dav public school, east of loni road, …daveastofloniroad.org/file/234/hhw8.pdf · dav public...

1 DAV PUBLIC SCHOOL, EAST OF LONI ROAD, DELHI-93 HOLIDAY HOMEWORK CLASS-VIII (2017-18) ENGLISH Write the following diary entries in separate A4 size ruled sheets (assessment will be done on the following parameters) Presentation. Content & expression. Usage of vocabulary, phrases, idioms and proverbs. Format. Originality Word limits (150 words) 1.You went for a movie outing with your friends . You watched the movie M.S Dhoni based on the life of Indian cricketer M.S Dhoni . Share your experience in the form of diary entry. You are Priyanshu/Priyanka. (word limit -150) 2.Write a diary entr sharing your feelings on winning the Zonal Debate Competition. 3.One of your classmates has come from a small town. She cannot speak English very fluently . Write a diary entry expressing how embarrassed he/she was earlier and how you helped her along and what spirit of learning she showed. Article writing / paragraph writing (word limit 250) Roll no.1-8 1.Tradition against Modernity /Generation gap (Changing times). 2.Importance of value education (compassionate souls). 3.Global warming & climate change. Roll no. 9-16 1.Impact of media , computers, smartphones etc. On teenagers . 2.Simple living and high thinking . 3.Importance of time in one,s life . Roll no. 17- 24 1. Advantages and disadvantages of technology. ( the fun they had). 2.Good deeds reflect good character. 3. Elders deserve respect.

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    CLASS-VIII (2017-18)


    Write the following diary entries in separate A4 size ruled sheets (assessment will be done

    on the following parameters)


    Content & expression.

    Usage of vocabulary, phrases, idioms and proverbs.



    Word limits (150 words)

    1.You went for a movie outing with your friends . You watched the movie M.S Dhoni

    based on the life of Indian cricketer M.S Dhoni . Share your experience in the form of

    diary entry. You are Priyanshu/Priyanka. (word limit -150)

    2.Write a diary entr sharing your feelings on winning the Zonal Debate Competition.

    3.One of your classmates has come from a small town. She cannot speak English very

    fluently . Write a diary entry expressing how embarrassed he/she was earlier and how

    you helped her along and what spirit of learning she showed.

    Article writing / paragraph writing (word limit 250)

    Roll no.1-8 1.Tradition against Modernity /Generation gap (Changing times).

    2.Importance of value education (compassionate souls).

    3.Global warming & climate change.

    Roll no. 9-16 1.Impact of media , computers, smartphones etc. On teenagers .

    2.Simple living and high thinking .

    3.Importance of time in one,s life .

    Roll no. 17- 24 1. Advantages and disadvantages of technology. ( the fun they had).

    2.Good deeds reflect good character.

    3. Elders deserve respect.

  • Roll no. 25 32 1.Sucess comes to those who will and dare.(enterprise unit)

    2. Nature conservation .(unit Nature)

    3.Importance of balanced life.

    Roll no. 33 - 40 1. Nature conservation with sustainable development. (Nature unit ).

    2. Value of sports & games in life (sports)

    3. Save girl child (gen topic)

    Roll no. 41 48 1. Tolerance need of the hour.

    2.Education of a girl child.

    3.Road rage and its consequences.(common & gen topic)

    Roll no . 49 51 1. Pollution and its consequences.

    2.Try till you succeed (Enterprise)

    3.Illiteracy a root cause of all evils ( gen & common topic)

    Answer the following extra questions

    How did the Hermits unique way of answering the questions prove his wisdom ?

    Why did the king forgive the man who intended killing him?

    Do you think the king went home a satisfied man after hearing the hermits

    explanation ?

    What similarity do you find in granny and a child ?

    How were grannys activities cause for worry and tension for the family members


    How did granny work out the problem of not being able to climb down the trees?

    Bring out the difference between the 20th century schools and margies school?

    What kind of a school do you think Margie liked ? why ?

    Practice book pages :- (Complete all the worksheets in the work book)

    Page no. 1-23 , 52-61,119-143.

    Q. Prepare a book jacket of any poet ,author of your English literature reader.

    Parameters to be assessed.

    Relavent pic or presentation

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    About the poet-

    Date of birth , date of death

    Achievements ,works and awards.

    Books and writings

    Reason why you have chosen that particular author or poet.

    MATHEMATICS General Instructions:

    Submit all your work in a proper folder.

