datasheets for quarantine pests

APPENDIX 2 – DATASHEETS FOR QUARANTINE PESTS CONTENTS 1. ACERIA TULIPAE (KEIFER, 1938) [ACARI: ERIOPHYIDAE] ...................................................................................... 3 2. AGRIOTES SPP. [COLEOPTERA: ELATERIDAE] ......................................................................................................... 4 3. AGROTIS SEGETUM (DENIS & SCHIFFERMÜLLER, 1775) [LEPIDOPTERA : NOCTUIDAE] .......................................... 5 4. APHIS FABAE SCOPOLI, 1763 [HEMIPTERA: APHIDIDAE] ........................................................................................ 7 5. EUMERUS AMOENUS LOEW, 1848 [DIPTERA: SYRPHIDAE] ................................................................................... 10 6. EUMERUS STRIGATUS (FALLÉN, 1817) [DIPTERA: SYRPHIDAE] ............................................................................ 11 7. EUMERUS TUBERCULATUS (RONDANI, 1857) [DIPTERA: SYRPHIDAE] .................................................................. 13 8. EUMERUS SP. [DIPTERA: SYRPHIDAE] .................................................................................................................. 14 9. FRANKLINIELLA FUSCA (HINDS, 1902) [THYSANOPTERA: THRIPIDAE] ................................................................. 15 10. FRANKLINIELLA OCCIDENTALIS (PERGANDE, 1895) [THRIPIDAE: THYSANOPTERA] .............................................. 17 11. HEPIALUS HUMULI (LINNAEUS, 1758) [LEPIDOPTERA: HEPIALIDAE] ................................................................... 20 12. HEPIALUS LUPULINUS (LINNAEUS, 1758) [LEPIDOPTERA: HEPIALIDAE] .............................................................. 20 13. LILIOCERIS SPP. [COLEOPTERA: CHRYSOMELIDAE].............................................................................................. 21 14. LIOTHRIPS VANEECKEI PRIESNER, 1920 [THYSANOPTERA: PHALEOTHRIPIDAE] ................................................... 23 15. LIRIOMYZA TRIFOLII (BURGESS, 1880) [DIPTERA : AGROMYZIDAE] ..................................................................... 24 16. MACROSTELES SEXNOTATUS (FALLEN, 1806) [HEMIPTERA: CICADELLIDAE: DELTOCEPHALINI] .......................... 26 17. MERODON EQUES (FABRICIUS, 1805) [DIPTERA: SYRPHIDAE] ............................................................................. 28 18. MERODON EQUESTRIS (FABRICIUS, 1794) [DIPTERA: SYRPHIDAE] ...................................................................... 29 19. MERODON SPP. [DIPTERA: SYRPHIDAE] ............................................................................................................... 30 20. NORELLIA SPINIPES (MEIGEN) [DIPTERA: SCATHOPHAGIDAE] ............................................................................. 31 21. OPOGONA SACCHARI (BOJER, 1856) [LEPIDOPTERA: TINEIDAE: HIEROXESTINAE] .............................................. 32 22. PHENACOCCUS AVENAE BORCHSENIUS, 1949 [HEMIPTERA: PSEUDOCOCCIDAE].................................................. 34 23. PHENACOCCUS EMANSOR WILLIAMS AND KORARZHEVSKAYA, 1988 [HEMIPTERA: PSEUDOCOCCIDAE] ............. 35 24. RHIZOGLYPHUS SPP. [ACARI: ASTIGMATA: ACARIDAE] ....................................................................................... 36 25. SPODOPTERA LITTORALIS (BOISDUVAL, 1833) [LEPIDOPTERA: NOCTUIDAE] ....................................................... 37 26. STENEOTARSONEMUS LATICEPS (HALBERT) [ACARI: TARSONEMIDAE] ................................................................. 39 27. ARTIOPOSTHIA TRIANGULATA (DENDY) [TRICLADIDA: TERRICOLA] ..................................................................... 40 28. DITYLENCHUS DESTRUCTOR THORNE, 1945 [NEMATODA: ANGUINIDAE] ............................................................. 41 29. DITYLENCHUS DIPSACI (KÜHN) [NEMATODA: ANGUINIDAE] ................................................................................ 43 30. GLOBODERA PALLIDA (STONE, 1973) BEHRENS, 1975 [NEMATODA: HETERODERIDAE] ...................................... 44 31. GLOBODERA ROSTOCHIENSIS (WOLL.) BEHRENS. [NEMATODA: TYLENCHOIDIDAE] ............................................ 46 32. MELOIDOGYNE CHITWOODI GOLDEN, O'BANNON, SANTO & FINLEY, 1980 [NEMATODA: MELOIDOGYNIDAE]...47 33. LONGIDORUS SPP. [NEMATODA: LONGIDORIDAE] - L. ATTENUATUS MICOLETZKY, 1922 (FILIPJEV, 1934), L. ELONGATUS (DE MAN, 1876) MICOLETZKY 1922, L. MACROSOMA MICOLETZKY, 1922 (FILIPJEV, 1934)...................... 49 34. XIPHINEMA SPP. [NEMATODA: LONGIDORIDAE]................................................................................................... 51 35. AECIDIUM NARCISSI LIOU [UREDINALES: PUCCINIACEAE].................................................................................... 53 36. BOTRYTIS HYACINTHI WESTERD. & V. BEYMA THEO KINGMA [LEOTIALES: SCLEROTINIACEAE] ......................... 54 37. BOTRYTIS POLYBLASTIS DOWSON [ASCOMYCOTA] ................................................................................................ 55 38. CERCOSPORA AMARYLLIDIS ELLIS & EVERH. ........................................................................................................ 56 39. COLEOSPORIUM NARCISSI GROVE ......................................................................................................................... 57 40. EMBELLISIA HYACINTHI DE HOOG ET P J MULLER ................................................................................................ 57 41. FUSARIUM OXYSPORUM F. SP. GLADIOLI (MASSEY) SNYDER & HANSEN ['MITOSPORIC FUNGI'] ............................ 59 42. FUSARIUM OXYSPORUM F. SP. LILII IMLE [FUNGI: 'MITOSPORIC FUNGI'] ................................................................ 60 43. FUSARIUM OXYSPORUM F. SP. NARCISSI SNYDER & HANSEN ['MITOSPORIC FUNGI'] .............................................. 61 44. FUSARIUM OXYSPORUM SCHL. F. SP. TULIPAE APT ['MITOSPORIC FUNGI'] ............................................................. 62 45. HENDERSONIA UCRAINICA PETR............................................................................................................................ 63 46. MYCOSPHAERELLA CINXIA..................................................................................................................................... 64 47. MYCOSPHAERELLA MARTAGONAS ARX .................................................................................................................. 64 48. PHYLLOSTICTA LILIICOLA CEJP 1967 [SPHAEROPSIDALES: SPHAERIOIDACEAE].................................................... 65 49. PUCCINIA GLADIOLI (DUBY) CAST. [UREDINALES : PUCCINIACEAE] ................................................................... 66 50. PUCCINIA NARCISSI LAUNDON 1965 [UREDINALES : PUCCINIACEAE] .................................................................. 66 51. PUCCINIA PROSTII MOUG. [UREDINALES: PUCCINIACEAE] .................................................................................. 67 52. PUCCINIA SCHROETERI PASS. [UREDINALES: PUCCINIACEAE].............................................................................. 68 53. RAMULARIA VALLISUMBROSAE CAVARA 1899 [MONILIALES: MONILIACEAE] ....................................................... 68 54. SCLEROTIUM PERNICIOSUM VAN SLOGT & THOMAS 1930 [STEREALES: CORTICIACEAE] .................................... 69 55. SCLEROTIUM WAKKERI BOEREMA &POSTHUMUS 1963 [STEREALES: CORTICIACEAE] ......................................... 70 56. STROMATINIA NARCISSI DRAYTON & GROVES 1952 [HELOTIALES: SCLEROTINIACEAE]. ..................................... 71 57. SEPTOCYLINDRIUM SPP. [HYPHOMYCETES] .......................................................................................................... 72 58. UROCYSTIS COLCHICI (SCHLECH.) RABENH. F. SP. NARCISSI G. FRAG. 1925 ........................................................ 73

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Page 1: Datasheets for quarantine pests


CONTENTS1. ACERIA TULIPAE (KEIFER, 1938) [ACARI: ERIOPHYIDAE] ......................................................................................32. AGRIOTES SPP. [COLEOPTERA: ELATERIDAE].........................................................................................................43. AGROTIS SEGETUM (DENIS & SCHIFFERMÜLLER, 1775) [LEPIDOPTERA : NOCTUIDAE]..........................................54. APHIS FABAE SCOPOLI, 1763 [HEMIPTERA: APHIDIDAE]........................................................................................75. EUMERUS AMOENUS LOEW, 1848 [DIPTERA: SYRPHIDAE] ...................................................................................106. EUMERUS STRIGATUS (FALLÉN, 1817) [DIPTERA: SYRPHIDAE] ............................................................................117. EUMERUS TUBERCULATUS (RONDANI, 1857) [DIPTERA: SYRPHIDAE] ..................................................................138. EUMERUS SP. [DIPTERA: SYRPHIDAE]..................................................................................................................149. FRANKLINIELLA FUSCA (HINDS, 1902) [THYSANOPTERA: THRIPIDAE] .................................................................1510. FRANKLINIELLA OCCIDENTALIS (PERGANDE, 1895) [THRIPIDAE: THYSANOPTERA] ..............................................1711. HEPIALUS HUMULI (LINNAEUS, 1758) [LEPIDOPTERA: HEPIALIDAE] ...................................................................2012. HEPIALUS LUPULINUS (LINNAEUS, 1758) [LEPIDOPTERA: HEPIALIDAE] ..............................................................2013. LILIOCERIS SPP. [COLEOPTERA: CHRYSOMELIDAE]..............................................................................................2114. LIOTHRIPS VANEECKEI PRIESNER, 1920 [THYSANOPTERA: PHALEOTHRIPIDAE]...................................................2315. LIRIOMYZA TRIFOLII (BURGESS, 1880) [DIPTERA : AGROMYZIDAE] .....................................................................2416. MACROSTELES SEXNOTATUS (FALLEN, 1806) [HEMIPTERA: CICADELLIDAE: DELTOCEPHALINI] ..........................2617. MERODON EQUES (FABRICIUS, 1805) [DIPTERA: SYRPHIDAE].............................................................................2818. MERODON EQUESTRIS (FABRICIUS, 1794) [DIPTERA: SYRPHIDAE] ......................................................................2919. MERODON SPP. [DIPTERA: SYRPHIDAE] ...............................................................................................................3020. NORELLIA SPINIPES (MEIGEN) [DIPTERA: SCATHOPHAGIDAE] .............................................................................3121. OPOGONA SACCHARI (BOJER, 1856) [LEPIDOPTERA: TINEIDAE: HIEROXESTINAE] ..............................................3222. PHENACOCCUS AVENAE BORCHSENIUS, 1949 [HEMIPTERA: PSEUDOCOCCIDAE]..................................................3423. PHENACOCCUS EMANSOR WILLIAMS AND KORARZHEVSKAYA, 1988 [HEMIPTERA: PSEUDOCOCCIDAE] .............3524. RHIZOGLYPHUS SPP. [ACARI: ASTIGMATA: ACARIDAE] .......................................................................................3625. SPODOPTERA LITTORALIS (BOISDUVAL, 1833) [LEPIDOPTERA: NOCTUIDAE] .......................................................3726. STENEOTARSONEMUS LATICEPS (HALBERT) [ACARI: TARSONEMIDAE].................................................................3927. ARTIOPOSTHIA TRIANGULATA (DENDY) [TRICLADIDA: TERRICOLA] .....................................................................4028. DITYLENCHUS DESTRUCTOR THORNE, 1945 [NEMATODA: ANGUINIDAE].............................................................4129. DITYLENCHUS DIPSACI (KÜHN) [NEMATODA: ANGUINIDAE]................................................................................4330. GLOBODERA PALLIDA (STONE, 1973) BEHRENS, 1975 [NEMATODA: HETERODERIDAE] ......................................4431. GLOBODERA ROSTOCHIENSIS (WOLL.) BEHRENS. [NEMATODA: TYLENCHOIDIDAE] ............................................4632. MELOIDOGYNE CHITWOODI GOLDEN, O'BANNON, SANTO & FINLEY, 1980 [NEMATODA: MELOIDOGYNIDAE]...4733. LONGIDORUS SPP. [NEMATODA: LONGIDORIDAE] - L. ATTENUATUS MICOLETZKY, 1922 (FILIPJEV, 1934), L.ELONGATUS (DE MAN, 1876) MICOLETZKY 1922, L. MACROSOMA MICOLETZKY, 1922 (FILIPJEV, 1934)......................4934. XIPHINEMA SPP. [NEMATODA: LONGIDORIDAE]...................................................................................................5135. AECIDIUM NARCISSI LIOU [UREDINALES: PUCCINIACEAE]....................................................................................5336. BOTRYTIS HYACINTHI WESTERD. & V. BEYMA THEO KINGMA [LEOTIALES: SCLEROTINIACEAE].........................5437. BOTRYTIS POLYBLASTIS DOWSON [ASCOMYCOTA]................................................................................................5538. CERCOSPORA AMARYLLIDIS ELLIS & EVERH. ........................................................................................................5639. COLEOSPORIUM NARCISSI GROVE.........................................................................................................................5740. EMBELLISIA HYACINTHI DE HOOG ET P J MULLER ................................................................................................5741. FUSARIUM OXYSPORUM F. SP. GLADIOLI (MASSEY) SNYDER & HANSEN ['MITOSPORIC FUNGI'] ............................5942. FUSARIUM OXYSPORUM F. SP. LILII IMLE [FUNGI: 'MITOSPORIC FUNGI'] ................................................................6043. FUSARIUM OXYSPORUM F. SP. NARCISSI SNYDER & HANSEN ['MITOSPORIC FUNGI'] ..............................................6144. FUSARIUM OXYSPORUM SCHL. F. SP. TULIPAE APT ['MITOSPORIC FUNGI'] .............................................................6245. HENDERSONIA UCRAINICA PETR............................................................................................................................6346. MYCOSPHAERELLA CINXIA.....................................................................................................................................6447. MYCOSPHAERELLA MARTAGONAS ARX ..................................................................................................................6448. PHYLLOSTICTA LILIICOLA CEJP 1967 [SPHAEROPSIDALES: SPHAERIOIDACEAE]....................................................6549. PUCCINIA GLADIOLI (DUBY) CAST. [UREDINALES : PUCCINIACEAE] ...................................................................6650. PUCCINIA NARCISSI LAUNDON 1965 [UREDINALES : PUCCINIACEAE] ..................................................................6651. PUCCINIA PROSTII MOUG. [UREDINALES: PUCCINIACEAE] ..................................................................................6752. PUCCINIA SCHROETERI PASS. [UREDINALES: PUCCINIACEAE]..............................................................................6853. RAMULARIA VALLISUMBROSAE CAVARA 1899 [MONILIALES: MONILIACEAE].......................................................6854. SCLEROTIUM PERNICIOSUM VAN SLOGT & THOMAS 1930 [STEREALES: CORTICIACEAE] ....................................6955. SCLEROTIUM WAKKERI BOEREMA &POSTHUMUS 1963 [STEREALES: CORTICIACEAE] .........................................7056. STROMATINIA NARCISSI DRAYTON & GROVES 1952 [HELOTIALES: SCLEROTINIACEAE]. .....................................7157. SEPTOCYLINDRIUM SPP. [HYPHOMYCETES] ..........................................................................................................7258. UROCYSTIS COLCHICI (SCHLECH.) RABENH. F. SP. NARCISSI G. FRAG. 1925 ........................................................73

Page 2: Datasheets for quarantine pests

59. UROMYCES AECIDIIFORMIS [STR.] REES [UREDINALES: PUCCINIACEAE]..............................................................7460. UROMYCES CROCI PASSERINI. [UREDINALES : PUCCINIACEAE]............................................................................7561. UROMYCES ERYTHRONII [UREDINALES : PUCCINIACEAE] .....................................................................................7662. UROMYCES HOLWAYI LAGERH. 1889 [UREDINALES: PUCCINIACEAE] ..................................................................7763. CORYNEBACTERIUM FASCIANS (TILFORD 1936) DOWSON 1942 ............................................................................7864. CURTOBACTERIUM FLACCUMFACIENS PV. OORTII (SAAL. & MAAS GEE.) COLL. & JONES 1983 ...........................7965. ASTER YELLOWS [MOLLICUTES: ACHOLEPLASMATALES] ...................................................................................8066. FREESIA LEAF NECROSIS VARICOSAVIRUS VAN DORST (1973) ............................................................................8267. HIPPEASTRUM MOSAIC POTYVIRUS KUNKEL (1922); BRANTS AND VAN DEN HEUVEL (1965).............................8368. IRIS YELLOW SPOT TOSPOVIRUS...........................................................................................................................8469. LILY MOTTLE POTYVIRUS BRIERLEY AND SMITH (1944). ....................................................................................8570. LILY X POTEXVIRUS STONE (1976) .....................................................................................................................8671. NARCISSUS LATE SEASON YELLOWS (?) POTYVIRUS BRUNT (1977).....................................................................8772. NARCISSUS TIP NECROSIS VIRUS (?) CARMOVIRUS ASJES (1972) .........................................................................8873. NERINE LATENT CARLAVIRUS BRUNT ET AL. (1970) ............................................................................................8974. RASPBERRY RING SPOT NEPOVIRUS CADMAN (1956)...........................................................................................9075. REMBRANDT TULIP-BREAKING POTYVIRUS..........................................................................................................9176. STRAWBERRY LATENT RINGSPOT (?) VIRUS LISTER (1964) .................................................................................9277. TOMATO BLACK RING NEPOVIRUS SMITH (1946).................................................................................................9478. TULIP BAND-BREAKING POTYVIRUS ASJES AND SEGERS (1985) ..........................................................................9679. TULIP SEVERE MOSAIC (?) CLOSTEROVIRUS.........................................................................................................9780. TULIP TOP BREAKING POTYVIRUS ........................................................................................................................9781. TULIP X POTEXVIRUS, MOWAT (1982)................................................................................................................9882. VALLOTA MOSAIC POTYVIRUS.............................................................................................................................99

Page 3: Datasheets for quarantine pests

The following pest and disease fact sheets represent our present state of knowledge and are subjectto change as a result of reclassification of organisms and new scientific evidence.


1. Aceria tulipae (Keifer, 1938) [Acari: Eriophyidae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: Eriophyes tulipae Keifer, 1938.

Common name(s): garlic mite; onion mite.

Host(s): Allium species including Allium ascalonicum (shallot); Allium cepa (onion); Allium

sativum (garlic); Tulipa sp.

Plant part(s) affected: whole plant including bulb.

Distribution: Africa- Egypt; South Africa; Tanzania. Asia – Georgia; India; Indonesia; Japan;

Philippines; Thailand; Vietnam. Europe - Bulgaria; Denmark; Finland; Italy; Moldova;

Netherlands; Poland; Russia; Spain. Americas- Brazil; Chile; Cuba; USA; Venezuela. Oceania -

Fiji; New Zealand.

There are no confirmed records of this mite being in Australia (Halliday 1988).

Biology: Adult and juvenile stages of this mites feed on developing leaves causing stunting,

twisting and discolouration of the growing plant. Adults invade bulbs searching for oviposition

sites. Feeding inside the bulb causes scarification and drying of bulb tissue. All stages are able to

survive from one season to the next within bulbs in storage or left in the soil. Formerly this mite

was confused with the wheat curl mite, now known as A. tosichella Keifer.

Entry potential: High. This pest infests bulbs and as a result can be transported on them.

Establishment potential: High, both Allium species and tulips are commercial crops in

southern Australia.

Spread potential: Medium, likely to be spread by movement of infested planting material.

Economic importance: High, as a pest of Allium and Tulips where it causes stunting and general

loss of yield. It may also be involved in the transmission of viruses.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest


CAB International (1998). Crop Protection Compendium Module 1 CD-ROM. CAB International.

Halliday, R. B. (1998). Mites of Australia. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne.

Shevtchenko, V. G., De Millo, A. P., Razvyazkina, G. M. and Kapkova, E. A. (1970). Taxonomic

boundaries of closely related mites Aceria tulipae Keif. and A. tritici sp. n. (Acarina,

Eriophyoidea) – vector of the onion and wheat viruses. Zoologicheskii zhurnal 49: 224-235.

Page 4: Datasheets for quarantine pests

2. Agriotes spp.1 [Coleoptera: Elateridae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: unknown.

Common name(s): wire worms; click beetles.

Host(s): a highly polyphagous genus that feed on roots and other subterranean parts of plants.

Recorded hosts include: Allium cepa (onion); Anemone spp. (anemones); Beta vulgaris (sugar beet);

Capsicum spp. (peppers); Curcurbitaceae; Dacus carota (carrot); Fragaria sp. (strawberries);

Helianthus annus (sunflower); Humulus lupulus (hops); Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato);

Nicotiana tobacum (tobacco); Papaver spp. (poppies); Saccharum officinarum (sugar cane);

Solanum tuberosum (potatoes); Tritium aestivum (wheat); Zea mays (maize).

Plant part(s) affected: Roots and other subterranean parts of plants.

Distribution2: Europe, temperate Asia, North America, including: Austria; Canada; the Czech

Republic; India; Italy; France; Germany; Greece; the Netherlands; New Zealand; Russia; Spain;

Sweden; Switzerland; Turkey; United Kingdom; Yugoslavia.

Biology: The larvae of Agriotes species are polyphagous and injurious to a wide range of plants,

especially root crops. They also cause damage to pasture by attacking roots of grasses. There are a

large number of species in this genus. These vary in their injuriousness and their preferences for

different hosts and not all species are pests.

Eggs are laid in clusters in the upper layers of the soil. Some 80 eggs are laid by each female.

Larvae burrow through the soil and feed on roots and other subterranean parts of plants (including

bulbs) as they do so. Larvae of different stages overwinter by burrowing deep into the soil. The life

cycle may take several years to complete.

Entry potential: High, larvae can be transported on bulbs. Larvae are also likely to survive

the low temperatures used in the transportation of bulbs.

Establishment potential: High, as the insect is polyphagous and suitable hosts are

widespread and common in Australia.

Spread potential: High, as the adult is capable of flight. Juvenile stages can also be

transported in soil on machinery etc.

Economic importance: High, may cause economic damage to a wide range of crop plants

including bulbs. May also be a vector of bacterial diseases.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


1 The genus includes a large number of species, for instance 40 species occur in Russia and 72 in the Palaearctic region. In the United Kingdom,

about 60 wireworm species occur.

2 The single Agriotes species recorded from Australia (Agriotes quadripunctatus from Raffles Bay, NT) has recently been shown to belong to the

genus Paracardiophorus Schwarz, 1895 (Calder, 1996).

Page 5: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Agaev, B.I. (1981). Toward the knowledge of the fauna of click-beetles (Coleoptera, Elateridae) in

bioeconoses of the Maly Caucasus (within the USSR). Trudy Vsesoyuznogo

Entomologicheskogo Obshchestva. 63: 72-73.

Agren, L. (1986). Adult phenology of Agriotes (Coleoptera: Elateridae) on the Baltic Island of

Oland. Entomologisk Tidskrift, Stockholm: Entomologiska foreningen. 107: 47-50.

Calder, A.A. (1996). Click beetles : genera of the Australian elateridae (Coleoptera). Monographs

on Invertebrate Taxonomy; vol. 2. Collingwood, Vic., Australia : CSIRO Australia, 401 p.

Furlan, L. (1996). The biology of Agriotes ustulatus Schaller (Col., Elateridae). 1. Adults and

oviposition. Journal of Applied Entomology 120: 269-274.

Furlan, L. (1998). The biology of Agriotes ustulatus Schaller (Col., Elateridae). II. Larval

development, pupation, whole cycle description and practical implications. Journal of Applied

Entomology. 122: 71-78.

Gur'yeva, Ye.L. (1972). A review of Palaearctic species of the genus Agriotes Esch. (Coleoptera,

Elateridae). Entomological Review 51: 509-520.

Hoshikawa, K., Tsutsui, H., Honma, K. and Sakagami, S.F. (1988). Cold resistance in four species

of beetles overwintering in the soil, with notes on the overwintering strategies of some soil

insects. Applied Entomology and Zoology. 23: 273-281.

Khinkin, S. (1983). Biology and ecology of the western click beetle - Agriotes ustulatus Schall

(Elateridae, Coleoptera). Rasteniev"dni Nauki. 20: 115-122.

Popov, P. (1971). Wireworms in Bulgaria. Rastitelna Zashchita., 19: 17-19.

Rusek, J. (1972). On the activity and distribution of adult Agriotes brevis (Coleoptera: Elateridae) in

fields in southern Moravia. Pedobiologia, 12: 149-155.

3. Agrotis segetum (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) [Lepidoptera : Noctuidae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: Agrotis fucosa Butler; Agrotis segetis Hubner; Euxoa

segetis; E. segetum (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); E. segetum form albiptera Turati; Feltia

segetum (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775); Noctua segetum Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775; Scotia

segetum (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775).

Common name(s): black cutworm; common cutworm; dart moth; tobacco cutworm; turnip dart

moth; turnip moth.

Host(s): A. segetum is a highly polyphagous pest that attacks a wide range of important crop plants

such as cereal crops, oilseeds, beverage crops, root crops, vegetables and ornamental plants

including bulbaceous species. Hosts include: Abelmoschus esculentus (okra); Allium cepa (onion);

Allium porrum (leek); Allium sphaerocephalon (roundhead garlic); Anethum graveolens (dill);

Apium graveolens var. dulce (bleached celery); Arachis hypogaea (groundnut); Asparagus

officinalis (asparagus); Aster; Atropa belladonna (deadly nightshade); Avena sativa (oats); Beta

Page 6: Datasheets for quarantine pests

vulgaris var. saccharifera (sugarbeet); Boehmeria nivea (ramie); Brassica chinensis (chinese

cabbage); Brassica juncea (indian mustard); Brassica napus (rape); Brassica napus var.

napobrassica (rutabaga); Brassica oleracea var. botrytis (cauliflower); Brassica oleracea var.

capitata (cabbages); Brassica rapa ssp. oleifera (turnip rape); Camellia sinqensis (tea); Cannabis

sativa (hemp); Capsicum annuum (chilli pepper); Carum carvi (caraway); Chrysanthemum (daisy);

Cicer arietinum (chickpea); Cichorium endivia; Coffea arabica (arabica coffee); Cucumis melo

(melon); Cucurbita pepo (courgette); Cyperus esculentus (yellow nutsedge); Daucus carota

(carrot); Dianthus caryophyllus (carnation); Foeniculum vulgare (fennel); Fragaria vesca (wild

strawberry); Freesia refracta; Gladiolus hybrids (gladiolus); Glycine max (soyabean); Gossypium

(cotton); Gossypium hirsutum (upland cotton); Guizotia abyssinica (niger thistle); Helianthus

annuus (sunflower); Hevea brasiliensis (rubber); Hibiscus cannabinus (kenaf); Hordeum vulgare

(barley); Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato); Lactuca sativa (lettuce); Linum; Lupinus luteus (yellow

lupin); Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato); Malus sylvestris (crab-apple tree); Medicago sativa

(lucerne); Mentha spp. (mints); Nicotiana rustica (wild tobacco); Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco);

Oryza sativa (rice); Paeonia officinalis (common paeony); Papaver somniferum (opium poppy);

Petroselinum crispum (parsley); Picea sitchensis (sitka spruce); Pinus sylvestris (scots pine);

Quercus (oaks); Raphanus sativus (radish); Ribes nigrum (blackcurrant); Ricinus communis (castor-

oil plant); Secale cereale (rye); Sesamum indicum (sesame); Solanum laciniatum (kangaroo apple);

Solanum tuberosum (potato); Spinacia oleracea (spinach); Trifolium (clovers); Trifolium

incarnatum (crimson clover); Triticum aestivum (wheat); Vitis vinifera (grapevine); Zea mays


Plant part(s) affected: foliage, stems, bulbs, roots

Distribution: Widely distributed in Europe, Asia and Africa.

Afghanistan; Algeria; Angola; Austria; Bangladesh; Benin; Bhutan; Belarus; Belgium; Botswana;

Bulgaria; Cape Verde; China; Croatia; Cyprus; Czech Republic; Democratic Republic of the

Congo; Denmark; Egypt; Estonia; Ethiopia; Finland; France; Germany; Greece; Hungary; India;

Indonesia; Iran; Iraq; Israel; Italy; Côte D’Ivoire; Japan; Jordan; Kenya; Korea; Latvia; Lebanon;

Libya; Malawi; Malaysia; Mali; Malta; Mongolia; Morocco; Mozambique; Myanmar; Namibia;

Netherlands; Norway; Pakistan; Philippines; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Saint Helena; Saudi

Arabia; Senegal; Slovakia; South Africa; Spain; Sri Lanka; Sudan; Sweden; Syrian Arab Republic;

Switzerland; Tanzania; Togo; Tunisia; Turkey; Uganda; Ukraine; UK; Vietnam; Yemen;

Yugoslavia; former USSR; Zambia; Zimbabwe.

Biology: Female moths lay between 200-2000 eggs depending on conditions. These are laid singly

or in small batches on dry plant material or on the soil. The eggs hatch in 3-14 days and the young

larvae can move to the top of the plant where they can be dispersed by wind. Larvae live in the soil

and emerge nightly to feed on plant material above ground. As larvae grow the damage they do

Page 7: Datasheets for quarantine pests

increases in severity. Feeding by mature larvae can kill entire plants by severing the stem at the soil

surface. In bulbs and root crops feeding may result in deep holes being excavated. Between 1 and 4

generations can occur in a year depending on conditions. In cool temperate climates, the mature

larva spends winter in soil and pupates in the spring. In warmer climates breeding may be


Severe economic damage caused by this species has been reported in crops of cotton, maize,

potatoes, beetroot and lettuce. The level of damage caused is most severe under dry conditions

when plants are under stress.

Entry potential: High on infested plant material or in soil contaminating shipments; both

larvae and pupae can hide within infested bulbs.

Establishment potential: High. The host range of A. segetum is very wide.

Spread potential: High, larvae can disperse and adult moths are capable of strong flight.

Economic Importance: High, A. segetum is reported as a serious pest of a wide range of crop


Quarantine Status: Quarantine pest.


CAB International (1998). Crop Protection Compendium Module 1 CD-ROM. CAB International.

Rees, A.R. (1992). Ornamental Bulbs, Corms and Tubers. CAB International. Wallingford. 220pp.

