daniel logan finance. honolulu. bp, - university of...

'V JSa-- i I, 7 Vol. XV. No. 172. HONOLULU, ILL, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 23, 1891. HO OKN aoaacHiPTiofj f fl PtR 0 BY AUTHORITY. Embroideries! Embroideries! HOW TO OVERUSE. The questiou of method in adver- tising is one having infinite range. The matter is one of the very first importance, and cannot be too care Near l'ort. " Mna Street THE " DAILY BULLETIN " 18 PUBLISHED EYerj Afternoon Eicept Sundays At th Office, Queeu street, Honolulu, U. I. DANIEL LOGAN Editor & Manager FOB THE Daily Bulletin Publishing Company, (Limited ) fully studied. One thing about it that may be set down as true is that every man's advertising, in its lan- guage and style, should lie character- - ,1." '4 l Uiili :!:.!: Direct from the Manufacturers. AN IMMENSE ASSORTMENT NOW OPEN AT n. s. s.vciis', 104 Fort St., : : : : Honolulu. kic characteristic of the man, buraeteristic of his stock, charac CASH CLEARANCE SALE FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY 2 Commencing Nhnday, July 13h. C mmencing Monday, July 13th. BEFORE MOVING TO OUR NEW STORE WE WILL OFFER OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT lledroek Pricew Jb'Vr 7jxm1i ! CONSISTING of Dry k Mi Mi, Ms Funiiiip, CMiii, Ws, teristic of his commercial position. For every man has his peculiarities We have just received an immense invoice of Embroideries direct from the of development. Wiien he speaks 'factory, and can therefore offer we know it is he, MioUgh we may not at .6 00 Bp, lit EUpgs, tetiiigs Daily Be llenn, l year... " " 6 months Uepattiueiit of Finance. The following persons have been commissioned as Deputy Tax Asses- sors and Collectors for the year 1891 : DISTRICT 1st. ' Honolulu ....... . . ,T. A. Lloyd Ewa and Waianae S. Hookano Waialua P. Mahaulu Koolaupoko, No. 1 . . . . . Asa Kaulia ; Koolaupoko, No. 2 E. P. Aikue ' Koolauloa W. C. Lane Distinct 2nd. be looking at him, anicis advertise- ment should represenViiiitq, like hia voice. He shouW put his experience, his industry, his enterprise, into his advertising. It is astonishing to see Etc. Etc. Etc. , Etc., Etc., Etc., 3 00 50 " per month hoy merchants who are tireless in Weekly Bulletin Summary, 1 .85 .00 their industry at the store early and year... foreign. ate, close buvers, eager seekers after 6 00 JOHN NOTT, Impoiter and Dealer in Steel anfl Iron Ranges, Stovas aatl Fixrures, : Flounc s; Swiss, Hamburg & N uihook Edgings, In all widths and in. the latest designs and inset tings to match. Irisl Pit titoiif, limn k mil IMMENSE ASSORTMENT OF Hemmedstitch Embroidery Flounces In skirt and holoku lengths ; business, quick to embrace opportu nities for enlargement of lines and ITlilh Telephones No. K50. extension of trade it is surprising to see how such business nieu con tinue their advertising in the lan-guu- of the old rut, and announce tQTAddresS all business communica- tions "Manager Daily Bulletin." mTAddri'Ss all matter for "Editor Daily Bullkyin " Children's Skirt Length, Embroidery Flounces at exceptionally low prices, n the same words and the same type that di-- duty for them years ago that ALL-OVE- EMBROIDERIES I ; 'B. Franklin (or any other man, the Hnimiuin. II. I. V. O. Kx H9. SC-S- 5 W it Jl if1 M name doesn't matter) is still to be An immense assortment ut, veiy low prices; in plain and broken plaids, f ll 'III found at the old stand, with a choice stock of dry good, notions, etc., )M. MON3ABBAT Attorney at Law and Notary i'u Ijlio. Merchant street, Honolulu. etc. ( 1 he two etc. s are uidiipeu-oulil- e in an ''ad" of this kino.) fancy figured open plunis, stripes, etc., etc. India L'nnes, Nausocks, plain jind plaids ; Victoria Lawns, Per- sian Lawns, Mulls, Linen Liiwns, Dotted Swisses in gretit variety. tk3 If you are in search ci cool and pret ty summer dress materials, call Tlu;r k another and belter way to i ALFHED MAOOON, t . Attorney at l.'iw and Notary lo: If a merchant Inw any snap, any and see our mammoth assortment before iimking your pui chafes elsewhere. l'nlilie. o. 12 Merctiant street, Hono- lulu. - eneiyy, in himself, lei inm snow it u his advertising. If lie has any Lahaina.. David Taylor Wailuku. ....... .Win, T. Robinson' Makawao David Morton liana J. P. Sylva Molokai and Lanai...S. K. Kupihea District 3d. Ililo and North Hilo. ..N. C. Willfong Ilamukua Cbas. Williams South Kohula Geo. Bell North Kohala Eben P. Low North Kona J. Kaeleraakule i South Kona D. II. Nahinu Kau O. T. Sltipman Puna J. E. Elderts District 4th. : Waiinea . . . . Th. Brandt Koloa A. K. Mika Lihue. . . J. B. Ilanaike Kawaihau S. Kaiu Hanalei W. E. II. Deverill 1. From and after July 1st. 1891, they will be at their oflices for the purpose of receiving persouul taxes, and the. largaiirs in iiis store, let him ay so. If he has connections which enable POPULAR MiLLlfiliRY HOUSE, ' ' 104 Fort Sliii't, nHolu.u. - 1 JI DAYTON (Kewikl) DAVID be in his private office from 12:30 to 1:S0 P. m. Olliee: 91 King street, (up stairs) im to "sell better goods, or the same goods at lower prices, than anybody elsd, let him say that; say rt plainly, strongly and in a way that will carry I j W. Schmidt & Sons, CASTLE (K)K K, Importers & Commission Mer- - Housekeeping Goods &. Kitchen Otcnsiis, AGAIE WARE iN LAR&E VARIEi Y. WHITE, GitAY ANP KILVER-PLATK- H conviction of truthfulness; and ou chants. Fort street, Honolulu. the same principle that leads him to treat visitors to his store so that they will call aaain, let him write his advertisement so that his next I .! H t K.tC HHACKPBLD & OO , Commission Agents, LAMPS AUD FIXTURES, advertisement will be looked for; if you get a person's attention once try Comer Fort and Queen streets, Hono- lulu, II. I. GW Macfaklane & Co., Importers and Commission Crockery, Bubber Hose, Lift and Force Water Closets, Water and Soil Pipes. Shipping & Commission Merchants, PLANTATION & INNUK.ANI E AUENTH, to hold it. I lie whole thing is summed up in this: On , should study advertising as he I 'es every Merchants Queen street, Honolulu, H. I. other department of his business. Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work. returns of all persons liable to.taxa-lio- n in their respective districts. Personal taxes are due and pay-- ; ble upon demand after July 1st. All returns must be made not later Advertising is a science, simple, it is tiuv, as to its main elements, but UKALhHK IN- - GONSALVE3 & CO., Grocers and Wine Merchants. Beaver Block, Honolulu. H. I. requiring more thought and system i than many of our business men have than July 31st, or no appeals can by been accustomed to :ve it. Builders' and General Hardware, Agricultural Implements, Largest Stoclc, Lafgest Stare, Lowest Prices, JOHN T. WATEBHOUSE, aud Dealer in General Queen street, Honolulu, WHEN YOU PAINT Merchandise. H.I. ON NEW and SECOND-HAN- FURNITURE AT THE BE SURE TO- - WILDER & CO., "K in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind. Corner Fort and Queen streets, Honolulu. Auction Ss Commission louse. TAYLOR, NASON & CO.'S T EWERS & COOKE, . CORNER OF NUUANU KING STREETS. gStT P. O. BOX 480. Cf gOr MUTUAL TEL. 90. J0 Importers and Dealers In Lum i'i.an I A now MtiMaL,ii':it, Gurpeiitertf', BlacktmiiiliH', MitohinUiH1 A 1'lumberH Toolft, HOUSE FURMSLILNG GOODS ! Kitchen vlHenHils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Moods and Cat'iieriil iI rlfiiili Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Cealrilais, VUcox i Gibbb, 9l Rsmiiiglon Sasiag Sachtnes, 8?. Jo.yaQ & Socs Family Bedlctnw I HI law be granted. No return is valid in law unless sworn to before the As- sessor or Deputy Assessor, or a per- son authorized to administer oaths. Blank forms on which to make re- turns can be had at the office of the above named persons. C. A. BROWN, Assessor 1st Division, Island of Oahu. H. G. TREAD WAY, Assessor 2nd Division, , Island of Maui. II. C. AUSTIN, Assessor 3d Division, Island of Hawaii. J. K. FARLEY, Assessor 4th Division, Iiland of Kauai. Approved: SAMUEL PARKER, Acting Minister of Finance. 157tf ber and all kinds of Building Materials. Fort street, Honolulu. Prompt Returns Made on (ioods Sold on Commission! Ready fVlixed HP HE IXL Auction & Commission House Steamer & Veranda Chairs for sale at the Single & Double Bedroom Sets for sale at the Single & Double Sets Hnrness, Surcingles, Whips, Bridles & Saddles for sale at the Books, by standard authors, only 50cts, for sale at the Extra Quality Safety Matches, 75cts a gross, for sale at the PAINTS ! MADE KYCllESSLY FOR pays the highest cash price for all kinds of Second-han- d Furniture, Stoves, Etc. Furnished houses bought in their en- tirety. 107-9- 1 All Makes of second-han- d Sewing Machines for sale at the WARM CLIMATES! Sideboards, Whatnots, Hammocks. Baby Cribs &i'arriuge, Yard Broomt, SAFES ! rMNEAL Meat Safes. Ice Boxes, Stoves, Rug, Mosquito Nets, Tables, Chairs, Mirrors, Hanging Lamps, Chandeliers, Feather Pillows, Bed Lounges, Sofa?, Spring & Hair Mattrasses, Wardrobes, Im HONOLULU IRON WORKS, Honolulu, i I H. I, Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, Boilers, Coolers; Iron, Brass and Lead Castings; Machinery of every description made to order. - Particular attention paid to Ship's Blacksmithing. Job Work ex- ecuted at short notice. uroeKery & uiassware, Towels, Clothes Baskets, Blimkets, Bedspreads Brown & Blue Mottled Soap. Etc., Etc Water Notice. All Shades & Colors. I'ut up in J4, Ht 1 aud 5 Gal. Cans. S3. For Sale By Sold at tbi Lowest Cash Prices at the IX L Auction & Commission House WILDER & CO. T. B. WALKEK, Contractor .nd LIuilder. Fl RE PROOF 1 BURGLAR PROOF ! FIRE and BURGLAE PROOF ! fjOT Nearly 1,000 inune on the Hawaiian Islands. JjCf corner of Nuuanu and King streets. "s"w7ledereh, Proprietor. W Store Open Saturday Evenings till 9 o'clock -- l may 7-- Iri3 lm All Night Hack I Briek, Stone and Wooden Building esti- mates given. Cemetary Work and Job- bing attended to. 86 King street, Hono- lulu. Bell Telephone 107. 9-- FllANK LILLIS, OLD SAFES TAKEIM I ft EXCHANGE! CARPENTER '& CONTRACTOR. REFRESHING, DELIClOU filial; No. 14, 1843. JOHN COOK. 1801. Hereby notifies his friends aud the pub General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands 119 3m EMOVED from Alakea street to 177 XV Fort street. Will contract for building all kinds of wooden buildings DRINKS ! M ANUF ACT UKED BY THE lie generally, tnat tie can ue called at All Hours ot the Night 1 and do all kinds of lobs. 81-- P. O. Box 372. Telephones, No. 119.- - Tele- - Dr. EMEKSON Honolulu, June 22, 1891. In accordance with Sec. 1 of Chap- ter XX VII. of the Laws of 1886. All persons holding water privileges or those paying water rates, are here- by notified that the water rates for the term ending December 31, 1891, will be due and payable at the office of the Honolulu Water Works, on the first of July, 1891. All such rates remaining unpaid for fifteen days after they are due will be subject to an additional 10 per cent. Parties paying rates will please present their last receipt. ,; RatRR are payable at the office of the Water Works in the Kapuaiwa Building. JOHN C. WHITE, Bupt. Honolulu Water Works. 116 24t Irrigation Notice. Honolulu, H. I., May 27, 1891. Notice is hereby given to all holders of water privileges that owing to the prolonged drouth, it is necessary that care be used in the use ot water. Holders of privileges aud the public generally are therefore respectfully requested to assist the Department by exercising economy in the use of water. The irrigation hours are from 7 to 8 a. M., and 5 to 6 o'clock p. m. JOHN C. VHITE, Supt. Honolulu Water Works. Approved: C. N. Spencer, Jfy Stand at Club Stables, phones No. 477. Honolulu, April 20. 1891. Tahiti Lemonade Works Co. Lincoln Block, Chas. Hustace, No. 3Q POBT 8TBKET. Bell Telephone 51. HOURS : 8:30 to 10:30 a. m.- - t. 2 to 3 p.m. Sundays, 9 to 10 A. M. :. SARSAPARiLLA & IRON.'. Residence, $ School St. Be)l Tel. 149. Lemonitdeii Sotlsi, .Crtmm Soda, Wnr Ulrtf. wnpfiriklii, CJ ingot A. 1, lU, ABSOLUTELY PURE I -- al- REASONABLE IN PRICE I King Street, bet. To; t & Alakea. Streets, IMPORTER & DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Flour & Feed. Fresh California Roll Butter & Is'and Butter ALWAYS OM HANK. New Goods received by tvery steam .rs from Saa Fra-.cisc- o. fjF All oiders faithfully attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Island orders solicited and packed with care. C. BREWER & CO., (LIMITED), General Mercantile AND Commission Agents. list ok officers: J. O. Carter President & Manager (. II. Robertson Treasurer E. K. lii-h- o Secretary VV. F. rilleu Auditor directors : Hon. C. R. Bishop, S. C. Allen, 11. Waternouse. DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE CITY. o C. B. RIPLEY, ARCHITECT. O rCK : Room 5, Spreckels' Block. Mutua) Telephone 208. HfW Designs ! odern Building! ! Bell 372. Mutual 360. am. TELEPHONES - 97 3m -- P. O. Box 297. Telephone 240.- - Cpniplete plans and specifications for every description of building. Contacts drawn and careful superintendence of construction given when required. Call and examine plans, apr 29 ly B, F. EHLEKS & CO, LEWIS & CO.. ill fort Street, HONOLULU, II. I., Importers, Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Groceries & Pmisions, E. B. THOMAS, CONTi A. TOR and ETJILDEE. Estiuiaten fr'ven ou all kinds of Brick, Iron, Sloiir i' d Wooden liuildines AH kinds of Jul, h'. v iu the Building Trade atieiided t" t - for sale Briek, Lime, Cement, I one l'iiie and Flttiutts. H. LOSE, COJIMISSIOX AUKXT. -- i ici:- - BaT- - old and N 'im rtigated Iron, Mintou Patentee of "Lose's Chemical Cora-poun- d" for Clarifying Cane Juice; of Minister of the Interior. 121 tf . Pursuant to a resolution of the Legislative Assembly passed July 30, 1890, FRIDAY, July 31st, ineUrii, Restoration Day, will be observed as a Natioual Holiday, and all Govern- -' nient Offices throughout the King- dom will be closed on that day. C. N. SPENCER, Miuister of the Interior. Iuterior Office, Julv tt, 1891. 1C1 17t The attention of ladies is respectfully invited to our complete and elegant line of New Ooods just received. New Wa, New Urn, M Mi, iw Laces. New Trimmings, I New Embroideries, New Parasols, New Curtains, Nev Pineapple Tissue, Ladles', Children's S Infant's Wear, which supplies are kept on nauu. Tiles, tinui iy I tli-s- . assorted sized aud colors; I'alifornU and Monterey Sand, (iraniie Curbing and B'liH-ks- , Etc. If lie will attend to any business fcajr Olliee and Yard : Cor. King and By each steamer of the O. H. IS. Co. from California fret.li Calafornia Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters and Fresh California Fruit!-- , Fish, Game, Vegetables, etc., etc. A complete line of t'tii & Bhu-- well's & J. T. Morton's Canned A Bottled Goods always on hand. Also, just received a freoh line of German Pates and Potted Meat and Bottled i'ren rved Finite, Lewis & Co.'s Maltese Brand Sugar Cured Hnin Hu.i Bacon, New Breakfast Cereals, Cream Oat Flakes and Cream Wheat I I. ikes, Sicily Lemon and California Riverside Orauiies. Oregon Burhauk Pot.tU.es, Etc., Etc.. K c. Batwfac'ion guaranteed. Smith stre.ts. titllee Hours: 8 to IS A. M., and 1 lo 4 I'. M. entrusted to mm. OFFICE: No. 42 Merchant Street. Telephone: Mutual 128; Bell 152. P. O Box 338. 143 Sin ; r Telephone! Bell, 351 ; Mutual, Pfr Our Immense stock surpas.es iu va lety all foruier ieaous, aud low price Resideuee: Mutual, 410. 1. O auuot be equaled. Box, 117. 139 ly

