david cook cambio interview

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  • 8/7/2019 David Cook Cambio Interview


    David Cook Cambio Interview -- April 27, 2011

    Interviewer: Quddus Philippe

    Quddus: David Cook recently made time out of his busy schedule the day after his big Idol performance

    to talk with us about Steven Tyler and company and his new album.

    David: I think the difference between this new record and the last one is really just the amount of time I

    had to kind of explore, you know, the songs and the sounds. I think with the first record, we had four

    and a half months from the beginning of the writing process to the finished product. And this time, it

    was kind of more of an open-ended schedule. And so it really allowed me and my producer Matt

    Serletic the time to take each song and really find the right instrumentation, whether it be, you know, in

    my case a guitar, or uh, weird instruments like a sitar or a theremin, or all these crazy things that ended

    up creating this awesome landscape throughout the record.

    David: Going back to Idol this time around and playin' the new single was uh, there was a lot of anxiety.

    It was good nervous energy, I think. And any time I go back to the show, there's always that nervous

    energy. You walk on stage, and it's like: Uh...I kind of remember what this was like. And, you know, you

    kinda get a little nauseous, and...but about twenty, thirty seconds in, you start to really feel at home,

    and...you know, the new contestants this year, to get to meet them was great. And the new judges,

    Steven Tyler and J. Lo., and...Steven Tyler's a riot. I absolutely loved meetin' him, and uh...I wasn't really

    into him hittin' on my mom...the way he did. But that's...that's OK.

    David: To have Simon Fuller choose me to sing the send-off song this year was a huge honor. I have

    nothing but the utmost respect for Simon, and it was an absolute blast. I'm sure the kids that are

    getting voted off every week probably hate that song, but...I've been really pleased with how the song

    has kind of blended in with the show a little bit.

    David: I think in terms of being this successful, I have always kind of operated on the "hope for the best,

    expect the worst" mantra, you know? I always hoped I'd be here, and I always kinda felt like I had it in

    me to get here, but it really is, it's an uphill climb. I mean, I've been doin' this a long time, and then to

    finally have that opportunity open up, it was massive, you know? So now it's just, I'm tryin' to take the

    bull by the horns and enjoy every moment, and make sure that uh...I do what I can to stick around a

    little while longer.