day 3 group b....aftermath of the mexican war

Day 3: Jackson- Manifest Destiny -Emily, Allison, Dan

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Page 1: Day 3 group B....Aftermath of the Mexican War

Day 3: Jackson-Manifest Destiny

-Emily, Allison, Dan

Page 2: Day 3 group B....Aftermath of the Mexican War

Group B:The controversial aftermath of the Mexican War reflected the sectional interests of New Englanders, westerners, and southerners due to slavery.

Page 3: Day 3 group B....Aftermath of the Mexican War

The Mexican War!

America wants California, however it belongs to Mexico.

After John Slidell’s $25 million offer is turned down, President Polk sends 4,000 troops to the Rio Grande.

Mexico claimed that theTexas-Mexico border was the Nueces River, not the Rio Grande.

Mexico crosses the Rio Grande and war with Mexico is declared.

Page 4: Day 3 group B....Aftermath of the Mexican War

Mexican War Cont. After obtaining California, defeating Santa Anna in Texas, and conquering Mexico City, the war ended with Nicholas Trist’s Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

The issue of slavery in the new land remains.

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What to do about slavery?David Wilmont proposes the

Wilmont Provisio (Mexican Cession lands closed to slavery).

This was passed in the House, but failed in the balanced Senate due to the South’s refusal to agree.

The Wilmont Provisio opens up the issue of slavery.

General Lewis Cass aims to please in the election of 1848 and suggests popular sovereignty (the people of a territory decide on the issue themselves).

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The NorthernersThe Free Soil Party emerges because the Northerners were upset that neither party in the election (Taylor [whig] or Cass [democratic]) was taking a stance on the issue.

Martin Van Buren is nominated....he is against slavery in the territories

Free Soilers favor federal money for internal improvements and free land for settlers out west.

People in the Free Soil party included....

people upset over getting only half of oregon

people who didn’t want blacks in new lands

northern abolitionists

Page 7: Day 3 group B....Aftermath of the Mexican War

The SouthThe South demands more land for growing cotton along with more slaves to work the land.

Due to the issue of slavery being brought about from the Mexican War, many northern abolitionists spoke out.

This caused the South to lash back

emancipation proposals were defeated in VA

Nat Turner’s bloody rebellion scared whites into tightening black codes.

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The WesternersGold was discovered in California.

People fled there looking to get rich quick

With enough people to become a state, California applies to be a free state....threatening the15-15 slave-free balance.

Page 9: Day 3 group B....Aftermath of the Mexican War

Compromise California’s requests brings all of these issues to congress.

From the South: John C. Calhoun argues for state’s rights

From the North: Daniel Webster is against expansion of slavery, but wants compromise (believes Mexican Cession lands are too dry for cotton and therefore won’t need slaves).

Page 10: Day 3 group B....Aftermath of the Mexican War

Compromise of 1850

What the North gets...

CA is free state

Slave trade is banned in DC, but slavery is legal.

Texas gives up its claims to lands in New Mexico

What the South gets...

popular sovereignty to the Mexican Cession lands

Texas gets repaid for the lost land to New Mexico

stronger Fugitive Slave Law