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JSa--i I,7

Vol. XV. No. 172. HONOLULU, ILL, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 23, 1891. HO OKNaoaacHiPTiofj

f fl PtR 0


Embroideries! Embroideries!HOW TO OVERUSE.

The questiou of method in adver-tising is one having infinite range.The matter is one of the very firstimportance, and cannot be too care

Near l'ort." Mna Street




EYerj Afternoon Eicept Sundays

At th Office, Queeu street, Honolulu,U. I.

DANIEL LOGAN Editor & Manager


Daily Bulletin Publishing Company,(Limited )

fully studied. One thing about itthat may be set down as true is thatevery man's advertising, in its lan-

guage and style, should lie character- -

,1." '4 l Uiili :!:.!:Direct from the Manufacturers.


n. s. s.vciis',104 Fort St., : : : : Honolulu.

kic characteristic of the man,buraeteristic of his stock, charac


Commencing Nhnday, July 13h. C mmencing Monday, July 13th.


lledroek Pricew Jb'Vr 7jxm1i !


Dry k Mi Mi, Ms Funiiiip, CMiii, Ws,

teristic of his commercial position.For every man has his peculiarities

We have just received an immense invoice of Embroideries direct from theof development. Wiien he speaks'factory, and can therefore offerwe know it is he, MioUgh we may not

at.6 00 Bp, lit EUpgs, tetiiigsDaily Be llenn, l year..." " 6 months

Uepattiueiit of Finance.

The following persons have beencommissioned as Deputy Tax Asses-

sors and Collectors for the year 1891 :


Honolulu ....... . . ,T. A. LloydEwa and Waianae S. HookanoWaialua P. MahauluKoolaupoko, No. 1 . . . . . Asa Kaulia ;

Koolaupoko, No. 2 E. P. Aikue 'Koolauloa W. C. Lane

Distinct 2nd.

be looking at him, anicis advertise-ment should represenViiiitq, like hiavoice. He shouW put his experience,his industry, his enterprise, into hisadvertising. It is astonishing to see

Etc. Etc.Etc. ,Etc., Etc.,Etc.,3 00

50" per month

hoy merchants who are tireless inWeekly Bulletin Summary, 1

.85 .00 their industry at the store early andyear...

foreign. ate, close buvers, eager seekers after6 00

JOHN NOTT,Impoiter and Dealer in

Steel anfl Iron Ranges, Stovas aatl Fixrures,

: Flounc s; Swiss, Hamburg & N uihook Edgings,In all widths and in. the latest designs and inset tings to match.

Irisl Pit titoiif, limn k milIMMENSE ASSORTMENT OF

Hemmedstitch Embroidery FlouncesIn skirt and holoku lengths ;

business, quick to embrace opportunities for enlargement of lines and

ITlilh Telephones No. K50. extension of trade it is surprisingto see how such business nieu continue their advertising in the lan-guu-

of the old rut, and announcetQTAddresS all business communica-

tions "Manager Daily Bulletin."mTAddri'Ss all matter for

"Editor Daily Bullkyin "Children's Skirt Length, Embroidery Flounces at exceptionally low prices,n the same words and the same type

that di-- duty for them years ago that ALL-OVE- EMBROIDERIES I;

'B. Franklin (or any other man, theHnimiuin. II. I.V. O. Kx H9.SC-S-5 W it Jl if1 Mname doesn't matter) is still to be

An immense assortment ut, veiy low prices; in plain and broken plaids,f ll 'III

found at the old stand, with a choicestock of dry good, notions, etc.,)M. MON3ABBAT

Attorney at Law and Notaryi'u Ijlio. Merchant street, Honolulu. etc. ( 1 he two etc. s are uidiipeu-oulil- e

in an ''ad" of this kino.)

fancy figured open plunis, stripes, etc., etc.India L'nnes, Nausocks, plain jind plaids ; Victoria Lawns, Per-

sian Lawns, Mulls, Linen Liiwns, Dotted Swisses in gretit variety.tk3 If you are in search ci cool and pret ty summer dress materials, call

Tlu;r k another and belter way toi ALFHED MAOOON,t . Attorney at l.'iw and Notary lo: If a merchant Inw any snap, any

and see our mammoth assortment before iimking your pui chafes elsewhere.l'nlilie. o. 12 Merctiant street, Hono-lulu. - eneiyy, in himself, lei inm snow it

u his advertising. If lie has any

Lahaina.. David TaylorWailuku. ....... .Win, T. Robinson'Makawao David Mortonliana J. P. SylvaMolokai and Lanai...S. K. Kupihea

District 3d.

Ililo and North Hilo. ..N. C. WillfongIlamukua Cbas. WilliamsSouth Kohula Geo. BellNorth Kohala Eben P. LowNorth Kona J. Kaeleraakule iSouth Kona D. II. NahinuKau O. T. SltipmanPuna J. E. Elderts

District 4th. :

Waiinea . . . . Th. BrandtKoloa A. K. MikaLihue. . . J. B. IlanaikeKawaihau S. KaiuHanalei W. E. II. Deverill


From and after July 1st. 1891, theywill be at their oflices for the purposeof receiving persouul taxes, and the.

largaiirs in iiis store, let him ay so.If he has connections which enable POPULAR MiLLlfiliRY HOUSE,

' ' 104 Fort Sliii't, nHolu.u. -

1 J I

DAYTON (Kewikl)DAVID be in his private office from12:30 to 1:S0 P. m. Olliee: 91 Kingstreet, (up stairs)

im to "sell better goods, or the samegoods at lower prices, than anybodyelsd, let him say that; say rt plainly,strongly and in a way that will carryI j W. Schmidt & Sons, CASTLE (K)K K,Importers & Commission Mer- -

Housekeeping Goods &. Kitchen Otcnsiis,AGAIE WARE iN LAR&E VARIEi Y.


conviction of truthfulness; and ouchants. Fort street, Honolulu. the same principle that leads him to

treat visitors to his store so thatthey will call aaain, let him writehis advertisement so that his next

I .! H t K.tCHHACKPBLD & OO ,Commission Agents, LAMPS AUD FIXTURES, advertisement will be looked for; if

you get a person's attention once try

Comer Fort and Queen streets, Hono-

lulu, II. I.

GW Macfaklane & Co.,Importers and Commission

Crockery, Bubber Hose, Lift and Force

Water Closets, Water and Soil Pipes.

Shipping & Commission Merchants,


to hold it. I lie whole thing issummed up in this: On , shouldstudy advertising as he I 'es everyMerchants Queen street, Honolulu,

H. I. other department of his business.Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Work.

returns of all persons liable to.taxa-lio- n

in their respective districts.Personal taxes are due and pay-- ;

ble upon demand after July 1st.All returns must be made not later

Advertising is a science, simple, itis tiuv, as to its main elements, but UKALhHK IN- -GONSALVE3 & CO.,

Grocers and WineMerchants. Beaver Block, Honolulu.H. I.

requiring more thought and systemi than many of our business men have

than July 31st, or no appeals can bybeen accustomed to :ve it. Builders' and General Hardware, Agricultural Implements,Largest Stoclc, Lafgest Stare, Lowest Prices,JOHN T. WATEBHOUSE,

aud Dealer in GeneralQueen street, Honolulu, WHEN YOU PAINTMerchandise.



in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind. Corner Fort and Queenstreets, Honolulu. Auction Ss Commission louse.


gStT P. O. BOX 480. Cf gOr MUTUAL TEL. 90. J0Importers and Dealers In Lum

i'i.an I A now MtiMaL,ii':it,

Gurpeiitertf', BlacktmiiiliH', MitohinUiH1 A 1'lumberH Toolft,


Kitchen vlHenHils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Moods and

Cat'iieriil iI rlfiiiliBlake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Cealrilais,

VUcox i Gibbb, 9l Rsmiiiglon Sasiag Sachtnes,

8?. Jo.yaQ & Socs Family BedlctnwI HI

law be granted. No return is validin law unless sworn to before the As-

sessor or Deputy Assessor, or a per-

son authorized to administer oaths.Blank forms on which to make re-

turns can be had at the office of theabove named persons.

C. A. BROWN,Assessor 1st Division,

Island of Oahu.H. G. TREAD WAY,

Assessor 2nd Division,, Island of Maui.

II. C. AUSTIN,Assessor 3d Division,

Island of Hawaii.J. K. FARLEY,

Assessor 4th Division,Iiland of Kauai.


