask:

"Who can we obey?"•Lead children to respond: "I can obey God."•Ask: "When is it hard to obey God?"•Encourage responses. Suggestions: when you

want the same thing someone else wants, when you do not want to go to somewhere, and so on.

•Instruct children to stand by different colors and repeat the activity.

•Ask: "Should we obey God even when it's hard? (yes) We can always obey God."

15aGo to Application Activities or Wrap-Up

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Wrap-Up(Large Group Only Format)

Wrap-Up(Application Activities Format)

Week of July 14, 2013 Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition Leader Guide© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention.

*Giant Game Floor Mat (001114564) may be ordered through LifeWay Christian Resources Customer Service Center at 1.800.458.2772 or online at www.lifeway.com.

16 Sing "There's No One Exactly Like Me" (DVD, 2 minutes)

17 Review (4 minutes)

Pull It Together"Teaching Picture 7 Daniel" from step 9

•Display the teaching picture.•Invite kids to retell the Bible story.•Say: "We learned we can obey God even if it's

hard. Let's see how we would obey."•Read each scenario, inviting kids to respond.

Scenarios•What if a friend wants you to take something from

a store without paying for it? What should you do?•What if one of your friends is being mean to

someone? What should you do?•What if your mom asks you if you ate the last

cookie? You know you aren't allowed to have cookies before supper. If you say yes you will get in trouble. What should you do?

•What if your dad asks you to clean your room, but a friend invites you to play? What should you do?

•What if your little brother wants to play with some of your toys? He asks nicely, but you are worried he might break one. What should you do?

•Say together "obey God" after each scenario.

18 Play a Game (4 minutes)

Pull It TogetherScissors, tape, container•Print "Food Items" (CD) and cut apart. Print 1 item

per child plus 1 set for teacher. Put teacher set in container.

Teacher Tips•Use stickers instead of printing CD item.•Play game like Fruit Basket Turnover.•Seat kids in a circle.

•Give each child a "Food Item" and a tape loop.•Instruct: "Tape your food item to your clothes.

We'll take turns pulling a food item from the container. If you have that food item, you must change seats with someone else who has the same item."

•Play as time permits.

19 Dismiss Children to Parents

16a Sing "There's No One Exactly Like Me" (DVD, 2 minutes)

17aHighlight Application Activities (2 minutes)•Call on several children to tell what they did in

their Application Activities. dArts and Crafts—Make Secret Message Napkin Rings dDramatic Play—Roll and Reveal dGames—Run Brown Bag Relays dExploration and Discovery—Learn and Review

•Apply: "Our activities helped us learn to obey God."

18aReview (3 minutes)

Pull It Together"Teaching Picture 7 Daniel" from step 9

•Display the teaching picture.•Invite kids to retell the Bible story.•Lead kids to say aloud the Bible verse.

19aApply (3 minutes)•Read each scenario, inviting kids to respond.

Scenarios•What if a friend wants you to take something from

a store without paying for it? What should you do?•What if one of your friends is being mean to

someone? What should you do?•What if your mom asks you if you ate the last

cookie? You know you aren't allowed to have cookies before supper. If you say yes you will get in trouble. What should you do?

•What if your dad asks you to clean your room, but a friend invites you to play? What should you do?

•What if your little brother wants to play with some of your toys? He asks nicely, but you are worried he might break one. What should you do?

•Say together "obey God" after each scenario.

20aDismiss Children to Parents

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Application Activities Select from the following choices. Each choice is designed for 20 minutes of small group time.

Pull It TogetherCardboard tubes, 2-inch-wide ribbon, glue, ziplock bags, ruler, markers, scissors, napkin (paper, cloth)•Print "Secret

Messages" (CD) and cut apart. Print at least 1 set per child.

•Cut cardboard tubes in 2-inch-wide rings.

•Cut ribbon in 6½-inch strips.

•Place supplies on tables.

Teacher TipProvide large buttons or artificial flowers to attach to the tops of the ribbons.