4. Aphis fabae Scopoli, 1763 [Hemiptera: Aphididae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: Anuraphis cynariella Theobald, 1924; Aphis abientaria

Walker, 1852; Aphis addita Walker, 1849; Aphis adducta Walker, 1849; Aphis advena Walker,

1849; Aphis aparines Fabricius, 1775; Aphis aparinis Blanchard, 1840; Aphis apii Theobald, 1925;

Aphis apocyni Koch, 1854; Aphis atriplicis 1775 nec Linnaeus, 1758; Aphis brevisiphona Theobald,

1913; Aphis carpathica Tshumak, 1993; Aphis chaerophylli Koch, 1854; Aphis citricola van der

Goot, 1912; Aphis dahliae Mosley, 1841; Aphis erecta del Guercio, 1911; Aphis fabae Blanchard,

1840; Aphis fumariae Blanchard, 1840; Aphis hortensis Fabricius, 1781; Aphis indistincta Walker,

1849; Aphis inducta Walker, 1849; Aphis insularis Blanchard, 1923; Aphis ligustici Fabricius,

1779; Aphis neri 1843, nec Boyer de Fonscolombe, 1841; Aphis papaveris auct.; Aphis phlomoidea

del Guercio, 1911; Aphis polyanthis Passerini, 1863 nec Gmelin, 1790; Aphis rumicis auctt. prior

1930 nec Linnaeus; Aphis silybi Passerini, 1861; Aphis thlaspeos Schrank, 1801; Aphis translata

Walker, 1849; Aphis tuberosae Boyer de Fonscolombe, 1841; Aphis valerianina del Guercio, 1911;

Aphis watsoni Theobald, 1929; Doralis fabae Scopoli; Myzus roseum Macchiati, 1881; Myzus

rubra Macchiati, 1884; Myzus rubrum del Guercio, 1900.

Common name(s): Bean aphid; black bean aphid; black dolphin; blackfly.

Page 8: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Hosts: A highly polyphagous species, recorded hosts include: Angelica sp.; Aquilegia sp.; Arctium

sp.; Aster sp. (aster, Easter daisy, Michaelmas daisy); Atriplex sp.; Beta sp. (beet); Beta vulgaris

(beetroot); Brassica spp. (cabbage, kale, rape); Capsella bursa-pastoris (shepherd's-purse);

Carduus sp.; Chamaenerium angustifolium; Chenopodium album (fat hen, white goosefoot);

Cirsium sp.; Cucurbita spp. (marrow, pumpkin, squash); Dahlia sp.; Dieffenbachia sp.; Euonymous

europaeus; Gladiolus sp.; Glaucium sp.; Impatiens sp.; Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato);

Lysimachia sp. (loosestrife); Matricaria sp.; Narcissus spp. (daffodill); Nicotiana tabacum

(tobacco); Papaver sp. (poppy); Phaseolus vulgaris (French bean, kidney bean, string bean);

Philadelphus coronarius (sweet mock orange); Pisum sativum (pea); Rumex sp. (dock, sorrel);

Senecio sp.; Solanum tuberosum (potato); Solanum sp. (nightshade); Tropaeolum sp. (nasturtium);

Tulipa gesneriana (tulip); Urtica urens (annual nettle, small nettle, stinging nettle); Viburnum

opulus; Vicia faba (broad bean, fava bean).

Plant part affected: Buds, shoots, and other aerial parts of plants.

Distribution: Widespread in the temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere (including the UK

and Netherlands), North and South America and Africa.

Biology: A. fabae adults are black or brownish-black, between 1.5-3.1mm long. A. fabae is

probably a species complex (Stroyan 1984) with currently four described subspecies (Heie 1986). In

much of Europe, A. fabae sensu stricto (s.str.) has a heteroecious and holocyclic lifecycle. It

alternates between its primary host, usually spindle (Euonymus europaeus), on which it overwinters

as an egg stage, and a wide range of secondary hosts in plants from spring to autumn. Other species

can act as the primary host eg. sterile guilder rose (Viburnum opulus), mock orange (Philadelphus

cornarius) and some other species of Euonymus.

In Northern Europe, eggs are laid on E. europaeus between October and December. Eggs hatch

(from late February to April in Europe) into nymphs which go through four instars to become

fundatrices which are large parthenogenetically reproducing adult apterous females. About three

generations occur on spindle, until alates (spring migrants) are produced between mid-May and

early June. The spring migrants colonise a wide range of secondary hosts, including field beans,

sugarbeet and numerous wild host plants, on which apterous females are produced which reproduce

parthenogenetically. Rapid rates of population growth occur, resulting in dense colonies. One

female may produce up to 100 young at a rate of 10 per day. Alates are produced on secondary

hosts throughout the summer (summer migrants), partly in response to overcrowding, and these

continuously colonise fresh herbaceous secondary host plants.

Around September in Northern Europe, shorter day lengths modified by temperature, initiate

physiological and behavioural changes, resulting in the production of gynoparae (autumn migrants)

Page 9: Datasheets for quarantine pests

and males. Gynoparae undertake obligatory migratory flights to locate a primary host. Once there

they produce apterous oviparae or sexual females. Several weeks after the gynoparae appear, sexual

males are produced on the secondary host plants. They independently locate E. europaeus, and find

the oviparae using sex pheromone cues. Soon after mating, the oviparae lay their eggs in bark

crevices on the stem or on the winter buds. Each oviparae lays around four to six yellow-green

eggs, which darken with time to a shiny black. The embryos need to go through a cold spell and

enter diapause before they hatch.

In Southern Europe this aphid may reproduce parthenogenetically on secondary hosts throughout

the year. In the tropics the aphid, which is most likely to be the subspecies A. fabae solanella, does

not overwinter as an egg stage. It is anholocyclic, breeding parthenogenetically throughout the year,

with alate forms being produced in response to overcrowding.

Vector relationship: The species is a vector for more than 30 persistent and non-persistent

plant pathogenic viruses, including Narcissus mosaic, Tulip breaking and Cucumber mosaic


Entry potential: Low - dormant bulbs are not a primary host. Contamination of bulbs is a


Establishment potential: High if apterous or alate virgin oviparae present. Ability to

establish may vary between strains. Those that do not require a specific overwintering host are

of particular concern.

Spread potential: High, as it is a polyphagous species. Winged stage may fly and/or be

carried on the wind. It may also be spread with movement of infested plant materials.

Economic Importance: High – this species can quickly develop heavy populations that can

become debilitating to infested plants. This species is also a vector of a number of viral diseases,

including Beet mosaic virus and Potato leafroll virus (Heie 1986).

Quarantine Status: Quarantine pest.


Blackman, R. L. and Eastop, V. F. (1985). Aphids of the World’s Crops: an Identification Guide.

John Wiley and Sons: New York.

Dixon, A. F. G. (1987). The way of life of aphids: Host specificity, speciation and distribution. Pp.

197–207 in Minks, A. K. and Harrewijn, P. (eds.) Aphids : Their Biology, Natural Enemies

and Control. Vol 2A. World Crop Pests Series. Elsevier: Amsterdam, 450pp.

Heie, O. (1986). The Aphidoidea (Hemiptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. III Family Aphididae:

subfamily Pterocommatinae and tribe Aphidini of subfamily Aphidinae. Fauna Entomologica

Scandinavica 17: 1–314.

Page 10: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Lane, A. (1984). Bulb Pests. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Her Majesty’s Stationery

Office, London.

Remaudière, G. and Remaudière, M. (1997). Catalogue des Aphididae du monde. Catalogue of the

World’s Aphididae Homoptera Aphidoidea. Institut National de la Recherche (INRA)

Agronomique: Paris, 473 pp.

Stroyan, H.L.G. (1984). Aphids-Pterocommatinae and Aphidinae (Aphidini). Pp:74-75, 119-122 in

Fitton, M.G. (1984). Handbooks for the Identification of British Insects Vol. 2 (6), Royal

Entomological Society of London, 232pp.

5. Eumerus amoenus Loew, 1848 [Diptera: Syrphidae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: None known.

Common name(s): Mediterranean lesser bulb fly; onion bulb fly.

Host(s): Allium cepa (onion) (stored and field); Narcissus spp. (daffodil).

Plant part(s) affected: Bulb.

Distribution: Egypt; France; Israel.

Biology: Up to about 90 eggs are laid by each female fly, which hatch in about 1.5 to 6 days

depending on temperature. Larvae of this species feed internally on bulbs which, in combination

with the development of various fungal rots, may cause the complete destruction of the infested

plant. Development of E. amoenus occurs during the active vegetative growth of its hosts from

autumn to spring, during which at least two generations may be produced, and ceases when the

bulbs enter summer dormancy. In Egypt, numbers build up in early February and reach a maximum

during April to June. This species probably survives the summer as an adult. Irrigation or

cultivation in cooler climates may delay summer bulb dormancy and allow development to continue

so that adults will also emerge in summer.

Entry potential: High, as there is a risk of the pupae adhering to the bulbs and larvae being

present in damaged bulbs.

Establishment potential: High, especially in areas with a Mediterranean climate where

suitable hosts occur.

Spread potential: High, as adults are capable of flight.

Economic Importance: Yes, known to cause economic loss to stored and field growing onions,

and is regarded as a serious pest in Egypt.

Quarantine Status: Quarantine pest.


Avidov, Z. and Harpaz, I. (1969). Plant pests of Israel. Israel Universities Press, Jerusalem.

CAB International (1998). Crop Protection Compendium Module 1 CD-ROM. CAB International

Page 11: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Farag, S.S. and Doss, S.A.A. (1981). Biological studies on the onion bulb fly, Eumerus amoenus

Loew (Diptera: Syrphidae). Agricultural Research Review 59: 79-86.

Haydar, M.F. and Sherif, L.S. (1987). Ecological aspects and developing method of onion pest

control. Bulletin of the Entomological Society of Egypt, Economic Series 16: 119-126.

Speight, M.C.D., Claussen, C. and Hurkmans, W. (1998). Révision des syrphes de la faune de France: III –

Liste alphabétique des espèces des geners Cheilosia, Eumerus et Merodon et Supplément (Diptera,

Syrphidae). Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 103: 401-414.

6. Eumerus strigatus (Fallén, 1817) [Diptera: Syrphidae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: Eumerus aeneus Meigen; Eumerus lunulatus Meigen;

Paragopsis strigatus Fallén; Pipiza strigatus Fallén, 1817.

Common name(s): eristale du bulbe de l'oignon; kleine Narcissenvlieg; kleine Nareisvlieg; Kleine

Narzissen- Fliege; Kogata-kyukon-hana-abu; lesser bulb fly; lesser narcissus bulb fly; mosca de los

bulbos; mosca de los narcisos; Mosca dei bulbi; mouche des bulbes; onion bulb fly; onion bulb fly;

small narcissus fly; syrphe des bulbes; Zwiebelmond- Fliege.

Host(s): Allium cepa (onion); Allium sativum (garlic); Amaryllis spp. (belladonna lily); Brassica

oleracea var. capitata (cabbage); Calla elliottiana (water arum); Cyrtanthus spp. (fire lily);

Galtonia spp. (summer hyacinth); Gladiolus spp. (gladiolus); Hippeastrum spp. (amaryllis,

barbados lily); Hyacinthus spp. (hyacinth); Iris spp. (iris); Narcissus spp. (daffodil); Lilium spp.

(lily, lilium); Proiphys spp. (proiphys); Pastinaca sativa (parsnip); Solanum tuberosum (potato);

Scilla spp. (bluebell); Sprekelia formosissima (jacobean lily); Tulipa spp. (tulip).

Plant part(s) affected: Bulb, tuber, interior of roots.

Distribution: Widely distributed in Europe and North America including Canada; China; France;

Japan; New Zealand; Romania; Sweden; Taiwan; United Kingdom; USA; former USSR.

Biology: In Britain, flies emerge in the spring (April) and females each lay 35-100 eggs in groups

of 10 or more close to the host material. Eggs take 3-10 days to hatch. Newly hatched larvae enter

via the neck region of the bulb and feed on the inner tissue of the bulb reducing it rapidly to a

rotting mass. The larval and pupal stages take 20-30 days and 7-12 days respectively at 21-23°C.

Larvae are dirty white or brownish, 8-12 mm long when full grown. Pupation takes place in or near

the plant, often at the base of a bulb. Adults are bee-like, 4-6 mm long, black with yellowish

abdominal bands. In England this species has two generations per annum and over-winters as the

pupal stage in bulbs or the soil, or as an adult in the soil. Further south in Europe, up to three

generations per year can occur. Some pupae may take up to two years to hatch. Adult flies have also

been found in bulb stores.

Page 12: Datasheets for quarantine pests

E. strigatus is reported as causing up to 25-30% losses of onion over a five year period in the

former USSR and a 10-15% yield loss of late-maturing onion varieties in Romania. It is a very

common pest of narcissus in Britain. It is considered to be a secondary pest of bulbs and infestation

usually follows damage by other agents such as fungi, nematodes, slugs and other insects.

This species has been intercepted on onions exported from the US to Japan.

Entry potential: High, as there is a risk of the pupae adhering to the bulbs and larvae being

present in damaged bulbs. There is a slight risk of eggs adhering to bulbs and of live adults

surviving transportation. The species is believed to have been spread by trade to Japan and

has been intercepted by quarantine inspection at the Australian border.

Establishment potential: High, suitable hosts are present.

Spread potential: High, as adults are capable of strong flight.

Economic Importance: High, as the species causes economic damage not only to ornamental

bulbs, but also to some root vegetables.

Quarantine Status: Quarantine pest.


Aihara, E., Matsumoto, N. and Mauramatsu, T. (1985). Varieties of dipterous insects found on

imported onions and how to distinguish the insects. Plant Quarantine Station Investigation

Research Report 21: 75-80.

CAB International (1998). Crop Protection Compendium Module 1 CD-ROM. CAB International.

Essig, E.O. (1926). Insects of Western North America. MacMillans; New York.

Evans, J.W. (1943). Insect Pests and their Control.

Gherasim, V. (1973). The bulb fly – Eumerus strigatus Fall. (Diptera – Syrphidae) a pest new to

onion crops in the Republic of Romania. Analele Institutului de Cercetari centru Protectia

Plantelor 11: 141-146.

Mulin, Y.I (1990). A dangerous pest of onion. Zashchita Rastenii Moskva 3: 31-32.

Neboiss, A. (1957). Comparative Study of Victorian bulb Flies, Eumerus species (Syrphidae,

Diptera). Victorian Naturalist 74: 3-11.

Speight, M.C.D., Claussen, C. and Hurkmans, W. (1998). Révision des syrphes de la faune de France: III –

Liste alphabétique des espèces des geners Cheilosia, Eumerus et Merodon et Supplément (Diptera,

Syrphidae). Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 103: 401-414.

Page 13: Datasheets for quarantine pests

7. Eumerus tuberculatus (Rondani, 1857) [Diptera: Syrphidae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: Eumerus funeralis3 Meigen, 1822 sensu auctores;

Eumerus funeralis (Meigen, 1822); Eumerus strigatus Fallen 1817; Eumerus victorianus

Paramonov, 1957.

Common name(s): lesser bulb fly; lesser narcissus bulb fly.

Host(s): Allium cepa (onion); Allium sativum (garlic); Amaryllis spp. (belladonna lily); Brassica

oleracea var. capitata (cabbage); Calla elliottiana (water arum); Cyrtanthus spp. (fire lily);

Galtonia spp. (summer hyacinth); Gladiolus spp. (gladiolus); Hippeastrum spp. (amaryllis,

barbados lily); Hyacinthus spp. (hyacinth); Iris spp. (iris); Narcissus spp. (daffodil); Lilium spp.

(lily, lilium); Proiphys spp. (proiphys); Pastinaca sativa (parsnip); Solanum tuberosum (potato);

Scilla spp. (bluebell); Sprekelia formosissima (jacobean lily); Tulipa spp. (tulip).

Plant part(s) affected: Bulbs, tubers, interior of roots.

Distribution: Europe (from Spain and Italy in south to UK, central Sweden and Finland in north,

including the Netherlands and UK) ; introduced into Australia (Victoria, Tasmania only);

Colombia; NZ; USA.

Biology: Female flies lay up to 40 eggs on or near the host bulb, between bulb scales or on leaves at

the neck of bulbs or nearby on the soil surface. Eggs hatch in 5 to 10 days. Between 10-30 larvae

may typically develop inside a bulb, reducing it to a semi liquid mass. After about 30 days, larvae

pupate. This can take place within the infested plant material or in the surrounding soil or soil

surface. One to four weeks later, adult flies emerge and may live for up to 36 days following

emergence. Up to three generations may occur in a year.

Although larvae can successfully attack a healthy bulb, they do not complete development in the

absence of certain decay organisms. Bulbs already infested with stem nematodes (Ditylenchus

dipsaci Kuehn) or infected with a root rot fungus are especially vulnerable to attack. Infested bulbs

often die or are damaged to such an extent that only stunted leaves appear the following year.

E. tuberculatus originated in Europe and has been accidentally introduced into the USA. This

species has been intercepted on onions exported to Japan from Australia and Korea.

Entry potential: High, as eggs, larvae and pupae can occur on and in the bulb. It has a record

of successful introductions to areas outside its natural range.

Establishment potential: High, as a high range of hosts are present in Australia and this

species is capable of surviving in a wide range of climates.

Spread potential: High, as species is capable of strong flight.

3 According to Speight et al. (1998) E. funeralis has priority over E. tuberculatus.

Page 14: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Economic importance: High, as it causes economic damage to a range of economically important

plant species.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest for all States except Tasmania.


Aihara, E., Matsumoto, N. and Mauramatsu, T. (1985). Varieties of dipterous insects found on

imported onions and how to distinguish the insects. Plant Quarantine Station Investigation

Research Report 21: 75-80.

Essig, E.O. (1926). Insects of Western North America. MacMillans; New York.

Evans, J.W. (1943). Insect Pests and their Control.

Gherasim, V. (1973). The bulb fly – Eumerus strigatus Fall. (Diptera – Syrphidae) a pest new to

onion crops in the Republic of Romania. Analele Institutului de Cercetari centru Protectia

Plantelor 11: 141-146.

Lundbeck, W. (1912). Diptera Danica - Genera and species hitherto found in Denmark, Part IV


Mulin, Y.I. (1990). A dangerous pest of onion. Zashchita Rastenii Moskva 3: 31-32.

Neboiss, A. (1957). Comparative Study of Victorian bulb Flies, Eumerus species (Syrphidae,

Diptera). Victorian Naturalist 74: 3-11.

North Carolina State University Web Page

Speight, M.C.D., Claussen, C. and Hurkmans, W. (1998). Révision des syrphes de la faune de France: III –

Liste alphabétique des espèces des geners Cheilosia, Eumerus et Merodon et Supplément (Diptera,

Syrphidae). Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 103: 401-414.

8. Eumerus sp. [Diptera: Syrphidae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: this species has not yet been described.

Common name(s): Small narcissus fly.

Host(s): Amaryllidaceae; Liliaceae.

Plant part(s) affected: Bulb.

Distribution: Israel

Biology: Larvae of this species, which has not yet been formally described, in common with other

Eumerus species, feed internally on bulbs. Such feeding, in combination with the development of

various fungal rots may cause the complete destruction of the infested plant. In Israel, this species

can have three to four generations between April and October. Development from egg to adult takes

about 39 days. This species is considered a secondary pest of bulbs and usually follows damage

done by various means including by other insect pests.

Entry potential: High, as eggs, larvae and pupae can occur on and in the bulb.

Page 15: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Establishment potential: High, as suitable hosts are widely grown in Australia.

Spread potential: High, as adults are capable of strong flight.

Economic importance: High, as it causes economic damage to a range of economically important

plant species.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Ben-Yakir, D., Hadar, Ester and Chen, M. (1997). Evaluating insecticides for the control of narcissus flies

under field conditions in Israel. Phytoparasitica 25: 93-97.

Nestel, D., Ben-Yakir, D., Chen, M. and Freidberg, A. (1994). The narcissus bulb flies in Israel: species of

agricultural importance and monitoring systems. Hassadeh 75: 81-85.

9. Frankliniella fusca (Hinds, 1902) [Thysanoptera: Thripidae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: Euthrips fuscus Hinds, 1902; Euthrips nicotianae Hinds,

1905; Frankliniella nicotianae (Hinds, 1905); Physopus fuscus Trybom, 1910; Physopus nicotianae

(Hinds, 1905); Scirtothrips owreyi Watson, 1924.

Common name(s): tobacco thrips; thrips du tabac; Tabak-Blasenfuss.

Host(s): a highly polyphagous species, recorded hosts include: Arachis hypogaea (groundnut,

peanut); Capsicum annuum (bell pepper); Citrullus lanatus (watermelon); Digitaria sanguinalis

(crabgrass); Glycine max (soyabean); Gossypium spp. (cotton); Hippeastrum spp. (amaryllis,

Barbados lily); Liliaceae; Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato); Narcissus hybrids (daffodil);

Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco); Phaseoulus vulgaris (bean); Raphanus raphanistrum (wild radish);

Sinapis arvensis (wild mustard); Verbesina encelioides (golden crownbeard); Vigna unguiculata

(cowpea); Zea mays (maize); and many other plants.

Plant part(s) affected: bulbs, leaves, stems, growing points, inflorescence, fruits/pods, and

vegetative organs.

Distribution: Canada; Martinique; Mexico; the Netherlands; Puerto Rico; United States of


Biology: Two forms of adult tobacco thrips occur, one with shorter wings than the other. Both

adults are yellowish-brown and about 1 mm long. The whitish egg is concealed within plant tissue.

The yellowish-orange larva varies from 0.25 mm to 1 mm in length. The pupa ranges in length from

0.6 to 1 mm. Its body is yellowish-orange, but the wing pads and legs are pearly white.

In temperate climates, Tobacco thrips probably overwinter as adult females under ground litter or in

other protected places. Each female deposits 50 to 60 eggs in the tissue of the foliage which hatch in

about 7 days. Unfertilised eggs produce males and fertilised eggs produce only females. The two

Page 16: Datasheets for quarantine pests

larval stages feed for 5 to 6 days before pupating, either on the plant or in the soil. The larvae and

adult thrips are found on young leaves or flowers. In flowers they feed by sucking out the contents

of pollen grains and the cell sap of other flower tissues, such as around the bases of the anthers and

on the developing fruits. On young leaves the cells of the upper parenchyma layers are emptied.

After pupating for 3 to 4 days, the adults emerge and begin feeding. Total development time from

egg to adult is about 16 days. Five overlapping generations per year have been reported in the USA.

Tobacco thrips is the principal, damaging species of thrips to tobacco and are most damaging to

young plants. As the upper surfaces of developing leaflets unfold, they appear scarred and even

deformed. With heavy thrips infestations in combination with other stresses, stunting occurs during

early development and the damaged plants recover slowly. In the Netherlands F. fusca is a pest of

Hyppeastrum and Narcissus bulbs held in store rooms, although it is rated as rare. Damage to bulbs

of the Liliaceae is restricted, but these bulbs, which are widely traded, can be the medium by which

the thrips can enter new areas.

Vector relationship: TSWV (tomato spotted wilt virus) is known to be transmitted by F.

fusca in the USA. F. fusca is considered the most important vector of TSWV in tobacco,

whereas both F. fusca and F. occidentalis are important vectors in tomato and pepper and

both thrips species are confirmed as the vectors of TSWV on groundnut.

Entry potential: High, can be found on bulbs.

Establishment potential: High as hosts are numerous and abundant and the preferred

climate is available.

Spread potential: High as adults are winged. This species can also be spread by movement

of infested plant material.

Economic importance: Yes, apart from its direct damage to seedlings and flowers, F. fusca is an

efficient vector of TSWV (tomato spotted wilt virus) in crops, such as tomato, groundnut, pepper

and cotton. In addition to the damage it may do in its own right, presence of F. fusca may improve

the transmission of TSWV in Australia to crop plants with resulting increase in economic loss.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Brolman-Hupkes, J. E. (1975). A virus-complex in Hippeastrum hybridum. Acta Botanica

Neerlandica 24: 253.

CAB International (1998). Crop Protection Compendium Module 1 CD-ROM. CAB International.

Hobbs, H.A., Johnson, R.R., Story, R.N., Black, L.L., Kuo, C.G. (1996). Weed hosts and

transmission of tomato spotted wilt virus in Louisiana. International Symposium on

Page 17: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Tospoviruses and Thrips of Floral and Vegetable Crops, Taiwan Agricultural Research

Institute, Taichung, Taiwan, 7-10 November 1995. Acta Horticulturae, 431:291-297.

Lewis, T. (1997). Major crops infested by thrips with main symptoms and predominant injurious

species. In: Lewis T, ed. Thrips as Crop Pests. Wallingford, UK: CAB International, 675-709.

Lowry, V.K., Smith, J.W. Jr, Mitchell, F.L. (1992). Life-fertility tables for Frankliniella fusca

(Hinds) and F. occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on peanut. Annals of the

Entomological Society of America, 85(6):744-754.

Mantel, W.P., Vrie, M. van de (1988). A contribution to the knowledge of Thysanoptera in

ornamental and bulbous crops in the Netherlands. Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica

Hungarica, 23(3-4):301-311.

Mantel, W.P., Vierbergen, G. (1996). Additional species to the Dutch list of Thysanoptera and new

intercepted Thysanoptera on imported plant material. In: Jenser, G., Ádám, L., eds.

Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Thysanoptera. Folia Entomologia

Hungarica, 57(suppl.): 91-96.

Mound, L.A. (1996). Thysanoptera. Zoological Catalogue of Australia 26:249-332.

Mound, L.A., Teulon, D.A.J. (1995). Thysanoptera as phytophagous opportunists. In: Parker BL,

Skinner M, Lewis T, eds. Thrips biology and management. Proceedings of the 1993

International Conference on Thysanoptera. London, USA; Plenum Publishing Co. Ltd, 3-17.

Nakahara, S. (1989). Annotated checklist of the Thysanoptera of Bermuda. Journal of the new York

Entomological Society 9: 251-260.

Ullman, D.E., Sherwood, T.L., German, M.D. (1997). Thrips as vectors of plant pathogens. In:

Lewis T, ed. Thrips as Crop Pests. Wallingford, UK: CAB International.

Vierbergen, G. (1992). Interceptions of species of the genus Frankliniella in the Netherlands

(Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Proceedings of the section Experimental and Applied Entomology

of the Netherlands Entomological Society, 3:175-180.

Vierbergen G, 1995. The genus Frankliniella in the Netherlands, with a key to the species

(Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Entomologische Berichten, Amsterdam, 55(12):185-192.

10. Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande, 1895) [Thripidae: Thysanoptera]

Synonyms and changes in combination: Frankliniella californica Moulton, 1911; Frankliniella

helianthi (Moulton, 1911); Frankliniella moultoni Hood, 1914; Frankliniella treherneri Morgan,


Common name(s): Alfalfa thrips; western flower thrips.

Hosts: a highly polyphagous species recorded from over 240 species of plants from the 62 families

including Allium cepa (onions); Beta vulgaris (beetroot); Beta vulgaris var. saccharifera

(sugarbeet); Brassica oleracea var. capitata (cabbage); Capsicum spp. (capsicum, chilli, pepper);

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Carthamus tinctorius (safflower); Chrysanthemum x morifolium (florists’chrysanthemum); Citrus x

paradisi (grapefruit); Cucumis melo (melon); Cucumis sativus (cucumber); Cucurbita maxima

(giant pumpkin); Cucurbita pepo (courgette, ornamental gourd, squash, zucchini); Cyclamen sp.;

Dahlia sp.; Daucus carota (carrot); Dianthus caryophyllus (carnation); Euphorbia pulcherrima

(poinsettia); Ficus carica (fig); Fragaria ananassa (strawberry); Fuchsia sp.; Geranium sp.

(cranesbill); Gerbera jamesonii (African daisy); Gladiolus spp. (sword lily); Gossypium sp.

(cotton); Gypsophila sp. (chalkplant); Hibiscus sp. (hibiscus, rosemallow); Impatiens sp. (balsam);

Kalanchoe sp.; Lactuca sativa (lettuce); Lathyrus odoratus (sweet pea); Leucaena leucocephala

(leucaena); Limonium sinuatum (sea pink); Lisianthius sp.; Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato);

Malus domestica (apple); Medicago sativa (alfalfa, lucerne); Petroselinum crispum (parsley);

Phaseolus spp. (bean); Pisum sativum (pea); Prunus spp. (almond, cherry, peach, plum); Purshia

tridentata (bitterbrush); Raphanus raphanistrum (wild radish); Rhododendron sp. (rhododendron);

Rosa sp. (rose); Saintpaulia ionantha (African violet); Salvia sp. (sage); Secale cereale (rye);

Sinapis arvensis (wild mustard); Sinningia speciosa (gloxinia); Solanum melongena (aubergine,

eggplant); Sonchus sp. (sow thistle); Syzygium jambos (rose apple); Trifolium spp. (clover);

Triticum aestivum (wheat); Vitis vinifera (grapevine); Zinnia sp. (zinnia).

Plant part affected: Flower, foliage.

Distribution: Originally from North America (Canada, USA and Mexico) this species has been

spread widely in trade to Argentina; Australia (NSW; Qld; SA; WA); Austria; Belgium; Brazil;

Bulgaria; Central Russia; Chile; Colombia; Costa Rica; Crete; Croatia; Cyprus; Czech Republic;

Denmark; Dominican Republic; Ecuador; Estonia; Finland; France; French Guyana; Germany;

Greece; Guatemala; Hungary; Ireland; Israel; Italy; Japan; Kenya; Korea, Republic of; Lithuania;

Malaysia; Malta; Martinique; Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway; Peru; Poland; Portugal; Puerto

Rico; Réunion; Romania; Sardinia; Sicily; Singapore; Slovakia; Slovenia; South Africa; Southern

Russia; Spain; Sri Lanka; Swaziland; Sweden; Switzerland; Tunisia; Turkey; United Kingdom;

Venezuela; Zimbabwe.

Biology: The western flower thrips is a highly polyphagous species. Up to five to seven generations

per year can be produced in outdoor situations with double this number being possible under

glasshouse conditions.

Frankliniella occidentalis overwinters in the adult and nymphal stages. It has not been shown to

overwinter outdoors in Europe but it is one of the commonest flower thrips outdoors in British

Columbia (Canada), indicating the ability to survive a cool damp climate. Adults and nymphs feed

on pollen and plant tissue but will also feed on eggs of other arthropods when these are abundant.

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Minute eggs are laid in soft tissues of the plant, particularly in flowers. Each female lays about 20

eggs that hatch in about five days. The nymphs feed on the host through two larval (nymphal)

stages lasting a total of seven to twelve days. Their prepseudopupal and pseudopupal stages last

four to five days in the soil debris or flowers. Reproduction apparently ceases above 32oC.

There are three colour forms of the adult female: light, intermediate and dark. The dark form is

predominant in the early spring; the light and intermediate forms are most common later. The light

form generally is the most numerous. Males are numerous only in spring (CAB International/EPPO,

1997). Numerous pesticide resistant forms have developed overseas.

F. occidentalis is indigenous to North America (Canada, the United Mexican States and continental

United States of America). It began to spread internationally about 1980 and has now been reported

from countries in all continents of the world, including the Netherlands and Australia, where it is

under official control in Tasmania, South Australia and Northern Territory.

Vector relationship: The species is a major vector of the tomato spotted wilt virus.

Entry potential: Low, bulbs are not a host, however they may act as a vehicle for

transportation. It is frequently intercepted by quarantine on imported cut-flowers.

Establishment potential: High, this species has a broad range of hosts and is


Spread potential: High, this species has ability to secrete itself in small crevices etc., and

the eggs are protected by the epidermis of the plant. This species is frequently and easily

transported in plant material.

Economic importance: High, this species causes severe losses on a wide range of horticultural and

ornamental crops through direct impact and indirectly through virus transmission and additional

costs associated with the control of pesticide resistant forms.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest as it is under official control in some states of Australia.


