day to day plan ( germany)

Day to day plan @Germany Shreya Anand IX ‘C’

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Page 1: Day to day plan ( germany)

Day to day plan @Germany

Shreya Anand

IX ‘C’

Page 2: Day to day plan ( germany)

Day 1 Reached Germany at Hannover airport & we were given a

warm welcome by the guest family. We had to drive 15 minutes from the airport to reach the

guest family houses. Each one of us were given a separate living room to stay After getting refreshed & spending some time with the

family and Anna my partner & myself left home and I met all my other friends @ the market place.

Later we were divided into groups and our partners were explaining the monument and architectures were we took some pictures and left back to our respective homes

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Day 2 Woke up at 6 A.M., had breakfast & we left home to

go to school @ 7.30 A.M. I was very eager to see the school & the school

environment . Mr. Writz, Head of the school welcomed us and we

then heard them singing their German’s traditional song for us though it was quiet loud it was really amazing to hear.

Later we walked to Mayor place and we had a official welcome by the Mayor.

We had some ice-creams and we then got dispersed. Then we all went to bowling centre and we played for

a while. It was really a fun evening for all of us then we all returned back to our homes

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Day 3 Day 3 started as usual. This time we took our bi-cycles to travel to the school On reaching the school we gathered together and went to the

classes with the partners. I went to class with my partner Anna to 11th grade class as she

was part of 11th grade. Was with her for one class which was all about religion.

After class we presented our ppt to the German partners & teacher.

We were asked to do posters based on bio-diversity which we started working on.

Later, some of us went to river side and we took pictures & selfies and then returned back home

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Day 4

Day 4, started usually and we had to go to railway station This day we planned to visit the national park and spend our whole day

over there We took two rains to reach a place from where we walked till Luchsgehege

& the national park. We sang Tamil and English songs & our partners were singing German

songs we enjoyed our walk till the destination The ranger showed us a slide show about the park and the surroundings . As we were walking around the part, we saw Lynx , looks like a tiger. Then

we returned back from the park. On reaching the Satthagen railway station, my host parents picked us and

took us to their friend’s party which was really fun and we returned back home

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Day 5 We planned to visit the Zoo on Day 5. We as usual got up and reached the zoo. On reaching the place we were divided into groups and we

started walking around the zoo. We saw lost of animals & birds all over which were really

amazing to see. The zoo was well designed and well maintained. The animals were taken utmost care by them. We saw sea horse show which is one of the special shows in

the zoo. Later we clicked pictures of the animals and birds in the zoo. On reaching home we played board games with the guest

family till late night.

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Day 6 Today’s plan was to visit the Amusement park. We got ready & Left our homes. Niko( Iran partner) picked us up in his car and we were traveling together to

the Amusement park which took us around 2 hours from home. We met all our friends out there. We all went for few rides which was really exciting and thrilling. The had lunch, then played few games which and we left the place at 4 P.M. We left early so that we all reached our homes early and hit the bed early as

we were all really tired after a long tiring day of travel and play

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Day 7This day was the Family Day out. We spend really a very valuable

time knowing more about the family members.

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Day 8 Day 8 we went to Buckeburg

castle. We saw lots of Monuments in

the castle. The monuments and the

castle was really astonishing and we really had a great experience visiting the place.

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Day 9 Today we to Steinhudermeer. We had a briefing session about the place and

about few animals and plants in that place. Later, we started walking and we entered the

forest area. We saw few bird habitats and we reached the river

side. The river was really amazing and we saw a

manmade island in the centre of the river. We had tall tower made of wood which was very

unique and different. The guide told us some some stories about the

river and we hanged out there for some time and we came returned back home.

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Day 10We visited Hamburg. Today. We had a long journey in bus and we reached

the destination. Later, we went to the harbor and we had a

ride in the ship. Then we did some shopping out there and

reached home.

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Day 11 Day 11 we had to go to school. We learnt more about Biodiversity. We also got to understand that the Bees are very important

for human beings. We saw some videos about bees and their importance. Different parts of bees were shown through the microscopes

and we were asked to draw any three these thing which we found interesting about the bees.

Later, we were told to build a bee hotel. We collected the resources and we were divided into groups.

It was really a new experience for all of us to build a bee hotel.

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Day 12

Day 12 was a cultural day. We had dance performance to be done in front of all our partners

and their families. They really enjoyed our dance performances. We practiced for a while at school before we gave our performances. Dance performance happened in the evening on the stage. We were all dressed up in our traditional costume. We explained about our festivals in India. Later we took pictures with all our friends and family.

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Day 13

Today we went to Bremen with few friends and their partners.

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Day 14 We left to airport at 6 A.M. It was a very emotional moment for all of us

as we had to leave our German partners and the family and return to India.

They really treated us as part of their family and we never made us miss our own family back at India.

We took our flight to Frankfurt…..

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