data facilties workshop - panel on global data sharing exemplars

PANEL DISCUSSION – GLOBAL DATA SHARING EXEMPLARS EarthCube Data Facilities Workshop Wednesday, January 15 th 2014

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This series of presentations was given at the EarthCube Data Facilities End-User Workshop held January 15-17, 2014 in Washington, DC. This workshop provided a forum to discuss the unique requirements and challenges associated with developing the communication, collaboration, interoperability, and governance structures that will be required to build EarthCube in conjunction with existing and emerging NSF/GEO facilities. This panel and presentation, specifically, outlined and explained several exemplars in global data sharing, featuring: Lindsay Powers (CoopEUS) Tim Ahern (GEO/GEOSS) Bernard Minster (World Data System) Beth Plale (Research Data Alliance)


  • 1.PANEL DISCUSSION GLOBAL DATA SHARING EXEMPLARS EarthCube Data Facilities Workshop Wednesday, January 15th 2014

2. Building communities around environmental data interoperability Lindsay Powers Hank Loescher National Ecological Observatory 3. COOPEUS Goals COOPEUS aims to catalyze international collaboration between environmental research infrastructures by: Improving data accessibility through harmonization of data policies Promoting interoperability of research infrastructures by coordinating data and metadata formats, measurement standards and accessibility By improving data and information quality by defining basic requirements for QA/QC 4. COOPEUS Governance Structure US/EU Strategic Cooperation Board Work Packages 1 Management US Steering Committee Project Coordinator7 Harmonize data/ policy standardsEU Steering Committee Project Coordinator8 Harmonize infrastructural frameworks 3 Carbon ObservationICOS6 BiodiversityLIFEWATCHAMISR/SRI2 Space WeatherEISCATOOI4 Ocean ObservationsEMSOEARTHSCOPE (UNAVCO/IRIS)5 Solid Earth DynamicsEPOSNEON 5. COOPEUS accomplishments to date Strong commitment to open data sharing across institutions and countries Established COOPEUS data sharing principles.Gap analysis across RIs identified commonalities and differences in data policies; metadata formats, accessibility; data standards, and archiving. High level of data and metadata standardization and accessibility among COOPEUS RIs Primary weaknesses in standardized data portals/access pointsMinimizing barriers to data sharing by identifying and removing obsolete policies.Identifying and discussing ethical, cultural and institutional requirements for data sharing.Establishing a Roadmap and long-term plan for data interoperabilityEngaging and building the community Workshops on Data Policy Harmonization, Persistent Identifiers, Carbon Observation data usage and more to come 6. Current activities within COOPEUS? Use case development Develop relationships to explore interdisciplinary questions Identify strengths and weaknesses in cross-disciplinary data use Work Package topical workshops Develop Roadmap for Interoperability across RIs Provide guidance to RIs in policies and practices Foster community building to encourage implementation of COOPEUS recommendations across environmental RIs 7. COOPEUS and beyond. What does the community need?How do we improve the culture of open data? How do we foster additional and stronger relationships? Create opportunities for broader participation Make room for institutional flexibility How do we address challenges on: Maintaining data visibility Preserving data and accessibility in long-term Maintaining trust and integrity Maintain context and provenance Protecting privacy rights The strength of COOPEUS is in building and fostering communities concurrent with a framework around data interoperability. 8. - Interdisciplinary work: BiodiversitySpace Weather Ocean observationsCarbon observationsSolid Earth dynamics 9. GEO & GEOSS Tim Ahern IRIS Jay Pearlman J&FE EarthCube Data Facilities Workshop Arlington, VA January 15 2014 GEO Secretariat 10. Rationale Some 30% of the worlds economy is tied to the environment Systematic understanding of the Earth system is fundamental for well-informed and economically-efficient decision making Sustained Earth observations are critical in understanding the Earth Need for systems interoperability and open data accessA global approach to Earth observation is required! 