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Implementing Rules and Regulations PROMOTION CENTER DAVAO CITY INVESTMENT P C I C D 2012 Revision of the ordinance Davao City Investment Incentive Code

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Implementing Rules and Regulations



2012 Revision of the ordinance

Davao City Investment Incentive Code


RULE I. POLICY APPLICATION 1 Ar�cle 1. Title 1 Ar�cle 2. Purpose 1 Ar�cle 3. Declara�on of Policy 1 Ar�cle 4. Scope of Applica�on 2 Ar�cle 5. Rules of Interpreta�on 2 RULE II. DEFINITION OF TERMS 2 Ar�cle 6. Defini�on of Terms 2 RULE III. CREATION, COMPOSITION, MEETINGS, POWERS AND 5 FUNCTIONS OF THE DAVAO CITY INVESTMENT INCENTIVE BOARD Ar�cle 7. The Davao City Incen�ve Board 5 Ar�cle 8. Composi�on of the Board 5 Ar�cle 9. Appointment of Permanent Representa�ve 6 Ar�cle 10. Mee�ngs and Quorum of the Board 6 Ar�cle 11. Manner of Vo�ng 6 Ar�cle 12. Powers and Func�on of the Board 6 Ar�cle 13. Powers and Func�on of the Chairperson 8 Ar�cle 14. Powers and Func�ons of the Vice-Chairperson 8 RULE IV. THE DAVAO CITYINVESTMENT PROMOTION CENTER 8 Ar�cle 15-A. Davao City Investment Promo�on Center 8 (The Center) Ar�cle 15-B. Powers and Du�es of the Center 9 Ar�cle 15-C. Technical Func�ons of the Center 10 Ar�cle 15-D. Repor�ng 11 RULE V. PREFERRED/PRIORITY INVESTMENT AREAS/ACTIVITIES AND 12 APPROPRIATE INCENTIVES AND SUPPORT MEASURES Ar�cle 16. Preferred/Priority Investment Areas 12 Ar�cle 17. Determina�on of Addi�onal Investment Area 15 Ar�cle 18. Removal/Dele�on of a Preferred/Priority 16


IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code


Ar�cle 19. Qualifica�ons of a New Enterprises 16

Ar�cle 20. Qualifica�ons of an Exis�ng Enterprise 17

Ar�cle 21. Applica�on Process 18

Ar�cle 22. Applica�on Requirements 19

Ar�cle 23. Registra�on and Approval Procedures 21


Ar�cle 24. Rights and Privileges Guaranteed by the 23

Davao City Government


Ar�cle 25. Tax Incen�ves to New Projects 24

Ar�cle 26. Tax Incen�ves for Expansion Projects 25

Ar�cle 27. Tax Incen�ves to Investment located in 25

Preferred Districts

Ar�cle 28. Addi�onal Provisions 26



Ar�cle 31. Submission of Reports and other Documents 27


Ar�cle 32. Sanc�ons for Late submission of Reportorial 28


Ar�cle 33. Penal Clause 29

Ar�cle 34. Approval 30

Ar�cle 35. Separability Clause 30

Ar�cle36. Repealing Clause 30

Ar�cle 37. Effec�vity 30


Ar�cle 1. Title. – These Rules shall be known and cited as the Rules and Regula�ons Implemen�ng the DAVAO CITY INVESTMENT INCENTIVE CODE OF 1994, as Amended.

Ar�cle 2. Purpose. – These Rules are promulgated to prescribe the procedure and guidelines for the implementa�on of the Davao City Investment Incen�ve Code of 1994 in order to facilitate compliance therewith and achieve the objec�ves thereof.

Ar�cle 3. Declara�on of Policy. – To accelerate the sound development of Davao City in accordance with the City Comprehensive Development Plan (1996-2021) and the Philippine Development Plan (2011-2016), it is hereby declared to be the policy of the City of Davao to establish a favorable and stable business climate consistent with the development needs of the City, which will encourage new investments or expansion/diversifica�on areas Agri-business sector, Tourism and recrea�onal facili�es, Light Manufacturing and Assembly, Property Development, Health and Wellness, Educa�onal and Sports Facili�es, Environmental Protec�on or Green Projects, Informa�on and Communica�ons Technology, Produc�on and Genera�on of New Sources of Energy, Transporta�on and Infrastructure , Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Projects, and such other preferred areas of investments as may be determined from �me to �me by the Board upon the recommenda�on of an independent study group commissioned for the purpose subject to the approval of the Sangguniang Panlungsod, which will provide employment opportuni�es, raise the standard of living of the people of Davao City, and provide for the equitable distribu�on of wealth.

The City of Davao welcomes and encourages domes�c and foreign capital to establish enterprises that would u�lize substan�al amount of labor, raw materials and natural resources of the City.

IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code


It is further declared to be the policy of the City to promote the establishment and opera�on of non-government organiza�ons to serve as ac�ve partners in achieving local autonomy.

Ar�cle 4. Scope of Applica�on. – These Rules shall apply to all persons, juridical and natural en��es or enterprises, and non-government organiza�ons and instrumentali�es to the extent provided in the Code.