CAB International/EPPO (1997). Frankliniella occidentalis. pp. 267-272 in Smith, I.M.,

McNamara, D.G., Scott, P.R., Holderness, M. and Burger, B. (eds). Quarantine Pests for

Europe (2nd edition). CAB International: Wallingford UK, 1425 pp.

Garcia, F., Greatrex, R.M., Gomez, J., Albajes, R. and Carnero, A. (1997). Development of

integrated crop management systems for sweet peppers in southern Spain. Integrated control

in protected crops, Mediterranean climate. Proceedings of the meeting at Teneriffe, Canary

Islands, 3-6 November 1997. Bulletin OILB SROP 20: 8-15.

Page 20: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Vierbergen G, 1995. The genus Frankliniella in the Netherlands, with a key to the species

(Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Entomologische Berichten, Amsterdam, 55(12):185-192.

11. Hepialus humuli (Linnaeus, 1758) [Lepidoptera: Hepialidae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: Phalalaena (Noctua) humuli Linnaeus, 1758; Hepialus

thulensis Newman, 1865; Hepialus hethlandica Staudinger 1871.

Common name(s): Ghost swift moth, Ghost moth.

Host(s): Polyphagous on a wide range of plants including both wild and cultivated species,

including cereals, grasses, root vegetables and bulbs.

Plant part(s) affected: Roots, bulbs and other subterranean parts.

Distribution: Northern and central Europe including the UK and Ireland.

Biology: In the UK adult moths fly at dusk in early summer (June – July) and occasionally later in

the year. Females lay eggs on the wing scattering them over the soil surface. On hatching, larvae

tunnel into the soil feeding on any root material they come across. Damage caused by feeding

increases as larvae grow and peaks in late autumn through to early spring. Feeding can leave ragged

holes, which can result in death or stunting of the affected bulb. Pupation occurs underground in the

soil or in a root mass, tuber or bulb. The pupa is motile and moves to the surface to allow the

emergence of the adult moth. Egg to adult development takes two years under British conditions.

Entry potential: High, larvae and pupae can be present inside bulbs.

Establishment potential: High, being a highly polyphagous species.

Spread potential: High, adults can fly.

Economic importance: Moderate, this species can be a pest of a wide range of plant species. It is

not as serious a pest as the related H. lupulinus.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Heath, J (ed.) (1976) The Moths and butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol 1, Micropterigidae

– Heliozelidae, Blackwell Scientific publications, Oxford, UK, pp343.

12. Hepialus lupulinus (Linnaeus, 1758) [Lepidoptera: Hepialidae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: Phalalaena (Noctua) lupulinus Linnaeus, 1758; Hepialus

fuscus Haworth, 1809; Hepialus angulum Haworth, 1809; Hepialus nebolosus Haworth, 1809.

Common name(s): Common Swift.

Host(s): Highly polyphagous on a wide range of plants including both wild and cultivated species,

including cereals, grasses, root vegetables and bulbs.

Distribution: Northern, central and south-eastern Europe including UK and Ireland.

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Plant part(s) affected: roots, bulbs and other subterranean parts.

Biology: In the UK, adult moths fly at dusk in late spring- early summer (May – June) and

occasionally later in the year. Females lay eggs on the wing scattering them over the soil surface.

Eggs hatch in about 10-14 days, on hatching, the larvae tunnel into the soil, feeding on any root

material they come across. Damage by feeding increases as larvae grow and peaks in late autumn

through to early spring. Feeding can leave ragged holes, which can result in death or stunting of the

affected bulb. Pupation occurs underground in the soil or in a root mass, tuber or bulb. The pupa is

motile and moves to the surface to permit the emergence of the adult moth. Egg to adult

development usually takes one year.

Entry potential: High as larvae and pupae can be present inside bulbs.

Establishment potential: High, being a highly polyphagous species.

Spread potential: High, adults can fly.

Economic importance: The moth is a significant pest in the UK. High densities (100,000 larvae

per hectare) of this insect can develop in commercial root crops. Such densities cause significant

economic loss to the affected crop.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Anon. (1984). Swift moths. Leaflet, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, UK. 160: 1-5.

Heath, J (ed.) (1976) The Moths and butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol 1, Micropterigidae

– Heliozelidae, Blackwell Scientific publications, Oxford, UK, pp343

Jalava, J. (1977). Lepidoptera new to the Finnish fauna. Notulae Entomologicae 57: 65-68.

Lane, A. ( 1984). Bulb pests. MAFF reference book 51. HMSO, London

Merleire, H. de (1976). The ghost swift moth. Phytoma 28: 11-12.

Rees, A.R.(1992). Ornamentals and tubers. CAB International. Wallingford 220pp.

13. Lilioceris spp. [Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: not known.

Common name(s): Lily beetles; lily leaf beetles. The best known pest species is L. lilli (Scopoli,


Host(s): members of this genus feed mainly on Lilium spp. and Fritillaria spp., but will taste or

feed lightly on other plants species nearby. Some Lilioceris species (but not L. lilli) will also feed

on Allium spp., including cultivated onion (A. cepa).

Distribution: L. lilli - Europe (including Netherlands, U.K - introduced.), North Africa. Introduced

to Canada (Quebec), and has recently spread into NE USA (c1992). Other species, eg Lilioceris

falsermanni and Lilioceris merdigera, occur in Europe and western Asia, including Israel.

Plant part(s) affected: Foliage; stems; seed pods.

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Biology: The best known member of this genus is L. lilli. The adult beetle is a striking insect, 6-

8mm long, with a bright scarlet body and black legs, head, antennae, and undersurface. They will

squeak if handled roughly. The reddish/orange eggs are laid in an irregular line on the underside of

leaves of Lilium and Fritillaria spp. As many as 450 eggs are laid by each female, sometimes over

two growing seasons. Eggs typically hatch in 7-10 days. The slug-like larvae feed on leaves, stems

and seed pods, in doing so they tend to camouflage themselves in their own excrement. Feeding by

larvae and adults can do considerable damage to affected plants. After 16-24 days larvae leave the

plant and enter the soil to pupate. Adults emerge 16-22 days later and feed on foliage of host plants

until autumn. The following spring they mate and lay eggs after spending the winter hiding in plant

debris or soil, sometimes at a distance away from host plants.

The introduction and spread of L. lilli in the UK and North America is well documented. In the UK

L. lilli is spreading slowly, with its area of distribution centred on the Thames valley immediately

west of London. In North America L. lilli first became established in Montreal, Canada in about

1945. In 1992 it had spread into neighbouring parts of the USA and has now reached the Boston


Other species of this genus may also be found infesting Lilium and Fritillaria spp., especially those

grown in southwest Asia where a number of Lilioceris species are known to occur.

Entry potential: Low, as adults and larvae are associated with foliage rather than with

dormant bulbs.

Establishment potential: Low to high, establishment depends on presence and density of its

specific host plants.

Spread potential: Moderate to high, by movement of infested plants or by beetles on the

wing. L. lilli at least has a proven record of successful introduction outside its home range.

Economic importance: Causes serious economic damage to a high-value flower crop and is a

troublesome pest of the home garden.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Anon. (1998). Pest Pamphlet from the Biological Control Laboratory, Department of Plant

Sciences, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881 2/98

Berti, N and Rapilly, M. (1976) Fauna of Iran, list of species and a revision of the genus Lilioceris

Reitter (Col.: Chrysomelidae). Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 12: 31 – 73.

Lane, A. ( 1984). Bulb pests. MAFF reference book 51. HMSO, London

Luczak, I. (1993). The effect of growing methods and onion (Allum cepa L. ) cultivars on the

occurrence of the onion beetle (Lilioceris merdigera L.). Folia Horticulturae 5: 33-41.

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Luczak, I. (1993). The threat of onion beetle Lilioceris merdigera L. (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae)

to onion grown from seed and sets in southern Poland. Roczniki Nauk Rolniczych 23: 61-66.

Luczak, I. (1993). The protection of onion grown seed against Lilioceris merdigera (Coleoptera,

Chrysomelidae) by the use of onion sets. Roczniki Nauk Rolniczych 23: 67-73.

Okhrimenko, N. V. and Gnezdilov, V. M. (1997) Larvae, egg, distribution and bionomics of the

Caucasian endemic beetle Lilioceris (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Vestnik Zoologii 31: 96-


14. Liothrips vaneeckei Priesner, 1920 [Thysanoptera: Phaleothripidae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: None.

Common name(s): Lily thrips

Host(s): Lilium canadense (meadow lily); Lilium carolinianum (lilium); Liliun longiflorum (easter

lily); Lilium martagon (common turk's cap lily); Lilium pardalinum (leopard lily); Lilium regale

(regal lily); Lilium washingtonianum (lilium); Orchidaceae.

Distribution: Canada; China; India; Italy; Japan; The Netherlands, New Zealand; Sri Lanka; U.K.;


Biology: This species lives and breeds between the scales of Lilium bulbs. Thrips damage leaf and

soft tissue of bulbs by piercing and rasping. They feed between the scales close to the base plate

producing small rusty-brown sunken spots on the scales. Heavily attacked bulbs may become

desiccated in store. Infested bulbs when planted have reduced vigour with the result that scale

production is severely reduced. Infested bulbs are also at risk from secondary infestation by fungi

etc. Once a bulb becomes infested, successive generations of thrips will survive in it for many

years. Bulb stores can become infested with this thrips and spread takes place from bulb to bulb in

stores, especially at high temperatures when the thrips are very active.

Some four to seven generations may occur in a year depending on conditions. In the UK adult and

second larvae will overwinter either on foliage or between the scales of bulbs. Typically each

female may lay up to 50 eggs. Population increase in this species is rapid under warm conditions.

The species is extremely active at temperatures of 13oC and above but is torpid below about 7oC.

Entry potential: High. This species has been transported and introduced to new regions on


Establishment potential: High. Wide geographic distribution suggests high probability of

establishment. Rapid multiplication increases likelihood of establishment.

Spread potential: High. May be spread by movement of infested bulbs, adult insects can also

be carried by the wind.

Economic importance: High. An important pest of a high value bulb crop.

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Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Becker, P. (1974). Pests of ornamental plants. MAFF. Bull.97. HMSO. London. 170pp

Lane, A. (1984). Bulb Pests. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Her Majesty’s Stationery

Office, London.

Lewis, T. (1973). Thrips their biology, ecology and economic importance. Academic Press, Lond.

Lewis, T. (Ed.). Thrips as crop pests. CAB International.

Morison, G. D. ( ). Thysanoptera of the London area. The London Naturalist Supplement. Part 1.

Morison, G. D. (1957). A review of British glasshouse Thysanoptera. Transactions of the Royal

Entomological Society of London 109: 467-513.

Mound,L.A. and Walker, A.K. (1986). Tubulifera( Insecta: Thysanoptera), Fauna of New Zealand

Vol. 10.

15. Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess, 1880) [Diptera : Agromyzidae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: Agromyza phaseolunta Frost; Liriomyza alliivora; L.

alliovora Frick; L. phaeolunta Frick; Oscinis trifolii Burges

Common name(s): American serpentine leafminer, chrysanthemum leaf miner; serpentine leaf


Host(s): A highly polyphagous species – hosts include: Abelmoschus esculentus (okra); Ageratum

(flossflower, pussy-foot); Allium cepa (onion); Allium sativum (garlic); Allium schoenoprasum

(chives); Arachis hypogaea (groundnut, peanut); Aster (Easter daisy); Beta vulgaris var.

saccharifera (sugarbeet); Bidens (burmarigold); Brassica chinensis (Chinese cabbage); Callistephus

chinensis (China aster, annual aster); Capsicum annum (chilli pepper); Chrysanthemum x

morifolium (florists chrysanthemum); Compositae; Cucumis melo (melon); C. pepo (zucchini); C.

sativus (cucumber); Cucurbitaceae (cucurbits); Dahlia (dahlia); Dendranthema; Dianthus

(carnation); Gaillardia (blanket flower); Gerbera spp. (gerbera); Glycine max (soybean);

Gossypium (cotton); Gypsophila spp. (gypsophila); Helianthus (sunflower); Lactuca sativa

(lettuce); Lathyrus (vetchling); Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato); Medicago sativa (lucerne);

Phaseolus spp. (beans); P. lunatus (lima bean); P. vulgaris (kidney bean); Pisum sativum (pea);

Salvia spp. (sage); Senecio (groundsel); Solanum melongena (eggplant); S. tuberosum (potato);

Spinacia oleracea (spinach); Tagetes (marigold); Trifolium (clover); T. repens (white clover);

Tropaeolum (nasturtium); Vicia (vetch); Vigna unguiculata (cowpea); Zinnia. Secondary non-

Allium hosts include: Apium graveolans var. dulce (bleached celery); Bellis (daisy); Cassia (senna,

shower tree); Centaurea (knapweed); Chenopodium (goosefoot); Citrullus (citrullus); Daucus

carota (carrot); Erigeron (fleabane); Gazania; Gladiolus hybrids (gladiolus); Hordeum (barleys);

Linaria (toadflax); Medicago (medics); Primula (primrose); Xanthium (cocklebur). Wild hosts

Page 25: Datasheets for quarantine pests

include: Alsotroemaria (lily of the Incas, Peruvian lily); Ambrosia (ragweed); Antirrhinum

(snapdragon); Arachis; Artemisia (wormwoods); Avena sativa (oats); Baccharis; Basella (malabar

nightshade); Carthamus; Cestrum; Crataegus (hawthorns); Crotalaria (rattlebox); Eupatorium

(boneset, thoroughwort); Galingsoga; Ipomoea (morning glory); Malva (mallows); Melilotus

(melilots); Mollecella; Ocimum (basil); Phlox; Physalis (ground cherry); Ricinus communis (castor

bean, castor-oil plant); Sonchus (sow thistle); Taraxacum (dandelion); Tithonia (Mexican

sunflower); Tragopogon (goatsbeard); Tribulus (caltrop); Typha (bulrush, cat-tail); Verbena


Plant part(s) affected: Foliage.

Distribution: American Samoa; Asia; Austria; Bahamas; Barbados; Belgium; Benin; Bermuda;

Brazil; Canada; China (including Taiwan); Colombia; Costa Rica; Côte D’Ivoire; Croatia; Cuba;

Cyprus; Dominican Republic; Egypt; Ethiopia; France; French Guiana; Guadeloupe; Guam;

Guatemala; Guinea; Guyana; India; Israel; Italy; Japan; Kenya; Korea; Lebanon; Madagascar;

Malta; Martinique; Mauritius; Mayotte; Mexico; Micronesia; Netherlands; Nigeria; Northern

Mariana Islands; Peru; Philippines; Poland; Portugal; Reunion; Romania; Russia; Samoa; Senegal;

Slovakia; Slovenia; South Africa; Spain; Sudan; Switzerland; Taiwan; Tanzania; Tonga; Trinidad &

Tobago; Tunisia; Turkey; USA; former USSR; Venezuela; Yemen; Yugoslavia; Zambia;


Eradicated from the Czech Republic; Denmark; Finland; Germany; Hungary; Norway; Sweden;


Biology:. Duration of life cycle is temperature dependant and can take as little as 12 days. Under

heated glasshouse conditions breeding can be continuous. Adults can survive temperatures as low as

12°C however the pest is not thought to be able to survive outdoors through northern European

winters. Eggs are laid just below the leaf surface. Many eggs can be laid on one leaf and the number

depends on temperature and host plant. Larvae feed within the leaf. Pupation generally takes place

either on the leaf or in the soil nearby. Damage is caused to plants both by feeding punctures in

leaves produced by female flies and by mines produced in leaves as a result of larval development.

Feeding punctures are often used as oviposition sites.

L. trifolii is a major pest of Compositae, especially chrysanthemums, and vegetable crops, and is

particularly damaging under glasshouse conditions. Larval feeding reduces the photosynthetic

capability of the plant and can delay the development of young plants. Mines and puncture marks

can also reduce the value of ornamental plants and crops. Infestation can cause leaf fall which may

result in stems being exposed to wind damage and flower buds/developing fruit being exposed to


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This species can survive cold storage at 1.7°C for at least 10 days on chrysanthemum cuttings and

4.5°C for 8 weeks in the laboratory. All stages of larvae are killed after 1-2 weeks at 0°C. Newly

laid eggs can survive for up to 3 weeks in cold storage at 0°C.

Adults may transfer plant pathogens (eg viruses) during feeding or egg laying but they are not

inherent carriers of pathogens.

Entry potential: Medium, while bulbs are not a primary host but pupae can become lodged

in bulbs or can be carried in soil attached to bulbs.

Establishment potential: High. Suitable hosts are widely grown in Australia.

Spread potential: High. May be spread by movement of infested plant material, adult insects

can also fly.

Economic importance: High. L. trifolii is reported as a serious pest of a range of ornamental and

vegetable crops and is an A2 quarantine pest for the EPPO.

Quarantine Status: Quarantine pest.


CAB International (1998). Crop Protection Compendium Module 1 CD-ROM. CAB International.

CAB International/EPPO (1997) Quarantine Pests for Europe – Data sheets on quarantine pests for

the European Union and the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation. CAB


16. Macrosteles sexnotatus (Fallen, 1806) [Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Deltocephalini]

Synonyms and changes in combination: . Cicada 6-notata Fallén; Cicada sexnotata; Cicadula

fascifrons (Stål); Cicadula quadrilineatus (Forbes); Cicadula sexnotata (Fallén); Jassus sexnotatus;

Macrosteles fascifrons Stål; Macrosteles sexnotatus (Fallén), Macrosteles quadrilineatus (Forbes).

Some confusion exists between M. sexnotatus and M. quadrilineatus (Forbes). – a species of North

American origin. The datasheet below refers to information concerning Eurasian populations of

what is described in references below as M. sexnotatus.

Common name(s): European six-spotted leafhopper.

Host(s): A highly polyphagous species. It has been recorded as being a pest on Gladiolus spp. and

Hyacinthus spp. It has also been reported from apple and peach orchards, vineyards and on cotton,

rice and wheat.

Plant part(s) affected: foliage

Distribution: widespread in Europe and Asia, countries where it is recorded include: Belgium,

Egypt, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, India, Poland, Spain, and Turkey.

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Biology: M. sexnotatus is a polyphagous species and feeds on over 200 species of plants from 38

families. Its preferences may change during the growing season possibly due to the availability of

tender young growth. The species usually feeds low on stems or on the underside of leaves, but will

leap or dodge when disturbed. Physical damage caused by feeding may be slight. However this

species is a vector of several plant diseases. In bulbs M. sexnotatus is known to transmit the

mycoplasma disease ‘aster yellows’ in Gladioli spp. and the related condition (probably caused by

the same agent) known as ‘lissers’ in Hyacinthus spp. M. sexnotatus has also been implicated in the

spread of ‘rice yellows’ in rice (Oryzae sativa).

Entry potential: Low as it is a pest of foliage rather than bulbs, unlikely to be present on

dormant bulbs except as an accidental.

Establishment potential: High, being polyphagous it is highly likely to find suitable hosts in

Australia. Of particular concern is its ability to attack rice and cotton which are major crops.

Spread potential: High, as adults are mobile.

Economic importance: High, especially if it became established in broadacre crops such as rice

and cotton. Of particular concern is its ability to vector plant diseases to these and other crops.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Abul-Nasr, S., El-Nahal, A.K.M., Nasr, S Abil, Nahal, A.K.M. El (1969). Seasonal population of

Hemiptera-Homoptera infesting cotton plants in Egypt. Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique

d’Egypte 52, 371-389.

Bosco, D., Alma, A., and Arzone, A. (1997). Studies on population dynamics and spatial

distribution of leafhoppers in vineyards (Homoptera: Cicadellidae). Annals of applied Biology

130, 1-11.

Kwon Y.J., (1988). Taxonomic revision of the leafhopper genus Macrosteles Fieber of the world

(Homoptera: Cicadellidae). PhD Thesis. Cardiff, UK: University of Wales.

Groen, N.P.A. and Slogteren, D.H.M. van (1974). Symtoms and control of aster yellows in gladioli.

Praktijkmededling, Laboratorium voor Bloembollenonderzoek, Lisse. No. 41.

Lehmann, W. (1973). Investigations on the leafhopper fauna of orchards by means of light traps.

Biologisches Zentralblatt 92, 625-635.

Maramorosch, K and Harris, K. F. (eds) (1979). Leafhopper vectors and plant disease agents.

Academic Press.

Slogteren D.H.M. van, Muller, P.J. (1972). Pathogens, probably mycoplasmas, isolated from

gladiolus plants with symptoms of aster yellows and from hyacinths with the so-called ‘lisser’

Page 28: Datasheets for quarantine pests

syndrome and their behaviour on the test plant Vinca rosea. Acta Botanica Neerlandica, 21,


17. Merodon eques (Fabricius, 1805) [Diptera: Syrphidae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: not known.

Common name(s): Large narcissus fly.

Host(s): Amaryllis sp.(belladonna lily); Hippeastrum spp. (amaryllis, Barbados lily); Iris spp. (Iris);

Narcissus spp. (daffodil - both wild and cultivated); Rhodophiala spp.

Plant part(s) affected: Bulbs and rhizomes

Distribution: Southern Europe, North Africa and Asia Minor including: Algeria; Greece; Israel4;

Turkey. (Introduced to the Netherlands on bulbs from Israel).

Biology: The life history of this insect has not apparently been completely described. In common

with M. equestris, larvae of this species bore into bulbs producing deep galleries which can result in

the bulb being destroyed or becoming blemished or misshapen. Infected plants may be recognised

by yellowing and withering of outer leaves attached to the section of the bulb damaged by larval

feeding. Infested bulbs can also have a brown sunken area close to the base.

Adult emergence from infested narcissus and belladonna lily bulbs held in the laboratory in Israel

took place between the second half of April and the first half of May. Adult flies also emerged in

September from belladonna lily bulbs grown under irrigation. This indicates that if conditions are

suitable a second generation a year is possible.

Entry potential: high as larvae can hide within bulbs. This species has demonstrated its

ability to survive transportation in trade, being detected in consignments of bulbs from Israel

entering the Netherlands and the USA.

Establishment potential: High, where suitable hosts are grown.

Spread potential: High, can be transported on bulbs and adult flies are capable of strong


Economic importance: High, damage to infested bulb can result in their total physical or

economic loss.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Avidov, Z. and Harpaz, I. (1969). Plant pests of Israel. Israel Univeristies Press, Jerusalem.

4 Hurkmans and Goffau (1995) consider that the specimens first identified as M. geniculata from Israel (Avidov and Harpaz, 1969) probably belong

to the species M. eques. This is confirmed by Nestel et al. (1994).

Page 29: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Hurkmans, W. and Goffau, L. de. (1995). The genus Merodon in the Netherlands: phytosanitary,

ethological, ecological and systematic aspects (Diptera: Syrphidae). Entomologishe Bericten

55: 21-29.

Nestel, D., Ben-Yakir, D., Chen, M. and Freidberg, A. (1994). The narcissus bulb flies in Israel:

species of agricultural importance and monitoring systems. Hassadeh 75: 81-85.

Pehlivan, E. and Akbvulust, N. (1991). Some investigations on the syrphid species attacking on

Narcissus in Karaburun (Izmir) and the biology and control measures of Merodon eques (F.)

(Diptera). Tr. Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. 15: 470-481.

18. Merodon equestris (Fabricius, 1794) [Diptera: Syrphidae]

Synononym(s): Lampetia equestris (Fabricius, 1794); Syrphus equestris Fabricius, 1794.

Common name(s): Grosse Narzissen-Fliege; grote Narcisvlieg; large narcissus fly; LNF; Mosca

dei narcisi; mosca del narciso; mouche des narcisses; narcissus bulb fly.

Host(s): Wide range of bulbaceous plants including: Allium spp. (onion); Amaryllis spp.

(belladonna lily); Brunsvigia spp. (Josephine's lily, candelabra flower); Crinum amoenum (crinum

lily); Cyrtanthus spp. (fire lily); Eucharis spp. (Amazon lily, eucharist lily); Galanthus spp. (snow

drop); Galtonia spp. (summer hyacinth); Habranthus spp. (habranthus); Haemanthis spp. (blood

lily); Hymenocallis sp. (spider lily); Hippeastrum spp. (amaryllis, Barbados lily); Hyacinthus spp.

(hyacinth); Iris spp. (iris); Leucojum sp. (snow flake); Lilium spp. (lily, lilium); Narcissus spp.

(daffodil); Nerine spp. (spider lily, Guernsy lily); Priophys spp. (priophys); Rhodophiala spp.

(Chilean lily); Sprekelia formosissima (Jacobean lily); Scilla sp. (blue bell); Tulipa spp. (tulip).

Some of these hosts are only attacked in artificial ie greenhouse, situations. The major host for this

species appears to be Narcissus spp.

Distribution5: Native to southern Europe, now widely distributed north to southern Sweden

(including France; Italy; the Netherlands; Poland U.K); introduced to Canada (1903), Japan, New

Zealand and USA (1879).

Plant part(s) affected: Bulbs and rhizomes

Biology: The conspicuous adults are about 12 mm long and are a bumble bee mimic. They vary in

colour from black light brown with the abdomen banded in various colours of red, orange and grey.

In warm sunny weather adults can be found flying over bulb fields. Eggs are laid on bright, warm,

windless days at temperatures above 18oC. Each female fly lays about 40 eggs, depositing them

singly in the soil close to the bulb or on the bulb or base of foliage. The female may move into the

5 Although CIE distribution map no. 120 (1960) indicates that Merodon equestris occurs in Tasmania and New Zealand, A. Terauds (1984 in litt.)

shows that the Tasmanian record is based on a misidentification. M. equestris does not occur in Australia.

Page 30: Datasheets for quarantine pests

crevice between the soil and the bulb to gain better access. Normally, only one egg is laid per bulb.

Eggs, about 1.6mm long, hatch in 10 to 15 days. Newly hatched larvae burrow into the bulb through

the base plate and leave a small rust-coloured hole. Larvae tunnel into the interiors of bulbs, making

a cavity filled with frass and decaying tissue. The base plate of the bulb becomes corky and infested

bulbs produce weak, grassy foliage. Larvae are 18mm long when full-grown and occur singly

within a bulb. They spend winter within the bulb, leaving to pupate in the surrounding soil in

spring. Adults emerge late spring/early summer. Adult females live for about 17 days and the males

about 11 days. In northern Europe there is one generation a year, however in Israel two generations

are produced a year, with flies emerging from December to March in the field and in June to July

from stored bulbs.

Entry potential: High, eggs and larvae can be present in and on bulbs.

Establishment potential: High as suitable hosts are present, it has record of successful

establishment in areas outside its natural distribution.

Spread potential: High, can be transported on bulbs and adult flies are capable of strong


Economic importance: High. A major pest, especially of bulbs of Narcissus spp.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Bogatko, W. (1988). Program for controlling Merodon equestris on narcissi. Ochrona Roslin 32:


Brosh, S., Hadar, E., Tadmor, V. and Matsliach, I. (1978). Control for the large narcissus fly and

observation on its development. Hassadeh 59: 493-499.

CAB International (1998). Crop Protection Compendium Module 1 CD-ROM. CAB International.

Hurkmans, W. and Goffau, L. de. (1995). The genus Merodon in the Netherlands: phytosanitary,

ethological, ecological and systematic aspects (Diptera: Syrphidae). Entomologishe Bericten

55: 21-29.

Lane, A. (1984) Bulb pests. MAFF Reference Book 51. HMSO. London.

Speight, M. C. D., Claussen, C. and Hurkmans, W. (1998). Révision des syrphes de la faune de France: III –

Liste alphabétique des espèces des geners Cheilosia, Eumerus et Merodon et Supplément (Diptera,

Syrphidae). Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 103: 401-414.

19. Merodon spp. [Diptera: Syrphidae]

Synonyms and changes in combination:

Common name(s): bulb flies.

Host(s): bulbs of the families Liliaceae and Amaryllidaceae.

Page 31: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Plant part(s) affected: Bulbs and rhizomes.

Distribution: Europe, Africa and into western Asia

Biology: The genus Merodon contains some 150 species with the likelihood that more species

remain undescribed. One species M. equestris is a well-known economic pest. Little is known of the

ecology and life cycles of most other species despite some being widespread and common. Larvae

of this genus probably all develop inside bulbs or rhizomes of monocotyledons such as members of

the Liliaceae and Amaryllidacae. Merodon species form a large part of the hover fly fauna of some

regions; in Turkey some 50 species are known and in Israel some 20% described species of

Syrphidae belong to this genus. Many fewer species are known from northern Europe, in the

Netherlands for example, only five species are known, two of which have been introduced. The

Mediterranean basin and south-west Asia are especially rich in wild bulb species, many of which

are likely hosts for these flies. As more and more bulb species are introduced into commerce so the

risk exists that other Merodon species may in turn become horticultural pests. An example of this is

Merodon costans (Rossi); a species of central and southern Europe that has been introduced to the

Netherlands in imported bulbs of snowdrops (Galanthus nivalus).

Entry potential: High, eggs and larvae can be present in and on bulbs.

Establishment potential: Low to high depending on availability of host, species from

Mediterranean basin and south-west Asia are likely to be well adapted to large areas of

southern Australia.

Spread potential: High, can be transported on bulbs and adult flies are capable of strong


Economic importance: low to high.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Hurkmans, W. (1993). A monograph of Merodon (Diptera: Syrphidae). Part 1. Tijdschrift voor

Entomologie 136: 147-234.

Hurkmans, W. and Goffau, L. de. (1995). The genus Merodon in the Netherlands: phytosanitary,

ethological, ecological and systematic aspects (Diptera: Syrphidae). Entomologishe Bericten

55: 21-29.

Speight, M. C. D., Claussen, C. and Hurkmans, W. (1998). Révision des syrphes de la faune de France: III –

Liste alphabétique des espèces des geners Cheilosia, Eumerus et Merodon et Supplément (Diptera,

Syrphidae). Bulletin de la Société Entomologique de France 103: 401-414.

20. Norellia spinipes (Meigen) [Diptera: Scathophagidae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: None known.

Page 32: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Common name(s): Scathophagid fly.

Host(s): Narcissus pseudonarcissus (daffodil).

Plant part(s) affected: Leaves.

Distribution: France; the Netherlands; United Kingdom.

Biology: N. spinipes is a leaf miner which specifically attacks daffodils. The larvae develop at

ground level in the leaves of the plant which may cause the leaves to wilt. Dormant bulbs are not

the normal host of this species, however larvae of this species may pupate within them. The

distribution of N. spinipes in the Netherlands appears to be correlated with the presence of daffodils.

It is a relatively recent immigrant to England.

Entry potential: Low, feeds on foliage but not bulbs, however larvae may pupate within the


Establishment potential: High as host plant is an important and widely grown bulb crop.

Spread potential: High as adults are winged.

Economic importance: Moderate, causes both yield reduction and leaf damage.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


DeJong, H. (1985). Norellia spinipes (Meigen) in the Netherlands and its distinction from N.

tipularia (Fabricius) Diptera: Scathophagidae). Entomologische Berichten 45; 21-23.

Stehr, F W [Ed.]. Immature Insects. Volume 2. Kendal/Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, Iowa,

USA. [22]

21. Opogona sacchari (Bojer, 1856) [Lepidoptera: Tineidae: Hieroxestinae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: Alucita sacchari Bojer, 1856, Tinea subcervinella

Walker, Opogona subcervinella (Walker) .

