davis, roper co., · 2017. 12. 18. · large audlonce board the rev. sam, who, from roports that...

CLINTON HAD A GREAT DAY. Thirty-Ninth Anniversary Was Celebrated. HEY WARD PRESENT. Baseball Game Played in the Afternoon. Newberry Defeated the Presbyterian College in a Flue Contest.About 1,500 People Attended. The Thirty-ninth anniversary of the Clinton Presbyterian Sunday School Saturday was another great day for Clinton and the 1,500 people who were present for the speaking. . Everybody had a good time. The din¬ ner was splendid and there were^whole regiments of protty girls. A number of people from Laurons were In the as¬ semblage. Governor Duncan Clinch Hoyward was a guest and made two speeches. His topic was Education and he handled it well. He spoko twice.once in the church which was of course crowded and aftorwards to the crowd outside. The governor was given an enthu¬ siastic reception and the assemblage seemod pleased with hia sperch. Kev. George U. Atkinson of Char¬ lotte delivered an address which was greatly enjoyed. The program of exercises by the children was well rendored as usual. In the afternoon a game of base-ball was played between Newberry College and the Presbyterian College,the score resulting 4 to 1 In favor of the New- berry team. It was a good game, dose con tos', ed. Saturday night Rev. Sam P. Jones lectured. This was a pay looture. A large audlonce board the Rev. Sam, who, from roports that havo come hero, ripped around smartly and raised all the catn convenient. Of course he said a groat many snrirt things, be¬ cause the Rev. Sam Is one of the smartest citizens alloat. He doos not know how to be dull and he means well and, on the whole, does a lot of good. program ado pte d for memorial day. Address to be Delivered by Col J. P. Thomas of Columbia.Crosses of Honor. Laurens Chapter Daughters of tho Confederacy, have arranged tho following Programmo to bo observed on Memorial Day, May 15th instant: Meet in Court House at 3 30 P. M. 1. Prayer, by Rev. W. 13. Duncan. 2. Annual Address, by Col. J. P. Thomas.introduced by Col. H. Y. Simpson. 3. Presentation Crosses of Honor to Voterans. 4. Col. Thomas will hand tho Crosses to tho young lady Daughters, who will pin them on tho Veterans. 5. Formation of procession : 1. Chil¬ dren ; 2. Citizens; 3. Vctcranp. G. Procession formed by Mr. C. D. Barksdale, Chief Marshal. March to Cemetery, left in front; hale at gate, opon ranks, enter by inverted order, and assemble around the Canopy. at cemetery, 1. Heading Roll of Honor by Mr. W. W. Ball. 2. Conclusion of Ceremonies. Decor¬ ation of Soldiers' Graves. Tho Chief Marshal will call to his as¬ sistance as many of the Sons of Veterans as ho may deem neces«ry. The ladlos of tho chapter request tho merchants and business men to close their places during tho hours. Mr. d. j. entrekin married in florida. Professors Jones and Rico Reclectcd Teachers of the a ray Court- Owiugs Institute. Gray Court, May 11..Mr. D. J. Entrekin of this place and Miss Pooser of Cold Water, Fla., were married at the home of the bride last week, and returned horo on last Friday. This was cjulte a romantic marriage. We widh them much happiness. At a mooting of tho trus'ees on last Friday, Pro'. T. F. Jones and A. Q. Rloe were unanimously elected teach¬ ers of the Gray Court-Owings Institute for tho next school year. The other teachers will bo elected later. Miss Alles McCarloy, who ha9 been teaching here hss returned to her home. She has given perfect satisfac¬ tion as teacher. TheEntrek:n Q arry Comptny are shipping lotJ of gran'te now from their splendid quarry. Mr. J. D. 'Rhodes, one of our llvo-a!- home farmers, s: Id tome as flm» home-raised hams hero last week as we ever saw. _ P. MEET FIFTH SUNDAY. First Heel Ion or Laurens Assoc'atlon at Lanford Baptist Church. The Union Mooting of tho Flrot Sec¬ tion of Laurens Association will con¬ vene with tho Lnnfdrd Baptist Church *"bn Saturday before tho Fifth Sunday, instant, at 10 o'clock promptly. 1st: Devotional service conducted by J. W. l anford. f QUERY. 