Acting Minister of Finance.157tf

ber and all kinds of Building Materials.Fort street, Honolulu. Prompt Returns Made on (ioods Sold on Commission! Ready fVlixedHP HE IXL

Auction & Commission House

Steamer & Veranda Chairs for sale at theSingle & Double Bedroom Sets for sale at theSingle & Double Sets Hnrness, Surcingles, Whips, Bridles &

Saddles for sale at theBooks, by standard authors, only 50cts, for sale at theExtra Quality Safety Matches, 75cts a gross, for sale at the



pays the highest cash price for all kindsof Second-han- d Furniture, Stoves, Etc.Furnished houses bought in their en-

tirety. 107-9- 1

All Makes of second-han- d Sewing Machines for sale at theWARM CLIMATES!

Sideboards, Whatnots, Hammocks.Baby Cribs &i'arriuge, Yard Broomt, SAFES !rMNEAL

Meat Safes. Ice Boxes, Stoves, Rug,Mosquito Nets, Tables, Chairs,Mirrors, Hanging Lamps, Chandeliers,Feather Pillows, Bed Lounges, Sofa?,Spring & Hair Mattrasses, Wardrobes,


Honolulu, i I H. I,

Steam Engines, Sugar Mills, Boilers,Coolers; Iron, Brass and Lead Castings;Machinery of every description made toorder. - Particular attention paid toShip's Blacksmithing. Job Work ex-

ecuted at short notice.

uroeKery & uiassware, Towels,Clothes Baskets, Blimkets, BedspreadsBrown & Blue Mottled Soap. Etc., Etc Water Notice.

All Shades & Colors.

I'ut up in J4, Ht 1 aud 5 Gal. Cans.

S3. For Sale BySold at tbi Lowest Cash Prices at the I X L Auction & Commission House


Contractor .nd LIuilder.



fjOT Nearly 1,000 inune on the Hawaiian Islands. JjCf

corner of Nuuanu and King streets.


W Store Open Saturday Evenings till 9 o'clock -- lmay 7--

Iri3 lm

All Night Hack IBriek, Stone and Wooden Building esti-mates given. Cemetary Work and Job-bing attended to. 86 King street, Hono-lulu. Bell Telephone 107. 9--


1843. JOHN COOK. 1801.

Hereby notifies his friends aud the pubGeneral Agent for the Hawaiian Islands119 3m

EMOVED from Alakea street to 177XV Fort street. Will contract forbuilding all kinds of wooden buildings



lie generally, tnat tie can uecalled at

All Hours ot the Night 1and do all kinds of lobs. 81--

P. O. Box 372.Telephones, No. 119.- -

Tele- -Dr. EMEKSON

Honolulu, June 22, 1891.

In accordance with Sec. 1 of Chap-

ter XX VII. of the Laws of 1886.

All persons holding water privilegesor those paying water rates, are here-

by notified that the water rates for theterm ending December 31, 1891, will

be due and payable at the office of theHonolulu Water Works, on the firstof July, 1891.

All such rates remaining unpaid forfifteen days after they are due will besubject to an additional 10 per cent.

Parties paying rates will pleasepresent their last receipt. ,;

RatRR are payable at the office ofthe Water Works in the KapuaiwaBuilding.

JOHN C. WHITE,Bupt. Honolulu Water Works.

116 24t

Irrigation Notice.Honolulu, H. I., May 27, 1891.

Notice is hereby given to all holdersof water privileges that owing to theprolonged drouth, it is necessary thatcare be used in the use ot water.

Holders of privileges aud the publicgenerally are therefore respectfullyrequested to assist the Departmentby exercising economy in the use ofwater.

The irrigation hours are from 7 to8 a. M., and 5 to 6 o'clock p. m.

JOHN C. VHITE,Supt. Honolulu Water Works.

Approved:C. N. Spencer,

Jfy Stand at Club Stables,phones No. 477.

Honolulu, April 20. 1891.Tahiti Lemonade Works Co. Lincoln Block,Chas. Hustace,No. 3Q POBT 8TBKET.Bell Telephone 51.


8:30 to 10:30 a. m.- - t. 2 to 3 p.m.Sundays, 9 to 10 A. M.

:. SARSAPARiLLA & IRON.'.Residence, $ School St. Be)l Tel. 149. Lemonitdeii Sotlsi, .Crtmm Soda, WnrUlrtf.

wnpfiriklii, CJ ingot A. 1, lU,ABSOLUTELY PURE I -- al- REASONABLE IN PRICE I

King Street, bet. To; t & Alakea. Streets,IMPORTER & DEALER IN

Groceries, Provisions, Flour & Feed.Fresh California Roll Butter & Is'and Butter


New Goods received by tvery steam .rs from Saa Fra-.cisc- o.

fjF All oiders faithfully attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Islandorders solicited and packed with care.


General MercantileAND

Commission Agents.list ok officers:

J. O. Carter President & Manager(. II. Robertson TreasurerE. K. lii-h- o SecretaryVV. F. rilleu Auditor

directors :

Hon. C. R. Bishop, S. C. Allen,11. Waternouse.



O rCK : Room 5, Spreckels' Block.Mutua) Telephone 208.

HfW Designs ! odern Building! !

Bell 372.Mutual 360. am. TELEPHONES- 97 3m

-- P. O. Box 297.Telephone 240.- -

Cpniplete plans and specifications forevery description of building. Contactsdrawn and careful superintendence ofconstruction given when required. Calland examine plans, apr 29 ly B, F. EHLEKS & CO, LEWIS & CO.. ill fort Street,


Importers, Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Groceries & Pmisions,


Estiuiaten fr'ven ou all kinds of Brick,Iron, Sloiir i' d Wooden liuildines AHkinds of Jul, h'. v iu the Building Tradeatieiided t" t - for sale Briek, Lime,Cement, I one l'iiie and Flttiutts.


-- i ici:--BaT- -old and N 'im rtigated Iron, MintouPatentee of "Lose's Chemical Cora-poun- d"

for Clarifying Cane Juice; of

Minister of the Interior.121 tf


Pursuant to a resolution of theLegislative Assembly passed July 30,1890, FRIDAY, July 31st, ineUrii,Restoration Day, will be observed asa Natioual Holiday, and all Govern- -'

nient Offices throughout the King-dom will be closed on that day.

C. N. SPENCER,Miuister of the Interior.

Iuterior Office, Julv tt, 1891.1C1 17t

The attention of ladies is respectfully invited to our complete and elegantline of New Ooods just received.

New Wa, New Urn, M Mi, iw Laces.

New Trimmings, I New Embroideries,New Parasols, New Curtains,

Nev Pineapple Tissue, Ladles', Children's S Infant's Wear,

which supplies are kept on nauu. Tiles, tinui iy I tli-s- . assorted sized audcolors; I'alifornU and Monterey Sand,(iraniie Curbing and B'liH-ks- , Etc.If lie will attend to any business

fcajr Olliee and Yard : Cor. King and

By each steamer of the O. H. IS. Co. from California fret.li Calafornia Roll

Butter, Frozen Oysters and Fresh California Fruit!-- , Fish, Game, Vegetables,etc., etc. A complete line of t'tii & Bhu-- well's & J. T. Morton's CannedA Bottled Goods always on hand. Also, just received a freoh line of GermanPates and Potted Meat and Bottled i'ren rved Finite, Lewis & Co.'s MalteseBrand Sugar Cured Hnin Hu.i Bacon, New Breakfast Cereals, Cream OatFlakes and Cream Wheat I I. ikes, Sicily Lemon and California RiversideOrauiies. Oregon Burhauk Pot.tU.es, Etc., Etc.. K c. Batwfac'ion guaranteed.

Smith stre.ts. titllee Hours: 8 to ISA. M., and 1 lo 4 I'. M.

entrusted to mm.

OFFICE: No. 42 Merchant Street.

Telephone: Mutual 128; Bell 152.P. O Box 338.

143 Sin

; r Telephone! Bell, 351 ; Mutual,Pfr Our Immense stock surpas.es iu va lety all foruier ieaous, aud low price Resideuee: Mutual, 410. 1. O

auuot be equaled. Box, 117. 139 ly


"Leprosy and Vaccination " is theJUCHAIII A. McUUKUY. ....

to less than one inch, northerly slopesof the mountains getting the excess,producing wonderful fern forests anda marvelous growth of tropical treesand vines.

Tales of famine and starvation aresimply absurd. The sea and thous-ands of acres of walled ponds arewell slocked with a variety of fish.Oranges, guavas and bananas aregrowing wild. Trees are loaded withmangoes and cocoanuts, and tarofrom which poi (the principal food of

Issues Every Desirable Form of Policy !

It has paid its members since its organization THREE HUNDRED AND FOUR MILLIONS OF DOL! ARS.Its New Distribution Policy is the most liberal ever offered by any insurance Company.

t3" For full particulars apply to

General Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.

WE CANTdo better in this world than help ourcustomers. You're one of them andwe're going to


a pointer on China for the table. TheHaviland Ware sold by us is ad-

mitted to be the best on the face of


You are not compelled to buy awhole set but any number of piecesyou waut. You will

BE SATISFIEDwith it because it lends a refined ap-

pearance to your table. You havenever been satisfied

WITHthe full Bet you bought because eversince the first piece was broken ithas not been full. The Havilandsets are always full, and THEHAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO. hasthe finest assortment on





Rtiif rate I Ice Chrsts!

Motto: "The Survival of tha Fittest."


Thn AM EotTrtmtft UlMlii" inmo uiu raiuiuc uuuj STOCK


I XL Pocket CutleryWade & Butchers' Razors,

Shelf Hardware, Agricultural Imple-

ments, Vacuum Oil,

Plantation Supplies in Great Variety.

. . . Fr-i- l

Heidsisck & Co.'s




Hawaiian Wins Co.,

23 4 30 Merrh't Street.1G3 lm




Ifas arrived from Boston, making Bestto tlie quickest trip on record. She isturning out her cargo iu splendid condi-tion aud lias brought for


EASTERN 600DS!!Among which are

Wire Vats, ("final Barrow, PanAmericiu (iron tray) Wheelbar-rows, Blacksmit h's Bellows, An-vils and Vises, Paper Bags, Oars,


Mast (loops Manila and' SisalRope, Bale vail Duck, KegsN: iN, rases Yellow Metal, Felt-ing, cotton Waste, Cases

KEROSENE OIL,Fresh and Good, Turpentine,Lard Oil. Cylinder oil, CometOil. Bhls. Pileli, Ri.sln, Tar, Re-frigerators and Ice C bests,

Hales Oakum, Wood Stirrups,Ca-t-- s Hoe and x Handles.

Hunt's Axes and HatchetsvOUStones, liush Hooks, Scythesand Snatlis, Forges and Blow-ers, Charcoal irons, Clothespins,


For which spare parts are kept in stock,Marlin Spikes, Shovels and Spades, Fod-der Cutters, Rowlocks, Cases Ox Bows,

BL OK,Iron Ox Bows, Shoe Ink. Cases DoorLocks, Ox Yokes, Hammers, Towel andHat Racks, Road Scrapers, Shoe Black-ing, Hinges, stove Polish, Hoes, HayForks, Boat Nails. Planes, Sandpaper, alarge assort meat ol

SHIP CHANDLERY,- Carpet Tacks, Copper Tacks,

Shoe Nails, Screws, Boat SailDrilling, Horse Cards, GulvanioBatteries. Soap and PumiceStone, Paint Brushes, YardBrooms, Rakes, Etc., Etc.

Also, coming in the new crop of

HAWAIIAN SALT,from the SALT FARM at Kakaako, thelines! iu the country; fold in lots fromOne Bag to Ten Tons.

All of th above and many other arti-cles for sale by

E. O. HALL & SON,Corner King & Fort Stieets.


utrtli In "ottou and Wool. CarriageSaddle Fells, Spurs. Mexican

cum- - combs. Cue cCbr

Household FurnitureA.T ATJCTION.

On FRIDAY, July 24th,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.,

I will sell at Public Auction at the resi-dence of J. H. Blnkeway, Kluau street,two door from Alapai, all of his House-hold Furniture, consisting of

Mahogany Parlor Set,Upholstered hi TIaii Cloth;

B W. Sideboard, Oak Bedstead,Spring Madras. Mosquito Net, Rugs,Marbletop Center Table, Lamps,Dining Table & Chairs, Ice Box,Kitchen Stove & Utensils,Crockery & Glassware, Garden Hose,

And a lot of Firewood. Also,

1 Superior Violin.

LEWIS J. LEVEY,170 St Auctioneer.



Household FurnitureAT AUCTION.

On SATURDAY, July 25tli,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.,

1 will sell at Public Auction, at mySalesrooms,



A quantity of Household Furniture, con-

sisting of

2 f"cjiiiri Pianos,Parlor Set. Single & Double Bed-

steads, Bureaus, Wash Stands,Tables, hairs. Mosquito Nets,Clocks, Chandeliers, Dinner Sets,Kitchen Stoves A Cooking Utensils,

Ladies' & Gent's Saddles,Glassware & Crockery, Pictures,Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.

