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Dashboard Manual





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Contents Introduction ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4

The ICDS-CAS Dashboard .................................................................................................................................................... 5

Log-In Instructions for the ICDS-CAS Dashboard ................................................................................................................ 7

Steps to Navigate the ICDS-CAS Dashboard and Description of Indicators ...................................................................... 8

Dashboard data population in accordance with Training Rollout ................................................................................... 37

Interpreting Reports and Data-Driven Decision-Making ................................................................................................. 38

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List of Figures

Figure 1: Dashboard reporting structure ............................................................................................................................ 4

Figure 2: How is data being sent to the dashboard ........................................................................................................... 5

Figure 3: Log in Instructions for ICDS-CAS Dashboard ....................................................................................................... 7

Figure 4: Main Dashboard - Month Dropdown ................................................................................................................ 10

Figure 5: View of the Main Dashboard when you drill down to the next administrative level ..................................... 11

Figure 6: Nutrition Status Dashboard ............................................................................................................................... 14

Figure 7: Operational Status Dashboard .......................................................................................................................... 17

Figure 8: System Usage Dashboard .................................................................................................................................. 20

Figure 9: Nutrition Detail at National Level ...................................................................................................................... 23

Figure 10: Nutrition Detail at District Level ...................................................................................................................... 24

Figure 11: IYCF and NBW Details ...................................................................................................................................... 27

Figure 12: AWC info Dashboard ........................................................................................................................................ 30

Figure 13: Demographics Dashboard ................................................................................................................................ 33

Figure 14: Selecting the Location ...................................................................................................................................... 35

Figure 15: Annual Population Summary and Identification of Disabled Children .......................................................... 36

Figure 16: Details of Births and Deaths during the month .............................................................................................. 36

Figure 17: Dashboard indicators at the end of each training phase ................................................................................ 37

Figure 18: Snapshot View showing % of AWWs active .................................................................................................... 38

Figure 19: Navigating to System Usage Dashboard ......................................................................................................... 38

Figure 20: Using tooltip to understand bar chart on System Usage Dashboard ............................................................. 39

Figure 21: Snapshot view of % Underweight on Main Dashboard .................................................................................. 40

Figure 23: View tooltip, Click State and loading drill down ............................................................................................. 41

Figure 22: View of Nutrition Status at National Level ...................................................................................................... 41

Figure 24: Drilldown to districts ........................................................................................................................................ 42

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ICDS is an important program for meeting the holistic needs of children, pregnant women and lactating mothers. The

Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD) is implementing a Real Time Monitoring System (RTM) for

improving the service delivery and ensuring better supervision of ICDS Scheme by deploying the ICDS-Common

Application Software (CAS) solution across Anganwadi Centers (AWCs) in the ISSNIP States.

ICDS-CAS with automation of 10 out of 11 ICDS registers, shall enable us to achieve the following objectives:

Name-based registration of ICDS beneficiaries in each AWC catchment area

Improve AWW efficiency and effectiveness by embedding job aids and tools in their mobile phones (e.g.

Nutrition Counseling of Pregnant Women, Infant and Young Child Feeding practices, etc.)

Monitor timelines and quality of service delivered to the beneficiaries by AWW

Provide reports and dashboards with real time information to various stakeholders for prompt action and


This manual is designed to help the government (from the National level to the block level) to use the ICDS-CAS

Dashboard on their computers to view real time information collected by the Anganwadi workers on their phones and

provide timely supportive supervision.

Figure 1: Dashboard reporting structure

AWC level Mobile Reports

Sector Specific Mobile Reports

Block Specific Web Reports

District Specific Web Reports

State Specific Web Reports

National Level

Web Reports MWCD

State ICDS

District Programme


Child Development Project Officer

Supervisor (Sector level)


(Village level)

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The ICDS-CAS Dashboard

The ICDS-CAS Dashboard has been created for use by MWCD officials at the National, State, District and Block Levels to

be able to access real time information in order to:

1. View raw data submitted by AWWs and Lady Supervisors in a useful and easily understandable manner

2. Monitor and evaluate ICDS indicators in order to view progress and identify problem areas

3. Supervise the functioning of the ICDS program

4. Make prompt data-driven decisions to improve service delivery

The ICDS-CAS Dashboard visualizes data on indicators that are further categorized under the following reports:

Main Dashboard-provides a high level snapshot view of the major ICDS indicators

Nutrition Dashboard- displays an overview of the nutrition status of children up to the age of 6 years in the

ICDS program

Operational Status- provides an overview of the major functions and activities of AWCs

System Usage- displays data on the overall usage of the ICDS-CAS applications

Nutrition Detail- displays underweight status and related indicators and allows you to filter by age, caste, etc.

Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices (IYCF) Detail- displays IYCF and related indicators and allows you to

filter by age, caste, etc.

Newborn Low Birth Weight (LBW) - displays newborn LBW and related indicators and allows you to filter by

age, caste, etc.

AWC Information- will display a detailed view for a single AWC

Demographics- provides details on beneficiaries at a chosen AWC

Figure 2: How is data being sent to the dashboard

The above diagram is helpful in understanding the workflow of ICDS-CAS in order to outline how the data reaches the

ICDS-CAS Dashboard. Data is collected by AWWs and Supervisors from beneficiaries during home visits and AWC visits

and synced with a central server. The ICDS-CAS dashboard is populated with data from the central server. The

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dashboard can be accessed by all Block Helpdesk, CDPO Office (Block level), DPO Office (District Level), State ICDS

Directorate (State Level) and Centre (National Level). Each of these administrative levels can access information

relevant to that particular level in order to monitor and evaluate the ICDS program.

