dante’s inferno by: dante alighieridante alighieri

Dante’s Inferno By: Dante Alighi eri

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Page 1: Dante’s Inferno By: Dante AlighieriDante Alighieri

Dante’s InfernoBy: Dante Alighieri

Page 2: Dante’s Inferno By: Dante AlighieriDante Alighieri

Dante Alighieri

• Lived 1265-1321 (56 years)

• Arranged to marry at 12 years old

• Fell in love with Beatrice

• Politician then writer

Page 3: Dante’s Inferno By: Dante AlighieriDante Alighieri

The Poem contains 100 (the perfect number) cantos or chapters and nine levels of hell

• Dante is exiled from Florence, but he believes the city ROME is the most important.

• Dante is exiled from Florence, but he believes the city ROME is the most important.

Page 4: Dante’s Inferno By: Dante AlighieriDante Alighieri

Abandon all Hope..

• Inferno (Italian for "Hell") is the first part of Dante Alighieri's 14th-century epic poem Divine Comedy.

• It is an allegory telling of the journey of Dante through what is largely the medieval concept of Hell,

• He is guided by the Roman poet Virgil who represents REASON.

Page 5: Dante’s Inferno By: Dante AlighieriDante Alighieri

What do you imagine hell to be like?

Can you imagine a hellish journey on earth?

Page 6: Dante’s Inferno By: Dante AlighieriDante Alighieri

Hell is depicted as nine circles of suffering located within the Earth.

• Allegorically, the Divine Comedy represents the journey of the soul towards God.

• The Inferno describes the recognition and rejection of sin.

Page 7: Dante’s Inferno By: Dante AlighieriDante Alighieri

Numbers……….• Tercets :

– Three line stanzas and use a rhyming scheme called terza rima

The number 3 is important because it relates to the Christian Trinity

Page 8: Dante’s Inferno By: Dante AlighieriDante Alighieri

The poem is divided into 3 parts:• 1 = Inferno; punishment

of sin

• 2 = Purgatory; hope for salvation

• 3 = Pardiso; love of the Holy Spirit or heaven, where Beatrice resides; she represents love and faith and aides Dante to the 9th circle

• 1 = Inferno; punishment of sin

• 2 = Purgatory; hope for salvation

• 3 = Pardiso; love of the Holy Spirit or heaven, where Beatrice resides; she represents love and faith and aides Dante to the 9th circle

• Virgil died before Christ was born, therefore, he lives with eternal longing but without hope,

Page 9: Dante’s Inferno By: Dante AlighieriDante Alighieri

Three beasts (a lion, a leopard, and a she-wolf) he cannot escape

Page 10: Dante’s Inferno By: Dante AlighieriDante Alighieri

The inscription above the entrance of hell reads……..

• Beyond here lies eternal pain• Justice demanded the making of hell• The gates are unlocked on “Judgment day”


Page 11: Dante’s Inferno By: Dante AlighieriDante Alighieri

First circle (Limbo)• In Limbo reside the

unbaptized and the virtuous pagans, who, though not sinful, did not accept Christ or who lived before Christ.

Page 12: Dante’s Inferno By: Dante AlighieriDante Alighieri

Second circle (lust) Minos rows everyone across a river…..

• Sensual love.• Lusting


*Francesca and Paolo are murdered lovers.

Page 13: Dante’s Inferno By: Dante AlighieriDante Alighieri

Third circle (gluttony)

• Overindulgence on food, drink, and other kinds of addiction.

Page 14: Dante’s Inferno By: Dante AlighieriDante Alighieri

Fourth circle (greed)

• Hoarding possessions.

• Keeping everything for yourself.

Page 15: Dante’s Inferno By: Dante AlighieriDante Alighieri

Fifth circle (anger)

• Fighting• Rage!• Animosity• Violence

• Fighting• Rage!• Animosity• Violence

Page 16: Dante’s Inferno By: Dante AlighieriDante Alighieri

Sixth circle (heresy)

• Any opinion or belief that opposes a widely believed theory.

• “I don’t believe in pigeons.”

Page 17: Dante’s Inferno By: Dante AlighieriDante Alighieri

Seventh circle (violence) Against people, property , self, or God

Seventh circle (violence) Against people, property , self, or God

Page 18: Dante’s Inferno By: Dante AlighieriDante Alighieri

Eighth Circle - Fraud

• Seducers/flatters• Sorcerers• Hypocrites• Thieves• Imposters

Page 19: Dante’s Inferno By: Dante AlighieriDante Alighieri

Ninth Circle – Treachery & Treason

• Cain – traitors to blood relatives • Antenora – traitors to country• Ptolomea – traitors to guests• Judecca – traitors to masters

Cocytus: Frozen lake made of the tears of the sins of humanity.

Page 20: Dante’s Inferno By: Dante AlighieriDante Alighieri


Page 21: Dante’s Inferno By: Dante AlighieriDante Alighieri


Page 22: Dante’s Inferno By: Dante AlighieriDante Alighieri

• Dante views Hell as a frozen place

• Lucifer has the following: great wings, three faces, a giant body

• Lucifer has the following: great wings, three faces, a giant body

Lucifer “chews” on Brutus, Judas, Cassius

Page 23: Dante’s Inferno By: Dante AlighieriDante Alighieri

Vocabulary – use both sheets and..• People to


– Charon: ferries souls across river

– Ruggieri: tortured Ugolin and sons

– Minos: positioned sinners in hell

– Friar Alberigo: murdered his brother and son

• People to Remember:

– Charon: ferries souls across river

– Ruggieri: tortured Ugolin and sons

– Minos: positioned sinners in hell

– Friar Alberigo: murdered his brother and son

• Places to Remember:Places to Remember:

– Acheron: a river

– Caina: Level 2

– Opportunist: vestible

• Places to Remember:Places to Remember:

– Acheron: a river

– Caina: Level 2

– Opportunist: vestible