Common name(s): Banana moth; sugarcane stalk borer.

Host(s): A polyphagous pest, recorded hosts include: Alpinia spp. (ornamental ginger); Bambusa

spp. (bamboo); Begonia spp. (begonia); Bougainvillia spp. (bougainvillia); Bromeliaceae;

Cactaceae; Capsicum spp. (pepper, chilli); Chamaedorea spp. (palm); Cordyline spp. (cabbage

tree); Dahlia spp. (dahlia); Dieffenbachia spp. (dumb cane); Dracaena spp.; Euphorbia spp.

(milkweed, spurge); Ficus spp. (fig); Gladiolus spp.; Heliconia spp. (lobster claw, false bird-of-

paradise); Hippeastrum spp. (amaryllis); Maranta spp.; Musa paradisiaca (banana); Philodendron

spp.; pineapples; potato; Saccharum officinarum (sugarcane); Saintpaulia spp. (African violet);

Sansevieria spp. (bowstring hemp, snake plant); Sinningia speciosa (gloxinia); Solanum melongena

(aubergines, eggplant); Strelitzia spp. (bird of paradise); Yucca spp.; Zea mays (maize). It has been

found on ornamental plants belonging to more than 20 different genera.

Page 33: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Plant part(s) affected: Bulbs, woody and fleshy stems

Distribution: This species originates from humid tropical and subtropical regions of sub-Saharan

Africa, including Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion and Seychelles. A serious pest of bananas in the

Canary Islands (Spain) also present in Maderia and Azores (Portugal). The species has been

introduced into Brazil and parts of Central America and Caribbean and is reported from USA

(Florida) and China (Beijing and Hebei). In Europe it appears only to survive under glass; in Italy,

Netherlands, Poland and Switzerland outdoor populations are not known. Populations in Denmark,

France, Hungary, Germany, Greece and UK have been eradicated. Intercepted in Belgium, Finland

and Sweden.

Biology: Female moths lay eggs in groups of about five into crevices of plants. They may lay up to

200 eggs. Larvae hatch and feed by tunnelling into plant tissue. In many species they feed in the

stem, in bananas they attack the flowering head. In woody plants they may feed on dead and living

cortex and pith. Feeding by larvae causes significant damage to affected plants. Pupation occurs

within the plant tissue. Under suitable conditions breeding is continuous with up to eight

generations being produced in a year.

Entry potential: Moderate, this pest is very unlikely to be present in bulbs grown outdoors in

northern Europe, but may be present on bulbs grown under glass eg Hippeastrum spp. Larvae

and pupae may be present within the bulb. This species is known to be moved in international

trade in infested propagation material (esp. Dracaena and Yucca spp.).

Establishment potential: Moderate – high. In southern Australia it is likely to survive only

under glass. In humid sub tropical and tropical regions (eg the east coast) conditions are likely

to be highly suitable for it to survive outdoors on a wide range of plant species.

Spread potential: Moderate as adults capable of flight over short distances. Larvae and

pupae can be transported in infested plant materials.

Economic importance: High - while this species is unlikely to be a major threat to outdoor bulb

growing in southern Australia it could threaten a variety of horticultural crops grown under glass in

these areas. A greater potential threat exists in tropical and sub-tropical areas where it could become

a threat to crops such as bananas, maize and sugar cane as well as to many ornamental plant species.

It also has potential to become an environmental pest in tropical and sub-tropical regions, where it

may attack some native plant species such as Ficus spp and palms.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


CAB International (1998). Crop Protection Compendium Module 1 CD-ROM. CAB International.

Smith, I.M., McNamara, D.G., Scott, P.R. and Holderness, M. [Eds]. Quarantine Pests for Europe.

Second Edition. CAB International and EPPO.

Page 34: Datasheets for quarantine pests

22. Phenacoccus avenae Borchsenius, 1949 [Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: Caulococcus avenae (Borchsenius, 1949).

Common name(s): Iris mealybug; oat mealybug

Host(s): Plant species of the families Amaryllidaceae, Gramineae, Iridaceae and Liliaceae –

recorded host species include; Avena fatua (wild oats); Crocus spp. (crocus); Cynodon dactylon

(Bermuda grass, Indian doub, South African couch); Freesia spp.; Galanthus elwesii (giant

snowdrop); Hordeum murinum (barley); Hyacinthus azureus (hyacinth); Iris spp. (Iris); Leucojum

spp. (snowflake); Narcissus spp. (daffodil); Poa bulbosa ; Scilla bifolia (bluebell); Scilla luciliae

(bluebell); Sternbergia spp. (autumn crocus, autumn daffodil); Tulipa spp. (tulip); Urginea

maritima (sea squill, sea onion).

Plant part(s) affected: stems ,corms, bulbs and rhizomes.

Distribution: This species was first described from the former soviet Armenia. Its natural range is

likely to include parts of Turkey and other neighbouring republics, either independent or still part of

Russia. Introduced to Hungary; Israel; Italy; the Netherlands. Intercepted at quarantine on imported

bulbs in the UK and USA

Biology: This species feeds on the roots, corms and rhizomes of various ornamental plants and

inside the leaf sheaths of grasses. The mealybugs hide between the dry skins covering bulbs and

feed on the scale tissue of the bulb. First instar crawlers migrate in search in uninfested bulbs and

can be dispersed by wind. Older instars may be transported by ants.

In the Netherlands this species has become an important pest of bulbs (eg. Iris spp.) under storage at

high temperatures, despite regular chemical control. It does not appear to have become naturalised

outdoors, probably due to climatic conditions. Over the a storage period of up to 9 months

considerable damage can be inflicted by this pest.

Entry potential: High. This species attacks dormant bulbs and has a proven track record of

being transported on bulbs in international trade.

Establishment potential: High, suitable hosts are present in Australia. Large areas of

Australia have a climate potentially suitable for this pest to become naturalised.

Spread potential: High, can be transported on infested plant material. Juvenile stages can be

transported by wind. Ants will also attend and transport individuals.

Economic importance: High, a pest of economic importance to the bulb industry, in particular to

producers who store bulbs. Of much greater concern however is the potential ability of this pest to

attack grass species, which include cereal crops and pasture grasses. May also have potential as an

environmental pest of native grass species.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.

Page 35: Datasheets for quarantine pests


Ben-Dov, Yair (1994) A systematic catalogue of the mealy bugs of the world. Intercept Ltd. U.K.


Hofker, K., Conijn, C. and van Alphen, J. J. M. (1991). Is the iris mealybug, Phenacoccus avenae

Borchsenius, able to multiply itself and spread in bulb fields in the Netherlands?

Mededelingen van de Faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen Rijksuniversiteit Gent 56: 995-


Hollinger, T. and Muller, P. J. (1981). Control of mealybugs during retardation storage of flower

bulbs. Bloembollencultuur 92: 352-353.

Schipper, J. A. and Waardenburg,-Bos, W. E. (1977). Control of mealybugs (Phenacoccus) during

the storage of retarded irises. Bloembollencultuur 87: 1019.

Williams, D. J. and Miller, D. R. (1985). Phenacoccus avenae (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) from

the Netherlands and Turkey, intercepted at quarantine on bulbs, corms and rhizomes of

ornamental plants. Bulletin of Entomological Research 74: 671-674.

23. Phenacoccus emansor Williams and Korarzhevskaya, 1988 [Hemiptera:


Synonyms and changes in combination: none.

Common name(s): mealybug

Hosts: Iris spp. (iris), Lilium spp. (lily, lilium).

Plant parts affected: bulbs.

Distribution: Netherlands, Turkey (likely to be its original home), intercepted in quarantine in

Russia, UK and USA.

Biology: Little information is vailable as this is a recently described species. It is assumed that

details of its biology would be similar to P. avenae. In the Netherlands, P. emansor has been

reported as a pest of dormant iris bulbs held in store.

Entry potential: High. This species attacks dormant bulbs.

Establishment potential: High, suitable hosts are present in Australia.

Spread potential: High, can be transported on infested plant material. Juvenile stages of this

genus can be transported by wind. Ants will also attend and transport individuals of this


Economic importance: Potentially high, in particular to producers who store bulbs. Impact on

other plant species unclear.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


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Pijls, J.W.A.M., Driessen, G.J.J.; Butot, R.P.T., Conijn, C.G.M., Alphen,-J.J.M., van, Sommeijer,

M.J. (ed.) and Francke, P.J. (1998) Development of an environmentally friendly method to

control the mealybug Phenacoccus emansor in iris bulb stores in the Netherlands.

Proceedings of the 9th Meeting of Experimental and Applied Entomologists, Leiden,

Netherlands, 19 December 1997. In Proceedings of the Section ‘Experimental and Applied

Entomology’ of the Netherlands Entomological Society. 9: 111-116.

24. Rhizoglyphus spp. [Acari: Astigmata: Acaridae]

Synonyms and changes in combination:

Common name(s): Bulb mites.

Host(s): Allium spp. (onion); Beta spp. (beet); Caladium spp.; Capsicum spp. (pepper, chilli);

Citrus spp.; Curcuma domestica (turmeric); Dacus carrota (carrot); Dioscorea spp. (yams); Freesia

spp. (freesia); Gladiolus spp. (gladiolus); Hyacinthus spp. (hyacinth); Hypomoea spp., Iris spp.

(iris); Lilium spp. (lily, lilium); Lolium longiflorum (rye grass); Oryza sativa (rice); Narcissus spp.

(daffodil); Secale cereale; Solanum spp.; Solanum tuberosum (potato); Tulipa spp. (tulip).

Plant part(s) affected: Bulbs , roots and other subterranean structures of plants. They have

occasionally been found associated with foliage of Lilium. Some species can attack seeds.

Distribution: Members of this genus are distributed worldwide, currently some 13 species have

been described as agricultural pests. Two species, R. echinopus and R. robini are probably now of

cosmopolitan distribution. R. robini has been recorded in Australia however the status of R.

echinopus in Australia is uncertain. Classification of this genus in Australia and worldwide is in a

state of confusion and is in urgent need of clarification. It is likely that many species remain

undescribed and that currently described species may be incorrectly classified.

Biology: In bulbiferous species, Rhizoglyphus spp. attack the roots and other subterranean parts of

the plant. Mites enter the bulb through the basal plate or via the outer skin layer and become

established between scales. Feeding can cause a severe reduction in vigour and yield. Mites are

attracted by chemicals released by moulds (eg. Fusarium spp.) which infest bulbs. They may attack

bulbs infected with such fungi in preference to healthy bulbs. This mite can also feed on a variety of

dead and living plant, seeds, dead arthropods, nematodes fungi and manure.

Reproduction of this mite is sexual, with each female laying hundreds of eggs. For E. echinopus

development can take place at temperatures above 9.7ºC. Development can continue in storage.

During winter mites may avoid low surface temperatures by moving downwards in the soil profile.

Under poor conditions non-feeding deutonymphs may be formed. These are equipped with a sucker

plate which allows them to attach to a host, which include a range of soil-living beetles. These

mobile insects may then help to disperse the mite.

Page 37: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Entry potential: High as carried on bulbs. Worldwide, Rhizoglyphus species are a frequent

pest of commercial shipments of bulbs

Establishment potential: High as has a wide host range, In addition to ornamental bulbs,

potential crop species such as onions, potatoes and some cereals are widely grown in

Australia. Populations can persist in soil feeding on a range of organic matter.

Spread potential: High, can be spread by members of the soil biota eg. beetles. Rhizoglyphus

can be transported in infested soil and plant material.

Economic importance: High, an important pest of ornamental bulbs and of related crop species

such as onions.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest. The classification of this genus is in a state of confusion. It is

currently not possible to say what species are present or not present in Australia.


Halliday, R. B. (1998). Mites of Australia. Check list and Bibliography. CSIRO Publishing,

Melbourne, Australia.

Diaz, A, Okabe, K., Eckenrode, C.J., Villani, M.G., and Oconnor, B.M. (2000) Biology , ecology

and management of the bulb mites of the genus Rhizoglyphus (Acari: Acaridae). Experimental

and Applied Acarology, 24: 85-113.

25. Spodoptera littoralis6 (Boisduval, 1833) [Lepidoptera: Noctuidae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: Hadena littoralis Boisduval, 1833; Noctua gossypii;

Prodenia littoralis (Boisduval, 1833); Prodenia litura Fabricius; Prodenia retina (Guen).

Common name(s): Afrikanischer Baumwollwurm; cotton leafworm; Egyptian cotton leafworm;

Egyptian cotton worm; gusano negro; Mediterranean brocade moth; Mediterranean climbing

cutworm; méditerranéenne noctuelle; rosquilla negra; tobacco caterpillar; tomato caterpillar; ver du


Host(s): S. littoralis is a highly polyphagous pest that attacks a wide range of wild and cultivated

plants including cereal crops, cotton, oilseeds, beverage crops, root crops, trees and scrubs,

vegetables and ornamentals including bulbiferous species.

Plant part(s) affected: Leaves, stems, fruits and seed pods.

Distribution: Widely distributed in Africa, southwest Asia, and Mediterranean basin- (including

Israel where it is an important pest). In Northern Europe, including the Netherlands and UK, it is an

erratic migrant from the south and is not established outdoors. It may however become established

under glass attacking crops such as Chrysanthemum and as a result of being imported on cutting

material. It is a pest of glasshouse crops in parts of southern Europe.

6 Spodoptera exigua is a pest of Allium cepa in Israel and should perhaps be included but it does not appear to have any non Allium bulb hosts.]

Page 38: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Although CAB International report that S. littoralis has been recorded from Queensland, this record

is unconfirmed and Nielsen et al.(1996) does not list the species as occurring in Australia.

Biology: Female moths each can lay 1000-2000 eggs. These are laid in masses of several hundred

on the underside of leaves and hatch in as little as four days. Larvae feed on plant tissue and may

bore into stems, fruits, developing seed head/pods etc, including possibly bulbs. Considerable

damage may be done to the affected plant. Late instar larvae may leave the plant during the day

only to return at night, when ready to pupate they burrow into the soil.

Development from egg to adult can take as little as five weeks. Under suitable conditions this

species can be continuously brooded with up to eight annual generations. Fewer generations occur

in cooler areas or in areas with pronounced dry seasons. It may survive dry seasons in the pupal

stage, however S. litorialis appears unable to survive winter conditions in northern Europe unaided.

Adult moths fly at night and are capable of flying 1.5km in 4 hours. Moths can also be transported

much greater distances by getting caught up in wind and weather systems.

Control of this pest in the field is often difficult as many populations have or can rapidly develop

resistance to a wide range of pesticides used against them. This had lead to control breakdown and

disruption of integrated pest management programs for other pests.

Entry potential: low to moderate – there is a chance that larvae may be contained within

bulbs, unlikely on bulbs grown outdoor in northern Europe .

Establishment potential: High as species has huge host range which includes many

important crops that are grown widely in Australia.

Spread potential: High as adults are very mobile.

Economic importance: High, S. littoralis is a destructive pest on a wide range of important crops

and can be difficult to control.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


CAB International (1998). Crop Protection Compendium Module 1 CD-ROM. CAB International.

Carter, D.J. (1984) Pest Lepidoptera of Europe with special reference to the British Isles, Dr W.

Junk, Publishers.

Chen, C. (1997). Pest lists for Lilium bulbs from Israel. Division of Plant Quarantine, Seeds and

Nursery Stock Inspection, State of Israel.

EPPO/CAB International, 1997. Spodoptera littoralis and Spodoptera litura. In: Smith IM,

McNamara DG, Scott PR, Holderness M, eds. Quarantine pests for Europe. 2nd edition.

Wallingford, UK: CAB International, 518-525.

Page 39: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Nielsen, E. S. Edwards, E. D and Rangsi, T.V. (1996) Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia.

Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera 4. CSIRO Australia.

26. Steneotarsonemus laticeps (Halbert) [Acari: Tarsonemidae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: Tarsonemus approximatus narcissi Ewing.

Common name(s): Bulb scale mite.

Host(s): Cyrtanthus spp. (fire lily); Eucharis spp. (Amazon lily, eucharist lily); Hippeastrum spp.

(amaryllis); Narcissus spp. (daffodil); Sprekelia spp. (Jacobean lily).

Plant part(s) affected: Bulb scales and leaves.

Distribution: the Netherlands; Poland; Slovakia; United Kingdom (widespread in the UK).

Biology: This mite lives and feeds between the scales of bulbs. Mites feed in groups from the top of

the bulb and spread downwards resulting in brown scars at the angles of the scales. As numbers

increase, the mites disperse upwards and feed on leaves. Mites continue to attack bulbs when in

storage, where the majority of damage is done. In store mites can move quickly between bulbs,

when planted out movement between bulbs is comparatively slow.

In the UK, S. laticeps is a major pest of narcissus cultivation and is most severe in forced bulbs.

Infested bulbs show a considerable reduction in flower yield and quality. Feeding damage caused

by this mite appears as reddish streaks and spots at the base of developing leaves and stems. The

streaks elongate as growth proceeds and leaves become distorted and can fail to grow in badly

affected bulbs. Red marks can be seen inside the bulb where the mites are feeding.

This species reproduces throughout the year and there are several overlapping generations. The rate

of development is dependent on temperature and at 14-16oC under humid conditions, the life cycle

can be completed in two weeks. Most eggs were laid at 20oC (about 30 per female), the highest

percentage egg hatch occurred at 15oC (93%) and development from egg to adult was fastest at

20oC (15 days). At temperatures outside of 10 to 25oC, either development was very slow (51 days)

or no adults were produced.

This species may transmit or facilitate development of smoulder (Scelerotinia narcissicola or

Botrytis narcissicola) in Narcissus. Feeding by the bulb scale mites at the base of the leaves causes

the leaves to loose their bloom leading to fungal attack. It has been shown that the distribution of

damage caused by bulb scale mite coincides closely with smoulder infestation.

Entry potential: High – this species can occur in susceptible bulbs in high numbers.

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Establishment potential: Moderate, this mite appears specific to certain bulb species, its

potential distribution would likely to be limited to place where these are grown.

Spread potential: Moderate, adult mites are capable of limited movement between plants,

process is faster when bulbs are close together in store. This mite may be moved on infested


Economic importance: Moderate. Can be a significant pest of forced and stored Narcissus bulbs. It

rarely causes extensive damage to bulbs growing in the open.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Gray, E. G. and Shiel, R. S. (1987). Narcissus smoulder: a review of the disease and its association

with bulb scale mite infestation. Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh 44; 541-


Lane, A. (1984a). Bulb Pests. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Her Majesty’s Stationery

Office, London.

Labanowski, G. and Jaworski, A. (1992). Control for the bulb scale mite – Steneotarsonemus

laticeps (Halbert) on Hippeastrum. Prace Instytutu Sadownictwa I Kwiaciarstwa w

Skierniewicach. Seria B. Rosliny Ozdobne 17: 179-188.

Lane, A. (1984). Bulb scale mite. Leaflet, Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, UK. No 456.

Lynch, S. M.T. and Bedi, A. (1994). A novel technique for culturing the bulb scale mite

(Steneotarsonemus laticeps) and its implications for studies on biology and control.

Proceedings Brighton Crop Protection Conference, Pests and Diseases, Brighton, UK,

November 1993 2: 583-588.

Flatworms and Nematodes

27. Artioposthia triangulata (Dendy) [Tricladida: Terricola]

Synonyms and changes in combination:

Common name(s): New Zealand flatworm.

Host(s): A predator of lumbricoid earthworms.

Plant part(s) affected: Plants are unaffected by this species, however plant material, esp. bulbs,

roots and soil associated with plants may act as a means by which this species is spread.

Distribution: A native of New Zealand, introduced into Iceland, United Kingdom (now established

in north and western regions) and also into California, USA.

Biology: In New Zealand this species naturally occurs as an uncommon component of the soil biota

of Nothophagus forests. However it readily invades and breeds in areas under horticulture and other

disturbed habitats where it feeds on introduced lumbricoid earthworms. These earthworms have

Page 41: Datasheets for quarantine pests

been introduced to NZ into agricultural land as soil conditioners, because native species tend not to

colonise such areas. Predation of these introduced worms by flatworms reduces their beneficial


In the UK, A. triangulata attacks native populations of lumbricoid earthworms eliminating them in


Entry potential: Moderate – in soil attached to bulbs or in the bulb itself, if grown in an area

where this pest is present.

Establishment potential: High. Earthworms, which form the diet of this pest, are important

components of the soil biota on agricultural land

Spread potential: High, able to move within soil, spread can also be aided by movement of

rooted plants, soil, machinery, etc.

Economic importance: High, can have a considerable effect on populations of introduced


Quarantine status: Quarantine pest


Bradshaw, R.P. (1990). Studies on Artioposthia triangulata (Dendy) (Tricladida: Terricola), a

predator of earthworm. Annals of Applied Biology 116: 169-176.

Bradshaw, R.P. (1995). Changes in populations of the predatory Artioposthia triangulata and its

earthworm prey in grassland. Acta Zoologica Fennica 196: 107-110.

Bradshaw, R.P. and Stewart, V.I. (1992). Artioposthia triangulata (Dendy 1894), a predatory

terrestrial planarian and its potential impact on lumbricoid earthworms. Agricultural and

Zoological Review. 5: 201-219.

Christensen, O. M. and Mather, J. G. (1998). Population studies on the land planarian Artioposthia

triangulata (Dendy) at natural and horticultural sites in New Zealand. Applied Soil Ecology

9: 257-262.

28. Ditylenchus destructor Thorne, 1945 [Nematoda: Anguinidae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: not known.

Common name(s): Potato rot nematode; potato tuber nematode; potato eelworm; eelworm.

Host(s): A pest of a wide range of plant species, especially root crops such as potatoes and also

some bulbs. It can also feed on a number of soil fungi. Attacks a wide range of weed species and

can persist on such plants. Recorded hosts include: Allium sativum (garlic); Allium cepa (onion );

Beta vulgaris (beetroot); Arachis hypogaea (peanut, groundnut); Beta vulgaris var. saccharifera

(sugarbeet); Camellia sinensis (tea); Capsicum annuum (capsicum, bell pepper); Chenopodium

album (fat hen); Chrysanthemum x morifolium (chrysanthemum (florists)); Citrus sinensis (navel

Page 42: Datasheets for quarantine pests

orange); Crocus spp. (crocus); Cucumis sativus (cucumber); Cucurbita moschata (pumpkin);

Cyperus rotundus (nutgrass); Datura stramonium (jamestown-weed); Daucus carota (carrot);

Dahlia hybrids; Eleusine indica (fowlfoot grass); Elymus repens (quackgrass); Fragaria ananassa

(strawberry); Fumaria officinalis (common fumitory); Gladiolus spp. (gladiolus); Glycine max

(soyabean); Humulus lupulus (hop); Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato); Iris spp (iris); Lycopersicon

esculentum (tomato); Mentha (mints); Panax ginseng (Asiatic ginseng); Solanum (nightshade);

Solanum melongena (aubergine); S. nigrum (blackberry nightshade); S. tuberosum (potato);

Sonchus arvensis (perennial sowthistle); Tagetes minuta (stinking Roger); Taraxacum officinale

(dandelion); Trifolium (clovers); Triticum aestivum (wheat); Tulipa spp. (tulip); Xanthium

strumarium (cocklebur); Zea mays (maize).

Plant part(s) affected: leaves; roots; tubers, bulbs.

Distribution: D. destructor is a pest of temperate regions. It is widely but patchily distributed in

Europe and North America and parts of Asia. Countries where the pest has been recorded include:

Albania; Austria; Azerbaijan; Bangladesh; China (Guizhou; Hainan; Hebei; Jiangsu; Liaoning;

Shandong; Yunnan); Belarus; Belgium; Bulgaria; Canada (British Columbia; Prince Edward

Island); Czech Rep.; Estonia; Ecuador; France; Germany; Greece; Haiti; Hungary; Iran; Ireland;

Japan; Kazakhstan; Korea; Lativia; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Mexico; Moldova; Netherlands; New

Zealand; Norway; Peru; Poland; Romania; Russia; Slovakia; Saudi Arabia; Sweden; Switzerland;

Tajikistan; Turkey; Ukraine; UK (England; Scotland); USA (Arkansas; California; Hawaii; Idaho;

Indiana; New Jersey; North Carolina; Oregon; South Carolina; Virginia; Washington; West

Virginia; Wisconsin); Uzbekistan.

Records from South Africa appear to be of a closely related species, Ditylenchus africanus. D.

destructor was once detected in Tasmania on potatoes, but no longer appears to be established

there. Records of the occurrence of this pest elsewhere in Australia (in CAB International and

EPPO) are in error.

Biology: D. destructor is a parasite of roots and other underground parts of plants. Populations can

develop in root, tuber and bulb tissue. In bulbs, infestations usually begin at the base and extend up

the fleshy scales, causing grey to black lesions. Roots may become blackened and leaves are poorly

developed with yellow tips. Lesions on bulbs and a lowering of plant health make the infested bulb

more susceptible to other pests and diseases.

This nematode cannot move very far by itself, and is reliant on human activity for long distance

transportation. The main means of dispersal is with the movement of infested plant material

(including bulbs and rhizomes) or soil. D. destructor may also be transported over short distances in

irrigation water. Unlike the closely related species D. dipsaci, D. destructor is unable to withstand

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excessive desiccation, and for this reason is usually important only in cool, moist soils. D.

destructor does not have a resistant resting stage; the species can persist in soil by feeding on weed

species, potato ground keepers and even some fungal mycelia.

Entry potential: High – though reduced by restricting importation to only certified bulbs. Of

particular concern is the inadvertent inclusion of potatoes and/or soil in consignments of


Establishment potential: High; it can infest a wide range of crop and weed species.

Spread potential: Medium. If this species was present in Australia, additional restrictions

would need to be placed on the movement of infestable plant material and soil from affected


Economic importance: High; an economic pest of a wide range of horticultural crops including

many bulb species.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest


CAB International (1998). Ditylenchus destructor data sheet. CAB International Crop Protection

Compendium; Module 1; Wallingford; UK.

Sampson; P.J. & Walker; J. (1982). An annotated list of plant diseases in Tasmania. Department of

Agriculture; Tasmania.

29. Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kühn) [Nematoda: Anguinidae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: Tylenchus dipsaci (Kühn), Ditylenchus phloxidis

Kirjanova, Ditylenchus fragariae Kirjanova

Common name(s): Stem nematode, Stem and bulb eelworm.

Host(s): A pest of a huge range of plant species. Many different races of this pest are known, some

have a wide host range, while others are quite specific. Hosts include many ornamental plants, bulbs

and cereal crops.

Plant part(s) affected: leaves; roots; tubers, bulbs.

Distribution: D. dipsaci is a widespread pest in most temperate areas of the world. It occurs in

Europe and the Mediterranean region, North and South America, North and South Africa, and parts

of Asia and Oceania. It has been recorded in all countries covered by this IRA. Some races are

present in Australia.

Biology: D. dipsaci is a parasite of stems and bulbs of plants. Feeding causes swellings and necrosis

of plant parts and rooting of stem bases, bulbs, tubers and rhizomes. This feeding will lower plant

health and vigour and make the infested plant more susceptible to other pests and diseases. D.

dipsaci can continue to develop within bulbs held in cold storage.

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Fourth instar juveniles can aggregate on or just below the surface of infested plant material to form

clumps, known as eelworm wool. In this state, they can survive desiccated for several years. They

can also become attached to seeds of host plants.

This nematode cannot move very far by itself and is reliant on human activity for long distance

transportation. The main means of dispersal is with the movement of infested plant material

(including seeds, bulbs and rhizomes) or soil. D. dipsaci is able to withstand excessive desiccation

and can survive years in this state in dry soil free of growing plant material.

Entry potential: High – although reduced by restricting importation to only certified bulbs.

Establishment potential: High; it can infest a wide range of crop and weed species.

Spread potential: Medium, mainly by the movement of infested planting material including


Economic importance: High; an economic pest of a wide range of horticultural and agricultural

crops including many bulb species.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest. While this species is present in Australia, it is unclear if all

races of economic importance are present. Given the uncertainty of which strains are present both in

Australia and in overseas locations, the risk associated with importation of new strains should be



Smith, I.M., McNamara, D.G., Scott, P.R. and Holderness, M. (eds.) (1997). Quarantine pests for

Europe. CAB International /EPPO, Paris, France.

30. Globodera pallida (Stone, 1973) Behrens, 1975 [Nematoda: Heteroderidae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: Heterodera pallida Stone; Heterodera rostochiensis


Common name(s): pale potato cyst nematode; potato cyst nematode; potato root eelworm; white

potato cyst nematode.

This species is closely related to G. rostochiensis, with which it was once confused.

Host(s): A major pest of potatoes and related species. Hosts include: Lycopersicon esculentum

(tomato); Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium (currant tomato); Oxalis tuberosa (oca); Solanum

mauritianum; S. gilo (gilo); S. indicum; S. marginatum (white-edged nightshade); S. melongena

(aubergine); S. nigrum (blackberry nightshade); S. quitoense (narangillo); S. aviculare (kangaroo

apple); S. sarrachoides; S. tuberosum (potato).

G. pallida does not attack bulbs but can be accidentally transported in consignments of bulbs,

especially if contaminated with soil and/or potatoes.

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Plant part(s) affected: roots; tubers.

Distribution: Originally from the High Andes, taken to Europe with introduction of potato

cultivation there. Recorded in Algeria; Austria; Belgium; Canada (Newfoundland); Cyprus;

Denmark; France; Germany; Greece (Crete); Iceland; India (Himachal Pradesh, Kerela, Tamil

Nadu); Ireland; Italy; Japan; Libya; Luxembourg; Malta; Netherlands; New Zealand; Norway;

Poland; Portugal; South Africa; Slovakia; South America (High Andean region; Argentina; Bolivia;

Chile; Colombia; Ecuador; Peru; Venezuela); Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Tunisia; USSR; UK;

former Yugoslavia.

Biology: Eggs of this nematode are enclosed in protective flask-shaped cysts, which are the dead

swollen bodies of females. The cysts are a protective covering for the eggs and are resistant to

chemicals and desiccation. They are each smaller than a pinhead and each cyst may contain up to

500 eggs and larvae. Eggs remain dormant in soil until stimulated to hatch by exudates released

from the roots of host plants. The larvae then migrate and enter the roots. Each individual nematode

feeds on the cells of the pericycle, cortex or endodermis, and remains in these cells for its entire life,

passing through two larval stages before maturing. On maturity, females break through the root

surface although they remain attached to the root. Females become almost spherical in shape

following the development of their eggs. Gravid females are white in colour. Eventually the females

die and their bodies form a protective coat (cyst) around the eggs. These cysts fall from the roots

and remain in the soil, where the eggs may hatch immediately or remain dormant. Cysts are highly

resistant and can remain viable in the soil for many years.

Symptoms of attack are not specific, with affected plants showing signs of yellowing, poor growth

and reduced vigour. Reduction of yield of potatoes can be related directly to the number of these

nematodes in the soil. When severe, numbers of these nematodes may become so great that they

may effectively prevent the infested ground from being used for susceptible crops.