When is data being sent to the Dashboard

Data is sent to the central servers to update the Dashboards in real time. Reports displayed on the dashboards will be

continuously updated with data from forms submitted by AWWs and Supervisors. However, the data displayed will be

in accordance with the reporting period. Thus the dashboards will look more populated towards the end of the month

(as more forms are submitted by AWWs and Supervisors) than at the beginning of the month. Dashboard users may

view up-to-date real time data at any time. However, to gather the most accurate picture of the ICDS program at the

beginning of a month, dashboard users must view data for the previous month.

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Log-In Instructions for the ICDS-CAS Dashboard

The ICDS-CAS Dashboard is a web based system. Each dashboard user will be given a username and password. Each

State should have completed the required process for uploading usernames (as per User Management Guidelines) and

the respective State Help Desk leads should share login credentials with each District and Block Help Desk lead.

The URL for accessing ICDS-CAS Dashboard is: www.icds-cas.gov.in/a/icds-cas. Navigate to this URL on your web


Note: The most suitable browser to view Dashboards is Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

- You will be prompted to sign in

- Enter the dashboard username and password as communicated to you

- Click on Reports View All

- Click on ICDS-CAS Dashboard to view the Dashboard

- You have now entered the Main Dashboard

Figure 3: Log in Instructions for ICDS-CAS Dashboard

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Steps to Navigate the ICDS-CAS Dashboard and Description of Indicators

This section of this manual provides information on how to navigate the various reports available on the ICDS-CAS

Dashboard and what information can be found in each report. This includes a detailed description of all the indicators

that are displayed on each of the reports of the ICDS-CAS Dashboard. The data for these reports are collected on the

ICDS-CAS AWW Application as well as the Lady Supervisor Application.

The following table outlines the terms referenced in this section in order to help understand how to navigate the


Time period:

The reports on the dashboard can be

viewed specific to a month. You may

select the month for which you wish

to view a report from the drop down

menu on the top right of the page.


The various charts and trends on the

dashboard are color coded to help

quicker and better understanding of

complex data.

Color codes are described on tooltips.

When you hover over a graph, tooltip

will automatically display.

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Various filter options are available in

order to view specific data. You may

select to apply various filters from the

available drop down menus to change

the data displayed.

Report Sections:

The Dashboard is divided into various

sections each representing a set of

indicators such as health and nutrition

or operational.

You can navigate to these sections by

choosing the section from the


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1. Main Dashboard

Once you have followed the log in instructions you will be able to view the ‘Main Dashboard’. The Main Dashboard

provides an overview of major ICDS Indicators. On the top right corner of the page, select from the drop down menu

the month for which you wish to view data.

Figure 4: Main Dashboard - Month Dropdown

On the Main dashboard you can see 4 large blue boxes overhead displaying a snapshot of some ICDS indicators: %

Underweight, % THR (Take Home Ration) Distribution, AWWs Active, Number of children, lactating mothers and

pregnant women (See figure 4).

Under these 4 sections information is available on Nutrition Status, AWC Functioning, Infant and Child Feeding and

AWC functioning indicators (%).

Place your mouse to hover over any of these sections (without clicking) in order to view a tooltip with more

information regarding the particular indicator and administrative level that you are viewing. Select and click on any

section to drill down and view the same data for the next administrative level. The administrative level that you have

drilled down to can be identified by the name of the State/District/Block/AWC name on the top right corner of the

report page. Continue selecting and clicking any chart to drill down right to the level of the AWC (See figure 5).

Month Dropdown

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Figure 5: View of the Main Dashboard when you drill down to the next administrative level

In order to view a different report, select the report you wish to view from the drop down menu available in the top

left corner.

Note: If you have used the drill down option on the main dashboard and then selected a different report from the

drop down menu, you will view the chosen report for the same administrative level that you had drilled down to. If

you wish to view a different report for a different administrative level you must select the blue ‘Reset Filtering’

button, before you select a different report from the drop down menu. This note is important to remember every

time you select a different report to view in the ICDS-CAS Dashboard. At any point of time you may also click the

‘Back’ button on your browser to go back to the previous administrative level and/or report being viewed.

This table provides a detailed description of the indicators that are displayed on the Main Dashboard.

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Table 1: Main Dashboard

Main Dashboard

Sub Report Indicator Definition Description




Underweight Status for


% of severely underweight

children in the given


Snapshot view of % of total

children in the ICDS program

who are underweight

% THR Distribution

% of THR Distribution in

the given region to

pregnant women,

lactating women and


Snapshot view of % total THR

distribution of THR for 21days

or more in the month

AWWs Active

An AWW is considered

active if they have sent

more than 15 forms in the


Snapshot view of % Active

AWWs and Number of Active


Number of Children,

Pregnant and Lactating


Total Beneficiaries of each


Total number of beneficiaries

of each type in the ICDS




WHO weight-for-age

standards defined by Z


Z scores are a WHO

defined indicator to

categorize children as

normal, moderately

underweight or severely

underweight based on

weight-for-age ratios

(from -3 to 3). Z scores are

directly proportional to

the increase in weight.

-Severely Underweight

(below -3 Z score):

Greater than 10% is red

Between 5%-10% is


Less than 5% is green

- Underweight (below -2 Z


Greater than 30% is red

Between 15-30% is orange

Less than 15% is green

Political Map shows 8 States

with color-coded areas

according to underweight

status as per the definition


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% of AWC who are

considered fully

functional, partially

functional and not


Fully functional is green

Partially Functional is


Not functional is red

Factors whether AWC opened

and children attended,

(Number of children 0-3 years

weighed in the given month)

and THR efficiency (% of

beneficiaries receiving 21

days or more of THR)

Infant and



% of children who were

breastfed within first


% of timely Introduction

to Solid or semi-solid

food (6 months to 8


% of women - exclusive

breastfeeding for 6


Breastfeeding within 1

hour of birth - % in blue

Complementary feeding -

% in orange

Exclusive breastfeeding -

% in green

This data is collected in the

AWW app during home visits

based on answers provided by

the beneficiaries.





