data synchronization patterns in mobile application design

Data Synchronization Patterns in Mobile Application Design Eric Maxwell Credible Software

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Data Synchronization Patterns in Mobile Application Design

Eric MaxwellCredible Software

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What to Expect

Synchronizing Data

Data Format & Protocol


Security • Privacy • Integrity & Trust • Authentication • Authorization

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Example App

• Paid subscription application

• Ohio’s Premier Events

• Users can see events but not update

• Admin can update events

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Android Client

Login Register Find Events

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iOS Client

Login Register Find Events

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Data Format & Protocol Choice

Synchronizing Data

Data Format & Protocol

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Open Ecosystem

• Exposing resources to public 3rd party clients (ex. Facebook)

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Closed Ecosystem

• Exposing resources to clients that you also control

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Which approach is best?

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Key Questions

• What do existing systems & data look like in my organization?

• Is it vitally important that I have transaction management across various service calls?

• Do I have any other security, service discovery, delivery reliability requirements?

• How important is bandwidth?

• Are most of my clients & servers speaking the same language?

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Verbs tell what we are doing

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Depends on the verb


GET Get registration 128 that belongs to event 37

POST Create a new registration for event 37(in this case the 128 would be omitted)

PUT Update registration 128 with new data

DELETE Delete registration 128

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Find All

Find All Events of type ‘conference’

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What we’ve Covered

Synchronizing Data

Data Format & Protocol

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Synchronizing Data

Data Format & Protocol


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Always use compressionAs simple as adding the following to your application.yml server: tomcat: compression: on compressableMimeTypes: application/json,application/xml,text/html,text/xml,text/plain

And saves you exponentially in data transfer with JSON.

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Find All

Find All Events of type ‘conference’

What if we want only want new Events since the last fetch?

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Synchronization Tokens

/api/events?after=b72cef Find All Events after this ‘token’

Sync tokens act as a bookmark for new fetches

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Synchronization Tokens in Action

1. HTTP GET /api/events?after=

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Synchronization Tokens in Action

1. HTTP GET /api/events?after=

2. Server Responds with all events & token

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Synchronization Tokens in Action

1. HTTP GET /api/events?after=

2. Server Responds with all events & token

3. HTTP GET /api/events?after=MToxN

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Synchronization Tokens in Action

1. HTTP GET /api/events?after=

4. Server Responds with events after token

2. Server Responds with all events & token

3. HTTP GET /api/events?after=MToxN

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Client Perspective

• Unaware of Token Meaning

• Knows how to use the token

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Client Perspective

• Unaware of Token Meaning

• Knows how to use the token

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Server Perspective

• Stateless & Client Agnostic

• If Client Sends Token

• I know how to interpret

• I know how to create tokens

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Server Perspective

• Stateless & Client Agnostic

• If Client Sends Token

• I know how to interpret

• I know how to create tokens

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Token Creation (our example)


base 64 encoded to MToxNDQ5MzU0OTcyNjIx

Token Version Last Event Result Creation Date

id summary other columns date_created

123 Codemash … 2016-01-05T08:00:00Z

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What we’ve covered

Synchronizing Data

Data Format & Protocol


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Synchronizing Data

Data Format & Protocol


Security • Privacy • Integrity & Trust

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HTTPS - Server SSL

Scenario Goals

• Clients want to know they’re talking to the real server

• Data transferred must be kept secret

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HTTPS Overview

1. Client requests protected resource

2. Server presents certificate

3. Is this certificate valid, do I trust it?

5. Subsequent messages are encrypted/decrypted at each end using an agreed symmetric algorithm and key.

4. Client & Server complete SSL handshaking process

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HTTPS - Mutual SSL

Scenario Goals

• Clients want to know they’re talking to the real server

• Data transferred must be kept secret

• Server wants to know they’re talking to a valid client and user.

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HTTPS Overview

1. Client requests protected resource

2. Server presents certificate

3. Is this certificate valid, do I trust it?

5. Subsequent messages are encrypted/decrypted at each end using an agreed symmetric algorithm and key.

4. Client & Server complete SSL handshaking process

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HTTPS - Mutual SSL Overview

1. Client requests protected resource

2. Server presents certificate

3. Is this certificate valid, do I trust it?

7. Subsequent messages are encrypted/decrypted at each end using an agreed symmetric algorithm and key.

6. Client & Server complete SSL handshaking process

5. Is this certificate valid, do I trust it?

4. Client presents certificate

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What we Covered

Synchronizing Data

Data Format & Protocol


Security • Privacy • Integrity & Trust • Authentication • Authorization

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Basic Auth

• Username:Password concatenated with a :Base 64 Encoded and put into Header like this…Authorization: Basic dGVzdFVzZXI6bXlQYXNz

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Client Certificate

• Client issued an SSL Certificates which can contain user identifiable information.