Entry potential: Medium; bulbs may be contaminated with soil containing cysts of this

nematode; also bulb consignments could be contaminated with infested potato ground


Establishment potential: High. Potatoes are a major crop and are grown in regions used for

commercial cultivation of bulbs.

Spread potential: Medium. Following arrival of this pest, restrictions would be needed on

movement of plant material and soil from affected areas.

Economic importance: A major pest of potatoes, especially in cool-temperate climates and where

resistant varieties are unavailable. Repeated cultivation of potatoes in infested fields can result in an

80% reduction of yield.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.

Page 46: Datasheets for quarantine pests


CAB International (1998). CAB International Crop Protection Compendium; Module 1;

Wallingford; UK.

Smith, I.M., McNamara, D.G., Scott, P.R. and Holderness, M. (eds.) (1997). Quarantine pests for

Europe. CAB International /EPPO, Paris, France.

31. Globodera rostochiensis (Woll.) Behrens. [Nematoda: Tylenchoididae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: Heterodera schachtii forma solani; Heterodera

rostochiensis Wollenweber.

Common name(s): Potato cyst nematode; yellow potato cyst nematode; golden potato cyst

nematode; golden nematode.

Records pre-1973 may also include the closely related species, G. pallida.

Host(s): A major pest of potatoes and related species. Hosts include: Lycopersicon esculentum

(tomato); Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium (currant tomato); Oxalis tuberosa (oca); Solanum

mauritianum; S. gilo (gilo); S. indicum; S. marginatum (white-edged nightshade); S. melongena

(aubergine); S. nigrum (blackberry nightshade); S. quitoense (narangillo); S. aviculare (kangaroo

apple); S. sarrachoides; S. tuberosum (potato).

G. rostochiensis does not attack bulbs, but can be accidentally transported in consignments of bulbs,

especially if contaminated with soil and/or potatoes.

Plant part(s) affected: tubers, roots.

Distribution: Originally from the High Andes, taken to Europe with introduction of potato

cultivation there. From there it was spread elsewhere. Recorded in: Albania, Algeria, Australia

(Western Australia and Victoria – under official control), Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria,

Canada (Newfoundland and Vancouver Island) , Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark,

Egypt, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India (Kerela, Tamil Nadu) Ireland, Japan

(Hokkaido only), Lativa, Lebanon, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Morocco, Netherlands,

New Zealand, Norway, Norfolk Island, Pakistan, Poland, Panama, Portugal, Philippines, Sierra

Leone, Spain, South Africa, South America (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador,

Peru, Venezuela), Russia, Slovakia, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Tunisia, UK

(England and Channel Islands), USA (New York State).

Eradicated from Israel.

Biology: Eggs of this nematode are enclosed in protective flask-shaped cysts, which are the dead

swollen bodies of females. The cysts are a protective covering for the eggs and are resistant to

chemicals and desiccation. They are each smaller than a pinhead and each cyst may contain up to

500 eggs and larvae. Eggs remain dormant in soil until stimulated to hatch by exudates released

from the roots of host plants. The larvae then migrate and enter the roots, passing through 2 larval

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stages before maturing. On maturity, females break through the root surface although they remain

attached to the root. Females become almost spherical in shape following the development of their

eggs. Gravid females of this species are darker in colour than those of G. pallida. Eventually

females die and their bodies form a protective coat (cyst) around the eggs. These cysts fall from the

roots and remain in the soil, where the eggs may hatch immediately or remain dormant. Cysts are

highly resistant and can remain viable in the soil for many years.

Symptoms of attack are not specific, with affected plants showing signs of yellowing, poor growth

and reduced vigour. Reduction of yield of potatoes can be directly related to the number of these

nematodes in the soil. When severe, numbers of these nematodes may become so great that they

may effectively prevent the infested ground from being used for susceptible crops.

Entry potential: Medium. Bulbs may be contaminated with soil containing cysts of this

nematode; also bulb consignments could be contaminated with infested potato ground


Establishment potential: High. Potatoes are a major crop and are grown in regions used for

commercial cultivation of bulbs.

Spread potential: Medium. Following arrival of this pest, restrictions would be needed on

movement of plant material and soil from affected areas.

Economic importance: A major pest of potatoes, especially in cool-temperate climates and where

resistant varieties are unavailable. Repeated cultivation of potatoes in infested fields can result in an

80% reduction of yield.

Quarantine status:. Quarantine pest.


CAB International (1998). CAB International Crop Protection Compendium; Module 1;

Wallingford; UK.

Smith, I.M., McNamara, D.G., Scott, P.R. and Holderness, M. (eds.) (1997). Quarantine pests for

Europe. CAB International /EPPO, Paris, France.

32. Meloidogyne chitwoodi Golden, O'Bannon, Santo & Finley, 1980 [Nematoda:


Synonyms and changes in combination: none.

Common name(s): Columbia root-knot nematode

Host(s): M. chitwoodi can infest a wide range of plant species, including important crop plants and

common weeds of cultivation. Good hosts include potatoes and tomatoes. Can persist in barley,

oats, maize and sugar beet. Liliaceae are recorded as being amongst ‘poor to moderate hosts’. In the

Netherlands, this species has been recorded attacking carrots, cereals, maize, peas (Pisum sativum),

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beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), potatoes, Scorzonera hispanica, sugarbeet and tomatoes.

Plant part(s) affected: tubers, roots.

Distribution: First described from north-western USA. Also recorded in Argentina, Belgium,

Germany (c. 1995 - Hamburg, and an area near Dutch border), Netherlands (restricted area in south

east), Mexico and South Africa. First noted in Netherlands in the 1980’s though examination of

records and old specimens suggest that the introduction may have occurred as early as the 1930’s.

Biology: Larvae hatch from eggs in the soil or on surface of roots. Infective juveniles (second stage

larvae) penetrate root tips through wounds or immature epidermal cells. Soon after entry the

nematode stimulates giant cell and gall formation, causing the plant tissue considerable injury. On

maturity, worm-like males leave the root. Females also emerge, but remain attached to plant

material. Females have white pear-shaped bodies. Eggs are laid in a gelatinous sac near the root

surface. This species over-winters either as eggs or juveniles, and can survive extended periods of

sub-zero temperatures. Development can begin with soil temperatures above 5°C. Under favourable

conditions development can be completed in 4-5 weeks.

Infected plants show a range of symptoms, including stunting, lack of vigour and propensity to wilt,

which result in loss of yield. Roots, bulbs and tubers may display swellings, galls and


Entry potential: High. If bulbs are sourced from an area where this nematode is present, may

directly infest bulbs and/or be present in soil which may adhere to bulbs.

Establishment potential: High. Potential host species are widely grown in Australia. If M.

chitwoodi ever becomes established in Australia, its host range would severely limit

possibilities for break crops to be grown to limit its economic impact.

Spread potential: Medium. This species has very limited potential for natural movement, but

is spread by movement of infested soil and planting material. This nematode can also be

moved via irrigation systems.

Economic importance: High. Not only is this species a pest of root crops such as potato, but it can

breed in cereals and a range of vegetable crops. Both are critical species to Australian agriculture. In

the Pacific north-west of the USA, this species is the major nematode pest of potato production. If

unchecked, damaged caused by this nematode can render potatoes unmarketable. In addition, and

unlike Globodera spp., this nematodes can also breed on bulbs. In terms of climatic requirements,

this species is similar to Globodera rostochiensis, so it has considerable potential to spread further

than its current distribution.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Page 49: Datasheets for quarantine pests

CAB International (1998). CAB International Crop Protection Compendium; Module 1;

Wallingford; UK.

Smith, I.M., McNamara, D.G., Scott, P.R. and Holderness, M. (eds.) (1997). Quarantine pests for

Europe. CAB International /EPPO, Paris, France.

33. Longidorus spp. [Nematoda: Longidoridae] - L. attenuatus Micoletzky, 1922 (Filipjev,

1934), L. elongatus (de Man, 1876) Micoletzky 1922, L. macrosoma Micoletzky, 1922

(Filipjev, 1934)

Synonyms and changes in combination: L. elongatus - Dorylaimus elongatus de Man, 1876,

Trichodorus elongatus (de Man, 1876), Filipjev, 1921, Dorylaimus tenuis von Linstow, 1879,

Longidorus menthasolanus Konicek & Jensen, 1961, Longidorus monohystera Altherr, 1953

Common name(s): Longidorids, needle nematodes.

Host(s): The species of Longidorus covered here are polyphagous and have been found associated

with a wide ranges of economically important plants, together with weed and native flora. Plant

species that Longidorus nematodes have been associated with include:

Acer macrophyllum (bigleaf maple); Acer negundo (boxelder); Acer saccharinum (silver maple);

Agrostis stolonifera (creeping bent (grass)); Allium cepa (onion); Ananas comosus (pineapple);

Asparagus officinalis (asparagus); Beta vulgaris var. saccharifera (sugarbeet); Brassica oleracea

var. capitata (cabbages); Brassica rapa ssp. oleifera (turnip rape); Capsicum annuum (capsicum,

bell pepper); Cedrus (cedars); Chenopodium quinoa (quinoa goosefoot); Citrus aurantiifolia (lime);

Citrus limon (lemon); Citrus sinensis (navel orange); Citrus x paradisi (grapefruit); Coffea (coffee);

Cucumis melo (melon); Cucurbita maxima (giant pumpkin); Cynodon dactylon (Bermuda grass);

Daucus carota (carrot); Digitaria; Dioscorea (yam); Elymus repens (quackgrass); Ficus carica

(fig); Fragaria ananassa (strawberry); Glycine max (soyabean); Gossypium (cotton); Helianthus;

Hordeum vulgare (barley); Ipomoea batatas (sweet potato); Lactuca sativa (lettuce); Lamium

amplexicaule (henbit deadnettle); Ligustrum; Lolium (ryegrass); Lolium multiflorum (Italian

ryegrass); Lotus corniculatus (bird's-foot trefoil); Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato); Matricaria

matricarioides (rounded chamomile); Medicago sativa (lucerne); Mentha piperita (peppermint);

Musa paradisiaca (plantain); Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco); Ostrya virginiana (American

hophornbeamn?); Rosa (roses); Pennisetum (feathergrass); Persea americana (avocado); Petunia

hybrida; Phaseolus (beans); Phlox; Pinus ponderosa (ponderosa pine); Pisum sativum (pea);

Prunus avium (cherry); Prunus persica (peach); Prunus virginiana (common chokecherrytree);

Quercus alba (white oak); Ribes nigrum (black currant); Ribes uva-crispa (gooseberry); Rubus

fruticosus (blackberry); Rubus idaeus (raspberry); Saccharum officinarum (sugarcane); Secale

cereale (rye); Senecio (groundsel); Solanum melongena (aubergine); Solanum tuberosum (potato);

Sorghum; Spinacia oleracea (spinach); Stellaria media (common chickweed); Theobroma cacao

Page 50: Datasheets for quarantine pests

(cocoa); Trifolium (clovers); Trifolium incarnatum (crimson clover); Trifolium pratense (purple

clover); Trifolium repens (white clover); Triticum (wheats); Vitis vinifera (grapevine); Zea mays


Plant part(s) affected: Whole plant, leaves; roots.

Distribution: L. attenuatus: Europe – Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, UK (England).

L. elongatus: Europe – widespread in north, including Belgium, Bulgaria* Estonia, Finland,

France*, Germany, Greece*, Italy*, Netherlands, Latvia, Poland, Portugal*, Russia*, Spain*,

Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan*, Ukraine, Uzbekistan*, UK. (*Some records outside NW Europe

may be of closely related species). Introduced into Canada, (British Columbia and Ontario), India,

Pakistan, New Zealand, South Africa, USA – Oregon (records in other U.S. states proved to be

other species)

L. macrosoma: Europe, especially NW – Belgium, France Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland, UK

(southern England). Also recorded from Ireland, Italy, Slovakia, Spain, Tajikistan and the former


L. elongatus was once recorded in South Australia on rye grass. There is no indication that it is

currently present or established in Australia. L. attenuatus and L. macrosoma have not been

recorded from Australia.

Biology: Adult and juvenile Longidorus feed at, or just behind, the root tips of host plants. This

feeding results in root galling and a reduction in root system growth, which may be most severe in

seedlings? and cuttings. As a result, general plant health and vigour suffers. In addition, if viruses

are transmitted by this feeding, then the affected plant may also show symptoms of virus disease.

Under temperate conditions, egg laying and larval development occur in spring, coinciding with

rapid growth of host plants. An additional period of egg laying may occur later on in summer.

Under tropical conditions, development may be continuous. Adult nematodes can be very long

lived, for example, individual L. macrosoma and L. elongatus adults have been observed to survive

for 5 and 2 years respectively.

Some Longidorus species are vectors of nepoviruses which have extensive plant host ranges. In

many plants, these may be symptomless, but in other plants they may cause serious symptoms

which lead to substantial loss of yield. Tomato black ring nepovirus is transmitted by L. attenuatus

and L. elongatus. The later species, together with L. macrosoma, can transmit Raspberry ringspot

virus. Both of these viruses are symptomless in bulbs. Adult nematodes may remain infective for

their entire life should they be contaminated by plant viruses

Page 51: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Entry potential: Medium. While bulbs are not a usual host of these nematodes, they may

contaminate them as a result of infestations of better hosts such as weeds and grasses growing

amongst the bulbs. Infestations may also be a hangover from previous cropping use of the

land. Nematodes may enter bulbs or be transported in soil adhering to bulbs or contaminating


Establishment potential: High. A wide range of potential host species are available in

Australia. The longevity of adult nematodes could greatly assist them in the process of

establishment, and increases their potential efficacy as viral vectors.

Spread potential: Medium. Spread of this nematodes would result from movement of

infested plant material and/or soil. Other nematodes, already present Australia, could also

transmit the viruses if introduced.

Economic importance: High. While these nematodes and the viruses they transmit are unimportant

to the bulb industry, they are important to other horticultural crops.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest


CAB International. (1998). CAB International Crop Protection Compendium; Wallingford; UK.

Taylor, C.E. and Brown, D.J.F. (1977). Nematode Vectors of Plant Viruses, CAB International,

Wallingford, England.

34. Xiphinema spp. [Nematoda: Longidoridae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: The genus Xiphinema contains over 200 species.

Classification of these is far from stable and many current ‘species’ may in fact turn out to be

several species.

Common name(s): dagger nematodes

Host(s): Xiphinema spp. are non specific with regard to plant species they attack. They are soil-

living root feeders that occur in wide range of natural and cultivated environments. In addition,

some species of this genus can transmit a range of nepoviruses to orchard, soft fruit and vine crops.

Plant part(s) affected: Whole plant and roots.

Distribution: Xiphinema spp. have a worldwide distribution. This genus includes a number of

species of quarantine interest, principally for their ability to transmit plant viruses. Species capable

of transmission of viruses include X. americanum sensu lato, X. americanum sensu stricto, X.

bicolensis, X. californicum, X. diversicaudatum, X. index, X. intermedium, X. italae, X. rivesi and X.

tarjanense. X. americanum sensu lato is a species complex consisting of at least 34 species and

possibly other as yet undescribed species. It has been reported from Australia, Belize, Brazil, Chile,

Guatemala, India, Japan, Korea, Mexico, New Zealand, Pakistan, South Africa, Sri Lanka and

Uruguay. X. americanum sensu stricto appears confined to the eastern half of Canada and the USA.

Page 52: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Other related species restricted to the Americas include X. bricolense, X. californicum, X.

intermedium and X. tarjanense. X. diversicaudatum is distributed through northern and western

areas of Europe away from the Mediterranean coast. It was recorded only once in Australia (on a

rose), and there is no evidence that it is established here. X. index is a species closely associated

with vineyards originally from the Middle East, having then been spread into Europe (esp. southern

Europe) with the spread of grape production. From there it has been taken to other grape growing

regions of the world, including California. In Australia, it is restricted to the Rutherglen area of

north-eastern Victoria. X. italiae is a species associated with grapevines in southern Europe from

Spain to Bulgaria. X. rivesi is a species of American origin, widespread in the USA and parts of

Canada (southern Ontario), and it now also occurs in Cyprus, France, Germany, Iran, Jordan,

Portugal and Spain.

In Europe, species previously described as X. americanum sensu lato have since been described as

X. taylori and X. pachtaicum. X. pachtaicum:- Australia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, France,

Germany, Greece, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Spain,

Switzerland, Turkey, UK and the former Yugoslavia.

X. taylori (previously described as X. brevicolle): Australia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Hungary, Israel, Italy,

Malawi, Mauritius, Peru, Poland, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Slovak Rep., Spain, Switzerland

and the former Yugoslavia. The classification of non-European specimens is unclear.

Biology: Xiphinema spp. live in the soil/water film and feed externally on plant roots. They feed at

the root tip and in the root hair zone. Attacked root tips may become hook-shaped or swell to form

terminal galls. Root growth and branching is affected. This feeding may cause decline and lack of

vigour in affected plants. The nematodes have a long lifespan, normally 3-5 years, and a low

reproductive rate. Above 5°C, an egg is produced every 21 degree days and from egg to adult takes

about 9 months (7-9 months for X. index at 20-23°C). Adults may persist in soil, even in the

absence of hosts, for several years.

The greatest impact these nematodes have on agricultural and horticultural activities is by the

transmission of viruses, although some (eg. X. index) cause serious diseases in the absence of

viruses. Economic losses caused by viral transmission generally out-weigh those caused by direct


Entry potential: Low - medium, these nematodes are not common in bulb crops. However,

they are long-lived and could persist in ground that had been used previously for other host


Page 53: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Establishment potential: High. These nematodes have a record of successful establishment

in areas outside their natural range.

Spread potential: Medium; these nematodes move through soil only slowly. Nematodes can

be moved via planting material and soil/machinery. Viruses in imported nematodes or bulbs

may become transmitted by locally occurring Xiphinema spp.

Economic importance: Low in bulb crops, but high on a range of other horticultural crops such as

fruit. These nematodes can act as vectors of a number of viruses, including Tomato ringspot,

Tobacco ringspot and Raspberry ring spot.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest. The exact status of individual species of these nematodes in

Australia is somewhat unclear. Imported nematodes, even if they are of a species already present,

carry the risk of importing exotic viruses in addition to being a pest in their own right. Imported

viruses may be ingested and transmitted by Xiphinema nematodes already in Australia, for example

established populations of X. americanum sensu lato. Other Xiphinema species currently not present

in Australia, such as X. diversicaudatum, are effective vectors of viruses (eg. Arabis mosaic virus)

that are present in Australia, but are currently without a vector. With an effective vector, such

viruses may become more important on a range of horticultural crops.


CAB International. (1998). CAB International Crop Protection Compendium; Wallingford; UK.

Taylor, C.E. and Brown, D.J.F. (1977). Nematode Vectors of Plant Viruses, CAB International,

Wallingford, England.


35. Aecidium narcissi Liou [Uredinales: Pucciniaceae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: Puccinia sesselis Schneid. ex Schrot; Aecidium iridis

(Ger.) Peck. 1872; Aecidium majanthae Schum. 1803; Puccinia phalaridis Plowr. 1888; Puccinia

majanthae A & H., 1901.

Common name(s): rust.

Host(s): Convallaria majalis (lily of the valley); Narcissus tazetta (daffodil); Iris spp. (iris);

Phalaris arundinacea (reed canary grass).

Plant part(s) affected: Foliage and bulbs.

Distribution: Canada, France, Japan, Netherlands, USA, UK.

Biology: The disease mainly affects foliage and could contaminate bulbs externally with fungal

spores. The pathogen is a heteroecious and macrocylic fungus. Uredospores, teliospores and

basidiospores are produced on reed grass, Phalaris arundinaceae. Reed grass is widely established

in Australia. Basidiospores could infect different species of Narcissus/Iris and other hosts

Page 54: Datasheets for quarantine pests

producing spermagonia and aecidia. Acediospores from the aecidium could infect reed grass to

produce uredospores. The fungus requires both reed grass and bulb hosts to complete the life cycle.

Entry potential: Moderate - pathogen could enter on bulbs as external contaminant.

Establishment potential: High, both primary and secondary hosts are present in Australia.

Spread potential: High, air-borne nature of spores helps in long distance spread.

Economic importance: Could be low. Holland (1992) reports the disease to be of minor economic


Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Arthur, J.C. and Cummins, G.B. (1962). Manual of the Rusts in United States and Canada. Hafner,

New York, USA.

Boerema, G.H. and Hamers, Maria E.C. (1989). Check List for Scientific Names of Common

Parasitic Fungi. Series 3b. Fungi on bulbs. Netherlands Journal of Plant Pathology 95. Supp.

3: 1-32. [26]

Farr, D.F., Bills, G.F., Chamuris, G.P. and Rossman, A.Y. (1989). Fungi on plants and plant

products in the United States. APS Press. [37]

Holland, S. (1992). A review of post entry quarantine procedures for bulbs – Pests & diseases.

Research Report Series #206, June 1992.

Moore, W.C. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs. [2nd Ed.] Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Her

Majesty’s Stationery Office, London. 205 pp. [45]

Smith, P.R. and Jenkins, P.T. (1998). Pest Risk Analysis of the Importation of Ornamental Bulbs

from The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Israel. Australia

Wilson, M. & Henderson, D.M. (1966). British Rust Fungi. Cambridge Uni. Press

36. Botrytis hyacinthi Westerd. & v. Beyma Theo Kingma [Leotiales: Sclerotiniaceae]

Synonyms and changes in combination:

Common name(s): Hyacinth fire.

Host(s): Hyacinthus; Iris; Lilium; Muscari.

Distribution: USA; Netherlands; Germany; UK.

Plant part(s) affected: Mainly flowers and stems. Could infect bulbs through external

contamination of spores or systemic latent mycelium.

Biology: Detailed information with regard to this species is not available. The fungus mainly infects

flowers and stems, however bulbs could be contaminated with fungal spores or carry systemic

mycelium. The spores can be spread by wind or water dispersal. Based on the general biology of the

genus, the fungus could overwinter as sclerotia in soil or infected plant tissues, as saprophytic

mycelium in dead plant material, or pass the winter on different host plants.

Page 55: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Four types of dispersal propagule are important in the epidemiology of the fungus: ascospores,

conidia, mycelia and sclerotia. Mycelia can also be important in latent infections in stored bulbs and

corms. Latent infections of bulbs, or their contamination by conidia or saprophytic mycelium in the

field, could result in losses during postharvest storage and transport.

Entry potential: Medium, mainly infects flowers and stems. Could enter through spore-

contaminated bulbs or systemic mycelium in the bulbs.

Establishment potential: High, hosts available in Australia.

Spread potential: High, through wind-borne spores and latent infections in bulbs.

Economic importance: Could be high.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


CAB International International (1998). Botrytis cinerea data sheet. CAB International Crop

Protection Compendium, Module 1, Wallingford, UK.

Farr, D.F., Bills, G.F., Chamuris, G.P. and Rossman, A.Y. (1989). Fungi on Plants and Plant

Products in the United States. APS Press. [37]

Holland, S. (1992). A review of post entry quarantine procedures for bulbs – Pests & diseases.

Research Report Series #206, June 1992.

Moore, W.C. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs. [2nd Ed.] Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Her

Majesty’s Stationery Office, London. 205 pp. [45]

Boerema, G. H. and Hamers, Maria E. C. (1988). Check List for Scientific Names of Common

Parasitic Fungi. Series 3a. Fungi of bulbs. Netherlands Journal of Plant Pathology 94. Supp.

1: 1-32. [25]

Westcott, C. (1989). Plant Disease Handbook. [4th Ed]. Revised by R. Kenneth Horst. Van

Nosstrand Reingold Co, New York. 803 pp.

Smith, I. M., Dunez, J., Lilliott, R. A., Phillips, D. H. and Archer, S. A. (1988). [Eds]. European

Handbook of Plant Diseases. Blackwell Scientific Publications. 583 pp.

37. Botrytis polyblastis Dowson [Ascomycota]

Synonyms and changes in combination: Sclerotinia polyblastis Greg.; Botryotinia polyblastis

[Greg] Buchwald.

Common name(s): Narcissus fire.

Host(s): Narcissus spp. (daffodil).

Plant part(s) affected: Mainly flowers and leaves. Could infect bulbs through external

contamination of spores or systemic mycelium.

Distribution: UK; Netherlands; USA.

Page 56: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Biology: Detailed information with regard to this species is not available. The fungus mainly infects

flowers and leaves, however bulbs could be contaminated with fungal spores or carry systemic

mycelium. Ascospores infect perianth of early blossoms. Masses of conidia develop, and spread by

wind and rain splash to susceptible blossoms and leaves. Sclerotes form in leaves, and overwinter in

litter. Apothecial fruiting bodies form in spring producing air-borne spores (ascospores) and the

cycle continues. Mycelia can also be important in latent infections in stored bulbs and corms. Latent

infections of bulbs, or their contamination by conidia or saprophytic mycelium in the field, could

result in losses during postharvest storage and transport.

Entry potential: High, through latent infections of bulbs.

Establishment potential: High, host plants present in Australia.

Spread potential: High, through wind-borne spores and latent infections in bulbs.

Economic importance: Could be high in Narcissus.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Boerema, G. H. and Hamers, Maria E. C. (1989). Check List for Scientific Names of Common

Parasitic Fungi. Series 3b. Fungi on bulbs. Netherlands Journal of Plant Pathology 95. Supp.

3: 1-32. [25]

Moore, W. C. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs. [2nd Ed.] Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Her

Majesty’s Stationery Office, London. 205 pp. [45]

Williams, M. A. J. and Spooner, B. M. (1991). Sclerotinia narcissicola. Commonwealth

Mycological Institute Descriptions of Plant Pathogenic Fungi and Bacteria. No. 1083. [57]

Smith, I. M., Dunez, J., Lilliott, R. A., Phillips, D. H. and Archer, S. A. (1988). [Eds]. European

Handbook of Plant Diseases. Blackwell Scientific Publications. 583 pp.

Crop Protection Compendium (1999). Global Module CAB International CD-Rom.

38. Cercospora amaryllidis Ellis & Everh.

Synonyms and changes in combination:

Common name(s): Leaf spot.

Host(s): Amaryllis spp. (belladonna lily); Hippeastrum spp. (amaryllis); Hymenocallis spp. (spider

lily); Manfreda; Zephyranthes spp. (windflower, zephyr lily).

Distribution: Occurs in south-western USA; West Indies; Europe.

Plant part(s) affected: Foliage and probably stems and bulbs.

Biology: Detailed information with regard to the fungal species is not available. The fungus

generally infects leaves and could infect stems and contaminate bulbs. Long distance dispersal is by

wind-borne conidia. Within the plant, the spread could be primarily by rain splash carrying conidia

which could contaminate bulbs.

Page 57: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Entry potential: Medium, mainly infects leaves. Could enter through spore-contaminated


Establishment potential: High; host plants present in Australia.

Spread potential: High, through wind-borne spores..

Economic importance: Could be low, minor leaf spot of Hippeastrum.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Farr, D.F., Bills, G.F., Chamuris, G.P. and Rossman, A.Y. (1989). Fungi on Plants and Plant

Products in the United States. APS Press. [37]

Chupp, C. (1953). A monograph of Cercospora. Ithaca, NY.

Holland, S. (1992). A review of post entry quarantine procedures for bulbs – Pests & diseases.

Research Report Series #206, June 1992.

39. Coleosporium narcissi Grove

Synonyms and changes in combination: not known.

Common name(s): narcissus rust.

Host(s): Narcissus spp. (daffodil).

Plant part(s) affected: Leaf. Could contaminate bulbs with spores.

Distribution: United Kingdom.

Biology: Detailed information is not available for this fungus.

Entry potential: Medium.

Establishment potential: Could be high, host plants are present in Australia.

Spread potential: High; due to windborne spores.

Economic importance: Could be low; Reported by Holland (1992) to be of minor economic


Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Farr, D.F., Bills, G.F., Chamuris, G.P. and Rossman, A.Y. (1989). Fungi on plants and plant

products in the United States. APS Press.[37]

Holland, S. (1992). A review of post entry quarantine procedures for bulbs – Pests & diseases.

Research Report Series #206, June 1992.

Moore, W. C. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs. [2nd Ed.] Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Her

Majesty’s Stationery Office, London. 205 pp. [45]

40. Embellisia hyacinthi de Hoog et P J Muller

Synonyms and changes in combination: not known.

Page 58: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Common name(s): Skin spot of hyacinths.

Host(s): Freesia spp.; Scilla spp. (squill, bluebell); Muscari spp. (grape hyacinth); Hyacinthus

orientalis (hyacinth).

Plant part(s) affected: Bulbs; foliage and flowers.

Distribution: Japan; the Netherlands; South America; United Kingdom; USA.

Biology: The fungus has been isolated from various cvs. of Hyacinth, Scilla and Freesia and

causing dark brown leaf tips and spots on emerging leaves. Tan-coloured water-soaked spots

sometimes appear on the petals. Infected plants usually turn yellow earlier than healthy ones and

outer bulb scales show patchy necrosis, dry rot or cracking at lifting time. Factors affecting

incidence of the disease include the cultivar, bulb size, temperature treatment, soil temperature and

time of housing.

The fungus overwinters in plant debris, soil and bulbs and could spread through windborne conidia.

Entry potential: High as the fungus infects bulbs.

Establishment potential: High, host plants present in Australia.

Spread potential: High, the fungus overwinters in soil, plant debris and on bulbs and produce

windborne conidia.

Economic importance: Unknown. BKD tolerance is 0.1%.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Boerema, G H. and. Hamers, Maria E C [1988]. Check List for Scientific Names of Common

Parasitic Fungi. Series 3a. Fungi of bulbs. Netherlands Journal of Plant Pathology 94. Supp.

1: 1-32. [25]

David, J C [1991]. Embellisia hyacinthi. Commonwealth Mycological Institute Descriptions of

Plant Pathogenic Fungi and Bacteria. No. 1079. [34]

Hoog, G.S-de. & Muller, P.J. (1973). A new species of Embellisia, associated with skin disease of

hyacinths. Netherlands Journal of Plant Pathology. 79:85-93.

Morikawa. T. & Nomura.Y. (1994). Embellisia leaf spot of hyacinth caused by Embellisia hyacinthi

in Japan. Annals of the Phytopathological Society of Japan. 60: 104-106.

Moore, W. C. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs. [2nd Ed.] Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Her

Majesty’s Stationery Office, London. 205 pp. [45]

Commonwealth Mycological Institute 1079 Embellisia hyacinthi.

Crop Protection Compendium (1999). Global Module CAB International CD-Rom.

Holland, S. (1992). A review of post entry quarantine procedures for bulbs – Pests & diseases.

Research Report Series #206, June 1992.

Page 59: Datasheets for quarantine pests

41. Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. gladioli (Massey) Snyder & Hansen ['mitosporic fungi']

Synonyms and changes in combination: Fusarium oxysporum var. gladioli Massey; Fusarium

orthoceras App. & Woll. Var. gladioli McCulloch.

Common name(s): Brown rot or basal rot of Gladiolus.

Host(s): Gladiolus hybrids; Crocosmia crocosmiiflora (montbretia); Crocus spp. (crocus); Freesia

spp.; Iris spp. (iris); Sparaxis spp. (harlequin flower); Streptanthera spp.; Tritonia spp.;

Washingtonia spp. (washingtonia palm).

Plant part(s) affected: Corms/bulbs; roots; foliage.