    Creativity And Originality Of The Work Will Be Appreciated.

    Practice the questions related to ch1, 2 and 3 of the book.

    The questions are based on rational number, useful results on rational number, positive rational number and negative rational number. Do it neatly on A4 size


    Q1 .Make a cube root clock of first twelve cube roots.

    Q2. Bacteria enlarged 60000 times attains a length of 3 cm. What is the length of bacteria if

    it is enlarged 10000 times.

    Q3. Suppose 6 kg of salt contains crystals. How many crystals are there in (i) 7 kg of salt (ii)

    3.5 kg of salt?

    Q4. The Last Square Root Day was celebrated April 4,2016. When will be the Next Square

    Root Day? What is Special about this day?

    Q5. What is Hardy Ramanujan Number? What is special about this number?

    Q6. After allowing a discount of 10% on the marked price, a trader still makes a gain of

    17%. By what percent is the marked price above the cost price?

    Q7. If the cost of transporting 160 kg of goods is Rs 60, what will be the cost of transporting

    200 kg of goods?

    Q8. A train passes a telegraph pole in 6 seconds, moving at the rate of 90 km/h. What is the

    length of the train.

    Q9. A cell phone was marked at 40% above the cost price and a discount of 30%

    was given on its marked price. Find the gain or loss percent made by the shopkeeper.

  • Q11. The selling price of 12 eggs is equal to the cost price of 15 eggs. Find the gain per


    Q12.Find the smallest square number that is divisible by each of the numbers 8, 15 and 20.

    13. A gardener has 1000 plants. He wants to plant these in such a way that the number of

    rows and the number of columns remain same. Find the minimum number of plants he needs

    more for this.

    Q14. Find the smallest number which when multiplied with 137592 will make the

    product a perfect cube. Further find the cube root of the product.

    Q15. State true or false:

    (a) 8640 is a perfect cube.

    (b) No perfect cube can end with exactly two zeros.

    (c) If a divides b, then a divides b.

    Q16. A fort had enough food for 80 soldiers for 60 days. How long would the food last if 20

    more soldiers join after 15 days?

    Q17. If car covers 102 km in 6.8 litres of petrol, how much distance will it cover in 24.2

    litres of petrol?

    Q18. A checkerboard is a square made up of 32 black and 32 red

    squares. Assume that each square has a side length of 1 unit.

    1) What is the total area of the checkerboard?

    2) What is the side length of the checkerboard? Complete the following worksheet.

    Q19. Find the square root of the following decimal numbers.

    (a) 2.56 (b) 7.29 (c) 51.84 (d) 42.25

    Q20. Complete the following worksheet.

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    A. Do the following questions in chemistry notebook

    Q.1 Define the following terms.

    a) Non-renewable sources of energy

    b) Petroleum refining

    c) Fossil fuels

    Q.2 Differentiate between

    a) Coal, coal tar and coal gas

  • b) Coal and petroleum

    c) Bitumen and coal tar

    d) Exhaustible and Inexhaustible natural resources

    Q.3 Suggest any 3 ways to manage our energy sources wisely.

    Q.4 Suppose you were the minister responsible for the development of energy resources

    In an island country with no fossil fuel resources. Which energy sources would you try

    to develop and why?

    Q.5 Shania purchased a new car and sent it for fuelling at the petrol pump. It was a

    diesel vehicle. The driver got it fuelled with petrol. What should he do now?

    B. Activity

    On the physical map of India mark two each of coal, petroleum and natural gas reserves.


    Do the following questions in physics notebook.

    Revise the chapter. force and pressure

    Q.1 Define the following terms.

    a) Force.

    b) pressure

    Q.2 Differentiate between

    a) Pressure and thrust

    b) Contact and non. contact forces with examples

    Q.3 write the possible effects of unbalanced force .support with help of examples.

    Q.4 Sonia was not able to comfortably carry her school bag .she was having problem in

    shoulders due to such heavy bag. What could be the reason for this pain? what can you

    advise her?

    Q.5 why we dont get crushed in atmospheric pressure?


    Write an activity to approximately calculate the pressure.


    1. Microorganisms are both useful and harmful to us. Highlight both the

    aspects of microorganisms supporting relevant pictures and facts of the same.

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    2. Revise the syllabus done so far. Go through each chapter thoroughly.