Ar�cle 5. Rules of Interpreta�on. – Any conflict or controversy arising under these Rules shall be resolved on the basis of applicable legal provision or jurisprudence in the absence thereof, the customs and tradi�ons in so far as they are applicable to the conflict or controversy may be resorted to.


Ar�cle 6. Defini�on of Terms. – For the purpose of these Rules and Regula�ons the following terms and phrases shall mean as follows:

A. “Board” shall refer to the Davao City Investment Incen�ve Board (DCIIB) created under the Code.

B. “Center” shall mean the Davao City Investment Promo�on Center, or in short, the DCIPC, which is the office that will serve as the technical secretariat of the Board and its lead execu�ng arm to implement the provisions of the Code

C. “Code” shall refer to the Davao City Investment Incen�ve Code of 1994 promulgated pursuant to the Sangguniang Panlungsod Resolu�on No. 6652 and Ordinance No. 2017 dated 13 May 1994 and approved by Mayor Rodrigo R. Duterte on June 15, 1994.


IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code

D. “Exis�ng Establishments / Enterprises” refer to private business enterprises whose place of opera�on or produc�on is presently located within the territorial jurisdic�on of Davao City.

E. “Expansion” shall include moderniza�on and rehabilita�on and shall mean increase of exis�ng volume or value of produc�on or upgrading the quality of the registered product.

F. “Local Personnel / Worker” refers to those workers or personnel who are residents of Davao City for at least six (6) months wherein proof of residency is the presenta�on of a Barangay Clearance and/or the Community Tax Cer�ficate from Davao City.

G. “Moderniza�on” herein shall refer to any replacement or installa�on of machinery or the altera�on of produc�on processes, methods or techniques through the use of technological advances resul�ng in substan�al improvement in efficiency and/or quality, with or without any change in the rated capacity.

H. “New Investors/Enterprises” shall refer to private enterprises who intend to venture into new project/s in the city with interests in establishing their places of opera�on or produc�on within the territorial jurisdic�on of Davao City.

I. “New projects” refer to ac�vi�es covered under the Priority Investment Areas involving the establishment of new produc�on/service facili�es by exis�ng or new enterprises.

J. “Preferred/Priority Areas of Investments” refer to the economic ac�vi�es cited under Sec�on 2, Chapter 1 of the Davao Investment Incen�ve Code of 1994 and those areas, which the Board may determined from �me to �me and subsequently recommend for approval by the Sangguniang Panlungsod.


IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code

K. “Private enterprises shall refer to private corpora�ons, partnerships, single proprietorship, coopera�ves, non-governmental organiza�ons.

L. “Project cost” shall mean the total cost of se�ng up a project, which includes but not limited to: land, building, office equipment furniture and working capital.

M. “Project Study” refers to a Project Profile of the applicant, which presents, among others, highlights of the financial and the socio-economic impact of the project“.

N. Public-Private Partnership (PPP) - Contractual arrangement between government and private sector to deliver public infrastructure and/or public services. The modali�es of which are duly approved and specified under R.A 7718 or otherwise knows and the “Revised Philippine BOT Law”.

O. Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Projects - Infrastructure or development projects normally financed, and operated by the public sector but which will now be wholly or partly financed, and operated by the private sector, including but not limited to power plants, highways, ports, airports, canals, dams, hydropower projects, water supply, industrial estates or townships, housing, government buildings, tourism projects, public markets, slaughterhouses, warehouses, solid waste management, informa�on technology networks and database infrastructure, educa�on and health facili�es, sewerage, drainage, dredging, and other infrastructure and development projects as authorized by the City Government of Davao with reference to the Davao City Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Ordinance.

P. “Registered Enterprise” refers to those enterprises/businesses who are granted incen�ves by the DCIIB.


IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code

IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code

Q. Viola�on” shall be defined as the registered enterprise’s failure to submit one or more report/s or document/s required in a par�cular scheduled repor�ng period as prescribed in Ar�cle 30 hereof.



Ar�cle 7. The Davao City Investment Incen�ve Board. – There is

hereby created a Davao City Investment Incen�ve Board (DCIIB) to

implement the provisions of the Code.

Ar�cle 8. Composi�on of the Board. – The Board shall be com-

posed of the following (as amended by City Ordinance No. 36, Series of 1999 & City Ordi-

nance 0350-12, Series of 2012):

Chairperson - City Mayor

Vice Chairperson - City Vice-Mayor


·� Chairperson, SP Commi�ee on Trade, Commerce and Industry

·� Chairperson, SP Commi�ee on Finance, Ways and Means

·� Chairperson, SP Commi�ee on Housing, Rural & Urban Development

·� City Administrator ·� City Planning and Development Coordinator ·� City Director, Department of Trade and Industry, Region

XI ·� President, Davao City Chamber of Commerce and In-

dustry, Inc. (DCCCII) ·� Private Sector Co-Chairperson, Davao City Tourism

Council ·� Chairperson, Philippine Exporters Confedera�on

(PHILEXPORT), Region XI ·� Chairperson, Davao Coopera�ve Development Council ·� Two (2) Private Sector Representa�ves to be appointed

by the City Mayor for a term of two (2) years


The membership of the Board may be increased or decreased by the Sangguniang Panlungsod through the recommenda�on of the Board as it deems necessary for the effec�ve implementa�on of the provisions of the Code.