Distribution: Widespread. Europe (Italy; Netherlands); USA; Taiwan. Presence of this species was

reported in gladioli in Australia in WA (Shivas, 1989); NSW (Anon, 1996) and Vic. (Chambers,

1980). However, these records do not indicate whether or not Koch’s postulates or in vitro tests

were undertaken to confirm pathogen identity up to specialis level.

Biology: Detailed information specific to the specialis gladioli is not available. Infected plants are

generally stunted and leaf tips and corms turn yellow. Roots show discrete lesions and general

rotting. The fungus could survive for many years as dormant chlamydospores or as a saprobe in

plant debris. During favourable conditions chlamydospores germinate and infect susceptible plants

through roots. On death of the host, micro and macro conidia can be dispersed by water splash

droplets. Movement of infested soil or plant material may transmit the fungus more widely.

Entry potential: High, as the bulbs and roots can be infected.

Establishment potential: High, hosts are present in Australia.

Spread potential: High, through contaminated soil and infected or contaminated plant


Economic importance: Could be high.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest – status of this fungi in Australia is unclear as the pathogen

identity is not established up to specialis level, current status maintained until proper tests are

undertaken to confirm or otherwise establishment of this fungi in Australia.


Anon. (1996). The National Collection Databases for Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania and

Queensland. Institute for Horticultural Development, Department of Natural Resources and

Environment, Victoria.

Commonwealth Mycological Institute 1266 Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. gladioli

Chambers, S.C. (1980) List of diseases recorded on ornamentals, native plants and weeds in

Victoria before 30 June, 1980. Victorian Department of Agriculture Technical Report Series #


Crop Protection Compendium (1999) - Global Module CAB International CD-Rom

Page 60: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Moore, W. C. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs. [2nd Ed.] Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Her

Majesty’s Stationery Office, London. 205 pp. [45]

Farr, D.F., Bills, G.F., Chamuris, G.P. and Rossman, A.Y. (1989) Fungi on plants and plant

products in the United States. APS Press. [37]

Shivas, R.G. (1989) Fungal and bacterial diseases of plants in WA. Journal of the Royal Society of

Western Australia 72 (1&2).

Smith, I. M., Dunez, J., Lilliott, R. A., Phillips, D. H. and Archer, S. A. (1988). [Eds]. European

Handbook of Plant Diseases. Blackwell Scientific Publications. 583 pp.

42. Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lilii Imle [Fungi: 'mitosporic fungi']

Synonyms or changes in combination: not known.

Common name(s): fusarium scale rot, basal rot of lily.

Host(s): Lilium spp. (lily, lilium); Crocus spp. (crocus); Freesia spp.

Plant part(s) affected: Bulbs, foliage.

Distribution: Europe (no specific details of presence in Netherlands but assumed to be present) &

North America. There are no confirmed reports of this fungus in Australia although F. oxysporum

has been detected on Liliums in NSW and in Freesia in Vic. However, these records do not indicate

whether or not Koch’s postulates or in vitro tests were undertaken to confirm pathogen identity up

to specialis level.

Biology: Detailed information specific to the specialis lilii is not available. Infected plants are

generally stunted and leaf tips and corms turn yellow. Roots show discrete lesions and general

rotting. The fungus could survive for many years as dormant chlamydospores or as a saprobe in

plant debris. During favourable conditions chlamydospores germinate and infect susceptible plants

through roots. On death of the host, micro and macro conidia can be dispersed by water splash

droplets. Movement of infested soil or plant material may transmit the fungus more widely.

Entry potential: High, as the bulbs can be infected.

Establishment: High, hosts are present in Australia.

Spread: High, through contaminated soil and infected or contaminated plant material.

Economic importance: Could be medium. Some debate over whether it is a primary pathogen or

part of a complex as experiments have shown the fungus cannot penetrate unwounded scale tissue.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest – status of this fungus in Australia is unclear as the pathogen

identity is not established up to specialis level, current status maintained until proper tests are

undertaken to confirm or otherwise establishment of this fungus in Australia


Page 61: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Anon. (1996). The National Collection Databases for Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania and

Queensland. Institute for Horticultural Development, Department of Natural Resources and

Environment, Victoria.

Chambers, S.C. (1982) Lists of diseases recorded on ornamentals, native plants and weeds in

Victoria before 30 June, 1980. Dep. Ag. Report. Tech. Report 61

Crop Protection Compendium (1999) - Global Module CAB International CD-Rom

Loffler, HJM & Rumine, P. (1991) Virulence & vegetative compatibility of Dutch and Italian

isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. lilii. J. Phytopath. 132:12-20. [42]

Moore, W. C. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs. [2nd Ed.] Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Her

Majesty’s Stationery Office, London. 205 pp. [45]

Smith, I M Dunez, J Lilliott, R A Phillips, D H and Archer, S A [1988]. [Eds]. European Handbook

of Plant Diseases. Blackwell Scientific Publications. 583 pp.

Westcott, C [1989]. Plant Disease Handbook. [4th Ed]. Revised by R Kenneth Horst. Van

Nosstrand Reingold Co, New York. 803 pp.

43. Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. narcissi Snyder & Hansen ['mitosporic fungi']

Synonyms or changes in combination: Fusarium bulbigenum Cooke & Massee.

Common name(s): Narcissus basal rot.

Host(s): Narcissus (daffodil).

Plant part(s) affected: Whole plant affected including bulbs, flowers & leaves.

Distribution: Europe (no specific details of presence in Netherlands but assumed to be present),

UK. There is one record of this fungus in Western Australia (Shivas, 1989) and F. oxysporum is

reported on Narcissus in Victoria. However, these records in Australia do not indicate whether or

not Koch’s postulates or in vitro tests were undertaken to confirm pathogen identity up to specialis


Biology: Detailed information specific to the specialis narcissi is not available. The fungus causes

very destructive rot of bulbs resulting in stunted plants, leaf tip damage and deformed flowers due

to rotting of bulbs and limited root development. Particularly a problem when bulbs are stored

incorrectly at high temperatures.

The fungus could survive for many years as dormant chlamydospores or as a saprobe in plant

debris. During favourable conditions chlamydospores germinate and infect susceptible plants

through roots. On death of the host, micro and macro conidia can be dispersed by water splash

droplets. Movement of infested soil or plant material may transmit the fungus more widely.

Entry potential: High, as the bulbs and roots can be infected.

Establishment potential: High, hosts are present in Australia.

Page 62: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Spread potential: High, through contaminated soil and infected or contaminated plant


Economic importance: Could be high.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest – status of this fungi in Australia is unclear as the pathogen

identity is not established up to specialis level, current status maintained until proper tests are

undertaken to confirm or otherwise establishment of this fungus in Australia.


Anon. (1996). The National Collection Databases for Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania and

Queensland. Institute for Horticultural Development, Department of Natural Resources and

Environment, Victoria.

Crop Protection Compendium (1999) - Global Module CAB International CD-Rom

Moore, W. C. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs. [2nd Ed.] Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Her

Majesty’s Stationery Office, London. 205 pp. [45]

Shivas, R.G. (1989) Fungal and bacterial diseases of plants in WA. Journal of the Royal Society of

Western Australia 72 (1&2).

Westcott, C. (1989). Plant Disease Handbook. [4th Ed]. Revised by R Kenneth Horst. Van

Nosstrand Reingold Co, New York. 803 pp.

44. Fusarium oxysporum Schl. f. sp. tulipae Apt ['mitosporic fungi']

Synonyms or changes in combination: not known.

Common name(s): Bulb rot, basal rot.

Host(s): Tulipa spp. (tulips).

Plant part(s) affected: Leaves and bulbs.

Distribution: Cosmopolitan wherever tulips are grown. Europe (no specific details of presence in

Netherlands but assumed to be present), UK. F. oxysporum is recorded in Australia on tulips.

However, these records in Australia do not indicate whether or not Koch’s postulates or in vitro

tests were undertaken to confirm pathogen identity up to specialis level.

Biology: Detailed information specific to the specialis tulipae is not available. Infected plants could

be stunted and leaf tips and corms are affected.

The fungus could survive for many years as dormant chlamydospores or as a saprobe in plant

debris. During favourable conditions chlamydospores germinate and infect susceptible plants

through roots. On death of the host, micro and macro conidia can be dispersed by water splash

droplets. Movement of infested soil or plant material may transmit the fungus more widely.

Entry potential: High, as the bulbs and roots can be infected.

Establishment: High, hosts are present in Australia.

Page 63: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Spread: High, through contaminated soil and infected or contaminated plant material.

Economic importance: Could be high, in countries with a warm late spring, the disease can limit

profitable tulip bulb cultivation. In the glasshouse, it can cause severe losses in cut flower

production, although good hygiene and bulb handling generally limits problem.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest – status of this fungus in Australia is unclear as the pathogen

identity is not established up to specialis level, current status maintained until proper tests are

undertaken to confirm or otherwise establishment of this fungus in Australia.


Anon. (1996). The National Collection Databases for Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania and

Queensland. Institute for Horticultural Development, Department of Natural Resources and

Environment, Victoria.

Crop Protection Compendium (1999) - Global Module CAB International CD-Rom

Moore, W. C. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs. [2nd Ed.] Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Her

Majesty’s Stationery Office, London. 205 pp. [45]

Smith, I. M., Dunez, J., Lilliott, R. A., Phillips, D. H. and Archer, S. A. (1988). [Eds]. European

Handbook of Plant Diseases. Blackwell Scientific Publications. 583 pp.

45. Hendersonia ucrainica Petr.

Synonyms or changes in combination: Moore (1979) lists Hendersonia ucrainica as a pathogen of

Iris but this is the only record found. The record is on Iris sibirica, a rhizomatous Iris. Disease

status and taxonomy of this fungus is questionable.

Common name(s): none.

Host(s): Iris spp. (iris).

Plant part(s) affected: Leaf.

Distribution: Europe (no specific details of presence in Netherlands but assumed to be present).

Biology: Detailed information is not available.

Entry potential: Low - disease causes a leaf spot and is not reported to affect bulbs, may not

be in the pathway.

Establishment potential: Moderate - host plants present.

Spread potential: Moderate.

Economic importance: Could be low. Limited information available and taxonomy of this fungus

is not clear.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Moore, W. C. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs. [2nd Ed.] Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Her

Majesty’s Stationery Office, London. 205 pp. [45]

Page 64: Datasheets for quarantine pests

46. Mycosphaerella cinxia

Synonyms or changes in combination: Not known.

Common name(s): Leafspot of Liliums.

Host(s): Lilium spp. (lily, lilium).

Plant part(s) affected: Leaves and bulbs contaminated with fungal spores.

Distribution: Israel ??

Biology: Detailed information with regard to the biology or epidemiology of the fungus is not

available. The fungus mainly infects foliage producing leaf spots. Based on the general biology of

the genus Mycosphaerella the fungus could overwinter on infected dead leaves, and perithecia

formed in overwintering leaves discharge ascospores in the spring. Presumably, primary infections

result from ascospores and secondary infections result from disseminating conidia and could

contaminate bulbs.

Entry potential: Medium, through contaminated bulbs.

Establishment potential: High, host plants present in Australia.

Spread potential: High, through windborne ascospores and condidia.

Economic importance: Unknown.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Crop Protection Compendium (1999) - Global Module CAB International CD-Rom

Holland, S. (1992) A review of post entry quarantine procedures for bulbs – Pests & diseases.

Research Report Series #206, June 1992.

Moore, W. C. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs. [2nd Ed.] Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Her

Majesty’s Stationery Office, London. 205 pp. [45]

47. Mycosphaerella martagonas Arx

Synonyms or changes in combination: Pseudocercosphaerella hungarica Baum.; Cercosporella

hungarica Baum.

Common name(s): Leafspot of Liliums.

Host(s): Lilium spp. (lily, lilium).

Plant part(s) affected: Leaves and bulbs contaminated with fungal spores.

Distribution: Switzerland; United Kingdom.

Biology: Detailed information with regard to the biology or epidemiology of the fungus is not

available. The fungus mainly infects foliage producing leaf spots. Based on the general biology of

the genus Mycosphaerella the fungus could overwinter on infected dead leaves, and perithecia

Page 65: Datasheets for quarantine pests

formed in overwintering leaves discharge ascospores in the spring. Presumably, primary infections

result from ascospores and secondary infections result from disseminating conidia.

Entry potential: Medium, through contaminated bulbs.

Establishment potential: Moderate, host plants present in Australia.

Spread potential: High, through windborne ascospores and conidia.

Economic importance: Unknown.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Crop Protection Compendium (1999). Global Module CAB International CD-Rom.

Moore, W. C. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs. [2nd Ed.] Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Her

Majesty’s Stationery Office, London. 205 pp.

Sivanesan, A. (1984). The Bitunicate Ascomycetes. J. Cramer Pub.

48. Phyllosticta liliicola Cejp 1967 [Sphaeropsidales: Sphaerioidaceae]

Synonyms and changes in combination None known.

Host(s): Lilium spp.(lily, lilium).

Plant part(s) affected: Foliage, stem and bulbs contaminated with spores.

Distribution: Europe; United Kingdom (ambiguous ref. by Moore et al, 1979).

Biology: Detailed information with regard to the biology and epidemiology of the fungus is not

available. The pathogen produces leaf and stem lesions and survive in infected and dead plant

material. Conidia are windborne. It presumably is similar to other coelomycetes in favouring moist

conditions for infection and dispersal.

Entry potential: Medium, through contaminated bulbs.

Establishment potential: Could be high, as host plants are present in Australia, however

there is not enough information available to gauge host range and longevity between host


Spread potential: Could be high through windborne inoculum.

Economic importance: Unknown.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Cejp, K. 1967. New or rare species of the genus Phyllosticta in Czechoslovakia, Nova Hedwigia,

13: 183-97.

Moore, C.B.E., Brunt, A.A., Price, D., Rees, A.R. and Dickens, J.S.W. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs.

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. London, England.

Smith, P.R. and Jenkins, P.T. (1998). Pest Risk Analysis of the Importation of Ornamental Bulbs

from The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Israel. Australia.

Page 66: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Sutton, B.C. 1980. The Coelomycetes – Fungi Imperfecti with Pycnidia, acervuli and Stromata.

Commonwealth Mycological Institute, Kew, England.

49. Puccinia gladioli (Duby) Cast. [Uredinales : Pucciniaceae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: Not known.

Common name(s): Gladioli rust.

Host(s): Gladiolus spp. (gladiolus).

Plant part(s) affected: Foliage, and bulbs contaminated with fungal spores.

Distribution: Southern Europe; South-East Asia; North America; North Africa; found once in

Britain (1924).

Biology: On leaves the fungus produces oblong reddish brown spots which are limited by veins.

Telia produced in these spots are black, rounded and densely crowded forming a crust. The aecidial

mycelium is systemic during winter and spring but localised during the summer. Uredia are not

found. The disease can spread through windborne spores.

Entry potential: Medium, bulbs could be contaminated with windborne fungal spores.

Establishment potential: High, host plants present in Australia.

Spread potential: High, through windborne spores.

Economic importance: Could be low, apart from the isolated record in Britain in 1924, pathogen

not widespread in countries considered in this PRA.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Moore, C.B.E., Brunt, A.A., Price, D., Rees, A.R. and Dickens, J.S.W. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs.

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. London, England.

Smith, P.R. and Jenkins, P.T. (1998). Pest Risk Analysis of the Importation of Ornamental Bulbs

from The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Israel. Australia.

Wilson, M. and Henderson, D.M. (1966) British Rust Fungi. Cambridge Uni. Press, London,


50. Puccinia narcissi Laundon 1965 [Uredinales : Pucciniaceae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: Aecidium narcissi Liou.

Common name(s): Narcissus rust.

Host(s): Narcissus spp. (daffodil).

Plant part(s) affected: Foliage and bulbs contaminated with fungal spores.

Distribution: France; the Netherlands.

Page 67: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Biology: Detailed information with regard to the biology or epidemiology of this fungus is not

available. Based on the general biology of genus Puccinia, the fungus mainly infects foliage.

However, windborne uredo or teliospores could contaminate the bulbs..

Entry potential: Medium, the bulbs could be contaminated with windborne fungal spores.

Establishment potential: High, hosts are present in Australia.

Spread potential: High, through windborne spores.

Economic importance: Unknown. There is insufficient information on host range and virulence in

cultivated plants to predict economic importance.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Moore, C.B.E., Brunt, A.A., Price, D., Rees, A.R. and Dickens, J.S.W. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs.

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. London, England.

Smith, P.R. and Jenkins, P.T. (1998). Pest Risk Analysis of the Importation of Ornamental Bulbs

from The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Israel. Australia.

Strider, D. L. (1985). Diseases of Floral Crops – Volume 2. Praeger Publishers, New York, USA.

51. Puccinia prostii Moug. [Uredinales: Pucciniaceae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: None known.

Common name(s): Rust.

Host(s): Tulipa spp. (tulip).

Plant part(s) affected: Foliage and bulbs contaminated with windborne fungal spores.

Distribution: UK, Scotland.

Biology: Detailed information with regard to the biology or epidemiology of this fungus is not

available. Based on the general biology of genus Puccinia, the fungus mainly infects leaves.

However, windborne uredo and teliospores could contaminate the bulbs.

Entry potential: Medium, through contaminated with windborne fungal spores..

Establishment potential: High, as hosts are present in Australia.

Spread potential: High, through windborne spores.

Economic importance: Unknown.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Massee, G. (1913). Mildews, Rusts and Smuts. London, England.

Moore, C.B.E., Brunt, A.A., Price, D., Rees, A.R. and Dickens, J.S.W. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs.

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. London, England.

Smith, P.R. and Jenkins, P.T. (1998). Pest Risk Analysis of the Importation of Ornamental Bulbs

from The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Israel. Australia.

Page 68: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Strider, D L [1985] [Ed.]. Diseases of Floral Crops. Vols 1 and 2. Praeger Publishing. Holt

Saunders Pty Ltd. Sydney, Australia

52. Puccinia schroeteri Pass. [Uredinales: Pucciniaceae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: None known.

Common name(s): Rust.

Host(s): Narcissus spp. (daffodil).

Plant part(s) affected: Foliage and bulbs contaminated with windborne fungal spores.

Distribution: United Kingdom.

Biology: Detailed information with regard to the biology or epidemiology of this fungus is not

available. Based on the general biology of genus Puccinia the fungus is mainly a foliar pathogen.

However, the bulbs could be contaminated with windborne uredio and teleo spores.

Entry potential: Medium, through bulbs contaminated with windborne fungal spores.

Establishment potential: High, as Narcissus hosts are present and well distributed in


Spread potential: High, through windborne spores.

Economic importance: Unknown.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Massee, G. (1913). Mildews, Rusts and Smuts. London, England.

Moore, C.B.E., Brunt, A.A., Price, D., Rees, A.R. and Dickens, J.S.W. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs.

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. London, England.

Smith, P.R. and Jenkins, P.T. (1998). Pest Risk Analysis of the Importation of Ornamental Bulbs

from The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Israel. Australia.

Wilson, M. and Hendesson, D.M. (1966). British Rust Fungi. CUP.

53. Ramularia vallisumbrosae Cavara 1899 [Moniliales: Moniliaceae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: Cercosporella narcissi Boud.1901; Ramularia narcissii

Chittenden 1906.

Common name(s): White mould of narcissus.

Host(s): Narcissus spp. (daffodil).

Plant part(s) affected: Flowers; foliage and bulbs contaminated with fungal spores

Distribution: Canada; England; France; Italy; Netherlands; northern Mediterranean; United

Kingdom; United States.

Biology: The disease appears soon after leaf emergence as small, sunken, grey green or yellowish

spots or streaks on the leaves, especially towards the tips and on the flower stalks. The lesions

Page 69: Datasheets for quarantine pests

increase in size to form yellowish brown patches on which, in moist weather, the spores of the

fungus appear as a white powdery mass. In warm, wet springs, the disease becomes epidemic and

causes the leaves to die down early. The fungus survives as sclerotia in dead leaves and bulbs could

be contaminated with sclerotia or spores. Germination of the sclerotia occurs under the same

conditions as leaf emergence. Sclerotia produce conidia which infect the newly emerging leaves.

The disease is favored by warm moist weather, under which conditions conidia are produced on the

leaves and lead to subsequent disease development. Wind and water splash disperse the spores from

plant to plant but they cannot survive drying for any length of time. When spore production ceases

and leaves wither, masses of minute black sclerotia are formed. These remain dormant in the leaf

trash during summer and autumn and germinate in winter to produce spores which infect the new

emerging leaves.

Entry potential: High, pathogen is commonly detected and present in the United Kingdom

and the Netherlands, and bulbs could be contaminated with windborne fungal spores.

Establishment potential: High, as Narcissus is present in Australia.

Spread potential: High through contaminated bulbs and windborne spores.

Economic importance: Could be high. R. vallisumbrosae can be a serious disease in warm, wet

springs. The loss of leaf area and early senescence can cause a considerable reduction in bulb size

and flower yields for next season.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Commonwealth Mycological Institute Map No 228 (2), 1971.

Moore, W. C. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs. [2nd Ed.] Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Her

Majesty’s Stationery Office, London. 205 pp.

Smith, P.R. and Jenkins, P.T. (1998). Pest Risk Analysis of the Importation of Ornamental Bulbs

from The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Israel. Australia.

Strider, D. L. (1985). Diseases of Floral Crops – Volume 2. Praeger Publishers, New York, USA.

54. Sclerotium perniciosum van Slogt & Thomas 1930 [Stereales: Corticiaceae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: Not known.

Common name(s): Smoulder of tulip.

Host(s): Tulipa spp. (tulip).

Plant part(s) affected: Leaves and bulbs.

Distribution: Denmark; the Netherlands; United Kingdom.

Biology: Mycelium produced by germinating sclerotia attacks leaf bases at soil level, causing

wilting and leaf death, and may rot bulbs enough to completely prevent emergence. The mycelium

Page 70: Datasheets for quarantine pests

can grow down from lesions at the leaf base to colonise the bulb. The fungus could spread through

resistant sclerotia.

Entry potential: High, through infected or contaminated bulbs. According to Smith and

Jenkins (1998) the BKD tolerance of this pathogen is 0%. However the entry potential of a

pathogen associated with planting material must be considered high from different sources.

Establishment potential: High, as the fungus produces resistant soil borne inoculum.

Spread potential: Moderate, as no airborne inoculum is produced. .

Economic importance: Unknown. It has been an uncommon cause of loss of tulip production in

Denmark and the Netherlands.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Anon. 1991. “Gewasbeschermingsgids”. Handboek voor de bestrijding van ziekten, plagen en

onkruiden en de toepassing van groeiregulatoren in de akkerbouw, veehouderij, tuinbouw en

het openbaar groen.

Anon. (1996). The Nation Collection Databases for Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania and

Queensland. Institute for horticultural Development, Department for Natural Resources and

Environment, Victoria.

Moore, C.B.E., Brunt, A.A., Price, D., Rees, A.R. and Dickens, J.S.W. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs.

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. London, England.

Smith, P.R. and Jenkins, P.T. (1998). Pest Risk Analysis of the Importation of Ornamental Bulbs

from The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Israel. Australia.

Strider, D. L. (1985). Diseases of Floral Crops – Volume 1. Praeger Publishers, New York, USA.

van Slogteren, E. and Thomas, K.S. 1930. Smeul, een tulpenzeigte veroorzaakt door een schimmel,

Sclerotium perniciosum nov. spec. Meded. Lab. BloembOnderz, Lisse, 38,12pp.

55. Sclerotium wakkeri Boerema &Posthumus 1963 [Stereales: Corticiaceae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: None recognised.

Common name(s): Smoulder; blackleg of tulips.

Host(s): Gladiolus spp. (gladiolus); Iris spp. (iris); Lilium spp. (lily, lilium); Tulipa spp. (tulip). Of

the bulb and corm crops there is clear pathogenicity in tulips, lily and iris but indications of less

clear pathogenicity in others.

Plant part(s) affected: Bulbs; corms; flowers; leaves.

Distribution: Japan; Netherlands; United Kingdom.

Biology: The bases of infected flower stalks turn grey to black and shrink toward the end of the

growing season. Leaves become discoloured. Shrunken black lesions form at the base of the new

bulbs and/or on the outermost fleshy scales (and the ethylene produced by these infected bulbs may

Page 71: Datasheets for quarantine pests

cause gummosis in otherwise healthy tulip bulbs). Diagnosis and identification of the fungus is

usually only possible by isolation and lesion development can be slow therefore visual detection can

be unreliable or time consuming. Visual identification in the field of different species of Sclerotium

often is not possible.

The pathogen can be transmitted by diseased bulbs, and healthy bulbs become diseased when

planted into contaminated soil. Sclerotia are formed but no conidia or other spore types have been

identified. The pathogen resembles Sclerotium denigrans and is distinct from Sclerotia


Entry potential: High, as the pathogen infects bulbs and is present in several of the exporting

countries. BKD tolerance 0.5%.

Establishment potential: High, as host plants are present in Australia.

Spread potential: Medium, through resistant soil borne inoculum and infected bulbs.

However, there is no evidence of airborne inoculum.

Economic importance: Could be high, for Lilium, Iris and Tulipa.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Anon. (1996). The Nation Collection Databases for Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania and

Queensland. Institute for horticultural Development, Department for Natural Resources and

Environment, Victoria.

Boerema, G.H. and. Hamers, Maria E.C. (1988). Check List for Scientific Names of Common

Parasitic Fungi. Series 3a. Fungi of bulbs. Netherlands Journal of Plant Pathology 94. Supp.

1: 1-32.

Boerema, G.H. and Posthumus, C.J.M. (1963). ‘Zwartbenighied’ bij tulp en iris, veroorzaakt door

Sclerotium wakkeri nov. spec. Netherlands Journal of Plant Pathology 69:200-207.

Farr, D.F., Bills, G.F., Chamuris, G.P. and Rossman, A.Y. (1989) Fungi on plants and plant

products in the United States. APS Press.

Moore, C.B.E., Brunt, A.A., Price, D., Rees, A.R. and Dickens, J.S.W. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs.

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. London, England.

Smith, P.R. and Jenkins, P.T. (1998). Pest Risk Analysis of the Importation of Ornamental Bulbs

from The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Israel. Australia.

Strider, D. L. (1985). Diseases of Floral Crops – Volume 1. Praeger Publishers, New York, USA.

56. Stromatinia narcissi Drayton & Groves 1952 [Helotiales: Sclerotiniaceae].

Synonyms and changes in combination: Sclerotium narcissi (Sacc.) Boerema & Hamers.

Common name(s): Dry rot of narcissus; scale speck.

Page 72: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Host(s): Narcissus spp. (daffodil); Zephranthes spp.

Plant part(s) affected: Bulb.

Distribution: North America; Europe.

Biology: Detailed information with regard to the symptoms caused by this fungus is not available.

The fungus produces apothecia and sclerotia on bulbs. Windborne conidia and ascopores acts as

source of inoculum for the spread of the disease.

Entry potential: High, through infected bulbs.

Establishment potential: High, hosts are present in Australia.

Spread potential: High, through windborne inoculum.

Economic importance: Could be low. Considered to be a saprophyte.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Anon. (1996). The Nation Collection Databases for Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania and

Queensland. Institute for horticultural Development, Department for Natural Resources and

Environment, Victoria.

Drayton, F.L. and Groves, J.W. (1952). Stromatinia narcissi, a new, sexually dimorphic

discomycete. Mycologia, 44:199-140.

Farr, D.F., Bills, G.F., Chamuris, G.P. and Rossman, A.Y. (1989) Fungi on plants and plant

products in the United States. APS Press.

Moore, C.B.E., Brunt, A.A., Price, D., Rees, A.R. and Dickens, J.S.W. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs.

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. London, England.

Smith, P.R. and Jenkins, P.T. (1998). Pest Risk Analysis of the Importation of Ornamental Bulbs

from The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Israel. Australia.

57. Septocylindrium spp. [Hyphomycetes]

Synonyms and changes in combination: None known.

Common name(s): None known.

Host(s): Lilium spp. (lily, lilium); Tulipa spp. (tulip).

Plant part(s) affected: Bulbs; leaves.

Distribution: Netherlands.

Biology: Detailed information with regard to the biology or epidemiology of Septocylindrium spp.

is not available. The anamorphic genera of Septocylindrium has been reduced to synonym of

Ramularia (Braun, 1988). Based on the general biology of Ramularia spp. the fungus mainly

infects leaves and windborne conidia could infect other parts of the plant including bulbs producing

lesions. Cankers/sclerotium-like bodies and infected plant debris are the main source of infection.

Page 73: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Primary infection could be by conidia and the secondary spread of the pathogen could be through

rain splash, dew and airborne conidia.

Entry potential: High, through infected bulbs.

Establishment potential: High, hosts are present in Australia.

Spread potential: High through windborne inoculum. Unknown.

Economic importance: Unknown.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Anema, B.P., Bouwman, J.J. and de Vlugt, J. (1988). Fluazinam, a new broad spectrum fungicide

for use in bulbs. Mededelingen van de Faculteit Landbeowwetenschappen, Rijksuniversiteit

Gent. 1988, 53:2b, 635-641.

Anon. (1996). The Nation Collection Databases for Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania and

Queensland. Institute for horticultural Development, Department for Natural Resources and

Environment, Victoria.

Braun, U. (1988). Studies on Ramularia allied genera (I). International-Journal-of-Mycology-and-

Lichenology. 3:271-285.

Ellis, M.B. (1993). More Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes. CAB International, Wallingford, England

Farr, D.F., Bills, G.F., Chamuris, G.P. and Rossman, A.Y. (1989) Fungi on plants and plant

products in the United States. APS Press.

Moore, C.B.E., Brunt, A.A., Price, D., Rees, A.R. and Dickens, J.S.W. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs.

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. London, England.

Smith, P.R. and Jenkins, P.T. (1998). Pest Risk Analysis of the Importation of Ornamental Bulbs

from The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Israel. Australia.

58. Urocystis colchici (Schlech.) Rabenh. f. sp. narcissi G. Frag. 1925

Synonyms and changes in combination: Caeoma colchisi Schlechtendal 1826; Erysibe arillata

Wallroth var. colchisi Wallroth 1833; Polycystis colchisi Tulasne 1846; Polycystis colchisi Strauss

1853; Polycystis colchisi Fuckel 1869; Sorosporium colchisi Libert 1832; Tubercinia colchisi

(Schlechtendahl) Liro 1922; Uredo colchisi Link. 1833; Urocystis colchici (Schlech.) Rabenh.

1861; Urocystis colchici Strauss 1853; Urocystis colchici Fuckel 1869; Urocystis colchici-lutei

Zundel 1944.

Common name(s): Leaf smut of narcissus.

Host(s): Urocystis colchisi sensu stricto is probably confined to Colchicum, although there are

reports of it infecting other members of the Liliaceae and Amarayllidaceae: Allium spp. (onion,

garlic); Bulbocodium spp. ; Camassia spp. (camas, quamash, beargrass); Colchium spp. (autumn

Page 74: Datasheets for quarantine pests

crocus); Narcissus spp. (daffodil); Polygonatum spp. (Soloman's seal); Smilacina spp. (false

Soloman's seal); Tulipa spp. (tulip).

Plant part(s) affected: Bulbs; leaves.