Pull It TogetherClothespins, large craft sticks, markers, small balls or wads of paper•Print the letters O, B,

E, and Y in the middle of 4 separate craft sticks.

•Clip 2 clothespins to the outer ends of each craft stick (they will look like small sawhorses.)

•Stand the letters up on the floor several feet apart in random order.

Teacher TipMake extra sets of gates and place kids in teams.

Week of July 14, 2013

Worship Through Dramatic PlayRoll and Reveal•Say: "Daniel and his friends obeyed God. Let's name ways we can obey

God. Each time we name a way, someone will roll a ball through one of the gates (craft stick/clothespins). Say the letter written across the top of the gate as your ball goes through the gate."

•Invite kids to name ways to obey and roll the balls.•Set the gates up to spell obey.•Challenge kids to roll the balls in correct word order to spell obey.•Comment: "Obey means to 'do what someone tells you to do.' What

did Daniel tell the guard he wanted to do instead of eating the king's food? (eat vegetables and drink water) What happened after 10 days? (Daniel and his friends looked healthy and were allowed to continue to eat vegetables and drink water.) What happened after three years of obeying God?" (The boys served in the king's court.)

•Encourage children to obey God this week when they are at home, at school, or wherever they go.

•Lead kids to say the Bible verse (Deuteronomy 6:17).•Pray.•Invite kids to enjoy rolling balls through gates as time permits.

Worship Through Arts and CraftsMake Secret Message Napkin Rings•Declare: "I have a secret message!"•Whisper the secret message in each child's ear: "I can obey God!"•Say: "Let's say the message together. [Say message.] Daniel and his friends

obeyed God by eating vegetables and drinking water. Let's make napkin rings to use when we eat. We can hide secret messages inside the rings."

•Give each child four napkin rings and a set of "Secret Messages."•Read aloud the messages.•Instruct: "Glue a message to the inside of each of your rings. Glue ribbon

to the outside of the rings or use markers to color them."•Assist kids with completing rings.•Suggest kids make a ring for each family member.•Place rings in ziplock bags.•Demonstrate how to place a napkin through a ring.•State: "This week help at home by setting the table. Place a napkin in the

ring and put it by each plate. When your family sits down to eat, say there is a secret message in each napkin ring. Invite your family members to read the secret messages."

•Lead kids to say the Bible verse (Deuteronomy 6:17).•Pray.

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OK to copy.

Pull It Together2 large paper grocery bags, pictures of food, real food items (healthy and unhealthy), tape, marker•Print Team 1 on a bag.

Print Healthy Food on back of bag.

•Print Team 2 on a bag. Print Unhealthy Food on back of bag.

•Tape a starting line to the floor.

•Place both grocery bags at opposite end of room from starting line. Place open bags with team numbers facing teams.

•Scatter food items (pictures, real) on the floor around the bags.

CheerObey God! Obey God!I can obey!You can obey!We will obey God!

Pull It TogetherCotton ball and plastic spoon (1 each per child), 20 construction papers, Giant Game Floor Mat*•Print the following on

separate papers (make 2 sets): 66, 39, 27, Old Testament, New Testament.

•Put all printed papers mixed with blank papers into the pockets in random order.

Notes•66: Books in Bible•39: Books in Old

Testament•27: Books in New

Testament•Old Testament: front of

Bible; stories before Jesus was born

•New Testament: back of Bible; stories about Jesus; stories of the early church

Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition Leader Guide© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention.

Worship Through Exploration and DiscoveryLearn and Review•Say: "This game will help us learn about the Bible and our Bible story.

Everyone will get a plastic spoon and cotton ball. Use the spoon to shoot the cotton ball onto the mat. [Demonstrate: Hold spoon by handle with back of spoon facing toward your body. Place cotton ball in spoon. Pull spoon back gently and let go for ball to fly]. If your cotton ball lands on a number or one of the words, tell what it means. If your cotton ball lands on a blank paper, tell us something about the Bible story."

