data archiving presentation

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  • 8/17/2019 Data Archiving Presentation


    Data ArchivingData Archiving

    Prepared by

    Vimal Kumar V

  • 8/17/2019 Data Archiving Presentation


     Agenda AgendaSno Data Archiving Date


    1 Data Archiving Introduction &Concepts-Benefts & Scope o Data Archiving-Purpose o Data Archiving-ADK(Archive Developent Kit!

    2 Data Archiving Processes-Archiving Objects

    -ain Data Archiving processes-Archive Administration  ! Access via "A#A  ! $entral access to archive logs  ! Tables and Archiving objects  ! Archiving %n&ormation "ystem-Table Analysis ! Overvie'

    ( Accessing Archived Data )sing%n&ostructure-)sing Archiving %n&ormation "ystem-Document #elationship *ro'ser+D#*,-D#*-Display the relationship tree-#eloading Archived data

  • 8/17/2019 Data Archiving Presentation


    Data ArchivingData Archiving

  • 8/17/2019 Data Archiving Presentation


    Introduction to Data ArchivingIntroduction to Data ArchivingData Archiving plays a signicant role in the datamanagement o& an e-business system.

    %t permits data pertaining to closed business transactions to

    be relocated &rom the database 'ithout having to shutdo'nthe system.

    SA"A is the Transaction code to archive data.

    *enets / "cope o& Data Archiving

    Purpose o& Data Archiving

    ADK+Archive Development Kit,

  • 8/17/2019 Data Archiving Presentation


    Purpose of Data ArchivingPurpose of Data Archiving Application data that is no longer re0uired &or day-

    to-day business is relocated &rom database1 so thatdatabase resources are used more eciently.

    #esolves memory space and per&ormance problemscaused by large volumes o& transaction data.

    3nsures that data gro'th remains moderate so thatthe database remains manageable in the long term.

  • 8/17/2019 Data Archiving Presentation


    Scope of Data ArchivingScope of Data ArchivingData that is still re0uired is not deleted &rom thedatabase1 to ensure that the system chec4s thearchivability criteria &or individual archiving object.

    #$o-step ethodEnsure that errors do not lead to loss of data during archiving.

    First, The data is copied to archive files. Second, The archive file isfully written and has successfully read before deleting data frodatabase.

    Data Copression

    Data is compressed automatically during archiving.%eta data

    etadata is saved in the archive le along 'ith thedata1 so the archive can be read long a&ter it 'as created andeven a&ter system is upgraded.

  • 8/17/2019 Data Archiving Presentation


    !enefits of Data Archiving!enefits of Data Archiving Sste availa'ilit

    5aster and easier upgrade to higher so&t'are releases."horter runtime &or bac4up and recovery.

    "esource usage

    #educed hard'are costs &or Dis41 $P)1 emory as 'ell as

    administration costs

    "esponse ties

    %mproved system per&ormance and response timeonline.

  • 8/17/2019 Data Archiving Presentation


     Archive Developent "it #AD"$ Archive Developent "it #AD"$% The Archive Development Kit +ADK, is a tool &ordeveloping archiving solutions.

    %ADK is an intermediate layer bet'een the application

    program and the archive les that provides all the&unctions re0uired &or archiving data.

  • 8/17/2019 Data Archiving Presentation


     Agenda AgendaSno Data Archiving Date


    6 Data Archiving %ntroduction / $oncepts-*enets / "cope o& Data Archiving-Purpose o& Data Archiving-ADK+Archive Development Kit,

    Data Archiving Processes-Archiving )'*ects-%ain Data Archiving processes

    -Archive Adinistration  + Access via SA"A  + Central access to archive logs  + #a'les and Archiving o'*ects  + Archiving Inoration Sste- #a'le Analsis - )vervie$

    ( Accessing Archived Data )sing%n&ostructure-)sing Archiving %n&ormation "ystem-Document #elationship *ro'ser+D#*,-D#*-Display the relationship tree-#eloading Archived data

  • 8/17/2019 Data Archiving Presentation


    Data Archiving ProcessesData Archiving ProcessesData Archiving consists o& several successive sub-processes'hich together ma4e up the actual data archiving procedure.