1st: The legitimate acquirements of money..Opened by Rev. O. L. Jonec, followed by Wm. Simpson, (b) And legitimate expenditure of same..Wm. Power and John Riddle. 2nd: What are some of the duties Christ taught us lo perform?.Dr. J. R. Fowler and J. T. Cook. 3rd: What are the signs of the times spiritually in our Churches? 0. H, and T. J. Hughes. Sunday morning services, conducted by W. S. Knight. Missionary Sermon, Rev. 0. L. Johns; alternate, Rev E. 0. Watson » B. W. Lanford, For Committee. 1 BOB TAYLOR WILL LECTURE HERE. Juno 4th His Date.Tennessee's Great Orator Will Give an Even- lug or Delight. Kx-Governor Bob Taylor of Tonues- seo will looture in the opera house on the even big of June 4th and there will be more fun than has been heard in Laurens in years. Manager Vance has boon doing his best to get Governor Taylor and by hard work his efforts have succeeded. For fun and eloquence there is none like Taylor. Ho will charm everybody and all who can, both of tho city and the county, should hear him. A special train will be arranged from Olinton leaving after stores closo und returning after the lecture. Tickots enough for a good houso have already been engaged.that was neces¬ sary beforo the engagement could bo made. All who want good soati should cecure them without waiting. Death of Mr. James Hani. News has been received here of the death in Goldvilie of Mr. Jamea Ham who lived here last year. Ho was a brave soldier of the Confederacy an'l a pensioner. He drew his last pension last wcok. Mr. Ham was a native of Tennessee and served in (he famous Morgan cavalry. For many years he lived near Cross Hill. TO HOLD TENT MEETING. It Will Begin on Sunday, May 17, on Depot Lot. A tent meeting will begin on tho de¬ pot lot, this city, Sunday, May, 17. It will be conducted by Rev. P. B Klnard and the Rev. Mr. Ehrlio. Mr. Ehrlio is a convorted Jew. Both aro said to be good preachf rs. Tho public is cordially invited to the services. OFF FOR THE REUNION. Largo Number of Veterans Left For' Columbia Yesterday. A largo number of veterans of this] city and from all parts of tho county loft on yestorday's train for tho Con¬ federate reunion in Columbia. Col. Crows, the Commander, is with the Camp Garlington dolegation. Miss Nellio Bolt, tho Camp Fponsor, wtnt down Monday. "OLD GORGON'S" ALPHABET Some Modern Maxims by John Graham, Pork Packer CompQtd From "Letters From a Self Made Merchant to his Son," by George Horace Larimer A tactful man can pull the stinger from a bee without getting stung. Benuty is only skin dcop, but that's deep enough to satisfy auy reason¬ able man. Clothes don't make the man, but they make all of htm except his bands and face during business hours. Duty means something unpleasant which the other fellow ought to do. Easiest way to moke enemies is to hire friends. Fools will turn out fools whether they go to college or not. Give most men n good listener and most women enough note paper, and they'll tell all they know. Hot air can take up a balloon a long ways, but it can't keep it there. If you give some fellows a talent wrap¬ ped In a napkin to start with in busi¬ ness, they would swap the talent for a gold brick and lose the napkin. Just to bo sociable some men will eat a little food now and then, but what they really live on is tobacco. Knowing how to be humble Is a heap moro important than knowing how to be proud. Loyally is the one commodity that hasn't any market value, and it's the one you can't pay too much for. Marriages may be made in heaven, but most engagements are made in the back parlor with the gas so low that a fellow doesn't really get a square look at what he's taking. Never threaten, becauso a threat is a promise to pay that isn't always con¬ venient to meet, but if you don't make it good it hurts your credit. Of course you're in no position yet to think of being engaged, and that's why I'm a little afraid that you may be planning to got married. Pulling from above and boosting from below make climbing easy. Quick to tire, slow to hire.when you've found you've hired the