• Clients send this certificate information to the server which then validates it against a list of trusted client certs.

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• User - What does the user have access to do.

• Application - What information does the user want to share with us or allow us to do on their behalf

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User Authorization w/ Roles

Users mapped to Roles

@RolesAllowed(["ROLE_CLIENT"])class EventController { ...

@RolesAllowed([“ROLE_ADMIN"]) void save() {}



Resources Secured by Role

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• User - What does the user have access to do.

• Application - What information does the user want to share with us or allow us to do on their behalf

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Application Authorization w/ OAuth 2.0


3rd Party Application (e.g. Shutterfly)


1. User signs up with Shutterfly

2. Shutterfly gives user option to load their FB photos.

3. May also offer option to use FB to login to Shutterfly, thereby not needing a separate Shutterfly login.

4. User decides to do this, so they click a button during Shutterfly registration.

5. User is sent to FB to authenticate and authorize Shutterfly to access their photos.

6. User is sent back to Shutterfly and Shutterfly can now access those photos.


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Application Authorization w/ OAuth 2.0


3rd Party Application (e.g. Shutterfly)


1. User signs up with Shutterfly

2. Shutterfly gives user option to load their FB photos.

3. May also offer option to use FB to login to Shutterfly, thereby not needing a separate Shutterfly login.

4. User decides to do this, so they click a button during Shutterfly registration.

5. User is sent to FB to authenticate and authorize Shutterfly to access their photos.

6. User is sent back to Shutterfly and Shutterfly can now access those photos.


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Application Authorization w/ OAuth 2.0


3rd Party Application (e.g. Shutterfly)


1. User signs up with Shutterfly

2. Shutterfly gives user option to load their FB photos.

3. May also offer option to use FB to login to Shutterfly, thereby not needing a separate Shutterfly login.

4. User decides to do this, so they click a button during Shutterfly registration.

5. User is sent to FB to authenticate and authorize Shutterfly to access their photos.

6. User is sent back to Shutterfly and Shutterfly can now access those photos.


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Application Authorization w/ OAuth 2.0


3rd Party Application (e.g. Shutterfly)


1. User signs up with Shutterfly

2. Shutterfly gives user option to load their FB photos.

3. May also offer option to use FB to login to Shutterfly, thereby not needing a separate Shutterfly login.

4. User decides to do this, so they click a button during Shutterfly registration.

5. User is sent to FB to authenticate and authorize Shutterfly to access their photos.

6. User is sent back to Shutterfly and Shutterfly can now access those photos.


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Actor Roles

• Resource Owner - Owner of the data (e.g. user)

• Resource Server - Server which has the resource owners data.

• Client - The application or service which wants to access the resource owners data.

• Authorization Server - The server which authorizes access to the protected resources after the owner has authenticated given consent.

• Identity Provider (IDP) - When OAuth 2 is used for authentication, the identity provider validates user credentials

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Shutterfly Example Actors

Client ex Shutterfly

Resource Server Authorization Server

Identity Provider ex. Facebook

Resource Owner ex. User

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Shutterfly Example - Registration

Client ex Shutterfly

Resource Server Authorization Server

Identity Provider ex. Facebook1. Register 2. Client Id & Secret

sent to client

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Key Terms

• Client Id & Client Secret - Given to the client upon registering with the authorization server

• Access Token - Created by the authorization server after the resource owner has authenticated and given permission for the client to access their data

• Scope - Defined by the resource server, it indicates what the client is authorized to do on the users behalf. It’s associated with an access token(ex: public_profile, publish_actions)

• Grant Type - Different ways to get an access token. This will often guide the flow or interaction between the actors

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Grant Types

• Authorization Code - Optimized for web clients which can maintain the confidentiality of their client secret

• Implicit - Optimized for public clients that cannot secure their client secret. Common to JavaScript apps, running in a browser.

• Client Credentials - Provides application level (non user specific) access to the resource server.

• Resource Owner Password Credentials - Optimized for cases where there is a trust relationship between the authorization server and the client. A thick client on a smart phone or desktop for example.

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Grant Types

• Authorization Code - Optimized for web clients which can maintain the confidentiality of their client secret

• Implicit - Optimized for public clients that cannot secure their client secret. Common to JavaScript apps, running in a browser.

• Client Credentials - Provides application level (non user specific) access to the resource server.

• Resource Owner Password Credentials - Optimized for cases where there is a trust relationship between the authorization server and the client. A thick client on a smart phone or desktop for example.