    3. Do the following worksheets on A4 size sheet s-


    MCQ - 1. Low temperature prevents spoilage of food because it :-

    a. retards microbial growth

    b. inactivates enzymes

    c. both a & b

    d. removes water from food materials

    2. Which of the following is found to be present in curd ?

    a. Lactobacillus

    b. Rhizobium

    c. Lactovirus

    d. Lactococcus

    3. In the given picture the microbe responsible for the

    spoilage is a :-

    a. virus

    b. protozoa

    c. bacteria

    d. fungus

    4. The microorganism used in preparation of bread is :-

    a. yeast

    b. adenovirus

    c. Penicillium

    d. blue green algae

    5. Match the column :-

    Disease Transmission by a. Dengue i) infected dogs bite

    b. Hepatitis B ii) contact

    c. Food poisoning iii) contaminated water

    d. Rabies iv) carrier Aedes mosquito bite

    e. Pox v) contaminated food

    6. Fill in the blanks :-

    a. ______ are preserved by the use of oil and vinegar.

    b. ______ is the process of heat and cold treatment for preserving milk.

    c. ______ is a dangerous form of food poisoning.

    d. ______ is the oldest method of food preservation.

    e. Jellies, squashes and jams are preserved by ______ syrup.

    7. How the percentage of nitrogen in the atmosphere remains more or less constant ?

    8. Identify the microorganism in the picture and write any one important feature of it ?

  • 9. Pick the odd word out of the following:

    HIV, Cholera, Sleeping sickness, Cancer, Citrus canker.

    10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence

    i) ttiiibcoans ii) gotsenpah


    MCQ 1. Some microbes have a hard outer cover called :-

    a. protein coat

    b. mucilaginous sheath

    c. disc

    d. cyst

    2. A vaccine contains :-

    a. active disease causing microbes

    b. weakened or killed microbes

    c. antibiotic dose

    d. combination of medicines

    3. A group of similar microorganisms living together is called :-

    a. factory

    b. colony

    c. herd

    d. capsule

    4. Atmosphere comprises of 78% :-

    a. oxygen gas

    b. hydrogen gas

    c. nitrogen gas

    d. carbon dioxide gas

    5. Match the column :-

    Disease Prevention by a. Pneumonia i) spraying insecticides

    b. Pox ii) drinking boiled water

    c. Malaria iii) BCG vaccine

    d. Tuberculosis iv) isolation of patient

    e. Jaundice v) using antibiotics

    6. Fill in the blanks :-

    a. ______ reproduce only inside the living cells.

    b. ______ is a bacteria eating virus.

    c. Viruses can be seen under the ______ microscope.

    d. Viruses are regarded as ______ link between living and non living.

    e. A virus do not have ______ structure.

    7. Differentiate between atmospheric, biological and industrial nitrogen fixation ?

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    8. What are chemical preservatives of food ? Name any two of them.

    9. Give one word answer to the following:

    i) A communicable disease caused by female anopheles mosquito.

    ii) A disease of animals and humans which is caused by bacteria.

    10. Write the correct words by putting letters in correct sequence

    i) rreeesavvpit

    ii) derndhatoyi


    1. Revise L-1 and L-2 of geography

    2. Revise L-8 and L-9 of History

    3. Revise L-15 and L-16 of Civics

    1. School is organizes an educational trip to Jim Corbett National Park discuss it with your

    classmates, and name the animal found there. There food habits, their habitat.

    Also find out reason why they are on brink of extinction, what can be done to protect them.

    2. During your vacation visit red fort and design a brochure about importance of this fort in

    first won of independence.


    1. Choose any five social reformers from the chapter-The impact of British Rule on India

    and make flash cards.

    2. Collect information about the chosen reformers and write about their contribution in

    eradicating social evils in the flash cards along with the pictures.

    Instruction (i) The flash cards must contain at least 5 reformers.

    (ii) Make the flash cards neat and clean.


    Generate the HTML code to create the first page of School web site. Take the print out of

    output on web browser and its source code on A4 size sheet.

    ART & CRAFT Note:-Submit your Holidays Homework in a presentable manner as per the nature of the

    work e.g. a work which is two dimensional should be properly laminated) with name slip.


    Namami Ganga

    1. Use bright colors for making composition with related slogan. Reflecting Positive

    message for our Society.( Size A-3 Ivory Sheet )

    2. Browse internet for collect innovative ideas. This will stimulate your imagination. Make

    any utility item or any decorative item.

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    Have a lot of fun Enjoy your Work!