wroug man you can't get rid of him too quick. Remember that when you're right you can afford to keep your temper and that when you're wrong you can't afford to lose it 8ay less than the other fellow and listen moro than you talk, for when a man's listening he isn't telling on himself, and he's flattering tho fellow who is. Tho follow who has to break open tho baby's bauk toward tho last of the week for car fare isn't going to be any Russell Sage. Unmarried men are n good deal like a piece of unimproved real estate.they aren't of any particular use except to build on. Vacation of two weeks.enough to make a sick boy well or a lazy one lazier. Whenever any one offers to let you in on the ground floor It's a pretty safe rule to take the elevator to the roof garden. X-nmple Is only a small part of a man¬ ager's duties. You am trust a woman's taste on ev¬ erything except men, and It's mighty lucky that she slips np there or we'd pretty nigh all be bachelors. Zulus, explained the deacon, are de¬ prived of twenty-five helpful Utile tracts every time you smoke a two bit cigar. QUICK ARRE8T. J. A. Gulledge of Verbena, Ala., was twice in the hospital from a severe case of piles causing 24 tnnlors. After doctors and all remedies failed, Buok- len's Arnloa Salve quiokly arrested further inflammation and oured him. It conquers aches and kills pain. 26c. at Lanrens Drng Co. and Palmetto $ Cheaper than Anybody. LAU RENS, S. C. and Wagons Come and See. $ We've Been Hacking away at you now, for sometime. A good many chips have fallen but we intend to keep right on until further orders. The news of this store ought to be interesting reading for everybody who likes to get the value of his money. We're talking now of all-around values. It doesn't do to forget that a thing may be worth thu price and yet not be up-to-date. You wouldn't kick very much, if we gave you your money's worth even in that way , perhaps ; but we want to do better by you still. Therefore, we're never satisfied unless we can give you an " all around good bargain" for your cash. Such an offering, we think we have in this season's . SUMMER UNDERWEAR. Our shelves and counters groan beneath the weight of just the kinds you are looking for. Not like the trashy kind, that goes to pieces in the first wash¬ ing.but built for strong men to thrash around in. Here are a few sorts. The prices tell their own story: Best Egyptian Balbriggan Shirts, 50 cents; Good Balbriggan Shirts, 25 cents. HOSE FOR MEN. Men's Socks, in large variety from heavy cotton socks, at 5c. and 10 cents a pair, to the dainty lace family and their fancy relations, in every color and style 25 cts to 50 cents. flEN'S CLOTHING. We would like you to see the new Suits, black and blue, and colored $10.00. Confident that you cannot duplicate the quality for le$s than a third more than our price. Extra Trousers at $2.00, $3.00 $3.50 and up to $7.00. CLOTHING FOR B0Y5. From the tiny mite of humanity "the three year old" up to the yo.uth well advanced in his "teens," suits are here, to fit and to please. Not only pleasing in looks, quality and service possibilities, but pleasing in price. A splendid line of boy's odd pants at 50 cents and 75 cents. tE0F~ No matter what your wants may be, you'll find this a pretty good place to come to when you want to supply them. Our prices are always interesting and our offerings attractive, because live men are behind this business who have your interests in mind as well as their own. J. E. flinter & Bro., Laurens, S. C. Clothing, Shoes and Dry Goods. %jA¦'< wA» <JU ift VtV '.A. ^It "JLr '-JjU"JL Yfci ]JL WU *h> ffi ~io.iA.fci "iL JL «flu' JL. vfl- ^^ft-^ .A. *H Jim *Ai '4- Ui. '«!¦ "JL JL .,1m ¦ i. mim JL \i; .1. 'JL In^Fn^Tn /Ts /%s/W\ s¥\ /Fs /»\ /9\VVn /Is /f\ .IN .'Ts /IS /Ts / Ifs . «Ts /Ys /ffs. .Ys /Ts /»\ Tis /Ts. /Ts /Is/Ts .