Distribution: Europe (including the Netherlands); Canada; India; Japan; Turkey; USA; former


Biology: Detailed information with regard to the biology or epidemiology of this fungal species is

not available. Based on the general biology of the genus Urocystis, the fungus mainly produces

symptoms on leaves. Sori are produced on the leaves as elongated blisters, sometimes extending to

the bulb scales. The covering of host leaf epidermis ruptures to release the spore mass. The

ustilospores aggregated as spore balls survive in infected plant remains and in the soil. Under

favourable conditions the spores germinate to infect the new season’s growth. The fungus is mainly

soilborne. Bulbs can be infected or contaminated with fungal spores.

Entry potential: High, as bulbs can be infected or contaminated with fungal spores.

Establishment potential: High, host plants present in Australia.

Spread potential: High, through persistent soil borne inoculum.

Economic importance: Could be medium. The pathogen causes an extremely disfiguring disease.

In the Netherlands the smut is of minor or local economic significance although occasional heavy

outbreaks have been reported.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest


Anon. (1996). The Nation Collection Databases for Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania and

Queensland. Institute for horticultural Development, Department for Natural Resources and

Environment, Victoria.

Farr, D.F., Bills, G.F., Chamuris, G.P. and Rossman, A.Y. (1989) Fungi on plants and plant

products in the United States. APS Press.

Moore, C.B.E., Brunt, A.A., Price, D., Rees, A.R. and Dickens, J.S.W. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs.

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. London, England.

Mordue, J.E.M. 1988. Urocystis colchisi. Mycopathologia 103: 181-182.

Smith, P.R. and Jenkins, P.T. (1998). Pest Risk Analysis of the Importation of Ornamental Bulbs

from The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Israel. Australia.

Strider, D. L. (1985). Diseases of Floral Crops – Volume 1. Praeger Publishers, New York, USA.

59. Uromyces aecidiiformis [Str.] Rees [Uredinales: Pucciniaceae].

Synonyms and changes in combination: Uromyces lilii (Link) Fuck.

Common name(s): Rust of fritillaria; rust of lily.

Host(s): Lilium spp. (lily, lilium); Fritillaria spp. (fritillaria).

Page 75: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Plant part(s) affected: Leaves; stem and bulbs contaminated/infected with fungal spores.

Distribution: America; Europe; United Kingdom.

Biology: Detailed information with regard to the biology or epidemiology of the species is not

available. Based on the general biology of the genus, the pathogen mainly infects leaves. On leaves

the fungus produces yellowish (uredinia) or blackish-brown (telia) pustules, either solitary or

aggregated. The uredinia are the first to develop and these produce yellowish, urediniospores. The

telia develop later and produce brown, teliospores. The spores could infect stems producing lesions

and bulbs could be contaminated or infected with spores. The spores are windborne.

Entry potential: High, through contaminated or infected bulbs.

Establishment potential: High, host plants are present in Australia.

Spread potential: High, through windborne inoculum.

Economic importance: Could be high for lilies. One of the bulb rust for ex: gladioli rust caused by

Uromyces gladioli causes serious losses in Santa Fe, Argentina, and the disease has spread north of

Buenos Aires province and into Uruguay (CAB International, 1998).

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Anon. (1996). The Nation Collection Databases for Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania and

Queensland. Institute for horticultural Development, Department for Natural Resources and

Environment, Victoria.

CAB International (1998). Uromyces gladioli data sheet. CAB International Crop Protection

Compendium, Module 1, Wallingford, UK.

Farr, D.F., Bills, G.F., Chamuris, G.P. and Rossman, A.Y. (1989) Fungi on plants and plant

products in the United States. APS Press.

Moore, C.B.E., Brunt, A.A., Price, D., Rees, A.R. and Dickens, J.S.W. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs.

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. London, England.

Saville, D.B.O. (1961). Some fungal parasites of Liliaceae. Mycologia, 53:31-52

Smith, P.R. and Jenkins, P.T. (1998). Pest Risk Analysis of the Importation of Ornamental Bulbs

from The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Israel. Australia.

Wilson, M and Henderson, D.M. (1966). British Rust Fungi. CUP.

60. Uromyces croci Passerini. [Uredinales : Pucciniaceae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: None known.

Common name(s): Crocus rust.

Host(s): Crocus spp. (crocus).

Plant part(s) affected: Corms; leaves.

Distribution: the Netherlands; United Kingdom.

Page 76: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Biology: The fungus invades both above and below ground tissue. Teleutospores present in soil

infect corms. Lesions are subsequently produced on the corms and are visible while the scales

remain fleshy (early bulb harvest) however after the scales become brown the lesions become less

obvious. Teleutosori can be produced deeply within the tissue of the corm. Systemic mycelium in

the corms can be transmitted to progeny bulbs. The association of the mycelium with the vascular

tissue of the host can lead to the internal production of teleutosori in new corms, without symptoms

on the outer scales.

Entry potential: High, through infected corms and persistent spores.

Establishment potential: High, host plants present in Australia.

Spread potential: High, through infected bulbs corms and airborne spores.

Economic importance: Moderate, the pathogen is host specific and the hosts are of limited

commercial significance in Australia.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Anon. (1996). The Nation Collection Databases for Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania and

Queensland. Institute for horticultural Development, Department for Natural Resources and

Environment, Victoria.

Boerema, G.H. and van Kesteren, H.A. (1965). The underground attacks on Crocus and Colchisum

by the rusts Uromyces croci and Uromyces colchisi respectively. Neth. J. Pl. Path., 71:136-


Moore, C.B.E., Brunt, A.A., Price, D., Rees, A.R. and Dickens, J.S.W. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs.

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. London, England.

Smith, P.R. and Jenkins, P.T. (1998). Pest Risk Analysis of the Importation of Ornamental Bulbs

from The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Israel. Australia.

61. Uromyces erythronii [Uredinales : Pucciniaceae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: None known.

Common name(s): Rust.

Host(s): Erythronium spp.; Tulipa spp. (tulip)

Plant part(s) affected: Foliage; stems, bulbs contaminated/infected with fungal spores.

Distribution: France; Japan; United Kingdom.

Biology: Detailed information with regard to the biology or epidemiology of the species is not

available. Based on the general biology of the genus, the pathogen mainly infects leaves. On leaves

the fungus produces yellowish (uredinia) or blackish-brown (telia) pustules, either solitary or

aggregated. The uredinia are the first to develop and these produce yellowish, urediniospores. The

Page 77: Datasheets for quarantine pests

telia develop later and produce brown, teliospores. The spores could infect stems producing lesions

and bulbs could be contaminated or infected with spores. The spores are windborne.

Entry potential: High, through contaminated/infected bulbs.

Establishment potential: High, host plants are present in Australia.

Spread potential: High, through windborne inoculum.

Economic importance: Could be high for tulips. Tulips are emerging as an important floricultural

crop. One of the bulb rust for ex: gladioli rust caused by Uromyces gladioli cause serious losses in

Santa Fe, Argentina, and the disease spread north of Buenos Aires province and into Uruguay (CAB

International, 1998).

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Anon. (1996). The Nation Collection Databases for Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania and

Queensland. Institute for Horticultural Development, Department for Natural Resources and

Environment, Victoria.

CAB International (1998). Uromyces gladioli data sheet. CAB International Crop Protection

Compendium, Module 1, Wallingford, UK.

Farr, D.F., Bills, G.F., Chamuris, G.P. and Rossman, A.Y. (1989) Fungi on plants and plant

products in the United States. APS Press.

Fukuda, T. and Nakamura, S. (1985). On the host range of Uromyces erythronii. Transactions of the

Mycological Society of Japan 26: 4, 487-492.

Moore, C.B.E., Brunt, A.A., Price, D., Rees, A.R. and Dickens, J.S.W. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs.

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. London, England.

Smith, P.R. and Jenkins, P.T. (1998). Pest Risk Analysis of the Importation of Ornamental Bulbs

from The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Israel. Australia.

62. Uromyces holwayi Lagerh. 1889 [Uredinales: Pucciniaceae]

Synonyms and changes in combination: Nigredo lilii Arth. 1906; Nigredo holwayi Arth. 1926;

Uredo prostii; Uromyces lilii Clint 1875; Uromyces lilii (Link.) Kunze. 1873.

Common name(s): Rust of lily.

Host(s): Lilium spp. (lily, lilium).

Plant part(s) affected: Leaves, stems and bulbs contaminated/infected with fungal spores.

Distribution: Japan; United Kingdom; United States.

Biology: Detailed information regarding the biology and epidemiology of this species is not

available. Based on the general biology of the genus, the pathogen mainly infects leaves. The

pathogen is a autoceous and macrocyclic rust which infects different species of liliums. On leaves

the fungus produces yellowish (uredinia) or blackish-brown (telia) pustules, either solitary or

Page 78: Datasheets for quarantine pests

aggregated. The uredinia are the first to develop and these produce yellowish urediniospores. The

telia develop later and produce brown teliospores. The spores could infect stems, producing lesions,

and bulbs could be contaminated or infected with spores. The spores are windborne.

Entry potential: High, through contaminated/infected bulbs.

Establishment potential: High, host plants are present in Australia.

Spread potential: High, through windborne inoculum.

Economic importance: High, as Lilium is a crop with increasing significance in Australia.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Anon. (1996). The Nation Collection Databases for Victoria, New South Wales, Tasmania and

Queensland. Institute for horticultural Development, Department for Natural Resources and

Environment, Victoria.

Arthur, J.C. and Cummins, G.B. (1962). Manual of the Rusts in United States and Canada. Hafner,

New York, USA.

CAB International (1998). Uromyces gladioli data sheet. CAB International Crop Protection

Compendium, Module 1, Wallingford, UK.

Farr, D.F., Bills, G.F., Chamuris, G.P. and Rossman, A.Y. (1989) Fungi on plants and plant

products in the United States. APS Press.

Moore, C.B.E., Brunt, A.A., Price, D., Rees, A.R. and Dickens, J.S.W. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs.

Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. London, England.

Saville, D.B.O. (1961). Some fungal parasites of Liliaceae. Mycologia, 53:31-52

Smith, P.R. and Jenkins, P.T. (1998). Pest Risk Analysis of the Importation of Ornamental Bulbs

from The Netherlands, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Israel. Australia.


63. Corynebacterium fascians (Tilford 1936) Dowson 1942

Synonyms or changes in combination: Rhodococcus fascians (Tilford 1936) Goodfellow 1984;

Rhodococcus rubropertinctus; Bacterium fascians (Tilford) Lacey 1939; Phytomonas fascians

Tilford 1936; Pseudobacterium fascians (Tilford) Krasil'nikov 1949.

Common name(s): Fasciation.

Host(s): Host range includes Lilium spp. (lily, lilium); Gladiolus spp. (gladiolus); Hyacinthus spp.


Plant part(s) affected: Stems and corms of gladioli are reported to be affected by the bacterium.

Distribution: Europe (no specific details of presence in the Netherlands but assumed to be present);

Canada; Israel; United Kingdom; USA.

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Biology: Essentially an epiphyte growing abundantly on apical meristems, causing fasciation of

floral and vegetative parts. Survives in soil and with infected plant material.

Entry potential: Moderate as an epiphyte in bulbs and plant parts of a wide host range. Hot

water treatment should control epiphyte.

Establishment potential: High, given wide host range.

Spread potential: High, given wide host range.

Economic importance: Important in other crops, low in bulbs.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.

Estimated risk: Low - no interceptions have been reported in Australia despite high number of

imports. Effectively controlled by hot water treatments and visual inspections.


Bradbury, J.F. (1986). Guide to Plant Pathogenic Bacteria. Wallingford, UK: CAB International.

Commonwealth Mycological Institute 121. Corynebacterium fasciens.

Crop Protection Compendium (1999). Global Module CAB International CD-Rom.

Moore, E.C., Brunt, A.A., Rees, A.R., Dickens, J.S.W. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs. MAFF, London.


64. Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. oortii (Saal. & Maas Gee.) Coll. & Jones 1983

Synonyms and changes in combination: Corynebacterium oortii Saaltink & Maas Geesteranus

1969; Corynebacterium flaccumfaciens subsp. oortii (Saaltink & Maas G. 1969) Carlson & Vidaver

1982; Corynebacterium tulipae Maas Geesteranus 1968; Corynebacterium flaccumfaciens pv. oortii

(Saaltink & Maas Geesteranus 1969) Dye & Kemp 1977.

Common name(s): Bacterial tulip canker; yellow pock of tulip.

Host(s): Tulipa spp. (tulip).

Plant part(s) affected: Whole plant.

Distribution: Europe (no specific details of presence in the Netherlands but assumed to be present);

Japan; United Kingdom.

Biology: The bacterium causes systemic disease of bulbs, producing yellow pustules on bulbs and

silver grey spots on leaves. Stems become yellow inside and the bacterium invades vascular tissues.

Severely infected bulbs will die soon after planting without producing a shoot, but plants from

slightly infected bulbs are stunted. The flowers of these plants usually wither.

Entry potential: High through infected or contaminated plant parts.

Establishment potential: High. The bacterium could overwinter in infected plant debris.

Spread potential: High - spreads by water splash/irrigation water and infested plant material.

Economic importance: Unknown.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.

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Bradbury J.F. (1986). Guide to Plant Pathogenic Bacteria. Wallingford, UK: CAB International.

Moore, E.C., Brunt, A.A., Rees, A.R., Dickens, J.S.W. (1979). Diseases of Bulbs. MAFF, London.


Crop Protection Compendium (1999). Global Module CAB International CD-Rom

Holland, S. (1992). A review of post entry quarantine procedures for bulbs – pests & diseases.

Research Report Series #206, June 1992.


65. Aster yellows [Mollicutes: Acholeplasmatales]

Synonyms and changes in combination: Alstroemeria decline; American aster yellows; blueberry

stunt; broccoli phyllody; bunias phyllody; cactus virescence; calendula virescence; cardaria

phyllody; carrot proliferation; chlorantie; chrysanthemum yellows; cyclamen virescence; dogfennel

yellows; dwarf western aster yellows; eggplant dwarf; erigeron yellows; European aster yellows;

grassytop disease of gladiolus; gladiolus virescence; gladiolus phytoplasma; hydrangea phyllody

and virescence; ipomoea obscura witches’ broom; Italian cabbage yellows; Italian lettuce yellows;

kale phyllody; lisser syndrome; maize bushy stunt; mallow yellows; marguerite yellows; Maryland

aster yellows; mitsuba witches’ broom; multiplier disease; oenothera virescence; onion yellows and

virescence; papaver virescence; paulownia witches’ broom; periwinkle little leaf; periwinkle

yellows; poplar witches’ broom; portulaca yellows; primula yellows; purple coneflower yellows;

ragweed yellows; ranunculus phyllody; severe western aster yellows; tomato big bud; turnip

virescence; Western aster yellows; wild radish yellows.

Common name(s): aster yellows phytoplasma; yellow disease phytoplasma.

Host(s): Alstroemeria (Peruvian lily); Allium cepa (onion); Ambrosia artemisiifolia (hogweed);

Anemone coronary (poppy anemone); Apium graveolens (celery); Brassica napus (rape); B.

oleracea var. capitata (cabbage); B. oleracea var. italica; B. rapa (turnip); Calendula officinalis

(pot marigold); Callistephus chinensis (China aster); Cardaria draba (heart-podded hoary cress);

Catharanthus roseus (pink periwinkle); Celtis australis (European nettle tree); Chrysanthemum

coronarium (crown daisy); C. frutescens (marguerite); Conyza canadensis (Canadian fleabane);

Cornus racemosa (dogwood); Cryptotaenia canadensis (honewort); Cucurbita pepo (ornamental

gourd); Cyclamen persicum; Daucus carota (carrot); Delphinium hybrids; Eupatorium capillifolium

(dog fennel); Euphorbia pulcherrima (poinsettia); Fragaria ananassa (strawberry); Gladiolus

hybrids (sword lily); Hyacinthus (hyacinth); Hydrangea macrophylla (French hydrangea); Lactuca

sativa (lettuce); Lotus corniculatus (bird's-foot trefoil); Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato); Malva

(mallow); Morus bombycis (Japanese mulberry); Myrtus communis (myrtle); Olea europaea subsp.

Page 81: Datasheets for quarantine pests

europaea (olive); Opuntia sp. (prickly pear, cholla); Papaver rhoeas (common poppy); Paulownia

tomentosa (paulownia); Petroselinum crispum (parsley); Populus nigra (black poplar); Portulaca

oleracea (pussley); Primula spp.(primrose); Prunus armeniaca (apricot); P. persica var.

nucipersica (nectarine); P. salicina (Japanese plum); Ranunculus asiaticus (garden crowfoot);

Raphanus raphanistrum (wild radish); Rudbeckia purpurea (purple coneflower); Santalum album

(Indian sandalwood); Solanum melongena (aubergine); S. tuberosum (potato); Solidago

(goldenrod); Spinacia oleracea (spinach); Spiraea tomentosa (hardhack); Stellaria media (common

chickweed); Tagetes patula (French marigold); Trifolium pratense (purple clover); Trifolium repens

(white clover); Vaccinium (blueberries); Vitis vinifera (grapevine); Zea mays (maize).

Plant part(s) affected: whole plant: fruits/pods; growing points; inflorescence; leaves; roots; stems.

Distribution: Argentina; Belgium; Bermuda; Brazil; Canada; China; Colombia; Czechoslovakia;

France; Germany; Guatemala; Hungary; India; Israel; Italy; Japan; Malaysia; Mexico;

Mozambique; Netherlands; Peru; Poland; Romania; Spain; Thailand; U.S.A; U.K and Zambia.

Biology: Aster yellows (AY) phytoplasma, exists in several strains and subgroups (Davis and

Sinclair, 1998). In Australia there is no record of aster yellows in ornamental bulb crops. AY

phytoplasma affect plants by causing extensive abnormalities in plant growth and development.

Symptoms on herbaceous plants include yellowing of the leaves, stunting, proliferation of auxiliary

shoots resulting in a witches'-broom appearance, bunchy appearance of growth at the ends of stems,

virescence of flowers and sterility, phyllody, shortening or elongation/etiolation of internodes, and

small and deformed leaves. Yellowing, decline, sparse foliage and dieback are predominant in

woody plant hosts. However, it is well known that distantly related phytoplasmas can cause

identical symptoms in a given host plant, whereas closely related forms can cause distinctly

different symptoms.

The agent for Aster yellows can be transmitted vegetatively and by grafting and can also be spread

by insect vectors. Leafhoppers, including Macrosteles fascifrons, M. laevis, M. striiformis, M.

quadripunctulatus, M. sexnotatus, M. viridigriseus, Euscelis plebeja, E. lineolatus, E. incisus,

Euscelidius variegatus, Aphrodes bicinctus, Hishimonoides sellatiformis, Scaphytopius acutus,

Dalbulus elimatus, Colladonus montanus and C. geminatus, are reported as vectors of aster yellows

However, M. fascifrons is reported to be the principal vector. These leafhopper species are

polyphagous and can transmit the phytoplasmas to a wide range of host plants. AY phytoplasmas

are also readily transmissible by dodder (Cuscuta spp.).

Entry potential: Medium, an uncommon disease of bulbs, but may be transported via

infected insect vectors.

Establishment potential: Medium, suitable hosts are present in Australia.

Page 82: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Spread potential: Low, if spread of infection is via infected bulbs, however if suitable

vectors were present then spread would be much more rapid.

Economic importance: Low in bulbs but potentially high in other crops.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


CAB International (1998). Aster yellows phytoplasma group data sheet. CAB International Crop

Protection Compendium, Module 1, Wallingford, UK.

Davis, R.E. & Sinclair, W.A. (1998). Phytoplasma identity and disease etiology. Phytopathology

88: 1372 - 1376.

Lee, I.M., Gundersen-Rindal, D.E. & Bertaccini, A. (1998). Phytoplasma: Ecology and genomic

diversity. Phytopathology 88:1359-1366.


66. Freesia leaf necrosis varicosavirus Van Dorst (1973)

Synonyms and changes in combination: not known.

Common name(s):

Host(s): Chenopodium amaranticolor; C. quinoa; Freesia refracta; Nicotiana hesperis (flowering

tobacco); N. occidentalis (flowering tobacco).

Plant part(s) affected: whole plant: corms; flowers; inflorescence; leaves.

Distribution: Eurasian region; Germany; Ireland; Italy; Netherlands; Poland; UK.

Biology: Infection by this virus reduces plant height, number and length of leaves, number of

inflorescences and number of flowers and corms per plant. The virus is transmitted vegetatively in

corms and by mechanical inoculation with difficulty. As well, the virus is transmitted by a fungus

Olpidium brassicae (Chytridiales) and by the aphid Myzus persicae.

Entry potential: Medium, through infected corms and associated fungal or aphid vectors, a

rare disease in bulbs.

Establishment potential: High, freesia are widely grown in Australia, in addition there are

naturalised populations of this bulb which are outside anyone’s control and could become a

reservoir for the disease.

Spread potential: High, in freesias. Vectors (Olpidium brassicae) and (Myzus persicae) are

present in Australia.

Economic importance: Medium.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Page 83: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Brunt, A.A., Crabtree, K., Dallwitz, M.J., Gibbs, A.J., Watson, L. & Zurcher, E.J. (eds.) (1996

onwards). Freesia leaf necrosis varicosavirus data sheet in ‘Plant Viruses Online: Descriptions

and Lists from the VIDE Database’. Version 16th January 1997”. URL

Dorst, H.J.M van. (1975). Evidence for a soil borne nature of freesia leaf necrosis. Netherlands

Journal of Plant Pathology. 81: 45-48.

Rizkallah, L.R. & Fawzy, R. N. (1993). Freesia leaf necrosis, a new disease of Freesia refracta in

Egypt. Annals of Agricultural Science, Moshtohor. 28: 401-411.

67. Hippeastrum mosaic potyvirus Kunkel (1922); Brants and van den Heuvel (1965)

Synonyms and changes in combination: Amaryllis mosaic virus.

Common name(s):

Host(s): Chenopodium quinoa; Crinum spp.; Datura stramonium (Jimson weed, Jamestown weed,

common thorn apple); Eucharis grandiflora (Amazon lily, eucharist lily); Hippeastrum spp.

(amaryllis, Barabados lily); H. equestre; H. hybridum; Hymenocallis spp. (spider lily, filmy lily,

sacred lily of the Incas); Hyoscyamus niger; Ismene; Nicotiana clevelandii (flowering tobacco); N.

rustica (flowering tobacco); N. tabacum (tobacco); Petunia × hybrida (petunia); Phaedranassa spp.

(queen lily); Urceolina.

Plant part(s) affected: whole plant.

Distribution: Czech Republic; Fiji; Japan; Netherlands; South Africa; UK; USA.

Biology: This virus causes irregular light and dark green mosaic pattern on leaves and flower stalks.

It is transmitted by aphids; Aphis fabae, A. gossypii and Myzus persicae in a non-persistent manner.

It is also transmitted by mechanical inoculation but not by contact between plants nor by seed or


Entry potential: High, through infected bulbs and associated aphid vectors. The virus is

common in Hippeastrum spp.

Establishment potential: High, the virus can infect hosts other than bulbs.

Spread potential: High, through movement and growth of infected plant material, but

probably more effectively spread by aphids which are present in Australia.

Economic importance: Medium, these bulbs are a high value crop, anything that reduces bulb

performance is important to the trade.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Brunt, A.A., Crabtree, K., Dallwitz, M.J., Gibbs, A.J., Watson, L. & Zurcher, E.J.(eds.) (1996

onwards). Hippeastrum mosaic potyvirus data sheet in “ Plant Viruses Online: Descriptions

Page 84: Datasheets for quarantine pests

and Lists from the VIDE Database. Version 16th January 1997”. URL

Derks,A.F.L.M. (1995). Bulb and corm crops – Hippeastrum (amaryllis). pp. 294 in Loebenstein,

G., Lawson, R. H. & Brunt, A. A. (eds). Virus and virus-like diseases of bulb and flower

crops. John Wiley & Sons. UK.

68. Iris yellow spot tospovirus

Synonyms and changes in combination: not known.

Common name(s): sapeca.

Host(s): Iris hollandica; Lilium (lily, lilium); Allium cepa (onion); A. porrum (leek). In addition the

following species could be infected mechanically Chenopodium amaranticolor; C. quinoa; Datura

stramonium (jimson weed, Jamestown weed, common thorn apple); Gomphrena globosa (globe

amaranth, bachelor's buttons); Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco); N. rustica (wild tobacco); Petunia

(petunia); Portulaca oleracea (purslane).

Plant part(s) affected: Whole plant; bulbs; leaves; flowers.

Distribution: Brazil; Israel; the Netherlands.

Biology: On Iris, symptoms of this virus are characterised by chlorotic spots which later develop

into yellow and necrotic spots. In onion, the plants show numerous eyelike spots on the leaves and

flower stalks resulting in flower abortion. The virus can be transmitted by the thrips, Thrips tabaci

(but not by Frankliniella schultzei and F. occidentalis).

Entry potential: High, through infected Iris bulbs. The virus is symptomless in dormant

bulbs but becomes apparent when the plant is growing.

Establishment potential: High, suitable hosts are available in Australia.

Spread potential: High, potential vectors of this virus are common and widely distributed in


Economic importance: High, depending on iris cultivar, the percentage of infected plants can

range between 50 and 90%. It may also affect other crops of economic importance such as onions.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Cortes, I., Livieratos, I.C., Derks, A., Peters, D. & Kormelink, R. (1998). Molecular and serological

characterisation of iris yellow spot virus, a new and distinct tospovirus species.

Phytopathology. 88: 1276-1282.

EPPO Reporting Service, EPPO Alert list, 99/128.

Nagata, T., Almeida, A.C.L., Resende, R. de O. & de Avila, A.C. (1999). The identification of the

vector species of iris yellow spot tospovirus occurring on onion in Brazil. Plant Disease. 83:


Page 85: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Pozzer, L., Bezerra, I.C., Kormelink, R., Prins, M., Peters, D., Resende, R. de O. & de Avila, A. C.

(1999). Characterisation of a tospovirus isolate of iris yellow spot virus associated with a

disease in onion fields, in Brazil. Plant Disease. 83: 345-350.

69. Lily mottle potyvirus Brierley and Smith (1944).

Synonyms and changes in combination: tulip breaking virus7; lily mosaic virus.

Common name(s):

Host(s): Lilium spp. (lily, lilium); Tulipa spp.

Plant part(s) affected: whole plant: leaves; flowers.

Distribution: Germany; Israel; Japan; Korea; Netherlands; Poland; USA.

Biology: Symptoms of lily mottle potyvirus (LmoV) in lily cultivars vary according to their

susceptibility and sensitivity. Symptoms may vary from vein clearing, leaf mottle, leaf mosaic,

chlorotic and yellow streaking, leaf curling and narrowing, and reddish-brownish necrotic spots to

milder forms of leaf symptoms or even symptomless infection in some growth stages in the field.

Some cultivars may show breaking of the flower colour and malformed and asymmetric flowers

while others may show brown-necrotic ring-spotting in the scales of the bulbs. A reduction in bulb

yield generally results from infection.

The disease is more conspicuous in forced bulbs for cut flowers grown out of season under

greenhouse conditions than those under ’natural’ conditions in an open field. The leaves mature

earlier and buds and flowers drop early, particularly in dark periods of the year, for example,

autumn/winter. In addition, the vase life of cut flowers from diseased plants is reduced.

In inoculation tests under controlled conditions, this virus was transmitted by aphids, Neomyzus

circumflexus, Myzus persicae and Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Asjes et al., 1973). Transmission in a

non-persistent manner was reported by Aphis gossypii, M. persicae and Aulocorthum

(Macrosiphum) solanifolii (Lawson and Hsu, 1996). The following aphids are reported as being

able to transmit the virus: Acyrthosiphum pisum, Anoecia corni, Aphis spp., Brevicoryne brassicae,

B. persicaecola, Cavariella hippophaes, C. theobaldi, Capitophorus sp., Dysaphis sp., Hyalopterus

pruni, Hyperomyzus lactucae, H. pallidus, Kallistaphis basalis, Liaphis erysimi, Macrosiphum

rosae, Macrosiphoniella sejuncta, Macrosiphum dirhodum, Myzus cerasi, Myzus persicae,

7 The tulip breaking virus infecting lilies (Asjes et al., 1973) was found to differ in host range and in serological and hybridization tests from the tulip

breaking virus commonly prevalent in tulips. Both have been considered to be different viruses since the early nineties, and the name lily mottle virus

was reintroduced. The tulip breaking virus isolates mechanically transmissible to Chenopodium spp., which occur in lilies, were considered to be

different from lily mottle potyvirus (tulip breaking potyvirus) (Derks et al., 1994).

Page 86: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Nasonovia ribisnigri, Rhopalosiphum padi, R. pilipes, Sitobion avenae, Tetraneura ulmi and

Uroleucon spp.

Entry potential: High, through importation of infected bulbs and associated insect vectors.

Establishment potential: High, host plants are present in Australia.

Spread potential: High, through infected bulbs and aphid vectors, some of which are already

present in Australia.

Economic importance: High.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Asjes, C.J., Vos, N.P de.& Slogteren, D.H.M. van. (1973). Brown ring formation and streak mottle,

two distinct syndromes in lilies associated with complex infections of lily symptomless virus

and tulip breaking virus. Netherlands Journal of Plant Pathology, 79:23-35.

Asjes, C.J., Blom-Barnhoorn, G.J., Piron, P.G.M., Harrewijn, P.& Oosten, A.M van. (1996).

Control review of air-borne tulip breaking virus and lily symptomless virus in Lilium in the

Netherlands. Acta Horticulturae, 432:290-297.

Brunt, A.A., Crabtree, K., Dallwitz, M.J., Gibbs, A.J., Watson, L. & Zurcher, E.J.(eds.) (1996

onwards). Lily mottle potyvirus data sheet in “ Plant Viruses Online: Descriptions and Lists

from the VIDE Database. Version 16th January 1997”. URL

CAB International (1998). Lily mottle potyvirus data sheet. CAB International Crop Protection

Compendium, Module 1, Wallingford, UK.

Derks,A.F.L.M. (1995). Bulb and corm crops – Lily. pp. 315-316 in Loebenstein, G., Lawson, R. H.

& Brunt, A. A. (eds). Virus and virus-like diseases of bulb and flower crops. John Wiley &

Sons. UK.

Derks, A.F.L.M., Lemmers, M.E.C.& Gemen, B.A.van. (1994). Lily mottle virus in lilies:

characterisation, strains and its differentiation from tulip breaking virus in tulips. Acta

Horticulturae, 377:281-288.

Lawson, R.H. & Hsu, H.T. (1996). Lily diseases and their control. Acta Horticulturae, 414:175-187.

Lee, K.H., Choi, H.S., Choi, G.S. & Kim, J.S. (1996). Virus diseases of lilies in Korea. Acta

Horticulturae, 414:195-201.

70. Lily X potexvirus Stone (1976)

Synonyms and changes in combination: Lily potex virus.

Common name(s):

Page 87: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Host(s): Lilium formosanum (lily, lilium); Chenopodium capitatum; C. murale; C. quinoa;

Gomphrena globosa (globe amaranth); Nicotiana benthamiana (flowering tobacco); N. clevelandii

(flowering tobacco); Tetragonia tetragonioides (New Zealand spinach).