Average PSE (Primary

School Education)

Attendance (Children

Attending 16 days or

more PSE)

Of all children up to 3

years of age in the AWC

catchment area, % of

children weighed

Of all eligible

beneficiaries (pregnant,

lactating, children), % of

beneficiaries who

received 21 days or

more THR

PSE Attendance in blue

Weighed Efficiency in


Take Home Rations in


Display of 3 AWC functioning

indicators individually

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2. Nutrition Status Dashboard

Click the blue ‘Reset Filtering’ button. Then select ‘Nutrition’ from the reports drop down menu on the top left of the

page. You should see the ‘Nutrition Status Dashboard’. This dashboard provides information on major nutrition

related ICDS indicators (see figure 6).

Figure 6: Nutrition Status Dashboard

Similar to the Main Dashboard, place your mouse to hover over any of these sections (without clicking) in order to

view a tooltip with more information regarding the particular indicator and administrative level that you are viewing.

Select and click on any section to drill down and view the same data for the next administrative level. The

administrative level that you have drilled down to can be identified by the name of the State/District/Block/AWC name

on the top right corner of the report page. Continue selecting and clicking any chart to drill down right to the level of

the AWC.

In order to view a different report, select the report you wish to view from the drop down menu available in the top

left corner.

This table provides a detailed description of the indicators that are displayed on the Nutrition Dashboard.

Table 2: Nutrition Dashboard

Nutrition Dashboard Sub Report Indicator Definition Description

Demographics Children by Gender Number of Children by


Pie chart to display

proportion of male and

female children in ICDS


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Children by Age

Age categories are-

0-28 days

28 days to 6 months

6-12 months

12-24 months

24-36 months

36-48 months

48-60 months

60-72 months

Bar chart to show proportion

of total children in ICDS

program by category of age

Eligible Women Pregnant and Lactating


Proportion of types of

women eligible to be in ICDS



Status and


Status Trend

WHO weight-for-age

standards by Z scores

Z scores are a WHO

defined indicator to

categorize children as

normal, moderately

underweight or severely

underweight based on

weight-for-age ratios

(from -3 to 3). Z scores

are directly proportional

to the increase in weight.

-Severely Underweight

(below -3 Z score):

Greater than 10% is red

Between 5%-10% is


Less than 5% is green

- Underweight (below -2 Z


Greater than 30% is red

Between 15-30% is


Less than 15% is green

Political Map shows 8 States

with color-coded areas

according to underweight

status as per the definition


Nutrition Status Trend shows

the trend of % of normal,

moderate, and severely

underweight children over

last 3 months

Infant and

Young Child

Feeding and

Infant and

Young Child

% of children who were

breastfed within first


Breastfeeding at birth - %

in blue

This data is collected in the

AWW app during home visits

based on answers provided

by the beneficiaries.

The chart shows the % of

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Feeding Trend % of timely Introduction

to Solid or semi-solid

food (6 months to 8


% of women - exclusive

breastfeeding for 6


Complementary feeding -

% in orange

Exclusive breastfeeding -

% in green

children Breast Feeding

(BF)at Birth, Complimentary

Feeding (CF), and Exclusive

Breast Feeding (EBF) by


The trend shows the % of

children BF at Birth, CF, and

EBF for the last 3 months.


with Low

Birth Weight

Chart and


LBW Trend

Of all newborn children

born in the month, % of

children who are Low

Birth Weight

Low Birth Weight (LBW) is

defined as below 2500


Chart shows the % of children

who are born LBW in the

current month.

Trend shows % of children

who are born LBW in the last

3 months.





Chart and




Of all delivered women,

% of ANC completion

(Split by 4 ANC Visits)

ANC 1 is blue

ANC 2 is orange

ANC 3 is green

ANC 4 is red

Chart shows the % of ANC

completion by ANC visit of all

delivered women.

Trend shows the % of ANC

completion by ANC visit of all

delivered women for last 3


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3. Operational Status Dashboard

Click the blue ‘Reset Filtering’ button. Then select ‘Operational’ from the reports drop down menu on the top left of

the page. You should see the ‘Operational Status Dashboard’. This dashboard provides information on major

operational ICDS indicators in order to track the progress and functioning of the ICDS program (see figure 7).

Figure 7: Operational Status Dashboard

Similar to the Main Dashboard and Nutrition Dashboard, place your mouse to hover over any of these sections

(without clicking) in order to view a tooltip with more information regarding the particular indicator and

administrative level that you are viewing. Select and click on any section to drill down and view the same data for the

next administrative level. The administrative level that you have drilled down to can be identified by the name of the

State/District/Block/AWC name on the top right of the corner of the report page. Continue selecting and clicking any

chart to drill down right to the AWC level.

This table provides a detailed description of the indicators that are displayed on the Operational Status Dashboard.

Table 3: Operational Status Dashboard

Operational Status Dashboard Sub Report Indicator Definition Description

Take Home


Chart and

Take Home



Beneficiaries receiving

> 21 days of THR

Greater than 70% of

beneficiaries receive 21+

days of ration is green

Less than 70% of

beneficiaries receive 21+

days of ration is red

Bar chart shows the %

receiving>21 days of ration by


Trend shows % receiving>21

days of ration in the last 3

months for children (blue),

lactating mothers (orange), and

pregnant women (green).