And an invoice of "

Lounges, Red I ounges & SpringMattresses.

LEWIS J. LEVEY,172 2t Auctioneer.


IF you want a First-cla- ss Job of Paint-ing of any description dune, call on

the Practical Painter, J. L. Mkyer, onlyFort street 130, P. O. Box 387. 156 tf


OA TONS of Farming's Island GuafioOU (Phosphates of Lime) for sale.Apply to74 tf ,T. 8. WAT.KER.


'pilE Master of the hark "Orient'-J-.

hereby gives notice that he willnot be responsible f r any debts con-tracted by any of the crew.

II R. GONTARD,Master "Orient."

Honolulu, July 21, 18111. - 170 lw

Estate of Edward Murray.

ALL persons having claims againstestate are requested to furnish

particulars of same to the undersignedimmediately, or they will be forever bar-red. Persons indebted to this estate willple ise make settlement of their indebt-edness with the undersigned.

F M. tsWANZY,Acting British Vice-Cons-

Honolulu, July 18, 1891. 1G8 lw


O'J'ICE is hereby given thatthe followiug described

animals will be sold auctionon SATURDAY, August 1, 1891. at 12

o'clock noon, at the Government PoundatMakikii

1 White Horse, 4 feet a'l shod, brandoil right hind leg.

1 B iy Horse, 2 left fe t white, brandon left side "AE."

1 Gray Horse, two hind feet white,brand "2" on left side.

1 Cream Horse, both hit.d legs whi'eand shod, brand "J A'' on rulit hind leg.

ffcgf Owners of the above animals mustsend in their claim withiu 13 days,otherwise they will be sold on the dateabove named. D. KAOAO,170 2t Government Pound master.

Fresh Frozen


JUST RECEIVEDPer S. S "Australia,"

At The Beaver Saloon,II. J. KOLTK, Proprietor.

170 3t


Steamship Comp'y


"AUSTRALIA"Will leave Honolulu for the above

port on

Tuesday, July 28th,AT NOON.

ty For freight or passage, apply to

Wm. Q. LEWLN 4 CO.. I'd,170 et Agent.

title of a pamphlet just received fromthe author, Mr. William Tebb, Lon

don, who visited these islands last

year in connection with the inquiry by

a Royal Commission into the question

of vaccination. The pamphlet treatsits subject under the followiug heads :

"The Increase of Leprosy," "Caus-

ation." "Vaccination," "Treatmentand Preveution," and " Conclusion."Mr. Tebb draws largely from the in-

formation he gained in this country,

making the ca9s of the convict Ke-an- u

promiuent. After describing

the development of leprosy in Keauu,who wag inoculated with the bacilli

of the disease by way of experimentas an alternative to his suffering the

death penalty for murder, the authorsays, " Keanu has since been sent to

the lazaretto, Molokai, a confirmedand iucurable leper v punishmentten times more severe than the deathpenalty, and in my judgment utterlyunjustifiable." Under the head of"Vaccination," the author says:"Dr. Edward E. Arning, the well-know- n

bacteriologist, who at the in-

vitation of the Hawaiian Governmentvisited Hawaii between 1883 and1885, for the purpose of studyingthe cause of the spread of leprosy,attributes the remarkable increase togeneral and repeated vaccination of

the inhabitants, and ho is supportedin this view by the evidence of a

number of medical practitioners,resident in these islands, as well asby several Presidents of the Boardof Health, Honolulu, who have madethe subject one of careful personalinvestigation."

The following passages from the"Conclusion" of the treatise oughtto be laid under deep considerationby both physicians and enlightened

laymen: "The disease being admit-

ted in all countries to be practicallyincurable, the culpability of inflict-

ing it by vaccination is greatly ag-

gravated, and cannot be justified on

any pretense whatever.The extent of the mischief alreadyexperienced will never be known, butsutlicient is already admitted to arrestthe attention of all who are seriouslyconcerned for the public health, and.for the well-bein- g of the community.Is it not therefore the duty of everymedical practitioner to personally in-

quire into the matter for himself, andno longer to shelter himself behindthe orthodox belief in the benigncharacter of vaccination? Vaccina-

tion has been tried for nearly a cen-

tury and found wanting, and each ofthe tiiree reports of the Royal Com-

mission on Vaccination already pub-

lished establishes the failure, mis-

chievous effects and injustice of thecompulsory infliction of an artificialdisease upon healthy people." Mr.Tebb urges the petitioning of legis-

latures and other governing bodies,and the seeking of the powerful aidof the press, for the purpose ofabolishing "the compulsory inflictionof a disease, fraught with such dis-

astrous and conse-

quences to the human family." All

that is needed in this kingdom to kill

vaccination "deader than a doornail," is to convince the foreignpopulation that it carries danger of

conveying leprosy. And if there isnot proof forthcoming that there isno danger of leprosy from this cause,compulsory vaccination should notbe in our statutes any longer thanthe. first opportunity for its abolition.All our physicians and public men

should procure every scrap of evi-

dence, as they may easily do, which

has been or may be elicited by theRoyal Commission of Great Britainupon the subject. It is only truthaid justice to say, however, thatmore care is used, and less perilousmethods are employed, nowadays in

vaccination than in the early days ofthis country's civilization. The bestprotection against epidemic diseasesis to be found in public sanitationand private hygiene.



(From the Ashland, Oregon, Tidings.)

Friend Tidikhs : My attentionhaving repeatedly been called to anarticle in the Oregonian of the lOtn,about drouth, starvation and diseaseon the Sandwich Inlands ; and havingrecently pent three weeks there, Imust say that the S. F. correspond-ent seems to have drawn largely onhis imagination .'or his facts

At Honolulu, 4- out f 14 daysbrought rain enough to banishthoughts of drouth, and 2 of the 4

days on Hawaii brought umbrellasinto requisition for hours, and wewere congratulated that showers werelight on our 30 mile ride from Iliioto the Volcano (more than half thedistance on horse back), for drench-ing rains are the rule and moderateshowers, or none, the exception. Atthe Volcano House the record for thepast year was 264 and 7-- inchesof rain.

Extravagant tales of drouth orfloods may be always in oider indiffereul parts of the islands, for thelust 12 years, in different localities,the rainfall hat varied from 25 feci

Notice to Corporations.

In conformity with Section 1441 of

the Civil Code, all Corporations arehereby requested to make full andaccurate exhibition of their affairs tothe Interior Department on or before

the 31st day of July proximo, thesame being for the year ending J uly1, 1891.

Blanks for this purpose will befurnished upon application at theInterior Office.

C. N. SPENCER,Minister of the Interior.

. Interior Office, June 17. 1891.143 7t--25 6t

'V n .

fails SuHefinPledged to natter Sect nor Patty,But established for the benefit of all.

THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1891.

Only a few montha since the BritishPrime Minister, Lord Salisbury, thanwhom there is no more g

statesman living, remarked that tariffs would be the world question of

the near future. His words arerapidly realising fulfilment. In A in

erica, in England, on the continentof Europe, in Australia, and in otherparts of the world the question ofimposts on imports is already a pro-

blem of prominence, and is dailyassuming larger proportions.

In this issue is copied a letter by

Mr. H. B. Carter from the Ashland,(Oregon) Tidings. Mr. Carter was

here as one of the Mystic Shrinetourists and was greatly delightedwith his visit. His letter shows thatthe country will have its reward fortreating strangers hospitably andmaking them feel at home. The more

people of Mr. Carter's gentlemanlystamp who can be attracted to spenda holiday here, the less chance therewill be for absurd and injurious re-

ports of our affairs passing unchal-

lenged abroad.

The "Board of Trade Journal,"England, has a chapter on the in-

dustrial progress of the SouthernStates of the American Union, anddeclares their increase in manufac-

tures and mineral production to be

astonishing. According to the show-

ing of the Journal, the recuperativeenergy of the Southern States sincethe Civil War is a marvel. Thesame paper warns emigrants not to

put their trust in promises made by

the Brazilian Government, slatingthat hundreds of Italians have re-

turned to their native land, and areunanimous as to the miserable condi-

tion of immigrants in Brazil.

An English paper reports the caseof a newsvender named Andrew Dev-

lin being recently brought before apolice court in Dublin, charged withdisorderly conduct, when the accusedassured the magistrate that he was

only repeating some Latin versesfrom Horace and Virgil, and the un-

educated policeman, not knowing thatlanguage, thought he was shouting,and ran him in. The policeman wasin a predicament somewhat similar to

a household guard who confrontedtwo gentlemen in Honolulu the othernight and accused them of swearingat him. The gentlemen were simplyconversing with each other in Scotchclassics.

"The Home News," a very care-

ful English paper, says in regard tothe Prince of Wales' connection with

the now;. famous baccarat case: "Thepharasaical attitude adopted by cer-

tain journals, and the dead set which

has been o.ade at the first gentlemanin the country because be partici-

pated in of cards, have been

overdone. The friends of virtuehave protested too much, and thegood effect of the first expression ofregret, in which we ourselves parti-

cipated, that the Prince should havebeen mixed up in the Tranby Croftaffair, has been lost by the stupidmalignity developed towards HiRoyal Highness in certain quarters.The desire that the Prince shouldmake more careful choice of hisfriends is one thing ; the attempt tohold him up as a monster of iniquitybecause he played baccarat, quiteanother. The journalistic venom ofwhich the Prince bat been the objecthat been no more convincing of hisexceeding wickedness than the de-

monstrations in Sir William GordonCuoiming't favor have been of bisinnocence."

the natives) is made, never fails, anuone day's work each week is said to

furuish an ample supply of food audclothing for the natives. Rice andsugarcane were in all stages of growth,some fields nearly mature, othershalf or three-fourt- h grown, and thestatement that rice would be harvest-ed on the 10th and relieve the famine,betrays the writer's ignorance of riceculture on the islands. The ricefields produce five crops in twoyears.

La grippe prevails to some extent,but not worse than in many parts ofthe United Stales. But the fact thatthe natives are rapidly decreasing innumbers is a mournful truth of norecent dale, but has been equallytrue the last 100 years, forseou afterthe landing of Captain Cook in 1778the depletion commenced. At thattime the population of all the islandswas estimated at 400,000. Now thenatives number less than 40,000, in-

cluding several thousand half-caste- s.

The missionaries landed in 1820and have achieved a wonderful re-

formation, but they seem to havetaught tbem how to die, rather thanhow to live. Eminent scientists in-

sist that the natives are descendantsof the Aryan instead of the Mon-

golian race. They are a pleasant,inoffensive people and their climatepredisposes them to indolence, andalthough superstitious, they furnishthe only recorded instance in the his-

tory of the world, of a people num-

bered by hundreds of thousands, whovoluntarily, under the leadership ofa High Priest, deliberately burnedtheir temples and destroyed theiridols, after worshipping them hun-

dreds of years, and waited patientlyfor a new religion which was broughtto them 5 months later by the mis-

sionaries. Many of their traditionsseem to be derived from the samesource as those of the ancient Jews,particularly those relating to theCreation, Flood, etc., and for agesthey practised circumcision. '

Have written more than I intend-ed, and will only add that the nativesare always cheerful and obliging,rare characteristics that add im-

measurably to the pleasure of astranger's sojourn among them.

II. B. Carter.Ashland, June 13, 1891.

Auction Sales by James F. Morgan.



AT AUCTIONI have received instructions to sell at

Public Auction, at my Salesroom,Queen street,


A.T li A I .. 1 1 1 1 ,

About a quarter of a mile beyondthe KamchameTia School. The lotsare all staked out and can easily belocated.

The lots have been laid out and di-

vided in such a manner and size as tobriirg them within the reach of allwho desire a home of their own withinconvenient distance from the businesscentre of the city.

The location and general advan-tages of these lots are unequaled byany property of the kind offered inthis city for years.

Situated 'at the mouth of KalihiValley, at a good elevation, pure airand healthful conditions are assured.

All these lots front on Kaili Ave-nue 55 feet wide, running through theplace connecting King and Beckleytracts, and being the widest street

in the suburbs of Honolulu.The lots are HUlatcd at less than 3

minutes' walk from the terminus ofthe King Street Tram Cars.

WATER The plans are perfected,and it is now the intention of theGovernment to lay an watermain along the line of King Streetfrom the foot of Liliha Street to thero.id passing the Kalihi Churches,from which extension water is expect-ed to be available within 8 months.

For the present, water for domesticuse can be obtained from Kamcha-nieh- a

School premises.TERMS ONE HALF CASH,

Balance in 1 year at 9 percent, se-

cured by mortgage.A large map of the property can be

oen at my Salesroom, Queen street,where all desind information will begiven.

J AS. F. MORGAV,107 13t Auctioneer.