Ar�cle 9. Appointment of Permanent Representa�ves. At the beginning of every year, members of the Board may recommend the appointment of their permanent authorized representa�ve by submi�ng to the Chairperson a duly notarized document designa�ng therein the name of said representa�ve. Permanent authorized representa�ves shall be en�tled to all right and privileges due to a regular member of the Board.

Ar�cle 10. Mee�ngs and Quorum of the Board. – The Board shall meet at least once every quarter or as o�en as may be necessary, on such a day as it may fix. The presence of at least a majority of its members shall cons�tute a quorum, and a majority of the quorum shall be required for the Board to exercise its powers and perform its func�ons.

Ar�cle 11. Manner of Vo�ng. – In all mee�ngs, regular members of the Board or, in their absence, their duly appointed permanent representa�ves, are allowed to vote.

Ar�cle 12. Powers and Func�ons of the Board. – The Board shall be vested with the following powers and func�ons:

a. To review and approve qualified applica�ons for the gran�ng of fiscal incen�ves in accordance with the policies and guidelines provided for in this Code;

b. To commission an independent study group to conduct an economic and technical research for the purpose of iden�fying priority investment areas and/or ac�vi�es to be promoted as well as appropriate incen�ves and support


IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code

measures which should be extended to a�ract investors into these areas and/or ac�vi�es;

c. To adopt a short and medium-term investment promo�on program which shall specify the list of priority investment areas and ac�vi�es and corresponding incen�ves and support measures to be used to a�ract targeted investors as may be recommended by the Technical Secretariat;

d. To propose and recommend the necessary appropria�ons to the Sangguniang Panlungsod or secure addi�onal funding from other sources in order to support the opera�ons of the Davao City Investment Promo�on Center to support the implementa�on of the Code;

e. To enlist the assistance of na�onal agencies and private sector organiza�ons, as may be necessary, useful and incidental to the effec�ve and efficient implementa�on of this ordinance;

f. To establish trade and investment liaison offices in places to be determined by the Board as may be necessary to promote the City’s business climate;

g. To conduct consulta�ons with relevant private and government stakeholders on the review of the provisions of the Code;

h. To recommend to the Sangguniang Panlungsod the suspension of accep�ng applica�ons for local incen�ves as recommended by the Technical Secretariat.

I. Upon the recommenda�on of the DCIPC, the Board shall iden�fy and recommend for the approval of the Sangguniang Panlungsod appropriate Incen�ve measures which it shall be willing to extend, to promote priority investment areas and ac�vi�es, to targeted investors; and


IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code

j. To perform such other powers and func�ons as are necessary and incidental to the exercise and performance of its func�ons;

Ar�cle 13. Powers and Func�ons of the Chairperson. – The Chairperson of the Board shall have the following powers and du�es:

a. To preside over the regular and special mee�ngs of the Board;

b. To recommend to the Board such policies and measures he/she may deem necessary to carry out the objec�ves of the Code; and

c. Generally, to exercise such other powers and perform such other du�es as may be authorized by the Board, from �me to �me.

Ar�cle 14. Powers and Func�ons of the Vice-Chairperson. – The Vice-Chairperson of the Board shall have the following powers and du�es:

a. To preside over the regular and special mee�ngs of the Board in the absence of the Chairman; and

b. To perform other du�es of the Chairperson in the absence of the la�er, and such other du�es as may be assigned to him/her by the Board.


Ar�cle 15-A. Davao City Investment Promo�on Center (The Center). - There shall be created an office known as the Davao City Investment Promo�on Center, which shall be staffed by one (1) Economist IV, three (3) Economist III, one (1) Economist II, one (1) Economist I and one (1) Economic Researcher.


IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code

Addi�onal Technical Staff may be hired by the Center upon recommenda�on of the Board, subject to the approval of the City Mayor. (As amended by City Ordinance No. 0350-12, Series of 2012)

The Center shall be a�ached as a regular division to the Office of the City Mayor.