\ JTs /TT" .s /Ts /*\ /Is / In . /Ts /Ts /Ts /Ts /Ts.TS /Ts 'T\ s9\ 7Wn. »n ! Ts . T Davis, Roper Co., LAURENS, ©. C Men We Want to Talk To: We believe that if every man in Laurens was a clothing expert.if every man, in Lanrens knew the positive facts in the case.that every man in Lanrens would come straight to us for all his Clothing. Koch week we will publish a little ar¬ gument on this subject. This week's argument is directed To the Man who Wants the Newest Styles. As a matter of fact, there is no other store in Laurens that keeps in constant touch with the style-changes like we do. As soon as the manufacturers have brought out a new design, we arc notified.thus the latest styles arc constantly among our showing. If a man wants to be sure of wearing up-to-the- minute styles in clothing, there is only one store in Laurens to seek. Davis, Ropku & Co. Hot hers Should note the lact that we are headquarters for all the newest things in childrens' and boys' suits, our line is complete 'and we can do you good. Don't forget our line of shoes, slippers and, ox¬ fords, our prices cant be duplicated by any. We want your business, Ladies Department! This week we want to call your spe¬ cial attention to our Corset Department. \ye have the exclusive sale of the best lines of Corsets in America. The W. B. and Royal Worcester the Standards of Profection and America's leading Corsets made in styles to fit all figures, Slender, Medium and Stout, Long and Short Waisted. Prices 50c to $1.50. Ask to see W. B. Extended hip 989 at $1.00 and 917 with hose supporters attached at $1.00. The Royal Worcester, Prin¬ cess shape 482 at $1.00 and 432 with hose supporters attached $1.00. Call and let us show you. MILLINERY. Woman's headware, the stylish, becoming kind for Dress and Street wear. Ready-to-don or those to order at prices that will interest you. Davis, x^ojoef & Co. Famous Outfitters and Leaders of the Fashions. KEEP YOUR TEETH. It's quite easy to keep them, and to keep them sound and white. But to do so requires a little daily care. Thorough brushing with a good brush and a little dentifrice will prevent decay.a clean tooth will not decay in a hundred years. Right Tooth Brushes. A Tooth Brush is a little thing, but it pays to use a good one and it's well to buy them at the right price. Vfe have a splendid stock of the best sorts of tooth ^brushes ; genuine tooth savers, and we make close prices on them. Also carry a line of the best dentifrices ; pastes, powders and liquids. W. W. DODSON. CONFEDERATE VETERANS. Low Rates to Re=union. LAURENS TO NEW ORLEANS <^zbBb^AND RETURN>*sss^> VIA SEABOARD AIR LINE Quickest and most direct Route Laurens to New Orleans is Via Seaboard Air Line. *> Tickets on Sale May 16th to -'1st inclusive. He \sure your Tickets read via Seaboard .1 ir Line. For all information as to Rates, Schedules (did Train Service, write or wire W. II. SHAJWS, Agent, Clinton, S. C. R. B. MORRIS, Agen t, (Ireen wood, S. C. J. A. von Dohlen, Trav. Pass Agent, Atlanta, (la. W. K. Christian, Asst. Gen. J'ass Agent. «^ZfäZBBBa^ POR ,--s^S§^> Fertilizing Grain. TOP COATING/ - «s* WE HAVE HI it/There's nothing like NITRATE of SODA. Any good Farmer will tell you so. Spanish Seed Pinders for Sale. Dried Ap¬ ples, Dried Peaches. We also have, for sowing, these grains: Amber and Orange Cane Seed, German Millet, Red Clover, Lucerne and all Garden Seeds. Fresh and Reliable==Best Varieties. KENNEDY BROS OUR BEST ADVERTISEMENT Is what our customers say about us. We try to make to day's trade enlarge to-mouow's. Every customer will send a lew friends.that's the kind of advertising we want. Our goods are cheap, not because of lowness of price alone, but because excellent quality is always combined with a very low price. If it comes from Tile Hub, it's right. In Dress Goods we have all the new and stylish weaves, Eta mines, Vailes, Twines, 50c, 75c. and $f.oo per yard. In White Goods and Wash Fabrics of every kind the values cannot be matched, 5c. to 25c. per yard. In niilinery we just about cover the ground. Bach indi¬ vidual hat is made with special care to suit each individual customer, and the most pleas¬ ing feature of all is- the price. Our guar antee , your money's worth or your money back goes with every purchase. TEE IE HUB Dial Corner.