Base Bull Association Grounds,


On SATURDAY, July 25lb,

At 3i3U I. M.


Eameham ha vi. Honolulu.



Art Rooms, : : Mc!ner y Hall.PICT I It H FlttiniXG TO OltDKIi !


Delightful Cooling BeveragesFROM THE SODA WORKS OF



f - it

mil r imwpp. mm



r.. ; . .. "nuinw, uruies.

i.tc, Etc, Etc., Em.


The only Soda Works using the Hyatt Pure Water System.



Thousands are In use! Tliey will last for years without repairs! Used on mauv plantation with complete satisfactioKinong which we may mention Honnkaa Sujfar Co., Union Mill Co., R. R. Hind, Waiakea Mill t .,

Paia Plantation. Ewa Plantation and Kohala Sugar Co.

Antraliaa Huddles ! Aatralian Kaddl ! Australian Huddle !

A fine line of thee iu- -t to hand. Also, a new assortment of Enelish Smldl..rr v. H.u. a .n...Collars Mrxlcan Saddles. Cnlouli ...ni. ircmgies na r ,mcues Jt u.ugnuips, hauuie l rees, Saddle Hlm.kets,SLiwsLJ:Ll!bi7s.y!, J ujl ij,u.Halters, tUrueea Leather, baddle Leather,


PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., It..A Fine Line of Table Cutlery.New Styles Stoves and Ranges.Ktarretl's Fine Machinist's Tools.The Latest Patterns of Picture

Mouldings direct from the Kast.Disston's Hand Saws, one man saw,

Cane Knives and Wire Nails.Rubber Garden Hose of the best

quality with special couplings.White Mountain IceCit-ai- Kicczom.Ice Chests and Refrigerators ol tbe

most approved makes.



A.M. A.M. P.M. P M.Letva Honolulu. ..6:15 8 '45 1:45 4:30fArrive Honouliull.. 7 :2C 9.49 2:49 6:35fLeave Honeullull.. 7:30 10:61 S:51 6:45fArrive Honolulu. ..8:35 11:65 4:65 6:501

PEARL C1TV LOCAL.Leave Honolulu 6:30$ ....Arrive Pearl City 6:07$ ....Leave Pear' City.. 6:03Arrive Honolulu... 6:40 ....

t Saturdays only.Sundays excepted.

$ Saturdays excepted.

Titles, tan and Moon.BT 0. J. LYONS.

J g' b! ? sr




Iu tiiespringtheyoung man,trying

To preservehis valuedhealth,

Will displaycond ariMA hv

4m. buvine.Willi a littlo of his wealth,

Dr Jaeger's famous WoolenUnderwear, which guarantees

Boom lo stretch, and grow, und pullin. ;

Willi comfort and with ease.

In the summer at vacation,Wheresoever he may roam ;

Or at daily occupationIn bis olliec, store, or home';

Of his comfort and his pleasureHe will ever h ive a care,

Well provided wMi that treasureDr. Jaeger's Underwear. .

In the fall, when fishing, rowing,Or unto the limit lie rides; '

Or on yachting cruise he's going,Templing both the winds and tides;

Proof against r.ll stormy weather,With this shield he'll not despair-Str- ong

as steel, but light as featherDr. Jaeger's Underwear,

When the winter's snow is fallingAnd the frost is sharp and keen,

Though the storm may be appalling,Cheerless, I, leak, and wild the scene ;

He'll defy the cold, possessingA protection grand and rare .,

In that hygienic blessingDr. Jaeger's Underwear I

f -- 3 TOT

.'Jm.' r. Si fU1





M. GOLDBERG,Sole Agent for the Genuine Dr. Jaeger'a133 Underwear. 2m

Fir Milan Mmbu


Pacific Mail Steamship Co.


Occidental & Oriental S. S. Co.Will call at Honolulu on their

way to the above ports,as follows:

Stmr. "City of Peking," " ing-18- .

Stmr- - "Beigie." " " Oct- - r.

"China." " " Deo. 15.

kW Pouml Trip Tickets to Yokohamaand return, via .San Francisco, 9300.For particulars apply to

H. HACKFELD 4 CO .138 tf Agents.

Fort Street House,Kurt Street, Hotolnlu.

Furnished Rooms, Single & Suites

The House has bceu Thoroughly and "

.Newly Furnished Throughout.

Qjiet, Clean Room:. Moderate Prices.

W. H. HEINE,105 lm Proprietor.

Bead This ! Something New !

TIib Pacific Transfer Go.

Is now prepared to do all kinds of cart-ing. King up Bell Telephoue 212 andyou will always tiud it on hand. Bag-gage and Goods delivered to all parts oftho city with despatch. 1'iauos, Furni-ture, Ktc, moved with care and at rea-sonable rates. Uaggage checked towithin one hour of the sailing of foreignsteamers.

PACIFIC TRANSFER CO.,130 3iu , T. V. McUuirk, Manager.


GIVE J. L Mevkk the Painter a callh ive your Paper Hanging doue

promptly and ueatly. 130 Kort street.P. O Box 8S7. 158 tf


'PIIK stockhohlers of thi HawaiiaaL Mercantile Co. are desirous of dis-

posing of their Store at PuehHcbu. Ko-ha- la,

an I will be pleased to lv tr fromanyone disposed to make au off. r.

tot" For any particulars, appiy toJ S KENTON,JNO. HIND, orKOBT. WALLACE.

P S. Annual busiiies. 9U0.U00.Kohala, tiawaii. July 10, 1891.



VT the annual meeting of the stock-holders of Wm. t. Irwin 4 Co.,

(L'd). held at their otllee ou Thursday,July l th. the following otU era were re-elected to serve during the eusulugyear.



Honolulu Iron IMs k(lj l:ix24hi Cummer Engine.

(I) lllx'iiiin, Cummer Engine.

(1) Putnam crew Cutting Lathe, lain.suliiK. 12ft. bed; most improvedtype.

Vacuum Pan. f II. I. W. Co.uiaki'), built in sections; completeWilli Iron stage and Blake's DirectVacuum Pump, Isx24x241n.

(4)-;il- )in. Weston's Centrifugals.

(Ij Complete Diffusion Plant fo" a ca-pacity of 4oo long tons cane perdiem. Manufactured by the San-g- ci

h iiisen Co , aud to arrive in .Scot.Thi' two anc Slicing Much inns forthis Diffusion Plant are the latestinnl most improved type, (sel'-feed-i-

ilh l ane Ciini"i) and havebeen successfully used on -- ugurcaneat f:u::ory and given the highestsatisfaction.

(I)-- Kft. Cell to Multiple Effect (II. I.W. Co make). Can be easily con-nected to tiny of the 11. I. W. Co.'sMultiple Effects.

(75; Wheeled Coolers. :t0x:!0x30in.

(1) Duplex Water Pump, Kixl4xl2in.Capacity, 2 million jals. in 24 hoursto a height of 120 leet with a boilerprc-siir- u of 2)lbs per square inch.

IB" All (ho above Machinery Is new,in perfeei, order mid right from' (he man-ufacturing establishment-- , where it wasmade.

ftay llavlng a very large stock of ma-terials on hand, purchased at the lowestpossible prices bv our Manager whenrecently in Europe and the UnitedStates, we are prepared to furnish anykind of Siiitar Mach nerv on short. iioriand at prices to suit the times.


170 If


Athletic Exhibition !

given by theH Jill LULU ATHLETIC &3S0CIATI0B




Consisting of Exercises on tho

llorlv.oiitnl Hur,Vu nil lii Morse,

l'urullel liars,Living and Ladder Pyramids

And Plastic Statuary representing

" A Roman Studio"SHOWINM

Discobolus, Hercules,Tho Wrestlers. Dying Uaul,

The Gladiator, Etc., Etc.


And Numer:nj Other New Featuresliy Members, and

Club Swinging and Exercises on (h ParallelBars by the Jjvenile Claw.

Over 40 Participants I

Reserve.! Seats, 81.00; Balcony, 75Cents; Cullery. 0 Cents.

&aT K"X Plan al Eiidwlgsen A Cron'gIce Cream Parlors, Hotel street, ltiil fit


1)0Sirio as Salesman in dry goodsin Honolulu bv a Hawaiian

with many years' experience and tirstclass references. Address "Salesman,"Ilt'U.KriN Olllce. ids lw


Aft. Rood House Lot onPuliation street, ionuiin-in- g

2)i acres more or less.Eor particulars enquire of1U5 It J M. DOWSETT.


. T ME r lw Nice Bed-- v

' rooms on PunchbowlEtW& street, between King and

streets; reut $7 per month each.Inquire at this olllce. Q7 tf


1 EVIDENCE on LunalilotgS'ffi street presently occupiedfcwjvjJvi by Mr. J. A. K- ui'iedy, con-taining double p triors, four bcd'oouis,dining room, bathroom, large dining-roo-

kitchen and pantry; servant'sroom, stabling, etc., on rear of mainbuilding, liioiimls, 3oOx!0i fact, welllaid out. Vacant on 14th August Lota ljiinin Itmixlo; feu may be purchasedon reasonable terms,

K I. I.IU.IE,1(18 tf With Theo II. Davieg & Co.


Heading matter on the outsidepages.

"Jack the Wood Ripper" is 'Onename for linn.

The Honolulu Arion will meet thisevening at the regular lime and place,

The musical bride's cake previouslymentioned was furnished by Hart &


In all these burglaries, who makesby them? Where does the burglar getoil?

Queen street, near Alakea, is receiving needed repairing at the handsoi the cautonicrg.

The Moiliili sextuple trial for murder is still dragging along without theend being in sight.

Mr. Mouoan held two sales of bankrupt goods this forenoon. The attendaneo was largo and tlu bidding brick

A Remington tvnewnier. filter! trmspecial desk and cabinet, was sold atauction by Mr. Morgan, at noon, for$OU.

Mr. J. E. Brown, who bus hernill China getting labor for planters,returned Home iy I lie barkractoius.

The reception and ball in honor ofMiss Corn well will take place thisevening reception at It and dancingat o clock.

The household furniture of Mr. J,... . ...T Tl i. liia k tffiij , at nis residence, Ki mu

street, will lie sold at public auctionat 10 o clock to-r- n irrow morning.

The athletic exhibition at the OperaHouse promises to be of ahrst-clas- s order. Reserved seats canbe secured at Ludwigseu & Cron'gIce Creuin I'arlors.

The double-scu- ll race betweenO Connor and llanlun and Guudaurand Mackay has been arranged forAugust 8th. It is not. yet decidedwhere the race will be rowed.

Mr. E. B. Thomas, the well-know- n

contractor and builder, wan marriedthis morning to Miss Kate Marion Dayof Manehester, England. The cere-mony took place in St. Andrew's Ca-thedral, Bishop Willis rHieia tine. 'TheBulletin tenders hearty congratulations.


The Woodlawn Dairy is again put-ting out its celebrated Table Butter,in one-pou- bricks, which is deliv-ered fresh every dav, at the store of1 w HENRY DAVIS & CO.


Preserved Tamarinds at F. Horn's.

A furnished cottage is to rent onNuuann Avenue.

Kamehameha vs. Honolulu will bethe contestant's on the diamond nextSaturday,

Mr. C. Afono has transferred bispowtr of attorney from Mr. Chun Hoyto Hon. S. M. Damon.

Tamarind Syrup, a delicious drinkin fevers, put up and for sale by F.Horn, at the Pioneer B ikery, CandyFactory,, and Ice Cream Parlors,Hotel, between Fort and Nuuanustreets. lw

Mr. L. J. Levey will hold an auc-tion sale of general merchandise at 10o'clock, Wednesday next, and at 11will sell a quantity of household fur-niture. Two pianos and a parlor setare included in the list given else-where.

The Hawaiian Hardware Company(Mr. E. R. Hendry, manager) saythey "can't give you the earth" bl

because the Oil Trust is inpossession of the ball. "Be satisfiedwith these Islands," is good advice.The fine climate and this company'swares ought to make anyone satisfied.


JHaken Delirious Lemonade,A teaspo nful added to a glass of

hot or cold water, and sweetened tothe taste, will be found refreshing andinvigorating.


The Peruvian bark Japan, M.Yanda master, arrived in port thismorning, 77 days from China. Herlong passage is attributed to the badweather she bad on tbe way here.The Japan encountered choppy seasand heavy easterly winds for the mainpart of the voyage. Capt. Yandasays he never experienced such coldweather as be did on this passage.On May 12th while off Formosa inthe. China Sea the Japan encountereda typhoon which lasted several hours,but fortunately doing but little dam-age to the vessel. The bark brings22 Chinese passengers, includingwomen and children, besides a gen-eral cargo of merchandise consignedto Messrs. Wing Wo Chan & Co.She is docked' at the Fish Marketwharf, where a large crowd of Chi-nese and others assembled to see her.