11. Earth Observation Summit U.S. Department of State, Washington DC, 31 July 2003 12. GEO - The Group on Earth Observations Created in 2005, to develop a coordinated and sustained Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) to enhance decision making in nine Societal Benefit Areas.GEO today: 90 Members 67 Participating Organizations 13. GEO Vision To realize a future wherein decisions and actions, for the benefit of humankind, areinformed by coordinated, comprehensive and sustained Earth observations and information. 14. GEO Objectives Improve and coordinate observation systems Advance broad open data policies/practices Foster increased use of EO data and information Build capacity 15. GEOSS Global Earth Observation System of Systems Coordinated, comprehensive and sustained system A global distributed system, which includes: Satellite observation systems, Global in situ networks and systems, and Local and regional in situ networks. A discovery and access system for data and information 16. GEOSS Objectives Facilitate exchange of data and information Improve decision-makers abilities to address pressing policy issues Enable solutions for the benefit of the society Deliver the advantages of EO to both data & information providers and consumers world wide 17. Targeted Issues Uncertainty over continuity of observations Large spatial and temporal gaps in specific data sets Limited access to data and associated benefits in developing world Inadequate data integration and interoperability Lack of relevant processing systems to transform data into useful information Inadequate user involvement Eroding or little technical infrastructure in many parts of the world 18. GEOSS Role 19. GEOSS: for scientists GEO is a framework to promote international cooperation. Earth observing systems of the future: built by scientists,informed by GEO. bringing together data architecture experts, scientists,users, and capacity-building specialists. visibility as data/networks/systems contributed to GEOSS.potential support for research leading to GEOSS implementation. 20. Societal Benefit Areas 21. Rapid & Open Disasters Information (Germany, Italy, Japan, Turkey, USA, CEOS, EPOS, ESA) * Hawaii Supersite fully operational* 3 new Supersites (Europe) * Supersites selection & definition * In-situ and space data * All data online GEO Secretariat 22. Cold Regions Monitoring (Canada, China, Denmark, Germany, Norway, India, Ital y, Japan, Spain, USA, ICIMOD, IEEE, WCRP, WMO) * CryoClim climate monitoring service* Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System * Sea-ice ECV for Arctic/ Antarctic snow-cover * Focus on Tibetan Plateau * Glacier dynamics mapping GEO Secretariat 23. GEO Biodiversity Observation Network (France, Germany, Japan, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, South Africa, USA, Diversitas, GBIF, IUCN) High-resolution bioclimatic map of the world* Response to CBD * Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) * Global high-res bio-climatic map * Arctic and French Biodiversity Networks * Strong outreach Metzger et al.- in review. GEO Secretariat 24. Global Forest Information System (Australia, Canada, Japan, Norway, USA, CEOS, FAO) * Forest Carbon Tracking ongoing * Demo in 12 countries (Congo) MexicoColumbia* Coordinated space data acquisition * In-situ validation * Regional capacity building growing (US Silvacarbon)In-situ forest measurements GEO Secretariat 25. New Energy Tools and Services (Austria, EC, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Pakistan, USA, CEOS, IRENA) * Global Atlas for Solar & Wind Energy * Operational tools * High-res energy data for private investment * Impact scenarios for solar, wind, biomass * Impact indicators for mineral industry GEO Secretariat 26. Supporting Data Access and UseGEOSS Common Infrastructure (GCI)GEOSS Portal Discovery and Access Broker Resource RegistrationEarth observations data, information and services 27. GCI Capabilities GCI is a specialized system supporting Discovery, Evaluation and Access of Multidisciplinary Earth observations Search Searches on content, location, and time in EO datasets Support Semantic Discovery across disciplinary vocabularies Paging and ranking of matching results Evaluation Preview Harmonization of metadata Access & Use Download distributed data Basic transformations to utilize accessed data 28. GCI Architecture Discovery & Access GEOSS UserGEO Web