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Page 1: Davis, Roper Co., · 2017. 12. 18. · large audlonce board the Rev. Sam, who, from roports that havo come hero, ripped aroundsmartlyandraised all the catn convenient. Of course he


Thirty-Ninth AnniversaryWas Celebrated.


Baseball Game Played inthe Afternoon.

Newberry Defeated the PresbyterianCollege in a Flue Contest.About

1,500 People Attended.

The Thirty-ninth anniversary of theClinton Presbyterian Sunday SchoolSaturday was another great day forClinton and the 1,500 people who were

present for the speaking.. Everybody had a good time. The din¬ner was splendid and there were^wholeregiments of protty girls. A numberof people from Laurons were In the as¬

semblage.Governor Duncan Clinch Hoyward

was a guest and made two speeches.His topic was Education and he handledit well. He spoko twice.once in thechurch which was of course crowdedand aftorwards to the crowd outside.The governor was given an enthu¬

siastic reception and the assemblageseemod pleased with hia sperch.Kev. George U. Atkinson of Char¬

lotte delivered an address which was

greatly enjoyed.The program of exercises by the

children was well rendored as usual.In the afternoon a game of base-ball

was played between Newberry Collegeand the Presbyterian College,the score

resulting 4 to 1 In favor of the New-berry team. It was a good game,dose con tos', ed.Saturday night Rev. Sam P. Jones

lectured. This was a pay looture. Alarge audlonce board the Rev. Sam,who, from roports that havo come

hero, ripped around smartly and raisedall the catn convenient. Of course hesaid a groat many snrirt things, be¬cause the Rev. Sam Is one of thesmartest citizens alloat. He doos notknow how to be dull and he means

well and, on the whole, does a lot ofgood.

program adopte dfor memorial day.

Address to be Delivered by Col J. P.Thomas of Columbia.Crosses

of Honor.

Laurens Chapter Daughters of thoConfederacy, have arranged tho followingProgrammo to bo observed on MemorialDay, May 15th instant:

Meet in Court House at 3 30 P. M.1. Prayer, by Rev. W. 13. Duncan.2. Annual Address, by Col. J. P.

Thomas.introduced by Col. H. Y.Simpson.

3. Presentation Crosses of Honor toVoterans.

4. Col. Thomas will hand tho Crossesto tho young lady Daughters, who willpin them on tho Veterans.

5. Formation of procession : 1. Chil¬dren ; 2. Citizens; 3. Vctcranp.

G. Procession formed by Mr. C. D.Barksdale, Chief Marshal. March toCemetery, left in front; hale at gate,opon ranks, enter by inverted order, andassemble around the Canopy.

at cemetery,1. Heading Roll of Honor by Mr. W.

W. Ball.2. Conclusion of Ceremonies. Decor¬

ation of Soldiers' Graves.

Tho Chief Marshal will call to his as¬sistance as many of the Sons of Veteransas ho may deem neces«ry.The ladlos of tho chapter request tho

merchants and business men to closetheir places during tho hours.

Mr. d. j. entrekinmarried in florida.

Professors Jones and Rico ReclectcdTeachers of the a ray Court-

Owiugs Institute.

Gray Court, May 11..Mr. D. J.Entrekin of this place and Miss Pooserof Cold Water, Fla., were married atthe home of the bride last week, andreturned horo on last Friday. Thiswas cjulte a romantic marriage. Wewidh them much happiness.At a mooting of tho trus'ees on last

Friday, Pro'. T. F. Jones and A. Q.Rloe were unanimously elected teach¬ers of the Gray Court-Owings Institutefor tho next school year. The otherteachers will bo elected later.

Miss Alles McCarloy, who ha9 beenteaching here hss returned to herhome. She has given perfect satisfac¬tion as teacher.TheEntrek:n Q arry Comptny are

shipping lotJ of gran'te now from theirsplendid quarry.Mr. J. D. 'Rhodes, one of our llvo-a!-

home farmers, s: Id tome as flm»home-raised hams hero last week aswe ever saw.




First Heel Ion or Laurens Assoc'atlonat Lanford Baptist Church.

The Union Mooting of tho Flrot Sec¬tion of Laurens Association will con¬vene with tho Lnnfdrd Baptist Church

*"bn Saturday before tho Fifth Sunday,instant, at 10 o'clock promptly.