Several months ago, Mr. HenryPluinmer, of Clements, Cel., whois subject to cramps, was taken witha severe attack. He had been ac-

customed to get relief by dosingwith morphine, but the disagreeablefffecl that followed would make himmiserable for hours after the cramphad been relieved. 1 persuaded himto try Chamberlain's Colic, Choleraand DianLa-- a Remedy. ' He wasmuch pleased with it, as its effectwas almost instantaneous, and nodisagreeable after effects accompan-ied its use. Chas. Bamkkt, Manager,Farmers' Trade Union, Clemeuts,Cal. For sale by all dealers. Ben-son, Smith & Co., Agents for tbeHawaiian Islands.

VFDD!NG akes with Vusicandf decorati d in the highest style of

confectioner's art made t order at "Till!Elite Ice t kv.au Pailwus." 172 3t

A newlv organized cornoration inSan Francisco tiled articles in theCounty Clerk's oluce, in that citv.on July 6lh. The corporation is tobe known as the Hawaiian Construc-tion Company, with the followingnamed gentlemen as directors: An-derson Nelson, Albert Howe, Jamesltift, McKenna and Christian Thornson. Capital stock, VI 10,000.


The leading question now is"Are you provided with a bottle ofChamberlain s Coke, Cholera andDiarrlxua . Remedy;, as a safe-guar- d

against an attack of bowel complaintduring the : summer, months?' Nofamily can afford to risk being with'out this invaluable medicine duringthe hot weather. ' It is almost certain to be needed, and is a friend indeed when required, its it never failsand is pleasant and safe to take.25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by alldealers. Benson, Smith & Co.,Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

""lAMAIUNO'S Refrigerator arrivedW per S. S. "AiiKtralfa." containingice iiouse fruits. l' aelies. (hemes,riiiins, Apricots, I'e.irs, Sicily LemonsVexieau I lines, Or.--. uses. Grape. Crlerv.Fresh Oysters, Salmon, Klouiideis. alsoCalitornii White Heart Cabbage, Poultry and Kggs.

California Fni'iT Market,170 8t Mutual Tel. 378.

JLYCntGUS, b7 King street. Veceiv- -"Australia," Apricots,

r- - acnes, nerries, riuiiis, tirnpes, Cel-ery, Oysters. Fresh and Floun-ders, California Cabbage, Chickens andf.gs. Prices moderate.

J. LvcxiKiL's, Proprietor,170 3t . 87 King street,


rHE power of attorney... H it

given by. the

Julu. rice planter, has this day been can- -

eel en m o g nitvv m nn rrnir u'hiit.v..And further, Mr. Samuel Al Damon ofHonolulu has been appointed my attor-ney at Honolulu and the Ixlnuds of Ha-waii iu the place of the said Chun Hoy

CHUNG AFONG.Dated Hongkong. June 9, 18D1.

172 lw


Cottage torent on Nuuanu avenue

abovo School street, for threemontn or longer. Apply at this office

172 lw

TO lihTNICELY Furnished Cot-- i

tatie of seven rooms andall modern eonivi.ipneps. nn

the Plains: for one or mita mnnrhH.Address at this olDcn 171 8t


BLACK and White" Newfoundland Dog.

Answers to name 'Brady."Slightly lame In right forelee. Liberal reward to

Under at the Bulletin Olllce.KO lw

FOR SALE CUE IP.account of departure,

mfssvafc V " the Furniture and Leasei of a I.oilirinsr Mouse in th

business center of lhe town. A goodpaying business. Apply to17U lw J. m. VIVAS.


SUITK of FurnishedBooms with Board, at

'3a Eumia street."- ItiD 8t


tj, rPHK Furniture of a cottage,jr?52.2s3; J-- eoniiilete for houseknen- -BKffMa ing, will be sold at a bargainon account of departure. Addressis. u., ' bulletin oihYe. , 1K9 lw'


VLL pprsons are her by notified thatwill not be responsible for anv

debts, or obligations of any kind, excepton my personal or written order.

A. A. TODD.Honouli, South Kona, Hawaii, Junelit, 1S!H. Holm

Hawaiian Tramwdys Co.,L'fl

Buretania Street Line.ON AND AKTKH

Saturday, Augu6t I &t,

A 20 Minute ServiceOf Cars will be run between the Wharf

and I unahoufcvia Bcretania streetat the following times :

From the Wharf 0:22 a. m , :42. 7:02and evey 20 uiiniitps until 10:02 p. in ;on .Saturdays until 10:42 p. in. The first

ir on ounuuys win ue me t :uz a. in.From Punaho' Corner for Tow i 5:52 a.

i., 0:12, 0:32, ami every 20 minutesuntil !)::t2 p .in ; on Saturdays until 10:12

in. 1 he first car on Mimlays will bethe 0:32 a. in.

From the Col ge tor Town 6:50 a m.,......1M ...... u. r.ii.... tl.t'..iirrl...iil-i.i'i.iiirii. th.t..... .1.... i.ntlluu.ll: 10 p. in ; on Saturdays until 10:10 p.

in. I he tlrst car on Sundays will be the."() a. in.From P .n .ho-- i Sifbloj lor Town 6:30 a.

m and every hour until 9 :'M) p. in.From Pn ' treet Loop for Town or

Pun-h.- u Al i: uiin., 39 luiu., and 69In. past eac h hour.Fron Cmt U on CtYirch for Town or

Punaho At : uiin , 2!) niin., and 49min.. past eaeh hour.

HatTCar- - the wharf at 22 mill,nd 42 min. I the hour will mil to the

llege; th--- I aving at 2 min past willmi to the on .Sundays, if re

quired, ih !2:ki p. in. from CentralI nion i liiireli will run to the College.

The Kitle llange car will be disoon- -illllell.

All lieri tiiniH utreet cars will connectt lhe wharf with the Valley ?ar, andire versa.

Cut This Out For R forence.103 3w

CIohI's KxerrlMKN Held To-uj-- L

irix A tieiilaa'.The closing exercises of Si. An

drew's Priory were held to day inthe main bail, where a platform hadbeen erected to represent a stageThe hall was gaily festooned withflowers and greenery, and the raftersand posts were intertwined with Ilawaiian flags. The stage presented apretty appearance, potted ferns beipg placed in prominent positions andpictures bung on the walls. Mentionmust be made of several oil paintingsfrom the brush of Miss Dora Mossman, which were shown to advantageon tbe stage. A large assemblagewas present, crowding tbe spaciousball to its utmost capacity. HerMajesty the Queen Dowager enteredthe ball during the exercises, andwas escorted to her seat by SisterAlbert ma.

The exercises opened shortly afternoon with a piano duel by MissesLeleo and Cooke, which was nicelyplayed. A recitation by fourteenlittle lassies entitled, "The Field ofBannockburil'' succeeded the duet.A song by the full chorus entitled"Welcome to Spring," was thensung, with which tl e audieuce manitested their appreciation by veryhearty applause. The singing ofthe full chorus was delightful tolisten to, the voices of tho vocalists blending well together MrsJi uics Cockctt accompanied thesingers on tbe piuno, while l'rofessor Yariulley wielded the leader'sbaton. They sang several piecesduring the afternoon which were received with rapt attention by theappreciative audience. A piano duet,"Poet and Peasant," rendered byKalei and Louise Hart, two of theyoungest performers, was beautifullyexecuted, showing most careful andpainstaking instruction on the part ofthe Sisters. A piano trio by theMisses Holmes, Mosstnan and l'ris- -

cilla was also nicely done. The reci-tations by the little ones were of ahigh order, being distinctly heardthroughout the large hall, lhe enunciation of the little girls who tookthe principal purts, particularly in"Puss in Boots, was perfect, showing great patience on the part of theinstructors. The costumes of thesenior class in their several dialogues,were very neat and appropriate. Inthe dialogue entitled tbe "SaracenBrothers," by this class, the youngladies were arrayed in iurkish style.A song by them was enthusiasticallyapplauded.

At this juncture, owing to the late-ness of the boui. the representativeor the Bulletin was compelled to retire. A report of the latter part ofthe exhibition will appear in a laterissue. Judging from the first uart ofthe programme, however, the latterportion was equally as well rendered.

Several drawings by the juvenilesgrace the walls of the hall and dis-play marked ability. Former pupilsof the school kindly assisted theSisters in the exercises, and by theirefforts materially helped to make theoccasion the success which the audi-ence pronounced it to be.

m m


The wall dividing the upstairscourtroom from Judge McCully'sroom in Aliiolani Hale has been takendown. The space of both rooms isto be given up for a courtroom.Judge McCully on bis return fromforeign parts will find quarters in theroom now occupied by the Censusbureau, lhe courtroom has beenfound too small even for Interme-diary Court days, while it has afford-ed to the Supreme Court very in-

adequate accommodation when, everytwo years, one or two of the juryterms have had to be held thereowing to the Legislature occupyingthe large hall of justice downstairs.


A letter received from Mr. D.Howard Hitchcock bv last mail reports that his progress in art studiesat the National Academy of Design,New York, bad been, in the iudsmentof Professors and fellow-student-

satisfactory. He was to leave forParis on July 1, going by way ofAntwerp, and probably Holland. Hewill resume his studies in one of tbeart schools of the gay metropolis.The tone of his letter is one of stur-dy ambition to advance in his chosenprofession, and to so comport him-self as to reflect credit on himselfand his country.

Tamarind Syrup, a cooling and re-

freshing drink, highly useful in feversand on sea voyages., for sale bv F.Horn, proprietor of the PioneerBakery, Candy Factory, and IceCream Parlors. lw

"The First Wealth is Health."Emerson.

Dr. Gcstav Jaeger's SanitaryWoolen System Co. Not Med-icated.

lfet. A peculiar power of absorp-tion and transmission.

2nd. The properties of aof heat so essential to the

preservation r f an equable tempera-ture of tbe body.

3d. The property of promotingthe elimination, from the tissues, ofall excess of fat anil water, thusmaking the flesh firm and hardeningand toughening the muscles.


Preserved Tamakindh, a tropicalluxury, can be had of F. Horn, pro-prietor of the Pioneer Bakery, CandyFactory, and Ice Cream Parlors, Hotelstreet, between Fort and Nuuanu. lw

rHE WEEKLY BULLETIN 2Sof interesting reading

matters. Maild to foreign countries,ti; Islands, to.


How does he feel ? He feelscranky, and is conntantly experi-menting, dieting himself, adoptingstrange notions, and changing thecooking, the dishes, the hours, andmanner of his eating AugustFlower the Remedy.

How does he feel ? He feels attimes a gnawing, voracious, insati-able appetite, wholly unaccountable,unnatural and unhealthy. AugustFlower the Remedy.

How does he feel ? He feels nodesire to go to the table and agrumbling, fault-findin- over-nicet- y

about what is set before him whenhe is there August Flower theRemedy.

How does he feel ? He feelsafter a spell of this abnormal appe-tite an utter abhorrence, loathing,and detestation of food ; as if amouthful would kill him AugustFlower the Remedy.

How does he feel ? He has ir-

regular bowels and peculiar stoolsAugust Flower the Remedy.

Royal Hawaiian Opera House

Saturday Evening, July 25la,


bfc 9


MUSS. GRAY.Between Acts the Following Piognni:

Song-"Che- rry Ripe". ..Gertie Whitney" "kvaugellne" Mr. eino" "Changeless'' Miss Me'iuire

The famous "Mocking Bird Song"(with Flute obligate)

Miss Ernestine Gray

Royal Hawaiian Band Will Assist.

ST Box Plan will oneu at Williams'Photo Gallery Thursday nioriiiiig.

1U( (it


'I UK large estate known as1 Kahuku Itanch, Kan,

Hawaii, with all its belong-ings. The Kancli contains184,000 acres. There is on

the Ranch a lame nd valuable forestof Koa and Ohia. For further parti-culars, apply to KAHUKU,1 tt "fnii. Hawaii.


Estimates irWen on all kin. Is of Brick.Iron, Stone and Wooden Buildiis Allkinds of Jobbing in the Biiildii "- Tradeattended to Keeps for sale Brick, I. line,Cement, Iron Hioue I'ipe ami KiHintr-- -.

Old and New Corrugated Iron, Mint"iiTiles, Quarry Tiles, assorted sizes andcolors; California and Monterey Sand,Granite Curbing aud Blocks, Etc.

Kaif" Olllce and Yard : Cor. Kins audSmith streets. Olllce Hours: 8 to VIA. m., and 1 to 4 i. m.

Bell, 351 ; Mutual.417. Kesideuce: Mutual, 410. 1'. OBox, 117 1211 ly


THE following nominations will cWe31. 1 Nil I

FtiTi'iiiTY Stakks of 18'.):t ForHawaiian bred two year old. ASweepstake of $50 as follows:.!") onNomination, .$10 January I, 1892, .fit)July 1, 1892, .25 Januaay 1,

Hawaiian Deubv of I.vj-- ForHawaiian bred three year old. ASweepstake oi if 100 as follows : ij onNomination, If 10 January 1, 1S!)2, ,f20July 1, 1892, $25 January 1, 189U, $40January 1, 1894.