PortalGEOSS Common InfrastructureGEOSS Registries: Standards & Interoperability User Requirements Best Prac ces WikiDiscovery and Access Broker (DAB)Service MonitoringIntegrated/Federated EO Discovery/Access Systems Clearinghouse (CH)RegisterSeman c Component*Component & Service Registry (CSR)e.g. GENESI, CWIC, FedEO*real- me searchResources ProvidersGEOSS ResourcesharvestServices and SW Applica ons * Prototype capabili ese.g. So ware, Data Access, Processing, Community Portals, DocumentsdatadataEO data Catalogues & Repositories e.g. IDN, INSPIRE, 29. Interoperability Brokers 30. GEO Looking forward Facilitating international collaboration based on international, national and local programs Encourage international sharing of data and information for science, government, NGOs and industry 31. Thank Tim Ahern [email protected] Jay Pearlman [email protected] 32. ICSU World Data System Trusted Data Services for Global Science 33. ICSU, WDS and CODATA 34. ICSU, WDS and CODATA ICSUs long-term vision is of a world where excellence in science is effectively translated into policy making and socio-economic development. In such a world, universal and equitable access to scientific data and information is a reality and all countries have the scientific capacity to use these and to contribute to generating the new knowledge that is necessary to establish their own development pathways in a sustainable manner. 35. Foundation ICSU 29th General Assembly in Maputo (2008) decided: To confirm that ICSU will continue to assert a strategic leadership role in relation to scientific data and information; to establish a new ICSU-World Data System as an Interdisciplinary Body to replace the World Data Centres and FAGS 36. ICSU Data Track RecordPASTPRESENT 37. WDS Scientific Committee 2012-2015 Bernard Minster (Chair, USA) Michael Diepenbroek (Germany) Kim Finney (Australia) Franoise Genova (France) Wim Hugo (South Africa) Jane Hunter (Australia) Vasily Kopylov (Russian Fed.) Guoqing Li (China) Ruth Neilan (USA) Lesley Rickards (UK) Ryosuke Shibasaki (Japan) Ariel Troisi (Argentina) Ex-Officio Howard Moore (ICSU) Yasuhiro Murayama (NICT) 38. WDS implementation 1. Constitution 2. Data policy 3. Certification criteria and Membership Applications 4. International Programme Office 5. Working Groups 6. Strategic Plan 39. WDS - a "system of data systems" ...of data archive centres, data analysis centres, data producers, data developers, data observing systems and networks, virtual observatories, etc., both regional (including national) and global Tough concept to address until WDS is fully developed...ICSTI Workshop, Paris 40. One node? Or many? IGS Associate Members External InterfacesGoverning Board OversightIAG/GGOS IERS BIPM ICSU/WDS UNOOSA/ICGProduct CoordinatorsCommittees of the GB Executive Committee Strategic Planning Committee Elections Committee Infrastructure CommitteeAnalysis CoordinatorReference Frame Clock ProductsCentral Bureau Executive Management Network Coordination Information PortalSupport Organizations IGS Institute UNAVCOPilot Projects and Working Groups Antenna WG Bias & Calibration WG Clock Product WG Data Centers WG GNSS WG Ionosphere WG LEO WG Real-time WG Reference Frame WG Troposphere WG Tide Gauge PPICSTI Workshop, Paris 2012Analysis Centers Global Network ACs Global Network AACs Regional Network AACs Other AACs (Ionosphere, Real-time)Data Centers Global Data Centers Regional Data Centers Operational Data Centers Project Data CentersIGS Tracking Stations Reference Frame Stations Multi GNSS Stations Real-time Stations Application Stations (e.g. Tide Gauge, Timing)International Association for Geodesy/Global Geodetic Observing System (IAG/GGOS) International Earth Rotation and Reference Frame Service (IERS) Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) International Council for Science/Word Data Systems (ICSU/WDS) United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs/International Committee on GNSS (UNOOSA/ICG) Analysis Center (AC) Associate Analysis Center (AAC) 41. WDS implementation Membership types RegularData curation and data analysis services. (Individual data centres, data services)NetworkNetworks of regular members, umbrella organizations (IODE, IVOA)PartnerDo not deal directly with data collection, curation, and distribution, but contribute support to WDSAssociate Organizations interested in the WDS endeavour 42. WDS