Ar�cle 15-B. Powers and Du�es of the Center. - The Center shall act as the Technical Secretariat of the Board, and shall implement its policies and guidelines, and shall specifically perform the following du�es:

a. Accept, process and evaluate applica�ons for registra�on for availment of local incen�ves, and submit recommenda�ons for ac�on by the Board;

b. Provide the necessary support services to investors as guaranteed under the Code;

c. Establish and maintain networking rela�ons with other offices and agencies whenever appropriate and necessary;

d. Collate, analyze and compile per�nent data and informa�on, and conduct studies and stakeholder consulta�ons concerning areas that have been or may be declared as “preferred/priority areas of investments” by the Board;

e. Recommend to the Board any modifica�ons/amendments to exis�ng legisla�on and procedures on local investments;

f. Prepare agenda for mee�ngs of the Board, and submit for the la�er’s considera�on and approval the policies and measures which are deemed necessary to carry out the provisions of the Code;

g. Render and submit annual/special reports to the Board or to the City Government of Davao about its ac�vi�es rela�ve to the implementa�on of the


IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code

Code within sixty (60) days a�er the close of each calendar year or as may be requested;

h. Review the package of appropriate incen�ves and support measures and the investment areas or ac�vi�es, every (2) years, and a�er consulta�on with the affected sectors, recommend to the Board to remove an area or ac�vity from the list, at any point, when it deems that sufficient investments in the area or ac�vity have been a�ained and where con�nued extension of incen�ves or support measures for the expansion of said areas or ac�vi�es may place the interest of the City and the public in a disadvantageous posi�on. Likewise, the Center may also recommend to the Board to remove an investment area or ac�vity from the list where such area or ac�vity in the City cannot a�ract investors within reasonable �me and cost or may result in unfavorable business climate, subject to the approval of the Sangunniang Panlungsod; and

i. Perform such other func�ons that are necessary and incidental for the effec�ve implementa�on of this Code.

Ar�cle 15-C. Technical Func�ons of the Center. – Technical Func�ons of the Center are as Follows:

1. Investor Assistance and Servicing. Assist prospec�ve investors by providing assistance, among others, in the following areas:a. Organize one-stop shops for documenta�on services

(building and business permits, licenses and incen�ve availment);

b. Facilitate processing of local permits and licenses;c. Referral for manpower sourcing; d. Referral of ideal loca�ons for certain projects based on

the city’s approved zoning ordinance;e. Investment counseling; andf. Business matching


IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code

2. Investment and Trade Promo�on and Genera�on. Handle promo�onal ac�vi�es that will directly influence infusion of investments and influx of trade and tourism, such as:

A. Trade and investment missions;B. Investment fora/seminars;C. Direct investment marke�ng;D. Trade and tourism fairs and exhibits;E. Investment briefings / orienta�ons;f. Promo collateral prepara�on and dissemina�on; g. Business consulta�on with strategic investors, and the

business community, in general;andh. Sustainable image-building campaign through all forms of


3. Informa�on Management and Development. In the area of informa�on and development, shall:

a. Handle data genera�on, processing and packaging;b. Handle data storage and retrieval;c. Support direct investor servicing through opera�on of an

on-line informa�on assistance desk;d. Review exis�ng incen�ves and prepare recommenda�ons

and / or policy papers for its improvement; ande. Prepare project profiles, pre-investment studies, viability

and feasibility, industry profiles and situa�oners.

Ar�cle 15-D. Repor�ng. - The Head of the DCIPC shall report to the Board or to the City Mayor and to the Sangguniang Panlungsod ma�ers affec�ng plans, programs and performance of the Center.


IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code


Ar�cle 16. Preferred/Priority Investment Areas. Incen�ves will be provided to new, expansion and diversifica�on projects in the following investment areas:

1. Agri-business sector, more par�cularly on: Agri-industrial produc�on and processing adop�ng new and available technologies Energy-efficient farming systems Organic and environment-friendly technologies High-value commercial crops program Livestock development program

Aquaculture development program

2. Tourism and recrea�onal facili�es, more par�cularly on: Tourist transporta�on and recrea�onal facili�es Re�rement villages Mountain resorts Theme parks Hotels Conven�ons and exhibi�on/trade display centers/museums Novel and innova�ve facili�es Medical tourism facili�es Eco and Agri-tourism parks, Nature sports Historico-cultural heritage projects:

- Shrines, monuments, and landmarks- Local historical sites/proper�es - Cultural proper�es and cultural treasures

3. Light Manufacturing and Assembly, more par�cularly on: Pharmaceu�cals and cosme�cs


IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code

· Construc�on and related materials – wood-based (doors, windows, plywood and veneer, moldings); metal-based; non-metal based; chemical based (e.g. PVC, plas�c, vinyl, paints)

· Bio-technology

4. Property Development, more par�cularly on:· Residen�al property development for low cost and

socialized housing· Business parks and industrial estates classified as special

economic zones and IT parks, buildings and centers

5. Health and Wellness, Educa�onal and Sports Facili�es, more par�cularly on:· Health and wellness facili�es· Educa�onal and training facili�es

- Specialized schools and skills training ins�tu�ons- Technical and voca�onal schools- Interna�onal Schools

· Sports- Sports complexes/arena/race tracks- Sports gymnasium or court

· Research and development ac�vi�es and the establishment of tes�ng laboratories

6. Environmental Protec�on or, Green Projects (cross-cu�ng among all PIAs and non-PIAs)· Establishment of toxic and hazardous waste (THW)

management facili�es · River system rehabilita�on; · Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects· Comprehensive (collec�on, segrega�on, processing, by

products) Waste Management (Solid and Liquid)


IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code

· Manufacture of goods, the u�liza�on of which would lead to either the efficient use of energy , natural resources or raw materials, minimize/ prevent pollu�on; or reduce greenhouse emissions

7. Informa�on and Communica�ons Technology (To be retained as is, and Telecommunica�ons - subsumed under ICT)

Crea�ve and services industries Talent development through scholarship, training and opportunity building Enabled services, and film and performing arts produc�on Interna�onal gateway facili�es Telecommunica�ons projects involving satellites Contact/Call centers Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO)

Computer So�ware Programs and Applica�ons Development

8. Genera�on of New Sources of Energy Coco biodiesel Solar Biomass, biogas Hydroelectricity plants Ethanol


9. Transporta�on and Infrastructure Transporta�on

Port facili�es including RORO, container yardsTransshipment of cargoes (land, air, sea) Mass Transport Facili�es (LRT, Bus Rapid Transit) Passenger Terminals


IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code

· Shipbuilding - Building, repair, breaking· Infrastructure

- Air and sea ports; toll roads; railways; - Commercial infrastructure for trade and exposi�on - Waste management systems (solid and liquid),


· Agri-support facili�es (irriga�on, and modern post-harvest, cold- storage and blast freezing facili�es)

· Common bonded warehouses

10. Public-Private Partnership (PPP) ProjectsSolicited projects as contained in the inclusive list made by the Davao City Government for Public- Private Partnership (PPP) Program of the government

Ar�cle 17. Determina�on of Addi�onal Investment Area. – Based on a result of a study conducted by an independent economic and technical research group commissioned to review the provisions of the Code, and in consulta�on with the Board, the center may recommend investment areas for inclusion in the list of priority investment areas which upon due delibera�on and approval to the Board in a mee�ng validly held shall then be adopted for implementa�on under the Davao City Investment Code subject to the approval of the Sangguniang Panlungsod.

Basis for inclusion of investment areas are:1. It must generate high levels of employment;2. It must feature a high degree of value-added;3. It must create linkages with local industries;4. It must not have deleterious effect on the environment.


IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code

Ar�cle 18. Removal/Dele�on of a Preferred/Priority Investment Area. - Upon the recommenda�on of the Center, the Board may, through a resolu�on, remove an area or ac�vity from the list of preferred/priority areas for investments subject to the approval of the Sangguniang Panlungsod. Bases for the removal of Preferred Investment Area are as follows:

1. Sufficient investments in the area or ac�vity have been a�ained;

2. The con�nued extension of incen�ves or support measures for the specific investment area is no longer to the interest of Davao City; and

3. The investment area or ac�vity cannot a�ract investors within reasonable �me and cost or may result in unfavorable business climate.


Ar�cle 19. Qualifica�ons of a New Enterprise. -A New Enterprise which intends to avail of the incen�ves provided for in the Code must meet the following qualifica�ons:

1. The new enterprise must have complied with all the requirements mandated under exis�ng local and na�onal laws and the Cons�tu�on by and through presenta�on of cer�ficates of registra�on issued by either the Securi�es and Exchange Commission (SEC), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) or Coopera�ve Development Authority (CDA) and other na�onal and local government accredi�ng agencies, as the case may be;

2. The business enterprise place of opera�on or produc�on and/or facility must be located within the territorial jurisdic�on of Davao City; provided said real property, where the place of opera�on, produc�on and or facility is located, has not been a subject of nor is a present subject of reclassifica�on before the Sangguniang Panlungsod;


IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code

IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code


3. The investment must be among the approved “preferred / priority areas of investments”;

4. The investment must provide employment amongst local personnel/workers of Davao City as described under Ar�cle 6-G hereof;

5. The new proposed project of an enterprise must have a to-tal project cost and direct employment of:

Under excep�onal cases and for jus�fiable reasons clearly cited, the Board may adjust the minimum employment requirement for certain projects. Ar�cle 20. Qualifica�ons of an Exis�ng Enterprise. Exis�ng en-terprise which is expanding and/or diversifying, and intends to avail of the incen�ves under the Code must meet the following qualifica�ons:

1. It must have complied with all the requirements man-

dated under exis�ng local and na�onal laws and the Cons�tu�on, by and through the presenta�on of cer�fi-cates of registra�on issued by either the SEC, DTI, or CDA and other na�onal government accredi�ng agen-cies, as the case may be;

Project Size

Project Cost Employment Requirement

Small scale P3-million to P 15-million

Not less than Ten (10) Persons


over P15-million to P100-million

At least Twenty (20) Persons

Large-scale over P100 million At least One Hun-dred (100) persons

2. The expansion must be among the approved “preferred/priority areas of investments”;

3. The exis�ng enterprise will undertake any the following ac-�vi�es/projects:

a. Establish new branch, outlet or facility in a new loca�on within Davao City; or

b. Expand its exis�ng produc�on capacity or construct new buildings and other civil works for the installa�on of new machinery and equipment or improvements thereof which will result in an increase in produc�on capacity or for diversifica�on project;

4. That the expansion/diversifica�on shall have a total project

cost and direct employment of:

Ar�cle 21. Applica�on Process. – All applica�ons must be filed with the Board through the DCIPC. The same shall be recorded in a registra�on book which date of official acceptance shall be reckoned on the date the proponents comply with all the appli-ca�on requirements as defined in the next ar�cle and that the same are duly received by the Center.

