data analysis process

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SPC Statistical Process Control


  • Data analysis process

    Data collection and preparation

    Data collection and preparation

    Collect data

    Prepare codebook

    Set up structure of data

    Enter data

    Screen data for errors

    Exploration of data

    Exploration of data

    Descriptive Statistics



    Explore relationship

    between variables

    Compare groups

  • Collecting data

    Survey Using existing data


    Three steps to

  • Step 1: Setting your options: Edit>Options

    General tab Variable lists Output notification

    Raise viewer window Scroll to new output

    Output No scientific notation

    Session journal Append Browse set folder

    Data tab Calculate values

    immediately Display format for new

    numeric variables (make 0)

    Output labels Values and labels

    Charts tab Formatting charts

    Pivot Tables tab academic

  • Step 2: setting up the structure of the data fileVariable tab SPSS codebook Label versus name Types of variables Values of a variable Missing values Type of measurement

  • Step 3: enter the data

    Data view Entering data Opening an existing data set

    Using Excel Variable names in the first row Converting to SPSS format

  • Other useful things to know: Merging files

    Adding cases Adding variables

    Sorting the data file Splitting the data file Selecting cases Using sets (useful for large data files with

    scales) Data file information


    Two step to

  • Two steps:

    Step 1: checking for errors

    Categorical variables Analyze>descriptive

    statistics>frequencies Statistics: min/max

    Numerical variables analyze>descriptive

    statistics>descriptives Options: mean, std dev,

    min, max

    Step 2: finding and correcting the errors

    Method 1: sort cases Method 2: edit>find

  • Other useful thing for screening

    Case summaries1. Analyze>reports>case summaries2. Choose variables, limit cases to first 1003. Statistics: number of cases4. Options: uncheck subheadings for totals

  • Data analysis process

    Data collection and preparation

    Data collection and preparation

    Collect data

    Prepare codebook

    Set up structure of data

    Enter data

    Screen data for errors

    Exploration of data

    Exploration of data

    Descriptive Statistics



    Explore relationship

    between variables

    Compare groups


    Descriptive statistics and graphs

  • Descriptive statistics



    mean standard deviation minimum maximum skewness (symmetry) kurtosis (peakness)

  • Two potential problems with missing data:

    1. Large amount of missing data number of valid cases decreases drops the statistical power

    2. Nonrandom missing data either related to respondent characteristics and/or to respondent attitudes may create a bias

    Missing Data

  • Missing Data Analysis

    Examine missing data

    By variable By respondent By analysis

    If no problem found, go directly to your analysisIf a problem is found:

    Delete the cases with missing dataTry to estimate the value of the missing data

  • Use Analyze > Descriptive Statistics > Frequencies

    Look at the frequency tables to see how much missing

    If the amount is more than 5%, there is too much. Need analyze further.

    Amount of missing data by variable

  • 1. Use transform>count2. Create NMISS in the target variable3. Pick a set of variables that have more

    missing data4. Click on define values5. Click on system- or user-missing6. Click add7. Click continue and then ok8. Use the frequency table to show you

    the results of NMISS

    Missing data by respondent

  • Use Analyze>descriptive statistics>crosstabs

    Look to see if there is a correlation between NMISS (row) and another variable (column)

    Use column percents to view the % of missing for the value of the variable

    Missing data patterns

  • Proceed anyway In SPSS Options:

    Exclude case listwise include only cases that have all of the variables

    Exclude cases pairwise excludes only if the variables in the analysis is missing

    Replace with mean use at your own risk

    What to do about the missing data?

  • Assessing Normality

    Skewness and kurtosis Using Explore:

    Dependent variable Label cases by id variable Display both Statistics descriptives and outliers Plots descriptive: histogram, normality plots

    with test options exclude cases pairwise

  • 1. histogram

    2. boxplot


  • Other graphs

    Bar charts Scatterplots Line graphs

  • Recoding Calculating When to create a new variable versus

    creating a new one.

    Manipulating data

  • Data analysis process

    Data collection and preparation

    Data collection and preparation

    Collect data

    Prepare codebook

    Set up structure of data

    Enter data

    Screen data for errors

    Exploration of data

    Exploration of data

    Descriptive Statistics



    Explore relationship

    between variables

    Compare groups

  • Analysis Crosstabulation/Chi Square Correlation Regression/Multiple regression Logistic regression Factor analysis

    Explore relationships

    among variables

    Non-parametric statistics T-tests One-way analysis of variance

    ANOVA Two-way between groups ANOVA Multivariate analysis of variance


    Compare groups

  • Aim: for categorical data to see the relationship between two or more variables

    Procedure: Analyze>Descriptive statistics>Crosstab Statistics: correlation, Chi Square, association Cells: Percentages row or column Cluster bar charts


  • CorrelationAim: find out whether a relationship exists and

    determine its magnitude and directionCorrelation coefficients:

    Pearson product moment correlation coefficientSpearman rank order correlation coefficient

    Assumptions:relationship is linearHomoscedasticity: variability of DV should remain constant at all values of IV