implementation WDS Membership (12/2013) 53 8 2 13Regular Members Network Members Partner Members Associate Members 43. WDS implementation WDS International Programme OfficeWDS IPO Inauguration, May 2012 44. WDS implementation Strategic Targets Make trusted data services an integral part of international collaborative scientific research Involve WDS Members more closely into international collaborative scientific research Promote the use of best practices in international collaborative research programmes Nurture active disciplinary and multidisciplinary scientific data services communities Support existing communities whose practices serve their members well Support nascent communities by helping them to identify their needs and to organize their activities Provide mechanisms that facilitate cross-disciplinary interactions and activities Contribute towards scientific development by improving the analytical environment 45. WDS implementation Strategic Targets (ctd.) Improve the funding environment Promote international, national and disciplinary policies that lead to sustainable long-term funding Engage and work with research funders to increase resources for data services Improve the trust in and quality of open scientific data services Actively promote policies of full and open access to data at national and international venues Foster interoperable practices to facilitate data sharing Facilitate access to, use, and reuse of datasets, in particular for multidisciplinary research Position WDS as the premium global multidisciplinary network for quality assessed data 46. Structure and ArchitectureOther Netw orks and SystemsMetadata & Data ServicesVisualization & AnalysisGEOSS, GMES, WMO-IS, IOC, etc.web portals, cataloguecomputer systems, virtual labs, GIS systemsPublishers commercial, open access, cross-referencingData Archiving & Publication Facilities Certified repositoriesData collection & Processing Facilit ies QA/QC, data products, data rescueLibraries DOI registry, interdisciplinary cataloguesEducation & OutreachResearch Facilities satellites, vessels, observatories, alert systems, etc. 47. Next StepsOther Netw orks and SystemsMetadata & Data ServicesVisualization & AnalysisGEOSS, GMES, WMO-IS, IOC, etc.web portals, cataloguecomputer systems, virtual labs, GIS systemsPublishers commercial, open access, cross-referencingData Archiving & Publication Facilities Certified repositoriesData collection & Processing Facilit ies QA/QC, data products, data rescueLibraries DOI registry, interdisciplinary cataloguesEducation & OutreachResearch Facilities satellites, vessels, observatories, alert systems, etc. 48. WDS Working Groups Knowledge Network and Open Metadata Catalogue Discovering and accessing WDS members and networks data and services (metadata and enriched additional information) Data Publication Promote and establish data publication concept among data centres, include science publishers and bibliometric service holders, and as part of scholarly publishing. Follow-up of CODATA Data Citation WG and other initiatives. 49. Global Research Data InfrastructureeResearch Australasia 2013 50. Global Research Data Infrastructure International Polar Year (20078)50,000 participants from 63 nations 'Dazzling' science 51. Global Research Data Infrastructure International Polar Year (20078)Integrated Data and Information System: IPY-DIS WDCs + FAGS 52. Global Research Data InfrastructureeResearch Australasia 2013 53. Global Research Data InfrastructureeResearch Australasia 2013 54. Global Research Data InfrastructureeResearch Australasia 2013 55. International coordination to deliver research data Infrastructure 56. International coordinationeResearch Australasia 2013 57. International coordination 58. Building TrusteResearch Australasia 2013 59. Building Trust 60. Building Trust 61. Building Trust 62. Building Trust 63. Building Trust NESTOR seal DIN standard 31644 , TRAC criteria ISO standard 16363 64. SciDataCon 2014 Data Integration for Global Sustainability 25 November 2014, New Delhi, India2nd ICSU-WDS Conference & 24th CODATA International ConferenceeResearch Australasia 2013 65. JAMES J. HANKS COLLECTION, SPECIAL COLLECTIONS AND ARCHIVES, CLINE LIBRARY, NORTHERN ARIZONA UNIVERSITY, NAU.PH.2005. METADATA AT HTTP://ARCHIVE.LIBRARY.NAU.EDU/ ITEM 45552Tsegi Canyon, 1927 66. REPEAT GEO-PHOTOGRAPHY. A DATA PUBLICATION, CURATION AND ANALYSIS