1st: Devotional service conducted byJ. W. l anford. f

QUERY.1st: The legitimate acquirements of

money..Opened by Rev. O. L. Jonec,followed by Wm. Simpson, (b) Andlegitimate expenditure of same..Wm.Power and John Riddle.2nd: What are some of the duties

Christ taught us lo perform?.Dr. J. R.Fowler and J. T. Cook.

3rd: What are the signs of the timesspiritually in our Churches? 0. H,and T. J. Hughes.Sunday morning services, conducted

by W. S. Knight.Missionary Sermon, Rev. 0. L.

Johns; alternate, Rev E. 0. Watson »

B. W. Lanford,For Committee.



Juno 4th I» His Date.Tennessee'sGreat Orator Will Give an Even-

lug or Delight.Kx-Governor Bob Taylor of Tonues-

seo will looture in the opera house onthe even big of June 4th and there willbe more fun than has been heard inLaurens in years.Manager Vance has boon doing his

best to get Governor Taylor and byhard work his efforts have succeeded.For fun and eloquence there is none

like Taylor. Ho will charm everybodyand all who can, both of tho city andthe county, should hear him.A special train will be arranged from

Olinton leaving after stores closo undreturning after the lecture.Tickots enough for a good houso have

already been engaged.that was neces¬sary beforo the engagement could bomade. All who want good soati shouldcecure them without waiting.

Death of Mr. James Hani.News has been received here of the

death in Goldvilie of Mr. Jamea Hamwho lived here last year. Ho was a

brave soldier of the Confederacy an'l a

pensioner. He drew his last pensionlast wcok. Mr. Ham was a native ofTennessee and served in (he famousMorgan cavalry. For many years helived near Cross Hill.


It Will Begin on Sunday, May 17, onDepot Lot.

A tent meeting will begin on tho de¬pot lot, this city, Sunday, May, 17.

It will be conducted by Rev. P. BKlnard and the Rev. Mr. Ehrlio. Mr.Ehrlio is a convorted Jew.Both aro said to be good preachf rs.

Tho public is cordially invited to theservices.


Largo Number of Veterans Left For'Columbia Yesterday.

A largo number of veterans of this]city and from all parts of tho countyloft on yestorday's train for tho Con¬federate reunion in Columbia. Col.Crows, the Commander, is with theCamp Garlington dolegation.Miss Nellio Bolt, tho Camp Fponsor,

wtnt down Monday.


Some Modern Maxims by JohnGraham, Pork Packer

CompQtd From "Letters From a Self MadeMerchant to his Son," by GeorgeHorace Larimer

A tactful man can pull the stinger froma bee without getting stung.

Benuty is only skin dcop, but that'sdeep enough to satisfy auy reason¬able man.

Clothes don't make the man, but theymake all of htm except his bands andface during business hours.

Duty means something unpleasantwhich the other fellow ought to do.

Easiest way to moke enemies is to hirefriends.

Fools will turn out fools whether theygo to college or not.

Give most men n good listener andmost women enough note paper, andthey'll tell all they know.

Hot air can take up a balloon a longways, but it can't keep it there.

If you give some fellows a talent wrap¬ped In a napkin to start with in busi¬ness, they would swap the talent fora gold brick and lose the napkin.

Just to bo sociable some men will eata little food now and then, but whatthey really live on is tobacco.

Knowing how to be humble Is a heapmoro important than knowing howto be proud.

Loyally is the one commodity thathasn't any market value, and it's theone you can't pay too much for.

Marriages may be made in heaven, butmost engagements are made in theback parlor with the gas so low thata fellow doesn't really get a squarelook at what he's taking.

Never threaten, becauso a threat is apromise to pay that isn't always con¬venient to meet, but if you don'tmake it good it hurts your credit.

Of course you're in no position yet tothink of being engaged, and that'swhy I'm a little afraid that you maybe planning to got married.

Pulling from above and boosting frombelow make climbing easy.

Quick to tire, slow to hire.when you'vefound you've hired the wroug manyou can't get rid of him too quick.