C. O. BEKGEK.r)2 td Secretary.


FKESH GRAPES from the vine everyafter 5 o'clock, and moili

ng before (I. Six pounds for a dollar.T. CHKISTI.EY.

145 lui Fort, just below School st.


IMIE undersigned having bought theModel Jiestiiuraiit, notice is

given that all debts due by tin? house.ontracted no to July 15th. will he iiaid

by, and all debts due to the house are tobe paid immediately to, hiiusclt on thepremises.

FRED. WAI.IlYOGia.Honolulu, July 13, 1!U. li;7 2w


THE undersigned irive unties that theModel Rcstai rant on Bethel

street in Honolulu, is now lit ii.g ral l iedon by W. Sirahlmaii on hN u account.Tbe undersigned will not be rrsponsililefor any debts contracted bv said Strahl- -man. v. HUr t ...

Honolulu, July 15, 1HI. Ho 2w


business InVG(M)f) Enquire tf11. DAVIS & in.,i; sw Grocers.

D.m. a.m. a.m. n.Hon. 20 8 10 2 10 8 10 10 80! 5 28 6 44' e soTum. 21 400 8 10, S 30 11 20, t 7 2

go'Wed. M 4 A in U Ml 11 Ktl' ft 0411 6 43 8 17Tliius. ti 6 30 ft 16 10 80 11 60. S 80 48 H 00

ill. 24 6 00 1011 IWi .... 6 80; 0 42 9 44a.m. 'p.m.

Sat. M e 4o' 7 00 1 l 0 30 6 80! 6 42 10 26Bun. 20 7 80i 7 40' 2 20. 1 00 8 81 6 41 11 13

Full moon on the 21st at Sh. 23min. a. m.The time signal for the port in (riven at 121).

Oni. Oseo. (midniKat) of Greenwich time orIn. 28m. Msec, p. m. of Honolulu Observatorytime. It Is given by the steam whistle of theHonolulu Planing Mill, a few doom abovethe Custom House. Tho same whistle isounded correctly at Honolulu mean noon,

Observatory meridian, or 10b. 31 in. 2ttsec. ofGreenwich time.


THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1891.


Schr Mohvuhlue from PaauiloJuly 23

Peruvian bark Japan, Yanda, 77 daysfrom Japau

Am bli Pactolus from llahukona


Stmr Hawaii for Laupahoehoe- - and Ha-ksl- au

fitmr Kaala for Walanae, Waialua andMokuleia at 9 a m

Stmr Pele for Kauai at 10 a inAm bk Forest Queen, Nelson, for San

FranciscoScbr Kulamanu for Pobolkitiuhr Milie Morris for Koolau


Stmr W G Hall f r Maui and Hawaii at10 a m

Bear Mol Wahlne for Paauilo


Stmr Waialeale 8604 bags sugar.Scbr Moiwabine 2150 bags sugar.


From Haniakua per stmr Waialeale,July 22 Armstrong Small, Misses Suiza(2) and 20 deck.

For Kauai per stmr Jas Makee, July22-- M Ibs 11 Tltconib and 20 deck.


Am bk Georgina, Stanley, from New-castle, N ti W

Ajm bk J D Brewer, Josselyn, from NewYork

Am bktne Discovery, McNeil, from SanFrancisco-

Noi ship Hangesund from Newcastle,N8VT

Br bk Caliao, James, from LiverpoolGer bk Orient, Gontald, from HongkongGer bk J t: Glade, from Liverpool


IT S S Charleston from San FranciscoUSB Marion from San FranciscoRMSS Alameda from the Colonies,

July 30KMSS Monowai from San Francisco,

July 80Am bk Annie Johnson, Miller, from

LiverpoolAm bk Mount Washington, from Port

Blakely, Aug. 10Am bk Harvester, (HIlo) from San Fran-

cisco, July 16Am bk C D Bryant, from San Francisco,

July 30Am bk Ceylon, from San Francisco,

July 15 .Am schr John G North, (Mahukona)

from San Francisco, July 20Am bktMary Vlinkelman, Nissen, from

Port GambleAm bgtne turline, (Hilo) from Sin

Fiancisco, July 15Am bk Melrose. Port Blakely, July 30Am bk Martha Davis from New YorkBk Harrison G Johnson from New YorkGer bk Woosung from BremenGer bk H Hackfeld from LiverpoolGer bk Sabino from BerryNor bk Gamen from Newcastle, N S W


Tbe steamer Kaala came off tho Ma-rine Railway yesterday.

Tbe steam tug Rover is expected toarrive at Hilo from San Diego sometimethis month. She is owned by Mr O HW etmore of Hilo

The Nicaragua bark Don Carlos venton the reef near the Cliff House, SanFrancisco on July 10, but was got offwith the aid of three tugs without muchInjury. She was bound lor San Franciscowith 1000 tous uitrate consigned to JW Grace & o.

The steamer W G Hall will replace thesteamer Iwulani on her regular ruiitealong tbe Kona coast

The American tern Oceania Vancesailed for Puget Sound yesterday in bal-last.

'lhe steamer Iwalaui sails on Saturdaynext on tier usual route.

The barks Callao and J D Brewer areunloading coal at Brewer's wh.ul.

The steamer Waialeale wbogn arrivalwas noted yesterday will sail on a differ-ent route next M nd iy. She is bookedfor Kllauea and Hanalei.

The schooner Moiw bine ai rived fromPaauilo yesteiday with a cargo of t.ugarwhich is beii.g transferred to the Ger-man bark J C Glade.

The steamship Australia is receivingmgur from 'lie steamer lwalnui.


SIcCANN In this city, July 23, to thewife of M. McCaun, a daughter.


TIIOM Y - In Honolulu, Julv 3.1891, at St. Andrew's Cathedral, bythe Rt. Rv. Lord Bishop of Hono-lulu, Mr. Edwird Bedford Thomasand Miss Kate Marion Dav, eldest(laughter of Richard Day, Esq., ofMauvhester, Euglaud.

'piIAT I'amily Residence onflJjpSl Biiigham and ArtesianfciWaSa streets, Puualiou House cont-ain- seven rooms, kilt lieu, pantry, bath-room, etc. Also, a detuned cottage,bathroom and two servants' cottages,,..,rri ie house, staples, and other out-building, including a large Hennery.lloiie papered ami painted andall ii perfect outer. Ar'csiau mater laidon throiiglioir house and grounds. Theii articss of these premises lo the Tram-way- system in:.kes it a very desirablefamily residence. Apply toi.im w.o. SMrrtf.


Manager,Clans Sprecki Is Vice-lreside-


Secretary,ilieo. U. I'orter Auditor.

W. M. GIFKAKU.10C 1 w SecreUry W. ii. I. A Co., L'd,

8. LEVY. COL EOTOcsaiic Siiiiip Go.'sSrEHRLICHr SteamslLir Go.'s Wm. G. Irwin fi Company,

(liimiTKU.)OFFEB for sale



Grand Reduction in liions !



The only steamer the Pacific MailCo. has which will meet the require-ments of speed under the SubsidyAct is the China, but she being aBritish vessel cannot draw subsidy.Two new vessels, the Costa Rica andNicaragua, lately built at Philadel-

phia, will soon tome out for the Pa-

nama route. They are 2,000 tonseach and capable of making 16 knots.The company intends to have a 5,000ton steamer' built at the Union IronWorks for the China line. She is tohave a speed of 16 knots so as to en-

ter the second class under the Act.If the company get the contiact forcarrying the mails, this steamerwould earn nearly $20,000 on eachoutward trip to Hongkong, and re-

duce the time from 25 to 18 days.GERMAN BEET SUGAR.

D. Ghiradelli & Sons, of SanFrancisco, have just received a con-

signment of 1350 bags of beet sugarfrom Germany, to be used for manu-

facturing purposes. It came by wayof Panama and was laid down in SanFrancisco at a fraction less than whatthe local refiners charged for theirsugar. It is also lower than Hong-kong sugar. The German sugar is



MONDAY, July the 20th !


Big Bargains Will be Offered 1


S. KHRL1CH & CO.,Corner Fort & Hotel Strwl.1--

UfllO.) IRON WORKS 00., Id,J. N. S. WILLIAMS,R. MORE, : :

Engineers &Office & Works,

P. O. ltOX 3SO.


Sugar Machinery, Steam Engines,Main or Automatic Cutoff, Boilers for land and marine use,

Vacuum Pans up to 11 feet in diameter,Double, Triple or Quadruple Effects,

Wrought Iron or Cast Iron Tanks for all purposes

nan Wnonns. Suear Wagons, Cranes,W W w,w.. j C--

Hoisting Machinery, Rice Mill Machinery and, v Wrought & Cast Iron Work for House Building.

A Large & Varied Assortment: SPECIALTIES :

Diffusion Machinery in all its Branches.Sole Manufacturers in Hawaiian Islands kok

William's Pateqt Furnaces for burning cane trash.

William's Patent Cane Slioing Machines, the most successful and econo

, mical made.utilizing the waste heat in smoke

Marsden t Rickard's Patent Evaporator,


LOCAL LINE.Arrive Honolulu. Leave HonoluluJuly 7 Zealandia ..... July 14July 21 Australia July 28Aug 4 Zealandia Aug 11Aug 18, Australia Aug 25Sept 1 Zealandia Sept 8Ssept lo Australia Sept 22Sept 29 Zealandia Oct 6Oct 13 Australia Oct 20

THROUGH LINE.Arrive from San Arrive from the

Franeisco. Colonial.Monowai. . . .July 30 AlamedaAlameda. .. .Aug 27 MariposaMariposa. . . . Sept 24 MonowaiMonowii. . . .Oct 22 Alameda

Nov 19 Mariposa

Australian Mail Service!

The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

"ALAMEDA,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will

be due at Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland en or about

July 30, 1891,And will leave for the above port with

mails and passengers on orabout that date.

I For freight or passage, having8 perior accommodations, apply to

K m a. LSWIN & C0 I'd,Agents.

For Sydney and Auckland I

The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

4&ioaowAit"(if the Oceanic Steamship Company will

be due at Honolulu from SanFrancisco on or about

Jily 30. 1801,And will have prompt dispatch with

mails and passengers forthe above ports.

tfT For freight or passage, havingsuperior accommodations, apply to

m Q. LRWIN 4 CO L'f,Jl Agents.

Baldwin Lociioiivos

The undersigned having been appolnteasole agents tor the Hawaiian


For the Celebrated

tl NFrom the works of

Barbam, Parry, Williams 4 Co.,

Philadelphia. Penn.Are now prepared to give estimates andreceive orders lor these engines, olsiae and style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Worksare now manufacturing a style of Locomotive particularly adapted

For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which have recently beenreceived a' these Islands, and we willhave pleasure iu furnishing plantationiigeuts an i managers with particular."of same

The superiority of these Locomotiveover all other makes is not only knownhere but is acknowledged turougnotithe United States.

Wm. G. IRWIN & Co., L'dSole Agents for Hawaiian Islaude


Hardware, Shipping

Commission MerchantsDEALERS IN

General MerchandisePlantation Agents,

Life, Fire ft MarineInsurance Age ts.


Special Notice to Bathers at

rpHE proprietor of Long Branch Baths1 begs to aunounie to the public

that the wonderful Mai ne Toboggan, atWaikiki, is now in very successful opera-tion, affording the most tjoyable andexhilarating exercise to sea" bathers,and a sport without an equal in theworld, for old and youug. Wednesdaysand Thursdays will be reserved more es-

pecially for ladies and children, A. ridecosts only Five (5) Cents. For furtherinformation, apply to

C. J. SHERWOOD,104 tf Proprietor.


THE patrons of the Oceanic S. S. Co.hereby notitU d that hereaftoi

no round trip or excursion tickets willne Issued fur any of the through mat'steamers. These tickets will, however,be issued as customary for the localsteamers "Australia'' and ''Zealandia."Passeutters who hold round trip ticketsand wish to take the through mailsteamer will be charged an extia fare of

,25. -

Ter order o the Oceanic 8. S. Co.Wm. G. IRWIN & CO.,

M tl General Agents.


ST MR. 'K1NAU,'CLARKE, Comiiian-3- r,

Will leave Honolulu at 2 o'clock P. m.,

touching at Lahaiua, Maalaca Bayand Makena the same day; Mahu-kon- a,

Kawaihae and Laupahoehoe thefollowing day, arriving at Hilo atmidnight.


Fridav July 17thTuesday .July 28thFriday Aug. nnTuesday Aug. 18thFriday Aug. zomTuesday .Sept. 8thFriday. Sept. 18thTuesday 'ept. mmKridav Oct. 9thTuesday Oct. 20th

Returning leaves Hilo, touching atLaupahoehoe same day; Kawaihae,a. m. ; Mahukona, 12 noon ; Makena,6 p. m.; Maalaea Bay, 8 P. M. ; Laha- -

ina, 10 p. m. the following day ; arriv-

ing at Honolulu 6 A. m. Wednesdaysand Saturdays.