Applica�ons for incen�ves shall be acted upon by the Center within ten (10) working days from the official acceptance and that the same shall be submi�ed to the Board with an addi�onal ten (10) working days for their proper disposi�on. All applica-�ons will only be deemed approved or disapproved by the Board in a mee�ng duly held for that purpose.

Project Size

Project Cost Employment Requirement

Small scale P3-million to P 15-million

Not less than Ten (10) Persons


over P15-million to P100-million

At least Twenty (20) Persons

Large-scale over P100 million At least One Hun-dred (100) persons

IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code


Ar�cle 22. Applica�on Requirements. All applica�ons shall be

deemed complete only upon compliance of the following stan-

dard requirements:

A. Filing Fee

The following non-refundable filing fee shall be paid as


P 5,000.00 for enterprises with a project cost of at least Three Million Pesos (P 3-Million) up to Five Million Pesos (P 5-Million);

P 10,000.00 for enterprises with a project cost of more than Five Million Pesos (P 5-Million) up to Ten Million Pesos (P 10-Million);

P 15,000.00 for enterprises with a project cost of more than Ten Million Pesos (P 10-Million) up to Forty Million Pesos (P 40-Million);

P 25,000.00 for enterprises with a project cost of more than Forty Million Pesos (P 40-Million) up to One Hundred Million Pesos (P100-Million);

P 50,000.00 for enterprises with a project cost of more than One Hundred Million Pesos (P 100-Million) up to One Billion Pesos (P 1-Billion); and

P 100,000.00 for enterprises with a project cost of more than One Billion Pesos (P 1-Billion).

IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code


B. Required Documents for Registra�on

For Single Proprietorship

1. Three (3) copies of duly accomplished and notarized applica�on form, copies of which can be secured from the Center or from the City Government’s web portal;

2. A copy of the project study of the proposed investment, indica�ng the financial and socio-economic impact of the project;

3. A cer�fied true copy of its Cer�ficate of Business Name Registra�on from the Department of Trade and Industry.

For Partnership and Corpora�on

1. Three (3) copies of duly accomplished and notarized applica�on form, copies of which can be secured from the Center or from the City Government’s web portal;

2. A copy of the project study of the proposed investment indica�ng the financial and socio-economic impact of the project;

3. A cer�fied true copy of the company’s Ar�cles of Partnership/Incorpora�on and By-laws as approved by the Securi�es and Exchange Commission;

4. Secretary’s Cer�ficate or Board Resolu�on authorizing the Partners or the Board of Directors, or any of their authorized representa�ve as the case may be, to file the applica�on.


IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code

For Expansion or diversifica�on projects

1 . C o p y o f t h e e n t e r p r i s e ’ a n n u a l s a l e s performance/gross sales with corresponding tax due from the City Treasurer’s Office for the last three years;

2. Copy of the enterprise’ annual real property tax assessment or tax due from the City Treasurer’s Office for the last three years.

Ar�cle 23. Registra�on and Approval Procedures.

A. Registra�on Procedure

1. All applica�ons shall be filed before the Davao City Investment Incen�ve Board through the DCIPC;

2. Applicants are required to pay the non-refundable filing fee as shown in Ar�cle 22-A (Filing Fee) of this Code;

3. Once all required documents are submi�ed, the project shall be recorded in the registra�on book and shall be evaluated by the Center a�er the registra�on;

4. If found unqualified, the Center shall inform the applicant in wri�ng;

5. If found qualified, the Center shall forward the applica�on to the Board for their proper disposi�on;

6. Once approved by the Board in a mee�ng validly held, the Center shall inform the applicant in wri�ng and delivers the Cer�ficate of Registra�on; and

7. The Center shall then inform all concerned local government offices and other en��es of such approval for their informa�on, guidance and appropriate ac�on.


IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code

B. Evalua�on Criteria The following criteria will be used in the evalua�on of applica-

�ons for registra�on under the new code:

1. The project cost and direct employment for new enterprises, or investments for expansion must be as follows:

2. Plant loca�on and business address of either new or ex-

panded or diversified enterprise must be within the territo-rial jurisdic�on of Davao City.

C. Cer�ficate of Registra�on

A registered enterprise under the Code shall be issued a Cer-�ficate of Registra�on with the signature of the Chairperson of the Board and/or such other officer as the Board may em-power and designate for the purpose. The Cer�ficate shall be on such form and style as the Board may determine and shall state, among other ma�ers, the following:

1. The name of the Registered Enterprise;

Project Size

Project Cost Employment

Small scale P3-million to P 15-million

Not less than Ten (10) Persons


over P15-million to P100-million

At least Twenty (20) Persons

Large-scale over P100 million At least One Hun-dred (100) persons in case of a large industry, unless under excep�onal cases to be deter-mined by the Board.

IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code


2. The preferred/priority area of investment in which the registered enterprise will engage in;

3. The other terms and condi�ons to be observed by the registered enterprise by virtue of its registra�on.


Ar�cle 24. Rights and Privileges Guaranteed by the Davao City Government – All enterprises registered under the Code are en�tled to the rights and guarantees provided by law and the Cons�tu�on, and as such, the City Government thru the Board shall:

a. Provide concise and comprehensive informa�on to prospec�ve investors on the economic priori�es of the City Government, including target investment areas and the general condi�ons applicable to incoming direct private investments;

b. Communicate investment evalua�on criteria and procedures through various publica�ons to enhance transparency in the process of gran�ng local government incen�ves;

c. Take the fullest possible account of the need of the investors for stability, growth and profit on their opera�ons, in the formula�on or modifica�on of policies and ordinances that affect investments;

d. Not interfere or modify arrangements with the investors a�er the details of the implementa�on of an investment project has been approved and accepted, and the ownership and management structure of the enterprise has been established, unless the law provides otherwise;


IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code

e. Avoid undue distor�on of compe��on between or among enterprises opera�ng within its territorial jurisdic�on, whether domes�c or foreign, when gran�ng any special exemp�ons or incen�ves aimed at encouraging investments in the iden�fied target areas;

f. In accordance with the law and where no local personnel or worker is qualified or capable and available, allow the employment of qualified foreign personnel where this is necessary, for the efficient opera�on of the enterprise or for technology transfer; and

g. Resolve all doubts concerning the benefits and incen�ves granted under the ordinances enacted for the purpose of encouraging investment, in favor of the investor.


Ar�cle 25. Tax Incen�ves to New Projects. - In addi�on to the incen�ves provided by the law and the na�onal government as well, an enterprise registered under the Code shall be fully exempted from the payment of: (As amended by City Ordinance no. 36, series of 1999 & City

Ordinance 0350-12, Series of 2012)

1. Business tax for a period of three (3) years star�ng from the date of the first sales ac�vity as evidenced by the first sales invoice or official receipt, whichever comes first, issued by the business/enterprise; and/or

2. Basic real property tax of real proper�es used in the registered business, excluding barangay share for two (2) years from the effec�vity or accrual of the real property tax on the new tax declara�on/assessment issued by the City Assessor’s Office; or, star�ng from the date of the first sales ac�vity as evidenced by the first sales invoice issued by the business/enterprise.


IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code

Ar�cle 26: Tax Incen�ves for Expansion Projects. An expanding enterprise registered under the Code shall be exempt from the payment of:

1. Business tax increments (where assessment increments are solely brought about by the expansion or diversifica�on) for a period of three (3) years star�ng from January of the succeeding year; and/or

2. Basic real property tax of real proper�es used in the registered business, excluding barangay share for two (2) years from the effec�vity or accrual of the real property tax on the new tax declara�on/assessment issued by the City Assessor’s Office.

Provided that the Board may reduce the period of incen�ve en�tlement if the project under considera�on does not meet the minimum employment requirement.

Ar�cle 27: Tax Incen�ves to Investments located in Preferred Districts. The following areas shall be considered as Preferred Districts: Districts of Calinan, Baguio, Marilog, and Paquibato. Investments situated in these areas may be exempted from payment of the following: Provided that the Board may reduce the period of en�tlement if the project does not meet the minimum requirement for employment

1. Business tax for a period of five (5) years star�ng from the date of the first sales ac�vity as evidenced by the first sales invoice or official receipt, whichever comes first, issued by the business/enterprise; and/or

2. Basic real property tax of real proper�es used in the registered business, excluding barangay share for five (5) years from the effec�vity or accrual of the real property tax on the new tax declara�on/assessment issued by the City Assessor’s Office.


IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code

Provided, however, that the Board, upon delibera�on, may opt to grant only the incen�ves provided under Ar�cle 25-1 and/or 25-2.

Ar�cle 28. Addi�onal Provisions. In order for enterprises to avail of the above incen�ves, the concerned project/s in such preferred investment areas or ac�vi�es should apply for incen�ves with the DCIPC within six (6) months from the date of the issuance of their business permit. Investments in such preferred investment areas or ac�vi�es whose period of opera�ons is already beyond the above prescribed period shall no longer be qualified to apply for incen�ves. (as amended by City Ordinance No. 36,

Series of 1999 & City Ordinance 0350-12, Series of 2012)

Furthermore, the City Treasurer’s Office is tasked to provide the Board the list and amount of incen�ves that every project has enjoyed during the exemp�on period, as may be requested.


Ar�cle 29. Appropria�ons. – To defray the expenses for personal services (P.S), monthly opera�ng and overhead expenses (MOOE) and Capital/Equipment Outlay necessary for the implementa�on of the provisions of this Ordinance, funds shall be sourced thru a Supplemental Budget from the General Fund and/or from the 20% Annual Development Fund. Appropria�ons for the succeeding years shall be included in the regular annual budget. Likewise, the Board and the Technical Secretariat shall be provided with necessary appropria�ons for its opera�on which would be chargeable to the Office of the City Mayor, as Chairperson of the Davao City Investment Incen�ve Board, in order to carry out its objec�ves and mandate.


IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code


Ar�cle 30. Visitorial Power of the Board and DCIPC. Visitorial Power of the Board and DCIPC - The Board, the DCIPC or any duly authorized member thereof may, at any �me, during office hours, inspect the premises, books of accounts and records of any enterprise covered by this Code, require it to submit reports regularly on prescribed forms and act on viola�on of any provision in this Code. Provided, a wri�en no�fica�on is served to the grantee, sta�ng the date and nature of inspec�on and the name of inspectors; However, the Board, the DCIPCany duly authorized member thereof, is not precluded from making unannounced visits as it may deem necessary.

Ar�cle 31. Submission of Reports and other Documents. Every registered enterprise shall, for each preferred/priority area of investments, submit to the Board the following reports and/or documents within the �me herein prescribed:

a. Amendment of Ar�cles of Incorpora�on or By-laws, Ar�cle of Partnership, or Ar�cles of Coopera�on, within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of submission of the said amendments with Securi�es and Exchange Commission or Coopera�ve Development Authority;

b. Change of Directors within thirty (30) calendar days from the change;

c. Report on alien officers or employees within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of registra�on or from the appointment of their aliens/replacements; Provided; that such aliens are registered as such with the Bureau of Immigra�on and Deporta�on (BID) and with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE);


IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code

e. Quarterly report on employment of bonafide Davao City residents including regular, contractual, temporary or hired through an agency within thirty (30) calendar days from the end of each quarter;

f. Quarterly report on the enterprise’s business opera�ons, including its produc�on or gross sales or receipts, and list of products and services that it provides to its customers within thirty (30) calendar days from the end of each quarter;

g. Audited Annual Financial Statements, within thirty (30) calendar days a�er its submission to the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR);

h. Report on total local incen�ves availed of under the Code; and

Other reports that may be required by the Board or the Center.


Ar�cle 32. Sanc�ons for Late Submission of Reportorial Requirements.- For late submission of the reportorial requirements, every registered enterprise shall, for each preferred/priority area of investment, be fined in accordance with the following:

sta. 1 viola�on – P 100.00 per day un�l the requirement has been fully complied with;

ndb. 2 viola�on – P 500.00 per day un�l the requirement has been fully complied with;

rdc. 3 viola�on – P 1,000.00 per day un�l the requirement has been fully complied with;

thd. 4 viola�on – cancella�on and revoca�on of the cer�ficate of registra�on.


IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code

In all instances, an enterprise is only allowed to comply and submit any report or document within a period of thirty (30) days, otherwise, its cer�ficate of registra�on, shall be subject to revoca�on by the Board. (as amended by City Ordinance 0350-12, Series of 2012)

Ar�cle 33. Penal Clause. – Any viola�on of the provisions of this Code, exis�ng laws, ordinances, rules and regula�ons, shall be ground for the cancella�on or revoca�on of the registra�on of the business and the withdrawal of all the incen�ves granted under the Code.

The Cer�ficate of Registra�on of a Business Enterprise, as provided in the Code and these Rules, may be canceled or revoked due to the following:

a. Viola�on of the provisions of the Code and these Rules;b. Viola�on of exis�ng local and na�onal laws, ordinances,

rules and regula�ons;c. Failure to commence actual project development within

one (1) year from approval of registra�on.

Cancella�on or revoca�on of the cer�ficate of registra�on shall mean the withdrawal of all the incen�ves granted under the Code; and all fees, charges and taxes previously exempted shall become due and demandable.

Upon the recommenda�on of the Center, the Board may cancel or revoke the Cer�ficate of Registra�on of the concerned business enterprise through a formal wri�en no�ce to that effect,

thand shall become effec�ve on the 16 day from the receipt thereof.


IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code

Ar�cle 34. Approval. - All decisions made by the Board on the applica�ons shall be final and executory.

Ar�cle 35. Separability Clause. - The provisions of these Rules are hereby declared to be separable, and in the event that one or more of the provisions hereof are held illegal or uncons�tu�onal, the validity of the other provisions shall not be affected thereby.

Ar�cle 36. Repealing Clause. - All other Implemen�ng Rules and Regula�ons inconsistent with these Rules are hereby modified or repealed accordingly.

Ar�cle 37. Effec�vity. – These Rules shall take effect thirty (30) days a�er its publica�on in a newspaper of general circula�on and pos�ng in three (3) consecu�ve weeks in conspicuous places at the City Hall of Davao.


IRR Davao City Investment Incentive Code

DAVAO CITY INVESTMENT PROMOTION CENTERDoor 7, Magsaysay Park Complex, R. Magsaysay Ave., Davao City 8000 Philippines

Tel. No.: +63 82 227-2860 / 227-2870

Telefax: +63 82 227-2880

Email: [email protected]

Website: davaocity.gov.ph/dcipc