Plant part(s) affected: whole plant.

Distribution: Netherlands; UK.

Biology: The virus causes faint chlorotic spots on the leaves of lilies that can become necrotic.

Infected plants grow more slowly and are smaller than healthy plants. The virus can be transmitted

by mechanical inoculation but not by contact between plants. Transmission by vectors has not been


Entry potential: Medium, through infected bulbs.

Establishment potential: Medium, through propagation of infected bulbs.

Spread potential: Low, vector transmission is not confirmed.

Economic importance: Low.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Asjes, C.J. (1991). Control of air-borne field spread of tulip breaking virus, lily symptomless virus

and lily virus X in lilies by mineral oils, synthetic pyrethroids, and a nematicide in the

Netherlands. Netherlands Journal of Plant Pathology. 3: 129-138.

Brunt, A.A., Crabtree, K., Dallwitz, M.J., Gibbs, A.J., Watson, L. & Zurcher, E.J. (eds.) (1996

onwards). Lily X potexvirus data sheet in “Plant Viruses Online: Descriptions and Lists from

the VIDE Database. Version 16th January 1997”. URL

Stone, O.M.(1980). Two new potexviruses from monocotyledons. Acta Horticulturae. 110: 59-63.

71. Narcissus late season yellows (?) potyvirus Brunt (1977)

Synonyms and changes in combination: Narcissus white streak virus; Narcissus silver streak


Common name(s):

Host(s): Narcissus pseudonarcissus (daffodil).

Plant part(s) affected: whole plant.

Distribution: Netherlands; UK.

Biology: The virus causes symptomless infection throughout much of the growing season but

characteristically causes chlorotic striping and extensive leaf chlorosis of narcissus, late in the

season. Symptoms of the virus may not recur every year, although the plants remain infected. The

virus was not transmitted by manual inoculation to any of the 11 herbaceous species tested

(Chenopodium amaranticolor; C. quinoa; Cucumis sativus; Lycopersicon esculentum; Petunia

Page 88: Datasheets for quarantine pests

hybrida; Phaseolus vulgaris; Physalis floridana; Nicotiana glutinosa; N. tabacum cv. Samsun NN;

N. tabacum cv, White burley and Vinca rosea) but was transmitted by the aphid Myzus persicae

(Mowatt et al., 1988).

Entry potential: Medium, through infected bulbs and associated aphid vectors. Rare in bulbs.

Establishment potential: High, host plants are present in Australia.

Spread potential: High, the virus can spread by propagation/movement of infected bulbs and

aphid vectors.

Economic importance: Medium, rare in bulbs

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Brunt, A.A., Crabtree, K., Dallwitz, M.J., Gibbs, A.J., Watson, L. & Zurcher, E.J. (eds.) (1996

onwards). Narcissus late season yellows potyvirus data sheet in “Plant Viruses Online:

Descriptions and Lists from the VIDE Database. Version 16th January 1997”. URL

Mowat, W.P., Duncan, G. H. & Dawson, S. (1988). Narcissus late season yellows potyvirus:

symptoms, properties and serological detection. Annals of Applied Biology. 113: 531-544.

72. Narcissus tip necrosis virus (?) carmovirus Asjes (1972)

Synonyms and changes in combination: none known.

Common name(s):

Host(s): Narcissus poeticus (peoticus daffodil); N. pseudonarcissus (wild daffodil, lent lily); N.

tazetta (tazetta daffodil); Chenopodium amaranticolor; C. capitatum; C. murale; C. quinoa;

Nicotiana benthamiana (flowering tobacco); Tetragonia tetragonioides (New Zealand spinach).

Plant part(s) affected: leaves and probably whole plant.

Distribution: Netherlands; UK.

Biology: Symptoms displayed resulting from infection by this virus range from none to leaf

chlorosis where chlorotic areas form near leaf tips which later becoming brown and necrotic and

die. The virus is widespread in commercially important cultivars and is transmitted by mechanical

inoculation but not by grafting. Vectors are unknown.

Entry potential: High, through infected bulbs (common in commercial cultivars).

Establishment potential: Medium, through propagation of infected bulbs.

Spread potential: Low, vectors are unknown.

Economic importance: Low.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Page 89: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Brunt, A.A., Crabtree, K., Dallwitz, M.J., Gibbs, A.J., Watson, L. & Zurcher, E.J. (eds.) (1996

onwards). Narcissus tip necrosis (?) carmovirus data sheet in “Plant Viruses Online:

Descriptions and Lists from the VIDE Database. Version 16th January 1997”. URL

Brunt,A.A. (1995). Bulb and corm crops – Narcissus. pp. 329-330 in Loebenstein, G., Lawson, R.

H. & Brunt, A. A. (eds). Virus and virus-like diseases of bulb and flower crops. John Wiley &

Sons. UK.

Mowat, W.P., Asjes, C.J. & Brunt, A.A. (1977). Occurrence, purification and properties of

narcissus tip necrosis virus. Annals of Applied Biology, 86: 189-198.

73. Nerine latent carlavirus Brunt et al. (1970)

Synonyms and changes in combination: Hippeastrum latent virus.

Common name(s):

Host(s): Chenopodium amaranticolor; C. capitatum; C. murale; C. quinoa; Datura stramonium

(jimson weed, Jamestown weed, common thorn apple); Eucharis (Amazon lily, eucharist lily);

Gomphrena globosa (globe amaranth, bachelor's buttons); Hippeastrum hybridum (amaryliis,

Barabados lily); Nerine bowdenii (pink spider lily, large pink nerine); Nicotiana clevelandii

(flowering tobacco); N. glutinosa x N. clevelandii (flowering tobacco).

Plant part(s) affected: whole plant.

Distribution: the Netherlands; UK.

Biology: The virus causes general symptomless infection in Hippeastrum hybridum and Nerine

bowdenii. The virus is transmitted by mechanical inoculation and through infected bulbs, and aphid

vectors such as Myzus persicae but not through seed or pollen or contact between plants.

Entry potential: Medium, through infected bulbs and associated aphid vectors, a rare disease

in bulbs.

Establishment potential: High, host plants are present in Australia.

Spread potential: High in Hippeastrum hybridum and Nerine bowdenii. Suitable aphid

vectors are present in Australia.

Economic importance: Low, the virus causes symptomless infection. This is a rare disease in


Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Brunt, A.A., Crabtree, K., Dallwitz, M.J., Gibbs, A.J., Watson, L. & Zurcher, E.J. (eds.) (1996

onwards). Nerine latent carlavirus data sheet in “Plant Viruses Online: Descriptions and Lists

from the VIDE Database. Version 16th January 1997”. URL

Page 90: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Derks, A.F.L.M. (1995). Bulb and corm crops – Hippeastrum (Amaryllis). pp. 293-297 in

Loebenstein, G., Lawson, R. H. & Brunt, A. A. (eds). Virus and virus-like diseases of bulb

and flower crops. John Wiley & Sons. UK.

74. Raspberry ring spot nepovirus Cadman (1956)

Synonyms and changes in combination: none known.

Common name(s): cherry pfeffinger disease; cherry rasp leaf; European rasp leaf of cherry; leaf

distortion of gooseberry; Pfeffinger disease of sweet cherry; raspberry Lloyd George yellow blotch ;

ring-spot disease of raspberry; ring-spot disease of redcurrant; ring-spot disease of strawberry; ring

spot disease of flowering currant; ring-spot of raspberry and spoonleaf of red currant.

The virus has different strains. Type strain, Lloyd George yellow blotch strain and English strain.

Host(s): Beta vulgaris (sugar beet); Capsella bursa-pastoris; Cerastium fontanum; Chenopodium

amaranticolor; C. quinoa; Cucumis sativus (cucumber); Cynara scolymus (artichoke); Daphne spp.;

Datura stramonium (jimson weed, jamestown weed, common thorn apple); Delphinium spp.;

Fallopia convolvulus; Forsythia spp.; Fragaria vesca (woodland strawberry); F. ananassa

(strawberry); Iberis saxatilis; Lamium amplexicaule (deadnettle); Lingustrum vulgare (privet);

Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato); Myosotis arvensis (forget-me-not); Narcissus pseudonarcissus

(wild daffodil); Nicotiana benthamiana (flowering tobacco); N. clevelandii; N. debneyi; N.

occidentalis; N. rustica; N. tabacum (tobacco); Petunia x hybrida (petunia); Phaseolus vulgaris

(french bean); Phlox spp.; Prunus avium (cherry); Ribes spp. (currants); Rubus idaeus (raspberry);

Sambucus nigra (common elder); Spergula arvensis; Spinacia oleracea (English spinach); Stellaria

media (chickweed); Veronica spp. (speedwell); Vigna unguiculata (cowpea); Vitis vinifera (wine


Plant part(s) affected: whole plant: fruits/pods; leaves; pollen.

Distribution: Austria; Belgium; Bulgaria; Czech Republic; Denmark; Finland; France; French

Guiana; Germany; Ghana; Greenland; Greece; Hungary; Iceland; Ireland; Italy; Kazahkstan; Latvia;

Luxembourg; Macau; Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Russian Federation (Central Russia; Russian

Far East); Slovenia; Spain; Switzerland; Turkey; UK; USA; former Yugoslavia; Yemen. Found

with no evidence of spread in Denmark.

Biology: The raspberry ring-spot virus (RRV) is symptomless in Narcissus pseudonarcissus.

However, in other hosts such as raspberry and strawberry, the virus causes leaf curling, dwarfing,

dieback and death. This virus can be transmitted by mechanical inoculation, infected bulbs, seeds,

pollen and nematode vectors, Longidorus caespiticola; L. leptocephala; L. elongatus and L.

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macrosoma. L. elongatus has been once recorded in South Australia on ryegrass. There is no

indication that it is currently established in Australia.

Entry potential: Medium, the risk of this disease being imported on infected bulbs is low,

however nematodes infected with this disease could use bulbs and/or soil attached to them as

a vehicle on which they could be transported. It is possible that horticultural crops that are

good hosts for this virus be grown in close proximity to bulb production. Land currently used

for bulb production could have previously contained such crops. Such areas may contain

infectious nematodes or crop residues and/or weeds with the virus. Adult nematode vectors of

this disease are long-lived and individuals may thus remain infective for years after acquiring

the virus. Bulbs could become contaminated by such nematodes even if they themselves do

not become infected with the virus.

Establishment potential: Medium, establishment depends on importation of vector nematode

and movement and propagation of infested plant material.

Spread potential: Medium, spread would depend on movement of infested plant material

and/or presence of compatible bitype of nematode vectors. Natural spread within a field is

slow and patchy resulting from the limited mobility of the nematode. Areas containing

infected nematodes may remain ‘infective’ for some years.

Economic importance: Low in bulbs but high on other horticultural crops such as soft and cane

fruits and raspberries, especially if imported with its nematode vector.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Brunt, A.A., Crabtree, K., Dallwitz, M.J., Gibbs, A.J., Watson, L. & Zurcher, E.J. (eds.) (1996

onwards). Raspberry ring-spot nepovirus data sheet in “Plant Viruses Online: Descriptions

and Lists from the VIDE Database. Version 16th January 1997”. URL

CAB International (1998). Raspberry ring-spot virus data sheet. CAB International Crop Protection

Compendium, Module 1, Wallingford, UK.

75. Rembrandt tulip-breaking potyvirus

Synonyms and changes in combination: none known.

Common name(s):

Host(s): Lilium formosanum (lily, lilium); Tulipa spp.(tulip).

Plant part(s) affected: Probably whole plant.

Distribution: Netherlands.

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Biology: Rembrandt tulip-breaking virus (ReTBV) causes light green bands of the leaves, and a

deep purple and white flower break. The virus is transmitted by mechanical inoculation and

probably through progeny bulbs.

Entry potential: Low; through infected bulbs. Rare disease in bulbs.

Establishment potential: Low; through propagation of infected bulbs. Other means of

transmission are not known.

Spread potential: Low; vectors are not known. Host range is restricted to Lilium and Tulipa.

Economic importance: Low, rare disease in bulbs. Limited information is available.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Dekker, E.L., Derks, A. F.L.M., Asjes, C.J., Lemmers, M.E.C., Bol, J.F. & Langeveld, S.A. (1993).

Characterisation of potyviruses from tulip and lily which cause flower-breaking. Journal of

general virology. 74: 881-887.

Derks, A.F.L., Vink - van Den Abeele, J.L. & van Schadewijk, A.R. (1982). Purification of tulip

breaking virus and production of antisera for use in ELISA. Netherlands Journal of Plant

Pathology, 88: 87-98.

76. Strawberry latent ringspot (?) virus Lister (1964)

Synonyms and changes in combination: Aesculus line pattern virus; Rhuburb virus 5.

Common name(s):

Host(s): This virus has been recorded on a wide range of plants including: Aesculus x carnea (red

horse-chestnut); Allium porrum (leek); Amaranthus retroflexus; Antirrhinum majus (garden

snapdragon); Apium graveolens (wild celery); Arachis hypogaea (peanut); Asparagus officinalis

(asparagus); Atriplex hortensis (orach, mountain spinach); Beta vulgaris (sugar beet); Brassica

campestris ssp. rapa (canola); Brassica oleracea var. botrytis (cauliflower); Calendula officinalis

(pot marigold); Capsella bursa-pastoris; Celosia argentea (cockscomb); Chenopodium album; C.

amaranticolor; C. ambrosioides; C. foetidum; C foliosum; C hybridum; C. murale; C. quinoa;

Citrullus lanatus (watermelon); Citrus aurantium (sour orange); Coriandrum sativum (coriander);

Cucumis melo (melon); C.sativus (cucumber); Cucurbita maxima (squash); C. pepo (pumpkin);

Datura stramonium (jimson weed, jamestown weed, common thorn apple); Daucus carota (carrot);

Delphinium hybridum; Dianthus barbatus (sweet William); Emilia sagittata; Euonymus europaeus

(European spindle tree); Fragaria ananassa (strawberry); F. vesca (wild strawberry); Gladiolus

spp.; Gomphrena globosa (globe amaranth, bachelor's buttons); Humulus lupulus (hops); Hordeum

vulgare (barley); Hyoscyamus niger; Lactuca sativa (lettuce); Lamium amplexicaule (deadnettle);

Lavatera trimestris (annual mallow); Lilium spp. (lily, lilium); Lobelia erinus (edging lobelia);

Lolium multiflorum (rye grass); Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato); Narcissus jonquilla (jonquil);

Page 93: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Nerium oleander (oleander); Nicandra physalodes; Nicotiana clevelandii (flowering tobacco); N.

glutinosa; N. megalosiphon; N. occidentalis; N. sylvestris; N. tabacum (tobacco); Ocimum

basilicum (basil); Pastinaca sativa (parsnip); Petroselinum crispum (parsley); Phaseolus vulgaris

(bean); Phlox drummondii (annual phlox); Physalis floridana (ground cherry); Physalis peruviana

(cape gooseberry); Pisum sativum (pea); Poa annua; Prunus armeniaca (apricot); P. domestica

(plum); P. persica (peach); Rheum rhaponticum (rhubarb); Ribes nigrum (blackcurrant); R. rubrum;

Robinia pseudoacacia (false acacia, black locust); Rosa spp. (rose); Rubus fruticosus (bramble,

blackberry); R. idaeus (raspberry); Sambucus nigra (European elder); Senecio vulgaris; Solanum

nodiflorum; S. tuberosum (potato); Spinacia oleracea (english spinach); Stellaria media (common

chickweed);Taraxacum officinale (common dandelion); Tetragonia tetragonioides (New Zealand

spinach); Torenia fournieri (bluewings); Trifolium incarnatum (clover); T. pratense (red clover); T.

repens (white clover); Tropaeolum majus (garden nasturtium); Urtica dioica (stinging nettle);

Verbesina encelioides; Vicia faba (broad bean); Vigna unguiculata (cowpea); Vitis vinifera

(grapevine); Zinnia elegans (youth-and-old-age).

Plant part(s) affected: whole plant and leaves.

Distribution: Belgium; Canada; Czech Republic; Finland; France; Germany; Hungary; Ireland;

Israel; Italy; Luxembourg; the Netherlands; New Zealand; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Slovak

Republic; Spain; Switzerland; Turkey; UK; USA (California); the former Yugoslavia.

In Australia this virus has been recorded once on Rheum rhabarbarum in South Australia (EPPO

1992) with no evidence of spread or establishment. In a survey in Tasmania, out of 165 cultivars of

Narcissus, 1.2% tested positive for this virus by ELISA (Smith and Jenkins 1998), however validity

of these tests needs review due to the lack of proper positive and negative controls used in the tests.

There are a number of isolates of this virus. Isolates of SLRSV from the UK are very similar.

However, some isolates from olive, peach, raspberry and grapevine in Italy, from parsley in the

USA, and from tree species in Germany were different both from the type strain and from each

other (CAB International, 1998).

Biology: Symptoms caused by SLRSV vary depending on the host plant. In general the virus causes

mosaic mottling, chlorotic ring-spots, line patterning, stunting and death. In gladiolus, the virus

infection was associated with flower colour break. The virus can be transmitted by mechanical

inoculation, infected bulbs, seeds, grafting, and a nematode vector, Xiphinema diversicaudatum

which has been recorded once in Australia (on Roses in Victoria).

Entry potential: Low, an uncommon disease of bulbs which may arrive as infection of bulbs

or in nematodes in bulbs or in soil associated with bulb consignments.

Establishment potential: Medium. Suitable hosts are available in Australia

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Spread potential: High; especially in the presence of vector, however there is no indication

that the vector is currently present or established in Australia. The virus can also spread by the

movement of infected planting material.

Economic importance: Low in bulbs but important in other horticultural crops, particularly if

vectors are present. In some crops, the virus induces severe decline in vigour which result in

significant losses in productivity.

Quarantine status:. Quarantine pest. The status of this virus in Australia is unclear and the

taxonomy of the virus is not well defined. While this virus has been recorded here once on Rheum

rhabarbarum in South Australia (EPPO 1992), there is no evidence of establishment or spread. This

may be due to the fact that its nematode vector does not appear to be established in Australia. To

minimise risk of this disease in Australia it is therefore important to ensure that infected bulbs are

not imported with its nematode vector.


Brunt, A.A., Crabtree, K., Dallwitz, M.J., Gibbs, A.J., Watson, L. & Zurcher, E.J. (eds.) (1996

onwards). Strawberry latent ring-spot (?) nepovirus data sheet in “Plant Viruses Online:

Descriptions and Lists from the VIDE Database. Version 16th January 1997”. URL

CAB International (1998). Strawberry latent ring-spot virus data sheet. CAB International Crop

Protection Compendium, Module 1, Wallingford, UK.

Everett, K.R., Milne, K.S. & Forster, R.L. (1994). Nucleotide sequence of the coat protein genes of

strawberry latent ring-spot virus: lack of homology to the nepoviruses and comoviruses.

Journal of General Virology 7: 1821-1825.

Smith, P.R. & Jenkins, P.T. (1998). Pest Risk Analysis of the importation of ornamental bulbs from

the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Israel – Survey results. pp 42.

77. Tomato black ring nepovirus Smith (1946)

Synonyms and changes in combination: bean ring-spot virus; beet ring-spot virus; celery yellow

vein virus; lettuce ring-spot virus; potato bouquet virus; potato pseudo-aucuba virus.

Common name(s): grapevine chrome mosaic virus.

Host(s): Allium porrum (leek); Amaranthus caudatus (love-lies-bleeding, tassel flower);

Amaranthus retroflexus; Antirrhinum majus (snapdragon); Apium graveolens (celery); Atriplex

hortensis (orach, mountain spinach); Bellis perennis (English daisy, common daisy); Beta vulgaris

(sugarbeet); Brassica rapa (turnip); Calendula officinalis; Capsella bursa-pastoris (shepherd’s

purse); Capsicum (peppers); Celosia argentea (cockscomb); Chenopodium amaranticolor; C.

foetidum; C. quinoa; Coriandrum sativum (coriander); Cucumis melo (melon); C. sativus

(cucumber); Cucurbita pepo var. medullosa (pumpkin; Datura stramonium (jimson weed,

Page 95: Datasheets for quarantine pests

jamestown weed, common thorn apple); Daucus carota (carrot); Emilia sagittata; Fagopyrum

esculentum (buckwheat); Forsynthia intermedia (golden bells); Fragaria ananassa (strawberry);

Fraxinus spp. (ash); Gladiolus hybrids (sword lily); Glycine max (soy bean); Gomphrena globosa

(globe amaranth, bachelor's buttons); Helianthus annuus (sunflower); Hyoscyamus niger; Lactuca

sativa (lettuce); Lamium amplexicaule (henbit deadnettle); Lens culinaris (lentil); Lobelia erinus

(edging lobelia); Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato); Matthiola incana (stock, gillyflower);

Myosotis sylvatica (garden forget-me-not); Narcissus pseudonarcissus (daffodil); Nicandra

physalodes; Nicotiana clevelandii (flowering tobacco); N. rustica; N. sylvestris; N. tabacum

(tobacco); Petunia × hybrida (petunia); Phaseolus vulgaris (kidney bean); Physalis floridana;

Phytolacca americana (pokeweed, pokeberry); Pisum sativum (pea); Prunus persica (peach);

Robinia pseudoacacia (false acacia, black locust); Rubus (blackberry, raspberry); Salvia splendens

(scarlet sage); Sambucus nigra (common elder); Senecio vulgaris; Solanum melongena (aubergine);

S. tuberosum (potato); Sonchus oleraceus; Spinacia oleracea (English spinach); Stellaria media

(common chickweed); Syringa vulgaris (lilac); Tetragonia tetragonioides (New Zealand spinach);

Torenia fournieri (bluewings); Trifolium repens (white clover); Tropaeolum majus (garden

nasturtium); Tulipa spp. (tulip); Vicia faba (broan bean); Vigna unguiculata (cowpea); Vitis

(grapevine); Zinnia elegans (youth-and-old-age).

Plant part(s) affected: whole plant: fruits/pods; leaves.

Distribution: Brazil; Canada (Ontario); Croatia; Czech Republic; Denmark; Finland; France;

Germany; Greece; Hungary; India (Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu); Ireland; Italy; Japan;

Kenya; Moldova; Morocco; the Netherlands; Norway; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Sweden;

Turkey; UK; the former USSR; the former Yugoslavia. Found, but with no evidence of spread; in


Biology: Tomato black-ring virus (TBRV) produces symptoms such as necrotic rings, spots and

flecks, systemic chlorotic ring spots, mottle, stunting, leaf malformation and vein yellowing. In

some crop plant species the virus induces severe decline in vigour causing significant losses in

productivity. In some species the symptoms disappear soon after infection. The virus can be

transmitted by mechanical inoculation; grafting; infected bulbs; seeds; pollen to the seeds and

nematode vectors; Longidorus elongatus and L. attenuatus. L. elongatus was once recorded in

South Australia on ryegrass. There is no indication that it is currently present or established in

Australia. L. attenuatus has not been recorded from Australia.

Entry potential: Medium; through infected bulbs and associated nematode vectors. This is a

rare disease in bulbs.

Establishment potential: High; suitable host species exist in Australia

Spread potential: Medium; the virus may be spread by movement of infected planting

material or by nematodes.

Page 96: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Economic importance: Low in bulbs but important in other horticultural crops; particularly if

introduced with its nematode vectors.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Brunt; A.A.; Crabtree; K.; Dallwitz; M.J.; Gibbs; A.J.; Watson; L. & Zurcher; E.J. (eds.) (1996

onwards). Tomato black ring nepovirus data sheet in “Plant Viruses Online: Descriptions and

Lists from the VIDE Database. Version 16th January 1997”. URL

CAB International (1998). Tomato black ring virus data sheet. CAB International Crop Protection

Compendium; Module 1; Wallingford; UK.

78. Tulip band-breaking potyvirus Asjes and Segers (1985)

Synonyms and changes in combination: none known.

Common name(s):

Host(s): Tulipa spp. (tulip).

Plant part(s) affected: Probably whole plant.

Distribution: the Netherlands.

Biology: Tulip band breaking virus (TBBV) causes light green bands of the leaves and a yellow-

white flower break. The virus can be transmitted by mechanical inoculation and probably through

progeny bulbs.

Entry potential: Low; through infected bulbs. Rare disease in bulbs.

Establishment potential: Medium; through propagation of infected bulbs. Other means of

transmission are not known.

Spread potential: Low; vectors are not known. Host range is restricted to tulips.

Economic importance: Low, rare disease in bulbs. Limited information is available.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Brunt; A.A.; Crabtree; K.; Dallwitz; M.J.; Gibbs; A.J.; Watson; L. & Zurcher; E.J. (eds.) (1996

onwards). Tulip band-breaking potyvirus data sheet in “Plant Viruses Online: Descriptions

and Lists from the VIDE Database. Version 16th January 1997”. URL

Dekker, E.L., Derks, A. F.L.M., Asjes, C.J., Lemmers, M.E.C., Bol, J.F. & Langeveld, S.A. (1993).

Characterisation of potyviruses from tulip and lily which cause flower-breaking. Journal of

general virology. 74: 881-887.

Page 97: Datasheets for quarantine pests

79. Tulip severe mosaic (?) closterovirus

Synonyms and changes in combination: none known.

Common name(s):

Host(s): Tulipa spp. (tulips).

Plant part(s) affected: Probably whole plant and leaves.

Distribution: the Netherlands.

Biology: Rare disease of tulips. Detailed information is not available.

Entry potential: Low, through infected bulbs.

Establishment potential: Medium, through infected bulbs and vector not known.

Spread potential: Low; the natural mode of transmission is unknown.

Economic importance: Low, rare disease in bulbs. Limited information is available.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Asjes, C.J. (1994). Viruses in tulip in the Netherlands. Acta Horticulturae. 377: 289-300.

Mowat, W.P. (1995). Bulb and corm crops – Tulip. pp. 353 in Loebenstein, G., Lawson, R. H. &

Brunt, A. A. (eds). Virus and virus-like diseases of bulb and flower crops. John Wiley &

Sons. UK.

Nagao, N., Nishio, T. & Kobayashi, T. (1988). Fine structure of tulip leaves infected with tulip

severe mosaic virus, occurring in the Netherlands. Research Bulletin of Plant Protection,

Japan. 24: 57-61.

80. Tulip top breaking potyvirus

Synonyms and changes in combination: none known.

Common name(s):

Host(s): Tulipa spp. (tulip).

Plant part(s) affected: Probably whole plant.

Distribution: the Netherlands.

Biology: Tulip top breaking virus (TTBV) induces large yellow-green and grey necrotic ring-spots

in the leaves and a light yellow colour in the flower, bordered by dark red areas. The symptoms

develop most severely at the top of the leaves and the flowers. The virus is transmitted by

mechanical inoculation and probably through progeny bulbs.

Entry potential: Low; through infected bulbs. Rare disease in bulbs.

Establishment potential: Medium; through propagation of infected bulbs. Other means of

transmission are not known.

Spread potential: Low; vectors are not known. Host range is restricted to tulips.

Economic importance: Low, rare disease in bulbs. Limited information is available.

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Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Dekker, E.L., Derks, A. F.L.M., Asjes, C.J., Lemmers, M.E.C., Bol, J.F. & Langeveld, S.A. (1993).

Characterisation of potyviruses from tulip and lily which cause flower-breaking. Journal of

general virology. 74: 881-887.

81. Tulip X potexvirus, Mowat (1982)

Synonyms and changes in combination: Tulip virus X.

Common name(s):

Host(s): Anthriscus cerefolium (chervil); Apium graveolens (wild celery); Beta vulgaris (sugar

beet); Chenopodium amaranticolor; C. quinoa; Coriandrum sativum (coriander); Cucumis sativus

(cucumber); Dacus carota (carrot); Gomphrena globosa (globe amaranth); Heracleum sphondylium

(cow parnsip); Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato); Narcissus spp. (daffodil); Nicotiana benthamiana

(flowering tobacco); Petroselinum crispum (parsley); Spinacia oleracea (english spinach);

Tetragonia tetragonioides (New Zealand spinach); Trifolium incarnatum (clover); Tulipa spp.

(tulip); Viola odorata (violet).

Plant part(s) affected: whole plant: leaves; petals.

Distribution: the Netherlands; Sweden; UK.

Biology: Tulip X virus (TVX)) produces chlorotic or necrotic grey-brown streaking of leaves and

streaks of intensified pigment (or of necrosis) in petals. Although the virus infection does not distort

or dwarf plants, it nevertheless renders flowers unsaleable. The virus can be transmitted by

mechanical inoculation with moderate efficiency and is perpetuated in progeny bulbs. Natural mode

of transmission is unknown.

Entry potential: Medium; through infected bulbs.

Establishment potential: Medium, suitable hosts exist in Australia

Spread potential: Low; the natural mode of transmission is unknown.

Economic importance: Low.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Brunt, A.A., Crabtree; K., Dallwitz; M.J., Gibbs, A.J., Watson, L. & Zurcher, E.J. (eds.) (1996

onwards). Tulip X potexvirus data sheet in “Plant Viruses Online: Descriptions and Lists from

the VIDE Database. Version 16th January 1997”. URL

Fujiwara, Y., Saito, N. & Kimura, S. (1994). Tulip virus x isolated from tulip imported from the

Netherlands under post entry quarantine. Research Bulletin of the Plant Protection Service,

Japan. 30: 99-103.

Page 99: Datasheets for quarantine pests

Mowat, W.P. (1995). Bulb and corm crops – Tulipa. spp. 355-357 in Loebenstein, G., Lawson, R.

H. & Brunt, A. A. (eds). Virus and virus-like diseases of bulb and flower crops. John Wiley &

Sons. UK.

Mowat, W.P. & Chambers, J. (1979). Viruses of flower bulbs. Scottish Horticultural Research

Institute, 25th Annual Report for the year 1978. 102-104.

82. Vallota mosaic potyvirus

Synonym(s) or changes in combination: none known.

Common name(s):

Host(s): Chenopodium amaranticolor, C. quinoa; Freesia spp. (freesia); Gomphrena globosa

(globe amaranth); Hyoscyamus niger; Nicotiana clevelandii (flowering tobacco); Spinacea oleracea

(English spinach); Tetragonia tetragonioides (New Zealand spinach); T. expansa; Vallota speciosa.

Plant part(s) affected: Whole plant.

Distribution: the Netherlands, found with no evidence of spread in the U.K.

Biology: The virus infection produces systemic mosaic symptoms in Freesias. The virus is

transmitted vegetatively by corms and by mechanical inoculation. As well the virus is transmitted

by the aphid Myzus persicae.

Entry potential: Medium, through infected corms and associated aphid vectors.

Establishment potential: High, through propagation of infected corms and insect vectors.

Aphid vectors, Myzus persicae are present in Australia.

Spread potential: High, through aphid vectors.

Economic importance: Unknown.

Quarantine status: Quarantine pest.


Brunt, A.A., Crabtree, K., Dallwitz, M.J., Gibbs, A.J., Watson, L. & Zurcher, E.J. (eds.) (1996

onwards). Vallota mosaic potyvirus data sheet in “Plant Viruses Online: Descriptions and

Lists from the VIDE Database. Version 16th January 1997”. URL

Inouye, N. & Hakkaart, F.A. (1980). Preliminary description of a potyvirus from Vallota speciosa.

Netherlands Journal of Plant Pathology 68: 265-275.