Weighing Of all children up to 3 More than 70% children Chart shows all children up to 3

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Chart and




years of age in the

AWC catchment area,

% of children weighed

weighed in the month is


Less than 70% of

children weighed in the

month is red

years of age in the AWC

catchment area, % of children

weighed by


Trend shows all children up to 3

years of age in the AWC

catchment area, % of children

weighed in last 3 months


Average number of

Days AWC is Open

Open for 21 or more

days is green

Open for less than 21

days is red

Bar chart shows average number

of days AWC is open per month

Reasons for Days Not


The different reasons for

days not open are-

Government work



No Help


No data

Bar chart shows distribution of

reasons for days AWC was not

open per month

Average PSE


Attendance is

determined by % of

eligible children who

attended PSE for 16 days

or more per month

More than 50%

attendance is green

Less than 50%

attendance is red

The bar chart shows % of eligible

children who attended at least

16 days of PSE per month of the

25 days that the AWC is

mandated to be open per


% of days’ services


Of the 25 days of AWC

services, the % of days

when the following

services were provided:

Hot meal

Primary School

Education (PSE)

Take Home Rations

Bar chart shows the comparison

of % of days out of 25 days of

AWC activity that hot meal, PSE,

THR were provided

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% of Home Visit

Targets Met

Each AWW has a set

target of 65 home visits

per month

More than 65 home

visits per month is green

Less than 65 home visits

per month is red

Bar chart shows comparison of %

of home visit targets that were

met for the month

% visited by Lady

Supervisor in a month

Supervision is measured

by lady supervision visits

to the AWC in a month

Bar chart shows the % of AWCs

that were visited by lady

Supervisors in a given month.

This data is received from the

Lady Supervisors when they fill

out the AWC visit forms after

each visit

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4. System Usage Dashboard

Click the blue ‘Reset Filtering’ button. Then select ‘System Usage’ from the reports drop down menu on the top left of

the page. You should see the ‘System Usage Dashboard’. This dashboard provides information on usage of the ICDS-

CAS applications (see figure 8).

Figure 8: System Usage Dashboard

Similar to the Main Dashboard and Nutrition Dashboard, place your mouse to hover over any of these sections

(without clicking) in order to view a tooltip with more information regarding the particular indicator and

administrative level that you are viewing. Select and click on any section to drill down and view the same data for the

next administrative level. The administrative level that you have drilled down to can be identified by the name of the

State/District/Block/AWC name on the top right of the corner of the report page. Continue selecting and clicking any

chart to drill down right to the AWC level.

This table provides a detailed description of the indicators that are displayed on the System Usage Dashboard.

Table 4: System Usage Dashboard

System Usage Dashboard Sub Report Indicator Definition Description


AWWs chart

and Active

% of AWWs active in

the given month

An AWW is considered

active if they have sent

more than 15 forms in

Bar chart shows the % of Active

AWWs in the given month

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the month

More than 75% of users

are active is green

Less than 75% of users

are active is red

The trend shows the % of Active

AWWs for the last 3 months



Average time of day

that Daily Feeding

form is submitted

Average time of day that

daily feeding form is

submitted is plotted as a

blue dot. The blue

section seen on the

graph is the time range in

which the daily feeding

form should be


The daily feeding form is

submitted once a day at every

AWC. This indicator plots a

graph of the average time of day

that the Daily Feeding form is

submitted by


Average Time of Day-

Home Visits

Average time of day that

home visits are done is

plotted as a blue dot. The

blue section seen on the

graph is the time range in

which the home visit

forms should be


The home visit form should be

submitted by AWWs at every

home visit. This indicator plots a

graph of the average time of day

that the Home Visit Form is

submitted by


Home Visit Forms by


Birth Preparedness in red

Pre Natal Care in green

Exclusive Breastfeeding

in orange

Complementary Feeding

in blue

Chart shows proportions of the

4 types of Home Visit Forms

submitted of the total forms

submitted per month

Other Activity Forms

Due List in green

Take Home Rations in


Growth Monitoring in


Daily Attendance in red

Chart shows proportions of the

4 types of Other Activity forms

submitted of the total forms

submitted per month



Number of Form


An AWW is considered

inactive if they have sent

less than 15 forms in the

Only available at drill down to

the Sector (Supervisor) level

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A list of inactive AWWs,

number of forms

submitted and their

Supervisor name is seen

5. Nutrition Status Detail, IYCF Detail, LBW Detail

For all the following reports- ‘Nutrition Status Detail’, ‘Infant and Young Child Feeding Detail’, ‘Newborn Low Birth

Weight Detail’ make sure that you have drilled down to a different administrative level than when you logged in to the

Main Dashboard (For example, if you are a State Level user logged in at the State level, make sure to drill down to

District, Block, or Sector level). After you have drilled down, select one of the ‘Detail’ reports to view these specific

reports that show related indicators.


On all the ‘Detail’ reports, you will find a panel on the right of multiple drop down menus. These drop downs are filters

available to view selected data from the reports as per the requirements of the dashboard user. Some of the available

filters are age, gender, caste, minority, disability, resident type, and/or beneficiary type.

You can click on any of the filter options and select the desired filter and the Dashboard will

automatically start filtering to meet the filter conditions.

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5.1 Nutrition Status Detail:

Figure 9: Nutrition Detail at National Level

Similar to the previous Dashboards, place your mouse to hover over any of these sections (without clicking) in order to

view a tooltip with more information regarding the particular indicator and administrative level that you are viewing.