SERVICE FOR THE GEOLOGICAL COMMUNITYTsegi Canyon, 2005 (Bob 67. THANK YOU 68. The Research Data Alliance Beth Plale, Indiana University 69. The Information Age extraordinary potential for driving Science and bettering Society More Efficient Physical Infrastructure Contribution to a safer and more secure world Transformative strategies for disease treatment and well-beingBetter goods and servicesMore Research Insights73 70. Key Driver 1: Data Sharing Accelerating Discovery and Innovation74 71. Data Sharing is a Global IssueScience, Humanities, Arts Communities75Libraries, Archives, Repositorie s, MuseumsCyberinfrastructure professionals, data analysts, data center staff, Data Scientists 72. Key Driver 2: Community effort accelerating impact 76Just do it -- Focused efforts help communities drive tangible progressCreation / adoption of data sharing policies have accelerated research innovationDevelopment of public access shared data collection enabling new results for AlzheimersPractioners work together on interoperability efforts across Earth and environmental science allowing selfgoverned and directed groups to emerge around common issues. Now 25 years old, the Internet Engineering Task Forces mission to make the Internet work better has resulted in key specifications of Internet common community standards that support innovation MPI Forum photo by Erez Heba, PDB molecule of the month at 73. The Research Data Alliance (RDA) Global community-driven organization launched in March 2013 to accelerate data-driven innovation RDA focus is on building the social, organizational and technical infrastructure to reduce barriers to data sharing and exchange accelerate the development of coordinated global data infrastructure Plenary 2, Fall 2013 National Academy of Science, DC77 74. RDA Vision and Mission Vision: Researchers and innovators openly share data across technologies, disciplines, and countries to address the grand challenges of society. Mission: RDA builds the social and technical bridges that enable data sharing.78 75. The RDA Community today: Over 1000 members from 55 countriesAsia 3%Africa 2% Asia-pacific 4%South America 1%79 76. Goal of RDA Infrastructure: Support Data Sharing and Interoperability Across Cultures, Scales, Technologies Common metadata types for data Interoperability Persistent identifiers Harmonized standards Digital object identifiers Data access and preservation policy and practice Tools for data discoverability, Harmonized standardsPolicy and Practice80 77. CREATE ADOPT USE RDA Members come together as Working Groups 12-18 month efforts to build, adopt, and use specific pieces of infrastructureInterest Groups longer-lived discussion forums that spawn Working Groups as specific pieces of needed infrastructure are identified.Working Group efforts focus on the development and use of data sharing infrastructure Code, policy, infrastructure, standards, or best practices that are adopted and used by communities to enable data sharingHarvestable efforts for which 12-18 months of work can eliminate a roadblockEfforts that have substantive applicability to groups within the data community, but may not apply to everyoneEfforts for which working scientists and researchers can start today81 78. RDA Plenaries: Venue for community building and WG / IG progress Plenary 1 RDA Plenary 1 / Launch March 2013 in Gothenburg, Sweden 240 participants 3 WG, 9 IG RDA Plenary 2 September 2013 in Washington, DCPlenary 2 380 participants 6 WG, 17 IG, 5 BOF Data Citation Summit colocated in RDA neutral space First Organizational Assembly meet-up Beth Plale8 822 79. RDA Plenaries Emerging as a Data Community Town Square Emerging Plenary Format: All-hands sessions: Place for community networking and exchange of information (funding agencies, data organizations, key stakeholders)Working sessions: Face-to-face opportunities for global Interest Groups, Working Groups, and BOFs to meet and advance their agendasNeutral meeting place: Place for multiple groups to meet and form a common agenda and action plan (e.g. Plenary 2 Data Citation Harmonization Summit)83 80. Coming in 201484 RDA Plenary 3 March 26-28, 2014 in Dublin, Ireland Hosted by Australia and Ireland Theme: The Data Sharing community - Playing Your Part RDA Plenary 4 September 2014 in The Netherlands Being planned now Plenary 3Plenary 4 81. Community-Driven RDA Groups by Focus Domain