database cleanup - susanne petersson

Susanne Petersson Project Manager, Chicago Art Deco Society

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Post on 12-Apr-2017



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Susanne Petersson

Project Manager, Chicago Art Deco Society

Membership = Customers

Members are our Members are our Members are our Members are our Fans !Fans !Fans !Fans !

Members are our Members are our Members are our Members are our

Bread and Butter !Bread and Butter !Bread and Butter !Bread and Butter ! Susanne Petersson 2

Membership = Customers

Members are our Members are our Members are our Members are our Fans !Fans !Fans !Fans !

Members are our Members are our Members are our Members are our

Bread and Butter !Bread and Butter !Bread and Butter !Bread and Butter !

… manage Member … manage Member … manage Member … manage Member

information with information with information with information with diligencediligencediligencediligence Susanne Petersson 3

A Clean Database is

Susanne Petersson 4

Develop protocol based on:

� Reasons for a clean database

� Fields to clean

� When to cleanse a database

Susanne Petersson 5

Reasons for a Clean Database

A.A.A.A. Data is captured/modified by other areasData is captured/modified by other areasData is captured/modified by other areasData is captured/modified by other areas

B.B.B.B. Data is included in decisionData is included in decisionData is included in decisionData is included in decision----makingmakingmakingmaking

Susanne Petersson 6

Reasons for a Clean Database

A.A.A.A. Data is captured Data is captured Data is captured Data is captured internallyinternallyinternallyinternally

Mailings of publications, thank-you gifts

Direct communications (letters)

Email announcements

Susanne Petersson 7

Reasons for a Clean Database

A.A.A.A. Data is modified Data is modified Data is modified Data is modified externally externally externally externally

Members enter, update their

own data

Non-members join events,

request information

Susanne Petersson 8

Reasons for a Clean Database

Rate of Internal/External

Forces …

Susanne Petersson 9

Reasons for a Clean Database

Rate of Internal/External

Forces shall continue

to Increase

Susanne Petersson 10

Reasons for a Clean Database

B.B.B.B. Data is included in decisionData is included in decisionData is included in decisionData is included in decision----makingmakingmakingmaking

Affects your non-profit goals

Uncovers strategic opportunities

Influences recurring activities

Impacts financials

Susanne Petersson 11

Reasons for a Clean Database

B.B.B.B. Data is included in decisionData is included in decisionData is included in decisionData is included in decision----making making making making ––––

and decisionand decisionand decisionand decision----making is based on..making is based on..making is based on..making is based on..

Accurate Statistics

Susanne Petersson 12

Develop protocol based on:

� Reasons for a clean database

� Fields to clean

� When to cleanse a database

Susanne Petersson 13

Database Fields to Clean

Those key to identifying:


� Typographical


� Duplicates

� Incomplete data

� Field formattingSusanne Petersson 14

Database Fields to Clean

The core fields are:

Street (Address 1)

Unit (Address 2)

State (province, territory)


It is that Simple.. Susanne Petersson 15

Database Fields to Clean

Standardize these first:

Street (Address 1)

Unit (Address 2)

State (province, territory)


… … … … and then Susanne Petersson 16

Database Fields to Clean

Organize the data to:

� Fix errors

� Address inconsistencies

� Expand search to other fields

Susanne Petersson 17

Database Fields to Clean

1. Standardize: Street (Address 1)

Abbreviate the direction

Abbreviate the street type

No periods needed

Susanne Petersson 18

Database Fields to Clean

2. Standardize: Unit (Address 2)

Remove terms associated with multi-unit tenancy

Replace verbiage with the symbol “#”

Susanne Petersson 19

Database Fields to Clean

3. Standardize: State (Province, Territory)

Maximum of 2 to 4 alpha-characters

Abbreviations are accepted standard world-wide

No periods necessary

Susanne Petersson 20

Database Fields to Clean

4. Standardize: Country

Consider leaving field empty, as appropriate

Maximum of 2 to 8 alpha-characters

No periods necessary

Susanne Petersson 21

Database Fields to Clean

The ability to retain a clean The ability to retain a clean The ability to retain a clean The ability to retain a clean

database is based on database is based on database is based on database is based on


Susanne Petersson 22

Database Fields to Clean

The core fields are used The core fields are used The core fields are used The core fields are used

as the as the as the as the

base structure to sort database structure to sort database structure to sort database structure to sort data

Susanne Petersson 23

Database Fields to Clean

Benefits of standardization


– Accurate counts: memberships,


– Proper analysis: demographics,


Susanne Petersson 24

Database Fields to Clean

Benefits of standardization


– Data fits well on forms

– Offers a professional look and feel

Susanne Petersson 25

Develop protocol based on:

� Reasons for a clean database

� Fields to clean

� When to cleanse a database

Susanne Petersson 26

When to Cleanse a Database

Dependent uponDependent uponDependent uponDependent upon

Database size [number of records]

Significant events – financial, social,


Number of persons altering data

Susanne Petersson 27

When to Cleanse a Database

Based on integrity expectationsBased on integrity expectationsBased on integrity expectationsBased on integrity expectations

� Accuracy

� Consistency

� Relevancy

Susanne Petersson 28

When to Cleanse a Database

Two types of schedules Two types of schedules Two types of schedules Two types of schedules

a.a.a.a. Ad hocAd hocAd hocAd hoc

As notified

As needed

b.b.b.b. Planned Planned Planned Planned



Susanne Petersson 29

When to Cleanse a Database

a.a.a.a. Ad hoc schedules Ad hoc schedules Ad hoc schedules Ad hoc schedules

As notified – triggered by user activity

� Review individual or small set of records

� Generally perform on-line

� Focus on core and other contact-related


Susanne Petersson 30

When to Cleanse a Database

a.a.a.a. Ad hoc schedules Ad hoc schedules Ad hoc schedules Ad hoc schedules

As notified – triggered by user activity

Accuracy-Consistency-Relevance: 60% +

� Activity accomplished in the midst of

other task assignments

Susanne Petersson 31

When to Cleanse a Database

a.a.a.a. Ad hoc schedules Ad hoc schedules Ad hoc schedules Ad hoc schedules

As needed – 1 week prior to significant


� Review bulk of records

� Generally export to spreadsheet format

� Focus on core fields, name(s), then other


Susanne Petersson 32

When to Cleanse a Database

a.a.a.a. Ad hoc schedules Ad hoc schedules Ad hoc schedules Ad hoc schedules

As needed – 1 week prior to significant


Accuracy-Consistency-Relevance: 80% +

� Quickly identify field inconsistencies

� Bound by some time constraints

Susanne Petersson 33

When to Cleanse a Database

b.b.b.b. Planned schedules Planned schedules Planned schedules Planned schedules

Quarterly – regular maintenance

� Review bulk of records

� Generally export to spreadsheet format

� Focus on core fields, name(s), then other


Susanne Petersson 34

When to Cleanse a Database

b.b.b.b. Planned schedules Planned schedules Planned schedules Planned schedules

Quarterly – regular maintenance

Accuracy-Consistency-Relevance: 90% +

� Quickly identify field inconsistencies

� Adequate time allotted for thoroughness

Susanne Petersson 35

When to Cleanse a Database

b.b.b.b. Planned schedules Planned schedules Planned schedules Planned schedules

Annually – confirm statistics

� Review all records

� Generally export to spreadsheet format

� Focus on core fields, name(s), then other


Susanne Petersson 36

When to Cleanse a Database

b.b.b.b. Planned schedules Planned schedules Planned schedules Planned schedules

Annually – confirm statistics

Accuracy-Consistency-Relevance: 98% +

� Quickly identify field inconsistencies

� Adequate time allotted for thoroughness

Susanne Petersson 37

Now that you have completed the process:

� Identified reasons for accuracy of your


� Determined the fields to monitor

� Established your recurring schedules

… a note about Security ..

Susanne Petersson 38

• Data is the lifeblood of your Data is the lifeblood of your Data is the lifeblood of your Data is the lifeblood of your


• Secure your dataSecure your dataSecure your dataSecure your data

Do you know what may Do you know what may Do you know what may Do you know what may

be heading your way?be heading your way?be heading your way?be heading your way?

Susanne Petersson 39

• Data is the lifeblood of your Data is the lifeblood of your Data is the lifeblood of your Data is the lifeblood of your


Other departments rely on it

Accurate data is easily navigated

Users expect to see relevant data

Do you know what may Do you know what may Do you know what may Do you know what may

be heading your way?be heading your way?be heading your way?be heading your way?

Susanne Petersson 40

• Secure your dataSecure your dataSecure your dataSecure your data

Firewall – SaaS or personal system

Backup files – local, cloud

Activate anti-virus software

Do you know what may Do you know what may Do you know what may Do you know what may

be heading your way?be heading your way?be heading your way?be heading your way?

Susanne Petersson 41

My name is Susanne Petersson

I am assisting the Chicago Art Deco Society to develop repeatable processes to manage the membership database.

� As a LSSGB and MBA, I understand corporate dynamics

� As a certified trainer, I understand and value the human element

Thank you for viewing this presentation!

Susanne Petersson 42

Susanne Petersson

Project Manager, Chicago Art Deco Society