  • Partial correlation

    Aim: to explore the relationship between two variables while statistically controlling for the effect of another variable that may be influencing the relationship

    Assumptions:same as correlation


  • RegressionAim: use after there is a significant correlation to find the

    appropriate linear model to predict DV (scale or ordinal) from one or more IV (scale or ordinal)

    Assumptions:sample size needs to be large enoughmulticollinearity and singularityoutliersnormalitylinearityhomoscedasticity

    Types:standardhierarchicalstepwise DV



  • Logistic regressionAim: create a model to predict DV (categorical 2

    or more categories) given one or more IV (categorical or numerical/scale)

    Assumptions:sample size large enoughmulticollinearityoutliers

    Procedure note:use Binary Logistic for DV of 2 categories (coding 0/1)use Multinomial Logistic for DV for more then 2 categories

  • Factor analysis

    Aim: to find what items (variables) clump together. Usually used to create subscales. Data reduction.

    Factor analysis:exploratoryconfirmatory

    SPSS -> Principal component analysis

  • Three steps of factor analysis

    1. Assessment of the suitability of the data for factor analysis

    2. Factor extraction3. Factor rotation and interpretation

  • 1. Assessment of the suitability

    1. Sample size: 10 to 1 ratio2. Strength of the relationship among

    variables (items) Test of Sphericity3. Linearity4. Outliers among cases

  • Step 2. Factor extraction1. Commonly used technique principal

    components analysis2. Kaisers criterion: only factors with

    eigenvalues of 1.0 or more are retained may give too many factors

    3. Scree test: plot of the eigenvalues, retain all the factors above the elbow

    4. Parallel analysis: compares the size of the eigenvalues with those obtained from randomly generated data set of the same size

  • Step 3: factor rotation and interpretation1. Orthogonal rotation

    1. uncorrelated2. Easier to interpret3. Varimax

    2. Oblique rotation1. Correlated2. Harder to interpret3. Direct Oblimin

  • Checking the reliability of a scale

    Analyze>Scale>Reliability Items Model: Alpha Scale label: name new subscale to be

    created Statistics:

    descriptives: item, scale, scale if item deleted Inter-item: correlations Summaries: correlations

  • Analysis Crosstabulation/Chi Square Correlation Regression/Multiple regression Logistic regression Factor analysis

    Explore relationships

    among variables

    Non-parametric statistics T-tests One-way analysis of variance ANOVA Two-way between groups ANOVA Multivariate analysis of variance


    Compare groups

  • Nonparametric testsNon-parametric techniques Parametric techniques

    Chi-square test for goodness of fit None

    Chi-square test for independence None

    Kappa measure of agreement None

    Mann-Whitney U Test Independent samples t-test

    Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test Paired samples t-test

    Kruskal-Wallis Test One-way between groups ANOVA

    Friedman Test One-way repeated measures ANOVA

  • Aim:Testing the differences between the means of two independent samples or groups

    Requirements: Only one independent (grouping) variable IV (ex. Gender) Only two levels for that IV (ex. Male or Female) Only one dependent variable (DV - numerical)

    Assumptions: Sampling distribution of the difference between the means is normally

    distributed Homogeneity of variances Tested by Levenes Test for Equality of

    Variances Procedure:

    ANALYZE>COMPARE MEANS>INDEPENDENT SAMPLES T-TEST Test variable DV Grouping variable IV DEFINE GROUPS (need to remember your coding of the IV) Can also divide a range by using a cut point

    T-test for independent groups

  • Aim:used in repeated measures or correlated groups designs, each subject is tested twice on the same variable, also matched pairs

    Requirements: Looking at two sets of data (ex. pre-test vs. post-test) Two sets of data must be obtained from the same subjects or

    from two matched groups of subjects

    Assumptions: Sampling distribution of the means is normally distributed Sampling distribution of the difference scores should be

    normally distributed


    Paired Samples T-test

  • Aim: looks at the means from several independent groups, extension of the independent sample t-test

    Requirements: Only one IV (categorical) More than two levels for that IV Only one DV (numerical)

    Assumptions: The populations that the sample are drawn are normally

    distributed Homogeneity of variances Observations are all independent of one another

    Procedure:ANALYZE>COMPARE MEANS>One-Way ANOVA Dependent List DV Factor IV

    One-way Analysis of Variance

  • Aim: test for main effect and interaction effects on the DV

    Requirements: Two IV (categorical variables) Only one DV (continuous variable)

    Procedure:ANALYZE>General Linear Model>Univariate Dependent List DV Fixed Factor IVs

    Two-way Analysis of Variance

  • MANOVAAim: extension of ANOVA when there is more

    than one DV (should be related)Assumptions:

    sample sizenormalityoutlierslinearityhomogeneity of regressionmulticollinearity and singularityhomogeneity of variance-covariance matrices

  • Data analysis process

    Data collection and preparation

    Collect data

    Prepare codebook

    Set up structure of data

    Enter data

    Screen data for errors

    Exploration of data

    Descriptive Statistics



    Explore relationship

    between variables

    Compare groups