Science - focused Toxicogenomics Interoperability IGStructural Biology IGBiodiversity Data Integration IGAgricultural Data Interoperability IGDigital History and Ethnography IGDefining Urban Data Exchange for Science IGMarine Data Harmonization IGMaterials Data Management IGReference and Sharing focusedData Stewardship focusedData Citation IGData Categories and Codes WGLegal Interoperability IG85Community Needs focused Community Capability Model IG Engagement IG Clouds in Developing Countries IGPreservation e-infrastructureLong-tail of Research Data IGResearch Data Provenance IG Certification of DigitalPublishing Data IGRepositories IGGlobal Registry of Trusted Data Repositories and Services IGBase Infrastructure - focusedMetadata IGData Foundations and Terminology WGBig Data Analytics IGMetadata Standards WGData Brokering IGPractical Policy WGPID Information Types WGData Type Registries WGDomain Repositories IG 82. RDA Community-Driven Groups Repositories, Data Descriptions Registry Interoperability, DSA-WDS Partnership Working Group on CertificationBirds-of-a-Feather (met at Plenary 2) Linked Data Chemical Safety Data Education and Skills Development in Data Intensive Science Libraries and Research Data Cloud Computing and Data Analysis Training for the Developing WorldWorking Groups Data Type Registries Persistent Identifier Types Data Foundations and Terminology Metadata Standards Practical Policy Data Categories and Codes WG Case statements being prepared: Citing Dynamic Data, Publishing Data Workflows, Publishing Data Services, Data Bibliometrics, Cost Recovery Models forInterest Groups Agricultural Data Interoperability Certification of Trusted Repositories (joint with ICSUWDS) Data Citation Metadata Marine Data Harmonization Community Capability Model Engagement Preservation e-Infrastructure Legal Interoperability (joint with CODATA) Defining Urban Data Exchange for Science Marine Data Harmonization Structural Biology Big Data Analytics Data BrokeringBlue = new between Plenary 1 and Plenary 2 Green = new since Plenary 2 86Publishing Data (joint with WDS) Toxicogenomics Interoperability Research Data Provenance Materials Data Management Global Registry of Trusted Data Repositories and Services Digital Practices in History and Ethnography Biodiversity Data Integration Long tail of Research Data Development of cloud computing capacity and education in developing world Service Management IG (pending) Domain Repositories Interest Group (pending) Federated Identity Management (pending) Persistent Identifier Interest Group PID-IG (pending) 83. 87RDA Organizational StructureRDA CouncilRDA MembershipResponsible for overarching mission, vision, impact of RDASecretary-General and SecretariatTechnical Advisory Board Responsible for Technical roadmap and interactionsResponsible for administration and operationsOrganizational Advisory Board and Organizational Assembly Responsible for organizational and strategic adviceWorking Groups Responsible for impactful, outcome-oriented effortsInterest Groups Responsible for defining and refining common issuesRDA Colloquium (Research Funders) Operational and community sponsorship 84. RDA Organizational Partners Member Applicants Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard Barcelona Supercomputing Center Intersect Australia Limited European Data Infrastructure (EUDAT) Microsoft International Association of STM Publishers Oracle New Zealand eScience Infrastructure STFC - Science & Technology Facilities Council Washington University Libraries Corporation for National Research Initiatives (CNRI) Purdue University Libraries Terrestrial Ecosystems Research Network Research Data Canada University of Michigan Libraries eResearch Services and Scholarly Application Development Division of Information ServicesInterested Affiliates American University Library Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA)Other interested Organizations Connecting Research and Researchers (ORCID) Australian Antarctic Data Centre DataCite Australian National Data Service International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE) CERN CJSD Consulting Columbia University Libraries/Information Services CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd. Digital Curation Centre IBM Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) World Data System (WDS)88 85. [email protected] [email protected]