Select and click on any section to drill down and view the same data for the next administrative level. The

administrative level that you have drilled down to can be identified by the name of the State/District/Block/AWC name

on the top right of the corner of the report page. Click the ‘back’ option on your browser in order to go to a previous

administrative level. Continue selecting and clicking any chart to drill down right to the AWC level (see figure 9 and


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Figure 10: Nutrition Detail at District Level

This table provides a detailed description of the indicators that are displayed on the Nutrition Status Detail Dashboard.

Table 5: Nutrition Status Detail Dashboard

Nutrition Status Detail Dashboard Sub Report Indicator Definition Description


Status and


Status Trend

WHO weight-for-age

standards by Z scores

Z scores are a WHO

defined indicator to

categorize children as

normal, moderately

underweight or severely

underweight based on

weight-for-age ratios

(from -3 to 3). Z scores

are directly proportional

to the increase in weight.

-Severely Underweight

(below -3 Z score):

Greater than 10% is red

Between 5%-10% is


Less than 5% is green

- Underweight (below -2

Political Map shows 8 States with

color-coded areas according to

underweight status as per the

definition provided.

Nutrition Status Trend shows the

trend of % of normal, moderate,

and severely underweight

children over last 3 months

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Z score):

Greater than 30% is red

Between 15-30% is


Less than 15% is green

Take Home


Chart and

Take Home



Beneficiaries receiving

> 21 days of THR

Greater than 70% of

beneficiaries receive 21+

days of ration is green

Less than 70% of

beneficiaries receive 21+

days of ration is red

Bar chart shows the %

receiving>21 days of ration by


Trend shows % receiving>21

days of ration the last 3 months

for children (blue), lactating

mothers (orange), and pregnant

women (green).

Infant and

Young Child

Feeding and

Infant and

Young Child



% of children who

were breastfed within

first hour

% of timely

Introduction to Solid or

semi-solid food (6

months to 8 months)

% of women-exclusive

breastfeeding for 6


Breastfeeding at birth -

% in blue

Complementary feeding

- % in orange

Exclusive breastfeeding -

% in green

This data is collected in the

AWW app during home visits

based on answers provided by

the beneficiaries.

The chart shows the % of

children BF at Birth, CF, and EBF

by month

The trend shows the % of

children BF at Birth, CF, and EBF

for the last 3 months



% of Pregnant women

counseled on Birth

Preparedness (during

Home visit)

More than 50% of

pregnant women

counselled on immediate

breastfeeding after birth

is green

Less than 50% of

pregnant women

counselled on immediate

breastfeeding after birth

is red

The chart shows the % of

pregnant women who were

counselled on Birth

preparedness during home visit

% of Pregnant women

counseled on Exclusive

Breastfeeding (during

Home Visit)

More than 50% of EBF

eligible mothers

counselled on EBF is


The chart shows the % of

pregnant women who were

counselled on EBF during home


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Less than 50% of EBF

eligible children’s

mothers counselled on

EBF is red



Chart and




% of children

consuming at least 4

food groups (during

Home Visit)

More than 50% of

children eating diverse

diet is green

Less than 50% of

children eating diverse

diet is red

Chart shows the % of children

eating diverse diet as recorded

during home visits by the AWW

Trend shows the % of children

eating diverse diet for last 3




Chart and




% of children

consuming adequate

food (during Home


More than 50% of

children eating adequate

food for their age is


Less than 50% of

children eating adequate

food for their age is red

Chart shows the % of children

eating adequate food as

recorded during home visits by

the AWW

Trend shows the % of children

eating adequate food for last 3


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5.2 IYCF Detail, NBW Detail:

Similarly, you can view other detailed reports (Infant and Young Child Feeding Detail’, ‘Newborn Low Birth Weight

Detail’) and drill all the way down to the AWC and get an AWC specific view (see figure 11).

Figure 11: IYCF and NBW Details

The following tables provide a detailed description of the indicators that are displayed on the IYCF Detail and Newborn

LBW Detail Dashboards.

Table 6: Infant and Young Child Feeding Detail Practices Dashboard

Infant and Young Child Feeding Detail Practices Dashboard Sub Report Indicator Definition Description

Infant and

Young Child

Feeding and

Infant and

Young Child



% of children who were

breastfed within first


% of timely Introduction

to Solid or semi-solid

food (6 months to 8


% of women - exclusive

breastfeeding for 6


Breastfeeding at birth - %

in blue

Complementary feeding -

% in orange

Exclusive breastfeeding -

%in green

This data is collected in the

AWW app during home visits

based on answers provided

by the beneficiaries.

The chart shows the % of

children BF at Birth, CF, and

EBF by month

The trend shows the % of

children BF at Birth, CF, and

EBF for the last 3 months

Left: Relational Indicators for Low Birth Weight Detail

Report drilled down to the block level

Above: Relational indicators for IYCF Detail Report

drilled down to the sector supervisor level

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% of Pregnant women

counseled on Birth

Preparedness (during

Home visit)

More than 50% of

pregnant women

counselled on immediate

breastfeeding after birth

is green

Less than 50% of pregnant

women counselled on

immediate breastfeeding

after birth is red

The chart shows the % of

pregnant women who were

counselled on Birth

preparedness during home


% of Pregnant women

counseled on Exclusive

Breastfeeding (during

Home Visit)

More than 50% of EBF

eligible mothers

counselled on EBF is green

Less than 50% of EBF

eligible children’s mothers

counselled on EBF is red

The chart shows the % of

pregnant women who were

counselled on EBF during

home visit

Diet Diversity

Chart and

Diet Diversity


% of children consuming

at least 4 food groups

(during Home Visit)

More than 50% of

children eating diverse

diet is green

Less than 50% of children

eating diverse diet is red

Chart shows the % of children

eating diverse diet as

recorded during home visits

by the AWW

Trend shows the % of

children eating diverse diet

for last 3 months

Diet Quantity

Chart and

Diet Quantity


% of children consuming

adequate food (during

Home Visit)

More than 50% of

children eating adequate

food for their age is green

Less than 50% of children

eating adequate food for

their age is red

Chart shows the % of children

eating adequate food as

recorded during home visits

by the AWW

Trend shows the % of

children eating adequate

food for last 3 months


% of Mothers

handwashing before


More than 50% of

complementary feeding

eligible children’s mothers

washed hands before

feeding is green

Less than 50% of

complementary feeding

The graph on the left shows %

of mothers handwashing

before feeding.