Remember that when you're right youcan afford to keep your temper andthat when you're wrong you can'tafford to lose it

8ay less than the other fellow andlisten moro than you talk, for whena man's listening he isn't telling onhimself, and he's flattering tho fellowwho is.

Tho follow who has to break open thobaby's bauk toward tho last of theweek for car fare isn't going to beany Russell Sage.

Unmarried men are n good deal like apiece of unimproved real estate.theyaren't of any particular use except tobuild on.

Vacation of two weeks.enough tomake a sick boy well or a lazy onelazier.

Whenever any one offers to let you inon the ground floor It's a pretty saferule to take the elevator to the roofgarden.

X-nmple Is only a small part of a man¬ager's duties.

You am trust a woman's taste on ev¬erything except men, and It's mightylucky that she slips np there or we'dpretty nigh all be bachelors.

Zulus, explained the deacon, are de¬prived of twenty-five helpful Utiletracts every time you smoke a twobit cigar.

QUICK ARRE8T.J. A. Gulledge of Verbena, Ala.,

was twice in the hospital from a severecase of piles causing 24 tnnlors. Afterdoctors and all remedies failed, Buok-len's Arnloa Salve quiokly arrestedfurther inflammation and oured him.It conquers aches and kills pain. 26c.at Lanrens Drng Co. and Palmetto

$ Cheaper than Anybody.LAURENS, S. C.

and WagonsCome and See. $

We've Been Hackingaway at you now, for sometime. A good many chips have fallen

but we intend to keep right on until further orders. The news of this store ought tobe interesting reading for everybody who likes to get the value of his money.

We're talking now of all-around values. It doesn't do to forget that a

thing may be worth thu price and yet not be up-to-date. You wouldn't kick verymuch, if we gave you your money's worth even in that way , perhaps ; but we wantto do better by you still. Therefore, we're never satisfied unless we can give youan " all around good bargain" for your cash. Such an offering, we think we havein this season's

. SUMMER UNDERWEAR.Our shelves and counters groan beneath the weight of just the kinds you

are looking for. Not like the trashy kind, that goes to pieces in the first wash¬ing.but built for strong men to thrash around in. Here are a few sorts. Theprices tell their own story: Best Egyptian Balbriggan Shirts, 50 cents; GoodBalbriggan Shirts, 25 cents.

HOSE FOR MEN.Men's Socks, in large variety from heavy cotton socks, at 5c. and 10 cents a

pair, to the dainty lace family and their fancy relations, in every color and style25 cts to 50 cents.

flEN'S CLOTHING.We would like you to see the new Suits, black and blue, and colored $10.00.

Confident that you cannot duplicate the quality for le$s than a third more thanour price. Extra Trousers at $2.00, $3.00 $3.50 and up to $7.00.

CLOTHING FOR B0Y5.From the tiny mite of humanity "the three year old" up to the yo.uth well

advanced in his "teens," suits are here, to fit and to please. Not only pleasingin looks, quality and service possibilities, but pleasing in price. A splendid lineof boy's odd pants at 50 cents and 75 cents.

tE0F~ No matter what your wants may be, you'll find this a pretty good place to come to when youwant to supply them. Our prices are always interesting and our offerings attractive, because live men are behindthis business who have your interests in mind as well as their own.

J. E. flinter & Bro.,Laurens, S. C. Clothing, Shoes and Dry Goods.

%jA¦'< wA» <JU ift VtV '.A. ^It "JLr '-JjU"JL Yfci ]JL WU *h> ffi ~io.iA.fci "iL JL «flu' JL. vfl- ^^ft-^ .A. *H Jim *Ai '4- Ui. '«!¦ "JL JL .,1m ¦ i. mim JL \i; .1. 'JLIn^Fn^Tn /Ts /%s/W\ s¥\ /Fs /»\ /9\VVn /Is /f\ .IN .'Ts /IS /Ts / Ifs. «Ts /Ys /ffs. .Ys /Ts /»\ Tis /Ts. /Ts /Is/Ts .\ JTs /TT" .s /Ts /*\ /Is / In. /Ts /Ts /Ts /Ts /Ts.TS /Ts 'T\ s9\ 7Wn. »n ! Ts . T

Davis, Roper Co.,LAURENS, ©. C

Men We Want to Talk To:We believe that if every man in Laurens was a

clothing expert.if every man, in Lanrens knewthe positive facts in the case.that every man inLanrens would come straight to us for all hisClothing. Koch week we will publish a little ar¬

gument on this subject. This week's argument isdirected

To the Man whoWants the Newest Styles.