Saturday July 25ihWednesday Aug. 5thSaturday Aug. 15thWednesday Aug. 2GthSaturday Sept. 5thWednesday Sept. 16thSaturday Sept. 26thWednesday Out. 7thSaturday Oct. 17 thWednesday Oct. 28th

gT"No Freight will be receivedafter 12 noon of day of sailing.


Will leave Honolulu every Tuesdayat 5 o'clock P. M., touching at Kahu-lu- i,

Huelo, Hana, Hamoa and Kipa-liul- u.

Returning will arrive at Hono-lulu every Sunday morning.

$F No Freight will be receivedalter 4 p. M. on day of sailing.

Consignees must be at the landingsto receive their freight, as we will nothold ourselves responsible after suchfreight has been landed.. While theCompany will use due diligence inhandling live stock, we decline to as-

sume any responsibility in case of theloss of same, and will not be responsiblefor money or jewelry unless placed inthe care of Pursers.

W. C. WILDER, President.S. B. ROSE, Secretary.

CAPT. J. A. KING, Port Supt.





Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,Assets, $6,219,458.98.

London & Lancashire Fire Int. Co.

Assets, $4,317,052.

Thames & Mersey Manns ns. Co.,(Limited;,

Assets, $6, 1 24,057

New York Life Insurance Co.,

Assets, $ 1 15,947,809.97.


General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.


Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, : : $115,947,809.97

'Facts are Stubborn Things."

At every age, on every premiumtable, arnd in every year, the AO

TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policies

of the New York Life Insurance Co,

have been LARGER than those OF

ANY OTHER COMPANY issuingsimilar policies.

g0T For particulars apply to

V. O. BEKUEB,Oenl Agent Hawaiian Islands.



CASTLE & COOKE,Lite, Fire & Marine

Insurance Agents !


fiei England Mutual Life Ins. Co..


Etna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford,


Insurance Company,Kir Jk Jfnrlxe.





It? AmCM

6 iIy- - (AMBER)






RoliertsoD HitchcocE:.

DRAYMEN.All orders for cartage promptly attended

to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & ShippingOf good in transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black & White SanaIn quantities to Pint at lowest prfcrs.

t&T Office: Next door to Jas. F.Morgan's auction room.

Mutual 1 S -- a Telcpi'onf s fcaT Sell 4 4

Barry's Tricopherousestablished 1801.

Infallible for renewing. Invigorating andbeautifying the hair, removing scurf, dandruff,

and all affections of the scalp, and curing eruptions of the skin, diseases of the glands, muscles

und integuments, and relieving stings, cuts,

sprains, etc. The affinity between tnemembranes which constitute the skin and thehair which draws its sustenance from this tripleenvelope Is very close. All diseases of the hairoriginate In the skin of the head. ; If the pores

of the scalp are clogged, or If the blood and otherfluids do not circulate freely through the smallvessels which feed the roots with moisture andimpart life to the fibres, the result Is scarf,dandruff, shsddlngof the bair, grayness, drynessand harshness of the ligaments, and entire bald'nessi as the case may be. Stimulate the skin tohealthful action with Barry's Trlcdpher--

ns, and the torpid vessels, recoveringwill annihilate the disease. In all

affections of the skin and of the substrata ofmuscies and integuments the process and theeffec. are the same. It Is upon the skin, themuscular fibre, and the glands that Barry'sTricopherous has its specific action, andin all affections and injuries of these organs Itis a sovereign remedy.

Beware of Counterfeits.

From the Greatest Living Prima Donna,...!.,.., A.t.ai.i0 P.tti.'Nilinl

UnuKvvitimst .TiilvSUtK IQOfl

..IrfA Vaur VAft

Dear aire: lo piuuouro in nuuuuuuiiix wyoa that Barry's Florida WATBR.aoneofthelew amcjes aiwayo w wo ivuuu u uij uicwiukcase. In my conception it in one of the beat oftoilet WttUJrBf OUU ll iuo o -- v

llcione, but refreshing and invigorating.reconoiead It without reserve.

ttOLLISTER & CO..1651 Distributing Agents. rim

ffffl &. MII & GO.


Wm. G. Irwin. . .President & ManagerClaus Spreckels nt

Walter M. GiffardSecretary & Treasurer

Theo. C. Porter Auditor


Commission Agents.AGENTS OF THK

Of San Frnneleico. Cal.


Bethel Street, "Damon's Block,"Corner store.

Surgical & Musical Instruments neatlyrepaired at reasonable rates, ewiugMachines and repairing of all kindsspecialty. All kinds of Safes & Scalesrepaired. Household Sewing Machinefor aln. "1

WENNER & CO..Manufacturing Jewellers.

NO. fc3 t'OItT ST1IEET.Constantly on hand a large assortmentof every description of Jewelry, Watone'.Gold and Silver Hated Ware, Etc. -9

Atlas Assnrsnce CpfOf LOSUON.


Agents for the Hawaiian Island?,


'PHK undersigned have this day en-s' tered into uud. r

the firm name and ttyle of "The CRTf-t- al

Soda Works," for the manufac-

ture end sale of all kinds of Aerat dWaters, etc.


Honolulu, June 9, 181)1. 14 lm



Felt Steam Pipe Covering, all sizes.





High Grade Chemical Caae Hannre.



Refined Sugars,Fairbank Canning Co.'s Cornet

Beef, 1 and 2 lb. tins.


GCORCE LUCAS,Contractor k Builder.

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Esplanade, uonoiuiu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, hands,Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of woodwork finish. Turning, Scroll and BaudSawing. All kinds of Sawing andPlaning, Morticing and Tenanting,tar Orders promptly atteude;! to am'

work guaranteed Orders from theother Isla udn s ilicited. 1 --!1

s. --I

5-- 5

2 - (cP O 4

Si Os. a. 3 o tox aT '

5 T2- 2-r-- S 2. enS2" c- - CJ a 8 cd- 55 ? 5


3 -X : t s o --Mi

a 3o

"5 r4 .12. 5 ff o o

w1 ti

a v.a Z a w

M2- 5 P3

aCD 9CD n

B.S- ftc $ a2 a a

- 5 P.?

DU A VCD . VL QaTniltimm

The Best Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffee at VII HonrsThe Finest Brands of

iprs, Tiktct' Always on Hand.

H. NOLTK. Proprietor.


Meat Company- 81 KING STREET,

6. J. WALLER, - - Manager

Wholesale & Retail Butchers







F. HOKX,Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook &


71 Hotel St. --mt&" Telephone 74,



Jeweler &, WatchmakerKUKUI JEWELRY a SPECIALTY.

King Street, Honolulu, II. I

Iffl Particular attention paid to allkinds of repairs. 191

stack the latest improvement.

Mole Agent lu Hawaiian Islands tor the

Pelton Water Wheel Co. of San Francisco.Bell's Asbestos Packing Co. of London, England.

Sheet Packing, Stuffing Box Packing, '

Manhole & Handhole Gaskets, Steam Pipe & Boiler Coverings.

g0 These Packings are usedwar vessels.

Repairs to all kinds of Machinery done at reasonable rates anu ai

short notice.

coarser than the local product anddoes not melt so easily, but for fruitpreserving and confectionery it issaid by the Ghiradellis to be equallyas good, being pure and strong.


A Sydney, N. S. W., despatch ofJuly 6 says: I he British war-shi-p

Cordelia has just returned to thisport after a disastrous trip to sea forpractice with her big guns. 1 he cap-

tain reports that while firing one ofthesis-inc- h breech loading guns itexploded, killing Lieutenant Hillyar,Lieutenant Gordon and four seamen,and wounding three midshipmen andten seamen.


Orders have been given to ceasework on most of the contracts on theChignecto Ship Railway, to connectthe Bay of tundy with the Gulf ofSt. Lawrence. The company hasalready spent $3,000,000 upon itsconstruction, and it is understood tobe cramped for funds. This workhas been watched with great interestby engineers everywhere. It wasdevised on the same principle as theship railway advocated by the lateCapt. Eads, of Mississippi jettyfame, to connect the Atlantic anuPacibc at the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Viewed only as an experimentthe Chignecto work is very important, and there is no doubt it will bea great aid to commerce.


An official report on the grip hasbeen presented to the British Parlia-ment. The report contains a massof interesting evidence, but it doesnot solve the problem as to the ori-

gin of the influenza, nor does it pro-

vide any sure prevention of the dis-

ease. On the other hand the reportdispels the common idea that influ-

enza is spread by atmospheric condi-tions, and proves it to be propagat-ed by personal contact.


Princess Louise, second daughterof Prince and Princess Christian ofSchleswig - Holstein, and '" grand-daughter of the Queen of England,was married to Prince Aribert ofAnhalt in St. George's Chapel,Windsor, July 6. It was a splendidceremony, attended by Queen Vic-

toria, the Emperor and Empress ofGermany, and many lesser digni-taries.. This incident is related inthe telegraphed report:

"In the chapel, on the arrival ofthe Queen, the Emperor and Em-

press bowed low and the Queen didthe same, but the Queen, whose ageprivileges her to sit at every eere-mon- y,

declined to be seated beforethe Emperor, and a little contest ofcourtesy occurred. Finally the Em-

peror, knowing that it was painfulto the Queen to stand, took her bythe hand and compelled her to beseated."


The leading question now is:"Are you provided with a bottle ofChamberlain's Colic, Cholera andDiarrhoea Remedy, as a safe-guar- d

against an attack of bowei complaintduring the summer months?" Nofamily can afford to risk being with-

out Ibis invaluable medicine duringthe hot weather. It is almost cer-

tain to be needed, and is a friend in-

deed when required, as it never failsand is pleasant and safe to take.25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by alldealer. Benson, Smith & Jo.,Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.



THE undersigned being fullyto settle the business of Red-war- d

fe Howell (dissolved), herebygives notice to ail persons havingclaims against said firm, to presentthem at once, and all persons indebt-ed to said firm to make immediatepayment to the undersigned at hisoffice over Bishop & Co.'s Bank.

W. P. ALLEN,Assignee F. H. Bedward.

July 15th. 165 2w


THE following nominations will elope31, 1891 :

Futurity Stakes of 1893 ForHawaiian bred two year old. ASweepstake of $50 as follows: $5 onNomination, $ 10 January 1, 1892, $10July 1, 1892, $25 Januajy 1, 1893.

Hawaiian Derby of li94 ForHawaiian bred three year old. ASweepstake of $100 as follows : $5 onNomination, $10 January 1, 1892, $20Julv 1, 1892. $25 January 1, 1893, $40January 1, 1894.

C. O. BERGER,152 Ul Secretary.


: Manager,superintendent.

Iron Founders,Queen Street, Honolulu.

of Bar Iron always on hand !

exclusively by the British Admiralty in


Amount, $5,000.Total Prems Paid, 84,798.

equivalent toper annum.)

-- Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Sts.

satisfaction guaranteed.

The Equitable Life AssuranceSociety of the United States.

New Assurance Written in 1890 : S 203,826,107 00

Income . . . . 35,0o,booSurplus (fro wbicu dividend will be made) 23,740-44- 7 34

An Investment Worth Kr owing About !

Before assuring your life, or investing your money, examine the Twenty-Yea- r

Tontine Policies of The Equiti ble Life Assurance Society of the U. h.

Policies maturing in 1891 realize cash returns to the owners, of amounts

trying from 120 to 176 per cent, of the money paid in, besides the advan-

tage of the Assurance during the whole period of twenty years.

The following is one of many actual cases maturing this year :

Endowment Policy No. 64,925.

Issued in 1871, at age 27.Premium. $239.90.


at End of Tontine Period in 1891 :

Cash Surrender Value. $8,449.45

(Equal to $176.10 for each $100 paid in premiums, which is

. turn of all premiums paid, with interest at 74, per cent.. . Or, in lieu of cash,

A Paid-u- p Life Policy for $19,470

fEaual to $405.80 for each $100 paid in premiums.)Or,

A Life Annuity of $633.55.

ALEX. J.OARTWRIGHT,. Haiian Islands. Eauitable Life Assurance So--

uenerai Agent u m -cietj of the U. S.

Telephones, No, 175- .- :



California Wheat. Oat Hay, in large and compressed bates; Barley, Rolled

AGround Barley, California A New Zealand Oats, Middlings, Bran, Corn,- Cracked Corn, Wheat, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. Also,

. Drifted Snow and Victor Flour !

.iPEBTILIZKKSiconstantly in stock the celebrated Fertilizer, manufactured by Mr.

J K of San Francisco, viz.: B ne Meal, Wool Dust and HiKh Grade

Super Phosphates, all of which can be had at bedrock priees.

gOf Inland orders solicited and