The graph on the right shows

a trend line for the indicator

over last 3 months.

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eligible children’s mothers

washed hands before

feeding is red

Table 7: Low Birth Weight Detail Dashboard

Low Birth Weight Detail Dashboard Sub Report Indicator Definition Description


Low Birth

Weight Chart



Low Birth



Of all newborn children

born in the month, % of

children who are Low

Birth Weight

Low Birth Weight is

defined as below 2500


More than 25% low birth

weight is red

Less than 25% low birth

weight is green

The chart shows the % of

newborn babies born with low

birth weight in the given month

The trend shows the % of

newborn babies born with low

birth weight in the last 3




Chart and




Of all delivered women,

% of ANC completion

(Split by 4 ANC Visits)

ANC 1 is blue

ANC 2 is orange

ANC 3 is green

ANC 4 is red

Chart shows the % of ANC

completion by ANC visit of all

delivered women

Trend shows the % of ANC

completion by ANC visit of all

delivered women for last 3


Anemia and



IFA (Iron and

Folic Acid



and IFA


% of pregnant women


% of pregnant women

using IFA

Comparison of number of

pregnant women who are

anemic and of those

consuming IFA by month

Chart shows % of pregnant

women anemic in current

month and trend shows % of

pregnant women anemic in last

3 months

Chart shows % of pregnant

women consuming IFA in

current month and trend shows

% of pregnant women

consuming IFA in last 3 months

Extra meals



Chart and

% of women eating an

extra meal

Comparison of pregnant

women who are resting

well and eating extra

meals during pregnancy

Chart shows % of pregnant

women eating an extra meal in

this month and trend shows the

same indicator for last 3

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Resting Chart

and Trend

% of women resting well

during pregnancy

for the given month months

Chart shows % of pregnant

women resting well in this

month and trend shows the

same indicator for last 3


6. AWC Information and Demographics

In order to view the ‘AWC info’ and ‘Demographics’ reports, you must drill down to the AWC level when viewing any

of the previous reports.

6.1 AWC info Dashboard:

The ‘AWC info’ reports provide AWC information on a particular AWC that you select to view (see figure 12).

Figure 12: AWC info Dashboard

The AWC info includes indicators that demonstrate the functioning of the AWC and also shows a few infrastructure

details about the AWC such as functional toilet, medicine, clean water, baby scale, flat scale, and type of building.

The following tables provide a detailed description of the indicators that are displayed on the AWC Info Dashboard.

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Table 8: AWC Information

AWC Information Sub Report Indicator Definition Description

AWC- Days

Open per



number of days

AWC is Open

per week

An AWC is expected to

be open 6 days per


The bar chart shows the average number

of days a AWC is open per week on the x-

axis and the total number of days the

AWC should be open per week (6 days)


Status and


Status Trend

WHO weight-


standards by Z


Z scores are a WHO

defined indicator to

categorize children as

normal, moderately

underweight or

severely underweight

based on weight-for-

age ratios (from -3 to

3). Z scores are

directly proportional

to the increase in



Underweight (below -

3 Z score): Greater

than 10% is red

Between 5%-10% is


Less than 5% is green

- Underweight (below

-2 Z score):

Greater than 30% is


Between 15-30% is


Less than 15% is green

Political Map shows 8 States with color-

coded areas according to underweight

status as per the definition provided.

Nutrition Status Trend shows the trend of

% of normal, moderate, and severely

underweight children over last 3 months



Chart and




Of all children

up to 3 years of

age in the AWC


area, % of


More than 70%

children weighed in

the month is green

Less than 70% of

children weighed in

Chart shows % of all children up to 3

years of age in the AWC catchment area,

% of children weighed by


Trend shows % of all children up to 3

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weighed the month is red years of age in the AWC catchment area,

% of children weighed in last 3 months

Infant and

Young Child

Feeding and

Infant and

Young Child

Feeding Trend

% of children

who were


within first


% of timely

Introduction to

Solid or semi-

solid food (6

months to 8


% of women-



for 6 months

Breastfeeding at birth

- % in blue


feeding - % in orange


breastfeeding - % in


This data is collected in the AWW app

during home visits based on answers

provided by the beneficiaries.