    Archiving Objects

    ain Data Archiving Processes% 7riting data &rom D* to Archive

    % "toring Archive 5iles

    % Deleting data &rom D*

  • 8/17/2019 Data Archiving Presentation


     Archiving &b'ect Archiving &b'ect The Archiving object denes the unit that can be archived anddeleted &rom database as a 'hole. An archiving object representsbusiness object that has been enhanced to include thecomponents re0uired &or data archiving. The components are8

    Data declaration part

    Describes all data structures and database tablesthat characteri9e an application object

    Archiving progras

    % 7rite program

    % Delete program% Preprocessing program

    % #ead program

    % Post processing program

    % #eload program

    Custoi,ing settings

  • 8/17/2019 Data Archiving Presentation


    (ain Data Archiving Processes(ain Data Archiving ProcessesData Archiving is divided into &ollo'ing main processes

    riting data ro DB to Archive.

    Data to be archived is read &rom database and 'ritten

    se0uentially to the archive les.Deleting data ro DB.

    A&ter the data has been 'ritten to archive les1 thedelete program deleted the data &rom database. %n order toensure that the data has been archived properly1 the delete

    program rst reads the archive les.Storing Archive fles.

    Archive les created during the 'rite phase can betrans&erred to e:ternal storage system.

  • 8/17/2019 Data Archiving Presentation


     Archive Adinistration ) Archive Adinistration )

     Access via Transaction SA*A Access via Transaction SA*A

  • 8/17/2019 Data Archiving Presentation


     Archive Adinistration ) Archive Adinistration )

    +entral access to archive logs+entral access to archive logs

  • 8/17/2019 Data Archiving Presentation


     Archive Adinistration ) Archive Adinistration )

    Tables and Archiving &b'ectsTables and Archiving &b'ects

  • 8/17/2019 Data Archiving Presentation


     Archive Adinistration ) Archive Adinistration )

     Archive Inforation Syste Archive Inforation Syste

  • 8/17/2019 Data Archiving Presentation


    Table Analysis &verviewTable Analysis &verview  Table Analysis +Transaction TAA;A,

    Distribution o& table entries over selected elds1 e.g. periodo& time and

  • 8/17/2019 Data Archiving Presentation


     Agenda AgendaSno Data Archiving Date


    6Data Archiving %ntroduction / $oncepts-*enets / "cope o& Data Archiving-Purpose o& Data Archiving-ADK+Archive Development Kit,

    2 Data Archiving Processes-Archiving Objects-ain Data Archiving processes

    -Archive Administration  ! Access via "A#A  ! $entral access to archive logs  ! Tables and Archiving objects  ! Archiving %n&ormation "ystem-Table Analysis ! Overvie'

    /Accessing Archived Data 0singInostructure-0sing Archiving Inoration Sste-Docuent "elationshipBro$ser(D"B!-D"B-Displa the relationship tree-"eloading Archived data

  • 8/17/2019 Data Archiving Presentation


    Accessing Archived Data )singAccessing Archived Data )sing

    %n&ostructure%n&ostructure Archived data can be accessed in many 'ays1 Archive

    %n&ormation "ystem+A%", is the tool developed specically&or archive accesses.

    3nables you to congure your o'n archive inde:es1 llthem 'ith data &rom the archive1 and search &or archiveddata.

     The Archive %n&ormation "ystem is per&ormed via an%n&ostructure. %n&ostructures are created using the Archive#etrieval $ongurator+transaction SA",1 'hich is the

    $ustomi9ing component o& the Archive %n&ormation "ystem.  =ou can access the Archive %n&ormation "ystem using

    transaction SA"I.

  • 8/17/2019 Data Archiving Presentation


    )sing Archiving %n&ormation)sing Archiving %n&ormation


  • 8/17/2019 Data Archiving Presentation


    Docuent *elationshipDocuent *elationship


  • 8/17/2019 Data Archiving Presentation


    D*! ) Display the relationship treeD*! ) Display the relationship tree

  • 8/17/2019 Data Archiving Presentation


    *eloading Archived data*eloading Archived data

  • 8/17/2019 Data Archiving Presentation


    %mportant Transaction%mportant Transaction

    $odes$odes "A#A ! Data Archiving "A#%! Archive %n&ormation "ystem8 $entral anagement

    "A#>! Archive #etrieval $ongurator

    D*6? ! Tables and Archiving Object

    OA$@ ! $ontent #epository

    AO*> ! Archiving $ustomi9ing

  • 8/17/2019 Data Archiving Presentation


     Than4 =ou Than4 =ou