•Distribute spoons and cotton balls. •Invite kids to practice shooting a few times.•Read aloud the papers in the mat, describing each one (see Notes).•Invite the first child to shoot his cotton ball on the mat and respond.•Play until each child has a turn.•State: "Great job! Learning about the Bible and the Bible stories is fun.

God wants us to obey. How did Daniel and his friends obey God?"•Review the Bible story.•Invite kids to see who can shoot their cotton balls the farthest and highest,

who can land on specific pockets on the mat, and so on.•Collect the spoons and cotton balls.•Comment: "Daniel obeyed God. We can remember what we learn about

and from the Bible. We can also obey God."•Lead kids to say the Bible verse (Deuteronomy 6:17). •Pray.

Run Brown Bag Relays•Place the children into two teams.•Line the teams up behind the taped line. •Teach children the cheer (see Cheer).•Instruct: "Team 1 [point], this is your bag [point]. Team 2 [point], this is your

bag [point]. When I say 'go,' the first person in each line will choose a food and place it in her team's bag."

•Run the relay. Encourage teams to say the cheer.•Examine and talk about the food choices in each bag after all team

members put food into the bags.•Ask: "What did the king want Daniel and his friends to eat? (food from

his table) What did Daniel and his friends choose to eat? (vegetables) The food from the king's table could have been unhealthy. Daniel and his friends chose to eat healthy foods."

•Scatter foods on the floor and turn the bags around. •Say: "Teams line back up at your starting lines. Team 1, choose healthy foods

to put in your bag. Team 2, choose unhealthy food to put in your bag."•Run the relay, encouraging teams to say the cheer.•Check bags for choices.•State: "Daniel made the choice to obey God and eat healthy food. God

wants us to make the choice to obey Him every day."•Pray.

Worship Through Games

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Daniel© 2000 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in the USA. Daniel 1:1-20

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Deuteronomy 6:17 Paraphrase (July 14) Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Summer 2013© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.










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Daniel 8Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Summer 2013© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

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Allergy Alert Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Summer 2013© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.








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Review Questions (July 14) Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Summer 2013© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.


What was the name of the new king of Babylon? (Nebuchadnezzar)


Name four of the Israelite men taken to Babylon. (Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego)


What did Daniel want to eat and drink instead of the king's food? (vegetables and water)

4.Why was the guard afraid to let Daniel change his diet?

(He was afraid Daniel would look less healthy.)


What deal did Daniel suggest to the guard? (Let him and his three friends eat vegetables and drink water for 10 days, then compare them with the other captives.)

6.What happened at the end of the 10 days?

(Daniel and his friends looked better and healthier than the men who ate the king's food.)

7. Who helped Daniel and his friends learn all the things they needed to learn in the new land?


8. What did Daniel and his friends do that the king did not want them to do?

(Obey God.)

9.What happened at the end of the three years?

(Daniel and friends were chosen to serve in the king's court.)

10.How can you obey God?

(Answers will vary.)

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Food Items (July 14) Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Summer 2013© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

broccoli broccoli broccoli broccoli

potato potato potato potato

banana banana banana banana

apple apple apple apple

beans beans beans beans

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Secret Messages (July 14) Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Summer 2013© 2013 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.

Be kind and care for one another. Ephesians 4:32

Be kind and care for one another. Ephesians 4:32

Be kind and care for one another. Ephesians 4:32

Be kind and care for one another. Ephesians 4:32

Be kind and care for one another. Ephesians 4:32

Obey God. Deuteronomy 6:17

Obey God. Deuteronomy 6:17

Obey God. Deuteronomy 6:17

Obey God. Deuteronomy 6:17

Obey God. Deuteronomy 6:17

A friend loves at all times.Proverbs 17:17

A friend loves at all times.Proverbs 17:17

A friend loves at all times.Proverbs 17:17

A friend loves at all times.Proverbs 17:17

A friend loves at all times.Proverbs 17:17

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