The chart shows the % of children BF at

Birth, CF, and EBF by month

The trend shows the % of children BF at

Birth, CF, and EBF for the last 3 months



Chart and




Of all delivered

women, % of



(Split by 4 ANC


ANC 1 is blue

ANC 2 is orange

ANC 3 is green

ANC 4 is red

Chart shows the % of ANC completion by

ANC visit of all delivered women

Trend shows the % of ANC completion by

ANC visit of all delivered women for last 3



Submissions PSE Locations

The location at which

a primary school

education form is


Map of locations where PSE was done

(last 30 days)


Children by

Gender -

Pie chart to display proportion of male

and female children in ICDS program

Children by Age

Age categories are-

0-28 days

6-12 months

12-24 months

24-36 months

36-48 months

48-60 months

Bar chart to show proportion of total

children in ICDS program by category of


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60-72 months

Eligible Women Pregnant and

Lactating Women

Proportion of eligible women in the ICDS

program by type (Pregnant and lactating


6.2 Demographics Dashboard:

The ‘Demographics Dashboard’ provides information about the beneficiaries (children, pregnant women, and lactating

mothers) at each AWC. The page displays aggregate demographic data for the specific AWC and also provides a list of

beneficiaries names and a snapshot description of the beneficiaries (Name, Date of birth, Age, Sex, Immunization

Status, Last 3 months’ information on THR amounts, nutritional status, and type of diet) (see figure 13).

Figure 13: Demographics Dashboard

The following tables provide a detailed description of the indicators that are displayed on the Demographics


Table 9: Demographics

Demographics Sub Report Indicator Definition Description


Children by Gender -

Pie chart to display proportion

of male and female children in

ICDS program

Children by Age

Age categories are-

0-28 days

6-12 months

12-24 months

Bar chart to show proportion

of total children in ICDS

program by category of age

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24-36 months

36-48 months

48-60 months

60-72 months

Eligible Women Pregnant and Lactating


Proportion of types of women

eligible to be in ICDS program

Child List

Name - Name of child

Date of Birth - Date of Birth

Age In Months - Age In Months (at end of


Gender - Gender

Immunization Status

Whether the child was

fully immunized

(received all vaccinations

required within 1 year)

Fully Immunized Status of

child stated in the

‘Immunization’ column for

each child

Rations Distributed

Number of rations

provided for child in

chosen month

Number of rations provided

for child in chosen month

shown for last 3 months in the

column view for each child

Underweight Status Underweight Status of

child when last weighted

Underweight status (normal,

moderately underweight or

severely underweight) shown

for last 3 months in the

column view shown for last 3

months in the column view for

each child

Feeding Status -

Whether child was correctly

exclusively breastfeeding or

complementary feeding

(based on their age) shown for

the last 3 months in the

column view for each child

Pregnant and


Women List

Name - Name of woman

EDD - Expected date of delivery

ANC Visits - Number of ANC Visits

Using IFA - Whether woman used iron

folic at last visit

Anemia - Whether woman was anemic

at last visit

Date of Delivery - Date of delivery (if delivered)

Rations Distributed Number of rations Number of rations provided to

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provided to woman in

chosen month

woman in chosen month

shown in the table listing each


7. Monthly Progress Report (MPR) and Annual Status Report (ASR)

To access the web-based MPR or ASR, go to www.icds.gov.in/a/icds-cas. Login if required, then select the Reports and

then View All. Select Block MPR and Block ASR on the left side. Then select your month, and then your state, district

and block. To view data for your entire district, select “All” in the block dropdown.

You can also directly go to www.icds-cas.gov.in/a/icds-cas/reports/custom/mpr_report/ and www.icds-


ASR Screenshots:

a. Selecting the location (see figure 14)

Figure 14: Selecting the Location

b. Annual Population Summary and Identification of Disabled Children (see figure 15)

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Figure 15: Annual Population Summary and Identification of Disabled Children

c. Click the ‘apply’ button to load the report

MPR Screenshots:

a. Choosing the location to view MPR (similar to selecting location as in ASR)

b. Details of Births and Deaths During the month (see figure 16)

Figure 16: Details of Births and Deaths during the month

c. Click the ‘apply’ button to load the report

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Dashboard data population in accordance with Training Rollout

Training on ICDS-CAS mobile application is given to Anganwadi Worker (AWW) and Lady Supervisor (LS) in a phased

manner. Training is covered in 4 stages and at each stage the AWW and LS are expected to fill out specific modules

and forms in the application.

As and when users fill information on the ICDS-CAS mobile application, data will start populating in the main

Dashboard. Below is a table that shows what indicators and data points one can start seeing at the end of each stage

of training (see figure 17).

Figure 17: Dashboard indicators at the end of each training phase

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Interpreting Reports and Data-Driven Decision-Making

The various reports available on the ICDS-CAS Dashboard display data on different parts of the ICDS program for

administrative officers to interpret as they see fit to the program. This section of the manual aims to provide some

support to administrative officials on how to interact with and understand the various reports available on the

dashboard in order to make data-driven decisions in the ICDS program.

In order to provide a detailed understanding of how to navigate the dashboard for use in decision-making to improve

service delivery of the ICDS program, two use-cases are presented here:

Case 1: Investigating factors contributing to low Active AWWs

A dashboard user at the National level is looking at the ‘Main Dashboard’ and observes that the snapshot view on

Active AWWs is less than 70% (See figure 18).

Figure 18: Snapshot View showing % of AWWs active

The user wishes to investigate this further and so selects the ‘System Usage Dashboard’ from the drop down menu on

the top left (see figure 19).

Figure 19: Navigating to System Usage Dashboard

On the ‘System Usage Dashboard’ the user observes that 4 States are colored red on the bar chart. Using the tooltip by

hovering over the bar chart, the dashboard user understands that less than 75% of AWW app users are active (see

figure 20).

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Figure 20: Using tooltip to understand bar chart on System Usage Dashboard

User wishes to investigate the factors contributing to low Active AWWs in these 4 States. At this point, the dashboard

user may brainstorm the reasons for low Active AWWs. Some reasons maybe:

Lack of use of ICDS-CAS AWW application (due to lack of knowledge on how to use system, device related

issues, lack of data/connectivity of phones, lack of motivation to use ICDS-CAS apps)

Infrastructure related challenges at AWCs

Infrastructure related issues in the area (lack of roads, flooding, etc.)