As a matter of fact, there isno other store in Laurensthat keeps in constant touchwith the style-changes likewe do. As soon as themanufacturers have broughtout a new design, we arcnotified.thus the lateststyles arc constantly amongour showing.

If a man wants to besure of wearing up-to-the-minute styles in clothing,there is only one store inLaurens to seek.

Davis, Ropku & Co.

Hothers Shouldnote the lact that we

are headquarters for all thenewest things in childrens'and boys' suits, our line iscomplete 'and we can doyou good.

Don't forget our lineof shoes, slippers and, ox¬fords, our prices cant beduplicated by any. Wewant your business,

Ladies Department!This week we want to call your spe¬

cial attention to our Corset Department.\ye have the exclusive sale of the bestlines of Corsets in America. The W. B.and Royal Worcester the Standards ofProfection and America's leading Corsetsmade in styles to fit all figures, Slender,Medium and Stout, Long and ShortWaisted. Prices 50c to $1.50. Ask tosee W. B. Extended hip 989 at $1.00and 917 with hose supporters attachedat $1.00. The Royal Worcester, Prin¬cess shape 482 at $1.00 and 432 withhose supporters attached $1.00. Calland let us show you.

MILLINERY.Woman's headware, the stylish,becoming kind for Dress andStreet wear. Ready-to-donor those to order at pricesthat will interest you.

Davis, x^ojoef & Co.Famous Outfitters and Leaders of the Fashions.

KEEP YOUR TEETH.It's quite easy to keep them, and to keep them sound and white.

But to do so requires a little daily care. Thoroughbrushing with a good brush and a little dentifrice

will prevent decay.a clean tooth willnot decay in a hundred years.

Right Tooth Brushes.A Tooth Brush is a little thing, but it pays to use a good one

and it's well to buy them at the right price. Vfehave a splendid stock of the best sorts of tooth

^brushes ; genuine tooth savers, and wemake close prices on them.

Also carry a line of the best dentifrices ; pastes, powdersand liquids.





Quickest and most direct Route Laurens to NewOrleans is Via Seaboard Air Line. *>

Tickets on Sale May 16th to -'1st inclusive. He\sure your Tickets read via Seaboard .1 ir Line.

For all information as to Rates, Schedules (didTrain Service, write or wire

W. II. SHAJWS, Agent, Clinton, S. C.R. B. MORRIS, Agen t, (Ireen wood, S. C.

J. A. von Dohlen, Trav. Pass Agent, Atlanta, (la.W. K. Christian, Asst. Gen. J'ass Agent.

«^ZfäZBBBa^ POR ,--s^S§^>

Fertilizing Grain.TOP COATING/ - «s*

WE HAVE HIit/There's nothing like NITRATE of SODA.

Any good Farmer will tell you so.

Spanish Seed Pinders for Sale. Dried Ap¬ples, Dried Peaches.We also have, for sowing, these grains:Amber and Orange Cane Seed, German Millet,Red Clover, Lucerne and all Garden Seeds.Fresh and Reliable==Best Varieties.


OUR BEST ADVERTISEMENTIs what our customers say about us. We tryto make to day's trade enlarge to-mouow's.Every customer will send a lew friends.that'sthe kind of advertising we want. Our goodsare cheap, not because of lowness of pricealone, but because excellent quality is alwayscombined with a very low price. If it comesfrom Tile Hub, it's right.

In Dress Goodswe have all the new and stylish weaves, Etamines, Vailes, Twines, 50c, 75c. and $f.ooper yard.

In White Goodsand Wash Fabrics of every kind the valuescannot be matched, 5c. to 25c. per yard.In niilinerywe just about cover the ground. Bach indi¬vidual hat is made with special care to suiteach individual customer, and the most pleas¬ing feature of all is- the price. Our guarantee , your money's worth or your money backgoes with every purchase.

TEEIEHUBDial Corner.