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Grant Types

• Authorization Code - Optimized for web clients which can maintain the confidentiality of their client secret

• Implicit - Optimized for public clients that cannot secure their client secret. Common to JavaScript apps, running in a browser.

• Client Credentials - Provides application level (non user specific) access to the resource server.

• Resource Owner Password Credentials - Optimized for cases where there is a trust relationship between the authorization server and the client. A thick client on a smart phone or desktop for example.

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Grant Types

• Authorization Code - Optimized for web clients which can maintain the confidentiality of their client secret

• Implicit - Optimized for public clients that cannot secure their client secret. Common to JavaScript apps, running in a browser.

• Client Credentials - Provides application level (non user specific) access to the resource server.

• Resource Owner Password Credentials - Optimized for cases where there is a trust relationship between the authorization server and the client. A thick client on a smart phone or desktop for example.

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Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant

Authorization Server Identity Provider

Resource Server

ex Facebookex Shutterfly

1. Request access token for user with: 1. client_id / secret 2. username, password

2. Access token

4. Access token

5. Resources


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Example Application

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Android Client

Login Register Find Events

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Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant

Authorization Server Identity Provider

Resource Server

ex Facebookex Shutterfly

1. Request access token for user with: 1. client_id / secret 2. username, password

2. Access token

4. Access token

5. Resources


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Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant

Authorization Server Identity Provider Resource Server


Event ServiceEvent Client App


Access Resources w/ Token

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Event API

URI Method Body (JSON) Response

/register POST Registration Cmd Registration Cmd

/login POST Login Cmd OAuth Token

/events/{id} GET n/a Event

/events POST Event n/a

/events[?syncToken=token] GET n/a List<Event>

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Event API

URI Method Body (JSON) Response

/register POST Registration Cmd Registration Cmd

/login POST Login Cmd OAuth Token

/events/{id} GET n/a Event

/events POST Event n/a

/events[?syncToken=token] GET n/a List<Event>

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• User login to get a tokenPOST https://localhost:8443/login Content-Type: application/json

{ "username": "joec123", "password": “secretPassword” }

1. Send an /oauth/token request with the appropriate information for a grant_type of password

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Token Via Resource Owner Password Credentials

• User Specific Access Token

{ "access_token": "54642d51-1fea-4309-a245-dcc43ffd57ac", "token_type": "bearer", "expires_in": 25222, "scope": "read write" }

Success Failure{ "timestamp": 1449367453794, "status": 401, "error": "Unauthorized", "message": "Bad credentials", "path": "/oauth/token" }

POST https://localhost:8443/oauth/token Authorization: Basic MDgyNDBiNGQtMDlmOS00NGZiLTg4ZjUtM2Q2ODIxZmUyOTIzOjZmMjMxMTA1LWZhZDQtNGFhNC05NTgxLTE4ZDVmNDhlYzgxMA== Accept: application/json Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

username=joec123 password=secretPassword grant_type=password scope=read+write

Where the Basic Auth token is comprised of the client_id <== Username client_secret <== Password

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• User login to get a token

HTTP 200 - Ok { "access_token": "54642d51-1fea-4309-a245-dcc43ffd57ac", "token_type": "bearer", "expires_in": 25222, "scope": "read write" }

POST https://localhost:8443/login Content-Type: application/json

{ "username": "joec123", "password": “secretPassword” }

• Successful Response

1. Send an /oauth/token request with the appropriate information for a grant_type of password

2. Return response to user

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Event API

URI Method Body (JSON) Response

/register POST Registration Cmd Registration Cmd

/login POST Login Cmd OAuth Token

/events/{id} GET n/a Event

/events POST Event n/a

/events[?syncToken=token] GET n/a List<Event>

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Securing Resources

• Resources secured by url pattern matchclass OAuth2ServerConfiguration {

public void configure(ResourceServerSecurityConfigurer resources) { resources .resourceId('event-api') } public void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { http .authorizeRequests() .antMatchers("/register", "/login").permitAll() .anyRequest().authenticated() } }

@RolesAllowed(["ROLE_CLIENT"])class EventController { ... }

• Authorization based on role

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Database Schema

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On First Install

1. Add the event api to the oauth_client_details table.

2. Add ROLE_ADMIN, ROLE_CLIENT to the security_role table.

3. Add an admin user and associate with all roles.

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What we Covered

Synchronizing Data

Data Format & Protocol


Security • Privacy • Integrity & Trust • Authentication • Authorization

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• Sample Code

• Server -

• Android -

• iOS -

• OAuth Grant Types & Flows -

• Credible Software -

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