Brainstorming reasons when looking at the data displayed will help in investigating the data and better inform

monitoring, evaluation, and service delivery of the ICDS program

In order to further investigate this issue, the dashboard user may:

1) Drill down on the ‘Active AWWs’ Chart on the ‘System Usage Dashboard’ to the District, Block, Sector, AWC

level to identify all the low performing areas. Observe how the rest of the data displayed on related indicators

changes, at each point of drill down.

2) The user may also view the data for the previous month and see if the displayed data changes considerably.

Viewing drill down data between the previous month and current month may give insight into low number of

Active AWWs.

3) Access a different report such as ‘Operational Status Dashboard’ to view a related indicator eg. Avg. Days

Open to understand if lack of submission of forms may be due to challenges in opening the AWC or Avg. PSE

Attendance to understand if AWC activities have stopped due to lack of attendance, etc. Take action based on

this data to contact relevant officials such as DPO, CDPO (who can also view this data on the Dashboard) to

understand the causes for inactive users.

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4) Drill down to the block level for a State with low Active AWWs, scroll to the bottom of the ‘System Usage

Dashboard’ to view a list of Inactive AWWs. Contact relevant officials such as DPO, CDPO (who can also view

this data on the Dashboard) to understand the causes for inactive users.

Case 2: Investigating factors contributing to low % Underweight

A dashboard user at the National level will first observe on the Main Dashboard, the snapshot view of % Underweight

is 30%. In order to understand the factors contributing to this low number, you can first get an overview on the Main

Dashboard and then dive deeper into the dashboard for a detailed view to identify and target areas that require more


Continue looking at the Main Dashboard, under the sub-report ‘Nutrition Status’. On the map you find States are

colored differently (see figure 21).

Figure 21: Snapshot view of % Underweight on Main Dashboard

You find one State is orange colored and understand that this means the particular State has at least 5% Severely

Underweight children or 15% Moderately Underweight children (see figure 22).

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To investigate this further, drill down on the orange colored State by clicking on it to view a district level map (see

figure 23 and 24).

Figure 23: View tooltip, Click State and loading drill down

Figure 22: View of Nutrition Status at National Level

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Figure 24: Drilldown to districts

First brainstorm various reasons for low % Underweight. Some reasons maybe:

Lack of THR supplies

Poor counseling by AWWs

Low attendance at AWCs to receive hot meals

Poor adoption of positive behaviors to improve nutrition (low rates of EBF, CF)

Environmental factors affecting nutrition status of an area (Poor sanitation, lack of food access resulting in low

food diversity/quantity)

Brainstorming reasons when looking at the data displayed will help in investigating the data and better inform

monitoring, evaluation, and service delivery of the ICDS program

In order to further investigate this issue, the dashboard user may:

1) Drill down further on the ‘Nutrition Status’ sub report by clicking on a particular District, Block, Sector, and

AWC level. At each point, you may view the other sub-reports on the Dashboard (AWC functioning, Infant and

Child Feeding, and AWC functioning indicators) to see how the data changes based on the administrative level

that you are viewing.

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From here you can deduce that all AWCs in these blocks aren’t doing well. You can specifically follow up with CDPOs

of these blocks to understand more about the status.

2) You can specifically investigate nutrition indicators to identify the factors causing low % Underweight, by

accessing the ‘Nutrition Detail’ report from the drop down menu on the top left of the page. On the top left of

the Dashboard, you may select Nutrition Detail from the dropdown. Also observe trend lines displayed in

these reports to understand how the indicators may have changed over time and think about what that


When you drill down to Nutrition Detail, you can see the same Nutrition Status along with a trend line. This shows

not just what the recent month’s nutrition status is but also what has been the trend for the last 3 months. As a

Dashboard user you can deduce if the trend is upward or downward which should help you in good decision

making. In addition, you can see if this affects certain sub categories of beneficiaries, gender and/or other groups

by using the filter on the right.

Madhya Pradesh is Orange overall. The tooltip will

describe more information about why this is orange

On Drilling down to the district level one can see that

some districts are green, orange and red

Drill down further to see how blocks for one of the red

districts are doing. Here we see all blocks are red for

Nutrition Status. On the right, we see that for all blocks

the AWC Functioning report suggests they are Non


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3) To get a more comprehensive view, you may view the other sub-reports on the Nutrition Detail Dashboard

that includes nutrition related indicators (THR Chart & Trend, IYCF practices, Counseling indicators, Diet

diversity, and Diet Quantity). These reports present potential causes of why Nutrition Indicators are low.

Some examples below.

4) Based on this data, you may identify a specific nutrition related indicator that requires more attention. You

may further investigate by viewing IYCF Detail Dashboard, LBW Dashboard, AWC info or Demographic info. At

this point you may also contact the officials at the particular administrative level (DPO, CDPO) to enquire

about the AWC activities in that area. The DPO or CDPO may also view the data for their administrative

level/areas on the dashboard and follow up with the relevant Supervisors and AWWs.

5) If you are unable to identify any nutrition related factors that may be contributing to low % Underweight, you

may view other reports (Operational Status, System Usage) to explore reasons for low % Underweight.

Scrolling down on Nutrition Detail you can notice

that for the blocks that were red, there is

additional related indicators such as Infant and

Young Child Feeding practices and Counseling.

In this example you can notice that on average

only 40% of mothers have breastfed exclusively.

And in the counseling indicators, it is evident that

AWWs have only provided counseling to 30%-

34% of beneficiaries.

You can deduce that Child Practices indicators

are low considering counseling is low which is

impacting the overall nutrition status.